Source code

Java tutorial


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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

/* $Id$ */

package org.apache.fop.complexscripts.fonts.ttx;


import java.nio.IntBuffer;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Stack;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.Vector;

import javax.xml.parsers.FactoryConfigurationError;
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser;
import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

import org.apache.fop.complexscripts.fonts.GlyphClassTable;
import org.apache.fop.complexscripts.fonts.GlyphCoverageTable;
import org.apache.fop.complexscripts.fonts.GlyphDefinitionSubtable;
import org.apache.fop.complexscripts.fonts.GlyphDefinitionTable;
import org.apache.fop.complexscripts.fonts.GlyphMappingTable;
import org.apache.fop.complexscripts.fonts.GlyphPositioningSubtable;
import org.apache.fop.complexscripts.fonts.GlyphPositioningTable;
import org.apache.fop.complexscripts.fonts.GlyphPositioningTable.Anchor;
import org.apache.fop.complexscripts.fonts.GlyphPositioningTable.MarkAnchor;
import org.apache.fop.complexscripts.fonts.GlyphPositioningTable.PairValues;
import org.apache.fop.complexscripts.fonts.GlyphPositioningTable.Value;
import org.apache.fop.complexscripts.fonts.GlyphSubstitutionSubtable;
import org.apache.fop.complexscripts.fonts.GlyphSubstitutionTable;
import org.apache.fop.complexscripts.fonts.GlyphSubstitutionTable.Ligature;
import org.apache.fop.complexscripts.fonts.GlyphSubstitutionTable.LigatureSet;
import org.apache.fop.complexscripts.fonts.GlyphSubtable;
import org.apache.fop.complexscripts.fonts.GlyphTable;
import org.apache.fop.complexscripts.fonts.GlyphTable.RuleLookup;
import org.apache.fop.complexscripts.util.GlyphSequence;
import org.apache.fop.complexscripts.util.UTF32;
import org.apache.fop.util.CharUtilities;

import org.xml.sax.Attributes;
import org.xml.sax.Locator;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler;

// CSOFF: InnerAssignmentCheck
// CSOFF: LineLengthCheck
// CSOFF: NoWhitespaceAfterCheck

 * This class supports a subset of the <code>TTX</code> file as produced by the Adobe FLEX
 * SDK (AFDKO). In particular, it is used to parse a <code>TTX</code> file in order to
 * extract character to glyph code mapping data, glyph definition data, glyph substitution
 * data, and glyph positioning data.
 * <code>TTX</code> files are used in FOP for testing and debugging purposes only. Such
 * files are used to represent font data employed by complex script processing, and
 * normally extracted directly from an opentype (or truetype) file. However, due to
 * copyright restrictions, it is not possible to include most opentype (or truetype) font
 * files directly in the FOP distribution. In such cases, <code>TTX</code> files are used
 * to distribute a subset of the complex script advanced table information contained in
 * certain font files to facilitate testing.
 * @author Glenn Adams
public class TTXFile {

    /** logging instance */
    private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(TTXFile.class); // CSOK: ConstantNameCheck
    /** default script tag */
    private static final String DEFAULT_SCRIPT_TAG = "dflt";
    /** default language tag */
    private static final String DEFAULT_LANGUAGE_TAG = "dflt";

    /** ttxfile cache */
    private static Map<String, TTXFile> cache = new HashMap<String, TTXFile>();

    // transient parsing state
    private Locator locator; // current document locator
    private Stack<String[]> elements; // stack of ttx elements being parsed
    private Map<String, Integer> glyphIds; // map of glyph names to glyph identifiers
    private List<int[]> cmapEntries; // list of <charCode,glyphCode> pairs
    private Vector<int[]> hmtxEntries; // vector of <width,lsb> pairs
    private Map<String, Integer> glyphClasses; // map of glyph names to glyph classes
    private Map<String, Map<String, List<String>>> scripts; // map of script tag to Map<language-tag,List<features-id>>>
    private Map<String, List<String>> languages; // map of language tag to List<feature-id>
    private Map<String, Object[]> features; // map of feature id to Object[2] : { feature-tag, List<lookup-id> }
    private List<String> languageFeatures; // list of language system feature ids, where first is (possibly null) required feature id
    private List<String> featureLookups; // list of lookup ids for feature being constructed
    private List<Integer> coverageEntries; // list of entries for coverage table being constructed
    private Map<String, GlyphCoverageTable> coverages; // map of coverage table keys to coverage tables
    private List subtableEntries; // list of lookup subtable entries
    private List<GlyphSubtable> subtables; // list of constructed subtables
    private List<Integer> alternates; // list of alternates in alternate set being constructed
    private List<Ligature> ligatures; // list of ligatures in ligature set being constructed
    private List<Integer> substitutes; // list of substitutes in (multiple substitution) sequence being constructed
    private List<PairValues> pairs; // list of pair value records being constructed
    private List<PairValues[]> pairSets; // list of pair value sets (as arrays) being constructed
    private List<Anchor> anchors; // list of anchors of base|mark|component record being constructed
    private List<Anchor[]> components; // list of ligature component anchors being constructed
    private List<MarkAnchor> markAnchors; // list of mark anchors being constructed
    private List<Anchor[]> baseOrMarkAnchors; // list of base|mark2 anchors being constructed
    private List<Anchor[][]> ligatureAnchors; // list of ligature anchors being constructed
    private List<Anchor[]> attachmentAnchors; // list of entry|exit attachment anchors being constructed
    private List<RuleLookup> ruleLookups; // list of rule lookups being constructed
    private int glyphIdMax; // maximum glyph id
    private int cmPlatform; // plaform id of cmap being constructed
    private int cmEncoding; // plaform id of cmap being constructed
    private int cmLanguage; // plaform id of cmap being constructed
    private int flIndex; // index of feature being constructed
    private int flSequence; // feature sequence within feature list
    private int ltIndex; // index of lookup table being constructed
    private int ltSequence; // lookup sequence within table
    private int ltFlags; // flags of current lookup being constructed
    private int stSequence; // subtable sequence number within lookup
    private int stFormat; // format of current subtable being constructed
    private int ctFormat; // format of coverage table being constructed
    private int ctIndex; // index of coverage table being constructed
    private int rlSequence; // rule lookup sequence index
    private int rlLookup; // rule lookup lookup index
    private int psIndex; // pair set index
    private int vf1; // value format 1 (used with pair pos and single pos)
    private int vf2; // value format 2 (used with pair pos)
    private int g2; // glyph id 2 (used with pair pos)
    private int xCoord; // x coordinate of anchor being constructed
    private int yCoord; // y coordinate of anchor being constructed
    private int markClass; // mark class of mark anchor being constructed
    private String defaultScriptTag; // tag of default script
    private String scriptTag; // tag of script being constructed
    private String defaultLanguageTag; // tag of default language system
    private String languageTag; // tag of language system being constructed
    private String featureTag; // tag of feature being constructed
    private Value v1; // positioining value 1
    private Value v2; // positioining value 2

    // resultant state
    private int upem; // units per em
    private Map<Integer, Integer> cmap; // constructed character map
    private Map<Integer, Integer> gmap; // constructed glyph map
    private int[][] hmtx; // constructed horizontal metrics - array of design { width, lsb } pairs, indexed by glyph code
    private int[] widths; // pdf normalized widths (millipoints)
    private GlyphDefinitionTable gdef; // constructed glyph definition table
    private GlyphSubstitutionTable gsub; // constructed glyph substitution table
    private GlyphPositioningTable gpos; // constructed glyph positioning table

    public TTXFile() {
        elements = new Stack<String[]>();
        glyphIds = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
        cmapEntries = new ArrayList<int[]>();
        hmtxEntries = new Vector<int[]>();
        glyphClasses = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
        scripts = new HashMap<String, Map<String, List<String>>>();
        languages = new HashMap<String, List<String>>();
        features = new HashMap<String, Object[]>();
        languageFeatures = new ArrayList<String>();
        featureLookups = new ArrayList<String>();
        coverageEntries = new ArrayList<Integer>();
        coverages = new HashMap<String, GlyphCoverageTable>();
        subtableEntries = new ArrayList();
        subtables = new ArrayList<GlyphSubtable>();
        alternates = new ArrayList<Integer>();
        ligatures = new ArrayList<Ligature>();
        substitutes = new ArrayList<Integer>();
        pairs = new ArrayList<PairValues>();
        pairSets = new ArrayList<PairValues[]>();
        anchors = new ArrayList<Anchor>();
        markAnchors = new ArrayList<MarkAnchor>();
        baseOrMarkAnchors = new ArrayList<Anchor[]>();
        ligatureAnchors = new ArrayList<Anchor[][]>();
        components = new ArrayList<Anchor[]>();
        attachmentAnchors = new ArrayList<Anchor[]>();
        ruleLookups = new ArrayList<RuleLookup>();
        glyphIdMax = -1;
        cmPlatform = -1;
        cmEncoding = -1;
        cmLanguage = -1;
        flIndex = -1;
        flSequence = 0;
        ltIndex = -1;
        ltSequence = 0;
        ltFlags = 0;
        stSequence = 0;
        stFormat = 0;
        ctFormat = -1;
        ctIndex = -1;
        rlSequence = -1;
        rlLookup = -1;
        psIndex = -1;
        vf1 = -1;
        vf2 = -1;
        g2 = -1;
        xCoord = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
        yCoord = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
        markClass = -1;
        defaultScriptTag = DEFAULT_SCRIPT_TAG;
        scriptTag = null;
        defaultLanguageTag = DEFAULT_LANGUAGE_TAG;
        languageTag = null;
        featureTag = null;
        v1 = null;
        v2 = null;
        upem = -1;

    public void parse(String filename) {
        parse(new File(filename));

    public void parse(File f) {
        assert f != null;
        try {
            SAXParserFactory spf = SAXParserFactory.newInstance();
            SAXParser sp = spf.newSAXParser();
            sp.parse(f, new Handler());
        } catch (FactoryConfigurationError e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage());
        } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage());
        } catch (SAXException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage());
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage());

    public GlyphSequence mapCharsToGlyphs(String s) {
        Integer[] ca = UTF32.toUTF32(s, 0, true);
        int ng = ca.length;
        IntBuffer cb = IntBuffer.allocate(ng);
        IntBuffer gb = IntBuffer.allocate(ng);
        for (Integer c : ca) {
            int g = mapCharToGlyph((int) c);
            if (g >= 0) {
            } else {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                        "character " + CharUtilities.format(c) + " has no corresponding glyph");
        return new GlyphSequence(cb, gb, null);

    public int mapCharToGlyph(int c) {
        if (cmap != null) {
            Integer g = cmap.get(Integer.valueOf(c));
            if (g != null) {
                return (int) g;
            } else {
                return -1;
        } else {
            return -1;

    public int getGlyph(String gid) {
        return mapGlyphId0(gid);

    public GlyphSequence getGlyphSequence(String[] gids) {
        assert gids != null;
        int ng = gids.length;
        IntBuffer cb = IntBuffer.allocate(ng);
        IntBuffer gb = IntBuffer.allocate(ng);
        for (String gid : gids) {
            int g = mapGlyphId0(gid);
            if (g >= 0) {
                int c = mapGlyphIdToChar(gid);
                if (c < 0) {
                    c = CharUtilities.NOT_A_CHARACTER;
            } else {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("unmapped glyph id \"" + gid + "\"");
        return new GlyphSequence(cb, gb, null);

    public int[] getWidths(String[] gids) {
        assert gids != null;
        int ng = gids.length;
        int[] widths = new int[ng];
        int i = 0;
        for (String gid : gids) {
            int g = mapGlyphId0(gid);
            int w = 0;
            if (g >= 0) {
                if ((hmtx != null) && (g < hmtx.length)) {
                    int[] mtx = hmtx[g];
                    assert mtx != null;
                    assert mtx.length > 0;
                    w = mtx[0];
            widths[i++] = w;
        assert i == ng;
        return widths;

    public int[] getWidths() {
        if (this.widths == null) {
            if ((hmtx != null) && (upem > 0)) {
                int[] widths = new int[hmtx.length];
                for (int i = 0, n = widths.length; i < n; i++) {
                    widths[i] = getPDFWidth(hmtx[i][0], upem);
                this.widths = widths;
        return this.widths;

