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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.apache.pdfbox.multipdf;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

import org.apache.pdfbox.cos.COSArray;
import org.apache.pdfbox.cos.COSBase;
import org.apache.pdfbox.cos.COSDictionary;
import org.apache.pdfbox.cos.COSInteger;
import org.apache.pdfbox.cos.COSName;
import org.apache.pdfbox.cos.COSNumber;
import org.apache.pdfbox.cos.COSObject;
import org.apache.pdfbox.cos.COSStream;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDDocument;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDDocumentCatalog;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDDocumentInformation;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDDocumentNameDestinationDictionary;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDDocumentNameDictionary;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDPage;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDResources;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDStructureElementNameTreeNode;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PageMode;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.common.COSObjectable;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.common.PDDestinationOrAction;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.common.PDMetadata;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.common.PDNameTreeNode;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.common.PDNumberTreeNode;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.common.PDStream;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.documentinterchange.logicalstructure.PDMarkInfo;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.documentinterchange.logicalstructure.PDParentTreeValue;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.documentinterchange.logicalstructure.PDStructureElement;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.documentinterchange.logicalstructure.PDStructureTreeRoot;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.interactive.action.PDActionGoTo;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.interactive.annotation.PDAnnotation;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.interactive.documentnavigation.destination.PDDestination;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.interactive.documentnavigation.destination.PDPageDestination;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.interactive.documentnavigation.outline.PDDocumentOutline;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.interactive.documentnavigation.outline.PDOutlineItem;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.interactive.form.PDAcroForm;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.interactive.form.PDField;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.interactive.viewerpreferences.PDViewerPreferences;

 * This class will take a list of pdf documents and merge them, saving the
 * result in a new document.
 * @author Ben Litchfield
public class PDFMergerUtility {
     * Log instance.
    private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(PDFMergerUtility.class);

    private final List<Object> sources;
    private String destinationFileName;
    private OutputStream destinationStream;
    private boolean ignoreAcroFormErrors = false;
    private PDDocumentInformation destinationDocumentInformation = null;
    private PDMetadata destinationMetadata = null;

    private DocumentMergeMode documentMergeMode = DocumentMergeMode.PDFBOX_LEGACY_MODE;
    private AcroFormMergeMode acroFormMergeMode = AcroFormMergeMode.PDFBOX_LEGACY_MODE;

     * The mode to use when merging documents:
     * <ul>
     * <li>{@link DocumentMergeMode#OPTIMIZE_RESOURCES_MODE} Optimizes resource handling such as
     *      closing documents early. <strong>Not all document elements are merged</strong> compared to
     *      the PDFBOX_LEGACY_MODE. Currently supported are:
     *      <ul>
     *          <li>Page content and resources
     *      </ul>  
     * <li>{@link DocumentMergeMode#PDFBOX_LEGACY_MODE} Keeps all files open until the
     *      merge has been completed. This is  currently necessary to merge documents
     *      containing a Structure Tree.
     * </ul>
    public enum DocumentMergeMode {

     * The mode to use when merging AcroForm between documents:
     * <ul>
     * <li>{@link AcroFormMergeMode#JOIN_FORM_FIELDS_MODE} fields with the same fully qualified name
     *      will be merged into one with the widget annotations of the merged fields 
     *      becoming part of the same field.
     * <li>{@link AcroFormMergeMode#PDFBOX_LEGACY_MODE} fields with the same fully qualified name
     *      will be renamed and treated as independent. This mode was used in versions
     *      of PDFBox up to 2.x.
     * </ul>
    public enum AcroFormMergeMode {

     * Instantiate a new PDFMergerUtility.
    public PDFMergerUtility() {
        sources = new ArrayList<>();

     * Get the merge mode to be used for merging AcroForms between documents
     * {@link AcroFormMergeMode}
    public AcroFormMergeMode getAcroFormMergeMode() {
        return acroFormMergeMode;

     * Set the merge mode to be used for merging AcroForms between documents
     * {@link AcroFormMergeMode}
    public void setAcroFormMergeMode(AcroFormMergeMode theAcroFormMergeMode) {
        this.acroFormMergeMode = theAcroFormMergeMode;

     * Get the merge mode to be used for merging documents
     * {@link DocumentMergeMode}
    public DocumentMergeMode getDocumentMergeMode() {
        return documentMergeMode;

     * Set the merge mode to be used for merging documents
     * {@link DocumentMergeMode}
    public void setDocumentMergeMode(DocumentMergeMode theDocumentMergeMode) {
        this.documentMergeMode = theDocumentMergeMode;

     * Set the mode to be used for merging the documents
     * {@link DocumentMergeMode}
    public void setAcroFormMergeMode(DocumentMergeMode theDocumentMergeMode) {
        this.documentMergeMode = theDocumentMergeMode;

     * Get the name of the destination file.
     * @return Returns the destination.
    public String getDestinationFileName() {
        return destinationFileName;

     * Set the name of the destination file.
     * @param destination The destination to set.
    public void setDestinationFileName(String destination) {
        destinationFileName = destination;

