Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.index.lucene; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch; import java.util.concurrent.Executor; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.commons.IOUtils; import org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.index.IndexConstants; import org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.spi.state.NodeBuilder; import org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.spi.state.NodeState; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Rule; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.rules.TemporaryFolder; import static; import static; import static; import static org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.nodetype.write.InitialContent.INITIAL_CONTENT; import static org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat; import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.contains; import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.containsInAnyOrder; import static org.junit.Assert.assertArrayEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import static; import static org.junit.Assume.assumeTrue; public class IndexCopierTest { private Random rnd = new Random(); private int maxFileSize = 7896; private NodeState root = INITIAL_CONTENT; @Rule public TemporaryFolder temporaryFolder = new TemporaryFolder(new File("target")); private NodeBuilder builder = root.builder(); private String indexPath = "/oak:index/test"; @Before public void setUp() { builder.setProperty(IndexConstants.INDEX_PATH, indexPath); LuceneIndexEditorContext.configureUniqueId(builder); } @Test public void basicTest() throws Exception { Directory baseDir = new RAMDirectory(); IndexDefinition defn = new IndexDefinition(root, builder.getNodeState()); IndexCopier c1 = new RAMIndexCopier(baseDir, sameThreadExecutor(), getWorkDir()); Directory remote = new RAMDirectory(); Directory wrapped = c1.wrapForRead("/foo", defn, remote); byte[] t1 = writeFile(remote, "t1"); byte[] t2 = writeFile(remote, "t2"); assertEquals(2, wrapped.listAll().length); assertTrue(wrapped.fileExists("t1")); assertTrue(wrapped.fileExists("t2")); assertEquals(t1.length, wrapped.fileLength("t1")); assertEquals(t2.length, wrapped.fileLength("t2")); readAndAssert(wrapped, "t1", t1); //t1 should now be added to testDir assertTrue(baseDir.fileExists("t1")); } @Test public void basicTestWithPrefetch() throws Exception { final List<String> syncedFiles = Lists.newArrayList(); Directory baseDir = new RAMDirectory() { @Override public void sync(Collection<String> names) throws IOException { syncedFiles.addAll(names); super.sync(names); } }; IndexDefinition defn = new IndexDefinition(root, builder.getNodeState()); IndexCopier c1 = new RAMIndexCopier(baseDir, sameThreadExecutor(), getWorkDir(), true); Directory remote = new RAMDirectory(); byte[] t1 = writeFile(remote, "t1"); byte[] t2 = writeFile(remote, "t2"); Directory wrapped = c1.wrapForRead("/foo", defn, remote); assertEquals(2, wrapped.listAll().length); assertThat(syncedFiles, containsInAnyOrder("t1", "t2")); assertTrue(wrapped.fileExists("t1")); assertTrue(wrapped.fileExists("t2")); assertTrue(baseDir.fileExists("t1")); assertTrue(baseDir.fileExists("t2")); assertEquals(t1.length, wrapped.fileLength("t1")); assertEquals(t2.length, wrapped.fileLength("t2")); readAndAssert(wrapped, "t1", t1); } @Test public void nonExistentFile() throws Exception { Directory baseDir = new RAMDirectory(); IndexDefinition defn = new IndexDefinition(root, builder.getNodeState()); CollectingExecutor executor = new CollectingExecutor(); IndexCopier c1 = new RAMIndexCopier(baseDir, executor, getWorkDir(), true); Directory remote = new RAMDirectory(); Directory wrapped = c1.wrapForRead("/foo", defn, remote); try { wrapped.openInput("foo.txt", IOContext.DEFAULT); fail(); } catch (FileNotFoundException ignore) { } assertEquals(0, executor.commands.size()); } @Test