Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.giraph.graph; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import; import; import com.yammer.metrics.core.Counter; import org.apache.commons.lang3.exception.ExceptionUtils; import org.apache.giraph.bsp.BspService; import org.apache.giraph.bsp.CentralizedServiceMaster; import org.apache.giraph.bsp.CentralizedServiceWorker; import org.apache.giraph.bsp.checkpoints.CheckpointStatus; import org.apache.giraph.comm.messages.MessageStore; import org.apache.giraph.comm.messages.SimpleMessageStore; import org.apache.giraph.conf.ClassConfOption; import org.apache.giraph.conf.GiraphConstants; import org.apache.giraph.conf.ImmutableClassesGiraphConfiguration; import org.apache.giraph.job.JobProgressTracker; import org.apache.giraph.master.BspServiceMaster; import org.apache.giraph.master.MasterThread; import org.apache.giraph.metrics.GiraphMetrics; import org.apache.giraph.metrics.GiraphMetricsRegistry; import org.apache.giraph.metrics.GiraphTimer; import org.apache.giraph.metrics.GiraphTimerContext; import org.apache.giraph.metrics.ResetSuperstepMetricsObserver; import org.apache.giraph.metrics.SuperstepMetricsRegistry; import org.apache.giraph.ooc.OutOfCoreEngine; import org.apache.giraph.partition.PartitionOwner; import org.apache.giraph.partition.PartitionStats; import org.apache.giraph.partition.PartitionStore; import org.apache.giraph.partition.SimplePartition; import org.apache.giraph.scripting.ScriptLoader; import org.apache.giraph.utils.CallableFactory; import org.apache.giraph.utils.MemoryUtils; import org.apache.giraph.utils.ProgressableUtils; import org.apache.giraph.worker.BspServiceWorker; import org.apache.giraph.worker.InputSplitsCallable; import org.apache.giraph.worker.WorkerContext; import org.apache.giraph.worker.WorkerObserver; import org.apache.giraph.worker.WorkerProgress; import org.apache.giraph.zk.ZooKeeperManager; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import; import; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Mapper; import org.apache.log4j.Appender; import org.apache.log4j.Level; import org.apache.log4j.LogManager; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout; import; import; import; import; /** * The Giraph-specific business logic for a single BSP * compute node in whatever underlying type of cluster * our Giraph job will run on. Owning object will provide * the glue into the underlying cluster framework * and will call this object to perform Giraph work. * * @param <I> Vertex id * @param <V> Vertex data * @param <E> Edge data */ @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public class GraphTaskManager<I extends WritableComparable, V extends Writable, E extends Writable> implements ResetSuperstepMetricsObserver { /*if_not[PURE_YARN] static { // Eliminate this? Even MRv1 tasks should not need it here. Configuration.addDefaultResource("giraph-site.xml"); } end[PURE_YARN]*/ /** * Class which checks if an exception on some thread should cause worker * to fail */ public static final ClassConfOption<CheckerIfWorkerShouldFailAfterException> CHECKER_IF_WORKER_SHOULD_FAIL_AFTER_EXCEPTION_CLASS = ClassConfOption .create("giraph.checkerIfWorkerShouldFailAfterExceptionClass", FailWithEveryExceptionOccurred.class, CheckerIfWorkerShouldFailAfterException.class, "Class which checks if an exception on some thread should cause worker " + "to fail, by default all exceptions cause failure"); /** Name of metric for superstep time in msec */ public static final String TIMER_SUPERSTEP_TIME = "superstep-time-ms"; /** Name of metric for compute on all vertices in msec */ public static final String TIMER_COMPUTE_ALL = "compute-all-ms"; /** Name of metric for time from begin compute to first message sent */ public static final String TIMER_TIME_TO_FIRST_MSG = "time-to-first-message-ms"; /** Name of metric for time from first message till last message flushed */ public static final String TIMER_COMMUNICATION_TIME = "communication-time-ms"; /** Name of metric for time spent doing GC per superstep in msec */ public static final String TIMER_SUPERSTEP_GC_TIME = "superstep-gc-time-ms"; /** Class logger */ private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(GraphTaskManager.class); /** Coordination service worker */ private CentralizedServiceWorker<I, V, E> serviceWorker; /** Coordination service master */ private CentralizedServiceMaster<I, V, E> serviceMaster; /** Coordination service master thread */ private Thread masterThread = null; /** The worker should be run exactly once, or else there