Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * <p> * * <p> * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.utils; import java.beans.PropertyDescriptor; import; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.math.BigInteger; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Set; import java.util.SortedMap; import java.util.SortedSet; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.beanutils.PropertyUtils; import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils; import org.apache.commons.collections.ListUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.common.StatsSetupConst; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.common.TableName; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.ColumnType; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.HiveMetaStore; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.IMetaStoreClient; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.Warehouse; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.ColumnStatistics; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.ColumnStatisticsObj; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.Database; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.Decimal; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.EnvironmentContext; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.FieldSchema; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.InvalidObjectException; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.MetaException; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.MetastoreException; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.NoSuchObjectException; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.Order; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.Partition; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.PartitionListComposingSpec; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.PartitionSpec; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.PartitionSpecWithSharedSD; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.PartitionWithoutSD; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.SerDeInfo; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.SkewedInfo; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.StorageDescriptor; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.Table; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.hive_metastoreConstants; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.columnstats.aggr.ColumnStatsAggregator; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.columnstats.aggr.ColumnStatsAggregatorFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.columnstats.merge.ColumnStatsMerger; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.columnstats.merge.ColumnStatsMergerFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.conf.MetastoreConf; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.partition.spec.PartitionSpecProxy; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.hadoop.util.MachineList; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import javax.annotation.Nullable; /** * Utility methods used by Hive standalone metastore server. */ public class MetaStoreServerUtils { private static final Charset ENCODING = StandardCharsets.UTF_8; private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MetaStoreServerUtils.class); /** * Helper function to transform Nulls to empty strings. */ private static final<String, String> transFormNullsToEmptyString = new<String, String>() { @Override public String apply(@Nullable String string) { return org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.defaultString(string); } }; private static final String DELEGATION_TOKEN_STORE_CLS = ""; private static final char DOT = '.'; /** * We have a need to sanity-check the map before conversion from persisted objects to * metadata thrift objects because null values in maps will cause a NPE if we send * across thrift. Pruning is appropriate for most cases except for databases such as * Oracle where Empty strings are stored as nulls, in which case we need to handle that. * See HIVE-8485 for motivations for this. */ public static Map<String, String> trimMapNulls(Map<String, String> dnMap, boolean retrieveMapNullsAsEmptyStrings) { if (dnMap == null) { return null; } // Must be deterministic order map - see HIVE-8707 // => we use Maps.newLinkedHashMap instead of Maps.newHashMap if (retrieveMapNullsAsEmptyStrings) { // convert any nulls present in map values to empty strings - this is done in the case // of backing dbs like oracle which persist empty strings as nulls. return Maps.newLinkedHashMap(Maps.transformValues(dnMap, transFormNullsToEmptyString)); } else { // prune any nulls present in map values - this is the typical case. return Maps.newLinkedHashMap(Maps.filterValues(dnMap, Predicates.notNull())); } } // Given a list of partStats, this function will give you an aggr stats public static List<ColumnStatisticsObj> aggrPartitionStats(List<ColumnStatistics> partStats, String catName, String dbName, String tableName, List<String> partNames, List<String> colNames, boolean areAllPartsFound, boolean useDensityFunctionForNDVEstimation, double ndvTuner) throws MetaException { Map<ColumnStatsAggregator, List<ColStatsObjWithSourceInfo>> colStatsMap = new HashMap<ColumnStatsAggregator, List<ColStatsObjWithSourceInfo>>(); // Group stats by colName for each partition Map<String, ColumnStatsAggregator> aliasToAggregator = new HashMap<String, ColumnStatsAggregator>(); for (ColumnStatistics css : partStats) { List<ColumnStatisticsObj> objs = css.getStatsObj(); for (ColumnStatisticsObj obj : objs) { String partName = css.getStatsDesc().getPartName(); if (aliasToAggregator.get(obj.getColName()) == null) { aliasToAggregator.put(obj.getColName(), ColumnStatsAggregatorFactory.getColumnStatsAggregator( obj.getStatsData().getSetField(), useDensityFunctionForNDVEstimation, ndvTuner)); colStatsMap.put(aliasToAggregator.get(obj.getColName()), new ArrayList<ColStatsObjWithSourceInfo>()); } colStatsMap.get(aliasToAggregator.get(obj.getColName())) .add(new ColStatsObjWithSourceInfo(obj, catName, dbName, tableName, partName)); } } if (colStatsMap.size() < 