public void basicTestWithFS() throws Exception { IndexDefinition defn = new IndexDefinition(root, builder.getNodeState()); IndexCopier c1 = new IndexCopier(sameThreadExecutor(), getWorkDir()); Directory remote = new RAMDirectory(); Directory wrapped = c1.wrapForRead("/foo", defn, remote); byte[] t1 = writeFile(remote, "t1"); byte[] t2 = writeFile(remote, "t2"); assertEquals(2, wrapped.listAll().length); assertTrue(wrapped.fileExists("t1")); assertTrue(wrapped.fileExists("t2")); assertEquals(t1.length, wrapped.fileLength("t1")); assertEquals(t2.length, wrapped.fileLength("t2")); readAndAssert(wrapped, "t1", t1); //t1 should now be added to testDir File indexDir = c1.getIndexDir(defn, "/foo"); assertTrue(new File(indexDir, "t1").exists()); TabularData td = c1.getIndexPathMapping(); assertEquals(1, td.size()); } @Test public void deleteOldPostReindex() throws Exception { IndexDefinition defn = new IndexDefinition(root, builder.getNodeState()); IndexCopier c1 = new IndexCopier(sameThreadExecutor(), getWorkDir()); Directory remote = new CloseSafeDir(); Directory w1 = c1.wrapForRead(indexPath, defn, remote); byte[] t1 = writeFile(remote, "t1"); byte[] t2 = writeFile(remote, "t2"); readAndAssert(w1, "t1", t1); readAndAssert(w1, "t2", t2); //t1 should now be added to testDir File indexDir = c1.getIndexDir(defn, indexPath); assertTrue(new File(indexDir, "t1").exists()); doReindex(builder); defn = new IndexDefinition(root, builder.getNodeState()); //Close old version w1.close(); //Get a new one with updated reindexCount Directory w2 = c1.wrapForRead(indexPath, defn, remote); readAndAssert(w2, "t1", t1); w2.close(); assertFalse("Old index directory should have been removed", indexDir.exists()); //Assert that new index file do exist and not get removed File indexDir2 = c1.getIndexDir(defn, indexPath); assertTrue(new File(indexDir2, "t1").exists()); //Check if parent directory is also removed i.e. //index count should be 1 now assertEquals(1, c1.getIndexRootDirectory().getLocalIndexes(indexPath).size()); } @Test public void concurrentRead() throws Exception { Directory baseDir = new RAMDirectory(); IndexDefinition defn = new IndexDefinition(root, builder.getNodeState()); CollectingExecutor executor = new CollectingExecutor(); IndexCopier c1 = new RAMIndexCopier(baseDir, executor, getWorkDir()); TestRAMDirectory remote = new TestRAMDirectory(); Directory wrapped = c1.wrapForRead("/foo", defn, remote); byte[] t1 = writeFile(remote, "t1"); //1. Trigger a read which should go to remote readAndAssert(wrapped, "t1", t1); assertEquals(1, c1.getScheduledForCopyCount()); assertEquals(1, remote.openedFiles.size()); assertEquals(1, executor.commands.size()); //2. Trigger another read and this should also be //served from remote readAndAssert(wrapped, "t1", t1); assertEquals(1, c1.getScheduledForCopyCount()); assertEquals(2, remote.openedFiles.size()); //Second read should not add a new copy task assertEquals(1, executor.commands.size()); //3. Perform copy executor.executeAll(); remote.reset(); //4. Now read again after copy is done readAndAssert(wrapped, "t1", t1); // Now read should be served from local and not from remote assertEquals(0, remote.openedFiles.size()); assertEquals(0, c1.getScheduledForCopyCount()); } @Test public void copyInProgressStats() throws Exception { Directory baseDir = new RAMDirectory(); IndexDefinition defn = new IndexDefinition(root, builder.getNodeState()); final List<ListenableFuture<?