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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.apache.flink.runtime.operators.hash;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.flink.api.common.typeutils.TypeComparator;
import org.apache.flink.api.common.typeutils.TypePairComparator;
import org.apache.flink.api.common.typeutils.TypeSerializer;
import org.apache.flink.core.memory.MemorySegment;
import org.apache.flink.runtime.memorymanager.ListMemorySegmentSource;
import org.apache.flink.runtime.util.IntArrayList;
import org.apache.flink.runtime.util.LongArrayList;
import org.apache.flink.runtime.util.MathUtils;
import org.apache.flink.util.MutableObjectIterator;

 * An implementation of an in-memory Hash Table for variable-length records. 
 * <p>
 * The design of this class follows on many parts the design presented in
 * "Hash joins and hash teams in Microsoft SQL Server", by Goetz Graefe et al..
 * <p>
 * <hr>
 * The layout of the buckets inside a memory segment is as follows:
 * <pre>
 * +----------------------------- Bucket x ----------------------------
 * |Partition (1 byte) | reserved (3 bytes) | element count (4 bytes) |
 * | next-bucket-in-chain-pointer (8 bytes) |
 * |
 * |hashCode 1 (4 bytes) | hashCode 2 (4 bytes) | hashCode 3 (4 bytes) |
 * | ... hashCode n-1 (4 bytes) | hashCode n (4 bytes)
 * |
 * |pointer 1 (8 bytes) | pointer 2 (8 bytes) | pointer 3 (8 bytes) |
 * | ... pointer n-1 (8 bytes) | pointer n (8 bytes)
 * |
 * +---------------------------- Bucket x + 1--------------------------
 * |Partition (1 byte) | reserved (3 bytes) | element count (4 bytes) |
 * | next-bucket-in-chain-pointer (8 bytes) |
 * |
 * |hashCode 1 (4 bytes) | hashCode 2 (4 bytes) | hashCode 3 (4 bytes) |
 * | ... hashCode n-1 (4 bytes) | hashCode n (4 bytes)
 * |
 * |pointer 1 (8 bytes) | pointer 2 (8 bytes) | pointer 3 (8 bytes) |
 * | ... pointer n-1 (8 bytes) | pointer n (8 bytes)
 * +-------------------------------------------------------------------
 * | ...
 * |
 * </pre>
 * @param <T> Record type stored in hash table
public class CompactingHashTable<T> extends AbstractMutableHashTable<T> {

    private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(CompactingHashTable.class);

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    //                         Internal Constants
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    private static final int MIN_NUM_MEMORY_SEGMENTS = 33;

     * The maximum number of partitions
    private static final int MAX_NUM_PARTITIONS = 32;

     * The default record width that is used when no width is given. The record width is
     * used to determine the ratio of the number of memory segments intended for partition
     * buffers and the number of memory segments in the hash-table structure. 
    private static final int DEFAULT_RECORD_LEN = 24; //FIXME maybe find a better default

     * The length of the hash code stored in the bucket.
    private static final int HASH_CODE_LEN = 4;

     * The length of a pointer from a hash bucket to the record in the buffers.
    private static final int POINTER_LEN = 8;

     * The number of bytes that the entry in the hash structure occupies, in bytes.
     * It corresponds to a 4 byte hash value and an 8 byte pointer.
    private static final int RECORD_TABLE_BYTES = HASH_CODE_LEN + POINTER_LEN;

     * The total storage overhead per record, in bytes. This corresponds to the space in the
     * actual hash table buckets, consisting of a 4 byte hash value and an 8 byte
     * pointer, plus the overhead for the stored length field.
    private static final int RECORD_OVERHEAD_BYTES = RECORD_TABLE_BYTES + 2;

    // -------------------------- Bucket Size and Structure -------------------------------------

    private static final int NUM_INTRA_BUCKET_BITS = 7;

    private static final int HASH_BUCKET_SIZE = 0x1 << NUM_INTRA_BUCKET_BITS;

    private static final int BUCKET_HEADER_LENGTH = 16;

            / RECORD_TABLE_BYTES;


    // ------------------------------ Bucket Header Fields ------------------------------

     * Offset of the field in the bucket header indicating the bucket's partition.
    private static final int HEADER_PARTITION_OFFSET = 0;

     * Offset of the field in the bucket header indicating the bucket's status (spilled or in-memory).
    private static final int HEADER_COUNT_OFFSET = 4;

     * Offset of the field in the bucket header that holds the forward pointer to its
     * first overflow bucket.
    private static final int HEADER_FORWARD_OFFSET = 8;

     * Constant for the forward pointer, indicating that the pointer is not set. 
    private static final long BUCKET_FORWARD_POINTER_NOT_SET = ~0x0L;

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    //                              Members
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

     * The free memory segments currently available to the hash join.
    private final ArrayList<MemorySegment> availableMemory;

     * The size of the segments used by the hash join buckets. All segments must be of equal size to ease offset computations.
    private final int segmentSize;

     * The number of hash table buckets in a single memory segment - 1.
     * Because memory segments can be comparatively large, we fit multiple buckets into one memory segment.
     * This variable is a mask that is 1 in the lower bits that define the number of a bucket
     * in a segment.
    private final int bucketsPerSegmentMask;

     * The number of bits that describe the position of a bucket in a memory segment. Computed as log2(bucketsPerSegment).
    private final int bucketsPerSegmentBits;

     * An estimate for the average record length.
    private final int avgRecordLen;

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

     * The partitions of the hash table.
    private final ArrayList<InMemoryPartition<T>> partitions;

     * The array of memory segments that contain the buckets which form the actual hash-table
     * of hash-codes and pointers to the elements.
    private MemorySegment[] buckets;

     * temporary storage for partition compaction (always attempts to allocate as many segments as the largest partition)
    private InMemoryPartition<T> compactionMemory;

     * The number of buckets in the current table. The bucket array is not necessarily fully
     * used, when not all buckets that would fit into the last segment are actually used.
    private int numBuckets;

     * flag necessary so a resize is never triggered during a resize since the code paths are interleaved
    private boolean isResizing = false;

    private AtomicBoolean closed = new AtomicBoolean();

    private boolean running = true;

    private int pageSizeInBits;