1) { LOG.debug("No stats data found for: tblName= {}, partNames= {}, colNames= {}", TableName.getQualified(catName, dbName, tableName), partNames, colNames); return new ArrayList<ColumnStatisticsObj>(); } return aggrPartitionStats(colStatsMap, partNames, areAllPartsFound, useDensityFunctionForNDVEstimation, ndvTuner); } public static List<ColumnStatisticsObj> aggrPartitionStats( Map<ColumnStatsAggregator, List<ColStatsObjWithSourceInfo>> colStatsMap, final List<String> partNames, final boolean areAllPartsFound, final boolean useDensityFunctionForNDVEstimation, final double ndvTuner) throws MetaException { List<ColumnStatisticsObj> aggrColStatObjs = new ArrayList<ColumnStatisticsObj>(); int numProcessors = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors(); final ExecutorService pool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(Math.min(colStatsMap.size(), numProcessors), new ThreadFactoryBuilder().setDaemon(true).setNameFormat("aggr-col-stats-%d").build()); final List<Future<ColumnStatisticsObj>> futures = Lists.newLinkedList(); LOG.debug("Aggregating column stats. Threads used: {}", Math.min(colStatsMap.size(), numProcessors)); long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (final Map.Entry<ColumnStatsAggregator, List<ColStatsObjWithSourceInfo>> entry : colStatsMap .entrySet()) { futures.add(pool.submit(new Callable<ColumnStatisticsObj>() { @Override public ColumnStatisticsObj call() throws MetaException { List<ColStatsObjWithSourceInfo> colStatWithSourceInfo = entry.getValue(); ColumnStatsAggregator aggregator = entry.getKey(); try { ColumnStatisticsObj statsObj = aggregator.aggregate(colStatWithSourceInfo, partNames, areAllPartsFound); return statsObj; } catch (MetaException e) { LOG.debug(e.getMessage()); throw e; } } })); } pool.shutdown(); if (!futures.isEmpty()) { for (Future<ColumnStatisticsObj> future : futures) { try { if (future.get() != null) { aggrColStatObjs.add(future.get()); } } catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) { LOG.debug(e.getMessage()); pool.shutdownNow(); throw new MetaException(e.toString()); } } } LOG.debug("Time for aggr col stats in seconds: {} Threads used: {}", ((System.currentTimeMillis() - (double) start)) / 1000, Math.min(colStatsMap.size(), numProcessors)); return aggrColStatObjs; } public static double decimalToDouble(Decimal decimal) { return new BigDecimal(new BigInteger(decimal.getUnscaled()), decimal.getScale()).doubleValue(); } public static void validatePartitionNameCharacters(List<String> partVals, Pattern partitionValidationPattern) throws MetaException { String invalidPartitionVal = getPartitionValWithInvalidCharacter(partVals, partitionValidationPattern); if (invalidPartitionVal != null) { throw new MetaException("Partition value '" + invalidPartitionVal + "' contains a character " + "not matched by whitelist pattern '" + partitionValidationPattern.toString() + "'. " + "(configure with " + MetastoreConf.ConfVars.PARTITION_NAME_WHITELIST_PATTERN.getVarname() + ")"); } } private static String getPartitionValWithInvalidCharacter(List<String> partVals, Pattern partitionValidationPattern) { if (partitionValidationPattern == null) { return null; } for (String partVal : partVals) { if (!partitionValidationPattern.matcher(partVal).matches()) { return partVal; } } return null; } /** * Produce a hash for the storage descriptor * @param sd storage descriptor to hash * @param md message descriptor to use to generate the hash * @return the hash as a byte array */ public static synchronized byte[] hashStorageDescriptor(StorageDescriptor sd, MessageDigest md) { // Note all maps and lists have to be absolutely sorted. Otherwise we'll produce different // results for hashes based on the OS or JVM being used. md.reset(); // In case cols are null if (sd.getCols() != null) { for (FieldSchema fs : sd.getCols()) { md.update(fs.getName().getBytes(ENCODING)); md.update(fs.getType().getBytes(ENCODING)); if (fs.getComment() != null) { md.update(fs.getComment().getBytes(ENCODING)); } } } if (sd.getInputFormat() != null) { md.update(sd.getInputFormat().getBytes(ENCODING)); } if (sd.getOutputFormat() != null) { md.update(sd.getOutputFormat().getBytes(ENCODING)); } md.update(sd.isCompressed() ? "true".getBytes(ENCODING) : "false".getBytes(ENCODING)); md.update(Integer.toString(sd.getNumBuckets()).getBytes(ENCODING)); if (sd.getSerdeInfo() != null) { SerDeInfo serde = sd.getSerdeInfo(); if (serde.getName() != null) { md.update(serde.getName().getBytes(ENCODING)); } if (serde.getSerializationLib() != null) { md.update(serde.getSerializationLib().getBytes(ENCODING)); } if (serde.getParameters() != null) { SortedMap<String, String> params = new TreeMap<>(serde.getParameters()); for (Map.Entry<String, String> param : params.entrySet()) { md.update(param.getKey().getBytes(ENCODING)); md.update(param.getValue().getBytes(ENCODING)); } } } if (sd.getBucketCols() != null) { List<String> bucketCols = new ArrayList<>(sd.getBucketCols()); for (String bucket : bucketCols) { md.update(bucket.getBytes(ENCODING)); } } if (sd.getSortCols() != null) { SortedSet<Order> orders = new TreeSet<>(sd.getSortCols()); for (Order order : orders) { md.update(order.getCol().getBytes(ENCODING)); md.update(Integer.toString(order.getOrder()).getBytes(ENCODING)); } } if (sd.getSkewedInfo() != null) { SkewedInfo skewed = sd.getSkewedInfo(); if (skewed.getSkewedColNames() != null) { SortedSet<String> colnames = new TreeSet<>(skewed.getSkewedColNames()); for (String colname : colnames) { md.update(colname.getBytes(ENCODING)); } } if (skewed.getSkewedColValues() != null) { SortedSet<String> sortedOuterList = new TreeSet<>(); for (List<String> innerList : skewed.getSkewedColValues()) { SortedSet<String> sortedInnerList = new TreeSet<>(innerList); sortedOuterList.add(org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.join(sortedInnerList, ".")); } for (String colval : sortedOuterList) { md.update(colval.getBytes(ENCODING)); } } if (skewed.getSkewedColValueLocationMaps() != null) { SortedMap<String, String> sortedMap = new TreeMap<>(); for (Map.Entry<List<String>, String> smap : skewed.getSkewedColValueLocationMaps().entrySet()) { SortedSet<String> sortedKey = new