     * Get the destination OutputStream.
     * @return Returns the destination OutputStream.
    public OutputStream getDestinationStream() {
        return destinationStream;

     * Set the destination OutputStream.
     * @param destStream The destination to set.
    public void setDestinationStream(OutputStream destStream) {
        destinationStream = destStream;

     * Get the destination document information that is to be set in {@link #mergeDocuments(
     * }. The default is null, which means that it is ignored.
     * @return The destination document information.
    public PDDocumentInformation getDestinationDocumentInformation() {
        return destinationDocumentInformation;

     * Set the destination document information that is to be set in {@link #mergeDocuments(
     * }. The default is null, which means that it is ignored.
     * @param info The destination document information.
    public void setDestinationDocumentInformation(PDDocumentInformation info) {
        destinationDocumentInformation = info;

     * Set the destination metadata that is to be set in {@link #mergeDocuments(
     * }. The default is null, which means that it is ignored.
     * @return The destination metadata.
    public PDMetadata getDestinationMetadata() {
        return destinationMetadata;

     * Set the destination metadata that is to be set in {@link #mergeDocuments(
     * }. The default is null, which means that it is ignored.
     * @param meta The destination metadata.
    public void setDestinationMetadata(PDMetadata meta) {
        destinationMetadata = meta;

     * Add a source file to the list of files to merge.
     * @param source Full path and file name of source document.
     * @throws FileNotFoundException If the file doesn't exist
    public void addSource(String source) throws FileNotFoundException {
        addSource(new File(source));

     * Add a source file to the list of files to merge.
     * @param source File representing source document
     * @throws FileNotFoundException If the file doesn't exist
    public void addSource(File source) throws FileNotFoundException {

     * Add a source to the list of documents to merge.
     * @param source InputStream representing source document
    public void addSource(InputStream source) {

     * Add a list of sources to the list of documents to merge.
     * @param sourcesList List of InputStream objects representing source
     * documents
    public void addSources(List<InputStream> sourcesList) {

     * Merge the list of source documents, saving the result in the destination
     * file.
     * @param memUsageSetting defines how memory is used for buffering PDF streams;
     *                        in case of <code>null</code> unrestricted main memory is used 
     * @throws IOException If there is an error saving the document.
    public void mergeDocuments(MemoryUsageSetting memUsageSetting) throws IOException {
        if (documentMergeMode == DocumentMergeMode.PDFBOX_LEGACY_MODE) {
        } else if (documentMergeMode == DocumentMergeMode.OPTIMIZE_RESOURCES_MODE) {

    private void optimizedMergeDocuments(MemoryUsageSetting memUsageSetting) throws IOException {
        try (PDDocument destination = new PDDocument(memUsageSetting)) {
            PDFCloneUtility cloner = new PDFCloneUtility(destination);
            for (Object sourceObject : sources) {
                PDDocument sourceDoc = null;
                try {
                    if (sourceObject instanceof File) {
                        sourceDoc = PDDocument.load((File) sourceObject, memUsageSetting);
                    } else {
                        sourceDoc = PDDocument.load((InputStream) sourceObject, memUsageSetting);
                    for (PDPage page : sourceDoc.getPages()) {
                        PDPage newPage = new PDPage(
                                (COSDictionary) cloner.cloneForNewDocument(page.getCOSObject()));
                        PDResources resources = page.getResources();
                        if (resources != null) {
                            // this is smart enough to just create references for resources that are used on multiple
                            // pages
                                    new PDResources((COSDictionary) cloner.cloneForNewDocument(resources)));
                        } else {
                            newPage.setResources(new PDResources());
                } finally {

            if (destinationStream == null) {
            } else {

     * Merge the list of source documents, saving the result in the destination
     * file.
     * @param memUsageSetting defines how memory is used for buffering PDF streams;
     *                        in case of <code>null</code> unrestricted main memory is used 
     * @throws IOException If there is an error saving the document.
    private void legacyMergeDocuments(MemoryUsageSetting memUsageSetting) throws IOException {
        if (sources != null && !sources.isEmpty()) {
            // Make sure that:
            // - first Exception is kept
            // - all PDDocuments are closed
            // - all FileInputStreams are closed
            // - there's a way to see which errors occurred

            List<PDDocument> tobeclosed = new ArrayList<>();
            MemoryUsageSetting partitionedMemSetting = memUsageSetting != null
                    ? memUsageSetting.getPartitionedCopy(sources.size() + 1)
                    : MemoryUsageSetting.setupMainMemoryOnly();
            try (PDDocument destination = new PDDocument(partitionedMemSetting)) {
                for (Object sourceObject : sources) {
                    PDDocument sourceDoc = null;
                    if (sourceObject instanceof File) {
                        sourceDoc = PDDocument.load((File) sourceObject, partitionedMemSetting);
                    } else {
                        sourceDoc = PDDocument.load((InputStream) sourceObject, partitionedMemSetting);
                    appendDocument(destination, sourceDoc);

