Java tutorial
/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import static org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FSImageFormatPBINode.ACL_ENTRY_NAME_MASK; import static org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FSImageFormatPBINode.ACL_ENTRY_NAME_OFFSET; import static org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FSImageFormatPBINode.ACL_ENTRY_SCOPE_OFFSET; import static org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FSImageFormatPBINode.ACL_ENTRY_TYPE_OFFSET; import static org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FSImageFormatPBINode.XATTR_NAMESPACE_MASK; import static org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FSImageFormatPBINode.XATTR_NAME_OFFSET; import static org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FSImageFormatPBINode.XATTR_NAMESPACE_OFFSET; import static org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FSImageFormatPBINode.XATTR_NAMESPACE_EXT_OFFSET; import static org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FSImageFormatPBINode.XATTR_NAMESPACE_EXT_MASK; import static*; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Paths; import; import; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Map; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience; import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceStability; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.AclEntry; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.FsPermission; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.proto.HdfsProtos; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.proto.ClientNamenodeProtocolProtos.CacheDirectiveInfoExpirationProto; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.proto.ClientNamenodeProtocolProtos.CacheDirectiveInfoProto; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.proto.ClientNamenodeProtocolProtos.CachePoolInfoProto; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.proto.XAttrProtos; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FSImageFormatProtobuf.SectionName; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FSImageUtil; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FsImageProto; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FsImageProto.CacheManagerSection; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FsImageProto.FileSummary; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FsImageProto.FilesUnderConstructionSection.FileUnderConstructionEntry; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FsImageProto.INodeSection; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FsImageProto.INodeSection.AclFeatureProto; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FsImageProto.NameSystemSection; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FsImageProto.SecretManagerSection; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FsImageProto.SnapshotDiffSection.DiffEntry; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.NameNodeLayoutVersion; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.util.MD5FileUtils; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.util.XMLUtils; import; import; import org.apache.hadoop.util.StringUtils; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.HexBinaryAdapter; import; import; import; import; import; @InterfaceAudience.Private @InterfaceStability.Unstable class OfflineImageReconstructor { public static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(OfflineImageReconstructor.class); /** * The output stream. */ private final CountingOutputStream out; /** * A source of XML events based on the input file. */ private final XMLEventReader events; /** * A map of section names to section handler objects. */ private final HashMap<String, SectionProcessor> sections; /** * The offset of the start of the current section. */ private long sectionStartOffset; /** * The FileSummary builder, where we gather information about each section * we wrote. */ private final FileSummary.Builder fileSummaryBld = FileSummary.newBuilder(); /** * The string table. See registerStringId for details. */ private final HashMap<String, Integer> stringTable = new HashMap<>(); /** * The date formatter to use with fsimage XML files. */ private final SimpleDateFormat isoDateFormat; /** * The latest string ID. See registerStringId for details. */ private int latestStringId = 0; private static final String EMPTY_STRING = ""; private OfflineImageReconstructor(CountingOutputStream out, InputStreamReader reader) throws XMLStreamException { this.out = out; XMLInputFactory factory = XMLInputFactory.newInstance(); = factory.createXMLEventReader(reader); this.sections = new HashMap<>(); this.sections.put(NameSectionProcessor.NAME, new NameSectionProcessor()); this.sections.put(INodeSectionProcessor.NAME, new INodeSectionProcessor()); this.sections.put(SecretManagerSectionProcessor.NAME, new SecretManagerSectionProcessor()); this.sections.put(CacheManagerSectionProcessor.NAME, new CacheManagerSectionProcessor()); this.sections.put(SnapshotDiffSectionProcessor.NAME, new SnapshotDiffSectionProcessor()); this.sections.put(INodeReferenceSectionProcessor.NAME, new INodeReferenceSectionProcessor()); this.sections.put(INodeDirectorySectionProcessor.NAME, new INodeDirectorySectionProcessor()); this.sections.put(FilesUnderConstructionSectionProcessor.NAME, new FilesUnderConstructionSectionProcessor()); this.sections.put(SnapshotSectionProcessor.NAME, new SnapshotSectionProcessor()); this.isoDateFormat = PBImageXmlWriter.createSimpleDateFormat(); } /** * Read the next tag start or end event. * * @param expected The name of the next tag we expect. * We will validate that the tag has this name, * unless this string is enclosed in braces. * @param allowEnd If true, we will also end events. * If false, end events cause an exception. * * @return The next tag start or end event. */ private XMLEvent expectTag(String expected, boolean allowEnd) throws IOException { XMLEvent ev = null; while (true) { try { ev = events.nextEvent(); } catch (XMLStreamException e) { throw new IOException("Expecting " + expected + ", but got XMLStreamException", e); } switch (ev.getEventType()) { case XMLEvent.ATTRIBUTE: throw new IOException("Got unexpected attribute: " + ev); case XMLEvent.CHARACTERS: if (!ev.asCharacters().isWhiteSpace()) { throw new IOException("Got unxpected characters while " + "looking for " + expected + ": " + ev.asCharacters().getData()); } break; case XMLEvent.END_ELEMENT: if (!allowEnd) { throw new IOException("Got unexpected end event " + "while looking for " + expected); } return ev; case XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT: if (!expected.startsWith("[")) { if (!ev.asStartElement().getName().getLocalPart().equals(expected)) { throw new IOException("Failed to find <" + expected + ">; " + "got " + ev.asStartElement().getName().getLocalPart() + " instead."); } } return ev; default: // Ignore other event types like comment, etc. if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("Skipping XMLEvent of type " + ev.getEventType() + "(" + ev + ")"); } break; } } } private void expectTagEnd(String expected) throws IOException { XMLEvent ev = expectTag(expected, true); if (ev.getEventType() != XMLStreamConstants.END_ELEMENT) { throw new IOException("Expected tag end event for " + expected + ", but got: " + ev); } if (!expected.startsWith("[")) { String tag = ev.asEndElement().getName().getLocalPart(); if (!tag.equals(expected)) { throw new IOException( "Expected tag end event for " + expected + ", but got tag end event for " + tag); } } } private static class Node { private static final String EMPTY = ""; HashMap<String, LinkedList<Node>> children; String val = EMPTY; void addChild(String key, Node node) { if (children == null) { children = new HashMap<>(); } LinkedList<Node> cur = children.get(key); if (cur == null) { cur = new LinkedList<>(); children.put(key, cur); } cur.add(node); } Node removeChild(String key) { if (children == null) { return null; } LinkedList<Node> cur = children.get(key); if (cur == null) { return null; } Node node = cur.remove(); if ((node == null) || cur.isEmpty()) { children.remove(key); } return node; } String removeChildStr(String key) { Node child = removeChild(key); if (child == null) { return null; } if ((child.children != null) && (!child.children.isEmpty())) { throw new RuntimeException("Node " + key + " contains children " + "of its own."); } return child.getVal(); } Integer removeChildInt(String key) throws IOException { String str = removeChildStr(key); if (str == null) { return null; } return Integer.valueOf(str); } Long removeChildLong(String key) throws IOException { String str = removeChildStr(key); if (str == null) { return null; } return Long.valueOf(str); } boolean removeChildBool(String key) throws IOException { String str = removeChildStr(key); if (str == null) { return false; } return true; } String getRemainingKeyNames() { if (children == null) { return ""; } return StringUtils.join(", ", children.keySet()); } void verifyNoRemainingKeys(String sectionName) throws IOException { String remainingKeyNames = getRemainingKeyNames(); if (!remainingKeyNames.isEmpty()) { throw new IOException("Found unknown XML keys in " + sectionName + ": " + remainingKeyNames); } } void setVal(String val) { this.val = val; } String getVal() { return val; } String dump() { StringBuilder bld = new StringBuilder(); if ((children != null) && (!children.isEmpty())) { bld.append("{"); } if (val != null) { bld.append("[").append(val).append("]"); } if ((children != null) && (!children.isEmpty())) { String prefix = ""; for (Map.Entry<String, LinkedList<Node>> entry : children.entrySet()) { for (Node n : entry.getValue()) { bld.append(prefix); bld.append(entry.getKey()).append(": "); bld.append(n.dump()); prefix = ", "; } } bld.append("}"); } return bld.toString(); } } private void loadNodeChildrenHelper(Node parent, String expected, String terminators[]) throws IOException { XMLEvent ev = null; while (true) { try { ev = events.peek(); switch (ev.getEventType()) { case XMLEvent.END_ELEMENT: if (terminators.length != 0) { return; } events.nextEvent(); return; case XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT: String key = ev.asStartElement().getName().getLocalPart(); for (String terminator : terminators) { if (terminator.equals(key)) { return; } } events.nextEvent(); Node node = new Node(); parent.addChild(key, node); loadNodeChildrenHelper(node, expected, new String[0]); break; case XMLEvent.CHARACTERS: String val = XMLUtils.unmangleXmlString(ev.asCharacters().getData(), true); parent.setVal(val); events.nextEvent(); break; case XMLEvent.ATTRIBUTE: throw new IOException("Unexpected XML event " + ev); default: // Ignore other event types like comment, etc. if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("Skipping XMLEvent " + ev); } events.nextEvent(); break; } } catch (XMLStreamException e) { throw new IOException("Expecting " + expected + ", but got XMLStreamException", e); } } } /** * Load a subtree of the XML into a Node structure. * We will keep consuming XML events until we exit the current subtree. * If there are any terminators specified, we will always leave the * terminating end tag event in the stream. * * @param parent The node to fill in. * @param expected A string to display in exceptions. * @param terminators Entering any one of these XML tags terminates our * traversal. * @throws IOException */ private void loadNodeChildren(Node parent, String expected, String... terminators) throws IOException { loadNodeChildrenHelper(parent, expected, terminators); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("loadNodeChildren(expected=" + expected + ", terminators=[" + StringUtils.join(",", terminators) + "]):" + parent.dump()); } } /** * A processor for an FSImage XML section. */ private interface SectionProcessor { /** * Process this section. */ void process() throws IOException; } /** * Processes the NameSection containing last allocated block ID, etc. */ private class NameSectionProcessor implements SectionProcessor { static final String NAME = "NameSection"; @Override public void process() throws IOException { Node node = new Node(); loadNodeChildren(node, "NameSection fields"); NameSystemSection.Builder b = NameSystemSection.newBuilder(); Integer namespaceId = node.removeChildInt(NAME_SECTION_NAMESPACE_ID); if (namespaceId == null) { throw new IOException("<NameSection> is missing <namespaceId>"); } b.setNamespaceId(namespaceId); Long lval = node.removeChildLong(NAME_SECTION_GENSTAMPV1); if (lval != null) { b.setGenstampV1(lval); } lval = node.removeChildLong(NAME_SECTION_GENSTAMPV2); if (lval != null) { b.setGenstampV2(lval); } lval = node.removeChildLong(NAME_SECTION_GENSTAMPV1_LIMIT); if (lval != null) { b.setGenstampV1Limit(lval); } lval = node.removeChildLong(NAME_SECTION_LAST_ALLOCATED_BLOCK_ID); if (lval != null) { b.setLastAllocatedBlockId(lval); } lval = node.removeChildLong(NAME_SECTION_TXID); if (lval != null) { b.setTransactionId(lval); } lval = node.removeChildLong(NAME_SECTION_ROLLING_UPGRADE_START_TIME); if (lval != null) { b.setRollingUpgradeStartTime(lval); } lval = node.removeChildLong(NAME_SECTION_LAST_ALLOCATED_STRIPED_BLOCK_ID); if (lval != null) { b.setLastAllocatedStripedBlockId(lval); } node.verifyNoRemainingKeys("NameSection"); NameSystemSection s =; if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug( + " writing header: {" + TextFormat.printToString(s) + "}"); } s.writeDelimitedTo(out); recordSectionLength(; } } private class INodeSectionProcessor implements SectionProcessor { static final String NAME = "INodeSection"; @Override public void process() throws IOException { Node headerNode = new Node(); loadNodeChildren(headerNode, "INodeSection fields", "inode"); INodeSection.Builder b = INodeSection.newBuilder(); Long lval = headerNode.removeChildLong(INODE_SECTION_LAST_INODE_ID); if (lval != null) { b.setLastInodeId(lval); } Integer expectedNumINodes = headerNode.removeChildInt(INODE_SECTION_NUM_INODES); if (expectedNumINodes == null) { throw new IOException("Failed to find <numInodes> in INodeSection."); } b.setNumInodes(expectedNumINodes); INodeSection s =; s.writeDelimitedTo(out); headerNode.verifyNoRemainingKeys("INodeSection"); int actualNumINodes = 0; while (actualNumINodes < expectedNumINodes) { try { expectTag(INODE_SECTION_INODE, false); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IOException( "Only found " + actualNumINodes + " <inode> entries out of " + expectedNumINodes, e); } actualNumINodes++; Node inode = new Node(); loadNodeChildren(inode, "INode fields"); INodeSection.INode.Builder inodeBld = processINodeXml(inode);; } expectTagEnd(INODE_SECTION_NAME); recordSectionLength(; } } private INodeSection.INode.Builder processINodeXml(Node node) throws IOException { String type = node.removeChildStr(INODE_SECTION_TYPE); if (type == null) { throw new IOException("INode XML found with no <type> tag."); } INodeSection.INode.Builder inodeBld = INodeSection.INode.newBuilder(); Long id = node.removeChildLong(SECTION_ID); if (id == null) { throw new IOException("<inode> found without <id>"); } inodeBld.setId(id); String name = node.removeChildStr(SECTION_NAME); if (name != null) { inodeBld.setName(ByteString.copyFrom(name, "UTF8")); } switch (type) { case "FILE": processFileXml(node, inodeBld); break; case "DIRECTORY": processDirectoryXml(node, inodeBld); break; case "SYMLINK": processSymlinkXml(node, inodeBld); break; default: throw new IOException("INode XML found with unknown <type> " + "tag " + type); } node.verifyNoRemainingKeys("inode"); return inodeBld; } private void processFileXml(Node node, INodeSection.INode.Builder inodeBld) throws IOException { inodeBld.setType(INodeSection.INode.Type.FILE); INodeSection.INodeFile.Builder bld = INodeSection.INodeFile.newBuilder(); Integer ival = node.removeChildInt(SECTION_REPLICATION); if (ival != null) { bld.setReplication(ival); } Long lval = node.removeChildLong(INODE_SECTION_MTIME); if (lval != null) { bld.setModificationTime(lval); } lval = node.removeChildLong(INODE_SECTION_ATIME); if (lval != null) { bld.setAccessTime(lval); } lval = node.removeChildLong(INODE_SECTION_PREFERRED_BLOCK_SIZE); if (lval != null) { bld.setPreferredBlockSize(lval); } String perm = node.removeChildStr(INODE_SECTION_PERMISSION); if (perm != null) { bld.setPermission(permissionXmlToU64(perm)); } Node blocks = node.removeChild(INODE_SECTION_BLOCKS); if (blocks != null) { while (true) { Node block = blocks.removeChild(INODE_SECTION_BLOCK); if (block == null) { break; } HdfsProtos.BlockProto.Builder blockBld = HdfsProtos.BlockProto.newBuilder(); Long id = block.removeChildLong(SECTION_ID); if (id == null) { throw new IOException("<block> found without <id>"); } blockBld.setBlockId(id); Long genstamp = block.removeChildLong(INODE_SECTION_GEMSTAMP); if (genstamp == null) { throw new IOException("<block> found without <genstamp>"); } blockBld.setGenStamp(genstamp); Long numBytes = block.removeChildLong(INODE_SECTION_NUM_BYTES); if (numBytes == null) { throw new IOException("<block> found without <numBytes>"); } blockBld.setNumBytes(numBytes); bld.addBlocks(blockBld); } } Node fileUnderConstruction = node.removeChild(INODE_SECTION_FILE_UNDER_CONSTRUCTION); if (fileUnderConstruction != null) { INodeSection.FileUnderConstructionFeature.Builder fb = INodeSection.FileUnderConstructionFeature .newBuilder(); String clientName = fileUnderConstruction.removeChildStr(INODE_SECTION_CLIENT_NAME); if (clientName == null) { throw new IOException("<file-under-construction> found without " + "<clientName>"); } fb.setClientName(clientName); String clientMachine = fileUnderConstruction.removeChildStr(INODE_SECTION_CLIENT_MACHINE); if (clientMachine == null) { throw new IOException("<file-under-construction> found without " + "<clientMachine>"); } fb.setClientMachine(clientMachine); bld.setFileUC(fb); } Node acls = node.removeChild(INODE_SECTION_ACLS); if (acls != null) { bld.setAcl(aclXmlToProto(acls)); } Node xattrs = node.removeChild(INODE_SECTION_XATTRS); if (xattrs != null) { bld.setXAttrs(xattrsXmlToProto(xattrs)); } ival = node.removeChildInt(INODE_SECTION_STORAGE_POLICY_ID); if (ival != null) { bld.setStoragePolicyID(ival); } Boolean bval = node.removeChildBool(INODE_SECTION_IS_STRIPED); bld.setIsStriped(bval); inodeBld.setFile(bld); // Will check remaining keys and serialize in processINodeXml } private void processDirectoryXml(Node node, INodeSection.INode.Builder inodeBld) throws IOException { inodeBld.setType(INodeSection.INode.Type.DIRECTORY); INodeSection.INodeDirectory.Builder bld = INodeSection.INodeDirectory.newBuilder(); Long lval = node.removeChildLong(INODE_SECTION_MTIME); if (lval != null) { bld.setModificationTime(lval); } lval = node.removeChildLong(INODE_SECTION_NS_QUOTA); if (lval != null) { bld.setNsQuota(lval); } lval = node.removeChildLong(INODE_SECTION_DS_QUOTA); if (lval != null) { bld.setDsQuota(lval); } String perm = node.removeChildStr(INODE_SECTION_PERMISSION); if (perm != null) { bld.setPermission(permissionXmlToU64(perm)); } Node acls = node.removeChild(INODE_SECTION_ACLS); if (acls != null) { bld.setAcl(aclXmlToProto(acls)); } Node xattrs = node.removeChild(INODE_SECTION_XATTRS); if (xattrs != null) { bld.setXAttrs(xattrsXmlToProto(xattrs)); } INodeSection.QuotaByStorageTypeFeatureProto.Builder qf = INodeSection.QuotaByStorageTypeFeatureProto .newBuilder(); while (true) { Node typeQuota = node.removeChild(INODE_SECTION_TYPE_QUOTA); if (typeQuota == null) { break; } INodeSection.QuotaByStorageTypeEntryProto.Builder qbld = INodeSection.QuotaByStorageTypeEntryProto .newBuilder(); String type = typeQuota.removeChildStr(INODE_SECTION_TYPE); if (type == null) { throw