Java tutorial
/** * Licensed to Cloudera, Inc. under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. Cloudera, Inc. licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.hadoop.mapred; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configurable; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Counters.Counter; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Counters.Group; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobTracker.State; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TaskStatus.Phase; import; import org.apache.hadoop.thriftfs.ThriftHandlerBase; import org.apache.hadoop.thriftfs.ThriftPluginServer; import org.apache.hadoop.thriftfs.ThriftServerContext; import org.apache.hadoop.thriftfs.ThriftUtils; import org.apache.hadoop.thriftfs.api.IOException; import org.apache.hadoop.thriftfs.api.RequestContext; import org.apache.hadoop.thriftfs.jobtracker.api.JobTrackerState; import org.apache.hadoop.thriftfs.jobtracker.api.Jobtracker; import org.apache.hadoop.thriftfs.jobtracker.api.ThriftClusterStatus; import org.apache.hadoop.thriftfs.jobtracker.api.ThriftCounter; import org.apache.hadoop.thriftfs.jobtracker.api.ThriftCounterGroup; import org.apache.hadoop.thriftfs.jobtracker.api.ThriftGroupList; import org.apache.hadoop.thriftfs.jobtracker.api.ThriftJobCounterRollups; import org.apache.hadoop.thriftfs.jobtracker.api.ThriftJobID; import org.apache.hadoop.thriftfs.jobtracker.api.ThriftJobInProgress; import org.apache.hadoop.thriftfs.jobtracker.api.ThriftJobList; import org.apache.hadoop.thriftfs.jobtracker.api.ThriftJobPriority; import org.apache.hadoop.thriftfs.jobtracker.api.ThriftJobProfile; import org.apache.hadoop.thriftfs.jobtracker.api.ThriftJobQueueInfo; import org.apache.hadoop.thriftfs.jobtracker.api.ThriftJobQueueList; import org.apache.hadoop.thriftfs.jobtracker.api.ThriftJobStatus; import org.apache.hadoop.thriftfs.jobtracker.api.ThriftJobState; import org.apache.hadoop.thriftfs.jobtracker.api.ThriftTaskAttemptID; import org.apache.hadoop.thriftfs.jobtracker.api.ThriftTaskID; import org.apache.hadoop.thriftfs.jobtracker.api.ThriftTaskInProgress; import org.apache.hadoop.thriftfs.jobtracker.api.ThriftTaskInProgressList; import org.apache.hadoop.thriftfs.jobtracker.api.ThriftTaskPhase; import org.apache.hadoop.thriftfs.jobtracker.api.ThriftTaskQueryState; import org.apache.hadoop.thriftfs.jobtracker.api.ThriftTaskState; import org.apache.hadoop.thriftfs.jobtracker.api.ThriftTaskStatus; import org.apache.hadoop.thriftfs.jobtracker.api.ThriftTaskTrackerStatus; import org.apache.hadoop.thriftfs.jobtracker.api.ThriftTaskTrackerStatusList; import org.apache.hadoop.thriftfs.jobtracker.api.ThriftTaskType; import org.apache.hadoop.thriftfs.jobtracker.api.ThriftUserJobCounts; import org.apache.hadoop.thriftfs.jobtracker.api.JobNotFoundException; import org.apache.hadoop.thriftfs.jobtracker.api.TaskNotFoundException; import org.apache.hadoop.thriftfs.jobtracker.api.TaskAttemptNotFoundException; import org.apache.hadoop.thriftfs.jobtracker.api.TaskTrackerNotFoundException; import org.apache.thrift.TException; import org.apache.thrift.TProcessor; import org.apache.thrift.TProcessorFactory; import org.apache.thrift.transport.TTransport; /** * Exposes JobTracker APIs as a Thrift service, running by default on * DEFAULT_THRIFT_ADDRESS. */ @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public class ThriftJobTrackerPlugin extends JobTrackerPlugin implements Configurable { private static final int DEFAULT_NUM_TASKS_TO_SEND = 10; private static final int DEFAULT_NUM_FAILURES_TO_SEND = 5; /** * Provides lots of methods for mapping mapred objects onto their * Thrift equivalents, dispatched through the magic of polymorphism. */ private static class JTThriftUtils { static ThriftJobPriority toThrift(JobPriority priority) { switch (priority) { case VERY_HIGH: return ThriftJobPriority.VERY_HIGH; case HIGH: return ThriftJobPriority.HIGH; case NORMAL: return ThriftJobPriority.NORMAL; case LOW: return ThriftJobPriority.LOW; case VERY_LOW: return ThriftJobPriority.VERY_LOW; }"Unexpected priority in toThrift(JobPriority) - defaulting to NORMAL"); return ThriftJobPriority.NORMAL; } public static ThriftJobID toThrift(JobID jobId) { ThriftJobID ret = new ThriftJobID(); ret.setJobID(jobId.getId()); ret.setJobTrackerID(jobId.getJtIdentifier()); ret.setAsString(jobId.toString()); return ret; } public static JobID fromThrift(ThriftJobID jobId) { return new JobID(jobId.getJobTrackerID(), jobId.getJobID()); } public static TaskID fromThrift(ThriftTaskID taskId) { return new