Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2012 Eurecom ( * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* * */ package org.apache.hadoop.mapred; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.TreeSet; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.AcceptConfigurationManagerVisitor; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.ConfigurationDescriptionToXMLConverter; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.ConfigurationManager; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configurator; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.FieldType; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.AssignTasksHelper.HelperForType; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.AssignTasksHelper.Phase; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.AssignTasksHelper.TaskStatuses; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.TaskType; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.server.jobtracker.TaskTracker; import org.apache.hadoop.util.ReflectionUtils; /** * Double queue scheduler in which one queue is used for training and the other * one for size-based scheduling * * @author Mario Pastorelli * */ // FIXME: fix mock mode public class HFSPScheduler extends TaskScheduler implements AcceptConfigurationManagerVisitor { static { Configuration.addDefaultResource("hfsp-scheduler.xml"); } public static final String PREFIX_KEYNAME = "mapred.hfsp-scheduler."; public static final String TRAIN_MAP_SLOTS_KEYNAME = PREFIX_KEYNAME + "train-map-slots"; public static final String TRAIN_REDUCE_SLOTS_KEYNAME = PREFIX_KEYNAME + "train-reduce-slots"; public static final String UPDATE_INTERVAL_KEYNAME = PREFIX_KEYNAME + "update-interval"; public static final String PREEMPTION_STRATEGY_CLASS_KEY = PREFIX_KEYNAME + "preemption-strategy"; public static final String DELAY_KEYNAME = PREFIX_KEYNAME + "delay.enabled"; public static final String INITIAL_MAP_DURATION = PREFIX_KEYNAME + "initial-map-duration"; public static final String INITIAL_REDUCE_DURATION = PREFIX_KEYNAME + "initial-reduce-duration"; public static final String DURATION_MODIFIER_MAP = PREFIX_KEYNAME + "duration-modifier-map"; public static final String DURATION_MODIFIER_REDUCE = PREFIX_KEYNAME + "duration-modifier-reduce"; public static final String TRAINER_KEYNAME = PREFIX_KEYNAME + "trainer."; public static final String TRAINER_MIN_MAPS_KEYNAME = TRAINER_KEYNAME + "min-maps"; public static final String TRAINER_MIN_REDUCES_KEYNAME = TRAINER_KEYNAME + "min-reduces"; // Maximum locality delay when auto-computing locality delays private static final long MAX_AUTOCOMPUTED_LOCALITY_DELAY = 15000; /* private */final static Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(HFSPScheduler.class); /** Utility for iterate over maps and reduces */ public final static TaskType[] TASK_TYPES = new TaskType[] { TaskType.MAP, TaskType.REDUCE }; /** Comparator to decide which job must be trained before */ private static final ProcessedTasksJobComparator TRAIN_COMPARATOR_MAP = new ProcessedTasksJobComparator( TaskType.MAP); /** Comparator to decide which job must be trained before */ private static final ProcessedTasksJobComparator TRAIN_COMPARATOR_REDUCE = new ProcessedTasksJobComparator( TaskType.REDUCE); /** Fallback comparator to be used based on the number of remaining tasks */ public static final RemainingTasksJobComparator FALLBACK_COMPARATOR_MAP = new RemainingTasksJobComparator( TaskType.MAP); /** Fallback comparator to be used based on the number of remaining tasks */ public static final RemainingTasksJobComparator FALLBACK_COMPARATOR_REDUCE = new RemainingTasksJobComparator( TaskType.REDUCE); /** Comparator of two jobs durations */ public static final JobDurationComparator JOB_DURATION_COMPARATOR = new JobDurationComparator(); /** The object responsible for the configuration of the scheduler */ protected ConfigurationManager<HFSPScheduler> configurationManager; /** Default task duration when no job has been trained */ private long initialMapTaskDuration; /** Default task duration when no job has been trained */ private long initialReduceTaskDuration; /** Initial duration modifier (<=0 optimistic, >0 pessimistic) */ private float durationModifierMap; /** Initial duration modifier (<=0 optimistic, >0 pessimistic) */ private float durationModifierReduce; /** Max slots assigned to map training */ int numSlotsForMapTrain = 0; /** Max slots assigned to reduce training */ int numSlotsForReduceTrain = 0; /** Number of tasks assigned to a job for training */ int numTasksForMapTrain = 0; /** Number of tasks assigned to a job for training */ int numTasksForReduceTrain = 0; /** The two type of queue */ enum QueueType { TRAIN, SIZE_BASED }; /** Jobs in training mode */ Set<JobInProgress> trainingMapJobs; /** Jobs in training mode */ Set<JobInProgress> trainingReduceJobs; /** When the last event (update) occurred */ private long lastEvent = 0l; /** The virtual cluster for job progress simulation */ private VirtualCluster<TaskDurationInfo> cluster; /** The scheduler used for job progress simulation */ private IVirtualScheduler<JobDurationInfo, TaskDurationInfo> scheduler; /** * The job progress simulator * * FIXME: should be private with some access way */ VirtualProgressManager<JobDurationInfo, TaskDurationInfo, Interval> progressManager; /** * Priority queue of JobInProgress ordered by map job duration info * * JobDurationInfo is mutable so resort is needed when the duration changes */ private TreeMap<JobDurationInfo, JobInProgress> sizeBasedMapJobsQueue; /** * Priority queue of JobInProgress ordered by reduce job duration info * * JobDurationInfo is mutable so resort is needed when the duration changes */ private TreeMap<JobDurationInfo, JobInProgress> sizeBasedReduceJobsQueue; /** Top-level JobInProgress listener, this add new jobs to the scheduler */ protected HFSPJIPListener jobInProgressListener; /** Retrieve the map JobInProgress from the JobID */ public Map<JobID, JobInProgress> jIDToJIP; /** Retrieve the map JobDurationInfo from the JobID */ public Map<JobID, JobDurationInfo> jIDToMapJDI; /** Retrieve the reduce JobDurationInfo from the JobID */ public Map<JobID, JobDurationInfo> jIDToReduceJDI; /** Job trainer for the train queue */ Trainer<JobDurationInfo> trainer; /** Thread used to train jobs without interfering with the train scheduler */ UpdateThread updateThread; /** * Task trackers available used for easy lookup. Otherwise we should use * {@link TaskTrackerManager#taskTrackers()} that returns a simple collection * with lookup O(n) */ protected Map<String, TaskTrackerStatus> taskTrackers; /** Num map slots for job training */ int numMapTrainSlotsForJob; /** Num reduce slots for job training */ int numReduceTrainSlotsForJob; /** * Used to do job initialization. * * @see {@link JobQueueTaskScheduler#eagerTaskInitializationListener} */ EagerTaskInitializationListener eagerTaskInitializationListener; /** Clock used to take time */ protected Clock clock; /** For testing/debugging purpose */ protected boolean mockMode; /** Interval (milliseconds) between two update */ protected Long updateInterval; /** Preemption strategy */ PreemptionStrategy preemptionStrategy; /** * Object that encapsulate utilities for * {@link HFSPScheduler#assignTasks(TaskTracker)} */ private AssignTasksHelper taskHelper = new AssignTasksHelper(this); /** {@link FairScheduler#lastHeartbeatTime} */ private long lastHeartbeatTime; /** {@link FairScheduler#localityDelay} */ private long localityDelay; /** Lightweight version of {@link FairScheduler.JobInfo} */ static class JobInfo { LocalityLevel lastMapLocalityLevel; // Locality level of last map launched long timeWaitedForLocalMap; // Time waiting for local map since last map boolean skippedAtLastHeartbeat; // Was job skipped at previous assignTasks? // (used to update timeWaitedForLocalMap) public JobInfo() { this.lastMapLocalityLevel = LocalityLevel.NODE; } @Override public String toString() { return "JobLocalityInfo(lastMapLocalityLevel: " + this.lastMapLocalityLevel + ", timeWaitedForLocalMap: " + this.timeWaitedForLocalMap + ", skippedAtLastHeartbeat: " + this.skippedAtLastHeartbeat + ")"; } } /** {@link FairScheduler#infos} */ private HashMap<JobID, JobInfo> infos = new HashMap<JobID, JobInfo>(); /** {@link FairScheduler#autoComputeLocalityDelay} */ private boolean autoComputeLocalityDelay; /** If the delay scheduling is active or not */ private boolean delayEnabled; /** * Default constructor * * @throws InvocationTargetException * @throws IllegalAccessException * @throws InstantiationException * @throws IllegalArgumentException */ public HFSPScheduler() throws IllegalArgumentException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException { this(new Clock(), false); } /** * Constructor to be used for testing/debugging * * @throws InvocationTargetException * @throws IllegalAccessException * @throws InstantiationException * @throws IllegalArgumentException */ public HFSPScheduler(Clock clock, boolean mockMode) throws IllegalArgumentException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException { super(); this.clock = clock; this.mockMode = mockMode; // Configure the configuration manager this.configurationManager = ConfigurationManager.createFor(this); // this.numSlotsForMapTrain = conf.getInt(TRAIN_MAP_SLOTS_KEYNAME, 0); this.configurationManager.addConfiguratorFor(FieldType.Integer, TRAIN_MAP_SLOTS_KEYNAME, "number of slots assigned to the map train phase", 0, new Configurator<Integer, HFSPScheduler>() { protected void set(HFSPScheduler obj, Integer value) { obj.numSlotsForMapTrain = value; } }); // this.numSlotsForReduceTrain = conf.getInt(TRAIN_REDUCE_SLOTS_KEYNAME, 0); this.configurationManager.addConfiguratorFor(FieldType.Integer, TRAIN_REDUCE_SLOTS_KEYNAME, "number of slots assigned to the reduce train phase", 0, new Configurator<Integer, HFSPScheduler>() { protected void set(HFSPScheduler obj, Integer value) { obj.numSlotsForReduceTrain = value; } }); // this.numTasksForMapTrain = conf.getInt(TRAINER_MIN_MAPS_KEYNAME, 2); // this.numMapTrainSlotsForJob = conf.getInt(TRAINER_MIN_MAPS_KEYNAME, 2); this.configurationManager.addConfiguratorFor(FieldType.Integer, TRAINER_MIN_MAPS_KEYNAME, "jobs with a number of maps smaller than this avoid the train " + "and their size is set to the smallest possible", 2, new Configurator<Integer, HFSPScheduler>() { protected void set(HFSPScheduler obj, Integer value) { obj.numTasksForMapTrain = value; obj.numMapTrainSlotsForJob = value; } }); // this.numTasksForReduceTrain = conf.getInt(TRAIN_REDUCE_SLOTS_KEYNAME, 2); // this.numReduceTrainSlotsForJob = conf.getInt(TRAINER_MIN_REDUCES_KEYNAME, // 2); this.configurationManager.addConfiguratorFor(FieldType.Integer, TRAINER_MIN_REDUCES_KEYNAME, "jobs with a number of reduces smaller than this avoid the train " + "and their size is set to the smallest possible", 2, new Configurator<Integer, HFSPScheduler>() { protected void set(HFSPScheduler obj, Integer value) { obj.numTasksForReduceTrain = value; obj.numReduceTrainSlotsForJob = value; } }); // this.delayEnabled = conf.getBoolean(DELAY_KEYNAME, false); this.configurationManager.addConfiguratorFor(FieldType.Boolean, DELAY_KEYNAME, "if the scheduler should use or not the delay schedule", false, new Configurator<Boolean, HFSPScheduler>() { protected void set(HFSPScheduler obj, Boolean value) { obj.delayEnabled = value; } }); // this.localityDelay = conf.getLong("mapred.fairscheduler.locality.delay", // -1); this.configurationManager.addConfiguratorFor(FieldType.Long, "mapred.fairscheduler.locality.delay", "the delay for data-locality mappers (see delay scheduler)", -1l, new Configurator<Long, HFSPScheduler>() { protected void set(HFSPScheduler obj, Long value) { obj.localityDelay = value; } }); // this.initialMapTaskDuration = conf.getLong(INITIAL_MAP_DURATION, 60000l); this.configurationManager.addConfiguratorFor(FieldType.Long, INITIAL_MAP_DURATION, "duration of a map of a not trained job when no jobs are completed", 60000l, new Configurator<Long, HFSPScheduler>() { protected void set(HFSPScheduler obj, Long value) { obj.initialMapTaskDuration = value; } }); // this.initialReduceTaskDuration = conf.getLong(INITIAL_REDUCE_DURATION, // 60000l); this.configurationManager.addConfiguratorFor(FieldType.Long, INITIAL_REDUCE_DURATION, "duration of a reduce of a not trained job when no jobs are completed", 60000l, new Configurator<Long, HFSPScheduler>() { protected void set(HFSPScheduler obj, Long value) { obj.initialReduceTaskDuration = value; } }); // this.durationModifierMap = conf.getFloat(DURATION_MODIFIER_MAP, 1.0f); this.configurationManager.addConfiguratorFor(FieldType.Float, DURATION_MODIFIER_MAP, "number multiplied to the size of each map", 1.0f, new Configurator<Float, HFSPScheduler>() { protected void set(HFSPScheduler obj, Float value) { obj.durationModifierMap = value; } }); // this.durationModifierReduce = conf.getFloat(DURATION_MODIFIER_REDUCE, // 1.0f); this.configurationManager.addConfiguratorFor(FieldType.Float, DURATION_MODIFIER_REDUCE, "number multiplied to the size of each reduce", 1.0f, new Configurator<Float, HFSPScheduler>() { protected void set(HFSPScheduler obj, Float value) { obj.durationModifierReduce = value; } }); // this.updateInterval = conf.getLong(UPDATE_INTERVAL_KEYNAME, 5000); this.configurationManager.addConfiguratorFor(FieldType.Long, UPDATE_INTERVAL_KEYNAME, "after how much time the internal state of HFSP is updated", 5000l, new Configurator<Long, HFSPScheduler>() { protected void set(HFSPScheduler obj, Long value) { obj.updateInterval = value; } }); this.configurationManager.addConfiguratorFor(FieldType.String, PREEMPTION_STRATEGY_CLASS_KEY, "the preemption strategy class", "org.apache.hadoop.mapred.NoPreemption", new Configurator<String, HFSPScheduler>() { protected void set(HFSPScheduler obj, String value) { // } }); // Trainer try { this.trainer = new CompositeTrainer(this, conf, this.clock); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** * TODO: for now this method update just the eager task initializer, add * updates for all the other states */ @Override public synchronized void setConf(final Configuration conf) { super.setConf(conf); this.trainer.setConf(conf); this.eagerTaskInitializationListener = new EagerTaskInitializationListener(conf); if (conf != null) { this.configurationManager.configure(this.getConf()); } } @Override public synchronized void start() throws IOException { super.start(); this.preemptionStrategy = HFSPScheduler.loadPreemptionStrategyInstance(conf); // lookup utilities this.taskTrackers = new HashMap<String, TaskTrackerStatus>(); this.jIDToJIP = new HashMap<JobID, JobInProgress>(); this.jIDToMapJDI = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<JobID, JobDurationInfo>()); this.jIDToReduceJDI = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<JobID, JobDurationInfo>()); // job added listener this.jobInProgressListener = new HFSPJIPListener(this); this.taskTrackerManager.addJobInProgressListener(jobInProgressListener); // job initializer // if (!this.mockMode) this.eagerTaskInitializationListener.setTaskTrackerManager(this.taskTrackerManager); this.eagerTaskInitializationListener.start(); this.taskTrackerManager.addJobInProgressListener(this.eagerTaskInitializationListener); // } // Training queues this.trainingMapJobs = Collections.synchronizedSet(new HashSet<JobInProgress>()); this.trainingReduceJobs = Collections.synchronizedSet(new HashSet<JobInProgress>()); // Size Based queues this.sizeBasedMapJobsQueue = new TreeMap<JobDurationInfo, JobInProgress>( HFSPScheduler.JOB_DURATION_COMPARATOR); this.sizeBasedReduceJobsQueue = new TreeMap<JobDurationInfo, JobInProgress>( HFSPScheduler.JOB_DURATION_COMPARATOR); // Simulator this.cluster = new VirtualCluster<TaskDurationInfo>(this.getMaxTasks(TaskType.MAP), this.getMaxTasks(TaskType.REDUCE)); this.scheduler = new MaxMinFSScheduler<JobDurationInfo, TaskDurationInfo>(); this.progressManager = new ProgressManager(this.cluster, this.scheduler); // Trainer // try { // this.trainer = new BrokerTrainer(this, conf, this.clock); // } catch (Exception e) { // throw new RuntimeException(); // } // Update thread // this.updateInterval = conf.getLong(UPDATE_INTERVAL_KEYNAME, 5000); this.updateThread = new UpdateThread(this); // if (!this.mockMode) { // this.updateThread.start(); // } else { // this.delayEnabled = false; // problem with delay enabled in mock mode // } // localityDelay = conf.getLong("mapred.fairscheduler.locality.delay", -1); if (localityDelay == -1) autoComputeLocalityDelay = true; // Compute from heartbeat interval if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(HFSPScheduler.class.toString()); // this.numSlotsForMapTrain = conf.getInt(TRAIN_MAP_SLOTS_KEYNAME, 0); // this.numSlotsForReduceTrain = conf.getInt(TRAIN_REDUCE_SLOTS_KEYNAME, // 0); // this.numMapSlotsForJob = conf.getInt(TRAINER_MIN_MAPS_KEYNAME, 2); // this.numReduceSlotsForJob = conf.getInt(TRAINER_MIN_REDUCES_KEYNAME, // 2); // this.eagerPreemptionEnabled builder.append(" initialized"); if (this.mockMode) { builder.append(" in mockMode"); } builder.append(" with configuration:").append("\t").append("update interval: ") .append(this.updateInterval).append("\t").append("eager preemption: ") .append(this.preemptionStrategy).append("\t").append("delay enabled: ") .append(this.delayEnabled).append("\t").append("num slots for train map: ") .append(this.numSlotsForMapTrain).append("\t").append("num slots for train reduce: ") .append(this.numSlotsForReduceTrain).append("\t").append("min map tasks for train: ") .append(this.numMapTrainSlotsForJob).append("\t").append("min reduce tasks for train: ") .append(this.numReduceTrainSlotsForJob).append("\t").append("initial map task duration: ") .append(this.initialMapTaskDuration).append("\t").append("initial reduce task duration: ") .append(this.initialReduceTaskDuration).append("\t").append("duration modifier map: ") .append(this.durationModifierMap).append("\t").append("duration modifier reduce: ") .append(this.durationModifierReduce).append("\t").append(" . Forcing the first update"); LOG.debug(builder.toString()); } else { + " initialized, forcing the first update"); } // if (!this.mockMode) this.update(); } private static PreemptionStrategy loadPreemptionStrategyInstance(Configuration conf) { Class<? extends PreemptionStrategy> preemptionStrategyClass = conf.getClass(PREEMPTION_STRATEGY_CLASS_KEY, NoPreemption.class, PreemptionStrategy.class); return ReflectionUtils.newInstance(preemptionStrategyClass, conf); } // TODO: check everything is terminated correctly @Override public synchronized void terminate() throws IOException { // if (this.sizeBasedScheduler != null) { // this.sizeBasedScheduler.terminate(); // } if (jobInProgressListener != null) { taskTrackerManager.removeJobInProgressListener(jobInProgressListener); } if (eagerTaskInitializationListener != null) { taskTrackerManager.removeJobInProgressListener(eagerTaskInitializationListener); eagerTaskInitializationListener.terminate(); } if (this.updateThread != null) this.updateThread.terminate(); super.terminate(); } /** Update the scheduler status */ synchronized void update() throws IOException { // Recompute locality delay from JobTracker heartbeat interval if enabled. // This will also lock the JT, so do it outside of a fair scheduler lock. if (!this.mockMode && this.delayEnabled && autoComputeLocalityDelay) { JobTracker jobTracker = (JobTracker) taskTrackerManager; localityDelay = Math.min(MAX_AUTOCOMPUTED_LOCALITY_DELAY, (long) (1.5 * jobTracker.getNextHeartbeatInterval())); } // update the simulation this.updateSimulation(); // synchronize the number of slots in the simulation with the real one this.updateSlots(); // update the trainer this.updateTrainer(); // ask the trainer if there are jobs ready for size based scheduling this.updateJobQueues(); } /** * Update the state of the job simulator using as interval the time between * the last event and the current system time. After that sort the map and * reduce queues */ void updateSimulation() { long newLastEvent = this.clock.getTime(); long time = newLastEvent - this.lastEvent; Interval interval = new Interval(time / 2); this.progressManager.update(interval); this.lastEvent = newLastEvent; this.cleanSizeBasedQueues(); this.sortSizeBasedQueues(); } /** * Set the number of slots of the virtual cluster to the new one * * @param num * number of new slots * @param type * type of slots to set * @return false if the progress manager is not able to set the slot number */ boolean setSlotsNum(final int num, final TaskType type) { boolean result = true; final int oldNum = this.cluster.getSlotsNum(type); if (oldNum != num) { updateSimulation(); LOG.debug("Setting num of " + type.toString() + " slots from " + oldNum + " to " + num); result = this.progressManager.setSlotsNum(num, type); } return result; } /** * Update virtual cluster slots based on the real cluster slots * * @return True if the update succeeded */ boolean updateSlots() { boolean mapSuccess = this.setSlotsNum(this.getMaxTasks(TaskType.MAP), TaskType.MAP); boolean reduceSuccess = this.setSlotsNum(this.getMaxTasks(TaskType.REDUCE), TaskType.REDUCE); return mapSuccess && reduceSuccess; } void updateTrainer() { synchronized (this.trainer) { this.trainer.update(this.taskTrackerManager); } } /** * For each sub-job of each type, ask to the trainer if the job is ready to * end the training mode and enter the size-based mode * * @throws IOException */ void updateJobQueues() throws IOException { // LOG.debug("updateJobQueues " + this.getClock().getTime()); for (TaskType type : TASK_TYPES) { Collection<JobInProgress> trainingJobs = this.getJobs(QueueType.TRAIN, type); // LOG.debug(type + " train jobs: " + trainingJobs.size()); synchronized (trainingJobs) { Iterator<JobInProgress> iter = trainingJobs.