Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.kylin.dict; import; import; import; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.NavigableSet; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils; import org.apache.kylin.common.KylinConfig; import org.apache.kylin.common.persistence.ResourceStore; import org.apache.kylin.common.util.ClassUtil; import org.apache.kylin.common.util.Dictionary; import org.apache.kylin.common.util.JsonUtil; import org.apache.kylin.metadata.MetadataManager; import org.apache.kylin.metadata.datatype.DataType; import org.apache.kylin.metadata.model.DataModelDesc; import org.apache.kylin.metadata.model.JoinDesc; import org.apache.kylin.metadata.model.TableRef; import org.apache.kylin.metadata.model.TblColRef; import org.apache.kylin.source.IReadableTable; import org.apache.kylin.source.IReadableTable.TableSignature; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class DictionaryManager { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DictionaryManager.class); private static final DictionaryInfo NONE_INDICATOR = new DictionaryInfo(); // static cached instances private static final ConcurrentMap<KylinConfig, DictionaryManager> CACHE = new ConcurrentHashMap<KylinConfig, DictionaryManager>(); public static DictionaryManager getInstance(KylinConfig config) { DictionaryManager r = CACHE.get(config); if (r == null) { synchronized (DictionaryManager.class) { r = CACHE.get(config); if (r == null) { r = new DictionaryManager(config); CACHE.put(config, r); if (CACHE.size() > 1) { logger.warn("More than one singleton exist"); } } } } return r; } public static void clearCache() { CACHE.clear(); } public static void clearCache(KylinConfig kylinConfig) { if (kylinConfig != null) CACHE.remove(kylinConfig); } // ============================================================================ private KylinConfig config; private LoadingCache<String, DictionaryInfo> dictCache; // resource private DictionaryManager(KylinConfig config) { this.config = config; this.dictCache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder()// .softValues()// .removalListener(new RemovalListener<String, DictionaryInfo>() { @Override public void onRemoval(RemovalNotification<String, DictionaryInfo> notification) {"Dict with resource path " + notification.getKey() + " is removed due to " + notification.getCause()); } })// .maximumSize(config.getCachedDictMaxEntrySize())// .expireAfterWrite(1, TimeUnit.DAYS).build(new CacheLoader<String, DictionaryInfo>() { @Override public DictionaryInfo load(String key) throws Exception { DictionaryInfo dictInfo = DictionaryManager.this.load(key, true); if (dictInfo == null) { return NONE_INDICATOR; } else { return dictInfo; } } }); } public Dictionary<String> getDictionary(String resourcePath) throws IOException { DictionaryInfo dictInfo = getDictionaryInfo(resourcePath); return dictInfo == null ? null : dictInfo.getDictionaryObject(); } public DictionaryInfo getDictionaryInfo(final String resourcePath) throws IOException { try { DictionaryInfo result = dictCache.get(resourcePath); if (result == NONE_INDICATOR) { return null; } else { return result; } } catch (ExecutionException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e.getCause()); } } /** * Save the dictionary as it is. * More often you should consider using its alternative trySaveNewDict to save dict space */ public DictionaryInfo forceSave(Dictionary<String> newDict, DictionaryInfo newDictInfo) throws IOException { initDictInfo(newDict, newDictInfo);"force to save dict directly"); return saveNewDict(newDictInfo); } /** * @return may return another dict that is a super set of the input * @throws IOException */ public DictionaryInfo trySaveNewDict(Dictionary<String> newDict, DictionaryInfo newDictInfo) throws IOException { initDictInfo(newDict, newDictInfo); if (config.isGrowingDictEnabled()) {"Growing dict is enabled, merge with largest dictionary"); DictionaryInfo largestDictInfo = findLargestDictInfo(newDictInfo); if (largestDictInfo != null) { largestDictInfo = getDictionaryInfo(largestDictInfo.getResourcePath()); Dictionary<String> largestDictObject = largestDictInfo.getDictionaryObject(); if (largestDictObject.contains(newDict)) {"dictionary content " + newDict + ", is contained by dictionary at " + largestDictInfo.getResourcePath()); return largestDictInfo; } else if (newDict.contains(largestDictObject)) {"dictionary content " + newDict + " is by far the largest, save it"); return saveNewDict(newDictInfo); } else {"merge dict and save..."); return mergeDictionary(Lists.newArrayList(newDictInfo, largestDictInfo)); } } else {"first dict of this column, save it directly"); return saveNewDict(newDictInfo); } } else { String dupDict = checkDupByContent(newDictInfo, newDict); if (dupDict != null) {"Identical dictionary