Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. The ASF licenses this file to You * under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. For additional information regarding * copyright in this work, please see the NOTICE file in the top level * directory of this distribution. */ package org.apache.abdera.util; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.ResourceBundle; import org.apache.abdera.Abdera; import org.apache.abdera.factory.ExtensionFactory; import org.apache.abdera.factory.Factory; import org.apache.abdera.factory.StreamBuilder; import org.apache.abdera.i18n.text.Localizer; import org.apache.abdera.parser.NamedParser; import org.apache.abdera.parser.Parser; import org.apache.abdera.parser.ParserFactory; import org.apache.abdera.writer.NamedWriter; import org.apache.abdera.writer.StreamWriter; import org.apache.abdera.writer.Writer; import org.apache.abdera.writer.WriterFactory; import org.apache.abdera.xpath.XPath; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; /** * Provides the basic configuration for the Abdera default implementation. This class should not be accessed by * applications directly without very good reason. */ public final class AbderaConfiguration implements Constants, Configuration { private static final long serialVersionUID = 7460203853824337559L; private final static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(AbderaConfiguration.class); /** * Returns the default configuration. Every call to this method returns a new AbderaConfiguration instance using * */ public static synchronized Configuration getDefault() { Configuration instance = null; try { ResourceBundle bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("abdera"); instance = new AbderaConfiguration(bundle); } catch (Exception e) { instance = new AbderaConfiguration(); } return instance; } private static ResourceBundle getBundle(Locale locale) { ResourceBundle bundle = null; try { bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("abdera", locale, Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader()); } catch (Exception e) { // Do nothing } return bundle; } private final ResourceBundle bundle; private final List<ExtensionFactory> factories; private final Map<String, NamedWriter> writers; private final Map<String, Class<? extends StreamWriter>> streamwriters; private final Map<String, NamedParser> parsers; public AbderaConfiguration() { this(null); } protected AbderaConfiguration(ResourceBundle bundle) { this.bundle = (bundle != null) ? bundle : AbderaConfiguration.getBundle(Locale.getDefault()); factories = loadExtensionFactories(); writers = initNamedWriters(); parsers = initNamedParsers(); streamwriters = initStreamWriters(); } private static synchronized List<ExtensionFactory> loadExtensionFactories() { List<ExtensionFactory> list = new ArrayList<ExtensionFactory>(); Iterable<ExtensionFactory> factories = Discover.locate("org.apache.abdera.factory.ExtensionFactory"); for (ExtensionFactory factory : factories) list.add(factory); return list; } private ResourceBundle getBundle() { return bundle; } /** * Retrieve the value of the specified configuration option * * @return The configuration option value or null */ public String getConfigurationOption(String id) { String option = System.getProperty(id); if (option == null) { try { ResourceBundle bundle = getBundle(); if (bundle != null) option = bundle.getString(id); } catch (Exception e) { // Do Nothing } } return option; } /** * Retrieve the value of the specified configuration option or _default if the value is null * * @return The configuration option value of _default */ public String getConfigurationOption(String id, String _default) { String value = getConfigurationOption(id); return (value != null) ? value : _default; } /** * Registers an ExtensionFactory implementation. */ public AbderaConfiguration addExtensionFactory(ExtensionFactory factory) { List<ExtensionFactory> factories = getExtensionFactories(); if (!factories.contains(factory)) { factories.add(factory); } else { log.warn("These extensions are already registered: " + factory.getNamespaces()); } return this; } /** * Returns the listing of registered ExtensionFactory implementations */ public List<ExtensionFactory> getExtensionFactories() { return factories; } /** * Registers a NamedWriter implementation */ public AbderaConfiguration addNamedWriter(NamedWriter writer) { Map<String, NamedWriter> writers = getNamedWriters(); if (!writers.containsKey(writer.getName())) { writers.put(writer.getName(), writer); } else { log.warn("The NamedWriter is already registered: " + writer.getName()); } return this; } /** * Registers NamedWriter implementations using the /META-INF/services/org.apache.abdera.writer.NamedWriter file */ private Map<String, NamedWriter> initNamedWriters() { Map<String, NamedWriter> writers = null; Iterable<NamedWriter> _writers = Discover.locate(NAMED_WRITER); writers = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<String, NamedWriter>()); for (NamedWriter writer : _writers) { writers.put(writer.getName().toLowerCase(), writer); } return writers; } /** * Registers StreamWriter implementations using the /META-INF/services/org.apache.abdera.writer.StreamWriter file */ private Map<String, Class<? extends