Java tutorial
/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.mahout.clustering.streaming.mapreduce; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import; import; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import; import; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Job; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.input.SequenceFileInputFormat; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.output.SequenceFileOutputFormat; import org.apache.hadoop.util.ToolRunner; import org.apache.mahout.common.AbstractJob; import org.apache.mahout.common.HadoopUtil; import org.apache.mahout.common.commandline.DefaultOptionCreator; import org.apache.mahout.common.iterator.sequencefile.PathFilters; import org.apache.mahout.math.Centroid; import org.apache.mahout.math.Vector; import org.apache.mahout.math.neighborhood.BruteSearch; import org.apache.mahout.math.neighborhood.ProjectionSearch; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * Classifies the vectors into different clusters found by the clustering * algorithm. */ public final class StreamingKMeansDriver extends AbstractJob { /** * Streaming KMeans options */ /** * The number of cluster that Mappers will use should be \(O(k log n)\) where k is the number of clusters * to get at the end and n is the number of points to cluster. This doesn't need to be exact. * It will be adjusted at runtime. */ public static final String ESTIMATED_NUM_MAP_CLUSTERS = "estimatedNumMapClusters"; /** * The initial estimated distance cutoff between two points for forming new clusters. * @see org.apache.mahout.clustering.streaming.cluster.StreamingKMeans * Defaults to 10e-6. */ public static final String ESTIMATED_DISTANCE_CUTOFF = "estimatedDistanceCutoff"; /** * Ball KMeans options */ /** * After mapping finishes, we get an intermediate set of vectors that represent approximate * clusterings of the data from each Mapper. These can be clustered by the Reducer using * BallKMeans in memory. This variable is the maximum number of iterations in the final * BallKMeans algorithm. * Defaults to 10. */ public static final String MAX_NUM_ITERATIONS = "maxNumIterations"; /** * The "ball" aspect of ball k-means means that only the closest points to the centroid will actually be used * for updating. The fraction of the points to be used is those points whose distance to the center is within * trimFraction * distance to the closest other center. * Defaults to 0.9. */ public static final String TRIM_FRACTION = "trimFraction"; /** * Whether to use k-means++ initialization or random initialization of the seed centroids. * Essentially, k-means++ provides better clusters, but takes longer, whereas random initialization takes less * time, but produces worse clusters, and tends to fail more often and needs multiple runs to compare to * k-means++. If set, uses randomInit. * @see org.apache.mahout.clustering.streaming.cluster.BallKMeans */ public static final String RANDOM_INIT = "randomInit"; /** * Whether to correct the weights of the centroids after the clustering is done. The weights end up being wrong * because of the trimFraction and possible train/test splits. In some cases, especially in a pipeline, having * an accurate count of the weights is useful. If set, ignores the final weights. */ public static final String IGNORE_WEIGHTS = "ignoreWeights"; /** * The percentage of points that go into the "test" set when evaluating BallKMeans runs in the reducer. */ public static final String TEST_PROBABILITY = "testProbability"; /** * The percentage of points that go into the "training" set when evaluating BallKMeans runs in the reducer. */ public static final String NUM_BALLKMEANS_RUNS = "numBallKMeansRuns"; /** Searcher options */ /** * The Searcher class when performing nearest neighbor search in StreamingKMeans. * Defaults to ProjectionSearch. */ public static final String SEARCHER_CLASS_OPTION = "searcherClass"; /** * The number of projections to use when using a projection searcher like ProjectionSearch or * FastProjectionSearch. Projection searches work by projection the all the vectors on to a set of * basis vectors and searching for the projected query in that totally ordered set. This * however can produce false positives (vectors that are closer when projected than they would * actually be. * So, there must be more than one projection