Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.apache.hadoop.mapred;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.corona.SessionPriority;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Counters;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TaskStatus;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobHistory.Values;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobInProgress.Counter;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TaskStatus.Phase;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.TaskType;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.StringUtils;

public class CoronaJobInProgress extends JobInProgressTraits {
    static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(CoronaJobInProgress.class);

    Clock clock;

    JobID jobId;
    SessionPriority priority;
    JobProfile profile;
    JobStatus status;
    private final JobStats jobStats = new JobStats();
    long startTime;
    long launchTime;
    long finishTime;
    long deadline;

    String user;
    JobConf jobConf;

    Path jobFile; // non-local
    Path localJobFile;

    // XXX: Do not limit number of tasks ourselves. Let Cluster Manager handle it.
    int maxTasks = 0;
    int numMapTasks;
    int numReduceTasks;
    long memoryPerMap;
    long memoryPerReduce;
    volatile int numSlotsPerMap = 1;
    volatile int numSlotsPerReduce = 1;
    List<TaskCompletionEvent> taskCompletionEvents;
    private int taskCompletionEventCounter = 0;
    public static final String SPECULATIVE_MAP_UNFINISHED_THRESHOLD_KEY = "";
    public static final String SPECULATIVE_REDUCE_UNFINISHED_THRESHOLD_KEY = "mapred.reduce.tasks.speculation.unfinished.threshold";

    static final int NUM_SLOTS_PER_MAP = 1;
    static final int NUM_SLOTS_PER_REDUCE = 1;

    private final boolean jobSetupCleanupNeeded;
    private final boolean jobFinishWhenReducesDone;
    private final boolean taskCleanupNeeded;
    private volatile boolean launchedSetup = false;
    private volatile boolean tasksInited = false;
    private final AtomicBoolean reduceResourcesRequested = new AtomicBoolean(false);
    private volatile boolean launchedCleanup = false;
    private volatile boolean jobKilled = false;
    private volatile boolean jobFailed = false;

    String[][] mapLocations; // Has an array of locations for each map.
    List<TaskInProgress> nonRunningMaps;
    List<TaskInProgress> nonRunningReduces = new LinkedList<TaskInProgress>();
    int runningMapTasks = 0;
    int runningReduceTasks = 0;
    int failedMapTasks = 0; // includes killed
    int failedReduceTasks = 0; // includes killed
    int killedMapTasks = 0;
    int killedReduceTasks = 0;
    int failedMapTIPs = 0;
    int failedReduceTIPs = 0;
    int finishedMapTasks = 0;
    int finishedReduceTasks = 0;
    int completedMapsForReduceSlowstart = 0;
    int rushReduceReduces = 5;
    int rushReduceMaps = 5;
    float speculativeMapUnfininshedThreshold = 0.001F;
    float speculativeReduceUnfininshedThreshold = 0.001F;
    float speculativeMapLogRateThreshold = 0.001F;
    int speculativeMapLogNumThreshold = 3;
    float speculativeReduceLogRateThreshold = 0.001F;
    int speculativeReduceLogNumThreshold = 3;

    Set<TaskInProgress> runningMaps = new LinkedHashSet<TaskInProgress>();
    Set<TaskInProgress> runningReduces = new LinkedHashSet<TaskInProgress>();
    List<TaskAttemptID> mapCleanupTasks = new LinkedList<TaskAttemptID>();
    List<TaskAttemptID> reduceCleanupTasks = new LinkedList<TaskAttemptID>();

    int maxLevel;
    int anyCacheLevel;
    private final LocalityStats localityStats;
    private final Thread localityStatsThread;

    // runningMapTasks include speculative tasks, so we need to capture
    // speculative tasks separately
    int speculativeMapTasks = 0;
    int speculativeReduceTasks = 0;

    int mapFailuresPercent = 0;
    int reduceFailuresPercent = 0;
    Counters jobCounters = new Counters();

    TaskErrorCollector taskErrorCollector;

    // Maximum no. of fetch-failure notifications after which
    // the map task is killed
    private static final int MAX_FETCH_FAILURES_NOTIFICATIONS = 3;
    private static final int MAX_FETCH_FAILURES_PER_MAP_DEFAULT = 50;
    private static final String MAX_FETCH_FAILURES_PER_MAP_KEY = "";
    private int maxFetchFailuresPerMapper;

    // The key for the property holding the job deadline value
    private static final String JOB_DEADLINE_KEY = "mapred.job.deadline";
    // The default value of the job deadline property
    private static final long JOB_DEADLINE_DEFAULT_VALUE = 0L;
    // The key for the property holding the job priority
    private static final String SESSION_PRIORITY_KEY = "mapred.job.priority";
    // The default value of the job priority
    private static final String SESSION_PRIORITY_DEFAULT = "NORMAL";
    // The maximum percentage of fetch failures allowed for a map
    private static final double MAX_ALLOWED_FETCH_FAILURES_PERCENT = 0.5;
    // Map of mapTaskId -> no. of fetch failures
    private final Map<TaskAttemptID, Integer> mapTaskIdToFetchFailuresMap = new TreeMap<TaskAttemptID, Integer>();

    // Don't lower speculativeCap below one TT's worth (for small clusters)
    private static final int MIN_SPEC_CAP = 10;
    public static final String SPECULATIVE_SLOWTASK_THRESHOLD = "mapreduce.job.speculative.slowtaskthreshold";
    public static final String RUSH_REDUCER_MAP_THRESHOLD = "";
    public static final String RUSH_REDUCER_REDUCE_THRESHOLD = "mapred.job.rushreduce.reduce.threshold";
    public static final String SPECULATIVECAP = "mapreduce.job.speculative.speculativecap";
    public static final String SPECULATIVE_SLOWNODE_THRESHOLD = "mapreduce.job.speculative.slownodethreshold";
    public static final String SPECULATIVE_REFRESH_TIMEOUT = "mapreduce.job.speculative.refresh.timeout";
    public static final String LOG_CANNOTSPECULATIVE_INTERVAL = "mapreduce.job.log.cannotspeculative.interval";
    public static final String SPECULATIVE_STDDEVMEANRATIO_MAX = "mapreduce.job.speculative.stddevmeanratio.max";

    // thresholds for speculative execution
    float slowTaskThreshold;
    float speculativeCap;
    float slowNodeThreshold;
    private long lastSpeculativeMapRefresh, lastSpeculativeReduceRefresh;
    private long lastTimeCannotspeculativeMapLog, lastTimeCannotspeculativeReduceLog;
    private final long speculativeRefreshTimeout;
    private final long logCannotspeculativeInterval;
    private final float speculativeStddevMeanRatioMax;
    volatile private boolean hasSpeculativeMaps;
    volatile private boolean hasSpeculativeReduces;
    private List<TaskInProgress> candidateSpeculativeMaps, candidateSpeculativeReduces;
    //Statistics are maintained for a couple of things
    //mapTaskStats is used for maintaining statistics about
    //the completion time of map tasks on the trackers. On a per
    //tracker basis, the mean time for task completion is maintained
    private final DataStatistics mapTaskStats = new DataStatistics();
    //reduceTaskStats is used for maintaining statistics about
    //the completion time of reduce tasks on the trackers. On a per
    //tracker basis, the mean time for task completion is maintained
    private final DataStatistics reduceTaskStats = new DataStatistics();
    //trackerMapStats used to maintain a mapping from the tracker to the
    //the statistics about completion time of map tasks
    private final Map<String, DataStatistics> trackerMapStats = new HashMap<String, DataStatistics>();
    //trackerReduceStats used to maintain a mapping from the tracker to the
    //the statistics about completion time of reduce tasks
    private final Map<String, DataStatistics> trackerReduceStats = new HashMap<String, DataStatistics>();
    //runningMapStats used to maintain the RUNNING map tasks' statistics
    private final DataStatistics runningMapTaskStats = new DataStatistics();
    //runningReduceStats used to maintain the RUNNING reduce tasks' statistics
    private final DataStatistics runningReduceTaskStats = new DataStatistics();
    private static final String JOB_KILLED_REASON = "Job killed";
    private static final String EMPTY_TRACKER_NAME = "tracker_:localhost.localdomain/";

    protected CoronaJobTracker.TaskLookupTable taskLookupTable;
    private final TaskStateChangeListener taskStateChangeListener;

    private final Object lockObject;
    private final CoronaJobHistory jobHistory;

    private String jobTrackerId;

    private int terminated = -1;

    public CoronaJobInProgress(Object lockObject, JobID jobId, Path systemDir, JobConf jobConf,
            CoronaJobTracker.TaskLookupTable taskLookupTable, TaskStateChangeListener taskStateChangeListener,
            TopologyCache topologyCache, CoronaJobHistory jobHistory, String url, String jobTrackerId)
            throws IOException {
        this.lockObject = lockObject;
        this.clock = JobTracker.getClock();

        this.jobId = jobId;
        this.jobConf = jobConf;
        this.taskLookupTable = taskLookupTable;
        this.taskStateChangeListener = taskStateChangeListener;
        this.jobHistory = jobHistory;
        this.jobTrackerId = jobTrackerId;

        // Status.
        this.startTime = clock.getTime();
        this.status = new JobStatus(jobId, 0.0f, 0.0f, JobStatus.PREP);