is a problem. */ private boolean alreadyRun = false; /** Manages the ZooKeeper servers if necessary (dynamic startup) */ private ZooKeeperManager zkManager; /** Configuration */ private ImmutableClassesGiraphConfiguration<I, V, E> conf; /** Already complete? */ private boolean done = false; /** What kind of functions is this mapper doing? */ private GraphFunctions graphFunctions = GraphFunctions.UNKNOWN; /** Superstep stats */ private FinishedSuperstepStats finishedSuperstepStats = new FinishedSuperstepStats(0, false, 0, 0, false, CheckpointStatus.NONE); /** Job progress tracker */ private JobProgressTrackerClient jobProgressTracker; // Per-Job Metrics /** Timer for WorkerContext#preApplication() */ private GiraphTimer wcPreAppTimer; /** Timer for WorkerContext#postApplication() */ private GiraphTimer wcPostAppTimer; // Per-Superstep Metrics /** Time for how long superstep took */ private GiraphTimer superstepTimer; /** Time for all compute() calls in a superstep */ private GiraphTimer computeAll; /** Time from starting compute to sending first message */ private GiraphTimer timeToFirstMessage; /** Context for timing time to first message above */ private GiraphTimerContext timeToFirstMessageTimerContext; /** Time from first sent message till last message flushed. */ private GiraphTimer communicationTimer; /** Context for timing communication time above */ private GiraphTimerContext communicationTimerContext; /** Timer for WorkerContext#preSuperstep() */ private GiraphTimer wcPreSuperstepTimer; /** Timer to keep aggregated time spent in GC in a superstep */ private Counter gcTimeMetric; /** The Hadoop Mapper#Context for this job */ private final Mapper<?, ?, ?, ?>.Context context; /** is this GraphTaskManager the master? */ private boolean isMaster; /** Mapper observers */ private MapperObserver[] mapperObservers; /** * Default constructor for GiraphTaskManager. * @param context a handle to the underlying cluster framework. * For Hadoop clusters, this is a Mapper#Context. */ public GraphTaskManager(Mapper<?, ?, ?, ?>.Context context) { this.context = context; this.isMaster = false; } /** * Run the user's input checking code. */ private void checkInput() { if (conf.hasEdgeInputFormat()) { conf.createWrappedEdgeInputFormat().checkInputSpecs(conf); } if (conf.hasVertexInputFormat()) { conf.createWrappedVertexInputFormat().checkInputSpecs(conf); } } /** * In order for job client to know which ZooKeeper the job is using, * we create a counter with server:port as its name inside of * ZOOKEEPER_SERVER_PORT_COUNTER_GROUP. * * @param serverPortList Server:port list for ZooKeeper used */ private void createZooKeeperCounter(String serverPortList) { // Getting the counter will actually create it. context.getCounter(GiraphConstants.ZOOKEEPER_SERVER_PORT_COUNTER_GROUP, serverPortList); } /** * Called by owner of this GraphTaskManager on each compute node * * @param zkPathList the path to the ZK jars we need to run the job */ public void setup(Path[] zkPathList) throws IOException, InterruptedException { context.setStatus("setup: Beginning worker setup."); Configuration hadoopConf = context.getConfiguration(); conf = new ImmutableClassesGiraphConfiguration<I, V, E>(hadoopConf); setupMapperObservers(); initializeJobProgressTracker(); // Write user's graph types (I,V,E,M) back to configuration parameters so // that they are set for quicker access later. These types are often // inferred from the Computation class used. conf.getGiraphTypes().writeIfUnset(conf); // configure global logging level for Giraph job initializeAndConfigureLogging(); // init the metrics objects setupAndInitializeGiraphMetrics(); // Check input checkInput(); // Load any scripts that were deployed ScriptLoader.loadScripts(conf); // One time setup for computation factory conf.createComputationFactory().initialize(conf); // Do some task setup (possibly starting up a Zookeeper service) context.setStatus("setup: Initializing Zookeeper services."); String serverPortList = conf.getZookeeperList(); if (serverPortList.isEmpty()) { if (startZooKeeperManager()) { return; // ZK connect/startup failed } } else { createZooKeeperCounter(serverPortList); } if (zkManager != null && zkManager.runsZooKeeper()) { if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {"setup: Chosen to run ZooKeeper..."); } } context.setStatus("setup: Connected to Zookeeper service " + serverPortList); this.graphFunctions = determineGraphFunctions(conf, zkManager); try { instantiateBspService(); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("setup: Caught exception