vectors in the basis. This variable is the number * of vectors in a basis. * Defaults to 3 */ public static final String NUM_PROJECTIONS_OPTION = "numProjections"; /** * When using approximate searches (anything that's not BruteSearch), * more than just the seemingly closest element must be considered. This variable has different * meanings depending on the actual Searcher class used but is a measure of how many candidates * will be considered. * See the ProjectionSearch, FastProjectionSearch, LocalitySensitiveHashSearch classes for more * details. * Defaults to 2. */ public static final String SEARCH_SIZE_OPTION = "searchSize"; /** * Whether to run another pass of StreamingKMeans on the reducer's points before BallKMeans. On some data sets * with a large number of mappers, the intermediate number of clusters passed to the reducer is too large to * fit into memory directly, hence the option to collapse the clusters further with StreamingKMeans. */ public static final String REDUCE_STREAMING_KMEANS = "reduceStreamingKMeans"; private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(StreamingKMeansDriver.class); public static final float INVALID_DISTANCE_CUTOFF = -1; @Override public int run(String[] args) throws Exception { // Standard options for any Mahout job. addInputOption(); addOutputOption(); addOption(DefaultOptionCreator.overwriteOption().create()); // The number of clusters to create for the data. addOption(DefaultOptionCreator.numClustersOption() .withDescription("The k in k-Means. Approximately this many clusters will be generated.").create()); // StreamingKMeans (mapper) options // There will be k final clusters, but in the Map phase to get a good approximation of the data, O(k log n) // clusters are needed. Since n is the number of data points and not knowable until reading all the vectors, // provide a decent estimate. addOption(ESTIMATED_NUM_MAP_CLUSTERS, "km", "The estimated number of clusters to use for the " + "Map phase of the job when running StreamingKMeans. This should be around k * log(n), " + "where k is the final number of clusters and n is the total number of data points to " + "cluster."); addOption(ESTIMATED_DISTANCE_CUTOFF, "e", "The initial estimated distance cutoff between two " + "points for forming new clusters. If no value is given, it's estimated from the data set", String.valueOf(INVALID_DISTANCE_CUTOFF)); // BallKMeans (reducer) options addOption(MAX_NUM_ITERATIONS, "mi", "The maximum number of iterations to run for the " + "BallKMeans algorithm used by the reducer. If no value is given, defaults to 10.", String.valueOf(10)); addOption(TRIM_FRACTION, "tf", "The 'ball' aspect of ball k-means means that only the closest points " + "to the centroid will actually be used for updating. The fraction of the points to be used is those " + "points whose distance to the center is within trimFraction * distance to the closest other center. " + "If no value is given, defaults to 0.9.", String.valueOf(0.9)); addFlag(RANDOM_INIT, "ri", "Whether to use k-means++ initialization or random initialization " + "of the seed centroids. Essentially, k-means++ provides better clusters, but takes longer, whereas random " + "initialization takes less time, but produces worse clusters, and tends to fail more often and needs " + "multiple runs to compare to k-means++. If set, uses the random initialization."); addFlag(IGNORE_WEIGHTS, "iw", "Whether to correct the weights of the centroids after the clustering is done. " + "The weights end up being wrong because of the trimFraction and possible train/test splits. In some cases, " + "especially in a pipeline, having an accurate count of the weights is useful. If set, ignores the final " + "weights"); addOption(TEST_PROBABILITY, "testp", "A double value between 0 and 1 that represents the percentage of " + "points to be used for 'testing' different clustering runs in the final BallKMeans " + "step. If no value is given, defaults to 0.1", String.valueOf(0.1)); addOption(NUM_BALLKMEANS_RUNS, "nbkm", "Number of BallKMeans runs to use at the end to try to cluster the " + "points. If no value is given, defaults to 4", String.valueOf(4)); // Nearest neighbor search options // The distance measure used for computing the distance between two points. Generally, the // SquaredEuclideanDistance is used for clustering problems (it's equivalent to CosineDistance for normalized // vectors). // WARNING! You can use any metric but most of the literature is for the squared euclidean distance. addOption(DefaultOptionCreator.distanceMeasureOption().create()); // The default searcher should be something more efficient that BruteSearch (ProjectionSearch, ...). See // o.a.m.math.neighborhood.