Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import; import org.apache.beam.runners.core.metrics.MetricsContainerStepMap; import org.apache.beam.runners.spark.SparkPipelineOptions; import org.apache.beam.runners.spark.coders.CoderHelpers; import org.apache.beam.runners.spark.metrics.MetricsAccumulator; import org.apache.beam.runners.spark.stateful.StateSpecFunctions; import org.apache.beam.runners.spark.translation.streaming.UnboundedDataset; import org.apache.beam.runners.spark.util.GlobalWatermarkHolder; import org.apache.beam.runners.spark.util.GlobalWatermarkHolder.SparkWatermarks; import; import; import; import org.apache.beam.sdk.metrics.Gauge; import org.apache.beam.sdk.metrics.Metrics; import org.apache.beam.sdk.metrics.MetricsContainer; import org.apache.beam.sdk.metrics.MetricsEnvironment; import org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.windowing.BoundedWindow; import org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.windowing.GlobalWindow; import org.apache.beam.sdk.util.WindowedValue; import org.apache.spark.Accumulator; import; import$; import; import; import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD; import org.apache.spark.streaming.Duration; import org.apache.spark.streaming.StateSpec; import org.apache.spark.streaming.Time; import; import; import; import$; import; import org.apache.spark.streaming.dstream.DStream; import org.apache.spark.streaming.scheduler.StreamInputInfo; import org.joda.time.Instant; import scala.Tuple2; import scala.runtime.BoxedUnit; /** * A "composite" InputDStream implementation for {@link UnboundedSource}s. * * <p>This read is a composite of the following steps: * * <ul> * <li>Create a single-element (per-partition) stream, that contains the (partitioned) {@link * Source} and an optional {@link CheckpointMark} to start from. * <li>Read from within a stateful operation {@link JavaPairInputDStream#mapWithState(StateSpec)} * using the {@link StateSpecFunctions#mapSourceFunction} mapping function, which manages the * state of the CheckpointMark per partition. * <li>Since the stateful operation is a map operation, the read iterator needs to be flattened, * while reporting the properties of the read (such as number of records) to the tracker. * </ul> */ public class SparkUnboundedSource { public static <T, CheckpointMarkT extends CheckpointMark> UnboundedDataset<T> read(JavaStreamingContext jssc, SerializablePipelineOptions rc, UnboundedSource<T, CheckpointMarkT> source, String stepName) { SparkPipelineOptions options = rc.get().as(SparkPipelineOptions.class); Long maxRecordsPerBatch = options.getMaxRecordsPerBatch(); SourceDStream<T, CheckpointMarkT> sourceDStream = new SourceDStream<>(jssc.ssc(), source, rc, maxRecordsPerBatch); JavaPairInputDStream<Source<T>, CheckpointMarkT> inputDStream = JavaPairInputDStream$.MODULE$ .fromInputDStream(sourceDStream, JavaSparkContext$.MODULE$.fakeClassTag(), JavaSparkContext$.MODULE$.fakeClassTag()); // call mapWithState to read from a checkpointable sources. JavaMapWithStateDStream<Source<T>, CheckpointMarkT, Tuple2<byte[], Instant>, Tuple2<Iterable<byte[]>, Metadata>> mapWithStateDStream = inputDStream .mapWithState( StateSpec.function(StateSpecFunctions.<T, CheckpointMarkT>mapSourceFunction(rc, stepName)) .numPartitions(sourceDStream.getNumPartitions())); // set checkpoint duration for read stream, if set. checkpointStream(mapWithStateDStream, options); // report the number of input elements for this InputDStream to the InputInfoTracker. int id = inputDStream.inputDStream().id(); JavaDStream<Metadata> metadataDStream = Tuple2MetadataFunction()); // register ReadReportDStream to report information related to this read. new ReadReportDStream(metadataDStream.dstream(), id, getSourceName(source, id), stepName).register(); // output the actual (deserialized) stream. WindowedValue.FullWindowedValueCoder<T> coder = WindowedValue.FullWindowedValueCoder .of(source.getOutputCoder(), GlobalWindow.Coder.INSTANCE); JavaDStream<WindowedValue<T>> readUnboundedStream = mapWithStateDStream .flatMap(new Tuple2byteFlatMapFunction()).map(CoderHelpers.fromByteFunction(coder)); return new UnboundedDataset<>(readUnboundedStream, Collections.singletonList(id)); } private static <T> String getSourceName(Source<T> source, int id) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (String s : Splitter.onPattern("(?=[A-Z])").split(source.getClass().getSimpleName().replace("$", ""))) { String trimmed = s.trim(); if (!trimmed.isEmpty()) { sb.append(trimmed).append(" "); } } return sb.append("[").append(id).append("]").toString(); } private static void checkpointStream(JavaDStream<?