just before end of setup", e); if (zkManager != null) { zkManager.offlineZooKeeperServers(ZooKeeperManager.State.FAILED); } throw new RuntimeException("setup: Offlining servers due to exception...", e); } context.setStatus(getGraphFunctions().toString() + " starting..."); } /** * Create and connect a client to JobProgressTrackerService, * or no-op implementation if progress shouldn't be tracked or something * goes wrong */ private void initializeJobProgressTracker() { if (!conf.trackJobProgressOnClient()) { jobProgressTracker = new JobProgressTrackerClientNoOp(); } else { try { jobProgressTracker = new RetryableJobProgressTrackerClient(conf); } catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) { LOG.warn("createJobProgressClient: Exception occurred while trying to" + " connect to JobProgressTracker - not reporting progress", e); jobProgressTracker = new JobProgressTrackerClientNoOp(); } } jobProgressTracker.mapperStarted(); } /** * Perform the work assigned to this compute node for this job run. * 1) Run checkpoint per frequency policy. * 2) For every vertex on this mapper, run the compute() function * 3) Wait until all messaging is done. * 4) Check if all vertices are done. If not goto 2). * 5) Dump output. */ public void execute() throws IOException, InterruptedException { if (checkTaskState()) { return; } preLoadOnWorkerObservers(); GiraphTimerContext superstepTimerContext = superstepTimer.time(); finishedSuperstepStats = serviceWorker.setup(); superstepTimerContext.stop(); if (collectInputSuperstepStats(finishedSuperstepStats)) { return; } prepareGraphStateAndWorkerContext(); List<PartitionStats> partitionStatsList = new ArrayList<PartitionStats>(); int numComputeThreads = conf.getNumComputeThreads(); // main superstep processing loop while (!finishedSuperstepStats.allVerticesHalted()) { final long superstep = serviceWorker.getSuperstep(); superstepTimerContext = getTimerForThisSuperstep(superstep); GraphState graphState = new GraphState(superstep, finishedSuperstepStats.getVertexCount(), finishedSuperstepStats.getEdgeCount(), context); Collection<? extends PartitionOwner> masterAssignedPartitionOwners = serviceWorker.startSuperstep(); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("execute: " + MemoryUtils.getRuntimeMemoryStats()); } context.progress(); serviceWorker.exchangeVertexPartitions(masterAssignedPartitionOwners); context.progress(); boolean hasBeenRestarted = checkSuperstepRestarted(superstep); GlobalStats globalStats = serviceWorker.getGlobalStats(); if (hasBeenRestarted) { graphState = new GraphState(superstep, finishedSuperstepStats.getVertexCount(), finishedSuperstepStats.getEdgeCount(), context); } else if (storeCheckpoint(globalStats.getCheckpointStatus())) { break; } serviceWorker.getServerData().prepareResolveMutations(); context.progress(); prepareForSuperstep(graphState); context.progress(); MessageStore<I, Writable> messageStore = serviceWorker.getServerData().getCurrentMessageStore(); int numPartitions = serviceWorker.getPartitionStore().getNumPartitions(); int numThreads = Math.min(numComputeThreads, numPartitions); if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {"execute: " + numPartitions + " partitions to process with " + numThreads + " compute thread(s), originally " + numComputeThreads + " thread(s) on superstep " + superstep); } partitionStatsList.clear(); // execute the current superstep if (numPartitions > 0) { processGraphPartitions(context, partitionStatsList, graphState, messageStore, numThreads); } finishedSuperstepStats = completeSuperstepAndCollectStats(partitionStatsList, superstepTimerContext); // END of superstep compute loop } if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {"execute: BSP application done (global vertices marked done)"); } updateSuperstepGraphState(); postApplication(); } /** * Handle post-application callbacks. */ private void postApplication() throws IOException, InterruptedException { GiraphTimerContext postAppTimerContext = wcPostAppTimer.time(); serviceWorker.getWorkerContext().postApplication(); serviceWorker.getSuperstepOutput().postApplication(); postAppTimerContext.stop(); context.progress(); for (WorkerObserver obs : serviceWorker.getWorkerObservers()) { obs.postApplication(); context.progress(); } } /** * Sets the "isMaster" flag for final output commit to happen on master. * @param im the boolean input to set isMaster. Applies to "pure YARN only" */ public void setIsMaster(final boolean im) { this.isMaster = im; } /** * Get "isMaster" status flag -- we need to know if we're the master in the * "finally" block of our GiraphYarnTask#execute() to commit final job output. * @return true if this task IS the master. */ public boolean isMaster() { return isMaster; } /** * Produce a reference to the "start" superstep timer for the current * superstep. * @param superstep the current superstep count * @return a GiraphTimerContext representing the "start" of the supestep */ private GiraphTimerContext getTimerForThisSuperstep(long superstep) { GiraphMetrics.get().resetSuperstepMetrics(superstep); return superstepTimer.time(); } /** * Utility to encapsulate Giraph metrics setup calls */ private void setupAndInitializeGiraphMetrics() { GiraphMetrics.init(conf); GiraphMetrics.get().addSuperstepResetObserver(this); initJobMetrics(); MemoryUtils.initMetrics(); InputSplitsCallable.initMetrics(); } /** * Instantiate and configure ZooKeeperManager for this job. This will * result in a Giraph-owned Zookeeper instance, a connection to an * existing quorum as specified in the job configuration, or task failure * @return true if this task should terminate */ private boolean startZooKeeperManager() throws IOException, InterruptedException { zkManager = new ZooKeeperManager(context, conf); context.setStatus("setup: Setting up Zookeeper manager."); zkManager.setup(); if (zkManager.computationDone()) { done = true; return true; } zkManager.onlineZooKeeperServer(); String serverPortList = zkManager.getZooKeeperServerPortString(); conf.setZookeeperList(serverPortList); createZooKeeperCounter(serverPortList); return false; } /** * Utility to place a new, updated GraphState object into the serviceWorker. */ private void updateSuperstepGraphState() { serviceWorker.getWorkerContext().setGraphState(new GraphState(serviceWorker.getSuperstep(), finishedSuperstepStats.getVertexCount(), finishedSuperstepStats.getEdgeCount(), context)); } /** * Utility function for boilerplate updates and cleanup done at the * end of each superstep processing loop in the <code>execute</code> method. * @param partitionStatsList list of stas for each superstep to append to * @param superstepTimerContext for job metrics * @return the collected stats at the close of the current superstep. */ private FinishedSuperstepStats completeSuperstepAndCollectStats(List<PartitionStats> partitionStatsList, GiraphTimerContext superstepTimerContext) { // the superstep timer is stopped inside the finishSuperstep function // (otherwise metrics are not available at the end of the computation // using giraph.metrics.enable=true). finishedSuperstepStats = serviceWorker.finishSuperstep(partitionStatsList, superstepTimerContext); if (conf.metricsEnabled()) { GiraphMetrics.get().perSuperstep().printSummary(System.err); } return finishedSuperstepStats; } /** * Utility function to prepare various objects managing BSP superstep * operations for the next superstep. * @param graphState graph state metadata object */ private void prepareForSuperstep(GraphState graphState) { serviceWorker.prepareSuperstep(); serviceWorker.getWorkerContext().setGraphState(graphState); serviceWorker.getWorkerContext().setupSuperstep(serviceWorker); GiraphTimerContext preSuperstepTimer = wcPreSuperstepTimer.time(); serviceWorker.getWorkerContext().preSuperstep(); preSuperstepTimer.stop(); context.progress(); for (WorkerObserver obs : serviceWorker.getWorkerObservers()) { obs.preSuperstep(graphState.getSuperstep()); context.progress(); } } /** * Prepare graph state and worker context for superstep cycles. */ private void prepareGraphStateAndWorkerContext() { updateSuperstepGraphState(); workerContextPreApp(); } /** * Get the worker function enum. * * @return an enum detailing the roles assigned to this * compute node for this Giraph job. */ public GraphFunctions getGraphFunctions() { return graphFunctions; } public final WorkerContext getWorkerContext() { return serviceWorker.getWorkerContext(); } public JobProgressTracker getJobProgressTracker() { return jobProgressTracker; } /** * Copied from JobConf to get the location of this jar. Workaround for * things like Oozie map-reduce jobs. NOTE: Pure YARN profile cannot * make use of this, as the jars are unpacked at each container site. * * @param myClass Class to search the class loader path for to locate * the relevant jar file * @return Location of the jar file containing myClass */ private static String findContainingJar(Class<?> myClass) { ClassLoader loader = myClass.getClassLoader(); String classFile = myClass.getName().replaceAll("\\.", "/") + ".class"; try { for (Enumeration<?