Java tutorial
/* * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * */ package org.apache.qpid.server.jmx.mbeans; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.time.FastDateFormat; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import; import org.apache.qpid.server.jmx.AMQManagedObject; import org.apache.qpid.server.jmx.ManagedObject; import org.apache.qpid.server.message.AMQMessageHeader; import org.apache.qpid.server.message.ServerMessage; import org.apache.qpid.server.model.Exchange; import org.apache.qpid.server.model.LifetimePolicy; import org.apache.qpid.server.model.Queue; import org.apache.qpid.server.model.QueueNotificationListener; import org.apache.qpid.server.model.VirtualHost; import org.apache.qpid.server.queue.NotificationCheck; import org.apache.qpid.server.queue.QueueEntry; import org.apache.qpid.server.queue.QueueEntryVisitor; public class QueueMBean extends AMQManagedObject implements ManagedQueue, QueueNotificationListener { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(QueueMBean.class); private static final String[] VIEW_MSGS_COMPOSITE_ITEM_NAMES_DESC_ARRAY = VIEW_MSGS_COMPOSITE_ITEM_NAMES_DESC .toArray(new String[VIEW_MSGS_COMPOSITE_ITEM_NAMES_DESC.size()]); private static final OpenType[] MSG_ATTRIBUTE_TYPES; private static final CompositeType MSG_DATA_TYPE; private static final TabularType MSG_LIST_DATA_TYPE; private static final CompositeType MSG_CONTENT_TYPE; private static final String[] VIEW_MSG_COMPOSIT_ITEM_NAMES_ARRAY = VIEW_MSG_CONTENT_COMPOSITE_ITEM_NAMES_DESC .toArray(new String[VIEW_MSG_CONTENT_COMPOSITE_ITEM_NAMES_DESC.size()]); static { try { MSG_ATTRIBUTE_TYPES = new OpenType[] { SimpleType.LONG, // For message id new ArrayType(1, SimpleType.STRING), // For header attributes SimpleType.LONG, // For size SimpleType.BOOLEAN, // For redelivered SimpleType.LONG, // For queue position SimpleType.INTEGER // For delivery count} }; MSG_DATA_TYPE = new CompositeType("Message", "AMQ Message", VIEW_MSGS_COMPOSITE_ITEM_NAMES_DESC_ARRAY, VIEW_MSGS_COMPOSITE_ITEM_NAMES_DESC_ARRAY, MSG_ATTRIBUTE_TYPES); MSG_LIST_DATA_TYPE = new TabularType("Messages", "List of messages", MSG_DATA_TYPE, VIEW_MSGS_TABULAR_UNIQUE_INDEX.toArray(new String[VIEW_MSGS_TABULAR_UNIQUE_INDEX.size()])); OpenType[] msgContentAttrs = new OpenType[] { SimpleType.LONG, // For message id SimpleType.STRING, // For MimeType SimpleType.STRING, // For MimeType new ArrayType(SimpleType.BYTE, true) // For message content }; MSG_CONTENT_TYPE = new CompositeType("Message Content", "AMQ Message Content", VIEW_MSG_CONTENT_COMPOSITE_ITEM_NAMES_DESC .toArray(new String[VIEW_MSG_CONTENT_COMPOSITE_ITEM_NAMES_DESC.size()]), VIEW_MSG_CONTENT_COMPOSITE_ITEM_NAMES_DESC.toArray( new String[VIEW_MSG_CONTENT_COMPOSITE_ITEM_NAMES_DESC.size()]), msgContentAttrs); } catch (OpenDataException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } private final Queue _queue; private final VirtualHostMBean _vhostMBean; /** Date/time format used for message expiration and message timestamp formatting */ public static final String JMSTIMESTAMP_DATETIME_FORMAT = "MM-dd-yy HH:mm:ss.SSS z"; private static final FastDateFormat FAST_DATE_FORMAT = FastDateFormat.getInstance(JMSTIMESTAMP_DATETIME_FORMAT); public QueueMBean(Queue queue, VirtualHostMBean virtualHostMBean) throws JMException { super(ManagedQueue.class, ManagedQueue.TYPE, virtualHostMBean.getRegistry()); _queue = queue; _vhostMBean = virtualHostMBean; register(); _queue.setNotificationListener(this); } public ManagedObject getParentObject() { return _vhostMBean; } public String getObjectInstanceName() { return ObjectName.quote(getName()); } public String getName() { return _queue.getName(); } public Integer getMessageCount() { return getStatisticValue(Queue.QUEUE_DEPTH_MESSAGES).intValue(); } public Integer getMaximumDeliveryCount() { return (Integer) _queue.getAttribute(Queue.MAXIMUM_DELIVERY_ATTEMPTS); } public Long getReceivedMessageCount() { return getStatisticValue(Queue.TOTAL_ENQUEUED_MESSAGES).longValue(); } public