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    //                         Construction and Teardown
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    public CompactingHashTable(TypeSerializer<T> buildSideSerializer, TypeComparator<T> buildSideComparator,
            List<MemorySegment> memorySegments) {
        this(buildSideSerializer, buildSideComparator, memorySegments, DEFAULT_RECORD_LEN);

    public CompactingHashTable(TypeSerializer<T> buildSideSerializer, TypeComparator<T> buildSideComparator,
            List<MemorySegment> memorySegments, int avgRecordLen) {
        super(buildSideSerializer, buildSideComparator);
        // some sanity checks first
        if (memorySegments == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException();
        if (memorySegments.size() < MIN_NUM_MEMORY_SEGMENTS) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Too few memory segments provided. Hash Table needs at least "
                    + MIN_NUM_MEMORY_SEGMENTS + " memory segments.");

        this.availableMemory = (memorySegments instanceof ArrayList) ? (ArrayList<MemorySegment>) memorySegments
                : new ArrayList<MemorySegment>(memorySegments);

        this.avgRecordLen = buildSideSerializer.getLength() > 0 ? buildSideSerializer.getLength() : avgRecordLen;

        // check the size of the first buffer and record it. all further buffers must have the same size.
        // the size must also be a power of 2
        this.segmentSize = memorySegments.get(0).size();
        if ((this.segmentSize & this.segmentSize - 1) != 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Hash Table requires buffers whose size is a power of 2.");
        int bucketsPerSegment = this.segmentSize >> NUM_INTRA_BUCKET_BITS;
        if (bucketsPerSegment == 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "Hash Table requires buffers of at least " + HASH_BUCKET_SIZE + " bytes.");
        this.bucketsPerSegmentMask = bucketsPerSegment - 1;
        this.bucketsPerSegmentBits = MathUtils.log2strict(bucketsPerSegment);

        this.partitions = new ArrayList<InMemoryPartition<T>>();

        // because we allow to open and close multiple times, the state is initially closed
        // so far no partition has any MemorySegments

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    //                              Life-Cycle
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

     * Build the hash table
    public void open() {
        // sanity checks
        if (!this.closed.compareAndSet(true, false)) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Hash Table cannot be opened, because it is currently not closed.");

        // create the partitions
        final int partitionFanOut = getPartitioningFanOutNoEstimates(this.availableMemory.size());

        // set up the table structure. the write behind buffers are taken away, as are one buffer per partition
        final int numBuckets = getInitialTableSize(this.availableMemory.size(), this.segmentSize, partitionFanOut,

        initTable(numBuckets, (byte) partitionFanOut);

     * Closes the hash table. This effectively releases all internal structures and closes all
     * open files and removes them. The call to this method is valid both as a cleanup after the
     * complete inputs were properly processed, and as an cancellation call, which cleans up
     * all resources that are currently held by the hash join. If another process still access the hash 
     * table after close has been called no operations will be performed.
    public void close() {
        // make sure that we close only once
        if (!this.closed.compareAndSet(false, true)) {

        LOG.debug("Closing hash table and releasing resources.");

        // release the table structure

        // clear the memory in the partitions

    public void abort() {
        this.running = false;

        LOG.debug("Cancelling hash table operations.");

    public List<MemorySegment> getFreeMemory() {
        if (!this.closed.get()) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot return memory while join is open.");

        return this.availableMemory;

    public void buildTable(final MutableObjectIterator<T> input) throws IOException {
        T record = this.buildSideSerializer.createInstance();

        // go over the complete input and insert every element into the hash table
        while (this.running && ((record = != null)) {

    public final void insert(T record) throws IOException {
        if (this.closed.get()) {
        final int hashCode = hash(this.buildSideComparator.hash(record));
        final int posHashCode = hashCode % this.numBuckets;

        // get the bucket for the given hash code
        final int bucketArrayPos = posHashCode >>> this.bucketsPerSegmentBits;
        final int bucketInSegmentPos = (posHashCode & this.bucketsPerSegmentMask) << NUM_INTRA_BUCKET_BITS;
        final MemorySegment bucket = this.buckets[bucketArrayPos];

        // get the basic characteristics of the bucket
        final int partitionNumber = bucket.get(bucketInSegmentPos + HEADER_PARTITION_OFFSET);
        InMemoryPartition<T> partition = this.partitions.get(partitionNumber);

        long pointer;
        try {
            pointer = partition.appendRecord(record);
            if ((pointer >> this.pageSizeInBits) > this.compactionMemory.getBlockCount()) {
                this.compactionMemory.allocateSegments((int) (pointer >> this.pageSizeInBits));
        } catch (EOFException e) {
            try {
                // retry append
                partition = this.partitions.get(partitionNumber); // compaction invalidates reference
                pointer = partition.appendRecord(record);
            } catch (EOFException ex) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Memory ran out. Compaction failed. " + getMemoryConsumptionString()
                        + " Message: " + ex.getMessage());
            } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ex) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Memory ran out. Compaction failed. " + getMemoryConsumptionString()
                        + " Message: " + ex.getMessage());
        } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e1) {
            try {
                // retry append
                partition = this.partitions.get(partitionNumber); // compaction invalidates reference
                pointer = partition.appendRecord(record);
            } catch (EOFException ex) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Memory ran out. Compaction failed. " + getMemoryConsumptionString()
                        + " Message: " + ex.getMessage());
            } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ex) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Memory ran out. Compaction failed. " + getMemoryConsumptionString()
                        + " Message: " + ex.getMessage());
        insertBucketEntryFromStart(partition, bucket, bucketInSegmentPos, hashCode, pointer);

    public <PT> HashTableProber<PT> getProber(TypeComparator<PT> probeSideComparator,
            TypePairComparator<PT, T> pairComparator) {
        return new HashTableProber<PT>(probeSideComparator, pairComparator);

     * @return Iterator over hash table
     * @see EntryIterator
    public MutableObjectIterator<T> getEntryIterator() {
        return new EntryIterator(this);

     * Replaces record in hash table if record already present or append record if not.
     * May trigger expensive compaction.
     * @param record record to insert or replace
     * @param tempHolder instance of T that will be overwritten
     * @throws IOException
    public void insertOrReplaceRecord(T record, T tempHolder) throws IOException {
        if (this.closed.get()) {

        final int searchHashCode = hash(this.buildSideComparator.hash(record));
        final int posHashCode = searchHashCode % this.numBuckets;

        // get the bucket for the given hash code
        MemorySegment originalBucket = this.buckets[posHashCode >> this.bucketsPerSegmentBits];
        int originalBucketOffset = (posHashCode & this.bucketsPerSegmentMask) << NUM_INTRA_BUCKET_BITS;
        MemorySegment bucket = originalBucket;
        int bucketInSegmentOffset = originalBucketOffset;

        // get the basic characteristics of the bucket
        final int partitionNumber = bucket.get(bucketInSegmentOffset + HEADER_PARTITION_OFFSET);
        InMemoryPartition<T> partition = this.partitions.get(partitionNumber);
        final MemorySegment[] overflowSegments = partition.overflowSegments;


        int countInSegment = bucket.getInt(bucketInSegmentOffset + HEADER_COUNT_OFFSET);
        int numInSegment = 0;
        int posInSegment = bucketInSegmentOffset + BUCKET_HEADER_LENGTH;

        long currentForwardPointer = BUCKET_FORWARD_POINTER_NOT_SET;

