Source code

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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore;

import static org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.HiveMetaStoreClient.callEmbeddedMetastore;
import static org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.Warehouse.DEFAULT_DATABASE_NAME;
import static org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.utils.MetaStoreUtils.getDefaultCatalog;

import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Proxy;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;



import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience;
import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceStability;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.common.StatsSetupConst;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.common.ValidTxnList;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.common.ValidWriteIdList;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.*;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.conf.MetastoreConf;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.conf.MetastoreConf.ConfVars;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.hooks.URIResolverHook;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.partition.spec.PartitionSpecProxy;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.txn.TxnCommonUtils;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.utils.JavaUtils;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.utils.MetaStoreUtils;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.utils.ObjectPair;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.utils.SecurityUtils;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.ReflectionUtils;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.StringUtils;
import org.apache.thrift.TApplicationException;
import org.apache.thrift.TException;
import org.apache.thrift.protocol.TBinaryProtocol;
import org.apache.thrift.protocol.TCompactProtocol;
import org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocol;
import org.apache.thrift.transport.TFramedTransport;
import org.apache.thrift.transport.TSocket;
import org.apache.thrift.transport.TTransport;
import org.apache.thrift.transport.TTransportException;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;


 * Hive Metastore Client.
 * The public implementation of IMetaStoreClient. Methods not inherited from IMetaStoreClient
 * are not public and can change. Hence this is marked as unstable.
 * For users who require retry mechanism when the connection between metastore and client is
 * broken, RetryingMetaStoreClient class should be used.
public class HiveMetaStoreClientPreCatalog implements IMetaStoreClient, AutoCloseable {
     * Capabilities of the current client. If this client talks to a MetaStore server in a manner
     * implying the usage of some expanded features that require client-side support that this client
     * doesn't have (e.g. a getting a table of a new type), it will get back failures when the
     * capability checking is enabled (the default).
    public final static ClientCapabilities VERSION = new ClientCapabilities(
    // Test capability for tests.
    public final static ClientCapabilities TEST_VERSION = new ClientCapabilities(
            Lists.newArrayList(ClientCapability.INSERT_ONLY_TABLES, ClientCapability.TEST_CAPABILITY));

    ThriftHiveMetastore.Iface client = null;
    private TTransport transport = null;
    private boolean isConnected = false;
    private URI metastoreUris[];
    private final HiveMetaHookLoader hookLoader;
    protected final Configuration conf; // Keep a copy of HiveConf so if Session conf changes, we may need to get a new HMS client.
    protected boolean fastpath = false;
    private String tokenStrForm;
    private final boolean localMetaStore;
    private final MetaStoreFilterHook filterHook;
    private final URIResolverHook uriResolverHook;
    private final int fileMetadataBatchSize;

    private Map<String, String> currentMetaVars;

    private static final AtomicInteger connCount = new AtomicInteger(0);

    // for thrift connects
    private int retries = 5;
    private long retryDelaySeconds = 0;
    private final ClientCapabilities version;

    static final protected Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HiveMetaStoreClientPreCatalog.class);

    public HiveMetaStoreClientPreCatalog(Configuration conf) throws MetaException {
        this(conf, null, true);

    public HiveMetaStoreClientPreCatalog(Configuration conf, HiveMetaHookLoader hookLoader) throws MetaException {
        this(conf, hookLoader, true);

    public HiveMetaStoreClientPreCatalog(Configuration conf, HiveMetaHookLoader hookLoader, Boolean allowEmbedded)
            throws MetaException {

        this.hookLoader = hookLoader;
        if (conf == null) {
            conf = MetastoreConf.newMetastoreConf();
            this.conf = conf;
        } else {
            this.conf = new Configuration(conf);
        version = MetastoreConf.getBoolVar(conf, ConfVars.HIVE_IN_TEST) ? TEST_VERSION : VERSION;
        filterHook = loadFilterHooks();
        uriResolverHook = loadUriResolverHook();
        fileMetadataBatchSize = MetastoreConf.getIntVar(conf, ConfVars.BATCH_RETRIEVE_OBJECTS_MAX);

        String msUri = MetastoreConf.getVar(conf, ConfVars.THRIFT_URIS);
        localMetaStore = MetastoreConf.isEmbeddedMetaStore(msUri);
        if (localMetaStore) {
            if (!allowEmbedded) {
                throw new MetaException("Embedded metastore is not allowed here. Please configure "
                        + ConfVars.THRIFT_URIS.toString() + "; it is currently set to [" + msUri + "]");

            client = callEmbeddedMetastore(this.conf);

            isConnected = true;

        // get the number retries
        retries = MetastoreConf.getIntVar(conf, ConfVars.THRIFT_CONNECTION_RETRIES);
        retryDelaySeconds = MetastoreConf.getTimeVar(conf, ConfVars.CLIENT_CONNECT_RETRY_DELAY, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

        // user wants file store based configuration
        if (MetastoreConf.getVar(conf, ConfVars.THRIFT_URIS) != null) {
        } else {
            LOG.error("NOT getting uris from conf");
            throw new MetaException("MetaStoreURIs not found in conf file");

        //If HADOOP_PROXY_USER is set in env or property,
        //then need to create metastore client that proxies as that user.
        String proxyUser = System.getenv(HADOOP_PROXY_USER);
        if (proxyUser == null) {
            proxyUser = System.getProperty(HADOOP_PROXY_USER);
        //if HADOOP_PROXY_USER is set, create DelegationToken using real user
        if (proxyUser != null) {
   + " is set. Using delegation " + "token for HiveMetaStore connection.");
            try {
                UserGroupInformation.getLoginUser().getRealUser().doAs(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Void>() {
                    public Void run() throws Exception {
                        return null;
                String delegationTokenPropString = "DelegationTokenForHiveMetaStoreServer";
                String delegationTokenStr = getDelegationToken(proxyUser, proxyUser);
                SecurityUtils.setTokenStr(UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser(), delegationTokenStr,
                MetastoreConf.setVar(this.conf, ConfVars.TOKEN_SIGNATURE, delegationTokenPropString);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                LOG.error("Error while setting delegation token for " + proxyUser, e);
                if (e instanceof MetaException) {
                    throw (MetaException) e;
                } else {
                    throw new MetaException(e.getMessage());
        // finally open the store

    private void resolveUris() throws MetaException {
        String metastoreUrisString[] = MetastoreConf.getVar(conf, ConfVars.THRIFT_URIS).split(",");

        List<URI> metastoreURIArray = new ArrayList<URI>();
        try {
            int i = 0;
            for (String s : metastoreUrisString) {
                URI tmpUri = new URI(s);
                if (tmpUri.getScheme() == null) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("URI: " + s + " does not have a scheme");
                if (uriResolverHook != null) {
                } else {
                    metastoreURIArray.add(new URI(tmpUri.getScheme(), tmpUri.getUserInfo(),
                            tmpUri.getPort(), tmpUri.getPath(), tmpUri.getQuery(), tmpUri.getFragment()));
            metastoreUris = new URI[metastoreURIArray.size()];
            for (int j = 0; j < metastoreURIArray.size(); j++) {
                metastoreUris[j] = metastoreURIArray.get(j);

            if (MetastoreConf.getVar(conf, ConfVars.THRIFT_URI_SELECTION).equalsIgnoreCase("RANDOM")) {
                List uriList = Arrays.asList(metastoreUris);
                metastoreUris = (URI[]) uriList.toArray();
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
            throw (e);
        } catch (Exception e) {

    private MetaStoreFilterHook loadFilterHooks() throws IllegalStateException {
        Class<? extends MetaStoreFilterHook> authProviderClass = MetastoreConf.getClass(conf, ConfVars.FILTER_HOOK,
                DefaultMetaStoreFilterHookImpl.class, MetaStoreFilterHook.class);
        String msg = "Unable to create instance of " + authProviderClass.getName() + ": ";
        try {
            Constructor<? extends MetaStoreFilterHook> constructor = authProviderClass
            return constructor.newInstance(conf);
        } catch (NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException | IllegalAccessException | InstantiationException
                | IllegalArgumentException | InvocationTargetException e) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(msg + e.getMessage(), e);

    //multiple clients may initialize the hook at the same time
    synchronized private URIResolverHook loadUriResolverHook() throws IllegalStateException {

        String uriResolverClassName = MetastoreConf.getAsString(conf, ConfVars.URI_RESOLVER);
        if (uriResolverClassName.equals("")) {
            return null;
        } else {
  "Loading uri resolver" + uriResolverClassName);
            try {
                Class<?> uriResolverClass = Class.forName(uriResolverClassName, true, JavaUtils.getClassLoader());
                return (URIResolverHook) ReflectionUtils.newInstance(uriResolverClass, null);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                LOG.error("Exception loading uri resolver hook" + e);
                return null;

     * Swaps the first element of the metastoreUris array with a random element from the
     * remainder of the array.
    private void promoteRandomMetaStoreURI() {
        if (metastoreUris.length <= 1) {
        Random rng = new Random();
        int index = rng.nextInt(metastoreUris.length - 1) + 1;
        URI tmp = metastoreUris[0];
        metastoreUris[0] = metastoreUris[index];
        metastoreUris[index] = tmp;

    public TTransport getTTransport() {
        return transport;

    public boolean isLocalMetaStore() {
        return localMetaStore;

    public boolean isCompatibleWith(Configuration conf) {
        // Make a copy of currentMetaVars, there is a race condition that
        // currentMetaVars might be changed during the execution of the method
        Map<String, String> currentMetaVarsCopy = currentMetaVars;
        if (currentMetaVarsCopy == null) {
            return false; // recreate
        boolean compatible = true;
        for (ConfVars oneVar : MetastoreConf.metaVars) {
            // Since metaVars are all of different types, use string for comparison
            String oldVar = currentMetaVarsCopy.get(oneVar.getVarname());
            String newVar = MetastoreConf.getAsString(conf, oneVar);
            if (oldVar == null
                    || (oneVar.isCaseSensitive() ? !oldVar.equals(newVar) : !oldVar.equalsIgnoreCase(newVar))) {
      "Mestastore configuration " + oneVar.toString() + " changed from " + oldVar + " to "
                        + newVar);
                compatible = false;
        return compatible;

    public void setHiveAddedJars(String addedJars) {
        MetastoreConf.setVar(conf, ConfVars.ADDED_JARS, addedJars);

    public void reconnect() throws MetaException {
        if (localMetaStore) {
            // For direct DB connections we don't yet support reestablishing connections.
            throw new MetaException(
                    "For direct MetaStore DB connections, we don't support retries" + " at the client level.");
        } else {

            if (uriResolverHook != null) {
                //for dynamic uris, re-lookup if there are new metastore locations

            if (MetastoreConf.getVar(conf, ConfVars.THRIFT_URI_SELECTION).equalsIgnoreCase("RANDOM")) {
                // Swap the first element of the metastoreUris[] with a random element from the rest
                // of the array. Rationale being that this method will generally be called when the default
                // connection has died and the default connection is likely to be the first array element.