* addOption(SEARCHER_CLASS_OPTION, "sc", "The type of searcher to be used when performing nearest " + "neighbor searches. Defaults to ProjectionSearch.", ProjectionSearch.class.getCanonicalName()); // In the original paper, the authors used 1 projection vector. addOption(NUM_PROJECTIONS_OPTION, "np", "The number of projections considered in estimating the " + "distances between vectors. Only used when the distance measure requested is either " + "ProjectionSearch or FastProjectionSearch. If no value is given, defaults to 3.", String.valueOf(3)); addOption(SEARCH_SIZE_OPTION, "s", "In more efficient searches (non BruteSearch), " + "not all distances are calculated for determining the nearest neighbors. The number of " + "elements whose distances from the query vector is actually computer is proportional to " + "searchSize. If no value is given, defaults to 1.", String.valueOf(2)); addFlag(REDUCE_STREAMING_KMEANS, "rskm", "There might be too many intermediate clusters from the mapper " + "to fit into memory, so the reducer can run another pass of StreamingKMeans to collapse them down to a " + "fewer clusters"); addOption(DefaultOptionCreator.methodOption().create()); if (parseArguments(args) == null) { return -1; } Path output = getOutputPath(); if (hasOption(DefaultOptionCreator.OVERWRITE_OPTION)) { HadoopUtil.delete(getConf(), output); } configureOptionsForWorkers(); run(getConf(), getInputPath(), output); return 0; } private void configureOptionsForWorkers() throws ClassNotFoundException {"Starting to configure options for workers"); String method = getOption(DefaultOptionCreator.METHOD_OPTION); int numClusters = Integer.parseInt(getOption(DefaultOptionCreator.NUM_CLUSTERS_OPTION)); // StreamingKMeans int estimatedNumMapClusters = Integer.parseInt(getOption(ESTIMATED_NUM_MAP_CLUSTERS)); float estimatedDistanceCutoff = Float.parseFloat(getOption(ESTIMATED_DISTANCE_CUTOFF)); // BallKMeans int maxNumIterations = Integer.parseInt(getOption(MAX_NUM_ITERATIONS)); float trimFraction = Float.parseFloat(getOption(TRIM_FRACTION)); boolean randomInit = hasOption(RANDOM_INIT); boolean ignoreWeights = hasOption(IGNORE_WEIGHTS); float testProbability = Float.parseFloat(getOption(TEST_PROBABILITY)); int numBallKMeansRuns = Integer.parseInt(getOption(NUM_BALLKMEANS_RUNS)); // Nearest neighbor search String measureClass = getOption(DefaultOptionCreator.DISTANCE_MEASURE_OPTION); String searcherClass = getOption(SEARCHER_CLASS_OPTION); // Get more parameters depending on the kind of search class we're working with. BruteSearch // doesn't need anything else. // LocalitySensitiveHashSearch and ProjectionSearches need searchSize. // ProjectionSearches also need the number of projections. boolean getSearchSize = false; boolean getNumProjections = false; if (!searcherClass.equals(BruteSearch.class.getName())) { getSearchSize = true; getNumProjections = true; } // The search size to use. This is quite fuzzy and might end up not being configurable at all. int searchSize = 0; if (getSearchSize) { searchSize = Integer.parseInt(getOption(SEARCH_SIZE_OPTION)); } // The number of projections to use. This is only useful in projection searches which // project the vectors on multiple basis vectors to get distance estimates that are faster to // calculate. int numProjections = 0; if (getNumProjections) { numProjections = Integer.parseInt(getOption(NUM_PROJECTIONS_OPTION)); } boolean reduceStreamingKMeans = hasOption(REDUCE_STREAMING_KMEANS); configureOptionsForWorkers(getConf(), numClusters, /* StreamingKMeans */ estimatedNumMapClusters, estimatedDistanceCutoff, /* BallKMeans */ maxNumIterations, trimFraction, randomInit, ignoreWeights, testProbability, numBallKMeansRuns, /* Searcher */ measureClass, searcherClass, searchSize, numProjections, method, reduceStreamingKMeans); } /** * Checks the parameters for a StreamingKMeans job and prepares a Configuration with them. * * @param conf the Configuration to populate * @param numClusters k, the number of clusters at the end * @param estimatedNumMapClusters