Java tutorial
/** * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. See accompanying LICENSE file. */ package org.apache.kudu.client; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.apache.kudu.util.NetUtil; import org.apache.kudu.util.SecurityUtil; /** * Utility class to start and manipulate Kudu clusters. Relies on being IN the Kudu source code with * both the kudu-master and kudu-tserver binaries already compiled. {@link BaseKuduTest} should be * extended instead of directly using this class in almost all cases. */ public class MiniKuduCluster implements AutoCloseable { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MiniKuduCluster.class); // TS and Master ports will be assigned starting with this one. private static final int PORT_START = 64030; // List of threads that print private final List<Thread> PROCESS_INPUT_PRINTERS = new ArrayList<>(); // Map of ports to master servers. private final Map<Integer, Process> masterProcesses = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); // Map of ports to tablet servers. private final Map<Integer, Process> tserverProcesses = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); // Map of ports to process command lines. Never removed from. Used to restart processes. private final Map<Integer, List<String>> commandLines = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private final List<String> pathsToDelete = new ArrayList<>(); private final List<HostAndPort> masterHostPorts = new ArrayList<>(); private final List<Integer> tserverPorts = new ArrayList<>(); private final ImmutableList<String> extraTserverFlags; private final ImmutableList<String> extraMasterFlags; // Client we can use for common operations. private KuduClient syncClient; private final int defaultTimeoutMs; private String masterAddresses; private final String bindHost = TestUtils.getUniqueLocalhost(); private Path keytab; private MiniKdc miniKdc; private MiniKuduCluster(final int defaultTimeoutMs, final List<String> extraTserverFlags, final List<String> extraMasterFlags) { this.defaultTimeoutMs = defaultTimeoutMs; this.extraTserverFlags = ImmutableList.copyOf(extraTserverFlags); this.extraMasterFlags = ImmutableList.copyOf(extraMasterFlags); } /** * Enable Kerberos security for this cluster, start the MiniKdc, and log in * the required subjects. */ private void startKerberos() throws Exception { miniKdc = MiniKdc.withDefaults(); miniKdc.start(); keytab = miniKdc.createServiceKeytab("kudu/" + bindHost); miniKdc.createUserPrincipal("testuser"); miniKdc.kinit("testuser"); System.setProperty("", miniKdc.getEnvVars().get("KRB5_CONFIG")); System.setProperty(SecurityUtil.KUDU_TICKETCACHE_PROPERTY, miniKdc.getEnvVars().get("KRB5CCNAME")); } /** * Start the master and tablet server processes. * @param numMasters the number of masters to start. * @param numTservers the number of tablet servers to start. */ private void start(int numMasters, int numTservers) throws Exception { startCluster(numMasters, numTservers); KuduClient.KuduClientBuilder kuduClientBuilder = new KuduClient.KuduClientBuilder(getMasterAddresses()); kuduClientBuilder.defaultAdminOperationTimeoutMs(defaultTimeoutMs); kuduClientBuilder.defaultOperationTimeoutMs(defaultTimeoutMs); syncClient =; } /** * Wait up to this instance's "default timeout" for an expected count of TS to * connect to the master. * @param expected How many TS are expected * @return true if there are at least as many TS as expected, otherwise false */ public boolean waitForTabletServers(int expected) throws Exception { int count = 0; Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.createStarted(); while (count < expected && stopwatch.elapsed(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) < defaultTimeoutMs) { Thread.sleep(200); count = syncClient.listTabletServers().getTabletServersCount(); } return count >= expected; } /** * Starts a Kudu cluster composed of the provided masters and tablet servers. * @param numMasters how many masters to start * @param numTservers how many tablet servers to start */ private void startCluster(int numMasters, int numTservers) throws Exception { Preconditions.checkArgument(numMasters > 0, "Need at least one master"); // The following props are set via kudu-client's pom. String baseDirPath = TestUtils.getBaseDir();"Starting {} masters...", numMasters); int startPort = startMasters(PORT_START, numMasters, baseDirPath, bindHost);"Starting {} tablet servers...", numTservers); startTabletServers(startPort, numTservers, baseDirPath); } /** * Start the specified number of masters with ports starting from the specified * number. Finds free web and RPC ports up front for all of the masters first, then * starts them on those ports. * * @param startPort the starting point of the port range for the masters * @param numServers number of master