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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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 * distributed with this work for additional information
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package org.apache.crunch.lib;

import org.apache.crunch.MapFn;
import org.apache.crunch.PTable;
import org.apache.crunch.Pair;
import org.apache.crunch.types.PType;
import org.apache.crunch.types.PTypeFamily;

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

public class Quantiles {

     * Calculate a set of quantiles for each key in a numerically-valued table.
     * Quantiles are calculated on a per-key basis by counting, joining and sorting. This is highly scalable, but takes
     * 2 more map-reduce cycles than if you can guarantee that the value set will fit into memory. Use inMemory
     * if you have less than the order of 10M values per key.
     * The quantile definition that we use here is the "nearest rank" defined here:
     * @param table numerically-valued PTable
     * @param p1 First quantile (in the range 0.0 - 1.0)
     * @param pn More quantiles (in the range 0.0 - 1.0)
     * @param <K> Key type of the table
     * @param <V> Value type of the table (must extends java.lang.Number)
     * @return PTable of each key with a collection of pairs of the quantile provided and it's result.
    public static <K, V extends Number> PTable<K, Result<V>> distributed(PTable<K, V> table, double p1,
            double... pn) {
        final List<Double> quantileList = createListFromVarargs(p1, pn);

        PTypeFamily ptf = table.getTypeFamily();
        PTable<K, Long> totalCounts = table.keys().count();
        PTable<K, Pair<Long, V>> countValuePairs = totalCounts.join(table);
        PTable<K, Pair<V, Long>> valueCountPairs = countValuePairs.mapValues(new SwapPairComponents<Long, V>(),
                ptf.pairs(table.getValueType(), ptf.longs()));

        return SecondarySort.sortAndApply(valueCountPairs, new DistributedQuantiles<K, V>(quantileList),
                ptf.tableOf(table.getKeyType(), Result.pType(table.getValueType())));

     * Calculate a set of quantiles for each key in a numerically-valued table.
     * Quantiles are calculated on a per-key basis by grouping, reading the data into memory, then sorting and
     * and calculating. This is much faster than the distributed option, but if you get into the order of 10M+ per key, then
     * performance might start to degrade or even cause OOMs.
     * The quantile definition that we use here is the "nearest rank" defined here:
     * @param table numerically-valued PTable
     * @param p1 First quantile (in the range 0.0 - 1.0)
     * @param pn More quantiles (in the range 0.0 - 1.0)
     * @param <K> Key type of the table
     * @param <V> Value type of the table (must extends java.lang.Number)
     * @return PTable of each key with a collection of pairs of the quantile provided and it's result.
    public static <K, V extends Comparable> PTable<K, Result<V>> inMemory(PTable<K, V> table, double p1,
            double... pn) {
        final List<Double> quantileList = createListFromVarargs(p1, pn);

        PTypeFamily ptf = table.getTypeFamily();

        return table.groupByKey().parallelDo(new InMemoryQuantiles<K, V>(quantileList),
                ptf.tableOf(table.getKeyType(), Result.pType(table.getValueType())));

    private static List<Double> createListFromVarargs(double p1, double[] pn) {
        final List<Double> quantileList = Lists.newArrayList(p1);
        for (double p : pn) {
        return quantileList;

    private static class SwapPairComponents<T1, T2> extends MapFn<Pair<T1, T2>, Pair<T2, T1>> {
        public Pair<T2, T1> map(Pair<T1, T2> input) {
            return Pair.of(input.second(), input.first());

    private static <V> Collection<Pair<Double, V>> findQuantiles(Iterator<V> sortedCollectionIterator,
            long collectionSize, List<Double> quantiles) {
        Collection<Pair<Double, V>> output = Lists.newArrayList();
        Multimap<Long, Double> quantileIndices = ArrayListMultimap.create();

        for (double quantile : quantiles) {
            long idx = Math.max((int) Math.ceil(quantile * collectionSize) - 1, 0);
            quantileIndices.put(idx, quantile);