        // loop over all segments that are involved in the bucket (original bucket plus overflow buckets)
        while (true) {

            while (numInSegment < countInSegment) {

                final int thisCode = bucket.getInt(posInSegment);
                posInSegment += HASH_CODE_LEN;

                // check if the hash code matches
                if (thisCode == searchHashCode) {
                    // get the pointer to the pair
                    final int pointerOffset = bucketInSegmentOffset + BUCKET_POINTER_START_OFFSET
                            + (numInSegment * POINTER_LEN);
                    final long pointer = bucket.getLong(pointerOffset);

                    // deserialize the key to check whether it is really equal, or whether we had only a hash collision
                    try {
                        partition.readRecordAt(pointer, tempHolder);
                        if (this.buildSideComparator.equalToReference(tempHolder)) {
                            long newPointer = partition.appendRecord(record);
                            bucket.putLong(pointerOffset, newPointer);
                            if ((newPointer >> this.pageSizeInBits) > this.compactionMemory.getBlockCount()) {
                                this.compactionMemory.allocateSegments((int) (newPointer >> this.pageSizeInBits));
                    } catch (EOFException e) {
                        // system is out of memory so we attempt to reclaim memory with a copy compact run
                        long newPointer;
                        try {
                            // retry append
                            partition = this.partitions.get(partitionNumber); // compaction invalidates reference
                            newPointer = partition.appendRecord(record);
                        } catch (EOFException ex) {
                            throw new RuntimeException("Memory ran out. Compaction failed. "
                                    + getMemoryConsumptionString() + " Message: " + ex.getMessage());
                        } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ex) {
                            throw new RuntimeException("Memory ran out. Compaction failed. "
                                    + getMemoryConsumptionString() + " Message: " + ex.getMessage());
                        bucket.putLong(pointerOffset, newPointer);
                    } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
                        // system is out of memory so we attempt to reclaim memory with a copy compact run
                        long newPointer;
                        try {
                            // retry append
                            partition = this.partitions.get(partitionNumber); // compaction invalidates reference
                            newPointer = partition.appendRecord(record);
                        } catch (EOFException ex) {
                            throw new RuntimeException("Memory ran out. Compaction failed. "
                                    + getMemoryConsumptionString() + " Message: " + ex.getMessage());
                        } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ex) {
                            throw new RuntimeException("Memory ran out. Compaction failed. "
                                    + getMemoryConsumptionString() + " Message: " + ex.getMessage());
                        bucket.putLong(pointerOffset, newPointer);
                    } catch (IOException e) {
                        throw new RuntimeException(
                                "Error deserializing record from the hashtable: " + e.getMessage(), e);
                } else {

            // this segment is done. check if there is another chained bucket
            long newForwardPointer = bucket.getLong(bucketInSegmentOffset + HEADER_FORWARD_OFFSET);
            if (newForwardPointer == BUCKET_FORWARD_POINTER_NOT_SET) {
                // nothing found. append and insert
                long pointer = partition.appendRecord(record);
                //insertBucketEntryFromStart(partition, originalBucket, originalBucketOffset, searchHashCode, pointer);
                insertBucketEntryFromSearch(partition, originalBucket, bucket, originalBucketOffset,
                        bucketInSegmentOffset, countInSegment, currentForwardPointer, searchHashCode, pointer);
                if ((pointer >> this.pageSizeInBits) > this.compactionMemory.getBlockCount()) {
                    this.compactionMemory.allocateSegments((int) (pointer >> this.pageSizeInBits));

            final int overflowSegNum = (int) (newForwardPointer >>> 32);
            bucket = overflowSegments[overflowSegNum];
            bucketInSegmentOffset = (int) (newForwardPointer & 0xffffffff);
            countInSegment = bucket.getInt(bucketInSegmentOffset + HEADER_COUNT_OFFSET);
            posInSegment = bucketInSegmentOffset + BUCKET_HEADER_LENGTH;
            numInSegment = 0;
            currentForwardPointer = newForwardPointer;

    private final void insertBucketEntryFromStart(InMemoryPartition<T> p, MemorySegment bucket,
            int bucketInSegmentPos, int hashCode, long pointer) throws IOException {
        boolean checkForResize = false;
        // find the position to put the hash code and pointer
        final int count = bucket.getInt(bucketInSegmentPos + HEADER_COUNT_OFFSET);
        if (count < NUM_ENTRIES_PER_BUCKET) {
            // we are good in our current bucket, put the values
            bucket.putInt(bucketInSegmentPos + BUCKET_HEADER_LENGTH + (count * HASH_CODE_LEN), hashCode); // hash code
            bucket.putLong(bucketInSegmentPos + BUCKET_POINTER_START_OFFSET + (count * POINTER_LEN), pointer); // pointer
            bucket.putInt(bucketInSegmentPos + HEADER_COUNT_OFFSET, count + 1); // update count
        } else {
            // we need to go to the overflow buckets
            final long originalForwardPointer = bucket.getLong(bucketInSegmentPos + HEADER_FORWARD_OFFSET);
            final long forwardForNewBucket;

            if (originalForwardPointer != BUCKET_FORWARD_POINTER_NOT_SET) {

                // forward pointer set
                final int overflowSegNum = (int) (originalForwardPointer >>> 32);
                final int segOffset = (int) (originalForwardPointer & 0xffffffff);
                final MemorySegment seg = p.overflowSegments[overflowSegNum];

                final int obCount = seg.getInt(segOffset + HEADER_COUNT_OFFSET);

                // check if there is space in this overflow bucket
                if (obCount < NUM_ENTRIES_PER_BUCKET) {
                    // space in this bucket and we are done
                    seg.putInt(segOffset + BUCKET_HEADER_LENGTH + (obCount * HASH_CODE_LEN), hashCode); // hash code
                    seg.putLong(segOffset + BUCKET_POINTER_START_OFFSET + (obCount * POINTER_LEN), pointer); // pointer
                    seg.putInt(segOffset + HEADER_COUNT_OFFSET, obCount + 1); // update count
                } else {
                    // no space here, we need a new bucket. this current overflow bucket will be the
                    // target of the new overflow bucket
                    forwardForNewBucket = originalForwardPointer;
            } else {
                // no overflow bucket yet, so we need a first one
                forwardForNewBucket = BUCKET_FORWARD_POINTER_NOT_SET;

            // we need a new overflow bucket
            MemorySegment overflowSeg;
            final int overflowBucketNum;
            final int overflowBucketOffset;

            // first, see if there is space for an overflow bucket remaining in the last overflow segment
            if (p.nextOverflowBucket == 0) {
                // no space left in last bucket, or no bucket yet, so create an overflow segment
                overflowSeg = getNextBuffer();
                overflowBucketOffset = 0;
                overflowBucketNum = p.numOverflowSegments;