    public static int getPDFWidth(int tw, int upem) {
        // N.B. The following is copied (with minor edits) from TTFFile to insure same results
        int pw;
        if (tw < 0) {
            long rest1 = tw % upem;
            long storrest = 1000 * rest1;
            long ledd2 = (storrest != 0) ? (rest1 / storrest) : 0;
            pw = -((-1000 * tw) / upem - (int) ledd2);
        } else {
            pw = (tw / upem) * 1000 + ((tw % upem) * 1000) / upem;
        return pw;

    public GlyphDefinitionTable getGDEF() {
        return gdef;

    public GlyphSubstitutionTable getGSUB() {
        return gsub;

    public GlyphPositioningTable getGPOS() {
        return gpos;

    public static synchronized TTXFile getFromCache(String filename) {
        assert cache != null;
        TTXFile f;
        if ((f = (TTXFile) cache.get(filename)) == null) {
            f = new TTXFile();
            cache.put(filename, f);
        return f;

    public static synchronized void clearCache() {

    private class Handler extends DefaultHandler {
        private Handler() {

        public void startDocument() {

        public void endDocument() {

        public void setDocumentLocator(Locator locator) {
            TTXFile.this.locator = locator;

        public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes attrs) throws SAXException {
            String[] en = makeExpandedName(uri, localName, qName);
            if (en[0] != null) {
            } else if (en[1].equals("Alternate")) {
                String[] pn = new String[] { null, "AlternateSet" };
                if (isParent(pn)) {
                    String glyph = attrs.getValue("glyph");
                    if (glyph == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "glyph");
                    int gid = mapGlyphId(glyph, en);
                } else {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pn);
            } else if (en[1].equals("AlternateSet")) {
                String[] pn = new String[] { null, "AlternateSubst" };
                if (isParent(pn)) {
                    String glyph = attrs.getValue("glyph");
                    if (glyph == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "glyph");
                    int gid = mapGlyphId(glyph, en);
                } else {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pn);
            } else if (en[1].equals("AlternateSubst")) {
                String[] pn = new String[] { null, "Lookup" };
                if (isParent(pn)) {
                    String index = attrs.getValue("index");
                    if (index == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "index");
                    String format = attrs.getValue("Format");
                    int sf = -1;
                    if (format == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "Format");
                    } else {
                        sf = Integer.parseInt(format);
                        switch (sf) {
                        case 1:
                            unsupportedFormat(en, sf);
                    ctIndex = 0;
                    ctFormat = 1;
                    assert sf >= 0;
                    stFormat = sf;
                } else {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pn);
            } else if (en[1].equals("BacktrackCoverage")) {
                String[] pn1 = new String[] { null, "ChainContextSubst" };
                String[] pn2 = new String[] { null, "ChainContextPos" };
                String[][] pnx = new String[][] { pn1, pn2 };
                if (isParent(pnx)) {
                    String index = attrs.getValue("index");
                    int ci = -1;
                    if (index == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "index");
                    } else {
                        ci = Integer.parseInt(index);
                    String format = attrs.getValue("Format");
                    int cf = -1;
                    if (format == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "Format");
                    } else {
                        cf = Integer.parseInt(format);
                        switch (cf) {
                        case 1:
                        case 2:
                            unsupportedFormat(en, cf);
                    ctIndex = ci;
                    ctFormat = cf;
                } else {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pnx);
            } else if (en[1].equals("BaseAnchor")) {
                String[] pn = new String[] { null, "BaseRecord" };
                if (isParent(pn)) {
                    String index = attrs.getValue("index");
                    if (index == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "index");
                    String format = attrs.getValue("Format");
                    if (format == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "Format");
                    assert xCoord == Integer.MIN_VALUE;
                    assert yCoord == Integer.MIN_VALUE;
                } else {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pn);
            } else if (en[1].equals("BaseArray")) {
                String[] pn = new String[] { null, "MarkBasePos" };
                if (!isParent(pn)) {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pn);
            } else if (en[1].equals("BaseCoverage")) {
                String[] pn = new String[] { null, "MarkBasePos" };
                if (isParent(pn)) {
                    String format = attrs.getValue("Format");
                    int cf = -1;
                    if (format == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "Format");
                    } else {
                        cf = Integer.parseInt(format);
                        switch (cf) {
                        case 1:
                        case 2:
                            unsupportedFormat(en, cf);
                    ctIndex = 0;
                    ctFormat = cf;
                } else {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pn);
            } else if (en[1].equals("BaseRecord")) {
                String[] pn = new String[] { null, "BaseArray" };
                if (isParent(pn)) {
                    String index = attrs.getValue("index");
                    if (index == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "index");
                } else {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pn);
            } else if (en[1].equals("ChainContextPos") || en[1].equals("ChainContextSubst")) {
                String[] pn = new String[] { null, "Lookup" };
                if (isParent(pn)) {
                    String index = attrs.getValue("index");
                    if (index == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "index");
                    String format = attrs.getValue("Format");
                    int sf = -1;
                    if (format == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "Format");
                    } else {
                        sf = Integer.parseInt(format);
                        switch (sf) {
                        case 1:
                        case 2:
                        case 3:
                            unsupportedFormat(en, sf);
                    assert sf >= 0;
                    stFormat = sf;
                } else {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pn);
            } else if (en[1].equals("Class")) {
                String[] pn = new String[] { null, "MarkRecord" };
                if (isParent(pn)) {
                    String value = attrs.getValue("value");
                    int v = -1;
                    if (value == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "value");
                    } else {
                        v = Integer.parseInt(value);
                    assert markClass == -1;
                    markClass = v;
                } else {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pn);
            } else if (en[1].equals("ClassDef")) {
                String[] pn1 = new String[] { null, "GlyphClassDef" };
                String[] pn2 = new String[] { null, "MarkAttachClassDef" };
                String[][] pnx = new String[][] { pn1, pn2 };
                if (isParent(pnx)) {
                    String glyph = attrs.getValue("glyph");
                    if (glyph == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "glyph");
                    String glyphClass = attrs.getValue("class");
                    if (glyphClass == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "class");
                    if (!glyphIds.containsKey(glyph)) {
                        unsupportedGlyph(en, glyph);
                    } else if (isParent(pn1)) {
                        if (glyphClasses.containsKey(glyph)) {
                            duplicateGlyphClass(en, glyph, glyphClass);
                        } else {
                            glyphClasses.put(glyph, Integer.parseInt(glyphClass));
                    } else if (isParent(pn2)) {
                        if (glyphClasses.containsKey(glyph)) {
                            duplicateGlyphClass(en, glyph, glyphClass);
                        } else {
                            glyphClasses.put(glyph, Integer.parseInt(glyphClass));
                } else {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pnx);
            } else if (en[1].equals("ComponentRecord")) {
                String[] pn = new String[] { null, "LigatureAttach" };
                if (isParent(pn)) {
                    String index = attrs.getValue("index");
                    if (index == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "index");
                    assert anchors.size() == 0;
                } else {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pn);
            } else if (en[1].equals("Coverage")) {
                String[] pn1 = new String[] { null, "CursivePos" };
                String[] pn2 = new String[] { null, "LigCaretList" };
                String[] pn3 = new String[] { null, "MultipleSubst" };
                String[] pn4 = new String[] { null, "PairPos" };
                String[] pn5 = new String[] { null, "SinglePos" };
                String[][] pnx = new String[][] { pn1, pn2, pn3, pn4, pn5 };
                if (isParent(pnx)) {
                    String format = attrs.getValue("Format");
                    int cf = -1;
                    if (format == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "Format");
                    } else {
                        cf = Integer.parseInt(format);
                        switch (cf) {
                        case 1:
                        case 2:
                            unsupportedFormat(en, cf);
                    ctIndex = 0;
                    ctFormat = cf;
                } else {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pnx);
            } else if (en[1].equals("CursivePos")) {
                String[] pn = new String[] { null, "Lookup" };
                if (isParent(pn)) {
                    String index = attrs.getValue("index");
                    if (index == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "index");
                    String format = attrs.getValue("Format");
                    int sf = -1;
                    if (format == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "Format");
                    } else {
                        sf = Integer.parseInt(format);
                        switch (sf) {
                        case 1:
                            unsupportedFormat(en, sf);
                    assert sf >= 0;
                    stFormat = sf;
                    assert attachmentAnchors.size() == 0;
                } else {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pn);
            } else if (en[1].equals("DefaultLangSys")) {
                String[] pn = new String[] { null, "Script" };
                if (!isParent(pn)) {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pn);
                } else {
                    assert languageTag == null;
                    languageTag = defaultLanguageTag;
            } else if (en[1].equals("EntryAnchor")) {
                String[] pn = new String[] { null, "EntryExitRecord" };
                if (isParent(pn)) {
                    String format = attrs.getValue("Format");
                    if (format == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "Format");
                    assert xCoord == Integer.MIN_VALUE;
                    assert yCoord == Integer.MIN_VALUE;
                } else {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pn);
            } else if (en[1].equals("EntryExitRecord")) {
                String[] pn = new String[] { null, "CursivePos" };
                if (isParent(pn)) {
                    String index = attrs.getValue("index");
                    if (index == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "index");
                } else {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pn);
            } else if (en[1].equals("ExitAnchor")) {
                String[] pn = new String[] { null, "EntryExitRecord" };
                if (isParent(pn)) {
                    String format = attrs.getValue("Format");
                    if (format == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "Format");
                    assert xCoord == Integer.MIN_VALUE;
                    assert yCoord == Integer.MIN_VALUE;
                } else {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pn);
            } else if (en[1].equals("Feature")) {
                String[] pn = new String[] { null, "FeatureRecord" };
                if (!isParent(pn)) {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pn);
                } else {
            } else if (en[1].equals("FeatureIndex")) {
                String[] pn1 = new String[] { null, "DefaultLangSys" };
                String[] pn2 = new String[] { null, "LangSys" };
                String[][] pnx = new String[][] { pn1, pn2 };
                if (isParent(pnx)) {
                    String index = attrs.getValue("index");
                    if (index == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "index");
                    String value = attrs.getValue("value");
                    int v = -1;
                    if (value == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "value");
                    } else {
                        v = Integer.parseInt(value);
                    if (languageFeatures.size() == 0) {
                    if ((v >= 0) && (v < 65535)) {
                } else {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pnx);
            } else if (en[1].equals("FeatureList")) {
                String[] pn1 = new String[] { null, "GSUB" };
                String[] pn2 = new String[] { null, "GPOS" };
                String[][] pnx = new String[][] { pn1, pn2 };
                if (!isParent(pnx)) {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pnx);
            } else if (en[1].equals("FeatureRecord")) {
                String[] pn = new String[] { null, "FeatureList" };
                if (isParent(pn)) {
                    String index = attrs.getValue("index");
                    int fi = -1;
                    if (index == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "index");
                    } else {
                        fi = Integer.parseInt(index);
                    assert flIndex == -1;
                    flIndex = fi;
                } else {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pn);
            } else if (en[1].equals("FeatureTag")) {
                String[] pn = new String[] { null, "FeatureRecord" };
                if (isParent(pn)) {
                    String value = attrs.getValue("value");
                    if (value == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "value");
                    } else {
                        assert featureTag == null;
                        featureTag = value;
                } else {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pn);
            } else if (en[1].equals("GDEF")) {
                String[] pn = new String[] { null, "ttFont" };
                if (isParent(pn)) {
                } else {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pn);
            } else if (en[1].equals("GPOS")) {
                String[] pn = new String[] { null, "ttFont" };
                if (isParent(pn)) {
                } else {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pn);
            } else if (en[1].equals("GSUB")) {
                String[] pn = new String[] { null, "ttFont" };
                if (isParent(pn)) {
                } else {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pn);
            } else if (en[1].equals("Glyph")) {
                String[] pn1 = new String[] { null, "Coverage" };
                String[] pn2 = new String[] { null, "InputCoverage" };
                String[] pn3 = new String[] { null, "LookAheadCoverage" };
                String[] pn4 = new String[] { null, "BacktrackCoverage" };
                String[] pn5 = new String[] { null, "MarkCoverage" };
                String[] pn6 = new String[] { null, "Mark1Coverage" };
                String[] pn7 = new String[] { null, "Mark2Coverage" };
                String[] pn8 = new String[] { null, "BaseCoverage" };
