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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.apache.flink.streaming.runtime.operators.windowing;

import org.apache.commons.math3.util.ArithmeticUtils;

import org.apache.flink.annotation.Internal;
import org.apache.flink.annotation.VisibleForTesting;
import org.apache.flink.api.common.state.AppendingState;
import org.apache.flink.api.common.state.ListStateDescriptor;
import org.apache.flink.api.common.state.MergingState;
import org.apache.flink.api.common.state.State;
import org.apache.flink.api.common.state.StateDescriptor;
import org.apache.flink.api.common.state.ValueState;
import org.apache.flink.api.common.state.ValueStateDescriptor;
import org.apache.flink.api.common.typeinfo.TypeInformation;
import org.apache.flink.api.common.typeutils.TypeSerializer;
import org.apache.flink.core.fs.FSDataInputStream;
import org.apache.flink.core.memory.DataInputView;
import org.apache.flink.core.memory.DataInputViewStreamWrapper;
import org.apache.flink.metrics.MetricGroup;
import org.apache.flink.runtime.state.ArrayListSerializer;
import org.apache.flink.runtime.state.VoidNamespace;
import org.apache.flink.runtime.state.VoidNamespaceSerializer;
import org.apache.flink.runtime.state.internal.InternalAppendingState;
import org.apache.flink.runtime.state.internal.InternalListState;
import org.apache.flink.runtime.state.internal.InternalMergingState;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.datastream.LegacyWindowOperatorType;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.operators.Triggerable;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.operators.AbstractUdfStreamOperator;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.operators.ChainingStrategy;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.operators.InternalTimer;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.operators.InternalTimerService;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.operators.OneInputStreamOperator;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.operators.TimestampedCollector;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.windowing.assigners.BaseAlignedWindowAssigner;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.windowing.assigners.MergingWindowAssigner;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.windowing.assigners.SlidingProcessingTimeWindows;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.windowing.assigners.TumblingProcessingTimeWindows;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.windowing.assigners.WindowAssigner;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.windowing.triggers.Trigger;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.windowing.triggers.TriggerResult;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.runtime.operators.windowing.functions.InternalWindowFunction;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.runtime.streamrecord.StreamRecord;
import org.apache.flink.util.Preconditions;

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.PriorityQueue;

import static org.apache.flink.util.Preconditions.checkArgument;
import static org.apache.flink.util.Preconditions.checkNotNull;

 * An operator that implements the logic for windowing based on a {@link WindowAssigner} and
 * {@link Trigger}.
 * <p>
 * When an element arrives it gets assigned a key using a {@link KeySelector} and it gets
 * assigned to zero or more windows using a {@link WindowAssigner}. Based on this, the element
 * is put into panes. A pane is the bucket of elements that have the same key and same
 * {@code Window}. An element can be in multiple panes if it was assigned to multiple windows by the
 * {@code WindowAssigner}.
 * <p>
 * Each pane gets its own instance of the provided {@code Trigger}. This trigger determines when
 * the contents of the pane should be processed to emit results. When a trigger fires,
 * the given {@link InternalWindowFunction} is invoked to produce the results that are emitted for
 * the pane to which the {@code Trigger} belongs.
 * @param <K> The type of key returned by the {@code KeySelector}.
 * @param <IN> The type of the incoming elements.
 * @param <OUT> The type of elements emitted by the {@code InternalWindowFunction}.
 * @param <W> The type of {@code Window} that the {@code WindowAssigner} assigns.
public class WindowOperator<K, IN, ACC, OUT, W extends Window>
        extends AbstractUdfStreamOperator<OUT, InternalWindowFunction<ACC, OUT, K, W>>
        implements OneInputStreamOperator<IN, OUT>, Triggerable<K, W> {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Configuration values and user functions
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    protected final WindowAssigner<? super IN, W> windowAssigner;

    private final KeySelector<IN, K> keySelector;

    private final Trigger<? super IN, ? super W> trigger;

    private final StateDescriptor<? extends AppendingState<IN, ACC>, ?> windowStateDescriptor;

    /** For serializing the key in checkpoints. */
    protected final TypeSerializer<K> keySerializer;