O(k log n), the number of clusters requested from each mapper * @param estimatedDistanceCutoff an estimate of the minimum distance that separates two clusters (can be smaller and * will be increased dynamically) * @param maxNumIterations the maximum number of iterations of BallKMeans * @param trimFraction the fraction of the points to be considered in updating a ball k-means * @param randomInit whether to initialize the ball k-means seeds randomly * @param ignoreWeights whether to ignore the invalid final ball k-means weights * @param testProbability the percentage of vectors assigned to the test set for selecting the best final centers * @param numBallKMeansRuns the number of BallKMeans runs in the reducer that determine the centroids to return * (clusters are computed for the training set and the error is computed on the test set) * @param measureClass string, name of the distance measure class; theory works for Euclidean-like distances * @param searcherClass string, name of the searcher that will be used for nearest neighbor search * @param searchSize the number of closest neighbors to look at for selecting the closest one in approximate nearest * neighbor searches * @param numProjections the number of projected vectors to use for faster searching (only useful for ProjectionSearch * or FastProjectionSearch); @see org.apache.mahout.math.neighborhood.ProjectionSearch */ public static void configureOptionsForWorkers(Configuration conf, int numClusters, /* StreamingKMeans */ int estimatedNumMapClusters, float estimatedDistanceCutoff, /* BallKMeans */ int maxNumIterations, float trimFraction, boolean randomInit, boolean ignoreWeights, float testProbability, int numBallKMeansRuns, /* Searcher */ String measureClass, String searcherClass, int searchSize, int numProjections, String method, boolean reduceStreamingKMeans) throws ClassNotFoundException { // Checking preconditions for the parameters. Preconditions.checkArgument(numClusters > 0, "Invalid number of clusters requested: " + numClusters + ". Must be: numClusters > 0!"); // StreamingKMeans Preconditions.checkArgument(estimatedNumMapClusters > numClusters, "Invalid number of estimated map " + "clusters; There must be more than the final number of clusters (k log n vs k)"); Preconditions.checkArgument( estimatedDistanceCutoff == INVALID_DISTANCE_CUTOFF || estimatedDistanceCutoff > 0, "estimatedDistanceCutoff must be equal to -1 or must be greater then 0!"); // BallKMeans Preconditions.checkArgument(maxNumIterations > 0, "Must have at least one BallKMeans iteration"); Preconditions.checkArgument(trimFraction > 0, "trimFraction must be positive"); Preconditions.checkArgument(testProbability >= 0 && testProbability < 1, "test probability is not in the " + "interval [0, 1)"); Preconditions.checkArgument(numBallKMeansRuns > 0, "numBallKMeans cannot be negative"); // Searcher if (!searcherClass.contains("Brute")) { // These tests only make sense when a relevant searcher is being used. Preconditions.checkArgument(searchSize > 0, "Invalid searchSize. Must be positive."); if (searcherClass.contains("Projection")) { Preconditions.checkArgument(numProjections > 0, "Invalid numProjections. Must be positive"); } } // Setting the parameters in the Configuration. conf.setInt(DefaultOptionCreator.NUM_CLUSTERS_OPTION, numClusters); /* StreamingKMeans */ conf.setInt(ESTIMATED_NUM_MAP_CLUSTERS, estimatedNumMapClusters); if (estimatedDistanceCutoff != INVALID_DISTANCE_CUTOFF) { conf.setFloat(ESTIMATED_DISTANCE_CUTOFF, estimatedDistanceCutoff); } /* BallKMeans */ conf.setInt(MAX_NUM_ITERATIONS, maxNumIterations); conf.setFloat(TRIM_FRACTION, trimFraction); conf.setBoolean(RANDOM_INIT, randomInit); conf.setBoolean(IGNORE_WEIGHTS, ignoreWeights); conf.setFloat(TEST_PROBABILITY, testProbability); conf.setInt(NUM_BALLKMEANS_RUNS, numBallKMeansRuns); /* Searcher */ // Checks if the measureClass is available, throws exception otherwise. Class.forName(measureClass); conf.set(DefaultOptionCreator.DISTANCE_MEASURE_OPTION, measureClass); // Checks if the searcherClass is available, throws exception otherwise. Class.forName(searcherClass); conf.set(SEARCHER_CLASS_OPTION, searcherClass); conf.setInt(SEARCH_SIZE_OPTION, searchSize); conf.setInt(NUM_PROJECTIONS_OPTION, numProjections); conf.set(DefaultOptionCreator.METHOD_OPTION, method); conf.setBoolean(REDUCE_STREAMING_KMEANS, reduceStreamingKMeans); "Parameters