TaskID(fromThrift(taskId.getJobID()), taskId.getTaskType() == ThriftTaskType.MAP, taskId.getTaskID()); } public static TaskAttemptID fromThrift(ThriftTaskAttemptID taskId) { JobID jid = fromThrift(taskId.getTaskID().jobID); String ident = jid.getJtIdentifier(); boolean isMap = taskId.taskID.getTaskType() == ThriftTaskType.MAP; TaskAttemptID id = new TaskAttemptID(ident, jid.getId(), isMap, taskId.getTaskID().getTaskID(), taskId.getAttemptID()); return id; } public static ThriftJobState jobRunStateToThrift(int state) { switch (state) { case JobStatus.RUNNING: return ThriftJobState.RUNNING; case JobStatus.SUCCEEDED: return ThriftJobState.SUCCEEDED; case JobStatus.FAILED: return ThriftJobState.FAILED; case JobStatus.PREP: return ThriftJobState.PREP; case JobStatus.KILLED: return ThriftJobState.KILLED; default: return null; // signify unknown } } public static ThriftJobStatus toThrift(JobStatus job) { ThriftJobStatus ret = new ThriftJobStatus(); ret.setCleanupProgress(job.cleanupProgress()); ret.setMapProgress(job.mapProgress()); ret.setReduceProgress(job.reduceProgress()); ret.setPriority(toThrift(job.getJobPriority())); ret.setRunState(jobRunStateToThrift(job.getRunState())); ret.setSchedulingInfo(job.getSchedulingInfo()); ret.setSetupProgress(job.setupProgress()); ret.setStartTime(job.getStartTime()); ret.setUser(job.getUsername()); ret.setJobID(toThrift(job.getJobID())); return ret; } /** * Convert a section of an array of TaskInProgress to a ThriftTaskInProgressList. * The returned list contains tasks in the range of [fromIdx, toIdx). * Callers should make sure that the indices are valid, and that toIdx * is not smaller than fromIdx. * @param tasks An array of TaskInProgress objects. * @param tracker The JobTracker. * @param fromIdx The inclusive starting range to convert. * @param toIdx The exclusive ending range to convert, i.e. [fromIdx, toIdx) */ public static ThriftTaskInProgressList toThrift(TaskInProgress[] tasks, JobTracker tracker, int fromIdx, int toIdx) { ThriftTaskInProgressList ret = new ThriftTaskInProgressList(); if (toIdx > tasks.length) toIdx = tasks.length; if (fromIdx > toIdx) { assert false; // Internal callers should not pass in bogus args fromIdx = toIdx; } ArrayList<ThriftTaskInProgress> taskArr = new ArrayList<ThriftTaskInProgress>(toIdx - fromIdx); for (int i = fromIdx; i < toIdx; ++i) taskArr.add(toThrift(tasks[i], tracker)); ret.setTasks(taskArr); ret.setNumTotalTasks(tasks.length); return ret; } /** * Converts a JobInProgress object to its corresponding Thrift representation. * @param job Input JobInProgress object * @param includeTasks Include task information iff true */ public static ThriftJobInProgress toThrift(JobInProgress job, boolean includeTasks, JobTracker tracker) { ThriftJobInProgress ret = new ThriftJobInProgress(); // Take the lock so we can do an atomic copy synchronized (job) { ret.setDesiredMaps(job.desiredMaps()); ret.setDesiredReduces(job.desiredReduces()); ret.setFinishedMaps(job.finishedMaps()); ret.setFinishedReduces(job.finishedReduces()); ret.setJobID(toThrift(job.getJobID())); ret.setPriority(toThrift(job.getPriority())); ret.setProfile(toThrift(job.getProfile())); // Status lock is taken here ret.setStatus(toThrift(job.getStatus())); ret.setStartTime(job.getStartTime()); ret.setFinishTime(job.getFinishTime()); ret.setLaunchTime(job.getLaunchTime()); } // No need to hang on to job lock now // TODO(henry/bc): By releasing the lock above, getInitialViewTaskList // may see a different view of the job and its task list. This // could cause inconsistency between the values copied above and // the tasks themselves, but no deadlocks/CMEs. if (includeTasks) { final boolean do_sort = true; ret.setTasks(getInitialViewTaskList(job, tracker)); } return ret; } /** * There are always two setup tasks and two cleanup tasks by default * If one succeeds, the other is killed. We choose not to report those * to the UI because they are spurious. * This method _always_ return a new array. */ public static TaskInProgress[] sanitizeCleanupSetupTask(TaskInProgress[] tasks) { assert tasks.length <= 2; // There should be at most 2 of them if (tasks.length != 2) return tasks.clone(); TaskInProgress goodTip = (tasks[1].isRunning() || tasks[1].isComplete()) ? tasks[1] : tasks[0]; return new TaskInProgress[] { goodTip }; } public static ThriftJobInProgress toThrift(JobInProgress job, JobTracker tracker) { return toThrift(job, true, tracker); } public static ThriftJobProfile toThrift(JobProfile profile) { // Takes no locks ThriftJobProfile ret = new