servers to start * @param baseDirPath the base directory where the mini cluster stores its data * @return the next free port * @throws Exception if we are unable to start the masters */ private int startMasters(int startPort, int numServers, String baseDirPath, String bindHost) throws Exception { if (numServers <= 0) { return startPort; } // Get the list of web and RPC ports to use for the master consensus configuration: // request NUM_MASTERS * 2 free ports as we want to also reserve the web // ports for the consensus configuration. final List<Integer> ports = TestUtils.findFreePorts(startPort > 0 ? startPort : PORT_START, numServers * 2); List<Integer> masterRpcPorts = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(numServers); List<Integer> masterWebPorts = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(numServers); for (int i = 0; i < numServers * 2; i++) { if (i % 2 == 0) { masterRpcPorts.add(ports.get(i)); masterHostPorts.add(HostAndPort.fromParts(bindHost, ports.get(i))); } else { masterWebPorts.add(ports.get(i)); } } masterAddresses = NetUtil.hostsAndPortsToString(masterHostPorts); long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (int i = 0; i < numServers; i++) { int port = masterRpcPorts.get(i); String masterBaseDirPath = baseDirPath + "/master-" + i + "-" + now; new File(masterBaseDirPath).mkdir(); String logDirPath = masterBaseDirPath + "/logs"; new File(logDirPath).mkdir(); String dataDirPath = masterBaseDirPath + "/data"; String flagsPath = TestUtils.getFlagsPath(); // The web port must be reserved in the call to findFreePorts above and specified // to avoid the scenario where: // 1) findFreePorts finds RPC ports a, b, c for the 3 masters. // 2) start master 1 with RPC port and let it bind to any (specified as 0) web port. // 3) master 1 happens to bind to port b for the web port, as master 2 hasn't been // started yet and findFreePort(s) is "check-time-of-use" (it does not reserve the // ports, only checks that when it was last called, these ports could be used). List<String> commandLine = Lists.newArrayList(TestUtils.findBinary("kudu-master"), "--flagfile=" + flagsPath, "--log_dir=" + logDirPath, "--fs_wal_dir=" + dataDirPath, "--fs_data_dirs=" + dataDirPath, "--ipki_ca_key_size=1024", "--ipki_server_key_size=1024", "--tsk_num_rsa_bits=512", "--webserver_interface=" + bindHost, "--local_ip_for_outbound_sockets=" + bindHost, "--rpc_bind_addresses=" + bindHost + ":" + port, "--webserver_port=" + masterWebPorts.get(i), "--raft_heartbeat_interval_ms=200"); // make leader elections faster for faster tests if (numServers > 1) { commandLine.add("--master_addresses=" + masterAddresses); } if (miniKdc != null) { commandLine.add("--keytab_file=" + keytab); commandLine.add("--principal=kudu/" + bindHost); commandLine.add("--rpc_authentication=required"); commandLine.add("--superuser_acl=testuser"); } commandLine.addAll(extraMasterFlags); masterProcesses.put(port, configureAndStartProcess(port, commandLine)); commandLines.put(port, commandLine); if (flagsPath.startsWith(baseDirPath)) { // We made a temporary copy of the flags; delete them later. pathsToDelete.add(flagsPath); } pathsToDelete.add(masterBaseDirPath); } // Return next port number. return ports.get(ports.size() - 1) + 1; } /** * Start the specified number of tablet servers with ports starting from the specified * number. Finds free web and RPC ports up front for all of the tablet servers first, * then starts them on those ports. * * @param startPort the starting point of the port range for the masters * @param numServers number of tablet servers to start * @param baseDirPath the base directory where the mini cluster stores its data * @return the next free port * @throws Exception if something fails */ private int startTabletServers(int startPort, int numServers, String baseDirPath) throws Exception { if (numServers <= 0) { return startPort; } long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); final List<Integer> ports = TestUtils.findFreePorts(startPort > 0 ? startPort : PORT_START, numServers * 2); for (int i = 0; i < numServers; i++) { int rpcPort = ports.get(i * 2); tserverPorts.add(rpcPort); String tsBaseDirPath = baseDirPath + "/ts-" + i + "-" + now; new File(tsBaseDirPath).mkdir(); String logDirPath = tsBaseDirPath + "/logs"; new File(logDirPath).mkdir(); String dataDirPath = tsBaseDirPath + "/data"; String flagsPath = TestUtils.getFlagsPath(); List<String> commandLine = Lists.newArrayList(TestUtils.findBinary("kudu-tserver"), "--flagfile=" + flagsPath, "--log_dir=" + logDirPath, "--fs_wal_dir=" + dataDirPath, "--fs_data_dirs=" + dataDirPath, "--flush_threshold_mb=1", "--ipki_server_key_size=1024", "--tserver_master_addrs=" + masterAddresses, "--webserver_interface=" + bindHost, "--local_ip_for_outbound_sockets=" + bindHost, "--webserver_port=" + (rpcPort + 1), "--rpc_bind_addresses=" + bindHost + ":" + rpcPort); if (miniKdc != null) { commandLine.add("--keytab_file=" + keytab); commandLine.add("--principal=kudu/" + bindHost); commandLine.add("--rpc_authentication=required"); commandLine.add("--superuser_acl=testuser"); } commandLine.addAll(extraTserverFlags); tserverProcesses.put(rpcPort, configureAndStartProcess(rpcPort, commandLine)); commandLines.put(rpcPort, commandLine); if (flagsPath.startsWith(baseDirPath)) { // We made a temporary copy of the flags; delete them later. pathsToDelete.add(flagsPath); } pathsToDelete.add(tsBaseDirPath); } // Return next port number. return ports.get(ports.size() - 1) + 1; } /** * Starts a process using the provided command and configures it to be daemon, * redirects the stderr to stdout, and starts a thread that will read from the process' input * stream and redirect that to LOG. * @param port RPC port used to identify the process * @param command process and options * @return The started process * @throws Exception Exception if an error prevents us from starting the process, * or if we were able to start the process but noticed that it was then killed (in which case * we'll log the exit value). */ private Process configureAndStartProcess(int port, List<String> command) throws Exception { ProcessBuilder processBuilder = new ProcessBuilder(command); processBuilder.redirectErrorStream(true); if (miniKdc != null) { processBuilder.environment().putAll(miniKdc.getEnvVars()); } Process proc = processBuilder.start(); ProcessInputStreamLogPrinterRunnable printer = new ProcessInputStreamLogPrinterRunnable( proc.getInputStream()); Thread thread = new Thread(printer); thread.setDaemon(true); thread.setName(Iterables.getLast(Splitter.on(File.separatorChar).split(command.get(0))) + ":" + port); PROCESS_INPUT_PRINTERS.add(thread); thread.start(); Thread.sleep(300); try { int ev = proc.exitValue(); throw new Exception(String.format("We tried starting a process (%s) but it exited with value=%s", command.get(0), ev)); } catch (IllegalThreadStateException ex) { // This means the process is still alive, it's like reverse psychology. } return proc; } /** * Starts a previously killed master process on the specified port. * @param port which port the master was listening on for RPCs * @throws Exception */ public void restartDeadMasterOnPort(int port) throws Exception { restartDeadProcessOnPort(port, masterProcesses); } /** * Restart any master processes which are not currently running. */ public void restartDeadMasters() throws Exception { for (HostAndPort hostAndPort : masterHostPorts) { if (!masterProcesses.containsKey(hostAndPort.getPort())) { restartDeadProcessOnPort(hostAndPort.getPort(), masterProcesses); } } } /** * Starts a previously killed tablet server process on the specified port. * @param port which port the TS was listening on for RPCs * @throws Exception */ public void restartDeadTabletServerOnPort(int port) throws Exception { restartDeadProcessOnPort(port, tserverProcesses); } private void restartDeadProcessOnPort(int port, Map<Integer, Process> map) throws Exception { if (!commandLines.containsKey(port)) { String message = "Cannot start process on unknown port " + port; LOG.warn(message); throw new RuntimeException(message); } if (map.containsKey(port)) { String message = "Process already exists on port " + port; LOG.warn(message); throw new RuntimeException(message); } map.put(port, configureAndStartProcess(port, commandLines.get(port))); } /** * Kills the TS listening on the provided port. Doesn't do anything if the TS was already killed. * @param port port on which the tablet server is listening on * @throws InterruptedException */ public void killTabletServerOnPort(int port) throws InterruptedException { Process ts = tserverProcesses.remove(port); if (ts == null) { // The TS is already dead, good. return; }"Killing server at port " + port); destroyAndWaitForProcess(ts); } /** * Kills all tablet servers. * @throws InterruptedException */ public void killTabletServers() throws InterruptedException { for (Process tserver : tserverProcesses.values()) { destroyAndWaitForProcess(tserver); } tserverProcesses.clear(); } /** * Restarts any tablet servers which were previously killed. */ public void restartDeadTabletServers() throws Exception { for (int port : tserverPorts) { if (tserverProcesses.containsKey(port)) continue; restartDeadTabletServerOnPort(port); } } /** * Kills the master listening on the provided port. Doesn't do anything if the master was * already killed. * @param port port on which the master is listening on * @throws InterruptedException */ public void killMasterOnPort(int port) throws InterruptedException { Process master = masterProcesses.remove(port); if (master == null) { // The master is already dead, good. return; }"Killing