Java tutorial
/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.oozie.coord; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.oozie.ErrorCode; import org.apache.oozie.client.OozieClient; import org.apache.oozie.command.CommandException; import org.apache.oozie.coord.input.logic.CoordInputLogicEvaluatorUtil; import org.apache.oozie.dependency.URIHandler; import org.apache.oozie.dependency.URIHandler.Context; import org.apache.oozie.service.Services; import org.apache.oozie.service.URIHandlerService; import org.apache.oozie.util.DateUtils; import org.apache.oozie.util.ELEvaluator; import org.apache.oozie.util.ParamChecker; import org.apache.oozie.util.XLog; import org.jdom.JDOMException; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; import java.util.List; import java.util.TimeZone; /** * This class implements the EL function related to coordinator */ public class CoordELFunctions { final public static String DATASET = "oozie.coord.el.dataset.bean"; final public static String COORD_ACTION = ""; final public static String CONFIGURATION = "oozie.coord.el.conf"; final public static String LATEST_EL_USE_CURRENT_TIME = "oozie.service.ELService.latest-el.use-current-time"; // INSTANCE_SEPARATOR is used to separate multiple directories into one tag. final public static String INSTANCE_SEPARATOR = "#"; final public static String DIR_SEPARATOR = ","; // TODO: in next release, support flexibility private static String END_OF_OPERATION_INDICATOR_FILE = "_SUCCESS"; public static final long MINUTE_MSEC = 60 * 1000L; public static final long HOUR_MSEC = 60 * MINUTE_MSEC; public static final long DAY_MSEC = 24 * HOUR_MSEC; public static final long WEEK_MSEC = 7 * DAY_MSEC; /** * Used in defining the frequency in 'day' unit. <p> domain: <code> val > 0</code> and should be integer. * * @param val frequency in number of days. * @return number of days and also set the frequency timeunit to "day" */ public static int ph1_coord_days(int val) { val = ParamChecker.checkGTZero(val, "n"); ELEvaluator eval = ELEvaluator.getCurrent(); eval.setVariable("timeunit", TimeUnit.DAY); eval.setVariable("endOfDuration", TimeUnit.NONE); return val; } /** * Used in defining the frequency in 'month' unit. <p> domain: <code> val > 0</code> and should be integer. * * @param val frequency in number of months. * @return number of months and also set the frequency timeunit to "month" */ public static int ph1_coord_months(int val) { val = ParamChecker.checkGTZero(val, "n"); ELEvaluator eval = ELEvaluator.getCurrent(); eval.setVariable("timeunit", TimeUnit.MONTH); eval.setVariable("endOfDuration", TimeUnit.NONE); return val; } /** * Used in defining the frequency in 'hour' unit. <p> parameter value domain: <code> val > 0</code> and should * be integer. * * @param val frequency in number of hours. * @return number of minutes and also set the frequency timeunit to "minute" */ public static int ph1_coord_hours(int val) { val = ParamChecker.checkGTZero(val, "n"); ELEvaluator eval = ELEvaluator.getCurrent(); eval.setVariable("timeunit", TimeUnit.MINUTE); eval.setVariable("endOfDuration", TimeUnit.NONE); return val * 60; } /** * Used in defining the frequency in 'minute' unit. <p> domain: <code> val > 0</code> and should be integer. * * @param val frequency in number of minutes. * @return number of minutes and also set the frequency timeunit to "minute" */ public static int ph1_coord_minutes(int val) { val = ParamChecker.checkGTZero(val, "n"); ELEvaluator eval = ELEvaluator.getCurrent(); eval.setVariable("timeunit", TimeUnit.MINUTE); eval.setVariable("endOfDuration", TimeUnit.NONE); return val; } /** * Used in defining the frequency in 'day' unit and specify the "end of day" property. <p> Every instance will * start at 00:00 hour of each day. <p> domain: <code> val > 0</code> and should be integer. * * @param val frequency in number of days. * @return number of days and also set the frequency timeunit to "day" and end_of_duration flag to "day" */ public static int ph1_coord_endOfDays(int val) { val = ParamChecker.checkGTZero(val, "n"); ELEvaluator eval = ELEvaluator.getCurrent(); eval.setVariable("timeunit", TimeUnit.DAY); eval.setVariable("endOfDuration", TimeUnit.END_OF_DAY); return val; } /** * Used in defining the frequency in 'week' unit and specify the "end of * week" property. * <p> * Every instance will start at 00:00 hour of start of week * <p> * domain: <code> val > 0</code> and should be integer. * * @param val frequency in number of weeks. * @return number of weeks and also set the frequency timeunit to week of * the year and end_of_duration flag to week of the year */ public static int ph1_coord_endOfWeeks(int val) { val = ParamChecker.checkGTZero(val, "n"); ELEvaluator eval = ELEvaluator.getCurrent(); eval.setVariable("timeunit", TimeUnit.WEEK); eval.setVariable("endOfDuration", TimeUnit.END_OF_WEEK); return val; } /** * Used in defining the frequency in 'month' unit and specify the "end of month" property. <p> Every instance will * start at first day of each month at 00:00 hour. <p> domain: <code> val > 0</code> and should be integer. * * @param val: frequency in number of months. * @return number of months and also set the frequency timeunit to "month" and end_of_duration flag to "month" */ public static int ph1_coord_endOfMonths(int val) { val = ParamChecker.checkGTZero(val, "n"); ELEvaluator eval = ELEvaluator.getCurrent(); eval.setVariable("timeunit", TimeUnit.MONTH); eval.setVariable("endOfDuration", TimeUnit.END_OF_MONTH); return val; } /** * Calculate the difference of timezone offset in minutes between dataset and coordinator job. <p> Depends on: <p> * 1. Timezone of both dataset and job <p> 2. Action creation Time * * @return difference in minutes (DataSet TZ Offset - Application TZ offset) */ public static int ph2_coord_tzOffset() { long actionCreationTime = getActionCreationtime().getTime(); TimeZone dsTZ = ParamChecker.notNull(getDatasetTZ(), "DatasetTZ"); TimeZone jobTZ = ParamChecker.notNull(getJobTZ(), "JobTZ"); return (dsTZ.getOffset(actionCreationTime) - jobTZ.getOffset(actionCreationTime)) / (1000 * 60); } public static int ph3_coord_tzOffset() { return ph2_coord_tzOffset(); } /** * Returns a date string that is offset from 'strBaseDate' by the amount specified. The unit can be one of * DAY, MONTH, HOUR, MINUTE, MONTH. * * @param strBaseDate The base date * @param offset any number * @param unit one of DAY, MONTH, HOUR, MINUTE, MONTH * @return the offset date string * @throws Exception */ public static String ph2_coord_dateOffset(String strBaseDate, int offset, String unit) throws Exception { Calendar baseCalDate = DateUtils.getCalendar(strBaseDate); StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); baseCalDate.add(TimeUnit.valueOf(unit).getCalendarUnit(), offset); buffer.append(DateUtils.formatDateOozieTZ(baseCalDate)); return buffer.toString(); } public static String ph3_coord_dateOffset(String strBaseDate, int offset, String unit) throws Exception { return ph2_coord_dateOffset(strBaseDate, offset, unit); } /** * Returns a date string that is offset from 'strBaseDate' by the difference from Oozie processing timezone to the given * timezone. It will account for daylight saving time based on the given 'strBaseDate' and 'timezone'. * * @param strBaseDate The base date * @param timezone * @return the offset date string * @throws Exception */ public static String ph2_coord_dateTzOffset(String strBaseDate, String timezone) throws Exception { Calendar baseCalDate = DateUtils.getCalendar(strBaseDate); StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); baseCalDate.setTimeZone(DateUtils.getTimeZone(timezone)); buffer.append(DateUtils.formatDate(baseCalDate)); return