                // add the new overflow segment
                if (p.overflowSegments.length <= p.numOverflowSegments) {
                    MemorySegment[] newSegsArray = new MemorySegment[p.overflowSegments.length * 2];
                    System.arraycopy(p.overflowSegments, 0, newSegsArray, 0, p.overflowSegments.length);
                    p.overflowSegments = newSegsArray;
                p.overflowSegments[p.numOverflowSegments] = overflowSeg;
                checkForResize = true;
            } else {
                // there is space in the last overflow bucket
                overflowBucketNum = p.numOverflowSegments - 1;
                overflowSeg = p.overflowSegments[overflowBucketNum];
                overflowBucketOffset = p.nextOverflowBucket << NUM_INTRA_BUCKET_BITS;

            // next overflow bucket is one ahead. if the segment is full, the next will be at the beginning
            // of a new segment
            p.nextOverflowBucket = (p.nextOverflowBucket == this.bucketsPerSegmentMask ? 0
                    : p.nextOverflowBucket + 1);

            // insert the new overflow bucket in the chain of buckets
            // 1) set the old forward pointer
            // 2) let the bucket in the main table point to this one
            overflowSeg.putLong(overflowBucketOffset + HEADER_FORWARD_OFFSET, forwardForNewBucket);
            final long pointerToNewBucket = (((long) overflowBucketNum) << 32) | ((long) overflowBucketOffset);
            bucket.putLong(bucketInSegmentPos + HEADER_FORWARD_OFFSET, pointerToNewBucket);

            // finally, insert the values into the overflow buckets
            overflowSeg.putInt(overflowBucketOffset + BUCKET_HEADER_LENGTH, hashCode); // hash code
            overflowSeg.putLong(overflowBucketOffset + BUCKET_POINTER_START_OFFSET, pointer); // pointer

            // set the count to one
            overflowSeg.putInt(overflowBucketOffset + HEADER_COUNT_OFFSET, 1);
            if (checkForResize && !this.isResizing) {
                // check if we should resize buckets
                if (this.buckets.length <= getOverflowSegmentCount()) {

    private final void insertBucketEntryFromSearch(InMemoryPartition<T> partition, MemorySegment originalBucket,
            MemorySegment currentBucket, int originalBucketOffset, int currentBucketOffset,
            int countInCurrentBucket, long currentForwardPointer, int hashCode, long pointer) throws IOException {
        boolean checkForResize = false;
        if (countInCurrentBucket < NUM_ENTRIES_PER_BUCKET) {
            // we are good in our current bucket, put the values
                    currentBucketOffset + BUCKET_HEADER_LENGTH + (countInCurrentBucket * HASH_CODE_LEN), hashCode); // hash code
                    currentBucketOffset + BUCKET_POINTER_START_OFFSET + (countInCurrentBucket * POINTER_LEN),
                    pointer); // pointer
            currentBucket.putInt(currentBucketOffset + HEADER_COUNT_OFFSET, countInCurrentBucket + 1); // update count
        } else {
            // we need a new overflow bucket
            MemorySegment overflowSeg;
            final int overflowBucketNum;
            final int overflowBucketOffset;

            // first, see if there is space for an overflow bucket remaining in the last overflow segment
            if (partition.nextOverflowBucket == 0) {
                // no space left in last bucket, or no bucket yet, so create an overflow segment
                overflowSeg = getNextBuffer();
                overflowBucketOffset = 0;
                overflowBucketNum = partition.numOverflowSegments;

                // add the new overflow segment
                if (partition.overflowSegments.length <= partition.numOverflowSegments) {
                    MemorySegment[] newSegsArray = new MemorySegment[partition.overflowSegments.length * 2];
                    System.arraycopy(partition.overflowSegments, 0, newSegsArray, 0,
                    partition.overflowSegments = newSegsArray;
                partition.overflowSegments[partition.numOverflowSegments] = overflowSeg;
                checkForResize = true;
            } else {
                // there is space in the last overflow segment
                overflowBucketNum = partition.numOverflowSegments - 1;
                overflowSeg = partition.overflowSegments[overflowBucketNum];
                overflowBucketOffset = partition.nextOverflowBucket << NUM_INTRA_BUCKET_BITS;

            // next overflow bucket is one ahead. if the segment is full, the next will be at the beginning
            // of a new segment
            partition.nextOverflowBucket = (partition.nextOverflowBucket == this.bucketsPerSegmentMask ? 0
                    : partition.nextOverflowBucket + 1);

            // insert the new overflow bucket in the chain of buckets
            // 1) set the old forward pointer
            // 2) let the bucket in the main table point to this one
            overflowSeg.putLong(overflowBucketOffset + HEADER_FORWARD_OFFSET, currentForwardPointer);
            final long pointerToNewBucket = (((long) overflowBucketNum) << 32) | ((long) overflowBucketOffset);
            originalBucket.putLong(originalBucketOffset + HEADER_FORWARD_OFFSET, pointerToNewBucket);

            // finally, insert the values into the overflow buckets
            overflowSeg.putInt(overflowBucketOffset + BUCKET_HEADER_LENGTH, hashCode); // hash code
            overflowSeg.putLong(overflowBucketOffset + BUCKET_POINTER_START_OFFSET, pointer); // pointer

            // set the count to one
            overflowSeg.putInt(overflowBucketOffset + HEADER_COUNT_OFFSET, 1);
            if (checkForResize && !this.isResizing) {
                // check if we should resize buckets
                if (this.buckets.length <= getOverflowSegmentCount()) {

    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    //                          Setup and Tear Down of Structures
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    private void createPartitions(int numPartitions) {

        ListMemorySegmentSource memSource = new ListMemorySegmentSource(this.availableMemory);
        this.pageSizeInBits = MathUtils.log2strict(this.segmentSize);

        for (int i = 0; i < numPartitions; i++) {
            this.partitions.add(new InMemoryPartition<T>(this.buildSideSerializer, i, memSource, this.segmentSize,
        this.compactionMemory = new InMemoryPartition<T>(this.buildSideSerializer, -1, memSource, this.segmentSize,

    private void clearPartitions() {
        for (int i = 0; i < this.partitions.size(); i++) {
            InMemoryPartition<T> p = this.partitions.get(i);

    private void initTable(int numBuckets, byte numPartitions) {
        final int bucketsPerSegment = this.bucketsPerSegmentMask + 1;
        final int numSegs = (numBuckets >>> this.bucketsPerSegmentBits)
                + ((numBuckets & this.bucketsPerSegmentMask) == 0 ? 0 : 1);
        final MemorySegment[] table = new MemorySegment[numSegs];