        // Job file.
        this.jobFile = getJobFile(systemDir, jobId);

        this.user = jobConf.getUser();
        this.profile = new JobProfile(user, jobId, jobFile.toString(), url, jobConf.getJobName(),

        this.numMapTasks = jobConf.getNumMapTasks();
        this.numReduceTasks = jobConf.getNumReduceTasks();
        this.memoryPerMap = jobConf.getMemoryForMapTask();
        this.memoryPerReduce = jobConf.getMemoryForReduceTask();
        this.taskCompletionEvents = new ArrayList<TaskCompletionEvent>(numMapTasks + numReduceTasks + 10);
        this.jobSetupCleanupNeeded = jobConf.getJobSetupCleanupNeeded();
        this.jobFinishWhenReducesDone = jobConf.getJobFinishWhenReducesDone();
        this.taskCleanupNeeded = jobConf.getTaskCleanupNeeded();

        this.mapFailuresPercent = jobConf.getMaxMapTaskFailuresPercent();
        this.reduceFailuresPercent = jobConf.getMaxReduceTaskFailuresPercent();

        this.maxLevel = jobConf.getInt("mapred.task.cache.levels", NetworkTopology.DEFAULT_HOST_LEVEL);
        this.anyCacheLevel = this.maxLevel + 1;
        this.localityStats = new LocalityStats(jobConf, maxLevel, jobCounters, jobStats, topologyCache);
        localityStatsThread = new Thread(localityStats);
        localityStatsThread.setName("Locality Stats");

        this.taskErrorCollector = new TaskErrorCollector(jobConf, Integer.MAX_VALUE, 1);

        this.slowTaskThreshold = Math.max(0.0f,
                jobConf.getFloat(CoronaJobInProgress.SPECULATIVE_SLOWTASK_THRESHOLD, 1.0f));
        this.speculativeCap = jobConf.getFloat(CoronaJobInProgress.SPECULATIVECAP, 0.1f);
        this.slowNodeThreshold = jobConf.getFloat(CoronaJobInProgress.SPECULATIVE_SLOWNODE_THRESHOLD, 1.0f);
        this.speculativeRefreshTimeout = jobConf.getLong(CoronaJobInProgress.SPECULATIVE_REFRESH_TIMEOUT, 5000L);
        this.logCannotspeculativeInterval = jobConf.getLong(CoronaJobInProgress.LOG_CANNOTSPECULATIVE_INTERVAL,
        this.speculativeStddevMeanRatioMax = jobConf.getFloat(CoronaJobInProgress.SPECULATIVE_STDDEVMEANRATIO_MAX,

        this.speculativeMapUnfininshedThreshold = jobConf.getFloat(
                CoronaJobInProgress.SPECULATIVE_MAP_UNFINISHED_THRESHOLD_KEY, speculativeMapUnfininshedThreshold);
        this.speculativeReduceUnfininshedThreshold = jobConf.getFloat(
        this.deadline = jobConf.getLong(JOB_DEADLINE_KEY, JOB_DEADLINE_DEFAULT_VALUE);

        this.priority = SessionPriority.valueOf(jobConf.get(SESSION_PRIORITY_KEY, SESSION_PRIORITY_DEFAULT));
        hasSpeculativeMaps = jobConf.getMapSpeculativeExecution();
        hasSpeculativeReduces = jobConf.getReduceSpeculativeExecution(); + ": hasSpeculativeMaps = " + hasSpeculativeMaps + ", hasSpeculativeReduces = "
                + hasSpeculativeReduces);

    public JobStats getJobStats() {
        return jobStats;

    public String getUser() {
        return user;

    public JobProfile getProfile() {
        return profile;

    public JobStatus getStatus() {
        return status;

    public boolean isSetupCleanupRequired() {
        return jobSetupCleanupNeeded;

    public SessionPriority getPriority() {
        return this.priority;

    public void setPriority(SessionPriority priority) {
        this.priority = priority;

    DataStatistics getRunningTaskStatistics(boolean isMap) {
        if (isMap) {
            return runningMapTaskStats;
        } else {
            return runningReduceTaskStats;

    public float getSlowTaskThreshold() {
        return slowTaskThreshold;

    public float getStddevMeanRatioMax() {
        return speculativeStddevMeanRatioMax;

    public int getNumRestarts() {
        return 0;

    public long getLaunchTime() {
        return launchTime;

    public long getStartTime() {
        return startTime;

    public long getFinishTime() {
        return finishTime;

    public long getJobDeadline() {
        return deadline;

    public int getNumMapTasks() {
        return numMapTasks;

    public int getNumReduceTasks() {
        return numReduceTasks;

    public Counters getJobCounters() {
        return jobCounters;

     *  Returns map phase counters by summing over all map tasks in progress.
    public Counters getMapCounters() {
        synchronized (lockObject) {
            return incrementTaskCountersUnprotected(new Counters(), maps);

     *  Returns map phase counters by summing over all map tasks in progress.
    public Counters getReduceCounters() {
        synchronized (lockObject) {
            return incrementTaskCountersUnprotected(new Counters(), reduces);

     * Get all the tasks of the desired type in this job.
    TaskInProgress[] getTasks(TaskType type) {
        TaskInProgress[] tasks = null;
        switch (type) {
        case MAP:
            tasks = maps;
        case REDUCE:
            tasks = reduces;
        case JOB_SETUP:
            tasks = setup;
        case JOB_CLEANUP:
            tasks = cleanup;
            tasks = new TaskInProgress[0];

        return tasks;

    public TaskCompletionEvent[] getTaskCompletionEvents(int fromEventId, int maxEvents) {
        TaskCompletionEvent[] events = TaskCompletionEvent.EMPTY_ARRAY;
        synchronized (lockObject) {
            if (!tasksInited) {
                return events;
            if (taskCompletionEvents.size() > fromEventId) {
                int actualMax = Math.min(maxEvents, (taskCompletionEvents.size() - fromEventId));
                events = taskCompletionEvents.subList(fromEventId, actualMax + fromEventId).toArray(events);
            return events;

    public int getTaskCompletionEventsSize() {
        synchronized (lockObject) {
            return taskCompletionEvents.size();

    boolean fetchFailureNotification(TaskAttemptID reportingAttempt, TaskInProgress tip, TaskAttemptID mapAttemptId,
            String trackerName) {
        synchronized (lockObject) {
            Integer fetchFailures = mapTaskIdToFetchFailuresMap.get(mapAttemptId);
            fetchFailures = (fetchFailures == null) ? 1 : (fetchFailures + 1);
            mapTaskIdToFetchFailuresMap.put(mapAttemptId, fetchFailures);
  "Failed fetch notification #" + fetchFailures + " by " + reportingAttempt + " for task "
                    + mapAttemptId + " tracker " + trackerName);

            float failureRate = (float) fetchFailures / runningReduceTasks;
            // declare faulty if fetch-failures >= max-allowed-failures
            final boolean isMapFaulty = (failureRate >= MAX_ALLOWED_FETCH_FAILURES_PERCENT)
                    || fetchFailures > maxFetchFailuresPerMapper;
            if (fetchFailures >= MAX_FETCH_FAILURES_NOTIFICATIONS && isMapFaulty) {
                String reason = "Too many fetch-failures (" + fetchFailures + ") at " + new Date();
       + " for " + mapAttemptId + " ... killing it");

                final boolean isFailed = true;
                TaskTrackerInfo ttStatus = null;
                failedTask(tip, mapAttemptId, reason,
                        (tip.isMapTask() ? TaskStatus.Phase.MAP : TaskStatus.Phase.REDUCE), isFailed, trackerName,

                return true;
        return false;

    public static Path getJobFile(Path systemDir, JobID jobId) {
        Path systemDirForJob = new Path(systemDir, jobId.toString());
        return new Path(systemDirForJob, "job.xml");

    public int getMaxTasksPerJob() {
        return 0; // No maximum.

    public void close() {
        // The thread may be stuck in DNS lookups. This thread is a daemon,
        // so it will not prevent process exit.
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            LOG.warn("localityStatsThread.join interrupted");

     * Read input splits and create a map per split.
    public void initTasks() throws IOException {
        // log job info
        jobHistory.logSubmitted(jobFile.toString(), this.startTime, this.jobTrackerId);
        // log the job priority
        JobClient.RawSplit[] splits = null;
        splits = JobClient.getAndRemoveCachedSplits(jobId);
        if (splits == null) {
            FileSystem fs = jobFile.getFileSystem(jobConf);
            Path splitFile = new Path(jobFile.getParent(), "job.split");
  "Reading splits from " + splitFile);
            DataInputStream splitFileIn =;
            try {
                splits = JobClient.readSplitFile(splitFileIn);
            } finally {
        jobHistory.logInited(this.launchTime, numMapTasks, numReduceTasks);

     * Used by test code.
    void initTasksFromSplits(JobClient.RawSplit[] splits) throws IOException {
        synchronized (lockObject) {

    private void initTasksFromSplitsUnprotected(JobClient.RawSplit[] splits) throws IOException {
        String jobFile = profile.getJobFile();

        numMapTasks = splits.length;
        if (maxTasks > 0 && numMapTasks + numReduceTasks > maxTasks) {
            throw new IOException("The number of tasks for this job " + (numMapTasks + numReduceTasks)
                    + " exceeds the configured limit " + maxTasks);

        long inputLength = 0;
        maps = new TaskInProgress[numMapTasks];
        mapLocations = new String[numMapTasks][];
        nonRunningMaps = new ArrayList<TaskInProgress>(numMapTasks);
        for (int i = 0; i < numMapTasks; i++) {
            inputLength += splits[i].getDataLength();
            maps[i] = new TaskInProgress(jobId, jobFile, splits[i], jobConf, this, i, 1); // numSlotsPerMap = 1
            mapLocations[i] = splits[i].getLocations();
        }"Input size for job " + jobId + " = " + inputLength + ". Number of splits = " + splits.length);

        this.launchTime = clock.getTime();"Number of splits for job " + jobId + " = " + splits.length);

        // Create reduce tasks
        this.reduces = new TaskInProgress[numReduceTasks];
        for (int i = 0; i < numReduceTasks; i++) {
            reduces[i] = new TaskInProgress(jobId, jobFile, numMapTasks, i, jobConf, this, 1); // numSlotsPerReduce = 1
        }"Number of reduces for job " + jobId + " = " + reduces.length);

        // Calculate the minimum number of maps to be complete before
        // we should start scheduling reduces
        completedMapsForReduceSlowstart = (int) Math
        // The thresholds of total maps and reduces for scheduling reducers
        // immediately.
        rushReduceMaps = jobConf.getInt(RUSH_REDUCER_MAP_THRESHOLD, rushReduceMaps);
        rushReduceReduces = jobConf.getInt(RUSH_REDUCER_REDUCE_THRESHOLD, rushReduceReduces);
        maxFetchFailuresPerMapper = jobConf.getInt(MAX_FETCH_FAILURES_PER_MAP_KEY,