buffer.toString(); } public static String ph3_coord_dateTzOffset(String strBaseDate, String timezone) throws Exception { return ph2_coord_dateTzOffset(strBaseDate, timezone); } /** * Determine the date-time in Oozie processing timezone of n-th future available dataset instance * from nominal Time but not beyond the instance specified as 'instance. * <p> * It depends on: * <p> * 1. Data set frequency * <p> * 2. Data set Time unit (day, month, minute) * <p> * 3. Data set Time zone/DST * <p> * 4. End Day/Month flag * <p> * 5. Data set initial instance * <p> * 6. Action Creation Time * <p> * 7. Existence of dataset's directory * * @param n :instance count * <p> * domain: n >= 0, n is integer * @param instance: How many future instance it should check? value should * be >=0 * @return date-time in Oozie processing timezone of the n-th instance * <p> * @throws Exception */ public static String ph3_coord_future(int n, int instance) throws Exception { ParamChecker.checkGEZero(n, "future:n"); ParamChecker.checkGTZero(instance, "future:instance"); if (isSyncDataSet()) {// For Sync Dataset return coord_future_sync(n, instance); } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Asynchronous Dataset is not supported yet"); } } /** * Determine the date-time in Oozie processing timezone of the future available dataset instances * from start to end offsets from nominal Time but not beyond the instance specified as 'instance'. * <p> * It depends on: * <p> * 1. Data set frequency * <p> * 2. Data set Time unit (day, month, minute) * <p> * 3. Data set Time zone/DST * <p> * 4. End Day/Month flag * <p> * 5. Data set initial instance * <p> * 6. Action Creation Time * <p> * 7. Existence of dataset's directory * * @param start : start instance offset * <p> * domain: start >= 0, start is integer * @param end : end instance offset * <p> * domain: end >= 0, end is integer * @param instance: How many future instance it should check? value should * be >=0 * @return date-time in Oozie processing timezone of the instances from start to end offsets * delimited by comma. * <p> * @throws Exception */ public static String ph3_coord_futureRange(int start, int end, int instance) throws Exception { ParamChecker.checkGEZero(start, "future:n"); ParamChecker.checkGEZero(end, "future:n"); ParamChecker.checkGTZero(instance, "future:instance"); if (isSyncDataSet()) {// For Sync Dataset return coord_futureRange_sync(start, end, instance); } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Asynchronous Dataset is not supported yet"); } } private static String coord_future_sync(int n, int instance) throws Exception { return coord_futureRange_sync(n, n, instance); } private static String coord_futureRange_sync(int startOffset, int endOffset, int instance) throws Exception { final XLog LOG = XLog.getLog(CoordELFunctions.class); final Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); ELEvaluator eval = ELEvaluator.getCurrent(); String retVal = ""; int datasetFrequency = (int) getDSFrequency();// in minutes TimeUnit dsTimeUnit = getDSTimeUnit(); int[] instCount = new int[1]; Calendar nominalInstanceCal = getCurrentInstance(getActionCreationtime(), instCount); StringBuilder resolvedInstances = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder resolvedURIPaths = new StringBuilder(); if (nominalInstanceCal != null) { Calendar initInstance = getInitialInstanceCal(); nominalInstanceCal = (Calendar) initInstance.clone(); nominalInstanceCal.add(dsTimeUnit.getCalendarUnit(), instCount[0] * datasetFrequency); SyncCoordDataset ds = (SyncCoordDataset) eval.getVariable(DATASET); if (ds == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Associated Dataset should be defined with key " + DATASET); } String uriTemplate = ds.getUriTemplate(); Configuration conf = (Configuration) eval.getVariable(CONFIGURATION); if (conf == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Associated Configuration should be defined with key " + CONFIGURATION); } int available = 0, checkedInstance = 0; boolean resolved = false; String user = ParamChecker.notEmpty((String) eval.getVariable(OozieClient.USER_NAME), OozieClient.USER_NAME); String doneFlag = ds.getDoneFlag(); URIHandlerService uriService = Services.get().get(URIHandlerService.class); URIHandler uriHandler = null; Context uriContext = null; try { while (instance >= checkedInstance && !currentThread.isInterrupted()) { ELEvaluator uriEval = getUriEvaluator(nominalInstanceCal); String uriPath = uriEval.evaluate(uriTemplate, String.class); if (uriHandler == null) { URI uri = new URI(uriPath); uriHandler = uriService.getURIHandler(uri); uriContext = uriHandler.getContext(uri, conf, user, true); } String uriWithDoneFlag = uriHandler.getURIWithDoneFlag(uriPath, doneFlag); if (uriHandler.exists(new URI(uriWithDoneFlag), uriContext)) { if (available == endOffset) { LOG.debug("Matched future(" + available + "): " + uriWithDoneFlag); resolved = true; resolvedInstances.append(DateUtils.formatDateOozieTZ(nominalInstanceCal)); resolvedURIPaths.append(uriPath); retVal = resolvedInstances.toString(); eval.setVariable(CoordELConstants.RESOLVED_PATH, resolvedURIPaths.toString()); break; } else if (available >= startOffset) { LOG.debug("Matched future(" + available + "): " + uriWithDoneFlag); resolvedInstances.append(DateUtils.formatDateOozieTZ(nominalInstanceCal)) .append(INSTANCE_SEPARATOR); resolvedURIPaths.append(uriPath).append(INSTANCE_SEPARATOR); } available++; } // nominalInstanceCal.add(dsTimeUnit.getCalendarUnit(), datasetFrequency); nominalInstanceCal = (Calendar) initInstance.clone(); instCount[0]++; nominalInstanceCal.add(dsTimeUnit.getCalendarUnit(), instCount[0] * datasetFrequency); checkedInstance++; // DateUtils.moveToEnd(nominalInstanceCal, getDSEndOfFlag()); } if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(resolvedURIPaths.toString()) && eval.getVariable(CoordELConstants.RESOLVED_PATH) == null) { eval.setVariable(CoordELConstants.RESOLVED_PATH, resolvedURIPaths.toString()); } } finally { if (uriContext != null) { uriContext.destroy(); } } if (!resolved) { // return unchanged future function with variable 'is_resolved' // to 'false' eval.setVariable(CoordELConstants.IS_RESOLVED, Boolean.FALSE); if (startOffset == endOffset) { retVal = "${coord:future(" + startOffset + ", " + instance + ")}"; } else { retVal = "${coord:futureRange(" + startOffset + ", " + endOffset + ", " + instance + ")}"; } } else { eval.setVariable(CoordELConstants.IS_RESOLVED, Boolean.TRUE); } } else {// No feasible nominal time eval.setVariable(CoordELConstants.IS_RESOLVED, Boolean.TRUE); retVal = ""; } return retVal; } /** * Return nominal time or Action Creation Time. * <p> * * @return coordinator action creation or materialization date time * @throws Exception if unable to format the Date object to String */ public static String ph2_coord_nominalTime() throws Exception { ELEvaluator eval = ELEvaluator.getCurrent(); SyncCoordAction action = ParamChecker.notNull((SyncCoordAction) eval.getVariable(COORD_ACTION), "Coordinator Action"); return DateUtils.formatDateOozieTZ(action.getNominalTime()); } public static String ph3_coord_nominalTime() throws Exception { return ph2_coord_nominalTime(); } /** * Convert from standard date-time formatting to a desired format. * <p> * @param dateTimeStr - A timestamp in standard (ISO8601) format. * @param format - A string representing the desired format. * @return coordinator action creation or materialization date time * @throws Exception if unable to format the Date