> itr = loader.getResources(classFile); itr.hasMoreElements();) { URL url = (URL) itr.nextElement(); if ("jar".equals(url.getProtocol())) { String toReturn = url.getPath(); if (toReturn.startsWith("file:")) { toReturn = toReturn.substring("file:".length()); } toReturn = URLDecoder.decode(toReturn, "UTF-8"); return toReturn.replaceAll("!.*$", ""); } } } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } return null; } /** * Figure out what roles this BSP compute node should take on in the job. * Basic logic is as follows: * 1) If not split master, everyone does the everything and/or running * ZooKeeper. * 2) If split master/worker, masters also run ZooKeeper * * 3) If split master/worker == true and <code>giraph.zkList</code> is * externally provided, the master will not instantiate a ZK instance, but * will assume a quorum is already active on the cluster for Giraph to use. * * @param conf Configuration to use * @param zkManager ZooKeeper manager to help determine whether to run * ZooKeeper. * @return Functions that this mapper should do. */ private static GraphFunctions determineGraphFunctions(ImmutableClassesGiraphConfiguration conf, ZooKeeperManager zkManager) { boolean splitMasterWorker = conf.getSplitMasterWorker(); int taskPartition = conf.getTaskPartition(); boolean zkAlreadyProvided = conf.isZookeeperExternal(); GraphFunctions functions = GraphFunctions.UNKNOWN; // What functions should this mapper do? if (!splitMasterWorker) { if ((zkManager != null) && zkManager.runsZooKeeper()) { functions = GraphFunctions.ALL; } else { functions = GraphFunctions.ALL_EXCEPT_ZOOKEEPER; } } else { if (zkAlreadyProvided) { if (taskPartition == 0) { functions = GraphFunctions.MASTER_ONLY; } else { functions = GraphFunctions.WORKER_ONLY; } } else { if ((zkManager != null) && zkManager.runsZooKeeper()) { functions = GraphFunctions.MASTER_ZOOKEEPER_ONLY; } else { functions = GraphFunctions.WORKER_ONLY; } } } return functions; } /** * Instantiate the appropriate BspService object (Master or Worker) * for this compute node. */ private void instantiateBspService() throws IOException, InterruptedException { if (graphFunctions.isMaster()) { if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {"setup: Starting up BspServiceMaster " + "(master thread)..."); } serviceMaster = new BspServiceMaster<I, V, E>(context, this); masterThread = new MasterThread<I, V, E>(serviceMaster, context); masterThread.start(); } if (graphFunctions.isWorker()) { if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {"setup: Starting up BspServiceWorker..."); } serviceWorker = new BspServiceWorker<I, V, E>(context, this); installGCMonitoring(); if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {"setup: Registering health of this worker..."); } } } /** * Install GC monitoring. This method intercepts all GC, log the gc, and * notifies an out-of-core engine (if any is used) about the GC. */ private void installGCMonitoring() { List<GarbageCollectorMXBean> mxBeans = ManagementFactory.getGarbageCollectorMXBeans(); final OutOfCoreEngine oocEngine = serviceWorker.getServerData().getOocEngine(); for (GarbageCollectorMXBean gcBean : mxBeans) { NotificationEmitter emitter = (NotificationEmitter) gcBean; NotificationListener listener = new NotificationListener() { @Override public void handleNotification(Notification notification, Object handle) { if (notification.getType() .equals(GarbageCollectionNotificationInfo.GARBAGE_COLLECTION_NOTIFICATION)) { GarbageCollectionNotificationInfo info = GarbageCollectionNotificationInfo .from((CompositeData) notification.getUserData()); if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {"installGCMonitoring: name = " + info.getGcName() + ", action = " + info.getGcAction() + ", cause = " + info.getGcCause() + ", duration = " + info.getGcInfo().getDuration() + "ms"); }; if (oocEngine != null) { oocEngine.gcCompleted(info); } } } }; //Add the listener emitter.addNotificationListener(listener, null, null); } } /** * Initialize the root logger and appender to the settings in conf. */ private void initializeAndConfigureLogging() { // Set the log level String logLevel = conf.getLocalLevel(); if (!Logger.getRootLogger().getLevel().equals(Level.toLevel(logLevel))) { Logger.getRootLogger().setLevel(Level.toLevel(logLevel)); if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {"setup: Set log level to " + logLevel); } } else { if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {"setup: Log level remains at " + logLevel); } } // Sets pattern layout for all appenders if (conf.useLogThreadLayout()) { PatternLayout layout = new PatternLayout("%-7p %d [%t] %c %x - %m%n"); Enumeration<Appender> appenderEnum = Logger.getRootLogger().getAllAppenders(); while (appenderEnum.hasMoreElements()) { appenderEnum.nextElement().setLayout(layout); } } // Change ZooKeeper logging level to error (info is quite verbose) for // testing only if (conf.getLocalTestMode()) { LogManager.getLogger(org.apache.zookeeper.server.PrepRequestProcessor.class.getName()) .setLevel(Level.ERROR); } } /** * Initialize job-level metrics used by this class. */ private void initJobMetrics() { GiraphMetricsRegistry jobMetrics = GiraphMetrics.get().perJobOptional(); wcPreAppTimer = new GiraphTimer(jobMetrics, "worker-context-pre-app", TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); wcPostAppTimer = new GiraphTimer(jobMetrics, "worker-context-post-app", TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } @Override public void newSuperstep(SuperstepMetricsRegistry superstepMetrics) { superstepTimer = new GiraphTimer(superstepMetrics, TIMER_SUPERSTEP_TIME, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); computeAll = new GiraphTimer(superstepMetrics, TIMER_COMPUTE_ALL, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); timeToFirstMessage = new GiraphTimer(superstepMetrics, TIMER_TIME_TO_FIRST_MSG, TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS); communicationTimer = new GiraphTimer(superstepMetrics, TIMER_COMMUNICATION_TIME, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); gcTimeMetric = superstepMetrics.getCounter(TIMER_SUPERSTEP_GC_TIME); wcPreSuperstepTimer = new GiraphTimer(superstepMetrics, "worker-context-pre-superstep", TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } /** * Notification from Vertex that a message has been sent. */ public void notifySentMessages() { // We are tracking the time between when the compute started and the first // message get sent. We use null to flag that we have already recorded it. GiraphTimerContext tmp = timeToFirstMessageTimerContext; if (tmp != null) { synchronized (timeToFirstMessage) { if (timeToFirstMessageTimerContext != null) { timeToFirstMessageTimerContext.stop(); timeToFirstMessageTimerContext = null; communicationTimerContext = communicationTimer.time(); } } } } /** * Notification of last message flushed. Comes when we finish the superstep * and are done waiting for all messages to send. */ public void notifyFinishedCommunication() { GiraphTimerContext tmp = communicationTimerContext; if (tmp != null) { synchronized (communicationTimer) { if (communicationTimerContext != null) { communicationTimerContext.stop(); communicationTimerContext = null; } } } } /** * Process graph data partitions active in this superstep. * @param context handle to the underlying cluster framework * @param partitionStatsList to pick up this superstep's processing stats * @param graphState the BSP graph state * @param messageStore the messages to be processed in this superstep * @param numThreads number of concurrent threads to do processing */ private void processGraphPartitions(final Mapper<?, ?, ?, ?>.Context context, List<PartitionStats> partitionStatsList, final GraphState graphState, final MessageStore<I, Writable> messageStore, int numThreads) { PartitionStore<I, V, E> partitionStore = serviceWorker.getPartitionStore(); long verticesToCompute = 0; // ConcurrentMap map = ((SimpleMessageStore)messageStore).getMap(); // ConcurrentMap incomingMessageStoreMap = ((SimpleMessageStore)serviceWorker.getServerData().getIncomingMessageStore()).getMap(); for (Integer partitionId : partitionStore.getPartitionIds()) { // map.putIfAbsent(partitionId, Maps.newConcurrentMap()); // incomingMessageStoreMap.putIfAbsent(partitionId, Maps.newConcurrentMap()); verticesToCompute += partitionStore.getPartitionVertexCount(partitionId); }"Message store class: " + serviceWorker.getServerData().getIncomingMessageStore().getClass()); WorkerProgress.get().startSuperstep(serviceWorker.getSuperstep(), verticesToCompute, serviceWorker.getPartitionStore().getNumPartitions()); partitionStore.startIteration(); GiraphTimerContext computeAllTimerContext = computeAll.time(); timeToFirstMessageTimerContext = timeToFirstMessage.time(); CallableFactory<Collection<PartitionStats>> callableFactory = new CallableFactory<Collection<PartitionStats>>() { @Override public Callable<Collection<PartitionStats>> newCallable(int callableId) { return new ComputeCallable<I, V, E, Writable, Writable>(context, graphState, messageStore, conf, serviceWorker); } }; List<Collection<PartitionStats>> results = ProgressableUtils.getResultsWithNCallables(callableFactory, numThreads, "compute-%d", context); for (Collection<PartitionStats> result : results) { partitionStatsList.addAll(result); } computeAllTimerContext.stop(); } /** * Handle the event that this superstep is a restart of a failed one. * @param superstep current superstep * @return the graph state, updated if this is a restart superstep */ private boolean checkSuperstepRestarted(long superstep) throws IOException { // Might need to restart from another superstep // (manually or automatic), or store a checkpoint if (serviceWorker.getRestartedSuperstep() == superstep) { if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {"execute: Loading from checkpoint " + superstep); } VertexEdgeCount vertexEdgeCount = serviceWorker.loadCheckpoint(serviceWorker.getRestartedSuperstep()); finishedSuperstepStats = new FinishedSuperstepStats(0, false, vertexEdgeCount.getVertexCount(), vertexEdgeCount.getEdgeCount(), false, CheckpointStatus.NONE); return true; } return false; } /** * Check if it's time to checkpoint and actually does checkpointing * if it is. * @param checkpointStatus master's decision * @return true if we need to stop computation after checkpoint * @throws IOException */ private boolean storeCheckpoint(CheckpointStatus checkpointStatus) throws IOException { if (checkpointStatus != CheckpointStatus.NONE) { serviceWorker.storeCheckpoint(); } return checkpointStatus == CheckpointStatus.CHECKPOINT_AND_HALT; } /** * Attempt to collect the final statistics on the graph data * processed in this superstep by this compute node * @param inputSuperstepStats the final graph data stats object for the * input superstep * @return true if the graph data has no vertices (error?) and * this node should terminate */ private boolean collectInputSuperstepStats(FinishedSuperstepStats inputSuperstepStats) { if (inputSuperstepStats.getVertexCount() == 0 && !inputSuperstepStats.mustLoadCheckpoint()) { LOG.warn("map: No vertices in the graph, exiting."); return true; } if (conf.metricsEnabled()) { GiraphMetrics.get().perSuperstep().printSummary(System.err); } return false; } /** * Did the state of this compute node change? * @return true if the processing of supersteps should terminate. */ private boolean checkTaskState() { if (done) { return true; } GiraphMetrics.get().resetSuperstepMetrics(BspService.INPUT_SUPERSTEP); if (graphFunctions.isNotAWorker()) { if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {"map: No need to do anything when not a worker"); } return true; } if (alreadyRun) { throw new RuntimeException( "map: In BSP, map should have only been" + " run exactly once, (already run)"); } alreadyRun = true; return false; } /** * Call to the WorkerContext before application begins. */ private void workerContextPreApp() { GiraphTimerContext preAppTimerContext = wcPreAppTimer.time(); try { serviceWorker.getWorkerContext().preApplication(); } catch (InstantiationException e) { LOG.fatal("execute: preApplication failed in instantiation", e); throw new RuntimeException("execute: preApplication failed in instantiation", e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { LOG.fatal("execute: preApplication failed in access", e); throw new RuntimeException("execute: preApplication failed in access", e); } preAppTimerContext.stop(); context.progress(); for (WorkerObserver obs : serviceWorker.getWorkerObservers()) { obs.preApplication(); context.progress(); } } /** * Setup mapper observers */ public void setupMapperObservers() { mapperObservers = conf.createMapperObservers(); for (MapperObserver mapperObserver : mapperObservers) { mapperObserver.setup(); } } /** * Executes preLoad() on worker observers. */ private void preLoadOnWorkerObservers() { for (WorkerObserver obs : serviceWorker.getWorkerObservers()) { obs.preLoad(); context.progress(); } } /** * Executes postSave() on worker observers. */ private void postSaveOnWorkerObservers() { for (WorkerObserver obs : serviceWorker.getWorkerObservers()) { obs.postSave(); context.progress(); } } /** * Called by owner of this GraphTaskManager object on each compute node */ public void cleanup() throws IOException, InterruptedException { if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {"cleanup: Starting for " + getGraphFunctions()); } jobProgressTracker.cleanup(); if (done) { return; } if (serviceWorker != null) { serviceWorker.cleanup(finishedSuperstepStats); postSaveOnWorkerObservers(); } try { if (masterThread != null) { masterThread.join();"cleanup: Joined with master thread"); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { // cleanup phase -- just log the error