                String[] pn9 = new String[] { null, "LigatureCoverage" };
                String[][] pnx = new String[][] { pn1, pn2, pn3, pn4, pn5, pn6, pn7, pn8, pn9 };
                if (isParent(pnx)) {
                    String value = attrs.getValue("value");
                    if (value == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "value");
                    } else {
                        int gid = mapGlyphId(value, en);
                } else {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pnx);
            } else if (en[1].equals("GlyphClassDef")) {
                String[] pn = new String[] { null, "GDEF" };
                if (isParent(pn)) {
                    String format = attrs.getValue("Format");
                    int sf = -1;
                    if (format == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "Format");
                    } else {
                        sf = Integer.parseInt(format);
                        switch (sf) {
                        case 1:
                        case 2:
                            unsupportedFormat(en, sf);
                    assert sf >= 0;
                    // force format 1 since TTX always writes entries as non-range entries
                    if (sf != 1) {
                        sf = 1;
                    stFormat = sf;
                    assert glyphClasses.isEmpty();
                } else {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pn);
            } else if (en[1].equals("GlyphID")) {
                String[] pn = new String[] { null, "GlyphOrder" };
                if (isParent(pn)) {
                    String id = attrs.getValue("id");
                    int gid = -1;
                    if (id == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "id");
                    } else {
                        gid = Integer.parseInt(id);
                    String name = attrs.getValue("name");
                    if (name == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "name");
                    if (glyphIds.containsKey(name)) {
                        duplicateGlyph(en, name, gid);
                    } else {
                        if (gid > glyphIdMax) {
                            glyphIdMax = gid;
                        glyphIds.put(name, gid);
                } else {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pn);
            } else if (en[1].equals("GlyphOrder")) {
                String[] pn = new String[] { null, "ttFont" };
                if (!isParent(pn)) {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pn);
            } else if (en[1].equals("InputCoverage")) {
                String[] pn1 = new String[] { null, "ChainContextSubst" };
                String[] pn2 = new String[] { null, "ChainContextPos" };
                String[][] pnx = new String[][] { pn1, pn2 };
                if (isParent(pnx)) {
                    String index = attrs.getValue("index");
                    int ci = -1;
                    if (index == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "index");
                    } else {
                        ci = Integer.parseInt(index);
                    String format = attrs.getValue("Format");
                    int cf = -1;
                    if (format == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "Format");
                    } else {
                        cf = Integer.parseInt(format);
                        switch (cf) {
                        case 1:
                        case 2:
                            unsupportedFormat(en, cf);
                    ctIndex = ci;
                    ctFormat = cf;
                } else {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pnx);
            } else if (en[1].equals("LangSys")) {
                String[] pn = new String[] { null, "LangSysRecord" };
                if (!isParent(pn)) {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pn);
                } else {
            } else if (en[1].equals("LangSysRecord")) {
                String[] pn = new String[] { null, "Script" };
                if (isParent(pn)) {
                    String index = attrs.getValue("index");
                    if (index == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "index");
                } else {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pn);
            } else if (en[1].equals("LangSysTag")) {
                String[] pn = new String[] { null, "LangSysRecord" };
                if (isParent(pn)) {
                    String value = attrs.getValue("value");
                    if (value == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "value");
                    } else {
                        assert languageTag == null;
                        languageTag = value;
                } else {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pn);
            } else if (en[1].equals("LigCaretList")) {
                String[] pn = new String[] { null, "GDEF" };
                if (!isParent(pn)) {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pn);
            } else if (en[1].equals("Ligature")) {
                String[] pn = new String[] { null, "LigatureSet" };
                if (isParent(pn)) {
                    String components = attrs.getValue("components");
                    if (components == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "components");
                    int[] cids = mapGlyphIds(components, en);
                    String glyph = attrs.getValue("glyph");
                    if (glyph == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "glyph");
                    int gid = mapGlyphId(glyph, en);
                    ligatures.add(new Ligature(gid, cids));
                } else {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pn);
            } else if (en[1].equals("LigatureAnchor")) {
                String[] pn = new String[] { null, "ComponentRecord" };
                if (isParent(pn)) {
                    String index = attrs.getValue("index");
                    if (index == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "index");
                    String format = attrs.getValue("Format");
                    if (format == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "Format");
                    assert xCoord == Integer.MIN_VALUE;
                    assert yCoord == Integer.MIN_VALUE;
                } else {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pn);
            } else if (en[1].equals("LigatureArray")) {
                String[] pn = new String[] { null, "MarkLigPos" };
                if (!isParent(pn)) {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pn);
            } else if (en[1].equals("LigatureAttach")) {
                String[] pn = new String[] { null, "LigatureArray" };
                if (isParent(pn)) {
                    String index = attrs.getValue("index");
                    if (index == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "index");
                    assert components.size() == 0;
                } else {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pn);
            } else if (en[1].equals("LigatureCoverage")) {
                String[] pn = new String[] { null, "MarkLigPos" };
                if (isParent(pn)) {
                    String format = attrs.getValue("Format");
                    int cf = -1;
                    if (format == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "Format");
                    } else {
                        cf = Integer.parseInt(format);
                        switch (cf) {
                        case 1:
                        case 2:
                            unsupportedFormat(en, cf);
                    ctIndex = 0;
                    ctFormat = cf;
                } else {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pn);
            } else if (en[1].equals("LigatureSet")) {
                String[] pn = new String[] { null, "LigatureSubst" };
                if (isParent(pn)) {
                    String glyph = attrs.getValue("glyph");
                    if (glyph == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "glyph");
                    int gid = mapGlyphId(glyph, en);
                } else {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pn);
            } else if (en[1].equals("LigatureSubst")) {
                String[] pn = new String[] { null, "Lookup" };
                if (isParent(pn)) {
                    String index = attrs.getValue("index");
                    if (index == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "index");
                    String format = attrs.getValue("Format");
                    int sf = -1;
                    if (format == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "Format");
                    } else {
                        sf = Integer.parseInt(format);
                        switch (sf) {
                        case 1:
                            unsupportedFormat(en, sf);
                    ctIndex = 0;
                    ctFormat = 1;
                    assert sf >= 0;
                    stFormat = sf;
                } else {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pn);
            } else if (en[1].equals("LookAheadCoverage")) {
                String[] pn1 = new String[] { null, "ChainContextSubst" };
                String[] pn2 = new String[] { null, "ChainContextPos" };
                String[][] pnx = new String[][] { pn1, pn2 };
                if (isParent(pnx)) {
                    String index = attrs.getValue("index");
                    int ci = -1;
                    if (index == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "index");
                    } else {
                        ci = Integer.parseInt(index);
                    String format = attrs.getValue("Format");
                    int cf = -1;
                    if (format == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "Format");
                    } else {
                        cf = Integer.parseInt(format);
                        switch (cf) {
                        case 1:
                        case 2:
                            unsupportedFormat(en, cf);
                    ctIndex = ci;
                    ctFormat = cf;
                } else {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pnx);
            } else if (en[1].equals("Lookup")) {
                String[] pn = new String[] { null, "LookupList" };
                if (isParent(pn)) {
                    String index = attrs.getValue("index");
                    int li = -1;
                    if (index == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "index");
                    } else {
                        li = Integer.parseInt(index);
                    assert ltIndex == -1;
                    ltIndex = li;
                } else {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pn);
            } else if (en[1].equals("LookupFlag")) {
                String[] pn = new String[] { null, "Lookup" };
                if (isParent(pn)) {
                    String value = attrs.getValue("value");
                    int lf = 0;
                    if (value == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "value");
                    } else {
                        lf = Integer.parseInt(value);
                    assert ltFlags == 0;
                    ltFlags = lf;
                } else {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pn);
            } else if (en[1].equals("LookupList")) {
                String[] pn1 = new String[] { null, "GSUB" };
                String[] pn2 = new String[] { null, "GPOS" };
                String[][] pnx = new String[][] { pn1, pn2 };
                if (!isParent(pnx)) {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pnx);
            } else if (en[1].equals("LookupListIndex")) {
                String[] pn1 = new String[] { null, "Feature" };
                String[] pn2 = new String[] { null, "SubstLookupRecord" };
                String[] pn3 = new String[] { null, "PosLookupRecord" };
                String[][] pnx = new String[][] { pn1, pn2, pn3 };
                if (isParent(pnx)) {
                    String index = attrs.getValue("index");
                    String value = attrs.getValue("value");
                    int v = -1;
                    if (value == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "value");
                    } else {
                        v = Integer.parseInt(value);
                    String[][] pny = new String[][] { pn2, pn3 };
                    if (isParent(pny)) {
                        assert rlLookup == -1;
                        assert v != -1;
                        rlLookup = v;
                    } else {
                } else {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pnx);
            } else if (en[1].equals("LookupType")) {
                String[] pn = new String[] { null, "Lookup" };
                if (isParent(pn)) {
                    String value = attrs.getValue("value");
                    if (value == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "value");
                } else {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pn);
            } else if (en[1].equals("Mark1Array")) {
                String[] pn = new String[] { null, "MarkMarkPos" };
                if (!isParent(pn)) {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pn);
            } else if (en[1].equals("Mark1Coverage")) {
                String[] pn = new String[] { null, "MarkMarkPos" };
                if (isParent(pn)) {
                    String format = attrs.getValue("Format");
                    int cf = -1;
                    if (format == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "Format");
                    } else {
                        cf = Integer.parseInt(format);
                        switch (cf) {
                        case 1:
                        case 2:
                            unsupportedFormat(en, cf);
                    ctIndex = 0;
                    ctFormat = cf;
                } else {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pn);
            } else if (en[1].equals("Mark2Anchor")) {
                String[] pn = new String[] { null, "Mark2Record" };
                if (isParent(pn)) {
                    String format = attrs.getValue("Format");
                    if (format == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "Format");
                    assert xCoord == Integer.MIN_VALUE;
                    assert yCoord == Integer.MIN_VALUE;
                } else {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pn);
            } else if (en[1].equals("Mark2Array")) {
                String[] pn = new String[] { null, "MarkMarkPos" };
                if (!isParent(pn)) {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pn);
            } else if (en[1].equals("Mark2Coverage")) {
                String[] pn = new String[] { null, "MarkMarkPos" };
                if (isParent(pn)) {
                    String format = attrs.getValue("Format");
                    int cf = -1;
                    if (format == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "Format");
                    } else {
                        cf = Integer.parseInt(format);
                        switch (cf) {
                        case 1:
                        case 2:
                            unsupportedFormat(en, cf);
                    ctIndex = 0;
                    ctFormat = cf;
                } else {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pn);
            } else if (en[1].equals("Mark2Record")) {
                String[] pn = new String[] { null, "Mark2Array" };
                if (isParent(pn)) {
                    String index = attrs.getValue("index");
                    if (index == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "index");
                } else {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pn);
            } else if (en[1].equals("MarkAnchor")) {
                String[] pn = new String[] { null, "MarkRecord" };
                if (isParent(pn)) {
                    String format = attrs.getValue("Format");
                    if (format == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "Format");
                    assert xCoord == Integer.MIN_VALUE;
                    assert yCoord == Integer.MIN_VALUE;
                } else {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pn);
            } else if (en[1].equals("MarkArray")) {
                String[] pn1 = new String[] { null, "MarkBasePos" };
                String[] pn2 = new String[] { null, "MarkLigPos" };
                String[][] pnx = new String[][] { pn1, pn2 };
                if (!isParent(pnx)) {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pnx);
            } else if (en[1].equals("MarkAttachClassDef")) {
                String[] pn = new String[] { null, "GDEF" };
                if (isParent(pn)) {
                    String format = attrs.getValue("Format");
                    int sf = -1;
                    if (format == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "Format");
                    } else {