object to String */ public static String ph2_coord_formatTime(String dateTimeStr, String format) throws Exception { Date dateTime = DateUtils.parseDateOozieTZ(dateTimeStr); return DateUtils.formatDateCustom(dateTime, format); } public static String ph3_coord_formatTime(String dateTimeStr, String format) throws Exception { return ph2_coord_formatTime(dateTimeStr, format); } /** * Convert from standard date-time formatting to a Unix epoch time. * <p/> * @param dateTimeStr - A timestamp in standard (ISO8601) format. * @param millis - "true" to include millis; otherwise will only include seconds * @return coordinator action creation or materialization date time * @throws Exception if unable to format the Date object to String */ public static String ph2_coord_epochTime(String dateTimeStr, String millis) throws Exception { Date dateTime = DateUtils.parseDateOozieTZ(dateTimeStr); return DateUtils.formatDateEpoch(dateTime, Boolean.valueOf(millis)); } public static String ph3_coord_epochTime(String dateTimeStr, String millis) throws Exception { return ph2_coord_epochTime(dateTimeStr, millis); } /** * Return Action Id. <p> * * @return coordinator action Id */ public static String ph2_coord_actionId() throws Exception { ELEvaluator eval = ELEvaluator.getCurrent(); SyncCoordAction action = ParamChecker.notNull((SyncCoordAction) eval.getVariable(COORD_ACTION), "Coordinator Action"); return action.getActionId(); } public static String ph3_coord_actionId() throws Exception { return ph2_coord_actionId(); } /** * Return Job Name. <p> * * @return coordinator name */ public static String ph2_coord_name() throws Exception { ELEvaluator eval = ELEvaluator.getCurrent(); SyncCoordAction action = ParamChecker.notNull((SyncCoordAction) eval.getVariable(COORD_ACTION), "Coordinator Action"); return action.getName(); } public static String ph3_coord_name() throws Exception { return ph2_coord_name(); } /** * Return Action Start time. <p> * * @return coordinator action start time * @throws Exception if unable to format the Date object to String */ public static String ph2_coord_actualTime() throws Exception { ELEvaluator eval = ELEvaluator.getCurrent(); SyncCoordAction coordAction = (SyncCoordAction) eval.getVariable(COORD_ACTION); if (coordAction == null) { throw new RuntimeException( "Associated Application instance should be defined with key " + COORD_ACTION); } return DateUtils.formatDateOozieTZ(coordAction.getActualTime()); } public static String ph3_coord_actualTime() throws Exception { return ph2_coord_actualTime(); } /** * Used to specify a list of URI's that are used as input dir to the workflow job. <p> Look for two evaluator-level * variables <p> A) .datain.<DATAIN_NAME> B) .datain.<DATAIN_NAME>.unresolved <p> A defines the current list of * URI. <p> B defines whether there are any unresolved EL-function (i.e latest) <p> If there are something * unresolved, this function will echo back the original function <p> otherwise it sends the uris. * * @param dataInName : Datain name * @return the list of URI's separated by INSTANCE_SEPARATOR <p> if there are unresolved EL function (i.e. latest) * , echo back <p> the function without resolving the function. */ public static String ph3_coord_dataIn(String dataInName) { String uris = ""; ELEvaluator eval = ELEvaluator.getCurrent(); if (eval.getVariable(".datain." + dataInName) == null && (eval.getVariable(".actionInputLogic") != null && !StringUtils.isEmpty(eval.getVariable(".actionInputLogic").toString()))) { try { return new CoordInputLogicEvaluatorUtil().getInputDependencies(dataInName, (SyncCoordAction) eval.getVariable(COORD_ACTION)); } catch (JDOMException e) { XLog.getLog(CoordELFunctions.class).error(e); throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage()); } } uris = (String) eval.getVariable(".datain." + dataInName); Object unResolvedObj = eval.getVariable(".datain." + dataInName + ".unresolved"); if (unResolvedObj == null) { return uris; } Boolean unresolved = Boolean.parseBoolean(unResolvedObj.toString()); if (unresolved != null && unresolved.booleanValue() == true) { return "${coord:dataIn('" + dataInName + "')}"; } return uris; } /** * Used to specify a list of URI's that are output dir of the workflow job. <p> Look for one evaluator-level * variable <p> dataout.<DATAOUT_NAME> <p> It defines the current list of URI. <p> otherwise it sends the uris. * * @param dataOutName : Dataout name * @return the list of URI's separated by INSTANCE_SEPARATOR */ public static String ph3_coord_dataOut(String dataOutName) { String uris = ""; ELEvaluator eval = ELEvaluator.getCurrent(); uris = (String) eval.getVariable(".dataout." + dataOutName); return uris; } /** * Determine the date-time in Oozie processing timezone of n-th dataset instance. <p> It depends on: <p> 1. * Data set frequency <p> 2. * Data set Time unit (day, month, minute) <p> 3. Data set Time zone/DST <p> 4. End Day/Month flag <p> 5. Data * set initial instance <p> 6. Action Creation Time * * @param n instance count domain: n is integer * @return date-time in Oozie processing timezone of the n-th instance returns 'null' means n-th instance is * earlier than Initial-Instance of DS * @throws Exception */ public static String ph2_coord_current(int n) throws Exception { if (isSyncDataSet()) { // For Sync Dataset return coord_current_sync(n); } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Asynchronous Dataset is not supported yet"); } } /** * Determine the date-time in Oozie processing timezone of current dataset instances * from start to end offsets from the nominal time. <p> It depends * on: <p> 1. Data set frequency <p> 2. Data set Time unit (day, month, minute) <p> 3. Data set Time zone/DST * <p> 4. End Day/Month flag <p> 5. Data set initial instance <p> 6. Action Creation Time * * @param start :start instance offset <p> domain: start <= 0, start is integer * @param end :end instance offset <p> domain: end <= 0, end is integer * @return date-time in Oozie processing timezone of the instances from start to end offsets * delimited by comma. <p> If the current instance time of the dataset based on the Action Creation Time * is earlier than the Initial-Instance of DS an empty string is returned. * If an instance within the range is earlier than Initial-Instance of DS that instance is ignored * @throws Exception */ public static String ph2_coord_currentRange(int start, int end) throws Exception { if (isSyncDataSet()) { // For Sync Dataset return coord_currentRange_sync(start, end); } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Asynchronous Dataset is not supported yet"); } } /** * Determine the date-time in Oozie processing timezone of the given offset from the dataset effective nominal time. <p> It * depends on: <p> 1. Data set frequency <p> 2. Data set Time Unit <p> 3. Data set Time zone/DST * <p> 4. Data set initial instance <p> 5. Action Creation Time * * @param n offset amount (integer) * @param timeUnit TimeUnit for offset n ("MINUTE", "HOUR", "DAY", "MONTH", "YEAR") * @return date-time in Oozie processing timezone of the given offset from the dataset effective nominal time * @throws Exception if there was a problem formatting */ public static String ph2_coord_offset(int n, String timeUnit) throws Exception { if (isSyncDataSet()) { // For Sync Dataset return coord_offset_sync(n, timeUnit); } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Asynchronous Dataset is not supported yet"); } } /** * Determine how many hours is on the date of n-th dataset instance. <p> It depends on: <p> 1. Data set frequency * <p> 2. Data set Time unit (day, month, minute) <p> 3. Data