>> submittedTasks = Lists.newArrayList(); ExecutorService executor = new ForwardingListeningExecutorService() { @Override protected ListeningExecutorService delegate() { return MoreExecutors.listeningDecorator(Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor()); } @Override public void execute(Runnable command) { submittedTasks.add(super.submit(command)); } }; IndexCopier c1 = new RAMIndexCopier(baseDir, executor, getWorkDir()); final CountDownLatch copyProceed = new CountDownLatch(1); final CountDownLatch copyRequestArrived = new CountDownLatch(1); TestRAMDirectory remote = new TestRAMDirectory() { @Override public void copy(Directory to, String src, String dest, IOContext context) throws IOException { copyRequestArrived.countDown(); try { copyProceed.await(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } super.copy(to, src, dest, context); } }; Directory wrapped = c1.wrapForRead("/foo", defn, remote); byte[] t1 = writeFile(remote, "t1"); //1. Trigger a read which should go to remote readAndAssert(wrapped, "t1", t1); copyRequestArrived.await(); assertEquals(1, c1.getCopyInProgressCount()); assertEquals(1, remote.openedFiles.size()); //2. Trigger another read and this should also be //served from remote readAndAssert(wrapped, "t1", t1); assertEquals(1, c1.getCopyInProgressCount()); assertEquals(IOUtils.humanReadableByteCount(t1.length), c1.getCopyInProgressSize()); assertEquals(1, c1.getCopyInProgressDetails().length); System.out.println(Arrays.toString(c1.getCopyInProgressDetails())); assertEquals(2, remote.openedFiles.size()); //3. Perform copy copyProceed.countDown(); Futures.allAsList(submittedTasks).get(); remote.reset(); //4. Now read again after copy is done readAndAssert(wrapped, "t1", t1); // Now read should be served from local and not from remote assertEquals(0, remote.openedFiles.size()); assertEquals(0, c1.getCopyInProgressCount()); executor.shutdown(); } /** * Test for the case where local directory is opened already contains * the index files and in such a case file should not be read from remote */ @Test public void reuseLocalDir() throws Exception { Directory baseDir = new RAMDirectory(); IndexDefinition defn = new IndexDefinition(root, builder.getNodeState()); IndexCopier c1 = new RAMIndexCopier(baseDir, sameThreadExecutor(), getWorkDir()); TestRAMDirectory remote = new TestRAMDirectory(); Directory wrapped = c1.wrapForRead("/foo", defn, remote); byte[] t1 = writeFile(remote, "t1"); //1. Read for the first time should be served from remote readAndAssert(wrapped, "t1", t1); assertEquals(1, remote.openedFiles.size()); //2. Reuse the testDir and read again Directory wrapped2 = c1.wrapForRead("/foo", defn, remote); remote.reset(); //3. Now read should be served from local readAndAssert(wrapped2, "t1", t1); assertEquals(0, remote.openedFiles.size()); //Now check if local file gets corrupted then read from remote Directory wrapped3 = c1.wrapForRead("/foo", defn, remote); remote.reset(); //4. Corrupt the local copy writeFile(baseDir, "t1"); //Now read would be done from remote readAndAssert(wrapped3, "t1", t1); assertEquals(1, remote.openedFiles.size()); } @Test public void deleteCorruptedFile() throws Exception { Directory baseDir = new RAMDirectory(); IndexDefinition defn = new IndexDefinition(root, builder.getNodeState()); RAMIndexCopier c1 = new RAMIndexCopier(baseDir, sameThreadExecutor(), getWorkDir()); Directory remote = new RAMDirectory() { @Override public IndexInput openInput(String name, IOContext context) throws IOException { throw new IllegalStateException("boom"); } }; String fileName = "failed.txt"; Directory wrapped = c1.wrapForRead("/foo", defn, remote); byte[] t1 = writeFile(remote, fileName); try { readAndAssert(wrapped, fileName, t1); fail("Read of file should have failed"); } catch (IllegalStateException ignore) { } assertFalse(c1.baseDir.fileExists(fileName)); } @Test public void deletesOnClose() throws Exception { //Use a close safe dir. In actual case the FSDir would //be opened on same file system hence it can retain memory //but RAMDirectory does not retain memory hence we simulate //that by not closing the RAMDir and reuse it Directory baseDir = new CloseSafeDir(); IndexDefinition defn = new IndexDefinition(root, builder.getNodeState()); IndexCopier c1 = new RAMIndexCopier(baseDir, sameThreadExecutor(), getWorkDir()); Directory r1 = new RAMDirectory(); byte[] t1 = writeFile(r1, "t1"); byte[] t2 = writeFile(r1, "t2"); Directory w1 = c1.wrapForRead("/foo", defn, r1); readAndAssert(w1, "t1", t1); readAndAssert(w1, "t2", t2); // t1 and t2 should now be present in local (base dir which back local) assertTrue(baseDir.fileExists("t1")); assertTrue(baseDir.fileExists("t2")); Directory r2 = new RAMDirectory(); copy(r1, r2); r2.deleteFile("t1"); Directory w2 = c1.wrapForRead("/foo", defn, r2); //Close would trigger removal of file which are not present in remote w2.close(); assertFalse("t1 should have been deleted", baseDir.fileExists("t1")); assertTrue(baseDir.fileExists("t2")); } @Test public void failureInDelete() throws Exception { final Set<String> testFiles = new HashSet<String>(); Directory baseDir = new CloseSafeDir() { @Override public void deleteFile(String name) throws IOException { if (testFiles.contains(name)) { throw new IOException("Not allowed to delete " + name); } super.deleteFile(name); } }; IndexDefinition defn = new IndexDefinition(root, builder.getNodeState()); IndexCopier c1 = new RAMIndexCopier(baseDir, sameThreadExecutor(), getWorkDir()); Directory r1 = new RAMDirectory(); byte[] t1 = writeFile(r1, "t1"); byte[] t2 = writeFile(r1, "t2"); Directory w1 = c1.wrapForRead("/foo", defn, r1); readAndAssert(w1, "t1", t1); readAndAssert(w1, "t2", t2); // t1 and t2 should now be present in local (base dir which back local) assertTrue(baseDir.fileExists("t1")); assertTrue(baseDir.fileExists("t2")); Directory r2 = new CloseSafeDir(); copy(r1, r2); r2.deleteFile("t1"); Directory w2 = c1.wrapForRead("/foo", defn, r2); //Close would trigger removal of file which are not present in remote testFiles.add("t1"); w2.close(); assertEquals(1, c1.getFailedToDeleteFiles().size()); IndexCopier.LocalIndexFile testFile = c1.getFailedToDeleteFiles().values().iterator().next(); assertEquals(1, testFile.getDeleteAttemptCount()); assertEquals(IOUtils.humanReadableByteCount(t1.length), c1.getGarbageSize()); assertEquals(1, c1.getGarbageDetails().length); Directory w3 = c1.wrapForRead("/foo", defn, r2); w3.close(); assertEquals(2, testFile.getDeleteAttemptCount()); //Now let the file to be deleted testFiles.clear(); Directory w4 = c1.wrapForRead("/foo", defn, r2); w4.close(); //No pending deletes left assertEquals(0, c1.getFailedToDeleteFiles().size()); } @Test public void deletedOnlyFilesForOlderVersion() throws Exception { Directory baseDir = new CloseSafeDir(); IndexDefinition defn = new IndexDefinition(root, builder.getNodeState()); IndexCopier copier = new RAMIndexCopier(baseDir, sameThreadExecutor(), getWorkDir()); //1. Open a local and read t1 from remote Directory remote1 = new RAMDirectory(); byte[] t1 = writeFile(remote1, "t1"); Directory local1 = copier.wrapForRead("/foo", defn, remote1); readAndAssert(local1, "t1", t1); //While local1 is open , open another local2 and read t2 Directory remote2 = new RAMDirectory(); byte[] t2 = writeFile(remote2, "t2"); Directory local2 = copier.wrapForRead("/foo", defn, remote2); readAndAssert(local2, "t2", t2); //Close local1 local1.close(); //t2 should still be readable readAndAssert(local2, "t2", t2); } @Test public void wrapForWriteWithoutIndexPath() throws Exception { Directory remote = new CloseSafeDir(); IndexCopier copier = new IndexCopier(sameThreadExecutor(), getWorkDir()); IndexDefinition defn = new IndexDefinition(root, builder.getNodeState()); Directory dir = copier.wrapForWrite(defn, remote, false); byte[] t1 = writeFile(dir, "t1"); dir.close(); readAndAssert(remote, "t1", t1); //Work dir must be empty post close assertArrayEquals(FileUtils.EMPTY_FILE_ARRAY, copier.getIndexWorkDir().listFiles()); } @Test public void wrapForWriteWithIndexPath() throws Exception { Directory remote = new CloseSafeDir(); IndexCopier copier = new IndexCopier(sameThreadExecutor(), getWorkDir()); builder.setProperty(IndexConstants.INDEX_PATH, "foo"); IndexDefinition defn = new IndexDefinition(root, builder.getNodeState()); Directory