ThriftJobProfile(); ret.setJobFile(profile.getJobFile()); ret.setJobID(toThrift(profile.getJobID())); ret.setName(profile.getJobName()); ret.setQueueName(profile.getQueueName()); ret.setUser(profile.getUser()); return ret; } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public static List<ThriftCounterGroup> toThrift(Counters jcs) { Collection<String> groupNames = null; List<ThriftCounterGroup> ret = null; synchronized (jcs) { groupNames = new ArrayList<String>(jcs.getGroupNames()); ret = new ArrayList<ThriftCounterGroup>(groupNames.size()); for (String s : groupNames) { Counters.Group g = jcs.getGroup(s); ThriftCounterGroup tcg = toThrift(g); ret.add(tcg); } } return ret; } public static ThriftCounterGroup toThrift(Group g) { ThriftCounterGroup ret = new ThriftCounterGroup(); ret.setName(g.getName()); ret.setDisplayName(g.getDisplayName()); ret.counters = new HashMap<String, ThriftCounter>(); for (Counters.Counter c : g) { ret.counters.put(c.getDisplayName(), toThrift(c)); } return ret; } public static ThriftCounter toThrift(Counter c) { ThriftCounter ret = new ThriftCounter(); ret.setDisplayName(c.getDisplayName()); ret.setName(c.getName()); ret.setValue(c.getValue()); return ret; } public static ThriftClusterStatus toThrift(ClusterStatus cs, JobTracker tracker) { ThriftClusterStatus tcs = new ThriftClusterStatus(); tcs.setNumActiveTrackers(cs.getTaskTrackers()); tcs.setActiveTrackerNames(new ArrayList<String>(cs.getActiveTrackerNames())); tcs.setBlacklistedTrackerNames(new ArrayList<String>(cs.getBlacklistedTrackerNames())); tcs.setNumBlacklistedTrackers(cs.getBlacklistedTrackers()); tcs.setNumExcludedNodes(0); tcs.setTaskTrackerExpiryInterval(cs.getTTExpiryInterval()); tcs.setMapTasks(cs.getMapTasks()); tcs.setReduceTasks(cs.getReduceTasks()); tcs.setMaxMapTasks(cs.getMaxMapTasks()); tcs.setMaxReduceTasks(cs.getMaxReduceTasks()); tcs.setState(cs.getJobTrackerState() == State.INITIALIZING ? JobTrackerState.INITIALIZING : JobTrackerState.RUNNING); tcs.setUsedMemory(cs.getUsedMemory()); tcs.setMaxMemory(cs.getMaxMemory()); tcs.setTotalSubmissions(tracker.getTotalSubmissions()); tcs.setHasRecovered(tracker.hasRecovered()); tcs.setHasRestarted(tracker.hasRestarted()); tcs.setHostname(tracker.getJobTrackerMachine()); tcs.setIdentifier(tracker.getTrackerIdentifier()); tcs.setStartTime(tracker.getStartTime()); tcs.setHttpPort(tracker.getInfoPort()); return tcs; } public static ThriftTaskTrackerStatus toThrift(TaskTrackerStatus t) { ThriftTaskTrackerStatus ttts = new ThriftTaskTrackerStatus(); ttts.setTrackerName(t.getTrackerName()); ttts.setAvailableSpace(t.getResourceStatus().getAvailableSpace()); ttts.setFailureCount(t.getFailures()); ttts.setHost(t.getHost()); ttts.setHttpPort(t.getHttpPort()); ttts.setLastSeen(t.getLastSeen()); ttts.setMapCount(t.countMapTasks()); ttts.setReduceCount(t.countReduceTasks()); ttts.setMaxMapTasks(t.getMaxMapTasks()); ttts.setMaxReduceTasks(t.getMaxReduceTasks()); ttts.setTotalPhysicalMemory(t.getResourceStatus().getTotalPhysicalMemory()); ttts.setTotalVirtualMemory(t.getResourceStatus().getTotalVirtualMemory()); Collection<TaskStatus> tasks = null; synchronized (t) { tasks = new ArrayList<TaskStatus>(t.getTaskReports()); } for (TaskStatus tr : tasks) { ttts.addToTaskReports(toThrift(tr)); } return ttts; } public static ThriftTaskStatus toThrift(TaskStatus ts) { ThriftTaskStatus tts = new ThriftTaskStatus(); tts.setCounters(new ThriftGroupList(toThrift(ts.getCounters()))); tts.setDiagnosticInfo(ts.getDiagnosticInfo()); tts.setFinishTime(ts.getFinishTime()); tts.setOutputSize(ts.getOutputSize()); tts.setPhase(toThrift(ts.getPhase())); tts.setProgress(ts.getProgress()); tts.setStartTime(ts.getStartTime()); tts.setStateString(ts.getStateString()); tts.setTaskID(toThrift(ts.getTaskID())); tts.setTaskTracker(ts.getTaskTracker()); tts.setState(toThrift(ts.getRunState())); if (ts.getIsMap()) { // not available in 0.20: tts.setMapFinishTime(ts.getMapFinishTime()); tts.setShuffleFinishTime(0); tts.setSortFinishTime(0); } else { tts.setMapFinishTime(0); tts.setShuffleFinishTime(ts.getShuffleFinishTime()); tts.setSortFinishTime(ts.getSortFinishTime()); } return tts; } public static ThriftTaskState toThrift(org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TaskStatus.State runState) { switch (runState) { case COMMIT_PENDING: return ThriftTaskState.COMMIT_PENDING; case RUNNING: return ThriftTaskState.RUNNING; case SUCCEEDED: return ThriftTaskState.SUCCEEDED; case FAILED: return ThriftTaskState.FAILED; case KILLED: return ThriftTaskState.KILLED; case FAILED_UNCLEAN: return