Source code

Java tutorial


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 * Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by Public Library of Science
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.ambraproject.util;

import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
import javax.xml.transform.OutputKeys;
import javax.xml.transform.Transformer;
import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException;
import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory;
import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import com.opensymphony.util.UrlUtils;
import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
import sun.misc.BASE64Encoder;

 * Provides some useful text manipulation functions.
public class TextUtils {
    public static final String HTTP_PREFIX = "http://";
    private static final Pattern maliciousContentPattern = Pattern.compile("[<>\"\'%;()&+]");
    private static final Pattern lineBreakPattern = Pattern.compile("\\p{Zl}|\r\n|\n|\u0085|\\p{Zp}");
    private static final Pattern strongPattern = Pattern.compile("'''");
    private static final Pattern emphasizePattern = Pattern.compile("''");
    private static final Pattern strongEmphasizePattern = Pattern.compile("'''''");
    private static final Pattern superscriptPattern = Pattern.compile("\\^\\^");
    private static final Pattern subscriptPattern = Pattern.compile("~~");

    private static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TextUtils.class);

     * Create a hash of a string
     * @param string the string to make the hash
     * @return the hash of the string
    public static String createHash(String string) {
        return createHash(string.getBytes());

     * Create a hash of a byte array
     * @param bytes
     * @return the hash of the byte array
    public static String createHash(byte[] bytes) {
        try {
            MessageDigest messageDigest = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-1");

            return encodeText(messageDigest.digest());
        } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException ex) {
            throw new RuntimeException(ex);

     * Produces a String value suitable for rendering in HTML for the given binary data.
    private static String encodeText(byte[] data) {
        BASE64Encoder encoder = new BASE64Encoder();
        String base64 = encoder.encodeBuffer(data);

        // Make the returned value a little prettier by replacing slashes with underscores, and removing the trailing
        // "=".
        base64 = base64.replace('/', '_').trim();
        return base64.substring(0, base64.length() - 1);

     * Convert a List of URIs to a List of Strings
     * @param list a List of URIs
     * @return a list of strings
    public static List<String> toStringList(List<URI> list) {
        List<String> simpleCollection = new ArrayList<String>();

        for (URI uri : list) {

        return simpleCollection;

     * Takes in a String and returns it with all line separators replaced by <br/> tags suitable
     * for display as HTML.
     * @param input HTML
     * @return String with line separators replaced with <br/>
    public static String makeHtmlLineBreaks(final String input) {
        if (StringUtils.isBlank(input)) {
            return input;
        return lineBreakPattern.matcher(input).replaceAll("<br/>");

     * Takes in a String and returns it with all pairs of <code>'''</code>
     *   replaced by \<strong\>\</strong\> tags suitable for display as HTML.
     * For example: <code>foo '''bar''' baz</code> is transformed into
     *   <code>foo \<strong\>bar\</strong\> baz</code>
     * <p/>
     * The <code>strong</code> tag is used instead of the <code>b</code> tag
     *   because <code>strong</code> is preferred for CSS styling.
     * <p/>
     * There is no check for consistency of markup pairs (e.g., <code>foo ''bar''' baz</code> will become
     *   <code>foo ''bar\<strong\> baz</code>) which will, rightfully, infuriate some users.
     * @param input HTML
     * @return String with all pairs of <code>'''</code> replaced by \<strong\>\</strong\> tags
    public static String makeHtmlStrong(final String input) {
        // If no Pattern in "input" parameter, then do nothing.
        if (StringUtils.isBlank(input) || (!strongPattern.matcher(input).find())) {
            return input;

        String transformedInput = input; // This will be the String that gets returned.
        boolean isInsideATag = false; // Whether an open tag was the most recent substitution.

        // While there is Pattern in "input" parameter, replace each instance of Pattern with
        //   either an open or close tag.  Alternate the tag substituted to give tag pairs.
        while (strongPattern.matcher(transformedInput).find()) {
            if (!isInsideATag) {
                transformedInput = strongPattern.matcher(transformedInput).replaceFirst("<strong>");
                isInsideATag = true;
            } else {
                transformedInput = strongPattern.matcher(transformedInput).replaceFirst("</strong>");
                isInsideATag = false;

        return transformedInput;

     * Takes in a String and returns it with all pairs of <code>''</code> replaced by \<em\>\</em\>
     *   tags suitable for display as HTML.
     * <p/>
     * For example: <code>foo ''bar'' baz</code> is transformed into <code>foo \<em\>bar\</em\> baz</code>
     * <p/>
     * The <code>em</code> tag is used instead of the <code>i</code> tag
     *   because <code>em</code> is preferred for CSS styling.
     * <p/>
     * There is no check for consistency of markup pairs (e.g., <code>foo 'bar'' baz</code> will become
     *   <code>foo 'bar\<em\> baz</code>) which will, rightfully, infuriate some users.
     * @param input HTML
     * @return String with all pairs of <code>''</code> replaced by \<em\>\</em\> tags
    public static String makeHtmlEmphasized(final String input) {
        // If no Pattern in "input" parameter, then do nothing.
        if (StringUtils.isBlank(input) || (!emphasizePattern.matcher(input).find())) {
            return input;

        String transformedInput = input; // This will be the String that gets returned.
        boolean isInsideATag = false; // Whether an open tag was the most recent substitution.