    /** For serializing the window in checkpoints. */
    protected final TypeSerializer<W> windowSerializer;

     * The allowed lateness for elements. This is used for:
     * <ul>
     *     <li>Deciding if an element should be dropped from a window due to lateness.
     *     <li>Clearing the state of a window if the system time passes the
     *         {@code window.maxTimestamp + allowedLateness} landmark.
     * </ul>
    private final long allowedLateness;

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // State that is not checkpointed
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    /** The state in which the window contents is stored. Each window is a namespace */
    private transient InternalAppendingState<W, IN, ACC> windowState;

     * The {@link #windowState}, typed to merging state for merging windows.
     * Null if the window state is not mergeable.
    private transient InternalMergingState<W, IN, ACC> windowMergingState;

    /** The state that holds the merging window metadata (the sets that describe what is merged) */
    private transient InternalListState<VoidNamespace, Tuple2<W, W>> mergingSetsState;

    /** This is given to the {@code InternalWindowFunction} for emitting elements with a given timestamp. */
    protected transient TimestampedCollector<OUT> timestampedCollector;

    protected transient Context context = new Context(null, null);

    protected transient WindowAssigner.WindowAssignerContext windowAssignerContext;

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // State that needs to be checkpointed
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    protected transient InternalTimerService<W> internalTimerService;

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // State restored in case of migration from an older version (backwards compatibility)
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

     * A flag indicating if we are migrating from a regular {@link WindowOperator}
     * or one of the deprecated {@link AccumulatingProcessingTimeWindowOperator} and
     * {@link AggregatingProcessingTimeWindowOperator}.
    private final LegacyWindowOperatorType legacyWindowOperatorType;

     * The elements restored when migrating from an older, deprecated
     * {@link AccumulatingProcessingTimeWindowOperator} or
     * {@link AggregatingProcessingTimeWindowOperator}. */
    private transient PriorityQueue<StreamRecord<IN>> restoredFromLegacyAlignedOpRecords;

     * The restored processing time timers when migrating from an
     * older version of the {@link WindowOperator}.
    private transient PriorityQueue<Timer<K, W>> restoredFromLegacyProcessingTimeTimers;

    /** The restored event time timer when migrating from an
     * older version of the {@link WindowOperator}.
    private transient PriorityQueue<Timer<K, W>> restoredFromLegacyEventTimeTimers;

     * Creates a new {@code WindowOperator} based on the given policies and user functions.
    public WindowOperator(WindowAssigner<? super IN, W> windowAssigner, TypeSerializer<W> windowSerializer,
            KeySelector<IN, K> keySelector, TypeSerializer<K> keySerializer,
            StateDescriptor<? extends AppendingState<IN, ACC>, ?> windowStateDescriptor,
            InternalWindowFunction<ACC, OUT, K, W> windowFunction, Trigger<? super IN, ? super W> trigger,
            long allowedLateness) {

        this(windowAssigner, windowSerializer, keySelector, keySerializer, windowStateDescriptor, windowFunction,
                trigger, allowedLateness, LegacyWindowOperatorType.NONE);

     * Creates a new {@code WindowOperator} based on the given policies and user functions.
    public WindowOperator(WindowAssigner<? super IN, W> windowAssigner, TypeSerializer<W> windowSerializer,
            KeySelector<IN, K> keySelector, TypeSerializer<K> keySerializer,
            StateDescriptor<? extends AppendingState<IN, ACC>, ?> windowStateDescriptor,
            InternalWindowFunction<ACC, OUT, K, W> windowFunction, Trigger<? super IN, ? super W> trigger,
            long allowedLateness, LegacyWindowOperatorType legacyWindowOperatorType) {


        checkArgument(!(windowAssigner instanceof BaseAlignedWindowAssigner),
                "The " + windowAssigner.getClass().getSimpleName() + " cannot be used with a WindowOperator. "
                        + "This assigner is only used with the AccumulatingProcessingTimeWindowOperator and "
                        + "the AggregatingProcessingTimeWindowOperator");

        checkArgument(allowedLateness >= 0);

