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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.
package org.apache.brooklyn.location.jclouds.networking;

import static;

import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;

import javax.annotation.Nullable;

import org.apache.brooklyn.api.entity.Entity;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.location.geo.LocalhostExternalIpLoader;
import org.apache.brooklyn.location.jclouds.JcloudsLocation;
import org.apache.brooklyn.location.jclouds.JcloudsLocationCustomizer;
import org.apache.brooklyn.location.jclouds.JcloudsMachineLocation;
import org.apache.brooklyn.location.jclouds.JcloudsSshMachineLocation;

import org.jclouds.compute.ComputeService;
import org.jclouds.compute.domain.SecurityGroup;
import org.jclouds.compute.domain.Template;
import org.jclouds.compute.extensions.SecurityGroupExtension;
import org.jclouds.domain.Location;
import org.jclouds.providers.ProviderMetadata;
import org.jclouds.providers.Providers;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import org.apache.brooklyn.location.jclouds.BasicJcloudsLocationCustomizer;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.collections.MutableList;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.core.task.Tasks;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.exceptions.Exceptions;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.time.Duration;


 * Configures custom security groups on Jclouds locations.
 * @see SecurityGroupExtension is an optional extension to jclouds compute service. It allows the manipulation of
 * {@link SecurityGroup}s.
 * This customizer can be injected into {@link JcloudsLocation#obtainOnce} using
 * It will be executed after the provisiioning of the {@link JcloudsMachineLocation} to apply app-specific
 * customization related to the security groups.
 * @since 0.7.0
public class JcloudsLocationSecurityGroupCustomizer extends BasicJcloudsLocationCustomizer {

    private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(JcloudsLocationSecurityGroupCustomizer.class);

    // Caches instances of JcloudsLocationSecurityGroupCustomizer by application IDs.
    private static final LoadingCache<String, JcloudsLocationSecurityGroupCustomizer> CUSTOMISERS = CacheBuilder
            .newBuilder().build(new CacheLoader<String, JcloudsLocationSecurityGroupCustomizer>() {
                public JcloudsLocationSecurityGroupCustomizer load(final String appContext) throws Exception {
                    return new JcloudsLocationSecurityGroupCustomizer(appContext);

    /** Caches the base security group that should be shared between all instances in the same Jclouds location */
    private final Cache<Location, SecurityGroup> sharedGroupCache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder().build();

    /** Caches security groups unique to instances */
    private final Cache<String, SecurityGroup> uniqueGroupCache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder().build();

    /** The context for this location customizer. */
    private final String applicationId;

    /** The CIDR for addresses that may SSH to machines. */
    private Supplier<Cidr> sshCidrSupplier;

     * A predicate indicating whether the customiser can retry a request to add a security group
     * or a rule after an throwable is thrown.
    private Predicate<Exception> isExceptionRetryable = Predicates.alwaysFalse();

    protected JcloudsLocationSecurityGroupCustomizer(String applicationId) {
        // Would be better to restrict with something like LocalhostExternalIpCidrSupplier, but
        // we risk making machines inaccessible from Brooklyn when HA fails over.
        this(applicationId, Suppliers.ofInstance(new Cidr("")));

    protected JcloudsLocationSecurityGroupCustomizer(String applicationId, Supplier<Cidr> sshCidrSupplier) {
        this.applicationId = applicationId;
        this.sshCidrSupplier = sshCidrSupplier;

     * Gets the customizer for the given applicationId. Multiple calls to this method with the
     * same application context will return the same JcloudsLocationSecurityGroupCustomizer instance.
     * @param applicationId An identifier for the application the customizer is to be used for
     * @return the unique customizer for the given context
    public static JcloudsLocationSecurityGroupCustomizer getInstance(String applicationId) {
        return CUSTOMISERS.getUnchecked(applicationId);

