Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.accumulo.core.file.rfile; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.AbstractMap; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.accumulo.core.Constants; import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.impl.BaseIteratorEnvironment; import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.sample.RowSampler; import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.sample.Sampler; import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.sample.SamplerConfiguration; import org.apache.accumulo.core.conf.AccumuloConfiguration; import org.apache.accumulo.core.conf.ConfigurationCopy; import org.apache.accumulo.core.conf.Property; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.accumulo.core.file.FileSKVIterator; import org.apache.accumulo.core.file.blockfile.cache.LruBlockCache; import org.apache.accumulo.core.file.blockfile.impl.CachableBlockFile; import org.apache.accumulo.core.file.rfile.RFile.Reader; import org.apache.accumulo.core.file.streams.PositionedOutputs; import org.apache.accumulo.core.iterators.SortedKeyValueIterator; import org.apache.accumulo.core.iterators.system.ColumnFamilySkippingIterator; import org.apache.accumulo.core.metadata.MetadataTable; import org.apache.accumulo.core.metadata.schema.MetadataSchema; import org.apache.accumulo.core.metadata.schema.MetadataSchema.TabletsSection; import org.apache.accumulo.core.sample.impl.SamplerConfigurationImpl; import org.apache.accumulo.core.sample.impl.SamplerFactory; import; import org.apache.accumulo.core.util.CachedConfiguration; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataInputStream; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataOutputStream; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.PositionedReadable; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Seekable; import; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Rule; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.rules.TemporaryFolder; import; import; import; import; public class RFileTest { public static class SampleIE extends BaseIteratorEnvironment { private SamplerConfiguration samplerConfig; SampleIE(SamplerConfiguration config) { this.samplerConfig = config; } @Override public boolean isSamplingEnabled() { return samplerConfig != null; } @Override public SamplerConfiguration getSamplerConfiguration() { return samplerConfig; } } private static final Collection<ByteSequence> EMPTY_COL_FAMS = new ArrayList<>(); @Rule public TemporaryFolder tempFolder = new TemporaryFolder(new File(System.getProperty("user.dir") + "/target")); static class SeekableByteArrayInputStream extends ByteArrayInputStream implements Seekable, PositionedReadable { public SeekableByteArrayInputStream(byte[] buf) { super(buf); } @Override public long getPos() throws IOException { return pos; } @Override public void seek(long pos) throws IOException { if (mark != 0) throw new IllegalStateException(); reset(); long skipped = skip(pos); if (skipped != pos) throw new IOException(); } @Override public boolean seekToNewSource(long targetPos) throws IOException { return false; } @Override public int read(long position, byte[] buffer, int offset, int length) throws IOException { if (position >= buf.length) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); if (position + length > buf.length) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); if (length > buffer.length) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); System.arraycopy(buf, (int) position, buffer, offset, length); return length; } @Override public void readFully(long position, byte[] buffer) throws IOException { read(position, buffer, 0, buffer.length); } @Override public void readFully(long position, byte[] buffer, int offset, int length) throws IOException { read(position, buffer, offset, length); } } private static void checkIndex(Reader reader) throws IOException { FileSKVIterator indexIter = reader.getIndex(); if (indexIter.hasTop()) { Key lastKey = new Key(indexIter.getTopKey()); if (reader.getFirstKey().compareTo(lastKey) > 0) throw new RuntimeException("First key out of order " + reader.getFirstKey() + " " + lastKey);; while (indexIter.hasTop()) { if (lastKey.compareTo(indexIter.getTopKey()) > 0) throw new RuntimeException("Indext out of order " + lastKey + " " + indexIter.getTopKey()); lastKey = new Key(indexIter.getTopKey());; } if (!reader.getLastKey().equals(lastKey)) { throw new RuntimeException("Last key out of order " + reader.getLastKey() + " " + lastKey); } } } public static class TestRFile { protected Configuration conf = CachedConfiguration.getInstance(); public RFile.Writer writer; protected ByteArrayOutputStream baos; protected FSDataOutputStream dos; protected SeekableByteArrayInputStream bais; protected FSDataInputStream in; protected AccumuloConfiguration accumuloConfiguration; public Reader reader; public SortedKeyValueIterator<Key, Value> iter; public TestRFile(AccumuloConfiguration accumuloConfiguration) { this.accumuloConfiguration = accumuloConfiguration; if (this.accumuloConfiguration == null) this.accumuloConfiguration = AccumuloConfiguration.getDefaultConfiguration(); } public void openWriter(boolean startDLG) throws IOException { openWriter(startDLG, 1000); } public void openWriter(boolean startDLG, int blockSize) throws IOException { baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); dos = new FSDataOutputStream(baos, new FileSystem.Statistics("a")); CachableBlockFile.Writer _cbw = new CachableBlockFile.Writer(PositionedOutputs.wrap(dos), "gz", conf, accumuloConfiguration); SamplerConfigurationImpl samplerConfig = SamplerConfigurationImpl .newSamplerConfig(accumuloConfiguration); Sampler sampler = null; if (samplerConfig != null) { sampler = SamplerFactory.newSampler(samplerConfig, accumuloConfiguration); } writer = new RFile.Writer(_cbw, blockSize, 1000, samplerConfig, sampler); if (startDLG) writer.startDefaultLocalityGroup(); } public void openWriter() throws IOException { openWriter(1000); } public void openWriter(int blockSize) throws IOException { openWriter(true, blockSize); } public void closeWriter() throws IOException { dos.flush(); writer.close(); dos.close(); if (baos != null) { baos.close(); } } public void openReader() throws IOException { openReader(true); } public void openReader(boolean cfsi) throws IOException { int fileLength = 0; byte[] data = null; data = baos.toByteArray(); bais = new SeekableByteArrayInputStream(data); in = new FSDataInputStream(bais); fileLength = data.length; LruBlockCache indexCache = new LruBlockCache(100000000, 100000); LruBlockCache dataCache = new LruBlockCache(100000000, 100000); CachableBlockFile.Reader _cbr = new CachableBlockFile.Reader(in, fileLength, conf, dataCache, indexCache, AccumuloConfiguration.getDefaultConfiguration()); reader = new RFile.Reader(_cbr); if (cfsi) iter = new ColumnFamilySkippingIterator(reader); checkIndex(reader); } public void closeReader() throws IOException { reader.close(); in.close(); } public void seek(Key nk) throws IOException { Range(nk, null), EMPTY_COL_FAMS, false); } } static Key newKey(String row, String cf, String cq, String cv, long ts) { return new Key(row.getBytes(), cf.getBytes(), cq.getBytes(), cv.getBytes(), ts); } static Value newValue(String val) { return new Value(val.getBytes()); } static String formatString(String prefix, int i) { return String.format(prefix + "%06d", i); } public AccumuloConfiguration conf = null; @Test public void test1() throws IOException { // test an empty file TestRFile trf = new TestRFile(conf); trf.openWriter(); trf.closeWriter(); trf.openReader(); Range((Key) null, null), EMPTY_COL_FAMS, false); assertFalse(trf.iter.hasTop()); assertEquals(null, trf.reader.getLastKey()); trf.closeReader(); } @Test public void test2() throws IOException { // test an rfile with one entry TestRFile trf = new TestRFile(conf); trf.openWriter(); trf.writer.append(newKey("r1", "cf1", "cq1", "L1", 55), newValue("foo")); trf.closeWriter(); trf.openReader(); // seek before everything; assertTrue(trf.iter.hasTop()); assertTrue(trf.iter.getTopKey().equals(newKey("r1", "cf1", "cq1", "L1", 55))); assertTrue(trf.iter.getTopValue().equals(newValue("foo")));; assertFalse(trf.iter.hasTop()); // seek after the key"r2", "cf1", "cq1", "L1", 