        // Proceed to Setup/Cleanup.
        if (jobSetupCleanupNeeded) {
            // create cleanup two cleanup tips, one map and one reduce.
            cleanup = new TaskInProgress[2];

            // cleanup map tip. This map doesn't use any splits. Just assign an empty
            // split.
            JobClient.RawSplit emptySplit = new JobClient.RawSplit();
            cleanup[0] = new TaskInProgress(jobId, jobFile, emptySplit, jobConf, this, numMapTasks, 1);

            // cleanup reduce tip.
            cleanup[1] = new TaskInProgress(jobId, jobFile, numMapTasks, numReduceTasks, jobConf, this, 1);

            // create two setup tips, one map and one reduce.
            setup = new TaskInProgress[2];

            // setup map tip. This map doesn't use any split. Just assign an empty
            // split.
            setup[0] = new TaskInProgress(jobId, jobFile, emptySplit, jobConf, this, numMapTasks + 1, 1);

            // setup reduce tip.
            setup[1] = new TaskInProgress(jobId, jobFile, numMapTasks, numReduceTasks + 1, jobConf, this, 1);
        tasksInited = true;

    boolean scheduleReducesUnprotected() {
        // Start scheduling reducers if we have enough maps finished or
        // if the job has very few mappers or reducers.
        return numMapTasks <= rushReduceMaps || numReduceTasks <= rushReduceReduces
                || finishedMapTasks >= completedMapsForReduceSlowstart;

     * Signals that the reduce resources are being requested
     * as soon as one process starts this nobody else should be
     * trying to request reduce resources, so get current and set to true
     * @return false if the resources have not been requested yet,
     * true if they have
    boolean initializeReducers() {
        return this.reduceResourcesRequested.getAndSet(true);

    boolean areReducersInitialized() {
        return this.reduceResourcesRequested.get();

    public Task obtainNewMapTaskForTip(String taskTrackerName, String hostName, TaskInProgress intendedTip) {
        synchronized (lockObject) {
            Task result = obtainTaskCleanupTask(taskTrackerName, intendedTip);
            if (result != null) {
                return result;

            if (status.getRunState() != JobStatus.RUNNING) {
                return null;

            TaskInProgress tip = removeMatchingTipUnprotected(nonRunningMaps, hostName, intendedTip);
            if (tip != null) {
      "Running task " + tip.getTIPId() + " on " + taskTrackerName + "(" + hostName + ")");

            if (tip == null && hasSpeculativeMaps) {
                SpeculationStatus speculationStatus = confirmSpeculativeTaskUnprotected(candidateSpeculativeMaps,
                        intendedTip, taskTrackerName, hostName, TaskType.MAP);
                if (speculationStatus == SpeculationStatus.CAN_BE_SPECULATED) {
                    tip = intendedTip;
                            "Speculating task " + tip.getTIPId() + " on " + taskTrackerName + "(" + hostName + ")");
                } else {
                    LOG.warn("Cant speculate for given resource " + taskTrackerName + " because "
                            + speculationStatus);

            if (tip == null) {
                return null;
            } else if (tip != intendedTip) {
                throw new RuntimeException(
                        "Logic error:" + tip.getTIPId() + " was chosen instead of " + intendedTip.getTIPId());

            result = tip.getTaskToRun(taskTrackerName);
            if (result != null) {
                addRunningTaskToTIPUnprotected(tip, result.getTaskID(), taskTrackerName, hostName, true);
            return result;

     * Registers new task attempt for given task
     * @param taskTrackerName name of destination tracker
     * @param hostName hostname of tracker
     * @param forcedTip task in progress to run
     * @return task to run
    public Task forceNewMapTaskForTip(String taskTrackerName, String hostName, TaskInProgress forcedTip) {
        synchronized (lockObject) {
            Task result = obtainTaskCleanupTask(taskTrackerName, forcedTip);
            if (result != null) {
                return result;

            removeMatchingTipUnprotectedUnconditional(nonRunningMaps, forcedTip);
  "Running task " + forcedTip.getTIPId() + " on " + taskTrackerName + "(" + hostName + ")");
            result = forcedTip.getTaskToRun(taskTrackerName);
            if (result != null) {
                addRunningTaskToTIPUnprotected(forcedTip, result.getTaskID(), taskTrackerName, hostName, true);
                // Handle cleanup task
            return result;

    public boolean hasSpeculativeMaps() {
        return hasSpeculativeMaps;

    public boolean hasSpeculativeReduces() {
        return hasSpeculativeReduces;

    private void refreshCandidateSpeculativeMapsUnprotected() {
        long now = clock.getTime();
        if ((now - lastSpeculativeMapRefresh) > speculativeRefreshTimeout) {
            // update the progress rates of all the candidate tips ..
            for (TaskInProgress tip : runningMaps) {
            candidateSpeculativeMaps = findSpeculativeTaskCandidatesUnprotected(runningMaps);

            int cap = getSpeculativeCap(TaskType.MAP);
            cap = Math.max(0, cap - speculativeMapTasks);
            cap = Math.min(candidateSpeculativeMaps.size(), cap);
            candidateSpeculativeMaps = candidateSpeculativeMaps.subList(0, cap);
            lastSpeculativeMapRefresh = now;

    public int getSpeculativeCap(TaskType type) {
        int cap = 0;
        synchronized (lockObject) {
            int numRunningTasks = (type == TaskType.MAP) ? (runningMapTasks - speculativeMapTasks)
                    : (runningReduceTasks - speculativeReduceTasks);
            cap = (int) Math.max(MIN_SPEC_CAP, speculativeCap * numRunningTasks);
        return cap;

    public List<TaskInProgress> getSpeculativeCandidates(TaskType type) {
        synchronized (lockObject) {
            if (TaskType.MAP == type) {
                return candidateSpeculativeMaps;
            } else {
                return candidateSpeculativeReduces;

    public void updateSpeculationCandidates() {
        synchronized (lockObject) {
            if (hasSpeculativeMaps()) {
            if (hasSpeculativeReduces()) {

     * Given a candidate set of tasks, find and order the ones that
     * can be speculated and return the same.
    protected List<TaskInProgress> findSpeculativeTaskCandidatesUnprotected(Collection<TaskInProgress> list) {
        ArrayList<TaskInProgress> candidates = new ArrayList<TaskInProgress>();

        long now = clock.getTime();
        Iterator<TaskInProgress> iter = list.iterator();
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            TaskInProgress tip =;
            if (tip.canBeSpeculated(now)) {
        if (candidates.size() > 0) {
            Comparator<TaskInProgress> LateComparator = new JobInProgress.EstimatedTimeLeftComparator(now);

            Collections.sort(candidates, LateComparator);
        return candidates;

    private enum SpeculationStatus {

    public boolean confirmSpeculativeTask(TaskInProgress tip, String taskTrackerName, String taskTrackerHost) {
        synchronized (lockObject) {
            if (tip.isMapTask()) {
                return confirmSpeculativeTaskUnprotected(candidateSpeculativeMaps, tip, taskTrackerName,
                        taskTrackerHost, TaskType.MAP) == SpeculationStatus.CAN_BE_SPECULATED;
            } else {
                return confirmSpeculativeTaskUnprotected(candidateSpeculativeReduces, tip, taskTrackerName,
                        taskTrackerHost, TaskType.REDUCE) == SpeculationStatus.CAN_BE_SPECULATED;

    public boolean isBadSpeculativeResource(TaskInProgress tip, String taskTrackerName, String taskTrackerHost) {
        synchronized (lockObject) {
            SpeculationStatus status = null;
            if (tip.isMapTask()) {
                status = confirmSpeculativeTaskUnprotected(candidateSpeculativeMaps, tip, taskTrackerName,
                        taskTrackerHost, TaskType.MAP);

            } else {
                status = confirmSpeculativeTaskUnprotected(candidateSpeculativeReduces, tip, taskTrackerName,
                        taskTrackerHost, TaskType.REDUCE);
            return status == SpeculationStatus.HAS_RUN_ON_MACHINE || status == SpeculationStatus.MACHINE_IS_SLOW;

    protected SpeculationStatus confirmSpeculativeTaskUnprotected(List<TaskInProgress> candidates,
            TaskInProgress intendedTip, String taskTrackerName, String taskTrackerHost, TaskType taskType) {
        if ((candidates == null) || candidates.isEmpty()) {
            return null;
        if (isSlowTrackerUnprotected(taskTrackerName)) {
            // TODO: request another resource if this happens.
            return SpeculationStatus.MACHINE_IS_SLOW;

        if (!candidates.contains(intendedTip)) {
            return SpeculationStatus.CAN_NO_LONGER_BE_SPECULATED;
        if (intendedTip.hasRunOnMachine(taskTrackerHost, taskTrackerName)) {
            return SpeculationStatus.HAS_RUN_ON_MACHINE;

        long now = clock.getTime();
        if (intendedTip.canBeSpeculated(now)) {
            return SpeculationStatus.CAN_BE_SPECULATED;
        } else {
            // if it can't be speculated, then:
            // A. it has completed/failed etc. - in which case makes sense to never
            //    speculate again
            // B. it's relative progress does not allow speculation. in this case
            //    it's fair to treat it as if it was never eligible for speculation
            //    to begin with.
            return SpeculationStatus.CAN_NO_LONGER_BE_SPECULATED;

     * Compares the ave progressRate of tasks that have finished on this
     * taskTracker to the ave of all succesfull tasks thus far to see if this
     * TT one is too slow for speculating.
     * slowNodeThreshold is used to determine the number of standard deviations
     * @param taskTracker the name of the TaskTracker we are checking
     * @return is this TaskTracker slow
    protected boolean isSlowTrackerUnprotected(String taskTracker) {
        // TODO - use statistics here.
        return false;

    private TaskInProgress removeMatchingTipUnprotected(List<TaskInProgress> taskList, String hostName,
            TaskInProgress intendedTip) {
        for (Iterator<TaskInProgress> iter = taskList.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
            TaskInProgress t =;
            if (t == intendedTip && t.isRunnable() && !t.isRunning() && !t.hasFailedOnMachine(hostName)) {
                return t;
        return null;