content, reuse existing dictionary at " + dupDict); return getDictionaryInfo(dupDict); } return saveNewDict(newDictInfo); } } private String checkDupByContent(DictionaryInfo dictInfo, Dictionary<String> dict) throws IOException { ResourceStore store = MetadataManager.getInstance(config).getStore(); NavigableSet<String> existings = store.listResources(dictInfo.getResourceDir()); if (existings == null) return null;"{} existing dictionaries of the same column", existings.size()); if (existings.size() > 100) { logger.warn("Too many dictionaries under {}, dict count: {}", dictInfo.getResourceDir(), existings.size()); } for (String existing : existings) { DictionaryInfo existingInfo = getDictionaryInfo(existing); if (existingInfo != null && dict.equals(existingInfo.getDictionaryObject())) { return existing; } } return null; } private void initDictInfo(Dictionary<String> newDict, DictionaryInfo newDictInfo) { newDictInfo.setCardinality(newDict.getSize()); newDictInfo.setDictionaryObject(newDict); newDictInfo.setDictionaryClass(newDict.getClass().getName()); } private DictionaryInfo saveNewDict(DictionaryInfo newDictInfo) throws IOException { save(newDictInfo); dictCache.put(newDictInfo.getResourcePath(), newDictInfo); return newDictInfo; } public DictionaryInfo mergeDictionary(List<DictionaryInfo> dicts) throws IOException { if (dicts.size() == 0) return null; if (dicts.size() == 1) return dicts.get(0); DictionaryInfo firstDictInfo = null; int totalSize = 0; for (DictionaryInfo info : dicts) { // check if (firstDictInfo == null) { firstDictInfo = info; } else { if (!firstDictInfo.isDictOnSameColumn(info)) { // don't throw exception, just output warning as legacy cube segment may build dict on PK logger.warn("Merging dictionaries are not structurally equal : " + firstDictInfo.getResourcePath() + " and " + info.getResourcePath()); } } totalSize += info.getInput().getSize(); } if (firstDictInfo == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("DictionaryManager.mergeDictionary input cannot be null"); } //identical DictionaryInfo newDictInfo = new DictionaryInfo(firstDictInfo); TableSignature signature = newDictInfo.getInput(); signature.setSize(totalSize); signature.setLastModifiedTime(System.currentTimeMillis()); signature.setPath("merged_with_no_original_path"); // String dupDict = checkDupByInfo(newDictInfo); // if (dupDict != null) { //"Identical dictionary input " + newDictInfo.getInput() + ", reuse existing dictionary at " + dupDict); // return getDictionaryInfo(dupDict); // } //check for cases where merging dicts are actually same boolean identicalSourceDicts = true; for (int i = 1; i < dicts.size(); ++i) { if (!dicts.get(0).getDictionaryObject().equals(dicts.get(i).getDictionaryObject())) { identicalSourceDicts = false; break; } } if (identicalSourceDicts) {"Use one of the merging dictionaries directly"); return dicts.get(0); } else { Dictionary<String> newDict = DictionaryGenerator .mergeDictionaries(DataType.getType(newDictInfo.getDataType()), dicts); return trySaveNewDict(newDict, newDictInfo); } } public DictionaryInfo buildDictionary(DataModelDesc model, TblColRef col, IReadableTable inpTable) throws IOException { return buildDictionary(model, col, inpTable, null); } public DictionaryInfo buildDictionary(DataModelDesc model, TblColRef col, IReadableTable inpTable, String builderClass) throws IOException { if (inpTable.exists() == false) return null;"building dictionary for " + col); DictionaryInfo dictInfo = createDictionaryInfo(model, col, inpTable); String dupInfo = checkDupByInfo(dictInfo); if (dupInfo != null) {"Identical dictionary input " + dictInfo.getInput() + ", reuse existing dictionary at " + dupInfo); return getDictionaryInfo(dupInfo); }"Building dictionary object " + JsonUtil.writeValueAsString(dictInfo)); Dictionary<String> dictionary; dictionary = buildDictFromReadableTable(inpTable, dictInfo, builderClass, col); return trySaveNewDict(dictionary, dictInfo); } private Dictionary<String> buildDictFromReadableTable(IReadableTable inpTable, DictionaryInfo dictInfo, String builderClass, TblColRef col) throws IOException { Dictionary<String> dictionary; IDictionaryValueEnumerator columnValueEnumerator = null; try { columnValueEnumerator = new TableColumnValueEnumerator(inpTable.getReader(), dictInfo.getSourceColumnIndex()); if (builderClass == null) { dictionary = DictionaryGenerator.buildDictionary(DataType.getType(dictInfo.getDataType()), columnValueEnumerator); } else { IDictionaryBuilder builder = (IDictionaryBuilder) ClassUtil.newInstance(builderClass); dictionary = DictionaryGenerator.buildDictionary(builder, dictInfo, columnValueEnumerator); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to create dictionary on " + col, ex); } finally { if (columnValueEnumerator != null) columnValueEnumerator.close(); } return