     * @param dbname
     * @param tbl_name
     * @param new_tbl
     * @throws InvalidOperationException
     * @throws MetaException
     * @throws TException
     * @see
     *   org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.ThriftHiveMetastore.Iface#alter_table(
     *   java.lang.String, java.lang.String,
     *   org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.Table)
    public void alter_table(String dbname, String tbl_name, Table new_tbl)
            throws InvalidOperationException, MetaException, TException {
        alter_table_with_environmentContext(dbname, tbl_name, new_tbl, null);

    public void alter_table(String defaultDatabaseName, String tblName, Table table, boolean cascade)
            throws InvalidOperationException, MetaException, TException {
        EnvironmentContext environmentContext = new EnvironmentContext();
        if (cascade) {
            environmentContext.putToProperties(StatsSetupConst.CASCADE, StatsSetupConst.TRUE);
        alter_table_with_environmentContext(defaultDatabaseName, tblName, table, environmentContext);

    public void alter_table_with_environmentContext(String dbname, String tbl_name, Table new_tbl,
            EnvironmentContext envContext) throws InvalidOperationException, MetaException, TException {
        client.alter_table_with_environment_context(dbname, tbl_name, new_tbl, envContext);

     * @param dbname
     * @param name
     * @param part_vals
     * @param newPart
     * @throws InvalidOperationException
     * @throws MetaException
     * @throws TException
     * @see org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.ThriftHiveMetastore.Iface#rename_partition(
     *      java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.util.List, org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.Partition)
    public void renamePartition(final String dbname, final String name, final List<String> part_vals,
            final Partition newPart) throws InvalidOperationException, MetaException, TException {
        client.rename_partition(dbname, name, part_vals, newPart);

    private void open() throws MetaException {
        isConnected = false;
        TTransportException tte = null;
        boolean useSSL = MetastoreConf.getBoolVar(conf, ConfVars.USE_SSL);
        boolean useSasl = MetastoreConf.getBoolVar(conf, ConfVars.USE_THRIFT_SASL);
        boolean useFramedTransport = MetastoreConf.getBoolVar(conf, ConfVars.USE_THRIFT_FRAMED_TRANSPORT);
        boolean useCompactProtocol = MetastoreConf.getBoolVar(conf, ConfVars.USE_THRIFT_COMPACT_PROTOCOL);
        int clientSocketTimeout = (int) MetastoreConf.getTimeVar(conf, ConfVars.CLIENT_SOCKET_TIMEOUT,

        for (int attempt = 0; !isConnected && attempt < retries; ++attempt) {
            for (URI store : metastoreUris) {
      "Trying to connect to metastore with URI " + store);

                try {
                    if (useSSL) {
                        try {
                            String trustStorePath = MetastoreConf.getVar(conf, ConfVars.SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PATH).trim();
                            if (trustStorePath.isEmpty()) {
                                throw new IllegalArgumentException(ConfVars.SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PATH.toString()
                                        + " Not configured for SSL connection");
                            String trustStorePassword = MetastoreConf.getPassword(conf,

                            // Create an SSL socket and connect
                            transport = SecurityUtils.getSSLSocket(store.getHost(), store.getPort(),
                                    clientSocketTimeout, trustStorePath, trustStorePassword);
                  "Opened an SSL connection to metastore, current connections: "
                                    + connCount.incrementAndGet());
                        } catch (IOException e) {
                            throw new IllegalArgumentException(e);
                        } catch (TTransportException e) {
                            tte = e;
                            throw new MetaException(e.toString());
                    } else {
                        transport = new TSocket(store.getHost(), store.getPort(), clientSocketTimeout);

                    if (useSasl) {
                        // Wrap thrift connection with SASL for secure connection.
                        try {
                            HadoopThriftAuthBridge.Client authBridge = HadoopThriftAuthBridge.getBridge()

                            // check if we should use delegation tokens to authenticate
                            // the call below gets hold of the tokens if they are set up by hadoop
                            // this should happen on the map/reduce tasks if the client added the
                            // tokens into hadoop's credential store in the front end during job
                            // submission.
                            String tokenSig = MetastoreConf.getVar(conf, ConfVars.TOKEN_SIGNATURE);
                            // tokenSig could be null
                            tokenStrForm = SecurityUtils.getTokenStrForm(tokenSig);

                            if (tokenStrForm != null) {
                                        "HMSC::open(): Found delegation token. Creating DIGEST-based thrift connection.");
                                // authenticate using delegation tokens via the "DIGEST" mechanism
                                transport = authBridge.createClientTransport(null, store.getHost(), "DIGEST",
                                        tokenStrForm, transport,
                                        MetaStoreUtils.getMetaStoreSaslProperties(conf, useSSL));
                            } else {
                                        "HMSC::open(): Could not find delegation token. Creating KERBEROS-based thrift connection.");
                                String principalConfig = MetastoreConf.getVar(conf, ConfVars.KERBEROS_PRINCIPAL);
                                transport = authBridge.createClientTransport(principalConfig, store.getHost(),
                                        "KERBEROS", null, transport,
                                        MetaStoreUtils.getMetaStoreSaslProperties(conf, useSSL));
                        } catch (IOException ioe) {
                            LOG.error("Couldn't create client transport", ioe);
                            throw new MetaException(ioe.toString());
                    } else {
                        if (useFramedTransport) {
                            transport = new TFramedTransport(transport);

                    final TProtocol protocol;
                    if (useCompactProtocol) {
                        protocol = new TCompactProtocol(transport);
                    } else {
                        protocol = new TBinaryProtocol(transport);
                    client = new ThriftHiveMetastore.Client(protocol);
                    try {
                        if (!transport.isOpen()) {
                  "Opened a connection to metastore, current connections: "
                                    + connCount.incrementAndGet());
                        isConnected = true;
                    } catch (TTransportException e) {
                        tte = e;
                        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                            LOG.warn("Failed to connect to the MetaStore Server...", e);
                        } else {
                            // Don't print full exception trace if DEBUG is not on.
                            LOG.warn("Failed to connect to the MetaStore Server...");

                    if (isConnected && !useSasl && MetastoreConf.getBoolVar(conf, ConfVars.EXECUTE_SET_UGI)) {
                        // Call set_ugi, only in unsecure mode.
                        try {
                            UserGroupInformation ugi = SecurityUtils.getUGI();
                            client.set_ugi(ugi.getUserName(), Arrays.asList(ugi.getGroupNames()));
                        } catch (LoginException e) {
                            LOG.warn("Failed to do login. set_ugi() is not successful, " + "Continuing without it.",
                        } catch (IOException e) {
                            LOG.warn("Failed to find ugi of client set_ugi() is not successful, "
                                    + "Continuing without it.", e);
                        } catch (TException e) {
                            LOG.warn("set_ugi() not successful, Likely cause: new client talking to old server. "
                                    + "Continuing without it.", e);
                } catch (MetaException e) {
                    LOG.error("Unable to connect to metastore with URI " + store + " in attempt " + attempt, e);
                if (isConnected) {
            // Wait before launching the next round of connection retries.
            if (!isConnected && retryDelaySeconds > 0) {
                try {
          "Waiting " + retryDelaySeconds + " seconds before next connection attempt.");
                    Thread.sleep(retryDelaySeconds * 1000);
                } catch (InterruptedException ignore) {

        if (!isConnected) {
            throw new MetaException("Could not connect to meta store using any of the URIs provided."
                    + " Most recent failure: " + StringUtils.stringifyException(tte));

        snapshotActiveConf();"Connected to metastore.");

    private void snapshotActiveConf() {
        currentMetaVars = new HashMap<>(MetastoreConf.metaVars.length);
        for (ConfVars oneVar : MetastoreConf.metaVars) {
            currentMetaVars.put(oneVar.getVarname(), MetastoreConf.getAsString(conf, oneVar));

    public String getTokenStrForm() throws IOException {
        return tokenStrForm;

    public void close() {
        isConnected = false;
        currentMetaVars = null;
        try {
            if (null != client) {
        } catch (TException e) {
            LOG.debug("Unable to shutdown metastore client. Will try closing transport directly.", e);
        // Transport would have got closed via client.shutdown(), so we dont need this, but
        // just in case, we make this call.
        if ((transport != null) && transport.isOpen()) {
  "Closed a connection to metastore, current connections: " + connCount.decrementAndGet());

    public void setMetaConf(String key, String value) throws TException {
        client.setMetaConf(key, value);

    public String getMetaConf(String key) throws TException {
        return client.getMetaConf(key);

     * @param new_part
     * @return the added partition
     * @throws InvalidObjectException
     * @throws AlreadyExistsException
     * @throws MetaException
     * @throws TException
     * @see org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.ThriftHiveMetastore.Iface#add_partition(org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.Partition)
    public Partition add_partition(Partition new_part) throws TException {
        return add_partition(new_part, null);

    public Partition add_partition(Partition new_part, EnvironmentContext envContext) throws TException {
        Partition p = client.add_partition_with_environment_context(new_part, envContext);
        return fastpath ? p : deepCopy(p);

     * @param new_parts
     * @throws InvalidObjectException
     * @throws AlreadyExistsException
     * @throws MetaException
     * @throws TException
     * @see org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.ThriftHiveMetastore.Iface#add_partitions(List)
    public int add_partitions(List<Partition> new_parts) throws TException {
        return client.add_partitions(new_parts);

    public List<Partition> add_partitions(List<Partition> parts, boolean ifNotExists, boolean needResults)
            throws TException {
        if (parts.isEmpty()) {
            return needResults ? new ArrayList<>() : null;
        Partition part = parts.get(0);
        AddPartitionsRequest req = new AddPartitionsRequest(part.getDbName(), part.getTableName(), parts,
        AddPartitionsResult result = client.add_partitions_req(req);
        return needResults ? filterHook.filterPartitions(result.getPartitions()) : null;

    public int add_partitions_pspec(PartitionSpecProxy partitionSpec) throws TException {
        return client.add_partitions_pspec(partitionSpec.toPartitionSpec());

     * @param table_name
     * @param db_name
     * @param part_vals
     * @return the appended partition
     * @throws InvalidObjectException
     * @throws AlreadyExistsException
     * @throws MetaException
     * @throws TException
     * @see org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.ThriftHiveMetastore.Iface#append_partition(java.lang.String,
     *      java.lang.String, java.util.List)
    public Partition appendPartition(String db_name, String table_name, List<String> part_vals) throws TException {
        return appendPartition(db_name, table_name, part_vals, null);

    public Partition appendPartition(String db_name, String table_name, List<String> part_vals,
            EnvironmentContext envContext) throws TException {
        Partition p = client.append_partition_with_environment_context(db_name, table_name, part_vals, envContext);
        return fastpath ? p : deepCopy(p);

    public Partition appendPartition(String dbName, String tableName, String partName) throws TException {
        return appendPartition(dbName, tableName, partName, (EnvironmentContext) null);

    public Partition appendPartition(String dbName, String tableName, String partName,
            EnvironmentContext envContext) throws TException {
        Partition p = client.append_partition_by_name_with_environment_context(dbName, tableName, partName,
        return fastpath ? p : deepCopy(p);

     * Exchange the partition between two tables
     * @param partitionSpecs partitions specs of the parent partition to be exchanged
     * @param destDb the db of the destination table
     * @param destinationTableName the destination table name
     * @return new partition after exchanging
    public Partition exchange_partition(Map<String, String> partitionSpecs, String sourceDb, String sourceTable,
            String destDb, String destinationTableName)
            throws MetaException, NoSuchObjectException, InvalidObjectException, TException {
        return client.exchange_partition(partitionSpecs, sourceDb, sourceTable, destDb, destinationTableName);

     * Exchange the partitions between two tables
     * @param partitionSpecs partitions specs of the parent partition to be exchanged
     * @param destDb the db of the destination table
     * @param destinationTableName the destination table name
     * @return new partitions after exchanging
    public List<Partition> exchange_partitions(Map<String, String> partitionSpecs, String sourceDb,
            String sourceTable, String destDb, String destinationTableName)
            throws MetaException, NoSuchObjectException, InvalidObjectException, TException {
        return client.exchange_partitions(partitionSpecs, sourceDb, sourceTable, destDb, destinationTableName);

    public void validatePartitionNameCharacters(List<String> partVals) throws TException, MetaException {
        client.partition_name_has_valid_characters(partVals, true);

     * Create a new Database
     * @param db
     * @throws AlreadyExistsException
     * @throws InvalidObjectException
     * @throws MetaException
     * @throws TException
     * @see org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.ThriftHiveMetastore.Iface#create_database(Database)
    public void createDatabase(Database db)
            throws AlreadyExistsException, InvalidObjectException, MetaException, TException {