        checkArgument(windowStateDescriptor == null || windowStateDescriptor.isSerializerInitialized(),
                "window state serializer is not properly initialized");

        this.windowAssigner = checkNotNull(windowAssigner);
        this.windowSerializer = checkNotNull(windowSerializer);
        this.keySelector = checkNotNull(keySelector);
        this.keySerializer = checkNotNull(keySerializer);
        this.windowStateDescriptor = windowStateDescriptor;
        this.trigger = checkNotNull(trigger);
        this.allowedLateness = allowedLateness;
        this.legacyWindowOperatorType = legacyWindowOperatorType;


    public void open() throws Exception {;

        timestampedCollector = new TimestampedCollector<>(output);

        internalTimerService = getInternalTimerService("window-timers", windowSerializer, this);

        context = new Context(null, null);

        windowAssignerContext = new WindowAssigner.WindowAssignerContext() {
            public long getCurrentProcessingTime() {
                return internalTimerService.currentProcessingTime();

        // create (or restore) the state that hold the actual window contents
        // NOTE - the state may be null in the case of the overriding evicting window operator
        if (windowStateDescriptor != null) {
            windowState = (InternalAppendingState<W, IN, ACC>) getOrCreateKeyedState(windowSerializer,

        // create the typed and helper states for merging windows
        if (windowAssigner instanceof MergingWindowAssigner) {

            // store a typed reference for the state of merging windows - sanity check
            if (windowState instanceof InternalMergingState) {
                windowMergingState = (InternalMergingState<W, IN, ACC>) windowState;
            // TODO this sanity check should be here, but is prevented by an incorrect test (pending validation)
            // TODO see WindowOperatorTest.testCleanupTimerWithEmptyFoldingStateForSessionWindows()
            // TODO activate the sanity check once resolved
            //         else if (windowState != null) {
            //            throw new IllegalStateException(
            //                  "The window uses a merging assigner, but the window state is not mergeable.");
            //         }

            final Class<Tuple2<W, W>> typedTuple = (Class<Tuple2<W, W>>) (Class<?>) Tuple2.class;

            final TupleSerializer<Tuple2<W, W>> tupleSerializer = new TupleSerializer<>(typedTuple,
                    new TypeSerializer[] { windowSerializer, windowSerializer });

            final ListStateDescriptor<Tuple2<W, W>> mergingSetsStateDescriptor = new ListStateDescriptor<>(
                    "merging-window-set", tupleSerializer);

            // get the state that stores the merging sets
            mergingSetsState = (InternalListState<VoidNamespace, Tuple2<W, W>>) getOrCreateKeyedState(
                    VoidNamespaceSerializer.INSTANCE, mergingSetsStateDescriptor);


    public void close() throws Exception {
        timestampedCollector = null;
        context = null;
        windowAssignerContext = null;

    public void dispose() throws Exception {
        timestampedCollector = null;
        context = null;
        windowAssignerContext = null;

    public void processElement(StreamRecord<IN> element) throws Exception {
        final Collection<W> elementWindows = windowAssigner.assignWindows(element.getValue(),
                element.getTimestamp(), windowAssignerContext);

        final K key = this.<K>getKeyedStateBackend().getCurrentKey();

        if (windowAssigner instanceof MergingWindowAssigner) {
            MergingWindowSet<W> mergingWindows = getMergingWindowSet();

            for (W window : elementWindows) {

                // adding the new window might result in a merge, in that case the actualWindow
                // is the merged window and we work with that. If we don't merge then
                // actualWindow == window
                W actualWindow = mergingWindows.addWindow(window, new MergingWindowSet.MergeFunction<W>() {
                    public void merge(W mergeResult, Collection<W> mergedWindows, W stateWindowResult,
                            Collection<W> mergedStateWindows) throws Exception {
                        context.key = key;
                        context.window = mergeResult;


                        for (W m : mergedWindows) {
                            context.window = m;

                        // merge the merged state windows into the newly resulting state window
                        windowMergingState.mergeNamespaces(stateWindowResult, mergedStateWindows);

                // drop if the window is already late
                if (isLate(actualWindow)) {