dictionary; } public DictionaryInfo saveDictionary(DataModelDesc model, TblColRef col, IReadableTable inpTable, Dictionary<String> dictionary) throws IOException { DictionaryInfo dictInfo = createDictionaryInfo(model, col, inpTable); String dupInfo = checkDupByInfo(dictInfo); if (dupInfo != null) {"Identical dictionary input " + dictInfo.getInput() + ", reuse existing dictionary at " + dupInfo); return getDictionaryInfo(dupInfo); } return trySaveNewDict(dictionary, dictInfo); } private DictionaryInfo createDictionaryInfo(DataModelDesc model, TblColRef col, IReadableTable inpTable) throws IOException { TblColRef srcCol = decideSourceData(model, col); TableSignature inputSig = inpTable.getSignature(); if (inputSig == null) // table does not exists throw new IllegalStateException("Input table does not exist: " + inpTable); DictionaryInfo dictInfo = new DictionaryInfo(srcCol.getColumnDesc(), col.getDatatype(), inputSig); return dictInfo; } /** * Decide a dictionary's source data, leverage PK-FK relationship. */ public TblColRef decideSourceData(DataModelDesc model, TblColRef col) { // Note FK on fact table is supported by scan the related PK on lookup table // FK on fact table and join type is inner, use PK from lookup instead if (model.isFactTable(col.getTable()) == false) return col; // find a lookup table that the col joins as FK for (TableRef lookup : model.getLookupTables()) { JoinDesc lookupJoin = model.getJoinByPKSide(lookup); int find = ArrayUtils.indexOf(lookupJoin.getForeignKeyColumns(), col); if (find < 0) continue; // make sure the joins are all inner up to the root if (isAllInnerJoinsToRoot(model, lookupJoin)) return lookupJoin.getPrimaryKeyColumns()[find]; } return col; } private boolean isAllInnerJoinsToRoot(DataModelDesc model, JoinDesc join) { while (join != null) { if (join.isInnerJoin() == false) return false; TableRef table = join.getFKSide(); join = model.getJoinByPKSide(table); } return true; } private String checkDupByInfo(DictionaryInfo dictInfo) throws IOException { final ResourceStore store = MetadataManager.getInstance(config).getStore(); final List<DictionaryInfo> allResources = store.getAllResources(dictInfo.getResourceDir(), DictionaryInfo.class, DictionaryInfoSerializer.INFO_SERIALIZER); TableSignature input = dictInfo.getInput(); for (DictionaryInfo dictionaryInfo : allResources) { if (input.equals(dictionaryInfo.getInput())) { return dictionaryInfo.getResourcePath(); } } return null; } private DictionaryInfo findLargestDictInfo(DictionaryInfo dictInfo) throws IOException { final ResourceStore store = MetadataManager.getInstance(config).getStore(); final List<DictionaryInfo> allResources = store.getAllResources(dictInfo.getResourceDir(), DictionaryInfo.class, DictionaryInfoSerializer.INFO_SERIALIZER); DictionaryInfo largestDict = null; for (DictionaryInfo dictionaryInfo : allResources) { if (largestDict == null) { largestDict = dictionaryInfo; continue; } if (largestDict.getCardinality() < dictionaryInfo.getCardinality()) { largestDict = dictionaryInfo; } } return largestDict; } public void removeDictionary(String resourcePath) throws IOException {"Remvoing dict: " + resourcePath); ResourceStore store = MetadataManager.getInstance(config).getStore(); store.deleteResource(resourcePath); dictCache.invalidate(resourcePath); } public void removeDictionaries(String srcTable, String srcCol) throws IOException { DictionaryInfo info = new DictionaryInfo(); info.setSourceTable(srcTable); info.setSourceColumn(srcCol); ResourceStore store = MetadataManager.getInstance(config).getStore(); NavigableSet<String> existings = store.listResources(info.getResourceDir()); if (existings == null) return; for (String existing : existings) removeDictionary(existing); } void save(DictionaryInfo dict) throws IOException { ResourceStore store = MetadataManager.getInstance(config).getStore(); String path = dict.getResourcePath();"Saving dictionary at " + path); ByteArrayOutputStream buf = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); DataOutputStream dout = new DataOutputStream(buf); DictionaryInfoSerializer.FULL_SERIALIZER.serialize(dict, dout); dout.close(); buf.close(); ByteArrayInputStream inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(buf.toByteArray()); store.putResource(path, inputStream, System.currentTimeMillis()); inputStream.close(); } DictionaryInfo load(String resourcePath, boolean loadDictObj) throws IOException { ResourceStore store = MetadataManager.getInstance(config).getStore();"DictionaryManager(" + System.identityHashCode(this) + ") loading DictionaryInfo(loadDictObj:" + loadDictObj + ") at " + resourcePath); DictionaryInfo info = store.getResource(resourcePath, DictionaryInfo.class, loadDictObj ? DictionaryInfoSerializer.FULL_SERIALIZER : DictionaryInfoSerializer.INFO_SERIALIZER); return info; } }