     * @param tbl
     * @throws MetaException
     * @throws NoSuchObjectException
     * @throws TException
     * @see org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.ThriftHiveMetastore.Iface#create_table(org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.Table)
    public void createTable(Table tbl) throws AlreadyExistsException, InvalidObjectException, MetaException,
            NoSuchObjectException, TException {
        createTable(tbl, null);

    public void createTable(Table tbl, EnvironmentContext envContext) throws AlreadyExistsException,
            InvalidObjectException, MetaException, NoSuchObjectException, TException {
        HiveMetaHook hook = getHook(tbl);
        if (hook != null) {
        boolean success = false;
        try {
            // Subclasses can override this step (for example, for temporary tables)
            create_table_with_environment_context(tbl, envContext);
            if (hook != null) {
            success = true;
        } finally {
            if (!success && (hook != null)) {
                try {
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    LOG.error("Create rollback failed with", e);

    public void createTableWithConstraints(Table tbl, List<SQLPrimaryKey> primaryKeys,
            List<SQLForeignKey> foreignKeys, List<SQLUniqueConstraint> uniqueConstraints,
            List<SQLNotNullConstraint> notNullConstraints, List<SQLDefaultConstraint> defaultConstraints,
            List<SQLCheckConstraint> checkConstraints) throws AlreadyExistsException, InvalidObjectException,
            MetaException, NoSuchObjectException, TException {
        HiveMetaHook hook = getHook(tbl);
        if (hook != null) {
        boolean success = false;
        try {
            // Subclasses can override this step (for example, for temporary tables)
            client.create_table_with_constraints(tbl, primaryKeys, foreignKeys, uniqueConstraints,
                    notNullConstraints, defaultConstraints, checkConstraints);
            if (hook != null) {
            success = true;
        } finally {
            if (!success && (hook != null)) {

    public void dropConstraint(String dbName, String tableName, String constraintName)
            throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException {
        client.drop_constraint(new DropConstraintRequest(dbName, tableName, constraintName));

    public void addPrimaryKey(List<SQLPrimaryKey> primaryKeyCols)
            throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException {
        client.add_primary_key(new AddPrimaryKeyRequest(primaryKeyCols));

    public void addForeignKey(List<SQLForeignKey> foreignKeyCols)
            throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException {
        client.add_foreign_key(new AddForeignKeyRequest(foreignKeyCols));

    public void addUniqueConstraint(List<SQLUniqueConstraint> uniqueConstraintCols)
            throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException {
        client.add_unique_constraint(new AddUniqueConstraintRequest(uniqueConstraintCols));

    public void addNotNullConstraint(List<SQLNotNullConstraint> notNullConstraintCols)
            throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException {
        client.add_not_null_constraint(new AddNotNullConstraintRequest(notNullConstraintCols));

    public void addDefaultConstraint(List<SQLDefaultConstraint> defaultConstraints)
            throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException {
        client.add_default_constraint(new AddDefaultConstraintRequest(defaultConstraints));

    public void addCheckConstraint(List<SQLCheckConstraint> checkConstraints)
            throws MetaException, NoSuchObjectException, TException {
        client.add_check_constraint(new AddCheckConstraintRequest(checkConstraints));

     * @param type
     * @return true or false
     * @throws AlreadyExistsException
     * @throws InvalidObjectException
     * @throws MetaException
     * @throws TException
     * @see org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.ThriftHiveMetastore.Iface#create_type(org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.Type)
    public boolean createType(Type type)
            throws AlreadyExistsException, InvalidObjectException, MetaException, TException {
        return client.create_type(type);

     * @param name
     * @throws NoSuchObjectException
     * @throws InvalidOperationException
     * @throws MetaException
     * @throws TException
     * @see org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.ThriftHiveMetastore.Iface#drop_database(java.lang.String, boolean, boolean)
    public void dropDatabase(String name)
            throws NoSuchObjectException, InvalidOperationException, MetaException, TException {
        dropDatabase(name, true, false, false);

    public void dropDatabase(String name, boolean deleteData, boolean ignoreUnknownDb)
            throws NoSuchObjectException, InvalidOperationException, MetaException, TException {
        dropDatabase(name, deleteData, ignoreUnknownDb, false);

    public void dropDatabase(String name, boolean deleteData, boolean ignoreUnknownDb, boolean cascade)
            throws NoSuchObjectException, InvalidOperationException, MetaException, TException {
        try {
        } catch (NoSuchObjectException e) {
            if (!ignoreUnknownDb) {
                throw e;

        if (cascade) {
            List<String> tableList = getAllTables(name);
            for (String table : tableList) {
                try {
                    // Subclasses can override this step (for example, for temporary tables)
                    dropTable(name, table, deleteData, true);
                } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) {
                    // Ignore Index tables, those will be dropped with parent tables
        client.drop_database(name, deleteData, cascade);

     * @param tbl_name
     * @param db_name
     * @param part_vals
     * @return true or false
     * @throws NoSuchObjectException
     * @throws MetaException
     * @throws TException
     * @see org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.ThriftHiveMetastore.Iface#drop_partition(java.lang.String,
     *      java.lang.String, java.util.List, boolean)
    public boolean dropPartition(String db_name, String tbl_name, List<String> part_vals)
            throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException {
        return dropPartition(db_name, tbl_name, part_vals, true, null);

    public boolean dropPartition(String db_name, String tbl_name, List<String> part_vals,
            EnvironmentContext env_context) throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException {
        return dropPartition(db_name, tbl_name, part_vals, true, env_context);

    public boolean dropPartition(String dbName, String tableName, String partName, boolean deleteData)
            throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException {
        return dropPartition(dbName, tableName, partName, deleteData, null);

    private static EnvironmentContext getEnvironmentContextWithIfPurgeSet() {
        Map<String, String> warehouseOptions = new HashMap<>();
        warehouseOptions.put("ifPurge", "TRUE");
        return new EnvironmentContext(warehouseOptions);

    public boolean dropPartition(String dbName, String tableName, String partName, boolean deleteData, boolean ifPurge)
        throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException {
      return dropPartition(dbName, tableName, partName, deleteData,
                     ifPurge? getEnvironmentContextWithIfPurgeSet() : null);

    public boolean dropPartition(String dbName, String tableName, String partName, boolean deleteData,
            EnvironmentContext envContext) throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException {
        return client.drop_partition_by_name_with_environment_context(dbName, tableName, partName, deleteData,

     * @param db_name
     * @param tbl_name
     * @param part_vals
     * @param deleteData
     *          delete the underlying data or just delete the table in metadata
     * @return true or false
     * @throws NoSuchObjectException
     * @throws MetaException
     * @throws TException
     * @see org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.ThriftHiveMetastore.Iface#drop_partition(java.lang.String,
     *      java.lang.String, java.util.List, boolean)
    public boolean dropPartition(String db_name, String tbl_name, List<String> part_vals, boolean deleteData)
            throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException {
        return dropPartition(db_name, tbl_name, part_vals, deleteData, null);

    public boolean dropPartition(String db_name, String tbl_name, List<String> part_vals,
            PartitionDropOptions options) throws TException {
        return dropPartition(db_name, tbl_name, part_vals, options.deleteData,
                options.purgeData ? getEnvironmentContextWithIfPurgeSet() : null);

    public boolean dropPartition(String db_name, String tbl_name, List<String> part_vals, boolean deleteData,
            EnvironmentContext envContext) throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException {
        return client.drop_partition_with_environment_context(db_name, tbl_name, part_vals, deleteData, envContext);

    public List<Partition> dropPartitions(String dbName, String tblName,
            List<ObjectPair<Integer, byte[]>> partExprs, PartitionDropOptions options) throws TException {
        RequestPartsSpec rps = new RequestPartsSpec();
        List<DropPartitionsExpr> exprs = new ArrayList<>(partExprs.size());
        for (ObjectPair<Integer, byte[]> partExpr : partExprs) {
            DropPartitionsExpr dpe = new DropPartitionsExpr();
        DropPartitionsRequest req = new DropPartitionsRequest(dbName, tblName, rps);
        if (options.purgeData) {
  "Dropped partitions will be purged!");
        return client.drop_partitions_req(req).getPartitions();

    public List<Partition> dropPartitions(String dbName, String tblName,
            List<ObjectPair<Integer, byte[]>> partExprs, boolean deleteData, boolean ifExists, boolean needResult)
            throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException {

        return dropPartitions(dbName, tblName, partExprs, PartitionDropOptions.instance().deleteData(deleteData)


    public List<Partition> dropPartitions(String dbName, String tblName,
            List<ObjectPair<Integer, byte[]>> partExprs, boolean deleteData, boolean ifExists)
            throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException {
        // By default, we need the results from dropPartitions();
        return dropPartitions(dbName, tblName, partExprs,

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @see #dropTable(String, String, boolean, boolean, EnvironmentContext)
    public void dropTable(String dbname, String name, boolean deleteData, boolean ignoreUnknownTab)
            throws MetaException, TException, NoSuchObjectException, UnsupportedOperationException {
        dropTable(dbname, name, deleteData, ignoreUnknownTab, null);

     * Drop the table and choose whether to save the data in the trash.
     * @param ifPurge completely purge the table (skipping trash) while removing
     *                data from warehouse
     * @see #dropTable(String, String, boolean, boolean, EnvironmentContext)
    public void dropTable(String dbname, String name, boolean deleteData, boolean ignoreUnknownTab, boolean ifPurge)
            throws MetaException, TException, NoSuchObjectException, UnsupportedOperationException {
        //build new environmentContext with ifPurge;
        EnvironmentContext envContext = null;
        if (ifPurge) {
            Map<String, String> warehouseOptions;
            warehouseOptions = new HashMap<>();
            warehouseOptions.put("ifPurge", "TRUE");
            envContext = new EnvironmentContext(warehouseOptions);
        dropTable(dbname, name, deleteData, ignoreUnknownTab, envContext);

     * @see #dropTable(String, String, boolean, boolean, EnvironmentContext)
    public void dropTable(String dbname, String name) throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException {
        dropTable(dbname, name, true, true, null);

     * Drop the table and choose whether to: delete the underlying table data;
     * throw if the table doesn't exist; save the data in the trash.
     * @param dbname
     * @param name
     * @param deleteData
     *          delete the underlying data or just delete the table in metadata
     * @param ignoreUnknownTab
     *          don't throw if the requested table doesn't exist
     * @param envContext
     *          for communicating with thrift
     * @throws MetaException
     *           could not drop table properly
     * @throws NoSuchObjectException
     *           the table wasn't found
     * @throws TException
     *           a thrift communication error occurred
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException
     *           dropping an index table is not allowed
     * @see org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.ThriftHiveMetastore.Iface#drop_table(java.lang.String,
     *      java.lang.String, boolean)
    public void dropTable(String dbname, String name, boolean deleteData, boolean ignoreUnknownTab,
            EnvironmentContext envContext)
            throws MetaException, TException, NoSuchObjectException, UnsupportedOperationException {
        Table tbl;
        try {
            tbl = getTable(dbname, name);
        } catch (NoSuchObjectException e) {
            if (!ignoreUnknownTab) {
                throw e;
        HiveMetaHook hook = getHook(tbl);
        if (hook != null) {
        boolean success = false;
        try {
            drop_table_with_environment_context(dbname, name, deleteData, envContext);
            if (hook != null) {
                hook.commitDropTable(tbl, deleteData
                        || (envContext != null && "TRUE".equals(envContext.getProperties().get("ifPurge"))));
            success = true;
        } catch (NoSuchObjectException e) {
            if (!ignoreUnknownTab) {
                throw e;
        } finally {
            if (!success && (hook != null)) {

     * Truncate the table/partitions in the DEFAULT database.
     * @param dbName
     *          The db to which the table to be truncate belongs to
     * @param tableName
     *          The table to truncate
     * @param partNames
     *          List of partitions to truncate. NULL will truncate the whole table/all partitions
     * @throws MetaException
     * @throws TException
     *           Could not truncate table properly.
    public void truncateTable(String dbName, String tableName, List<String> partNames)
            throws MetaException, TException {
        client.truncate_table(dbName, tableName, partNames);

     * Recycles the files recursively from the input path to the cmroot directory either by copying or moving it.
     * @param request Inputs for path of the data files to be recycled to cmroot and
     *                isPurge flag when set to true files which needs to be recycled are not moved to Trash
     * @return Response which is currently void
    public CmRecycleResponse recycleDirToCmPath(CmRecycleRequest request) throws MetaException, TException {
        return client.cm_recycle(request);

     * @param type
     * @return true if the type is dropped
     * @throws MetaException
     * @throws TException
     * @see org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.ThriftHiveMetastore.Iface#drop_type(java.lang.String)
    public boolean dropType(String type) throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException {
        return client.drop_type(type);

     * @param name
     * @return map of types
     * @throws MetaException
     * @throws TException
     * @see org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.ThriftHiveMetastore.Iface#get_type_all(java.lang.String)
    public Map<String, Type> getTypeAll(String name) throws MetaException, TException {
        Map<String, Type> result = null;
        Map<String, Type> fromClient = client.get_type_all(name);
        if (fromClient != null) {
            result = new LinkedHashMap<>();
            for (String key : fromClient.keySet()) {
                result.put(key, deepCopy(fromClient.get(key)));
        return result;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public List<String> getDatabases(String databasePattern) throws MetaException {
        try {
            return filterHook.filterDatabases(client.get_databases(databasePattern));
        } catch (Exception e) {
        return null;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public List<String> getAllDatabases() throws MetaException {
        try {
            return filterHook.filterDatabases(client.get_all_databases());
        } catch (Exception e) {
        return null;