master at port " + port); destroyAndWaitForProcess(master); } /** {@override} */ @Override public void close() { shutdown(); } /** * Stops all the processes and deletes the folders used to store data and the flagfile. */ public void shutdown() { for (Iterator<Process> masterIter = masterProcesses.values().iterator(); masterIter.hasNext();) { try { destroyAndWaitForProcess(; } catch (InterruptedException e) { // Need to continue cleaning up. } masterIter.remove(); } for (Iterator<Process> tsIter = tserverProcesses.values().iterator(); tsIter.hasNext();) { try { destroyAndWaitForProcess(; } catch (InterruptedException e) { // Need to continue cleaning up. } tsIter.remove(); } // Whether we were interrupted or not above we still destroyed all the processes, so the input // printers will hit EOFs and stop. for (Thread thread : PROCESS_INPUT_PRINTERS) { try { thread.join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // Need to continue cleaning up. } } for (String path : pathsToDelete) { try { File f = new File(path); if (f.isDirectory()) { FileUtils.deleteDirectory(f); } else { f.delete(); } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn(String.format("Could not delete path %s", path), e); } } if (miniKdc != null) { try { miniKdc.close(); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warn("Unable to close MiniKdc", e); } } } private void destroyAndWaitForProcess(Process process) throws InterruptedException { process.destroy(); process.waitFor(); } /** * Returns the comma-separated list of master addresses. * @return master addresses */ public String getMasterAddresses() { return masterAddresses; } /** * Returns a list of master addresses. * @return master addresses */ public List<HostAndPort> getMasterHostPorts() { return masterHostPorts; } /** * Returns an unmodifiable map of all tablet servers in pairs of RPC port - > Process. * @return an unmodifiable map of all tablet servers */ @VisibleForTesting Map<Integer, Process> getTabletServerProcesses() { return Collections.unmodifiableMap(tserverProcesses); } /** * Returns an unmodifiable map of all masters in pairs of RPC port - > Process. * @return an unmodifiable map of all masters */ @VisibleForTesting Map<Integer, Process> getMasterProcesses() { return Collections.unmodifiableMap(masterProcesses); } /** * Helper runnable that receives stdout and logs it along with the process' identifier. */ public static class ProcessInputStreamLogPrinterRunnable implements Runnable { private final InputStream is; public ProcessInputStreamLogPrinterRunnable(InputStream is) { = is; } @Override public void run() { try { String line; BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is)); while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) {; } in.close(); } catch (Exception e) { if (!e.getMessage().contains("Stream closed")) { LOG.error("Caught error while reading a process' output", e); } } } } public static class MiniKuduClusterBuilder { private int numMasters = 1; private int numTservers = 3; private int defaultTimeoutMs = 50000; private boolean enableKerberos = false; private List<String> extraTserverFlags = new ArrayList<>(); private List<String> extraMasterFlags = new ArrayList<>(); public MiniKuduClusterBuilder numMasters(int numMasters) { this.numMasters = numMasters; return this; } public MiniKuduClusterBuilder numTservers(int numTservers) { this.numTservers = numTservers; return this; } /** * Configures the internal client to use the given timeout for all operations. Also uses the * timeout for tasks like waiting for tablet servers to check in with the master. * @param defaultTimeoutMs timeout in milliseconds * @return this instance */ public MiniKuduClusterBuilder defaultTimeoutMs(int defaultTimeoutMs) { this.defaultTimeoutMs = defaultTimeoutMs; return this; } /** * Enables Kerberos on the mini cluster and acquire client credentials for this process. * @return this instance */ public MiniKuduClusterBuilder enableKerberos() { enableKerberos = true; return this; } /** * Adds a new flag to be passed to the Tablet Server daemons on start. * @return this instance */ public MiniKuduClusterBuilder addTserverFlag(String flag) { this.extraTserverFlags.add(flag); return this; } /** * Adds a new flag to be passed to the Master daemons on start. * @return this instance */ public MiniKuduClusterBuilder addMasterFlag(String flag) { this.extraMasterFlags.add(flag); return this; } public MiniKuduCluster build() throws Exception { MiniKuduCluster cluster = new MiniKuduCluster(defaultTimeoutMs, extraTserverFlags, extraMasterFlags); try { if (enableKerberos) { cluster.startKerberos(); } cluster.start(numMasters, numTservers); } catch (Exception e) { // MiniKuduCluster.close should not throw, so no need for a nested try/catch. cluster.close(); throw e; } return cluster; } } }