set Time zone/DST <p> 4. End Day/Month flag <p> 5. * Data set initial instance <p> 6. Action Creation Time * * @param n instance count <p> domain: n is integer * @return number of hours on that day <p> returns -1 means n-th instance is earlier than Initial-Instance of DS * @throws Exception */ public static int ph2_coord_hoursInDay(int n) throws Exception { int datasetFrequency = (int) getDSFrequency(); // /Calendar nominalInstanceCal = // getCurrentInstance(getActionCreationtime()); Calendar nominalInstanceCal = getEffectiveNominalTime(); if (nominalInstanceCal == null) { return -1; } nominalInstanceCal.add(getDSTimeUnit().getCalendarUnit(), datasetFrequency * n); /* * if (nominalInstanceCal.getTime().compareTo(getInitialInstance()) < 0) * { return -1; } */ nominalInstanceCal.setTimeZone(getDatasetTZ());// Use Dataset TZ // DateUtils.moveToEnd(nominalInstanceCal, getDSEndOfFlag()); return DateUtils.hoursInDay(nominalInstanceCal); } public static int ph3_coord_hoursInDay(int n) throws Exception { return ph2_coord_hoursInDay(n); } /** * Calculate number of days in one month for n-th dataset instance. <p> It depends on: <p> 1. Data set frequency . * <p> 2. Data set Time unit (day, month, minute) <p> 3. Data set Time zone/DST <p> 4. End Day/Month flag <p> 5. * Data set initial instance <p> 6. Action Creation Time * * @param n instance count. domain: n is integer * @return number of days in that month <p> returns -1 means n-th instance is earlier than Initial-Instance of DS * @throws Exception */ public static int ph2_coord_daysInMonth(int n) throws Exception { int datasetFrequency = (int) getDSFrequency();// in minutes // Calendar nominalInstanceCal = // getCurrentInstance(getActionCreationtime()); Calendar nominalInstanceCal = getEffectiveNominalTime(); if (nominalInstanceCal == null) { return -1; } nominalInstanceCal.add(getDSTimeUnit().getCalendarUnit(), datasetFrequency * n); /* * if (nominalInstanceCal.getTime().compareTo(getInitialInstance()) < 0) * { return -1; } */ nominalInstanceCal.setTimeZone(getDatasetTZ());// Use Dataset TZ // DateUtils.moveToEnd(nominalInstanceCal, getDSEndOfFlag()); return nominalInstanceCal.getActualMaximum(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH); } public static int ph3_coord_daysInMonth(int n) throws Exception { return ph2_coord_daysInMonth(n); } /** * Determine the date-time in Oozie processing timezone of n-th latest available dataset instance. <p> It depends * on: <p> 1. Data set frequency <p> 2. Data set Time unit (day, month, minute) <p> 3. Data set Time zone/DST * <p> 4. End Day/Month flag <p> 5. Data set initial instance <p> 6. Action Creation Time <p> 7. Existence of * dataset's directory * * @param n :instance count <p> domain: n <= 0, n is integer * @return date-time in Oozie processing timezone of the n-th instance <p> returns 'null' means n-th instance is * earlier than Initial-Instance of DS * @throws Exception */ public static String ph3_coord_latest(int n) throws Exception { ParamChecker.checkLEZero(n, "latest:n"); if (isSyncDataSet()) {// For Sync Dataset return coord_latest_sync(n); } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Asynchronous Dataset is not supported yet"); } } /** * Determine the date-time in Oozie processing timezone of latest available dataset instances * from start to end offsets from the nominal time. <p> It depends * on: <p> 1. Data set frequency <p> 2. Data set Time unit (day, month, minute) <p> 3. Data set Time zone/DST * <p> 4. End Day/Month flag <p> 5. Data set initial instance <p> 6. Action Creation Time <p> 7. Existence of * dataset's directory * * @param start :start instance offset <p> domain: start <= 0, start is integer * @param end :end instance offset <p> domain: end <= 0, end is integer * @return date-time in Oozie processing timezone of the instances from start to end offsets * delimited by comma. <p> returns 'null' means start offset instance is * earlier than Initial-Instance of DS * @throws Exception */ public static String ph3_coord_latestRange(int start, int end) throws Exception { ParamChecker.checkLEZero(start, "latest:n"); ParamChecker.checkLEZero(end, "latest:n"); if (isSyncDataSet()) {// For Sync Dataset return coord_latestRange_sync(start, end); } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Asynchronous Dataset is not supported yet"); } } /** * Configure an evaluator with data set and application specific information. <p> Helper method of associating * dataset and application object * * @param evaluator : to set variables * @param ds : Data Set object * @param coordAction : Application instance */ public static void configureEvaluator(ELEvaluator evaluator, SyncCoordDataset ds, SyncCoordAction coordAction) { evaluator.setVariable(COORD_ACTION, coordAction); evaluator.setVariable(DATASET, ds); } /** * Helper method to wrap around with "${..}". <p> * * * @param eval :EL evaluator * @param expr : expression to evaluate * @return Resolved expression or echo back the same expression * @throws Exception */ public static String evalAndWrap(ELEvaluator eval, String expr) throws Exception { try { eval.setVariable(".wrap", null); String result = eval.evaluate(expr, String.class); if (eval.getVariable(".wrap") != null) { return "${" + result + "}"; } else { return result; } } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Unable to evaluate :" + expr + ":\n", e); } } // Set of echo functions public static String ph1_coord_current_echo(String n) { return echoUnResolved("current", n); } public static String ph1_coord_absolute_echo(String date) { return echoUnResolved("absolute", date); } public static String ph1_coord_endOfMonths_echo(String date) { return echoUnResolved("endOfMonths", date); } public static String ph1_coord_endOfWeeks_echo(String date) { return echoUnResolved("endOfWeeks", date); } public static String ph1_coord_endOfDays_echo(String date) { return echoUnResolved("endOfDays", date); } public static String ph1_coord_currentRange_echo(String start, String end) { return echoUnResolved("currentRange", start + ", " + end); } public static String ph1_coord_offset_echo(String n, String timeUnit) { return echoUnResolved("offset", n + " , " + timeUnit); } public static String ph2_coord_current_echo(String n) { return echoUnResolved("current", n); } public static String ph2_coord_currentRange_echo(String start, String end) { return echoUnResolved("currentRange", start + ", " + end); } public static String ph2_coord_offset_echo(String n, String timeUnit) { return echoUnResolved("offset", n + " , " + timeUnit); } public static String ph2_coord_absolute_echo(String date) { return echoUnResolved("absolute", date); } public static String ph2_coord_endOfMonths_echo(String date) { return echoUnResolved("endOfMonths", date); } public static String ph2_coord_endOfWeeks_echo(String date) { return echoUnResolved("endOfWeeks", date); } public static String ph2_coord_endOfDays_echo(String date) { return echoUnResolved("endOfDays", date); } public static String ph2_coord_absolute_range(String startInstance, int end) throws Exception { int[] instanceCount = new int[1]; Calendar startInstanceCal = DateUtils.getCalendar(startInstance); Calendar currentInstance = getCurrentInstance(startInstanceCal.getTime(), instanceCount); // getCurrentInstance() returns null, which means startInstance is less // than initial instance if (currentInstance == null) { throw new CommandException(ErrorCode.E1010, "initial-instance should be equal or earlier than the start-instance. initial-instance is " + getInitialInstance() + " and start-instance is " + startInstance); } if (currentInstance.getTimeInMillis() != startInstanceCal.getTimeInMillis()) { throw new CommandException(ErrorCode.E1010, "initial-instance is not in phase with start-instance. initial-instance is " + DateUtils.formatDateOozieTZ(getInitialInstanceCal()) + " and start-instance is " + DateUtils.formatDateOozieTZ(startInstanceCal)); } int[] nominalCount = new int[1]; if (getCurrentInstance(getActionCreationtime(), nominalCount) == null) { throw new CommandException(ErrorCode.E1010, "initial-instance should be equal or earlier than the nominal time. initial-instance is " + getInitialInstance() + " and nominal time is " + getActionCreationtime()); } // getCurrentInstance return offset relative to initial instance. // start instance offset - nominal offset = start offset relative to // nominal time-stamp. int start = instanceCount[0] - nominalCount[0]; if (start > end) { throw new CommandException(ErrorCode.E1010, "start-instance should be equal or earlier than the end-instance. startInstance is " + startInstance + " which is equivalent to current (" + instanceCount[0] + ") but end is specified as current (" + end + ")"); } return ph2_coord_currentRange(start, end); } public static String ph1_coord_dateOffset_echo(String n, String offset, String unit) { return echoUnResolved("dateOffset", n + " , " + offset + " , " + unit); } public static String ph1_coord_dateTzOffset_echo(String n, String timezone) { return echoUnResolved("dateTzOffset", n + " , " + timezone); } public static String ph1_coord_epochTime_echo(String dateTime, String millis) { // Quote the dateTime value since it would contain a ':'. return echoUnResolved("epochTime", "'" + dateTime + "'" + " , " + millis); } public static String ph1_coord_formatTime_echo(String dateTime, String format) { // Quote the dateTime value since it would contain a ':'. return echoUnResolved("formatTime", "'" + dateTime + "'" + " , " + format); } public static String ph1_coord_latest_echo(String n) { return echoUnResolved("latest", n); } public static String ph2_coord_latest_echo(String n) { return ph1_coord_latest_echo(n); } public static String ph1_coord_future_echo(String n, String instance) { return echoUnResolved("future", n + ", " + instance + ""); } public static String ph2_coord_future_echo(String n, String instance) { return ph1_coord_future_echo(n, instance); } public static String ph1_coord_latestRange_echo(String start, String end) { return echoUnResolved("latestRange", start + ", " + end); } public static String ph2_coord_latestRange_echo(String start, String end) { return ph1_coord_latestRange_echo(start, end); } public static String ph1_coord_futureRange_echo(String start, String end, String instance) { return echoUnResolved("futureRange", start + ", " + end + ", " + instance); } public static String ph2_coord_futureRange_echo(String start, String end, String instance) { return ph1_coord_futureRange_echo(start, end, instance); } public static String ph1_coord_dataIn_echo(String n) { ELEvaluator eval = ELEvaluator.getCurrent(); String val = (String) eval.getVariable("oozie.dataname." + n); if ((val == null || val.equals("data-in") == false)) { XLog.getLog(CoordELFunctions.class).error("data_in_name " + n + " is not valid"); throw new RuntimeException("data_in_name " + n + " is not valid"); } return echoUnResolved("dataIn", "'" + n + "'"); } public static String ph1_coord_dataOut_echo(String n) { ELEvaluator eval = ELEvaluator.getCurrent(); String val = (String) eval.getVariable("oozie.dataname." + n); if (val == null || val.equals("data-out") == false) { XLog.getLog(CoordELFunctions.class).error("data_out_name " + n + " is not valid"); throw new RuntimeException("data_out_name " + n + " is not valid"); } return echoUnResolved("dataOut", "'" + n + "'"); } public static String ph1_coord_nominalTime_echo() { return echoUnResolved("nominalTime", ""); } public static String ph1_coord_nominalTime_echo_wrap() { // return "${coord:nominalTime()}"; // no resolution return echoUnResolved("nominalTime", ""); } public static String ph1_coord_nominalTime_echo_fixed() { return "2009-03-06T010:00"; // Dummy resolution } public static String ph1_coord_actualTime_echo_wrap() { // return "${coord:actualTime()}"; // no resolution return echoUnResolved("actualTime", ""); } public static String ph1_coord_actionId_echo() { return echoUnResolved("actionId", ""); } public static String ph1_coord_name_echo() { return echoUnResolved("name", ""); } // The following echo functions are not used in any phases yet // They are here for future purpose. public static String coord_minutes_echo(String n) { return echoUnResolved("minutes", n); } public static String coord_hours_echo(String n) { return echoUnResolved("hours", n); } public static String coord_days_echo(String n) { return echoUnResolved("days", n); } public static String coord_endOfDay_echo(String n) { return echoUnResolved("endOfDay", n); } public static String coord_months_echo(String n) { return echoUnResolved("months", n); } public static String coord_endOfMonth_echo(String n) { return echoUnResolved("endOfMonth", n); } public static String coord_actualTime_echo() { return echoUnResolved("actualTime", ""); } // This echo function will always return "24" for validation only. // This evaluation ****should not**** replace the original XML // Create a temporary string and validate the function // This is **required** for evaluating an expression like // coord:HoursInDay(0) + 3 // actual evaluation will happen in phase 2 or phase 3. public static String ph1_coord_hoursInDay_echo(String n) { return "24"; // return echoUnResolved("hoursInDay", n); } // This echo function will always return "30" for validation only. // This evaluation ****should not**** replace the original XML // Create a temporary string and validate the function // This is **required** for evaluating an expression like // coord:daysInMonth(0) + 3 // actual evaluation will happen in phase 2 or phase 3. public static String ph1_coord_daysInMonth_echo(String n) { // return echoUnResolved("daysInMonth", n); return "30"; } // This echo function will always return "3" for validation only. // This evaluation ****should not**** replace the original XML // Create a temporary string and validate the function // This is **required** for evaluating an expression like coord:tzOffset + 2 // actual evaluation will happen in phase 2 or phase 3. public static String ph1_coord_tzOffset_echo() { // return echoUnResolved("tzOffset", ""); return "3"; } // Local methods /** * @param n * @return n-th instance Date-Time from current instance for data-set <p> return empty string ("") if the * Action_Creation_time or the n-th instance <p> is earlier than the Initial_Instance of dataset. * @throws Exception */ private static String coord_current_sync(int n) throws Exception { return coord_currentRange_sync(n, n); } private static String coord_currentRange_sync(int start, int end) throws Exception { final XLog LOG = XLog.getLog(CoordELFunctions.class); int datasetFrequency = getDSFrequency();// in minutes TimeUnit dsTimeUnit = getDSTimeUnit(); int[] instCount = new int[1];// used as pass by ref Calendar nominalInstanceCal = getCurrentInstance(getActionCreationtime(), instCount); if (nominalInstanceCal == null) { LOG.warn("If the initial instance of the dataset is later than the nominal time, an empty string is" + " returned. This means that no data is available at the current-instance specified by the user" + " and the user could try modifying his initial-instance to an earlier time."); return ""; } else { Calendar initInstance = getInitialInstanceCal(); // Add in the