     * @param tbl_name
     * @param db_name
     * @param max_parts
     * @return list of partitions
     * @throws NoSuchObjectException
     * @throws MetaException
     * @throws TException
    public List<Partition> listPartitions(String db_name, String tbl_name, short max_parts)
            throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException {
        List<Partition> parts = client.get_partitions(db_name, tbl_name, max_parts);
        return fastpath ? parts : deepCopyPartitions(filterHook.filterPartitions(parts));

    public PartitionSpecProxy listPartitionSpecs(String dbName, String tableName, int maxParts) throws TException {
        return PartitionSpecProxy.Factory
                .get(filterHook.filterPartitionSpecs(client.get_partitions_pspec(dbName, tableName, maxParts)));

    public List<Partition> listPartitions(String db_name, String tbl_name, List<String> part_vals, short max_parts)
            throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException {
        List<Partition> parts = client.get_partitions_ps(db_name, tbl_name, part_vals, max_parts);
        return fastpath ? parts : deepCopyPartitions(filterHook.filterPartitions(parts));

    public List<Partition> listPartitionsWithAuthInfo(String db_name, String tbl_name, short max_parts,
            String user_name, List<String> group_names) throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException {
        List<Partition> parts = client.get_partitions_with_auth(db_name, tbl_name, max_parts, user_name,
        return fastpath ? parts : deepCopyPartitions(filterHook.filterPartitions(parts));

    public List<Partition> listPartitionsWithAuthInfo(String db_name, String tbl_name, List<String> part_vals,
            short max_parts, String user_name, List<String> group_names)
            throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException {
        List<Partition> parts = client.get_partitions_ps_with_auth(db_name, tbl_name, part_vals, max_parts,
                user_name, group_names);
        return fastpath ? parts : deepCopyPartitions(filterHook.filterPartitions(parts));

     * Get list of partitions matching specified filter
     * @param db_name the database name
     * @param tbl_name the table name
     * @param filter the filter string,
     *    for example "part1 = \"p1_abc\" and part2 &lt;= "\p2_test\"". Filtering can
     *    be done only on string partition keys.
     * @param max_parts the maximum number of partitions to return,
     *    all partitions are returned if -1 is passed
     * @return list of partitions
     * @throws MetaException
     * @throws NoSuchObjectException
     * @throws TException
    public List<Partition> listPartitionsByFilter(String db_name, String tbl_name, String filter, short max_parts)
            throws MetaException, NoSuchObjectException, TException {
        List<Partition> parts = client.get_partitions_by_filter(db_name, tbl_name, filter, max_parts);
        return fastpath ? parts : deepCopyPartitions(filterHook.filterPartitions(parts));

    public PartitionSpecProxy listPartitionSpecsByFilter(String db_name, String tbl_name, String filter,
            int max_parts) throws MetaException, NoSuchObjectException, TException {
        return PartitionSpecProxy.Factory.get(filterHook
                .filterPartitionSpecs(client.get_part_specs_by_filter(db_name, tbl_name, filter, max_parts)));

    public boolean listPartitionsByExpr(String db_name, String tbl_name, byte[] expr, String default_partition_name,
            short max_parts, List<Partition> result) throws TException {
        assert result != null;
        PartitionsByExprRequest req = new PartitionsByExprRequest(db_name, tbl_name, ByteBuffer.wrap(expr));
        if (default_partition_name != null) {
        if (max_parts >= 0) {
        PartitionsByExprResult r;
        try {
            r = client.get_partitions_by_expr(req);
        } catch (TApplicationException te) {
            // TODO: backward compat for Hive <= 0.12. Can be removed later.
            if (te.getType() != TApplicationException.UNKNOWN_METHOD
                    && te.getType() != TApplicationException.WRONG_METHOD_NAME) {
                throw te;
            throw new IncompatibleMetastoreException(
                    "Metastore doesn't support listPartitionsByExpr: " + te.getMessage());
        if (fastpath) {
        } else {
            // TODO: in these methods, do we really need to deepcopy?
            deepCopyPartitions(r.getPartitions(), result);
        return !r.isSetHasUnknownPartitions() || r.isHasUnknownPartitions(); // Assume the worst.

     * @param name
     * @return the database
     * @throws NoSuchObjectException
     * @throws MetaException
     * @throws TException
     * @see org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.ThriftHiveMetastore.Iface#get_database(java.lang.String)
    public Database getDatabase(String name) throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException {
        Database d = client.get_database(name);
        return fastpath ? d : deepCopy(filterHook.filterDatabase(d));

     * @param tbl_name
     * @param db_name
     * @param part_vals
     * @return the partition
     * @throws MetaException
     * @throws TException
     * @see org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.ThriftHiveMetastore.Iface#get_partition(java.lang.String,
     *      java.lang.String, java.util.List)
    public Partition getPartition(String db_name, String tbl_name, List<String> part_vals)
            throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException {
        Partition p = client.get_partition(db_name, tbl_name, part_vals);
        return fastpath ? p : deepCopy(filterHook.filterPartition(p));

    public List<Partition> getPartitionsByNames(String db_name, String tbl_name, List<String> part_names)
            throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException {
        List<Partition> parts = client.get_partitions_by_names(db_name, tbl_name, part_names);
        return fastpath ? parts : deepCopyPartitions(filterHook.filterPartitions(parts));

    public PartitionValuesResponse listPartitionValues(PartitionValuesRequest request)
            throws MetaException, TException, NoSuchObjectException {
        return client.get_partition_values(request);

    public Partition getPartitionWithAuthInfo(String db_name, String tbl_name, List<String> part_vals,
            String user_name, List<String> group_names)
            throws MetaException, UnknownTableException, NoSuchObjectException, TException {
        Partition p = client.get_partition_with_auth(db_name, tbl_name, part_vals, user_name, group_names);
        return fastpath ? p : deepCopy(filterHook.filterPartition(p));

     * @param name
     * @param dbname
     * @return the table
     * @throws NoSuchObjectException
     * @throws MetaException
     * @throws TException
     * @throws NoSuchObjectException
     * @see org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.ThriftHiveMetastore.Iface#get_table(java.lang.String,
     *      java.lang.String)
    public Table getTable(String dbname, String name) throws MetaException, TException, NoSuchObjectException {
        GetTableRequest req = new GetTableRequest(dbname, name);
        Table t = client.get_table_req(req).getTable();
        return fastpath ? t : deepCopy(filterHook.filterTable(t));

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public List<Table> getTableObjectsByName(String dbName, List<String> tableNames)
            throws MetaException, InvalidOperationException, UnknownDBException, TException {
        GetTablesRequest req = new GetTablesRequest(dbName);
        List<Table> tabs = client.get_table_objects_by_name_req(req).getTables();
        return fastpath ? tabs : deepCopyTables(filterHook.filterTables(tabs));

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public Materialization getMaterializationInvalidationInfo(CreationMetadata cm, String validTxnList)
            throws MetaException, InvalidOperationException, UnknownDBException, TException {
        return client.get_materialization_invalidation_info(cm, validTxnList);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public void updateCreationMetadata(String dbName, String tableName, CreationMetadata cm)
            throws MetaException, InvalidOperationException, UnknownDBException, TException {
        client.update_creation_metadata(null, dbName, tableName, cm);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public List<String> listTableNamesByFilter(String dbName, String filter, short maxTables)
            throws MetaException, TException, InvalidOperationException, UnknownDBException {
        return filterHook.filterTableNames(null, dbName,
                client.get_table_names_by_filter(dbName, filter, maxTables));

     * @param name
     * @return the type
     * @throws MetaException
     * @throws TException
     * @throws NoSuchObjectException
     * @see org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.ThriftHiveMetastore.Iface#get_type(java.lang.String)
    public Type getType(String name) throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException {
        return deepCopy(client.get_type(name));

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public List<String> getTables(String dbname, String tablePattern) throws MetaException {
        try {
            return filterHook.filterTableNames(null, dbname, client.get_tables(dbname, tablePattern));
        } catch (Exception e) {
        return null;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public List<String> getTables(String dbname, String tablePattern, TableType tableType) throws MetaException {
        try {
            return filterHook.filterTableNames(null, dbname,
                    client.get_tables_by_type(dbname, tablePattern, tableType.toString()));
        } catch (Exception e) {
        return null;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public List<String> getMaterializedViewsForRewriting(String dbname) throws MetaException {
        try {
            return filterHook.filterTableNames(null, dbname, client.get_materialized_views_for_rewriting(dbname));
        } catch (Exception e) {
        return null;

    public List<TableMeta> getTableMeta(String dbPatterns, String tablePatterns, List<String> tableTypes)
            throws MetaException {
        try {
            return filterNames(client.get_table_meta(dbPatterns, tablePatterns, tableTypes));
        } catch (Exception e) {
        return null;

    private List<TableMeta> filterNames(List<TableMeta> metas) throws MetaException {
        Map<String, TableMeta> sources = new LinkedHashMap<>();
        Map<String, List<String>> dbTables = new LinkedHashMap<>();
        for (TableMeta meta : metas) {
            sources.put(meta.getDbName() + "." + meta.getTableName(), meta);
            List<String> tables = dbTables.get(meta.getDbName());
            if (tables == null) {
                dbTables.put(meta.getDbName(), tables = new ArrayList<>());
        List<TableMeta> filtered = new ArrayList<>();
        for (Map.Entry<String, List<String>> entry : dbTables.entrySet()) {
            for (String table : filterHook.filterTableNames(null, entry.getKey(), entry.getValue())) {
                filtered.add(sources.get(entry.getKey() + "." + table));
        return filtered;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public List<String> getAllTables(String dbname) throws MetaException {
        try {
            return filterHook.filterTableNames(null, dbname, client.get_all_tables(dbname));
        } catch (Exception e) {
        return null;

    public boolean tableExists(String databaseName, String tableName)
            throws MetaException, TException, UnknownDBException {
        try {
            GetTableRequest req = new GetTableRequest(databaseName, tableName);
            return filterHook.filterTable(client.get_table_req(req).getTable()) != null;
        } catch (NoSuchObjectException e) {
            return false;

    public List<String> listPartitionNames(String dbName, String tblName, short max)
            throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException {
        return filterHook.filterPartitionNames(null, dbName, tblName,
                client.get_partition_names(dbName, tblName, max));

    public List<String> listPartitionNames(String db_name, String tbl_name, List<String> part_vals, short max_parts)
            throws MetaException, TException, NoSuchObjectException {
        return filterHook.filterPartitionNames(null, db_name, tbl_name,
                client.get_partition_names_ps(db_name, tbl_name, part_vals, max_parts));

     * Get number of partitions matching specified filter
     * @param db_name the database name
     * @param tbl_name the table name
     * @param filter the filter string,
     *    for example "part1 = \"p1_abc\" and part2 &lt;= "\p2_test\"". Filtering can
     *    be done only on string partition keys.
     * @return number of partitions
     * @throws MetaException
     * @throws NoSuchObjectException
     * @throws TException
    public int getNumPartitionsByFilter(String db_name, String tbl_name, String filter)
            throws MetaException, NoSuchObjectException, TException {
        return client.get_num_partitions_by_filter(db_name, tbl_name, filter);

    public void alter_partition(String dbName, String tblName, Partition newPart)
            throws InvalidOperationException, MetaException, TException {
        client.alter_partition_with_environment_context(dbName, tblName, newPart, null);

    public void alter_partition(String dbName, String tblName, Partition newPart,
            EnvironmentContext environmentContext) throws InvalidOperationException, MetaException, TException {
        client.alter_partition_with_environment_context(dbName, tblName, newPart, environmentContext);

    public void alter_partitions(String dbName, String tblName, List<Partition> newParts)
            throws InvalidOperationException, MetaException, TException {
        client.alter_partitions(dbName, tblName, newParts);

    public void alter_partitions(String dbName, String tblName, List<Partition> newParts,
            EnvironmentContext environmentContext) throws InvalidOperationException, MetaException, TException {
        AlterPartitionsRequest req = new AlterPartitionsRequest();

    public void alter_partitions(String dbName, String tblName, List<Partition> newParts,
            EnvironmentContext environmentContext, String writeIdList, long writeId)
            throws InvalidOperationException, MetaException, TException {
        AlterPartitionsRequest req = new AlterPartitionsRequest();

    public void alterDatabase(String dbName, Database db) throws MetaException, NoSuchObjectException, TException {
        client.alter_database(dbName, db);