                // optionally set meta data
                if (destinationDocumentInformation != null) {
                if (destinationMetadata != null) {

                if (destinationStream == null) {
                } else {
            } finally {
                for (PDDocument doc : tobeclosed) {
                    IOUtils.closeAndLogException(doc, LOG, "PDDocument", null);

     * append all pages from source to destination.
     * @param destination the document to receive the pages
     * @param source the document originating the new pages
     * @throws IOException If there is an error accessing data from either
     * document.
    public void appendDocument(PDDocument destination, PDDocument source) throws IOException {
        if (source.getDocument().isClosed()) {
            throw new IOException("Error: source PDF is closed.");
        if (destination.getDocument().isClosed()) {
            throw new IOException("Error: destination PDF is closed.");

        PDDocumentCatalog destCatalog = destination.getDocumentCatalog();
        PDDocumentCatalog srcCatalog = source.getDocumentCatalog();

        if (isDynamicXfa(srcCatalog.getAcroForm())) {
            throw new IOException("Error: can't merge source document containing dynamic XFA form content.");

        PDDocumentInformation destInfo = destination.getDocumentInformation();
        PDDocumentInformation srcInfo = source.getDocumentInformation();
        mergeInto(srcInfo.getCOSObject(), destInfo.getCOSObject(), Collections.<COSName>emptySet());

        // use the highest version number for the resulting pdf
        float destVersion = destination.getVersion();
        float srcVersion = source.getVersion();

        if (destVersion < srcVersion) {

        int pageIndexOpenActionDest = -1;
        if (destCatalog.getOpenAction() == null) {
            // PDFBOX-3972: get local dest page index, it must be reassigned after the page cloning
            PDDestinationOrAction openAction = null;
            try {
                openAction = srcCatalog.getOpenAction();
            } catch (IOException ex) {
                // PDFBOX-4223
                LOG.error("Invalid OpenAction ignored", ex);
            PDDestination openActionDestination = null;
            if (openAction instanceof PDActionGoTo) {
                openActionDestination = ((PDActionGoTo) openAction).getDestination();
            } else if (openAction instanceof PDDestination) {
                openActionDestination = (PDDestination) openAction;
            // note that it can also be something else, e.g. PDActionJavaScript, then do nothing

            if (openActionDestination instanceof PDPageDestination) {
                PDPage page = ((PDPageDestination) openActionDestination).getPage();
                if (page != null) {
                    pageIndexOpenActionDest = srcCatalog.getPages().indexOf(page);


        PDFCloneUtility cloner = new PDFCloneUtility(destination);

        mergeAcroForm(cloner, destCatalog, srcCatalog);

        COSArray destThreads = (COSArray) destCatalog.getCOSObject().getDictionaryObject(COSName.THREADS);
        COSArray srcThreads = (COSArray) cloner
        if (destThreads == null) {
            destCatalog.getCOSObject().setItem(COSName.THREADS, srcThreads);
        } else {

        PDDocumentNameDictionary destNames = destCatalog.getNames();
        PDDocumentNameDictionary srcNames = srcCatalog.getNames();
        if (srcNames != null) {
            if (destNames == null) {
                destCatalog.getCOSObject().setItem(COSName.NAMES, cloner.cloneForNewDocument(srcNames));
            } else {
                cloner.cloneMerge(srcNames, destNames);

        if (destNames != null) {
            // found in 054080.pdf from PDFBOX-4417 and doesn't belong there
            LOG.warn("Removed /IDTree from /Names dictionary, doesn't belong there");

        PDDocumentNameDestinationDictionary destDests = destCatalog.getDests();
        PDDocumentNameDestinationDictionary srcDests = srcCatalog.getDests();
        if (srcDests != null) {
            if (destDests == null) {
                destCatalog.getCOSObject().setItem(COSName.DESTS, cloner.cloneForNewDocument(srcDests));
            } else {
                cloner.cloneMerge(srcDests, destDests);

        PDDocumentOutline destOutline = destCatalog.getDocumentOutline();
        PDDocumentOutline srcOutline = srcCatalog.getDocumentOutline();
        if (srcOutline != null) {
            if (destOutline == null || destOutline.getFirstChild() == null) {
                PDDocumentOutline cloned = new PDDocumentOutline(
                        (COSDictionary) cloner.cloneForNewDocument(srcOutline));
            } else {
                // search last sibling for dest, because /Last entry is sometimes wrong
                PDOutlineItem destLastOutlineItem = destOutline.getFirstChild();
                while (destLastOutlineItem.getNextSibling() != null) {
                    destLastOutlineItem = destLastOutlineItem.getNextSibling();
                for (PDOutlineItem item : srcOutline.children()) {
                    // get each child, clone its dictionary, remove siblings info,
                    // append outline item created from there
                    COSDictionary clonedDict = (COSDictionary) cloner.cloneForNewDocument(item);
                    PDOutlineItem clonedItem = new PDOutlineItem(clonedDict);
                    destLastOutlineItem = destLastOutlineItem.getNextSibling();

        PageMode destPageMode = destCatalog.getPageMode();
        PageMode srcPageMode = srcCatalog.getPageMode();
        if (destPageMode == null) {

