Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.nifi.cluster.coordination.http.replication; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import com.sun.jersey.api.client.Client; import com.sun.jersey.api.client.ClientHandlerException; import com.sun.jersey.api.client.ClientResponse; import com.sun.jersey.api.client.ClientResponse.Status; import com.sun.jersey.api.client.WebResource; import com.sun.jersey.core.header.InBoundHeaders; import com.sun.jersey.core.header.OutBoundHeaders; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import; import; import org.apache.nifi.authorization.user.NiFiUser; import org.apache.nifi.authorization.user.NiFiUserDetails; import org.apache.nifi.authorization.user.StandardNiFiUser; import org.apache.nifi.cluster.coordination.ClusterCoordinator; import org.apache.nifi.cluster.coordination.node.NodeConnectionState; import org.apache.nifi.cluster.coordination.node.NodeConnectionStatus; import org.apache.nifi.cluster.manager.NodeResponse; import org.apache.nifi.cluster.manager.exception.ConnectingNodeMutableRequestException; import org.apache.nifi.cluster.manager.exception.DisconnectedNodeMutableRequestException; import org.apache.nifi.cluster.manager.exception.IllegalClusterStateException; import org.apache.nifi.cluster.protocol.NodeIdentifier; import org.apache.nifi.util.NiFiProperties; import org.apache.nifi.web.api.entity.Entity; import org.apache.nifi.web.api.entity.ProcessorEntity; import; import; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; import org.mockito.Mockito; import org.mockito.internal.util.reflection.Whitebox; import org.mockito.invocation.InvocationOnMock; import org.mockito.stubbing.Answer; import; import; public class TestThreadPoolRequestReplicator { @BeforeClass public static void setupClass() { System.setProperty(NiFiProperties.PROPERTIES_FILE_PATH, "src/test/resources/conf/"); } @Test public void testFailedRequestsAreCleanedUp() { withReplicator(replicator -> { final Set<NodeIdentifier> nodeIds = new HashSet<>(); nodeIds.add( new NodeIdentifier("1", "localhost", 8000, "localhost", 8001, "localhost", 8002, 8003, false)); final URI uri = new URI("http://localhost:8080/processors/1"); final Entity entity = new ProcessorEntity(); // set the user final Authentication authentication = new NiFiAuthenticationToken( new NiFiUserDetails(StandardNiFiUser.ANONYMOUS)); SecurityContextHolder.getContext().setAuthentication(authentication); final AsyncClusterResponse response = replicator.replicate(nodeIds, HttpMethod.GET, uri, entity, new HashMap<>(), true, true); // We should get back the same response object assertTrue(response == replicator.getClusterResponse(response.getRequestIdentifier())); assertEquals(HttpMethod.GET, response.getMethod()); assertEquals(nodeIds, response.getNodesInvolved()); assertTrue(response == replicator.getClusterResponse(response.getRequestIdentifier())); final NodeResponse nodeResponse = response.awaitMergedResponse(3, TimeUnit.SECONDS); assertEquals(8000, nodeResponse.getNodeId().getApiPort()); assertEquals(ClientResponse.Status.FORBIDDEN.getStatusCode(), nodeResponse.getStatus()); assertNull(replicator.getClusterResponse(response.getRequestIdentifier())); }, Status.FORBIDDEN, 0L, null); } /** * If we replicate a request, whenever we obtain the merged response from * the AsyncClusterResponse object, the response should no longer be * available and should be cleared from internal state. This test is to * verify that this behavior occurs. */ @Test public void testResponseRemovedWhenCompletedAndFetched() { withReplicator(replicator -> { final Set<NodeIdentifier> nodeIds = new HashSet<>(); nodeIds.add( new NodeIdentifier("1", "localhost", 8000, "localhost", 8001, "localhost", 8002, 8003, false)); final URI uri = new URI("http://localhost:8080/processors/1"); final Entity entity = new ProcessorEntity(); // set the user final Authentication authentication = new NiFiAuthenticationToken( new