LOG.error("cleanup: Master thread couldn't join"); } if (zkManager != null) {"cleanup: Offlining ZooKeeper servers"); try { zkManager.offlineZooKeeperServers(ZooKeeperManager.State.FINISHED); // We need this here cause apparently exceptions are eaten by Hadoop // when they come from the cleanup lifecycle and it's useful to know // if something is wrong. // // And since it's cleanup nothing too bad should happen if we don't // propagate and just allow the job to finish normally. // CHECKSTYLE: stop IllegalCatch } catch (Throwable e) { // CHECKSTYLE: resume IllegalCatch LOG.error("cleanup: Error offlining zookeeper", e); } } // Stop tracking metrics GiraphMetrics.get().shutdown(); } /** * Cleanup a ZooKeeper instance managed by this * GiraphWorker upon job run failure. */ public void zooKeeperCleanup() { if (graphFunctions.isZooKeeper()) { // ZooKeeper may have had an issue if (zkManager != null) { zkManager.cleanup(); } } } /** * Cleanup all of Giraph's framework-agnostic resources * regardless of which type of cluster Giraph is running on. */ public void workerFailureCleanup() { try { if (graphFunctions.isWorker()) { serviceWorker.failureCleanup(); } // Stop tracking metrics GiraphMetrics.get().shutdown(); // Checkstyle exception due to needing to get the original // exception on failure // CHECKSTYLE: stop IllegalCatch } catch (RuntimeException e1) { // CHECKSTYLE: resume IllegalCatch LOG.error("run: Worker failure failed on another RuntimeException, " + "original expection will be rethrown", e1); } } /** * Creates exception handler that will terminate process gracefully in case * of any uncaught exception. * @return new exception handler object. */ public Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler createUncaughtExceptionHandler() { return new OverrideExceptionHandler( CHECKER_IF_WORKER_SHOULD_FAIL_AFTER_EXCEPTION_CLASS.newInstance(getConf()), getJobProgressTracker()); } public ImmutableClassesGiraphConfiguration<I, V, E> getConf() { return conf; } /** * @return Time spent in GC recorder by the GC listener */ public long getSuperstepGCTime() { return (gcTimeMetric == null) ? 0 : gcTimeMetric.count(); } /** * Returns a list of zookeeper servers to connect to. * If the port is set to 0 and Giraph is starting a single * ZooKeeper server, then Zookeeper will pick its own port. * Otherwise, the ZooKeeper port set by the user will be used. * @return host:port,host:port for each zookeeper */ public String getZookeeperList() { if (zkManager != null) { return zkManager.getZooKeeperServerPortString(); } else { return conf.getZookeeperList(); } } /** * Default handler for uncaught exceptions. * It will do the best to clean up and then will terminate current giraph job. */ class OverrideExceptionHandler implements Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler { /** Checker if worker should fail after a thread gets an exception */ private final CheckerIfWorkerShouldFailAfterException checker; /** JobProgressTracker to log problems to */ private final JobProgressTracker jobProgressTracker; /** * Constructor * * @param checker Checker if worker should fail after a thread gets an * exception * @param jobProgressTracker JobProgressTracker to log problems to */ public OverrideExceptionHandler(CheckerIfWorkerShouldFailAfterException checker, JobProgressTracker jobProgressTracker) { this.checker = checker; this.jobProgressTracker = jobProgressTracker; } @Override public void uncaughtException(final Thread t, final Throwable e) { if (!checker.checkIfWorkerShouldFail(t, e)) { return; } try { LOG.fatal("uncaughtException: OverrideExceptionHandler on thread " + t.getName() + ", msg = " + e.getMessage() + ", exiting...", e); jobProgressTracker.logError(ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e)); zooKeeperCleanup(); workerFailureCleanup(); } finally { System.exit(1); } } } /** * Interface to check if worker should fail after a thread gets an exception */ public interface CheckerIfWorkerShouldFailAfterException { /** * Check if worker should fail after a thread gets an exception * * @param thread Thread which raised the exception * @param exception Exception which occurred * @return True iff worker should fail after this exception */ boolean checkIfWorkerShouldFail(Thread thread, Throwable exception); } /** * Class to use by default, where each exception causes job failure */ public static class FailWithEveryExceptionOccurred implements CheckerIfWorkerShouldFailAfterException { @Override public boolean checkIfWorkerShouldFail(Thread thread, Throwable exception) { return true; } } }