reverse order - newest instance first. nominalInstanceCal = (Calendar) initInstance.clone(); nominalInstanceCal.add(dsTimeUnit.getCalendarUnit(), (instCount[0] + start) * datasetFrequency); List<String> instances = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = start; i <= end; i++) { if (nominalInstanceCal.compareTo(initInstance) < 0) { LOG.warn("If the initial instance of the dataset is later than the current-instance specified," + " such as coord:current({0}) in this case, an empty string is returned. This means that" + " no data is available at the current-instance specified by the user and the user could" + " try modifying his initial-instance to an earlier time.", start); } else { instances.add(DateUtils.formatDateOozieTZ(nominalInstanceCal)); } nominalInstanceCal.add(dsTimeUnit.getCalendarUnit(), datasetFrequency); } instances = Lists.reverse(instances); return StringUtils.join(instances, CoordELFunctions.INSTANCE_SEPARATOR); } } /** * * @param n offset amount (integer) * @param timeUnit TimeUnit for offset n ("MINUTE", "HOUR", "DAY", "MONTH", "YEAR") * @return the offset time from the effective nominal time <p> return empty string ("") if the Action_Creation_time or the * offset instance <p> is earlier than the Initial_Instance of dataset. * @throws Exception */ private static String coord_offset_sync(int n, String timeUnit) throws Exception { Calendar rawCal = resolveOffsetRawTime(n, TimeUnit.valueOf(timeUnit), null); if (rawCal == null) { // warning already logged by resolveOffsetRawTime() return ""; } int freq = getDSFrequency(); TimeUnit freqUnit = getDSTimeUnit(); int freqCount = 0; // We're going to manually turn back/forward cal by decrements/increments of freq and then check that it gives the same // time as rawCal; this is to check that the offset time resolves to a frequency offset of the effective nominal time // In other words, that there exists an integer x, such that coord:offset(n, timeUnit) == coord:current(x) is true // If not, then we'll "rewind" rawCal to the latest instance earlier than rawCal and use that. Calendar cal = getInitialInstanceCal(); if (rawCal.before(cal)) { while (cal.after(rawCal)) { cal.add(freqUnit.getCalendarUnit(), -freq); freqCount--; } } else if (rawCal.after(cal)) { while (cal.before(rawCal)) { cal.add(freqUnit.getCalendarUnit(), freq); freqCount++; } } if (cal.before(rawCal)) { rawCal = cal; } else if (cal.after(rawCal)) { cal.add(freqUnit.getCalendarUnit(), -freq); rawCal = cal; freqCount--; } String rawCalStr = DateUtils.formatDateOozieTZ(rawCal); Calendar nominalInstanceCal = getInitialInstanceCal(); nominalInstanceCal.add(freqUnit.getCalendarUnit(), freq * freqCount); if (nominalInstanceCal.getTime().compareTo(getInitialInstance()) < 0) { XLog.getLog(CoordELFunctions.class) .warn("If the initial instance of the dataset is later than the offset instance" + " specified, such as coord:offset({0}, {1}) in this case, an empty string is returned. This means that no" + " data is available at the offset instance specified by the user and the user could try modifying his" + " initial-instance to an earlier time.", n, timeUnit); return ""; } String nominalCalStr = DateUtils.formatDateOozieTZ(nominalInstanceCal); if (!rawCalStr.equals(nominalCalStr)) { throw new RuntimeException("Shouldn't happen"); } return rawCalStr; } /** * @param offset * @return n-th available latest instance Date-Time for SYNC data-set * @throws Exception */ private static String coord_latest_sync(int offset) throws Exception { return coord_latestRange_sync(offset, offset); } private static String coord_latestRange_sync(int startOffset, int endOffset) throws Exception { final XLog LOG = XLog.getLog(CoordELFunctions.class); final Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); ELEvaluator eval = ELEvaluator.getCurrent(); String retVal = ""; int datasetFrequency = (int) getDSFrequency();// in minutes TimeUnit dsTimeUnit = getDSTimeUnit(); int[] instCount = new int[1]; boolean useCurrentTime = Services.get().getConf().getBoolean(LATEST_EL_USE_CURRENT_TIME, false); Calendar nominalInstanceCal; if (useCurrentTime) { nominalInstanceCal = getCurrentInstance(new Date(), instCount); } else { nominalInstanceCal = getCurrentInstance(getActualTime(), instCount); } StringBuilder resolvedInstances = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder resolvedURIPaths = new StringBuilder(); if (nominalInstanceCal != null) { Calendar initInstance = getInitialInstanceCal(); SyncCoordDataset ds = (SyncCoordDataset) eval.getVariable(DATASET); if (ds == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Associated Dataset should be defined with key " + DATASET); } String uriTemplate = ds.getUriTemplate(); Configuration conf = (Configuration) eval.getVariable(CONFIGURATION); if (conf == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Associated Configuration should be defined with key " + CONFIGURATION); } int available = 0; boolean resolved = false; String user = ParamChecker.notEmpty((String) eval.getVariable(OozieClient.USER_NAME), OozieClient.USER_NAME); String doneFlag = ds.getDoneFlag(); URIHandlerService uriService = Services.get().get(URIHandlerService.class); URIHandler uriHandler = null; Context uriContext = null; try { while (nominalInstanceCal.compareTo(initInstance) >= 0 && !currentThread.isInterrupted()) { ELEvaluator uriEval = getUriEvaluator(nominalInstanceCal); String uriPath = uriEval.evaluate(uriTemplate, String.class); if (uriHandler == null) { URI uri = new URI(uriPath); uriHandler = uriService.getURIHandler(uri); uriContext = uriHandler.getContext(uri, conf, user, true); } String uriWithDoneFlag = uriHandler.getURIWithDoneFlag(uriPath, doneFlag); if (uriHandler.exists(new URI(uriWithDoneFlag), uriContext)) { XLog.getLog(CoordELFunctions.class) .debug("Found latest(" + available + "): " + uriWithDoneFlag); if (available == startOffset) { LOG.debug("Matched latest(" + available + "): " + uriWithDoneFlag); resolved = true; resolvedInstances.append(DateUtils.formatDateOozieTZ(nominalInstanceCal)); resolvedURIPaths.append(uriPath); retVal = resolvedInstances.toString(); eval.setVariable(CoordELConstants.RESOLVED_PATH, resolvedURIPaths.toString()); break; } else if (available <= endOffset) { LOG.debug("Matched latest(" + available + "): " + uriWithDoneFlag); resolvedInstances.append(DateUtils.formatDateOozieTZ(nominalInstanceCal)) .append(INSTANCE_SEPARATOR); resolvedURIPaths.append(uriPath).append(INSTANCE_SEPARATOR); } available--; } // nominalInstanceCal.add(dsTimeUnit.getCalendarUnit(), -datasetFrequency); nominalInstanceCal = (Calendar) initInstance.clone(); instCount[0]--; nominalInstanceCal.add(dsTimeUnit.getCalendarUnit(), instCount[0] * datasetFrequency); // DateUtils.moveToEnd(nominalInstanceCal, getDSEndOfFlag()); } if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(resolvedURIPaths.toString()) && eval.getVariable(CoordELConstants.RESOLVED_PATH) == null) { eval.setVariable(CoordELConstants.RESOLVED_PATH, resolvedURIPaths.toString()); } } finally { if (uriContext != null) { uriContext.destroy(); } } if (!resolved) { // return unchanged latest function with variable 'is_resolved' // to 'false' eval.setVariable(CoordELConstants.IS_RESOLVED, Boolean.FALSE); if (startOffset == endOffset) { retVal = "${coord:latest(" + startOffset + ")}"; } else { retVal = "${coord:latestRange(" + startOffset + "," + endOffset + ")}"; } } else { eval.setVariable(CoordELConstants.IS_RESOLVED, Boolean.TRUE); } } else {// No feasible nominal time eval.setVariable(CoordELConstants.IS_RESOLVED, Boolean.FALSE); } return retVal; } /** * @param tm * @return a new Evaluator to be used for URI-template evaluation */ private static ELEvaluator getUriEvaluator(Calendar tm) { tm.setTimeZone(DateUtils.getOozieProcessingTimeZone()); ELEvaluator retEval = new ELEvaluator(); retEval.setVariable("YEAR", tm.get(Calendar.YEAR)); retEval.setVariable("MONTH", (tm.