Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.accumulo.server.master.balancer; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; import java.util.SortedMap; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.admin.TableOperations; import org.apache.accumulo.core.conf.AccumuloConfiguration; import org.apache.accumulo.core.conf.ConfigurationObserver; import org.apache.accumulo.core.conf.Property; import; import org.apache.accumulo.core.master.thrift.TabletServerStatus; import org.apache.accumulo.core.tabletserver.thrift.TabletStats; import org.apache.accumulo.server.conf.ServerConfiguration; import org.apache.accumulo.server.master.state.TServerInstance; import org.apache.accumulo.server.master.state.TabletMigration; import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.ToStringBuilder; import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.ToStringStyle; import org.apache.thrift.TException; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * This balancer creates groups of tablet servers using user-provided regular expressions over the tablet server hostnames. Then it delegates to the table * balancer to balance the tablets within the resulting group of tablet servers. All tablet servers that do not match a regex are grouped into a default group.<br> * Regex properties for this balancer are specified as:<br> * <b><tablename>=<regex></b><br> * Periodically (default 5m) this balancer will check to see if a tablet server is hosting tablets that it should not be according to the regex configuration. * If this occurs then the offending tablets will be reassigned. This would cover the case where the configuration is changed and the master is restarted while * the tablet servers are up. To change the out of bounds check time period, set the following property:<br> * <b></b><br> * Periodically (default 1m) this balancer will regroup the set of current tablet servers into pools based on regexes applied to the tserver host names. This * would cover the case of tservers dying or coming online. To change the host pool check time period, set the following property: <br> * <b></b><br> * Regex matching can be based on either the host name (default) or host ip address. To set this balancer to match the regular expressions to the tablet server * IP address, then set the following property:<br> * <b></b><br> * It's possible that this balancer may create a lot of migrations. To limit the number of migrations that are created during a balance call, set the following * property (default 250):<br> * <b></b> * */ public class HostRegexTableLoadBalancer extends TableLoadBalancer implements ConfigurationObserver { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HostRegexTableLoadBalancer.class); public static final String HOST_BALANCER_PREFIX = Property.TABLE_ARBITRARY_PROP_PREFIX.getKey() + ""; public static final String HOST_BALANCER_OOB_CHECK_KEY = Property.TABLE_ARBITRARY_PROP_PREFIX.getKey() + ""; private static final String HOST_BALANCER_OOB_DEFAULT = "5m"; public static final String HOST_BALANCER_POOL_RECHECK_KEY = Property.TABLE_ARBITRARY_PROP_PREFIX.getKey() + ""; private static final String HOST_BALANCER_POOL_RECHECK_DEFAULT = "1m"; public static final String HOST_BALANCER_REGEX_USING_IPS_KEY = Property.TABLE_ARBITRARY_PROP_PREFIX.getKey() + ""; public static final String HOST_BALANCER_REGEX_MAX_MIGRATIONS_KEY = Property.TABLE_ARBITRARY_PROP_PREFIX .getKey() + ""; private static final int HOST_BALANCER_REGEX_MAX_MIGRATIONS_DEFAULT = 250; protected static final String DEFAULT_POOL = "HostTableLoadBalancer.ALL"; protected long oobCheckMillis = AccumuloConfiguration.getTimeInMillis(HOST_BALANCER_OOB_DEFAULT); protected long poolRecheckMillis = AccumuloConfiguration.getTimeInMillis(HOST_BALANCER_POOL_RECHECK_DEFAULT); private Map<String, String> tableIdToTableName = null; private Map<String, Pattern> poolNameToRegexPattern = null; private volatile long lastOOBCheck = System.currentTimeMillis(); private volatile long lastPoolRecheck = 0; private boolean isIpBasedRegex = false; private Map<String, SortedMap<TServerInstance, TabletServerStatus>> pools = new HashMap<String, SortedMap<TServerInstance, TabletServerStatus>>(); private int maxTServerMigrations = HOST_BALANCER_REGEX_MAX_MIGRATIONS_DEFAULT; /** * Group the set of current tservers by pool name. Tservers that don't match a regex are put into a default pool. This could be expensive in the terms of the * amount of time to recompute the groups, so HOST_BALANCER_POOL_RECHECK_KEY should be specified in the terms of minutes, not seconds or less. * * @param current * map of current tservers * @return current servers grouped by pool name, if not a match it is put into a default pool. */ protected synchronized Map<String, SortedMap<TServerInstance, TabletServerStatus>> splitCurrentByRegex( SortedMap<TServerInstance, TabletServerStatus> current) { if ((System.currentTimeMillis() - lastPoolRecheck) > poolRecheckMillis) { LOG.debug("Performing pool recheck - regrouping tablet servers based on regular expressions"); Map<String, SortedMap<TServerInstance, TabletServerStatus>> newPools = new HashMap<String, SortedMap<TServerInstance, TabletServerStatus>>(); for (Entry<TServerInstance, TabletServerStatus> e : current.entrySet()) { List<String> poolNames = getPoolNamesForHost(e.getKey().host()); for (String pool : poolNames) { SortedMap<TServerInstance, TabletServerStatus> np = newPools.get(pool); if (null == np) { np = new TreeMap<TServerInstance, TabletServerStatus>(current.comparator()); newPools.put(pool, np); } np.put(e.getKey(), e.getValue()); } } pools = newPools; this.lastPoolRecheck = System.currentTimeMillis(); } return pools; } /** * Matches host against the regexes and returns the matching pool names * * @param host * tablet server host * @return pool names, will return default pool if host matches more no regex */ protected List<String> getPoolNamesForHost(String host) { String test = host; if (!isIpBasedRegex) { try { test = getNameFromIp(host); } catch (UnknownHostException e1) { LOG.error("Unable to determine host name for IP: " + host + ", setting to default pool", e1); return Collections.singletonList(DEFAULT_POOL); } } List<String> pools = new ArrayList<>(); for (Entry<String, Pattern> e : poolNameToRegexPattern.entrySet()) { if (e.getValue().matcher(test).matches()) { pools.add(e.getKey()); } } if (pools.size() == 0) { pools.add(DEFAULT_POOL); } return pools; } protected String getNameFromIp(String hostIp) throws UnknownHostException { return InetAddress.getByName(hostIp).getHostName(); } /** * Matches table name against pool names, returns matching pool name or DEFAULT_POOL. * * @param tableName * name of table * @return tablet server pool name (table name or DEFAULT_POOL) */ protected String getPoolNameForTable(String tableName) { if (null == tableName) { return DEFAULT_POOL; } return poolNameToRegexPattern.containsKey(tableName) ? tableName : DEFAULT_POOL; } /** * Parse configuration and extract properties * * @param conf * server configuration */ protected void parseConfiguration(ServerConfiguration conf) { TableOperations t = getTableOperations(); if (null == t) { throw new RuntimeException("Table Operations cannot be null"); } tableIdToTableName = new HashMap<>(); poolNameToRegexPattern = new HashMap<>(); for (Entry<String, String> table : t.tableIdMap().entrySet()) { tableIdToTableName.put(table.getValue(), table.getKey()); conf.getTableConfiguration(table.getValue()).addObserver(this); Map<String, String> customProps = conf.getTableConfiguration(table.getValue()) .getAllPropertiesWithPrefix(Property.TABLE_ARBITRARY_PROP_PREFIX); if (null != customProps && customProps.size() > 0) { for (Entry<String, String> customProp : customProps.entrySet()) { if (customProp.getKey().startsWith(HOST_BALANCER_PREFIX)) { if (customProp.getKey().equals(HOST_BALANCER_OOB_CHECK_KEY) || customProp.getKey().equals(HOST_BALANCER_POOL_RECHECK_KEY) || customProp.getKey().equals(HOST_BALANCER_REGEX_USING_IPS_KEY) || customProp.getKey().equals(HOST_BALANCER_REGEX_MAX_MIGRATIONS_KEY)) { continue; } String tableName = customProp.getKey().substring(HOST_BALANCER_PREFIX.length()); String regex = customProp.getValue(); poolNameToRegexPattern.put(tableName, Pattern.compile(regex)); } } } } String oobProperty = conf.getConfiguration().get(HOST_BALANCER_OOB_CHECK_KEY); if (null != oobProperty) { oobCheckMillis = AccumuloConfiguration.getTimeInMillis(oobProperty); } String poolRecheckProperty = conf.getConfiguration().get(HOST_BALANCER_POOL_RECHECK_KEY); if (null != poolRecheckProperty) { poolRecheckMillis = AccumuloConfiguration.getTimeInMillis(poolRecheckProperty); } String ipBased = conf.getConfiguration().get(HOST_BALANCER_REGEX_USING_IPS_KEY); if (null != ipBased) { isIpBasedRegex = Boolean.parseBoolean(ipBased); } String migrations = conf.getConfiguration().get(HOST_BALANCER_REGEX_MAX_MIGRATIONS_KEY); if (null != migrations) { maxTServerMigrations = Integer.parseInt(migrations); }"{}", this); } @Override public String toString() { ToStringBuilder buf = new ToStringBuilder(this, ToStringStyle.SHORT_PREFIX_STYLE); buf.append("Pool Recheck Interval", this.poolRecheckMillis); buf.append("Tablet Out Of Bounds Check Interval", this.oobCheckMillis); buf.append("Max Tablet Server Migrations", this.maxTServerMigrations); buf.append("Regular Expressions use IPs", this.isIpBasedRegex); buf.append("Pools", this.poolNameToRegexPattern); return buf.toString(); } public Map<String, String> getTableIdToTableName() { return tableIdToTableName; } public Map<String, Pattern> getPoolNameToRegexPattern() { return poolNameToRegexPattern; } public long getOobCheckMillis() { return oobCheckMillis; } public long getPoolRecheckMillis() { return poolRecheckMillis; } public boolean isIpBasedRegex() { return isIpBasedRegex; } public int getMaxConcurrentMigrations() { return maxTServerMigrations; } @Override public void init(ServerConfiguration conf) { super.init(conf); parseConfiguration(conf); } @Override public void getAssignments(SortedMap<TServerInstance, TabletServerStatus> current, Map<KeyExtent, TServerInstance> unassigned, Map<KeyExtent, TServerInstance> assignments) { Map<String, SortedMap<TServerInstance, TabletServerStatus>> pools = splitCurrentByRegex(current); // group the unassigned into tables Map<String, Map<KeyExtent, TServerInstance>> groupedUnassigned = new HashMap<String, Map<KeyExtent, TServerInstance>>(); for (Entry<KeyExtent, TServerInstance> e : unassigned.entrySet()) { Map<KeyExtent, TServerInstance> tableUnassigned = groupedUnassigned.get(e.getKey().getTableId()); if (tableUnassigned == null) { tableUnassigned = new HashMap<KeyExtent, TServerInstance>(); groupedUnassigned.put(e.getKey().getTableId(), tableUnassigned); } tableUnassigned.put(e.getKey(), e.getValue()); } // Send a view of the current servers to the tables tablet balancer for (Entry<String, Map<KeyExtent, TServerInstance>> e : groupedUnassigned.entrySet()) { Map<KeyExtent, TServerInstance> newAssignments = new HashMap<KeyExtent, TServerInstance>(); String tableName = tableIdToTableName.get(e.getKey()); String poolName = getPoolNameForTable(tableName); SortedMap<TServerInstance, TabletServerStatus> currentView = pools.get(poolName); if (null == currentView || currentView.size() == 0) { LOG.warn("No tablet servers online for table {}, assigning within default pool", tableName); currentView = pools.get(DEFAULT_POOL); if (null == currentView) { LOG.error("No tablet servers exist in the default pool, unable to assign tablets for table {}", tableName); continue; } } LOG.debug("Sending {} tablets to balancer for table {} for assignment within tservers {}", e.getValue().size(), tableName, currentView.keySet()); getBalancerForTable(e.getKey()).getAssignments(currentView, e.getValue(), newAssignments); assignments.putAll(newAssignments); } } @Override public long balance(SortedMap<TServerInstance, TabletServerStatus> current, Set<KeyExtent> migrations, List<TabletMigration> migrationsOut) { long minBalanceTime = 5 * 1000; // Iterate over the tables and balance each of them TableOperations t = getTableOperations(); if (t == null) return minBalanceTime; Map<String, SortedMap<TServerInstance, TabletServerStatus>> currentGrouped = splitCurrentByRegex(current); if ((System.currentTimeMillis() - this.lastOOBCheck) > this.oobCheckMillis) { try { // Check to see if a tablet is assigned outside the bounds of the pool. If so, migrate it. for (Entry<TServerInstance, TabletServerStatus> e : current.entrySet()) { for (String table : poolNameToRegexPattern.keySet()) { // pool names are the same as table names, except in the DEFAULT case. // If this table is assigned to a pool for this host, then move on. if (getPoolNamesForHost(e.getKey().host()).contains(table)) { continue; } String tid = t.tableIdMap().get(table); if (null == tid) { LOG.warn( "Unable to check for out of bounds tablets for table {}, it may have been deleted or renamed.", table); continue; } try { List<TabletStats> outOfBoundsTablets = getOnlineTabletsForTable(e.getKey(), tid); if (null == outOfBoundsTablets) { continue; } Random random = new Random(); for (TabletStats ts : outOfBoundsTablets) { KeyExtent ke = new KeyExtent(ts.getExtent()); if (migrations.contains(ke)) { LOG.debug("Migration for out of bounds tablet {} has already been requested", ke); continue; } String poolName = getPoolNameForTable(table); SortedMap<TServerInstance, TabletServerStatus> currentView = currentGrouped .get(poolName); if (null != currentView) { int skip = random.nextInt(currentView.size()); Iterator<TServerInstance> iter = currentView.keySet().iterator(); for (int i = 0; i < skip; i++) {; } TServerInstance nextTS =; "Tablet {} is currently outside the bounds of the regex, migrating from {} to {}", ke, e.getKey(), nextTS); migrationsOut.add(new TabletMigration(ke, e.getKey(), nextTS)); if (migrationsOut.size() > this.maxTServerMigrations) { break; } } else { LOG.warn( "No tablet servers online for pool {}, unable to migrate out of bounds tablets", poolName); } } } catch (TException e1) { LOG.error("Error in OOB check getting tablets for table {} from server {}", tid, e.getKey().host(), e); } } } } finally { this.lastOOBCheck = System.currentTimeMillis(); } } if (migrationsOut.size() > 0) { LOG.warn("Not balancing tables due to moving {} out of bounds tablets", migrationsOut.size()); return minBalanceTime; } if (migrations != null && migrations.size() > 0) { LOG.warn("Not balancing tables due to {} outstanding migrations", migrations.size()); return minBalanceTime; } for (String s : t.tableIdMap().values()) { String tableName = tableIdToTableName.get(s); String regexTableName = getPoolNameForTable(tableName); SortedMap<TServerInstance, TabletServerStatus> currentView = currentGrouped.get(regexTableName); if (null == currentView) { LOG.warn( "Skipping balance for table {} as no tablet servers are online, will recheck for online tservers at {} ms intervals", tableName, this.poolRecheckMillis); continue; } ArrayList<TabletMigration> newMigrations = new ArrayList<TabletMigration>(); long tableBalanceTime = getBalancerForTable(s).balance(currentView, migrations, newMigrations); if (tableBalanceTime < minBalanceTime) { minBalanceTime = tableBalanceTime; } migrationsOut.addAll(newMigrations); if (migrationsOut.size() > this.maxTServerMigrations) { break; } } return minBalanceTime; } @Override public void propertyChanged(String key) { parseConfiguration(this.configuration); } @Override public void propertiesChanged() { parseConfiguration(this.configuration); } @Override public void sessionExpired() { } }