Long getQueueDepth() { return getStatisticValue(Queue.QUEUE_DEPTH_BYTES).longValue(); } public Integer getActiveConsumerCount() { return getStatisticValue(Queue.CONSUMER_COUNT_WITH_CREDIT).intValue(); } public Integer getConsumerCount() { return getStatisticValue(Queue.CONSUMER_COUNT).intValue(); } public String getOwner() { return (String) _queue.getAttribute(Queue.OWNER); } @Override public String getQueueType() { return (String) _queue.getAttribute(Queue.TYPE); } public boolean isDurable() { return _queue.isDurable(); } public boolean isAutoDelete() { return _queue.getLifetimePolicy() == LifetimePolicy.AUTO_DELETE; } public Long getMaximumMessageAge() { return (Long) _queue.getAttribute(Queue.ALERT_THRESHOLD_MESSAGE_AGE); } public void setMaximumMessageAge(Long age) { _queue.setAttribute(Queue.ALERT_THRESHOLD_MESSAGE_AGE, getMaximumMessageAge(), age); } public Long getMaximumMessageSize() { return (Long) _queue.getAttribute(Queue.ALERT_THRESHOLD_MESSAGE_SIZE); } public void setMaximumMessageSize(Long size) { _queue.setAttribute(Queue.ALERT_THRESHOLD_MESSAGE_SIZE, getMaximumMessageSize(), size); } public Long getMaximumMessageCount() { return (Long) _queue.getAttribute(Queue.ALERT_THRESHOLD_QUEUE_DEPTH_MESSAGES); } public void setMaximumMessageCount(Long value) { _queue.setAttribute(Queue.ALERT_THRESHOLD_QUEUE_DEPTH_MESSAGES, getMaximumMessageCount(), value); } public Long getMaximumQueueDepth() { return (Long) _queue.getAttribute(Queue.ALERT_THRESHOLD_QUEUE_DEPTH_BYTES); } public void setMaximumQueueDepth(Long value) { _queue.setAttribute(Queue.ALERT_THRESHOLD_QUEUE_DEPTH_BYTES, getMaximumQueueDepth(), value); } public Long getCapacity() { return (Long) _queue.getAttribute(Queue.QUEUE_FLOW_CONTROL_SIZE_BYTES); } public void setCapacity(Long value) { _queue.setAttribute(Queue.QUEUE_FLOW_CONTROL_SIZE_BYTES, getCapacity(), value); } public Long getFlowResumeCapacity() { return (Long) _queue.getAttribute(Queue.QUEUE_FLOW_RESUME_SIZE_BYTES); } public void setFlowResumeCapacity(Long value) { _queue.setAttribute(Queue.QUEUE_FLOW_RESUME_SIZE_BYTES, getFlowResumeCapacity(), value); } public boolean isFlowOverfull() { return (Boolean) _queue.getAttribute(Queue.QUEUE_FLOW_STOPPED); } public boolean isExclusive() { return (Boolean) _queue.getAttribute(Queue.EXCLUSIVE); } public void setExclusive(boolean exclusive) { _queue.setAttribute(Queue.EXCLUSIVE, isExclusive(), exclusive); } public void setAlternateExchange(String exchangeName) throws OperationsException { if (exchangeName == null || "".equals(exchangeName)) { _queue.setAttribute(Queue.ALTERNATE_EXCHANGE, getAlternateExchange(), null); } else { VirtualHost virtualHost = _queue.getParent(VirtualHost.class); Exchange exchange = MBeanUtils.findExchangeFromExchangeName(virtualHost, exchangeName); _queue.setAttribute(Queue.ALTERNATE_EXCHANGE, getAlternateExchange(), exchange); } } public String getAlternateExchange() { Exchange alternateExchange = (Exchange) _queue.getAttribute(Queue.ALTERNATE_EXCHANGE); return alternateExchange == null ? null : alternateExchange.getName(); } public TabularData viewMessages(int fromIndex, int toIndex) throws IOException, JMException { return viewMessages((long) fromIndex, (long) toIndex); } public TabularData viewMessages(long startPosition, long endPosition) throws IOException, JMException { if ((startPosition > endPosition) || (startPosition < 1)) { throw new OperationsException("From Index = " + startPosition + ", To Index = " + endPosition + "\n\"From Index\" should be greater than 0 and less than \"To Index\""); } if ((endPosition - startPosition) > Integer.MAX_VALUE) { throw new OperationsException( "Specified MessageID interval is too large. Intervals must be less than 2^31 in size"); } List<QueueEntry> messages = getMessages(startPosition, endPosition); TabularDataSupport messageTable = new TabularDataSupport(MSG_LIST_DATA_TYPE); // Create the tabular list of message header contents long position = startPosition; for (QueueEntry