StreamWriter>> initStreamWriters() { Map<String, Class<? extends StreamWriter>> writers = null; Iterable<Class<? extends StreamWriter>> _writers = Discover.locate(STREAM_WRITER, true); writers = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<String, Class<? extends StreamWriter>>()); for (Class<? extends StreamWriter> writer : _writers) { String name = getName(writer); if (name != null) writers.put(name.toLowerCase(), writer); } writers.put("fom", StreamBuilder.class); return writers; } private static String getName(Class<? extends StreamWriter> sw) { String name = null; try { Field field = sw.getField("NAME"); if (Modifier.isStatic(field.getModifiers())) { name = (String) field.get(null); } } catch (Exception e) { } return name; } /** * Returns the collection of NamedWriters */ public Map<String, NamedWriter> getNamedWriters() { return writers; } /** * Returns the collection of NamedWriters */ public Map<String, Class<? extends StreamWriter>> getStreamWriters() { return streamwriters; } /** * Registers a NamedParser implementation */ public AbderaConfiguration addNamedParser(NamedParser parser) { Map<String, NamedParser> parsers = getNamedParsers(); if (!parsers.containsKey(parser.getName())) { parsers.put(parser.getName(), parser); } else { log.warn("The NamedParser is already registered: " + parser.getName()); } return this; } /** * Registers a StreamWriter implementation */ public AbderaConfiguration addStreamWriter(Class<? extends StreamWriter> sw) { Map<String, Class<? extends StreamWriter>> streamWriters = getStreamWriters(); String swName = getName(sw); if (!streamWriters.containsKey(swName)) { streamWriters.put(swName, sw); } else { log.warn("The StreamWriter is already registered: " + swName); } return this; } /** * Registers NamedParser implementations using the /META-INF/services/org.apache.abdera.writer.NamedParser file */ private Map<String, NamedParser> initNamedParsers() { Map<String, NamedParser> parsers = null; Iterable<NamedParser> _parsers = Discover.locate(NAMED_PARSER); parsers = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<String, NamedParser>()); for (NamedParser parser : _parsers) { parsers.put(parser.getName().toLowerCase(), parser); } return parsers; } /** * Returns the collection of Named Parsers */ public Map<String, NamedParser> getNamedParsers() { return parsers; } public Object clone() { try { return super.clone(); } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** * Return a new instance of org.apache.abdera.factory.Factory * * @return A new factory instance */ public Factory newFactoryInstance(Abdera abdera) { return (Factory) Discover.locate(CONFIG_FACTORY, abdera.getConfiguration().getConfigurationOption(CONFIG_FACTORY, DEFAULT_FACTORY), abdera); } /** * Return a new instance of org.apache.abdera.parser.Parser * * @return A new parser instance */ public Parser newParserInstance(Abdera abdera) { return (Parser) Discover.locate(CONFIG_PARSER, abdera.getConfiguration().getConfigurationOption(CONFIG_PARSER, DEFAULT_PARSER), abdera); } /** * Return a new instance of org.apache.abdera.xpath.XPath * * @return A new XPath instance */ public XPath newXPathInstance(Abdera abdera) { try { return (XPath) Discover.locate(CONFIG_XPATH, abdera.getConfiguration().getConfigurationOption(CONFIG_XPATH, DEFAULT_XPATH), abdera); } catch (Throwable n) { throw throwex("IMPLEMENTATION.NOT.AVAILABLE", "XPath", n); } } /** * Return a new instance of org.apache.abdera.parser.ParserFactory * * @return A new ParserFactory instance */ public ParserFactory newParserFactoryInstance(Abdera abdera) { try { return (ParserFactory) Discover.locate(CONFIG_PARSERFACTORY, abdera.getConfiguration().getConfigurationOption(CONFIG_PARSERFACTORY, DEFAULT_PARSERFACTORY), abdera); } catch (Throwable n) { throw throwex("IMPLEMENTATION.NOT.AVAILABLE", "Parser", n); } } /** * Return a new instance of org.apache.abdera.writer.WriterFactory * * @return A new WriterFactory instance */ public WriterFactory newWriterFactoryInstance(Abdera abdera) { try { return (WriterFactory) Discover.locate(CONFIG_WRITERFACTORY, abdera.getConfiguration().getConfigurationOption(CONFIG_WRITERFACTORY, DEFAULT_WRITERFACTORY), abdera); } catch (Throwable n) { throw throwex("IMPLEMENTATION.NOT.AVAILABLE", "WriterFactory", n); } } /** * Return a new instance of the default org.apache.abdera.writer.Writer * * @return A new default writer implementation instance */ public Writer newWriterInstance(Abdera abdera) { try { return (Writer) Discover.locate(CONFIG_WRITER, abdera.getConfiguration().getConfigurationOption(CONFIG_WRITER, DEFAULT_WRITER), abdera); } catch (Throwable n) { throw throwex("IMPLEMENTATION.NOT.AVAILABLE", "Writer", n); } } /** * Return a new instance of the default org.apache.abdera.writer.Writer * * @return A new default writer implementation instance */ public StreamWriter newStreamWriterInstance(Abdera abdera) { try { return (StreamWriter) Discover.locate(CONFIG_STREAMWRITER, abdera.getConfiguration().getConfigurationOption(CONFIG_STREAMWRITER, DEFAULT_STREAMWRITER), abdera); } catch (Throwable n) { throw throwex("IMPLEMENTATION.NOT.AVAILABLE", "StreamWriter", n); } } private RuntimeException throwex(String id, String arg, Throwable t) { return new RuntimeException(Localizer.sprintf(id, arg), t); } }