                        sf = Integer.parseInt(format);
                        switch (sf) {
                        case 1:
                        case 2:
                            unsupportedFormat(en, sf);
                    assert sf >= 0;
                    // force format 1 since TTX always writes entries as non-range entries
                    if (sf != 1) {
                        sf = 1;
                    stFormat = sf;
                    assert glyphClasses.isEmpty();
                } else {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pn);
            } else if (en[1].equals("MarkBasePos")) {
                String[] pn = new String[] { null, "Lookup" };
                if (isParent(pn)) {
                    String index = attrs.getValue("index");
                    if (index == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "index");
                    String format = attrs.getValue("Format");
                    int sf = -1;
                    if (format == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "Format");
                    } else {
                        sf = Integer.parseInt(format);
                        switch (sf) {
                        case 1:
                            unsupportedFormat(en, sf);
                    assert sf >= 0;
                    stFormat = sf;
                    assert markAnchors.size() == 0;
                    assert baseOrMarkAnchors.size() == 0;
                } else {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pn);
            } else if (en[1].equals("MarkCoverage")) {
                String[] pn1 = new String[] { null, "MarkBasePos" };
                String[] pn2 = new String[] { null, "MarkLigPos" };
                String[][] pnx = new String[][] { pn1, pn2 };
                if (isParent(pnx)) {
                    String format = attrs.getValue("Format");
                    int cf = -1;
                    if (format == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "Format");
                    } else {
                        cf = Integer.parseInt(format);
                        switch (cf) {
                        case 1:
                        case 2:
                            unsupportedFormat(en, cf);
                    ctIndex = 0;
                    ctFormat = cf;
                } else {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pnx);
            } else if (en[1].equals("MarkLigPos")) {
                String[] pn = new String[] { null, "Lookup" };
                if (isParent(pn)) {
                    String index = attrs.getValue("index");
                    if (index == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "index");
                    String format = attrs.getValue("Format");
                    int sf = -1;
                    if (format == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "Format");
                    } else {
                        sf = Integer.parseInt(format);
                        switch (sf) {
                        case 1:
                            unsupportedFormat(en, sf);
                    assert sf >= 0;
                    stFormat = sf;
                    assert markAnchors.size() == 0;
                    assert ligatureAnchors.size() == 0;
                } else {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pn);
            } else if (en[1].equals("MarkMarkPos")) {
                String[] pn = new String[] { null, "Lookup" };
                if (isParent(pn)) {
                    String index = attrs.getValue("index");
                    if (index == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "index");
                    String format = attrs.getValue("Format");
                    int sf = -1;
                    if (format == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "Format");
                    } else {
                        sf = Integer.parseInt(format);
                        switch (sf) {
                        case 1:
                            unsupportedFormat(en, sf);
                    assert sf >= 0;
                    stFormat = sf;
                    assert markAnchors.size() == 0;
                    assert baseOrMarkAnchors.size() == 0;
                } else {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pn);
            } else if (en[1].equals("MarkRecord")) {
                String[] pn1 = new String[] { null, "MarkArray" };
                String[] pn2 = new String[] { null, "Mark1Array" };
                String[][] pnx = new String[][] { pn1, pn2 };
                if (isParent(pnx)) {
                    String index = attrs.getValue("index");
                    if (index == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "index");
                } else {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pnx);
            } else if (en[1].equals("MultipleSubst")) {
                String[] pn = new String[] { null, "Lookup" };
                if (isParent(pn)) {
                    String index = attrs.getValue("index");
                    if (index == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "index");
                    String format = attrs.getValue("Format");
                    int sf = -1;
                    if (format == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "Format");
                    } else {
                        sf = Integer.parseInt(format);
                        switch (sf) {
                        case 1:
                            unsupportedFormat(en, sf);
                    assert sf >= 0;
                    stFormat = sf;
                } else {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pn);
            } else if (en[1].equals("PairPos")) {
                String[] pn = new String[] { null, "Lookup" };
                if (isParent(pn)) {
                    String index = attrs.getValue("index");
                    if (index == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "index");
                    String format = attrs.getValue("Format");
                    int sf = -1;
                    if (format == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "Format");
                    } else {
                        sf = Integer.parseInt(format);
                        switch (sf) {
                        case 1:
                        case 2:
                            unsupportedFormat(en, sf);
                    assert sf >= 0;
                    stFormat = sf;
                } else {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pn);
            } else if (en[1].equals("PairSet")) {
                String[] pn = new String[] { null, "PairPos" };
                if (isParent(pn)) {
                    String index = attrs.getValue("index");
                    int psi = -1;
                    if (index == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "index");
                    } else {
                        psi = Integer.parseInt(index);
                    assert psIndex == -1;
                    psIndex = psi;
                } else {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pn);
            } else if (en[1].equals("PairValueRecord")) {
                String[] pn = new String[] { null, "PairSet" };
                if (isParent(pn)) {
                    String index = attrs.getValue("index");
                    if (index == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "index");
                    } else {
                } else {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pn);
            } else if (en[1].equals("PosLookupRecord")) {
                String[] pn1 = new String[] { null, "ChainContextSubst" };
                String[] pn2 = new String[] { null, "ChainContextPos" };
                String[][] pnx = new String[][] { pn1, pn2 };
                if (isParent(pnx)) {
                    String index = attrs.getValue("index");
                    if (index == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "index");
                } else {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pnx);
            } else if (en[1].equals("ReqFeatureIndex")) {
                String[] pn1 = new String[] { null, "DefaultLangSys" };
                String[] pn2 = new String[] { null, "LangSys" };
                String[][] pnx = new String[][] { pn1, pn2 };
                if (isParent(pnx)) {
                    String value = attrs.getValue("value");
                    int v = -1;
                    if (value == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "value");
                    } else {
                        v = Integer.parseInt(value);
                    String fid;
                    if ((v >= 0) && (v < 65535)) {
                        fid = makeFeatureId(v);
                    } else {
                        fid = null;
                } else {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pnx);
            } else if (en[1].equals("Script")) {
                String[] pn = new String[] { null, "ScriptRecord" };
                if (!isParent(pn)) {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pn);
            } else if (en[1].equals("ScriptList")) {
                String[] pn1 = new String[] { null, "GSUB" };
                String[] pn2 = new String[] { null, "GPOS" };
                String[][] pnx = new String[][] { pn1, pn2 };
                if (!isParent(pnx)) {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pnx);
            } else if (en[1].equals("ScriptRecord")) {
                String[] pn = new String[] { null, "ScriptList" };
                if (isParent(pn)) {
                    String index = attrs.getValue("index");
                    if (index == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "index");
                } else {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pn);
            } else if (en[1].equals("ScriptTag")) {
                String[] pn = new String[] { null, "ScriptRecord" };
                if (isParent(pn)) {
                    String value = attrs.getValue("value");
                    if (value == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "value");
                    } else {
                        assert scriptTag == null;
                        scriptTag = value;
                } else {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pn);
            } else if (en[1].equals("SecondGlyph")) {
                String[] pn = new String[] { null, "PairValueRecord" };
                if (isParent(pn)) {
                    String value = attrs.getValue("value");
                    if (value == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "value");
                    } else {
                        int gid = mapGlyphId(value, en);
                        assert g2 == -1;
                        g2 = gid;
                } else {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pn);
            } else if (en[1].equals("Sequence")) {
                String[] pn = new String[] { null, "MultipleSubst" };
                if (isParent(pn)) {
                    String index = attrs.getValue("index");
                    if (index == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "index");
                    } else {
                        int i = Integer.parseInt(index);
                        if (i != subtableEntries.size()) {
                            invalidIndex(en, i, subtableEntries.size());
                } else {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pn);
            } else if (en[1].equals("SequenceIndex")) {
                String[] pn1 = new String[] { null, "PosLookupRecord" };
                String[] pn2 = new String[] { null, "SubstLookupRecord" };
                String[][] pnx = new String[][] { pn1, pn2 };
                if (isParent(pnx)) {
                    String value = attrs.getValue("value");
                    int v = -1;
                    if (value == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "value");
                    } else {
                        v = Integer.parseInt(value);
                    assert rlSequence == -1;
                    assert v != -1;
                    rlSequence = v;
                } else {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pnx);
            } else if (en[1].equals("SinglePos")) {
                String[] pn = new String[] { null, "Lookup" };
                if (isParent(pn)) {
                    String index = attrs.getValue("index");
                    if (index == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "index");
                    String format = attrs.getValue("Format");
                    int sf = -1;
                    if (format == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "Format");
                    } else {
                        sf = Integer.parseInt(format);
                        switch (sf) {
                        case 1:
                        case 2:
                            unsupportedFormat(en, sf);
                    assert sf >= 0;
                    stFormat = sf;
                } else {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pn);
            } else if (en[1].equals("SingleSubst")) {
                String[] pn = new String[] { null, "Lookup" };
                if (isParent(pn)) {
                    String index = attrs.getValue("index");
                    if (index == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "index");
                    String format = attrs.getValue("Format");
                    int sf = -1;
                    if (format == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "Format");
                    } else {
                        sf = Integer.parseInt(format);
                        switch (sf) {
                        case 1:
                        case 2:
                            unsupportedFormat(en, sf);
                    ctIndex = 0;
                    ctFormat = 1;
                    assert sf >= 0;
                    stFormat = sf;
                } else {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pn);
            } else if (en[1].equals("SubstLookupRecord")) {
                String[] pn = new String[] { null, "ChainContextSubst" };
                if (isParent(pn)) {
                    String index = attrs.getValue("index");
                    if (index == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "index");
                } else {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pn);
            } else if (en[1].equals("Substitute")) {
                String[] pn = new String[] { null, "Sequence" };
                if (isParent(pn)) {
                    String index = attrs.getValue("index");
                    if (index == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "index");
                    } else {
                        int i = Integer.parseInt(index);
                        if (i != substitutes.size()) {
                            invalidIndex(en, i, substitutes.size());
                    String value = attrs.getValue("value");
                    if (value == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "value");
                    } else {
                        int gid = mapGlyphId(value, en);
                } else {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pn);
            } else if (en[1].equals("Substitution")) {
                String[] pn = new String[] { null, "SingleSubst" };
                if (isParent(pn)) {
                    String in = attrs.getValue("in");
                    int igid = -1;
                    int ogid = -1;
                    if (in == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "in");
                    } else {
                        igid = mapGlyphId(in, en);
                    String out = attrs.getValue("out");
                    if (out == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "out");
                    } else {
                        ogid = mapGlyphId(out, en);
                } else {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pn);
            } else if (en[1].equals("Value")) {
                String[] pn = new String[] { null, "SinglePos" };
                if (isParent(pn)) {
                    String index = attrs.getValue("index");
                    if (vf1 < 0) {
                        missingParameter(en, "value format");
                    } else {
                        subtableEntries.add(parseValue(en, attrs, vf1));
                } else {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pn);
            } else if (en[1].equals("Value1")) {
                String[] pn = new String[] { null, "PairValueRecord" };
                if (isParent(pn)) {
                    if (vf1 < 0) {
                        missingParameter(en, "value format 1");
                    } else {
                        assert v1 == null;
                        v1 = parseValue(en, attrs, vf1);
                } else {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pn);
            } else if (en[1].equals("Value2")) {
                String[] pn = new String[] { null, "PairValueRecord" };
                if (isParent(pn)) {
                    if (vf2 < 0) {
                        missingParameter(en, "value format 2");
                    } else {