new IOException("<typeQuota> was missing <type>"); } HdfsProtos.StorageTypeProto storageType = HdfsProtos.StorageTypeProto.valueOf(type); if (storageType == null) { throw new IOException("<typeQuota> had unknown <type> " + type); } qbld.setStorageType(storageType); Long quota = typeQuota.removeChildLong(INODE_SECTION_QUOTA); if (quota == null) { throw new IOException("<typeQuota> was missing <quota>"); } qbld.setQuota(quota); qf.addQuotas(qbld); } bld.setTypeQuotas(qf); inodeBld.setDirectory(bld); // Will check remaining keys and serialize in processINodeXml } private void processSymlinkXml(Node node, INodeSection.INode.Builder inodeBld) throws IOException { inodeBld.setType(INodeSection.INode.Type.SYMLINK); INodeSection.INodeSymlink.Builder bld = INodeSection.INodeSymlink.newBuilder(); String perm = node.removeChildStr(INODE_SECTION_PERMISSION); if (perm != null) { bld.setPermission(permissionXmlToU64(perm)); } String target = node.removeChildStr(INODE_SECTION_TARGET); if (target != null) { bld.setTarget(ByteString.copyFrom(target, "UTF8")); } Long lval = node.removeChildLong(INODE_SECTION_MTIME); if (lval != null) { bld.setModificationTime(lval); } lval = node.removeChildLong(INODE_SECTION_ATIME); if (lval != null) { bld.setAccessTime(lval); } inodeBld.setSymlink(bld); // Will check remaining keys and serialize in processINodeXml } private INodeSection.AclFeatureProto.Builder aclXmlToProto(Node acls) throws IOException { AclFeatureProto.Builder b = AclFeatureProto.newBuilder(); while (true) { Node acl = acls.removeChild(INODE_SECTION_ACL); if (acl == null) { break; } String val = acl.getVal(); AclEntry entry = AclEntry.parseAclEntry(val, true); int nameId = registerStringId(entry.getName() == null ? EMPTY_STRING : entry.getName()); int v = ((nameId & ACL_ENTRY_NAME_MASK) << ACL_ENTRY_NAME_OFFSET) | (entry.getType().ordinal() << ACL_ENTRY_TYPE_OFFSET) | (entry.getScope().ordinal() << ACL_ENTRY_SCOPE_OFFSET) | (entry.getPermission().ordinal()); b.addEntries(v); } return b; } private INodeSection.XAttrFeatureProto.Builder xattrsXmlToProto(Node xattrs) throws IOException { INodeSection.XAttrFeatureProto.Builder bld = INodeSection.XAttrFeatureProto.newBuilder(); while (true) { Node xattr = xattrs.removeChild(INODE_SECTION_XATTR); if (xattr == null) { break; } INodeSection.XAttrCompactProto.Builder b = INodeSection.XAttrCompactProto.newBuilder(); String ns = xattr.removeChildStr(INODE_SECTION_NS); if (ns == null) { throw new IOException("<xattr> had no <ns> entry."); } int nsIdx = XAttrProtos.XAttrProto.XAttrNamespaceProto.valueOf(ns).ordinal(); String name = xattr.removeChildStr(SECTION_NAME); String valStr = xattr.removeChildStr(INODE_SECTION_VAL); byte[] val = null; if (valStr == null) { String valHex = xattr.removeChildStr(INODE_SECTION_VAL_HEX); if (valHex == null) { throw new IOException("<xattr> had no <val> or <valHex> entry."); } val = new HexBinaryAdapter().unmarshal(valHex); } else { val = valStr.getBytes("UTF8"); } b.setValue(ByteString.copyFrom(val)); // The XAttrCompactProto name field uses a fairly complex format // to encode both the string table ID of the xattr name and the // namespace ID. See the protobuf file for details. int nameId = registerStringId(name); int encodedName = (nameId << XATTR_NAME_OFFSET) | ((nsIdx & XATTR_NAMESPACE_MASK) << XATTR_NAMESPACE_OFFSET) | (((nsIdx >> 2) & XATTR_NAMESPACE_EXT_MASK) << XATTR_NAMESPACE_EXT_OFFSET); b.setName(encodedName); xattr.verifyNoRemainingKeys("xattr"); bld.addXAttrs(b); } xattrs.verifyNoRemainingKeys("xattrs"); return bld; } private class SecretManagerSectionProcessor implements SectionProcessor { static final String NAME = "SecretManagerSection"; @Override public void process() throws IOException { Node secretHeader = new Node(); loadNodeChildren(secretHeader, "SecretManager fields", "delegationKey", "token"); SecretManagerSection.Builder b = SecretManagerSection.newBuilder(); Integer currentId = secretHeader.removeChildInt(SECRET_MANAGER_SECTION_CURRENT_ID); if (currentId == null) { throw new IOException("SecretManager section had no <currentId>"); } b.setCurrentId(currentId); Integer tokenSequenceNumber = secretHeader.removeChildInt(SECRET_MANAGER_SECTION_TOKEN_SEQUENCE_NUMBER); if (tokenSequenceNumber == null) { throw new IOException("SecretManager section had no " + "<tokenSequenceNumber>"); } b.setTokenSequenceNumber(tokenSequenceNumber); Integer expectedNumKeys = secretHeader.removeChildInt(SECRET_MANAGER_SECTION_NUM_DELEGATION_KEYS); if (expectedNumKeys == null) { throw new IOException("SecretManager section had no " + "<numDelegationKeys>"); } b.setNumKeys(expectedNumKeys); Integer expectedNumTokens = secretHeader.removeChildInt(SECRET_MANAGER_SECTION_NUM_TOKENS); if (expectedNumTokens == null) { throw new IOException("SecretManager section had no " + "<numTokens>"); } b.setNumTokens(expectedNumTokens); secretHeader.verifyNoRemainingKeys("SecretManager");; for (int actualNumKeys = 0; actualNumKeys < expectedNumKeys; actualNumKeys++) { try { expectTag(SECRET_MANAGER_SECTION_DELEGATION_KEY, false); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IOException( "Only read " + actualNumKeys + " delegation keys out of " + expectedNumKeys, e); } SecretManagerSection.DelegationKey.Builder dbld = SecretManagerSection.DelegationKey.newBuilder(); Node dkey = new Node(); loadNodeChildren(dkey, "Delegation key fields"); Integer id = dkey.removeChildInt(SECTION_ID); if (id == null) { throw new IOException("Delegation key stanza <delegationKey> " + "lacked an <id> field."); } dbld.setId(id); String expiry = dkey.removeChildStr(SECRET_MANAGER_SECTION_EXPIRY); if (expiry == null) { throw new IOException("Delegation key stanza <delegationKey> " + "lacked an <expiry> field."); } dbld.setExpiryDate(dateStrToLong(expiry)); String keyHex = dkey.removeChildStr(SECRET_MANAGER_SECTION_KEY); if (keyHex == null) { throw new IOException("Delegation key stanza <delegationKey> " + "lacked a <key> field."); } byte[] key = new HexBinaryAdapter().unmarshal(keyHex); dkey.verifyNoRemainingKeys(SECRET_MANAGER_SECTION_DELEGATION_KEY); dbld.setKey(ByteString.copyFrom(key));; } for (int actualNumTokens = 0; actualNumTokens < expectedNumTokens; actualNumTokens++) { try { expectTag(SECRET_MANAGER_SECTION_TOKEN, false); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IOException("Only read " + actualNumTokens + " tokens out of " + expectedNumTokens, e); } SecretManagerSection.PersistToken.Builder tbld = SecretManagerSection.PersistToken.newBuilder(); Node token = new Node(); loadNodeChildren(token, "PersistToken key fields"); Integer version = token.removeChildInt(SECRET_MANAGER_SECTION_VERSION); if (version != null) { tbld.setVersion(version); } String owner = token.removeChildStr(SECRET_MANAGER_SECTION_OWNER); if (owner != null) { tbld.setOwner(owner); } String renewer = token.removeChildStr(SECRET_MANAGER_SECTION_RENEWER); if (renewer != null) { tbld.setRenewer(renewer); } String realUser = token.removeChildStr(SECRET_MANAGER_SECTION_REAL_USER); if (realUser != null) { tbld.setRealUser(realUser); } String issueDateStr = token.removeChildStr(SECRET_MANAGER_SECTION_ISSUE_DATE); if (issueDateStr != null) { tbld.setIssueDate(dateStrToLong(issueDateStr)); } String maxDateStr = token.removeChildStr(SECRET_MANAGER_SECTION_MAX_DATE); if (maxDateStr != null) { tbld.setMaxDate(dateStrToLong(maxDateStr)); } Integer seqNo = token.removeChildInt(SECRET_MANAGER_SECTION_SEQUENCE_NUMBER); if (seqNo != null) { tbld.setSequenceNumber(seqNo); } Integer masterKeyId = token.removeChildInt(SECRET_MANAGER_SECTION_MASTER_KEY_ID); if (masterKeyId != null) { tbld.setMasterKeyId(masterKeyId); } String expiryDateStr = token.removeChildStr(SECRET_MANAGER_SECTION_EXPIRY_DATE); if (expiryDateStr != null) { tbld.setExpiryDate(dateStrToLong(expiryDateStr)); } token.verifyNoRemainingKeys("token");; } expectTagEnd(SECRET_MANAGER_SECTION_NAME); recordSectionLength(; } private long dateStrToLong(String dateStr) throws IOException { try { Date date = isoDateFormat.parse(dateStr); return date.getTime(); } catch (ParseException e) { throw new IOException("Failed to parse ISO date string " + dateStr, e); } } } private class CacheManagerSectionProcessor implements SectionProcessor { static final String NAME = "CacheManagerSection"; @Override public void process() throws IOException { Node node = new Node(); loadNodeChildren(node, "CacheManager fields", "pool", "directive"); CacheManagerSection.Builder b = CacheManagerSection.newBuilder(); Long nextDirectiveId = node.removeChildLong(CACHE_MANAGER_SECTION_NEXT_DIRECTIVE_ID); if (nextDirectiveId == null) { throw new IOException("CacheManager section had no <nextDirectiveId>"); } b.setNextDirectiveId(nextDirectiveId); Integer expectedNumPools = node.removeChildInt(CACHE_MANAGER_SECTION_NUM_POOLS); if (expectedNumPools == null) { throw new IOException("CacheManager section had no <numPools>"); } b.setNumPools(expectedNumPools); Integer expectedNumDirectives = node.removeChildInt(CACHE_MANAGER_SECTION_NUM_DIRECTIVES); if (expectedNumDirectives == null) { throw new IOException("CacheManager section had no <numDirectives>"); } b.setNumDirectives(expectedNumDirectives);; long actualNumPools = 0; while (actualNumPools < expectedNumPools) { try { expectTag(CACHE_MANAGER_SECTION_POOL, false); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IOException("Only read " + actualNumPools + " cache pools out of " + expectedNumPools, e); } actualNumPools++; Node pool = new Node(); loadNodeChildren(pool, "pool fields", ""); processPoolXml(node); } long actualNumDirectives = 0; while (actualNumDirectives < expectedNumDirectives) { try { expectTag(CACHE_MANAGER_SECTION_DIRECTIVE, false); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IOException( "Only read " + actualNumDirectives + " cache pools out of " + expectedNumDirectives, e); } actualNumDirectives++; Node pool = new Node(); loadNodeChildren(pool, "directive fields", ""); processDirectiveXml(node); } expectTagEnd(CACHE_MANAGER_SECTION_NAME); recordSectionLength(; } private void processPoolXml(Node pool) throws IOException { CachePoolInfoProto.Builder bld = CachePoolInfoProto.newBuilder(); String poolName = pool.removeChildStr(CACHE_MANAGER_SECTION_POOL_NAME); if (poolName == null) { throw new IOException("<pool> found without <poolName>"); } bld.setPoolName(poolName); String ownerName = pool.removeChildStr(CACHE_MANAGER_SECTION_OWNER_NAME); if (ownerName == null) { throw new IOException("<pool> found without <ownerName>"); } bld.setOwnerName(ownerName); String groupName = pool.removeChildStr(CACHE_MANAGER_SECTION_GROUP_NAME); if (groupName == null) { throw new IOException("<pool> found without <groupName>"); } bld.setGroupName(groupName); Integer mode = pool.removeChildInt(CACHE_MANAGER_SECTION_MODE); if (mode == null) { throw new IOException("<pool> found without <mode>"); } bld.setMode(mode); Long limit = pool.removeChildLong(CACHE_MANAGER_SECTION_LIMIT); if (limit == null) { throw new IOException("<pool> found without <limit>"); } bld.setLimit(limit); Long maxRelativeExpiry = pool.removeChildLong(CACHE_MANAGER_SECTION_MAX_RELATIVE_EXPIRY); if (maxRelativeExpiry == null) { throw new IOException("<pool> found without <maxRelativeExpiry>"); } bld.setMaxRelativeExpiry(maxRelativeExpiry); pool.verifyNoRemainingKeys("pool");; } private void processDirectiveXml(Node directive) throws IOException { CacheDirectiveInfoProto.Builder bld = CacheDirectiveInfoProto.newBuilder(); Long id = directive.removeChildLong(SECTION_ID); if (id == null) { throw new IOException("<directive> found without <id>"); } bld.setId(id); String path = directive.removeChildStr(SECTION_PATH); if (path == null) { throw new IOException("<directive> found without <path>"); } bld.setPath(path); Integer replication = directive.removeChildInt(SECTION_REPLICATION); if (replication == null) { throw new IOException("<directive> found without <replication>"); } bld.setReplication(replication); String pool = directive.removeChildStr(CACHE_MANAGER_SECTION_POOL); if (path == null) { throw new IOException("<directive> found without <pool>"); } bld.setPool(pool); Node expiration = directive.removeChild(CACHE_MANAGER_SECTION_EXPIRATION); if (expiration != null) { CacheDirectiveInfoExpirationProto.Builder ebld = CacheDirectiveInfoExpirationProto.newBuilder(); Long millis = expiration.removeChildLong(CACHE_MANAGER_SECTION_MILLIS); if (millis == null) { throw new IOException("cache directive <expiration> found " + "without <millis>"); } ebld.setMillis(millis); if (expiration.removeChildBool(CACHE_MANAGER_SECTION_RELATIVE)) { ebld.setIsRelative(true); } else { ebld.setIsRelative(false); } bld.setExpiration(ebld); } directive.verifyNoRemainingKeys("directive");; } } private class INodeReferenceSectionProcessor implements SectionProcessor { static final String NAME = "INodeReferenceSection"; @Override public void process() throws IOException { // There is no header for this section. // We process the repeated <ref> elements. while (true) { XMLEvent ev = expectTag(INODE_REFERENCE_SECTION_REF, true); if (ev.isEndElement()) { break; } Node inodeRef = new Node(); FsImageProto.INodeReferenceSection.INodeReference.Builder