     * Gets a customizer for the given entity's application. Multiple calls to this method with entities
     * in the same application will return the same JcloudsLocationSecurityGroupCustomizer instance.
     * @param entity The entity the customizer is to be used for
     * @return the unique customizer for the entity's owning application
    public static JcloudsLocationSecurityGroupCustomizer getInstance(Entity entity) {
        return getInstance(entity.getApplicationId());

     * @param predicate
     *          A predicate whose return value indicates whether a request to add a security group
     *          or permission may be retried after its input {@link Exception} was thrown.
     * @return this
    public JcloudsLocationSecurityGroupCustomizer setRetryExceptionPredicate(Predicate<Exception> predicate) {
        this.isExceptionRetryable = checkNotNull(predicate, "predicate");
        return this;

     * @param cidrSupplier A supplier returning a CIDR for hosts that are allowed to SSH to locations.
    public JcloudsLocationSecurityGroupCustomizer setSshCidrSupplier(Supplier<Cidr> cidrSupplier) {
        this.sshCidrSupplier = checkNotNull(cidrSupplier, "cidrSupplier");
        return this;

    /** @see #addPermissionsToLocation(JcloudsSshMachineLocation, java.lang.Iterable) */
    public JcloudsLocationSecurityGroupCustomizer addPermissionsToLocation(final JcloudsMachineLocation location,
            IpPermission... permissions) {
        addPermissionsToLocation(location, ImmutableList.copyOf(permissions));
        return this;

    /** @see #addPermissionsToLocation(JcloudsSshMachineLocation, java.lang.Iterable) */
    public JcloudsLocationSecurityGroupCustomizer addPermissionsToLocation(final JcloudsMachineLocation location,
            SecurityGroupDefinition securityGroupDefinition) {
        addPermissionsToLocation(location, securityGroupDefinition.getPermissions());
        return this;

    private SecurityGroup getSecurityGroup(final String nodeId, final SecurityGroupExtension securityApi,
            final String locationId) {
        // Expect to have two security groups on the node: one shared between all nodes in the location,
        // that is cached in sharedGroupCache, and one created by Jclouds that is unique to the node.
        // Relies on customize having been called before. This should be safe because the arguments
        // needed to call this method are not available until post-instance creation.
        SecurityGroup machineUniqueSecurityGroup;
        Tasks.setBlockingDetails("Loading unique security group for node: " + nodeId);
        try {
            machineUniqueSecurityGroup = uniqueGroupCache.get(nodeId, new Callable<SecurityGroup>() {
                public SecurityGroup call() throws Exception {
                    SecurityGroup sg = getUniqueSecurityGroupForNodeCachingSharedGroupIfPreviouslyUnknown(nodeId,
                            locationId, securityApi);
                    if (sg == null) {
                        throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to find machine-unique group on node: " + nodeId);
                    return sg;
        } catch (UncheckedExecutionException e) {
            throw Throwables.propagate(new Exception(e.getCause()));
        } catch (ExecutionException e) {
            throw Throwables.propagate(new Exception(e.getCause()));
        } finally {
        return machineUniqueSecurityGroup;

     * Applies the given security group permissions to the given location.
     * <p>
     * Takes no action if the location's compute service does not have a security group extension.
     * <p>
     * The {@code synchronized} block is to serialize the permission changes, preventing race
     * conditions in some clouds. If multiple customizations of the same group are done in parallel
     * the changes may not be picked up by later customizations, meaning the same rule could possibly be
     * added twice, which would fail. A finer grained mechanism would be preferable here, but
     * we have no access to the information required, so this brute force serializing is required.
     * @param location Location to gain permissions
     * @param permissions The set of permissions to be applied to the location
    public JcloudsLocationSecurityGroupCustomizer addPermissionsToLocation(final JcloudsMachineLocation location,
            final Iterable<IpPermission> permissions) {
        synchronized (JcloudsLocationSecurityGroupCustomizer.class) {
            ComputeService computeService = location.getParent().getComputeService();
            String nodeId = location.getNode().getId();
            addPermissionsToLocation(permissions, nodeId, computeService);
            return this;