        // go over all segments that are part of the table
        for (int i = 0, bucket = 0; i < numSegs && bucket < numBuckets; i++) {
            final MemorySegment seg = getNextBuffer();

            // go over all buckets in the segment
            for (int k = 0; k < bucketsPerSegment && bucket < numBuckets; k++, bucket++) {
                final int bucketOffset = k * HASH_BUCKET_SIZE;

                // compute the partition that the bucket corresponds to
                final byte partition = assignPartition(bucket, numPartitions);

                // initialize the header fields
                seg.put(bucketOffset + HEADER_PARTITION_OFFSET, partition);
                seg.putInt(bucketOffset + HEADER_COUNT_OFFSET, 0);
                seg.putLong(bucketOffset + HEADER_FORWARD_OFFSET, BUCKET_FORWARD_POINTER_NOT_SET);

            table[i] = seg;
        this.buckets = table;
        this.numBuckets = numBuckets;

    private void releaseTable() {
        // set the counters back
        this.numBuckets = 0;
        if (this.buckets != null) {
            for (int i = 0; i < this.buckets.length; i++) {
            this.buckets = null;

    private final MemorySegment getNextBuffer() {
        // check if the list directly offers memory
        int s = this.availableMemory.size();
        if (s > 0) {
            return this.availableMemory.remove(s - 1);
        } else {
            throw new RuntimeException("Memory ran out. " + getMemoryConsumptionString());

    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    //                             Utility Computational Functions
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     * Gets the number of partitions to be used for an initial hash-table, when no estimates are
     * available.
     * <p>
     * The current logic makes sure that there are always between 10 and 32 partitions, and close
     * to 0.1 of the number of buffers.
     * @param numBuffers The number of buffers available.
     * @return The number of partitions to use.
    private static final int getPartitioningFanOutNoEstimates(int numBuffers) {
        return Math.max(10, Math.min(numBuffers / 10, MAX_NUM_PARTITIONS));

     * @return String containing a summary of the memory consumption for error messages
    private String getMemoryConsumptionString() {
        String result = new String("numPartitions: " + this.partitions.size() + " minPartition: "
                + getMinPartition() + " maxPartition: " + getMaxPartition() + " number of overflow segments: "
                + getOverflowSegmentCount() + " bucketSize: " + this.buckets.length + " Overall memory: "
                + getSize() + " Partition memory: " + getPartitionSize());
        return result;

     * Size of all memory segments owned by this hash table
     * @return size in bytes
    private long getSize() {
        long numSegments = 0;
        numSegments += this.availableMemory.size();
        numSegments += this.buckets.length;
        for (InMemoryPartition<T> p : this.partitions) {
            numSegments += p.getBlockCount();
            numSegments += p.numOverflowSegments;
        numSegments += this.compactionMemory.getBlockCount();
        return numSegments * this.segmentSize;

     * Size of all memory segments owned by the partitions of this hash table excluding the compaction partition
     * @return size in bytes
    private long getPartitionSize() {
        long numSegments = 0;
        for (InMemoryPartition<T> p : this.partitions) {
            numSegments += p.getBlockCount();
        return numSegments * this.segmentSize;

     * @return number of memory segments in the largest partition
    private int getMaxPartition() {
        int maxPartition = 0;
        for (InMemoryPartition<T> p1 : this.partitions) {
            if (p1.getBlockCount() > maxPartition) {
                maxPartition = p1.getBlockCount();
        return maxPartition;

     * @return number of memory segments in the smallest partition
    private int getMinPartition() {
        int minPartition = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        for (InMemoryPartition<T> p1 : this.partitions) {
            if (p1.getBlockCount() < minPartition) {
                minPartition = p1.getBlockCount();
        return minPartition;

     * @return number of memory segments used in overflow buckets
    private int getOverflowSegmentCount() {
        int result = 0;
        for (InMemoryPartition<T> p : this.partitions) {
            result += p.numOverflowSegments;
        return result;

     * tries to find a good value for the number of buckets
     * will ensure that the number of buckets is a multiple of numPartitions
     * @return number of buckets
    private static final int getInitialTableSize(int numBuffers, int bufferSize, int numPartitions,
            int recordLenBytes) {
        final long totalSize = ((long) bufferSize) * numBuffers;
        final long numRecordsStorable = totalSize / (recordLenBytes + RECORD_OVERHEAD_BYTES);
        final long bucketBytes = numRecordsStorable * RECORD_OVERHEAD_BYTES;
        long numBuckets = bucketBytes / (2 * HASH_BUCKET_SIZE) + 1;
        while (numBuckets % numPartitions != 0) {
        return numBuckets > Integer.MAX_VALUE ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : (int) numBuckets;

     * Assigns a partition to a bucket.
     * @param bucket bucket index
     * @param numPartitions number of partitions
     * @return The hash code for the integer.
    private static final byte assignPartition(int bucket, byte numPartitions) {
        return (byte) (bucket % numPartitions);

