Source code

Java tutorial


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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.geom.GeneralPath;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.common.PDRectangle;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.text.PDTextState;
import org.apache.pdfbox.util.Matrix;

 * This class will hold the current state of the graphics parameters when executing a
 * content stream.
 * @author <a href="">Ben Litchfield</a>
 * @version $Revision: 1.5 $
public class PDGraphicsState implements Cloneable {

     * Log instance.
    private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(PDGraphicsState.class);

    private Matrix currentTransformationMatrix = new Matrix();

    //Here are some attributes of the Graphics state, but have not been created yet.
    private PDColorState strokingColor = new PDColorState();
    private PDColorState nonStrokingColor = new PDColorState();
    private PDTextState textState = new PDTextState();
    private double lineWidth = 0;
    private int lineCap = 0;
    private int lineJoin = 0;
    private double miterLimit = 0;
    private PDLineDashPattern lineDashPattern;
    private String renderingIntent;
    private boolean strokeAdjustment = false;
    //blend mode
    //soft mask
    private double alphaConstants = 1.0;
    private double nonStrokingAlphaConstants = 1.0;
    private boolean alphaSource = false;

    //DEVICE DEPENDENT parameters
    private boolean overprint = false;
    private double overprintMode = 0;
    //black generation
    //undercolor removal
    private double flatness = 1.0;
    private double smoothness = 0;

    private GeneralPath currentClippingPath;

     * Default constructor.
    public PDGraphicsState() {

     * Constructor with a given pagesize to initialize the clipping path.
     * @param page the size of the page
    public PDGraphicsState(PDRectangle page) {
        currentClippingPath = new GeneralPath(new Rectangle(page.createDimension()));
        if (page.getLowerLeftX() != 0 || page.getLowerLeftY() != 0) {
            //Compensate for offset
            this.currentTransformationMatrix = this.currentTransformationMatrix
                    .multiply(Matrix.getTranslatingInstance(-page.getLowerLeftX(), -page.getLowerLeftY()));

     * Get the value of the CTM.
     * @return The current transformation matrix.
    public Matrix getCurrentTransformationMatrix() {
        return currentTransformationMatrix;

     * Set the value of the CTM.
     * @param value The current transformation matrix.
    public void setCurrentTransformationMatrix(Matrix value) {
        currentTransformationMatrix = value;

     * Get the value of the line width.
     * @return The current line width.
    public double getLineWidth() {
        return lineWidth;

     * set the value of the line width.
     * @param value The current line width.
    public void setLineWidth(double value) {
        lineWidth = value;

     * Get the value of the line cap.
     * @return The current line cap.
    public int getLineCap() {
        return lineCap;

     * set the value of the line cap.
     * @param value The current line cap.
    public void setLineCap(int value) {
        lineCap = value;

     * Get the value of the line join.
     * @return The current line join value.
    public int getLineJoin() {
        return lineJoin;

     * Get the value of the line join.
     * @param value The current line join
    public void setLineJoin(int value) {
        lineJoin = value;

     * Get the value of the miter limit.
     * @return The current miter limit.
    public double getMiterLimit() {
        return miterLimit;

     * set the value of the miter limit.
     * @param value The current miter limit.
    public void setMiterLimit(double value) {
        miterLimit = value;

     * Get the value of the stroke adjustment parameter.
     * @return The current stroke adjustment.
    public boolean isStrokeAdjustment() {
        return strokeAdjustment;

     * set the value of the stroke adjustment.
     * @param value The value of the stroke adjustment parameter.
    public void setStrokeAdjustment(boolean value) {
        strokeAdjustment = value;

     * Get the value of the stroke alpha constants property.
     * @return The value of the stroke alpha constants parameter.
    public double getAlphaConstants() {
        return alphaConstants;

     * set the value of the stroke alpha constants property.
     * @param value The value of the stroke alpha constants parameter.
    public void setAlphaConstants(double value) {
        alphaConstants = value;

     * Get the value of the non-stroke alpha constants property.
     * @return The value of the non-stroke alpha constants parameter.
    public double getNonStrokeAlphaConstants() {
        return nonStrokingAlphaConstants;