                W stateWindow = mergingWindows.getStateWindow(actualWindow);
                if (stateWindow == null) {
                    throw new IllegalStateException("Window " + window + " is not in in-flight window set.");


                context.key = key;
                context.window = actualWindow;

                TriggerResult triggerResult = context.onElement(element);

                if (triggerResult.isFire()) {
                    ACC contents = windowState.get();
                    if (contents == null) {
                    emitWindowContents(actualWindow, contents);

                if (triggerResult.isPurge()) {

            // need to make sure to update the merging state in state
        } else {
            for (W window : elementWindows) {

                // drop if the window is already late
                if (isLate(window)) {


                context.key = key;
                context.window = window;

                TriggerResult triggerResult = context.onElement(element);

                if (triggerResult.isFire()) {
                    ACC contents = windowState.get();
                    if (contents == null) {
                    emitWindowContents(window, contents);

                if (triggerResult.isPurge()) {

    public void onEventTime(InternalTimer<K, W> timer) throws Exception {
        context.key = timer.getKey();
        context.window = timer.getNamespace();

        MergingWindowSet<W> mergingWindows;

        if (windowAssigner instanceof MergingWindowAssigner) {
            mergingWindows = getMergingWindowSet();
            W stateWindow = mergingWindows.getStateWindow(context.window);
            if (stateWindow == null) {
                // Timer firing for non-existent window, this can only happen if a
                // trigger did not clean up timers. We have already cleared the merging
                // window and therefore the Trigger state, however, so nothing to do.
            } else {
        } else {
            mergingWindows = null;

        ACC contents = null;
        if (windowState != null) {
            contents = windowState.get();

        if (contents != null) {
            TriggerResult triggerResult = context.onEventTime(timer.getTimestamp());
            if (triggerResult.isFire()) {
                emitWindowContents(context.window, contents);
            if (triggerResult.isPurge()) {

        if (windowAssigner.isEventTime() && isCleanupTime(context.window, timer.getTimestamp())) {
            clearAllState(context.window, windowState, mergingWindows);

        if (mergingWindows != null) {
            // need to make sure to update the merging state in state

    public void onProcessingTime(InternalTimer<K, W> timer) throws Exception {
        context.key = timer.getKey();
        context.window = timer.getNamespace();

        MergingWindowSet<W> mergingWindows;

        if (windowAssigner instanceof MergingWindowAssigner) {
            mergingWindows = getMergingWindowSet();
            W stateWindow = mergingWindows.getStateWindow(context.window);
            if (stateWindow == null) {
                // Timer firing for non-existent window, this can only happen if a
                // trigger did not clean up timers. We have already cleared the merging
                // window and therefore the Trigger state, however, so nothing to do.
            } else {
        } else {
            mergingWindows = null;

        ACC contents = null;
        if (windowState != null) {
            contents = windowState.get();

        if (contents != null) {
            TriggerResult triggerResult = context.onProcessingTime(timer.getTimestamp());
            if (triggerResult.isFire()) {
                emitWindowContents(context.window, contents);
            if (triggerResult.isPurge()) {

        if (!windowAssigner.isEventTime() && isCleanupTime(context.window, timer.getTimestamp())) {
            clearAllState(context.window, windowState, mergingWindows);

        if (mergingWindows != null) {
            // need to make sure to update the merging state in state

     * Drops all state for the given window and calls
     * {@link Trigger#clear(Window, Trigger.TriggerContext)}.
     * <p>The caller must ensure that the
     * correct key is set in the state backend and the context object.
    private void clearAllState(W window, AppendingState<IN, ACC> windowState, MergingWindowSet<W> mergingWindows)
            throws Exception {
        if (mergingWindows != null) {

     * Emits the contents of the given window using the {@link InternalWindowFunction}.
    private void emitWindowContents(W window, ACC contents) throws Exception {
        userFunction.apply(context.key, context.window, contents, timestampedCollector);