     * Removes matching TIP without checking any conditions
     * @param taskList list of tasks to remove from
     * @param intendedTip tip to remove
     * @return removed tip
    private TaskInProgress removeMatchingTipUnprotectedUnconditional(List<TaskInProgress> taskList,
            TaskInProgress intendedTip) {
        for (Iterator<TaskInProgress> iter = taskList.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
            TaskInProgress t =;
            if (t.getTIPId().equals(intendedTip.getTIPId())) {
                return t;
        return null;

     * Find a non-running task in the passed list of TIPs
     * @param tips a collection of TIPs
     * @param hostName the host name of tracker that has requested a task to run
     * @param removeFailedTip whether to remove the failed tips
    private static TaskInProgress findTaskFromList(Collection<TaskInProgress> tips, String hostName,
            boolean removeFailedTip) {
        Iterator<TaskInProgress> iter = tips.iterator();
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            TaskInProgress tip =;

            // Select a tip if
            //   1. runnable   : still needs to be run and is not completed
            //   2. ~running   : no other node is running it
            //   3. earlier attempt failed : has not failed on this host
            //                               and has failed on all the other hosts
            // A TIP is removed from the list if
            // (1) this tip is scheduled
            // (2) if the passed list is a level 0 (host) cache
            // (3) when the TIP is non-schedulable (running, killed, complete)
            if (tip.isRunnable() && !tip.isRunning()) {
                // check if the tip has failed on this host
                if (!tip.hasFailedOnMachine(hostName)) {
                    // TODO: check if the tip has failed on all the nodes
                    return tip;
                } else if (removeFailedTip) {
                    // the case where we want to remove a failed tip from the host cache
                    // point#3 in the TIP removal logic above
            } else {
                // see point#3 in the comment above for TIP removal logic
        return null;

    public Task obtainNewReduceTaskForTip(String taskTrackerName, String hostName, TaskInProgress intendedTip) {
        synchronized (lockObject) {
            // TODO: check for resource constraints.
            Task result = obtainTaskCleanupTask(taskTrackerName, intendedTip);
            if (result != null) {
                return result;
            TaskInProgress tip = removeMatchingTipUnprotected(nonRunningReduces, hostName, intendedTip);
            if (tip != null) {
      "Running task " + tip.getTIPId() + " on " + taskTrackerName + "(" + hostName + ")");
            // 2. check for a reduce tip to be speculated
            if (tip == null && hasSpeculativeReduces) {
                SpeculationStatus speculationStatus = confirmSpeculativeTaskUnprotected(candidateSpeculativeReduces,
                        intendedTip, taskTrackerName, hostName, TaskType.REDUCE);
                if (speculationStatus == SpeculationStatus.CAN_BE_SPECULATED) {
                    tip = intendedTip;
                            "Speculating task " + tip.getTIPId() + " on " + taskTrackerName + "(" + hostName + ")");
                } else {
                    LOG.warn("Cant speculate for given resource " + taskTrackerName + " because "
                            + speculationStatus);

            if (tip == null) {
                return null;
            } else if (tip != intendedTip) {
                throw new RuntimeException(
                        "Logic error:" + tip.getTIPId() + " was chosen instead of " + intendedTip.getTIPId());

            result = tip.getTaskToRun(taskTrackerName);
            if (result != null) {
                addRunningTaskToTIPUnprotected(tip, result.getTaskID(), taskTrackerName, hostName, true);
            return result;

     * Registers new task attempt for given task
     * @param taskTrackerName name of destination tracker
     * @param hostName hostname of tracker
     * @param forcedTip task in progress to run
     * @return task to run
    public Task forceNewReduceTaskForTip(String taskTrackerName, String hostName, TaskInProgress forcedTip) {
        synchronized (lockObject) {
            Task result = obtainTaskCleanupTask(taskTrackerName, forcedTip);
            if (result != null) {
                return result;

            removeMatchingTipUnprotectedUnconditional(nonRunningMaps, forcedTip);
  "Running task " + forcedTip.getTIPId() + " on " + taskTrackerName + "(" + hostName + ")");
            result = forcedTip.getTaskToRun(taskTrackerName);
            if (result != null) {
                addRunningTaskToTIPUnprotected(forcedTip, result.getTaskID(), taskTrackerName, hostName, true);
                // Handle cleanup task
            return result;

    private void refreshCandidateSpeculativeReducesUnprotected() {
        long now = clock.getTime();
        if ((now - lastSpeculativeReduceRefresh) > speculativeRefreshTimeout) {
            // update the progress rates of all the candidate tips ..
            for (TaskInProgress tip : runningReduces) {
            candidateSpeculativeReduces = findSpeculativeTaskCandidatesUnprotected(runningReduces);
            int cap = getSpeculativeCap(TaskType.REDUCE);
            cap = Math.max(0, cap - speculativeReduceTasks);
            cap = Math.min(candidateSpeculativeReduces.size(), cap);
            candidateSpeculativeReduces = candidateSpeculativeReduces.subList(0, cap);
            lastSpeculativeReduceRefresh = now;

     * Can a tracker be used for a TIP?
    public boolean canTrackerBeUsed(String taskTracker, String trackerHost, TaskInProgress tip) {
        synchronized (lockObject) {
            return !tip.hasFailedOnMachine(trackerHost);

     * Return a CleanupTask, if appropriate, to run on the given tasktracker
    public Task obtainJobCleanupTask(String taskTrackerName, String hostName, boolean isMapSlot) {
        synchronized (lockObject) {
            if (!tasksInited || !jobSetupCleanupNeeded) {
                return null;

            if (!canLaunchJobCleanupTaskUnprotected()) {
                return null;

            List<TaskInProgress> cleanupTaskList = new ArrayList<TaskInProgress>();
            if (isMapSlot) {
            } else {
            TaskInProgress tip = findTaskFromList(cleanupTaskList, hostName, false);
            if (tip == null) {
                return null;

            // Now launch the cleanupTask
            Task result = tip.getTaskToRun(taskTrackerName);

            if (result != null) {
                addRunningTaskToTIPUnprotected(tip, result.getTaskID(), taskTrackerName, hostName, true);
                // Handle cleanup task
            return result;

     * Sets task state according to job state if given task is cleanup one
     * @param task task to handle
    private void setJobCleanupTaskState(Task task) {
        if (task.isJobCleanupTask()) {
            if (jobFailed) {
            } else if (jobKilled) {
            } else {

    public boolean needsTaskCleanup(TaskInProgress tip) {
        synchronized (lockObject) {
            Iterator<TaskAttemptID> cleanupCandidates;
            if (tip.isMapTask()) {
                cleanupCandidates = mapCleanupTasks.iterator();
            } else {
                cleanupCandidates = reduceCleanupTasks.iterator();

            while (cleanupCandidates.hasNext()) {
                if ( {
                    return true;
        return false;

    public Task obtainTaskCleanupTask(String taskTracker, TaskInProgress tip) {
        synchronized (lockObject) {
            if (!tasksInited) {
                return null;
            if (this.status.getRunState() != JobStatus.RUNNING || jobFailed || jobKilled) {
                return null;

            if (tip.isMapTask()) {
                if (mapCleanupTasks.isEmpty())
                    return null;
            } else {
                if (reduceCleanupTasks.isEmpty())
                    return null;

            if (this.status.getRunState() != JobStatus.RUNNING || jobFailed || jobKilled) {
                return null;
            TaskAttemptID taskid = null;
            Iterator<TaskAttemptID> cleanupCandidates = null;
            boolean foundCleanup = false;
            if (tip.isMapTask()) {
                if (!mapCleanupTasks.isEmpty()) {
                    cleanupCandidates = mapCleanupTasks.iterator();
            } else {
                if (!reduceCleanupTasks.isEmpty()) {
                    cleanupCandidates = reduceCleanupTasks.iterator();

            while (cleanupCandidates.hasNext()) {
                taskid =;

                if (taskid.getTaskID().equals(tip.getTIPId())) {
                    // The task requires a cleanup so we are going to do that right now
                    foundCleanup = true;
            if (foundCleanup) {
                return tip.addRunningTask(taskid, taskTracker, true);
            return null;

     * Return a SetupTask, if appropriate, to run on the given tasktracker
    public Task obtainJobSetupTask(String taskTrackerName, String hostName, boolean isMapSlot) {
        synchronized (lockObject) {
            if (!tasksInited || !jobSetupCleanupNeeded) {
                return null;

            if (!(tasksInited && status.getRunState() == JobStatus.PREP && !launchedSetup && !jobKilled
                    && !jobFailed)) {
                return null;
            List<TaskInProgress> setupTaskList = new ArrayList<TaskInProgress>();
            if (isMapSlot) {
            } else {
            TaskInProgress tip = findTaskFromList(setupTaskList, hostName, false);
            if (tip == null) {
                return null;

            // Now launch the setupTask
            Task result = tip.getTaskToRun(taskTrackerName);
            if (result != null) {
                addRunningTaskToTIPUnprotected(tip, result.getTaskID(), taskTrackerName, hostName, true);
            return result;

    public void updateTaskStatus(TaskInProgress tip, TaskStatus status, TaskTrackerInfo ttStatus) {
        synchronized (lockObject) {
            updateTaskStatusUnprotected(tip, status, ttStatus);

    private boolean isTaskKilledHighMemory(TaskStatus status, String keyword) {
        String diagnosticInfo = status.getDiagnosticInfo();
        if (diagnosticInfo == null) {
            return false;
        String[] splitdiagnosticInfo = diagnosticInfo.split("\\s+");
        for (String info : splitdiagnosticInfo) {
            if (keyword.equals(info)) {
                return true;
        return false;

    private boolean isTaskKilledWithHighMemory(TaskStatus status) {
        return isTaskKilledHighMemory(status, TaskMemoryManagerThread.HIGH_MEMORY_KEYWORD);

    private boolean isTaskKilledWithCGroupMemory(TaskStatus status) {
        return isTaskKilledHighMemory(status, CGroupMemoryWatcher.CGROUPHIGH_MEMORY_KEYWORD);

    private void updateCGResourceCounters(TaskStatus status, boolean isMap) {
        Counters taskCounters = status.getCounters();
        long maxMem = taskCounters.getCounter(Task.Counter.MAX_MEMORY_BYTES);
        long rssMem = taskCounters.getCounter(Task.Counter.MAX_RSS_MEMORY_BYTES);
        long instMem = taskCounters.getCounter(Task.Counter.INST_MEMORY_BYTES);

        if (isMap) {
            if (jobCounters.getCounter(Counter.MAX_MAP_MEM_BYTES) < maxMem) {
            if (jobCounters.getCounter(Counter.MAX_MAP_RSS_MEM_BYTES) < rssMem) {
            if (jobCounters.getCounter(Counter.MAX_MAP_INST_MEM_BYTES) < instMem) {
        } else {
            if (jobCounters.getCounter(Counter.MAX_REDUCE_MEM_BYTES) < maxMem) {
            if (jobCounters.getCounter(Counter.MAX_REDUCE_RSS_MEM_BYTES) < rssMem) {
            if (jobCounters.getCounter(Counter.MAX_REDUCE_INST_MEM_BYTES) < instMem) {

    private void updateTaskStatusUnprotected(TaskInProgress tip, TaskStatus status, TaskTrackerInfo ttStatus) {
        double oldProgress = tip.getProgress(); // save old progress
        boolean wasRunning = tip.isRunning();
        boolean wasComplete = tip.isComplete();
        boolean wasPending = tip.isOnlyCommitPending();
        TaskAttemptID taskid = status.getTaskID();
        boolean wasAttemptRunning = tip.isAttemptRunning(taskid);

