Java tutorial
/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.metron.elasticsearch.utils; import static java.lang.String.format; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles; import; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.Set; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.metron.common.configuration.writer.WriterConfiguration; import org.apache.metron.common.utils.HDFSUtils; import org.apache.metron.common.utils.ReflectionUtils; import; import; import org.apache.metron.netty.utils.NettyRuntimeWrapper; import org.apache.metron.stellar.common.utils.ConversionUtils; import; import; import org.elasticsearch.client.transport.TransportClient; import org.elasticsearch.common.bytes.BytesReference; import org.elasticsearch.common.settings.Settings; import org.elasticsearch.common.transport.InetSocketTransportAddress; import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentHelper; import org.elasticsearch.index.query.QueryBuilder; import org.elasticsearch.transport.client.PreBuiltTransportClient; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; public class ElasticsearchUtils { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MethodHandles.lookup().lookupClass()); private static final String ES_CLIENT_CLASS_DEFAULT = "org.elasticsearch.transport.client.PreBuiltTransportClient"; private static final String PWD_FILE_CONFIG_KEY = "es.xpack.password.file"; private static final String USERNAME_CONFIG_KEY = "es.xpack.username"; private static final String TRANSPORT_CLIENT_USER_KEY = ""; private static ThreadLocal<Map<String, SimpleDateFormat>> DATE_FORMAT_CACHE = ThreadLocal .withInitial(() -> new HashMap<>()); /** * A delimiter that is appended to the user-defined index name to separate * the index's date postfix. * * For example, if the user-defined index name is 'bro', the delimiter is * '_index', and the index's date postfix is '2017.10.03.19', then the actual * index name should be 'bro_index_2017.10.03.19'. */ public static final String INDEX_NAME_DELIMITER = "_index"; public static SimpleDateFormat getIndexFormat(WriterConfiguration configurations) { return getIndexFormat(configurations.getGlobalConfig()); } public static SimpleDateFormat getIndexFormat(Map<String, Object> globalConfig) { String format = (String) globalConfig.get(""); return DATE_FORMAT_CACHE.get().computeIfAbsent(format, SimpleDateFormat::new); } /** * Builds the name of an Elasticsearch index. * @param sensorType The sensor type; bro, yaf, snort, ... * @param indexPostfix The index postfix; most often a formatted date. * @param configurations User-defined configuration for the writers. */ public static String getIndexName(String sensorType, String indexPostfix, WriterConfiguration configurations) { String indexName = sensorType; if (configurations != null) { indexName = configurations.getIndex(sensorType); } indexName = indexName + INDEX_NAME_DELIMITER + "_" + indexPostfix; return indexName; } /** * Extracts the base index name from a full index name. * * For example, given an index named 'bro_index_2017.01.01.01', the base * index name is 'bro'. * * @param indexName The full index name including delimiter and date postfix. * @return The base index name. */ public static String getBaseIndexName(String indexName) { String[] parts = indexName.split(INDEX_NAME_DELIMITER); if (parts.length < 1 || StringUtils.isEmpty(parts[0])) { String msg = format("Unexpected index name; index=%s, delimiter=%s", indexName, INDEX_NAME_DELIMITER); throw new IllegalStateException(msg); } return parts[0]; } /** * Instantiates an Elasticsearch client based on es.client.class, if set. Defaults to * org.elasticsearch.transport.client.PreBuiltTransportClient. * * @param globalConfiguration Metron global config * @return */ public static TransportClient getClient(Map<String, Object> globalConfiguration) { Set<String> customESSettings = new HashSet<>(); customESSettings.addAll(Arrays.asList("es.client.class", USERNAME_CONFIG_KEY, PWD_FILE_CONFIG_KEY)); Settings.Builder