        COSDictionary destLabels = destCatalog.getCOSObject().getCOSDictionary(COSName.PAGE_LABELS);
        COSDictionary srcLabels = srcCatalog.getCOSObject().getCOSDictionary(COSName.PAGE_LABELS);
        if (srcLabels != null) {
            int destPageCount = destination.getNumberOfPages();
            COSArray destNums;
            if (destLabels == null) {
                destLabels = new COSDictionary();
                destNums = new COSArray();
                destLabels.setItem(COSName.NUMS, destNums);
                destCatalog.getCOSObject().setItem(COSName.PAGE_LABELS, destLabels);
            } else {
                destNums = (COSArray) destLabels.getDictionaryObject(COSName.NUMS);
            COSArray srcNums = (COSArray) srcLabels.getDictionaryObject(COSName.NUMS);
            if (srcNums != null) {
                int startSize = destNums.size();
                for (int i = 0; i < srcNums.size(); i += 2) {
                    COSBase base = srcNums.getObject(i);
                    if (!(base instanceof COSNumber)) {
                        LOG.error("page labels ignored, index " + i + " should be a number, but is " + base);
                        // remove what we added
                        while (destNums.size() > startSize) {
                    COSNumber labelIndex = (COSNumber) base;
                    long labelIndexValue = labelIndex.intValue();
                    destNums.add(COSInteger.get(labelIndexValue + destPageCount));
                    destNums.add(cloner.cloneForNewDocument(srcNums.getObject(i + 1)));

        COSStream destMetadata = destCatalog.getCOSObject().getCOSStream(COSName.METADATA);
        COSStream srcMetadata = srcCatalog.getCOSObject().getCOSStream(COSName.METADATA);
        if (destMetadata == null && srcMetadata != null) {
            try {
                PDStream newStream = new PDStream(destination, srcMetadata.createInputStream(), (COSName) null);
                mergeInto(srcMetadata, newStream.getCOSObject(),
                        new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(COSName.FILTER, COSName.LENGTH)));
                destCatalog.getCOSObject().setItem(COSName.METADATA, newStream);
            } catch (IOException ex) {
                // PDFBOX-4227 cleartext XMP stream with /Flate 
                LOG.error("Metadata skipped because it could not be read", ex);

        COSDictionary destOCP = destCatalog.getCOSObject().getCOSDictionary(COSName.OCPROPERTIES);
        COSDictionary srcOCP = srcCatalog.getCOSObject().getCOSDictionary(COSName.OCPROPERTIES);
        if (destOCP == null && srcOCP != null) {
            destCatalog.getCOSObject().setItem(COSName.OCPROPERTIES, cloner.cloneForNewDocument(srcOCP));
        } else if (destOCP != null && srcOCP != null) {
            cloner.cloneMerge(srcOCP, destOCP);

        mergeOutputIntents(cloner, srcCatalog, destCatalog);

        // merge logical structure hierarchy
        boolean mergeStructTree = false;
        int destParentTreeNextKey = -1;
        Map<Integer, COSObjectable> srcNumberTreeAsMap = null;
        Map<Integer, COSObjectable> destNumberTreeAsMap = null;
        PDStructureTreeRoot srcStructTree = srcCatalog.getStructureTreeRoot();
        PDStructureTreeRoot destStructTree = destCatalog.getStructureTreeRoot();
        if (destStructTree == null && srcStructTree != null) {
            // create a dummy structure tree in the destination, so that the source
            // tree is cloned. (We can't just copy the tree reference due to PDFBOX-3999)
            destStructTree = new PDStructureTreeRoot();
            destStructTree.setParentTree(new PDNumberTreeNode(PDParentTreeValue.class));
            // PDFBOX-4429: remove bogus StructParent(s)
            for (PDPage page : destCatalog.getPages()) {
                for (PDAnnotation ann : page.getAnnotations()) {
        if (destStructTree != null) {
            PDNumberTreeNode destParentTree = destStructTree.getParentTree();
            destParentTreeNextKey = destStructTree.getParentTreeNextKey();
            if (destParentTree != null) {
                destNumberTreeAsMap = getNumberTreeAsMap(destParentTree);
                if (destParentTreeNextKey < 0) {
                    if (destNumberTreeAsMap.isEmpty()) {
                        destParentTreeNextKey = 0;
                    } else {
                        destParentTreeNextKey = Collections.max(destNumberTreeAsMap.keySet()) + 1;
                if (destParentTreeNextKey >= 0 && srcStructTree != null) {
                    PDNumberTreeNode srcParentTree = srcStructTree.getParentTree();
                    if (srcParentTree != null) {
                        srcNumberTreeAsMap = getNumberTreeAsMap(srcParentTree);
                        if (!srcNumberTreeAsMap.isEmpty()) {
                            mergeStructTree = true;

