Source code

Java tutorial


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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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 * limitations under the License.


 * Controls how memory/temporary files are used for
 * buffering streams etc.
public final class MemoryUsageSetting {
    private final boolean useMainMemory;
    private final boolean useTempFile;

    /** maximum number of main-memory bytes allowed to be used;
     *  <code>-1</code> means 'unrestricted' */
    private final long maxMainMemoryBytes;

    /** maximum number of bytes allowed for storage at all (main-memory+file);
     *  <code>-1</code> means 'unrestricted' */
    private final long maxStorageBytes;

    /** directory to be used for scratch file */
    private File tempDir;

     * Private constructor for setup buffering memory usage called by one of the setup methods.
     * @param useMainMemory if <code>true</code> main memory usage is enabled; in case of
     *                      <code>false</code> and <code>useTempFile</code> is <code>false</code> too
     *                      we set this to <code>true</code>
     * @param useTempFile if <code>true</code> using of temporary file(s) is enabled
     * @param maxMainMemoryBytes maximum number of main-memory to be used;
     *                           if <code>-1</code> means 'unrestricted';
     *                           if <code>0</code> we only use temporary file if <code>useTempFile</code>
     *                           is <code>true</code> otherwise main-memory usage will have restriction
     *                           defined by maxStorageBytes
     * @param maxStorageBytes maximum size the main-memory and temporary file(s) may have all together;
     *                        <code>0</code>  or less will be ignored; if it is less than
     *                        maxMainMemoryBytes we use maxMainMemoryBytes value instead 
    private MemoryUsageSetting(boolean useMainMemory, boolean useTempFile, long maxMainMemoryBytes,
            long maxStorageBytes) {
        // do some checks; adjust values as needed to get consistent setting
        boolean locUseMainMemory = useTempFile ? useMainMemory : true;
        long locMaxMainMemoryBytes = useMainMemory ? maxMainMemoryBytes : -1;
        long locMaxStorageBytes = maxStorageBytes > 0 ? maxStorageBytes : -1;

        if (locMaxMainMemoryBytes < -1) {
            locMaxMainMemoryBytes = -1;

        if (locUseMainMemory && (locMaxMainMemoryBytes == 0)) {
            if (useTempFile) {
                locUseMainMemory = false;
            } else {
                locMaxMainMemoryBytes = locMaxStorageBytes;

        if (locUseMainMemory && (locMaxStorageBytes > -1)
                && ((locMaxMainMemoryBytes == -1) || (locMaxMainMemoryBytes > locMaxStorageBytes))) {
            locMaxStorageBytes = locMaxMainMemoryBytes;

        this.useMainMemory = locUseMainMemory;
        this.useTempFile = useTempFile;
        this.maxMainMemoryBytes = locMaxMainMemoryBytes;
        this.maxStorageBytes = locMaxStorageBytes;

     * Setups buffering memory usage to only use main-memory (no temporary file)
     * which is not restricted in size.
    public static MemoryUsageSetting setupMainMemoryOnly() {
        return setupMainMemoryOnly(-1);

     * Setups buffering memory usage to only use main-memory with the defined maximum.
     * @param maxMainMemoryBytes maximum number of main-memory to be used;
     *                           <code>-1</code> for no restriction;
     *                           <code>0</code> will also be interpreted here as no restriction
    public static MemoryUsageSetting setupMainMemoryOnly(long maxMainMemoryBytes) {
        return new MemoryUsageSetting(true, false, maxMainMemoryBytes, maxMainMemoryBytes);

     * Setups buffering memory usage to only use temporary file(s) (no main-memory)
     * with not restricted size.
    public static MemoryUsageSetting setupTempFileOnly() {
        return setupTempFileOnly(-1);

     * Setups buffering memory usage to only use temporary file(s) (no main-memory)
     * with the specified maximum size.
     * @param maxStorageBytes maximum size the temporary file(s) may have all together;
     *                        <code>-1</code> for no restriction;
     *                        <code>0</code> will also be interpreted here as no restriction
    public static MemoryUsageSetting setupTempFileOnly(long maxStorageBytes) {
        return new MemoryUsageSetting(false, true, 0, maxStorageBytes);

