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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.mahout.knn.cluster;

import org.apache.mahout.common.distance.DistanceMeasure;
import org.apache.mahout.common.distance.EuclideanDistanceMeasure;
import org.apache.mahout.common.distance.SquaredEuclideanDistanceMeasure;
import org.apache.mahout.math.Centroid;
import org.apache.mahout.math.Vector;
import org.apache.mahout.math.WeightedVector;
import org.apache.mahout.math.random.Multinomial;
import org.apache.mahout.math.random.WeightedThing;

import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;

 * Implements a ball k-means algorithm for weighted vectors with probabilistic seeding similar to k-means++.
 * The idea is that k-means++ gives good starting clusters and ball k-means can tune up the final result very nicely
 * in only a few passes (or even in a single iteration for well-clusterable data).
 * <p/>
 * A good reference for this class of algorithms is "The Effectiveness of Lloyd-Type Methods for the k-Means Problem"
 * by Rafail Ostrovsky, Yuval Rabani, Leonard J. Schulman and Chaitanya Swamy.  The code here uses the seeding strategy
 * as described in section 4.1.1 of that paper and the ball k-means step as described in section 4.2.  We support
 * multiple iterations in contrast to the algorithm described in the paper.
public class BallKMeans implements Iterable<Centroid> {
    // The searcher containing the centroids.
    private final UpdatableSearcher centroids;

    // The number of clusters to cluster the data into.
    private final int numClusters;

    // The maximum number of iterations of the algorithm to run waiting for the cluster assignments
    // to stabilize. If there are no changes in cluster assignment earlier, we can finish early.
    private final int maxNumIterations;

    // When deciding which points to include in the new centroid calculation,
    // it's preferable to exclude outliers since it increases the rate of convergence.
    // So, we calculate the distance from each cluster to its closest neighboring cluster. When
    // evaluating the points assigned to a cluster, we compare the distance between the centroid to
    // the point with the distance between the centroid and its closest centroid neighbor
    // multiplied by this trimFraction. If the distance between the centroid and the point is
    // greater, we consider it an outlier and we don't use it.
    private final double trimFraction;

    // When using trimFraction, the weight of each centroid will not be the sum of the weights of
    // the vectors assigned to that cluster because outliers are not used to compute the updated
    // centroid.
    // So, the total weight is probably wrong. This can be fixed by doing another pass over the
    // data points and adjusting the weights of each centroid. This doesn't update the coordinates
    // of the centroids, but is useful if the weights matter.
    private final boolean correctWeights;

    public BallKMeans(UpdatableSearcher searcher, int numClusters, int maxNumIterations) {
        this(searcher, numClusters, maxNumIterations, 0.9, true);

    public BallKMeans(UpdatableSearcher searcher, int numClusters, int maxNumIterations,
            @SuppressWarnings("SameParameterValue") double trimFraction, boolean correctWeights) {
        Preconditions.checkArgument(searcher.size() == 0,
                "Searcher must be empty initially to " + "populate with centroids");
        Preconditions.checkArgument(numClusters > 0, "The requested number of clusters must be " + "positive");
        Preconditions.checkArgument(maxNumIterations > 0, "The maximum number of iterations must be " + "positive");
        this.centroids = searcher;
        this.numClusters = numClusters;
        this.maxNumIterations = maxNumIterations;
        this.trimFraction = trimFraction;
        this.correctWeights = correctWeights;

    public UpdatableSearcher cluster(List<? extends WeightedVector> datapoints) {
        // use k-means++ to set initial centroids
        // do k-means iterations with trimmed mean computation (aka ball k-means)
        return centroids;

     * Selects some of the original points according to the k-means++ algorithm.  The basic idea is that
     * points are selected with probability proportional to their distance from any selected point.  In
     * this version, points have weights which multiply their likelihood of being selected.  This is the
     * same as if there were as many copies of the same point as indicated by the weight.
     * <p/>
     * This is pretty expensive, but it vastly improves the quality and convergences of the k-means algorithm.
     * The basic idea can be made much faster by only processing a random subset of the original points.
     * In the context of streaming k-means, the total number of possible seeds will be about k log n so this
     * selection will cost O(k^2 (log n)^2) which isn't much worse than the random sampling idea.  At
     * n = 10^9, the cost of this initialization will be about 10x worse than a reasonable random sampling
     * implementation.
     * <p/>
     * The side effect of this method is to fill the centroids structure.
     * itself.
     * @param datapoints The datapoints to select from.  These datapoints should be WeightedVectors of some kind.
    private void initializeSeeds(List<? extends WeightedVector> datapoints) {
        Preconditions.checkArgument(datapoints.size() > 1,
                "Must have at least two datapoints points to cluster " + "sensibly");
        // Compute the centroid of all of the datapoints.  This is then used to compute the squared radius of the datapoints.
        Centroid center = new Centroid(datapoints.iterator().next());
        for (WeightedVector row : Iterables.skip(datapoints, 1)) {
        // Given the centroid, we can compute \Delta_1^2(X), the total squared distance for the datapoints
        // this accelerates seed selection.
        double radius = 0;
        DistanceMeasure l2 = new SquaredEuclideanDistanceMeasure();
        for (WeightedVector row : datapoints) {
            radius += l2.distance(row, center);

        // Find the first seed c_1 (and conceptually the second, c_2) as might be done in the 2-means clustering so that
        // the probability of selecting c_1 and c_2 is proportional to || c_1 - c_2 ||^2.  This is done
        // by first selecting c_1 with probability:
        // p(c_1) = sum_{c_1} || c_1 - c_2 ||^2 \over sum_{c_1, c_2} || c_1 - c_2 ||^2
        // This can be simplified to:
        // p(c_1) = \Delta_1^2(X) + n || c_1 - c ||^2 / (2 n \Delta_1^2(X))
        // where c = \sum x / n and \Delta_1^2(X) = sum || x - c ||^2
        // All subsequent seeds c_i (including c_2) can then be selected from the remaining points with probability
        // proportional to Pr(c_i == x_j) = min_{m < i} || c_m - x_j ||^2.

