Java tutorial
/**************************************************************** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * * distributed with this work for additional information * * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * * specific language governing permissions and limitations * * under the License. * ****************************************************************/ package org.apache.james.imap.tester.builder; import; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.CharBuffer; import java.nio.channels.ReadableByteChannel; import java.nio.channels.SocketChannel; import java.nio.channels.WritableByteChannel; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; public class ScriptBuilder { public static ScriptBuilder open(String host, int port) throws Exception { InetSocketAddress address = new InetSocketAddress(host, port); SocketChannel socket =; socket.configureBlocking(false); Client client = new Client(socket, socket); return new ScriptBuilder(client); } private int tagCount = 0; private boolean uidSearch = false; private boolean peek = false; private int messageNumber = 1; private String user = "imapuser"; private String password = "password"; private String mailbox = "testmailbox"; private String file = "rfc822.mail"; private String basedir = "/org/apache/james/imap/samples/"; private boolean createdMailbox = false; private final Client client; private Fetch fetch = new Fetch(); private Search search = new Search(); private String partialFetch = ""; public ScriptBuilder(final Client client) { super(); this.client = client; } public final boolean isPeek() { return peek; } public final void setPeek(boolean peek) { this.peek = peek; } public final boolean isUidSearch() { return uidSearch; } public final void setUidSearch(boolean uidSearch) { this.uidSearch = uidSearch; } public final String getBasedir() { return basedir; } public final void setBasedir(String basedir) { this.basedir = basedir; } public final String getFile() { return file; } public final void setFile(String file) { this.file = file; } private InputStream openFile() throws Exception { InputStream result = this.getClass().getResourceAsStream(basedir + file); return new IgnoreHeaderInputStream(result); } public final Fetch getFetch() { return fetch; } public final void setFetch(Fetch fetch) { this.fetch = fetch; } public final Fetch resetFetch() { this.fetch = new Fetch(); return fetch; } public final int getMessageNumber() { return messageNumber; } public final void setMessageNumber(int messageNumber) { this.messageNumber = messageNumber; } public final String getMailbox() { return mailbox; } public final ScriptBuilder setMailbox(String mailbox) { this.mailbox = mailbox; return this; } public final String getPassword() { return password; } public final void setPassword(String password) { this.password = password; } public final String getUser() { return user; } public final void setUser(String user) { this.user = user; } public void login() throws Exception { command("LOGIN " + user + " " + password); } private void command(final String command) throws Exception { tag(); write(command); lineEnd(); response(); } public ScriptBuilder rename(String to) throws Exception { return rename(getMailbox(), to); } public ScriptBuilder rename(String from, String to) throws Exception { command("RENAME " + from + " " + to); return this; } public ScriptBuilder select() throws Exception { command("SELECT " + mailbox); return this; } public ScriptBuilder create() throws Exception { command("CREATE " + mailbox); createdMailbox = true; return this; } public ScriptBuilder flagDeleted() throws Exception { return flagDeleted(messageNumber); } public ScriptBuilder flagDeleted(int messageNumber) throws Exception { store(new Flags().deleted().msn(messageNumber)); return this; } public ScriptBuilder expunge() throws Exception { command("EXPUNGE"); return this; } public void delete() throws Exception { if (createdMailbox) { command("DELETE " + mailbox); } } public void search() throws Exception { search.setUidSearch(uidSearch); command(search.command()); search = new Search(); } public ScriptBuilder all() { search.all(); return this; } public ScriptBuilder answered() { search.answered(); return this; } public ScriptBuilder bcc(String address) { search.bcc(address); return this; } public ScriptBuilder before(int year, int month, int day) { search.before(year, month, day); return this; } public ScriptBuilder body(String text) { search.body(text); return this; } public ScriptBuilder cc(String address) {; return this; } public ScriptBuilder deleted() { search.deleted(); return this; } public ScriptBuilder draft() { search.draft(); return this; } public ScriptBuilder flagged() { search.flagged(); return this; } public ScriptBuilder from(String address) { search.from(address); return this; } public ScriptBuilder header(String field, String value) { search.header(field, value); return this; } public ScriptBuilder keyword(String flag) { search.keyword(flag); return this; } public ScriptBuilder larger(long size) { search.larger(size); return this; } public ScriptBuilder NEW() { search.NEW(); return this; } public ScriptBuilder not() { search.not(); return this; } public ScriptBuilder old() { search.old(); return this; } public ScriptBuilder on(int year, int month, int day) { search.on(year, month, day); return this; } public ScriptBuilder or() { search.or(); return this; } public ScriptBuilder recent() { search.recent(); return this; } public ScriptBuilder seen() { search.seen(); return this; } public ScriptBuilder sentbefore(int year, int month, int day) { search.sentbefore(year, month, day); return this; } public ScriptBuilder senton(int year, int month, int day) { search.senton(year, month, day); return this; } public ScriptBuilder sentsince(int year, int month, int day) { search.sentsince(year, month, day); return this; } public ScriptBuilder since(int year, int month, int day) { search.since(year, month, day); return this; } public ScriptBuilder smaller(int size) { search.smaller(size); return this; } public ScriptBuilder subject(String address) { search.subject(address); return this; } public ScriptBuilder text(String text) { search.text(text); return this; } public ScriptBuilder to(String address) {; return this; } public ScriptBuilder uid() { search.uid(); return this; } public ScriptBuilder unanswered() { search.unanswered(); return this; } public ScriptBuilder undeleted() { search.undeleted(); return this; } public ScriptBuilder undraft() { search.undraft(); return this; } public ScriptBuilder unflagged() { search.unflagged(); return this; } public ScriptBuilder unkeyword(String flag) { search.unkeyword(flag); return this; } public ScriptBuilder unseen() { search.unseen(); return this; } public ScriptBuilder openParen() { search.openParen(); return this; } public ScriptBuilder closeParen() { search.closeParen(); return this; } public ScriptBuilder msn(int low, int high) { search.msn(low, high); return this; } public ScriptBuilder msnAndUp(int limit) { search.msnAndUp(limit); return this; } public ScriptBuilder msnAndDown(int limit) { search.msnAndDown(limit); return this; } public Flags flags() { return new Flags(); } public void store(Flags flags) throws Exception { String command = flags.command(); command(command); } public Search getSearch() throws Exception { return search; } public ScriptBuilder partial(long start, long octets) { partialFetch = "<" + start + "." + octets + ">"; return this; } public ScriptBuilder fetchSection(String section) throws Exception { StringBuffer command = new StringBuffer("FETCH "); command.append(messageNumber); if (peek) { command.append(" (BODY.PEEK["); } else { command.append(" (BODY["); } command.append(section).append("]").append(partialFetch).append(")"); command(command.toString()); return this; } public void fetchAllMessages() throws Exception { final String command = fetch.command(); command(command); } public ScriptBuilder