settingsBuilder = Settings.builder(); Map<String, String> esSettings = getEsSettings(globalConfiguration); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : esSettings.entrySet()) { String key = entry.getKey(); String value = entry.getValue(); if (!customESSettings.contains(key)) { settingsBuilder.put(key, value); } } settingsBuilder.put("", globalConfiguration.get("es.clustername")); settingsBuilder.put("client.transport.ping_timeout", esSettings.getOrDefault("client.transport.ping_timeout", "500s")); setXPackSecurityOrNone(settingsBuilder, esSettings); try {"Number of available processors in Netty: {}", NettyRuntimeWrapper.availableProcessors()); // Netty sets available processors statically and if an attempt is made to set it more than // once an IllegalStateException is thrown by NettyRuntime.setAvailableProcessors( // // System.setProperty("es.set.netty.runtime.available.processors", "false"); TransportClient client = createTransportClient(, esSettings); for (HostnamePort hp : getIps(globalConfiguration)) { client.addTransportAddress( new InetSocketTransportAddress(InetAddress.getByName(hp.hostname), hp.port)); } return client; } catch (UnknownHostException exception) { throw new RuntimeException(exception); } } private static Map<String, String> getEsSettings(Map<String, Object> config) { return ConversionUtils.convertMap( (Map<String, Object>) config.getOrDefault("es.client.settings", new HashMap<String, Object>()), String.class); } /* * Append Xpack security settings (if any) */ private static void setXPackSecurityOrNone(Settings.Builder settingsBuilder, Map<String, String> esSettings) { if (esSettings.containsKey(PWD_FILE_CONFIG_KEY)) { if (!esSettings.containsKey(USERNAME_CONFIG_KEY) || StringUtils.isEmpty(esSettings.get(USERNAME_CONFIG_KEY))) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("X-pack username is required and cannot be empty"); } settingsBuilder.put(TRANSPORT_CLIENT_USER_KEY, esSettings.get(USERNAME_CONFIG_KEY) + ":" + getPasswordFromFile(esSettings.get(PWD_FILE_CONFIG_KEY))); } } /* * Single password on first line */ private static String getPasswordFromFile(String hdfsPath) { List<String> lines = null; try { lines = HDFSUtils.readFile(hdfsPath); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( format("Unable to read XPack password file from HDFS location '%s'", hdfsPath), e); } if (lines.size() == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(format("No password found in file '%s'", hdfsPath)); } return lines.get(0); } /** * Constructs ES transport client from the provided ES settings additional es config * * @param settings client settings * @param esSettings client type to instantiate * @return client with provided settings */ private static TransportClient createTransportClient(Settings settings, Map<String, String> esSettings) { String esClientClassName = (String) esSettings.getOrDefault("es.client.class", ES_CLIENT_CLASS_DEFAULT); return ReflectionUtils.createInstance(esClientClassName, new Class[] { Settings.class, Class[].class }, new Object[] { settings, new Class[0] }); } public static class HostnamePort { String hostname; Integer port; public HostnamePort(String hostname, Integer port) { this.hostname = hostname; this.port = port; } } protected static List<HostnamePort> getIps(Map<String, Object> globalConfiguration) { Object ipObj = globalConfiguration.get("es.ip"); Object portObj = globalConfiguration.get("es.port"); if (ipObj == null) { return Collections.emptyList(); } if (ipObj instanceof String && ipObj.toString().contains(",") && ipObj.toString().contains(":")) { List<String> ips = Arrays.asList(((String) ipObj).split(",")); List<HostnamePort> ret = new ArrayList<>(); for (String ip : ips) { Iterable<String> tokens = Splitter.on(":").split(ip); String host = Iterables.getFirst(tokens, null); String portStr = Iterables.getLast(tokens, null); ret.add(new HostnamePort(host, Integer.parseInt(portStr))); } return ret; } else if (ipObj instanceof String && ipObj.toString().contains(",")) { List<String> ips = Arrays.asList(((String) ipObj).split(",")); List<HostnamePort> ret = new ArrayList<>(); for (String ip : ips) { ret.add(new HostnamePort(ip, Integer.parseInt(portObj + ""))); } return ret; } else if (ipObj instanceof String && !ipObj.toString().contains(":")) { return ImmutableList.of(new HostnamePort(ipObj.toString(), Integer.parseInt(portObj + ""))); } else if (ipObj instanceof String && ipObj.toString().contains(":")) { Iterable<String> tokens = Splitter.on(":").split(ipObj.toString()); String host = Iterables.getFirst(tokens, null); String portStr = Iterables.getLast(tokens, null); return ImmutableList.of(new HostnamePort(host, Integer.parseInt(portStr))); } else if (ipObj instanceof List) { List<String> ips = (List) ipObj; List<HostnamePort> ret = new ArrayList<>(); for (String ip : ips) { Iterable<String> tokens = Splitter.on(":").split(ip); String host = Iterables.getFirst(tokens, null); String portStr = Iterables.getLast(tokens, null); ret.add(new HostnamePort(host, Integer.parseInt(portStr))); } return ret; } throw new IllegalStateException( "Unable to read the elasticsearch ips, expected es.ip to be either a list of strings, a string hostname or a host:port string"); } /** * Converts an Elasticsearch SearchRequest to JSON. * @param esRequest The search request. * @return The JSON representation of the SearchRequest. */ public static Optional<String> toJSON( esRequest) { Optional<String> json = Optional.empty(); if (esRequest != null && esRequest.source() != null) { try { BytesReference requestBytes = esRequest.source().buildAsBytes(); json = Optional.of(XContentHelper.convertToJson(requestBytes, true)); } catch (Throwable t) { LOG.error("Failed to convert search request to JSON", t); } } return json; } /** * Convert a SearchRequest to JSON. * @param request The search request. * @return The JSON representation of the SearchRequest. */ public static Optional<String> toJSON(Object request) { Optional<String> json = Optional.empty(); if (request != null) { try { json = Optional .of(new ObjectMapper().writer().withDefaultPrettyPrinter().writeValueAsString(request)); } catch (Throwable t) { LOG.error("Failed to convert request to JSON", t); } } return json; } /** * Elasticsearch queries default to 10 records returned. Some internal queries require that all * results are returned. Rather than setting an arbitrarily high size, this method pages through results * and returns them all in a single SearchResponse. * @param qb A QueryBuilder that provides the query to be run. * @return A SearchResponse containing the appropriate results. */ public static SearchResponse queryAllResults(TransportClient transportClient, QueryBuilder qb, String index, int pageSize) { SearchRequestBuilder searchRequestBuilder = transportClient.prepareSearch(index).addStoredField("*") .setFetchSource(true).setQuery(qb).setSize(pageSize); esResponse = searchRequestBuilder.execute().actionGet(); List<SearchResult> allResults = getSearchResults(esResponse); long total = esResponse.getHits().getTotalHits(); if (total > pageSize) { int pages = (int) (total / pageSize) + 1; for (int i = 1; i < pages; i++) { int from = i * pageSize; searchRequestBuilder.setFrom(from); esResponse = searchRequestBuilder.execute().actionGet(); allResults.addAll(getSearchResults(esResponse)); } } SearchResponse searchResponse = new SearchResponse(); searchResponse.setTotal(total); searchResponse.setResults(allResults); return searchResponse; } /** * Transforms a list of Elasticsearch SearchHits to a list of SearchResults * @param searchResponse An Elasticsearch SearchHit to be converted. * @return The list of SearchResults for the SearchHit */ protected static List<SearchResult> getSearchResults( searchResponse) { return -> { SearchResult searchResult = new SearchResult(); searchResult.setId(searchHit.getId()); searchResult.setSource(searchHit.getSource()); searchResult.setScore(searchHit.getScore()); searchResult.setIndex(searchHit.getIndex()); return searchResult; }).collect(Collectors.toList()); } }