55)); assertFalse(trf.iter.hasTop()); // seek exactly to the key"r1", "cf1", "cq1", "L1", 55)); assertTrue(trf.iter.hasTop()); assertTrue(trf.iter.getTopKey().equals(newKey("r1", "cf1", "cq1", "L1", 55))); assertTrue(trf.iter.getTopValue().equals(newValue("foo")));; assertFalse(trf.iter.hasTop()); assertEquals(newKey("r1", "cf1", "cq1", "L1", 55), trf.reader.getLastKey()); trf.closeReader(); } @Test public void test3() throws IOException { // test an rfile with multiple rows having multiple columns TestRFile trf = new TestRFile(conf); trf.openWriter(); int val = 0; ArrayList<Key> expectedKeys = new ArrayList<>(10000); ArrayList<Value> expectedValues = new ArrayList<>(10000); for (int row = 0; row < 4; row++) { String rowS = formatString("r_", row); for (int cf = 0; cf < 4; cf++) { String cfS = formatString("cf_", cf); for (int cq = 0; cq < 4; cq++) { String cqS = formatString("cq_", cq); for (int cv = 'A'; cv < 'A' + 4; cv++) { String cvS = "" + (char) cv; for (int ts = 4; ts > 0; ts--) { Key k = newKey(rowS, cfS, cqS, cvS, ts); // check below ensures when all key sizes are same more than one index block is created Assert.assertEquals(27, k.getSize()); k.setDeleted(true); Value v = newValue("" + val); trf.writer.append(k, v); expectedKeys.add(k); expectedValues.add(v); k = newKey(rowS, cfS, cqS, cvS, ts); Assert.assertEquals(27, k.getSize()); v = newValue("" + val); trf.writer.append(k, v); expectedKeys.add(k); expectedValues.add(v); val++; } } } } } // trf.writer.append(newKey("r1","cf1","cq1","L1", 55), newValue("foo")); trf.closeWriter(); trf.openReader(); // seek before everything Range((Key) null, null), EMPTY_COL_FAMS, false); verify(trf, expectedKeys.iterator(), expectedValues.iterator()); // seek to the middle int index = expectedKeys.size() / 2;; verify(trf, expectedKeys.subList(index, expectedKeys.size()).iterator(), expectedValues.subList(index, expectedKeys.size()).iterator()); // seek the first key index = 0;; verify(trf, expectedKeys.subList(index, expectedKeys.size()).iterator(), expectedValues.subList(index, expectedKeys.size()).iterator()); // seek to the last key index = expectedKeys.size() - 1;; verify(trf, expectedKeys.subList(index, expectedKeys.size()).iterator(), expectedValues.subList(index, expectedKeys.size()).iterator()); // seek after everything index = expectedKeys.size(); Key(new Text("z"))); verify(trf, expectedKeys.subList(index, expectedKeys.size()).iterator(), expectedValues.subList(index, expectedKeys.size()).iterator()); // test seeking to the current location index = expectedKeys.size() / 2;; assertTrue(trf.iter.hasTop()); assertEquals(expectedKeys.get(index), trf.iter.getTopKey()); assertEquals(expectedValues.get(index), trf.iter.getTopValue());; index++; assertTrue(trf.iter.hasTop()); assertEquals(expectedKeys.get(index), trf.iter.getTopKey()); assertEquals(expectedValues.get(index), trf.iter.getTopValue());; assertTrue(trf.iter.hasTop()); assertEquals(expectedKeys.get(index), trf.iter.getTopKey()); assertEquals(expectedValues.get(index), trf.iter.getTopValue()); // test seeking to each location in the file index = 0; for (Key key : expectedKeys) {; assertTrue(trf.iter.hasTop()); assertEquals(key, trf.iter.getTopKey()); assertEquals(expectedValues.get(index), trf.iter.getTopValue()); if (index > 0) { // Key pkey = expectedKeys.get(index - 1); // assertEquals(pkey, trf.reader.getPrevKey()); } index++; } // test seeking backwards to each key for (int i = expectedKeys.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Key key = expectedKeys.get(i);; assertTrue(trf.iter.hasTop()); assertEquals(key, trf.iter.getTopKey()); assertEquals(expectedValues.get(i), trf.iter.getTopValue()); if (i - 1 > 0) { // Key pkey = expectedKeys.get(i - 1); // assertEquals(pkey, trf.reader.getPrevKey()); } } assertEquals(expectedKeys.get(expectedKeys.size() - 1), trf.reader.getLastKey()); // test seeking to random location and reading all data from that point // there was an off by one bug with this in the transient index Random rand = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) { index = rand.nextInt(expectedKeys.size());; for (; index < expectedKeys.size(); index++) { assertTrue(trf.iter.hasTop()); assertEquals(expectedKeys.get(index), trf.iter.getTopKey()); assertEquals(expectedValues.get(index), trf.iter.getTopValue());; } } // count the number of index entries FileSKVIterator iiter = trf.reader.getIndex(); int count = 0; while (iiter.hasTop()) { count++;; } Assert.assertEquals(20, count); trf.closeReader(); } private void verify(TestRFile trf, Iterator<Key> eki, Iterator<Value> evi) throws IOException { while (trf.iter.hasTop()) { Key ek =; Value ev =; assertEquals(ek, trf.iter.getTopKey()); assertEquals(ev, trf.iter.getTopValue());; } assertFalse(eki.hasNext()); assertFalse(evi.hasNext()); } @Test public void test4() throws IOException { TestRFile trf = new TestRFile(conf); trf.openWriter(); trf.writer.append(newKey("r1", "cf1", "cq1", "L1", 55), newValue("foo1")); try { trf.writer.append(newKey("r0", "cf1", "cq1", "L1", 55), newValue("foo1")); assertFalse(true); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ioe) { } try { trf.writer.append(newKey("r1", "cf0", "cq1", "L1", 55), newValue("foo1")); assertFalse(true); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ioe) { } try { trf.writer.append(newKey("r1", "cf1", "cq0", "L1", 55), newValue("foo1")); assertFalse(true); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ioe) { } try { trf.writer.append(newKey("r1", "cf1", "cq1", "L0", 55), newValue("foo1")); assertFalse(true); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ioe) { } try { trf.writer.append(newKey("r1", "cf1", "cq1", "L1", 56), newValue("foo1")); assertFalse(true); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ioe) { } } @Test public void test5() throws IOException { TestRFile trf = new TestRFile(conf); trf.openWriter(); trf.writer.append(newKey("r1", "cf1", "cq1", "L1", 55), newValue("foo1")); trf.writer.append(newKey("r1", "cf1", "cq4", "L1", 56), newValue("foo2")); trf.closeWriter(); trf.openReader(); // test seeking between keys"r1", "cf1", "cq3", "L1", 55)); assertTrue(trf.iter.hasTop()); assertEquals(newKey("r1", "cf1", "cq4", "L1", 56), trf.iter.getTopKey()); assertEquals(newValue("foo2"), trf.iter.getTopValue()); // test seeking right before previous seek"r1", "cf1", "cq0", "L1", 55)); assertTrue(trf.iter.hasTop()); assertEquals(newKey("r1", "cf1", "cq1", "L1", 55), trf.iter.getTopKey()); assertEquals(newValue("foo1"), trf.iter.getTopValue()); assertEquals(newKey("r1", "cf1", "cq4", "L1", 56), trf.reader.getLastKey()); trf.closeReader(); } @Test public void test6() throws IOException { TestRFile trf = new TestRFile(conf); trf.openWriter(); for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++) { trf.writer.append(newKey(formatString("r_", i), "cf1", "cq1", "L1", 55), newValue("foo1")); } trf.closeWriter(); trf.openReader(); // repeatedly seek to locations before the first key in the file for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {"q_", i), "cf1", "cq1", "L1", 55)); assertTrue(trf.iter.hasTop()); assertEquals(newKey(formatString("r_", 0), "cf1", "cq1", "L1", 55), trf.iter.getTopKey()); assertEquals(newValue("foo1"), trf.iter.getTopValue()); } // repeatedly seek to locations after the last key in the file for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {"s_", i), "cf1", "cq1", "L1", 55)); assertFalse(trf.iter.hasTop()); } assertEquals(newKey(formatString("r_", 499), "cf1", "cq1", "L1", 55), trf.reader.getLastKey()); trf.closeReader(); } @Test public void test7() throws IOException { // these tests exercise setting the end key of a range TestRFile trf = new TestRFile(conf); trf.openWriter(); for (int i = 2; i < 50; i++) { trf.writer.append(newKey(formatString("r_", i), "cf1", "cq1", "L1", 55), newValue("foo" + i)); } trf.closeWriter(); trf.openReader(); // test that has top returns false when end of range reached Range(newKey(formatString("r_", 3), "cf1", "cq1", "L1", 55), true, newKey(formatString("r_", 4), "cf1", "cq1", "L1", 55), false), EMPTY_COL_FAMS, false); assertTrue(trf.iter.hasTop()); assertTrue(trf.iter.getTopKey().equals(newKey(formatString("r_", 3), "cf1", "cq1", "L1", 55))); assertEquals(newValue("foo" + 