list() throws Exception { command("LIST \"\" \"*\""); return this; } public void fetchBody() throws Exception { } public void fetch() throws Exception { final String command = fetch.command(messageNumber); command(command); } public void fetchFlags() throws Exception { final String command = "FETCH " + messageNumber + " (FLAGS)"; command(command); } public void append() throws Exception { tag(); write("APPEND " + mailbox); write(openFile()); lineEnd(); response(); } private void write(InputStream in) throws Exception { client.write(in); } private void response() throws Exception { client.readResponse(); } private void tag() throws Exception { client.lineStart(); write("A" + ++tagCount + " "); } private void lineEnd() throws Exception { client.lineEnd(); } private void write(String phrase) throws Exception { client.write(phrase); } public void close() throws Exception { client.close(); } public void logout() throws Exception { command("LOGOUT"); } public void quit() throws Exception { delete(); logout(); close(); } public static final class Flags { private StringBuffer flags; private StringBuffer msn; private boolean first; private boolean silent; private boolean add; private boolean subtract; public Flags() { add = false; subtract = false; silent = false; first = true; flags = new StringBuffer("("); msn = new StringBuffer(); } public Flags msn(long number) { msn.append(number); msn.append(' '); return this; } public Flags range(long low, long high) { msn.append(low); msn.append(':'); msn.append(high); msn.append(' '); return this; } public Flags rangeTill(long number) { msn.append("*:"); msn.append(number); msn.append(' '); return this; } public Flags rangeFrom(long number) { msn.append(number); msn.append(":* "); return this; } public Flags add() { add = true; subtract = false; return this; } public Flags subtract() { add = false; subtract = true; return this; } public Flags silent() { silent = true; return this; } public Flags deleted() { return append("\\DELETED"); } public Flags flagged() { return append("\\FLAGGED"); } public Flags answered() { return append("\\ANSWERED"); } public Flags seen() { return append("\\SEEN"); } public Flags draft() { return append("\\DRAFT"); } public String command() { String flags; if (add) { flags = " +FLAGS "; } else if (subtract) { flags = " -FLAGS "; } else { flags = " FLAGS "; } if (silent) { flags = flags + ".SILENT"; } return "STORE " + msn + flags + this.flags + ")"; } private Flags append(String term) { if (first) { first = false; } else { flags.append(' '); } flags.append(term); return this; } } public static final class Search { private StringBuffer buffer; private boolean first; private boolean uidSearch = false; public Search() { clear(); } public boolean isUidSearch() { return uidSearch; } public void setUidSearch(boolean uidSearch) { this.uidSearch = uidSearch; } public String command() { if (uidSearch) { return buffer.insert(0, "UID SEARCH ").toString(); } else { return buffer.insert(0, "SEARCH ").toString(); } } public void clear() { buffer = new StringBuffer(); first = true; } private Search append(long term) { return append(Long.valueOf(term).toString()); } private Search append(String term) { if (first) { first = false; } else { buffer.append(' '); } buffer.append(term); return this; } private Search date(int year, int month, int day) { append(day); switch (month) { case 1: buffer.append("-Jan-"); break; case 2: buffer.append("-Feb-"); break; case 3: buffer.append("-Mar-"); break; case 4: buffer.append("-Apr-"); break; case 5: buffer.append("-May-"); break; case 6: buffer.append("-Jun-"); break; case 7: buffer.append("-Jul-"); break; case 8: buffer.append("-Aug-"); break; case 9: buffer.append("-Sep-"); break; case 10: buffer.append("-Oct-"); break; case 11: buffer.append("-Nov-"); break; case 12: buffer.append("-Dec-"); break; } buffer.append(year); return this; } public Search all() { return append("ALL"); } public Search answered() { return append("ANSWERED"); } public