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 * The 'Conditional Formatting' facet of <tt>Sheet</tt>
 * @since 3.8
public interface SheetConditionalFormatting {
     * Add a new Conditional Formatting to the sheet.
     * @param regions - list of rectangular regions to apply conditional formatting rules
     * @param rule -  the rule to apply
     * @return index of the newly created Conditional Formatting object
    int addConditionalFormatting(CellRangeAddress[] regions, ConditionalFormattingRule rule);

     * Add a new Conditional Formatting consisting of two rules.
     * @param regions - list of rectangular regions to apply conditional formatting rules
     * @param rule1 -  the first rule
     * @param rule2 -  the second rule
     * @return index of the newly created Conditional Formatting object
    int addConditionalFormatting(CellRangeAddress[] regions, ConditionalFormattingRule rule1,
            ConditionalFormattingRule rule2);

     * Add a new Conditional Formatting set to the sheet.
     * @param regions - list of rectangular regions to apply conditional formatting rules
     * @param cfRules - set of up to conditional formatting rules (max 3 for Excel pre-2007)
     * @return index of the newly created Conditional Formatting object
    int addConditionalFormatting(CellRangeAddress[] regions, ConditionalFormattingRule[] cfRules);

     * Adds a copy of a ConditionalFormatting object to the sheet
     * <p>
     *     This method could be used to copy ConditionalFormatting object
     *     from one sheet to another. For example:
     * </p>
     * <pre>
     * ConditionalFormatting cf = sheet.getConditionalFormattingAt(index);
     * newSheet.addConditionalFormatting(cf);
     * </pre>
     * @param cf the Conditional Formatting to clone
     * @return index of the new Conditional Formatting object
    int addConditionalFormatting(ConditionalFormatting cf);

     * A factory method allowing to create a conditional formatting rule
     * with a cell comparison operator
     * <p>
     * The created conditional formatting rule compares a cell value
     * to a formula calculated result, using the specified operator.
     * The type  of the created condition is {@link ConditionType#CELL_VALUE_IS}
     * </p>
     * @param comparisonOperation - MUST be a constant value from
     *       <tt>{@link ComparisonOperator}</tt>: <p>
     * <ul>
     *       <li>BETWEEN</li>
     *       <li>NOT_BETWEEN</li>
     *       <li>EQUAL</li>
     *       <li>NOT_EQUAL</li>
     *       <li>GT</li>
     *       <li>LT</li>
     *       <li>GE</li>
     *       <li>LE</li>
     * </ul>
     * </p>
     * @param formula1 - formula for the valued, compared with the cell
     * @param formula2 - second formula (only used with
     * {@link ComparisonOperator#BETWEEN}) and {@link ComparisonOperator#NOT_BETWEEN} operations)
    ConditionalFormattingRule createConditionalFormattingRule(byte comparisonOperation, String formula1,
            String formula2);

     * Create a conditional formatting rule that compares a cell value
     * to a formula calculated result, using an operator     *
     * <p>
      * The type  of the created condition is {@link ConditionType#CELL_VALUE_IS}
     * </p>
     * @param comparisonOperation  MUST be a constant value from
     *       <tt>{@link ComparisonOperator}</tt> except  BETWEEN and NOT_BETWEEN
     * @param formula  the formula to determine if the conditional formatting is applied
    ConditionalFormattingRule createConditionalFormattingRule(byte comparisonOperation, String formula);

     *  Create a conditional formatting rule based on a Boolean formula.
     *  When the formula result is true, the cell is highlighted.
     * <p>
     *  The type of the created format condition is  {@link ConditionType#FORMULA}
     * </p>
     * @param formula   the formula to evaluate. MUST be a Boolean function.
    ConditionalFormattingRule createConditionalFormattingRule(String formula);

     * Create a Databar conditional formatting rule.
     * <p>The thresholds and colour for it will be created, but will be 
     *  empty and require configuring with 
     *  {@link ConditionalFormattingRule#getDataBarFormatting()}
     *  then
     *  {@link DataBarFormatting#getMinThreshold()}
     *  and 
     *  {@link DataBarFormatting#getMaxThreshold()}
    ConditionalFormattingRule createConditionalFormattingRule(ExtendedColor color);

     * Create an Icon Set / Multi-State conditional formatting rule.
     * <p>The thresholds for it will be created, but will be empty
     *  and require configuring with 
     *  {@link ConditionalFormattingRule#getMultiStateFormatting()}
     *  then
     *  {@link IconMultiStateFormatting#getThresholds()}
    ConditionalFormattingRule createConditionalFormattingRule(IconSet iconSet);

     * Create a Color Scale / Color Gradient conditional formatting rule.
     * <p>The thresholds and colours for it will be created, but will be 
     *  empty and require configuring with 
     *  {@link ConditionalFormattingRule#getColorScaleFormatting()}
     *  then
     *  {@link ColorScaleFormatting#getThresholds()}
     *  and
     *  {@link ColorScaleFormatting#getColors()}
    ConditionalFormattingRule createConditionalFormattingColorScaleRule();

    * Gets Conditional Formatting object at a particular index
    * @param index  0-based index of the Conditional Formatting object to fetch
    * @return Conditional Formatting object or <code>null</code> if not found
    * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the index is  outside of the allowable range (0 ... numberOfFormats-1)
    ConditionalFormatting getConditionalFormattingAt(int index);

     * @return the number of conditional formats in this sheet
    int getNumConditionalFormattings();

    * Removes a Conditional Formatting object by index
    * @param index 0-based index of the Conditional Formatting object to remove
    * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the index is  outside of the allowable range (0 ... numberOfFormats-1)
    void removeConditionalFormatting(int index);