     * Attempts to double the number of buckets
     * @return true on success
     * @throws IOException 
    private boolean resizeHashTable() throws IOException {
        final int newNumBuckets = 2 * this.numBuckets;
        final int bucketsPerSegment = this.bucketsPerSegmentMask + 1;
        final int newNumSegments = (newNumBuckets + (bucketsPerSegment - 1)) / bucketsPerSegment;
        final int additionalSegments = newNumSegments - this.buckets.length;
        final int numPartitions = this.partitions.size();
        if (this.availableMemory.size() < additionalSegments) {
            for (int i = 0; i < numPartitions; i++) {
                if (this.availableMemory.size() >= additionalSegments) {
        if (this.availableMemory.size() < additionalSegments || this.closed.get()) {
            return false;
        } else {
            this.isResizing = true;
            // allocate new buckets
            final int startOffset = (this.numBuckets * HASH_BUCKET_SIZE) % this.segmentSize;
            MemorySegment[] newBuckets = new MemorySegment[additionalSegments];
            final int oldNumBuckets = this.numBuckets;
            final int oldNumSegments = this.buckets.length;
            MemorySegment[] mergedBuckets = new MemorySegment[newNumSegments];
            System.arraycopy(this.buckets, 0, mergedBuckets, 0, this.buckets.length);
            System.arraycopy(newBuckets, 0, mergedBuckets, this.buckets.length, newBuckets.length);
            this.buckets = mergedBuckets;
            this.numBuckets = newNumBuckets;
            // initialize all new buckets
            boolean oldSegment = (startOffset != 0);
            final int startSegment = oldSegment ? (oldNumSegments - 1) : oldNumSegments;
            for (int i = startSegment, bucket = oldNumBuckets; i < newNumSegments
                    && bucket < this.numBuckets; i++) {
                MemorySegment seg;
                int bucketOffset = 0;
                if (oldSegment) { // the first couple of new buckets may be located on an old segment
                    seg = this.buckets[i];
                    for (int k = (oldNumBuckets % bucketsPerSegment); k < bucketsPerSegment
                            && bucket < this.numBuckets; k++, bucket++) {
                        bucketOffset = k * HASH_BUCKET_SIZE;
                        // initialize the header fields
                        seg.put(bucketOffset + HEADER_PARTITION_OFFSET,
                                assignPartition(bucket, (byte) numPartitions));
                        seg.putInt(bucketOffset + HEADER_COUNT_OFFSET, 0);
                        seg.putLong(bucketOffset + HEADER_FORWARD_OFFSET, BUCKET_FORWARD_POINTER_NOT_SET);
                } else {
                    seg = getNextBuffer();
                    // go over all buckets in the segment
                    for (int k = 0; k < bucketsPerSegment && bucket < this.numBuckets; k++, bucket++) {
                        bucketOffset = k * HASH_BUCKET_SIZE;
                        // initialize the header fields
                        seg.put(bucketOffset + HEADER_PARTITION_OFFSET,
                                assignPartition(bucket, (byte) numPartitions));
                        seg.putInt(bucketOffset + HEADER_COUNT_OFFSET, 0);
                        seg.putLong(bucketOffset + HEADER_FORWARD_OFFSET, BUCKET_FORWARD_POINTER_NOT_SET);
                this.buckets[i] = seg;
                oldSegment = false; // we write on at most one old segment
            int hashOffset = 0;
            int hash = 0;
            int pointerOffset = 0;
            long pointer = 0;
            IntArrayList hashList = new IntArrayList(NUM_ENTRIES_PER_BUCKET);
            LongArrayList pointerList = new LongArrayList(NUM_ENTRIES_PER_BUCKET);
            IntArrayList overflowHashes = new IntArrayList(64);
            LongArrayList overflowPointers = new LongArrayList(64);
            // go over all buckets and split them between old and new buckets
            for (int i = 0; i < numPartitions; i++) {
                InMemoryPartition<T> partition = this.partitions.get(i);
                final MemorySegment[] overflowSegments = partition.overflowSegments;
                int posHashCode = 0;
                for (int j = 0, bucket = i; j < this.buckets.length && bucket < oldNumBuckets; j++) {
                    MemorySegment segment = this.buckets[j];
                    // go over all buckets in the segment belonging to the partition
                    for (int k = bucket % bucketsPerSegment; k < bucketsPerSegment
                            && bucket < oldNumBuckets; k += numPartitions, bucket += numPartitions) {
                        int bucketOffset = k * HASH_BUCKET_SIZE;
                        if ((int) segment.get(bucketOffset + HEADER_PARTITION_OFFSET) != i) {
                            throw new IOException("Accessed wrong bucket! wanted: " + i + " got: "
                                    + segment.get(bucketOffset + HEADER_PARTITION_OFFSET));
                        // loop over all segments that are involved in the bucket (original bucket plus overflow buckets)
                        int countInSegment = segment.getInt(bucketOffset + HEADER_COUNT_OFFSET);
                        int numInSegment = 0;
                        pointerOffset = bucketOffset + BUCKET_POINTER_START_OFFSET;
                        hashOffset = bucketOffset + BUCKET_HEADER_LENGTH;
                        while (true) {
                            while (numInSegment < countInSegment) {
                                hash = segment.getInt(hashOffset);
                                if ((hash % this.numBuckets) != bucket
                                        && (hash % this.numBuckets) != (bucket + oldNumBuckets)) {
                                    throw new IOException("wanted: " + bucket + " or " + (bucket + oldNumBuckets)
                                            + " got: " + hash % this.numBuckets);
                                pointer = segment.getLong(pointerOffset);
                                pointerOffset += POINTER_LEN;
                                hashOffset += HASH_CODE_LEN;
                            // this segment is done. check if there is another chained bucket
                            final long forwardPointer = segment.getLong(bucketOffset + HEADER_FORWARD_OFFSET);
                            if (forwardPointer == BUCKET_FORWARD_POINTER_NOT_SET) {
                            final int overflowSegNum = (int) (forwardPointer >>> 32);
                            segment = overflowSegments[overflowSegNum];
                            bucketOffset = (int) (forwardPointer & 0xffffffff);
                            countInSegment = segment.getInt(bucketOffset + HEADER_COUNT_OFFSET);
                            pointerOffset = bucketOffset + BUCKET_POINTER_START_OFFSET;
                            hashOffset = bucketOffset + BUCKET_HEADER_LENGTH;
                            numInSegment = 0;
                        segment = this.buckets[j];
                        bucketOffset = k * HASH_BUCKET_SIZE;
                        // reset bucket for re-insertion
                        segment.putInt(bucketOffset + HEADER_COUNT_OFFSET, 0);
                        segment.putLong(bucketOffset + HEADER_FORWARD_OFFSET, BUCKET_FORWARD_POINTER_NOT_SET);
                        // refill table
                        if (hashList.size() != pointerList.size()) {
                            throw new IOException("Pointer and hash counts do not match. hashes: " + hashList.size()
                                    + " pointer: " + pointerList.size());
                        int newSegmentIndex = (bucket + oldNumBuckets) / bucketsPerSegment;
                        MemorySegment newSegment = this.buckets[newSegmentIndex];
                        // we need to avoid overflows in the first run
                        int oldBucketCount = 0;
                        int newBucketCount = 0;
                        while (!hashList.isEmpty()) {
                            hash = hashList.removeInt(hashList.size() - 1);
                            pointer = pointerList.removeLong(pointerList.size() - 1);
                            posHashCode = hash % this.numBuckets;
                            if (posHashCode == bucket && oldBucketCount < NUM_ENTRIES_PER_BUCKET) {
                                bucketOffset = (bucket % bucketsPerSegment) * HASH_BUCKET_SIZE;
                                insertBucketEntryFromStart(partition, segment, bucketOffset, hash, pointer);
                            } else if (posHashCode == (bucket + oldNumBuckets)
                                    && newBucketCount < NUM_ENTRIES_PER_BUCKET) {
                                bucketOffset = ((bucket + oldNumBuckets) % bucketsPerSegment) * HASH_BUCKET_SIZE;
                                insertBucketEntryFromStart(partition, newSegment, bucketOffset, hash, pointer);
                            } else if (posHashCode == (bucket + oldNumBuckets) || posHashCode == bucket) {
                            } else {
                                throw new IOException("Accessed wrong bucket. Target: " + bucket + " or "
                                        + (bucket + oldNumBuckets) + " Hit: " + posHashCode);
                // reset partition's overflow buckets and reclaim their memory
                // clear overflow lists
                int bucketArrayPos = 0;
                int bucketInSegmentPos = 0;
                MemorySegment bucket = null;
                while (!overflowHashes.isEmpty()) {
                    hash = overflowHashes.removeInt(overflowHashes.size() - 1);
                    pointer = overflowPointers.removeLong(overflowPointers.size() - 1);
                    posHashCode = hash % this.numBuckets;
                    bucketArrayPos = posHashCode >>> this.bucketsPerSegmentBits;
                    bucketInSegmentPos = (posHashCode & this.bucketsPerSegmentMask) << NUM_INTRA_BUCKET_BITS;
                    bucket = this.buckets[bucketArrayPos];
                    insertBucketEntryFromStart(partition, bucket, bucketInSegmentPos, hash, pointer);
            this.isResizing = false;
            return true;