        long index = 0;
        while (sortedCollectionIterator.hasNext()) {
            V value =;
            if (quantileIndices.containsKey(index)) {
                for (double quantile : quantileIndices.get(index)) {
                    output.add(Pair.of(quantile, value));
        return output;

    private static class InMemoryQuantiles<K, V extends Comparable>
            extends MapFn<Pair<K, Iterable<V>>, Pair<K, Result<V>>> {
        private final List<Double> quantileList;

        public InMemoryQuantiles(List<Double> quantiles) {
            this.quantileList = quantiles;

        public Pair<K, Result<V>> map(Pair<K, Iterable<V>> input) {
            List<V> values = Lists.newArrayList(input.second().iterator());
            return Pair.of(input.first(),
                    new Result<V>(values.size(), findQuantiles(values.iterator(), values.size(), quantileList)));

    private static class DistributedQuantiles<K, V>
            extends MapFn<Pair<K, Iterable<Pair<V, Long>>>, Pair<K, Result<V>>> {
        private final List<Double> quantileList;

        public DistributedQuantiles(List<Double> quantileList) {
            this.quantileList = quantileList;

        public Pair<K, Result<V>> map(Pair<K, Iterable<Pair<V, Long>>> input) {

            PeekingIterator<Pair<V, Long>> iterator = Iterators.peekingIterator(input.second().iterator());
            long count = iterator.peek().second();

            Iterator<V> valueIterator = Iterators.transform(iterator, new Function<Pair<V, Long>, V>() {
                public V apply(Pair<V, Long> input) {
                    return input.first();

            Collection<Pair<Double, V>> output = findQuantiles(valueIterator, count, quantileList);
            return Pair.of(input.first(), new Result<V>(count, output));

     * Output type for storing the results of a Quantiles computation
     * @param <V> Quantile value type
    public static class Result<V> {
        public final long count;
        public final Map<Double, V> quantiles = Maps.newTreeMap();

        public Result(long count, Iterable<Pair<Double, V>> quantiles) {
            this.count = count;
            for (Pair<Double, V> quantile : quantiles) {
                this.quantiles.put(quantile.first(), quantile.second());

         * Create a PType for the result type, to be stored as a derived type from Crunch primitives
         * @param valuePType PType for the V type, whose family will also be used to create the derived type
         * @param <V> Value type
         * @return PType for serializing Result&lt;V&gt;
        public static <V> PType<Result<V>> pType(PType<V> valuePType) {
            PTypeFamily ptf = valuePType.getFamily();

            Class<Result<V>> prClass = (Class<Result<V>>) (Class) Result.class;

            return ptf.derivedImmutable(prClass, new MapFn<Pair<Collection<Pair<Double, V>>, Long>, Result<V>>() {
                public Result<V> map(Pair<Collection<Pair<Double, V>>, Long> input) {
                    return new Result<V>(input.second(), input.first());
            }, new MapFn<Result<V>, Pair<Collection<Pair<Double, V>>, Long>>() {
                public Pair<Collection<Pair<Double, V>>, Long> map(Result<V> input) {
                    return Pair.of(asCollection(input.quantiles), input.count);
            }, ptf.pairs(ptf.collections(ptf.pairs(ptf.doubles(), valuePType)), ptf.longs()));

        private static <K, V> Collection<Pair<K, V>> asCollection(Map<K, V> map) {
            Collection<Pair<K, V>> collection = Lists.newArrayList();
            for (Map.Entry<K, V> entry : map.entrySet()) {
                collection.add(Pair.of(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()));
            return collection;

        public boolean equals(Object o) {
            if (this == o)
                return true;
            if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass())
                return false;

            Result result = (Result) o;

            if (count != result.count)
                return false;
            if (!quantiles.equals(result.quantiles))
                return false;

            return true;

        public int hashCode() {
            int result = (int) (count ^ (count >>> 32));
            result = 31 * result + quantiles.hashCode();
            return result;