     * @param db
     * @param tableName
     * @throws UnknownTableException
     * @throws UnknownDBException
     * @throws MetaException
     * @throws TException
     * @see org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.ThriftHiveMetastore.Iface#get_fields(java.lang.String,
     *      java.lang.String)
    public List<FieldSchema> getFields(String db, String tableName)
            throws MetaException, TException, UnknownTableException, UnknownDBException {
        List<FieldSchema> fields = client.get_fields(db, tableName);
        return fastpath ? fields : deepCopyFieldSchemas(fields);

    public List<SQLPrimaryKey> getPrimaryKeys(PrimaryKeysRequest req)
            throws MetaException, NoSuchObjectException, TException {
        return client.get_primary_keys(req).getPrimaryKeys();

    public List<SQLForeignKey> getForeignKeys(ForeignKeysRequest req)
            throws MetaException, NoSuchObjectException, TException {
        return client.get_foreign_keys(req).getForeignKeys();

    public List<SQLUniqueConstraint> getUniqueConstraints(UniqueConstraintsRequest req)
            throws MetaException, NoSuchObjectException, TException {
        return client.get_unique_constraints(req).getUniqueConstraints();

    public List<SQLNotNullConstraint> getNotNullConstraints(NotNullConstraintsRequest req)
            throws MetaException, NoSuchObjectException, TException {
        return client.get_not_null_constraints(req).getNotNullConstraints();

    public List<SQLDefaultConstraint> getDefaultConstraints(DefaultConstraintsRequest req)
            throws MetaException, NoSuchObjectException, TException {
        return client.get_default_constraints(req).getDefaultConstraints();

    public List<SQLCheckConstraint> getCheckConstraints(CheckConstraintsRequest request)
            throws MetaException, NoSuchObjectException, TException {
        return client.get_check_constraints(request).getCheckConstraints();

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    //use setPartitionColumnStatistics instead
    public boolean updateTableColumnStatistics(ColumnStatistics statsObj)
            throws NoSuchObjectException, InvalidObjectException, MetaException, TException, InvalidInputException {
        return client.update_table_column_statistics(statsObj);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    //use setPartitionColumnStatistics instead
    public boolean updatePartitionColumnStatistics(ColumnStatistics statsObj)
            throws NoSuchObjectException, InvalidObjectException, MetaException, TException, InvalidInputException {
        return client.update_partition_column_statistics(statsObj);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public boolean setPartitionColumnStatistics(SetPartitionsStatsRequest request)
            throws NoSuchObjectException, InvalidObjectException, MetaException, TException, InvalidInputException {
        return client.set_aggr_stats_for(request);

    public void flushCache() {
        try {
        } catch (TException e) {
            // Not much we can do about it honestly
            LOG.warn("Got error flushing the cache", e);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public List<ColumnStatisticsObj> getTableColumnStatistics(String dbName, String tableName,
            List<String> colNames)
            throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException, InvalidInputException, InvalidObjectException {
        return client.get_table_statistics_req(new TableStatsRequest(dbName, tableName, colNames)).getTableStats();

    public List<ColumnStatisticsObj> getTableColumnStatistics(String dbName, String tableName,
            List<String> colNames, String validWriteIdList)
            throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException {
        TableStatsRequest tsr = new TableStatsRequest(dbName, tableName, colNames);

        return client.get_table_statistics_req(tsr).getTableStats();

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public Map<String, List<ColumnStatisticsObj>> getPartitionColumnStatistics(String dbName, String tableName,
            List<String> partNames, List<String> colNames) throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException {
        return client
                .get_partitions_statistics_req(new PartitionsStatsRequest(dbName, tableName, colNames, partNames))

    public Map<String, List<ColumnStatisticsObj>> getPartitionColumnStatistics(String dbName, String tableName,
            List<String> partNames, List<String> colNames, String validWriteIdList)
            throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException {
        PartitionsStatsRequest psr = new PartitionsStatsRequest(dbName, tableName, colNames, partNames);
        return client.get_partitions_statistics_req(psr).getPartStats();

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public boolean deletePartitionColumnStatistics(String dbName, String tableName, String partName, String colName)
            throws NoSuchObjectException, InvalidObjectException, MetaException, TException, InvalidInputException {
        return client.delete_partition_column_statistics(dbName, tableName, partName, colName);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public boolean deleteTableColumnStatistics(String dbName, String tableName, String colName)
            throws NoSuchObjectException, InvalidObjectException, MetaException, TException, InvalidInputException {
        return client.delete_table_column_statistics(dbName, tableName, colName);

     * @param db
     * @param tableName
     * @throws UnknownTableException
     * @throws UnknownDBException
     * @throws MetaException
     * @throws TException
     * @see org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.ThriftHiveMetastore.Iface#get_schema(java.lang.String,
     *      java.lang.String)
    public List<FieldSchema> getSchema(String db, String tableName)
            throws MetaException, TException, UnknownTableException, UnknownDBException {
        EnvironmentContext envCxt = null;
        String addedJars = MetastoreConf.getVar(conf, ConfVars.ADDED_JARS);
        if (org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.isNotBlank(addedJars)) {
            Map<String, String> props = new HashMap<String, String>();
            props.put("hive.added.jars.path", addedJars);
            envCxt = new EnvironmentContext(props);

        List<FieldSchema> fields = client.get_schema_with_environment_context(db, tableName, envCxt);
        return fastpath ? fields : deepCopyFieldSchemas(fields);

    public String getConfigValue(String name, String defaultValue) throws TException, ConfigValSecurityException {
        return client.get_config_value(name, defaultValue);

    public Partition getPartition(String db, String tableName, String partName)
            throws MetaException, TException, UnknownTableException, NoSuchObjectException {
        Partition p = client.get_partition_by_name(db, tableName, partName);
        return fastpath ? p : deepCopy(filterHook.filterPartition(p));

    public Partition appendPartitionByName(String dbName, String tableName, String partName)
            throws InvalidObjectException, AlreadyExistsException, MetaException, TException {
        return appendPartitionByName(dbName, tableName, partName, null);

    public Partition appendPartitionByName(String dbName, String tableName, String partName,
            EnvironmentContext envContext)
            throws InvalidObjectException, AlreadyExistsException, MetaException, TException {
        Partition p = client.append_partition_by_name_with_environment_context(dbName, tableName, partName,
        return fastpath ? p : deepCopy(p);

    public boolean dropPartitionByName(String dbName, String tableName, String partName, boolean deleteData)
            throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException {
        return dropPartitionByName(dbName, tableName, partName, deleteData, null);

    public boolean dropPartitionByName(String dbName, String tableName, String partName, boolean deleteData,
            EnvironmentContext envContext) throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException {
        return client.drop_partition_by_name_with_environment_context(dbName, tableName, partName, deleteData,

    private HiveMetaHook getHook(Table tbl) throws MetaException {
        if (hookLoader == null) {
            return null;
        return hookLoader.getHook(tbl);

    public List<String> partitionNameToVals(String name) throws MetaException, TException {
        return client.partition_name_to_vals(name);

    public Map<String, String> partitionNameToSpec(String name) throws MetaException, TException {
        return client.partition_name_to_spec(name);

     * @param partition
     * @return
    private Partition deepCopy(Partition partition) {
        Partition copy = null;
        if (partition != null) {
            copy = new Partition(partition);
        return copy;

    private Database deepCopy(Database database) {
        Database copy = null;
        if (database != null) {
            copy = new Database(database);
        return copy;

    protected Table deepCopy(Table table) {
        Table copy = null;
        if (table != null) {
            copy = new Table(table);
        return copy;

    private Type deepCopy(Type type) {
        Type copy = null;
        if (type != null) {
            copy = new Type(type);
        return copy;

    private FieldSchema deepCopy(FieldSchema schema) {
        FieldSchema copy = null;
        if (schema != null) {
            copy = new FieldSchema(schema);
        return copy;

    private Function deepCopy(Function func) {
        Function copy = null;
        if (func != null) {
            copy = new Function(func);
        return copy;

    protected PrincipalPrivilegeSet deepCopy(PrincipalPrivilegeSet pps) {
        PrincipalPrivilegeSet copy = null;
        if (pps != null) {
            copy = new PrincipalPrivilegeSet(pps);
        return copy;

    private List<Partition> deepCopyPartitions(List<Partition> partitions) {
        return deepCopyPartitions(partitions, null);

    private List<Partition> deepCopyPartitions(Collection<Partition> src, List<Partition> dest) {
        if (src == null) {
            return dest;
        if (dest == null) {
            dest = new ArrayList<Partition>(src.size());
        for (Partition part : src) {
        return dest;

    private List<Table> deepCopyTables(List<Table> tables) {
        List<Table> copy = null;
        if (tables != null) {
            copy = new ArrayList<Table>();
            for (Table tab : tables) {
        return copy;

    protected List<FieldSchema> deepCopyFieldSchemas(List<FieldSchema> schemas) {
        List<FieldSchema> copy = null;
        if (schemas != null) {
            copy = new ArrayList<FieldSchema>();
            for (FieldSchema schema : schemas) {
        return copy;

    public boolean grant_role(String roleName, String userName, PrincipalType principalType, String grantor,
            PrincipalType grantorType, boolean grantOption) throws MetaException, TException {
        GrantRevokeRoleRequest req = new GrantRevokeRoleRequest();
        GrantRevokeRoleResponse res = client.grant_revoke_role(req);
        if (!res.isSetSuccess()) {
            throw new MetaException("GrantRevokeResponse missing success field");
        return res.isSuccess();

    public boolean create_role(Role role) throws MetaException, TException {
        return client.create_role(role);

    public boolean drop_role(String roleName) throws MetaException, TException {
        return client.drop_role(roleName);

    public List<Role> list_roles(String principalName, PrincipalType principalType)
            throws MetaException, TException {
        return client.list_roles(principalName, principalType);

    public List<String> listRoleNames() throws MetaException, TException {
        return client.get_role_names();

    public GetPrincipalsInRoleResponse get_principals_in_role(GetPrincipalsInRoleRequest req)
            throws MetaException, TException {
        return client.get_principals_in_role(req);

    public GetRoleGrantsForPrincipalResponse get_role_grants_for_principal(
            GetRoleGrantsForPrincipalRequest getRolePrincReq) throws MetaException, TException {
        return client.get_role_grants_for_principal(getRolePrincReq);

    public boolean grant_privileges(PrivilegeBag privileges) throws MetaException, TException {
        GrantRevokePrivilegeRequest req = new GrantRevokePrivilegeRequest();
        GrantRevokePrivilegeResponse res = client.grant_revoke_privileges(req);
        if (!res.isSetSuccess()) {
            throw new MetaException("GrantRevokePrivilegeResponse missing success field");
        return res.isSuccess();

    public boolean revoke_role(String roleName, String userName, PrincipalType principalType, boolean grantOption)
            throws MetaException, TException {
        GrantRevokeRoleRequest req = new GrantRevokeRoleRequest();
        GrantRevokeRoleResponse res = client.grant_revoke_role(req);
        if (!res.isSetSuccess()) {
            throw new MetaException("GrantRevokeResponse missing success field");
        return res.isSuccess();

    public boolean revoke_privileges(PrivilegeBag privileges, boolean grantOption)
            throws MetaException, TException {
        GrantRevokePrivilegeRequest req = new GrantRevokePrivilegeRequest();
        GrantRevokePrivilegeResponse res = client.grant_revoke_privileges(req);
        if (!res.isSetSuccess()) {
            throw new MetaException("GrantRevokePrivilegeResponse missing success field");
        return res.isSuccess();

    public boolean refresh_privileges(HiveObjectRef objToRefresh, String authorizer, PrivilegeBag grantPrivileges)
            throws MetaException, TException {
        String defaultCat = getDefaultCatalog(conf);

        if (grantPrivileges.getPrivileges() != null) {
            for (HiveObjectPrivilege priv : grantPrivileges.getPrivileges()) {
                if (!priv.getHiveObject().isSetCatName()) {
        GrantRevokePrivilegeRequest grantReq = new GrantRevokePrivilegeRequest();