3), trf.iter.getTopValue());; assertFalse(trf.iter.hasTop()); // test seeking to a range that is between two keys, should not return anything Range(newKey(formatString("r_", 4) + "a", "cf1", "cq1", "L1", 55), true, newKey(formatString("r_", 4) + "b", "cf1", "cq1", "L1", 55), true), EMPTY_COL_FAMS, false); assertFalse(trf.iter.hasTop()); // test seeking to another range after the previously seeked range, that is between the same two keys in the file // as the previously seeked range.... this test an optimization on RFile Range(newKey(formatString("r_", 4) + "c", "cf1", "cq1", "L1", 55), true, newKey(formatString("r_", 4) + "d", "cf1", "cq1", "L1", 55), true), EMPTY_COL_FAMS, false); assertFalse(trf.iter.hasTop()); Range(newKey(formatString("r_", 4) + "e", "cf1", "cq1", "L1", 55), true, newKey(formatString("r_", 4) + "f", "cf1", "cq1", "L1", 55), true), EMPTY_COL_FAMS, false); assertFalse(trf.iter.hasTop()); // now ensure we can seek somewhere, that triggering the optimization does not cause any problems Range(newKey(formatString("r_", 5), "cf1", "cq1", "L1", 55), true, newKey(formatString("r_", 6), "cf1", "cq1", "L1", 55), false), EMPTY_COL_FAMS, false); assertTrue(trf.iter.hasTop()); assertTrue(trf.iter.getTopKey().equals(newKey(formatString("r_", 5), "cf1", "cq1", "L1", 55))); assertEquals(newValue("foo" + 5), trf.iter.getTopValue());; assertFalse(trf.iter.hasTop()); // test seeking to range that is before the beginning of the file Range(newKey(formatString("r_", 0), "cf1", "cq1", "L1", 55), true, newKey(formatString("r_", 2), "cf1", "cq1", "L1", 55), false), EMPTY_COL_FAMS, false); assertFalse(trf.iter.hasTop()); assertEquals(newKey(formatString("r_", 49), "cf1", "cq1", "L1", 55), trf.reader.getLastKey()); trf.reader.close(); } @Test public void test8() throws IOException { TestRFile trf = new TestRFile(conf); trf.openWriter(); for (int i = 0; i < 2500; i++) { trf.writer.append(newKey(formatString("r_", i), "cf1", "cq1", "L1", 42), newValue("foo" + i)); } trf.closeWriter(); trf.openReader(); // test seeking between each key forward for (int i = 0; i < 2499; i++) {"r_", i), "cf1", "cq1", "L1", 42).followingKey(PartialKey.ROW)); assertTrue(trf.iter.hasTop()); assertEquals(newKey(formatString("r_", i + 1), "cf1", "cq1", "L1", 42), trf.iter.getTopKey()); } // test seeking between each key forward for (int i = 0; i < 2499; i += 2) {"r_", i), "cf1", "cq1", "L1", 42).followingKey(PartialKey.ROW)); assertTrue(trf.iter.hasTop()); assertEquals(newKey(formatString("r_", i + 1), "cf1", "cq1", "L1", 42), trf.iter.getTopKey()); } // test seeking backwards between each key for (int i = 2498; i >= 0; i--) {"r_", i), "cf1", "cq1", "L1", 42).followingKey(PartialKey.ROW)); assertTrue(trf.iter.hasTop()); assertEquals(newKey(formatString("r_", i + 1), "cf1", "cq1", "L1", 42), trf.iter.getTopKey()); } trf.closeReader(); // do same test with col fam trf = new TestRFile(conf); trf.openWriter(); for (int i = 0; i < 2500; i++) { trf.writer.append(newKey(formatString("r_", 0), formatString("cf_", i), "cq1", "L1", 42), newValue("foo" + i)); } trf.closeWriter(); trf.openReader(); // test seeking between each key forward for (int i = 0; i < 2499; i++) {"r_", 0), formatString("cf_", i), "cq1", "L1", 42) .followingKey(PartialKey.ROW_COLFAM)); assertTrue(trf.iter.hasTop()); assertEquals(newKey(formatString("r_", 0), formatString("cf_", i + 1), "cq1", "L1", 42), trf.iter.getTopKey()); } // test seeking between each key forward for (int i = 0; i < 2499; i += 2) {"r_", 0), formatString("cf_", i), "cq1", "L1", 42) .followingKey(PartialKey.ROW_COLFAM)); assertTrue(trf.iter.hasTop()); assertEquals(newKey(formatString("r_", 0), formatString("cf_", i + 1), "cq1", "L1", 42), trf.iter.getTopKey()); } // test seeking backwards between each key for (int i = 2498; i >= 0; i--) {"r_", 0), formatString("cf_", i), "cq1", "L1", 42) .followingKey(PartialKey.ROW_COLFAM)); assertTrue(trf.iter.hasTop()); assertEquals(newKey(formatString("r_", 0), formatString("cf_", i + 1), "cq1", "L1", 42), trf.iter.getTopKey()); } trf.closeReader(); // do same test with col qual trf = new TestRFile(conf); trf.openWriter(); for (int i = 0; i < 2500; i++) { trf.writer.append( newKey(formatString("r_", 0), formatString("cf_", 0), formatString("cq_", i), "L1", 42), newValue("foo" + i)); } trf.closeWriter(); trf.openReader(); // test seeking between each key forward for (int i = 0; i < 2499; i++) {"r_", 0), formatString("cf_", 0), formatString("cq_", i), "L1", 42) .followingKey(PartialKey.ROW_COLFAM_COLQUAL)); assertTrue(trf.iter.hasTop()); assertEquals( newKey(formatString("r_", 0), formatString("cf_", 0), formatString("cq_", i + 1), "L1", 42), trf.iter.getTopKey()); } // test seeking between each key forward for (int i = 0; i < 2499; i += 2) {"r_", 0), formatString("cf_", 0), formatString("cq_", i), "L1", 42) .followingKey(PartialKey.ROW_COLFAM_COLQUAL)); assertTrue(trf.iter.hasTop()); assertEquals( newKey(formatString("r_", 0), formatString("cf_", 0), formatString("cq_", i + 1), "L1", 42), trf.iter.getTopKey()); } // test seeking backwards between each key for (int i = 2498; i >= 0; i--) {"r_", 0), formatString("cf_", 0), formatString("cq_", i), "L1", 42) .followingKey(PartialKey.ROW_COLFAM_COLQUAL)); assertTrue(trf.iter.hasTop()); assertEquals( newKey(formatString("r_", 0), formatString("cf_", 0), formatString("cq_", i + 1), "L1", 42), trf.iter.getTopKey()); } trf.closeReader(); } public static Set<ByteSequence> newColFamByteSequence(String... colFams) { HashSet<ByteSequence> cfs = new HashSet<>(); for (String cf : colFams) { cfs.add(new ArrayByteSequence(cf)); } return cfs; } @Test public void test9() throws IOException { TestRFile trf = new TestRFile(conf); trf.openWriter(false); trf.writer.startNewLocalityGroup("lg1", newColFamByteSequence("cf1", "cf2")); trf.writer.append(newKey("0000", "cf1", "doe,john", "", 4), newValue("1123 West Left st")); trf.writer.append(newKey("0002", "cf2", "doe,jane", "", 5), newValue("1124 East Right st")); trf.writer.startNewLocalityGroup("lg2", newColFamByteSequence("cf3", "cf4")); trf.writer.append(newKey("0001", "cf3", "buck,john", "", 4), newValue("90 Slum st")); trf.writer.append(newKey("0003", "cf4", "buck,jane", "", 5), newValue("09 Slum st")); trf.writer.close(); trf.openReader(); // scan first loc group Range r = new Range(newKey("0000", "cf1", "doe,john", "", 4), true, newKey("0003", "cf4", "buck,jane", "", 5), true);, newColFamByteSequence("cf1", "cf2"), true); assertEquals(1, trf.reader.getNumLocalityGroupsSeeked()); assertTrue(trf.iter.hasTop()); assertTrue(trf.iter.getTopKey().equals(newKey("0000", "cf1", "doe,john", "", 4))); assertEquals(newValue("1123 West Left st"), trf.iter.getTopValue());; assertTrue(trf.iter.hasTop()); assertTrue(trf.iter.getTopKey().equals(newKey("0002", "cf2", "doe,jane", "", 5))); assertEquals(newValue("1124 East Right st"), trf.iter.getTopValue());; assertFalse(trf.iter.hasTop()); // scan second loc group r = new Range(newKey("0000", "cf1", "doe,john", "", 4), true, newKey("0003", "cf4", "buck,jane", "", 5), true);, newColFamByteSequence("cf3", "cf4"), true); assertEquals(1, trf.reader.getNumLocalityGroupsSeeked()); assertTrue(trf.iter.hasTop()); assertTrue(trf.iter.getTopKey().equals(newKey("0001", "cf3", "buck,john", "", 4))); assertEquals(newValue("90 Slum st"), trf.iter.getTopValue());; assertTrue(trf.iter.hasTop()); assertTrue(trf.iter.getTopKey().equals(newKey("0003", "cf4", "buck,jane", "", 5))); assertEquals(newValue("09 Slum st"), trf.iter.getTopValue());; assertFalse(trf.iter.hasTop()); // scan all loc groups r = new Range(newKey("0000", "cf1", "doe,john", "", 4), true, newKey("0003", "cf4", "buck,jane", "", 5), true);, EMPTY_COL_FAMS, false); assertEquals(2, trf.reader.getNumLocalityGroupsSeeked()); assertTrue(trf.iter.hasTop()); assertTrue(trf.iter.getTopKey().equals(newKey("0000", "cf1", "doe,john", "", 4))); assertEquals(newValue("1123 West Left st"), trf.iter.getTopValue());; assertTrue(trf.iter.hasTop()); assertTrue(trf.iter.getTopKey().equals(newKey("0001", "cf3", "buck,john", "", 4))); assertEquals(newValue("90 Slum st"), trf.iter.getTopValue());; assertTrue(trf.iter.hasTop()); assertTrue(trf.iter.getTopKey().equals(newKey("0002", "cf2", "doe,jane", "", 5))); assertEquals(newValue("1124 East Right