                        assert v2 == null;
                        v2 = parseValue(en, attrs, vf2);
                } else {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pn);
            } else if (en[1].equals("ValueFormat")) {
                String[] pn = new String[] { null, "SinglePos" };
                if (isParent(pn)) {
                    String value = attrs.getValue("value");
                    int vf = -1;
                    if (value == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "value");
                    } else {
                        vf = Integer.parseInt(value);
                    assert vf1 == -1;
                    vf1 = vf;
                } else {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pn);
            } else if (en[1].equals("ValueFormat1")) {
                String[] pn = new String[] { null, "PairPos" };
                if (isParent(pn)) {
                    String value = attrs.getValue("value");
                    int vf = -1;
                    if (value == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "value");
                    } else {
                        vf = Integer.parseInt(value);
                    assert vf1 == -1;
                    vf1 = vf;
                } else {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pn);
            } else if (en[1].equals("ValueFormat2")) {
                String[] pn = new String[] { null, "PairPos" };
                if (isParent(pn)) {
                    String value = attrs.getValue("value");
                    int vf = -1;
                    if (value == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "value");
                    } else {
                        vf = Integer.parseInt(value);
                    assert vf2 == -1;
                    vf2 = vf;
                } else {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pn);
            } else if (en[1].equals("Version")) {
                String[] pn1 = new String[] { null, "GDEF" };
                String[] pn2 = new String[] { null, "GPOS" };
                String[] pn3 = new String[] { null, "GSUB" };
                String[][] pnx = new String[][] { pn1, pn2, pn3 };
                if (isParent(pnx)) {
                    String value = attrs.getValue("value");
                    if (value == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "value");
                } else {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pnx);
            } else if (en[1].equals("XCoordinate")) {
                String[] pn1 = new String[] { null, "BaseAnchor" };
                String[] pn2 = new String[] { null, "EntryAnchor" };
                String[] pn3 = new String[] { null, "ExitAnchor" };
                String[] pn4 = new String[] { null, "LigatureAnchor" };
                String[] pn5 = new String[] { null, "MarkAnchor" };
                String[] pn6 = new String[] { null, "Mark2Anchor" };
                String[][] pnx = new String[][] { pn1, pn2, pn3, pn4, pn5, pn6 };
                if (isParent(pnx)) {
                    String value = attrs.getValue("value");
                    int x = 0;
                    if (value == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "value");
                    } else {
                        x = Integer.parseInt(value);
                    assert xCoord == Integer.MIN_VALUE;
                    xCoord = x;
                } else {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pnx);
            } else if (en[1].equals("YCoordinate")) {
                String[] pn1 = new String[] { null, "BaseAnchor" };
                String[] pn2 = new String[] { null, "EntryAnchor" };
                String[] pn3 = new String[] { null, "ExitAnchor" };
                String[] pn4 = new String[] { null, "LigatureAnchor" };
                String[] pn5 = new String[] { null, "MarkAnchor" };
                String[] pn6 = new String[] { null, "Mark2Anchor" };
                String[][] pnx = new String[][] { pn1, pn2, pn3, pn4, pn5, pn6 };
                if (isParent(pnx)) {
                    String value = attrs.getValue("value");
                    int y = 0;
                    if (value == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "value");
                    } else {
                        y = Integer.parseInt(value);
                    assert yCoord == Integer.MIN_VALUE;
                    yCoord = y;
                } else {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pnx);
            } else if (en[1].equals("checkSumAdjustment")) {
                String[] pn = new String[] { null, "head" };
                if (isParent(pn)) {
                    String value = attrs.getValue("value");
                    if (value == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "value");
                } else {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pn);
            } else if (en[1].equals("cmap")) {
                String[] pn = new String[] { null, "ttFont" };
                if (!isParent(pn)) {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pn);
            } else if (en[1].equals("cmap_format_0")) {
                String[] pn = new String[] { null, "cmap" };
                if (isParent(pn)) {
                    String platformID = attrs.getValue("platformID");
                    if (platformID == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "platformID");
                    String platEncID = attrs.getValue("platEncID");
                    if (platEncID == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "platEncID");
                    String language = attrs.getValue("language");
                    if (language == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "language");
                } else {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pn);
            } else if (en[1].equals("cmap_format_4")) {
                String[] pn = new String[] { null, "cmap" };
                if (isParent(pn)) {
                    String platformID = attrs.getValue("platformID");
                    int pid = -1;
                    if (platformID == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "platformID");
                    } else {
                        pid = Integer.parseInt(platformID);
                    String platEncID = attrs.getValue("platEncID");
                    int eid = -1;
                    if (platEncID == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "platEncID");
                    } else {
                        eid = Integer.parseInt(platEncID);
                    String language = attrs.getValue("language");
                    int lid = -1;
                    if (language == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "language");
                    } else {
                        lid = Integer.parseInt(language);
                    assert cmapEntries.size() == 0;
                    assert cmPlatform == -1;
                    assert cmEncoding == -1;
                    assert cmLanguage == -1;
                    cmPlatform = pid;
                    cmEncoding = eid;
                    cmLanguage = lid;
                } else {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pn);
            } else if (en[1].equals("created")) {
                String[] pn = new String[] { null, "head" };
                if (isParent(pn)) {
                    String value = attrs.getValue("value");
                    if (value == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "value");
                } else {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pn);
            } else if (en[1].equals("flags")) {
                String[] pn = new String[] { null, "head" };
                if (isParent(pn)) {
                    String value = attrs.getValue("value");
                    if (value == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "value");
                } else {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pn);
            } else if (en[1].equals("fontDirectionHint")) {
                String[] pn = new String[] { null, "head" };
                if (isParent(pn)) {
                    String value = attrs.getValue("value");
                    if (value == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "value");
                } else {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pn);
            } else if (en[1].equals("fontRevision")) {
                String[] pn = new String[] { null, "head" };
                if (isParent(pn)) {
                    String value = attrs.getValue("value");
                    if (value == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "value");
                } else {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pn);
            } else if (en[1].equals("glyphDataFormat")) {
                String[] pn = new String[] { null, "head" };
                if (isParent(pn)) {
                    String value = attrs.getValue("value");
                    if (value == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "value");
                } else {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pn);
            } else if (en[1].equals("head")) {
                String[] pn = new String[] { null, "ttFont" };
                if (!isParent(pn)) {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pn);
            } else if (en[1].equals("hmtx")) {
                String[] pn = new String[] { null, "ttFont" };
                if (!isParent(pn)) {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pn);
                } else if (glyphIdMax > 0) {
                    hmtxEntries.setSize(glyphIdMax + 1);
            } else if (en[1].equals("indexToLocFormat")) {
                String[] pn = new String[] { null, "head" };
                if (isParent(pn)) {
                    String value = attrs.getValue("value");
                    if (value == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "value");
                } else {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pn);
            } else if (en[1].equals("lowestRecPPEM")) {
                String[] pn = new String[] { null, "head" };
                if (isParent(pn)) {
                    String value = attrs.getValue("value");
                    if (value == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "value");
                } else {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pn);
            } else if (en[1].equals("macStyle")) {
                String[] pn = new String[] { null, "head" };
                if (isParent(pn)) {
                    String value = attrs.getValue("value");
                    if (value == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "value");
                } else {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pn);
            } else if (en[1].equals("magicNumber")) {
                String[] pn = new String[] { null, "head" };
                if (isParent(pn)) {
                    String value = attrs.getValue("value");
                    if (value == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "value");
                } else {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pn);
            } else if (en[1].equals("map")) {
                String[] pn1 = new String[] { null, "cmap_format_0" };
                String[] pn2 = new String[] { null, "cmap_format_4" };
                String[][] pnx = new String[][] { pn1, pn2 };
                if (isParent(pnx)) {
                    String code = attrs.getValue("code");
                    int cid = -1;
                    if (code == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "code");
                    } else {
                        code = code.toLowerCase();
                        if (code.startsWith("0x")) {
                            cid = Integer.parseInt(code.substring(2), 16);
                        } else {
                            cid = Integer.parseInt(code, 10);
                    String name = attrs.getValue("name");
                    int gid = -1;
                    if (name == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "name");
                    } else {
                        gid = mapGlyphId(name, en);
                    if ((cmPlatform == 3) && (cmEncoding == 1)) {
                        cmapEntries.add(new int[] { cid, gid });
                } else {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pnx);
            } else if (en[1].equals("modified")) {
                String[] pn = new String[] { null, "head" };
                if (isParent(pn)) {
                    String value = attrs.getValue("value");
                    if (value == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "value");
                } else {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pn);
            } else if (en[1].equals("mtx")) {
                String[] pn = new String[] { null, "hmtx" };
                if (isParent(pn)) {
                    String name = attrs.getValue("name");
                    int gid = -1;
                    if (name == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "name");
                    } else {
                        gid = mapGlyphId(name, en);
                    String width = attrs.getValue("width");
                    int w = -1;
                    if (width == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "width");
                    } else {
                        w = Integer.parseInt(width);
                    String lsb = attrs.getValue("lsb");
                    int l = -1;
                    if (lsb == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "lsb");
                    } else {
                        l = Integer.parseInt(lsb);
                    hmtxEntries.set(gid, new int[] { w, l });
                } else {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pn);
            } else if (en[1].equals("tableVersion")) {
                String[] pn1 = new String[] { null, "cmap" };
                String[] pn2 = new String[] { null, "head" };
                String[][] pnx = new String[][] { pn1, pn2 };
                if (isParent(pn1)) { // child of cmap
                    String version = attrs.getValue("version");
                    if (version == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "version");
                } else if (isParent(pn2)) { // child of head
                    String value = attrs.getValue("value");
                    if (value == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "value");
                } else {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pnx);
            } else if (en[1].equals("ttFont")) {
                String[] pn = new String[] { null, null };
                if (isParent(pn)) {
                    String sfntVersion = attrs.getValue("sfntVersion");
                    if (sfntVersion == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "sfntVersion");
                    String ttLibVersion = attrs.getValue("ttLibVersion");
                    if (ttLibVersion == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "ttLibVersion");
                } else {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), null);
            } else if (en[1].equals("unitsPerEm")) {
                String[] pn = new String[] { null, "head" };
                if (isParent(pn)) {
                    String value = attrs.getValue("value");
                    int v = -1;
                    if (value == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "value");
                    } else {
                        v = Integer.parseInt(value);
                    assert upem == -1;
                    upem = v;
                } else {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pn);
            } else if (en[1].equals("xMax")) {
                String[] pn = new String[] { null, "head" };
                if (isParent(pn)) {
                    String value = attrs.getValue("value");
                    if (value == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "value");
                } else {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pn);
            } else if (en[1].equals("xMin")) {
                String[] pn = new String[] { null, "head" };
                if (isParent(pn)) {
                    String value = attrs.getValue("value");
                    if (value == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "value");
                } else {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pn);
            } else if (en[1].equals("yMax")) {
                String[] pn = new String[] { null, "head" };
                if (isParent(pn)) {
                    String value = attrs.getValue("value");
                    if (value == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "value");
                } else {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pn);
            } else if (en[1].equals("yMin")) {
                String[] pn = new String[] { null, "head" };
                if (isParent(pn)) {
                    String value = attrs.getValue("value");
                    if (value == null) {
                        missingRequiredAttribute(en, "value");
                } else {
                    notPermittedInElementContext(en, getParent(), pn);
            } else {