     * Removes the given security group permissions from the given node with the given compute service.
     * <p>
     * Takes no action if the compute service does not have a security group extension.
     * @param permissions The set of permissions to be removed from the location
     * @param location Location to remove permissions from
    public void removePermissionsFromLocation(final JcloudsMachineLocation location,
            final Iterable<IpPermission> permissions) {
        synchronized (JcloudsLocationSecurityGroupCustomizer.class) {
            ComputeService computeService = location.getParent().getComputeService();
            String nodeId = location.getNode().getId();
            removePermissionsFromLocation(permissions, nodeId, computeService);

     * Removes the given security group permissions from the given node with the given compute service.
     * <p>
     * Takes no action if the compute service does not have a security group extension.
     * @param permissions The set of permissions to be removed from the node
     * @param nodeId The id of the node to update
     * @param computeService The compute service to use to apply the changes
    void removePermissionsFromLocation(Iterable<IpPermission> permissions, final String nodeId,
            ComputeService computeService) {
        if (!computeService.getSecurityGroupExtension().isPresent()) {
            LOG.warn("Security group extension for {} absent; cannot update node {} with {}",
                    new Object[] { computeService, nodeId, permissions });

        final SecurityGroupExtension securityApi = computeService.getSecurityGroupExtension().get();
        final String locationId = computeService.getContext().unwrap().getId();
        SecurityGroup machineUniqueSecurityGroup = getSecurityGroup(nodeId, securityApi, locationId);

        for (IpPermission permission : permissions) {
            removePermission(permission, machineUniqueSecurityGroup, securityApi);

     * Applies the given security group permissions to the given node with the given compute service.
     * <p>
     * Takes no action if the compute service does not have a security group extension.
     * @param permissions The set of permissions to be applied to the node
     * @param nodeId The id of the node to update
     * @param computeService The compute service to use to apply the changes
    void addPermissionsToLocation(Iterable<IpPermission> permissions, final String nodeId,
            ComputeService computeService) {
        if (!computeService.getSecurityGroupExtension().isPresent()) {
            LOG.warn("Security group extension for {} absent; cannot update node {} with {}",
                    new Object[] { computeService, nodeId, permissions });
        final SecurityGroupExtension securityApi = computeService.getSecurityGroupExtension().get();
        final String locationId = computeService.getContext().unwrap().getId();

        // Expect to have two security groups on the node: one shared between all nodes in the location,
        // that is cached in sharedGroupCache, and one created by Jclouds that is unique to the node.
        // Relies on customize having been called before. This should be safe because the arguments
        // needed to call this method are not available until post-instance creation.
        SecurityGroup machineUniqueSecurityGroup = getSecurityGroup(nodeId, securityApi, locationId);
        MutableList<IpPermission> newPermissions = MutableList.copyOf(permissions);
        Iterables.removeAll(newPermissions, machineUniqueSecurityGroup.getIpPermissions());
        for (IpPermission permission : newPermissions) {
            addPermission(permission, machineUniqueSecurityGroup, securityApi);

     * Loads the security groups attached to the node with the given ID and returns the group
     * that is unique to the node, per the application context. This method will also update
     * {@link #sharedGroupCache} if no mapping for the shared group's location previously
     * existed (e.g. Brooklyn was restarted and rebound to an existing application).
     * Notice that jclouds will attach 2 securityGroups to the node if the locationId is `aws-ec2` so it needs to
     * look for the uniqueSecurityGroup rather than the shared securityGroup.
     * @param nodeId The id of the node in question
     * @param locationId The id of the location in question
     * @param securityApi The API to use to list security groups
     * @return the security group unique to the given node, or null if one could not be determined.
    private SecurityGroup getUniqueSecurityGroupForNodeCachingSharedGroupIfPreviouslyUnknown(String nodeId,
            String locationId, SecurityGroupExtension securityApi) {
        Set<SecurityGroup> groupsOnNode = securityApi.listSecurityGroupsForNode(nodeId);

        if (groupsOnNode == null || groupsOnNode.isEmpty()) {
            return null;