        // If the TIP is already completed and the task reports as SUCCEEDED then
        // mark the task as KILLED.
        // In case of task with no promotion the task tracker will mark the task
        // as SUCCEEDED.
        // User has requested to kill the task, but TT reported SUCCEEDED,
        // mark the task KILLED.
        if ((wasComplete || tip.wasKilled(taskid)) && (status.getRunState() == TaskStatus.State.SUCCEEDED)) {

        // When a task has just reported its state as FAILED_UNCLEAN/KILLED_UNCLEAN,
        // if the job is complete or cleanup task is switched off,
        // make the task's state FAILED/KILLED without launching cleanup attempt.
        // Note that if task is already a cleanup attempt,
        // we don't change the state to make sure the task gets a killTaskAction
        if ((this.status.isJobComplete() || jobFailed || jobKilled || !taskCleanupNeeded)
                && !tip.isCleanupAttempt(taskid)) {
            if (status.getRunState() == TaskStatus.State.FAILED_UNCLEAN) {
            } else if (status.getRunState() == TaskStatus.State.KILLED_UNCLEAN) {

        // aggregate the task tracker reported cgroup resource counters in job
        updateCGResourceCounters(status, tip.isMapTask());

        boolean change = tip.updateStatus(status);
        if (change) {
            TaskStatus.State state = status.getRunState();
            String httpTaskLogLocation = null; // TODO fix this
            if (ttStatus != null) {
                String host;
                if (NetUtils.getStaticResolution(ttStatus.getHost()) != null) {
                    host = NetUtils.getStaticResolution(ttStatus.getHost());
                } else {
                    host = ttStatus.getHost();
                httpTaskLogLocation = "http://" + host + ":" + ttStatus.getHttpPort();
            TaskCompletionEvent taskEvent = null;
            if (state == TaskStatus.State.SUCCEEDED) {
                taskEvent = new TaskCompletionEvent(taskCompletionEventCounter, taskid, tip.idWithinJob(),
                        status.getIsMap() && !tip.isJobCleanupTask() && !tip.isJobSetupTask(),
                        TaskCompletionEvent.Status.SUCCEEDED, httpTaskLogLocation);
                taskEvent.setTaskRunTime((int) (status.getFinishTime() - status.getStartTime()));
            } else if (state == TaskStatus.State.COMMIT_PENDING) {
                // If it is the first attempt reporting COMMIT_PENDING
                // ask the task to commit.
                if (!wasComplete && !wasPending) {
            } else if (state == TaskStatus.State.FAILED_UNCLEAN || state == TaskStatus.State.KILLED_UNCLEAN) {
                tip.incompleteSubTask(taskid, this.status);
                // add this task, to be rescheduled as cleanup attempt
                if (tip.isMapTask()) {
                } else {
                if (isTaskKilledWithCGroupMemory(status)) {
                    //Increment the High Memory killed count for Reduce and Map Tasks
                    if (status.getIsMap()) {
                        jobCounters.incrCounter(Counter.TOTAL_CGROUP_MEMORY_MAP_TASK_KILLED, 1);
                    } else {
                        jobCounters.incrCounter(Counter.TOTAL_CGROUP_MEMORY_REDUCE_TASK_KILLED, 1);
            //For a failed task update the JT datastructures.
            else if (state == TaskStatus.State.FAILED || state == TaskStatus.State.KILLED) {
                if (isTaskKilledWithHighMemory(status)) {
                    //Increment the High Memory killed count for Reduce and Map Tasks
                    if (status.getIsMap()) {
                        jobCounters.incrCounter(Counter.TOTAL_HIGH_MEMORY_MAP_TASK_KILLED, 1);
                    } else {
                        jobCounters.incrCounter(Counter.TOTAL_HIGH_MEMORY_REDUCE_TASK_KILLED, 1);
                if (isTaskKilledWithCGroupMemory(status)) {
                    //Increment the High Memory killed count for Reduce and Map Tasks
                    if (status.getIsMap()) {
                        jobCounters.incrCounter(Counter.TOTAL_CGROUP_MEMORY_MAP_TASK_KILLED, 1);
                    } else {
                        jobCounters.incrCounter(Counter.TOTAL_CGROUP_MEMORY_REDUCE_TASK_KILLED, 1);
                // Get the event number for the (possibly) previously successful
                // task. If there exists one, then set that status to OBSOLETE
                int eventNumber;
                if ((eventNumber = tip.getSuccessEventNumber()) != -1) {
                    TaskCompletionEvent t = this.taskCompletionEvents.get(eventNumber);
                    if (t.getTaskAttemptId().equals(taskid))

                // Tell the job to fail the relevant task
                failedTask(tip, taskid, status, ttStatus, wasRunning, wasComplete, wasAttemptRunning);

                // Did the task failure lead to tip failure?
                TaskCompletionEvent.Status taskCompletionStatus = (state == TaskStatus.State.FAILED)
                        ? TaskCompletionEvent.Status.FAILED
                        : TaskCompletionEvent.Status.KILLED;
                if (tip.isFailed()) {
                    taskCompletionStatus = TaskCompletionEvent.Status.TIPFAILED;
                taskEvent = new TaskCompletionEvent(taskCompletionEventCounter, taskid, tip.idWithinJob(),
                        status.getIsMap() && !tip.isJobCleanupTask() && !tip.isJobSetupTask(), taskCompletionStatus,

            // Add the 'complete' task i.e. successful/failed
            // It _is_ safe to add the TaskCompletionEvent.Status.SUCCEEDED
            // *before* calling TIP.completedTask since:
            // a. One and only one task of a TIP is declared as a SUCCESS, the
            //    other (speculative tasks) are marked KILLED by the TaskCommitThread
            // b. TIP.completedTask *does not* throw _any_ exception at all.
            if (taskEvent != null) {
                if (state == TaskStatus.State.SUCCEEDED) {
                    completedTask(tip, status, ttStatus);
            taskStateChangeListener.taskStateChange(state, tip, taskid,
                    (ttStatus == null ? "null" : ttStatus.getHost()));

        // Update CoronaJobInProgress status
        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    "Taking progress for " + tip.getTIPId() + " from " + oldProgress + " to " + tip.getProgress());

        if (!tip.isJobCleanupTask() && !tip.isJobSetupTask()) {
            double progressDelta = tip.getProgress() - oldProgress;
            if (tip.isMapTask()) {
                this.status.setMapProgress((float) (this.status.mapProgress() + progressDelta / maps.length));
            } else {
                        (float) (this.status.reduceProgress() + (progressDelta / reduces.length)));

     * Should we reuse the resource of this succeeded task attempt
     * return true if we should reuse
    boolean shouldReuseTaskResource(TaskInProgress tip) {
        synchronized (lockObject) {
            return tip.isJobSetupTask() || canLaunchJobCleanupTaskUnprotected() || tip.isJobCleanupTask();
        // TIP is a job setup/cleanup task or job is ready for cleanup.
        // Since job setup/cleanup does not get an explicit resource, reuse
        // the resource. For Map/Reduce tasks, we would want normally want
        // to release the resource. But if the job is ready for cleanup,
        // releasing the resource could mean that the job cleanup task can't
        // run, so reuse the resource.

    public boolean completedTask(TaskInProgress tip, TaskStatus status, TaskTrackerInfo ttStatus) {
        synchronized (lockObject) {
            return completedTaskUnprotected(tip, status, ttStatus);

     * A taskId assigned to this CoronaJobInProgress has reported in successfully.
    private boolean completedTaskUnprotected(TaskInProgress tip, TaskStatus status, TaskTrackerInfo ttStatus) {
        int oldNumAttempts = tip.getActiveTasks().size();
        // Metering
        meterTaskAttemptUnprotected(tip, status);

        // It _is_ safe to not decrement running{Map|Reduce}Tasks and
        // finished{Map|Reduce}Tasks variables here because one and only
        // one task-attempt of a TIP gets to completedTask. This is because
        // the TaskCommitThread in the JobTracker marks other, completed,
        // speculative tasks as _complete_.
        TaskAttemptID taskId = status.getTaskID();
        if (tip.isComplete()) {
            // Mark this task as KILLED
            return false;
        }"Task '" + taskId + "' has completed " + tip.getTIPId() + " successfully.");
        // Mark the TIP as complete