TreeSet<>(smap.getKey()); sortedMap.put(org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.join(sortedKey, "."), smap.getValue()); } for (Map.Entry<String, String> e : sortedMap.entrySet()) { md.update(e.getKey().getBytes(ENCODING)); md.update(e.getValue().getBytes(ENCODING)); } } md.update(sd.isStoredAsSubDirectories() ? "true".getBytes(ENCODING) : "false".getBytes(ENCODING)); } return md.digest(); } /* * At the Metadata level there are no restrictions on Column Names. */ public static boolean validateColumnName(String name) { return true; } /** * @param partParams * @return True if the passed Parameters Map contains values for all "Fast Stats". */ static boolean containsAllFastStats(Map<String, String> partParams) { for (String stat : StatsSetupConst.FAST_STATS) { if (!partParams.containsKey(stat)) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Determines whether the "fast stats" for the passed partitions are the same. * * @param oldPart Old partition to compare. * @param newPart New partition to compare. * @return true if the partitions are not null, contain all the "fast stats" and have the same values for these stats, otherwise false. */ public static boolean isFastStatsSame(Partition oldPart, Partition newPart) { // requires to calculate stats if new and old have different fast stats if ((oldPart != null) && oldPart.isSetParameters() && newPart != null && newPart.isSetParameters()) { for (String stat : StatsSetupConst.FAST_STATS) { if (oldPart.getParameters().containsKey(stat) && newPart.getParameters().containsKey(stat)) { Long oldStat = Long.parseLong(oldPart.getParameters().get(stat)); String newStat = newPart.getParameters().get(stat); if (newStat == null || !oldStat.equals(Long.parseLong(newStat))) { return false; } } else { return false; } } return true; } return false; } /** * Updates the numFiles and totalSize parameters for the passed Table by querying * the warehouse if the passed Table does not already have values for these parameters. * NOTE: This function is rather expensive since it needs to traverse the file system to get all * the information. * * @param newDir if true, the directory was just created and can be assumed to be empty * @param forceRecompute Recompute stats even if the passed Table already has * these parameters set */ public static void updateTableStatsSlow(Database db, Table tbl, Warehouse wh, boolean newDir, boolean forceRecompute, EnvironmentContext environmentContext) throws MetaException { // DO_NOT_UPDATE_STATS is supposed to be a transient parameter that is only passed via RPC // We want to avoid this property from being persistent. // // NOTE: If this property *is* set as table property we will remove it which is incorrect but // we can't distinguish between these two cases // // This problem was introduced by HIVE-10228. A better approach would be to pass the property // via the environment context. Map<String, String> params = tbl.getParameters(); boolean updateStats = true; if ((params != null) && params.containsKey(StatsSetupConst.DO_NOT_UPDATE_STATS)) { updateStats = !Boolean.valueOf(params.get(StatsSetupConst.DO_NOT_UPDATE_STATS)); params.remove(StatsSetupConst.DO_NOT_UPDATE_STATS); } if (!updateStats || newDir || tbl.getPartitionKeysSize() != 0) { return; } // If stats are already present and forceRecompute isn't set, nothing to do if (!forceRecompute && params != null && containsAllFastStats(params)) { return; } // NOTE: wh.getFileStatusesForUnpartitionedTable() can be REALLY slow List<FileStatus> fileStatus = wh.getFileStatusesForUnpartitionedTable(db, tbl); if (params == null) { params = new HashMap<>(); tbl.setParameters(params); } // The table location already exists and may contain data. // Let's try to populate those stats that don't require full scan."Updating table stats for {}", tbl.getTableName()); populateQuickStats(fileStatus, params);"Updated size of table {} to {}", tbl.getTableName(), params.get(StatsSetupConst.TOTAL_SIZE)); if (environmentContext != null && environmentContext.isSetProperties() && StatsSetupConst.TASK .equals(environmentContext.getProperties().get(StatsSetupConst.STATS_GENERATED))) { StatsSetupConst.setBasicStatsState(params, StatsSetupConst.TRUE); } else { StatsSetupConst.setBasicStatsState(params, StatsSetupConst.FALSE); } } /** This method is invalid for MM and ACID tables unless fileStatus comes from AcidUtils. */ public static void populateQuickStats(List<FileStatus> fileStatus, Map<String, String> params) { // Why is this even in metastore? LOG.trace("Populating quick stats based on {} files", fileStatus.size()); int numFiles = 0; long tableSize = 0L; int numErasureCodedFiles = 0; for (FileStatus status : fileStatus) { // don't take directories into account for quick stats TODO: wtf? if (!status.isDir()) { tableSize += status.getLen(); numFiles += 1; if (status.isErasureCoded()) { numErasureCodedFiles++; } } } params.put(StatsSetupConst.NUM_FILES, Integer.toString(numFiles)); params.put(StatsSetupConst.TOTAL_SIZE, Long.toString(tableSize)); params.put(StatsSetupConst.NUM_ERASURE_CODED_FILES, Integer.toString(numErasureCodedFiles)); } public static void clearQuickStats(Map<String, String> params) { params.remove(StatsSetupConst.NUM_FILES); params.remove(StatsSetupConst.TOTAL_SIZE); params.remove(StatsSetupConst.NUM_ERASURE_CODED_FILES); } public static boolean areSameColumns(List<FieldSchema> oldCols, List<FieldSchema> newCols) { return ListUtils.isEqualList(oldCols, newCols); } public static void updateBasicState(EnvironmentContext environmentContext, Map<String, String> params) { if (params == null) { return; } if (environmentContext != null && environmentContext.isSetProperties() && StatsSetupConst.TASK .equals(environmentContext.getProperties().get(StatsSetupConst.STATS_GENERATED))) { StatsSetupConst.setBasicStatsState(params, StatsSetupConst.TRUE); } else { StatsSetupConst.setBasicStatsState(params, StatsSetupConst.FALSE); } } /** * Updates the numFiles and totalSize parameters for the passed Partition by querying * the warehouse if the passed Partition does not already have values for these parameters. * @param part * @param wh * @param madeDir if true, the directory was just created and can be assumed to be empty * @param forceRecompute