NiFiUserDetails(StandardNiFiUser.ANONYMOUS)); SecurityContextHolder.getContext().setAuthentication(authentication); final AsyncClusterResponse response = replicator.replicate(nodeIds, HttpMethod.GET, uri, entity, new HashMap<>(), true, true); // We should get back the same response object assertTrue(response == replicator.getClusterResponse(response.getRequestIdentifier())); assertEquals(HttpMethod.GET, response.getMethod()); assertEquals(nodeIds, response.getNodesInvolved()); assertTrue(response == replicator.getClusterResponse(response.getRequestIdentifier())); final NodeResponse nodeResponse = response.awaitMergedResponse(3, TimeUnit.SECONDS); assertEquals(8000, nodeResponse.getNodeId().getApiPort()); assertEquals(ClientResponse.Status.OK.getStatusCode(), nodeResponse.getStatus()); assertNull(replicator.getClusterResponse(response.getRequestIdentifier())); }); } @Test public void testRequestChain() { final String proxyIdentity2 = "proxy-2"; final String proxyIdentity1 = "proxy-1"; final String userIdentity = "user"; withReplicator(replicator -> { final Set<NodeIdentifier> nodeIds = new HashSet<>(); nodeIds.add( new NodeIdentifier("1", "localhost", 8000, "localhost", 8001, "localhost", 8002, 8003, false)); final URI uri = new URI("http://localhost:8080/processors/1"); final Entity entity = new ProcessorEntity(); // set the user final NiFiUser proxy2 = new StandardNiFiUser(proxyIdentity2); final NiFiUser proxy1 = new StandardNiFiUser(proxyIdentity1, proxy2); final NiFiUser user = new StandardNiFiUser(userIdentity, proxy1); final Authentication authentication = new NiFiAuthenticationToken(new NiFiUserDetails(user)); SecurityContextHolder.getContext().setAuthentication(authentication); replicator.replicate(nodeIds, HttpMethod.GET, uri, entity, new HashMap<>(), true, true); }, ClientResponse.Status.OK, 0L, null, "<" + userIdentity + "><" + proxyIdentity1 + "><" + proxyIdentity2 + ">"); } @Test(timeout = 15000) public void testLongWaitForResponse() { withReplicator(replicator -> { final Set<NodeIdentifier> nodeIds = new HashSet<>(); final NodeIdentifier nodeId = new NodeIdentifier("1", "localhost", 8000, "localhost", 8001, "localhost", 8002, 8003, false); nodeIds.add(nodeId); final URI uri = new URI("http://localhost:8080/processors/1"); final Entity entity = new ProcessorEntity(); // set the user final Authentication authentication = new NiFiAuthenticationToken( new NiFiUserDetails(StandardNiFiUser.ANONYMOUS)); SecurityContextHolder.getContext().setAuthentication(authentication); final AsyncClusterResponse response = replicator.replicate(nodeIds, HttpMethod.GET, uri, entity, new HashMap<>(), true, true); // We should get back the same response object assertTrue(response == replicator.getClusterResponse(response.getRequestIdentifier())); final NodeResponse completedNodeResponse = response.awaitMergedResponse(2, TimeUnit.SECONDS); assertNotNull(completedNodeResponse); assertNotNull(completedNodeResponse.getThrowable()); assertEquals(500, completedNodeResponse.getStatus()); assertTrue(response.isComplete()); assertNotNull(response.getMergedResponse()); assertNull(replicator.getClusterResponse(response.getRequestIdentifier())); }, Status.OK, 1000, new ClientHandlerException(new SocketTimeoutException())); } @Test(timeout = 15000) public void testCompleteOnError() { withReplicator(replicator -> { final Set<NodeIdentifier> nodeIds = new HashSet<>(); final NodeIdentifier id1 = new NodeIdentifier("1", "localhost", 8100, "localhost", 8101, "localhost", 8102, 8103, false); final NodeIdentifier id2 = new NodeIdentifier("2", "localhost", 8200, "localhost", 8201, "localhost", 8202, 8203, false); final NodeIdentifier id3 = new NodeIdentifier("3", "localhost", 8300, "localhost", 8301, "localhost", 8302, 8303, false); final NodeIdentifier id4 = new NodeIdentifier("4", "localhost", 8400, "localhost", 8401, "localhost", 8402, 8403, false); nodeIds.add(id1); nodeIds.add(id2); nodeIds.add(id3); nodeIds.add(id4); final