        Map<COSDictionary, COSDictionary> objMapping = new HashMap<>();
        int pageIndex = 0;
        for (PDPage page : srcCatalog.getPages()) {
            PDPage newPage = new PDPage((COSDictionary) cloner.cloneForNewDocument(page.getCOSObject()));
            if (!mergeStructTree) {
                // PDFBOX-4429: remove bogus StructParent(s)
                for (PDAnnotation ann : newPage.getAnnotations()) {
            PDResources resources = page.getResources();
            if (resources != null) {
                // this is smart enough to just create references for resources that are used on multiple pages
                newPage.setResources(new PDResources((COSDictionary) cloner.cloneForNewDocument(resources)));
            } else {
                newPage.setResources(new PDResources());
            if (mergeStructTree) {
                // add the value of the destination ParentTreeNextKey to every source element 
                // StructParent(s) value so that these don't overlap with the existing values
                updateStructParentEntries(newPage, destParentTreeNextKey);
                objMapping.put(page.getCOSObject(), newPage.getCOSObject());
                List<PDAnnotation> oldAnnots = page.getAnnotations();
                List<PDAnnotation> newAnnots = newPage.getAnnotations();
                for (int i = 0; i < oldAnnots.size(); i++) {
                    objMapping.put(oldAnnots.get(i).getCOSObject(), newAnnots.get(i).getCOSObject());
                // TODO update mapping for XObjects

            if (pageIndex == pageIndexOpenActionDest) {
                // PDFBOX-3972: reassign the page.
                // The openAction is either a PDActionGoTo or a PDPageDestination
                PDDestinationOrAction openAction = destCatalog.getOpenAction();
                PDPageDestination pageDestination;
                if (openAction instanceof PDActionGoTo) {
                    pageDestination = (PDPageDestination) ((PDActionGoTo) openAction).getDestination();
                } else {
                    pageDestination = (PDPageDestination) openAction;
        if (mergeStructTree) {
            updatePageReferences(cloner, srcNumberTreeAsMap, objMapping);
            int maxSrcKey = -1;
            for (Map.Entry<Integer, COSObjectable> entry : srcNumberTreeAsMap.entrySet()) {
                int srcKey = entry.getKey();
                maxSrcKey = Math.max(srcKey, maxSrcKey);
                destNumberTreeAsMap.put(destParentTreeNextKey + srcKey,
            destParentTreeNextKey += maxSrcKey + 1;
            PDNumberTreeNode newParentTreeNode = new PDNumberTreeNode(PDParentTreeValue.class);

            // Note that all elements are stored flatly. This could become a problem for large files
            // when these are opened in a viewer that uses the tagging information.
            // If this happens, then PDNumberTreeNode should be improved with a convenience method that
            // stores the map into a B+Tree, see


            mergeKEntries(cloner, srcStructTree, destStructTree);
            mergeRoleMap(srcStructTree, destStructTree);
            mergeIDTree(cloner, srcStructTree, destStructTree);
            mergeMarkInfo(destCatalog, srcCatalog);
            mergeLanguage(destCatalog, srcCatalog);
            mergeViewerPreferences(destCatalog, srcCatalog);

    private void mergeViewerPreferences(PDDocumentCatalog destCatalog, PDDocumentCatalog srcCatalog) {
        PDViewerPreferences srcViewerPreferences = srcCatalog.getViewerPreferences();
        if (srcViewerPreferences == null) {
        PDViewerPreferences destViewerPreferences = destCatalog.getViewerPreferences();
        if (destViewerPreferences == null) {
            destViewerPreferences = new PDViewerPreferences(new COSDictionary());
        mergeInto(srcViewerPreferences.getCOSObject(), destViewerPreferences.getCOSObject(),

        // check the booleans - set to true if one is set and true
        if (srcViewerPreferences.hideToolbar() || destViewerPreferences.hideToolbar()) {
        if (srcViewerPreferences.hideMenubar() || destViewerPreferences.hideMenubar()) {
        if (srcViewerPreferences.hideWindowUI() || destViewerPreferences.hideWindowUI()) {
        if (srcViewerPreferences.fitWindow() || destViewerPreferences.fitWindow()) {
        if (srcViewerPreferences.centerWindow() || destViewerPreferences.centerWindow()) {
        if (srcViewerPreferences.displayDocTitle() || destViewerPreferences.displayDocTitle()) {

    private void mergeLanguage(PDDocumentCatalog destCatalog, PDDocumentCatalog srcCatalog) {
        if (destCatalog.getLanguage() == null && srcCatalog.getLanguage() != null) {

    private void mergeMarkInfo(PDDocumentCatalog destCatalog, PDDocumentCatalog srcCatalog) {
        PDMarkInfo destMark = destCatalog.getMarkInfo();
        PDMarkInfo srcMark = srcCatalog.getMarkInfo();
        if (destMark == null) {
            destMark = new PDMarkInfo();
        if (srcMark == null) {
            srcMark = new PDMarkInfo();
        destMark.setSuspect(srcMark.isSuspect() || destMark.isSuspect());
        destMark.setSuspect(srcMark.usesUserProperties() || destMark.usesUserProperties());