bld = FsImageProto.INodeReferenceSection.INodeReference .newBuilder(); loadNodeChildren(inodeRef, "INodeReference"); Long referredId = inodeRef.removeChildLong(INODE_REFERENCE_SECTION_REFERRED_ID); if (referredId != null) { bld.setReferredId(referredId); } String name = inodeRef.removeChildStr("name"); if (name != null) { bld.setName(ByteString.copyFrom(name, "UTF8")); } Integer dstSnapshotId = inodeRef.removeChildInt(INODE_REFERENCE_SECTION_DST_SNAPSHOT_ID); if (dstSnapshotId != null) { bld.setDstSnapshotId(dstSnapshotId); } Integer lastSnapshotId = inodeRef.removeChildInt(INODE_REFERENCE_SECTION_LAST_SNAPSHOT_ID); if (lastSnapshotId != null) { bld.setLastSnapshotId(lastSnapshotId); } inodeRef.verifyNoRemainingKeys("ref");; } recordSectionLength(; } } private class INodeDirectorySectionProcessor implements SectionProcessor { static final String NAME = "INodeDirectorySection"; @Override public void process() throws IOException { // No header for this section // Process the repeated <directory> elements. while (true) { XMLEvent ev = expectTag(INODE_DIRECTORY_SECTION_DIRECTORY, true); if (ev.isEndElement()) { break; } Node directory = new Node(); FsImageProto.INodeDirectorySection.DirEntry.Builder bld = FsImageProto.INodeDirectorySection.DirEntry .newBuilder(); loadNodeChildren(directory, "directory"); Long parent = directory.removeChildLong(INODE_DIRECTORY_SECTION_PARENT); if (parent != null) { bld.setParent(parent); } while (true) { Node child = directory.removeChild(INODE_DIRECTORY_SECTION_CHILD); if (child == null) { break; } bld.addChildren(Long.parseLong(child.getVal())); } while (true) { Node refChild = directory.removeChild(INODE_DIRECTORY_SECTION_REF_CHILD); if (refChild == null) { break; } bld.addRefChildren(Integer.parseInt(refChild.getVal())); } directory.verifyNoRemainingKeys("directory");; } recordSectionLength(; } } private class FilesUnderConstructionSectionProcessor implements SectionProcessor { static final String NAME = "FileUnderConstructionSection"; @Override public void process() throws IOException { // No header for this section type. // Process the repeated files under construction elements. while (true) { XMLEvent ev = expectTag(INODE_SECTION_INODE, true); if (ev.isEndElement()) { break; } Node fileUnderConstruction = new Node(); loadNodeChildren(fileUnderConstruction, "file under construction"); FileUnderConstructionEntry.Builder bld = FileUnderConstructionEntry.newBuilder(); Long id = fileUnderConstruction.removeChildLong(SECTION_ID); if (id != null) { bld.setInodeId(id); } String fullpath = fileUnderConstruction.removeChildStr(SECTION_PATH); if (fullpath != null) { bld.setFullPath(fullpath); } fileUnderConstruction.verifyNoRemainingKeys("inode");; } recordSectionLength(; } } private class SnapshotSectionProcessor implements SectionProcessor { static final String NAME = "SnapshotSection"; @Override public void process() throws IOException { FsImageProto.SnapshotSection.Builder bld = FsImageProto.SnapshotSection.newBuilder(); Node header = new Node(); loadNodeChildren(header, "SnapshotSection fields", "snapshot"); Integer snapshotCounter = header.removeChildInt(SNAPSHOT_SECTION_SNAPSHOT_COUNTER); if (snapshotCounter == null) { throw new IOException("No <snapshotCounter> entry found in " + "SnapshotSection header"); } bld.setSnapshotCounter(snapshotCounter); Integer expectedNumSnapshots = header.removeChildInt(SNAPSHOT_SECTION_NUM_SNAPSHOTS); if (expectedNumSnapshots == null) { throw new IOException("No <numSnapshots> entry found in " + "SnapshotSection header"); } bld.setNumSnapshots(expectedNumSnapshots); while (true) { Node sd = header.removeChild(SNAPSHOT_SECTION_SNAPSHOT_TABLE_DIR); if (sd == null) { break; } Long dir = sd.removeChildLong(SNAPSHOT_SECTION_DIR); sd.verifyNoRemainingKeys("<dir>"); bld.addSnapshottableDir(dir); } header.verifyNoRemainingKeys("SnapshotSection");; int actualNumSnapshots = 0; while (actualNumSnapshots < expectedNumSnapshots) { try { expectTag(SNAPSHOT_SECTION_SNAPSHOT, false); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IOException("Only read " + actualNumSnapshots + " <snapshot> entries out of " + expectedNumSnapshots, e); } actualNumSnapshots++; Node snapshot = new Node(); loadNodeChildren(snapshot, "snapshot fields"); FsImageProto.SnapshotSection.Snapshot.Builder s = FsImageProto.SnapshotSection.Snapshot .newBuilder(); Integer snapshotId = snapshot.removeChildInt(SECTION_ID); if (snapshotId == null) { throw new IOException("<snapshot> section was missing <id>"); } s.setSnapshotId(snapshotId); Node snapshotRoot = snapshot.removeChild(SNAPSHOT_SECTION_ROOT); INodeSection.INode.Builder inodeBld = processINodeXml(snapshotRoot); s.setRoot(inodeBld);; } expectTagEnd(SNAPSHOT_SECTION_NAME); recordSectionLength(; } } private class SnapshotDiffSectionProcessor implements SectionProcessor { static final String NAME = "SnapshotDiffSection"; @Override public void process() throws IOException { // No header for this section type. LOG.debug("Processing SnapshotDiffSection"); while (true) { XMLEvent ev = expectTag("[diff start tag]", true); if (ev.isEndElement()) { String name = ev.asEndElement().getName().getLocalPart(); if (name.equals(SNAPSHOT_DIFF_SECTION_NAME)) { break; } throw new IOException("Got unexpected end tag for " + name); } String tagName = ev.asStartElement().getName().getLocalPart(); if (tagName.equals(SNAPSHOT_DIFF_SECTION_DIR_DIFF_ENTRY)) { processDirDiffEntry(); } else if (tagName.equals(SNAPSHOT_DIFF_SECTION_FILE_DIFF_ENTRY)) { processFileDiffEntry(); } else { throw new IOException("SnapshotDiffSection contained unexpected " + "tag " + tagName); } } recordSectionLength(; } private void processDirDiffEntry() throws IOException { LOG.debug("Processing dirDiffEntry"); DiffEntry.Builder headerBld = DiffEntry.newBuilder(); headerBld.setType(DiffEntry.Type.DIRECTORYDIFF); Node dirDiffHeader = new Node(); loadNodeChildren(dirDiffHeader, "dirDiffEntry fields", "dirDiff"); Long inodeId = dirDiffHeader.removeChildLong(SNAPSHOT_DIFF_SECTION_INODE_ID); if (inodeId == null) { throw new IOException("<dirDiffEntry> contained no <inodeId> entry."); } headerBld.setInodeId(inodeId); Integer expectedDiffs = dirDiffHeader.removeChildInt(SNAPSHOT_DIFF_SECTION_COUNT); if (expectedDiffs == null) { throw new IOException("<dirDiffEntry> contained no <count> entry."); } headerBld.setNumOfDiff(expectedDiffs); dirDiffHeader.verifyNoRemainingKeys("dirDiffEntry");; for (int actualDiffs = 0; actualDiffs < expectedDiffs; actualDiffs++) { try { expectTag(SNAPSHOT_DIFF_SECTION_DIR_DIFF, false); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IOException("Only