        GrantRevokePrivilegeResponse res = client.refresh_privileges(objToRefresh, authorizer, grantReq);
        if (!res.isSetSuccess()) {
            throw new MetaException("GrantRevokePrivilegeResponse missing success field");
        return res.isSuccess();

    public PrincipalPrivilegeSet get_privilege_set(HiveObjectRef hiveObject, String userName,
            List<String> groupNames) throws MetaException, TException {
        return client.get_privilege_set(hiveObject, userName, groupNames);

    public List<HiveObjectPrivilege> list_privileges(String principalName, PrincipalType principalType,
            HiveObjectRef hiveObject) throws MetaException, TException {
        return client.list_privileges(principalName, principalType, hiveObject);

    public String getDelegationToken(String renewerKerberosPrincipalName)
            throws MetaException, TException, IOException {
        //a convenience method that makes the intended owner for the delegation
        //token request the current user
        String owner = SecurityUtils.getUser();
        return getDelegationToken(owner, renewerKerberosPrincipalName);

    public String getDelegationToken(String owner, String renewerKerberosPrincipalName)
            throws MetaException, TException {
        // This is expected to be a no-op, so we will return null when we use local metastore.
        if (localMetaStore) {
            return null;
        return client.get_delegation_token(owner, renewerKerberosPrincipalName);

    public long renewDelegationToken(String tokenStrForm) throws MetaException, TException {
        if (localMetaStore) {
            return 0;
        return client.renew_delegation_token(tokenStrForm);


    public void cancelDelegationToken(String tokenStrForm) throws MetaException, TException {
        if (localMetaStore) {

    public boolean addToken(String tokenIdentifier, String delegationToken) throws TException {
        return client.add_token(tokenIdentifier, delegationToken);

    public boolean removeToken(String tokenIdentifier) throws TException {
        return client.remove_token(tokenIdentifier);

    public String getToken(String tokenIdentifier) throws TException {
        return client.get_token(tokenIdentifier);

    public List<String> getAllTokenIdentifiers() throws TException {
        return client.get_all_token_identifiers();

    public int addMasterKey(String key) throws MetaException, TException {
        return client.add_master_key(key);

    public void updateMasterKey(Integer seqNo, String key) throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException {
        client.update_master_key(seqNo, key);

    public boolean removeMasterKey(Integer keySeq) throws TException {
        return client.remove_master_key(keySeq);

    public String[] getMasterKeys() throws TException {
        List<String> keyList = client.get_master_keys();
        return keyList.toArray(new String[keyList.size()]);

    public ValidTxnList getValidTxns() throws TException {
        return TxnCommonUtils.createValidReadTxnList(client.get_open_txns(), 0);

    public ValidTxnList getValidTxns(long currentTxn) throws TException {
        return TxnCommonUtils.createValidReadTxnList(client.get_open_txns(), currentTxn);

    public ValidWriteIdList getValidWriteIds(String fullTableName) throws TException {
        GetValidWriteIdsRequest rqst = new GetValidWriteIdsRequest(Collections.singletonList(fullTableName));
        GetValidWriteIdsResponse validWriteIds = client.get_valid_write_ids(rqst);
        return TxnCommonUtils.createValidReaderWriteIdList(validWriteIds.getTblValidWriteIds().get(0));

    public ValidWriteIdList getValidWriteIds(String fullTableName, Long writeId) throws TException {
        GetValidWriteIdsRequest rqst = new GetValidWriteIdsRequest(Collections.singletonList(fullTableName));
        GetValidWriteIdsResponse validWriteIds = client.get_valid_write_ids(rqst);
        return TxnCommonUtils.createValidReaderWriteIdList(validWriteIds.getTblValidWriteIds().get(0));

    public List<TableValidWriteIds> getValidWriteIds(List<String> tablesList, String validTxnList)
            throws TException {
        GetValidWriteIdsRequest rqst = new GetValidWriteIdsRequest(tablesList);
        return client.get_valid_write_ids(rqst).getTblValidWriteIds();

    public long openTxn(String user) throws TException {
        OpenTxnsResponse txns = openTxns(user, 1);
        return txns.getTxn_ids().get(0);

    public long openTxn(String user, TxnType txnType) throws TException {
        OpenTxnsResponse txns = openTxnsIntr(user, 1, null, null, txnType);
        return txns.getTxn_ids().get(0);

    public OpenTxnsResponse openTxns(String user, int numTxns) throws TException {
        return openTxnsIntr(user, numTxns, null, null, null);

    public List<Long> replOpenTxn(String replPolicy, List<Long> srcTxnIds, String user) throws TException {
        // As this is called from replication task, the user is the user who has fired the repl command.
        // This is required for standalone metastore authentication.
        OpenTxnsResponse txns = openTxnsIntr(user, srcTxnIds.size(), replPolicy, srcTxnIds, null);
        return txns.getTxn_ids();

    private OpenTxnsResponse openTxnsIntr(String user, int numTxns, String replPolicy, List<Long> srcTxnIds,
            TxnType txnType) throws TException {
        String hostname;
        try {
            hostname = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName();
        } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
            LOG.error("Unable to resolve my host name " + e.getMessage());
            throw new RuntimeException(e);
        OpenTxnRequest rqst = new OpenTxnRequest(numTxns, user, hostname);
        if (replPolicy != null) {
            assert srcTxnIds != null;
            assert numTxns == srcTxnIds.size();
            // need to set this only for replication tasks
        } else {
            assert srcTxnIds == null;
        if (txnType != null) {
        return client.open_txns(rqst);

    public void rollbackTxn(long txnid) throws NoSuchTxnException, TException {
        client.abort_txn(new AbortTxnRequest(txnid));

    public void replRollbackTxn(long srcTxnId, String replPolicy) throws NoSuchTxnException, TException {
        AbortTxnRequest rqst = new AbortTxnRequest(srcTxnId);

    public void commitTxn(long txnid) throws NoSuchTxnException, TxnAbortedException, TException {
        client.commit_txn(new CommitTxnRequest(txnid));

    public void commitTxnWithKeyValue(long txnid, long tableId, String key, String value)
            throws NoSuchTxnException, TxnAbortedException, TException {
        CommitTxnRequest ctr = new CommitTxnRequest(txnid);
        Preconditions.checkNotNull(key, "The key to commit together" + " with the transaction can't be null");
        Preconditions.checkNotNull(value, "The value to commit together" + " with the transaction can't be null");
        ctr.setKeyValue(new CommitTxnKeyValue(tableId, key, value));

    public void replCommitTxn(CommitTxnRequest rqst) throws NoSuchTxnException, TxnAbortedException, TException {

    public GetOpenTxnsInfoResponse showTxns() throws TException {
        return client.get_open_txns_info();

    public void abortTxns(List<Long> txnids) throws NoSuchTxnException, TException {
        client.abort_txns(new AbortTxnsRequest(txnids));

    public void replTableWriteIdState(String validWriteIdList, String dbName, String tableName,
            List<String> partNames) throws TException {
        String user;
        try {
            user = UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser().getUserName();
        } catch (IOException e) {
            LOG.error("Unable to resolve current user name " + e.getMessage());
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

        String hostName;
        try {
            hostName = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName();
        } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
            LOG.error("Unable to resolve my host name " + e.getMessage());
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

        ReplTblWriteIdStateRequest rqst = new ReplTblWriteIdStateRequest(validWriteIdList, user, hostName, dbName,
        if (partNames != null) {

    public long allocateTableWriteId(long txnId, String dbName, String tableName) throws TException {
        return allocateTableWriteIdsBatch(Collections.singletonList(txnId), dbName, tableName).get(0).getWriteId();

    public List<TxnToWriteId> allocateTableWriteIdsBatch(List<Long> txnIds, String dbName, String tableName)
            throws TException {
        AllocateTableWriteIdsRequest rqst = new AllocateTableWriteIdsRequest(dbName, tableName);
        return allocateTableWriteIdsBatchIntr(rqst);

    public List<TxnToWriteId> replAllocateTableWriteIdsBatch(String dbName, String tableName, String replPolicy,
            List<TxnToWriteId> srcTxnToWriteIdList) throws TException {
        AllocateTableWriteIdsRequest rqst = new AllocateTableWriteIdsRequest(dbName, tableName);
        return allocateTableWriteIdsBatchIntr(rqst);

    private List<TxnToWriteId> allocateTableWriteIdsBatchIntr(AllocateTableWriteIdsRequest rqst) throws TException {
        return client.allocate_table_write_ids(rqst).getTxnToWriteIds();

    public LockResponse lock(LockRequest request) throws NoSuchTxnException, TxnAbortedException, TException {
        return client.lock(request);

    public LockResponse checkLock(long lockid)
            throws NoSuchTxnException, TxnAbortedException, NoSuchLockException, TException {
        return client.check_lock(new CheckLockRequest(lockid));

    public void unlock(long lockid) throws NoSuchLockException, TxnOpenException, TException {
        client.unlock(new UnlockRequest(lockid));

    public ShowLocksResponse showLocks() throws TException {
        return client.show_locks(new ShowLocksRequest());

    public ShowLocksResponse showLocks(ShowLocksRequest request) throws TException {
        return client.show_locks(request);

    public void heartbeat(long txnid, long lockid)
            throws NoSuchLockException, NoSuchTxnException, TxnAbortedException, TException {
        HeartbeatRequest hb = new HeartbeatRequest();

    public HeartbeatTxnRangeResponse heartbeatTxnRange(long min, long max)
            throws NoSuchTxnException, TxnAbortedException, TException {
        HeartbeatTxnRangeRequest rqst = new HeartbeatTxnRangeRequest(min, max);
        return client.heartbeat_txn_range(rqst);

    public void compact(String dbname, String tableName, String partitionName, CompactionType type)
            throws TException {
        CompactionRequest cr = new CompactionRequest();
        if (dbname == null) {
        } else {
        if (partitionName != null) {

    public void compact(String dbname, String tableName, String partitionName, CompactionType type,
            Map<String, String> tblproperties) throws TException {
        compact2(dbname, tableName, partitionName, type, tblproperties);

    public CompactionResponse compact2(String dbname, String tableName, String partitionName, CompactionType type,
            Map<String, String> tblproperties) throws TException {
        CompactionRequest cr = new CompactionRequest();
        if (dbname == null) {
        } else {
        if (partitionName != null) {
        return client.compact2(cr);

    public ShowCompactResponse showCompactions() throws TException {
        return client.show_compact(new ShowCompactRequest());

    public void addDynamicPartitions(long txnId, long writeId, String dbName, String tableName,
            List<String> partNames) throws TException {
        client.add_dynamic_partitions(new AddDynamicPartitions(txnId, writeId, dbName, tableName, partNames));

    public void addDynamicPartitions(long txnId, long writeId, String dbName, String tableName,
            List<String> partNames, DataOperationType operationType) throws TException {
        AddDynamicPartitions adp = new AddDynamicPartitions(txnId, writeId, dbName, tableName, partNames);

    public void insertTable(Table table, boolean overwrite) throws MetaException {
        boolean failed = true;
        HiveMetaHook hook = getHook(table);
        if (hook == null || !(hook instanceof DefaultHiveMetaHook)) {
        DefaultHiveMetaHook hiveMetaHook = (DefaultHiveMetaHook) hook;
        try {
            hiveMetaHook.commitInsertTable(table, overwrite);
            failed = false;
        } finally {
            if (failed) {
                hiveMetaHook.rollbackInsertTable(table, overwrite);

    @InterfaceAudience.LimitedPrivate({ "HCatalog" })
    public NotificationEventResponse getNextNotification(long lastEventId, int maxEvents, NotificationFilter filter)
            throws TException {
        NotificationEventRequest rqst = new NotificationEventRequest(lastEventId);
        NotificationEventResponse rsp = client.get_next_notification(rqst);
        LOG.debug("Got back " + rsp.getEventsSize() + " events");
        NotificationEventResponse filtered = new NotificationEventResponse();
        if (rsp != null && rsp.getEvents() != null) {
            long nextEventId = lastEventId + 1;
            for (NotificationEvent e : rsp.getEvents()) {
                if (e.getEventId() != nextEventId) {
                            "Requested events are found missing in NOTIFICATION_LOG table. Expected: {}, Actual: {}. "
                                    + "Probably, cleaner would've cleaned it up. "
                                    + "Try setting higher value for hive.metastore.event.db.listener.timetolive. "
                                    + "Also, bootstrap the system again to get back the consistent replicated state.",
                            nextEventId, e.getEventId());
                    throw new IllegalStateException("Notification events are missing.");
                if ((filter != null) && filter.accept(e)) {
        return (filter != null) ? filtered : rsp;

    @InterfaceAudience.LimitedPrivate({ "HCatalog" })
    public CurrentNotificationEventId getCurrentNotificationEventId() throws TException {
        return client.get_current_notificationEventId();

    @InterfaceAudience.LimitedPrivate({ "HCatalog" })
    public NotificationEventsCountResponse getNotificationEventsCount(NotificationEventsCountRequest rqst)
            throws TException {
        return client.get_notification_events_count(rqst);