queueEntry : messages) { ServerMessage serverMsg = queueEntry.getMessage(); AMQMessageHeader header = serverMsg.getMessageHeader(); String[] headerAttributes = { "reply-to = " + header.getReplyTo(), "propertyFlags = ", "ApplicationID = " + header.getAppId(), "ClusterID = ", "UserId = " + header.getUserId(), "JMSMessageID = " + header.getMessageId(), "JMSCorrelationID = " + header.getCorrelationId(), "JMSDeliveryMode = " + (serverMsg.isPersistent() ? "Persistent" : "Non_Persistent"), "JMSPriority = " + header.getPriority(), "JMSType = " + header.getType(), "JMSExpiration = " + (header.getExpiration() == 0 ? null : FAST_DATE_FORMAT.format(header.getExpiration())), "JMSTimestamp = " + (header.getTimestamp() == 0 ? null : FAST_DATE_FORMAT.format(header.getTimestamp())) }; Object[] itemValues = new Object[] { serverMsg.getMessageNumber(), headerAttributes, serverMsg.getSize(), queueEntry.isRedelivered(), position, queueEntry.getDeliveryCount() }; position++; CompositeData messageData = new CompositeDataSupport(MSG_DATA_TYPE, VIEW_MSGS_COMPOSITE_ITEM_NAMES_DESC_ARRAY, itemValues); messageTable.put(messageData); } return messageTable; } public CompositeData viewMessageContent(long messageId) throws IOException, JMException { QueueEntry entry = getMessage(messageId); if (entry == null) { throw new OperationsException( "AMQMessage with message id = " + messageId + " is not in the " + _queue.getName()); } ServerMessage serverMsg = entry.getMessage(); final int bodySize = (int) serverMsg.getSize(); byte[] msgContent = new byte[bodySize]; ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.wrap(msgContent); int stored = serverMsg.getContent(buf, 0); if (bodySize != stored) { LOGGER.error(String.format( "An unexpected amount of content was retrieved " + "(expected %d, got %d bytes) when viewing content for message with ID %d " + "on queue '%s' in virtual host '%s'", bodySize, stored, messageId, _queue.getName(), _vhostMBean.getName())); } AMQMessageHeader header = serverMsg.getMessageHeader(); String mimeType = null, encoding = null; if (header != null) { mimeType = header.getMimeType(); encoding = header.getEncoding(); } Object[] itemValues = { messageId, mimeType, encoding, msgContent }; return new CompositeDataSupport(MSG_CONTENT_TYPE, VIEW_MSG_COMPOSIT_ITEM_NAMES_ARRAY, itemValues); } private QueueEntry getMessage(long messageId) { GetMessageVisitor visitor = new GetMessageVisitor(messageId); _queue.visit(visitor); return visitor.getEntry(); } public void deleteMessageFromTop() throws IOException, JMException { VirtualHost vhost = _queue.getParent(VirtualHost.class); vhost.executeTransaction(new VirtualHost.TransactionalOperation() { public void withinTransaction(final VirtualHost.Transaction txn) { _queue.visit(new QueueEntryVisitor() { public boolean visit(final QueueEntry entry) { if (entry.acquire()) { txn.dequeue(entry); return true; } return false; } }); } }); } public Long clearQueue() throws IOException, JMException { VirtualHost vhost = _queue.getParent(VirtualHost.class); final AtomicLong count = new AtomicLong(); vhost.executeTransaction(new VirtualHost.TransactionalOperation() { public void withinTransaction(final VirtualHost.Transaction txn) { _queue.visit(new QueueEntryVisitor() { public boolean visit(final QueueEntry entry) { final ServerMessage message = entry.getMessage(); if (message != null) { txn.dequeue(entry); count.incrementAndGet(); } return false; } }); } }); return count.get(); } public void moveMessages(final long fromMessageId, final long toMessageId, String toQueue) throws IOException, JMException { if ((fromMessageId > toMessageId) || (fromMessageId < 1)) { throw new OperationsException( "\"From MessageId\" should be greater than 0 and less than \"To MessageId\""); } VirtualHost vhost = _queue.getParent(VirtualHost.class); final Queue destinationQueue = MBeanUtils.findQueueFromQueueName(vhost, toQueue); vhost.executeTransaction(new VirtualHost.TransactionalOperation() { public void withinTransaction(final