are: [k] numClusters {}; " + "[SKM] estimatedNumMapClusters {}; estimatedDistanceCutoff {} " + "[BKM] maxNumIterations {}; trimFraction {}; randomInit {}; ignoreWeights {}; " + "testProbability {}; numBallKMeansRuns {}; " + "[S] measureClass {}; searcherClass {}; searcherSize {}; numProjections {}; " + "method {}; reduceStreamingKMeans {}", numClusters, estimatedNumMapClusters, estimatedDistanceCutoff, maxNumIterations, trimFraction, randomInit, ignoreWeights, testProbability, numBallKMeansRuns, measureClass, searcherClass, searchSize, numProjections, method, reduceStreamingKMeans); } /** * Iterate over the input vectors to produce clusters and, if requested, use the results of the final iteration to * cluster the input vectors. * * @param input the directory pathname for input points. * @param output the directory pathname for output points. * @return 0 on success, -1 on failure. */ public static int run(Configuration conf, Path input, Path output) throws IOException, InterruptedException, ClassNotFoundException, ExecutionException {"Starting StreamingKMeans clustering for vectors in {}; results are output to {}", input.toString(), output.toString()); if (conf.get(DefaultOptionCreator.METHOD_OPTION, DefaultOptionCreator.MAPREDUCE_METHOD) .equals(DefaultOptionCreator.SEQUENTIAL_METHOD)) { return runSequentially(conf, input, output); } else { return runMapReduce(conf, input, output); } } private static int runSequentially(Configuration conf, Path input, Path output) throws IOException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); // Run StreamingKMeans step in parallel by spawning 1 thread per input path to process. ExecutorService pool = Executors.newCachedThreadPool(); List<Future<Iterable<Centroid>>> intermediateCentroidFutures = Lists.newArrayList(); for (FileStatus status : HadoopUtil.listStatus(FileSystem.get(conf), input, PathFilters.logsCRCFilter())) { intermediateCentroidFutures.add(pool.submit(new StreamingKMeansThread(status.getPath(), conf))); }"Finished running Mappers"); // Merge the resulting "mapper" centroids. List<Centroid> intermediateCentroids = Lists.newArrayList(); for (Future<Iterable<Centroid>> futureIterable : intermediateCentroidFutures) { for (Centroid centroid : futureIterable.get()) { intermediateCentroids.add(centroid); } } pool.shutdown(); pool.awaitTermination(Long.MAX_VALUE, TimeUnit.SECONDS);"Finished StreamingKMeans"); SequenceFile.Writer writer = SequenceFile.createWriter(FileSystem.get(conf), conf, new Path(output, "part-r-00000"), IntWritable.class, CentroidWritable.class); int numCentroids = 0; // Run BallKMeans on the intermediate centroids. for (Vector finalVector : StreamingKMeansReducer.getBestCentroids(intermediateCentroids, conf)) { Centroid finalCentroid = (Centroid) finalVector; writer.append(new IntWritable(numCentroids++), new CentroidWritable(finalCentroid)); } writer.close(); long end = System.currentTimeMillis();"Finished BallKMeans. Took {}.", (end - start) / 1000.0); return 0; } public static int runMapReduce(Configuration conf, Path input, Path output) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException { // Prepare Job for submission. Job job = HadoopUtil.prepareJob(input, output, SequenceFileInputFormat.class, StreamingKMeansMapper.class, IntWritable.class, CentroidWritable.class, StreamingKMeansReducer.class, IntWritable.class, CentroidWritable.class, SequenceFileOutputFormat.class, conf); job.setJobName(HadoopUtil.getCustomJobName(StreamingKMeansDriver.class.getSimpleName(), job, StreamingKMeansMapper.class, StreamingKMeansReducer.class)); // There is only one reducer so that the intermediate centroids get collected on one // machine and are clustered in memory to get the right number of clusters. job.setNumReduceTasks(1); // Set the JAR (so that the required libraries are available) and run. job.setJarByClass(StreamingKMeansDriver.class); // Run job! long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (!job.waitForCompletion(true)) { return -1; } long end = System.currentTimeMillis();"StreamingKMeans clustering complete. Results are in {}. Took {} ms", output.toString(), end - start); return 0; } /** * Constructor to be used by the ToolRunner. */ private StreamingKMeansDriver() { } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { StreamingKMeansDriver(), args); } }