     * Setups buffering memory usage to use a portion of main-memory and additionally
     * temporary file(s) in case the specified portion is exceeded.
     * @param maxMainMemoryBytes maximum number of main-memory to be used;
     *                           if <code>-1</code> this is the same as {@link #setupMainMemoryOnly()};
     *                           if <code>0</code> this is the same as {@link #setupTempFileOnly()}
    public static MemoryUsageSetting setupMixed(long maxMainMemoryBytes) {
        return setupMixed(maxMainMemoryBytes, -1);

     * Setups buffering memory usage to use a portion of main-memory and additionally
     * temporary file(s) in case the specified portion is exceeded.
     * @param maxMainMemoryBytes maximum number of main-memory to be used;
     *                           if <code>-1</code> this is the same as {@link #setupMainMemoryOnly()};
     *                           if <code>0</code> this is the same as {@link #setupTempFileOnly()}
     * @param maxStorageBytes maximum size the main-memory and temporary file(s) may have all together;
     *                        <code>0</code>  or less will be ignored; if it is less than
     *                        maxMainMemoryBytes we use maxMainMemoryBytes value instead 
    public static MemoryUsageSetting setupMixed(long maxMainMemoryBytes, long maxStorageBytes) {
        return new MemoryUsageSetting(true, true, maxMainMemoryBytes, maxStorageBytes);

     * Returns a copy of this instance with the maximum memory/storage restriction
     * divided by the provided number of parallel uses.
     * @param parallelUseCount specifies the number of parallel usages for the setting to
     *                         be returned
     * @return a copy from this instance with the maximum memory/storage restrictions
     *         adjusted to the multiple usage
    public MemoryUsageSetting getPartitionedCopy(int parallelUseCount) {
        long newMaxMainMemoryBytes = maxMainMemoryBytes <= 0 ? maxMainMemoryBytes
                : maxMainMemoryBytes / parallelUseCount;
        long newMaxStorageBytes = maxStorageBytes <= 0 ? maxStorageBytes : maxStorageBytes / parallelUseCount;

        MemoryUsageSetting copy = new MemoryUsageSetting(useMainMemory, useTempFile, newMaxMainMemoryBytes,
        copy.tempDir = tempDir;

        return copy;

     * Sets directory to be used for temporary files.
     * @param tempDir directory for temporary files
     * @return this instance
    public MemoryUsageSetting setTempDir(File tempDir) {
        this.tempDir = tempDir;
        return this;

     * Returns <code>true</code> if main-memory is to be used.
     * <p>If this returns <code>false</code> it is ensured {@link #useTempFile()}
     * returns <code>true</code>.</p>
    public boolean useMainMemory() {
        return useMainMemory;

     * Returns <code>true</code> if temporary file is to be used.
     * <p>If this returns <code>false</code> it is ensured {@link #useMainMemory}
     * returns <code>true</code>.</p>
    public boolean useTempFile() {
        return useTempFile;

     * Returns <code>true</code> if maximum main memory is restricted to a specific
     * number of bytes.
    public boolean isMainMemoryRestricted() {
        return maxMainMemoryBytes >= 0;

     * Returns <code>true</code> if maximum amount of storage is restricted to a specific
     * number of bytes.
    public boolean isStorageRestricted() {
        return maxStorageBytes > 0;

     * Returns maximum size of main-memory in bytes to be used.
    public long getMaxMainMemoryBytes() {
        return maxMainMemoryBytes;

     * Returns maximum size of storage bytes to be used
     * (main-memory in temporary files all together).
    public long getMaxStorageBytes() {
        return maxStorageBytes;

     * Returns directory to be used for temporary files or <code>null</code>
     * if it was not set.
    public File getTempDir() {
        return tempDir;

    public String toString() {
        return useMainMemory
                ? (useTempFile
                        ? "Mixed mode with max. of " + maxMainMemoryBytes + " main memory bytes"
                                + (isStorageRestricted() ? " and max. of " + maxStorageBytes + " storage bytes"
                                        : " and unrestricted scratch file size")
                        : (isMainMemoryRestricted()
                                ? "Main memory only with max. of " + maxMainMemoryBytes + " bytes"
                                : "Main memory only with no size restriction"))
                : (isStorageRestricted() ? "Scratch file only with max. of " + maxStorageBytes + " bytes"
                        : "Scratch file only with no size restriction");