        public void endElement(String uri, String localName, String qName) throws SAXException {
            if (elements.empty()) {
                throw new SAXException("element stack is unbalanced, no elements on stack!");
            String[] enParent = elements.peek();
            if (enParent == null) {
                throw new SAXException("element stack is empty, elements are not balanced");
            String[] en = makeExpandedName(uri, localName, qName);
            if (!sameExpandedName(enParent, en)) {
                throw new SAXException("element stack is unbalanced, expanded name mismatch");
            if (en[0] != null) {
            } else if (isAnchorElement(en[1])) {
                if (xCoord == Integer.MIN_VALUE) {
                    missingParameter(en, "x coordinate");
                } else if (yCoord == Integer.MIN_VALUE) {
                    missingParameter(en, "y coordinate");
                } else {
                    if (en[1].equals("EntryAnchor")) {
                        if (anchors.size() > 0) {
                            duplicateParameter(en, "entry anchor");
                    } else if (en[1].equals("ExitAnchor")) {
                        if (anchors.size() > 1) {
                            duplicateParameter(en, "exit anchor");
                        } else if (anchors.size() == 0) {
                    anchors.add(new GlyphPositioningTable.Anchor(xCoord, yCoord));
                    xCoord = yCoord = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
            } else if (en[1].equals("AlternateSet")) {
            } else if (en[1].equals("AlternateSubst")) {
                if (!sortEntries(coverageEntries, subtableEntries)) {
                    mismatchedEntries(en, coverageEntries.size(), subtableEntries.size());
                addGSUBSubtable(GlyphSubstitutionTable.GSUB_LOOKUP_TYPE_ALTERNATE, extractCoverage());
            } else if (en[1].equals("BacktrackCoverage")) {
                String ck = makeCoverageKey("bk", ctIndex);
                if (coverages.containsKey(ck)) {
                    duplicateCoverageIndex(en, ctIndex);
                } else {
                    coverages.put(ck, extractCoverage());
            } else if (en[1].equals("BaseCoverage")) {
                coverages.put("base", extractCoverage());
            } else if (en[1].equals("BaseRecord")) {
            } else if (en[1].equals("ChainContextPos") || en[1].equals("ChainContextSubst")) {
                GlyphCoverageTable coverage = null;
                if (stFormat == 3) {
                    GlyphCoverageTable igca[] = getCoveragesWithPrefix("in");
                    GlyphCoverageTable bgca[] = getCoveragesWithPrefix("bk");
                    GlyphCoverageTable lgca[] = getCoveragesWithPrefix("la");
                    if ((igca.length == 0) || hasMissingCoverage(igca)) {
                        missingCoverage(en, "input", igca.length);
                    } else if (hasMissingCoverage(bgca)) {
                        missingCoverage(en, "backtrack", bgca.length);
                    } else if (hasMissingCoverage(lgca)) {
                        missingCoverage(en, "lookahead", lgca.length);
                    } else {
                        GlyphTable.Rule r = new GlyphTable.ChainedCoverageSequenceRule(extractRuleLookups(),
                                igca.length, igca, bgca, lgca);
                        GlyphTable.RuleSet rs = new GlyphTable.HomogeneousRuleSet(new GlyphTable.Rule[] { r });
                        GlyphTable.RuleSet[] rsa = new GlyphTable.RuleSet[] { rs };
                        coverage = igca[0];
                } else {
                    unsupportedFormat(en, stFormat);
                if (en[1].equals("ChainContextPos")) {
                    addGPOSSubtable(GlyphPositioningTable.GPOS_LOOKUP_TYPE_CHAINED_CONTEXTUAL, coverage);
                } else if (en[1].equals("ChainContextSubst")) {
                    addGSUBSubtable(GlyphSubstitutionTable.GSUB_LOOKUP_TYPE_CHAINED_CONTEXTUAL, coverage);
            } else if (en[1].equals("ComponentRecord")) {
            } else if (en[1].equals("Coverage")) {
                coverages.put("main", extractCoverage());
            } else if (en[1].equals("DefaultLangSys") || en[1].equals("LangSysRecord")) {
                if (languageTag == null) {
                    missingTag(en, "language");
                } else if (languages.containsKey(languageTag)) {
                    duplicateTag(en, "language", languageTag);
                } else {
                    languages.put(languageTag, extractLanguageFeatures());
                    languageTag = null;
            } else if (en[1].equals("CursivePos")) {
                GlyphCoverageTable ct = coverages.get("main");
                if (ct == null) {
                    missingParameter(en, "coverages");
                } else if (stFormat == 1) {
                } else {
                    unsupportedFormat(en, stFormat);
                addGPOSSubtable(GlyphPositioningTable.GPOS_LOOKUP_TYPE_CURSIVE, ct);
            } else if (en[1].equals("EntryExitRecord")) {
                int na = anchors.size();
                if (na == 0) {
                    missingParameter(en, "entry or exit anchor");
                } else if (na == 1) {
                } else if (na > 2) {
                    duplicateParameter(en, "entry or exit anchor");
            } else if (en[1].equals("BaseRecord")) {
            } else if (en[1].equals("FeatureRecord")) {
                if (flIndex != flSequence) {
                    mismatchedIndex(en, "feature", flIndex, flSequence);
                } else if (featureTag == null) {
                    missingTag(en, "feature");
                } else {
                    String fid = makeFeatureId(flIndex);
                    features.put(fid, extractFeature());
            } else if (en[1].equals("GDEF")) {
                if (subtables.size() > 0) {
                    gdef = new GlyphDefinitionTable(subtables);
            } else if (en[1].equals("GPOS")) {
                if (subtables.size() > 0) {
                    gpos = new GlyphPositioningTable(gdef, extractLookups(), subtables);
            } else if (en[1].equals("GSUB")) {
                if (subtables.size() > 0) {
                    gsub = new GlyphSubstitutionTable(gdef, extractLookups(), subtables);
            } else if (en[1].equals("GlyphClassDef")) {
                GlyphMappingTable mapping = extractClassDefMapping(glyphClasses, stFormat, true);
                addGDEFSubtable(GlyphDefinitionTable.GDEF_LOOKUP_TYPE_GLYPH_CLASS, mapping);
            } else if (en[1].equals("InputCoverage")) {
                String ck = makeCoverageKey("in", ctIndex);
                if (coverages.containsKey(ck)) {
                    duplicateCoverageIndex(en, ctIndex);
                } else {
                    coverages.put(ck, extractCoverage());
            } else if (en[1].equals("LigatureAttach")) {
            } else if (en[1].equals("LigatureCoverage")) {
                coverages.put("liga", extractCoverage());
            } else if (en[1].equals("LigatureSet")) {
            } else if (en[1].equals("LigatureSubst")) {
                if (!sortEntries(coverageEntries, subtableEntries)) {
                    mismatchedEntries(en, coverageEntries.size(), subtableEntries.size());
                GlyphCoverageTable coverage = extractCoverage();
                addGSUBSubtable(GlyphSubstitutionTable.GSUB_LOOKUP_TYPE_LIGATURE, coverage);
            } else if (en[1].equals("LookAheadCoverage")) {
                String ck = makeCoverageKey("la", ctIndex);
                if (coverages.containsKey(ck)) {
                    duplicateCoverageIndex(en, ctIndex);
                } else {
                    coverages.put(ck, extractCoverage());
            } else if (en[1].equals("Lookup")) {
                if (ltIndex != ltSequence) {
                    mismatchedIndex(en, "lookup", ltIndex, ltSequence);
                } else {
            } else if (en[1].equals("MarkAttachClassDef")) {
                GlyphMappingTable mapping = extractClassDefMapping(glyphClasses, stFormat, true);
                addGDEFSubtable(GlyphDefinitionTable.GDEF_LOOKUP_TYPE_MARK_ATTACHMENT, mapping);
            } else if (en[1].equals("MarkCoverage")) {
                coverages.put("mark", extractCoverage());
            } else if (en[1].equals("Mark1Coverage")) {
                coverages.put("mrk1", extractCoverage());
            } else if (en[1].equals("Mark2Coverage")) {
                coverages.put("mrk2", extractCoverage());
            } else if (en[1].equals("MarkBasePos")) {
                GlyphCoverageTable mct = coverages.get("mark");
                GlyphCoverageTable bct = coverages.get("base");
                if (mct == null) {
                    missingParameter(en, "mark coverages");
                } else if (bct == null) {
                    missingParameter(en, "base coverages");
                } else if (stFormat == 1) {
                    MarkAnchor[] maa = extractMarkAnchors();
                    Anchor[][] bam = extractBaseOrMarkAnchors();
                } else {
                    unsupportedFormat(en, stFormat);
                addGPOSSubtable(GlyphPositioningTable.GPOS_LOOKUP_TYPE_MARK_TO_BASE, mct);
            } else if (en[1].equals("MarkLigPos")) {
                GlyphCoverageTable mct = coverages.get("mark");
                GlyphCoverageTable lct = coverages.get("liga");
                if (mct == null) {
                    missingParameter(en, "mark coverages");
                } else if (lct == null) {
                    missingParameter(en, "ligature coverages");
                } else if (stFormat == 1) {
                    MarkAnchor[] maa = extractMarkAnchors();
                    Anchor[][][] lam = extractLigatureAnchors();
                } else {
                    unsupportedFormat(en, stFormat);
                addGPOSSubtable(GlyphPositioningTable.GPOS_LOOKUP_TYPE_MARK_TO_LIGATURE, mct);
            } else if (en[1].equals("MarkMarkPos")) {
                GlyphCoverageTable mct1 = coverages.get("mrk1");
                GlyphCoverageTable mct2 = coverages.get("mrk2");
                if (mct1 == null) {
                    missingParameter(en, "mark coverages 1");
                } else if (mct2 == null) {
                    missingParameter(en, "mark coverages 2");
                } else if (stFormat == 1) {
                    MarkAnchor[] maa = extractMarkAnchors();
                    Anchor[][] mam = extractBaseOrMarkAnchors();
                } else {
                    unsupportedFormat(en, stFormat);
                addGPOSSubtable(GlyphPositioningTable.GPOS_LOOKUP_TYPE_MARK_TO_MARK, mct1);
            } else if (en[1].equals("MarkRecord")) {
                if (markClass == -1) {
                    missingParameter(en, "mark class");
                } else if (anchors.size() == 0) {
                    missingParameter(en, "mark anchor");
                } else if (anchors.size() > 1) {
                    duplicateParameter(en, "mark anchor");
                } else {
                    markAnchors.add(new GlyphPositioningTable.MarkAnchor(markClass, anchors.get(0)));
                    markClass = -1;
            } else if (en[1].equals("Mark2Record")) {
            } else if (en[1].equals("MultipleSubst")) {
                GlyphCoverageTable coverage = coverages.get("main");
                addGSUBSubtable(GlyphSubstitutionTable.GSUB_LOOKUP_TYPE_MULTIPLE, coverage,
            } else if (en[1].equals("PairPos")) {
                if (stFormat == 1) {
                    if (pairSets.size() == 0) {
                        missingParameter(en, "pair set");
                    } else {
                } else if (stFormat == 2) {
                    unsupportedFormat(en, stFormat);
                GlyphCoverageTable coverage = coverages.get("main");
                addGPOSSubtable(GlyphPositioningTable.GPOS_LOOKUP_TYPE_PAIR, coverage);
                vf1 = vf2 = -1;
                psIndex = -1;
            } else if (en[1].equals("PairSet")) {
                if (psIndex != pairSets.size()) {
                    invalidIndex(en, psIndex, pairSets.size());
                } else {
            } else if (en[1].equals("PairValueRecord")) {
                if (g2 == -1) {
                    missingParameter(en, "second glyph");
                } else if ((v1 == null) && (v2 == null)) {
                    missingParameter(en, "first or second value");
                } else {
                    pairs.add(new PairValues(g2, v1, v2));
            } else if (en[1].equals("PosLookupRecord") || en[1].equals("SubstLookupRecord")) {
                if (rlSequence < 0) {
                    missingParameter(en, "sequence index");
                } else if (rlLookup < 0) {
                    missingParameter(en, "lookup index");
                } else {
                    ruleLookups.add(new GlyphTable.RuleLookup(rlSequence, rlLookup));
                    rlSequence = rlLookup = -1;
            } else if (en[1].equals("Script")) {
                if (scriptTag == null) {
                    missingTag(en, "script");
                } else if (scripts.containsKey(scriptTag)) {
                    duplicateTag(en, "script", scriptTag);
                } else {
                    scripts.put(scriptTag, extractLanguages());
                    scriptTag = null;
            } else if (en[1].equals("Sequence")) {
            } else if (en[1].equals("SinglePos")) {
                int nv = subtableEntries.size();
                if (stFormat == 1) {
                    if (nv < 0) {
                        missingParameter(en, "value");
                    } else if (nv > 1) {
                        duplicateParameter(en, "value");
                } else if (stFormat == 2) {
                    GlyphPositioningTable.Value[] pva = (GlyphPositioningTable.Value[]) subtableEntries
                            .toArray(new GlyphPositioningTable.Value[nv]);
                GlyphCoverageTable coverage = coverages.get("main");
                addGPOSSubtable(GlyphPositioningTable.GPOS_LOOKUP_TYPE_SINGLE, coverage);
                vf1 = -1;
            } else if (en[1].equals("SingleSubst")) {
                if (!sortEntries(coverageEntries, subtableEntries)) {
                    mismatchedEntries(en, coverageEntries.size(), subtableEntries.size());
                GlyphCoverageTable coverage = extractCoverage();
                addGSUBSubtable(GlyphSubstitutionTable.GSUB_LOOKUP_TYPE_SINGLE, coverage);
            } else if (en[1].equals("cmap")) {
                cmap = getCMAP();
                gmap = getGMAP();
            } else if (en[1].equals("cmap_format_4")) {
                cmPlatform = cmEncoding = cmLanguage = -1;
            } else if (en[1].equals("hmtx")) {
                hmtx = getHMTX();
            } else if (en[1].equals("ttFont")) {
                if (cmap == null) {
                    missingParameter(en, "cmap");
                if (hmtx == null) {
                    missingParameter(en, "hmtx");

