Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2001-2013 The Apache Software Foundation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.servlet.ServletContext; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; import javax.xml.bind.JAXB; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement; import javax.xml.datatype.DatatypeConfigurationException; import javax.xml.datatype.DatatypeFactory; import javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar; import; import; import org.apache.commons.configuration.ConfigurationException; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.juddi.api_v3.Node; import org.apache.juddi.v3.client.ClassUtil; import org.apache.juddi.v3.client.UDDIConstants; import org.apache.juddi.v3.client.config.ClientConfig; import org.apache.juddi.v3.client.config.UDDIClient; import org.apache.juddi.v3.client.config.UDDINode; import org.apache.juddi.v3.client.transport.Transport; import org.apache.juddi.webconsole.AES; import org.apache.juddi.webconsole.PostBackConstants; import; import; import org.apache.juddi.webconsole.resources.ResourceLoader; import org.uddi.api_v3.*; import org.uddi.custody_v3.DiscardTransferToken; import org.uddi.custody_v3.GetTransferToken; import org.uddi.custody_v3.TransferEntities; import org.uddi.custody_v3.TransferToken; import org.uddi.sub_v3.*; import org.uddi.v3_service.DispositionReportFaultMessage; import org.uddi.v3_service.UDDICustodyTransferPortType; import org.uddi.v3_service.UDDIInquiryPortType; import org.uddi.v3_service.UDDIPublicationPortType; import org.uddi.v3_service.UDDISecurityPortType; import org.uddi.v3_service.UDDISubscriptionPortType; import org.w3._2000._09.xmldsig_.SignatureType; import org.w3._2000._09.xmldsig_.X509DataType; /** * UddiHub - The hub acts as a single point for managing browser to uddi * services. At most 1 instance is allowed per http session. In general, all * methods in the class trigger web service call outs. All callouts also support * expired UDDI tokens and will attempt to reauthenticate and retry the request. * * @author <a href="">Alex O'Ree</a> */ public class UddiHub implements Serializable { /** * The logger name */ public static final String LOGGER_NAME = "org.apache.juddi"; private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; AuthStyle style = null; private String nodename = null; private static final String DEFAULT_NODE_NAME = "default"; private final String clientName = "juddigui"; private boolean WS_Transport = false; private boolean WS_securePorts = false; private transient HttpSession session; private transient Transport transport = null; private transient ClientConfig clientConfig; private transient Properties properties; private transient UDDISubscriptionPortType subscription = null; private transient UDDISecurityPortType security = null; private transient UDDIInquiryPortType inquiry = null; private transient UDDIPublicationPortType publish = null; private transient UDDICustodyTransferPortType custody = null; //private JUDDIApiPortType juddi = null; private transient String token = null; /** * The Log4j logger. This is also referenced from the Builders class, * thus it is public */ public transient static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(LOGGER_NAME); private transient DatatypeFactory df; /** * the name of the 'node' property in the config */ public static final String PROP_CONFIG_NODE = "config.props.node"; /** * "config.props.authtype" */ public static final String PROP_AUTH_TYPE = "config.props.authtype"; /** * "config.props.automaticLogouts.enable" */ public static final String PROP_AUTO_LOGOUT = "config.props.automaticLogouts.enable"; /** * "config.props.automaticLogouts.duration" */ public static final String PROP_AUTO_LOGOUT_TIMER = "config.props.automaticLogouts.duration"; /** * "config.props." */ public static final String PROP_PREFIX = "config.props."; /** * "config.props.configLocalHostOnly" * */ public static final String PROP_ADMIN_LOCALHOST_ONLY = "config.props.configLocalHostOnly"; private UddiHub() throws DatatypeConfigurationException { df = DatatypeFactory.newInstance(); } /** * removes the Hub from the current http session * * @param _session */ public static void reset(HttpSession _session) { _session.removeAttribute("hub"); // token = null; } public String verifyLogin() { EnsureConfig(); token = null; if (style != AuthStyle.UDDI_AUTH) { if (WS_Transport) { BindingProvider bp = null; Map<String, Object> context = null; bp = (BindingProvider) inquiry; context = bp.getRequestContext(); context.remove(BindingProvider.USERNAME_PROPERTY); context.remove(BindingProvider.PASSWORD_PROPERTY); context.put(BindingProvider.USERNAME_PROPERTY, session.getAttribute("username")); context.put(BindingProvider.PASSWORD_PROPERTY, session.getAttribute(AES.Decrypt("password", (String) properties.get("key")))); bp = (BindingProvider) publish; context = bp.getRequestContext(); context.remove(BindingProvider.USERNAME_PROPERTY); context.remove(BindingProvider.PASSWORD_PROPERTY); context.put(BindingProvider.USERNAME_PROPERTY, session.getAttribute("username")); context.put(BindingProvider.PASSWORD_PROPERTY, session.getAttribute(AES.Decrypt("password", (String) properties.get("key")))); bp = (BindingProvider) custody; context = bp.getRequestContext(); context.remove(BindingProvider.USERNAME_PROPERTY); context.remove(BindingProvider.PASSWORD_PROPERTY); context.put(BindingProvider.USERNAME_PROPERTY, session.getAttribute("username")); context.put(BindingProvider.PASSWORD_PROPERTY, session.getAttribute(AES.Decrypt("password", (String) properties.get("key")))); bp = (BindingProvider) subscription; context = bp.getRequestContext(); context.remove(BindingProvider.USERNAME_PROPERTY); context.remove(BindingProvider.PASSWORD_PROPERTY); context.put(BindingProvider.USERNAME_PROPERTY, session.getAttribute("username")); context.put(BindingProvider.PASSWORD_PROPERTY, session.getAttribute(AES.Decrypt("password", (String) properties.get("key")))); } FindBusiness fb = new FindBusiness(); fb.setListHead(0); fb.setMaxRows(1); fb.setFindQualifiers(new FindQualifiers()); fb.getFindQualifiers().getFindQualifier().add(UDDIConstants.APPROXIMATE_MATCH); fb.getName().add(new Name(UDDIConstants.WILDCARD, null)); try { inquiry.findBusiness(fb); } catch (Exception ex) { return HandleException(ex); } /* bp = (BindingProvider) juddi; context = bp.getRequestContext(); context.put(BindingProvider.USERNAME_PROPERTY, session.getAttribute("username")); context.put(BindingProvider.USERNAME_PROPERTY, session.getAttribute(AES.Decrypt("password", (String) properties.get("key"))));*/ return null; } else { if (WS_Transport) { BindingProvider bp = null; Map<String, Object> context = null; bp = (BindingProvider) inquiry; context = bp.getRequestContext(); context.remove(BindingProvider.USERNAME_PROPERTY); context.remove(BindingProvider.PASSWORD_PROPERTY); bp = (BindingProvider) publish; context = bp.getRequestContext(); context.remove(BindingProvider.USERNAME_PROPERTY); context.remove(BindingProvider.PASSWORD_PROPERTY); bp = (BindingProvider) custody; context = bp.getRequestContext(); context.remove(BindingProvider.USERNAME_PROPERTY); context.remove(BindingProvider.PASSWORD_PROPERTY); bp = (BindingProvider) subscription; context = bp.getRequestContext(); context.remove(BindingProvider.USERNAME_PROPERTY); context.remove(BindingProvider.PASSWORD_PROPERTY); } GetAuthToken req = new GetAuthToken(); try { if (security == null) { security = transport.getUDDISecurityService(); } } catch (Exception ex) { return HandleException(ex); } if (session.getAttribute("username") != null && session.getAttribute("password") != null) { req.setUserID((String) session.getAttribute("username")); req.setCred(AES.Decrypt((String) session.getAttribute("password"), (String) properties.get("key")));"AUDIT: fetching auth token for " + req.getUserID() + " Auth Mode is " + ((security == null) ? "HTTP" : "AUTH_TOKEN")); try { AuthToken authToken = security.getAuthToken(req); token = authToken.getAuthInfo(); return null; } catch (Exception ex) { return HandleException(ex); } } } return "Unexpected error"; } /** * This kills any authentication tokens, logs the user out and nulls out * all services */ public void die() { DiscardAuthToken da = new DiscardAuthToken(); da.setAuthInfo(token); try { if (token != null && security != null) { security.discardAuthToken(da); } } catch (Exception ex) { HandleException(ex); } token = null; inquiry = null; publish = null; custody = null; security = null; //juddi = null; subscription = null; if (session != null) { session.removeAttribute("username"); session.removeAttribute("password"); } } /** * This is the singleton accessor UddiHub. There should be at most 1 * instance per HTTP Session (user login) * * @param application * @param _session * @return instance * @throws Exception */ public static UddiHub getInstance(ServletContext application, HttpSession _session) throws Exception { Object j = _session.getAttribute("hub"); if (j == null) { UddiHub hub = new UddiHub(application, _session); _session.setAttribute("hub", hub); hub.locale = (String) _session.getAttribute("locale"); return hub; } UddiHub hub = (UddiHub) j; hub.locale = (String) _session.getAttribute("locale"); return hub; } String locale = "en"; /** * gets the user selected locale * * @return something like "en" or "es" */ public String getLocale() { if (session != null) { if (session.getAttribute("locale") != null) locale = (String) session.getAttribute("locale"); } if (locale == null) locale = "en"; return locale; } private void EnsureConfig() { if (clientConfig == null) { String clazz = null; try { UDDIClient client = new UDDIClient(); clientConfig = client.getClientConfig(); try { style = AuthStyle.valueOf(clientConfig.getConfiguration().getString(PROP_AUTH_TYPE)); } catch (Exception ex) { log.warn("'UDDI_AUTH' is not defined in the config (" + PROP_AUTH_TYPE + ")! defaulting to UDDI_AUTH"); style = AuthStyle.UDDI_AUTH; } // String newNodename = clientConfig.getConfiguration().getString(PROP_CONFIG_NODE); // if (newNodename != null && !newNodename.equals("")) { // nodename = newNodename; // } if (nodename == null) { nodename = clientConfig.getConfiguration().getString(PROP_CONFIG_NODE); } if (nodename == null || nodename.equals("")) { log.warn("'node' is not defined in the config! defaulting to '" + DEFAULT_NODE_NAME + "'"); nodename = DEFAULT_NODE_NAME; } UDDINode uddiNode = clientConfig.getUDDINode(nodename); clazz = uddiNode.getProxyTransport(); if (clazz.contains("JAXWS")) { WS_Transport = true; } transport = client.getTransport(nodename); security = transport.getUDDISecurityService(); inquiry = transport.getUDDIInquiryService(); subscription = transport.getUDDISubscriptionService(); publish = transport.getUDDIPublishService(); custody = transport.getUDDICustodyTransferService(); if (WS_Transport) { if (uddiNode.getPublishUrl().toLowerCase().startsWith("https://") && (uddiNode.getSecurityUrl() != null && uddiNode.getSecurityUrl().toLowerCase().startsWith("https://")) && uddiNode.getInquiryUrl().toLowerCase().startsWith("https://") && (uddiNode.getCustodyTransferUrl() != null && uddiNode.getCustodyTransferUrl().toLowerCase().startsWith("https://")) && (uddiNode.getSubscriptionUrl() != null && uddiNode.getSubscriptionUrl().toLowerCase().startsWith("https://"))) { WS_securePorts = true; } else WS_securePorts = false; } } catch (Exception ex) { HandleException(ex);"DEBUG info node=" + nodename + " transport=" + clazz); } } } private UddiHub(ServletContext application, HttpSession _session) throws Exception { session = _session; URL prop = application.getResource("/META-INF/"); if (prop == null) { prop = application.getResource("META-INF/"); } if (prop == null) { throw new Exception("Cannot locate the configuration file."); } InputStream in = prop.openStream(); Properties p = new Properties(); p.load(in); in.close(); properties = p; EnsureConfig(); } /** * returns true if we are using JAXWS transport AND all of the URLs * start with https:// * * @return true if all coms are SSL based */ public boolean isSecure() { EnsureConfig(); return WS_securePorts; } /** * gets a reference to the current juddi client config file. this is a * live instance changes can be stored to disk, usually * * @return client config * @throws ConfigurationException g */ public ClientConfig GetJuddiClientConfig() throws ConfigurationException { EnsureConfig(); return clientConfig; } /** * gets the configuration file's node name element of the currently * connected node * * @return */ public String getNodeName() { EnsureConfig(); return nodename; } private boolean NodeExists(String newnode) { try { List<Node> uddiNodeList = GetJuddiClientConfig().getUDDINodeList(); for (int i = 0; i < uddiNodeList.size(); i++) { if (uddiNodeList.get(i).getName().equals(newnode)) { return true; } } } catch (ConfigurationException ex) { log.error(ex); return false; } return false; } /** * attempts to switch the current context to the proposed node id. if * the node does not exist in the config file, null is returned and no * changes are made. if the node does exist in the config file, the * current login token is discard, all web service client objects are * destroyed, user credentials are removed from the session. The client * objects are then recreated from the config using the new node name * and transport * * @param newnode * @return the new node name if successful, or null on failure */ public String switchNodes(String newnode) { EnsureConfig(); if (this.nodename.equalsIgnoreCase(newnode)) { return newnode; } if (NodeExists(newnode)) { this.die(); clientConfig = null; this.nodename = newnode; } else { return null; } EnsureConfig(); return this.nodename; } /** * returns all of the current properties defining digital signatures * * @return digsig properties */ public Properties GetDigitalSignatureConfig() { try { return GetJuddiClientConfig().getDigitalSignatureConfiguration(); } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("error fetching uddi.xml", ex); } return new Properties(); } private String GetToken() { EnsureConfig(); if (style != AuthStyle.UDDI_AUTH) { if (WS_Transport) { BindingProvider bp = null; Map<String, Object> context = null; bp = (BindingProvider) inquiry; context = bp.getRequestContext(); context.remove(BindingProvider.USERNAME_PROPERTY); context.remove(BindingProvider.PASSWORD_PROPERTY); context.put(BindingProvider.USERNAME_PROPERTY, session.getAttribute("username")); context.put(BindingProvider.PASSWORD_PROPERTY, session.getAttribute(AES.Decrypt("password", (String) properties.get("key")))); bp = (BindingProvider) publish; context = bp.getRequestContext(); context.remove(BindingProvider.USERNAME_PROPERTY); context.remove(BindingProvider.PASSWORD_PROPERTY); context.put(BindingProvider.USERNAME_PROPERTY, session.getAttribute("username")); context.put(BindingProvider.PASSWORD_PROPERTY, session.getAttribute(AES.Decrypt("password", (String) properties.get("key")))); bp = (BindingProvider) custody; context = bp.getRequestContext(); context.remove(BindingProvider.USERNAME_PROPERTY); context.remove(BindingProvider.PASSWORD_PROPERTY); context.put(BindingProvider.USERNAME_PROPERTY, session.getAttribute("username")); context.put(BindingProvider.PASSWORD_PROPERTY, session.getAttribute(AES.Decrypt("password", (String) properties.get("key")))); bp = (BindingProvider) subscription; context = bp.getRequestContext(); context.remove(BindingProvider.USERNAME_PROPERTY); context.remove(BindingProvider.PASSWORD_PROPERTY); context.put(BindingProvider.USERNAME_PROPERTY, session.getAttribute("username")); context.put(BindingProvider.PASSWORD_PROPERTY, session.getAttribute(AES.Decrypt("password", (String) properties.get("key")))); } /* bp = (BindingProvider) juddi; context = bp.getRequestContext(); context.put(BindingProvider.USERNAME_PROPERTY, session.getAttribute("username")); context.put(BindingProvider.USERNAME_PROPERTY, session.getAttribute(AES.Decrypt("password", (String) properties.get("key"))));*/ return null; } else { if (token != null) { return token; } if (WS_Transport) { BindingProvider bp = null; Map<String, Object> context = null; bp = (BindingProvider) inquiry; context = bp.getRequestContext(); context.remove(BindingProvider.USERNAME_PROPERTY); context.remove(BindingProvider.PASSWORD_PROPERTY); bp = (BindingProvider) publish; context = bp.getRequestContext(); context.remove(BindingProvider.USERNAME_PROPERTY); context.remove(BindingProvider.PASSWORD_PROPERTY); bp = (BindingProvider) custody; context = bp.getRequestContext(); context.remove(BindingProvider.USERNAME_PROPERTY); context.remove(BindingProvider.PASSWORD_PROPERTY); bp = (BindingProvider) subscription; context = bp.getRequestContext(); context.remove(BindingProvider.USERNAME_PROPERTY); context.remove(BindingProvider.PASSWORD_PROPERTY); } GetAuthToken req = new GetAuthToken(); try { if (security == null) { security = transport.getUDDISecurityService(); } } catch (Exception ex) { log.error(ex); } if (session != null && session.getAttribute("username") != null && session.getAttribute("password") != null) { req.setUserID((String) session.getAttribute("username")); req.setCred(AES.Decrypt((String) session.getAttribute("password"), (String) properties.get("key")));"AUDIT: fetching auth token for " + req.getUserID() + " Auth Mode is " + ((security == null) ? "HTTP" : "AUTH_TOKEN")); try { AuthToken authToken = security.getAuthToken(req); token = authToken.getAuthInfo(); } catch (Exception ex) { return HandleException(ex); } } } return token; } /** * Returns true if the current user has a token and is signed in. Does * not apply to non-UDDI security API logins * * @return true if authenticated */ public boolean getUddiIsAuthenticated() { return (token != null && !token.isEmpty()); } /** * Performs a find_business call in the inquiry API * * @param offset * @param maxrecords * @param keyword * @param lang * @param isChooser * @return PagableContainer of businesses */ public PagableContainer GetBusinessListAsHtml(int offset, int maxrecords, String keyword, String lang, boolean isChooser) { PagableContainer ret = new PagableContainer(); ret.offset = offset; ret.displaycount = 0; ret.totalrecords = 0; try { FindBusiness fb = new FindBusiness(); fb.setMaxRows(maxrecords); fb.setListHead(offset); fb.setAuthInfo(GetToken()); org.uddi.api_v3.FindQualifiers fq = new org.uddi.api_v3.FindQualifiers(); fq.getFindQualifier().add(UDDIConstants.CASE_INSENSITIVE_MATCH); fq.getFindQualifier().add(UDDIConstants.APPROXIMATE_MATCH); fq.getFindQualifier().add(UDDIConstants.SORT_BY_NAME_ASC); fb.setFindQualifiers(fq); Name searchname = new Name(); searchname.setLang(lang); searchname.setValue(keyword); fb.getName().add(searchname); //transport BusinessList findBusiness = null; try { findBusiness = inquiry.findBusiness(fb); } catch (Exception ex) { if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) { token = null; fb.setAuthInfo(GetToken()); findBusiness = inquiry.findBusiness(fb); } else { throw ex; } } if (findBusiness == null || findBusiness.getBusinessInfos() == null) { ret.renderedHtml = (ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "errors.nodatareturned")); } else { if (findBusiness.getListDescription() != null) { ret.displaycount = findBusiness.getListDescription().getIncludeCount(); ret.offset = findBusiness.getListDescription().getListHead(); ret.totalrecords = findBusiness.getListDescription().getActualCount(); } else { ret.displaycount = findBusiness.getBusinessInfos().getBusinessInfo().size(); ret.offset = offset; ret.totalrecords = findBusiness.getBusinessInfos().getBusinessInfo().size(); } ret.renderedHtml = Printers.BusinessListAsTable(findBusiness, session, isChooser); } } catch (Exception ex) { ret.renderedHtml = (HandleException(ex)); } return ret; } /** * The get_registeredInfo API call is used to get an abbreviated list of * all businessEntity and tModel data that are controlled by a * publisher. When the registry distinguishes between publishers, this * is the individual associated with the credentials passed in the * authInfo element. This returned information is intended, for example, * for driving tools that display lists of registered information and * then provide drill-down features. This is the recommended API to use * after a network problem results in an unknown status of saved * information. * * @param businesses * @param tModels * @return returns all of "my" keys */ public String GetMyTransferableKeys(boolean businesses, boolean tModels) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); RegisteredInfo findBusiness = null; try { GetRegisteredInfo r = new GetRegisteredInfo(); r.setAuthInfo(GetToken()); if (r.getAuthInfo() == null) { return ToErrorAlert(ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "errors.notsignedin")); } r.setInfoSelection(InfoSelection.ALL); try { findBusiness = publish.getRegisteredInfo(r); } catch (Exception ex) { if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) { token = null; r.setAuthInfo(GetToken()); findBusiness = publish.getRegisteredInfo(r); } else { throw ex; } } } catch (Exception ex) { return (HandleException(ex)); } if (findBusiness == null || findBusiness.getBusinessInfos() == null) { return (ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "errors.nodatareturned")); } else { if (findBusiness.getBusinessInfos() != null && businesses) { sb.append("<select id=\"businesslist\" multiple=\"multiple\" size=\"10\">"); for (int i = 0; i < findBusiness.getBusinessInfos().getBusinessInfo().size(); i++) { sb.append("<option class=\"transferable\" id=\"") .append(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml( findBusiness.getBusinessInfos().getBusinessInfo().get(i).getBusinessKey())) .append("\" title=\"") .append(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml( findBusiness.getBusinessInfos().getBusinessInfo().get(i).getBusinessKey())) .append("\">") .append(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(Printers.ListNamesToString( findBusiness.getBusinessInfos().getBusinessInfo().get(i).getName()))) .append("</option>"); } sb.append("</select>"); } if (findBusiness.getTModelInfos() != null && tModels) { sb.append("<select id=\"tmodellist\" multiple=\"multiple\" size=\"10\">"); for (int i = 0; i < findBusiness.getTModelInfos().getTModelInfo().size(); i++) { sb.append("<option class=\"transferable\" id=\"") .append(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml( findBusiness.getTModelInfos().getTModelInfo().get(i).getTModelKey())) .append("\" title=\"") .append(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml( findBusiness.getTModelInfos().getTModelInfo().get(i).getTModelKey())) .append("\">") .append(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml( (findBusiness.getTModelInfos().getTModelInfo().get(i).getName().getValue()))) .append("</option>"); } sb.append("</select>"); } return sb.toString(); } } /** * Performs Inquiry Find_service API used from servicedetails.jsp * * @param serviceid * @return string */ public String GetServiceDetailAsHtml(String serviceid) { if (serviceid == null || serviceid.length() == 0) { return ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "errors.noinput"); } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); try { GetServiceDetail gbd = new GetServiceDetail(); gbd.setAuthInfo(GetToken()); gbd.getServiceKey().add(serviceid); ServiceDetail get = null;//inquiry.getServiceDetail(gbd); try { get = inquiry.getServiceDetail(gbd); } catch (Exception ex) { if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) { token = null; gbd.setAuthInfo(GetToken()); get = inquiry.getServiceDetail(gbd); } else { throw ex; } } if (get != null) { for (int i = 0; i < get.getBusinessService().size(); i++) { session.setAttribute(get.getBusinessService().get(i).getServiceKey(), get.getBusinessService().get(i)); sb.append("<b>").append(ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "")) .append(":</b><div class=\"editable\" id=\"ServiceName\">") .append(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml( Printers.ListNamesToString(get.getBusinessService().get(i).getName()))) .append("</div><Br>"); sb.append("<b>").append(ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "items.description")) .append(":</b><div class=\"editable\" id=\"ServiceDescription\">") .append(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml( (Printers.ListToDescString(get.getBusinessService().get(i).getDescription())))) .append("</div><Br>"); sb.append("<b>").append(ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "items.key")) .append(":</b><div class=\"editable\" id=\"ServiceKey\">") .append(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml((get.getBusinessService().get(i).getServiceKey()))) .append("</div><Br>"); sb.append("<b>").append(ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "items.keyrefcat")).append(":</b> ") .append(Printers.CatBagToString(get.getBusinessService().get(i).getCategoryBag(), getLocale())) .append("<Br>"); if (!get.getBusinessService().get(i).getSignature().isEmpty()) { sb.append(ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "items.signed")).append("<Br>"); } else { sb.append(ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "items.signed.not")).append("<Br>"); } sb.append(Printers.PrintBindingTemplates(get.getBusinessService().get(i).getBindingTemplates(), getLocale())).append("<Br>"); } } else { sb.append(ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "errors.nodatareturned")); } } catch (Exception ex) { sb.append(HandleException(ex)); } return sb.toString(); } /** * return true if the word expire is in the exception or the UDDI error * code representing an expired token * * @param ex * @return true if it's an expired token */ public static boolean isExceptionExpiration(Exception ex) { if (ex == null) { return false; } if (ex instanceof DispositionReportFaultMessage) { DispositionReportFaultMessage f = (DispositionReportFaultMessage) ex; if (f.getFaultInfo().countainsErrorCode(DispositionReport.E_AUTH_TOKEN_EXPIRED) || ex.getMessage().contains(DispositionReport.E_AUTH_TOKEN_EXPIRED) || ex.getMessage().toLowerCase().contains("expire")) { return true; } } if (ex.getMessage() == null) { return false; } if (ex.getMessage().toLowerCase().contains("expire")) { return true; } if (ex.getMessage().toLowerCase().contains(DispositionReport.E_AUTH_TOKEN_EXPIRED.toLowerCase())) { return true; } if (ex.getLocalizedMessage() == null) { return false; } if (ex.getLocalizedMessage().toLowerCase().contains("expire")) { return true; } return false; } /** * returns an html formatted list of services for a specific business * used on browse.jsp * * @param bizid * @return string */ public String GetServiceList(String bizid) { if (bizid == null || bizid.isEmpty()) { return ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "errors.nobusinessid"); } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); try { GetBusinessDetail gbd = new GetBusinessDetail(); gbd.setAuthInfo(GetToken()); gbd.getBusinessKey().add(bizid); BusinessDetail businessDetail = null; try { businessDetail = inquiry.getBusinessDetail(gbd); } catch (Exception ex) { if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) { token = null; gbd.setAuthInfo(GetToken()); businessDetail = inquiry.getBusinessDetail(gbd); } else { throw ex; } } if (businessDetail != null) { for (int i = 0; i < businessDetail.getBusinessEntity().size(); i++) { if (businessDetail.getBusinessEntity().get(i).getBusinessServices() == null) { sb.append(ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "errors.noservicesdefined")); } else { for (int k = 0; k < businessDetail.getBusinessEntity().get(i).getBusinessServices() .getBusinessService().size(); k++) { sb.append("<div><a href=\"serviceEditor.jsp?id=") .append(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(businessDetail.getBusinessEntity().get(i) .getBusinessServices().getBusinessService().get(k).getServiceKey())) .append("\">") .append(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml( Printers.ListNamesToString(businessDetail.getBusinessEntity().get(i) .getBusinessServices().getBusinessService().get(k).getName()))) .append("</a></div>"); } } } } else { sb.append(ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "errors.nodatareturned")); } } catch (Exception ex) { sb.append(ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "errors.generic")).append(ex.getMessage()); } return sb.toString(); } /** * Performs a getServiceDetails in Inquiry API * * @param serviceid * @return null if no id was specified or if it didn't exist */ public BusinessService GetServiceDetail(String serviceid) { if (serviceid == null || serviceid.length() == 0) { return null; } try { GetServiceDetail gbd = new GetServiceDetail(); gbd.setAuthInfo(GetToken()); gbd.getServiceKey().add(serviceid); ServiceDetail get = null; try { get = inquiry.getServiceDetail(gbd); } catch (Exception ex) { if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) { token = null; gbd.setAuthInfo(GetToken()); get = inquiry.getServiceDetail(gbd); } else { throw ex; } } if (get == null || get.getBusinessService().isEmpty()) { return null; } return get.getBusinessService().get(0); } catch (Exception ex) { HandleException(ex); } return null; } /** * this is used from the save from xml.jsp page * * @param be * @return status message */ public String SaveBindingTemplate(BindingTemplate be) { try { SaveBinding sb = new SaveBinding(); sb.setAuthInfo(GetToken()); sb.getBindingTemplate().add(be); BindingDetail saveBinding = null; try { saveBinding = publish.saveBinding(sb); } catch (Exception ex) { if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) { token = null; sb.setAuthInfo(GetToken()); saveBinding = publish.saveBinding(sb); } else { throw ex; } } return ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "actions.saved") + " " + "<a href=\"bindingEditor.jsp?id=" + URLEncoder.encode(saveBinding.getBindingTemplate().get(0).getBindingKey(), "UTF8") + "\">" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(saveBinding.getBindingTemplate().get(0).getBindingKey()) + "</a>"; } catch (Exception ex) { return HandleException(ex); } } /** * This method will rebuild a Service entity from the HTTP request from * the Service Editor page and will then attempt to save it. * * @param request * @return a localized Saved or an error message */ public String SaveServiceDetails(HttpServletRequest request) { BusinessService be = new BusinessService(); be.setBusinessKey(request.getParameter(PostBackConstants.BUSINESSKEY).trim()); be.setServiceKey(request.getParameter(PostBackConstants.SERVICEKEY).trim()); if (be.getServiceKey().equalsIgnoreCase(ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "items.clicktoedit"))) { be.setServiceKey(null); } if (be.getBusinessKey() == null || be.getBusinessKey().length() == 0) { return ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "errors.noinput.businesskey"); } be.getName() .addAll(Builders.BuildNames(Builders.MapFilter(request.getParameterMap(), PostBackConstants.NAME), PostBackConstants.NAME, ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "items.clicktoedit"), getLocale())); //JUDDI-806get existing service details and copy over binding templates BusinessService GetServiceDetail = GetServiceDetail( request.getParameter(PostBackConstants.SERVICEKEY).trim()); if (GetServiceDetail != null) { be.setBindingTemplates(GetServiceDetail.getBindingTemplates()); } /*JUDDI-806 BindingTemplates bt = new BindingTemplates(); bt.getBindingTemplate().addAll(Builders.BuildBindingTemplates(Builders.MapFilter(request.getParameterMap(), PostBackConstants.BINDINGTEMPLATE), PostBackConstants.BINDINGTEMPLATE, ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "items.clicktoedit"), getLocale())); if (!bt.getBindingTemplate().isEmpty()) { be.setBindingTemplates(bt); }*/ be.getDescription() .addAll(Builders.BuildDescription( Builders.MapFilter(request.getParameterMap(), PostBackConstants.DESCRIPTION), PostBackConstants.DESCRIPTION, ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "items.clicktoedit"), getLocale())); CategoryBag cb = new CategoryBag(); cb.getKeyedReference() .addAll(Builders.BuildKeyedReference( Builders.MapFilter(request.getParameterMap(), PostBackConstants.CATBAG_KEY_REF), PostBackConstants.CATBAG_KEY_REF, getLocale())); cb.getKeyedReferenceGroup() .addAll(Builders.BuildKeyedReferenceGroup( Builders.MapFilter(request.getParameterMap(), PostBackConstants.CATBAG_KEY_REF_GRP), PostBackConstants.CATBAG_KEY_REF_GRP, getLocale())); if (!cb.getKeyedReference().isEmpty() || !cb.getKeyedReferenceGroup().isEmpty()) { be.setCategoryBag(cb); } return SaveServiceDetails(be); } /** * Saves a Service * * @param be * @return a readable error message or, success */ public String SaveServiceDetails(BusinessService be) { try { SaveService sb = new SaveService(); sb.setAuthInfo(GetToken()); ServiceDetail saveService = null; sb.getBusinessService().add(be); try { saveService = publish.saveService(sb); } catch (Exception ex) { if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) { token = null; sb.setAuthInfo(GetToken()); saveService = publish.saveService(sb); } else { throw ex; } } return ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "actions.saved") + " " + "<a href=\"serviceEditor.jsp?id=" + URLEncoder.encode(saveService.getBusinessService().get(0).getServiceKey(), "UTF8") + "\">" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(saveService.getBusinessService().get(0).getServiceKey()) + "</a>"; } catch (Exception ex) { return HandleException(ex); } } /** * Saves a business entity * * @param be * @return a readable error message */ public String SaveBusinessDetails(BusinessEntity be) { try { SaveBusiness sb = new SaveBusiness(); sb.setAuthInfo(GetToken()); sb.getBusinessEntity().add(be); BusinessDetail saveBusiness = null; try { saveBusiness = publish.saveBusiness(sb); } catch (Exception ex) { if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) { token = null; sb.setAuthInfo(GetToken()); saveBusiness = publish.saveBusiness(sb); } else { throw ex; } } return ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "actions.saved") + " " + "<a href=\"businessEditor2.jsp?id=" + URLEncoder.encode(saveBusiness.getBusinessEntity().get(0).getBusinessKey(), "UTF8") + "\">" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(saveBusiness.getBusinessEntity().get(0).getBusinessKey()) + "</a>"; } catch (Exception ex) { return HandleException(ex); } } /** * Save Business * * This method saves a business to a UDDI registry, preserving the * service listing The request is build from the HTTP post back * parameters. A human readable response message is returned * * @param request * @return string */ public String SaveBusinessDetails(HttpServletRequest request) { BusinessEntity be = new BusinessEntity(); be.setBusinessKey(request.getParameter(PostBackConstants.BUSINESSKEY).trim()); if (be.getBusinessKey().equalsIgnoreCase(ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "items.clicktoedit"))) { be.setBusinessKey(null); } else { BusinessEntity GetBusinessDetails = GetBusinessDetails(be.getBusinessKey()); if (GetBusinessDetails == null) //this is a new business { } else { //copy over the existing child element, business be.setBusinessServices(GetBusinessDetails.getBusinessServices()); } } be.getName() .addAll(Builders.BuildNames(Builders.MapFilter(request.getParameterMap(), PostBackConstants.NAME), PostBackConstants.NAME, ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "items.clicktoedit"), getLocale())); be.setContacts(Builders.BuildContacts(request.getParameterMap(), ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "items.clicktoedit"), getLocale())); be.getDescription() .addAll(Builders.BuildDescription( Builders.MapFilter(request.getParameterMap(), PostBackConstants.DESCRIPTION), PostBackConstants.DESCRIPTION, ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "items.clicktoedit"), getLocale())); be.setDiscoveryURLs( Builders.BuildDisco(Builders.MapFilter(request.getParameterMap(), PostBackConstants.DISCOVERYURL), PostBackConstants.DISCOVERYURL, getLocale())); CategoryBag cb = new CategoryBag(); cb.getKeyedReference() .addAll(Builders.BuildKeyedReference( Builders.MapFilter(request.getParameterMap(), PostBackConstants.CATBAG_KEY_REF), PostBackConstants.CATBAG_KEY_REF, getLocale())); cb.getKeyedReferenceGroup() .addAll(Builders.BuildKeyedReferenceGroup( Builders.MapFilter(request.getParameterMap(), PostBackConstants.CATBAG_KEY_REF_GRP), PostBackConstants.CATBAG_KEY_REF_GRP, getLocale())); if (!cb.getKeyedReference().isEmpty() || !cb.getKeyedReferenceGroup().isEmpty()) { be.setCategoryBag(cb); } be.setIdentifierBag(Builders.BuildIdentBag( Builders.MapFilter(request.getParameterMap(), PostBackConstants.IDENT_KEY_REF), PostBackConstants.IDENT_KEY_REF, getLocale())); return SaveBusinessDetails(be); } /** * Gets a business's details used for the businessEditor * * @param bizid * @return null if no id is provided or if there is a remote error */ public BusinessEntity GetBusinessDetails(String bizid) { if (bizid == null || bizid.isEmpty()) { return null; } try { GetBusinessDetail gbd = new GetBusinessDetail(); gbd.setAuthInfo(GetToken()); gbd.getBusinessKey().add(bizid); BusinessDetail businessDetail = null; try { businessDetail = inquiry.getBusinessDetail(gbd); } catch (Exception ex) { if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) { token = null; gbd.setAuthInfo(GetToken()); businessDetail = inquiry.getBusinessDetail(gbd); } else { throw ex; } } if (businessDetail != null && businessDetail.getBusinessEntity().size() == 1) { return businessDetail.getBusinessEntity().get(0); } } catch (Exception ex) { HandleException(ex); } return null; } /** * returns a bootstrap html stylizies an error message with a warning * icon * * @param HandleException, any string representing an error message * @return string */ public static String ToErrorAlert(String HandleException) { return "<div class=\"alert alert-error\"><i class=\"icon-warning-sign icon-large\"></i> " + HandleException + "</div>"; } private String deleteBinding(List<String> serviceId) { if (serviceId == null || serviceId.isEmpty()) { return ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "errors.noinput"); } DeleteBinding db = new DeleteBinding(); db.setAuthInfo(GetToken()); db.getBindingKey().addAll(serviceId); try { try { publish.deleteBinding(db); } catch (Exception ex) { if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) { token = null; db.setAuthInfo(GetToken()); publish.deleteBinding(db); } else { throw ex; } } } catch (Exception ex) { return HandleException(ex); } return ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "actions.delete.binding"); } /** * AuthStyles for the Hub to use, default is UDDI_AUTH */ public enum AuthStyle { /** * Http */ HTTP, /** * UDDI Authentication via the Security API */ UDDI_AUTH } /** * Search for services using find_services * * @param keyword * @param lang * @param maxrecords * @param offset * @param isChooser * @return PagableContainer of services */ public PagableContainer SearchForServices(String keyword, String lang, int maxrecords, int offset, boolean isChooser) { PagableContainer ret = new PagableContainer(); ret.displaycount = 0; ret.offset = offset; ret.totalrecords = 0; try { FindService fs = new FindService(); fs.setAuthInfo(GetToken()); fs.setMaxRows(maxrecords); fs.setListHead(offset); Name n = new Name(); if (lang == null || lang.equalsIgnoreCase(ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "items.clicktoedit"))) { n.setLang(null); } else { n.setLang(lang); } n.setValue(keyword); fs.getName().add(n); fs.setFindQualifiers(new org.uddi.api_v3.FindQualifiers()); fs.getFindQualifiers().getFindQualifier().add(UDDIConstants.APPROXIMATE_MATCH); fs.getFindQualifiers().getFindQualifier().add(UDDIConstants.CASE_INSENSITIVE_MATCH); fs.getFindQualifiers().getFindQualifier().add(UDDIConstants.SORT_BY_NAME_ASC); ServiceList findService = null;//inquiry.findService(fs); try { findService = inquiry.findService(fs); } catch (Exception ex) { if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) { token = null; fs.setAuthInfo(GetToken()); findService = inquiry.findService(fs); } else { throw ex; } } if (findService == null || findService.getServiceInfos() == null) { ret.renderedHtml = ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "errors.norecordsfound"); return ret; } ret.displaycount = findService.getListDescription().getIncludeCount(); ret.totalrecords = findService.getListDescription().getActualCount(); ret.renderedHtml = Printers.ServiceListAsHtml(findService, isChooser, session); // ret.renderedHtml = sb.toString(); return ret; } catch (Exception ex) { ret.renderedHtml = HandleException(ex); } return ret; } /** * Adds a special tModel key generator keyGenerator: Marking a tModel * with this categorization designates it as one whose tModelKey * identifies a key generator partition that can be used by its owner to * derive and assign other entity keys. This categorization is reserved * for key generator tModels. Any attempt to use this categorization for * something other than a key generator tModel will fail with * E_valueNotAllowed returned. * * @param partitionName * @param name * @param lang * @return string */ public String AddTmodelKenGenerator(String partitionName, String name, String lang) { if (partitionName == null || partitionName.equalsIgnoreCase(ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "items.clicktoedit"))) { return ToErrorAlert(ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "errors.noinput")); } try { if (!partitionName.toLowerCase().startsWith("uddi:")) { return ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "errors.tmodel.prefix"); } if (!partitionName.toLowerCase().endsWith(":keygenerator")) { return ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "errors.tmodel.postfix"); } SaveTModel st = new SaveTModel(); st.setAuthInfo(GetToken()); TModel tm = new TModel(); tm.setName(new Name()); tm.getName().setValue(name); if (lang == null || lang.equalsIgnoreCase(ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "items.clicktoedit"))) { tm.getName().setLang(null); } else { tm.getName().setLang(lang); } tm.setCategoryBag(new CategoryBag()); KeyedReference kr = new KeyedReference(); kr.setTModelKey(""); kr.setKeyName("uddi-org:keyGenerator"); kr.setKeyValue("keyGenerator"); tm.getCategoryBag().getKeyedReference().add(kr); OverviewDoc overviewDoc = new OverviewDoc(); OverviewURL overviewUrl = new OverviewURL(); overviewUrl.setUseType("text"); overviewUrl.setValue(""); overviewDoc.setOverviewURL(overviewUrl); tm.getOverviewDoc().add(overviewDoc); tm.setTModelKey(partitionName.toLowerCase()); st.getTModel().add(tm); TModelDetail saveTModel = publish.saveTModel(st); return "<div class=\"alert alert-success\"><i class=\"icon-2x icon-thumbs-up\"></i> " + ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "messages.success") + " <a href=\"tmodelEditor.jsp?id=" + URLEncoder.encode(saveTModel.getTModel().get(0).getTModelKey(), "UTF8") + "\">" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(saveTModel.getTModel().get(0).getTModelKey()) + "</a></div>"; // "Success"; } catch (Exception ex) { return ToErrorAlert(HandleException(ex)); } } /** * This function provides a basic error handling rutine that will pull * out the true error message in a UDDI fault message, returning * bootstrap stylized html error message * * @param ex * @return string */ public String HandleException(Exception ex) { if (ex instanceof DispositionReportFaultMessage) { DispositionReportFaultMessage f = (DispositionReportFaultMessage) ex; log.error(ex.getMessage() + (f.detail != null && f.detail.getMessage() != null ? StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(f.detail.getMessage()) : "")); log.debug(ex.getMessage(), ex); return ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "errors.generic") + " " + StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(ex.getMessage()) + " " + (f.detail != null && f.detail.getMessage() != null ? StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(f.detail.getMessage()) : "") + " " + ex.getClass().getCanonicalName(); } else if (ex instanceof RemoteException) { RemoteException f = (RemoteException) ex; log.error("RemoteException " + ex.getMessage()); log.debug("RemoteException " + ex.getMessage(), ex); return ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "errors.generic") + " " + StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(ex.getMessage()) + " " + (f.detail != null && f.detail.getMessage() != null ? StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(f.detail.getMessage()) : "") + " " + ex.getClass().getCanonicalName(); } else if (ex instanceof NullPointerException) { log.error("NPE! Please report! " + ex.getMessage(), ex); return ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "errors.generic") + " " + StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(ex.getMessage()) + " " + ex.getClass().getCanonicalName(); } else if (ex instanceof { x = ( ex; log.error("SOAP Fault returned: " + x.getMessage() + (x.getFault() != null ? x.getFault().getFaultString() : "")); String err = null; if (x.getFault() != null && x.getFault().getDetail() != null) { Iterator detailEntries = x.getFault().getDetail().getDetailEntries(); while (detailEntries.hasNext()) { err +=; } } return ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "errors.generic") + " " + StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(ex.getMessage() + " " + err) + " " + ex.getClass().getCanonicalName(); } else { log.error("Unexpected error " + ex.getMessage(), ex); //log.debug(ex.getMessage(), ex); return ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "errors.generic") + " " + StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(ex.getMessage()) + " " + ex.getClass().getCanonicalName(); } } /** * provides based tmodel searching/browser capability that's pagable * * @param keyword * @param lang * @param offset * @param maxrecords * @param isChooser if true, tModel keys will not be clickable and will * instead be render for a modal dialog box * @return PagableContainer tmodel */ public PagableContainer tModelListAsHtml(String keyword, String lang, int offset, int maxrecords, boolean isChooser) { PagableContainer ret = new PagableContainer(); try { FindTModel fm = new FindTModel(); fm.setAuthInfo(GetToken()); fm.setMaxRows(maxrecords); fm.setListHead(offset); fm.setName(new Name()); if (lang == null || lang.equalsIgnoreCase(ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "items.clicktoedit"))) { fm.getName().setLang(null); } else { fm.getName().setLang(lang); } fm.getName().setValue(keyword); fm.setFindQualifiers(new org.uddi.api_v3.FindQualifiers()); fm.getFindQualifiers().getFindQualifier().add(UDDIConstants.APPROXIMATE_MATCH); fm.getFindQualifiers().getFindQualifier().add(UDDIConstants.CASE_INSENSITIVE_MATCH); fm.getFindQualifiers().getFindQualifier().add(UDDIConstants.SORT_BY_NAME_ASC); TModelList findTModel = null; try { findTModel = inquiry.findTModel(fm); } catch (Exception ex) { if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) { token = null; fm.setAuthInfo(GetToken()); findTModel = inquiry.findTModel(fm); } else { throw ex; } } ret.offset = offset; if (findTModel.getListDescription() != null) { ret.displaycount = findTModel.getListDescription().getIncludeCount(); ret.totalrecords = findTModel.getListDescription().getActualCount(); } if (findTModel.getTModelInfos() == null || findTModel.getTModelInfos().getTModelInfo().isEmpty()) { ret.renderedHtml = ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "errors.norecordsfound");//"No tModels are defined"; } else { // if (!isChooser) { ret.renderedHtml = Printers.PrintTModelListAsHtml(findTModel, session, isChooser); // } else { // ret.renderedHtml = Printers.PrintTModelListAsHtmlModel(findTModel, session); // } } } catch (Exception ex) { ret.renderedHtml = HandleException(ex); } return ret; } /** * Returns the details of a tModel by tModelKey * * @param id * @return the details or null if it doesn't exist or a null value was * passed tmodel */ public TModel getTmodelDetails(String id) { try { if (id == null || id.length() == 0) { return null; } GetTModelDetail req = new GetTModelDetail(); req.setAuthInfo(GetToken()); req.getTModelKey().add(id); TModelDetail tModelDetail = null; try { tModelDetail = inquiry.getTModelDetail(req); } catch (Exception ex) { if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) { token = null; req.setAuthInfo(GetToken()); tModelDetail = inquiry.getTModelDetail(req); } else { throw ex; } } if (tModelDetail != null && !tModelDetail.getTModel().isEmpty()) { return tModelDetail.getTModel().get(0); } } catch (Exception ex) { HandleException(ex); } return null; } /** * A convenience function for GetBusinessDetails * * @param key * @return be */ public BusinessEntity GetBusinessDetailsAsObject(String key) { return GetBusinessDetails(key); } /** * A convenience function for GetServiceDetail * * @param key * @return bs */ public BusinessService GetServiceDetailsAsObject(String key) { return GetServiceDetail(key); } /** * Returns a specific binding template as an object * * @param key * @return null if not found */ public BindingTemplate GetBindingDetailsAsObject(String key) { try { GetBindingDetail r = new GetBindingDetail(); r.setAuthInfo(GetToken()); r.getBindingKey().add(key); BindingDetail bindingDetail = null; try { bindingDetail = inquiry.getBindingDetail(r); } catch (Exception ex) { if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) { token = null; r.setAuthInfo(GetToken()); bindingDetail = inquiry.getBindingDetail(r); } else { throw ex; } } return bindingDetail.getBindingTemplate().get(0); } catch (Exception ex) { HandleException(ex); } return null; } /** * Returns a tmodel given the key * * @param key * @return null if not found */ public TModel GettModelDetailsAsObject(String key) { try { GetTModelDetail r = new GetTModelDetail(); r.setAuthInfo(GetToken()); r.getTModelKey().add(key); TModelDetail tModelDetail = null; try { tModelDetail = inquiry.getTModelDetail(r); } catch (Exception ex) { if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) { token = null; r.setAuthInfo(GetToken()); tModelDetail = inquiry.getTModelDetail(r); } else { throw ex; } } return tModelDetail.getTModel().get(0); } catch (Exception ex) { HandleException(ex); } return null; } /** * An enum to help make UDDI searching easier to work with */ public enum FindType { /** * search for a business */ Business, /** * search for a related business */ RelatedBusiness, /** * search for a business */ Service, /** * search for a tmodel */ tModel, /** * search for a binding template */ BindingTemplate } /** * An enum to help make UDDI searching easier to work with */ public enum CriteriaType { /** * search by name */ Name, /** * by category */ Category, /** * by key */ uid, /** * by tmodel */ tmodel, /** * by identifier bag */ identbag } /** * Provides a simple search interface for the complex UDDI search APIs * * @param type * @param criteria * @param parameters * @param lang * @param findqualifier * @return stylized html */ public String Search(FindType type, CriteriaType criteria, String parameters, String lang, String[] findqualifier) { switch (type) { case BindingTemplate: return FindBindingTemplateToHtml(criteria, parameters, lang, findqualifier); case Business: return FindBusiness(criteria, parameters, lang, findqualifier); case RelatedBusiness: return FindRelatedBusiness(criteria, parameters, lang, findqualifier); case Service: return FindService(criteria, parameters, lang, findqualifier); case tModel: return FindtModels(criteria, parameters, lang, findqualifier); } return ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "items.unknown"); } private String FindBindingTemplateToHtml(CriteriaType criteria, String parameters, String lang, String[] fq) { try { FindBinding fb = new FindBinding(); fb.setAuthInfo(GetToken()); if (fq != null) { fb.setFindQualifiers(new org.uddi.api_v3.FindQualifiers()); for (int i = 0; i < fq.length; i++) { fb.getFindQualifiers().getFindQualifier().add(fq[i]); } } BindingDetail findBusiness = null; switch (criteria) { case Category: fb.setCategoryBag(new CategoryBag()); KeyedReference kr = new KeyedReference(); kr.setTModelKey(parameters); kr.setKeyName("%"); kr.setKeyValue("%"); fb.getCategoryBag().getKeyedReference().add(kr); break; case Name: break; case tmodel: fb.setTModelBag(new TModelBag()); fb.getTModelBag().getTModelKey().add(parameters); break; case uid: //BusinessEntity t = GetBusinessDetails(parameters); findBusiness = new BindingDetail(); BindingTemplate bt = GetBindingDetailsAsObject(parameters); if (bt != null) { findBusiness.getBindingTemplate().add(bt); } break; } if (findBusiness == null) { try { findBusiness = inquiry.findBinding(fb); } catch (Exception ex) { if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) { token = null; fb.setAuthInfo(GetToken()); findBusiness = inquiry.findBinding(fb); } else { throw ex; } } } if (findBusiness != null && !findBusiness.getBindingTemplate().isEmpty()) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("<table class=\"table\">"); for (int i = 0; i < findBusiness.getBindingTemplate().size(); i++) { sb.append("<tr><td>"); sb.append("<a href=\"serviceEditor.jsp?id=") .append(StringEscapeUtils .escapeHtml(findBusiness.getBindingTemplate().get(i).getServiceKey())) .append("\">"); if (findBusiness.getBindingTemplate().get(i).getDescription().isEmpty()) { sb.append(StringEscapeUtils .escapeHtml(findBusiness.getBindingTemplate().get(i).getBindingKey())); } else { String t = StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(Printers .ListToDescString(findBusiness.getBindingTemplate().get(i).getDescription())); if (t == null || t.trim().length() == 0) { sb.append(StringEscapeUtils .escapeHtml(findBusiness.getBindingTemplate().get(i).getBindingKey())); } else { sb.append(t); } } sb.append("</a>"); sb.append("</td></tr>"); } sb.append("</table>"); return sb.toString(); } else { return ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "errors.norecordsfound"); } } catch (Exception ex) { return HandleException(ex); } } private String FindBusiness(CriteriaType criteria, String parameters, String lang, String[] fq) { try { FindBusiness fb = new FindBusiness(); fb.setAuthInfo(GetToken()); if (fq != null) { fb.setFindQualifiers(new org.uddi.api_v3.FindQualifiers()); if (fq != null) { for (int i = 0; i < fq.length; i++) { fb.getFindQualifiers().getFindQualifier().add(fq[i]); } } } BusinessList findBusiness = null; switch (criteria) { case Category: fb.setCategoryBag(new CategoryBag()); KeyedReference kr = new KeyedReference(); kr.setTModelKey(parameters); kr.setKeyName("%"); kr.setKeyValue("%"); fb.getCategoryBag().getKeyedReference().add(kr); break; case Name: Name n = new Name(); n.setLang(lang); n.setValue(parameters); fb.getName().add(n); break; case tmodel: fb.setTModelBag(new TModelBag()); fb.getTModelBag().getTModelKey().add(parameters); break; case uid: BusinessEntity t = GetBusinessDetails(parameters); findBusiness = new BusinessList(); if (t != null) { findBusiness.setBusinessInfos(new BusinessInfos()); BusinessInfo bd = new BusinessInfo(); bd.setBusinessKey(t.getBusinessKey()); bd.getName().addAll(t.getName()); findBusiness.getBusinessInfos().getBusinessInfo().add(bd); } break; } if (findBusiness == null) { try { findBusiness = inquiry.findBusiness(fb); } catch (Exception ex) { if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) { token = null; fb.setAuthInfo(GetToken()); findBusiness = inquiry.findBusiness(fb); } else { throw ex; } } } if (findBusiness != null && findBusiness.getBusinessInfos() != null) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("<table class=\"table\">"); for (int i = 0; i < findBusiness.getBusinessInfos().getBusinessInfo().size(); i++) { sb.append("<tr><td>"); sb.append("<a href=\"businessEditor2.jsp?id=") .append(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml( findBusiness.getBusinessInfos().getBusinessInfo().get(i).getBusinessKey())) .append("\">"); if (findBusiness.getBusinessInfos().getBusinessInfo().get(i).getName().isEmpty()) { sb.append(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml( findBusiness.getBusinessInfos().getBusinessInfo().get(i).getBusinessKey())); } else { sb.append(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(Printers.ListNamesToString( findBusiness.getBusinessInfos().getBusinessInfo().get(i).getName()))); } sb.append("</a>"); sb.append("</td></tr>"); } sb.append("</table>"); return sb.toString(); } else { return ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "errors.norecordsfound"); } } catch (Exception ex) { return HandleException(ex); } } private String FindRelatedBusiness(CriteriaType criteria, String parameters, String lang, String[] fq) { try { FindRelatedBusinesses fb = new FindRelatedBusinesses(); fb.setAuthInfo(GetToken()); fb.setBusinessKey(parameters); RelatedBusinessesList findBusiness = null; switch (criteria) { case Category: break; case Name: break; case tmodel: break; case uid: break; } try { findBusiness = inquiry.findRelatedBusinesses(fb); } catch (Exception ex) { if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) { token = null; fb.setAuthInfo(GetToken()); findBusiness = inquiry.findRelatedBusinesses(fb); } else { throw ex; } } if (findBusiness != null && findBusiness.getRelatedBusinessInfos() != null) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("<table class=\"table table-hover\">"); sb.append("<tr><th>").append(ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "")) .append("</th><th>") .append(ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "items.publisherassertions.relationship")) .append("</th><tr>"); for (int i = 0; i < findBusiness.getRelatedBusinessInfos().getRelatedBusinessInfo().size(); i++) { sb.append("<tr><td>"); sb.append("<a href=\"businessEditor2.jsp?id=").append(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(findBusiness .getRelatedBusinessInfos().getRelatedBusinessInfo().get(i).getBusinessKey())) .append("\">"); if (findBusiness.getRelatedBusinessInfos().getRelatedBusinessInfo().get(i).getName() .isEmpty()) { sb.append(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(findBusiness.getRelatedBusinessInfos() .getRelatedBusinessInfo().get(i).getBusinessKey())); } else { sb.append(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(Printers.ListNamesToString( findBusiness.getRelatedBusinessInfos().getRelatedBusinessInfo().get(i).getName()))); } sb.append("</a>"); sb.append("</td><td>"); sb.append(Printers.PrintPublisherAssertion(findBusiness.getRelatedBusinessInfos() .getRelatedBusinessInfo().get(i).getSharedRelationships(), getLocale())); sb.append("</td></tr>"); } sb.append("</table>"); return sb.toString(); } else { return ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "errors.norecordsfound"); } } catch (Exception ex) { return HandleException(ex); } } private String FindService(CriteriaType criteria, String parameters, String lang, String[] fq) { try { FindService fb = new FindService(); fb.setAuthInfo(GetToken()); if (fq != null) { fb.setFindQualifiers(new org.uddi.api_v3.FindQualifiers()); if (fq != null) { fb.getFindQualifiers().getFindQualifier().addAll(Arrays.asList(fq)); } } ServiceList findBusiness = null; switch (criteria) { case Category: fb.setCategoryBag(new CategoryBag()); KeyedReference kr = new KeyedReference(); kr.setTModelKey(parameters); kr.setKeyName("%"); kr.setKeyValue("%"); fb.getCategoryBag().getKeyedReference().add(kr); break; case Name: Name n = new Name(); n.setLang(lang); n.setValue(parameters); fb.getName().add(n); break; case tmodel: fb.setTModelBag(new TModelBag()); fb.getTModelBag().getTModelKey().add(parameters); break; case uid: findBusiness = new ServiceList(); BusinessService GetServiceDetail = GetServiceDetail(parameters); if (GetServiceDetail != null) { findBusiness.setServiceInfos(new ServiceInfos()); ServiceInfo si = new ServiceInfo(); si.setBusinessKey(GetServiceDetail.getBusinessKey()); si.setServiceKey(GetServiceDetail.getServiceKey()); si.getName().addAll(GetServiceDetail.getName()); findBusiness.getServiceInfos().getServiceInfo().add(si); } break; } if (findBusiness == null) { try { findBusiness = inquiry.findService(fb); } catch (Exception ex) { if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) { token = null; fb.setAuthInfo(GetToken()); findBusiness = inquiry.findService(fb); } else { throw ex; } } } if (findBusiness != null && findBusiness.getServiceInfos() != null) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("<table class=\"table\">"); for (int i = 0; i < findBusiness.getServiceInfos().getServiceInfo().size(); i++) { sb.append("<tr><td>"); sb.append("<a href=\"serviceEditor.jsp?id=") .append(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml( findBusiness.getServiceInfos().getServiceInfo().get(i).getServiceKey())) .append("\">"); if (findBusiness.getServiceInfos().getServiceInfo().get(i).getName().isEmpty()) { sb.append(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml( findBusiness.getServiceInfos().getServiceInfo().get(i).getServiceKey())); } else { sb.append(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(Printers.ListNamesToString( findBusiness.getServiceInfos().getServiceInfo().get(i).getName()))); } sb.append("</a>"); sb.append("</td></tr>"); } sb.append("</table>"); return sb.toString(); } else { return ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "errors.norecordsfound"); } } catch (Exception ex) { return HandleException(ex); } } private String FindtModels(CriteriaType criteria, String parameters, String lang, String[] fq) { try { FindTModel fb = new FindTModel(); fb.setAuthInfo(GetToken()); if (fq != null) { fb.setFindQualifiers(new org.uddi.api_v3.FindQualifiers()); for (int i = 0; i < fq.length; i++) { fb.getFindQualifiers().getFindQualifier().add(fq[i]); } } TModelList findBusiness = null; switch (criteria) { case Category: fb.setCategoryBag(new CategoryBag()); KeyedReference kr = new KeyedReference(); kr.setTModelKey(parameters); kr.setKeyName("%"); kr.setKeyValue("%"); fb.getCategoryBag().getKeyedReference().add(kr); break; case Name: Name n = new Name(); n.setLang(lang); n.setValue(parameters); fb.setName(n); break; case tmodel: fb.setCategoryBag(new CategoryBag()); KeyedReference kr2 = new KeyedReference(); kr2.setTModelKey(parameters); kr2.setKeyName("%"); kr2.setKeyValue("%"); fb.getCategoryBag().getKeyedReference().add(kr2); break; case uid: TModel tmodelDetails = this.getTmodelDetails(parameters); findBusiness = new TModelList(); if (tmodelDetails != null) { findBusiness.setTModelInfos(new TModelInfos()); TModelInfo tmi = new TModelInfo(); tmi.setName(tmodelDetails.getName()); tmi.setTModelKey(tmodelDetails.getTModelKey()); tmi.getDescription().addAll(tmodelDetails.getDescription()); findBusiness.getTModelInfos().getTModelInfo().add(tmi); } break; } if (findBusiness == null) { try { findBusiness = inquiry.findTModel(fb); } catch (Exception ex) { if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) { token = null; fb.setAuthInfo(GetToken()); findBusiness = inquiry.findTModel(fb); } else { throw ex; } } } if (findBusiness != null && findBusiness.getTModelInfos() != null) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("<table class=\"table\">"); for (int i = 0; i < findBusiness.getTModelInfos().getTModelInfo().size(); i++) { sb.append("<tr><td>"); sb.append("<a href=\"tmodelEditor.jsp?id=") .append(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml( findBusiness.getTModelInfos().getTModelInfo().get(i).getTModelKey())) .append("\">"); if (findBusiness.getTModelInfos().getTModelInfo().get(i).getName() == null) { sb.append(StringEscapeUtils .escapeHtml(findBusiness.getTModelInfos().getTModelInfo().get(i).getTModelKey())); } else { sb.append(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml( (findBusiness.getTModelInfos().getTModelInfo().get(i).getName().getValue()))); } sb.append("</a>"); sb.append("</td></tr>"); } sb.append("</table>"); return sb.toString(); } else { return ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "errors.norecordsfound"); } } catch (Exception ex) { return HandleException(ex); } } /** * Deletes a business * * @param bizid * @return null if successful, otherwise an error message */ public String deleteBusiness(String bizid) { if (bizid == null || bizid.length() == 0) { return ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "errors.noinput"); } List<String> x = new ArrayList<String>(); x.add(bizid.trim()); return deleteBusiness(x); } /** * delete a service * * @param serviceId * @return status msg */ public String deleteService(String serviceId) { if (serviceId == null || serviceId.length() == 0) { return ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "errors.noinput"); } List<String> x = new ArrayList<String>(); x.add(serviceId.trim()); return deleteService(x); } /** * deletes a list of services * * @param serviceId * @return status msg */ public String deleteService(List<String> serviceId) { if (serviceId == null || serviceId.isEmpty()) { return ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "errors.noinput"); } DeleteService db = new DeleteService(); db.setAuthInfo(GetToken()); db.getServiceKey().addAll(serviceId); try { try { publish.deleteService(db); } catch (Exception ex) { if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) { token = null; db.setAuthInfo(GetToken()); publish.deleteService(db); } else { throw ex; } } } catch (Exception ex) { return HandleException(ex); } return ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "actions.delete.service"); } /** * Deletes a list of UDDI businesses by key * * @param bizid * @return null if successful, otherwise an error message */ public String deleteBusiness(List<String> bizid) { if (bizid == null || bizid.isEmpty()) { return ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "errors.noinput"); } DeleteBusiness db = new DeleteBusiness(); db.setAuthInfo(GetToken()); db.getBusinessKey().addAll(bizid); try { try { publish.deleteBusiness(db); } catch (Exception ex) { if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) { token = null; db.setAuthInfo(GetToken()); publish.deleteBusiness(db); } else { throw ex; } } } catch (Exception ex) { return HandleException(ex); } return ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, ""); } /** * delete a tmodel * * @param bizid * @return status msg */ public String deleteTmodel(String bizid) { if (bizid == null || bizid.length() == 0) { return ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "errors.noinput"); } List<String> x = new ArrayList<String>(); x.add(bizid); return deleteTmodel(x); } /** * Deletes a list of UDDI tModels by key * * @param bizid * @return null if successful, otherwise an error message */ public String deleteTmodel(List<String> bizid) { if (bizid == null || bizid.isEmpty()) { return ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "errors.noinput"); } DeleteTModel db = new DeleteTModel(); db.setAuthInfo(GetToken()); db.getTModelKey().addAll(bizid); try { try { publish.deleteTModel(db); } catch (Exception ex) { if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) { token = null; db.setAuthInfo(GetToken()); publish.deleteTModel(db); } else { throw ex; } } } catch (Exception ex) { return HandleException(ex); } return ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "actions.delete.tmodel"); } /** * saves a tmodel object * * @param be * @return status msg */ public String SaveTModel(TModel be) { try { SaveTModel sb = new SaveTModel(); sb.setAuthInfo(GetToken()); TModelDetail saveTModel = null; sb.getTModel().add(be); //JAXB.marshal(be, System.out); try { saveTModel = publish.saveTModel(sb); } catch (Exception ex) { if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) { token = null; sb.setAuthInfo(GetToken()); saveTModel = publish.saveTModel(sb); } else { throw ex; } } //return ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "actions.saved"); return ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "actions.saved") + " " + "<a href=\"tmodelEditor.jsp?id=" + URLEncoder.encode(saveTModel.getTModel().get(0).getTModelKey(), "UTF8") + "\">" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(saveTModel.getTModel().get(0).getTModelKey()) + "</a>"; } catch (Exception ex) { return HandleException(ex); } } /** * This rebuild a tmodel from the http request, such as from the tmodel * editor page * * @param request * @return status msg */ public String SaveTModel(HttpServletRequest request) { TModel be = new TModel(); be.setTModelKey(request.getParameter(PostBackConstants.SERVICEKEY).trim()); if (be.getTModelKey() != null && (be.getTModelKey().equalsIgnoreCase(ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "items.clicktoedit"))) || be.getTModelKey().length() == 0) { be.setTModelKey(null); } be.setName(new Name()); String t = request.getParameter(PostBackConstants.NAME + PostBackConstants.VALUE); if (t != null && !t.equalsIgnoreCase(ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "items.clicktoedit")) && t.length() > 0) { be.getName().setValue(t); } t = request.getParameter(PostBackConstants.NAME + PostBackConstants.LANG); if (t != null && !t.equalsIgnoreCase(ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "items.clicktoedit")) && t.length() > 0) { be.getName().setLang(t); } t = request.getParameter(PostBackConstants.TMODEL_DELETED); if (t != null) { if (t.equalsIgnoreCase("checked")) { be.setDeleted(Boolean.TRUE); } } if (!be.isDeleted()) { be.setDeleted(Boolean.FALSE); } be.getDescription() .addAll(Builders.BuildDescription( Builders.MapFilter(request.getParameterMap(), PostBackConstants.DESCRIPTION), PostBackConstants.DESCRIPTION, ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "items.clicktoedit"), getLocale())); be.getOverviewDoc().addAll(Builders.BuildOverviewDocs( Builders.MapFilter(request.getParameterMap(), PostBackConstants.OVERVIEW), PostBackConstants.OVERVIEW, ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "items.clicktoedit"), getLocale())); CategoryBag cb = new CategoryBag(); cb.getKeyedReference() .addAll(Builders.BuildKeyedReference( Builders.MapFilter(request.getParameterMap(), PostBackConstants.CATBAG_KEY_REF), PostBackConstants.CATBAG_KEY_REF, getLocale())); cb.getKeyedReferenceGroup() .addAll(Builders.BuildKeyedReferenceGroup( Builders.MapFilter(request.getParameterMap(), PostBackConstants.CATBAG_KEY_REF_GRP), PostBackConstants.CATBAG_KEY_REF_GRP, getLocale())); if (!cb.getKeyedReference().isEmpty() || !cb.getKeyedReferenceGroup().isEmpty()) { be.setCategoryBag(cb); } be.setIdentifierBag(Builders.BuildIdentBag( Builders.MapFilter(request.getParameterMap(), PostBackConstants.IDENT_KEY_REF), PostBackConstants.IDENT_KEY_REF, getLocale())); return SaveTModel(be); } /** * Converts a UDDI Signature to a readable representation of the signing * certificate subject name * * @param sig * @return human readable signature */ public static String SignatureToReadable(SignatureType sig) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); // X509Certificate signingcert = null; //sb.append("Signature Id: ").append(sig.getKeyInfo().getId()); for (int i = 0; i < sig.getKeyInfo().getContent().size(); i++) { //sb.append("Signature #").append((i + 1)).append(": "); JAXBElement get = (JAXBElement) sig.getKeyInfo().getContent().get(i); if (get.getValue() instanceof org.w3._2000._09.xmldsig_.X509DataType) { X509DataType xd = (X509DataType) get.getValue(); for (int k = 0; k < xd.getX509IssuerSerialOrX509SKIOrX509SubjectName().size(); k++) { if (xd.getX509IssuerSerialOrX509SKIOrX509SubjectName().get(k) instanceof JAXBElement) { JAXBElement element = (JAXBElement) xd.getX509IssuerSerialOrX509SKIOrX509SubjectName() .get(k); if (element.getValue() instanceof byte[]) { try { CertificateFactory cf = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509"); InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream((byte[]) element.getValue()); X509Certificate cert = (X509Certificate) cf.generateCertificate(is); is.close(); sb.append(cert.getSubjectDN().getName()); } catch (Exception ex) { } } else if (element.getValue() instanceof String) { // sb.append((String) element.getValue()); } } } } } return sb.toString(); } /** * converts a UDDI Signature Type element into a base64 string * containing the raw data for the signing certificate, if present * * @param sig * @return x509 cert */ public String SignatureToBase64(SignatureType sig) { if (sig == null) { return "Error, the signature was nullavailable"; } for (int i = 0; i < sig.getKeyInfo().getContent().size(); i++) { JAXBElement get = (JAXBElement) sig.getKeyInfo().getContent().get(i); if (get.getValue() instanceof org.w3._2000._09.xmldsig_.X509DataType) { X509DataType xd = (X509DataType) get.getValue(); for (int k = 0; k < xd.getX509IssuerSerialOrX509SKIOrX509SubjectName().size(); k++) { if (xd.getX509IssuerSerialOrX509SKIOrX509SubjectName().get(k) instanceof JAXBElement) { JAXBElement element = (JAXBElement) xd.getX509IssuerSerialOrX509SKIOrX509SubjectName() .get(k); if (element.getValue() instanceof byte[]) { try { CertificateFactory cf = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509"); InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream((byte[]) element.getValue()); X509Certificate cert = (X509Certificate) cf.generateCertificate(is); is.close(); //this is the most supportable way to do this return org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64.encodeBase64String(cert.getEncoded()); //BASE64Encoder encoder = new BASE64Encoder(); //return encoder.encodeBuffer(cert.getEncoded()); } catch (Exception ex) { return HandleException(ex); } } else if (element.getValue() instanceof String) { } } } } } return ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "errors.nocertavaiable"); } /** * Retrieves the UDDI entity, then attempts to return a base64 encoded * certificate of the N'th indexed signature * * @param ft The type of item requested * @param id the unique identifier of the entity * @param index the offset of the signature, starting at 0 * @return the base64 encoded certification, omitting headers and * footers OR "Error" with an error message */ public String GetCertificate(FindType ft, String id, int index) { SignatureType st = null; switch (ft) { case BindingTemplate: BindingTemplate GetBindingDetailsAsObject = GetBindingDetailsAsObject(id); if (GetBindingDetailsAsObject != null) { return SignatureToBase64(GetBindingDetailsAsObject.getSignature().get(index)); } break; case Business: BusinessEntity GetBusinessDetailsAsObject = GetBusinessDetailsAsObject(id); if (GetBusinessDetailsAsObject != null) { return SignatureToBase64(GetBusinessDetailsAsObject.getSignature().get(index)); } break; case Service: BusinessService GetServiceDetailsAsObject = GetServiceDetailsAsObject(id); if (GetServiceDetailsAsObject != null) { return SignatureToBase64(GetServiceDetailsAsObject.getSignature().get(index)); } break; case tModel: TModel GettModelDetailsAsObject = GettModelDetailsAsObject(id); if (GettModelDetailsAsObject != null) { return SignatureToBase64(GettModelDetailsAsObject.getSignature().get(index)); } break; } return ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "errors.unknownentity"); } /** * gets all of my subscriptions * * @return null if there's an error */ public List<Subscription> GetSubscriptions() { try { try { return subscription.getSubscriptions(GetToken()); } catch (Exception ex) { if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) { token = null; return subscription.getSubscriptions(GetToken()); } else { throw ex; } } } catch (Exception ex) { HandleException(ex); } return null; } /** * attempts to save subscription * * @param sub * @return a success or fail message */ public String AddSubscription(Subscription sub) { Holder<List<Subscription>> data = new Holder<List<Subscription>>(); data.value = new ArrayList<Subscription>(); data.value.add(sub); try { try { subscription.saveSubscription(GetToken(), data); } catch (Exception ex) { if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) { token = null; subscription.saveSubscription(GetToken(), data); } else { throw ex; } } return ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "messages.success") + " <a href=\"editSubscription.jsp?id=" + URLEncoder.encode(data.value.get(0).getSubscriptionKey(), "UTF8") + "\">" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(data.value.get(0).getSubscriptionKey()) + "</a>"; } catch (Exception ex) { return HandleException(ex); } } /** * Removes/deletes