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { JobInProgress jip =; if (this.isJobReadyForSizeBased(jip, type)) { LOG.debug("trainer sets " + jip.getJobID() + ":" + type + " ready => moving it from train queue to size based queue"); iter.remove(); this.addSizeBasedJob(jip, type, Phase.SIZE_BASED); } } } } } /** * @return whether the jip is ready for size based scheduling for that type */ boolean isJobReadyForSizeBased(JobInProgress jip, TaskType type) { boolean isReady = false; synchronized (this.trainer) { isReady = this.trainer.isReady(jip, type); } return isReady; } @Override public List<Task> assignTasks(TaskTracker taskTracker) throws IOException { this.update(); taskHelper.init(taskTracker.getStatus()); // Update time waited for local maps for jobs skipped on last heartbeat if (this.delayEnabled) this.updateLocalityWaitTimes(taskHelper.currentTime); for (TaskType type : TASK_TYPES) { HelperForType helper = taskHelper.helper(type); if (!this.preemptionStrategy.isPreemptionActive() && helper.currAvailableSlots == 0) { // LOG.debug("assign(" + taskTracker.getTrackerName() + ", " + type // + "): no slots available"); continue; } TreeSet<JobInProgress> trainJobs = new TreeSet<JobInProgress>( type == TaskType.MAP ? TRAIN_COMPARATOR_MAP : TRAIN_COMPARATOR_REDUCE); Collection<JobInProgress> trainJips = this.getJobs(QueueType.TRAIN, type); synchronized (trainJips) { trainJobs.addAll(trainJips); } TreeMap<JobDurationInfo, JobInProgress> sizeBasedJobs = new TreeMap<JobDurationInfo, JobInProgress>( JOB_DURATION_COMPARATOR); TreeMap<JobDurationInfo, JobInProgress> jobQueue = this.getSizeBasedJobQueue(type); synchronized (jobQueue) { sizeBasedJobs.putAll(jobQueue); } TreeMap<JobDurationInfo, TaskStatuses> taskStatusesSizeBased = helper.taskStatusesSizeBased; if (helper.doTrainScheduling) { assignTrainTasks(type, helper, trainJobs, sizeBasedJobs, taskStatusesSizeBased); } if (helper.doSizeBasedScheduling) { assignSizeBasedTasks(type, helper, sizeBasedJobs, taskStatusesSizeBased); } } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { taskHelper.logInfos(LOG); } return (List<Task>) taskHelper.result.clone(); } private void assignSizeBasedTasks(TaskType type, HelperForType helper, TreeMap<JobDurationInfo, JobInProgress> sizeBasedJobs, TreeMap<JobDurationInfo, TaskStatuses> taskStatusesSizeBased) throws IOException { final boolean isMap = type == TaskType.MAP; int totClaimedSlots = 0; // StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("SBJobs("); // builder.append(type).append("): ["); // boolean first = true; // for (Entry<JobDurationInfo,JobInProgress> jip : sizeBasedJobs.entrySet()) // { // if (first) // first = false; // else // builder.append(","); // builder.append(jip.getValue().getJobID()) // .append(" -> ") // .append(jip.getKey().getPhaseDuration()) // .append("/") // .append(jip.getKey().getPhaseTotalDuration()) // .append(" p: ") // .append(this.getNumPendingNewTasks(jip.getValue(), type)) // .append(" r: ") // .append(this.getNumRunningTasks(jip.getValue(), type)) // .append(" f: ") // .append(this.getNumFinishedTasks(jip.getValue(), type)); // } // builder.append("]"); // LOG.debug(builder.toString()); for (Entry<JobDurationInfo, JobInProgress> entry : sizeBasedJobs.entrySet()) { JobInProgress jip = entry.getValue(); JobDurationInfo jdi = entry.getKey(); TaskStatuses taskStatuses = taskStatusesSizeBased.get(jdi); if (!this.isJobReadyForTypeScheduling(jip, type)) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled() && jip.getStatus().getRunState() != JobStatus.SUCCEEDED) { LOG.debug( "SIZEBASED(" + jip.getJobID() + ":" + type + "):" + "job is not ready for scheduling (" + "status: " + JobStatus.getJobRunState(jip.getStatus().getRunState()) + ", mapProgress: " + jip.getStatus().mapProgress() + ", reduceProgress: " + jip.getStatus().reduceProgress() + ", scheduleReduces: " + jip.scheduleReduces() + ")"); } continue; } // NEW int pendingNewTasks = this.getNumPendingNewTasks(jip, type); int pendingResumableTasks = (taskStatuses == null) ? 0 : taskStatuses.suspendedTaskStatuses.size(); int totAvailableSizeBasedSlots = helper.totAvailableSizeBasedSlots(); // missing slots for resumable int missingResumableSlots = 0; if (pendingResumableTasks > 0 && pendingResumableTasks > totAvailableSizeBasedSlots) { if (totAvailableSizeBasedSlots <= 0) missingResumableSlots = pendingResumableTasks; else missingResumableSlots = pendingResumableTasks - totAvailableSizeBasedSlots; totAvailableSizeBasedSlots = (pendingResumableTasks > totAvailableSizeBasedSlots) ? 0 : totAvailableSizeBasedSlots - pendingResumableTasks; } int missingNewSlots = 0; if (pendingNewTasks > 0 && pendingNewTasks > totAvailableSizeBasedSlots) { if (totAvailableSizeBasedSlots <= 0) missingNewSlots = pendingNewTasks; else missingNewSlots = pendingNewTasks - totAvailableSizeBasedSlots; totAvailableSizeBasedSlots = (pendingNewTasks > totAvailableSizeBasedSlots) ? 0 : totAvailableSizeBasedSlots - pendingNewTasks; } TreeMap<TaskAttemptID, TaskStatus> suspended = null; if (taskStatuses != null) suspended = taskStatuses.suspendedTaskStatuses; if (pendingNewTasks > 0 || pendingResumableTasks > 0 || (suspended != null && !suspended.isEmpty())) { LOG.debug(jip.getJobID() + ":" + type + " (d: " + jdi.getPhaseDuration() + "/" + jdi.getPhaseTotalDuration() + "):" + " pendingNewTasks: " + pendingNewTasks + " pendingResumableTasks: " + pendingResumableTasks // + " notResumableTasksOnThisTT: " + notResumableTasks + " totAvailableSizeBasedSlots: " + (helper.totAvailableSizeBasedSlots() <= 0 ? 0 : helper.totAvailableSizeBasedSlots()) + " currAvailableSlots: " + helper.currAvailableSlots + " => missingNewSlots: " + missingNewSlots + " missingResumableSlots: " + missingResumableSlots); } if (this.preemptionStrategy.isPreemptionActive() && (missingNewSlots > 0 || missingResumableSlots > 0)) { ClaimedSlots claimedSlots = this.claimSlots(helper, Phase.SIZE_BASED, jip, missingNewSlots, missingResumableSlots, totClaimedSlots, sizeBasedJobs, taskStatusesSizeBased); totClaimedSlots += claimedSlots.getNumPreemptedForNewTasks() + claimedSlots.getNumPreemptedForResumableTasks(); LOG.debug(jip.getJobID() + " taskStatusesOnTT: " + taskStatusesSizeBased.get(jdi) + " pendingNewTasks: " + pendingNewTasks + " pendingResumableTasks: " + pendingResumableTasks + " missingNewSlots: " + missingNewSlots + " missingResumableSlots: " + missingResumableSlots); } while (pendingNewTasks > 0 || pendingResumableTasks > 0 || (suspended != null && !suspended.isEmpty())) { if (helper.currAvailableSlots <= 0) { LOG.debug("SIZEBASED(" + jip.getJobID() + ":" + type + "):" + " no slots available on " + taskHelper.ttStatus.getTrackerName()); return; } LOG.debug("SIZEBASED(" + jip.getJobID() + ":" + type + "):" + " totAvailableSizeBasedSlots(): " + helper.totAvailableSizeBasedSlots() + " pendingNewTasks: " + pendingNewTasks + " pendingResumableTasks: " + pendingResumableTasks + " suspended(" + (suspended == null ? 