ThriftTaskState.FAILED_UNCLEAN; case KILLED_UNCLEAN: return ThriftTaskState.KILLED_UNCLEAN; }"Unexpected runState in toThrift(TaskStatus.State) - defaulting to FAILED_UNCLEAN"); return ThriftTaskState.FAILED_UNCLEAN; } private static ThriftTaskAttemptID toThrift(TaskAttemptID taskID) { ThriftTaskAttemptID ret = new ThriftTaskAttemptID(); ret.setTaskID(toThrift(taskID.getTaskID())); ret.setAttemptID(taskID.getId()); ret.setAsString(taskID.toString()); return ret; } private static ThriftTaskID toThrift(TaskID taskID) { ThriftTaskID ret = new ThriftTaskID(); ret.setJobID(toThrift(taskID.getJobID())); ret.setTaskID(taskID.getId()); ret.setTaskType(getThriftTaskType(taskID)); ret.setAsString(taskID.toString()); return ret; } private static ThriftTaskType getThriftTaskType(TaskID task) { if (task.isMap()) { return ThriftTaskType.MAP; } else { return ThriftTaskType.REDUCE; } } private static ThriftTaskPhase toThrift(Phase phase) { switch (phase) { case CLEANUP: return ThriftTaskPhase.CLEANUP; case STARTING: return ThriftTaskPhase.STARTING; case MAP: return ThriftTaskPhase.MAP; case REDUCE: return ThriftTaskPhase.REDUCE; case SHUFFLE: return ThriftTaskPhase.SHUFFLE; case SORT: return ThriftTaskPhase.SORT; }"Unexpected phase in toThrift(Phase) - defaulting to CLEANUP"); return ThriftTaskPhase.CLEANUP; } public static ThriftJobQueueInfo toThrift(JobQueueInfo q) { ThriftJobQueueInfo tq = new ThriftJobQueueInfo(); tq.queueName = q.getQueueName(); tq.schedulingInfo = q.getSchedulingInfo(); return tq; } public static ThriftTaskType getTaskInProgressType(TaskInProgress tip) { // Note that the order of the tests are important, since the // conditions are not mutually exclusive. if (tip.isJobSetupTask()) return ThriftTaskType.JOB_SETUP; if (tip.isJobCleanupTask()) return ThriftTaskType.JOB_CLEANUP; if (tip.isMapTask()) return ThriftTaskType.MAP; else return ThriftTaskType.REDUCE; } /** * Returns a TaskList to be presented with the initial view of the JobInProgress. * This is unfortunately very much tied to how the JobBrowser UI is presented: * - At most 5 most recent tasks, and * - At most 5 failed tasks (killed don't count). */ private static ThriftTaskInProgressList getInitialViewTaskList(JobInProgress job, JobTracker jobTracker) { List<TaskInProgress> allTips = new ArrayList<TaskInProgress>(); synchronized (job) { allTips.addAll(Arrays.asList(job.getMapTasks())); allTips.addAll(Arrays.asList(job.getReduceTasks())); allTips.addAll(Arrays.asList(JTThriftUtils.sanitizeCleanupSetupTask(job.getCleanupTasks()))); allTips.addAll(Arrays.asList(JTThriftUtils.sanitizeCleanupSetupTask(job.getSetupTasks()))); } // Sort by reverse time, but put all the genuine failures in front, and the // killed tasks at the end. After the sorting, the goal is to have this array: // [ real failures ... others ... failed/killed ] (all in reverse order) // Then we find the boundary between the real failures and the completed, and // return a chunk from that boundary, containing the earlier failures and the // recent tasks, which is exactly what the UI wants. Collections.sort(allTips, new Comparator<TaskInProgress>() { public int compare(TaskInProgress foo, TaskInProgress bar) { if (isFailOnError(foo) && !isFailOnError(bar)) return -1; if (!isFailOnError(foo) && isFailOnError(bar)) return 1; if (foo.isFailed() && !bar.isFailed()) return 1; if (!foo.isFailed() && bar.isFailed()) return -1; long diff = foo.getExecStartTime() - bar.getExecStartTime(); if (diff == 0) return 0; return (diff > 0) ? -1 : 1; } }); int offset = 0; int count = DEFAULT_NUM_TASKS_TO_SEND; // We only want DEFAULT_NUM_FAILURES_TO_SEND number of failures included. int nFailures = 0; for (TaskInProgress tip : allTips) { if (!isFailOnError(tip)) break; ++nFailures; } if (nFailures > DEFAULT_NUM_FAILURES_TO_SEND) offset = nFailures - DEFAULT_NUM_FAILURES_TO_SEND; return JTThriftUtils.toThrift(allTips.toArray(new TaskInProgress[allTips.size()]), jobTracker, offset, offset + count); } public static ThriftTaskInProgress toThrift(TaskInProgress t, JobTracker tracker) { ThriftTaskInProgress ret = new ThriftTaskInProgress(); TaskStatus[] sts = null; ThriftTaskType type = getTaskInProgressType(t); synchronized (t) { ret.setComplete(t.isComplete()); ret.setExecFinishTime(t.getExecFinishTime()); ret.setExecStartTime(t.getExecStartTime()); ret.setFailed(t.isFailed()); ret.setProgress(t.getProgress()); ret.setStartTime(t.getStartTime()); ret.setTaskID(toThrift(t.getTIPId())); // TODO(henry): This can go away when we go on to > 0.20 ret.taskID.setTaskType(type); // getTaskStatuses copies