        // Update jobhistory
        String taskType = getTaskType(tip);
        if (status.getIsMap()) {
            jobHistory.logMapTaskStarted(status.getTaskID(), status.getStartTime(), status.getTaskTracker(),
                    ttStatus.getHttpPort(), taskType);
            jobHistory.logMapTaskFinished(status.getTaskID(), status.getFinishTime(), ttStatus.getHost(), taskType,
                    status.getStateString(), status.getCounters());
        } else {
            jobHistory.logReduceTaskStarted(status.getTaskID(), status.getStartTime(), status.getTaskTracker(),
                    ttStatus.getHttpPort(), taskType);
            jobHistory.logReduceTaskFinished(status.getTaskID(), status.getShuffleFinishTime(),
                    status.getSortFinishTime(), status.getFinishTime(), ttStatus.getHost(), taskType,
                    status.getStateString(), status.getCounters());
        jobHistory.logTaskFinished(tip.getTIPId(), taskType, tip.getExecFinishTime(), status.getCounters());

        int newNumAttempts = tip.getActiveTasks().size();
        if (tip.isJobSetupTask()) {
            // setup task has finished. kill the extra setup tip
        } else if (tip.isJobCleanupTask()) {
            // cleanup task has finished. Kill the extra cleanup tip
            if (tip.isMapTask()) {
                // kill the reduce tip
            } else {

            if (jobFailed) {
            } else if (jobKilled) {
            } else {
        } else if (tip.isMapTask()) {
            // Update locality counters.
            long inputBytes = tip.getCounters().getGroup("org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Task$Counter")
                    .getCounter("Map input bytes");
            localityStats.record(tip, ttStatus.getHost(), inputBytes);
            // check if this was a speculative task.
            if (oldNumAttempts > 1) {
                speculativeMapTasks -= (oldNumAttempts - newNumAttempts);
            finishedMapTasks += 1;
            if (!tip.isJobSetupTask() && hasSpeculativeMaps) {
                updateTaskTrackerStats(tip, ttStatus, trackerMapStats, mapTaskStats);
            // remove the completed map from the resp running caches
            if ((finishedMapTasks + failedMapTIPs) == (numMapTasks)) {
        } else {
            runningReduceTasks -= 1;
            if (oldNumAttempts > 1) {
                speculativeReduceTasks -= (oldNumAttempts - newNumAttempts);
            finishedReduceTasks += 1;
            if (!tip.isJobSetupTask() && hasSpeculativeReduces) {
                updateTaskTrackerStats(tip, ttStatus, trackerReduceStats, reduceTaskStats);
            // remove the completed reduces from the running reducers set
            if ((finishedReduceTasks + failedReduceTIPs) == (numReduceTasks)) {

        // is job complete?
        if (!jobSetupCleanupNeeded && canLaunchJobCleanupTaskUnprotected()) {

        return true;

     * Fail a task with a given reason, but without a status object.
    public void failedTask(TaskInProgress tip, TaskAttemptID taskid, String reason, TaskStatus.Phase phase,
            boolean isFailed, String trackerName, TaskTrackerInfo ttStatus) {
        TaskStatus.State state = isFailed ? TaskStatus.State.FAILED : TaskStatus.State.KILLED;
        TaskStatus status = TaskStatus.createTaskStatus(tip.isMapTask(), taskid, 0.0f, 1, state, reason, reason,
                trackerName, phase, new Counters());
        synchronized (lockObject) {
            // update the actual start-time of the attempt
            TaskStatus oldStatus = tip.getTaskStatus(taskid);
            long startTime = oldStatus == null ? JobTracker.getClock().getTime() : oldStatus.getStartTime();
            if (startTime < 0) {
                startTime = JobTracker.getClock().getTime();
            boolean wasComplete = tip.isComplete();
            updateTaskStatus(tip, status, ttStatus);
            boolean isComplete = tip.isComplete();
            if (wasComplete && !isComplete) { // mark a successful tip as failed
                String taskType = getTaskType(tip);
                JobHistory.Task.logFailed(tip.getTIPId(), taskType, tip.getExecFinishTime(), reason, taskid);

    public void failedTask(TaskInProgress tip, TaskAttemptID taskid, TaskStatus status,
            TaskTrackerInfo taskTrackerStatus, boolean wasRunning, boolean wasComplete, boolean wasAttemptRunning) {
        synchronized (lockObject) {
            failedTaskUnprotected(tip, taskid, status, taskTrackerStatus, wasRunning, wasComplete,

     * A task assigned to this CoronaJobInProgress has reported in as failed.
     * Most of the time, we'll just reschedule execution.  However, after
     * many repeated failures we may instead decide to allow the entire
     * job to fail or succeed if the user doesn't care about a few tasks failing.
     * Even if a task has reported as completed in the past, it might later
     * be reported as failed.  That's because the TaskTracker that hosts a map
     * task might die before the entire job can complete.  If that happens,
     * we need to schedule reexecution so that downstream reduce tasks can
     * obtain the map task's output.
    private void failedTaskUnprotected(TaskInProgress tip, TaskAttemptID taskid, TaskStatus status,
            TaskTrackerInfo taskTrackerStatus, boolean wasRunning, boolean wasComplete, boolean wasAttemptRunning) {
        taskErrorCollector.collect(tip, taskid, clock.getTime());
        // check if the TIP is already failed
        boolean wasFailed = tip.isFailed();

        // Mark the taskid as FAILED or KILLED
        tip.incompleteSubTask(taskid, this.status);

        boolean isRunning = tip.isRunning();
        boolean isComplete = tip.isComplete();

        if (wasAttemptRunning) {
            if (!tip.isJobCleanupTask() && !tip.isJobSetupTask()) {
                long timeSpent = clock.getTime() - status.getStartTime();
                boolean isSpeculative = tip.isSpeculativeAttempt(taskid);
                if (tip.isMapTask()) {
                    runningMapTasks -= 1;
                    if (wasFailed) {
                    } else {
                        if (isSpeculative) {
                } else {
                    runningReduceTasks -= 1;
                    if (wasFailed) {
                    } else {
                        if (isSpeculative) {

            // Metering
            meterTaskAttemptUnprotected(tip, status);

        //update running  count on task failure.
        if (wasRunning && !isRunning) {
            if (tip.isJobCleanupTask()) {
                launchedCleanup = false;
            } else if (tip.isJobSetupTask()) {
                launchedSetup = false;
            } else if (tip.isMapTask()) {
                // remove from the running queue and put it in the non-running cache
                // if the tip is not complete i.e if the tip still needs to be run
                if (!isComplete) {
            } else {
                // remove from the running queue and put in the failed queue if the tip
                // is not complete
                if (!isComplete) {

        // The case when the map was complete but the task tracker went down.
        // However, we don't need to do any metering here...
        if (wasComplete && !isComplete) {
            if (tip.isMapTask()) {
                // Put the task back in the cache. This will help locality for cases
                // where we have a different TaskTracker from the same rack/switch
                // asking for a task.
                // We bother about only those TIPs that were successful
                // earlier (wasComplete and !isComplete)
                // (since they might have been removed from the cache of other
                // racks/switches, if the input split blocks were present there too)
                finishedMapTasks -= 1;

        // update job history
        // get taskStatus from tip
        TaskStatus taskStatus = tip.getTaskStatus(taskid);
        String taskTrackerName = taskStatus.getTaskTracker();
        String taskTrackerHostName = convertTrackerNameToHostName(taskTrackerName);
        int taskTrackerPort = -1;
        if (taskTrackerStatus != null) {
            taskTrackerPort = taskTrackerStatus.getHttpPort();
        long startTime = taskStatus.getStartTime();
        long finishTime = taskStatus.getFinishTime();
        List<String> taskDiagnosticInfo = tip.getDiagnosticInfo(taskid);
        String diagInfo = taskDiagnosticInfo == null ? ""
                : StringUtils.arrayToString(taskDiagnosticInfo.toArray(new String[0]));
        String taskType = getTaskType(tip);
        if (taskStatus.getIsMap()) {
            jobHistory.logMapTaskStarted(taskid, startTime, taskTrackerName, taskTrackerPort, taskType);
            if (taskStatus.getRunState() == TaskStatus.State.FAILED) {
                jobHistory.logMapTaskFailed(taskid, finishTime, taskTrackerHostName, diagInfo, taskType);
            } else {
                jobHistory.logMapTaskKilled(taskid, finishTime, taskTrackerHostName, diagInfo, taskType);
        } else {
            jobHistory.logReduceTaskStarted(taskid, startTime, taskTrackerName, taskTrackerPort, taskType);
            if (taskStatus.getRunState() == TaskStatus.State.FAILED) {
                jobHistory.logReduceTaskFailed(taskid, finishTime, taskTrackerHostName, diagInfo, taskType);
            } else {
                jobHistory.logReduceTaskKilled(taskid, finishTime, taskTrackerHostName, diagInfo, taskType);

        // After this, try to assign tasks with the one after this, so that
        // the failed task goes to the end of the list.
        if (!tip.isJobCleanupTask() && !tip.isJobSetupTask()) {
            if (tip.isMapTask()) {
                if (taskStatus.getRunState() != TaskStatus.State.FAILED) {
            } else {
                if (taskStatus.getRunState() != TaskStatus.State.FAILED) {

        // Check if we need to kill the job because of too many failures or
        // if the job is complete since all component tasks have completed

        // We do it once per TIP and that too for the task that fails the TIP
        if (!wasFailed && tip.isFailed()) {
            // Allow upto 'mapFailuresPercent' of map tasks to fail or
            // 'reduceFailuresPercent' of reduce tasks to fail
            boolean killJob = tip.isJobCleanupTask() || tip.isJobSetupTask() ? true
                    : tip.isMapTask() ? ((++failedMapTIPs * 100) > (mapFailuresPercent * numMapTasks))
                            : ((++failedReduceTIPs * 100) > (reduceFailuresPercent * numReduceTasks));

            if (killJob) {
      "Aborting job " + profile.getJobID());
                jobHistory.logTaskFailed(tip.getTIPId(), taskType, finishTime, diagInfo);
                if (tip.isJobCleanupTask()) {
                    // kill the other tip
                    if (tip.isMapTask()) {
                    } else {
                } else {
                    if (tip.isJobSetupTask()) {
                        // kill the other tip

            // Update the counters
            if (!tip.isJobCleanupTask() && !tip.isJobSetupTask()) {
                if (tip.isMapTask()) {
                    jobCounters.incrCounter(Counter.NUM_FAILED_MAPS, 1);
                } else {
                    jobCounters.incrCounter(Counter.NUM_FAILED_REDUCES, 1);