0 : suspended.size()) + "): " + suspended); if (this.preemptionStrategy.isPreemptionActive() && (suspended != null && !suspended.isEmpty())) { TaskStatus toResume = suspended.remove(suspended.firstKey()); // LOG.debug("RESUME: " + toResume.getTaskID() + " " + // toResume.getRunState()); TaskAttemptID tAID = toResume.getTaskID(); JobInProgress rJIP = this.taskTrackerManager.getJob(tAID.getTaskID().getJobID()); TaskInProgress tip = rJIP.getTaskInProgress(tAID.getTaskID()); if (this.preemptionStrategy.resume(tip, toResume)) { taskHelper.resume(tAID, Phase.SIZE_BASED); pendingResumableTasks -= 1; } else { LOG.debug("SIZEBASED(" + jip.getJobID() + ":" + type + "):" + " cannot resume " + tAID + " on " + taskHelper.ttStatus.getTrackerName()); } } else { Task task = this.obtainNewTask(jip, taskHelper.ttStatus, isMap, taskHelper.currentTime); if (task == null) { LOG.debug("SIZEBASED(" + jip.getJobID() + ":" + type + "):" + " cannot obtain slot for new task on " + taskHelper.ttStatus.getTrackerName() + " (#pendingNew: " + pendingNewTasks + ", #pendingResumable: " + pendingResumableTasks + ", #free_" + type + "_slots: " + helper.currAvailableSlots + ")"); break; } taskHelper.slotObtained(task, Phase.SIZE_BASED); pendingNewTasks -= 1; } } } } private void assignTrainTasks(TaskType type, HelperForType helper, TreeSet<JobInProgress> trainJobs, TreeMap<JobDurationInfo, JobInProgress> sizeBasedJobs, TreeMap<JobDurationInfo, TaskStatuses> taskStatusesSizeBased) throws IOException { final boolean isMap = type == TaskType.MAP; /* #tasks running on other TTs that should be preempted */ int totClaimedSlots = 0; for (JobInProgress jip : trainJobs) { if (!this.isJobReadyForTypeScheduling(jip, type)) { if (jip.getStatus().getRunState() != JobStatus.SUCCEEDED) { LOG.debug("TRAIN(" + jip.getJobID() + ":" + type + "): " + "job is not ready for scheduling (" + "status: " + JobStatus.getJobRunState(jip.getStatus().getRunState()) + ", mapProgress: " + jip.getStatus().mapProgress() + ", reduceProgress: " + jip.getStatus().reduceProgress() + ", scheduleReduces: " + jip.scheduleReduces() + ")"); } continue; } int runningTasks = this.getNumRunningTasks(jip, type); int finishedTasks = this.getNumFinishedTasks(jip, type); int trainTasksAssigned = runningTasks + finishedTasks; if (trainTasksAssigned >= helper.numTrainTasksForJob) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug(jip.getJobID() + " has already obtained its training tasks (" + "runningTasks: " + runningTasks + " + finishedTasks: " + finishedTasks + " >= numTrainTasksForJob: " + helper.numTrainTasksForJob + ")"); } continue; } int pendingNewTasks = this.getNumPendingNewTasks(jip, type); /* Train tasks remaining for jip */ int trainTasksPending = Math.min(pendingNewTasks, helper.numTrainTasksForJob - trainTasksAssigned); int missingSlots = 0; if (trainTasksPending > 0) { if (helper.totAvailableTrainSlots() <= 0) missingSlots = trainTasksPending; else missingSlots = trainTasksPending - helper.totAvailableTrainSlots(); } if (this.preemptionStrategy.isPreemptionActive() && missingSlots > 0) { ClaimedSlots claimedSlots = this.claimSlots(helper, Phase.TRAIN, jip, missingSlots, 0, totClaimedSlots, sizeBasedJobs, taskStatusesSizeBased); totClaimedSlots += claimedSlots.getNumPreemptedForNewTasks(); } for (int i = 0; i < trainTasksPending && helper.currAvailableSlots > 0 && helper.canAssignTrain(); i++) { Task task = this.obtainNewTask(jip, taskHelper.ttStatus, isMap, taskHelper.currentTime); if (task == null) { LOG.debug("TRAIN(" + jip.getJobID() + ":" + type + "):" + " cannot obtain slot for new task on " + taskHelper.ttStatus.getTrackerName()); break; } taskHelper.slotObtained(task, Phase.TRAIN); pendingNewTasks--; } } } /** * Preempt missingSlots number of slots from jobs bigger * * @param jip * Job that clamies slots * @param allJobs * all the size based jobs in the cluster * @param localJobs * size based jobs that can be immediately suspended * @param missingSlots * number of slots to claim * @param numToSkip * number of slots on non-local * * @return number of tasks preemped in the cluster for jip. The first elem of * the tuple is the number of tasks preempted for new tasks, the * second in the number of tasks preempted for tasks to be resumed */ private ClaimedSlots claimSlots(HelperForType helper, final Phase phase, final JobInProgress jip, int missingNewSlots, int missingResumableSlots, int numToSkip, TreeMap<JobDurationInfo, JobInProgress> allJobs, TreeMap<JobDurationInfo, TaskStatuses> localJobs) { assert phase == Phase.SIZE_BASED || missingResumableSlots == 0; final TaskType type = helper.taskType; JobDurationInfo jdi = this.getDuration(jip.getJobID(), type); /* #size based tasks that occupies train slots in the cluster (suspendable) */ int numTasksToPreempt = 0; if (phase == Phase.TRAIN) { /** num of size based tasks that can be suspended for training */ int numOverflowSizeBasedTasks = helper.maxSizeBasedSlots > helper.runningSizeBasedTasks ? 0 : helper.runningSizeBasedTasks - helper.maxSizeBasedSlots; /* num of size base tasks to preempt for the training of jip */ numTasksToPreempt = Math.min(missingNewSlots, numOverflowSizeBasedTasks); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug(phase.toString() + "(" + jip.getJobID() + ":" + type + "):" + " numOverflowSizeBasedTasks: " + numOverflowSizeBasedTasks + " numTasksToPreempt: " + numTasksToPreempt + " missingNewSlots: " + missingNewSlots + " numTrainTasksForJob: " + helper.numTrainTasksForJob + " canAssignTrain: " + helper.canAssignTrain() + " numToSkip: " + numToSkip); } } else { numTasksToPreempt = missingNewSlots; if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug(phase.toString() + "(" + jip.getJobID() + ":" + type + "):" + " missingNewSlots: " + missingNewSlots + " missingResumableSlots: " + missingResumableSlots + " numTrainTasksForJob: " + helper.numTrainTasksForJob + " canAssignTrain: " + helper.canAssignTrain() + " numToSkip: " + numToSkip); } } final int startingNumTasksToPreemptForNew = numTasksToPreempt; final int startingResumableSlots = missingResumableSlots; // try to free pendingTasks number of slots among running on this TT Iterator<Entry<JobDurationInfo, JobInProgress>> sizeBasedJobsDescIter = allJobs.descendingMap().entrySet() .iterator(); Iterator<Entry<JobDurationInfo, TaskStatuses>> sizeBasedJobsDescIterOnTT = localJobs.entrySet().iterator(); Entry<JobDurationInfo, TaskStatuses> biggerOnTT = sizeBasedJobsDescIterOnTT.hasNext() ? : null; while (this.preemptionStrategy.isPreemptionActive() && (numTasksToPreempt > 0 || missingResumableSlots > 0)) { if (!sizeBasedJobsDescIter.hasNext()) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug(phase.toString() + "(" + jip.getJobID() + ":" + type + "):" + " should preempt " + numTasksToPreempt + " for new tasks and " + missingResumableSlots + " for resumable " + "tasks but no sizeBasedJob is running"); } break; } Entry<JobDurationInfo, JobInProgress> nextSBJ =; JobInProgress jipToPreempt = nextSBJ.getValue(); /* don't try to suspend if jip is bigger than any other jip */ if (jdi != null) { if (jipToPreempt.getJobID().equals(jip.getJobID())) { return new ClaimedSlots(startingNumTasksToPreemptForNew - numTasksToPreempt, startingResumableSlots - missingResumableSlots); } if (, jdi) <= 0) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug(phase.toString() + "(" + jip.getJobID() + ":" + type + "):" + " should preempt " + numTasksToPreempt + ", but bigger job avail is " + jip.getJobID() + ".len: " + jdi.getPhaseDuration() + " > " + nextSBJ.getValue().getJobID() + ".len: " + nextSBJ.getKey().getPhaseDuration()); } return new ClaimedSlots(startingNumTasksToPreemptForNew - numTasksToPreempt, startingResumableSlots - missingResumableSlots); } } if (jipToPreempt.getJobID().equals(jip.getJobID())) { continue; } /* * don't try to claim slots from a job in training * * FIXME: ideally a job can claim slots from a training job until this job * has enough tasks for training */ if (!this.isTrained(jipToPreempt, type)) { LOG.debug(phase.toString() + "(" + jip.getJobID() + ":" + type + "):" + " ignoring " + jipToPreempt.getJobID() + " because in training"); continue; } int numSuspendedOnThisTT = 0; /* if jipToPreempt has tasks on this TT, then suspend them */ if (biggerOnTT != null // && type == TaskType.REDUCE && biggerOnTT.getKey().getJobID().equals(nextSBJ.getKey().getJobID())) { TreeMap<TaskAttemptID, TaskStatus> preemptableTAIDS = biggerOnTT.getValue().taskStatuses; int numPreemptions = Math.min(preemptableTAIDS.size(), missingResumableSlots + numTasksToPreempt); for (int i = 0; i < numPreemptions; i++) { TaskAttemptID pTAID = preemptableTAIDS.firstKey(); TaskStatus pTS = preemptableTAIDS.remove(pTAID); JobInProgress pJIP = this.taskTrackerManager.getJob(pTAID.getJobID()); TaskInProgress pTIP = pJIP.getTaskInProgress(pTAID.getTaskID()); if (type == TaskType.REDUCE) { // if (this.eagerPreemption == PreemptionType.KILL // && pTIP.killTask(pTAID, false)) { // if (missingResumableSlots > 0) // missingResumableSlots -= 1; // else // numTasksToPreempt -= 1; // numSuspendedOnThisTT += 1; // if (jdi == null) { // taskHelper.kill(pTAID, jip.getJobID(), phase); // } else { // taskHelper.kill(pTAID, jip.getJobID(), phase, nextSBJ.getKey(), // jdi); // } // } else if (this.preemptionStrategy.isPreemptionActive() // && this.canBeSuspended(pTS) && pTIP.suspendTaskAttempt(pTAID)) { if (this.preemptionStrategy.isPreemptionActive() && this.preemptionStrategy.canBePreempted(pTS) && this.preemptionStrategy.preempt(pTIP, pTS)) { if (missingResumableSlots > 0) missingResumableSlots -= 1; else numTasksToPreempt -= 1; numSuspendedOnThisTT += 1; if (jdi == null) { taskHelper.suspend(pTAID, jip.getJobID(), phase); } else { taskHelper.suspend(pTAID, jip.getJobID(), phase, nextSBJ.getKey(), jdi); } } else { LOG.debug(phase.toString() + "(" + jip.getJobID() + ":" + type + "): cannot suspend " + pTAID + " for " + jip); } } } if (preemptableTAIDS.size() - numPreemptions <= 0) { biggerOnTT = sizeBasedJobsDescIterOnTT.hasNext() ? : null; } } /* #tasks that can be preempted */ int numPreemptibleRunTasks = this.getNumRunningTasks(jipToPreempt, type) - numSuspendedOnThisTT; /* * Two cases: numToSkip is bigger then preemptible tasks or it is not: - * is bigger: then we skip this preemptible jip - it is not: then * numToSkip is set to 0 and we do the real wait preemption */ if (numPreemptibleRunTasks <= numToSkip) { numToSkip -= numPreemptibleRunTasks; } else { /* #tasks that can be preempted by jip */ int numPreemptibleByJIPRunTasks = numPreemptibleRunTasks - numToSkip; numToSkip = 0; /* #tasks that will be preempted by jip on other TTs s */ int numRunTasksEventuallyPreemptedByJIP = Math.min(numTasksToPreempt, numPreemptibleByJIPRunTasks); numTasksToPreempt -= numRunTasksEventuallyPreemptedByJIP; } } return new ClaimedSlots(startingNumTasksToPreemptForNew - numTasksToPreempt, startingResumableSlots - missingNewSlots); } /** * Add the given jip to the trainingTypeQueue and to the trainer followed list */ void addTrainJob(JobInProgress jip, TaskType type) { if (type == TaskType.MAP) { this.trainingMapJobs.add(jip); } else { this.trainingReduceJobs.add(jip); } this.trainer.followJob(jip, type); LOG.debug("add " + jip.getJobID() + ":" + type + " to train queue and set followed by trainer"); this.infos.put(jip.getJobID(), new JobInfo()); this.addSizeBasedJob(jip, type, Phase.TRAIN); try { this.update(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Add the given jip to the sizeBasedTypeQueue with the related duration. */ boolean addSizeBasedJob(JobInProgress jip, TaskType type, Phase phase) { boolean isMap = type == TaskType.MAP; Map<JobDurationInfo, JobInProgress> sizeBasedJobs = isMap ? this.sizeBasedMapJobsQueue : this.sizeBasedReduceJobsQueue; Map<JobID, JobDurationInfo> jIDToJDI = isMap ? this.jIDToMapJDI : this.jIDToReduceJDI; JobDurationInfo newJDI = this.createJobDurationInfo(jip, type, phase); boolean res = (phase == Phase.TRAIN) ? this.progressManager.addJobDurationInfo(newJDI) : this.progressManager.updateJobDurationInfo(newJDI); if (!res) { if (phase == Phase.TRAIN) { LOG.error("cannot add size " + newJDI.toString() + " for " + jip.getJobID() + ":" + type); } else if (phase == Phase.SIZE_BASED) { LOG.error("cannot update size for " + jip.getJobID() + ":" + type + " from " + jIDToJDI.get(jip.getJobID()) + " to " + newJDI); } return false; } JobDurationInfo prevJDI = jIDToJDI.put(jip.getJobID(), newJDI); if (prevJDI != null) { // TODO FIXME: why can't use sizeBasedJobs.remove(prevJDI)? Iterator<JobDurationInfo> iter = sizeBasedJobs.keySet().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { JobDurationInfo next =; if (next.getJobID().equals(prevJDI.getJobID())) iter.remove(); } } sizeBasedJobs.put(newJDI, jip); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { // TODO: deleteme HashMap<JobID, JobDurationInfo> jdis = new HashMap<JobID, JobDurationInfo>(); for (Entry<JobDurationInfo, JobInProgress> entry : sizeBasedJobs.entrySet()) { JobDurationInfo jdi = entry.getKey(); assert !jdis.containsKey(jdi.getJobID()) : String.format("%s %s %s", jdi.getJobID(), jdis.get(jdi.getJobID()).getJobID(), jdi.getJobID()); jdis.put(jdi.getJobID(), jdi); } } this.sortSizeBasedQueue(type);"UPDATE_SIZE " + jip.getJobID() + ":" + type + " " + (prevJDI == null ? "None" : prevJDI) + " -> " + newJDI); return true; } private TreeMap<JobDurationInfo, JobInProgress> getSizeBasedJobQueue(TaskType type) { return type == TaskType.MAP ? this.sizeBasedMapJobsQueue : this.sizeBasedReduceJobsQueue; } private Task obtainNewTask(JobInProgress job, TaskTrackerStatus tts, boolean isMap, long currentTime) throws IOException { TaskTrackerManager ttm = this.taskTrackerManager; ClusterStatus clusterStatus = this.taskTrackerManager.getClusterStatus(); int numTaskTrackers = clusterStatus.getTaskTrackers(); Task task = null; if (isMap) { LocalityLevel localityLevel = this.getAllowedLocalityLevel(job, currentTime); switch (localityLevel) { case NODE: task = job.obtainNewNodeLocalMapTask(tts, numTaskTrackers, ttm.getNumberOfUniqueHosts()); break; case RACK: task = job.obtainNewNodeOrRackLocalMapTask(tts, numTaskTrackers, ttm.getNumberOfUniqueHosts()); break; default: task = job.obtainNewMapTask(tts, numTaskTrackers, ttm.getNumberOfUniqueHosts()); break; } } else { task = job.obtainNewReduceTask(tts, numTaskTrackers, ttm.getNumberOfUniqueHosts()); } if (this.delayEnabled && isMap && task != null) { this.updateLastMapLocalityLevel(job, task, tts); } return task; } /** * Update locality wait times for jobs that were skipped at last heartbeat. */ private void updateLocalityWaitTimes(long currentTime) { long timeSinceLastHeartbeat = (lastHeartbeatTime == 0 ? 