Source code

Java tutorial


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 * High level representation for the Icon / Multi-State Formatting 
 *  component of Conditional Formatting settings
public interface IconMultiStateFormatting {
    public enum IconSet {
        /** Green Up / Yellow Side / Red Down arrows */
        GYR_3_ARROW(0, 3, "3Arrows"),
        /** Grey Up / Side / Down arrows */
        GREY_3_ARROWS(1, 3, "3ArrowsGray"),
        /** Green / Yellow / Red flags */
        GYR_3_FLAGS(2, 3, "3Flags"),
        /** Green / Yellow / Red traffic lights (no background). Default */
        GYR_3_TRAFFIC_LIGHTS(3, 3, "3TrafficLights1"),
        /** Green / Yellow / Red traffic lights on a black square background. 
         * Note, MS-XLS docs v20141018 say this is id=5 but seems to be id=4 */
        GYR_3_TRAFFIC_LIGHTS_BOX(4, 3, "3TrafficLights2"),
        /** Green Circle / Yellow Triangle / Red Diamond.
         * Note, MS-XLS docs v20141018 say this is id=4 but seems to be id=5 */
        GYR_3_SHAPES(5, 3, "3Signs"),
        /** Green Tick / Yellow ! / Red Cross on a circle background */
        GYR_3_SYMBOLS_CIRCLE(6, 3, "3Symbols"),
        /** Green Tick / Yellow ! / Red Cross (no background) */
        GYR_3_SYMBOLS(7, 3, "3Symbols2"),
        /** Green Up / Yellow NE / Yellow SE / Red Down arrows */
        GYR_4_ARROWS(8, 4, "4Arrows"),
        /** Grey Up / NE / SE / Down arrows */
        GREY_4_ARROWS(9, 4, "4ArrowsGray"),
        /** Red / Light Red / Grey / Black traffic lights */
        RB_4_TRAFFIC_LIGHTS(0xA, 4, "4RedToBlack"), RATINGS_4(0xB, 4, "4Rating"),
        /** Green / Yellow / Red / Black traffic lights */
        GYRB_4_TRAFFIC_LIGHTS(0xC, 4, "4TrafficLights"), GYYYR_5_ARROWS(0xD, 5, "5Arrows"), GREY_5_ARROWS(0xE, 5,
                "5ArrowsGray"), RATINGS_5(0xF, 5, "5Rating"), QUARTERS_5(0x10, 5, "5Quarters");

        protected static final IconSet DEFAULT_ICONSET = IconSet.GYR_3_TRAFFIC_LIGHTS;

        /** Numeric ID of the icon set */
        public final int id;
        /** How many icons in the set */
        public final int num;
        /** Name (system) of the set */
        public final String name;

        public String toString() {
            return id + " - " + name;

        public static IconSet byId(int id) {
            return values()[id];

        public static IconSet byName(String name) {
            for (IconSet set : values()) {
                if (
                    return set;
            return null;

        private IconSet(int id, int num, String name) {
   = id;
            this.num = num;
   = name;

     * Get the Icon Set used
    IconSet getIconSet();

     * Changes the Icon Set used
     * <p>If the new Icon Set has a different number of
     *  icons to the old one, you <em>must</em> update the
     *  thresholds before saving!</p>
    void setIconSet(IconSet set);

     * Should Icon + Value be displayed, or only the Icon?
    boolean isIconOnly();

     * Control if only the Icon is shown, or Icon + Value
    void setIconOnly(boolean only);

    boolean isReversed();

    void setReversed(boolean reversed);

     * Gets the list of thresholds
    ConditionalFormattingThreshold[] getThresholds();

     * Sets the of thresholds. The number must match
     *  {@link IconSet#num} for the current {@link #getIconSet()}
    void setThresholds(ConditionalFormattingThreshold[] thresholds);

     * Creates a new, empty Threshold
    ConditionalFormattingThreshold createThreshold();