     * Retrieves the {@link MergingWindowSet} for the currently active key.
     * The caller must ensure that the correct key is set in the state backend.
     * <p>The caller must also ensure to properly persist changes to state using
     * {@link MergingWindowSet#persist()}.
    protected MergingWindowSet<W> getMergingWindowSet() throws Exception {
        MergingWindowAssigner<? super IN, W> mergingAssigner = (MergingWindowAssigner<? super IN, W>) windowAssigner;
        return new MergingWindowSet<>(mergingAssigner, mergingSetsState);

     * Returns {@code true} if the watermark is after the end timestamp plus the allowed lateness
     * of the given window.
    protected boolean isLate(W window) {
        return (windowAssigner.isEventTime() && (cleanupTime(window) <= internalTimerService.currentWatermark()));

     * Registers a timer to cleanup the content of the window.
     * @param window
     *                the window whose state to discard
    protected void registerCleanupTimer(W window) {
        long cleanupTime = cleanupTime(window);
        if (cleanupTime == Long.MAX_VALUE) {
            // don't set a GC timer for "end of time"

        if (windowAssigner.isEventTime()) {
        } else {

     * Deletes the cleanup timer set for the contents of the provided window.
     * @param window
     *                the window whose state to discard
    protected void deleteCleanupTimer(W window) {
        long cleanupTime = cleanupTime(window);
        if (cleanupTime == Long.MAX_VALUE) {
            // no need to clean up because we didn't set one
        if (windowAssigner.isEventTime()) {
        } else {

     * Returns the cleanup time for a window, which is
     * {@code window.maxTimestamp + allowedLateness}. In
     * case this leads to a value greated than {@link Long#MAX_VALUE}
     * then a cleanup time of {@link Long#MAX_VALUE} is
     * returned.
     * @param window the window whose cleanup time we are computing.
    private long cleanupTime(W window) {
        if (windowAssigner.isEventTime()) {
            long cleanupTime = window.maxTimestamp() + allowedLateness;
            return cleanupTime >= window.maxTimestamp() ? cleanupTime : Long.MAX_VALUE;
        } else {
            return window.maxTimestamp();

     * Returns {@code true} if the given time is the cleanup time for the given window.
    protected final boolean isCleanupTime(W window, long time) {
        return time == cleanupTime(window);

     * {@code Context} is a utility for handling {@code Trigger} invocations. It can be reused
     * by setting the {@code key} and {@code window} fields. No internal state must be kept in
     * the {@code Context}
    public class Context implements Trigger.OnMergeContext {
        protected K key;
        protected W window;

        protected Collection<W> mergedWindows;

        public Context(K key, W window) {
            this.key = key;
            this.window = window;

        public MetricGroup getMetricGroup() {
            return WindowOperator.this.getMetricGroup();

        public long getCurrentWatermark() {
            return internalTimerService.currentWatermark();

        public <S extends Serializable> ValueState<S> getKeyValueState(String name, Class<S> stateType,
                S defaultState) {
            checkNotNull(stateType, "The state type class must not be null");

            TypeInformation<S> typeInfo;
            try {
                typeInfo = TypeExtractor.getForClass(stateType);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Cannot analyze type '" + stateType.getName()
                        + "' from the class alone, due to generic type parameters. "
                        + "Please specify the TypeInformation directly.", e);

            return getKeyValueState(name, typeInfo, defaultState);

        public <S extends Serializable> ValueState<S> getKeyValueState(String name, TypeInformation<S> stateType,
                S defaultState) {

            checkNotNull(name, "The name of the state must not be null");
            checkNotNull(stateType, "The state type information must not be null");

            ValueStateDescriptor<S> stateDesc = new ValueStateDescriptor<>(name,
                    stateType.createSerializer(getExecutionConfig()), defaultState);
            return getPartitionedState(stateDesc);

        public <S extends State> S getPartitionedState(StateDescriptor<S, ?> stateDescriptor) {
            try {
                return WindowOperator.this.getPartitionedState(window, windowSerializer, stateDescriptor);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Could not retrieve state", e);

        public <S extends MergingState<?, ?>> void mergePartitionedState(StateDescriptor<S, ?> stateDescriptor) {
            if (mergedWindows != null && mergedWindows.size() > 0) {
                try {
                    S rawState = getKeyedStateBackend().getOrCreateKeyedState(windowSerializer, stateDescriptor);