a collection but is not synchronised :( sts = t.getTaskStatuses(); } ret.setCounters(new ThriftGroupList(toThrift(t.getCounters()))); Map<String, ThriftTaskStatus> statusMap = new HashMap<String, ThriftTaskStatus>(); Map<String, List<String>> dataMap = new HashMap<String, List<String>>(); for (TaskStatus ts : sts) { ThriftTaskAttemptID id = toThrift(ts.getTaskID()); id.taskID.setTaskType(type); statusMap.put(id.getAsString(), toThrift(ts)); try { // Atomic copy String[] strDiags = tracker.getTaskDiagnostics(ts.getTaskID()); // Thrift does not like null values in maps List<String> diag = (strDiags == null ? new ArrayList<String>() : Arrays.asList(strDiags)); dataMap.put(id.getAsString(), diag); } catch ( e) { // tracker.getTaskDiagnostics is supposed to throw, // but I can't see where it does (and removing the throws clause // doesn't cause a compile failure...), so this is probably // extraneous LOG.warn(e); throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage()); } } ret.setTaskStatuses(statusMap); // Takes lock on t TaskReport report = t.generateSingleReport(); ret.setMostRecentState(report.getState()); ret.setSuccessfulAttempt(toThrift(report.getSuccessfulTaskAttempt()).asString); // Because report has a reference to an array from t, we need to synchronize on // t to copy it :( Collection<TaskAttemptID> attempts = null; synchronized (t) { attempts = new ArrayList<TaskAttemptID>(report.getRunningTaskAttempts()); } List<String> runningAttempts = new ArrayList<String>(attempts.size()); for (TaskAttemptID tid : attempts) { runningAttempts.add(toThrift(tid).asString); } ret.setRunningAttempts(runningAttempts); ret.setTaskDiagnosticData(dataMap); return ret; } public static ThriftTaskQueryState inferTaskState(TaskInProgress tip) { // The ordering of the checks is important if (tip.isComplete()) return ThriftTaskQueryState.SUCCEEDED; else if (isFailOnError(tip)) return ThriftTaskQueryState.FAILED; else if (tip.isFailed()) return ThriftTaskQueryState.KILLED; else if (tip.getExecStartTime() == 0) return ThriftTaskQueryState.PENDING; else return ThriftTaskQueryState.RUNNING; } /** * Guess whether the TaskInProgress failed due to genuine error, * rather than simply aborted. It checks whether the execution has started * for this task. This is not always correct. A running task can still be * aborted. */ private static boolean isFailOnError(TaskInProgress tip) { return tip.isFailed() && tip.getExecStartTime() != 0; } } public static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(JobTrackerPlugin.class.getName()); /** Name of the configuration property of the Thrift server address */ public static final String THRIFT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY = "jobtracker.thrift.address"; /** * Default address and port this server will bind to, in case nothing is found * in the configuration object. */ public static final String DEFAULT_THRIFT_ADDRESS = ""; private JobTracker jobTracker = null; private Configuration conf; private ThriftPluginServer thriftServer; @Override public void start(Object service) {"Starting ThriftJobTrackerPlugin"); this.jobTracker = (JobTracker) service; try { InetSocketAddress address = NetUtils .createSocketAddr(conf.get(THRIFT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY, DEFAULT_THRIFT_ADDRESS)); this.thriftServer = new ThriftPluginServer(address, new ProcessorFactory()); thriftServer.setConf(conf); thriftServer.start(); // The port may have been 0, so we update it. conf.set(THRIFT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY, address.getHostName() + ":" + thriftServer.getPort()); } catch ( ioe) { LOG.warn("Cannot start Thrift jobtracker plug-in", ioe); throw new RuntimeException("Cannot start Thrift jobtracker plug-in", ioe); } } @Override public void stop() {"Stopping ThriftJobTrackerPlugin"); if (thriftServer != null) { thriftServer.stop(); } } public void close() {"Closing ThriftJobTrackerPlugin"); if (thriftServer != null) { thriftServer.close(); } } /** Java server-side implementation of the 'Jobtracker' Thrift interface. */ class ThriftHandler extends ThriftHandlerBase implements Jobtracker.Iface { public ThriftHandler(ThriftServerContext serverContext) { super(serverContext); } /** Returns the JobTracker's name */ public String getJobTrackerName(RequestContext ctx) { assumeUserContext(ctx); return jobTracker.getJobTrackerMachine(); } /** Returns a large clusterstatus object, augmented with some extra * detail from the JobTracker */ public ThriftClusterStatus getClusterStatus(RequestContext ctx) { assumeUserContext(ctx); ClusterStatus