Recompute stats even if the passed Partition already has * these parameters set * @return true if the stats were updated, false otherwise */ public static boolean updatePartitionStatsFast(Partition part, Table tbl, Warehouse wh, boolean madeDir, boolean forceRecompute, EnvironmentContext environmentContext, boolean isCreate) throws MetaException { return updatePartitionStatsFast(new PartitionSpecProxy.SimplePartitionWrapperIterator(part), tbl, wh, madeDir, forceRecompute, environmentContext, isCreate); } /** * Updates the numFiles and totalSize parameters for the passed Partition by querying * the warehouse if the passed Partition does not already have values for these parameters. * @param part * @param wh * @param madeDir if true, the directory was just created and can be assumed to be empty * @param forceRecompute Recompute stats even if the passed Partition already has * these parameters set * @return true if the stats were updated, false otherwise */ public static boolean updatePartitionStatsFast(PartitionSpecProxy.PartitionIterator part, Table table, Warehouse wh, boolean madeDir, boolean forceRecompute, EnvironmentContext environmentContext, boolean isCreate) throws MetaException { Map<String, String> params = part.getParameters(); if (!forceRecompute && params != null && containsAllFastStats(params)) return false; if (params == null) { params = new HashMap<>(); } if (!isCreate && isTransactionalTable(table.getParameters())) { // TODO: implement? LOG.warn("Not updating fast stats for a transactional table " + table.getTableName()); part.setParameters(params); return true; } if (!madeDir) { // The partition location already existed and may contain data. Lets try to // populate those statistics that don't require a full scan of the data. LOG.warn("Updating partition stats fast for: " + part.getTableName()); List<FileStatus> fileStatus = wh.getFileStatusesForLocation(part.getLocation()); // TODO: this is invalid for ACID tables, and we cannot access AcidUtils here. populateQuickStats(fileStatus, params); LOG.warn("Updated size to " + params.get(StatsSetupConst.TOTAL_SIZE)); updateBasicState(environmentContext, params); } part.setParameters(params); return true; } /* * This method is to check if the new column list includes all the old columns with same name and * type. The column comment does not count. */ public static boolean columnsIncludedByNameType(List<FieldSchema> oldCols, List<FieldSchema> newCols) { if (oldCols.size() > newCols.size()) { return false; } Map<String, String> columnNameTypePairMap = new HashMap<>(newCols.size()); for (FieldSchema newCol : newCols) { columnNameTypePairMap.put(newCol.getName().toLowerCase(), newCol.getType()); } for (final FieldSchema oldCol : oldCols) { if (!columnNameTypePairMap.containsKey(oldCol.getName()) || !columnNameTypePairMap.get(oldCol.getName()).equalsIgnoreCase(oldCol.getType())) { return false; } } return true; } /** Duplicates AcidUtils; used in a couple places in metastore. */ public static boolean isTransactionalTable(Map<String, String> params) { String transactionalProp = params.get(hive_metastoreConstants.TABLE_IS_TRANSACTIONAL); return "true".equalsIgnoreCase(transactionalProp); } /** * create listener instances as per the configuration. * * @param clazz Class of the listener * @param conf configuration object * @param listenerImplList Implementation class name * @return instance of the listener * @throws MetaException if there is any failure instantiating the class */ public static <T> List<T> getMetaStoreListeners(Class<T> clazz, Configuration conf, String listenerImplList) throws MetaException { List<T> listeners = new ArrayList<T>(); if (StringUtils.isBlank(listenerImplList)) { return listeners; } String[] listenerImpls = listenerImplList.split(","); for (String listenerImpl : listenerImpls) { try { T listener = (T) Class.forName(listenerImpl.trim(), true, JavaUtils.getClassLoader()) .getConstructor(Configuration.class).newInstance(conf); listeners.add(listener); } catch (InvocationTargetException ie) { LOG.error("Got InvocationTargetException", ie); throw new MetaException( "Failed to instantiate listener named: " + listenerImpl + ", reason: " + ie.getCause()); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Got Exception", e); throw new MetaException("Failed to instantiate listener named: " + listenerImpl + ", reason: " + e); } } return listeners; } public static String validateSkewedColNames(List<String> cols) { if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(cols)) { return null; } for (String col : cols) { if (!validateColumnName(col)) { return col; } } return null; } public static String validateSkewedColNamesSubsetCol(List<String> skewedColNames, List<FieldSchema> cols) { if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(skewedColNames)) { return null; } List<String> colNames = new ArrayList<>(cols.size()); for (FieldSchema fieldSchema : cols) { colNames.add(fieldSchema.getName()); } // make a copy List<String> copySkewedColNames = new ArrayList<>(skewedColNames); // remove valid columns copySkewedColNames.removeAll(colNames); if (copySkewedColNames.isEmpty()) { return null; } return copySkewedColNames.toString(); } public static boolean partitionNameHasValidCharacters(List<String> partVals, Pattern partitionValidationPattern) { return getPartitionValWithInvalidCharacter(partVals, partitionValidationPattern) == null; } public static void getMergableCols(ColumnStatistics csNew, Map<String, String> parameters) { List<ColumnStatisticsObj> list = new ArrayList<>(); for (int index = 0; index < csNew.getStatsObj().size(); index++) { ColumnStatisticsObj statsObjNew = csNew.getStatsObj().get(index); // canColumnStatsMerge guarantees that it is accurate before we do merge if (StatsSetupConst.canColumnStatsMerge(parameters, statsObjNew.getColName())) { list.add(statsObjNew); } // in all the other cases, we can not merge } csNew.setStatsObj(list); } // this function will merge csOld into csNew. public static void mergeColStats(ColumnStatistics csNew, ColumnStatistics csOld) throws InvalidObjectException { List<ColumnStatisticsObj> list = new ArrayList<>(); if (csNew.getStatsObj().size() != csOld.getStatsObjSize()) { // Some