read " + (actualDiffs + 1) + " diffs out of " + expectedDiffs, e); } Node dirDiff = new Node(); loadNodeChildren(dirDiff, "dirDiff fields"); FsImageProto.SnapshotDiffSection.DirectoryDiff.Builder bld = FsImageProto.SnapshotDiffSection.DirectoryDiff .newBuilder(); Integer snapshotId = dirDiff.removeChildInt(SNAPSHOT_DIFF_SECTION_SNAPSHOT_ID); if (snapshotId != null) { bld.setSnapshotId(snapshotId); } Integer childrenSize = dirDiff.removeChildInt(SNAPSHOT_DIFF_SECTION_CHILDREN_SIZE); if (childrenSize == null) { throw new IOException("Expected to find <childrenSize> in " + "<dirDiff> section."); } bld.setIsSnapshotRoot(dirDiff.removeChildBool(SNAPSHOT_DIFF_SECTION_IS_SNAPSHOT_ROOT)); bld.setChildrenSize(childrenSize); String name = dirDiff.removeChildStr(SECTION_NAME); if (name != null) { bld.setName(ByteString.copyFrom(name, "UTF8")); } // TODO: add missing snapshotCopy field to XML Integer expectedCreatedListSize = dirDiff.removeChildInt(SNAPSHOT_DIFF_SECTION_CREATED_LIST_SIZE); if (expectedCreatedListSize == null) { throw new IOException("Expected to find <createdListSize> in " + "<dirDiff> section."); } bld.setCreatedListSize(expectedCreatedListSize); while (true) { Node deleted = dirDiff.removeChild(SNAPSHOT_DIFF_SECTION_DELETED_INODE); if (deleted == null) { break; } bld.addDeletedINode(Long.parseLong(deleted.getVal())); } while (true) { Node deleted = dirDiff.removeChild(SNAPSHOT_DIFF_SECTION_DELETED_INODE_REF); if (deleted == null) { break; } bld.addDeletedINodeRef(Integer.parseInt(deleted.getVal())); }; // After the DirectoryDiff header comes a list of CreatedListEntry PBs. int actualCreatedListSize = 0; while (true) { Node created = dirDiff.removeChild(SNAPSHOT_DIFF_SECTION_CREATED); if (created == null) { break; } String cleName = created.removeChildStr(SECTION_NAME); if (cleName == null) { throw new IOException("Expected <created> entry to have " + "a <name> field"); } created.verifyNoRemainingKeys("created"); FsImageProto.SnapshotDiffSection.CreatedListEntry.newBuilder() .setName(ByteString.copyFrom(cleName, "UTF8")).build().writeDelimitedTo(out); actualCreatedListSize++; } if (actualCreatedListSize != expectedCreatedListSize) { throw new IOException("<createdListSize> was " + expectedCreatedListSize + ", but there were " + actualCreatedListSize + " <created> entries."); } dirDiff.verifyNoRemainingKeys("dirDiff"); } expectTagEnd(SNAPSHOT_DIFF_SECTION_DIR_DIFF_ENTRY); } private void processFileDiffEntry() throws IOException { LOG.debug("Processing fileDiffEntry"); DiffEntry.Builder headerBld = DiffEntry.newBuilder(); headerBld.setType(DiffEntry.Type.FILEDIFF); Node fileDiffHeader = new Node(); loadNodeChildren(fileDiffHeader, "fileDiffEntry fields", "fileDiff"); Long inodeId = fileDiffHeader.removeChildLong(SNAPSHOT_DIFF_SECTION_INODE_ID); if (inodeId == null) { throw new IOException("<fileDiffEntry> contained no <inodeid> entry."); } headerBld.setInodeId(inodeId); Integer expectedDiffs = fileDiffHeader.removeChildInt(SNAPSHOT_DIFF_SECTION_COUNT); if (expectedDiffs == null) { throw new IOException("<fileDiffEntry> contained no <count> entry."); } headerBld.setNumOfDiff(expectedDiffs); fileDiffHeader.verifyNoRemainingKeys("fileDiffEntry");; for (int actualDiffs = 0; actualDiffs < expectedDiffs; actualDiffs++) { try { expectTag(SNAPSHOT_DIFF_SECTION_FILE_DIFF, false); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IOException("Only read " + (actualDiffs + 1) + " diffs out of " + expectedDiffs, e); } Node fileDiff = new Node(); loadNodeChildren(fileDiff, "fileDiff fields"); FsImageProto.SnapshotDiffSection.FileDiff.Builder bld = FsImageProto.SnapshotDiffSection.FileDiff .newBuilder(); Integer snapshotId = fileDiff.removeChildInt(SNAPSHOT_DIFF_SECTION_SNAPSHOT_ID); if (snapshotId != null) { bld.setSnapshotId(snapshotId); } Long size = fileDiff.removeChildLong(SNAPSHOT_DIFF_SECTION_SIZE); if (size != null) { bld.setFileSize(size); } String name = fileDiff.removeChildStr(SECTION_NAME); if (name != null) { bld.setName(ByteString.copyFrom(name, "UTF8")); } // TODO: missing snapshotCopy // TODO: missing blocks fileDiff.verifyNoRemainingKeys("fileDiff");; } expectTagEnd(SNAPSHOT_DIFF_SECTION_FILE_DIFF_ENTRY); } } /** * Permission is serialized as a 64-bit long. [0:24):[25:48):[48:64) * (in Big Endian). The first and the second parts are the string ids * of the user and group name, and the last 16 bits are the permission bits. * * @param perm The permission string from the XML. * @return The 64-bit value to use in the fsimage for permission. * @throws IOException If we run out of string IDs in the string table. */ private long permissionXmlToU64(String perm) throws IOException { String components[] = perm.split(":"); if (components.length != 3) { throw new IOException("Unable to parse permission string " + perm + ": expected 3 components, but only had " + components.length); } String userName = components[0]; String groupName = components[1]; String modeString = components[2]; long userNameId = registerStringId(userName); long groupNameId = registerStringId(groupName); long mode = new FsPermission(modeString).toShort(); return (userNameId << 40) | (groupNameId << 16) | mode; } /** * The FSImage contains a string table which maps strings to IDs. * This is a simple form of compression which takes advantage of the fact * that the same strings tend to occur over and over again. * This function will return an ID which we can use to represent the given * string. If the string already exists in the string table, we will use * that ID; otherwise, we will allocate a new one. * * @param str The string. * @return The ID in the string table. * @throws IOException If we run out of bits in the string table. We only * have 25 bits. */ int registerStringId(String str) throws IOException { Integer id = stringTable.get(str); if (id != null) { return id; } int latestId = latestStringId; if (latestId >= 0x1ffffff) { throw new IOException("Cannot have more than 2**25 " + "strings in the fsimage, because of the limitation on " + "the size of string table IDs."); } stringTable.put(str, latestId); latestStringId++; return latestId; } /** * Record the length of a section of the FSImage in our FileSummary object. * The FileSummary appears at the end of the FSImage and acts as a table of * contents for the file. * * @param sectionNamePb The name of the section as it should appear in * the fsimage. (This is different than the XML * name.) * @throws IOException */ void recordSectionLength(String sectionNamePb) throws IOException { long curSectionStartOffset = sectionStartOffset; long