a subscription * * @param key * @return success or failure message */ public String RemoveSubscription(String key) { DeleteSubscription ds = new DeleteSubscription(); ds.setAuthInfo(GetToken()); ds.getSubscriptionKey().add(key); try { try { subscription.deleteSubscription(ds); return ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "actions.deleted"); } catch (Exception ex) { if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) { token = null; ds.setAuthInfo(GetToken()); subscription.deleteSubscription(ds); return ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "actions.deleted"); } else { throw ex; } } } catch (Exception ex) { return HandleException(ex); } // return ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "messages.success"); } /** * gets the opinfo on an item * * @param id * @return null if theres an error */ public List<OperationalInfo> GetOperationalInfo(String id) { if (id == null || id.equalsIgnoreCase("null")) { return null; } GetOperationalInfo goi = new GetOperationalInfo(); goi.setAuthInfo(GetToken()); goi.getEntityKey().add(id); OperationalInfos operationalInfo = null; try { try { operationalInfo = inquiry.getOperationalInfo(goi); } catch (Exception ex) { if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) { token = null; goi.setAuthInfo(GetToken()); operationalInfo = inquiry.getOperationalInfo(goi); } else { throw ex; } } return operationalInfo.getOperationalInfo(); } catch (Exception ex) { HandleException(ex); } return null; } /** * GetOperationalInfo * * @param info * @return formatted html */ public String GetOperationalInfo(List<OperationalInfo> info) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (info != null && !info.isEmpty()) { sb.append("<table class=\"table table-hover\">"); sb.append("<tr><th>").append(ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "items.nodeid")).append("</th><th>") .append(ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "items.authorizedname")).append("</th><th>") .append(ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "items.key")).append("</th><th>") .append(ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "items.created")).append("</th><th>") .append(ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "items.modified")).append("</th><th>") .append(ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "items.modifiedwithchildren")).append("</th></tr>"); for (int i = 0; i < info.size(); i++) { if (info.get(i) == null) { continue; } sb.append("<tr><td>"); sb.append((info.get(i).getNodeID() != null ? StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(info.get(i).getNodeID()) : "")).append("</td><td>") .append((info.get(i).getAuthorizedName() != null ? StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(info.get(i).getAuthorizedName()) : "")) .append("</td><td>") .append((info.get(i).getEntityKey() != null ? StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(info.get(i).getEntityKey()) : "")) .append("</td><td>") .append((info.get(i).getCreated() != null ? StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(info.get(i).getCreated().toString()) : "")) .append("</td><td>") .append((info.get(i).getModified() != null ? StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(info.get(i).getModified().toString()) : "")) .append("</td><td>") .append((info.get(i).getModifiedIncludingChildren() != null ? StringEscapeUtils .escapeHtml(info.get(i).getModifiedIncludingChildren().toString()) : "")) .append("</td></tr>"); } sb.append("</table>"); } else { sb.append(ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "errors.nooperationalinfo")); } return sb.toString(); } /** * This function returns all businesses that the current user * owns<br><br> * The get_registeredInfo API call is used to get an abbreviated list of * all businessEntity and tModel data that are controlled by a * publisher. When the registry distinguishes between publishers, this * is the individual associated with the credentials passed in the * authInfo element. This returned information is intended, for example, * for driving tools that display lists of registered information and * then provide drill-down features. This is the recommended API to use * after a network problem results in an unknown status of saved * information. * * @return RegisteredInfo */ public RegisteredInfo GetNodeInformation(AtomicReference<String> outmsg) { if (outmsg == null) { outmsg = new AtomicReference<String>(); } try { GetRegisteredInfo r = new GetRegisteredInfo(); r.setAuthInfo(GetToken()); if (r.getAuthInfo() == null) { outmsg.set(ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "errors.notsignedin")); return null; } r.setInfoSelection(InfoSelection.ALL); RegisteredInfo registeredInfo = null; try { registeredInfo = publish.getRegisteredInfo(r); } catch (Exception ex) { if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) { token = null; r.setAuthInfo(GetToken()); registeredInfo = publish.getRegisteredInfo(r); } else { throw ex; } } return registeredInfo; } catch (Exception ex) { outmsg.set(HandleException(ex)); } return null; } /** * Gets a list of all assertions for all businesses owned by the current * user * * The get_assertionStatusReport API call provides administrative * support for determining the status of current and outstanding * publisher assertions that involve any of the business registrations * managed by the individual publisher. Using this API, a publisher can * see the status of assertions that they have made, as well as see * assertions that others have made that involve businessEntity * structures controlled by the requesting publisher. See Appendix A * Relationships and Publisher Assertions for more information. * * @param msg * @return list */ public List<AssertionStatusItem> GetPublisherAssertions(AtomicReference<String> msg) { List<AssertionStatusItem> out = new ArrayList<AssertionStatusItem>(); if (GetToken() == null) { msg.set(ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "errors.notsignedin")); return null; } List<AssertionStatusItem> STATUS_COMPLETE = null; try { try { STATUS_COMPLETE = publish.getAssertionStatusReport(GetToken(), CompletionStatus.STATUS_COMPLETE); } catch (Exception ex) { if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) { token = null; STATUS_COMPLETE = publish.getAssertionStatusReport(GetToken(), CompletionStatus.STATUS_COMPLETE); } else { throw ex; } } } catch (Exception ex) { msg.set(HandleException(ex)); } if (STATUS_COMPLETE != null) { out.addAll(STATUS_COMPLETE); } List<AssertionStatusItem> STATUS_FROM_KEY_INCOMPLETE = null; try { try { STATUS_FROM_KEY_INCOMPLETE = publish.getAssertionStatusReport(GetToken(), CompletionStatus.STATUS_FROM_KEY_INCOMPLETE); } catch (Exception ex) { if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) { token = null; STATUS_FROM_KEY_INCOMPLETE = publish.getAssertionStatusReport(GetToken(), CompletionStatus.STATUS_FROM_KEY_INCOMPLETE); } else { throw ex; } } } catch (Exception ex) { msg.set(HandleException(ex)); } if (STATUS_FROM_KEY_INCOMPLETE != null) { out.addAll(STATUS_FROM_KEY_INCOMPLETE); } List<AssertionStatusItem> STATUS_TO_KEY_INCOMPLETE = null; try { try { STATUS_TO_KEY_INCOMPLETE = publish.getAssertionStatusReport(GetToken(), CompletionStatus.STATUS_TO_KEY_INCOMPLETE); } catch (Exception ex) { if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) { token = null; STATUS_TO_KEY_INCOMPLETE = publish.getAssertionStatusReport(GetToken(), CompletionStatus.STATUS_TO_KEY_INCOMPLETE); } else { throw ex; } } } catch (Exception ex) { msg.set(HandleException(ex)); } if (STATUS_TO_KEY_INCOMPLETE != null) { out.addAll(STATUS_TO_KEY_INCOMPLETE); } return out; //return publisherAssertions; } /** * deletes a publisher assertion, all fields must match exactly * * @param tokey * @param fromkey * @param tmodelkey * @param keyname * @param keyvalue * @return status msg */ public String DeletePublisherAssertion(String tokey, String fromkey, String tmodelkey, String keyname, String keyvalue) { DeletePublisherAssertions dp = new DeletePublisherAssertions(); dp.setAuthInfo(GetToken()); PublisherAssertion add = new PublisherAssertion(); add.setToKey(tokey); add.setFromKey(fromkey); add.setKeyedReference(new KeyedReference()); add.getKeyedReference().setTModelKey(tmodelkey); add.getKeyedReference().setKeyName(keyname); add.getKeyedReference().setKeyValue(keyvalue); dp.getPublisherAssertion().add(add); try { try { publish.deletePublisherAssertions(dp); } catch (Exception ex) { if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) { token = null; dp.setAuthInfo(GetToken()); publish.deletePublisherAssertions(dp); } else { throw ex; } } } catch (Exception ex) { return HandleException(ex); } return ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "actions.saved"); } /** * Adds a new publisher assertion * * @param tokey * @param fromkey * @param keyname * @param keyvalue * @return status msg, expected value is actions.saved */ public String AddPublisherAssertion(String tokey, String fromkey, String tmodelkey, String keyname, String keyvalue) { // List<PublisherAssertion> x = GetPublisherAssertions(); AddPublisherAssertions r = new AddPublisherAssertions(); r.setAuthInfo(GetToken()); PublisherAssertion add = new PublisherAssertion(); add.setToKey(tokey); add.setFromKey(fromkey); add.setKeyedReference(new KeyedReference()); add.getKeyedReference().setTModelKey(tmodelkey); add.getKeyedReference().setKeyName(keyname); add.getKeyedReference().setKeyValue(keyvalue); //TODO signatures? :( r.getPublisherAssertion().add(add); try { try { publish.addPublisherAssertions(r); } catch (Exception ex) { if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) { token = null; r.setAuthInfo(GetToken()); publish.addPublisherAssertions(r); } else { throw ex; } } } catch (Exception ex) { return HandleException(ex); } return ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "actions.saved"); } /** * Returns bootstrap stylized html representing all changes in the last * refresh * * @param lastRefresh * @return formatted html * @throws DatatypeConfigurationException */ public String GetNewsFeed(XMLGregorianCalendar lastRefresh) throws DatatypeConfigurationException { if (GetToken() == null) { return ToErrorAlert(ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "errors.notsignedin")); } if (df == null) { df = DatatypeFactory.newInstance(); } List<Subscription> subscriptions = new ArrayList<Subscription>(); try { try { subscriptions = subscription.getSubscriptions(GetToken()); } catch (Exception ex) { if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) { token = null; subscriptions = subscription.getSubscriptions(GetToken()); } else { throw ex; } } } catch (Exception ex) { return HandleException(ex); } GregorianCalendar gcal = new GregorianCalendar(); gcal.setTimeInMillis(System.currentTimeMillis()); GetSubscriptionResults r = new GetSubscriptionResults(); r.setAuthInfo(GetToken()); r.setCoveragePeriod(new CoveragePeriod()); r.getCoveragePeriod().setEndPoint(df.newXMLGregorianCalendar(gcal)); r.getCoveragePeriod().setStartPoint(lastRefresh); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (subscriptions.isEmpty()) { return ToErrorAlert(ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "errors.subscriptionfeed.nosubs")); } for (int k = 0; k < subscriptions.size(); k++) { r.setSubscriptionKey(subscriptions.get(k).getSubscriptionKey()); SubscriptionResultsList subscriptionResults = null; try { try { subscriptionResults = subscription.getSubscriptionResults(r); } catch (Exception ex) { if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) { token = null; r.setAuthInfo(GetToken()); subscriptionResults = subscription.getSubscriptionResults(r); } else { throw ex; } } } catch (Exception ex) { return HandleException(ex); } if (subscriptionResults != null) { // subscriptionResults.getAssertionStatusReport(). if (subscriptionResults.getAssertionStatusReport() != null) { sb.append(ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "items.subscriptions.assertion")) .append("<table class=\"table table-hover\">"); for (int i = 0; i < subscriptionResults.getAssertionStatusReport().getAssertionStatusItem() .size(); i++) { sb.append("<tr><td>"); sb.append(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(subscriptionResults.getAssertionStatusReport() .getAssertionStatusItem().get(i).getFromKey())); sb.append("</td><td>"); sb.append(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(subscriptionResults.getAssertionStatusReport() .getAssertionStatusItem().get(i).getToKey())); sb.append("</td><td>"); sb.append(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(subscriptionResults.getAssertionStatusReport() .getAssertionStatusItem().get(i).getCompletionStatus().toString())); sb.append("</td></tr>"); } sb.append("</table><br>"); } if (subscriptionResults.getBindingDetail() != null) { sb.append(ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "items.subscriptions.bindings")) .append("<table class=\"table table-hover\">"); for (int i = 0; i < subscriptionResults.getBindingDetail().getBindingTemplate().size(); i++) { sb.append("<tr><td>"); sb.append(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(subscriptionResults.getBindingDetail() .getBindingTemplate().get(i).getServiceKey())); sb.append("</td><td>"); sb.append(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(subscriptionResults.getBindingDetail() .getBindingTemplate().get(i).getBindingKey())); sb.append("</td></tr>"); } sb.append("</table><br>"); } if (subscriptionResults.getBusinessDetail() != null) { sb.append(ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "")) .append("<table class=\"table table-hover\">"); for (int i = 0; i < subscriptionResults.getBusinessDetail().getBusinessEntity().size(); i++) { sb.append("<tr><td><a href=\"businessEditor2.jsp?id="); sb.append(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(subscriptionResults.getBusinessDetail() .getBusinessEntity().get(i).getBusinessKey())); sb.append("\">"); sb.append(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(subscriptionResults.getBusinessDetail() .getBusinessEntity().get(i).getBusinessKey())); sb.append("<i class=\"icon-large icon-edit\"></i></a></td></tr>"); } sb.append("</table><br>"); } if (subscriptionResults.getRelatedBusinessesList() != null) { sb.append(ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "items.subscriptions.assertion2")) .append("<table class=\"table table-hover\">"); // for (int i = 0; i < subscriptionResults.getRelatedBusinessesList().getBusinessKey().size(); i++) { sb.append("<tr><td>"); sb.append(StringEscapeUtils .escapeHtml(subscriptionResults.getRelatedBusinessesList().getBusinessKey())); sb.append("</td></tr>"); //} sb.append("</table><br>"); } if (subscriptionResults.getServiceDetail() != null) { sb.append(ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "")) .append("<table class=\"table table-hover\">"); for (int i = 0; i < subscriptionResults.getServiceDetail().getBusinessService().size(); i++) { sb.append("<tr><td><a href=\"serviceEditor.jsp?id="); sb.append(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(subscriptionResults.getServiceDetail() .getBusinessService().get(i).getServiceKey())); sb.append("\">"); sb.append(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(subscriptionResults.getServiceDetail() .getBusinessService().get(i).getServiceKey())); sb.append("<i