        // Multinomial distribution of vector indices for the selection seeds. These correspond to
        // the indices of the vectors in the original datapoints list.
        Multinomial<Integer> seedSelector = new Multinomial<Integer>();
        for (int i = 0; i < datapoints.size(); ++i) {
            double selectionProbability = radius + datapoints.size() * l2.distance(datapoints.get(i), center);
            seedSelector.add(i, selectionProbability);

        Centroid c_1 = new Centroid(datapoints.get(seedSelector.sample()).clone());
        // Construct a set of weighted things which can be used for random selection.  Initial weights are
        // set to the squared distance from c_1
        for (int i = 0; i < datapoints.size(); ++i) {
            WeightedVector row = datapoints.get(i);
            final double w = l2.distance(c_1, row) * row.getWeight();
            seedSelector.set(i, w);

        // From here, seeds are selected with probability proportional to:
        // r_i = min_{c_j} || x_i - c_j ||^2
        // when we only have c_1, we have already set these distances and as we select each new
        // seed, we update the minimum distances.
        int clusterIndex = 1;
        while (centroids.size() < numClusters) {
            // Select according to weights.
            int seedIndex = seedSelector.sample();
            Centroid nextSeed = new Centroid(datapoints.get(seedIndex));
            // (WeightedVector)datapoints.get(seedIndex).clone());
            // Don't select this one again.
            // Re-weight everything according to the minimum distance to a seed.
            for (int currSeedIndex : seedSelector) {
                WeightedVector curr = datapoints.get(currSeedIndex);
                double newWeight = nextSeed.getWeight() * l2.distance(nextSeed, curr);
                if (newWeight < seedSelector.getWeight(currSeedIndex)) {
                    seedSelector.set(currSeedIndex, newWeight);

     * Examines the datapoints and updates cluster centers to be the centroid of the nearest datapoints points.  To
     * compute a new center for cluster c_i, we average all points that are closer than d_i * trimFraction
     * where d_i is
     * <p/>
     * d_i = min_j \sqrt ||c_j - c_i||^2
     * <p/>
     * By ignoring distant points, the centroids converge more quickly to a good approximation of the
     * optimal k-means solution (given good starting points).
     * @param datapoints          Rows containing WeightedVectors
    private void iterativeAssignment(List<? extends WeightedVector> datapoints) {
        DistanceMeasure l2 = new EuclideanDistanceMeasure();
        // closestClusterDistances.get(i) is the distance from the i'th cluster to its closest
        // neighboring cluster.
        List<Double> closestClusterDistances = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(numClusters);
        // clusterAssignments[i] == j means that the i'th point is assigned to the j'th cluster. When
        // these don't change, we are done.
        List<Integer> clusterAssignments = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(datapoints.size());
        // Each point is assigned to the invalid "-1" cluster initially.
        for (int i = 0; i < datapoints.size(); ++i) {

        boolean changed = true;
        for (int i = 0; changed && i < maxNumIterations; i++) {
            changed = false;
            // We compute what the distance between each cluster and its closest neighbor is to set a
            // proportional distance threshold for points that should be involved in calculating the
            // centroid.
            for (Vector center : centroids) {
                Vector closestOtherCluster =, 2).get(1).getValue();
                closestClusterDistances.add(l2.distance(center, closestOtherCluster));

            // Copies the current cluster centroids to newClusters and sets their weights to 0. This is
            // so we calculate the new centroids as we go through the datapoints.
            List<Centroid> newCentroids = Lists.newArrayList();
            for (Vector centroid : centroids) {
                // need a deep copy because we will mutate these values
                Centroid newCentroid = (Centroid) centroid.clone();

            // Pass over the datapoints computing new centroids.
            for (int j = 0; j < datapoints.size(); ++j) {
                WeightedVector datapoint = datapoints.get(j);
                // Get the closest cluster this point belongs to.
                WeightedThing<Vector> closestPair =, 1).get(0);
                int closestIndex = ((WeightedVector) closestPair.getValue()).getIndex();
                double closestDistance = closestPair.getWeight();
                // Update its cluster assignment if necessary.
                if (closestIndex != clusterAssignments.get(j)) {
                    changed = true;
                    clusterAssignments.set(j, closestIndex);
                // Only update if the datapoints point is near enough. What this means is that the weight
                // of outliers is NOT taken into account and the final weights of the centroids will
                // reflect this (it will be less or equal to the initial sum of the weights).
                if (closestDistance < closestClusterDistances.get(closestIndex) * trimFraction) {
            // Add new centers back into searcher.

        if (correctWeights) {
            for (Vector v : centroids) {
                ((Centroid) v).setWeight(0);
            for (WeightedVector datapoint : datapoints) {
                Centroid closestCentroid = (Centroid), 1).get(0).getValue();
                closestCentroid.setWeight(closestCentroid.getWeight() + datapoint.getWeight());

    public Iterator<Centroid> iterator() {
        return Iterators.transform(centroids.iterator(), new Function<Vector, Centroid>() {
            public Centroid apply(Vector input) {
                Preconditions.checkArgument(input instanceof Centroid, "Non-centroid in centroids " + "searcher");
                return (Centroid) input;