cs = jobTracker.getClusterStatus(true); return JTThriftUtils.toThrift(cs, jobTracker); } /** Returns a list of all run-queues available to the JobTracker */ public ThriftJobQueueList getQueues(RequestContext ctx) throws IOException, TException { assumeUserContext(ctx); JobQueueInfo queues[] = null; try { queues = jobTracker.getQueues(); } catch (Throwable t) {"getQueues failed", t); throw ThriftUtils.toThrift(t); } ArrayList<ThriftJobQueueInfo> ret = new ArrayList<ThriftJobQueueInfo>(queues.length); for (JobQueueInfo q : queues) { ThriftJobQueueInfo tq = JTThriftUtils.toThrift(q); ret.add(tq); } return new ThriftJobQueueList(ret); } /** Returns job by id (including task info) */ public ThriftJobInProgress getJob(RequestContext ctx, ThriftJobID jobID) throws JobNotFoundException { assumeUserContext(ctx); JobID jid = JTThriftUtils.fromThrift(jobID); JobInProgress job = jobTracker.getJob(jid); if (job == null) { throw new JobNotFoundException(); } return JTThriftUtils.toThrift(job, jobTracker); } /** Returns all running jobs (does not include task info) */ public ThriftJobList getRunningJobs(RequestContext ctx) { assumeUserContext(ctx); // Atomic copy List<JobInProgress> jobs = jobTracker.getRunningJobs(); ArrayList<ThriftJobInProgress> ret = new ArrayList<ThriftJobInProgress>(jobs.size()); for (JobInProgress job : jobs) { ret.add(JTThriftUtils.toThrift(job, false, jobTracker)); } return new ThriftJobList(ret); } /** Returns all completed jobs (does not include task info) */ public ThriftJobList getCompletedJobs(RequestContext ctx) { assumeUserContext(ctx); List<JobInProgress> jobs = null; synchronized (jobTracker) { jobs = jobTracker.completedJobs(); } ArrayList<ThriftJobInProgress> ret = new ArrayList<ThriftJobInProgress>(jobs.size()); for (JobInProgress job : jobs) { ret.add(JTThriftUtils.toThrift(job, false, jobTracker)); } return new ThriftJobList(ret); } /** Returns all failed jobs (does not include task info) */ public ThriftJobList getFailedJobs(RequestContext ctx) { assumeUserContext(ctx); List<JobInProgress> jobs = null; synchronized (jobTracker) { jobs = jobTracker.failedJobs(); } List<ThriftJobInProgress> ret = new ArrayList<ThriftJobInProgress>(jobs.size()); for (JobInProgress job : jobs) { if (job.getStatus().getRunState() == JobStatus.FAILED) { ret.add(JTThriftUtils.toThrift(job, false, jobTracker)); } } return new ThriftJobList(ret); } /** Returns all killed jobs (does not include task info) */ public ThriftJobList getKilledJobs(RequestContext ctx) { assumeUserContext(ctx); List<JobInProgress> jobs = null; synchronized (jobTracker) { jobs = jobTracker.failedJobs(); } List<ThriftJobInProgress> ret = new ArrayList<ThriftJobInProgress>(jobs.size()); for (JobInProgress job : jobs) { if (job.getStatus().getRunState() == JobStatus.KILLED) { ret.add(JTThriftUtils.toThrift(job, false, jobTracker)); } } return new ThriftJobList(ret); } /** Returns all running / failed / completed jobs (does not include task info) */ public ThriftJobList getAllJobs(RequestContext ctx) { assumeUserContext(ctx); List<JobInProgress> jobList = new ArrayList<JobInProgress>(); jobList.addAll(jobTracker.getRunningJobs()); synchronized (jobTracker) { jobList.addAll(jobTracker.failedJobs()); jobList.addAll(jobTracker.completedJobs()); } List<ThriftJobInProgress> ret = new ArrayList<ThriftJobInProgress>(); for (JobInProgress job : jobList) { ret.add(JTThriftUtils.toThrift(job, false, jobTracker)); } return new ThriftJobList(ret); } /** * Return the count of jobs, broken down by status, for a given user. */ public ThriftUserJobCounts getUserJobCounts(RequestContext ctx, String user) { assumeUserContext(ctx); ThriftUserJobCounts ret = new ThriftUserJobCounts(0, 0, 0, 0, 0); JobStatus[] allJobs = jobTracker.getAllJobs(); for (JobStatus js : allJobs) { if (!js.getUsername().equals(user)) continue; switch (js.getRunState()) { case JobStatus.PREP: ++ret.nPrep; break; case JobStatus.RUNNING: ++ret.nRunning; break; case JobStatus.SUCCEEDED: ++ret.nSucceeded; break; case JobStatus.FAILED: ++ret.nFailed; break; case JobStatus.KILLED: ++ret.nKilled; break; default: LOG.error("Unknown JobStatus " + js.getRunState() + " for job id " + js.getJobID().getId()); } } return ret; } /** * Return a (possibly incomplete) list of tasks. */ public ThriftTaskInProgressList getTaskList(RequestContext ctx, ThriftJobID thriftJobID, Set<ThriftTaskType> types, Set<ThriftTaskQueryState> states, String text, int count, int offset) throws JobNotFoundException { assumeUserContext(ctx); JobID jid = JTThriftUtils.fromThrift(thriftJobID); JobInProgress