> dStream, SparkPipelineOptions options) { long checkpointDurationMillis = options.getCheckpointDurationMillis(); if (checkpointDurationMillis > 0) { dStream.checkpoint(new Duration(checkpointDurationMillis)); } } /** * A DStream function for reporting information related to the read process. * * <p>Reports properties of the read to {@link * org.apache.spark.streaming.scheduler.InputInfoTracker} for RateControl purposes and visibility. * * <p>Updates {@link GlobalWatermarkHolder}. * * <p>Updates {@link MetricsAccumulator} with metrics reported in the read. */ private static class ReadReportDStream extends DStream<BoxedUnit> { private static final String READ_DURATION_MILLIS = "readDurationMillis"; private static final String NAMESPACE = ""; private final DStream<Metadata> parent; private final int inputDStreamId; private final String sourceName; private final String stepName; ReadReportDStream(DStream<Metadata> parent, int inputDStreamId, String sourceName, String stepName) { super(parent.ssc(), JavaSparkContext$.MODULE$.fakeClassTag()); this.parent = parent; this.inputDStreamId = inputDStreamId; this.sourceName = sourceName; this.stepName = stepName; } @Override public Duration slideDuration() { return parent.slideDuration(); } @Override public scala.collection.immutable.List<DStream<?>> dependencies() { return scala.collection.JavaConversions.asScalaBuffer(Collections.<DStream<?>>singletonList(parent)) .toList(); } @Override public scala.Option<RDD<BoxedUnit>> compute(Time validTime) { // compute parent. scala.Option<RDD<Metadata>> parentRDDOpt = parent.getOrCompute(validTime); final Accumulator<MetricsContainerStepMap> metricsAccum = MetricsAccumulator.getInstance(); long count = 0; SparkWatermarks sparkWatermark = null; Instant globalLowWatermarkForBatch = BoundedWindow.TIMESTAMP_MIN_VALUE; Instant globalHighWatermarkForBatch = BoundedWindow.TIMESTAMP_MIN_VALUE; long maxReadDuration = 0; if (parentRDDOpt.isDefined()) { JavaRDD<Metadata> parentRDD = parentRDDOpt.get().toJavaRDD(); for (Metadata metadata : parentRDD.collect()) { count += metadata.getNumRecords(); // compute the global input watermark - advance to latest of all partitions. Instant partitionLowWatermark = metadata.getLowWatermark(); globalLowWatermarkForBatch = globalLowWatermarkForBatch.isBefore(partitionLowWatermark) ? partitionLowWatermark : globalLowWatermarkForBatch; Instant partitionHighWatermark = metadata.getHighWatermark(); globalHighWatermarkForBatch = globalHighWatermarkForBatch.isBefore(partitionHighWatermark) ? partitionHighWatermark : globalHighWatermarkForBatch; // Update metrics reported in the read final Gauge gauge = Metrics.gauge(NAMESPACE, READ_DURATION_MILLIS); final MetricsContainer container = metadata.getMetricsContainers().getContainer(stepName); try (Closeable ignored = MetricsEnvironment.scopedMetricsContainer(container)) { final long readDurationMillis = metadata.getReadDurationMillis(); if (readDurationMillis > maxReadDuration) { gauge.set(readDurationMillis); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } metricsAccum.value().updateAll(metadata.getMetricsContainers()); } sparkWatermark = new SparkWatermarks(globalLowWatermarkForBatch, globalHighWatermarkForBatch, new Instant(validTime.milliseconds())); // add to watermark queue. GlobalWatermarkHolder.add(inputDStreamId, sparkWatermark); } // report - for RateEstimator and visibility. report(validTime, count, sparkWatermark); return scala.Option.empty(); } private void report(Time batchTime, long count, SparkWatermarks sparkWatermark) { // metadata - #records read and a description. scala.collection.immutable.Map<String, Object> metadata = new scala.collection.immutable.Map.Map1<>( StreamInputInfo.METADATA_KEY_DESCRIPTION(), String.format("Read %d records with observed watermarks %s, from %s for batch time: %s", count, sparkWatermark == null ? "N/A" : sparkWatermark, sourceName, batchTime)); StreamInputInfo streamInputInfo = new StreamInputInfo(inputDStreamId, count, metadata); ssc().scheduler().inputInfoTracker().reportInfo(batchTime, streamInputInfo); } } /** A metadata holder for an input stream partition. */ public static class Metadata implements Serializable { private final long numRecords; private final Instant lowWatermark; private final Instant highWatermark; private final long readDurationMillis; private final MetricsContainerStepMap metricsContainers; public Metadata(long numRecords, Instant lowWatermark, Instant highWatermark, final long readDurationMillis, MetricsContainerStepMap metricsContainer) { this.numRecords = numRecords; this.readDurationMillis = readDurationMillis; this.metricsContainers = metricsContainer; this.lowWatermark = lowWatermark; this.highWatermark = highWatermark; } long getNumRecords() { return numRecords; } Instant getLowWatermark() { return lowWatermark; } Instant getHighWatermark() { return highWatermark; } public long getReadDurationMillis() { return readDurationMillis; } MetricsContainerStepMap getMetricsContainers() { return metricsContainers; } } private static class Tuple2MetadataFunction implements Function<Tuple2<Iterable<byte[]>, Metadata>, Metadata> { @Override public Metadata call(Tuple2<Iterable<byte[]>, Metadata> t2) throws Exception { return t2._2(); } } private static class Tuple2byteFlatMapFunction implements FlatMapFunction<Tuple2<Iterable<byte[]>, Metadata>, byte[]> { @Override public Iterator<byte[]> call(Tuple2<Iterable<byte[]>, Metadata> t2) throws Exception { return t2._1().iterator(); } } }