    private void mergeKEntries(PDFCloneUtility cloner, PDStructureTreeRoot srcStructTree,
            PDStructureTreeRoot destStructTree) throws IOException {
        // make new /K with array that has the input /K entries
        COSArray newKArray = new COSArray();
        if (destStructTree.getK() != null) {
            COSBase base = destStructTree.getK();
            if (base instanceof COSArray) {
                newKArray.addAll((COSArray) base);
            } else {
        if (srcStructTree.getK() != null) {
            COSBase base = cloner.cloneForNewDocument(srcStructTree.getK());
            if (base instanceof COSArray) {
                newKArray.addAll((COSArray) base);
            } else {
        if (newKArray.size() > 0) {
            COSDictionary kDictLevel0 = new COSDictionary();
            updateParentEntry(newKArray, kDictLevel0);
            kDictLevel0.setItem(COSName.K, newKArray);
            kDictLevel0.setItem(COSName.P, destStructTree);
            kDictLevel0.setItem(COSName.S, COSName.DOCUMENT);

    private void mergeIDTree(PDFCloneUtility cloner, PDStructureTreeRoot srcStructTree,
            PDStructureTreeRoot destStructTree) throws IOException {
        PDNameTreeNode<PDStructureElement> srcIDTree = srcStructTree.getIDTree();
        PDNameTreeNode<PDStructureElement> destIDTree = destStructTree.getIDTree();
        if (srcIDTree == null) {
        if (destIDTree == null) {
            destIDTree = new PDStructureElementNameTreeNode();
        Map<String, PDStructureElement> srcNames = getIDTreeAsMap(srcIDTree);
        Map<String, PDStructureElement> destNames = getIDTreeAsMap(destIDTree);
        for (Map.Entry<String, PDStructureElement> entry : srcNames.entrySet()) {
            if (destNames.containsKey(entry.getKey())) {
                LOG.warn("key " + entry.getKey() + " already exists in destination IDTree");
            } else {
                destNames.put(entry.getKey(), new PDStructureElement(
                        (COSDictionary) cloner.cloneForNewDocument(entry.getValue().getCOSObject())));
        destIDTree = new PDStructureElementNameTreeNode();
        // Note that all elements are stored flatly. This could become a problem for large files
        // when these are opened in a viewer that uses the tagging information.
        // If this happens, then PDNameTreeNode should be improved with a convenience method that
        // stores the map into a B+Tree, see

    // PDNameTreeNode.getNames() only brings one level, this is why we need this
    // might be made public at a later time, or integrated into PDNameTreeNode with template.
    static Map<String, PDStructureElement> getIDTreeAsMap(PDNameTreeNode<PDStructureElement> idTree)
            throws IOException {
        Map<String, PDStructureElement> names = idTree.getNames();
        if (names == null) {
            names = new LinkedHashMap<>();
        } else {
            // must copy because the map is read only
            names = new LinkedHashMap<>(names);
        List<PDNameTreeNode<PDStructureElement>> kids = idTree.getKids();
        if (kids != null) {
            for (PDNameTreeNode<PDStructureElement> kid : kids) {
        return names;

    // PDNumberTreeNode.getNumbers() only brings one level, this is why we need this
    // might be made public at a later time, or integrated into PDNumberTreeNode.
    static Map<Integer, COSObjectable> getNumberTreeAsMap(PDNumberTreeNode tree) throws IOException {
        Map<Integer, COSObjectable> numbers = tree.getNumbers();
        if (numbers == null) {
            numbers = new LinkedHashMap<>();
        } else {
            // must copy because the map is read only
            numbers = new LinkedHashMap<>(numbers);
        List<PDNumberTreeNode> kids = tree.getKids();
        if (kids != null) {
            for (PDNumberTreeNode kid : kids) {
        return numbers;

    private void mergeRoleMap(PDStructureTreeRoot srcStructTree, PDStructureTreeRoot destStructTree) {
        COSDictionary srcDict = srcStructTree.getCOSObject().getCOSDictionary(COSName.ROLE_MAP);
        COSDictionary destDict = destStructTree.getCOSObject().getCOSDictionary(COSName.ROLE_MAP);
        if (srcDict == null) {
        if (destDict == null) {
            destStructTree.getCOSObject().setItem(COSName.ROLE_MAP, srcDict); // clone not needed
        for (Map.Entry<COSName, COSBase> entry : srcDict.entrySet()) {
            COSBase destValue = destDict.getDictionaryObject(entry.getKey());
            if (destValue != null && destValue.equals(entry.getValue())) {
                // already exists, but identical
            if (destDict.containsKey(entry.getKey())) {
                LOG.warn("key " + entry.getKey() + " already exists in destination RoleMap");
            } else {
                destDict.setItem(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());

    private void mergeAcroForm(PDFCloneUtility cloner, PDDocumentCatalog destCatalog, PDDocumentCatalog srcCatalog)
            throws IOException {
        try {
            PDAcroForm destAcroForm = destCatalog.getAcroForm();
            PDAcroForm srcAcroForm = srcCatalog.getAcroForm();

            if (destAcroForm == null && srcAcroForm != null) {

            } else {
                if (srcAcroForm != null) {
                    if (acroFormMergeMode == AcroFormMergeMode.PDFBOX_LEGACY_MODE) {
                        acroFormLegacyMode(cloner, destAcroForm, srcAcroForm);
                    } else if (acroFormMergeMode == AcroFormMergeMode.JOIN_FORM_FIELDS_MODE) {
                        acroFormJoinFieldsMode(cloner, destAcroForm, srcAcroForm);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            // if we are not ignoring exceptions, we'll re-throw this
            if (!ignoreAcroFormErrors) {
                throw new IOException(e);