     * Compacts (garbage collects) partition with copy-compact strategy using compaction partition
     * @param partitionNumber partition to compact
     * @throws IOException 
    private void compactPartition(final int partitionNumber) throws IOException {
        // do nothing if table was closed, parameter is invalid or no garbage exists
        if (this.closed.get() || partitionNumber >= this.partitions.size()
                || this.partitions.get(partitionNumber).isCompacted()) {
        // release all segments owned by compaction partition
        T tempHolder = this.buildSideSerializer.createInstance();
        final int numPartitions = this.partitions.size();
        InMemoryPartition<T> partition = this.partitions.remove(partitionNumber);
        MemorySegment[] overflowSegments = partition.overflowSegments;
        long pointer = 0L;
        int pointerOffset = 0;
        int bucketOffset = 0;
        final int bucketsPerSegment = this.bucketsPerSegmentMask + 1;
        for (int i = 0, bucket = partitionNumber; i < this.buckets.length && bucket < this.numBuckets; i++) {
            MemorySegment segment = this.buckets[i];
            // go over all buckets in the segment belonging to the partition
            for (int k = bucket % bucketsPerSegment; k < bucketsPerSegment
                    && bucket < this.numBuckets; k += numPartitions, bucket += numPartitions) {
                bucketOffset = k * HASH_BUCKET_SIZE;
                if ((int) segment.get(bucketOffset + HEADER_PARTITION_OFFSET) != partitionNumber) {
                    throw new IOException("Accessed wrong bucket! wanted: " + partitionNumber + " got: "
                            + segment.get(bucketOffset + HEADER_PARTITION_OFFSET));
                // loop over all segments that are involved in the bucket (original bucket plus overflow buckets)
                int countInSegment = segment.getInt(bucketOffset + HEADER_COUNT_OFFSET);
                int numInSegment = 0;
                pointerOffset = bucketOffset + BUCKET_POINTER_START_OFFSET;
                while (true) {
                    while (numInSegment < countInSegment) {
                        pointer = segment.getLong(pointerOffset);
                        partition.readRecordAt(pointer, tempHolder);
                        pointer = this.compactionMemory.appendRecord(tempHolder);
                        segment.putLong(pointerOffset, pointer);
                        pointerOffset += POINTER_LEN;
                    // this segment is done. check if there is another chained bucket
                    final long forwardPointer = segment.getLong(bucketOffset + HEADER_FORWARD_OFFSET);
                    if (forwardPointer == BUCKET_FORWARD_POINTER_NOT_SET) {
                    final int overflowSegNum = (int) (forwardPointer >>> 32);
                    segment = overflowSegments[overflowSegNum];
                    bucketOffset = (int) (forwardPointer & 0xffffffff);
                    countInSegment = segment.getInt(bucketOffset + HEADER_COUNT_OFFSET);
                    pointerOffset = bucketOffset + BUCKET_POINTER_START_OFFSET;
                    numInSegment = 0;
                segment = this.buckets[i];
        // swap partition with compaction partition
        this.partitions.add(partitionNumber, compactionMemory);
        this.partitions.get(partitionNumber).overflowSegments = partition.overflowSegments;
        this.partitions.get(partitionNumber).numOverflowSegments = partition.numOverflowSegments;
        this.partitions.get(partitionNumber).nextOverflowBucket = partition.nextOverflowBucket;
        this.compactionMemory = partition;
        this.compactionMemory.overflowSegments = null;
        this.compactionMemory.numOverflowSegments = 0;
        this.compactionMemory.nextOverflowBucket = 0;
        // try to allocate maximum segment count
        int maxSegmentNumber = this.getMaxPartition();

     * Compacts partition but may not reclaim all garbage
     * @param partitionNumber partition number
     * @throws IOException 
    private void fastCompactPartition(int partitionNumber) throws IOException {
        // stop if no garbage exists
        if (this.partitions.get(partitionNumber).isCompacted()) {

     * This function hashes an integer value. It is adapted from Bob Jenkins' website
     * <a href=""></a>.
     * The hash function has the <i>full avalanche</i> property, meaning that every bit of the value to be hashed
     * affects every bit of the hash value. 
     * @param code The integer to be hashed.
     * @return The hash code for the integer.
    private static final int hash(int code) {
        code = (code + 0x7ed55d16) + (code << 12);
        code = (code ^ 0xc761c23c) ^ (code >>> 19);
        code = (code + 0x165667b1) + (code << 5);
        code = (code + 0xd3a2646c) ^ (code << 9);
        code = (code + 0xfd7046c5) + (code << 3);
        code = (code ^ 0xb55a4f09) ^ (code >>> 16);
        return code >= 0 ? code : -(code + 1);

     * Iterator that traverses the whole hash table once
     * If entries are inserted during iteration they may be overlooked by the iterator
    public class EntryIterator implements MutableObjectIterator<T> {

        private CompactingHashTable<T> table;

        private ArrayList<T> cache; // holds full bucket including its overflow buckets

        private int currentBucketIndex = 0;
        private int currentSegmentIndex = 0;
        private int currentBucketOffset = 0;
        private int bucketsPerSegment;

        private boolean done;

        private EntryIterator(CompactingHashTable<T> compactingHashTable) {
            this.table = compactingHashTable;
            this.cache = new ArrayList<T>(64);
            this.done = false;
            this.bucketsPerSegment = table.bucketsPerSegmentMask + 1;

        public T next(T reuse) throws IOException {
            if (done || this.table.closed.get()) {
                return null;
            } else if (!cache.isEmpty()) {
                reuse = cache.remove(cache.size() - 1);
                return reuse;
            } else {
                while (!done && cache.isEmpty()) {
                    done = !fillCache();
                if (!done) {
                    reuse = cache.remove(cache.size() - 1);
                    return reuse;
                } else {
                    return null;