        SecurityGroup unique;
        if (locationId.equals("aws-ec2")) {
            if (groupsOnNode.size() == 2) {
                String expectedSharedName = getNameForSharedSecurityGroup();
                Iterator<SecurityGroup> it = groupsOnNode.iterator();
                SecurityGroup shared =;
                if (shared.getName().endsWith(expectedSharedName)) {
                    unique =;
                } else {
                    unique = shared;
                    shared =;
                if (!shared.getName().endsWith(expectedSharedName)) {
                            "Couldn't determine which security group is shared between instances in app {}. Expected={}, found={}",
                            new Object[] { applicationId, expectedSharedName, groupsOnNode });
                    return null;
                // Shared entry might be missing if Brooklyn has rebound to an application
                SecurityGroup old = sharedGroupCache.asMap().putIfAbsent(shared.getLocation(), shared);
      "Loaded unique security group for node {} (in {}): {}",
                        new Object[] { nodeId, applicationId, unique });
                if (old == null) {
          "Proactively set shared group for app {} to: {}", applicationId, shared);
                return unique;
            } else {
                        "Expected to find two security groups on node {} in app {} (one shared, one unique). Found {}: {}",
                        new Object[] { nodeId, applicationId, groupsOnNode.size(), groupsOnNode });
        return Iterables.getOnlyElement(groupsOnNode);

     * Replaces security groups configured on the given template with one that allows
     * SSH access on port 22 and allows communication on all ports between machines in
     * the same group. Security groups are reused when templates have equal
     * {@link org.jclouds.compute.domain.Template#getLocation locations}.
     * <p>
     * This method is called by Brooklyn when obtaining machines, as part of the
     * {@link JcloudsLocationCustomizer} contract. It
     * should not be called from anywhere else.
     * @param location The Brooklyn location that has called this method while obtaining a machine
     * @param computeService The compute service being used by the location argument to provision a machine
     * @param template The machine template created by the location argument
    public void customize(JcloudsLocation location, ComputeService computeService, Template template) {
        if (!computeService.getSecurityGroupExtension().isPresent()) {
            LOG.warn("Security group extension for {} absent; cannot configure security groups in context: {}",
                    computeService, applicationId);
        } else if (template.getLocation() == null) {
            LOG.warn("No location has been set on {}; cannot configure security groups in context: {}", template,
        } else {
  "Configuring security groups on location {} in context {}", location, applicationId);
            setSecurityGroupOnTemplate(location, template, computeService.getSecurityGroupExtension().get());

    private void setSecurityGroupOnTemplate(final JcloudsLocation location, final Template template,
            final SecurityGroupExtension securityApi) {
        SecurityGroup shared;
        Tasks.setBlockingDetails("Loading security group shared by instances in " + template.getLocation()
                + " in app " + applicationId);
        try {
            shared = sharedGroupCache.get(template.getLocation(), new Callable<SecurityGroup>() {
                public SecurityGroup call() throws Exception {
                    return getOrCreateSharedSecurityGroup(template.getLocation(), securityApi);
        } catch (ExecutionException e) {
            throw Throwables.propagate(new Exception(e.getCause()));
        } finally {

        Set<String> originalGroups = template.getOptions().getGroups();
        if (!originalGroups.isEmpty()) {
  "Replaced configured security groups: configured={}, replaced with={}", originalGroups,
        } else {
            LOG.debug("Configured security groups at {} to: {}", location, template.getOptions().getGroups());