                    if (rawState instanceof InternalMergingState) {
                        InternalMergingState<W, ?, ?> mergingState = (InternalMergingState<W, ?, ?>) rawState;
                        mergingState.mergeNamespaces(window, mergedWindows);
                    } else {
                        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                                "The given state descriptor does not refer to a mergeable state (MergingState)");
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    throw new RuntimeException("Error while merging state.", e);

        public long getCurrentProcessingTime() {
            return internalTimerService.currentProcessingTime();

        public void registerProcessingTimeTimer(long time) {
            internalTimerService.registerProcessingTimeTimer(window, time);

        public void registerEventTimeTimer(long time) {
            internalTimerService.registerEventTimeTimer(window, time);

        public void deleteProcessingTimeTimer(long time) {
            internalTimerService.deleteProcessingTimeTimer(window, time);

        public void deleteEventTimeTimer(long time) {
            internalTimerService.deleteEventTimeTimer(window, time);

        public TriggerResult onElement(StreamRecord<IN> element) throws Exception {
            return trigger.onElement(element.getValue(), element.getTimestamp(), window, this);

        public TriggerResult onProcessingTime(long time) throws Exception {
            return trigger.onProcessingTime(time, window, this);

        public TriggerResult onEventTime(long time) throws Exception {
            return trigger.onEventTime(time, window, this);

        public void onMerge(Collection<W> mergedWindows) throws Exception {
            this.mergedWindows = mergedWindows;
            trigger.onMerge(window, this);

        public void clear() throws Exception {
            trigger.clear(window, this);

        public String toString() {
            return "Context{" + "key=" + key + ", window=" + window + '}';

     * Internal class for keeping track of in-flight timers.
    protected static class Timer<K, W extends Window> implements Comparable<Timer<K, W>> {
        protected long timestamp;
        protected K key;
        protected W window;

        public Timer(long timestamp, K key, W window) {
            this.timestamp = timestamp;
            this.key = key;
            this.window = window;

        public int compareTo(Timer<K, W> o) {
            return, o.timestamp);

        public boolean equals(Object o) {
            if (this == o) {
                return true;
            if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) {
                return false;

            Timer<?, ?> timer = (Timer<?, ?>) o;

            return timestamp == timer.timestamp && key.equals(timer.key) && window.equals(timer.window);


        public int hashCode() {
            int result = (int) (timestamp ^ (timestamp >>> 32));
            result = 31 * result + key.hashCode();
            result = 31 * result + window.hashCode();
            return result;

        public String toString() {
            return "Timer{" + "timestamp=" + timestamp + ", key=" + key + ", window=" + window + '}';

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    //  Restoring / Migrating from an older Flink version.
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    private static final int BEGIN_OF_STATE_MAGIC_NUMBER = 0x0FF1CE42;

    private static final int BEGIN_OF_PANE_MAGIC_NUMBER = 0xBADF00D5;

    public void restoreState(FSDataInputStream in) throws Exception {
        super.restoreState(in);"{} (taskIdx={}) restoring {} state from an older Flink version.", getClass().getSimpleName(),
                legacyWindowOperatorType, getRuntimeContext().getIndexOfThisSubtask());

        DataInputViewStreamWrapper streamWrapper = new DataInputViewStreamWrapper(in);

        switch (legacyWindowOperatorType) {
        case NONE:
        case FAST_AGGREGATING:

    public void registerRestoredLegacyStateState() throws Exception {

        switch (legacyWindowOperatorType) {
        case NONE:
        case FAST_AGGREGATING:

    private void restoreFromLegacyAlignedWindowOperator(DataInputViewStreamWrapper in) throws IOException {
        Preconditions.checkArgument(legacyWindowOperatorType != LegacyWindowOperatorType.NONE);

        final long nextEvaluationTime = in.readLong();
        final long nextSlideTime = in.readLong();

        validateMagicNumber(BEGIN_OF_STATE_MAGIC_NUMBER, in.readInt());

        restoredFromLegacyAlignedOpRecords = new PriorityQueue<>(42, new Comparator<StreamRecord<IN>>() {
            public int compare(StreamRecord<IN> o1, StreamRecord<IN> o2) {
                return, o2.getTimestamp());

        switch (legacyWindowOperatorType) {
            restoreElementsFromLegacyAccumulatingAlignedWindowOperator(in, nextSlideTime);
        case FAST_AGGREGATING:
            restoreElementsFromLegacyAggregatingAlignedWindowOperator(in, nextSlideTime);