st"), trf.iter.getTopValue());; assertTrue(trf.iter.hasTop()); assertTrue(trf.iter.getTopKey().equals(newKey("0003", "cf4", "buck,jane", "", 5))); assertEquals(newValue("09 Slum st"), trf.iter.getTopValue());; assertFalse(trf.iter.hasTop()); // scan no loc groups r = new Range(newKey("0000", "cf1", "doe,john", "", 4), true, newKey("0003", "cf4", "buck,jane", "", 5), true);, newColFamByteSequence("saint", "dogooder"), true); assertEquals(0, trf.reader.getNumLocalityGroupsSeeked()); assertFalse(trf.iter.hasTop()); // scan a subset of second locality group r = new Range(newKey("0000", "cf1", "doe,john", "", 4), true, newKey("0003", "cf4", "buck,jane", "", 5), true);, newColFamByteSequence("cf4"), true); assertEquals(1, trf.reader.getNumLocalityGroupsSeeked()); assertTrue(trf.iter.hasTop()); assertTrue(trf.iter.getTopKey().equals(newKey("0003", "cf4", "buck,jane", "", 5))); assertEquals(newValue("09 Slum st"), trf.iter.getTopValue());; assertFalse(trf.iter.hasTop()); // scan a subset of second locality group r = new Range(newKey("0000", "cf1", "doe,john", "", 4), true, newKey("0003", "cf4", "buck,jane", "", 5), true);, newColFamByteSequence("cf3"), true); assertEquals(1, trf.reader.getNumLocalityGroupsSeeked()); assertTrue(trf.iter.hasTop()); assertTrue(trf.iter.getTopKey().equals(newKey("0001", "cf3", "buck,john", "", 4))); assertEquals(newValue("90 Slum st"), trf.iter.getTopValue());; assertFalse(trf.iter.hasTop()); // scan subset of first loc group r = new Range(newKey("0000", "cf1", "doe,john", "", 4), true, newKey("0003", "cf4", "buck,jane", "", 5), true);, newColFamByteSequence("cf1"), true); assertEquals(1, trf.reader.getNumLocalityGroupsSeeked()); assertTrue(trf.iter.hasTop()); assertTrue(trf.iter.getTopKey().equals(newKey("0000", "cf1", "doe,john", "", 4))); assertEquals(newValue("1123 West Left st"), trf.iter.getTopValue());; assertFalse(trf.iter.hasTop()); // scan subset of first loc group r = new Range(newKey("0000", "cf1", "doe,john", "", 4), true, newKey("0003", "cf4", "buck,jane", "", 5), true);, newColFamByteSequence("cf2"), true); assertEquals(1, trf.reader.getNumLocalityGroupsSeeked()); assertTrue(trf.iter.hasTop()); assertTrue(trf.iter.getTopKey().equals(newKey("0002", "cf2", "doe,jane", "", 5))); assertEquals(newValue("1124 East Right st"), trf.iter.getTopValue());; assertFalse(trf.iter.hasTop()); // scan subset of all loc groups r = new Range(newKey("0000", "cf1", "doe,john", "", 4), true, newKey("0003", "cf4", "buck,jane", "", 5), true);, newColFamByteSequence("cf1", "cf4"), true); assertEquals(2, trf.reader.getNumLocalityGroupsSeeked()); assertTrue(trf.iter.hasTop()); assertTrue(trf.iter.getTopKey().equals(newKey("0000", "cf1", "doe,john", "", 4))); assertEquals(newValue("1123 West Left st"), trf.iter.getTopValue());; assertTrue(trf.iter.hasTop()); assertTrue(trf.iter.getTopKey().equals(newKey("0003", "cf4", "buck,jane", "", 5))); assertEquals(newValue("09 Slum st"), trf.iter.getTopValue());; assertFalse(trf.iter.hasTop()); trf.closeReader(); } @Test public void test10() throws IOException { // test empty locality groups TestRFile trf = new TestRFile(conf); trf.openWriter(false); trf.writer.startNewLocalityGroup("lg1", newColFamByteSequence("cf1", "cf2")); trf.writer.startNewLocalityGroup("lg2", newColFamByteSequence("cf3", "cf4")); trf.writer.startDefaultLocalityGroup(); trf.writer.close(); trf.openReader(); Range(new Text(""), null), EMPTY_COL_FAMS, false); assertFalse(trf.iter.hasTop()); trf.closeReader(); // another empty locality group test trf = new TestRFile(conf); trf.openWriter(false); trf.writer.startNewLocalityGroup("lg1", newColFamByteSequence("cf1", "cf2")); trf.writer.append(newKey("0000", "cf1", "doe,john", "", 4), newValue("1123 West Left st")); trf.writer.append(newKey("0002", "cf2", "doe,jane", "", 5), newValue("1124 East Right st")); trf.writer.startNewLocalityGroup("lg2", newColFamByteSequence("cf3", "cf4")); trf.writer.startDefaultLocalityGroup(); trf.writer.close(); trf.openReader(); Range(new Text(""), null), EMPTY_COL_FAMS, false); assertTrue(trf.iter.hasTop()); assertTrue(trf.iter.getTopKey().equals(newKey("0000", "cf1", "doe,john", "", 4))); assertEquals(newValue("1123 West Left st"), trf.iter.getTopValue());; assertTrue(trf.iter.hasTop()); assertTrue(trf.iter.getTopKey().equals(newKey("0002", "cf2", "doe,jane", "", 5))); assertEquals(newValue("1124 East Right st"), trf.iter.getTopValue());; assertFalse(trf.iter.hasTop()); trf.closeReader(); // another empty locality group test trf = new TestRFile(conf); trf.openWriter(false); trf.writer.startNewLocalityGroup("lg1", newColFamByteSequence("cf1", "cf2")); trf.writer.startNewLocalityGroup("lg2", newColFamByteSequence("cf3", "cf4")); trf.writer.append(newKey("0001", "cf3", "buck,john", "", 4), newValue("90 Slum st")); trf.writer.append(newKey("0003", "cf4", "buck,jane", "", 5), newValue("09 Slum st")); trf.writer.startDefaultLocalityGroup(); trf.writer.close(); trf.openReader(); Range(new Text(""), null), EMPTY_COL_FAMS, false); assertTrue(trf.iter.hasTop()); assertTrue(trf.iter.getTopKey().equals(newKey("0001", "cf3", "buck,john", "", 4))); assertEquals(newValue("90 Slum st"), trf.iter.getTopValue());; assertTrue(trf.iter.hasTop()); assertTrue(trf.iter.getTopKey().equals(newKey("0003", "cf4", "buck,jane", "", 5))); assertEquals(newValue("09 Slum st"), trf.iter.getTopValue());; assertFalse(trf.iter.hasTop()); trf.closeReader(); // another empty locality group test trf = new TestRFile(conf); trf.openWriter(false); trf.writer.startNewLocalityGroup("lg1", newColFamByteSequence("cf1", "cf2")); trf.writer.startNewLocalityGroup("lg2", newColFamByteSequence("cf3", "cf4")); trf.writer.startDefaultLocalityGroup(); trf.writer.append(newKey("0007", "good citizen", "q,john", "", 4), newValue("70 Apple st")); trf.writer.append(newKey("0008", "model citizen", "q,jane", "", 5), newValue("81 Plum st")); trf.writer.close(); trf.openReader(); Range(new Text(""), null), EMPTY_COL_FAMS, false); assertTrue(trf.iter.hasTop()); assertTrue(trf.iter.getTopKey().equals(newKey("0007", "good citizen", "q,john", "", 4))); assertEquals(newValue("70 Apple st"), trf.iter.getTopValue());; assertTrue(trf.iter.hasTop()); assertTrue(trf.iter.getTopKey().equals(newKey("0008", "model citizen", "q,jane", "", 5))); assertEquals(newValue("81 Plum st"), trf.iter.getTopValue());; assertFalse(trf.iter.hasTop()); trf.closeReader(); // another empty locality group test trf = new TestRFile(conf); trf.openWriter(false); trf.writer.startNewLocalityGroup("lg1", newColFamByteSequence("cf1", "cf2")); trf.writer.append(newKey("0000", "cf1", "doe,john", "", 4), newValue("1123 West Left st")); trf.writer.append(newKey("0002", "cf2", "doe,jane", "", 5), newValue("1124 East Right st")); trf.writer.startNewLocalityGroup("lg2", newColFamByteSequence("cf3", "cf4")); trf.writer.startDefaultLocalityGroup(); trf.writer.append(newKey("0007", "good citizen", "q,john", "", 4), newValue("70 Apple st")); trf.writer.append(newKey("0008", "model citizen", "q,jane", "", 5), newValue("81 Plum st")); trf.writer.close(); trf.openReader(); Range(new Text(""), null), EMPTY_COL_FAMS, false); assertTrue(trf.iter.hasTop()); assertTrue(trf.iter.getTopKey().equals(newKey("0000", "cf1", "doe,john", "", 4))); assertEquals(newValue("1123 West Left st"), trf.iter.getTopValue());; assertTrue(trf.iter.hasTop()); assertTrue(trf.iter.getTopKey().equals(newKey("0002", "cf2", "doe,jane", "", 5))); assertEquals(newValue("1124 East Right st"), trf.iter.getTopValue());; assertTrue(trf.iter.hasTop()); assertTrue(trf.iter.getTopKey().equals(newKey("0007", "good citizen", "q,john", "", 4))); assertEquals(newValue("70 Apple st"), trf.iter.getTopValue());; assertTrue(trf.iter.hasTop()); assertTrue(trf.iter.getTopKey().equals(newKey("0008", "model citizen", "q,jane", "", 5))); assertEquals(newValue("81 Plum st"), trf.iter.getTopValue());; assertFalse(trf.iter.hasTop()); trf.closeReader(); } @Test public void test11() throws IOException { // test locality groups with more than two entries TestRFile trf = new TestRFile(conf); trf.openWriter(false); trf.writer.startNewLocalityGroup("lg1", newColFamByteSequence("3mod10")); for (int i = 3; i < 1024; i += 10) { trf.writer.append(newKey(formatString("i", i), "3mod10", "", "", i + 2), newValue("" + i)); } trf.writer.startNewLocalityGroup("lg2", newColFamByteSequence("5mod10", "7mod10")); for (int i = 5; i < 1024;) { trf.writer.append(newKey(formatString("i", i), "5mod10", "", "", i + 2), newValue("" + i)); i += 2; trf.writer.append(newKey(formatString("i", i), "7mod10", "", "", i + 2), newValue("" + i)); i += 8; } trf.writer.startDefaultLocalityGroup(); for (int i = 0; i < 1024; i++) { int m10 = i % 10; if (m10 == 3 || m10 == 5 || m10 == 7) continue; trf.writer.append(newKey(formatString("i", i), m10 + "mod10", "", "", i + 2), newValue("" + i)); } trf.writer.close(); // test a merged read of all column families trf.openReader(); Range(new Text(""), null), EMPTY_COL_FAMS, false); assertEquals(3, trf.reader.getNumLocalityGroupsSeeked()); for (int i = 0; i < 1024; i++) { assertTrue(trf.iter.hasTop()); assertEquals(newKey(formatString("i", i), (i % 10) + "mod10", "", "", i + 2), trf.iter.getTopKey()); assertEquals(newValue("" + i), trf.iter.getTopValue());; } assertFalse(trf.iter.hasTop()); // try reading each of the 10 column families separately for (int m = 0; m < 10; m++) { Range(new Key(), true, null, true), newColFamByteSequence(m + "mod10"), true); assertEquals(1, trf.reader.getNumLocalityGroupsSeeked()); for (int i = m; i < 1024; i += 10) { assertTrue(trf.iter.hasTop()); assertEquals(newKey(formatString("i", i), (i % 10) + "mod10", "", "", i + 2), trf.iter.getTopKey()); assertEquals(newValue("" + i), trf.iter.getTopValue());; } assertFalse(trf.iter.hasTop()); // test excluding an individual column family Range(new Key(), true, null, true), newColFamByteSequence(m + "mod10"), false); if (m == 3) assertEquals(2, trf.reader.getNumLocalityGroupsSeeked()); else assertEquals(3, trf.reader.getNumLocalityGroupsSeeked()); for (int i = 0; i < 1024; i++) { if (i % 10 == m) continue; assertTrue(trf.iter.hasTop()); assertEquals(newKey(formatString("i", i), (i % 10) + "mod10", "", "", i + 2), trf.iter.getTopKey()); assertEquals(newValue("" + i), trf.iter.getTopValue());; } assertFalse(trf.iter.hasTop()); } // test Rfile deepcopy SortedKeyValueIterator<Key, Value> reader2 = trf.iter.deepCopy(null); // try reading from cloned reader at the same time as parent reader for (int m = 0; m < 9; m++) { Range(new Key(), true, null, true), newColFamByteSequence(m + "mod10"), true); assertEquals(1, trf.reader.getNumLocalityGroupsSeeked()); Range(new Key(), true, null, true), newColFamByteSequence((m + 1) + "mod10"), true); // assertEquals(1, reader2.getNumLocalityGroupsSeeked()); for (int i = m; i < 1024; i += 10) { // System.out.println(m+","+i); assertTrue(trf.iter.hasTop()); assertEquals(newKey(formatString("i", i), (i % 10) + "mod10", "", "", i + 2), trf.iter.getTopKey()); assertEquals(newValue("" + i), trf.iter.getTopValue());; if (i + 1 < 1024) { assertTrue(reader2.hasTop()); assertEquals(newKey(formatString("i", (i + 1)), ((i + 1) % 10) + "mod10", "", "", i + 3), reader2.getTopKey()); assertEquals(newValue("" + (i + 1)), reader2.getTopValue());; } } assertFalse(trf.iter.hasTop()); assertFalse(reader2.hasTop()); } trf.closeReader(); } @Test public void test12() throws IOException { // test inserting column fams not in locality groups TestRFile trf = new TestRFile(conf); trf.openWriter(false); trf.writer.startNewLocalityGroup("lg1", newColFamByteSequence("a", "b")); trf.writer.append(newKey("0007", "a", "cq1", "", 4), newValue("1")); try { trf.writer.append(newKey("0009", "c", "cq1", "", 4), newValue("1")); assertFalse(true); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ioe) { } trf.closeWriter(); trf.openReader(); Range(), EMPTY_COL_FAMS, false); assertTrue(trf.iter.hasTop()); assertEquals(newKey("0007", "a", "cq1", "", 4), trf.iter.getTopKey()); assertEquals(newValue("1"), trf.iter.getTopValue());; assertFalse(trf.iter.hasTop()); } @Test public void test13() throws IOException { // test inserting column fam in default loc group that was in // previous locality group TestRFile trf = new TestRFile(conf); trf.openWriter(false); trf.writer.startNewLocalityGroup("lg1", newColFamByteSequence("a", "b")); trf.writer.append(newKey("0007", "a", "cq1", "", 4), newValue("1")); trf.writer.startDefaultLocalityGroup(); try { trf.writer.append(newKey("0008", "a", "cq1", "", 4), newValue("1")); assertFalse(true); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ioe) { } try { trf.writer.append(newKey("0009", "b", "cq1", "", 4), newValue("1")); assertFalse(true); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ioe) { } trf.closeWriter(); trf.openReader(); Range(), EMPTY_COL_FAMS, false); assertTrue(trf.iter.hasTop()); assertEquals(newKey("0007", "a", "cq1", "", 4), trf.iter.getTopKey()); assertEquals(newValue("1"), trf.iter.getTopValue());; assertFalse(trf.iter.hasTop()); } @Test public void test14() throws IOException { // test starting locality group after default locality group was started TestRFile trf = new TestRFile(conf); trf.openWriter(false); trf.writer.startDefaultLocalityGroup(); try { trf.writer.startNewLocalityGroup("lg1", newColFamByteSequence("a", "b")); assertFalse(true); } catch (IllegalStateException ioe) { } try { trf.writer.startDefaultLocalityGroup(); assertFalse(true); } catch (IllegalStateException ioe) { } trf.writer.close(); } @Test public void test16() throws IOException { TestRFile trf = new TestRFile(conf); trf.openWriter(false); trf.writer.startNewLocalityGroup("lg1", newColFamByteSequence("a", "b")); trf.writer.append(newKey("0007", "a", "cq1", "", 4), newValue("1")); try { trf.writer.startNewLocalityGroup("lg1", newColFamByteSequence("b", "c")); assertFalse(true); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ioe) { } trf.closeWriter(); } @Test public void test17() throws IOException { // add alot of the same keys to rfile that cover multiple blocks... // this should cause the keys in the index to be exactly the same... // ensure seeks work correctly TestRFile trf = new TestRFile(conf); trf.openWriter(false); trf.writer.startDefaultLocalityGroup(); for (int i = 0; i < 2048; i++) { trf.writer.append(newKey("r0000", "cf1", "cq1", "", 1), newValue("" + i)); } for (int i = 2048; i < 4096; i++) { trf.writer.append(newKey("r0001", "cf1", "cq1", "", 1), newValue("" + i)); } trf.writer.close(); trf.openReader(); FileSKVIterator indexIter = trf.reader.getIndex(); int count = 0; while (indexIter.hasTop()) { count++;; } assertTrue(count > 4); new Range(newKey("r0000", "cf1", "cq1", "", 1), true, newKey("r0001", "cf1", "cq1", "", 1), false), EMPTY_COL_FAMS, false); for (int i = 0; i < 2048; i++) { assertTrue(trf.iter.hasTop()); assertEquals(newKey("r0000", "cf1", "cq1", "", 1), trf.iter.getTopKey()); assertEquals(newValue("" + i), trf.iter.getTopValue());; } assertFalse(trf.iter.hasTop()); new Range(newKey("r0000", "cf1", "cq1", "", 1), false, newKey("r0001", "cf1", "cq1", "", 1), true), EMPTY_COL_FAMS, false); for (int i = 2048; i < 4096; i++) { assertTrue(trf.iter.hasTop()); assertEquals(newKey("r0001", "cf1", "cq1", "", 1), trf.iter.getTopKey()); assertEquals(newValue("" + i), trf.iter.getTopValue());; } assertFalse(trf.iter.hasTop()); new Range(newKey("r0001", "cf1", "cq1", "", 1), true, newKey("r0001", "cf1", "cq1", "", 1), true), EMPTY_COL_FAMS, false); for (int i = 2048; i < 4096; i++) { assertTrue(trf.iter.hasTop()); assertEquals(newKey("r0001", "cf1", "cq1", "", 1), trf.iter.getTopKey()); assertEquals(newValue("" + i), trf.iter.getTopValue());; } assertFalse(trf.iter.hasTop()); new Range(newKey("r0002", "cf1", "cq1", "", 1), true, newKey("r0002", "cf1", "cq1", "", 1), true), EMPTY_COL_FAMS, false); assertFalse(trf.iter.hasTop()); Range((Key) null, null), EMPTY_COL_FAMS, false); for (int i = 0; i < 2048; i++) { assertTrue(trf.iter.hasTop()); assertEquals(newKey("r0000", "cf1", "cq1", "", 1), trf.iter.getTopKey()); assertEquals(newValue("" + i), trf.iter.getTopValue());; } for (int i = 2048; i < 4096; i++) { assertTrue(trf.iter.hasTop()); assertEquals(newKey("r0001", "cf1", "cq1", "", 1), trf.iter.getTopKey()); assertEquals(newValue("" + i), trf.iter.getTopValue());; } assertFalse(trf.iter.hasTop()); trf.closeReader(); } private String t18ncf(int i) { return String.format("cf%06d", i); } private Set<ByteSequence> t18newColFamByteSequence(int... colFams) { HashSet<ByteSequence> cfs = new HashSet<>(); for (int i : colFams) { cfs.add(new ArrayByteSequence(t18ncf(i))); } return cfs; } private void t18Append(TestRFile