dir = copier.wrapForWrite(defn, remote, false); byte[] t1 = writeFile(dir, "t1"); dir.close(); readAndAssert(remote, "t1", t1); //Work dir must be empty post close File indexDir = copier.getIndexDir(defn, "foo"); List<File> files = new ArrayList<File>(FileUtils.listFiles(indexDir, null, true)); Set<String> fileNames = Sets.newHashSet(); for (File f : files) { fileNames.add(f.getName()); } assertThat(fileNames, contains("t1")); } @Test public void copyOnWriteBasics() throws Exception { Directory baseDir = new CloseSafeDir(); IndexDefinition defn = new IndexDefinition(root, builder.getNodeState()); IndexCopier copier = new RAMIndexCopier(baseDir, sameThreadExecutor(), getWorkDir()); Directory remote = new RAMDirectory(); byte[] t1 = writeFile(remote, "t1"); //State of remote directory should set before wrapping as later //additions would not be picked up given COW assume remote directory //to be read only Directory local = copier.wrapForWrite(defn, remote, false); assertEquals(newHashSet("t1"), newHashSet(local.listAll())); assertEquals(t1.length, local.fileLength("t1")); byte[] t2 = writeFile(local, "t2"); assertEquals(newHashSet("t1", "t2"), newHashSet(local.listAll())); assertEquals(t2.length, local.fileLength("t2")); assertTrue(local.fileExists("t1")); assertTrue(local.fileExists("t2")); assertTrue("t2 should be copied to remote", remote.fileExists("t2")); readAndAssert(local, "t1", t1); readAndAssert(local, "t2", t2); local.deleteFile("t1"); assertEquals(newHashSet("t2"), newHashSet(local.listAll())); local.deleteFile("t2"); assertEquals(newHashSet(), newHashSet(local.listAll())); try { local.fileLength("nonExistentFile"); fail(); } catch (FileNotFoundException ignore) { } try { local.openInput("nonExistentFile", IOContext.DEFAULT); fail(); } catch (FileNotFoundException ignore) { } local.close(); assertFalse(baseDir.fileExists("t2")); } /** * Checks for the case where if the file exist local before writer starts * then those files do not get deleted even if deleted by writer via * indexing process from 'baseDir' as they might be in use by existing open * indexes */ @Test public void cowExistingLocalFileNotDeleted() throws Exception { Directory baseDir = new CloseSafeDir(); IndexDefinition defn = new IndexDefinition(root, builder.getNodeState()); IndexCopier copier = new RAMIndexCopier(baseDir, sameThreadExecutor(), getWorkDir()); Directory remote = new CloseSafeDir(); byte[] t1 = writeFile(remote, "t1"); byte[] t2 = writeFile(remote, "t2"); Directory local = copier.wrapForWrite(defn, remote, false); assertEquals(newHashSet("t1", "t2"), newHashSet(local.listAll())); byte[] t3 = writeFile(local, "t3"); //Now pull in the file t1 via CopyOnRead in baseDir Directory localForRead = copier.wrapForRead("/foo", defn, remote); readAndAssert(localForRead, "t1", t1); //File which was copied from remote should not be deleted from baseDir //upon delete from local assertTrue(baseDir.fileExists("t1")); local.deleteFile("t1"); assertFalse("t1 should be deleted from remote", remote.fileExists("t1")); assertFalse("t1 should be deleted from 'local' view also", local.fileExists("t1")); assertTrue("t1 should not be deleted from baseDir", baseDir.fileExists("t1")); //File which was created only via local SHOULD get removed from //baseDir only upon close assertTrue(baseDir.fileExists("t3")); local.deleteFile("t3"); assertFalse("t1 should be deleted from remote", local.fileExists("t3")); assertTrue("t1 should NOT be deleted from remote", baseDir.fileExists("t3")); local.close(); assertFalse("t3 should also be deleted from local", baseDir.fileExists("t3")); } @Test public void cowReadDoneFromLocalIfFileExist() throws Exception { final Set<String> readLocal = newHashSet(); Directory baseDir = new CloseSafeDir() { @Override public IndexInput openInput(String name, IOContext context) throws IOException { readLocal.add(name); return super.openInput(name, context); } }; IndexDefinition