URI uri = new URI("http://localhost:8080/processors/1"); final Entity entity = new ProcessorEntity(); // set the user final Authentication authentication = new NiFiAuthenticationToken( new NiFiUserDetails(StandardNiFiUser.ANONYMOUS)); SecurityContextHolder.getContext().setAuthentication(authentication); final AsyncClusterResponse response = replicator.replicate(nodeIds, HttpMethod.GET, uri, entity, new HashMap<>(), true, true); assertNotNull(response.awaitMergedResponse(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS)); }, null, 0L, new IllegalArgumentException("Exception created for unit test")); } @Test(timeout = 15000) public void testMultipleRequestWithTwoPhaseCommit() { final Set<NodeIdentifier> nodeIds = new HashSet<>(); final NodeIdentifier nodeId = new NodeIdentifier("1", "localhost", 8100, "localhost", 8101, "localhost", 8102, 8103, false); nodeIds.add(nodeId); final ClusterCoordinator coordinator = Mockito.mock(ClusterCoordinator.class); Mockito.when(coordinator.getConnectionStatus(Mockito.any(NodeIdentifier.class))) .thenReturn(new NodeConnectionStatus(nodeId, NodeConnectionState.CONNECTED)); final AtomicInteger requestCount = new AtomicInteger(0); final ThreadPoolRequestReplicator replicator = new ThreadPoolRequestReplicator(2, new Client(), coordinator, "1 sec", "1 sec", null, null, NiFiProperties.createBasicNiFiProperties(null, null)) { @Override protected NodeResponse replicateRequest(final WebResource.Builder resourceBuilder, final NodeIdentifier nodeId, final String method, final URI uri, final String requestId, Map<String, String> givenHeaders) { // the resource builder will not expose its headers to us, so we are using Mockito's Whitebox class to extract them. final OutBoundHeaders headers = (OutBoundHeaders) Whitebox.getInternalState(resourceBuilder, "metadata"); final Object expectsHeader = headers .getFirst(ThreadPoolRequestReplicator.REQUEST_VALIDATION_HTTP_HEADER); final int statusCode; if (requestCount.incrementAndGet() == 1) { assertEquals(ThreadPoolRequestReplicator.NODE_CONTINUE, expectsHeader); statusCode = 150; } else { assertNull(expectsHeader); statusCode = Status.OK.getStatusCode(); } // Return given response from all nodes. final ClientResponse clientResponse = new ClientResponse(statusCode, new InBoundHeaders(), new ByteArrayInputStream(new byte[0]), null); return new NodeResponse(nodeId, method, uri, clientResponse, -1L, requestId); } }; try { // set the user final Authentication authentication = new NiFiAuthenticationToken( new NiFiUserDetails(StandardNiFiUser.ANONYMOUS)); SecurityContextHolder.getContext().setAuthentication(authentication); final AsyncClusterResponse clusterResponse = replicator.replicate(nodeIds, HttpMethod.POST, new URI("http://localhost:80/processors/1"), new ProcessorEntity(), new HashMap<>(), true, true); clusterResponse.awaitMergedResponse(); // Ensure that we received two requests - the first should contain the X-NcmExpects header; the second should not. // These assertions are validated above, in the overridden replicateRequest method. assertEquals(2, requestCount.get()); } catch (final Exception e) { e.printStackTrace();; } finally { replicator.shutdown(); } } private ClusterCoordinator createClusterCoordinator() { final ClusterCoordinator coordinator = Mockito.mock(ClusterCoordinator.class); Mockito.when(coordinator.getConnectionStatus(Mockito.any(NodeIdentifier.class))) .thenAnswer(new Answer<NodeConnectionStatus>() { @Override public NodeConnectionStatus answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable { return new NodeConnectionStatus(invocation.getArgumentAt(0, NodeIdentifier.class), NodeConnectionState.CONNECTED); } }); return coordinator; } @Test public void testMutableRequestRequiresAllNodesConnected() throws URISyntaxException { final ClusterCoordinator coordinator = createClusterCoordinator(); // build a map of connection state to node ids final