of the columns' stats are missing // This implies partition schema has changed. We will merge columns // present in both, overwrite stats for columns absent in metastore and // leave alone columns stats missing from stats task. This last case may // leave stats in stale state. This will be addressed later. LOG.debug("New ColumnStats size is {}, but old ColumnStats size is {}", csNew.getStatsObj().size(), csOld.getStatsObjSize()); } // In this case, we have to find out which columns can be merged. Map<String, ColumnStatisticsObj> map = new HashMap<>(); // We build a hash map from colName to object for old ColumnStats. for (ColumnStatisticsObj obj : csOld.getStatsObj()) { map.put(obj.getColName(), obj); } for (int index = 0; index < csNew.getStatsObj().size(); index++) { ColumnStatisticsObj statsObjNew = csNew.getStatsObj().get(index); ColumnStatisticsObj statsObjOld = map.get(statsObjNew.getColName()); if (statsObjOld != null) { // because we already confirm that the stats is accurate // it is impossible that the column types have been changed while the // column stats is still accurate. assert (statsObjNew.getStatsData().getSetField() == statsObjOld.getStatsData().getSetField()); // If statsObjOld is found, we can merge. ColumnStatsMerger merger = ColumnStatsMergerFactory.getColumnStatsMerger(statsObjNew, statsObjOld); merger.merge(statsObjNew, statsObjOld); } // If statsObjOld is not found, we just use statsObjNew as it is accurate. list.add(statsObjNew); } // in all the other cases, we can not merge csNew.setStatsObj(list); } /** * Verify if the user is allowed to make DB notification related calls. * Only the superusers defined in the Hadoop proxy user settings have the permission. * * @param user the short user name * @param conf that contains the proxy user settings * @return if the user has the permission */ public static boolean checkUserHasHostProxyPrivileges(String user, Configuration conf, String ipAddress) { DefaultImpersonationProvider sip = ProxyUsers.getDefaultImpersonationProvider(); // Just need to initialize the ProxyUsers for the first time, given that the conf will not change on the fly if (sip == null) { ProxyUsers.refreshSuperUserGroupsConfiguration(conf); sip = ProxyUsers.getDefaultImpersonationProvider(); } Map<String, Collection<String>> proxyHosts = sip.getProxyHosts(); Collection<String> hostEntries = proxyHosts.get(sip.getProxySuperuserIpConfKey(user)); MachineList machineList = new MachineList(hostEntries); ipAddress = (ipAddress == null) ? StringUtils.EMPTY : ipAddress; return machineList.includes(ipAddress); } public static int startMetaStore() throws Exception { return startMetaStore(HadoopThriftAuthBridge.getBridge(), null); } public static int startMetaStore(final HadoopThriftAuthBridge bridge, Configuration conf) throws Exception { int port = findFreePort(); startMetaStore(port, bridge, conf); return port; } public static int startMetaStore(Configuration conf) throws Exception { return startMetaStore(HadoopThriftAuthBridge.getBridge(), conf); } public static void startMetaStore(final int port, final HadoopThriftAuthBridge bridge) throws Exception { startMetaStore(port, bridge, null); } public static void startMetaStore(final int port, final HadoopThriftAuthBridge bridge, Configuration hiveConf) throws Exception { if (hiveConf == null) { hiveConf = MetastoreConf.newMetastoreConf(); } final Configuration finalHiveConf = hiveConf; Thread thread = new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { HiveMetaStore.startMetaStore(port, bridge, finalHiveConf); } catch (Throwable e) { LOG.error("Metastore Thrift Server threw an exception...", e); } } }); thread.setDaemon(true); thread.start(); loopUntilHMSReady(port); } /** * A simple connect test to make sure that the metastore is up * @throws Exception */ private static void loopUntilHMSReady(int port) throws Exception { int retries = 0; Exception exc; while (true) { try { Socket socket = new Socket(); socket.connect(new InetSocketAddress(port), 5000); socket.close(); return; } catch (Exception e) { if (retries++ > 60) { //give up exc = e; break; } Thread.sleep(1000); } } // something is preventing metastore from starting // print the stack from all threads for debugging purposes LOG.error("Unable to connect to metastore server: " + exc.getMessage());"Printing all thread stack traces for debugging before throwing exception.");; throw exc; } private static String getAllThreadStacksAsString() { Map<Thread, StackTraceElement[]> threadStacks = Thread.getAllStackTraces(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (Map.Entry<Thread, StackTraceElement[]> entry : threadStacks.entrySet()) { Thread t = entry.getKey(); sb.append(System.lineSeparator()); sb.append("Name: ").append(t.getName()).append(" State: ").append(t.getState()); addStackString(entry.getValue(), sb); } return sb.toString(); } private static void addStackString(StackTraceElement[] stackElems, StringBuilder sb) { sb.append(System.lineSeparator()); for (StackTraceElement stackElem : stackElems) { sb.append(stackElem).append(System.lineSeparator()); } } /** * Finds a free port on the machine. * * @return * @throws IOException */ public static int findFreePort() throws IOException { ServerSocket socket = new ServerSocket(0); int port = socket.getLocalPort(); socket.close(); return port; } /** * Finds a free port on the machine, but allow the * ability to specify a port number to not use, no matter what. */ public static int findFreePortExcepting(int portToExclude) throws IOException { ServerSocket socket1 = null; ServerSocket socket2 = null; try { socket1 = new ServerSocket(0); socket2 = new ServerSocket(0); if (socket1.getLocalPort() != portToExclude) { return socket1.getLocalPort(); } // If we're here, then socket1.getLocalPort was the port to exclude // Since both sockets were open together at a point in time, we're // guaranteed that socket2.getLocalPort() is not the same. return socket2.getLocalPort(); } finally { if (socket1 != null) { socket1.close(); } if (socket2 != null) { socket2.close(); } } } public static String getIndexTableName(String dbName, String baseTblName, String indexName) { return dbName + "__" + baseTblName + "_" + indexName + "__"; } static