defn = new IndexDefinition(root, builder.getNodeState()); IndexCopier copier = new RAMIndexCopier(baseDir, sameThreadExecutor(), getWorkDir()); final Set<String> readRemotes = newHashSet(); Directory remote = new RAMDirectory() { @Override public IndexInput openInput(String name, IOContext context) throws IOException { readRemotes.add(name); return super.openInput(name, context); } }; byte[] t1 = writeFile(remote, "t1"); Directory local = copier.wrapForWrite(defn, remote, false); //Read should be served from remote readRemotes.clear(); readLocal.clear(); readAndAssert(local, "t1", t1); assertEquals(newHashSet("t1"), readRemotes); assertEquals(newHashSet(), readLocal); //Now pull in the file t1 via CopyOnRead in baseDir Directory localForRead = copier.wrapForRead("/foo", defn, remote); readAndAssert(localForRead, "t1", t1); //Read should be served from local readRemotes.clear(); readLocal.clear(); readAndAssert(local, "t1", t1); assertEquals(newHashSet(), readRemotes); assertEquals(newHashSet("t1"), readLocal); local.close(); } @Test public void cowCopyDoneOnClose() throws Exception { final CollectingExecutor executor = new CollectingExecutor(); Directory baseDir = new CloseSafeDir(); IndexDefinition defn = new IndexDefinition(root, builder.getNodeState()); IndexCopier copier = new RAMIndexCopier(baseDir, executor, getWorkDir()); Directory remote = new CloseSafeDir(); final Directory local = copier.wrapForWrite(defn, remote, false); byte[] t1 = writeFile(local, "t1"); assertTrue(local.fileExists("t1")); assertFalse("t1 should NOT be copied to remote", remote.fileExists("t1")); //Execute all job executor.executeAll(); assertTrue("t1 should now be copied to remote", remote.fileExists("t1")); byte[] t2 = writeFile(local, "t2"); assertFalse("t2 should NOT be copied to remote", remote.fileExists("t2")); final ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(4); final CountDownLatch copyLatch = new CountDownLatch(1); Future<?> copyTasks = executorService.submit(new Callable<Object>() { @Override public Object call() throws Exception { copyLatch.await(); //the executor to a proper one as it might happen that //STOP task is added post CountingExecutor has executed. Then there //would be none to process the STOP. Having a proper executor would //handle that case executor.setForwardingExecutor(executorService); executor.executeAll(); return null; } }); final CountDownLatch closeLatch = new CountDownLatch(1); Future<?> closeTasks = executorService.submit(new Callable<Object>() { @Override public Object call() throws Exception { closeLatch.await(); local.close(); return null; } }); closeLatch.countDown(); assertFalse("t2 should NOT be copied to remote", remote.fileExists("t2")); //Let copy to proceed copyLatch.countDown(); //Now wait for close to finish closeTasks.get(); assertTrue("t2 should now be copied to remote", remote.fileExists("t2")); executorService.shutdown(); } @Test public void cowCopyDoneOnCloseExceptionHandling() throws Exception { final CollectingExecutor executor = new CollectingExecutor(); Directory baseDir = new CloseSafeDir(); IndexDefinition defn = new IndexDefinition(root, builder.getNodeState()); IndexCopier copier = new RAMIndexCopier(baseDir, executor, getWorkDir()); Directory remote = new CloseSafeDir(); final Directory local = copier.wrapForWrite(defn, remote, false); byte[] t1 = writeFile(local, "t1"); assertTrue(local.fileExists("t1")); assertFalse("t1 should NOT be copied to remote", remote.fileExists("t1")); //Execute all job executor.executeAll(); assertTrue("t1 should now be copied to remote", remote.fileExists("t1")); byte[] t2 = writeFile(local, "t2"); assertFalse("t2 should NOT be copied to remote", remote.fileExists("t2")); ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(2); final CountDownLatch copyLatch = new CountDownLatch(1); Future<?