trf, HashSet<ByteSequence> allCf, int i) throws IOException { String cf = t18ncf(i); trf.writer.append(newKey("r0000", cf, "cq1", "", 1), newValue("" + i)); allCf.add(new ArrayByteSequence(cf)); } private void t18Verify(Set<ByteSequence> cfs, SortedKeyValueIterator<Key, Value> iter, Reader reader, HashSet<ByteSequence> allCf, int eialg, int eealg) throws IOException { HashSet<ByteSequence> colFamsSeen = new HashSet<>(); Range(), cfs, true); assertEquals(eialg, reader.getNumLocalityGroupsSeeked()); while (iter.hasTop()) { colFamsSeen.add(iter.getTopKey().getColumnFamilyData());; } HashSet<ByteSequence> expected = new HashSet<>(allCf); expected.retainAll(cfs); assertEquals(expected, colFamsSeen); Range(), cfs, false); assertEquals(eealg, reader.getNumLocalityGroupsSeeked()); colFamsSeen.clear(); while (iter.hasTop()) { colFamsSeen.add(iter.getTopKey().getColumnFamilyData());; } HashSet<ByteSequence> nonExcluded = new HashSet<>(allCf); nonExcluded.removeAll(cfs); assertEquals(nonExcluded, colFamsSeen); } @Test public void test18() throws IOException { // test writing more column families to default LG than it will track TestRFile trf = new TestRFile(conf); trf.openWriter(false); HashSet<ByteSequence> allCf = new HashSet<>(); trf.writer.startNewLocalityGroup("lg1", t18newColFamByteSequence(0)); for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) t18Append(trf, allCf, i); trf.writer.startNewLocalityGroup("lg2", t18newColFamByteSequence(1, 2)); for (int i = 1; i < 3; i++) t18Append(trf, allCf, i); trf.writer.startNewLocalityGroup("lg3", t18newColFamByteSequence(3, 4, 5)); for (int i = 3; i < 6; i++) t18Append(trf, allCf, i); trf.writer.startDefaultLocalityGroup(); int max = 6 + RFile.Writer.MAX_CF_IN_DLG + 100; for (int i = 6; i < max; i++) t18Append(trf, allCf, i); trf.closeWriter(); trf.openReader(); t18Verify(t18newColFamByteSequence(0), trf.iter, trf.reader, allCf, 1, 3); for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++) t18Verify(t18newColFamByteSequence(i), trf.iter, trf.reader, allCf, 1, 4); t18Verify(t18newColFamByteSequence(max + 1), trf.iter, trf.reader, allCf, 1, 4); t18Verify(t18newColFamByteSequence(1, 2, 3, 4), trf.iter, trf.reader, allCf, 2, 3); t18Verify(t18newColFamByteSequence(1, 2, 3, 4, 5), trf.iter, trf.reader, allCf, 2, 2); t18Verify(t18newColFamByteSequence(0, 1, 2, 3, 4), trf.iter, trf.reader, allCf, 3, 2); t18Verify(t18newColFamByteSequence(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5), trf.iter, trf.reader, allCf, 3, 1); t18Verify(t18newColFamByteSequence(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), trf.iter, trf.reader, allCf, 4, 1); t18Verify(t18newColFamByteSequence(0, 1), trf.iter, trf.reader, allCf, 2, 3); t18Verify(t18newColFamByteSequence(2, 3), trf.iter, trf.reader, allCf, 2, 4); t18Verify(t18newColFamByteSequence(5, 6), trf.iter, trf.reader, allCf, 2, 4); trf.closeReader(); } @Test public void test19() throws IOException { // test RFile metastore TestRFile trf = new TestRFile(conf); trf.openWriter(false); trf.openWriter(false); trf.writer.startNewLocalityGroup("lg1", newColFamByteSequence("cf1", "cf2")); trf.writer.append(newKey("0000", "cf1", "doe,john", "", 4), newValue("1123 West Left st")); trf.writer.append(newKey("0002", "cf2", "doe,jane", "", 5), newValue("1124 East Right st")); trf.writer.startNewLocalityGroup("lg2", newColFamByteSequence("cf3", "cf4")); DataOutputStream dos = trf.writer.createMetaStore("count"); dos.writeInt(2); dos.writeUTF("data1"); dos.writeInt(1); dos.writeUTF("data2"); dos.writeInt(1); dos.close(); trf.closeWriter(); trf.openReader(); Range(), EMPTY_COL_FAMS, false); assertTrue(trf.iter.hasTop()); assertTrue(trf.iter.getTopKey().equals(newKey("0000", "cf1", "doe,john", "", 4))); assertEquals(newValue("1123 West Left st"), trf.iter.getTopValue());; DataInputStream in = trf.reader.getMetaStore("count"); assertEquals(2, in.readInt()); assertEquals("data1", in.readUTF()); assertEquals(1, in.readInt()); assertEquals("data2", in.readUTF()); assertEquals(1, in.readInt()); in.close(); assertTrue(trf.iter.hasTop()); assertTrue(trf.iter.getTopKey().equals(newKey("0002", "cf2", "doe,jane", "", 5))); assertEquals(newValue("1124 East Right st"), trf.iter.getTopValue());; assertFalse(trf.iter.hasTop()); trf.closeReader(); } @Test public void testReseekUnconsumed() throws Exception { TestRFile trf = new TestRFile(conf); trf.openWriter(); for (int i = 0; i < 2500; i++) { trf.writer.append(newKey(formatString("r_", i), "cf1", "cq1", "L1", 42), newValue("foo" + i)); } trf.closeWriter(); trf.openReader(); Set<ByteSequence> cfs = Collections.emptySet(); Random rand = new Random(); for (int count = 0; count < 100; count++) { int start = rand.nextInt(2300); Range range = new Range(newKey(formatString("r_", start), "cf1", "cq1", "L1", 42), newKey(formatString("r_", start + 100), "cf1", "cq1", "L1", 42));, cfs, false); int numToScan = rand.nextInt(100); for (int j = 0; j < numToScan; j++) { assertTrue(trf.reader.hasTop()); assertEquals(newKey(formatString("r_", start + j), "cf1", "cq1", "L1", 42), trf.reader.getTopKey());; } assertTrue(trf.reader.hasTop()); assertEquals(newKey(formatString("r_", start + numToScan), "cf1", "cq1", "L1", 42), trf.reader.getTopKey()); // seek a little forward from the last range and read a few keys within the unconsumed portion of the last range int start2 = start + numToScan + rand.nextInt(3); int end2 = start2 + rand.nextInt(3); range = new Range(newKey(formatString("r_", start2), "cf1", "cq1", "L1", 42), newKey(formatString("r_", end2), "cf1", "cq1", "L1", 42));, cfs, false); for (int j = start2; j <= end2; j++) { assertTrue(trf.reader.hasTop()); assertEquals(newKey(formatString("r_", j), "cf1", "cq1", "L1", 42), trf.reader.getTopKey());; } assertFalse(trf.reader.hasTop()); } trf.closeReader(); } @Test(expected = NullPointerException.class) public void testMissingUnreleasedVersions() throws Exception { runVersionTest(5); } @Test public void testOldVersions() throws Exception { runVersionTest(3); runVersionTest(4); runVersionTest(6); runVersionTest(7); } private void runVersionTest(int version) throws IOException { InputStream in = this.getClass().getClassLoader() .getResourceAsStream("org/apache/accumulo/core/file/rfile/ver_" + version + ".rf"); ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); byte buf[] = new byte[1024]; int read; while ((read = > 0) baos.write(buf, 0, read); byte data[] = baos.toByteArray(); SeekableByteArrayInputStream bais = new SeekableByteArrayInputStream(data); FSDataInputStream in2 = new FSDataInputStream(bais); AccumuloConfiguration aconf = AccumuloConfiguration.getDefaultConfiguration(); CachableBlockFile.Reader _cbr = new CachableBlockFile.Reader(in2, data.length, CachedConfiguration.getInstance(), aconf); Reader reader = new RFile.Reader(_cbr); checkIndex(reader); ColumnFamilySkippingIterator iter = new ColumnFamilySkippingIterator(reader); for (int start : new int[] { 0, 10, 100, 998 }) { for (int cf = 1; cf <= 4; cf++) { if (start == 0) Range(), newColFamByteSequence(formatString("cf_", cf)), true); else Range(formatString("r_", start), null), newColFamByteSequence(formatString("cf_", cf)), true); for (int i = start; i < 1000; i++) { assertTrue(iter.hasTop()); assertEquals(newKey(formatString("r_", i), formatString("cf_", cf), formatString("cq_", 0), "", 1000 - i), iter.getTopKey()); assertEquals(newValue(i + ""), iter.getTopValue());; } assertFalse(iter.hasTop()); } if (start == 0) Range(), newColFamByteSequence(), false); else Range(formatString("r_", start), null), newColFamByteSequence(), false); for (int i = start; i < 1000; i++) { for (int cf = 1; cf <= 4; cf++) { assertTrue(iter.hasTop()); assertEquals(newKey(formatString("r_", i), formatString("cf_", cf), formatString("cq_", 0), "", 1000 - i), iter.getTopKey()); assertEquals(newValue(i + ""), iter.getTopValue());; } } assertFalse(iter.hasTop()); } reader.close(); } private AccumuloConfiguration setAndGetAccumuloConfig(String cryptoConfSetting) { ConfigurationCopy result = new ConfigurationCopy(AccumuloConfiguration.getDefaultConfiguration()); Configuration conf = new Configuration(false); conf.addResource(cryptoConfSetting); for (Entry<String, String> e : conf) { result.set(e.getKey(), e.getValue()); } return result; } @Test public void testEncRFile1() throws