Java tutorial
/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * <p/> * * <p/> * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package; import; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.lens.server.api.error.LensException; import; import org.apache.commons.dbutils.QueryRunner; import org.apache.commons.dbutils.ResultSetHandler; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringEscapeUtils; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import; import; import; import; import lombok.AllArgsConstructor; import lombok.Data; import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j; @Slf4j public class SavedQueryDao { private static final ObjectMapper MAPPER = new ObjectMapper(); private static final String VALUE_ALIAS = "value_alias"; private static final String SAVED_QUERY_TABLE_NAME = "saved_query"; private static final String ID_COL_NAME = "id"; private static final String NAME_COL_NAME = "name"; private static final String DESCRIPTION_COL_NAME = "description"; private static final String QUERY_COL_NAME = "query"; private static final String PARAMS_COL_NAME = "params_json"; private static final String CREATED_AT_COL_NAME = "created_at"; private static final String UPDATED_AT_COL_NAME = "updated_at"; private final QueryRunner runner; private final Dialect dialect; SavedQueryDao(String dialectClass, QueryRunner runner) throws LensException { try { this.dialect = (Dialect) Class.forName(dialectClass).newInstance(); } catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException | ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new LensException("Error initializing saved query dao", e); } this.runner = runner; createSavedQueryTableIfNotExists(); } /** * Creates the saved query table * * @throws LensException cannot create saved query table */ public void createSavedQueryTableIfNotExists() throws LensException { try { runner.update(dialect.getCreateTableSyntax()); } catch (SQLException e) { log.warn("Unable to create saved query table."); } } /** * Saves the query passed * * @param savedQuery * @return insert id * @throws LensException */ public long saveQuery(SavedQuery savedQuery) throws LensException { try { final ECMAEscapedSavedQuery ecmaEscaped = ECMAEscapedSavedQuery.getFor(savedQuery); runner.update("insert into " + SAVED_QUERY_TABLE_NAME + " values (" + dialect.getAutoIncrementId(runner) + ", " + "'" + ecmaEscaped.getName() + "'" + ", " + "'" + ecmaEscaped.getDescription() + "'" + "," + "'" + ecmaEscaped.getQuery() + "'" + "," + "'" + ecmaEscaped.getParameters() + "'" + "," + "now()" + "," + "now()" + ")"); return dialect.getLastInsertedID(runner); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new LensException("Save query failed !", e); } } /** * Updates the saved query id with new payload * * @param id * @param savedQuery * @throws LensException */ public void updateQuery(long id, SavedQuery savedQuery) throws LensException { try { final ECMAEscapedSavedQuery ecmaEscaped = ECMAEscapedSavedQuery.getFor(savedQuery); final int rowsUpdated = runner.update("update " + SAVED_QUERY_TABLE_NAME + " set " + NAME_COL_NAME + " = '" + ecmaEscaped.getName() + "'," + DESCRIPTION_COL_NAME + " = '" + ecmaEscaped.getDescription() + "'," + QUERY_COL_NAME + " = '" + ecmaEscaped.getQuery() + "'," + PARAMS_COL_NAME + " = '" + ecmaEscaped.getParameters() + "'," + UPDATED_AT_COL_NAME + " = now() " + "where " + ID_COL_NAME + " = " + id); if (rowsUpdated == 0) { throw new SavedQueryNotFound(id); } } catch (SQLException e) { throw new LensException("Update failed for " + id, e); } } /** * Gets saved query with the given id * * @param id * @return * @throws LensException */ public SavedQuery getSavedQueryByID(long id) throws LensException { final List<SavedQuery> savedQueries; try { savedQueries = runner.query( "select * from " + SAVED_QUERY_TABLE_NAME + " where " + ID_COL_NAME + " = " + id, new SavedQueryResultSetHandler()); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new LensException("Get failed for " + id, e); } int size = savedQueries.size(); switch (size) { case 0: throw new SavedQueryNotFound(id); case 1: return savedQueries.get(0); default: throw new RuntimeException("More than one obtained for id, Please check the integrity of the data!"); } } /** * Returns a list of saved queries * * @param criteria a multivalued map that has the filter