VirtualHost.Transaction txn) { _queue.visit(new QueueEntryVisitor() { public boolean visit(final QueueEntry entry) { final ServerMessage message = entry.getMessage(); if (message != null) { final long messageId = message.getMessageNumber(); if ((messageId >= fromMessageId) && (messageId <= toMessageId)) { txn.move(entry, destinationQueue); } } return false; } }); } }); } public void deleteMessages(final long fromMessageId, final long toMessageId) throws IOException, JMException { VirtualHost vhost = _queue.getParent(VirtualHost.class); vhost.executeTransaction(new VirtualHost.TransactionalOperation() { public void withinTransaction(final VirtualHost.Transaction txn) { _queue.visit(new QueueEntryVisitor() { public boolean visit(final QueueEntry entry) { final ServerMessage message = entry.getMessage(); if (message != null) { final long messageId = message.getMessageNumber(); if ((messageId >= fromMessageId) && (messageId <= toMessageId)) { txn.dequeue(entry); } } return false; } }); } }); } public void copyMessages(final long fromMessageId, final long toMessageId, String toQueue) throws IOException, JMException { if ((fromMessageId > toMessageId) || (fromMessageId < 1)) { throw new OperationsException( "\"From MessageId\" should be greater than 0 and less than \"To MessageId\""); } VirtualHost vhost = _queue.getParent(VirtualHost.class); final Queue destinationQueue = MBeanUtils.findQueueFromQueueName(vhost, toQueue); vhost.executeTransaction(new VirtualHost.TransactionalOperation() { public void withinTransaction(final VirtualHost.Transaction txn) { _queue.visit(new QueueEntryVisitor() { public boolean visit(final QueueEntry entry) { final ServerMessage message = entry.getMessage(); if (message != null) { final long messageId = message.getMessageNumber(); if ((messageId >= fromMessageId) && (messageId <= toMessageId)) { txn.copy(entry, destinationQueue); } } return false; } }); } }); } private List<QueueEntry> getMessages(final long first, final long last) { final List<QueueEntry> messages = new ArrayList<QueueEntry>((int) (last - first) + 1); _queue.visit(new QueueEntryVisitor() { private long position = 1; public boolean visit(QueueEntry entry) { if (position >= first && position <= last) { messages.add(entry); } position++; return position > last; } }); return messages; } protected static class GetMessageVisitor implements QueueEntryVisitor { private final long _messageNumber; private QueueEntry _entry; public GetMessageVisitor(long messageId) { _messageNumber = messageId; } public boolean visit(QueueEntry entry) { if (entry.getMessage().getMessageNumber() == _messageNumber) { _entry = entry; return true; } return false; } public QueueEntry getEntry() { return _entry; } } @Override public void notifyClients(NotificationCheck notification, Queue queue, String notificationMsg) { notificationMsg = + " " + notificationMsg; Notification note = new Notification(MonitorNotification.THRESHOLD_VALUE_EXCEEDED, this, incrementAndGetSequenceNumber(), System.currentTimeMillis(), notificationMsg); getBroadcaster().sendNotification(note); } /** * returns Notifications sent by this MBean. */ @Override public MBeanNotificationInfo[] getNotificationInfo() { String[] notificationTypes = new String[] { MonitorNotification.THRESHOLD_VALUE_EXCEEDED }; String name = MonitorNotification.class.getName(); String description = "Either Message count or Queue depth or Message size has reached threshold high value"; MBeanNotificationInfo info1 = new MBeanNotificationInfo(notificationTypes, name, description); return new MBeanNotificationInfo[] { info1 }; } @Override public String getDescription() { return (String) _queue.getAttribute(Queue.DESCRIPTION); } @Override public void setDescription(String description) { _queue.setAttribute(Queue.DESCRIPTION, getDescription(), description); } private Number getStatisticValue(String name) { final Number statistic = (Number) _queue.getStatistics().getStatistic(name); return statistic == null ? Integer.valueOf(0) : statistic; } }