Map<NodeConnectionState, List<NodeIdentifier>> nodeMap = new HashMap<>(); final List<NodeIdentifier> connectedNodes = new ArrayList<>(); connectedNodes .add(new NodeIdentifier("1", "localhost", 8100, "localhost", 8101, "localhost", 8102, 8103, false)); connectedNodes .add(new NodeIdentifier("2", "localhost", 8200, "localhost", 8201, "localhost", 8202, 8203, false)); nodeMap.put(NodeConnectionState.CONNECTED, connectedNodes); final List<NodeIdentifier> otherState = new ArrayList<>(); otherState .add(new NodeIdentifier("3", "localhost", 8300, "localhost", 8301, "localhost", 8302, 8303, false)); nodeMap.put(NodeConnectionState.CONNECTING, otherState); Mockito.when(coordinator.getConnectionStates()).thenReturn(nodeMap); final ThreadPoolRequestReplicator replicator = new ThreadPoolRequestReplicator(2, new Client(), coordinator, "1 sec", "1 sec", null, null, NiFiProperties.createBasicNiFiProperties(null, null)) { @Override public AsyncClusterResponse replicate(Set<NodeIdentifier> nodeIds, String method, URI uri, Object entity, Map<String, String> headers, boolean indicateReplicated, boolean verify) { return null; } }; try { // set the user final Authentication authentication = new NiFiAuthenticationToken( new NiFiUserDetails(StandardNiFiUser.ANONYMOUS)); SecurityContextHolder.getContext().setAuthentication(authentication); try { replicator.replicate(HttpMethod.POST, new URI("http://localhost:80/processors/1"), new ProcessorEntity(), new HashMap<>());"Expected ConnectingNodeMutableRequestException"); } catch (final ConnectingNodeMutableRequestException e) { // expected behavior } nodeMap.remove(NodeConnectionState.CONNECTING); nodeMap.put(NodeConnectionState.DISCONNECTED, otherState); try { replicator.replicate(HttpMethod.POST, new URI("http://localhost:80/processors/1"), new ProcessorEntity(), new HashMap<>());"Expected DisconnectedNodeMutableRequestException"); } catch (final DisconnectedNodeMutableRequestException e) { // expected behavior } nodeMap.remove(NodeConnectionState.DISCONNECTED); nodeMap.put(NodeConnectionState.DISCONNECTING, otherState); try { replicator.replicate(HttpMethod.POST, new URI("http://localhost:80/processors/1"), new ProcessorEntity(), new HashMap<>());"Expected DisconnectedNodeMutableRequestException"); } catch (final DisconnectedNodeMutableRequestException e) { // expected behavior } // should not throw an Exception because it's a GET replicator.replicate(HttpMethod.GET, new URI("http://localhost:80/processors/1"), new MultiValueMap<>(), new HashMap<>()); // should not throw an Exception because all nodes are now connected nodeMap.remove(NodeConnectionState.DISCONNECTING); replicator.replicate(HttpMethod.POST, new URI("http://localhost:80/processors/1"), new ProcessorEntity(), new HashMap<>()); } finally { replicator.shutdown(); } } @Test(timeout = 15000) public void testOneNodeRejectsTwoPhaseCommit() { final Set<NodeIdentifier> nodeIds = new HashSet<>(); nodeIds.add(new NodeIdentifier("1", "localhost", 8100, "localhost", 8101, "localhost", 8102, 8103, false)); nodeIds.add(new NodeIdentifier("2", "localhost", 8200, "localhost", 8201, "localhost", 8202, 8203, false)); final ClusterCoordinator coordinator = createClusterCoordinator(); final AtomicInteger requestCount = new AtomicInteger(0); final ThreadPoolRequestReplicator replicator = new ThreadPoolRequestReplicator(2, new Client(), coordinator, "1 sec", "1 sec", null, null, NiFiProperties.createBasicNiFiProperties(null, null)) { @Override protected NodeResponse replicateRequest(final WebResource.Builder resourceBuilder, final NodeIdentifier nodeId, final String method, final URI uri, final String requestId, Map<String, String> givenHeaders) { // the resource builder will not expose its headers to us, so we are using Mockito's Whitebox class to extract them. final OutBoundHeaders headers = (OutBoundHeaders) Whitebox.getInternalState(resourceBuilder, "metadata"); final Object expectsHeader = headers .getFirst(ThreadPoolRequestReplicator.REQUEST_VALIDATION_HTTP_HEADER); final int requestIndex = requestCount.incrementAndGet(); assertEquals(ThreadPoolRequestReplicator.NODE_CONTINUE, expectsHeader); if (requestIndex == 1) { final ClientResponse clientResponse = new ClientResponse(150, new InBoundHeaders(), new ByteArrayInputStream(new byte[0]), null); return new NodeResponse(nodeId, method, uri, clientResponse, -1L, requestId); } else { final IllegalClusterStateException explanation = new IllegalClusterStateException( "Intentional Exception for Unit Testing"); return new NodeResponse(nodeId, method, uri, explanation); } } }; try { // set the user final Authentication authentication = new NiFiAuthenticationToken( new NiFiUserDetails(StandardNiFiUser.ANONYMOUS)); SecurityContextHolder.getContext().setAuthentication(authentication); final AsyncClusterResponse clusterResponse = replicator.replicate(nodeIds, HttpMethod.POST, new URI("http://localhost:80/processors/1"), new ProcessorEntity(), new HashMap<>(), true, true); clusterResponse.awaitMergedResponse();"Expected to get an IllegalClusterStateException but did not"); } catch (final IllegalClusterStateException e) { // Expected } catch (final Exception e) {; } finally { replicator.shutdown(); } } @Test(timeout = 5000) public void testMonitorNotifiedOnException() { withReplicator(replicator -> { final Object monitor = new Object(); final CountDownLatch preNotifyLatch = new CountDownLatch(1); final CountDownLatch postNotifyLatch = new CountDownLatch(1); new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { synchronized (monitor) { while (true) { // If monitor is not notified, this will block indefinitely, and the test will timeout try { preNotifyLatch.countDown(); monitor.wait(); break; } catch (InterruptedException e) { continue; } } postNotifyLatch.countDown(); } } }).start(); // wait for the background thread to notify that it is synchronized on monitor. preNotifyLatch.await(); try { // set the user final Authentication authentication = new NiFiAuthenticationToken( new NiFiUserDetails(StandardNiFiUser.ANONYMOUS)); SecurityContextHolder.getContext().setAuthentication(authentication); // ensure the proxied entities header is set final Map<String, String> updatedHeaders = new HashMap<>(); replicator.addProxiedEntitiesHeader(updatedHeaders); // Pass in Collections.emptySet() for the node ID's so that an Exception is thrown replicator.replicate(Collections.emptySet(), "GET", new URI("localhost:8080/nifi"), Collections.emptyMap(), updatedHeaders, true, null, true, true, monitor);"replicate did not throw IllegalArgumentException"); } catch (final IllegalArgumentException iae) { // expected } // wait for monitor to be notified. postNotifyLatch.await(); }); } @Test(timeout = 5000) public void testMonitorNotifiedOnSuccessfulCompletion() { withReplicator(replicator -> { final Object monitor = new Object(); final CountDownLatch preNotifyLatch = new CountDownLatch(1); final CountDownLatch postNotifyLatch = new CountDownLatch(1); new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { synchronized (monitor) { while (true) { // If monitor is not notified, this will block indefinitely, and the test will timeout try { preNotifyLatch.countDown(); monitor.wait(); break; } catch (InterruptedException e) { continue; } } postNotifyLatch.countDown(); } } }).start(); // wait for the background thread to notify that it is synchronized on monitor. preNotifyLatch.await(); final Set<NodeIdentifier> nodeIds = new HashSet<>(); final NodeIdentifier nodeId = new NodeIdentifier("1", "localhost", 8000, "localhost", 8001, "localhost", 8002, 8003, false); nodeIds.add(nodeId); final URI uri = new URI("http://localhost:8080/processors/1"); final Entity entity = new ProcessorEntity(); // set the user final Authentication authentication = new NiFiAuthenticationToken( new NiFiUserDetails(StandardNiFiUser.ANONYMOUS)); SecurityContextHolder.getContext().setAuthentication(authentication); // ensure