     * set the value of the non-stroke alpha constants property.
     * @param value The value of the non-stroke alpha constants parameter.
    public void setNonStrokeAlphaConstants(double value) {
        nonStrokingAlphaConstants = value;

     * get the value of the stroke alpha source property.
     * @return The value of the stroke alpha source parameter.
    public boolean isAlphaSource() {
        return alphaSource;

     * set the value of the alpha source property.
     * @param value The value of the alpha source parameter.
    public void setAlphaSource(boolean value) {
        alphaSource = value;

     * get the value of the overprint property.
     * @return The value of the overprint parameter.
    public boolean isOverprint() {
        return overprint;

     * set the value of the overprint property.
     * @param value The value of the overprint parameter.
    public void setOverprint(boolean value) {
        overprint = value;

     * get the value of the overprint mode property.
     * @return The value of the overprint mode parameter.
    public double getOverprintMode() {
        return overprintMode;

     * set the value of the overprint mode property.
     * @param value The value of the overprint mode parameter.
    public void setOverprintMode(double value) {
        overprintMode = value;

     * get the value of the flatness property.
     * @return The value of the flatness parameter.
    public double getFlatness() {
        return flatness;

     * set the value of the flatness property.
     * @param value The value of the flatness parameter.
    public void setFlatness(double value) {
        flatness = value;

     * get the value of the smoothness property.
     * @return The value of the smoothness parameter.
    public double getSmoothness() {
        return smoothness;

     * set the value of the smoothness property.
     * @param value The value of the smoothness parameter.
    public void setSmoothness(double value) {
        smoothness = value;

     * This will get the graphics text state.
     * @return The graphics text state.
    public PDTextState getTextState() {
        return textState;

     * This will set the graphics text state.
     * @param value The graphics text state.
    public void setTextState(PDTextState value) {
        textState = value;

     * This will get the current line dash pattern.
     * @return The line dash pattern.
    public PDLineDashPattern getLineDashPattern() {
        return lineDashPattern;

     * This will set the current line dash pattern.
     * @param value The new line dash pattern.
    public void setLineDashPattern(PDLineDashPattern value) {
        lineDashPattern = value;

     * This will get the rendering intent.
     * @see PDExtendedGraphicsState
     * @return The rendering intent
    public String getRenderingIntent() {
        return renderingIntent;

     * This will set the rendering intent.
     * @param value The new rendering intent.
    public void setRenderingIntent(String value) {
        renderingIntent = value;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public Object clone() {
        PDGraphicsState clone = null;
        try {
            clone = (PDGraphicsState) super.clone();
            clone.setTextState((PDTextState) textState.clone());
            clone.strokingColor = (PDColorState) strokingColor.clone();
            clone.nonStrokingColor = ((PDColorState) nonStrokingColor.clone());
            if (lineDashPattern != null) {
                clone.setLineDashPattern((PDLineDashPattern) lineDashPattern.clone());
            if (currentClippingPath != null) {
                clone.setCurrentClippingPath((GeneralPath) currentClippingPath.clone());
        } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
            LOG.error(e, e);
        return clone;

     * Returns the stroking color state.
     * @return stroking color state
    public PDColorState getStrokingColor() {
        return strokingColor;

     * Returns the non-stroking color state.
     * @return non-stroking color state
    public PDColorState getNonStrokingColor() {
        return nonStrokingColor;

     * This will set the current clipping path.
     * @param pCurrentClippingPath The current clipping path.
    public void setCurrentClippingPath(Shape pCurrentClippingPath) {
        if (pCurrentClippingPath != null) {
            if (pCurrentClippingPath instanceof GeneralPath) {
                currentClippingPath = (GeneralPath) pCurrentClippingPath;
            } else {
                currentClippingPath = new GeneralPath();
                currentClippingPath.append(pCurrentClippingPath, false);
        } else {
            currentClippingPath = null;

     * This will get the current clipping path.
     * @return The current clipping path.
    public Shape getCurrentClippingPath() {
        return currentClippingPath;

    public Composite getStrokeJavaComposite() {

        return AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER, (float) alphaConstants);

    public Composite getNonStrokeJavaComposite() {

        return AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER, (float) nonStrokingAlphaConstants);