public String validateTblColumns(List<FieldSchema> cols) { for (FieldSchema fieldSchema : cols) { // skip this, as validateColumnName always returns true /* if (!validateColumnName(fieldSchema.getName())) { return "name: " + fieldSchema.getName(); } */ String typeError = validateColumnType(fieldSchema.getType()); if (typeError != null) { return typeError; } } return null; } private static String validateColumnType(String type) { if (type.equals(MetaStoreUtils.TYPE_FROM_DESERIALIZER)) { return null; } int last = 0; boolean lastAlphaDigit = isValidTypeChar(type.charAt(last)); for (int i = 1; i <= type.length(); i++) { if (i == type.length() || isValidTypeChar(type.charAt(i)) != lastAlphaDigit) { String token = type.substring(last, i); last = i; if (!ColumnType.AllTypes.contains(token)) { return "type: " + type; } break; } } return null; } private static boolean isValidTypeChar(char c) { return Character.isLetterOrDigit(c) || c == '_'; } // check if stats need to be (re)calculated public static boolean requireCalStats(Partition oldPart, Partition newPart, Table tbl, EnvironmentContext environmentContext) { if (environmentContext != null && environmentContext.isSetProperties() && StatsSetupConst.TRUE .equals(environmentContext.getProperties().get(StatsSetupConst.DO_NOT_UPDATE_STATS))) { return false; } if (MetaStoreUtils.isView(tbl)) { return false; } if (oldPart == null && newPart == null) { return true; } // requires to calculate stats if new partition doesn't have it if ((newPart == null) || (newPart.getParameters() == null) || !containsAllFastStats(newPart.getParameters())) { return true; } if (environmentContext != null && environmentContext.isSetProperties()) { String statsType = environmentContext.getProperties().get(StatsSetupConst.STATS_GENERATED); // no matter STATS_GENERATED is USER or TASK, all need to re-calculate the stats: // USER: alter table .. update statistics // TASK: from some sql operation which could collect and compute stats if (StatsSetupConst.TASK.equals(statsType) || StatsSetupConst.USER.equals(statsType)) { return true; } } // requires to calculate stats if new and old have different fast stats return !isFastStatsSame(oldPart, newPart); } /** * This method should be used to return the metastore specific tokenstore class name to main * backwards compatibility * * @param conf - HiveConf object * @return the tokenStoreClass name from the HiveConf. It maps the hive specific tokenstoreclass * name to metastore module specific class name. For eg: * is set to * org.apache.hadoop.hive.thrift.MemoryTokenStore it returns the equivalent tokenstore * class defined in the metastore module which is * Similarly, * org.apache.hadoop.hive.thrift.DBTokenStore maps to * and * org.apache.hadoop.hive.thrift.ZooKeeperTokenStore maps to * */ public static String getTokenStoreClassName(Configuration conf) { String tokenStoreClass = conf.get(DELEGATION_TOKEN_STORE_CLS, ""); if (StringUtils.isBlank(tokenStoreClass)) { // default tokenstore is MemoryTokenStore return MemoryTokenStore.class.getName(); } switch (tokenStoreClass) { case "org.apache.hadoop.hive.thrift.DBTokenStore": return DBTokenStore.class.getName(); case "org.apache.hadoop.hive.thrift.MemoryTokenStore": return MemoryTokenStore.class.getName(); case "org.apache.hadoop.hive.thrift.ZooKeeperTokenStore": return ZooKeeperTokenStore.class.getName(); default: return tokenStoreClass; } } /** * Coalesce list of partitions belonging to a table into a more compact PartitionSpec * representation. * * @param table Table thrift object * @param partitions List of partition objects * @return collection PartitionSpec objects which is a compressed representation of original * partition list. */ public static List<PartitionSpec> getPartitionspecsGroupedByStorageDescriptor(Table table, Collection<Partition> partitions) { final String tablePath = table.getSd().getLocation(); ImmutableListMultimap<StorageDescriptorKey, Partition> partitionsWithinTableDirectory = Multimaps .index(partitions, input -> { // if sd is not in the list of projected fields, all the partitions // can be just grouped in PartitionSpec object if (input.getSd() == null) { return StorageDescriptorKey.UNSET_KEY; } // if the partition is within table, use the tableSDKey to group it with other partitions // within the table directory if (input.getSd().getLocation() != null && input.getSd().getLocation().startsWith(tablePath)) { return new StorageDescriptorKey(tablePath, input.getSd()); } // if partitions are located outside table location we treat them as non-standard // and do not perform any grouping // if the location is not set partitions are grouped according to the rest of the SD fields return new StorageDescriptorKey(input.getSd()); }); List<PartitionSpec> partSpecs = new ArrayList<>(); // Classify partitions based on shared SD properties. Map<StorageDescriptorKey, List<PartitionWithoutSD>> sdToPartList = new HashMap<>(); // we don't expect partitions to exist outside directory in most cases List<Partition> partitionsOutsideTableDir = new ArrayList<>(0); for (StorageDescriptorKey key : partitionsWithinTableDirectory.keySet()) { boolean isUnsetKey = key.equals(StorageDescriptorKey.UNSET_KEY); // group the partitions together when // case I : sd is not set because it was not in the requested fields // case II : when sd.location is not set because it was not in the requested fields // case III : when sd.location is set and it is located within table directory if (isUnsetKey || key.baseLocation == null || key.baseLocation.equals(tablePath)) { for (Partition partition : partitionsWithinTableDirectory.get(key)) { PartitionWithoutSD partitionWithoutSD = new PartitionWithoutSD(); partitionWithoutSD.setValues(partition.getValues()); partitionWithoutSD.setCreateTime(partition.getCreateTime()); partitionWithoutSD.setLastAccessTime(partition.getLastAccessTime()); partitionWithoutSD.setRelativePath((isUnsetKey || !partition.getSd().isSetLocation()) ? null : partition.getSd().getLocation().substring(tablePath.length())); partitionWithoutSD.setParameters(partition.getParameters()); if (!sdToPartList.containsKey(key)) { sdToPartList.put(key, new ArrayList<>()); } sdToPartList.get(key).add(partitionWithoutSD); } } else { // Lump all partitions outside the tablePath into one PartSpec. // if non-standard partitions need not be deDuped create PartitionListComposingSpec // this will be used mostly for keeping backwards compatibility with some HMS APIs which use // PartitionListComposingSpec for non-standard partitions located outside table partitionsOutsideTableDir.addAll(partitionsWithinTableDirectory.get(key)); } } // create sharedSDPartSpec for all the groupings for (Map.Entry<StorageDescriptorKey, List<PartitionWithoutSD>> entry : sdToPartList.entrySet()) { partSpecs.add(getSharedSDPartSpec(table, entry.getKey(), entry.getValue())); } if (!partitionsOutsideTableDir.isEmpty()) { PartitionSpec partListSpec = new PartitionSpec(); partListSpec.setDbName(table.getDbName()); partListSpec.setTableName(table.getTableName()); partListSpec.setPartitionList(new PartitionListComposingSpec(partitionsOutsideTableDir)); partSpecs.add(partListSpec); } return partSpecs; } /** * Convert list of partitions to a PartitionSpec object. */ private static PartitionSpec getSharedSDPartSpec(Table table, StorageDescriptorKey sdKey, List<PartitionWithoutSD> partitions) { StorageDescriptor sd; if (sdKey.getSd() == null) { //sd is not requested set it empty StorageDescriptor in the PartitionSpec sd = new StorageDescriptor(); } else { sd = new StorageDescriptor(sdKey.getSd()); sd.setLocation(sdKey.baseLocation); // Use table-dir as root-dir. } PartitionSpecWithSharedSD sharedSDPartSpec = new PartitionSpecWithSharedSD(); sharedSDPartSpec.setPartitions(partitions); sharedSDPartSpec.setSd(sd); PartitionSpec ret = new PartitionSpec(); ret.setRootPath(sd.getLocation()); ret.setSharedSDPartitionSpec(sharedSDPartSpec); ret.setDbName(table.getDbName()); ret.setTableName(table.getTableName()); return ret; } /** * This is a util method to set a nested property of a given object. The nested property is a * dot separated string where each nesting level is separated by a dot. This method makes use of * PropertyUtils methods from apache-commons library and assumes that the field names provided in * the input propertyName have valid setters. eg. the propertyName sd.serdeInfo.inputFormat represents * the inputformat field of the serdeInfo field of the sd field. The argument bean should have these * fields (in this case it should be a Partition object). The value argument is the value to be set * for the nested field. Note that if in case of one of nested levels is null you must set * instantiateMissingFields argument to true otherwise this method could throw a NPE. * * @param bean the object whose nested field needs to be set. This object must have setter methods * defined for each nested field name in the propertyName * @param propertyName the nested propertyName to be set. Each level of nesting is dot separated * @param value the value to which the nested property is set * @param instantiateMissingFields in case of some nestedFields being nulls, setting this argument * to true will attempt to instantiate the missing fields using the * default constructor. If there is no default constructor available this would throw a MetaException * @throws MetaException */ public static void setNestedProperty(Object bean, String propertyName, Object value, boolean instantiateMissingFields) throws MetaException { try { String[] nestedFields = propertyName.split("\\."); //check if there are more than one nested levels if (nestedFields.length > 1 && instantiateMissingFields) { StringBuilder fieldNameBuilder = new StringBuilder(); //check if all the nested levels until the given fieldName is set for (int level = 0; level < nestedFields.length - 1; level++) { fieldNameBuilder.append(nestedFields[level]); String currentFieldName = fieldNameBuilder.toString(); Object fieldVal = PropertyUtils.getProperty(bean, currentFieldName); if (fieldVal == null) { //one of the nested levels is null. Instantiate it PropertyDescriptor fieldDescriptor = PropertyUtils.getPropertyDescriptor(bean, currentFieldName); //this assumes the MPartition and the nested field objects have a default constructor Object defaultInstance = fieldDescriptor.getPropertyType().newInstance(); PropertyUtils.setNestedProperty(bean, currentFieldName, defaultInstance); } //add dot separator for the next level of nesting fieldNameBuilder.append(DOT); } } PropertyUtils.setNestedProperty(bean, propertyName, value); } catch (Exception e) { throw new MetaException(org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.utils.StringUtils.stringifyException(e)); } } /** * Mask out all sensitive information from the jdbc connection url string. * @param connectionURL the connection url, can be null * @return the anonymized connection url , can be null */ public static String anonymizeConnectionURL(String connectionURL) { if (connectionURL == null) return null; String[] sensitiveData = { "user", "password" }; String regex = "([;,?&\\(]" + String.join("|", sensitiveData) + ")=.*?([;,&\\)]|$)"; return connectionURL.replaceAll(regex, "$1=****$2"); } // ColumnStatisticsObj with info about its db, table, partition (if table is partitioned) public static class ColStatsObjWithSourceInfo { private final ColumnStatisticsObj colStatsObj; private final String catName; private final String dbName; private final String tblName; private final String partName; public ColStatsObjWithSourceInfo(ColumnStatisticsObj colStatsObj, String catName, String dbName, String tblName, String partName) { this.colStatsObj = colStatsObj; this.catName = catName; this.dbName = dbName; this.tblName = tblName; this.partName = partName; } public ColumnStatisticsObj getColStatsObj() { return colStatsObj; } public String getCatName() { return catName; } public String getDbName() { return dbName; } public String getTblName() { return tblName; } public String getPartName() { return partName; } } /** * This class is used to group the partitions based on a shared storage descriptor. * The following fields are considered for hashing/equality: * <ul> * <li>location</li> * <li>serializationLib</li> * <li>inputFormat</li> * <li>outputFormat</li> * <li>columns</li> * </ul> * * For objects that share these can share the same storage descriptor, * significantly reducing on-the-wire