0 : currentTime - lastHeartbeatTime); lastHeartbeatTime = currentTime; for (JobInfo info : infos.values()) { if (info.skippedAtLastHeartbeat) { info.timeWaitedForLocalMap += timeSinceLastHeartbeat; info.skippedAtLastHeartbeat = false; } } } /** * Update a job's locality level and locality wait variables given that that * it has just launched a map task on a given task tracker. */ private void updateLastMapLocalityLevel(JobInProgress job, Task mapTaskLaunched, TaskTrackerStatus tracker) { JobInfo info = infos.get(job.getJobID()); LocalityLevel localityLevel = LocalityLevel.fromTask(job, mapTaskLaunched, tracker); info.lastMapLocalityLevel = localityLevel; info.timeWaitedForLocalMap = 0; LOG.debug(job.getJobID() + " set lastLocalityLevel=" + info.lastMapLocalityLevel + " timeWaitedForLocalMap=" + 0); } /** * Get the maximum locality level at which a given job is allowed to launch * tasks, based on how long it has been waiting for local tasks. This is used * to implement the "delay scheduling" feature of the Fair Scheduler for * optimizing data locality. If the job has no locality information (e.g. it * does not use HDFS), this method returns LocalityLevel.ANY, allowing tasks * at any level. Otherwise, the job can only launch tasks at its current * locality level or lower, unless it has waited at least localityDelay * milliseconds (in which case it can go one level beyond) or 2 * * localityDelay millis (in which case it can go to any level). */ protected LocalityLevel getAllowedLocalityLevel(JobInProgress job, long currentTime) { if (!this.delayEnabled) { return LocalityLevel.ANY; } JobInfo info = infos.get(job.getJobID()); if (info == null) { // Job not in infos (shouldn't happen) LOG.error("getAllowedLocalityLevel called on job " + job + ", which does not have a JobInfo in infos"); return LocalityLevel.ANY; } if (job.nonLocalMaps.size() > 0) { // Job doesn't have locality information LOG.debug(job.getJobID() + " doesn't have locality information (" + "job.nonLocalMaps.size() > 0)"); return LocalityLevel.ANY; } // In the common case, compute locality level based on time waited switch (info.lastMapLocalityLevel) { case NODE: // Last task launched was node-local if (info.timeWaitedForLocalMap >= 2 * localityDelay) { LOG.debug(job.getJobID() + " lastMapLocalityLevel: " + info.lastMapLocalityLevel + " timeWaitedForLocalMap: " + info.timeWaitedForLocalMap + " >= 2 * localityDelay:" + localityDelay + " => locality level is ANY"); return LocalityLevel.ANY; } else if (info.timeWaitedForLocalMap >= localityDelay) { LOG.debug(job.getJobID() + " lastMapLocalityLevel: " + info.lastMapLocalityLevel + " timeWaitedForLocalMap: " + info.timeWaitedForLocalMap + " >= localityDelay:" + localityDelay + " => locality level is RACK"); return LocalityLevel.RACK; } else { LOG.debug(job.getJobID() + " lastMapLocalityLevel: " + info.lastMapLocalityLevel + " timeWaitedForLocalMap: " + info.timeWaitedForLocalMap + " < localityDelay:" + localityDelay + " => locality level is NODE"); return LocalityLevel.NODE; } case RACK: // Last task launched was rack-local if (info.timeWaitedForLocalMap >= localityDelay) { LOG.debug(job.getJobID() + " lastMapLocalityLevel: " + info.lastMapLocalityLevel + " timeWaitedForLocalMap: " + info.timeWaitedForLocalMap + " >= localityDelay:" + localityDelay + " => locality level is ANY"); return LocalityLevel.ANY; } else { LOG.debug(job.getJobID() + " lastMapLocalityLevel: " + info.lastMapLocalityLevel + " timeWaitedForLocalMap: " + info.timeWaitedForLocalMap + " < localityDelay:" + localityDelay + " => locality level is RACK"); return LocalityLevel.RACK; } default: // Last task was non-local; can launch anywhere LOG.debug(job.getJobID() + " lastMapLocalityLevel: " + info.lastMapLocalityLevel + " => locality level is ANY"); return LocalityLevel.ANY; } } /** Number of pending tasks without suspended tasks */ int getNumPendingNewTasks(JobInProgress jip, TaskType type) { return this.getNumPendingTasks(jip, type) - this.preemptionStrategy.getPreemptedTasks(jip, type); } /** Number of pending and suspended tasks */ int getNumPendingTasks(JobInProgress jip, TaskType type) { return type == TaskType.MAP ? jip.pendingMaps() : jip.pendingReduces(); } int getNumDesiredTasks(JobInProgress job, TaskType type) { return type == TaskType.MAP ? job.desiredMaps() : job.desiredReduces(); } /** running tasks (with suspended tasks) */ int getNumRunningTasks(JobInProgress job, TaskType type) { return type == TaskType.MAP ? job.runningMaps() : job.runningReduces(); } int getNumFinishedTasks(JobInProgress job, TaskType type) { return type == TaskType.MAP ? job.finishedMaps() : job.finishedReduces(); } int getNumRunningTasksNotSuspended(QueueType schedulerType, TaskType taskType) { Collection<JobInProgress> jobs = this.getJobs(schedulerType, taskType); int acc = 0; synchronized (jobs) { for (JobInProgress job : jobs) { acc += this.getNumRunningTasks(job, taskType) // - this.getNumSuspendedTasks(job, taskType); - this.preemptionStrategy.getPreemptedTasks(job, taskType); } } if (acc < 0) return 0; return acc; } /** If there are jobs of the specified type for the specified scheduler */ public boolean isSchedulingActive(QueueType schedulerType, TaskType taskType) { Collection<JobInProgress> jobs = this.getJobs(schedulerType, taskType); synchronized (jobs) { for (JobInProgress job : jobs) { if (this.getNumPendingTasks(job, taskType) > 0) return true; } } return false; } /** * @return true if the job is ready to obtain slots for tasks of the given * type */ private boolean isJobReadyForTypeScheduling(JobInProgress jip, TaskType type) { return jip.getStatus().getRunState() == JobStatus.RUNNING && (type == TaskType.MAP || jip.scheduleReduces()); } /** All the jobs managed by the scheduler */ @Override public Collection<JobInProgress> getJobs(String queueName) { return this.jIDToJIP.values(); } /** Jobs in a particular queue */ public Collection<JobInProgress> getJobs(QueueType schedulerType, TaskType taskType) { if (schedulerType == QueueType.TRAIN) { if (taskType == TaskType.MAP) { return this.trainingMapJobs; } else { return this.trainingReduceJobs; } } else if (schedulerType == QueueType.SIZE_BASED) { if (taskType == TaskType.MAP) { return this.sizeBasedMapJobsQueue.values(); } else { return this.sizeBasedReduceJobsQueue.values(); } } return new HashSet<JobInProgress>(); } /** Find a job in a particular queue */ public JobInProgress getJob(JobID jobID, QueueType schedulerType, TaskType taskType) { Collection<JobInProgress> jobs = this.getJobs(schedulerType, taskType); synchronized (jobs) { for (JobInProgress job : jobs) { if (job.getJobID().equals(jobID)) return job; } } return null; } /** Return the duration of a job or null if it doesn't exist */ public JobDurationInfo getDuration(JobID jobID, TaskType type) { return (type == TaskType.MAP ? this.jIDToMapJDI : this.jIDToReduceJDI).get(jobID); } public JobDurationInfo createJobDurationInfo(JobInProgress jip, TaskType type, Phase phase) { if (phase.equals(Phase.TRAIN)) { return this.createInitialJobDurationInfo(jip, type); } if (phase.equals(Phase.SIZE_BASED)) { return this.trainer.getJobDurationInfo(jip, type); } return null; } /** Create a first estimation of the job duration based on available data */ private JobDurationInfo createInitialJobDurationInfo(JobInProgress jip, TaskType type) { TreeMap<JobDurationInfo, JobInProgress> sizeBasedJobQueue = this.getSizeBasedJobQueue(type); long singleTaskDuration = 0; if (!sizeBasedJobQueue.isEmpty()) { long taskDuration = 0; int trained = 0; for (Entry<JobDurationInfo, JobInProgress> entry : sizeBasedJobQueue.entrySet()) { if (this.isTrained(entry.getValue(), type)) { JobDurationInfo jdi = entry.getKey(); int numVirtualTasks = jdi.getTasks().size(); if (entry.getKey().getPhaseTotalDuration() > 0 && numVirtualTasks > 0) { trained += 1; taskDuration += Math.ceil(entry.getKey().getPhaseTotalDuration() / numVirtualTasks); } } } if (trained > 0) { singleTaskDuration = (long) Math.ceil(taskDuration / trained); } } if (singleTaskDuration == 0) { singleTaskDuration = (type == TaskType.MAP) ? initialMapTaskDuration : initialReduceTaskDuration; } float durationModifier = (type == TaskType.MAP) ? this.durationModifierMap : this.durationModifierReduce; LOG.debug(jip.getJobID() + ":" + type + " singleTaskDuration: " + singleTaskDuration + " durationModifier: " + durationModifier + " => singleTaskDuration: " + (long) (singleTaskDuration * durationModifier)); singleTaskDuration = (long) (singleTaskDuration * durationModifier); return new UniformJobDurationInfo(jip, singleTaskDuration, type); } /** If the job has finished the train phase */ private boolean isTrained(JobInProgress jip, TaskType type) { return !(type == TaskType.MAP ? this.trainingMapJobs : this.trainingReduceJobs).contains(jip); } public Clock getClock() { return this.clock; } /** * Sort job durations queues based on the current value * * @param type */ private void sortSizeBasedQueue(TaskType type) { TreeMap<JobDurationInfo, JobInProgress> newQueue = new TreeMap<JobDurationInfo, JobInProgress>( HFSPScheduler.JOB_DURATION_COMPARATOR); Map<JobDurationInfo, JobInProgress> oldQueue = this.getSizeBasedJobQueue(type); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { // TODO: deleteme HashMap<JobID, JobDurationInfo> jdis = new HashMap<JobID, JobDurationInfo>(); for (Entry<JobDurationInfo, JobInProgress> entry : oldQueue.entrySet()) { JobDurationInfo jdi = entry.getKey(); assert !jdis.containsKey(jdi.getJobID()) : String.format("%s %s %s", jdi.getJobID(), jdis.get(jdi.getJobID()), jdi); jdis.put(jdi.getJobID(), jdi); } } int oldSize = oldQueue.size(); synchronized (oldQueue) { newQueue.putAll(oldQueue); oldQueue.clear(); // FIXME: putAll not working with comparator, don't know why for (Entry<JobDurationInfo, JobInProgress> entry : newQueue.entrySet()) { oldQueue.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } assert oldSize == oldQueue.size() : String.format("oldSize: %s newSize: %s", oldSize, oldQueue.size()); // if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { // StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("time update on " + // "SizeBasedQueue(").append(type).append( "): ["); // boolean first = true; // for (Entry<JobDurationInfo, JobInProgress> entry : oldQueue.entrySet()) { // if (first) // first = false; // else // builder.append(", "); // builder.append(entry.getKey().getPhaseDuration()) // .append(" -> ").append(entry.getValue().getJobID()); // } // builder.append("]"); // LOG.debug(builder.toString()); // } } /** * Sort size based job queues based on job durations */ private void sortSizeBasedQueues() { this.sortSizeBasedQueue(TaskType.MAP); this.sortSizeBasedQueue(TaskType.REDUCE); } /** * Try to remove the jobs */ private void cleanSizeBasedQueues() { List<JobInProgress> jips = new LinkedList<JobInProgress>(this.jIDToJIP.values()); for (JobInProgress jip : jips) { this.removeJobIfCompleted(jip); } } /** * Get the maximum map and reduce tasks for the cluster * * @see ClusterStatus#getMaxMapTasks() * @see ClusterStatus#getMaxReduceTasks() */ int getMaxTasks(TaskType type) { ClusterStatus status = this.taskTrackerManager.getClusterStatus(); return type == TaskType.MAP ? status.getMaxMapTasks() : status.getMaxReduceTasks(); } public static void main(String[] args) throws IllegalArgumentException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException, javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException, IOException { HFSPScheduler scheduler = new HFSPScheduler(); ConfigurationDescriptionToXMLConverter converter = ConfigurationDescriptionToXMLConverter.newInstance(); scheduler.accept(converter); if (args.length > 0) { FileOutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream(new File(args[0]).getAbsoluteFile()); converter.write(outputStream); outputStream.close(); } else { converter.write(System.out); } } public void accept(ConfigurationDescriptionToXMLConverter converter) { this.configurationManager.accept(converter); this.trainer.accept(converter); } /** * Remove a job if it is completed in both the real and the virtual cluster */ public boolean removeJobIfCompleted(JobInProgress jip) { if (!jip.isComplete()) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { JobStatus jobStatus = jip.getStatus(); LOG.debug("Cannot remove " + jip + " because is not completed " + "(mapProgress: " + jobStatus.mapProgress() + "," + "reduceProgress: " + jobStatus.reduceProgress() + ")"); } return false; } JobID jid = jip.getJobID(); JobDurationInfo mapDuration = this.getDuration(jid, TaskType.MAP); if (!mapDuration.isFinished()) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Cannot remove " + jip + " because it's map virtual " + "time is not 0 (mapVirtualTime: " + mapDuration + ")"); } return false; } JobDurationInfo reduceDuration = this.getDuration(jid, TaskType.REDUCE); if (!reduceDuration.isFinished()) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Cannot remove " + jip + " because it's reduce virtual " + "time is not 0 (reduceVirtualTime: " + reduceDuration + ")"); } return false; } if (this.jIDToMapJDI.containsKey(jid)) { this.jIDToMapJDI.remove(jid); } if (this.jIDToReduceJDI.containsKey(jid)) { this.jIDToReduceJDI.remove(jid); } if (this.jIDToJIP.containsKey(jid)) { this.jIDToJIP.remove(jid); } if (this.infos.containsKey(jid)) { this.infos.remove(jid); } if (this.sizeBasedMapJobsQueue.containsKey(mapDuration)) { this.sizeBasedMapJobsQueue.remove(mapDuration); } if (this.sizeBasedReduceJobsQueue.containsKey(reduceDuration)) { this.sizeBasedReduceJobsQueue.remove(reduceDuration); } if (this.trainingMapJobs.contains(jip)) { this.trainingMapJobs.remove(jip); } if (this.trainingReduceJobs.contains(jip)) { this.trainingReduceJobs.remove(jip); } return true; } }