job = jobTracker.getJob(jid); if (job == null) throw new JobNotFoundException(); // Gather all the tasks of the matching type List<TaskInProgress> allTips = new ArrayList<TaskInProgress>(); synchronized (job) { if (types.contains(ThriftTaskType.MAP)) allTips.addAll(Arrays.asList(job.getMapTasks())); if (types.contains(ThriftTaskType.REDUCE)) allTips.addAll(Arrays.asList(job.getReduceTasks())); if (types.contains(ThriftTaskType.JOB_CLEANUP)) allTips.addAll(Arrays.asList(JTThriftUtils.sanitizeCleanupSetupTask(job.getCleanupTasks()))); if (types.contains(ThriftTaskType.JOB_SETUP)) allTips.addAll(Arrays.asList(JTThriftUtils.sanitizeCleanupSetupTask(job.getSetupTasks()))); } // Are the arguments out of bound? if (count < 0 || offset < 0 || offset >= allTips.size()) { LOG.error("Bad arguments to getTaskList(): count " + count + "; offset " + offset + "; while total tasks count is " + allTips.size()); return JTThriftUtils.toThrift(new TaskInProgress[0], jobTracker, 0, 0); } List<TaskInProgress> matches = null; if (text == null) text = ""; else text = text.trim(); boolean doFilterStates = (states.size() != ThriftTaskQueryState.class.getEnumConstants().length); boolean doFilterText = !text.isEmpty(); if (doFilterStates || doFilterText) { text = text.toUpperCase(); matches = new ArrayList<TaskInProgress>(); // Note that it's important to finish all matching, regardless // of the requested count, because we need to report the total // number of matches. for (TaskInProgress tip : allTips) { ThriftTaskQueryState qstate = null; if (doFilterStates) { // Do filter by states qstate = JTThriftUtils.inferTaskState(tip); if (!states.contains(qstate)) continue; } if (doFilterText) { // Match against (1) state, (2) most recent state, (3) ID if (qstate == null) qstate = JTThriftUtils.inferTaskState(tip); String qstateStr = qstate.toString(); if (!qstateStr.contains(text) && !tip.getTIPId().toString().toUpperCase().contains(text) && !tip.generateSingleReport().getState().toUpperCase().contains(text)) continue; } matches.add(tip); } } else { // If not filtering, we just do offset/limit into the full list matches = allTips; } return JTThriftUtils.toThrift(matches.toArray(new TaskInProgress[matches.size()]), jobTracker, offset, offset + count); } /** Returns the task identified by the id */ public ThriftTaskInProgress getTask(RequestContext ctx, ThriftTaskID ttaskId) throws JobNotFoundException, TaskNotFoundException { assumeUserContext(ctx); TaskID taskId = JTThriftUtils.fromThrift(ttaskId); JobID jobId = JTThriftUtils.fromThrift(ttaskId.getJobID()); JobInProgress job = jobTracker.getJob(jobId); if (job == null) throw new JobNotFoundException(); TaskInProgress tip = job.getTaskInProgress(taskId); if (tip == null) throw new TaskNotFoundException(); return JTThriftUtils.toThrift(tip, jobTracker); } /** Returns the set of counters associated with a given job */ public ThriftGroupList getJobCounters(RequestContext ctx, ThriftJobID jobID) throws JobNotFoundException { assumeUserContext(ctx); Counters jcs = jobTracker.getJobCounters(JTThriftUtils.fromThrift(jobID)); if (jcs == null) { throw new JobNotFoundException(); } return new ThriftGroupList(JTThriftUtils.toThrift(jcs)); } public ThriftJobCounterRollups getJobCounterRollups(RequestContext ctx, ThriftJobID jobID) throws JobNotFoundException { assumeUserContext(ctx); JobInProgress jip = jobTracker.getJob(JTThriftUtils.fromThrift(jobID)); if (jip == null) { throw new JobNotFoundException(); } ThriftJobCounterRollups ret = new ThriftJobCounterRollups(); ret.mapCounters = new ThriftGroupList(JTThriftUtils.toThrift(jip.getMapCounters())); ret.reduceCounters = new ThriftGroupList(JTThriftUtils.toThrift(jip.getReduceCounters())); ret.jobCounters = new ThriftGroupList(JTThriftUtils.toThrift(jip.getJobCounters())); return ret; } /** Returns only active TaskTrackerStatus objects */ public ThriftTaskTrackerStatusList getActiveTrackers(RequestContext ctx) { assumeUserContext(ctx); Collection<TaskTrackerStatus> active = jobTracker.activeTaskTrackers(); List<ThriftTaskTrackerStatus> trackers = new ArrayList<ThriftTaskTrackerStatus>(active.size()); for (TaskTrackerStatus t : active) { trackers.add(JTThriftUtils.toThrift(t)); } return new ThriftTaskTrackerStatusList(trackers); } /** Returns only blacklisted TaskTrackerStatus objects */ public ThriftTaskTrackerStatusList getBlacklistedTrackers(RequestContext ctx) { assumeUserContext(ctx); Collection<TaskTrackerStatus> black = jobTracker.blacklistedTaskTrackers(); List<ThriftTaskTrackerStatus> trackers = new