     * Get the task type for logging it to {@link JobHistory}.
    private String getTaskType(TaskInProgress tip) {
        if (tip.isJobCleanupTask()) {
        } else if (tip.isJobSetupTask()) {
        } else if (tip.isMapTask()) {
        } else {

     * Adds the failed TIP in the front of the list for non-running maps
     * @param tip the tip that needs to be failed
    private void failMapUnprotected(TaskInProgress tip) {
        if (nonRunningMaps == null) {
            LOG.warn("Non-running cache for maps missing!! " + "Job details are missing.");

     * Adds a failed TIP in the front of the list for non-running reduces
     * @param tip the tip that needs to be failed
    private void failReduceUnprotected(TaskInProgress tip) {
        if (nonRunningReduces == null) {
            LOG.warn("Failed cache for reducers missing!! " + "Job details are missing.");
        nonRunningReduces.add(0, tip);

    private void clearUncleanTasksUnprotected() {
        TaskAttemptID taskid = null;
        TaskInProgress tip = null;
        while (!mapCleanupTasks.isEmpty()) {
            taskid = mapCleanupTasks.remove(0);
            tip = maps[taskid.getTaskID().getId()];
            updateTaskStatus(tip, tip.getTaskStatus(taskid), null);
        while (!reduceCleanupTasks.isEmpty()) {
            taskid = reduceCleanupTasks.remove(0);
            tip = reduces[taskid.getTaskID().getId()];
            updateTaskStatus(tip, tip.getTaskStatus(taskid), null);

    private void killSetupTipUnprotected(boolean isMap) {
        if (isMap) {
        } else {

    private void setupCompleteUnprotected() {
        if (this.status.getRunState() == JobStatus.PREP) {

    private void jobComplete() {
        synchronized (lockObject) {

     * The job is done since all it's component tasks are either
     * successful or have failed.
    private void jobCompleteUnprotected() {
        // All tasks are complete, then the job is done!

        if (this.terminated == JobStatus.FAILED || this.terminated == JobStatus.KILLED) {
        if (this.status.getRunState() == JobStatus.RUNNING || this.status.getRunState() == JobStatus.PREP) {
            if (maps.length == 0) {
            if (reduces.length == 0) {
            this.finishTime = clock.getTime();
  "Job " + this.status.getJobID() + " has completed successfully.");

            // Log the job summary (this should be done prior to logging to
            // job-history to ensure job-counters are in-sync

            Counters counters = getCounters();
            // Log job-history
            jobHistory.logFinished(finishTime, this.finishedMapTasks, this.finishedReduceTasks, failedMapTasks,
                    failedReduceTasks, killedMapTasks, killedReduceTasks, getMapCounters(), getReduceCounters(),

     * Job state change must happen thru this call
    private void changeStateTo(int newState) {
        synchronized (lockObject) {
            int oldState = this.status.getRunState();
            if (oldState == newState) {
                return; //old and new states are same

     * Metering: Occupied Slots * (Finish - Start)
     * @param tip {@link TaskInProgress} to be metered which just completed,
     *            cannot be <code>null</code>
     * @param status {@link TaskStatus} of the completed task, cannot be
     *               <code>null</code>
    private void meterTaskAttemptUnprotected(TaskInProgress tip, TaskStatus status) {
        Counter slotCounter = (tip.isMapTask()) ? Counter.SLOTS_MILLIS_MAPS : Counter.SLOTS_MILLIS_REDUCES;
                tip.getNumSlotsRequired() * (status.getFinishTime() - status.getStartTime()));
        if (!tip.isMapTask()) {
                    tip.getNumSlotsRequired() * (status.getShuffleFinishTime() - status.getStartTime()));
                    tip.getNumSlotsRequired() * (status.getSortFinishTime() - status.getShuffleFinishTime()));
                    tip.getNumSlotsRequired() * (status.getFinishTime() - status.getSortFinishTime()));

     * Populate the data structures as a task is scheduled.
     * Assuming {@link JobTracker} is locked on entry.
     * @param tip The tip for which the task is added
     * @param id The attempt-id for the task
     * @param taskTracker task tracker name
     * @param hostName host name for the task tracker
     * @param isScheduled Whether this task is scheduled from the JT or has
     *        joined back upon restart
    private void addRunningTaskToTIPUnprotected(TaskInProgress tip, TaskAttemptID id, String taskTracker,
            String hostName, boolean isScheduled) {
        // Make an entry in the tip if the attempt is not scheduled i.e externally
        // added
        if (!isScheduled) {
            tip.addRunningTask(id, taskTracker);

        // keeping the earlier ordering intact
        String name;
        String splits = "";
        Enum<Counter> counter = null;
        if (tip.isJobSetupTask()) {
            launchedSetup = true;
            name =;
        } else if (tip.isJobCleanupTask()) {
            launchedCleanup = true;
            name =;
        } else if (tip.isMapTask()) {
            name =;
            counter = Counter.TOTAL_LAUNCHED_MAPS;
            splits = tip.getSplitNodes();
            if (tip.getActiveTasks().size() > 1) {
        } else {
            name =;
            counter = Counter.TOTAL_LAUNCHED_REDUCES;
            if (tip.getActiveTasks().size() > 1) {
        // Note that the logs are for the scheduled tasks only. Tasks that join on
        // restart has already their logs in place.
        if (tip.isFirstAttempt(id)) {
            jobHistory.logTaskStarted(tip.getTIPId(), name, tip.getExecStartTime(), splits);
        if (!tip.isJobSetupTask() && !tip.isJobCleanupTask()) {
            jobCounters.incrCounter(counter, 1);

        if (tip.isMapTask() && !tip.isJobSetupTask() && !tip.isJobCleanupTask()) {
            localityStats.record(tip, hostName, -1);

     * Kill the job and all its component tasks.
    public void kill() {

    void fail() {

    private void terminate(int jobTerminationState) {
        this.terminated = jobTerminationState;
        synchronized (lockObject) {

     * Terminate the job and all its component tasks.
     * Calling this will lead to marking the job as failed/killed. Cleanup
     * tip will be launched. If the job has not inited, it will directly call
     * terminateJob as there is no need to launch cleanup tip.
     * This method is reentrant.
     * @param jobTerminationState job termination state
    private void terminateUnprotected(int jobTerminationState) {
        this.terminated = jobTerminationState;
        if (!tasksInited) {
            //init could not be done, we just terminate directly.

        if ((status.getRunState() == JobStatus.RUNNING) || (status.getRunState() == JobStatus.PREP)) {
  "Killing job '" + this.status.getJobID() + "'");
            if (jobTerminationState == JobStatus.FAILED) {
                if (jobFailed) {//reentrant
                jobFailed = true;
            } else if (jobTerminationState == JobStatus.KILLED) {
                if (jobKilled) {//reentrant
                jobKilled = true;
            // clear all unclean tasks
            // kill all TIPs.
            for (int i = 0; i < setup.length; i++) {
            for (int i = 0; i < maps.length; i++) {
                TreeMap<TaskAttemptID, String> activeTasks = maps[i].getActiveTasksCopy();
                for (TaskAttemptID attempt : activeTasks.keySet()) {
                    TaskStatus status = maps[i].getTaskStatus(attempt);
                    if (status != null) {
                        failedTask(maps[i], attempt, JOB_KILLED_REASON, status.getPhase(), false,
                                status.getTaskTracker(), null);
                    } else {
                        failedTask(maps[i], attempt, JOB_KILLED_REASON, Phase.MAP, false, EMPTY_TRACKER_NAME, null);
            for (int i = 0; i < reduces.length; i++) {
                TreeMap<TaskAttemptID, String> activeTasks = reduces[i].getActiveTasksCopy();
                for (TaskAttemptID attempt : activeTasks.keySet()) {
                    TaskStatus status = reduces[i].getTaskStatus(attempt);
                    if (status != null) {
                        failedTask(reduces[i], attempt, JOB_KILLED_REASON, status.getPhase(), false,
                                status.getTaskTracker(), null);
                    } else {
                        failedTask(reduces[i], attempt, JOB_KILLED_REASON, Phase.REDUCE, false, EMPTY_TRACKER_NAME,

            // Moved job to a terminal state if no job cleanup is needed. In case the
            // job is killed, we do not perform cleanup. This is because cleanup
            // cannot be guaranteed - the process running Corona JT could just be killed.
            if (!jobSetupCleanupNeeded || jobTerminationState == JobStatus.KILLED) {

    private void terminateJob(int jobTerminationState) {
        synchronized (lockObject) {

    private void terminateJobUnprotected(int jobTerminationState) {
        if ((status.getRunState() == JobStatus.RUNNING) || (status.getRunState() == JobStatus.PREP)) {
            this.finishTime = clock.getTime();

            Counters counters = getCounters();
            if (jobTerminationState == JobStatus.FAILED) {

                // Log the job summary

                // Log to job-history
                jobHistory.logFailed(finishTime, this.finishedMapTasks, this.finishedReduceTasks, counters);
            } else {

                // Log the job summary

                // Log to job-history
                jobHistory.logKilled(finishTime, this.finishedMapTasks, this.finishedReduceTasks, counters);

    private void setExtendedMetricsCountersUnprotected(Counters counters) {
        counters.incrCounter("extMet", "submit_time", getLaunchTime() - getStartTime());
        for (int i = 0; i < setup.length; i++) {
            if (setup[i].isComplete()) {
                counters.incrCounter("extMet", "setup_time",
                        setup[i].getExecFinishTime() - setup[i].getStartTime());
        for (int i = cleanup.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            if (cleanup[i].isComplete()) {
                counters.incrCounter("extMet", "cleanup_time",
                        cleanup[i].getExecFinishTime() - cleanup[i].getStartTime());
        long totalMapWaitTime = 0;
        long maxMapWaitTime = 0;
        long totalMaps = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < maps.length; i++) {
            if (maps[i].isComplete()) {
                long waitTime = maps[i].getExecStartTime() - getLaunchTime();
                if (waitTime > maxMapWaitTime)
                    maxMapWaitTime = waitTime;
                totalMapWaitTime += waitTime;
        counters.incrCounter("extMet", "avg_map_wait_time", totalMaps > 0 ? (totalMapWaitTime / totalMaps) : 0);
        counters.incrCounter("extMet", "max_map_wait_time", maxMapWaitTime);