cost. * * Check {@link #getPartitionspecsGroupedByStorageDescriptor} for more details */ @VisibleForTesting static class StorageDescriptorKey { private final StorageDescriptor sd; private final String baseLocation; private final int hashCode; @VisibleForTesting static final StorageDescriptorKey UNSET_KEY = new StorageDescriptorKey(); StorageDescriptorKey(StorageDescriptor sd) { this(sd.getLocation(), sd); } StorageDescriptorKey(String baseLocation, StorageDescriptor sd) { = sd; this.baseLocation = baseLocation; if (sd == null) { hashCode = Objects.hashCode(baseLocation); } else { // use the baseLocation provided instead of sd.getLocation() hashCode = Objects.hash(sd.getSerdeInfo() == null ? null : sd.getSerdeInfo().getSerializationLib(), sd.getInputFormat(), sd.getOutputFormat(), baseLocation, sd.getCols()); } } // Set everything to null StorageDescriptorKey() { baseLocation = null; sd = null; hashCode = 0; } StorageDescriptor getSd() { return sd; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; StorageDescriptorKey that = (StorageDescriptorKey) o; if (!Objects.equals(baseLocation, that.baseLocation)) { return false; } if (sd == null && == null) { return true; } if (sd == null || == null) { return false; } if (!Objects.equals(sd.getOutputFormat(), { return false; } if (!Objects.equals(sd.getCols(), { return false; } if (!Objects.equals(sd.getInputFormat(), { return false; } if (!Objects.equals(sd.getSerdeInfo(), { return false; } if (sd.getSerdeInfo() != null && == null) { return false; } if (sd.getSerdeInfo() == null && != null) { return false; } if (sd.getSerdeInfo() != null && != null && !Objects.equals(sd.getSerdeInfo().getSerializationLib(), { return false; } return true; } @Override public int hashCode() { return hashCode; } } // Some util methods from, this is copied so as to avoid circular dependency with hive ql public static Path getPath(Table table) { String location = table.getSd().getLocation(); if (location == null) { return null; } return new Path(location); } public static List<Partition> getAllPartitionsOf(IMetaStoreClient msc, Table table) throws MetastoreException { try { return msc.listPartitions(table.getCatName(), table.getDbName(), table.getTableName(), (short) -1); } catch (Exception e) { throw new MetastoreException(e); } } public static boolean isPartitioned(Table table) { if (getPartCols(table) == null) { return false; } return (getPartCols(table).size() != 0); } public static List<FieldSchema> getPartCols(Table table) { List<FieldSchema> partKeys = table.getPartitionKeys(); if (partKeys == null) { partKeys = new ArrayList<>(); table.setPartitionKeys(partKeys); } return partKeys; } public static List<String> getPartColNames(Table table) { List<String> partColNames = new ArrayList<>(); for (FieldSchema key : getPartCols(table)) { partColNames.add(key.getName()); } return partColNames; } public static Path getDataLocation(Table table, Partition partition) { if (isPartitioned(table)) { if (partition.getSd() == null) { return null; } else { return new Path(partition.getSd().getLocation()); } } else { if (table.getSd() == null) { return null; } else { return getPath(table); } } } public static String getPartitionName(Table table, Partition partition) { try { return Warehouse.makePartName(getPartCols(table), partition.getValues()); } catch (MetaException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public static Map<String, String> getPartitionSpec(Table table, Partition partition) { return Warehouse.makeSpecFromValues(getPartCols(table), partition.getValues()); } public static Partition getPartition(IMetaStoreClient msc, Table tbl, Map<String, String> partSpec) throws MetastoreException { List<String> pvals = new ArrayList<String>(); for (FieldSchema field : getPartCols(tbl)) { String val = partSpec.get(field.getName()); pvals.add(val); } Partition tpart = null; try { tpart = msc.getPartition(tbl.getCatName(), tbl.getDbName(), tbl.getTableName(), pvals); } catch (NoSuchObjectException nsoe) { // this means no partition exists for the given partition // key value pairs - thrift cannot handle null return values, hence // getPartition() throws NoSuchObjectException to indicate null partition } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(org.apache.hadoop.util.StringUtils.stringifyException(e)); throw new MetastoreException(e); } return tpart; } /** * Get the partition name from the path. * * @param tablePath * Path of the table. * @param partitionPath * Path of the partition. * @param partCols * Set of partition columns from table definition * @return Partition name, for example partitiondate=2008-01-01 */ public static String getPartitionName(Path tablePath, Path partitionPath, Set<String> partCols) { String result = null; Path currPath = partitionPath; LOG.debug("tablePath:" + tablePath + ", partCols: " + partCols); while (currPath != null && !tablePath.equals(currPath)) { // format: partition=p_val // Add only when table partition colName matches String[] parts = currPath.getName().split("="); if (parts.length > 0) { if (parts.length != 2) { LOG.warn(currPath.getName() + " is not a valid partition name"); return result; } String partitionName = parts[0]; if (partCols.contains(partitionName)) { if (result == null) { result = currPath.getName(); } else { result = currPath.getName() + Path.SEPARATOR + result; } } } currPath = currPath.getParent(); LOG.debug("currPath=" + currPath); } return result; } public static Partition createMetaPartitionObject(Table tbl, Map<String, String> partSpec, Path location) throws MetastoreException { List<String> pvals = new ArrayList<String>(); for (FieldSchema field : getPartCols(tbl)) { String val = partSpec.get(field.getName()); if (val == null || val.isEmpty()) { throw new MetastoreException( "partition spec is invalid; field " + field.getName() + " does not exist or is empty"); } pvals.add(val); } Partition tpart = new Partition(); tpart.setCatName(tbl.getCatName()); tpart.setDbName(tbl.getDbName()); tpart.setTableName(tbl.getTableName()); tpart.setValues(pvals); if (!MetaStoreUtils.isView(tbl)) { tpart.setSd(tbl.getSd().deepCopy()); tpart.getSd().setLocation((location != null) ? location.toString() : null); } return tpart; } }