        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
            LOG.debug("{} (taskIdx={}) restored {} events from legacy {}.", getClass().getSimpleName(),
                    getRuntimeContext().getIndexOfThisSubtask(), restoredFromLegacyAlignedOpRecords.size(),

    private void restoreElementsFromLegacyAccumulatingAlignedWindowOperator(DataInputView in, long nextSlideTime)
            throws IOException {
        int numPanes = in.readInt();
        final long paneSize = getPaneSize();
        long nextElementTimestamp = nextSlideTime - (numPanes * paneSize);

        ArrayListSerializer<IN> ser = new ArrayListSerializer<>(
                (TypeSerializer<IN>) getStateDescriptor().getSerializer());

        while (numPanes > 0) {
            validateMagicNumber(BEGIN_OF_PANE_MAGIC_NUMBER, in.readInt());

            nextElementTimestamp += paneSize - 1; // the -1 is so that the elements fall into the correct time-frame

            final int numElementsInPane = in.readInt();
            for (int i = numElementsInPane - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                K key = keySerializer.deserialize(in);

                List<IN> valueList = ser.deserialize(in);
                for (IN record : valueList) {
                    restoredFromLegacyAlignedOpRecords.add(new StreamRecord<>(record, nextElementTimestamp));

    private void restoreElementsFromLegacyAggregatingAlignedWindowOperator(DataInputView in, long nextSlideTime)
            throws IOException {
        int numPanes = in.readInt();
        final long paneSize = getPaneSize();
        long nextElementTimestamp = nextSlideTime - (numPanes * paneSize);

        while (numPanes > 0) {
            validateMagicNumber(BEGIN_OF_PANE_MAGIC_NUMBER, in.readInt());

            nextElementTimestamp += paneSize - 1; // the -1 is so that the elements fall into the correct time-frame

            final int numElementsInPane = in.readInt();
            for (int i = numElementsInPane - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                K key = keySerializer.deserialize(in);

                IN value = (IN) getStateDescriptor().getSerializer().deserialize(in);
                restoredFromLegacyAlignedOpRecords.add(new StreamRecord<>(value, nextElementTimestamp));

    private long getPaneSize() {
        Preconditions.checkArgument(legacyWindowOperatorType == LegacyWindowOperatorType.FAST_ACCUMULATING
                || legacyWindowOperatorType == LegacyWindowOperatorType.FAST_AGGREGATING);

        final long paneSlide;
        if (windowAssigner instanceof SlidingProcessingTimeWindows) {
            SlidingProcessingTimeWindows timeWindows = (SlidingProcessingTimeWindows) windowAssigner;
            paneSlide = ArithmeticUtils.gcd(timeWindows.getSize(), timeWindows.getSlide());
        } else {
            TumblingProcessingTimeWindows timeWindows = (TumblingProcessingTimeWindows) windowAssigner;
            paneSlide = timeWindows.getSize(); // this is valid as windowLength == windowSlide == timeWindows.getSize
        return paneSlide;

    private static void validateMagicNumber(int expected, int found) throws IOException {
        if (expected != found) {
            throw new IOException("Corrupt state stream - wrong magic number. " + "Expected '"
                    + Integer.toHexString(expected) + "', found '" + Integer.toHexString(found) + '\'');

    private void restoreFromLegacyWindowOperator(DataInputViewStreamWrapper in) throws IOException {
        Preconditions.checkArgument(legacyWindowOperatorType == LegacyWindowOperatorType.NONE);

        int numWatermarkTimers = in.readInt();
        this.restoredFromLegacyEventTimeTimers = new PriorityQueue<>(Math.max(numWatermarkTimers, 1));

        for (int i = 0; i < numWatermarkTimers; i++) {
            K key = keySerializer.deserialize(in);
            W window = windowSerializer.deserialize(in);
            long timestamp = in.readLong();