criteria * @param start Displacement from the start of the search result * @param count Count of number of records required * @return list of saved queries * @throws LensException */ public ListResponse getList(MultivaluedMap<String, String> criteria, long start, long count) throws LensException { final StringBuilder selectQueryBuilder = new StringBuilder("select * from " + SAVED_QUERY_TABLE_NAME); final Set<String> availableFilterKeys = FILTER_KEYS.keySet(); final Sets.SetView<String> intersection = Sets.intersection(availableFilterKeys, criteria.keySet()); if (intersection.size() > 0) { final StringBuilder whereClauseBuilder = new StringBuilder(" where "); final List<String> predicates = Lists.newArrayList(); for (String colName : intersection) { predicates .add(FILTER_KEYS.get(colName).resolveFilterExpression(colName, criteria.getFirst(colName))); } Joiner.on(" and ").skipNulls().appendTo(whereClauseBuilder, predicates); selectQueryBuilder.append(whereClauseBuilder.toString()); } final String listCountQuery = "select count(*) as " + VALUE_ALIAS + " from (" + selectQueryBuilder.toString() + ") tmp_table"; selectQueryBuilder.append(" limit ").append(start).append(", ").append(count); final String listQuery = selectQueryBuilder.toString(); try { return new ListResponse(start, runner.query(listCountQuery, new SingleValuedResultHandler()), runner.query(listQuery, new SavedQueryResultSetHandler())); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new LensException("List query failed!", e); } } /** * Deletes the saved query with the given id * * @param id * @throws LensException */ public void deleteSavedQueryByID(long id) throws LensException { try { int rowsDeleted = runner .update("delete from " + SAVED_QUERY_TABLE_NAME + " where " + ID_COL_NAME + " = " + id); if (rowsDeleted == 0) { throw new SavedQueryNotFound(id); } else if (rowsDeleted > 1) { throw new LensException("Warning! More than one record was deleted", new Throwable()); } } catch (SQLException e) { throw new LensException("Delete query failed", e); } } /** * The interface Dialect. */ public interface Dialect { /** * The create table syntax for 'this' dialect * @return */ String getCreateTableSyntax(); /** * Method to get the auto increment id/keyword(null) for the ID column * @param runner * @return * @throws SQLException */ Long getAutoIncrementId(QueryRunner runner) throws SQLException; /** * Get the last increment id after doing an auto increment * @param runner * @return * @throws SQLException */ Long getLastInsertedID(QueryRunner runner) throws SQLException; } /** * MySQL dialect for saved query. */ public static class MySQLDialect implements Dialect { @Override public String getCreateTableSyntax() { return "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " + SAVED_QUERY_TABLE_NAME + " (" + ID_COL_NAME + " int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT," + NAME_COL_NAME + " varchar(255) NOT NULL," + DESCRIPTION_COL_NAME + " varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL," + QUERY_COL_NAME + " longtext," + PARAMS_COL_NAME + " longtext," + CREATED_AT_COL_NAME + " timestamp DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP," + UPDATED_AT_COL_NAME + " timestamp NOT NULL," + " PRIMARY KEY (" + ID_COL_NAME + ")" + ")"; } @Override public Long getAutoIncrementId(QueryRunner runner) throws SQLException { return null; } @Override public Long getLastInsertedID(QueryRunner runner) throws SQLException { return runner.query("select last_insert_id() as " + VALUE_ALIAS, new SingleValuedResultHandler()); } } /** * HSQL dialect for saved query (Used with testing). */ public static class HSQLDialect implements Dialect { @Override public String getCreateTableSyntax() { return "CREATE TABLE if not exists " + SAVED_QUERY_TABLE_NAME + " (" + ID_COL_NAME + " int GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY, " + NAME_COL_NAME + " varchar(255), " + DESCRIPTION_COL_NAME + " varchar(255), " + QUERY_COL_NAME + " varchar(255), " + PARAMS_COL_NAME + " varchar(255), " + CREATED_AT_COL_NAME + " timestamp, " + UPDATED_AT_COL_NAME + " timestamp)"; } @Override public Long getAutoIncrementId(QueryRunner runner) throws SQLException { return runner.query( "select max(" + ID_COL_NAME + ") as " + VALUE_ALIAS + " from " + SAVED_QUERY_TABLE_NAME, new SingleValuedResultHandler()) + 1; } @Override public Long