     * Merge the contents of the source form into the destination form for the
     * destination file.
     * @param cloner the object cloner for the destination document
     * @param destAcroForm the destination form
     * @param srcAcroForm the source form
     * @throws IOException If an error occurs while adding the field.
    private void acroFormJoinFieldsMode(PDFCloneUtility cloner, PDAcroForm destAcroForm, PDAcroForm srcAcroForm)
            throws IOException {
        acroFormLegacyMode(cloner, destAcroForm, srcAcroForm);

     * Merge the contents of the source form into the destination form for the
     * destination file.
     * @param cloner the object cloner for the destination document
     * @param destAcroForm the destination form
     * @param srcAcroForm the source form
     * @throws IOException If an error occurs while adding the field.
    private void acroFormLegacyMode(PDFCloneUtility cloner, PDAcroForm destAcroForm, PDAcroForm srcAcroForm)
            throws IOException {
        List<PDField> srcFields = srcAcroForm.getFields();
        COSArray destFields;

        if (srcFields != null && !srcFields.isEmpty()) {
            // if a form is merged multiple times using PDFBox the newly generated
            // fields starting with dummyFieldName may already exist. We need to determine the last unique 
            // number used and increment that.
            final String prefix = "dummyFieldName";
            final int prefixLength = prefix.length();

            for (PDField destField : destAcroForm.getFieldTree()) {
                String fieldName = destField.getPartialName();
                if (fieldName.startsWith(prefix)) {
                    nextFieldNum = Math.max(nextFieldNum,
                            Integer.parseInt(fieldName.substring(prefixLength, fieldName.length())) + 1);

            // get the destinations root fields. Could be that the entry doesn't exist
            // or is of wrong type
            COSBase base = destAcroForm.getCOSObject().getItem(COSName.FIELDS);
            if (base instanceof COSArray) {
                destFields = (COSArray) base;
            } else {
                destFields = new COSArray();

            for (PDField srcField : srcAcroForm.getFields()) {
                COSDictionary dstField = (COSDictionary) cloner.cloneForNewDocument(srcField.getCOSObject());
                // if the form already has a field with this name then we need to rename this field
                // to prevent merge conflicts.
                if (destAcroForm.getField(srcField.getFullyQualifiedName()) != null) {
                    dstField.setString(COSName.T, prefix + nextFieldNum++);
            destAcroForm.getCOSObject().setItem(COSName.FIELDS, destFields);

    // copy outputIntents to destination, but avoid duplicate OutputConditionIdentifier,
    // except when it is missing or is named "Custom".
    private void mergeOutputIntents(PDFCloneUtility cloner, PDDocumentCatalog srcCatalog,
            PDDocumentCatalog destCatalog) throws IOException {
        List<PDOutputIntent> srcOutputIntents = srcCatalog.getOutputIntents();
        List<PDOutputIntent> dstOutputIntents = destCatalog.getOutputIntents();
        for (PDOutputIntent srcOI : srcOutputIntents) {
            String srcOCI = srcOI.getOutputConditionIdentifier();
            if (srcOCI != null && !"Custom".equals(srcOCI)) {
                // is that identifier already there?
                boolean skip = false;
                for (PDOutputIntent dstOI : dstOutputIntents) {
                    if (dstOI.getOutputConditionIdentifier().equals(srcOCI)) {
                        skip = true;
                if (skip) {
            destCatalog.addOutputIntent(new PDOutputIntent((COSDictionary) cloner.cloneForNewDocument(srcOI)));

    private int nextFieldNum = 1;

     * Indicates if acroform errors are ignored or not.
     * @return true if acroform errors are ignored
    public boolean isIgnoreAcroFormErrors() {
        return ignoreAcroFormErrors;

     * Set to true to ignore acroform errors.
     * @param ignoreAcroFormErrorsValue true if acroform errors should be
     * ignored
    public void setIgnoreAcroFormErrors(boolean ignoreAcroFormErrorsValue) {
        ignoreAcroFormErrors = ignoreAcroFormErrorsValue;

     * Update the Pg and Obj references to the new (merged) page.
    private void updatePageReferences(PDFCloneUtility cloner, Map<Integer, COSObjectable> numberTreeAsMap,
            Map<COSDictionary, COSDictionary> objMapping) throws IOException {
        for (COSObjectable obj : numberTreeAsMap.values()) {
            if (obj == null) {
            PDParentTreeValue val = (PDParentTreeValue) obj;
            COSBase base = val.getCOSObject();
            if (base instanceof COSArray) {
                updatePageReferences(cloner, (COSArray) base, objMapping);
            } else {
                updatePageReferences(cloner, (COSDictionary) base, objMapping);