        public void characters(char[] chars, int start, int length) {

        private String[] getParent() {
            if (!elements.empty()) {
                return elements.peek();
            } else {
                return new String[] { null, null };

        private boolean isParent(Object enx) {
            if (enx instanceof String[][]) {
                for (String[] en : (String[][]) enx) {
                    if (isParent(en)) {
                        return true;
                return false;
            } else if (enx instanceof String[]) {
                String[] en = (String[]) enx;
                if (!elements.empty()) {
                    String[] pn = elements.peek();
                    return (pn != null) && sameExpandedName(en, pn);
                } else if ((en[0] == null) && (en[1] == null)) {
                    return true;
                } else {
                    return false;
            } else {
                return false;

        private boolean isAnchorElement(String ln) {
            if (ln.equals("BaseAnchor")) {
                return true;
            } else if (ln.equals("EntryAnchor")) {
                return true;
            } else if (ln.equals("ExitAnchor")) {
                return true;
            } else if (ln.equals("LigatureAnchor")) {
                return true;
            } else if (ln.equals("MarkAnchor")) {
                return true;
            } else if (ln.equals("Mark2Anchor")) {
                return true;
            } else {
                return false;

        private Map<Integer, Integer> getCMAP() {
            Map<Integer, Integer> cmap = new TreeMap();
            for (int[] cme : cmapEntries) {
                Integer c = Integer.valueOf(cme[0]);
                Integer g = Integer.valueOf(cme[1]);
                cmap.put(c, g);
            return cmap;

        private Map<Integer, Integer> getGMAP() {
            Map<Integer, Integer> gmap = new TreeMap();
            for (int[] cme : cmapEntries) {
                Integer c = Integer.valueOf(cme[0]);
                Integer g = Integer.valueOf(cme[1]);
                gmap.put(g, c);
            return gmap;

        private int[][] getHMTX() {
            int ne = hmtxEntries.size();
            int[][] hmtx = new int[ne][2];
            for (int i = 0; i < ne; i++) {
                int[] ea = hmtxEntries.get(i);
                if (ea != null) {
                    hmtx[i][0] = ea[0];
                    hmtx[i][1] = ea[1];
            return hmtx;

        private GlyphClassTable extractClassDefMapping(Map<String, Integer> glyphClasses, int format,
                boolean clearSourceMap) {
            GlyphClassTable ct;
            if (format == 1) {
                ct = extractClassDefMapping1(extractClassMappings(glyphClasses, clearSourceMap));
            } else if (format == 2) {
                ct = extractClassDefMapping2(extractClassMappings(glyphClasses, clearSourceMap));
            } else {
                ct = null;
            return ct;

        private GlyphClassTable extractClassDefMapping1(int[][] cma) {
            List entries = new ArrayList<Integer>();
            int s = -1;
            int l = -1;
            Integer zero = Integer.valueOf(0);
            for (int[] m : cma) {
                int g = m[0];
                int c = m[1];
                if (s < 0) {
                    s = g;
                    l = g - 1;
                while (g > (l + 1)) {
                assert l == (g - 1);
                l = g;
            return GlyphClassTable.createClassTable(entries);

        private GlyphClassTable extractClassDefMapping2(int[][] cma) {
            List entries = new ArrayList<Integer>();
            int s = -1;
            int e = s;
            int l = -1;
            for (int[] m : cma) {
                int g = m[0];
                int c = m[1];
                if (c != l) {
                    if (s >= 0) {
                        entries.add(new GlyphClassTable.MappingRange(s, e, l));
                    s = e = g;
                } else {
                    e = g;
                l = c;
            return GlyphClassTable.createClassTable(entries);

        private int[][] extractClassMappings(Map<String, Integer> glyphClasses, boolean clearSourceMap) {
            int nc = glyphClasses.size();
            int i = 0;
            int[][] cma = new int[nc][2];
            for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> e : glyphClasses.entrySet()) {
                Integer gid = glyphIds.get(e.getKey());
                assert gid != null;
                int[] m = cma[i];
                m[0] = (int) gid;
                m[1] = (int) e.getValue();
            if (clearSourceMap) {
            return sortClassMappings(cma);

        private int[][] sortClassMappings(int[][] cma) {
            Arrays.sort(cma, new Comparator<int[]>() {
                public int compare(int[] m1, int[] m2) {
                    assert m1.length > 0;
                    assert m2.length > 0;
                    if (m1[0] < m2[0]) {
                        return -1;
                    } else if (m1[0] > m2[0]) {
                        return 1;
                    } else {
                        return 0;
            return cma;

        // sort coverage entries and subtable entries together
        private boolean sortEntries(List cel, List sel) {
            assert cel != null;
            assert sel != null;
            if (cel.size() == sel.size()) {
                int np = cel.size();
                Object[][] pa = new Object[np][2];
                for (int i = 0; i < np; i++) {
                    pa[i][0] = cel.get(i);
                    pa[i][1] = sel.get(i);
                Arrays.sort(pa, new Comparator<Object[]>() {
                    public int compare(Object[] p1, Object[] p2) {
                        assert p1.length == 2;
                        assert p2.length == 2;
                        int c1 = (Integer) p1[0];
                        int c2 = (Integer) p2[0];
                        if (c1 < c2) {
                            return -1;
                        } else if (c1 > c2) {
                            return 1;
                        } else {
                            return 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < np; i++) {
                assert cel.size() == sel.size();
                return true;
            } else {
                return false;

        private String makeCoverageKey(String prefix, int index) {
            assert prefix != null;
            assert prefix.length() == 2;
            assert index < 100;
            return prefix + CharUtilities.padLeft(Integer.toString(index, 10), 2, '0');

        private List extractCoverageEntries() {
            List entries = new ArrayList<Integer>(coverageEntries);
            return entries;

        private void clearCoverageEntries() {
            ctFormat = -1;
            ctIndex = -1;

        private void assertCoverageEntriesClear() {
            assert coverageEntries.size() == 0;

        private GlyphCoverageTable extractCoverage() {
            assert (ctFormat == 1) || (ctFormat == 2);
            assert ctIndex >= 0;
            GlyphCoverageTable coverage = GlyphCoverageTable.createCoverageTable(extractCoverageEntries());
            return coverage;

        private void clearCoverages() {

        private void assertCoverageClear() {
            assert ctFormat == -1;
            assert ctIndex == -1;

        private void clearCoverage() {
            ctFormat = -1;
            ctIndex = -1;

        private void assertCoveragesClear() {
            assert coverages.size() == 0;

        private GlyphCoverageTable[] getCoveragesWithPrefix(String prefix) {
            assert prefix != null;
            int prefixLength = prefix.length();
            Set<String> keys = coverages.keySet();
            int mi = -1; // maximum coverage table index
            for (String k : keys) {
                if (k.startsWith(prefix)) {
                    int i = Integer.parseInt(k.substring(prefixLength));
                    if (i > mi) {
                        mi = i;
            GlyphCoverageTable[] gca = new GlyphCoverageTable[mi + 1];
            for (String k : keys) {
                if (k.startsWith(prefix)) {
                    int i = Integer.parseInt(k.substring(prefixLength));
                    if (i >= 0) {
                        gca[i] = coverages.get(k);
            return gca;

        private boolean hasMissingCoverage(GlyphCoverageTable[] gca) {
            assert gca != null;
            int nc = 0;
            for (int i = 0, n = gca.length; i < n; i++) {
                if (gca[i] != null) {
            return nc != gca.length;

        private String makeFeatureId(int fid) {
            assert fid >= 0;
            return "f" + fid;

        private String makeLookupId(int lid) {
            assert lid >= 0;
            return "lu" + lid;

        private void clearScripts() {

        private List<String> extractLanguageFeatures() {
            List<String> lfl = new ArrayList<String>(languageFeatures);
            return lfl;

        private void assertLanguageFeaturesClear() {
            assert languageFeatures.size() == 0;

        private void clearLanguageFeatures() {

        private Map<String, List<String>> extractLanguages() {
            Map<String, List<String>> lm = new HashMap(languages);
            return lm;

        private void clearLanguages() {

        private void assertFeatureLookupsClear() {
            assert featureLookups.size() == 0;

        private List extractFeatureLookups() {
            List lookups = new ArrayList<String>(featureLookups);
            return lookups;

        private void clearFeatureLookups() {

        private void assertFeatureClear() {
            assert flIndex == -1;
            assert featureTag == null;

        private Object[] extractFeature() {
            Object[] fa = new Object[2];
            fa[0] = featureTag;
            fa[1] = extractFeatureLookups();
            return fa;

        private void clearFeature() {
            flIndex = -1;
            featureTag = null;

        private void nextFeature() {

        private void clearFeatures() {

        private void clearSubtableInLookup() {
            stFormat = 0;

        private void clearSubtablesInLookup() {
            stSequence = 0;

        private void clearSubtablesInTable() {

        private void nextSubtableInLookup() {

        private void assertLookupClear() {
            assert ltIndex == -1;
            assert ltFlags == 0;

        private void clearLookup() {
            ltIndex = -1;
            ltFlags = 0;

        private Map<GlyphTable.LookupSpec, List<String>> extractLookups() {
            Map<GlyphTable.LookupSpec, List<String>> lookups = new LinkedHashMap<GlyphTable.LookupSpec, List<String>>();
            for (String st : scripts.keySet()) {
                Map<String, List<String>> lm = scripts.get(st);
                if (lm != null) {
                    for (String lt : lm.keySet()) {
                        List<String> fids = lm.get(lt);
                        if (fids != null) {
                            for (String fid : fids) {
                                if (fid != null) {
                                    Object[] fa = features.get(fid);
                                    if (fa != null) {
                                        assert fa.length == 2;
                                        String ft = (String) fa[0];
                                        List<String> lids = (List<String>) fa[1];
                                        if ((lids != null) && (lids.size() > 0)) {
                                            GlyphTable.LookupSpec ls = new GlyphTable.LookupSpec(st, lt, ft);
                                            lookups.put(ls, lids);
            return lookups;

        private void clearLookups() {
            ltSequence = 0;
            flSequence = 0;

        private void nextLookup() {

        private void clearTable() {

        private void assertSubtableClear() {
            assert stFormat == 0;

        private void assertSubtablesClear() {
            assert subtables.size() == 0;

        private void clearSubtableEntries() {

        private void assertSubtableEntriesClear() {
            assert subtableEntries.size() == 0;

        private List extractSubtableEntries() {
            List entries = new ArrayList(subtableEntries);
            return entries;

        private int[] extractAlternates() {
            int[] aa = new int[alternates.size()];
            int i = 0;
            for (Integer a : alternates) {
                aa[i++] = (int) a;
            return aa;

        private void clearAlternates() {

        private LigatureSet extractLigatures() {
            LigatureSet ls = new LigatureSet(ligatures);
            return ls;

        private void clearLigatures() {

        private int[] extractSubstitutes() {
            int[] aa = new int[substitutes.size()];
            int i = 0;
            for (Integer a : substitutes) {
                aa[i++] = (int) a;
            return aa;

        private void clearSubstitutes() {

        private List extractSequenceEntries() {
            List sequences = extractSubtableEntries();
            int[][] sa = new int[sequences.size()][];
            int i = 0;
            for (Object s : sequences) {
                if (s instanceof int[]) {
                    sa[i++] = (int[]) s;
            List entries = new ArrayList();
            return entries;

        private RuleLookup[] extractRuleLookups() {
            RuleLookup[] lookups = (RuleLookup[]) ruleLookups.toArray(new RuleLookup[ruleLookups.size()]);
            return lookups;

        private void clearRuleLookups() {

        private GlyphPositioningTable.Value parseValue(String[] en, Attributes attrs, int format)
                throws SAXException {
            String xPlacement = attrs.getValue("XPlacement");
            int xp = 0;
            if (xPlacement != null) {
                xp = Integer.parseInt(xPlacement);
            } else if ((format & GlyphPositioningTable.Value.X_PLACEMENT) != 0) {
                missingParameter(en, "xPlacement");
            String yPlacement = attrs.getValue("YPlacement");
            int yp = 0;
            if (yPlacement != null) {
                yp = Integer.parseInt(yPlacement);
            } else if ((format & GlyphPositioningTable.Value.Y_PLACEMENT) != 0) {
                missingParameter(en, "yPlacement");
            String xAdvance = attrs.getValue("XAdvance");
            int xa = 0;
            if (xAdvance != null) {
                xa = Integer.parseInt(xAdvance);
            } else if ((format & GlyphPositioningTable.Value.X_ADVANCE) != 0) {
                missingParameter(en, "xAdvance");
            String yAdvance = attrs.getValue("YAdvance");
            int ya = 0;
            if (yAdvance != null) {
                ya = Integer.parseInt(yAdvance);
            } else if ((format & GlyphPositioningTable.Value.Y_ADVANCE) != 0) {
                missingParameter(en, "yAdvance");
            return new GlyphPositioningTable.Value(xp, yp, xa, ya, null, null, null, null);

        private void assertPairClear() {
            assert g2 == -1;
            assert v1 == null;
            assert v2 == null;

        private void clearPair() {
            g2 = -1;
            v1 = null;
            v2 = null;

        private void assertPairsClear() {
            assert pairs.size() == 0;