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1) < 10 ? "0" + (tm.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1) : (tm.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1)); retEval.setVariable("DAY", tm.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) < 10 ? "0" + tm.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) : tm.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH)); retEval.setVariable("HOUR", tm.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY) < 10 ? "0" + tm.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY) : tm.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY)); retEval.setVariable("MINUTE", tm.get(Calendar.MINUTE) < 10 ? "0" + tm.get(Calendar.MINUTE) : tm.get(Calendar.MINUTE)); return retEval; } /** * @return whether a data set is SYNCH or ASYNC */ private static boolean isSyncDataSet() { ELEvaluator eval = ELEvaluator.getCurrent(); SyncCoordDataset ds = (SyncCoordDataset) eval.getVariable(DATASET); if (ds == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Associated Dataset should be defined with key " + DATASET); } return ds.getType().equalsIgnoreCase("SYNC"); } /** * Check whether a function should be resolved. * * @param functionName * @param n * @return null if the functionName needs to be resolved otherwise return the calling function unresolved. */ private static String checkIfResolved(String functionName, String n) { ELEvaluator eval = ELEvaluator.getCurrent(); String replace = (String) eval.getVariable("resolve_" + functionName); if (replace == null || (replace != null && replace.equalsIgnoreCase("false"))) { // Don't // resolve // return "${coord:" + functionName + "(" + n +")}"; //Unresolved eval.setVariable(".wrap", "true"); return "coord:" + functionName + "(" + n + ")"; // Unresolved } return null; // Resolved it } private static String echoUnResolved(String functionName, String n) { return echoUnResolvedPre(functionName, n, "coord:"); } private static String echoUnResolvedPre(String functionName, String n, String prefix) { ELEvaluator eval = ELEvaluator.getCurrent(); eval.setVariable(".wrap", "true"); return prefix + functionName + "(" + n + ")"; // Unresolved } /** * @return the initial instance of a DataSet in DATE */ private static Date getInitialInstance() { ELEvaluator eval = ELEvaluator.getCurrent(); return getInitialInstance(eval); } /** * @return the initial instance of a DataSet in DATE */ private static Date getInitialInstance(ELEvaluator eval) { return getInitialInstanceCal(eval).getTime(); // return ds.getInitInstance(); } /** * @return the initial instance of a DataSet in Calendar */ private static Calendar getInitialInstanceCal() { ELEvaluator eval = ELEvaluator.getCurrent(); return getInitialInstanceCal(eval); } /** * @return the initial instance of a DataSet in Calendar */ private static Calendar getInitialInstanceCal(ELEvaluator eval) { SyncCoordDataset ds = (SyncCoordDataset) eval.getVariable(DATASET); if (ds == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Associated Dataset should be defined with key " + DATASET); } Calendar effInitTS = new GregorianCalendar(ds.getTimeZone()); effInitTS.setTime(ds.getInitInstance()); // To adjust EOD/EOM DateUtils.moveToEnd(effInitTS, getDSEndOfFlag(eval)); return effInitTS; // return ds.getInitInstance(); } /** * @return Nominal or action creation Time when all the dependencies of an application instance are met. */ private static Date getActionCreationtime() { ELEvaluator eval = ELEvaluator.getCurrent(); return getActionCreationtime(eval); } /** * @return Nominal or action creation Time when all the dependencies of an application instance are met. */ private static Date getActionCreationtime(ELEvaluator eval) { SyncCoordAction coordAction = (SyncCoordAction) eval.getVariable(COORD_ACTION); if (coordAction == null) { throw new RuntimeException( "Associated Application instance should be defined with key " + COORD_ACTION); } return coordAction.getNominalTime(); } /** * @return Actual Time when all the dependencies of an application instance are met. */ private static Date getActualTime() { ELEvaluator eval = ELEvaluator.getCurrent(); SyncCoordAction coordAction = (SyncCoordAction) eval.getVariable(COORD_ACTION); if (coordAction == null) { throw new RuntimeException( "Associated Application instance should be defined with key " + COORD_ACTION); } return coordAction.getActualTime(); } /** * @return TimeZone for the application or job. */ private static TimeZone getJobTZ() { ELEvaluator eval = ELEvaluator.getCurrent(); SyncCoordAction coordAction = (SyncCoordAction) eval.getVariable(COORD_ACTION); if (coordAction == null) { throw new RuntimeException( "Associated Application instance should be defined with key " + COORD_ACTION); } return coordAction.getTimeZone(); } /** * Find the current instance based on effectiveTime (i.e Action_Creation_Time or Action_Start_Time) * * @return current instance i.e. current(0) returns null if effectiveTime is earlier than Initial Instance time of * the dataset. */ public static Calendar getCurrentInstance(Date effectiveTime, int instanceCount[]) { ELEvaluator eval = ELEvaluator.getCurrent(); return getCurrentInstance(effectiveTime, instanceCount, eval); } /** * Find the current instance based on effectiveTime (i.e Action_Creation_Time or Action_Start_Time) * * @return current instance i.e. current(0) returns null if effectiveTime is earlier than Initial Instance time of * the dataset. */ private static Calendar getCurrentInstance(Date effectiveTime, int instanceCount[], ELEvaluator eval) { Date datasetInitialInstance = getInitialInstance(eval); TimeUnit dsTimeUnit = getDSTimeUnit(eval); TimeZone dsTZ = getDatasetTZ(eval); int dsFreq = getDSFrequency(eval); // Convert Date to Calendar for corresponding TZ Calendar current = Calendar.getInstance(dsTZ); current.setTime(datasetInitialInstance); Calendar calEffectiveTime = new GregorianCalendar(dsTZ); calEffectiveTime.setTime(effectiveTime); if (instanceCount == null) { // caller doesn't care about this value instanceCount = new int[1]; } instanceCount[0] = 0; if (current.compareTo(calEffectiveTime) > 0) { return null; } switch (dsTimeUnit) { case MINUTE: instanceCount[0] = (int) ((effectiveTime.getTime() - datasetInitialInstance.getTime()) / MINUTE_MSEC); break; case HOUR: instanceCount[0] = (int) ((effectiveTime.getTime() - datasetInitialInstance.getTime()) / HOUR_MSEC); break; case DAY: case END_OF_DAY: instanceCount[0] = (int) ((effectiveTime.getTime() - datasetInitialInstance.getTime()) / DAY_MSEC); break; case WEEK: case END_OF_WEEK: instanceCount[0] = (int) ((effectiveTime.getTime() - datasetInitialInstance.getTime()) / WEEK_MSEC); break; case MONTH: case END_OF_MONTH: int diffYear = calEffectiveTime.get(Calendar.YEAR) - current.get(Calendar.YEAR); instanceCount[0] = diffYear * 12 + calEffectiveTime.get(Calendar.MONTH) - current.get(Calendar.MONTH); break; case YEAR: instanceCount[0] = calEffectiveTime.get(Calendar.YEAR) - current.get(Calendar.YEAR); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unhandled dataset time unit " + dsTimeUnit); } if (instanceCount[0] > 2) { instanceCount[0] = (instanceCount[0] / dsFreq); current.add(dsTimeUnit.getCalendarUnit(), instanceCount[0] * dsFreq); } else { instanceCount[0] = 0; } while (!current.getTime().after(effectiveTime)) { current.add(dsTimeUnit.getCalendarUnit(), dsFreq); instanceCount[0]++; } current.add(dsTimeUnit.getCalendarUnit(), -dsFreq); instanceCount[0]--; return current; } /** * Find the current instance based on effectiveTime (i.e Action_Creation_Time or Action_Start_Time) * * @return current instance i.e. current(0) returns null if effectiveTime is earlier than Initial Instance time of * the dataset. */ private static Calendar getCurrentInstance_old(Date effectiveTime, int instanceCount[], ELEvaluator eval) { Date datasetInitialInstance = getInitialInstance(eval); TimeUnit dsTimeUnit = getDSTimeUnit(eval); TimeZone dsTZ = getDatasetTZ(eval); int dsFreq = getDSFrequency(eval); // Convert Date to Calendar for corresponding TZ Calendar current = Calendar.getInstance(); current.setTime(datasetInitialInstance); current.setTimeZone(dsTZ); Calendar calEffectiveTime = Calendar.getInstance(); calEffectiveTime.setTime(effectiveTime); calEffectiveTime.setTimeZone(dsTZ); if (instanceCount == null) { // caller doesn't care about this value instanceCount = new int[1]; } instanceCount[0] = 0; if (current.compareTo(calEffectiveTime) > 0) { return null; } Calendar origCurrent = (Calendar) current.clone(); while (current.compareTo(calEffectiveTime) <= 0) { current = (Calendar) origCurrent.clone(); instanceCount[0]++; current.add(dsTimeUnit.getCalendarUnit(), instanceCount[0] * dsFreq); } instanceCount[0]--; current = (Calendar) origCurrent.clone(); current.add(dsTimeUnit.getCalendarUnit(), instanceCount[0] * dsFreq); return current; } public static Calendar getEffectiveNominalTime() { Date datasetInitialInstance = getInitialInstance(); TimeZone dsTZ = getDatasetTZ(); // Convert Date to Calendar for corresponding TZ Calendar current = Calendar.getInstance(); current.setTime(datasetInitialInstance); current.setTimeZone(dsTZ); Calendar calEffectiveTime = Calendar.getInstance(); calEffectiveTime.setTime(getActionCreationtime()); calEffectiveTime.setTimeZone(dsTZ); if (current.compareTo(calEffectiveTime) > 0) { // Nominal Time < initial Instance // TODO: getClass() call doesn't work from static method. // XLog.getLog("CoordELFunction.class").warn("ACTION CREATED BEFORE INITIAL INSTACE "+ // current.getTime()); return null; } return calEffectiveTime; } /** * @return dataset frequency in minutes */ private static int getDSFrequency() { ELEvaluator eval = ELEvaluator.getCurrent(); return getDSFrequency(eval); } /** * @return dataset frequency in minutes */ private static int getDSFrequency(ELEvaluator eval) { SyncCoordDataset ds = (SyncCoordDataset) eval.getVariable(DATASET); if (ds == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Associated Dataset should be defined with key " + DATASET); } return ds.getFrequency(); } /** * @return dataset TimeUnit */ private static TimeUnit getDSTimeUnit() { ELEvaluator eval = ELEvaluator.getCurrent(); return getDSTimeUnit(eval); } /** * @return dataset TimeUnit */ public static TimeUnit getDSTimeUnit(ELEvaluator eval) { SyncCoordDataset ds = (SyncCoordDataset) eval.getVariable(DATASET); if (ds == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Associated Dataset should be defined with key " + DATASET); } return ds.getTimeUnit(); } /** * @return dataset TimeZone */ public static TimeZone getDatasetTZ() { ELEvaluator eval = ELEvaluator.getCurrent(); return getDatasetTZ(eval); } /** * @return dataset TimeZone */ public static TimeZone getDatasetTZ(ELEvaluator eval) { SyncCoordDataset ds = (SyncCoordDataset) eval.getVariable(DATASET); if (ds == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Associated Dataset should be defined with key " + DATASET); } return ds.getTimeZone(); } /** * @return dataset TimeUnit */ private static TimeUnit getDSEndOfFlag() { ELEvaluator eval = ELEvaluator.getCurrent(); return getDSEndOfFlag(eval); } /** * @return dataset TimeUnit */ private static TimeUnit getDSEndOfFlag(ELEvaluator eval) { SyncCoordDataset ds = (SyncCoordDataset) eval.getVariable(DATASET); if (ds == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Associated Dataset should be defined with key " + DATASET); } return ds.getEndOfDuration();// == null ? "": ds.getEndOfDuration(); } /** * Return a job configuration property for the coordinator. * * @param property property name. * @return the value of the property, <code>null</code> if the property is undefined. */ public static String coord_conf(String property) { ELEvaluator eval = ELEvaluator.getCurrent(); return (String) eval.getVariable(property); } /** * Return the user that submitted the coordinator job. * * @return the user that submitted the coordinator job. */ public static String coord_user() { ELEvaluator eval = ELEvaluator.getCurrent(); return (String) eval.getVariable(OozieClient.USER_NAME); } /** * Takes two offset times and returns a list of multiples of the frequency offset from the effective nominal time that occur * between them. The caller should make sure that startCal is earlier than endCal. * <p> * As a simple example, assume its the same day: startCal is 1:00, endCal is 2:00, frequency is 20min, and effective nominal * time is 1:20 -- then this method would return a list containing: -20, 0, 20, 40, 60 * * @param startCal The earlier offset time * @param endCal The later offset time * @param eval The ELEvaluator to use; cannot be null * @return A list of multiple of the frequency offset from the effective nominal time that occur between the startCal and endCal */ public static List<Integer> expandOffsetTimes(Calendar startCal, Calendar endCal, ELEvaluator eval) { List<Integer> expandedFreqs = new ArrayList<Integer>(); // Use eval because the "current" eval isn't set int freq = getDSFrequency(eval); TimeUnit freqUnit = getDSTimeUnit(eval); Calendar cal = getCurrentInstance(getActionCreationtime(eval), null, eval); int totalFreq = 0; if (startCal.before(cal)) { while (cal.after(startCal)) { cal.add(freqUnit.getCalendarUnit(), -freq); totalFreq += -freq; } if (cal.before(startCal)) { cal.add(freqUnit.getCalendarUnit(), freq); totalFreq += freq; } } else if (startCal.after(cal)) { while (cal.before(startCal)) { cal.add(freqUnit.getCalendarUnit(), freq); totalFreq += freq; } } // At this point, cal is the smallest multiple of the dataset frequency that is >= to the startCal and offset from the // effective nominal time. Now we can find all of the instances that occur between startCal and endCal, inclusive. while (cal.before(endCal) || cal.equals(endCal)) { expandedFreqs.add(totalFreq); cal.add(freqUnit.getCalendarUnit(), freq); totalFreq += freq; } return expandedFreqs; } /** * Resolve the offset time from the effective nominal time * * @param n offset amount (integer) * @param timeUnit TimeUnit for offset n ("MINUTE", "HOUR", "DAY", "MONTH", "YEAR") * @param eval The ELEvaluator to use; or null to use the "current" eval * @return A Calendar of the offset time */ public static Calendar resolveOffsetRawTime(int n, TimeUnit timeUnit, ELEvaluator eval) { // Use eval if given (for when the "current" eval isn't set) Calendar cal; if (eval == null) { cal = getCurrentInstance(getActionCreationtime(), null); } else { cal = getCurrentInstance(getActionCreationtime(eval), null, eval); } if (cal == null) { XLog.getLog(CoordELFunctions.class) .warn("If the initial instance of the dataset is later than the nominal time, an" + " empty string is returned. This means that no data is available at the offset instance specified by the user" + " and the user could try modifying his or her initial-instance to an earlier time."); return null; } cal.add(timeUnit.getCalendarUnit(), n); return cal; } }