     * Remove a map TIP from the lists for running maps.
     * Called when a map fails/completes (note if a map is killed,
     * it won't be present in the list since it was completed earlier)
     * @param tip the tip that needs to be retired
    private void retireMapUnprotected(TaskInProgress tip) {
        if (runningMaps == null) {
            LOG.warn("Running cache for maps missing!! " + "Job details are missing.");

     * Remove a reduce TIP from the list for running-reduces
     * Called when a reduce fails/completes
     * @param tip the tip that needs to be retired
    private void retireReduceUnprotected(TaskInProgress tip) {
        if (runningReduces == null) {
            LOG.warn("Running list for reducers missing!! " + "Job details are missing.");

    protected void scheduleMapUnprotected(TaskInProgress tip) {

    protected void scheduleReduceUnprotected(TaskInProgress tip) {

     * Check if the job needs the JobCleanup task launched.
     * @return true if the job needs a cleanup task launched, false otherwise
    public boolean canLaunchJobCleanupTask() {
        synchronized (lockObject) {
            return canLaunchJobCleanupTaskUnprotected();

     * Check whether cleanup task can be launched for the job.
     * Cleanup task can be launched if it is not already launched
     * or job is Killed
     * or all maps and reduces are complete
     * @return true/false
    private boolean canLaunchJobCleanupTaskUnprotected() {
        // check if the job is running
        if (status.getRunState() != JobStatus.RUNNING && status.getRunState() != JobStatus.PREP) {
            return false;
        // check if cleanup task has been launched already or if setup isn't
        // launched already. The later check is useful when number of maps is
        // zero.
        if (launchedCleanup || !isSetupFinishedUnprotected()) {
            return false;
        // check if job has failed or killed
        if (jobKilled || jobFailed) {
            return true;

        boolean mapsDone = ((finishedMapTasks + failedMapTIPs) == (numMapTasks));
        boolean reducesDone = ((finishedReduceTasks + failedReduceTIPs) == numReduceTasks);
        boolean mapOnlyJob = (numReduceTasks == 0);

        if (mapOnlyJob) {
            return mapsDone;
        if (jobFinishWhenReducesDone) {
            return reducesDone;
        return mapsDone && reducesDone;

    boolean isSetupFinishedUnprotected() {
        // if there is no setup to be launched, consider setup is finished.
        if ((tasksInited && setup.length == 0) || setup[0].isComplete() || setup[0].isFailed()
                || setup[1].isComplete() || setup[1].isFailed()) {
            return true;
        return false;

     *  Returns the total job counters, by adding together the job,
     *  the map and the reduce counters.
    public Counters getCounters() {
        synchronized (lockObject) {
            Counters result = new Counters();

            incrementTaskCountersUnprotected(result, maps);
            return incrementTaskCountersUnprotected(result, reduces);

    public Counters getErrorCounters() {
        return taskErrorCollector.getErrorCountsCounters();

    public Object getSchedulingInfo() {
        return null; // TODO

    boolean isJobEmpty() {
        return maps.length == 0 && reduces.length == 0 && !jobSetupCleanupNeeded;

    void completeEmptyJob() {

    void completeSetup() {
        synchronized (lockObject) {

     * Increments the counters with the counters from each task.
     * @param counters the counters to increment
     * @param tips the tasks to add in to counters
     * @return counters the same object passed in as counters
    private Counters incrementTaskCountersUnprotected(Counters counters, TaskInProgress[] tips) {
        for (TaskInProgress tip : tips) {
        return counters;

    static class JobSummary {
        static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(JobSummary.class);

        // Escape sequences
        static final char EQUALS = '=';
        static final char[] charsToEscape = { StringUtils.COMMA, EQUALS, StringUtils.ESCAPE_CHAR };

         * Log a summary of the job's runtime.
         * @param job {@link JobInProgress} whose summary is to be logged, cannot
         *            be <code>null</code>.
        public static void logJobSummary(CoronaJobInProgress job) {
            JobStatus status = job.getStatus();
            JobProfile profile = job.getProfile();
            String user = StringUtils.escapeString(profile.getUser(), StringUtils.ESCAPE_CHAR, charsToEscape);
            String queue = StringUtils.escapeString(profile.getQueueName(), StringUtils.ESCAPE_CHAR, charsToEscape);
            Counters jobCounters = job.getJobCounters();
            long mapSlotSeconds = (jobCounters.getCounter(Counter.SLOTS_MILLIS_MAPS)
                    + jobCounters.getCounter(Counter.FALLOW_SLOTS_MILLIS_MAPS)) / 1000;
            long reduceSlotSeconds = (jobCounters.getCounter(Counter.SLOTS_MILLIS_REDUCES)
                    + jobCounters.getCounter(Counter.FALLOW_SLOTS_MILLIS_REDUCES)) / 1000;

  "jobId=" + profile.getJobID() + StringUtils.COMMA + "submitTime" + EQUALS + job.getStartTime()
                    + StringUtils.COMMA + "launchTime" + EQUALS + job.getLaunchTime() + StringUtils.COMMA
                    + "finishTime" + EQUALS + job.getFinishTime() + StringUtils.COMMA + "numMaps" + EQUALS
                    + job.getTasks(TaskType.MAP).length + StringUtils.COMMA + "numSlotsPerMap" + EQUALS
                    + NUM_SLOTS_PER_MAP + StringUtils.COMMA + "numReduces" + EQUALS
                    + job.getTasks(TaskType.REDUCE).length + StringUtils.COMMA + "numSlotsPerReduce" + EQUALS
                    + NUM_SLOTS_PER_REDUCE + StringUtils.COMMA + "user" + EQUALS + user + StringUtils.COMMA
                    + "queue" + EQUALS + queue + StringUtils.COMMA + "status" + EQUALS
                    + JobStatus.getJobRunState(status.getRunState()) + StringUtils.COMMA + "mapSlotSeconds" + EQUALS
                    + mapSlotSeconds + StringUtils.COMMA + "reduceSlotsSeconds" + EQUALS + reduceSlotSeconds
                    + StringUtils.COMMA);

    public boolean inited() {
        return tasksInited;

    private void updateTaskTrackerStats(TaskInProgress tip, TaskTrackerInfo ttStatus,
            Map<String, DataStatistics> trackerStats, DataStatistics overallStats) {
        synchronized (lockObject) {
            float tipDuration = tip.getExecFinishTime() - tip.getDispatchTime(tip.getSuccessfulTaskid());
            DataStatistics ttStats = trackerStats.get(ttStatus.getTrackerName());
            double oldMean = 0.0d;
            //We maintain the mean of TaskTrackers' means. That way, we get a single
            //data-point for every tracker (used in the evaluation in isSlowTracker)
            if (ttStats != null) {
                oldMean = ttStats.mean();
                overallStats.updateStatistics(oldMean, ttStats.mean());
            } else {
                trackerStats.put(ttStatus.getTrackerName(), (ttStats = new DataStatistics(tipDuration)));
            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                LOG.debug("Added mean of " + ttStats.mean() + " to trackerStats of type "
                        + (tip.isMapTask() ? "Map" : "Reduce") + " on " + ttStatus.getTrackerName()
                        + ". DataStatistics is now: " + trackerStats.get(ttStatus.getTrackerName()));

    public Vector<TaskInProgress> reportTasksInProgress(boolean shouldBeMap, boolean shouldBeComplete) {
        synchronized (lockObject) {
            return super.reportTasksInProgress(shouldBeMap, shouldBeComplete);

    public Vector<TaskInProgress> reportCleanupTIPs(boolean shouldBeComplete) {
        synchronized (lockObject) {
            return super.reportCleanupTIPs(shouldBeComplete);

    public Vector<TaskInProgress> reportSetupTIPs(boolean shouldBeComplete) {
        synchronized (lockObject) {
            return super.reportSetupTIPs(shouldBeComplete);

    public TaskInProgress getTaskInProgress(TaskID tipid) {
        synchronized (lockObject) {
            return super.getTaskInProgress(tipid);

    public Configuration getConf() {
        return jobConf;

    public boolean shouldLogCannotspeculativeMaps() {
        long now = clock.getTime();
        if ((now - lastTimeCannotspeculativeMapLog) <= logCannotspeculativeInterval)
            return false;
        int unfinished = numMapTasks - finishedMapTasks;
        if (unfinished <= numMapTasks * speculativeMapLogRateThreshold
                || unfinished <= speculativeMapLogNumThreshold) {
            lastTimeCannotspeculativeMapLog = now;
            return true;
        return false;

    public boolean shouldLogCannotspeculativeReduces() {
        long now = clock.getTime();
        if ((now - lastTimeCannotspeculativeReduceLog) <= logCannotspeculativeInterval)
            return false;
        int unfinished = numReduceTasks - finishedReduceTasks;
        if (unfinished <= numReduceTasks * speculativeReduceLogRateThreshold
                || unfinished <= speculativeReduceLogNumThreshold) {
            lastTimeCannotspeculativeReduceLog = now;
            return true;
        return false;

    public boolean shouldSpeculateAllRemainingMaps() {
        int unfinished = numMapTasks - finishedMapTasks;
        if (unfinished < numMapTasks * speculativeMapUnfininshedThreshold || unfinished == 1) {
            return true;
        return false;

    public boolean shouldSpeculateAllRemainingReduces() {
        int unfinished = numReduceTasks - finishedReduceTasks;
        if (unfinished < numReduceTasks * speculativeReduceUnfininshedThreshold || unfinished == 1) {
            return true;
        return false;

    DataStatistics getRunningTaskStatistics(Phase phase) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Not yet implemented.");

    public static void uploadCachedSplits(JobID jobId, JobConf jobConf, String systemDir) throws IOException {
        Path jobDir = new Path(systemDir, jobId.toString());
        Path splitFile = new Path(jobDir, "job.split");"Uploading splits file for " + jobId + " to " + splitFile);
        List<JobClient.RawSplit> splits = Arrays.asList(JobClient.getAndRemoveCachedSplits(jobId));
        JobClient.writeComputedSplits(jobConf, splits, splitFile);