> copyTasks = executorService.submit(new Callable<Object>() { @Override public Object call() throws Exception { copyLatch.await(); executor.executeAll(); executor.enableImmediateExecution(); return null; } }); final CountDownLatch closeLatch = new CountDownLatch(1); Future<?> closeTasks = executorService.submit(new Callable<Object>() { @Override public Object call() throws Exception { closeLatch.await(); local.close(); return null; } }); closeLatch.countDown(); assertFalse("t2 should NOT be copied to remote", remote.fileExists("t2")); //Let copy to proceed copyLatch.countDown(); //Now wait for close to finish closeTasks.get(); assertTrue("t2 should now be copied to remote", remote.fileExists("t2")); executorService.shutdown(); } @Test public void cowFailureInCopy() throws Exception { ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(2); Directory baseDir = new CloseSafeDir(); IndexDefinition defn = new IndexDefinition(root, builder.getNodeState()); IndexCopier copier = new RAMIndexCopier(baseDir, executorService, getWorkDir()); final Set<String> toFail = Sets.newHashSet(); Directory remote = new CloseSafeDir() { @Override public IndexOutput createOutput(String name, IOContext context) throws IOException { if (toFail.contains(name)) { throw new RuntimeException("Failing copy for " + name); } return super.createOutput(name, context); } }; final Directory local = copier.wrapForWrite(defn, remote, false); toFail.add("t2"); byte[] t1 = writeFile(local, "t1"); byte[] t2 = writeFile(local, "t2"); try { local.close(); fail(); } catch (IOException ignore) { } executorService.shutdown(); } @Test public void cowPoolClosedWithTaskInQueue() throws Exception { ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(2); Directory baseDir = new CloseSafeDir(); IndexDefinition defn = new IndexDefinition(root, builder.getNodeState()); IndexCopier copier = new RAMIndexCopier(baseDir, executorService, getWorkDir()); final Set<String> toPause = Sets.newHashSet(); final CountDownLatch pauseCopyLatch = new CountDownLatch(1); Directory remote = new CloseSafeDir() { @Override public IndexOutput createOutput(String name, IOContext context) throws IOException { if (toPause.contains(name)) { try { pauseCopyLatch.await(); } catch (InterruptedException ignore) { } } return super.createOutput(name, context); } }; final Directory local = copier.wrapForWrite(defn, remote, false); toPause.add("t2"); byte[] t1 = writeFile(local, "t1"); byte[] t2 = writeFile(local, "t2"); byte[] t3 = writeFile(local, "t3"); byte[] t4 = writeFile(local, "t4"); final AtomicReference<Throwable> error = new AtomicReference<Throwable>(); Thread closer = new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { local.close(); } catch (Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); error.set(e); } } }); closer.start(); copier.close(); executorService.shutdown(); executorService.awaitTermination(100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); pauseCopyLatch.countDown(); closer.join(); assertNotNull("Close should have thrown an exception", error.get()); } /** * Test the interaction between COR and COW using same underlying directory */ @Test public void cowConcurrentAccess() throws Exception { CollectingExecutor executor = new CollectingExecutor(); ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(2); executor.setForwardingExecutor(executorService); Directory baseDir = new CloseSafeDir(); String indexPath = "/foo"; builder.setProperty(IndexConstants.INDEX_PATH, indexPath); IndexDefinition defn = new IndexDefinition(root, builder.getNodeState()); IndexCopier copier = new RAMIndexCopier(baseDir, executor, getWorkDir(), true); Directory remote = new CloseSafeDir(); byte[] f1 = writeFile(remote, "f1"); Directory cor1 = copier.wrapForRead(indexPath, defn, remote); readAndAssert(cor1, "f1", f1); cor1.close(); final CountDownLatch pauseCopyLatch = new CountDownLatch(1); Directory remote2 = new FilterDirectory(remote) { @Override public IndexOutput createOutput(String name, IOContext