Exception { conf = setAndGetAccumuloConfig(CryptoTest.CRYPTO_ON_CONF); test1(); conf = null; } @Test public void testEncRFile2() throws Exception { conf = setAndGetAccumuloConfig(CryptoTest.CRYPTO_ON_CONF); test2(); conf = null; } @Test public void testEncRFile3() throws Exception { conf = setAndGetAccumuloConfig(CryptoTest.CRYPTO_ON_CONF); test3(); conf = null; } @Test public void testEncRFile4() throws Exception { conf = setAndGetAccumuloConfig(CryptoTest.CRYPTO_ON_CONF); test4(); conf = null; } @Test public void testEncRFile5() throws Exception { conf = setAndGetAccumuloConfig(CryptoTest.CRYPTO_ON_CONF); test5(); conf = null; } @Test public void testEncRFile6() throws Exception { conf = setAndGetAccumuloConfig(CryptoTest.CRYPTO_ON_CONF); test6(); conf = null; } @Test public void testEncRFile7() throws Exception { conf = setAndGetAccumuloConfig(CryptoTest.CRYPTO_ON_CONF); test7(); conf = null; } @Test public void testEncRFile8() throws Exception { conf = setAndGetAccumuloConfig(CryptoTest.CRYPTO_ON_CONF); test8(); conf = null; } @Test public void testEncRFile9() throws Exception { conf = setAndGetAccumuloConfig(CryptoTest.CRYPTO_ON_CONF); test9(); conf = null; } @Test public void testEncRFile10() throws Exception { conf = setAndGetAccumuloConfig(CryptoTest.CRYPTO_ON_CONF); test10(); conf = null; } @Test public void testEncRFile11() throws Exception { conf = setAndGetAccumuloConfig(CryptoTest.CRYPTO_ON_CONF); test11(); conf = null; } @Test public void testEncRFile12() throws Exception { test12(); conf = null; } @Test public void testEncRFile13() throws Exception { conf = setAndGetAccumuloConfig(CryptoTest.CRYPTO_ON_CONF); test13(); conf = null; } @Test public void testEncRFile14() throws Exception { conf = setAndGetAccumuloConfig(CryptoTest.CRYPTO_ON_CONF); test14(); conf = null; } @Test public void testEncRFile16() throws Exception { conf = setAndGetAccumuloConfig(CryptoTest.CRYPTO_ON_CONF); test16(); } @Test public void testEncRFile17() throws Exception { conf = setAndGetAccumuloConfig(CryptoTest.CRYPTO_ON_CONF); test17(); } @Test public void testEncRFile18() throws Exception { conf = setAndGetAccumuloConfig(CryptoTest.CRYPTO_ON_CONF); test18(); conf = null; } @Test public void testEncRFile19() throws Exception { conf = setAndGetAccumuloConfig(CryptoTest.CRYPTO_ON_CONF); test19(); conf = null; } @Test public void testEncryptedRFiles() throws Exception { conf = setAndGetAccumuloConfig(CryptoTest.CRYPTO_ON_CONF); test1(); test2(); test3(); test4(); test5(); test6(); test7(); test8(); conf = null; } private Key newKey(int r, int c) { String row = String.format("r%06d", r); switch (c) { case 0: return new Key(row, "user", "addr"); case 1: return new Key(row, "user", "name"); default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } } private Value newValue(int r, int c) { switch (c) { case 0: return new Value(("123" + r + " west st").getBytes()); case 1: return new Value(("bob" + r).getBytes()); default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } } private static void hash(Hasher hasher, Key key, Value val) { hasher.putBytes(key.getRowData().toArray()); hasher.putBytes(key.getColumnFamilyData().toArray()); hasher.putBytes(key.getColumnQualifierData().toArray()); hasher.putBytes(key.getColumnVisibilityData().toArray()); hasher.putLong(key.getTimestamp()); hasher.putBoolean(key.isDeleted()); hasher.putBytes(val.get()); } private static void add(TestRFile trf, Key key, Value val, Hasher dataHasher, List<Entry<Key, Value>> sample, Sampler sampler) throws IOException { if (sampler.accept(key)) { sample.add(new AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry<>(key, val)); } hash(dataHasher, key, val); trf.writer.append(key, val); } private List<Entry<Key, Value>> toList(SortedKeyValueIterator<Key, Value> sample) throws IOException { ArrayList<Entry<Key, Value>> ret = new ArrayList<>(); while (sample.hasTop()) { ret.add(new AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry<>(new Key(sample.getTopKey()), new Value(sample.getTopValue())));; } return ret; } private void checkSample(SortedKeyValueIterator<Key, Value> sample, List<Entry<Key, Value>> sampleData) throws IOException { checkSample(sample, sampleData, EMPTY_COL_FAMS, false); } private void checkSample(SortedKeyValueIterator<Key, Value> sample, List<Entry<Key, Value>> sampleData, Collection<ByteSequence> columnFamilies, boolean inclusive) throws IOException { Range(), columnFamilies, inclusive); Assert.assertEquals(sampleData, toList(sample)); Random rand = new Random(); long seed = rand.nextLong(); rand = new Random(seed); // randomly seek sample iterator and verify for (int i = 0; i < 33; i++) { Key startKey = null; boolean startInclusive = false; int startIndex = 0; Key endKey = null; boolean endInclusive = false; int endIndex = sampleData.size(); if (rand.nextBoolean()) { startIndex = rand.nextInt(sampleData.size()); startKey = sampleData.get(startIndex).getKey(); startInclusive = rand.nextBoolean(); if (!startInclusive) { startIndex++; } } if (startIndex < endIndex && rand.nextBoolean()) { endIndex -= rand.nextInt(endIndex - startIndex); endKey = sampleData.get(endIndex - 1).getKey(); endInclusive = rand.nextBoolean(); if (!endInclusive) { endIndex--; } } else if (startIndex == endIndex) { endInclusive = rand.nextBoolean(); } Range(startKey, startInclusive, endKey, endInclusive), columnFamilies, inclusive); Assert.assertEquals("seed: " + seed, sampleData.subList(startIndex, endIndex), toList(sample)); } } @Test public void testSample() throws IOException { int num = 10000; for (int sampleBufferSize : new int[] { 1 << 10, 1 << 20 }) { // force sample buffer to flush for smaller data RFile.setSampleBufferSize(sampleBufferSize); for (int modulus : new int[] { 19, 103, 1019 }) { Hasher dataHasher = Hashing.md5().newHasher(); List<Entry<Key, Value>> sampleData = new ArrayList<>(); ConfigurationCopy sampleConf = new ConfigurationCopy( conf == null ? AccumuloConfiguration.getDefaultConfiguration() : conf); sampleConf.set(Property.TABLE_SAMPLER, RowSampler.class.getName()); sampleConf.set(Property.TABLE_SAMPLER_OPTS + "hasher", "murmur3_32"); sampleConf.set(Property.TABLE_SAMPLER_OPTS + "modulus", modulus + ""); Sampler sampler = SamplerFactory.newSampler(SamplerConfigurationImpl.newSamplerConfig(sampleConf), sampleConf); TestRFile trf = new TestRFile(sampleConf); trf.openWriter(); for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { add(trf, newKey(i, 0), newValue(i, 0), dataHasher, sampleData, sampler); add(trf, newKey(i, 1), newValue(i, 1), dataHasher, sampleData, sampler); } HashCode expectedDataHash = dataHasher.hash(); trf.closeWriter(); trf.openReader(); FileSKVIterator sample = trf.reader .getSample(SamplerConfigurationImpl.newSamplerConfig(sampleConf)); checkSample(sample, sampleData); Assert.assertEquals(expectedDataHash, hash(trf.reader)); SampleIE ie = new SampleIE( SamplerConfigurationImpl.newSamplerConfig(sampleConf).toSamplerConfiguration()); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { // test opening and closing deep copies a few times. trf.reader.closeDeepCopies(); sample = trf.reader.getSample(SamplerConfigurationImpl.newSamplerConfig(sampleConf)); SortedKeyValueIterator<Key, Value> sampleDC1 = sample.deepCopy(ie); SortedKeyValueIterator<Key, Value> sampleDC2 = sample.deepCopy(ie); SortedKeyValueIterator<Key, Value> sampleDC3 = trf.reader.deepCopy(ie); SortedKeyValueIterator<Key, Value> allDC1 = sampleDC1.deepCopy(new SampleIE(null)); SortedKeyValueIterator<Key, Value> allDC2 = sample.deepCopy(new SampleIE(null)); Assert.assertEquals(expectedDataHash, hash(allDC1)); Assert.assertEquals(expectedDataHash, hash(allDC2)); checkSample(sample, sampleData); checkSample(sampleDC1, sampleData); checkSample(sampleDC2, sampleData); checkSample(sampleDC3, sampleData); } trf.reader.closeDeepCopies(); trf.closeReader(); } } } private HashCode hash(SortedKeyValueIterator<Key, Value> iter) throws IOException { Hasher dataHasher = Hashing.md5().newHasher(); Range(), EMPTY_COL_FAMS, false); while (iter.hasTop()) { hash(dataHasher, iter.getTopKey(), iter.getTopValue());; } return dataHasher.hash(); } @Test public void testSampleLG() throws IOException { int num = 5000; for (int sampleBufferSize : new int[] { 1 << 10, 1 << 20 }) { // force sample buffer to