the proxied entities header is set final Map<String, String> updatedHeaders = new HashMap<>(); replicator.addProxiedEntitiesHeader(updatedHeaders); replicator.replicate(nodeIds, HttpMethod.GET, uri, entity, updatedHeaders, true, null, true, true, monitor); // wait for monitor to be notified. postNotifyLatch.await(); }); } @Test(timeout = 5000) public void testMonitorNotifiedOnFailureResponse() { withReplicator(replicator -> { final Object monitor = new Object(); final CountDownLatch preNotifyLatch = new CountDownLatch(1); final CountDownLatch postNotifyLatch = new CountDownLatch(1); new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { synchronized (monitor) { while (true) { // If monitor is not notified, this will block indefinitely, and the test will timeout try { preNotifyLatch.countDown(); monitor.wait(); break; } catch (InterruptedException e) { continue; } } postNotifyLatch.countDown(); } } }).start(); // wait for the background thread to notify that it is synchronized on monitor. preNotifyLatch.await(); final Set<NodeIdentifier> nodeIds = new HashSet<>(); final NodeIdentifier nodeId = new NodeIdentifier("1", "localhost", 8000, "localhost", 8001, "localhost", 8002, 8003, false); nodeIds.add(nodeId); final URI uri = new URI("http://localhost:8080/processors/1"); final Entity entity = new ProcessorEntity(); // set the user final Authentication authentication = new NiFiAuthenticationToken( new NiFiUserDetails(StandardNiFiUser.ANONYMOUS)); SecurityContextHolder.getContext().setAuthentication(authentication); // ensure the proxied entities header is set final Map<String, String> updatedHeaders = new HashMap<>(); replicator.addProxiedEntitiesHeader(updatedHeaders); replicator.replicate(nodeIds, HttpMethod.GET, uri, entity, updatedHeaders, true, null, true, true, monitor); // wait for monitor to be notified. postNotifyLatch.await(); }, Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, 0L, null); } private void withReplicator(final WithReplicator function) { withReplicator(function, ClientResponse.Status.OK, 0L, null); } private void withReplicator(final WithReplicator function, final Status status, final long delayMillis, final RuntimeException failure) { withReplicator(function, status, delayMillis, failure, "<>"); } private void withReplicator(final WithReplicator function, final Status status, final long delayMillis, final RuntimeException failure, final String expectedRequestChain) { final ClusterCoordinator coordinator = createClusterCoordinator(); final NiFiProperties nifiProps = NiFiProperties.createBasicNiFiProperties(null, null); final ThreadPoolRequestReplicator replicator = new ThreadPoolRequestReplicator(2, new Client(), coordinator, "1 sec", "1 sec", null, null, nifiProps) { @Override protected NodeResponse replicateRequest(final WebResource.Builder resourceBuilder, final NodeIdentifier nodeId, final String method, final URI uri, final String requestId, Map<String, String> givenHeaders) { if (delayMillis > 0L) { try { Thread.sleep(delayMillis); } catch (InterruptedException e) {"Thread Interrupted during test"); } } if (failure != null) { throw failure; } final OutBoundHeaders headers = (OutBoundHeaders) Whitebox.getInternalState(resourceBuilder, "metadata"); final Object proxiedEntities = headers.getFirst(ProxiedEntitiesUtils.PROXY_ENTITIES_CHAIN); // ensure the request chain is in the request Assert.assertEquals(expectedRequestChain, proxiedEntities); // Return given response from all nodes. final ClientResponse clientResponse = new ClientResponse(status, new InBoundHeaders(), new ByteArrayInputStream(new byte[0]), null); return new NodeResponse(nodeId, method, uri, clientResponse, -1L, requestId); } }; try { function.withReplicator(replicator); } catch (final Exception e) { e.printStackTrace();; } finally { replicator.shutdown(); } } private interface WithReplicator { void withReplicator(ThreadPoolRequestReplicator replicator) throws Exception; } }