     * Loads the security group to be shared between nodes in the same application in the
     * given Location. If no such security group exists it is created.
     * @param location The location in which the security group will be found
     * @param securityApi The API to use to list and create security groups
     * @return the security group to share between instances in the given location in this application
    private SecurityGroup getOrCreateSharedSecurityGroup(Location location, SecurityGroupExtension securityApi) {
        final String groupName = getNameForSharedSecurityGroup();
        // Could sort-and-search if straight search is too expensive
        Optional<SecurityGroup> shared = Iterables.tryFind(securityApi.listSecurityGroupsInLocation(location),
                new Predicate<SecurityGroup>() {
                    public boolean apply(final SecurityGroup input) {
                        // endsWith because Jclouds prepends 'jclouds#' to security group names.
                        return input.getName().endsWith(groupName);
        if (shared.isPresent()) {
  "Found existing shared security group in {} for app {}: {}",
                    new Object[] { location, applicationId, groupName });
            return shared.get();
        } else {
  "Creating new shared security group in {} for app {}: {}",
                    new Object[] { location, applicationId, groupName });
            return createBaseSecurityGroupInLocation(groupName, location, securityApi);

     * Creates a security group with rules to:
     * <ul>
     *     <li>Allow SSH access on port 22 from the world</li>
     *     <li>Allow TCP, UDP and ICMP communication between machines in the same group</li>
     * </ul>
     * It needs to consider locationId as port ranges and groupId are cloud provider-dependent e.g openstack nova
     * wants from 1-65535 while aws-ec2 accepts from 0-65535.
     * @param groupName The name of the security group to create
     * @param location The location in which the security group will be created
     * @param securityApi The API to use to create the security group
     * @return the created security group
    private SecurityGroup createBaseSecurityGroupInLocation(String groupName, Location location,
            SecurityGroupExtension securityApi) {
        SecurityGroup group = addSecurityGroupInLocation(groupName, location, securityApi);

        Set<String> openstackNovaIds = getJcloudsLocationIds("openstack-nova");

        String groupId = group.getProviderId();
        int fromPort = 0;
        if (location.getParent() != null && Iterables.contains(openstackNovaIds, location.getParent().getId())) {
            groupId = group.getId();
            fromPort = 1;
        // Note: For groupName to work with GCE we also need to tag the machines with the same ID.
        // See sourceTags section at
        IpPermission.Builder allWithinGroup = IpPermission.builder().groupId(groupId).fromPort(fromPort)
        addPermission(allWithinGroup.ipProtocol(IpProtocol.TCP).build(), group, securityApi);
        addPermission(allWithinGroup.ipProtocol(IpProtocol.UDP).build(), group, securityApi);
        addPermission(allWithinGroup.ipProtocol(IpProtocol.ICMP).fromPort(-1).toPort(-1).build(), group,

        IpPermission sshPermission = IpPermission.builder().fromPort(22).toPort(22).ipProtocol(IpProtocol.TCP)
        addPermission(sshPermission, group, securityApi);

        return group;

    private Set<String> getJcloudsLocationIds(final String jcloudsApiId) {
        Set<String> openstackNovaProviders = FluentIterable.from(Providers.all())
                .filter(new Predicate<ProviderMetadata>() {
                    public boolean apply(ProviderMetadata providerMetadata) {
                        return providerMetadata.getApiMetadata().getId().equals(jcloudsApiId);
                }).transform(new Function<ProviderMetadata, String>() {
                    public String apply(ProviderMetadata input) {
                        return input.getId();

        return new ImmutableSet.Builder<String>().addAll(openstackNovaProviders).add(jcloudsApiId).build();

    protected SecurityGroup addSecurityGroupInLocation(final String groupName, final Location location,
            final SecurityGroupExtension securityApi) {
        LOG.debug("Creating security group {} in {}", groupName, location);
        Callable<SecurityGroup> callable = new Callable<SecurityGroup>() {
            public SecurityGroup call() throws Exception {
                return securityApi.createSecurityGroup(groupName, location);
        return runOperationWithRetry(callable);