Search bcc(String address) { return append("BCC " + address); } public Search before(int year, int month, int day) { return append("BEFORE").date(year, month, day); } public Search body(String text) { return append("BODY").append(text); } public Search cc(String address) { return append("CC").append(address); } public Search deleted() { return append("DELETED"); } public Search draft() { return append("DRAFT"); } public Search flagged() { return append("FLAGGED"); } public Search from(String address) { return append("FROM").append(address); } public Search header(String field, String value) { return append("HEADER").append(field).append(value); } public Search keyword(String flag) { return append("KEYWORD").append(flag); } public Search larger(long size) { return append("LARGER").append(size); } public Search NEW() { return append("NEW"); } public Search not() { return append("NOT"); } public Search old() { return append("OLD"); } public Search on(int year, int month, int day) { return append("ON").date(year, month, day); } public Search or() { return append("OR"); } public Search recent() { return append("RECENT"); } public Search seen() { return append("SEEN"); } public Search sentbefore(int year, int month, int day) { return append("SENTBEFORE").date(year, month, day); } public Search senton(int year, int month, int day) { return append("SENTON").date(year, month, day); } public Search sentsince(int year, int month, int day) { return append("SENTSINCE").date(year, month, day); } public Search since(int year, int month, int day) { return append("SINCE").date(year, month, day); } public Search smaller(int size) { return append("SMALLER").append(size); } public Search subject(String address) { return append("SUBJECT").append(address); } public Search text(String text) { return append("TEXT").append(text); } public Search to(String address) { return append("TO").append(address); } public Search uid() { return append("UID"); } public Search unanswered() { return append("UNANSWERED"); } public Search undeleted() { return append("UNDELETED"); } public Search undraft() { return append("UNDRAFT"); } public Search unflagged() { return append("UNFLAGGED"); } public Search unkeyword(String flag) { return append("UNKEYWORD").append(flag); } public Search unseen() { return append("UNSEEN"); } public Search openParen() { return append("("); } public Search closeParen() { return append(")"); } public Search msn(int low, int high) { return append(low + ":" + high); } public Search msnAndUp(int limit) { return append(limit + ":*"); } public Search msnAndDown(int limit) { return append("*:" + limit); } } public static final class Fetch { static final String[] COMPREHENSIVE_HEADERS = { "DATE", "FROM", "TO", "CC", "SUBJECT", "REFERENCES", "IN-REPLY-TO", "MESSAGE-ID", "MIME-VERSION", "CONTENT-TYPE", "X-MAILING-LIST", "X-LOOP", "LIST-ID", "LIST-POST", "MAILING-LIST", "ORIGINATOR", "X-LIST", "SENDER", "RETURN-PATH", "X-BEENTHERE" }; static final String[] SELECT_HEADERS = { "DATE", "FROM", "TO", "ORIGINATOR", "X-LIST" }; private boolean flagsFetch = false; private boolean rfc822Size = false; private boolean rfc = false; private boolean rfcText = false; private boolean rfcHeaders = false; private boolean internalDate = false; private boolean uid = false; private String body = null; private boolean bodyFetch = false; private boolean bodyStructureFetch = false; public boolean isBodyFetch() { return bodyFetch; } public Fetch setBodyFetch(boolean bodyFetch) { this.bodyFetch = bodyFetch; return this; } public boolean isBodyStructureFetch() { return bodyStructureFetch; } public Fetch setBodyStructureFetch(boolean bodyStructureFetch) { this.bodyStructureFetch = bodyStructureFetch; return this; } public String command(int messageNumber) { return "FETCH " + messageNumber + "(" + fetchData() + ")"; } public String command() { return "FETCH 1:* (" + fetchData() + ")"; } public boolean isFlagsFetch() { return flagsFetch; } public Fetch setFlagsFetch(boolean