    @InterfaceAudience.LimitedPrivate({ "Apache Hive, HCatalog" })
    public FireEventResponse fireListenerEvent(FireEventRequest rqst) throws TException {
        return client.fire_listener_event(rqst);

    @InterfaceAudience.LimitedPrivate({ "Apache Hive, HCatalog" })
    public void addWriteNotificationLog(WriteNotificationLogRequest rqst) throws TException {

     * Creates a synchronized wrapper for any {@link IMetaStoreClient}.
     * This may be used by multi-threaded applications until we have
     * fixed all reentrancy bugs.
     * @param client unsynchronized client
     * @return synchronized client
    public static IMetaStoreClient newSynchronizedClient(IMetaStoreClient client) {
        return (IMetaStoreClient) Proxy.newProxyInstance(HiveMetaStoreClientPreCatalog.class.getClassLoader(),
                new Class[] { IMetaStoreClient.class }, new SynchronizedHandler(client));

    private static class SynchronizedHandler implements InvocationHandler {
        private final IMetaStoreClient client;

        SynchronizedHandler(IMetaStoreClient client) {
            this.client = client;

        public synchronized Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable {
            try {
                return method.invoke(client, args);
            } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
                throw e.getTargetException();

    public void markPartitionForEvent(String db_name, String tbl_name, Map<String, String> partKVs,
            PartitionEventType eventType) throws MetaException, TException, NoSuchObjectException,
            UnknownDBException, UnknownTableException, InvalidPartitionException, UnknownPartitionException {
        assert db_name != null;
        assert tbl_name != null;
        assert partKVs != null;
        client.markPartitionForEvent(db_name, tbl_name, partKVs, eventType);

    public boolean isPartitionMarkedForEvent(String db_name, String tbl_name, Map<String, String> partKVs,
            PartitionEventType eventType) throws MetaException, NoSuchObjectException, UnknownTableException,
            UnknownDBException, TException, InvalidPartitionException, UnknownPartitionException {
        assert db_name != null;
        assert tbl_name != null;
        assert partKVs != null;
        return client.isPartitionMarkedForEvent(db_name, tbl_name, partKVs, eventType);

    public void createFunction(Function func) throws InvalidObjectException, MetaException, TException {

    public void alterFunction(String dbName, String funcName, Function newFunction)
            throws InvalidObjectException, MetaException, TException {
        client.alter_function(dbName, funcName, newFunction);

    public void dropFunction(String dbName, String funcName)
            throws MetaException, NoSuchObjectException, InvalidObjectException, InvalidInputException, TException {
        client.drop_function(dbName, funcName);

    public Function getFunction(String dbName, String funcName) throws MetaException, TException {
        Function f = client.get_function(dbName, funcName);
        return fastpath ? f : deepCopy(f);

    public List<String> getFunctions(String dbName, String pattern) throws MetaException, TException {
        return client.get_functions(dbName, pattern);

    public GetAllFunctionsResponse getAllFunctions() throws MetaException, TException {
        return client.get_all_functions();

    protected void create_table_with_environment_context(Table tbl, EnvironmentContext envContext)
            throws AlreadyExistsException, InvalidObjectException, MetaException, NoSuchObjectException,
            TException {
        client.create_table_with_environment_context(tbl, envContext);

    protected void drop_table_with_environment_context(String dbname, String name, boolean deleteData,
            EnvironmentContext envContext)
            throws MetaException, TException, NoSuchObjectException, UnsupportedOperationException {
        client.drop_table_with_environment_context(dbname, name, deleteData, envContext);

    public AggrStats getAggrColStatsFor(String dbName, String tblName, List<String> colNames,
            List<String> partNames) throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException {
        if (colNames.isEmpty() || partNames.isEmpty()) {
            LOG.debug("Columns is empty or partNames is empty : Short-circuiting stats eval on client side.");
            return new AggrStats(new ArrayList<>(), 0); // Nothing to aggregate
        PartitionsStatsRequest req = new PartitionsStatsRequest(dbName, tblName, colNames, partNames);
        return client.get_aggr_stats_for(req);

    public AggrStats getAggrColStatsFor(String dbName, String tblName, List<String> colNames, List<String> partName,
            String writeIdList) throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException {
        if (colNames.isEmpty() || partName.isEmpty()) {
            LOG.debug("Columns is empty or partNames is empty : Short-circuiting stats eval on client side.");
            return new AggrStats(new ArrayList<>(), 0); // Nothing to aggregate
        PartitionsStatsRequest req = new PartitionsStatsRequest(dbName, tblName, colNames, partName);
        return client.get_aggr_stats_for(req);

    public Iterable<Entry<Long, ByteBuffer>> getFileMetadata(final List<Long> fileIds) throws TException {
        return new MetastoreMapIterable<Long, ByteBuffer>() {
            private int listIndex = 0;

            protected Map<Long, ByteBuffer> fetchNextBatch() throws TException {
                if (listIndex == fileIds.size()) {
                    return null;
                int endIndex = Math.min(listIndex + fileMetadataBatchSize, fileIds.size());
                List<Long> subList = fileIds.subList(listIndex, endIndex);
                GetFileMetadataResult resp = sendGetFileMetadataReq(subList);
                // TODO: we could remember if it's unsupported and stop sending calls; although, it might
                //       be a bad idea for HS2+standalone metastore that could be updated with support.
                //       Maybe we should just remember this for some time.
                if (!resp.isIsSupported()) {
                    return null;
                listIndex = endIndex;
                return resp.getMetadata();

    private GetFileMetadataResult sendGetFileMetadataReq(List<Long> fileIds) throws TException {
        return client.get_file_metadata(new GetFileMetadataRequest(fileIds));

    public Iterable<Entry<Long, MetadataPpdResult>> getFileMetadataBySarg(final List<Long> fileIds,
            final ByteBuffer sarg, final boolean doGetFooters) throws TException {
        return new MetastoreMapIterable<Long, MetadataPpdResult>() {
            private int listIndex = 0;

            protected Map<Long, MetadataPpdResult> fetchNextBatch() throws TException {
                if (listIndex == fileIds.size()) {
                    return null;
                int endIndex = Math.min(listIndex + fileMetadataBatchSize, fileIds.size());
                List<Long> subList = fileIds.subList(listIndex, endIndex);
                GetFileMetadataByExprResult resp = sendGetFileMetadataBySargReq(sarg, subList, doGetFooters);
                if (!resp.isIsSupported()) {
                    return null;
                listIndex = endIndex;
                return resp.getMetadata();

    private GetFileMetadataByExprResult sendGetFileMetadataBySargReq(ByteBuffer sarg, List<Long> fileIds,
            boolean doGetFooters) throws TException {
        GetFileMetadataByExprRequest req = new GetFileMetadataByExprRequest(fileIds, sarg);
        req.setDoGetFooters(doGetFooters); // No need to get footers
        return client.get_file_metadata_by_expr(req);

    public static abstract class MetastoreMapIterable<K, V>
            implements Iterable<Entry<K, V>>, Iterator<Entry<K, V>> {
        private Iterator<Entry<K, V>> currentIter;

        protected abstract Map<K, V> fetchNextBatch() throws TException;

        public Iterator<Entry<K, V>> iterator() {
            return this;

        public boolean hasNext() {
            return currentIter != null;

        private void ensureCurrentBatch() {
            if (currentIter != null && currentIter.hasNext()) {
            currentIter = null;
            Map<K, V> currentBatch;
            do {
                try {
                    currentBatch = fetchNextBatch();
                } catch (TException ex) {
                    throw new RuntimeException(ex);
                if (currentBatch == null) {
                    return; // No more data.
            } while (currentBatch.isEmpty());
            currentIter = currentBatch.entrySet().iterator();

        public Entry<K, V> next() {
            if (currentIter == null) {
                throw new NoSuchElementException();

        public void remove() {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public void clearFileMetadata(List<Long> fileIds) throws TException {
        ClearFileMetadataRequest req = new ClearFileMetadataRequest();

    public void putFileMetadata(List<Long> fileIds, List<ByteBuffer> metadata) throws TException {
        PutFileMetadataRequest req = new PutFileMetadataRequest();

    public boolean isSameConfObj(Configuration c) {
        return conf == c;

    public boolean cacheFileMetadata(String dbName, String tableName, String partName, boolean allParts)
            throws TException {
        CacheFileMetadataRequest req = new CacheFileMetadataRequest();
        if (partName != null) {
        } else {
        CacheFileMetadataResult result = client.cache_file_metadata(req);
        return result.isIsSupported();

    public String getMetastoreDbUuid() throws TException {
        return client.get_metastore_db_uuid();

    public void createResourcePlan(WMResourcePlan resourcePlan, String copyFromName)
            throws InvalidObjectException, MetaException, TException {
        WMCreateResourcePlanRequest request = new WMCreateResourcePlanRequest();

    public WMFullResourcePlan getResourcePlan(String resourcePlanName, String ns)
            throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException {
        WMGetResourcePlanRequest request = new WMGetResourcePlanRequest();
        return client.get_resource_plan(request).getResourcePlan();

    public List<WMResourcePlan> getAllResourcePlans(String ns)
            throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException {
        WMGetAllResourcePlanRequest request = new WMGetAllResourcePlanRequest();
        return client.get_all_resource_plans(request).getResourcePlans();

    public void dropResourcePlan(String resourcePlanName, String ns)
            throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException {
        WMDropResourcePlanRequest request = new WMDropResourcePlanRequest();

    public WMFullResourcePlan alterResourcePlan(String resourcePlanName, String ns,
            WMNullableResourcePlan resourcePlan, boolean canActivateDisabled, boolean isForceDeactivate,
            boolean isReplace) throws NoSuchObjectException, InvalidObjectException, MetaException, TException {
        WMAlterResourcePlanRequest request = new WMAlterResourcePlanRequest();
        WMAlterResourcePlanResponse resp = client.alter_resource_plan(request);
        return resp.isSetFullResourcePlan() ? resp.getFullResourcePlan() : null;

    public WMFullResourcePlan getActiveResourcePlan(String ns) throws MetaException, TException {
        WMGetActiveResourcePlanRequest request = new WMGetActiveResourcePlanRequest();
        return client.get_active_resource_plan(request).getResourcePlan();

    public WMValidateResourcePlanResponse validateResourcePlan(String resourcePlanName, String ns)
            throws NoSuchObjectException, InvalidObjectException, MetaException, TException {
        WMValidateResourcePlanRequest request = new WMValidateResourcePlanRequest();
        return client.validate_resource_plan(request);

    public void createWMTrigger(WMTrigger trigger) throws InvalidObjectException, MetaException, TException {
        WMCreateTriggerRequest request = new WMCreateTriggerRequest();

    public void alterWMTrigger(WMTrigger trigger)
            throws NoSuchObjectException, InvalidObjectException, MetaException, TException {
        WMAlterTriggerRequest request = new WMAlterTriggerRequest();

    public void dropWMTrigger(String resourcePlanName, String triggerName, String ns)
            throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException {
        WMDropTriggerRequest request = new WMDropTriggerRequest();

    public List<WMTrigger> getTriggersForResourcePlan(String resourcePlan, String ns)
            throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException {
        WMGetTriggersForResourePlanRequest request = new WMGetTriggersForResourePlanRequest();
        return client.get_triggers_for_resourceplan(request).getTriggers();

    public void createWMPool(WMPool pool)
            throws NoSuchObjectException, InvalidObjectException, MetaException, TException {
        WMCreatePoolRequest request = new WMCreatePoolRequest();

    public void alterWMPool(WMNullablePool pool, String poolPath)
            throws NoSuchObjectException, InvalidObjectException, MetaException, TException {
        WMAlterPoolRequest request = new WMAlterPoolRequest();

    public void dropWMPool(String resourcePlanName, String poolPath, String ns)
            throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException {
        WMDropPoolRequest request = new WMDropPoolRequest();

    public void createOrUpdateWMMapping(WMMapping mapping, boolean isUpdate)
            throws NoSuchObjectException, InvalidObjectException, MetaException, TException {
        WMCreateOrUpdateMappingRequest request = new WMCreateOrUpdateMappingRequest();

    public void dropWMMapping(WMMapping mapping) throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException {
        WMDropMappingRequest request = new WMDropMappingRequest();

    public void createOrDropTriggerToPoolMapping(String resourcePlanName, String triggerName, String poolPath,
            boolean shouldDrop, String ns) throws AlreadyExistsException, NoSuchObjectException,
            InvalidObjectException, MetaException, TException {
        WMCreateOrDropTriggerToPoolMappingRequest request = new WMCreateOrDropTriggerToPoolMappingRequest();