     * Update the Pg and Obj references to the new (merged) page.
     * @param parentTreeEntry
     * @param objMapping mapping between old and new references
    private void updatePageReferences(PDFCloneUtility cloner, COSDictionary parentTreeEntry,
            Map<COSDictionary, COSDictionary> objMapping) throws IOException {
        COSDictionary pageDict = parentTreeEntry.getCOSDictionary(COSName.PG);
        if (objMapping.containsKey(pageDict)) {
            parentTreeEntry.setItem(COSName.PG, objMapping.get(pageDict));
        COSBase obj = parentTreeEntry.getDictionaryObject(COSName.OBJ);
        if (obj instanceof COSDictionary) {
            COSDictionary objDict = (COSDictionary) obj;
            if (objMapping.containsKey(objDict)) {
                parentTreeEntry.setItem(COSName.OBJ, objMapping.get(objDict));
            } else {
                // PDFBOX-3999: clone objects that are not in mapping to make sure that
                // these don't remain attached to the source document
                COSBase item = parentTreeEntry.getItem(COSName.OBJ);
                if (item instanceof COSObject) {
                    LOG.debug("clone potential orphan object in structure tree: " + item + ", Type: "
                            + objDict.getNameAsString(COSName.TYPE) + ", Subtype: "
                            + objDict.getNameAsString(COSName.SUBTYPE) + ", T: "
                            + objDict.getNameAsString(COSName.T));
                } else {
                    // don't display in full because of stack overflow
                    LOG.debug("clone potential orphan object in structure tree" + ", Type: "
                            + objDict.getNameAsString(COSName.TYPE) + ", Subtype: "
                            + objDict.getNameAsString(COSName.SUBTYPE) + ", T: "
                            + objDict.getNameAsString(COSName.T));
                parentTreeEntry.setItem(COSName.OBJ, cloner.cloneForNewDocument(obj));
        COSBase kSubEntry = parentTreeEntry.getDictionaryObject(COSName.K);
        if (kSubEntry instanceof COSArray) {
            updatePageReferences(cloner, (COSArray) kSubEntry, objMapping);
        } else if (kSubEntry instanceof COSDictionary) {
            updatePageReferences(cloner, (COSDictionary) kSubEntry, objMapping);

    private void updatePageReferences(PDFCloneUtility cloner, COSArray parentTreeEntry,
            Map<COSDictionary, COSDictionary> objMapping) throws IOException {
        for (int i = 0; i < parentTreeEntry.size(); i++) {
            COSBase subEntry = parentTreeEntry.getObject(i);
            if (subEntry instanceof COSArray) {
                updatePageReferences(cloner, (COSArray) subEntry, objMapping);
            } else if (subEntry instanceof COSDictionary) {
                updatePageReferences(cloner, (COSDictionary) subEntry, objMapping);

     * Update the P reference to the new parent dictionary.
     * @param kArray the kids array
     * @param newParent the new parent
    private void updateParentEntry(COSArray kArray, COSDictionary newParent) {
        for (int i = 0; i < kArray.size(); i++) {
            COSBase subEntry = kArray.getObject(i);
            if (subEntry instanceof COSDictionary) {
                COSDictionary dictEntry = (COSDictionary) subEntry;
                if (dictEntry.getDictionaryObject(COSName.P) != null) {
                    dictEntry.setItem(COSName.P, newParent);

     * Update the StructParents and StructParent values in a PDPage.
     * @param page the new page
     * @param structParentOffset the offset which should be applied
    private void updateStructParentEntries(PDPage page, int structParentOffset) throws IOException {
        if (page.getStructParents() >= 0) {
            page.setStructParents(page.getStructParents() + structParentOffset);
        List<PDAnnotation> annots = page.getAnnotations();
        List<PDAnnotation> newannots = new ArrayList<>();
        for (PDAnnotation annot : annots) {
            if (annot.getStructParent() >= 0) {
                annot.setStructParent(annot.getStructParent() + structParentOffset);

     * Test for dynamic XFA content.
     * @param acroForm the AcroForm
     * @return true if there is a dynamic XFA form.
    private boolean isDynamicXfa(PDAcroForm acroForm) {
        return acroForm != null && acroForm.xfaIsDynamic();

     * This will add all of the dictionaries keys/values to this dictionary, but
     * only if they are not in an exclusion list and if they don't already
     * exist. If a key already exists in this dictionary then nothing is
     * changed.
     * @param src The source dictionary to get the keys/values from.
     * @param dst The destination dictionary to merge the keys/values into.
     * @param exclude Names of keys that shall be skipped.
    private void mergeInto(COSDictionary src, COSDictionary dst, Set<COSName> exclude) {
        for (Map.Entry<COSName, COSBase> entry : src.entrySet()) {
            if (!exclude.contains(entry.getKey()) && !dst.containsKey(entry.getKey())) {
                dst.setItem(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());