context) throws IOException { try { pauseCopyLatch.await(); } catch (InterruptedException ignore) { } return super.createOutput(name, context); } }; //Start copying a file to remote via COW Directory cow1 = copier.wrapForWrite(defn, remote2, false); byte[] f2 = writeFile(cow1, "f2"); //Before copy is done to remote lets delete f1 from remote and //open a COR and close it such that it triggers delete of f1 remote.deleteFile("f1"); Directory cor2 = copier.wrapForRead(indexPath, defn, remote); //Ensure that deletion task submitted to executor get processed immediately executor.enableImmediateExecution(); cor2.close(); executor.enableDelayedExecution(); assertFalse(baseDir.fileExists("f1")); assertFalse("f2 should not have been copied to remote so far", remote.fileExists("f2")); assertTrue("f2 should exist", baseDir.fileExists("f2")); pauseCopyLatch.countDown(); cow1.close(); assertTrue("f2 should exist", remote.fileExists("f2")); executorService.shutdown(); } private static void doReindex(NodeBuilder builder) { builder.child(IndexDefinition.STATUS_NODE).remove(); LuceneIndexEditorContext.configureUniqueId(builder); } private byte[] writeFile(Directory dir, String name) throws IOException { byte[] data = randomBytes(rnd.nextInt(maxFileSize) + 1); IndexOutput o = dir.createOutput(name, IOContext.DEFAULT); o.writeBytes(data, data.length); o.close(); return data; } private byte[] randomBytes(int size) { byte[] data = new byte[size]; rnd.nextBytes(data); return data; } private File getWorkDir() { return temporaryFolder.getRoot(); } private static void readAndAssert(Directory wrapped, String fileName, byte[] expectedData) throws IOException { IndexInput i = wrapped.openInput(fileName, IOContext.DEFAULT); byte[] result = new byte[(int) wrapped.fileLength(fileName)]; i.readBytes(result, 0, result.length); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(expectedData, result)); i.close(); } private static void copy(Directory source, Directory dest) throws IOException { for (String file : source.listAll()) { source.copy(dest, file, file, IOContext.DEFAULT); } } private class RAMIndexCopier extends IndexCopier { final Directory baseDir; public RAMIndexCopier(Directory baseDir, Executor executor, File indexRootDir, boolean prefetchEnabled) throws IOException { super(executor, indexRootDir, prefetchEnabled); this.baseDir = baseDir; } public RAMIndexCopier(Directory baseDir, Executor executor, File indexRootDir) throws IOException { this(baseDir, executor, indexRootDir, false); } @Override protected Directory createLocalDirForIndexReader(String indexPath, IndexDefinition definition) throws IOException { return baseDir; } @Override protected Directory createLocalDirForIndexWriter(IndexDefinition definition) throws IOException { return baseDir; } } private static class TestRAMDirectory extends RAMDirectory { final List<String> openedFiles = newArrayList(); @Override public IndexInput openInput(String name, IOContext context) throws IOException { openedFiles.add(name); return super.openInput(name, context); } public void reset() { openedFiles.clear(); } } private static class CloseSafeDir extends RAMDirectory { @Override public void close() { } } private static class CollectingExecutor implements Executor { final BlockingQueue<Runnable> commands = new LinkedBlockingQueue<Runnable>(); private volatile boolean immediateExecution = false; private volatile Executor forwardingExecutor; @Override public void execute(Runnable command) { if (immediateExecution) {; return; } if (forwardingExecutor != null) { forwardingExecutor.execute(command); return; } commands.add(command); } void executeAll() { Runnable c; while ((c = commands.poll()) != null) {; } } void enableImmediateExecution() { immediateExecution = true; } void enableDelayedExecution() { immediateExecution = false; } void setForwardingExecutor(Executor forwardingExecutor) { this.forwardingExecutor = forwardingExecutor; } } }