getLastInsertedID(QueryRunner runner) throws SQLException { Long id = runner.query( "select max(" + ID_COL_NAME + ") as " + VALUE_ALIAS + " from " + SAVED_QUERY_TABLE_NAME, new SingleValuedResultHandler()); if (id == 0) { id++; } return id; } } /** * Result set handler class to get a saved query from result set */ public static class SavedQueryResultSetHandler implements ResultSetHandler<List<SavedQuery>> { @Override public List<SavedQuery> handle(ResultSet resultSet) throws SQLException { List<SavedQuery> queries = Lists.newArrayList(); while ( { long id = resultSet.getLong(ID_COL_NAME); final String name = StringEscapeUtils.unescapeEcmaScript(resultSet.getString(NAME_COL_NAME)); final String description = StringEscapeUtils .unescapeEcmaScript(resultSet.getString(DESCRIPTION_COL_NAME)); final String query = StringEscapeUtils.unescapeEcmaScript(resultSet.getString(QUERY_COL_NAME)); final List<Parameter> parameterList; try { parameterList = deserializeFrom( StringEscapeUtils.unescapeEcmaScript(resultSet.getString(PARAMS_COL_NAME))); } catch (LensException e) { throw new SQLException("Cannot deserialize parameters ", e); } queries.add(new SavedQuery(id, name, description, query, parameterList)); } return queries; } } /** * Result set handler class to get a the last inserted ID from the resultset */ public static class SingleValuedResultHandler implements ResultSetHandler<Long> { @Override public Long handle(ResultSet resultSet) throws SQLException { while ( { return resultSet.getLong(VALUE_ALIAS); } throw new SQLException("For cursor : " + resultSet.getCursorName()); } } @AllArgsConstructor @Data /** * This class represents a ECMA escaped version of saved query, * that can be safely inserted into DB */ private static class ECMAEscapedSavedQuery { private final long id; private final String name; private final String description; private final String query; private final String parameters; static ECMAEscapedSavedQuery getFor(SavedQuery savedQuery) throws LensException { return new ECMAEscapedSavedQuery(savedQuery.getId(), StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(savedQuery.getName()), StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(savedQuery.getDescription()), StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(savedQuery.getQuery()), StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(serializeParameters(savedQuery))); } } /** * The filter data type used in the list api */ enum FilterDataType { STRING { String resolveFilterExpression(String col, String val) { return " " + col + " like '%" + val + "%'"; } }, NUMBER { String resolveFilterExpression(String col, String val) { return col + "=" + Long.parseLong(val); } }, BOOLEAN { String resolveFilterExpression(String col, String val) { return col + "=" + Boolean.parseBoolean(val); } }; abstract String resolveFilterExpression(String col, String val); } /** * Map of available filter keys and their data types * The list api can have filter criteria based on these keys. */ private static final ImmutableMap<String, FilterDataType> FILTER_KEYS; static { final ImmutableMap.Builder<String, FilterDataType> filterValuesBuilder = ImmutableMap.builder(); filterValuesBuilder.put(NAME_COL_NAME, FilterDataType.STRING); filterValuesBuilder.put(DESCRIPTION_COL_NAME, FilterDataType.STRING); filterValuesBuilder.put(QUERY_COL_NAME, FilterDataType.STRING); filterValuesBuilder.put(ID_COL_NAME, FilterDataType.NUMBER); FILTER_KEYS =; } /** * Serializes the parameters of saved query using jackson * * @param savedQuery * @return * @throws LensException */ private static String serializeParameters(SavedQuery savedQuery) throws LensException { final String paramsJson; try { paramsJson = MAPPER.writeValueAsString(savedQuery.getParameters()); } catch (JsonProcessingException e) { throw new LensException("Serialization failed for " + savedQuery.getParameters(), e); } return paramsJson; } /** * Deserializes the parameters from string using jackson * * @param paramsJson * @return * @throws LensException */ private static List<Parameter> deserializeFrom(String paramsJson) throws LensException { final Parameter[] parameterArray; try { parameterArray = MAPPER.readValue(paramsJson, Parameter[].class); } catch (IOException e) { throw new LensException("Failed to deserialize from " + paramsJson, e); } return Arrays.asList(parameterArray); } }