flush for smaller data RFile.setSampleBufferSize(sampleBufferSize); for (int modulus : new int[] { 19, 103, 1019 }) { List<Entry<Key, Value>> sampleDataLG1 = new ArrayList<>(); List<Entry<Key, Value>> sampleDataLG2 = new ArrayList<>(); ConfigurationCopy sampleConf = new ConfigurationCopy( conf == null ? AccumuloConfiguration.getDefaultConfiguration() : conf); sampleConf.set(Property.TABLE_SAMPLER, RowSampler.class.getName()); sampleConf.set(Property.TABLE_SAMPLER_OPTS + "hasher", "murmur3_32"); sampleConf.set(Property.TABLE_SAMPLER_OPTS + "modulus", modulus + ""); Sampler sampler = SamplerFactory.newSampler(SamplerConfigurationImpl.newSamplerConfig(sampleConf), sampleConf); TestRFile trf = new TestRFile(sampleConf); trf.openWriter(false, 1000); trf.writer.startNewLocalityGroup("meta-lg", newColFamByteSequence("metaA", "metaB")); for (int r = 0; r < num; r++) { String row = String.format("r%06d", r); Key k1 = new Key(row, "metaA", "q9", 7); Key k2 = new Key(row, "metaB", "q8", 7); Key k3 = new Key(row, "metaB", "qA", 7); Value v1 = new Value(("" + r).getBytes()); Value v2 = new Value(("" + r * 93).getBytes()); Value v3 = new Value(("" + r * 113).getBytes()); if (sampler.accept(k1)) { sampleDataLG1.add(new AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry<>(k1, v1)); sampleDataLG1.add(new AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry<>(k2, v2)); sampleDataLG1.add(new AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry<>(k3, v3)); } trf.writer.append(k1, v1); trf.writer.append(k2, v2); trf.writer.append(k3, v3); } trf.writer.startDefaultLocalityGroup(); for (int r = 0; r < num; r++) { String row = String.format("r%06d", r); Key k1 = new Key(row, "dataA", "q9", 7); Value v1 = new Value(("" + r).getBytes()); if (sampler.accept(k1)) { sampleDataLG2.add(new AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry<>(k1, v1)); } trf.writer.append(k1, v1); } trf.closeWriter(); Assert.assertTrue(sampleDataLG1.size() > 0); Assert.assertTrue(sampleDataLG2.size() > 0); trf.openReader(false); FileSKVIterator sample = trf.reader .getSample(SamplerConfigurationImpl.newSamplerConfig(sampleConf)); checkSample(sample, sampleDataLG1, newColFamByteSequence("metaA", "metaB"), true); checkSample(sample, sampleDataLG1, newColFamByteSequence("metaA"), true); checkSample(sample, sampleDataLG1, newColFamByteSequence("metaB"), true); checkSample(sample, sampleDataLG1, newColFamByteSequence("dataA"), false); checkSample(sample, sampleDataLG2, newColFamByteSequence("metaA", "metaB"), false); checkSample(sample, sampleDataLG2, newColFamByteSequence("dataA"), true); ArrayList<Entry<Key, Value>> allSampleData = new ArrayList<>(); allSampleData.addAll(sampleDataLG1); allSampleData.addAll(sampleDataLG2); Collections.sort(allSampleData, new Comparator<Entry<Key, Value>>() { @Override public int compare(Entry<Key, Value> o1, Entry<Key, Value> o2) { return o1.getKey().compareTo(o2.getKey()); } }); checkSample(sample, allSampleData, newColFamByteSequence("dataA", "metaA"), true); checkSample(sample, allSampleData, EMPTY_COL_FAMS, false); trf.closeReader(); } } } @Test public void testEncSample() throws IOException { conf = setAndGetAccumuloConfig(CryptoTest.CRYPTO_ON_CONF); testSample(); testSampleLG(); conf = null; } @Test public void testBigKeys() throws IOException { // this test ensures that big keys do not end up index ArrayList<Key> keys = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { String row = String.format("r%06d", i); keys.add(new Key(row, "cf1", "cq1", 42)); } // add a few keys with long rows for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i += 100) { String row = String.format("r%06d", i); char ca[] = new char[1000]; Arrays.fill(ca, 'b'); row = row + new String(ca); keys.add(new Key(row, "cf1", "cq1", 42)); } Collections.sort(keys); TestRFile trf = new TestRFile(conf); trf.openWriter(); for (Key k : keys) { trf.writer.append(k, new Value((k.hashCode() + "").getBytes())); } trf.writer.close(); trf.openReader(); FileSKVIterator iiter = trf.reader.getIndex(); while (iiter.hasTop()) { Key k = iiter.getTopKey(); Assert.assertTrue(k + " " + k.getSize() + " >= 20", k.getSize() < 20);; } Collections.shuffle(keys); for (Key key : keys) { Range(key, null), EMPTY_COL_FAMS, false); Assert.assertTrue(trf.reader.hasTop()); Assert.assertEquals(key, trf.reader.getTopKey()); Assert.assertEquals(new Value((key.hashCode() + "").getBytes()), trf.reader.getTopValue()); } } @Test public void testCryptoDoesntLeakSensitive() throws IOException { conf = setAndGetAccumuloConfig(CryptoTest.CRYPTO_ON_CONF); // test an empty file TestRFile trf = new TestRFile(conf); trf.openWriter(); trf.closeWriter(); byte[] rfBytes = trf.baos.toByteArray(); // If we get here, we have encrypted bytes for (Property prop : Property.values()) { if (prop.isSensitive()) { byte[] toCheck = prop.getKey().getBytes(); assertEquals(-1, Bytes.indexOf(rfBytes, toCheck)); } } } @Test public void testRootTabletEncryption() throws Exception { // This tests that the normal set of operations used to populate a root tablet conf = setAndGetAccumuloConfig(CryptoTest.CRYPTO_ON_CONF); // populate the root tablet with info about the default tablet // the root tablet contains the key extent and locations of all the // metadata tablets // String initRootTabFile = ServerConstants.getMetadataTableDir() + "/root_tablet/00000_00000." // + FileOperations.getNewFileExtension(AccumuloConfiguration.getDefaultConfiguration()); // FileSKVWriter mfw = FileOperations.getInstance().openWriter(initRootTabFile, fs, conf, AccumuloConfiguration.getDefaultConfiguration()); TestRFile testRfile = new TestRFile(conf); testRfile.openWriter(); RFile.Writer mfw = testRfile.writer; // mfw.startDefaultLocalityGroup(); // mfw.startDefaultLocalityGroup(); Text tableExtent = new Text(KeyExtent.getMetadataEntry(MetadataTable.ID, MetadataSchema.TabletsSection.getRange().getEndKey().getRow())); // table tablet's directory Key tableDirKey = new Key(tableExtent, TabletsSection.ServerColumnFamily.DIRECTORY_COLUMN.getColumnFamily(), TabletsSection.ServerColumnFamily.DIRECTORY_COLUMN.getColumnQualifier(), 0); mfw.append(tableDirKey, new Value(/* TABLE_TABLETS_TABLET_DIR */"/table_info".getBytes())); // table tablet time Key tableTimeKey = new Key(tableExtent, TabletsSection.ServerColumnFamily.TIME_COLUMN.getColumnFamily(), TabletsSection.ServerColumnFamily.TIME_COLUMN.getColumnQualifier(), 0); mfw.append(tableTimeKey, new Value((/* TabletTime.LOGICAL_TIME_ID */'L' + "0").getBytes())); // table tablet's prevrow Key tablePrevRowKey = new Key(tableExtent, TabletsSection.TabletColumnFamily.PREV_ROW_COLUMN.getColumnFamily(), TabletsSection.TabletColumnFamily.PREV_ROW_COLUMN.getColumnQualifier(), 0); mfw.append(tablePrevRowKey, KeyExtent.encodePrevEndRow(null)); // ----------] default tablet info Text defaultExtent = new Text(KeyExtent.getMetadataEntry(MetadataTable.ID, null)); // default's directory Key defaultDirKey = new Key(defaultExtent, TabletsSection.ServerColumnFamily.DIRECTORY_COLUMN.getColumnFamily(), TabletsSection.ServerColumnFamily.DIRECTORY_COLUMN.getColumnQualifier(), 0); mfw.append(defaultDirKey, new Value(Constants.DEFAULT_TABLET_LOCATION.getBytes())); // default's time Key defaultTimeKey = new Key(defaultExtent, TabletsSection.ServerColumnFamily.TIME_COLUMN.getColumnFamily(), TabletsSection.ServerColumnFamily.TIME_COLUMN.getColumnQualifier(), 0); mfw.append(defaultTimeKey, new Value((/* TabletTime.LOGICAL_TIME_ID */'L' + "0").getBytes())); // default's prevrow Key defaultPrevRowKey = new Key(defaultExtent, TabletsSection.TabletColumnFamily.PREV_ROW_COLUMN.getColumnFamily(), TabletsSection.TabletColumnFamily.PREV_ROW_COLUMN.getColumnQualifier(), 0); mfw.append(defaultPrevRowKey, KeyExtent.encodePrevEndRow(MetadataSchema.TabletsSection.getRange().getEndKey().getRow())); testRfile.closeWriter(); if (true) { FileOutputStream fileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream( tempFolder.newFile("testEncryptedRootFile.rf")); fileOutputStream.write(testRfile.baos.toByteArray()); fileOutputStream.flush(); fileOutputStream.close(); } testRfile.openReader(); Range((Key) null, null), EMPTY_COL_FAMS, false); assertTrue(testRfile.iter.hasTop()); assertTrue(testRfile.reader.getLastKey() != null); testRfile.closeReader(); conf = null; } }