ArrayList<ThriftTaskTrackerStatus>(black.size()); for (TaskTrackerStatus t : black) { trackers.add(JTThriftUtils.toThrift(t)); } return new ThriftTaskTrackerStatusList(trackers); } /** Returns all TaskTrackerStatus objects */ public ThriftTaskTrackerStatusList getAllTrackers(RequestContext ctx) { assumeUserContext(ctx); Collection<TaskTrackerStatus> all = jobTracker.taskTrackers(); List<ThriftTaskTrackerStatus> trackers = new ArrayList<ThriftTaskTrackerStatus>(all.size()); for (TaskTrackerStatus t : all) { trackers.add(JTThriftUtils.toThrift(t)); } return new ThriftTaskTrackerStatusList(trackers); } /** Returns a single TaskTrackerStatus object by name */ public ThriftTaskTrackerStatus getTracker(RequestContext ctx, String name) throws TaskTrackerNotFoundException { assumeUserContext(ctx); Collection<TaskTrackerStatus> all = jobTracker.taskTrackers(); for (TaskTrackerStatus t : all) { if (t.getTrackerName().equals(name)) return JTThriftUtils.toThrift(t); } throw new TaskTrackerNotFoundException(); } /** Returns the current time in ms on this machine */ public long getCurrentTime(RequestContext ctx) { // This is the call that the JT uses to determine the current time return System.currentTimeMillis(); } /** Reads the local jobconf XML file for a given job */ public String getJobConfXML(RequestContext ctx, ThriftJobID jobID) throws IOException { assumeUserContext(ctx); /* This always returns a filename of hadoop.log.dir + "/" + jobid + "_conf.xml" * Better check that jobid doesn't contain anything nasty. */ JobID jid = JTThriftUtils.fromThrift(jobID); String jidstring = jid.toString(); if (jidstring.contains(File.separator) || jidstring.contains(File.pathSeparator)) { throw ThriftUtils .toThrift(new IllegalArgumentException("jobConf arguments can't contain path separators")); } String jobFilePath = JobTracker.getLocalJobFilePath(jid); StringBuffer fileData = new StringBuffer(1000); BufferedReader reader; try { reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(jobFilePath)); char[] buf = new char[1024]; int numRead = 0; while ((numRead = > 0) { fileData.append(buf, 0, numRead); } reader.close(); } catch (Throwable t) { LOG.error("getJobConfXML failed", t); throw ThriftUtils.toThrift(t); } return fileData.toString(); } /** Kill a job by jobid */ public void killJob(RequestContext ctx, ThriftJobID jobID) throws IOException, JobNotFoundException { assumeUserContext(ctx); ThriftJobInProgress job = getJob(ctx, jobID); if (job == null) { throw new JobNotFoundException(); } JobID jid = JTThriftUtils.fromThrift(jobID); try { jobTracker.killJob(jid); } catch (Throwable t) {"killJob failed", t); throw ThriftUtils.toThrift(t); } } /** Kill a task attempt by taskattemptid */ public void killTaskAttempt(RequestContext ctx, ThriftTaskAttemptID attemptID) throws IOException, TaskAttemptNotFoundException, JobNotFoundException { assumeUserContext(ctx); TaskAttemptID taskid = JTThriftUtils.fromThrift(attemptID); JobID jid = JTThriftUtils.fromThrift(attemptID.taskID.jobID); JobInProgress job = jobTracker.getJob(jid); if (job == null) { throw new JobNotFoundException(); } TaskInProgress tip = job.getTaskInProgress(taskid.getTaskID()); if (tip == null) { throw new TaskAttemptNotFoundException(); } TaskStatus status = tip.getTaskStatus(taskid); if (status == null) { throw new TaskAttemptNotFoundException(); } try { // Second parameter means always kill, don't fail if (!jobTracker.killTask(taskid, true)) { throw new RuntimeException(); } } catch (Throwable t) {"killTask failed", t); throw ThriftUtils.toThrift(t); } } /** Set a job's priority */ public void setJobPriority(RequestContext ctx, ThriftJobID jobID, ThriftJobPriority priority) throws IOException, JobNotFoundException { JobID jid = JTThriftUtils.fromThrift(jobID); JobInProgress job = jobTracker.getJob(jid); if (job == null) { throw new JobNotFoundException(); } try { jobTracker.setJobPriority(jid, priority.toString()); } catch (Throwable t) {"setJobPriority failed", t); throw ThriftUtils.toThrift(t); } } } /** Implementation of configurable interface */ public Configuration getConf() { return conf; } /** Implementation of configurable interface */ public void setConf(Configuration conf) { this.conf = conf; } /** Creates Thrift processors to handle incoming requests */ class ProcessorFactory extends TProcessorFactory { ProcessorFactory() { super(null); } @Override public TProcessor getProcessor(TTransport t) { ThriftServerContext context = new ThriftServerContext(t); ThriftHandler impl = new ThriftHandler(context); return new Jobtracker.Processor(impl); } } }