class=\"icon-large icon-edit\"></i></a></td></tr>"); } sb.append("</table><br>"); } if (subscriptionResults.getServiceList() != null) { sb.append(ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "items.subscriptions.servicelist")) .append("<table class=\"table table-hover\">"); for (int i = 0; i < subscriptionResults.getServiceList().getServiceInfos().getServiceInfo() .size(); i++) { sb.append("<tr><td>"); sb.append(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(subscriptionResults.getServiceList() .getServiceInfos().getServiceInfo().get(i).getServiceKey())); sb.append("</td><td>"); sb.append(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(Printers.ListNamesToString(subscriptionResults .getServiceList().getServiceInfos().getServiceInfo().get(i).getName()))); sb.append("</td></tr>"); } sb.append("</table><br>"); } if (subscriptionResults.getTModelDetail() != null) { sb.append(ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "items.subscriptions.tmodels")) .append("<br><table class=\"table table-hover\">"); for (int i = 0; i < subscriptionResults.getTModelDetail().getTModel().size(); i++) { sb.append("<tr><td>"); sb.append(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml( subscriptionResults.getTModelDetail().getTModel().get(i).getTModelKey())); sb.append("</td><td>"); sb.append(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml( (subscriptionResults.getTModelDetail().getTModel().get(i).getName().getValue()))); sb.append("</td></tr>"); } sb.append("</table><br>"); } if (subscriptionResults.getTModelList() != null) { sb.append(ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "items.subscriptions.tmodels2")) .append("<table class=\"table table-hover\">"); for (int i = 0; i < subscriptionResults.getTModelList().getTModelInfos().getTModelInfo() .size(); i++) { sb.append("<tr><td><a href=\"serviceEditor.jsp?id="); sb.append(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(subscriptionResults.getTModelList().getTModelInfos() .getTModelInfo().get(i).getTModelKey())); sb.append("\">"); sb.append(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(subscriptionResults.getTModelList().getTModelInfos() .getTModelInfo().get(i).getTModelKey())); sb.append("<i class=\"icon-large icon-edit\"></i></a></td><td>"); sb.append(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml((subscriptionResults.getTModelList().getTModelInfos() .getTModelInfo().get(i).getName().getValue()))); sb.append("</td></tr>"); } sb.append("</table>"); } } } return sb.toString(); } /** * Searches first for a service, then iterates through to identify * bindings matching the specified criteria. Since UDDI does not have a * find_binding API, this is as good as it gets. * * @param keyword * @param lang * @param offset * @param maxrecords * @param isChooser * @return PagableContainer */ public PagableContainer SearchForBinding(String keyword, String lang, int offset, int maxrecords, boolean isChooser) { PagableContainer ret = new PagableContainer(); ret.displaycount = 0; ret.offset = offset; ret.totalrecords = 0; try { FindService fs = new FindService(); fs.setAuthInfo(GetToken()); fs.setMaxRows(maxrecords); fs.setListHead(offset); Name n = new Name(); if (lang == null || lang.equalsIgnoreCase(ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "items.clicktoedit"))) { n.setLang(null); } else { n.setLang(lang); } n.setValue(keyword); fs.getName().add(n); fs.setFindQualifiers(new org.uddi.api_v3.FindQualifiers()); fs.getFindQualifiers().getFindQualifier().add(UDDIConstants.APPROXIMATE_MATCH); fs.getFindQualifiers().getFindQualifier().add(UDDIConstants.SORT_BY_NAME_ASC); ServiceList findService = null;//inquiry.findService(fs); try { findService = inquiry.findService(fs); } catch (Exception ex) { if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) { token = null; fs.setAuthInfo(GetToken()); findService = inquiry.findService(fs); } else { throw ex; } } if (findService == null || findService.getServiceInfos() == null) { ret.renderedHtml = ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "errors.norecordsfound"); return ret; } ret.displaycount = findService.getListDescription().getIncludeCount(); ret.totalrecords = findService.getListDescription().getActualCount(); GetServiceDetail gs = new GetServiceDetail(); gs.setAuthInfo(GetToken()); for (int i = 0; i < findService.getServiceInfos().getServiceInfo().size(); i++) { gs.getServiceKey().add(findService.getServiceInfos().getServiceInfo().get(i).getServiceKey()); } ServiceDetail serviceDetail = null; try { serviceDetail = inquiry.getServiceDetail(gs); } catch (Exception ex) { if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) { token = null; fs.setAuthInfo(GetToken()); serviceDetail = inquiry.getServiceDetail(gs); } else { throw ex; } } if (serviceDetail == null || serviceDetail.getBusinessService().isEmpty()) { ret.renderedHtml = ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "errors.norecordsfound"); return ret; } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("<table class=\"table\"><tr><th>").append("</th><th>") .append(ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "")).append("</th><th>") .append(ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "items.service")).append("</th><th>") .append(ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "items.bindingtemplate.key")).append("</th><th>") .append(ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "items.accesspoint.value")).append("</th></tr>"); for (int i = 0; i < serviceDetail.getBusinessService().size(); i++) { // System.out.println(serviceDetail.getBusinessService().get(i).getBindingTemplates().getBindingTemplate().size()); if (serviceDetail.getBusinessService().get(i).getBindingTemplates() != null) { for (int k = 0; k < serviceDetail.getBusinessService().get(i).getBindingTemplates() .getBindingTemplate().size(); k++) { //System.out.println(serviceDetail.getBusinessService().get(i).getBindingTemplates().getBindingTemplate().get(k).getAccessPoint().getValue()); sb.append("<tr><td><input type=\"checkbox\" class=\"modalableBinding\" id=\"") .append(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(serviceDetail.getBusinessService().get(i) .getBindingTemplates().getBindingTemplate().get(k).getBindingKey())) .append("\">").append("</td><td>").append("<a href=\"businessEditor2.jsp?id=") .append(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml( findService.getServiceInfos().getServiceInfo().get(i).getBusinessKey())) .append("\">") .append(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml( (findService.getServiceInfos().getServiceInfo().get(i).getBusinessKey()))) .append("</a>").append("</td><td>").append("<a href=\"serviceEditor.jsp?id=") .append(StringEscapeUtils .escapeHtml(serviceDetail.getBusinessService().get(i).getServiceKey())) .append("\" title=\"") .append(StringEscapeUtils .escapeHtml(serviceDetail.getBusinessService().get(i).getServiceKey())) .append("\">") .append(Printers .ListNamesToString(serviceDetail.getBusinessService().get(i).getName())) .append("</a>").append("</td><td>") .append(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(serviceDetail.getBusinessService().get(i) .getBindingTemplates().getBindingTemplate().get(k).getBindingKey())) .append("</td><td>"); if (serviceDetail.getBusinessService().get(i).getBindingTemplates().getBindingTemplate() .get(k).getAccessPoint() != null) { sb.append(StringEscapeUtils .escapeHtml(serviceDetail.getBusinessService().get(i).getBindingTemplates() .getBindingTemplate().get(k).getAccessPoint().getValue())); } sb.append("</td></tr>"); } } } sb.append("</table>"); ret.renderedHtml = sb.toString(); return ret; } catch (Exception ex) { ret.renderedHtml = HandleException(ex); } return ret; } /** * Get a custody transfer token for giving away control of the specified * business or tmodel keys * * authInfo: This OPTIONAL argument is an element that contains an * authentication token. Authentication tokens are obtained using the * get_authToken API call or through some other means external to this * specification, and represent the identity of the publisher at a UDDI * node. * * transferToken: This is a known transferToken obtained by a * publisher at the node where the get_transferToken API was invoked. * * keyBag: One or more uddiKeys associated either with businessEntity * or tModel entities owned by the publisher that were to be transferred * to some other publisher and/or node in the registry as the result of * invocation of get_transferToken. At least one businessKey or * tModelKey must be provided in a keyBag. * * @param keys * @param nodeid * @param outExpires * @param outToken * @return status */ public String GetCustodyTransferToken(org.uddi.custody_v3.KeyBag keys, Holder<String> nodeid, Holder<XMLGregorianCalendar> outExpires, Holder<byte[]> outToken) { // org.uddi.custody_v3.KeyBag kb = new org.uddi.custody_v3.KeyBag(); // kb.getKey().addAll(keys); try { try { custody.getTransferToken(GetToken(), keys, nodeid, outExpires, outToken); } catch (Exception ex) { if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) { token = null; custody.getTransferToken(GetToken(), keys, nodeid, outExpires, outToken); } else { throw ex; } } } catch (Exception ex) { return HandleException(ex); } return null;//"Success"; } /** * * @param tokenxml * @return The discard_transferToken API is a client API used to discard * a transferToken obtained through the get_transferToken API at the * same node. This API accepts either a transferToken or a keyBag as * parameters to remove the permission to transfer data associated with * a particular transferToken. If a keyBag is provided, all tokens * corresponding to the keys in the keyBag will be discarded and will no * longer be valid for custody or ownership transfer after the * discard_transferToken is processed, irrespective of whether the keys * match any known business or tmodelKey values. In the event that the * keyBag represents a subset of the keyBag for one or more * transferToken elements, the transferToken is discarded and will no * longer be valid for transferring any entity. If the token passed in * the transferToken argument does not match an existing token known to * the system, no action is taken and success is reported. Keys in the * keyBag argument that do not have a corresponding token are ignored. */ public String DiscardToken(String tokenxml) { DiscardTransferToken r = new DiscardTransferToken(); r.setAuthInfo(GetToken()); r.setTransferToken(JAXB.unmarshal(new StringReader(tokenxml), TransferToken.class)); try { try { custody.discardTransferToken(r); } catch (Exception ex) { if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) { token = null; r.setAuthInfo(GetToken()); custody.discardTransferToken(r); } else { throw ex; } } } catch (Exception ex) { return HandleException(ex); } return null;//"Success"; } /** * Accepts a transfer token and transfers the entities. * * @param tokenXML * @param keyBagXML * @return status msg */ public String AcceptCustodyTranferToken(String tokenXML, String keyBagXML) { try { TransferEntities te = new TransferEntities(); te.setAuthInfo(GetToken()); StringReader sr = new StringReader(tokenXML.trim()); te.setTransferToken(JAXB.unmarshal(sr, TransferToken.class)); sr = new StringReader(keyBagXML.trim()); te.setKeyBag(JAXB.unmarshal(sr, org.uddi.custody_v3.KeyBag.class)); try { custody.transferEntities(te); } catch (Exception ex) { if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) { token = null; te.setAuthInfo(GetToken()); custody.transferEntities(te); } else { throw ex; } } } catch (Exception ex) { return HandleException(ex); } return null;//"Success"; } /** * returns a subscription by id, since UDDI does not provide this * function, it simply gets all of them for the current user then * filters out the requested item * * @param id * @return null if not found */ public Subscription GetSubscriptionDetails(String id) { if (id == null) { return null; } List<Subscription> GetSubscriptions = this.GetSubscriptions(); if (GetSubscriptions == null) { return null; } for (int i = 0; i < GetSubscriptions.size(); i++) { if (GetSubscriptions.get(i).getSubscriptionKey() != null && GetSubscriptions.get(i).getSubscriptionKey().equalsIgnoreCase(id)) { return GetSubscriptions.get(i); } } return null; } /** * * @param request * @param service * @param method * @return xml response * @see UDDIRequestsAsXML */ public String SendAdvancedQuery(Object request, String service, String method) { if (service.equalsIgnoreCase(UDDIRequestsAsXML.inquiry)) { return SendAdvancedQueryInquiry(method, request); } if (service.equalsIgnoreCase(UDDIRequestsAsXML.publish)) { return SendAdvancedQueryPublish(method, request); } if (service.equalsIgnoreCase(UDDIRequestsAsXML.custody)) { return SendAdvancedQueryCustody(method, request); } if (service.equalsIgnoreCase(UDDIRequestsAsXML.subscription)) { return SendAdvancedQuerySubscription(method, request); } return "Unknown error"; } private String SendAdvancedQueryInquiry(String method, Object request) { Object response = null; try { if (method.equalsIgnoreCase("findBinding")) { ((FindBinding) request).setAuthInfo(GetToken()); try { response = inquiry.findBinding((FindBinding) request); } catch (Exception ex) { if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) { token = null; ((FindBinding) request).setAuthInfo(GetToken()); response = inquiry.findBinding((FindBinding) request); } else { throw ex; } } } if (method.equalsIgnoreCase("findBusiness")) { ((FindBusiness) request).setAuthInfo(GetToken()); try { response = inquiry.findBusiness((FindBusiness) request); } catch (Exception ex) { if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) { token = null; ((FindBusiness) request).setAuthInfo(GetToken()); response = inquiry.findBusiness((FindBusiness) request); } else { throw ex; } } } if (method.equalsIgnoreCase("findService")) { ((FindService) request).setAuthInfo(GetToken()); try { response = inquiry.findService((FindService) request); } catch (Exception ex) { if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) { token = null; ((FindService) request).setAuthInfo(GetToken()); response = inquiry.findService((FindService) request); } else { throw ex; } } } if (method.equalsIgnoreCase("findRelatedBusines")) { ((FindRelatedBusinesses) request).setAuthInfo(GetToken()); try { response = inquiry.findRelatedBusinesses((FindRelatedBusinesses) request); } catch (Exception ex) { if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) { token = null; ((FindRelatedBusinesses) request).setAuthInfo(GetToken()); response = inquiry.findRelatedBusinesses((FindRelatedBusinesses) request); } else { throw ex; } } } if (method.equalsIgnoreCase("findTModel")) { ((FindTModel) request).setAuthInfo(GetToken()); try { response = inquiry.findTModel((FindTModel) request); } catch (Exception ex) { if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) { token = null; ((FindTModel) request).setAuthInfo(GetToken()); response = inquiry.findTModel((FindTModel) request); } else { throw ex; } } } if (method.equalsIgnoreCase("getBindingDetail")) { ((GetBindingDetail) request).setAuthInfo(GetToken()); try { response = inquiry.getBindingDetail((GetBindingDetail) request); } catch (Exception ex) { if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) { token = null; ((GetBindingDetail) request).setAuthInfo(GetToken()); response = inquiry.getBindingDetail((GetBindingDetail) request); } else { throw ex; } } } if (method.equalsIgnoreCase("getBusinessDetail")) { ((GetBusinessDetail) request).setAuthInfo(GetToken()); try { response = inquiry.getBusinessDetail((GetBusinessDetail) request); } catch (Exception ex) { if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) { token = null; ((GetBusinessDetail) request).setAuthInfo(GetToken()); response = inquiry.getBusinessDetail((GetBusinessDetail) request); } else { throw ex; } } } if (method.equalsIgnoreCase("getServiceDetail")) { ((GetServiceDetail) request).setAuthInfo(GetToken()); try { response = inquiry.getServiceDetail((GetServiceDetail) request); } catch (Exception ex) { if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) { token = null; ((GetServiceDetail) request).setAuthInfo(GetToken()); response = inquiry.getServiceDetail((GetServiceDetail) request); } else { throw ex; } } } if (method.equalsIgnoreCase("getOperationalInfo")) { ((GetOperationalInfo) request).setAuthInfo(GetToken()); try { response = inquiry.getOperationalInfo((GetOperationalInfo) request); } catch (Exception ex) { if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) { token = null; response = inquiry.getOperationalInfo((GetOperationalInfo) request); } else { throw ex; } } } if (method.equalsIgnoreCase("getTModelDetail")) { ((GetTModelDetail) request).setAuthInfo(GetToken()); try { response = inquiry.getTModelDetail((GetTModelDetail) request); } catch (Exception ex) { if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) { token = null; response = inquiry.getTModelDetail((GetTModelDetail) request); } else { throw ex; } } } if (response == null) { return ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "actions.success"); } StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); JAXB.marshal(response, sw); return sw.toString(); } catch (Exception ex) { return HandleException(ex); } } private String SendAdvancedQueryPublish(String method, Object request) { Object response = null; try { if (method.equalsIgnoreCase("addPublisherAssertions")) { ((AddPublisherAssertions) request).setAuthInfo(GetToken()); try { publish.addPublisherAssertions((AddPublisherAssertions) request); } catch (Exception ex) { if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) { token = null; ((AddPublisherAssertions) request).setAuthInfo(GetToken()); publish.addPublisherAssertions((AddPublisherAssertions) request); } else { throw ex; } } } if (method.equalsIgnoreCase("deleteBinding")) { try { ((DeleteBinding) request).setAuthInfo(GetToken()); publish.deleteBinding((DeleteBinding) request); } catch (Exception ex) { if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) { token = null; ((DeleteBinding) request).setAuthInfo(GetToken()); publish.deleteBinding((DeleteBinding) request); } else { throw ex; } } } if (method.equalsIgnoreCase("deleteBusiness")) { try { ((DeleteBusiness) request).setAuthInfo(GetToken()); publish.deleteBusiness((DeleteBusiness) request); } catch (Exception ex) { if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) { token = null; ((DeleteBusiness) request).setAuthInfo(GetToken()); publish.deleteBusiness((DeleteBusiness) request); } else { throw ex; } } } if (method.equalsIgnoreCase("deletePublisherAssertions")) { try { ((DeletePublisherAssertions) request).setAuthInfo(GetToken()); publish.deletePublisherAssertions((DeletePublisherAssertions) request); } catch (Exception ex) { if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) { token = null; ((DeleteBusiness) request).setAuthInfo(GetToken()); publish.deletePublisherAssertions((DeletePublisherAssertions) request); } else { throw ex; } } } if (method.equalsIgnoreCase("deleteService")) { try { ((DeleteService) request).setAuthInfo(GetToken()); publish.deleteService((DeleteService) request); } catch (Exception ex) { if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) { token = null; ((DeleteBusiness) request).setAuthInfo(GetToken()); publish.deleteService((DeleteService) request); } else { throw ex; } } } if (method.equalsIgnoreCase("deleteTModel")) { try { ((DeleteTModel) request).setAuthInfo(GetToken()); publish.deleteTModel((DeleteTModel) request); } catch (Exception ex) { if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) { token = null; ((DeleteTModel) request).setAuthInfo(GetToken()); publish.deleteTModel((DeleteTModel) request); } else { throw ex; } } } if (method.equalsIgnoreCase("getAssertionStatusReport")) { CompletionStatus stat = ((GetAssertionStatusReport) request).getCompletionStatus(); try { response = publish.getAssertionStatusReport(GetToken(), stat); } catch (Exception ex) { if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) { token = null; response = publish.getAssertionStatusReport(GetToken(), stat); } else { throw ex; } } } if (method.equalsIgnoreCase("getPublisherAssertions")) { try { response = publish.getPublisherAssertions(GetToken()); } catch (Exception ex) { if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) { token = null; response = publish.getPublisherAssertions(GetToken()); } else { throw ex; } } } if (method.equalsIgnoreCase("getRegisteredInfo")) { try { ((GetRegisteredInfo) request).setAuthInfo(GetToken()); response = publish.getRegisteredInfo((GetRegisteredInfo) request); } catch (Exception ex) { if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) { token = null; ((GetRegisteredInfo) request).setAuthInfo(GetToken()); publish.getRegisteredInfo((GetRegisteredInfo) request); } else { throw ex; } } } if (method.equalsIgnoreCase("saveBinding")) { try { ((SaveBinding) request).setAuthInfo(GetToken()); response = publish.saveBinding((SaveBinding) request); } catch (Exception ex) { if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) { token = null; ((SaveBinding) request).setAuthInfo(GetToken()); publish.saveBinding((SaveBinding) request); } else { throw ex; } } } if (method.equalsIgnoreCase("saveBusiness")) { try { ((SaveBusiness) request).setAuthInfo(GetToken()); response = publish.saveBusiness((SaveBusiness) request); } catch (Exception ex) { if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) { token = null; ((SaveBusiness) request).setAuthInfo(GetToken()); publish.saveBusiness((SaveBusiness) request); } else { throw ex; } } } if (method.equalsIgnoreCase("saveTModel")) { try { ((SaveTModel) request).setAuthInfo(GetToken()); response = publish.saveTModel((SaveTModel) request); } catch (Exception ex) { if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) { token = null; ((SaveTModel) request).setAuthInfo(GetToken()); publish.saveTModel((SaveTModel) request); } else { throw ex; } } } if (method.equalsIgnoreCase("saveService")) { try { ((SaveService) request).setAuthInfo(GetToken()); response = publish.saveService((SaveService) request); } catch (Exception ex) { if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) { token = null; ((SaveService) request).setAuthInfo(GetToken()); publish.saveService((SaveService) request); } else { throw ex; } } } if (method.equalsIgnoreCase("setPublisherAssertions")) { Holder<List<PublisherAssertion>> list = new Holder<List<PublisherAssertion>>(); list.value = ((SetPublisherAssertions) request).getPublisherAssertion(); try { publish.setPublisherAssertions(GetToken(), list); response = list.value; } catch (Exception ex) { if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) { token = null; ((SetPublisherAssertions) request).setAuthInfo(GetToken()); publish.setPublisherAssertions(GetToken(), list); response = list.value; } else { throw ex; } } } if (response == null) { return "The operation completed without error"; } StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); JAXB.marshal(response, sw); return sw.toString(); } catch (Exception ex) { return HandleException(ex); } } private String SendAdvancedQueryCustody(String method, Object request) { Object response = null; try { if (method.equalsIgnoreCase("discardTransferToken")) { try { ((DiscardTransferToken) request).setAuthInfo(GetToken()); custody.discardTransferToken((DiscardTransferToken) request); } catch (Exception ex) { if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) { token = null; ((DiscardTransferToken) request).setAuthInfo(GetToken()); custody.discardTransferToken((DiscardTransferToken) request); } else { throw ex; } } } if (method.equalsIgnoreCase("getTransferToken")) { GetTransferToken r = ((GetTransferToken) request); TransferToken tt = new TransferToken(); Holder<String> node = new Holder<String>(); Holder<XMLGregorianCalendar> xcal = new Holder<XMLGregorianCalendar>(); Holder<byte[]> ttoken = new Holder<byte[]>(); try { custody.getTransferToken(GetToken(), r.getKeyBag(), node, xcal, ttoken); tt.setNodeID(node.value); tt.setOpaqueToken(ttoken.value); tt.setExpirationTime(xcal.value); response = tt; } catch (Exception ex) { if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) { token = null; custody.getTransferToken(GetToken(), r.getKeyBag(), node, xcal, ttoken); tt.setNodeID(node.value); tt.setOpaqueToken(ttoken.value); tt.setExpirationTime(xcal.value); response = tt; } else { throw ex; } } } if (method.equalsIgnoreCase("transferEntities")) { try { ((TransferEntities) request).setAuthInfo(GetToken()); custody.transferEntities((TransferEntities) request); } catch (Exception ex) { if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) { token = null; ((TransferEntities) request).setAuthInfo(GetToken()); custody.transferEntities((TransferEntities) request); } else { throw ex; } } } if (response == null) { return "The operation completed without error"; } StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); JAXB.marshal(response, sw); return sw.toString(); } catch (Exception ex) { return HandleException(ex); } } private String SendAdvancedQuerySubscription(String method, Object request) { Object response = null; try { if (method.equalsIgnoreCase("deleteSubscription")) { try { ((DeleteSubscription) request).setAuthInfo(GetToken()); subscription.deleteSubscription((DeleteSubscription) request); } catch (Exception ex) { if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) { token = null; ((DeleteSubscription) request).setAuthInfo(GetToken()); subscription.deleteSubscription((DeleteSubscription) request); } else { throw ex; } } } if (method.equalsIgnoreCase("getSubscriptionResults")) { try { ((GetSubscriptionResults) request).setAuthInfo(GetToken()); response = subscription.getSubscriptionResults((GetSubscriptionResults) request); } catch (Exception ex) { if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) { token = null; ((GetSubscriptionResults) request).setAuthInfo(GetToken()); subscription.getSubscriptionResults((GetSubscriptionResults) request); } else { throw ex; } } } if (method.equalsIgnoreCase("getSubscriptions")) { try { response = subscription.getSubscriptions(GetToken()); } catch (Exception ex) { if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) { token = null; response = subscription.getSubscriptions(GetToken()); } else { throw ex; } } } if (method.equalsIgnoreCase("saveSubscription")) { SaveSubscription ss = (SaveSubscription) request; Holder<List<Subscription>> h = new Holder<List<Subscription>>(ss.getSubscription()); try { subscription.saveSubscription(GetToken(), h); response = h.value; } catch (Exception ex) { if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) { token = null; subscription.saveSubscription(GetToken(), h); response = h.value; } else { throw ex; } } } if (response == null) { return "The operation completed without error"; } StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); JAXB.marshal(response, sw); return sw.toString(); } catch (Exception ex) { return HandleException(ex); } } /** * returns true if automatic logouts are configured * * @return true/false */ public boolean isAutoLogoutEnabled() { if (clientConfig == null) { EnsureConfig(); } String val = clientConfig.getConfiguration().getString(PROP_AUTO_LOGOUT); if (val == null) { return false; } try { return Boolean.parseBoolean(val); } catch (Exception ex) { log.warn("unable to parse the value for " + PROP_AUTO_LOGOUT + " in uddi.xml, defaulting to false", ex); } return false; } /** * defaults to 15 minutes if not defined * * @return duration */ public long GetAutoLogoutDuration() { String val = clientConfig.getConfiguration().getString(PROP_AUTO_LOGOUT_TIMER); if (val == null) { return 15 * 60 * 1000; } try { return Long.parseLong(val); } catch (Exception ex) { log.warn("unable to parse the value for " + PROP_AUTO_LOGOUT_TIMER + " in uddi.xml, defaulting to 15 minutes", ex); } return 15 * 60 * 1000; } /** * If false, the configuration page will be available from anywhere. If * true, it will only be accessible from the server hosting juddi-gui. * if not defined, the result is true. * * @return true/false */ public boolean isAdminLocalhostOnly() { return clientConfig.getConfiguration().getBoolean(PROP_ADMIN_LOCALHOST_ONLY, true); } public String SaveBindingTemplate(HttpServletRequest request) { BindingTemplate be = new BindingTemplate(); be.setServiceKey(request.getParameter(PostBackConstants.SERVICEKEY).trim()); be.setBindingKey(request.getParameter(PostBackConstants.BINDINGKEY).trim()); if (be.getBindingKey().equalsIgnoreCase(ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "items.clicktoedit"))) { be.setBindingKey(null); } be.getDescription() .addAll(Builders.BuildDescription( Builders.MapFilter(request.getParameterMap(), PostBackConstants.DESCRIPTION), PostBackConstants.DESCRIPTION, ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "items.clicktoedit"), getLocale())); CategoryBag cb = new CategoryBag(); cb.getKeyedReference() .addAll(Builders.BuildKeyedReference( Builders.MapFilter(request.getParameterMap(), PostBackConstants.CATBAG_KEY_REF), PostBackConstants.CATBAG_KEY_REF, getLocale())); cb.getKeyedReferenceGroup() .addAll(Builders.BuildKeyedReferenceGroup( Builders.MapFilter(request.getParameterMap(), PostBackConstants.CATBAG_KEY_REF_GRP), PostBackConstants.CATBAG_KEY_REF_GRP, getLocale())); if (!cb.getKeyedReference().isEmpty() || !cb.getKeyedReferenceGroup().isEmpty()) { be.setCategoryBag(cb); } Map map = request.getParameterMap(); String[] t = (String[]) map.get(PostBackConstants.HOSTINGREDIRECTOR); if (t != null && t.length > 0) { be.setHostingRedirector(new HostingRedirector()); be.getHostingRedirector().setBindingKey(t[0]); } AccessPoint ap = new AccessPoint(); t = (String[]) map.get(PostBackConstants.ACCESSPOINT_TYPE); if (t != null && t.length > 0) { ap.setUseType(t[0]); } t = (String[]) map.get(PostBackConstants.ACCESSPOINT_VALUE); if (t != null && t.length > 0) { ap.setValue(t[0]); } if (ap.getValue() != null) { be.setAccessPoint(ap); } be.setTModelInstanceDetails(Builders.BuildTmodelInstanceDetails( Builders.MapFilter(map, PostBackConstants.TMODELINSTANCE), PostBackConstants.TMODELINSTANCE, ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "items.clicktoedit"), getLocale())); //JAXB.marshal(be, System.out); return SaveBindingTemplate(be); } public String deleteBinding(String id) { if (id == null || id.length() == 0) { return ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "errors.noinput"); } List<String> x = new ArrayList<String>(); x.add(id.trim()); return deleteBinding(x); } }