    protected SecurityGroup addPermission(final IpPermission permission, final SecurityGroup group,
            final SecurityGroupExtension securityApi) {
        LOG.debug("Adding permission to security group {}: {}", group.getName(), permission);
        Callable<SecurityGroup> callable = new Callable<SecurityGroup>() {
            public SecurityGroup call() throws Exception {
                try {
                    return securityApi.addIpPermission(permission, group);
                } catch (AWSResponseException e) {
                    if ("InvalidPermission.Duplicate".equals(e.getError().getCode())) {
                        // already exists
                                "Permission already exists for security group; continuing (logging underlying exception at debug): permission="
                                        + permission + "; group=" + group);
                        LOG.debug("Permission already exists for security group; continuing: permission="
                                + permission + "; group=" + group, e);
                        return null;
                    } else {
                        throw e;
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    if (e.toString().contains("InvalidPermission.Duplicate")) {
                        // belt-and-braces, in case 
                        // already exists
                                "Permission already exists for security group; continuing (but unexpected exception type): permission="
                                        + permission + "; group=" + group,
                        return null;
                    } else {
                        throw Exceptions.propagate(e);
        return runOperationWithRetry(callable);

    protected SecurityGroup removePermission(final IpPermission permission, final SecurityGroup group,
            final SecurityGroupExtension securityApi) {
        LOG.debug("Removing permission from security group {}: {}", group.getName(), permission);
        Callable<SecurityGroup> callable = new Callable<SecurityGroup>() {
            public SecurityGroup call() throws Exception {
                return securityApi.removeIpPermission(permission, group);
        return runOperationWithRetry(callable);

    /** @return the CIDR block used to configure Brooklyn's in security groups */
    public String getBrooklynCidrBlock() {
        return sshCidrSupplier.get().toString();

     * @return The name to be used by security groups that will be shared between machines
     *         in the same location for this instance's application context.
    String getNameForSharedSecurityGroup() {
        return "brooklyn-" + applicationId.toLowerCase() + "-shared";

     * Invalidates all entries in {@link #sharedGroupCache} and {@link #uniqueGroupCache}.
     * Use to simulate the effects of rebinding Brooklyn to a deployment.
    void clearSecurityGroupCaches() {"Clearing security group caches");

     * Runs the given callable. Repeats until the operation succeeds or {@link #isExceptionRetryable} indicates
     * that the request cannot be retried.
    protected <T> T runOperationWithRetry(Callable<T> operation) {
        int backoff = 64;
        Exception lastException = null;
        for (int retries = 0; retries < 100; retries++) {
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                lastException = e;
                if (isExceptionRetryable.apply(e)) {
                    LOG.debug("Attempt #{} failed to add security group: {}", retries + 1, e.getMessage());
                    try {
                    } catch (InterruptedException e1) {
                        throw Exceptions.propagate(e1);
                    backoff = backoff << 1;
                } else {

        throw new RuntimeException("Unable to add security group rule; repeated errors from provider",

     * @return
     *      A predicate that is true if an exception contains an {@link}
     *      whose error code is either <code>InvalidGroup.InUse</code>, <code>DependencyViolation</code> or
     *      <code>RequestLimitExceeded</code>.
    public static Predicate<Exception> newAwsExceptionRetryPredicate() {
        return new AwsExceptionRetryPredicate();

    private static class AwsExceptionRetryPredicate implements Predicate<Exception> {
        // Error reference:
        private static final Set<String> AWS_ERRORS_TO_RETRY = ImmutableSet.of("InvalidGroup.InUse",
                "DependencyViolation", "RequestLimitExceeded");

        public boolean apply(Exception input) {
            AWSResponseException exception = Exceptions.getFirstThrowableOfType(input, AWSResponseException.class);
            if (exception != null) {
                String code = exception.getError().getCode();
                return AWS_ERRORS_TO_RETRY.contains(code);
            return false;

     * A supplier of CIDRs that loads the external IP address of the localhost machine.
    private static class LocalhostExternalIpCidrSupplier implements Supplier<Cidr> {

        private volatile Cidr cidr;

        public Cidr get() {
            Cidr local = cidr;
            if (local == null) {
                synchronized (this) {
                    local = cidr;
                    if (local == null) {
                        String externalIp = LocalhostExternalIpLoader.getLocalhostIpWithin(Duration.seconds(5));
                        cidr = local = new Cidr(externalIp + "/32");
            return local;