curPos = out.getCount(); //if (sectionNamePb.equals( { fileSummaryBld.addSections(FileSummary.Section.newBuilder().setName(sectionNamePb) .setLength(curPos - curSectionStartOffset).setOffset(curSectionStartOffset)); //} sectionStartOffset = curPos; } /** * Read the version tag which starts the XML file. */ private void readVersion() throws IOException { try { expectTag("version", false); } catch (IOException e) { // Handle the case where <version> does not exist. // Note: fsimage XML files which are missing <version> are also missing // many other fields that ovi needs to accurately reconstruct the // fsimage. throw new IOException("No <version> section found at the top of " + "the fsimage XML. This XML file is too old to be processed " + "by ovi.", e); } Node version = new Node(); loadNodeChildren(version, "version fields"); Integer onDiskVersion = version.removeChildInt("onDiskVersion"); if (onDiskVersion == null) { throw new IOException("The <version> section doesn't contain " + "the onDiskVersion."); } Integer layoutVersion = version.removeChildInt("layoutVersion"); if (layoutVersion == null) { throw new IOException("The <version> section doesn't contain " + "the layoutVersion."); } if (layoutVersion.intValue() != NameNodeLayoutVersion.CURRENT_LAYOUT_VERSION) { throw new IOException("Layout version mismatch. This oiv tool " + "handles layout version " + NameNodeLayoutVersion.CURRENT_LAYOUT_VERSION + ", but the " + "XML file has <layoutVersion> " + layoutVersion + ". Please " + "either re-generate the XML file with the proper layout version, " + "or manually edit the XML file to be usable with this version " + "of the oiv tool."); } fileSummaryBld.setOndiskVersion(onDiskVersion); fileSummaryBld.setLayoutVersion(layoutVersion); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Loaded <version> with onDiskVersion=" + onDiskVersion + ", layoutVersion=" + layoutVersion + "."); } } /** * Write the string table to the fsimage. * @throws IOException */ private void writeStringTableSection() throws IOException { FsImageProto.StringTableSection sectionHeader = FsImageProto.StringTableSection.newBuilder() .setNumEntry(stringTable.size()).build(); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug( + " writing header: {" + TextFormat.printToString(sectionHeader) + "}"); } sectionHeader.writeDelimitedTo(out); // The entries don't have to be in any particular order, so iterating // over the hash table is fine. for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : stringTable.entrySet()) { FsImageProto.StringTableSection.Entry stEntry = FsImageProto.StringTableSection.Entry.newBuilder() .setStr(entry.getKey()).setId(entry.getValue()).build(); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("Writing string table entry: {" + TextFormat.printToString(stEntry) + "}"); } stEntry.writeDelimitedTo(out); } recordSectionLength(; } /** * Processes the XML file back into an fsimage. */ private void processXml() throws Exception { LOG.debug("Loading <fsimage>."); expectTag("fsimage", false); // Read the <version> tag. readVersion(); // Write the HDFSIMG1 magic number which begins the fsimage file. out.write(FSImageUtil.MAGIC_HEADER); // Write a series of fsimage sections. sectionStartOffset = FSImageUtil.MAGIC_HEADER.length; final HashSet<String> unprocessedSections = new HashSet<>(sections.keySet()); while (!unprocessedSections.isEmpty()) { XMLEvent ev = expectTag("[section header]", true); if (ev.getEventType() == XMLStreamConstants.END_ELEMENT) { if (ev.asEndElement().getName().getLocalPart().equals("fsimage")) { throw new IOException("FSImage XML ended prematurely, without " + "including section(s) " + StringUtils.join(", ", unprocessedSections)); } throw new IOException( "Got unexpected tag end event for " + ev.asEndElement().getName().getLocalPart() + " while looking " + "for section header tag."); } else if (ev.getEventType() != XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT) { throw new IOException( "Expected section header START_ELEMENT; " + "got event of type " + ev.getEventType()); } String sectionName = ev.asStartElement().getName().getLocalPart(); if (!unprocessedSections.contains(sectionName)) { throw new IOException("Unknown or duplicate section found for " + sectionName); } SectionProcessor sectionProcessor = sections.get(sectionName); if (sectionProcessor == null) { throw new IOException("Unknown FSImage section " + sectionName + ". Valid section names are [" + StringUtils.join(", ", sections.keySet()) + "]"); } unprocessedSections.remove(sectionName); sectionProcessor.process(); } // Write the StringTable section to disk. // This has to be done after the other sections, since some of them // add entries to the string table. writeStringTableSection(); // Write the FileSummary section to disk. // This section is always last. long prevOffset = out.getCount(); FileSummary fileSummary =; if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Writing FileSummary: {" + TextFormat.printToString(fileSummary) + "}"); } // Even though the last 4 bytes of the file gives the FileSummary length, // we still write a varint first that also contains the length. fileSummary.writeDelimitedTo(out); // Write the length of the FileSummary section as a fixed-size big // endian 4-byte quantity. int summaryLen = Ints.checkedCast(out.getCount() - prevOffset); byte[] summaryLenBytes = new byte[4]; ByteBuffer.wrap(summaryLenBytes).asIntBuffer().put(summaryLen); out.write(summaryLenBytes); } /** * Run the OfflineImageReconstructor. * * @param inputPath The input path to use. * @param outputPath The output path to use. * * @throws Exception On error. */ public static void run(String inputPath, String outputPath) throws Exception { MessageDigest digester = MD5Hash.getDigester(); FileOutputStream fout = null; File foutHash = new File(outputPath + ".md5"); Files.deleteIfExists(foutHash.toPath()); // delete any .md5 file that exists CountingOutputStream out = null; FileInputStream fis = null; InputStreamReader reader = null; try { Files.deleteIfExists(Paths.get(outputPath)); fout = new FileOutputStream(outputPath); fis = new FileInputStream(inputPath); reader = new InputStreamReader(fis, Charset.forName("UTF-8")); out = new CountingOutputStream(new DigestOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(fout), digester)); OfflineImageReconstructor oir = new OfflineImageReconstructor(out, reader); oir.processXml(); } finally { IOUtils.cleanup(LOG, reader, fis, out, fout); } // Write the md5 file MD5FileUtils.saveMD5File(new File(outputPath), new MD5Hash(digester.digest())); } }