            Timer<K, W> timer = new Timer<>(timestamp, key, window);

        int numProcessingTimeTimers = in.readInt();
        this.restoredFromLegacyProcessingTimeTimers = new PriorityQueue<>(Math.max(numProcessingTimeTimers, 1));

        for (int i = 0; i < numProcessingTimeTimers; i++) {
            K key = keySerializer.deserialize(in);
            W window = windowSerializer.deserialize(in);
            long timestamp = in.readLong();

            Timer<K, W> timer = new Timer<>(timestamp, key, window);

        // just to read all the rest, although we do not really use this information.
        int numProcessingTimeTimerTimestamp = in.readInt();
        for (int i = 0; i < numProcessingTimeTimerTimestamp; i++) {

        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
            int subtaskIdx = getRuntimeContext().getIndexOfThisSubtask();

            if (restoredFromLegacyEventTimeTimers != null && !restoredFromLegacyEventTimeTimers.isEmpty()) {
                LOG.debug("{} (taskIdx={}) restored {} event time timers from an older Flink version: {}",
                        getClass().getSimpleName(), subtaskIdx, restoredFromLegacyEventTimeTimers.size(),

            if (restoredFromLegacyProcessingTimeTimers != null
                    && !restoredFromLegacyProcessingTimeTimers.isEmpty()) {
                LOG.debug("{} (taskIdx={}) restored {} processing time timers from an older Flink version: {}",
                        getClass().getSimpleName(), subtaskIdx, restoredFromLegacyProcessingTimeTimers.size(),

    public void reregisterStateFromLegacyWindowOperator() {
        // if we restore from an older version,
        // we have to re-register the recovered state.

        if (restoredFromLegacyEventTimeTimers != null && !restoredFromLegacyEventTimeTimers.isEmpty()) {

  "{} (taskIdx={}) re-registering event-time timers from an older Flink version.",
                    getClass().getSimpleName(), getRuntimeContext().getIndexOfThisSubtask());

            for (Timer<K, W> timer : restoredFromLegacyEventTimeTimers) {
                internalTimerService.registerEventTimeTimer(timer.window, timer.timestamp);

        if (restoredFromLegacyProcessingTimeTimers != null && !restoredFromLegacyProcessingTimeTimers.isEmpty()) {

  "{} (taskIdx={}) re-registering processing-time timers from an older Flink version.",
                    getClass().getSimpleName(), getRuntimeContext().getIndexOfThisSubtask());

            for (Timer<K, W> timer : restoredFromLegacyProcessingTimeTimers) {
                internalTimerService.registerProcessingTimeTimer(timer.window, timer.timestamp);

        // gc friendliness
        restoredFromLegacyEventTimeTimers = null;
        restoredFromLegacyProcessingTimeTimers = null;

    public void reregisterStateFromLegacyAlignedWindowOperator() throws Exception {
        if (restoredFromLegacyAlignedOpRecords != null && !restoredFromLegacyAlignedOpRecords.isEmpty()) {

  "{} (taskIdx={}) re-registering timers from legacy {} from an older Flink version.",
                    getClass().getSimpleName(), getRuntimeContext().getIndexOfThisSubtask(),

            while (!restoredFromLegacyAlignedOpRecords.isEmpty()) {
                StreamRecord<IN> record = restoredFromLegacyAlignedOpRecords.poll();

        // gc friendliness
        restoredFromLegacyAlignedOpRecords = null;

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Getters for testing
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    public Trigger<? super IN, ? super W> getTrigger() {
        return trigger;

    public KeySelector<IN, K> getKeySelector() {
        return keySelector;

    public WindowAssigner<? super IN, W> getWindowAssigner() {
        return windowAssigner;

    public StateDescriptor<? extends AppendingState<IN, ACC>, ?> getStateDescriptor() {
        return windowStateDescriptor;