        private void clearPairs() {
            psIndex = -1;

        private PairValues[] extractPairs() {
            PairValues[] pva = (PairValues[]) pairs.toArray(new PairValues[pairs.size()]);
            return pva;

        private void assertPairSetsClear() {
            assert pairSets.size() == 0;

        private void clearPairSets() {

        private PairValues[][] extractPairSets() {
            PairValues[][] pvm = (PairValues[][]) pairSets.toArray(new PairValues[pairSets.size()][]);
            return pvm;

        private Anchor[] extractAnchors() {
            Anchor[] aa = (Anchor[]) anchors.toArray(new Anchor[anchors.size()]);
            return aa;

        private MarkAnchor[] extractMarkAnchors() {
            MarkAnchor[] maa = new MarkAnchor[markAnchors.size()];
            maa = (MarkAnchor[]) markAnchors.toArray(new MarkAnchor[maa.length]);
            return maa;

        private Anchor[][] extractBaseOrMarkAnchors() {
            int na = baseOrMarkAnchors.size();
            int ncMax = 0;
            for (Anchor[] aa : baseOrMarkAnchors) {
                if (aa != null) {
                    int nc = aa.length;
                    if (nc > ncMax) {
                        ncMax = nc;
            Anchor[][] am = new Anchor[na][ncMax];
            for (int i = 0; i < na; i++) {
                Anchor[] aa = baseOrMarkAnchors.get(i);
                if (aa != null) {
                    for (int j = 0; j < ncMax; j++) {
                        if (j < aa.length) {
                            am[i][j] = aa[j];
            return am;

        private Integer computeClassCount(Anchor[][] am) {
            int ncMax = 0;
            for (int i = 0, n = am.length; i < n; i++) {
                Anchor[] aa = am[i];
                if (aa != null) {
                    int nc = aa.length;
                    if (nc > ncMax) {
                        ncMax = nc;
            return Integer.valueOf(ncMax);

        private Anchor[][] extractComponents() {
            Anchor[][] cam = new Anchor[components.size()][];
            cam = (Anchor[][]) components.toArray(new Anchor[cam.length][]);
            return cam;

        private Anchor[][][] extractLigatureAnchors() {
            int na = ligatureAnchors.size();
            int ncMax = 0;
            int nxMax = 0;
            for (Anchor[][] cm : ligatureAnchors) {
                if (cm != null) {
                    int nx = cm.length;
                    if (nx > nxMax) {
                        nxMax = nx;
                    for (Anchor[] aa : cm) {
                        if (aa != null) {
                            int nc = aa.length;
                            if (nc > ncMax) {
                                ncMax = nc;

            Anchor[][][] lam = new Anchor[na][nxMax][ncMax];
            for (int i = 0; i < na; i++) {
                Anchor[][] cm = ligatureAnchors.get(i);
                if (cm != null) {
                    for (int j = 0; j < nxMax; j++) {
                        if (j < cm.length) {
                            Anchor[] aa = cm[j];
                            if (aa != null) {
                                for (int k = 0; k < ncMax; k++) {
                                    if (k < aa.length) {
                                        lam[i][j][k] = aa[k];
            return lam;

        private Integer computeLigaturesClassCount(Anchor[][][] lam) {
            int ncMax = 0;
            if (lam != null) {
                for (Anchor[][] cm : lam) {
                    if (cm != null) {
                        for (Anchor[] aa : cm) {
                            if (aa != null) {
                                int nc = aa.length;
                                if (nc > ncMax) {
                                    ncMax = nc;
            return Integer.valueOf(ncMax);

        private Integer computeLigaturesComponentCount(Anchor[][][] lam) {
            int nxMax = 0;
            if (lam != null) {
                for (Anchor[][] cm : lam) {
                    if (cm != null) {
                        int nx = cm.length;
                        if (nx > nxMax) {
                            nxMax = nx;
            return Integer.valueOf(nxMax);

        private Anchor[] extractAttachmentAnchors() {
            int na = attachmentAnchors.size();
            Anchor[] aa = new Anchor[na * 2];
            for (int i = 0; i < na; i++) {
                Anchor[] ea = attachmentAnchors.get(i);
                int ne = ea.length;
                if (ne > 0) {
                    aa[(i * 2) + 0] = ea[0];
                if (ne > 1) {
                    aa[(i * 2) + 1] = ea[1];
            return aa;

        private void addGDEFSubtable(int stType, GlyphMappingTable mapping) {
            subtables.add(GlyphDefinitionTable.createSubtable(stType, makeLookupId(ltSequence), stSequence, ltFlags,
                    stFormat, mapping, extractSubtableEntries()));

        private void addGSUBSubtable(int stType, GlyphCoverageTable coverage, List entries) {
            subtables.add(GlyphSubstitutionTable.createSubtable(stType, makeLookupId(ltSequence), stSequence,
                    ltFlags, stFormat, coverage, entries));

        private void addGSUBSubtable(int stType, GlyphCoverageTable coverage) {
            addGSUBSubtable(stType, coverage, extractSubtableEntries());

        private void addGPOSSubtable(int stType, GlyphCoverageTable coverage, List entries) {
            subtables.add(GlyphPositioningTable.createSubtable(stType, makeLookupId(ltSequence), stSequence,
                    ltFlags, stFormat, coverage, entries));

        private void addGPOSSubtable(int stType, GlyphCoverageTable coverage) {
            addGPOSSubtable(stType, coverage, extractSubtableEntries());

    private int mapGlyphId0(String glyph) {
        assert glyphIds != null;
        Integer gid = glyphIds.get(glyph);
        if (gid != null) {
            return (int) gid;
        } else {
            return -1;

    private int mapGlyphId(String glyph, String[] currentElement) throws SAXException {
        int g = mapGlyphId0(glyph);
        if (g < 0) {
            unsupportedGlyph(currentElement, glyph);
            return -1;
        } else {
            return g;

    private int[] mapGlyphIds(String glyphs, String[] currentElement) throws SAXException {
        String[] ga = glyphs.split(",");
        int[] gids = new int[ga.length];
        int i = 0;
        for (String glyph : ga) {
            gids[i++] = mapGlyphId(glyph, currentElement);
        return gids;

    private int mapGlyphIdToChar(String glyph) {
        assert glyphIds != null;
        Integer gid = glyphIds.get(glyph);
        if (gid != null) {
            if (gmap != null) {
                Integer cid = gmap.get(gid);
                if (cid != null) {
                    return cid.intValue();
        return -1;

    private String formatLocator() {
        if (locator == null) {
            return "{null}";
        } else {
            return "{" + locator.getSystemId() + ":" + locator.getLineNumber() + ":" + locator.getColumnNumber()
                    + "}";

    private void unsupportedElement(String[] en) throws SAXException {
        throw new SAXException(formatLocator() + ": unsupported element " + formatExpandedName(en));

    private void notPermittedInElementContext(String[] en, String[] cn, Object xns) throws SAXException {
        assert en != null;
        assert cn != null;
        String s = "element " + formatExpandedName(en) + " not permitted in current element context "
                + formatExpandedName(cn);
        if (xns == null) {
            s += ", expected root context";
        } else if (xns instanceof String[][]) {
            int nxn = 0;
            s += ", expected one of { ";
            for (String[] xn : (String[][]) xns) {
                if (nxn++ > 0) {
                    s += ", ";
                s += formatExpandedName(xn);
            s += " }";
        } else if (xns instanceof String[]) {
            s += ", expected " + formatExpandedName((String[]) xns);
        throw new SAXException(formatLocator() + ": " + s);

    private void missingRequiredAttribute(String[] en, String name) throws SAXException {
        throw new SAXException(
                formatLocator() + ": element " + formatExpandedName(en) + " missing required attribute " + name);

    private void duplicateGlyph(String[] en, String name, int gid) throws SAXException {
        throw new SAXException(formatLocator() + ": element " + formatExpandedName(en)
                + " contains duplicate name \"" + name + "\", with identifier value " + gid);

    private void unsupportedGlyph(String[] en, String name) throws SAXException {
        throw new SAXException(formatLocator() + ": element " + formatExpandedName(en)
                + " refers to unsupported glyph id \"" + name + "\"");

    private void duplicateCMAPCharacter(String[] en, int cid) throws SAXException {
        throw new SAXException(formatLocator() + ": element " + formatExpandedName(en)
                + " contains duplicate cmap character code: " + CharUtilities.format(cid));

    private void duplicateCMAPGlyph(String[] en, int gid) throws SAXException {
        throw new SAXException(formatLocator() + ": element " + formatExpandedName(en)
                + " contains duplicate cmap glyph code: " + gid);

    private void duplicateGlyphClass(String[] en, String name, String glyphClass) throws SAXException {
        throw new SAXException(formatLocator() + ": element " + formatExpandedName(en)
                + " contains duplicate glyph class for \"" + name + "\", with class value " + glyphClass);

    private void unsupportedFormat(String[] en, int format) throws SAXException {
        throw new SAXException(formatLocator() + ": element " + formatExpandedName(en)
                + " refers to unsupported table format \"" + format + "\"");

    private void invalidIndex(String[] en, int actual, int expected) throws SAXException {
        throw new SAXException(formatLocator() + ": element " + formatExpandedName(en) + " specifies invalid index "
                + actual + ", expected " + expected);

    private void mismatchedIndex(String[] en, String label, int actual, int expected) throws SAXException {
        throw new SAXException(formatLocator() + ": element " + formatExpandedName(en) + " mismatched " + label
                + " index: got " + actual + ", expected " + expected);

    private void mismatchedEntries(String[] en, int nce, int nse) throws SAXException {
        throw new SAXException(formatLocator() + ": element " + formatExpandedName(en)
                + " mismatched coverage and subtable entry counts, # coverages " + nce + ", # entries " + nse);

    private void missingParameter(String[] en, String label) throws SAXException {
        throw new SAXException(
                formatLocator() + ": element " + formatExpandedName(en) + " missing " + label + " parameter");

    private void duplicateParameter(String[] en, String label) throws SAXException {
        throw new SAXException(
                formatLocator() + ": element " + formatExpandedName(en) + " duplicate " + label + " parameter");

    private void duplicateCoverageIndex(String[] en, int index) throws SAXException {
        throw new SAXException(formatLocator() + ": element " + formatExpandedName(en)
                + " duplicate coverage table index " + index);

    private void missingCoverage(String[] en, String type, int expected) throws SAXException {
        throw new SAXException(formatLocator() + ": element " + formatExpandedName(en) + " missing " + type
                + " coverage table, expected " + ((expected > 0) ? expected : 1) + " table(s)");

    private void missingTag(String[] en, String label) throws SAXException {
        throw new SAXException(
                formatLocator() + ": element " + formatExpandedName(en) + " missing " + label + " tag");

    private void duplicateTag(String[] en, String label, String tag) throws SAXException {
        throw new SAXException(
                formatLocator() + ": element " + formatExpandedName(en) + " duplicate " + label + " tag: " + tag);

    private static String[] makeExpandedName(String uri, String localName, String qName) {
        if ((uri != null) && (uri.length() == 0)) {
            uri = null;
        if ((localName != null) && (localName.length() == 0)) {
            localName = null;
        if ((uri == null) && (localName == null)) {
            uri = extractPrefix(qName);
            localName = extractLocalName(qName);
        return new String[] { uri, localName };

    private static String extractPrefix(String qName) {
        String[] sa = qName.split(":");
        if (sa.length == 2) {
            return sa[0];
        } else {
            return null;

    private static String extractLocalName(String qName) {
        String[] sa = qName.split(":");
        if (sa.length == 2) {
            return sa[1];
        } else if (sa.length == 1) {
            return sa[0];
        } else {
            return null;

    private static boolean sameExpandedName(String[] n1, String[] n2) {
        String u1 = n1[0];
        String u2 = n2[0];
        if ((u1 == null) ^ (u2 == null)) {
            return false;
        if ((u1 != null) && (u2 != null)) {
            if (!u1.equals(u2)) {
                return false;
        String l1 = n1[1];
        String l2 = n2[1];
        if ((l1 == null) ^ (l2 == null)) {
            return false;
        if ((l1 != null) && (l2 != null)) {
            if (!l1.equals(l2)) {
                return false;
        return true;

    private static String formatExpandedName(String[] n) {
        String u = (n[0] != null) ? n[0] : "null";
        String l = (n[1] != null) ? n[1] : "null";
        return "{" + u + "}" + l;