         * utility function that inserts all entries from a bucket and its overflow buckets into the cache
         * @return true if last bucket was not reached yet
         * @throws IOException
        private boolean fillCache() throws IOException {
            if (currentBucketIndex >= table.numBuckets) {
                return false;
            MemorySegment bucket = table.buckets[currentSegmentIndex];
            // get the basic characteristics of the bucket
            final int partitionNumber = bucket.get(currentBucketOffset + HEADER_PARTITION_OFFSET);
            final InMemoryPartition<T> partition = table.partitions.get(partitionNumber);
            final MemorySegment[] overflowSegments = partition.overflowSegments;

            int countInSegment = bucket.getInt(currentBucketOffset + HEADER_COUNT_OFFSET);
            int numInSegment = 0;
            int posInSegment = currentBucketOffset + BUCKET_POINTER_START_OFFSET;
            int bucketOffset = currentBucketOffset;

            // loop over all segments that are involved in the bucket (original bucket plus overflow buckets)
            while (true) {
                while (numInSegment < countInSegment) {
                    long pointer = bucket.getLong(posInSegment);
                    posInSegment += POINTER_LEN;
                    T target = table.buildSideSerializer.createInstance();
                    try {
                        partition.readRecordAt(pointer, target);
                    } catch (IOException e) {
                        throw new RuntimeException(
                                "Error deserializing record from the Hash Table: " + e.getMessage(), e);
                // this segment is done. check if there is another chained bucket
                final long forwardPointer = bucket.getLong(bucketOffset + HEADER_FORWARD_OFFSET);
                if (forwardPointer == BUCKET_FORWARD_POINTER_NOT_SET) {
                final int overflowSegNum = (int) (forwardPointer >>> 32);
                bucket = overflowSegments[overflowSegNum];
                bucketOffset = (int) (forwardPointer & 0xffffffff);
                countInSegment = bucket.getInt(bucketOffset + HEADER_COUNT_OFFSET);
                posInSegment = bucketOffset + BUCKET_POINTER_START_OFFSET;
                numInSegment = 0;
            if (currentBucketIndex % bucketsPerSegment == 0) {
                currentBucketOffset = 0;
            } else {
                currentBucketOffset += HASH_BUCKET_SIZE;
            return true;


    public final class HashTableProber<PT> extends AbstractHashTableProber<PT, T> {

        private InMemoryPartition<T> partition;

        private MemorySegment bucket;

        private int pointerOffsetInBucket;

        private HashTableProber(TypeComparator<PT> probeTypeComparator, TypePairComparator<PT, T> pairComparator) {
            super(probeTypeComparator, pairComparator);

        public boolean getMatchFor(PT probeSideRecord, T targetForMatch) {
            if (closed.get()) {
                return false;
            final int searchHashCode = hash(this.probeTypeComparator.hash(probeSideRecord));

            final int posHashCode = searchHashCode % numBuckets;

            // get the bucket for the given hash code
            MemorySegment bucket = buckets[posHashCode >> bucketsPerSegmentBits];
            int bucketInSegmentOffset = (posHashCode & bucketsPerSegmentMask) << NUM_INTRA_BUCKET_BITS;

            // get the basic characteristics of the bucket
            final int partitionNumber = bucket.get(bucketInSegmentOffset + HEADER_PARTITION_OFFSET);
            final InMemoryPartition<T> p = partitions.get(partitionNumber);
            final MemorySegment[] overflowSegments = p.overflowSegments;


            int countInSegment = bucket.getInt(bucketInSegmentOffset + HEADER_COUNT_OFFSET);
            int numInSegment = 0;
            int posInSegment = bucketInSegmentOffset + BUCKET_HEADER_LENGTH;

            // loop over all segments that are involved in the bucket (original bucket plus overflow buckets)
            while (true) {

                while (numInSegment < countInSegment) {

                    final int thisCode = bucket.getInt(posInSegment);
                    posInSegment += HASH_CODE_LEN;

                    // check if the hash code matches
                    if (thisCode == searchHashCode) {
                        // get the pointer to the pair
                        final int pointerOffset = bucketInSegmentOffset + BUCKET_POINTER_START_OFFSET
                                + (numInSegment * POINTER_LEN);
                        final long pointer = bucket.getLong(pointerOffset);

                        // deserialize the key to check whether it is really equal, or whether we had only a hash collision
                        try {
                            p.readRecordAt(pointer, targetForMatch);

                            if (this.pairComparator.equalToReference(targetForMatch)) {
                                this.partition = p;
                                this.bucket = bucket;
                                this.pointerOffsetInBucket = pointerOffset;
                                return true;
                        } catch (IOException e) {
                            throw new RuntimeException(
                                    "Error deserializing record from the hashtable: " + e.getMessage(), e);
                    } else {

                // this segment is done. check if there is another chained bucket
                final long forwardPointer = bucket.getLong(bucketInSegmentOffset + HEADER_FORWARD_OFFSET);
                if (forwardPointer == BUCKET_FORWARD_POINTER_NOT_SET) {
                    return false;

                final int overflowSegNum = (int) (forwardPointer >>> 32);
                bucket = overflowSegments[overflowSegNum];
                bucketInSegmentOffset = (int) (forwardPointer & 0xffffffff);
                countInSegment = bucket.getInt(bucketInSegmentOffset + HEADER_COUNT_OFFSET);
                posInSegment = bucketInSegmentOffset + BUCKET_HEADER_LENGTH;
                numInSegment = 0;

        public void updateMatch(T record) throws IOException {
            if (closed.get()) {
            long newPointer;
            try {
                newPointer = this.partition.appendRecord(record);
            } catch (EOFException e) {
                // system is out of memory so we attempt to reclaim memory with a copy compact run
                try {
                    int partitionNumber = this.partition.getPartitionNumber();
                    // retry append
                    this.partition = partitions.get(partitionNumber);
                    newPointer = this.partition.appendRecord(record);
                } catch (EOFException ex) {
                    throw new RuntimeException("Memory ran out. Compaction failed. " + getMemoryConsumptionString()
                            + " Message: " + ex.getMessage());
                } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ex) {
                    throw new RuntimeException("Memory ran out. Compaction failed. " + getMemoryConsumptionString()
                            + " Message: " + ex.getMessage());
            } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
                // system is out of memory so we attempt to reclaim memory with a copy compact run
                try {
                    int partitionNumber = this.partition.getPartitionNumber();
                    // retry append
                    this.partition = partitions.get(partitionNumber);
                    newPointer = this.partition.appendRecord(record);
                } catch (EOFException ex) {
                    throw new RuntimeException("Memory ran out. Compaction failed. " + getMemoryConsumptionString()
                            + " Message: " + ex.getMessage());
                } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ex) {
                    throw new RuntimeException("Memory ran out. Compaction failed. " + getMemoryConsumptionString()
                            + " Message: " + ex.getMessage());
            this.bucket.putLong(this.pointerOffsetInBucket, newPointer);