    public void createCatalog(Catalog catalog)
            throws AlreadyExistsException, InvalidObjectException, MetaException, TException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public Catalog getCatalog(String catName) throws TException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public void alterCatalog(String catalogName, Catalog newCatalog)
            throws NoSuchObjectException, InvalidObjectException, MetaException, TException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public List<String> getCatalogs() throws TException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public void dropCatalog(String catName) throws TException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public List<String> getDatabases(String catName, String databasePattern) throws MetaException, TException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public List<String> getAllDatabases(String catName) throws MetaException, TException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public List<String> getTables(String catName, String dbName, String tablePattern)
            throws MetaException, TException, UnknownDBException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public List<String> getTables(String catName, String dbName, String tablePattern, TableType tableType)
            throws MetaException, TException, UnknownDBException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public List<String> getMaterializedViewsForRewriting(String catName, String dbName)
            throws MetaException, TException, UnknownDBException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public List<TableMeta> getTableMeta(String catName, String dbPatterns, String tablePatterns,
            List<String> tableTypes) throws MetaException, TException, UnknownDBException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public List<String> getAllTables(String catName, String dbName)
            throws MetaException, TException, UnknownDBException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public List<String> listTableNamesByFilter(String catName, String dbName, String filter, int maxTables)
            throws TException, InvalidOperationException, UnknownDBException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public void dropTable(String catName, String dbName, String tableName, boolean deleteData,
            boolean ignoreUnknownTable, boolean ifPurge) throws MetaException, NoSuchObjectException, TException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public void truncateTable(String catName, String dbName, String tableName, List<String> partNames)
            throws MetaException, TException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public boolean tableExists(String catName, String dbName, String tableName)
            throws MetaException, TException, UnknownDBException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public Database getDatabase(String catalogName, String databaseName)
            throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public Table getTable(String catName, String dbName, String tableName) throws MetaException, TException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public Table getTable(String catName, String dbName, boolean getColumnStats) throws MetaException, TException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public Table getTable(String catName, String dbName, String tableName, String validWriteIdList)
            throws TException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public Table getTable(String catName, String dbName, String tableName, String validWriteIdList,
            boolean getColumnStats) throws TException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public List<Table> getTableObjectsByName(String catName, String dbName, List<String> tableNames)
            throws MetaException, InvalidOperationException, UnknownDBException, TException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public void updateCreationMetadata(String catName, String dbName, String tableName, CreationMetadata cm)
            throws MetaException, TException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public Partition appendPartition(String catName, String dbName, String tableName, List<String> partVals)
            throws InvalidObjectException, AlreadyExistsException, MetaException, TException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public Partition appendPartition(String catName, String dbName, String tableName, String name)
            throws InvalidObjectException, AlreadyExistsException, MetaException, TException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public Partition getPartition(String catName, String dbName, String tblName, List<String> partVals)
            throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public Partition exchange_partition(Map<String, String> partitionSpecs, String sourceCat, String sourceDb,
            String sourceTable, String destCat, String destdb, String destTableName)
            throws MetaException, NoSuchObjectException, InvalidObjectException, TException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public List<Partition> exchange_partitions(Map<String, String> partitionSpecs, String sourceCat,
            String sourceDb, String sourceTable, String destCat, String destdb, String destTableName)
            throws MetaException, NoSuchObjectException, InvalidObjectException, TException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public Partition getPartition(String catName, String dbName, String tblName, String name)
            throws MetaException, UnknownTableException, NoSuchObjectException, TException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public Partition getPartitionWithAuthInfo(String catName, String dbName, String tableName, List<String> pvals,
            String userName, List<String> groupNames)
            throws MetaException, UnknownTableException, NoSuchObjectException, TException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public List<Partition> listPartitions(String catName, String db_name, String tbl_name, int max_parts)
            throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public PartitionSpecProxy listPartitionSpecs(String catName, String dbName, String tableName, int maxParts)
            throws TException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public List<Partition> listPartitions(String catName, String db_name, String tbl_name, List<String> part_vals,
            int max_parts) throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public List<String> listPartitionNames(String catName, String db_name, String tbl_name, int max_parts)
            throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public List<String> listPartitionNames(String catName, String db_name, String tbl_name, List<String> part_vals,
            int max_parts) throws MetaException, TException, NoSuchObjectException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public int getNumPartitionsByFilter(String catName, String dbName, String tableName, String filter)
            throws MetaException, NoSuchObjectException, TException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public List<Partition> listPartitionsByFilter(String catName, String db_name, String tbl_name, String filter,
            int max_parts) throws MetaException, NoSuchObjectException, TException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public PartitionSpecProxy listPartitionSpecsByFilter(String catName, String db_name, String tbl_name,
            String filter, int max_parts) throws MetaException, NoSuchObjectException, TException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public boolean listPartitionsByExpr(String catName, String db_name, String tbl_name, byte[] expr,
            String default_partition_name, int max_parts, List<Partition> result) throws TException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public List<Partition> listPartitionsWithAuthInfo(String catName, String dbName, String tableName, int maxParts,
            String userName, List<String> groupNames) throws MetaException, TException, NoSuchObjectException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public List<Partition> getPartitionsByNames(String catName, String db_name, String tbl_name,
            List<String> part_names) throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public List<Partition> listPartitionsWithAuthInfo(String catName, String dbName, String tableName,
            List<String> partialPvals, int maxParts, String userName, List<String> groupNames)
            throws MetaException, TException, NoSuchObjectException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public void markPartitionForEvent(String catName, String db_name, String tbl_name, Map<String, String> partKVs,
            PartitionEventType eventType) throws MetaException, NoSuchObjectException, TException,
            UnknownTableException, UnknownDBException, UnknownPartitionException, InvalidPartitionException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public boolean isPartitionMarkedForEvent(String catName, String db_name, String tbl_name,
            Map<String, String> partKVs, PartitionEventType eventType)
            throws MetaException, NoSuchObjectException, TException, UnknownTableException, UnknownDBException,
            UnknownPartitionException, InvalidPartitionException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public void alter_table(String catName, String dbName, String tblName, Table newTable,
            EnvironmentContext envContext) throws InvalidOperationException, MetaException, TException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public void dropDatabase(String catName, String dbName, boolean deleteData, boolean ignoreUnknownDb,
            boolean cascade) throws NoSuchObjectException, InvalidOperationException, MetaException, TException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public void alterDatabase(String catName, String dbName, Database newDb)
            throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public boolean dropPartition(String catName, String db_name, String tbl_name, List<String> part_vals,
            boolean deleteData) throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public boolean dropPartition(String catName, String db_name, String tbl_name, List<String> part_vals,
            PartitionDropOptions options) throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public List<Partition> dropPartitions(String catName, String dbName, String tblName,
            List<ObjectPair<Integer, byte[]>> partExprs, PartitionDropOptions options)
            throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public boolean dropPartition(String catName, String db_name, String tbl_name, String name, boolean deleteData)
            throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public void alter_partition(String catName, String dbName, String tblName, Partition newPart,
            EnvironmentContext environmentContext) throws InvalidOperationException, MetaException, TException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public void alter_partitions(String catName, String dbName, String tblName, List<Partition> newParts,
            EnvironmentContext environmentContext, String writeIdList, long writeId)
            throws InvalidOperationException, MetaException, TException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public void renamePartition(String catName, String dbname, String tableName, List<String> part_vals,
            Partition newPart, String validWriteIds) throws InvalidOperationException, MetaException, TException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public List<FieldSchema> getFields(String catName, String db, String tableName)
            throws MetaException, TException, UnknownTableException, UnknownDBException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public List<FieldSchema> getSchema(String catName, String db, String tableName)
            throws MetaException, TException, UnknownTableException, UnknownDBException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public List<ColumnStatisticsObj> getTableColumnStatistics(String catName, String dbName, String tableName,
            List<String> colNames) throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public List<ColumnStatisticsObj> getTableColumnStatistics(String catName, String dbName, String tableName,
            List<String> colNames, String validWriteIdList)
            throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public Map<String, List<ColumnStatisticsObj>> getPartitionColumnStatistics(String catName, String dbName,
            String tableName, List<String> partNames, List<String> colNames)
            throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public Map<String, List<ColumnStatisticsObj>> getPartitionColumnStatistics(String catName, String dbName,
            String tableName, List<String> partNames, List<String> colNames, String validWriteIdList)
            throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public boolean deletePartitionColumnStatistics(String catName, String dbName, String tableName, String partName,
            String colName)
            throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, InvalidObjectException, TException, InvalidInputException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public boolean deleteTableColumnStatistics(String catName, String dbName, String tableName, String colName)
            throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, InvalidObjectException, TException, InvalidInputException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public void alterFunction(String catName, String dbName, String funcName, Function newFunction)
            throws InvalidObjectException, MetaException, TException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public void dropFunction(String catName, String dbName, String funcName)
            throws MetaException, NoSuchObjectException, InvalidObjectException, InvalidInputException, TException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public Function getFunction(String catName, String dbName, String funcName) throws MetaException, TException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public List<String> getFunctions(String catName, String dbName, String pattern)
            throws MetaException, TException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public AggrStats getAggrColStatsFor(String catName, String dbName, String tblName, List<String> colNames,
            List<String> partNames) throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public AggrStats getAggrColStatsFor(String catName, String dbName, String tblName, List<String> colNames,
            List<String> partNames, String writeIdList) throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public void dropConstraint(String catName, String dbName, String tableName, String constraintName)
            throws MetaException, NoSuchObjectException, TException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public void createISchema(ISchema schema) throws TException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public void alterISchema(String catName, String dbName, String schemaName, ISchema newSchema)
            throws TException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public ISchema getISchema(String catName, String dbName, String name) throws TException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public void dropISchema(String catName, String dbName, String name) throws TException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public void addSchemaVersion(SchemaVersion schemaVersion) throws TException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public SchemaVersion getSchemaVersion(String catName, String dbName, String schemaName, int version)
            throws TException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public SchemaVersion getSchemaLatestVersion(String catName, String dbName, String schemaName)
            throws TException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public List<SchemaVersion> getSchemaAllVersions(String catName, String dbName, String schemaName)
            throws TException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public void dropSchemaVersion(String catName, String dbName, String schemaName, int version) throws TException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public FindSchemasByColsResp getSchemaByCols(FindSchemasByColsRqst rqst) throws TException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public void mapSchemaVersionToSerde(String catName, String dbName, String schemaName, int version,
            String serdeName) throws TException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public void setSchemaVersionState(String catName, String dbName, String schemaName, int version,
            SchemaVersionState state) throws TException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public void addSerDe(SerDeInfo serDeInfo) throws TException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public SerDeInfo getSerDe(String serDeName) throws TException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public LockResponse lockMaterializationRebuild(String dbName, String tableName, long txnId) throws TException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public boolean heartbeatLockMaterializationRebuild(String dbName, String tableName, long txnId)
            throws TException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public void addRuntimeStat(RuntimeStat stat) throws TException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public List<RuntimeStat> getRuntimeStats(int maxWeight, int maxCreateTime) throws TException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public void alter_table(String catName, String databaseName, String tblName, Table table,
            EnvironmentContext environmentContext, String validWriteIdList)
            throws InvalidOperationException, MetaException, TException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public void alter_partition(String catName, String dbName, String tblName, Partition newPart,
            EnvironmentContext environmentContext, String writeIdList)
            throws InvalidOperationException, MetaException, TException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public void truncateTable(String dbName, String tableName, List<String> partNames, String validWriteIds,
            long writeId) throws TException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public GetPartitionsResponse getPartitionsWithSpecs(GetPartitionsRequest request) throws TException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public OptionalCompactionInfoStruct findNextCompact(String workerId) throws MetaException, TException {
        return client.find_next_compact(workerId);

    public void updateCompactorState(CompactionInfoStruct cr, long txnId) throws TException {
        client.update_compactor_state(cr, txnId);

    public List<String> findColumnsWithStats(CompactionInfoStruct cr) throws TException {
        return client.find_columns_with_stats(cr);

    public void markCleaned(CompactionInfoStruct cr) throws MetaException, TException {

    public void markCompacted(CompactionInfoStruct cr) throws MetaException, TException {

    public void markFailed(CompactionInfoStruct cr) throws MetaException, TException {

    public void setHadoopJobid(String jobId, long cqId) throws MetaException, TException {
        client.set_hadoop_jobid(jobId, cqId);