flagsFetch) { this.flagsFetch = flagsFetch; return this; } public boolean isUid() { return uid; } public Fetch setUid(boolean uid) { this.uid = uid; return this; } public boolean isRfc822Size() { return rfc822Size; } public Fetch setRfc822Size(boolean rfc822Size) { this.rfc822Size = rfc822Size; return this; } public boolean isRfc() { return rfc; } public Fetch setRfc(boolean rfc) { this.rfc = rfc; return this; } public boolean isRfcHeaders() { return rfcHeaders; } public Fetch setRfcHeaders(boolean rfcHeaders) { this.rfcHeaders = rfcHeaders; return this; } public boolean isRfcText() { return rfcText; } public Fetch setRfcText(boolean rfcText) { this.rfcText = rfcText; return this; } public boolean isInternalDate() { return internalDate; } public Fetch setInternalDate(boolean internalDate) { this.internalDate = internalDate; return this; } public String getBody() { return body; } public void setBody(String bodyPeek) { this.body = bodyPeek; } public void bodyPeekCompleteMessage() { setBody(buildBody(true, "")); } public void bodyPeekNotHeaders(String[] fields) { setBody(buildBody(true, buildHeaderFields(fields, true))); } public Fetch bodyPeekHeaders(String[] fields) { setBody(buildBody(true, buildHeaderFields(fields, false))); return this; } public String buildBody(boolean peek, String section) { StringBuffer result; if (peek) { result = new StringBuffer("BODY.PEEK["); } else { result = new StringBuffer("BODY["); } result.append(section).append("]"); return result.toString(); } public String buildHeaderFields(String[] fields, boolean not) { StringBuffer result; if (not) { result = new StringBuffer("HEADER.FIELDS.NOT ("); } else { result = new StringBuffer("HEADER.FIELDS ("); } for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { if (i > 0) { result.append(" "); } result.append(fields[i]); } result.append(")"); return result.toString(); } public String fetchData() { final StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); boolean first = true; if (flagsFetch) { first = add(buffer, first, "FLAGS"); } if (rfc822Size) { first = add(buffer, first, "RFC822.SIZE"); } if (rfc) { first = add(buffer, first, "RFC822"); } if (rfcHeaders) { first = add(buffer, first, "RFC822.HEADER"); } if (rfcText) { first = add(buffer, first, "RFC822.TEXT"); } if (internalDate) { first = add(buffer, first, "INTERNALDATE"); } if (uid) { first = add(buffer, first, "UID"); } if (bodyFetch) { first = add(buffer, first, "BODY"); } if (bodyStructureFetch) { first = add(buffer, first, "BODYSTRUCTURE"); } add(buffer, first, body); return buffer.toString(); } private boolean add(final StringBuffer buffer, boolean first, String atom) { if (atom != null) { if (first) { first = false; } else { buffer.append(" "); } buffer.append(atom); } return first; } } public static final class Client { private static final Charset ASCII = Charset.forName("us-ascii"); private final Out out; private final ReadableByteChannel source; private final WritableByteChannel sump; private ByteBuffer inBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(256); private final ByteBuffer outBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(262144); private final ByteBuffer crlf; private boolean isLineTagged = false; private int continuationBytes = 0; public Client(ReadableByteChannel source, WritableByteChannel sump) throws Exception { super(); this.source = source; this.sump = sump; this.out = new Out(); byte[] crlf = { '\r', '\n' }; this.crlf = ByteBuffer.wrap(crlf); inBuffer.flip(); readLine(); } public void write(InputStream in) throws Exception { outBuffer.clear(); int next =; while (next != -1) { if (next == '\n') { outBufferNext((byte) '\r'); outBufferNext((byte) '\n'); } else if (next == '\r') { outBufferNext((byte) '\r'); outBufferNext((byte) '\n'); next =; if (next == '\n') { next =; } else if (next != -1) { outBufferNext((byte) next); } } else { outBufferNext((byte) next); } next =; } writeOutBuffer(); } public void outBufferNext(byte next) throws Exception { outBuffer.put(next); } private void writeOutBuffer() throws Exception { outBuffer.flip(); int count = outBuffer.limit(); String continuation = " {" + count + "+}"; write(continuation); lineEnd(); out.client(); while (outBuffer.hasRemaining()) { final byte next = outBuffer.get(); print(next); if (next == '\n') { out.client(); } } outBuffer.rewind(); while (outBuffer.hasRemaining()) { sump.write(outBuffer); } } public void readResponse() throws Exception { isLineTagged = false; while (!isLineTagged) { readLine(); } } private byte next() throws Exception { byte result; if (inBuffer.hasRemaining()) { result = inBuffer.get(); print(result); } else { inBuffer.compact(); int i = 0; while ((i = == 0) ; if (i == -1) throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected EOF"); inBuffer.flip(); result = next(); } return result; } private void print(char next) { out.print(next); } private void print(byte next) { print((char) next); } public void lineStart() throws Exception { out.client(); } public void write(String phrase) throws Exception { out.print(phrase); final ByteBuffer buffer = ASCII.encode(phrase); writeRemaining(buffer); } public void writeLine(String line) throws Exception { lineStart(); write(line); lineEnd(); } private void writeRemaining(final ByteBuffer buffer) throws IOException { while (buffer.hasRemaining()) { sump.write(buffer); } } public void lineEnd() throws Exception { out.lineEnd(); crlf.rewind(); writeRemaining(crlf); } private void readLine() throws Exception { out.server(); final byte next = next(); isLineTagged = next != '*'; readRestOfLine(next); } private void readRestOfLine(byte next) throws Exception { while (next != '\r') { if (next == '{') { startContinuation(); } next = next(); } next(); } private void startContinuation() throws Exception { continuationBytes = 0; continuation(); } private void continuation() throws Exception { byte next = next(); switch (next) { case '0': continuationDigit(0); break; case '1': continuationDigit(1); break; case '2': continuationDigit(2); break; case '3': continuationDigit(3); break; case '4': continuationDigit(4); break; case '5': continuationDigit(5); break; case '6': continuationDigit(6); break; case '7': continuationDigit(7); break; case '8': continuationDigit(8); break; case '9': continuationDigit(9); break; case '+': next(); next(); readContinuation(); break; default: next(); next(); readContinuation(); break; } } private void readContinuation() throws Exception { out.server(); while (continuationBytes-- > 0) { int next = next(); if (next == '\n') { out.server(); } } } private void continuationDigit(int digit) throws Exception { continuationBytes = 10 * continuationBytes + digit; continuation(); } public void close() throws Exception { source.close(); sump.close(); } } private static final class Out { private static final String OK_APPEND_COMPLETED = "OK APPEND completed."; private static final String[] IGNORE_LINES_STARTING_WITH = { "S: \\* OK \\[PERMANENTFLAGS", "C: A22 LOGOUT", "S: \\* BYE Logging out", "S: \\* OK Dovecot ready\\." }; private static final String[] IGNORE_LINES_CONTAINING = { "OK Logout completed.", "LOGIN imapuser password", "OK Logged in", "LOGOUT" }; private final CharBuffer lineBuffer = CharBuffer.allocate(131072); private boolean isClient = false; public void client() { lineBuffer.put("C: "); isClient = true; } public void print(char next) { if (!isClient) { escape(next); } lineBuffer.put(next); } private void escape(char next) { if (next == '\\' || next == '*' || next == '.' || next == '[' || next == ']' || next == '+' || next == '(' || next == ')' || next == '{' || next == '}' || next == '?') { lineBuffer.put('\\'); } } public void server() { lineBuffer.put("S: "); isClient = false; } public void print(String phrase) { if (!isClient) { phrase = StringUtils.replace(phrase, "\\", "\\\\"); phrase = StringUtils.replace(phrase, "*", "\\*"); phrase = StringUtils.replace(phrase, ".", "\\."); phrase = StringUtils.replace(phrase, "[", "\\["); phrase = StringUtils.replace(phrase, "]", "\\]"); phrase = StringUtils.replace(phrase, "+", "\\+"); phrase = StringUtils.replace(phrase, "(", "\\("); phrase = StringUtils.replace(phrase, ")", "\\)"); phrase = StringUtils.replace(phrase, "}", "\\}"); phrase = StringUtils.replace(phrase, "{", "\\{"); phrase = StringUtils.replace(phrase, "?", "\\?"); } lineBuffer.put(phrase); } public void lineEnd() { lineBuffer.flip(); final String text = lineBuffer.toString(); String[] lines = text.split("\r\n"); for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { String line = StringUtils.chomp(lines[i]); if (!ignoreLine(line)) { final String[] words = StringUtils.split(line); if (words.length > 3 && "S:".equalsIgnoreCase(words[0]) && "OK".equalsIgnoreCase(words[2])) { final int commandWordIndex; if (words[3] == null || !words[3].startsWith("\\[")) { commandWordIndex = 3; } else { int wordsCount = 3; while (wordsCount < words.length) { if (words[wordsCount++].endsWith("]")) { break; } } commandWordIndex = wordsCount; } final String command = words[commandWordIndex]; final String commandOkPhrase; if ("CREATE".equalsIgnoreCase(command)) { commandOkPhrase = "OK CREATE completed."; } else if ("FETCH".equalsIgnoreCase(command)) { commandOkPhrase = "OK FETCH completed."; } else if ("APPEND".equalsIgnoreCase(command)) { commandOkPhrase = OK_APPEND_COMPLETED; } else if ("DELETE".equalsIgnoreCase(command)) { commandOkPhrase = "OK DELETE completed."; } else if ("STORE".equalsIgnoreCase(command)) { commandOkPhrase = "OK STORE completed."; } else if ("RENAME".equalsIgnoreCase(command)) { commandOkPhrase = "OK RENAME completed."; } else if ("EXPUNGE".equalsIgnoreCase(command)) { commandOkPhrase = "OK EXPUNGE completed."; } else if ("LIST".equalsIgnoreCase(command)) { commandOkPhrase = "OK LIST completed."; } else if ("SELECT".equalsIgnoreCase(command)) { if (commandWordIndex == 3) { commandOkPhrase = "OK SELECT completed."; } else { commandOkPhrase = "OK " + words[3].toUpperCase() + " SELECT completed."; } } else { commandOkPhrase = null; } if (commandOkPhrase != null) { line = words[0] + " " + words[1] + " " + commandOkPhrase; } } line = StringUtils.replace(line, "\\\\Seen \\\\Draft", "\\\\Draft \\\\Seen"); line = StringUtils.replace(line, "\\\\Flagged \\\\Deleted", "\\\\Deleted \\\\Flagged"); line = StringUtils.replace(line, "\\\\Flagged \\\\Draft", "\\\\Draft \\\\Flagged"); line = StringUtils.replace(line, "\\\\Seen \\\\Recent", "\\\\Recent \\\\Seen"); line = StringUtils.replace(line, "\\] First unseen\\.", "\\](.)*"); if (line.startsWith("S: \\* OK \\[UIDVALIDITY ")) { line = "S: \\* OK \\[UIDVALIDITY \\d+\\]"; } else if (line.startsWith("S: \\* OK \\[UIDNEXT")) { line = "S: \\* OK \\[PERMANENTFLAGS \\(\\\\Answered \\\\Deleted \\\\Draft \\\\Flagged \\\\Seen\\)\\]"; } System.out.println(line); } } lineBuffer.clear(); } private boolean ignoreLine(String line) { boolean result = false; for (int i = 0; i < IGNORE_LINES_CONTAINING.length; i++) { if (line.indexOf(IGNORE_LINES_CONTAINING[i]) > 0) { result = true; break; } } for (int i = 0; i < IGNORE_LINES_STARTING_WITH.length && !result; i++) { if (line.startsWith(IGNORE_LINES_STARTING_WITH[i])) { result = true; break; } } return result; } } private static final class IgnoreHeaderInputStream extends InputStream { private boolean isFinishedHeaders = false; private final InputStream delegate; public IgnoreHeaderInputStream(final InputStream delegate) { super(); this.delegate = delegate; } public int read() throws IOException { final int result; final int next =; if (isFinishedHeaders) { result = next; } else { switch (next) { case -1: isFinishedHeaders = true; result = next; break; case '#': readLine(); result = read(); break; case '\r': case '\n': case ' ': case '\t': result = read(); break; default: isFinishedHeaders = true; result = next; break; } } return result; } private void readLine() throws IOException { int next =; while (next != -1 && next != '\r' && next != '\n') { next =; } } } }