        // While there is Pattern in "input" parameter, replace each instance of Pattern with
        //   either an open or close tag.  Alternate the tag substituted to give tag pairs.
        while (emphasizePattern.matcher(transformedInput).find()) {
            if (!isInsideATag) {
                transformedInput = emphasizePattern.matcher(transformedInput).replaceFirst("<em>");
                isInsideATag = true;
            } else {
                transformedInput = emphasizePattern.matcher(transformedInput).replaceFirst("</em>");
                isInsideATag = false;

        return transformedInput;

     * Takes in a String and returns it with all pairs of <code>'''''</code> replaced by
     *   \<strong\>\<em\>\</em\>\</strong\> tags suitable for display as HTML.
     * <p/>
     * For example: <code>foo '''''bar''''' baz</code> is
     *   transformed into <code>foo \<strong\>\<em\>bar\</em\>\</strong\> baz</code>
     * <p/>
     * The <code>em</code> tag is used instead of the <code>i</code> tag
     *   because <code>em</code> is preferred for CSS styling.
     * The <code>strong</code> tag is used instead of the <code>b</code> tag
     *   because <code>strong</code> is preferred for CSS styling.
     * <p/>
     * There is no check for consistency of markup pairs (e.g., <code>foo 'bar''''' baz</code> will become
     *   <code>foo 'bar\<strong\>\<em\> baz</code>) which will, rightfully, infuriate some users.
     * @param input HTML
     * @return String with all pairs of <code>'''''</code> replaced by \<strong\>\<em\>\</em\>\</strong\> tags
    public static String makeHtmlStrongEmphasized(final String input) {
        // If no Pattern in "input" parameter, then do nothing.
        if (StringUtils.isBlank(input) || (!strongEmphasizePattern.matcher(input).find())) {
            return input;

        String transformedInput = input; // This will be the String that gets returned.
        boolean isInsideATag = false; // Whether an open tag was the most recent substitution.

        // While there is Pattern in "input" parameter, replace each instance of Pattern with
        //   either an open or close tag.  Alternate the tag substituted to give tag pairs.
        while (strongEmphasizePattern.matcher(transformedInput).find()) {
            if (!isInsideATag) {
                transformedInput = strongEmphasizePattern.matcher(transformedInput).replaceFirst("<strong><em>");
                isInsideATag = true;
            } else {
                transformedInput = strongEmphasizePattern.matcher(transformedInput).replaceFirst("</em></strong>");
                isInsideATag = false;

        return transformedInput;

     * Takes in a String and returns it with all pairs of <code>^^</code> replaced by \<sup\>\</sup\>
     * tags suitable for display as HTML.
     * <p/>
     * For example: <code>foo ^^bar^^ baz</code> is transformed into
     *   <code>foo \<sup\>bar\</sup\> baz</code>
     * <p/>
     * There is no check for consistency of markup pairs (e.g., <code>foo ^bar^^ baz</code> will become
     *   <code>foo ^bar\<sup\> baz</code>) which will, rightfully, infuriate some users.
     * @param input HTML
     * @return String with all pairs of <code>^^</code> replaced by \<sup\>\</sup\> tags
    public static String makeHtmlSuperscript(final String input) {
        // If no Pattern in "input" parameter, then do nothing.
        if (StringUtils.isBlank(input) || (!superscriptPattern.matcher(input).find())) {
            return input;

        String transformedInput = input; // This will be the String that gets returned.
        boolean isInsideATag = false; // Whether an open tag was the most recent substitution.

        // While there is Pattern in "input" parameter, replace each instance of Pattern with
        //   either an open or close tag.  Alternate the tag substituted to give tag pairs.
        while (superscriptPattern.matcher(transformedInput).find()) {
            if (!isInsideATag) {
                transformedInput = superscriptPattern.matcher(transformedInput).replaceFirst("<sup>");
                isInsideATag = true;
            } else {
                transformedInput = superscriptPattern.matcher(transformedInput).replaceFirst("</sup>");
                isInsideATag = false;

        return transformedInput;

     * Takes in a String and returns it with all pairs of <code>~~</code> replaced by \<sub\>\</sub\>
     * tags suitable for display as HTML.
     * <p/>
     * For example: <code>foo ~~bar~~ baz</code> is transformed into
     *   <code>foo \<sub\>bar\</sub\> baz</code>
     * <p/>
     * There is no check for consistency of markup pairs (e.g., <code>foo ~bar~~ baz</code> will become
     *   <code>foo ~bar\<sub\> baz</code>) which will, rightfully, infuriate some users.
     * @param input HTML
     * @return String with all pairs of <code>~~</code> replaced by \<sub\>\</sub\> tags
    public static String makeHtmlSubscript(final String input) {
        // If no Pattern in "input" parameter, then do nothing.
        if (StringUtils.isBlank(input) || (!subscriptPattern.matcher(input).find())) {
            return input;

        String transformedInput = input; // This will be the String that gets returned.
        boolean isInsideATag = false; // Whether an open tag was the most recent substitution.

        // While there is Pattern in "input" parameter, replace each instance of Pattern with
        //   either an open or close tag.  Alternate the tag substituted to give tag pairs.
        while (subscriptPattern.matcher(transformedInput).find()) {
            if (!isInsideATag) {
                transformedInput = subscriptPattern.matcher(transformedInput).replaceFirst("<sub>");
                isInsideATag = true;
            } else {
                transformedInput = subscriptPattern.matcher(transformedInput).replaceFirst("</sub>");
                isInsideATag = false;

        return transformedInput;

     * Linkify any possible web links excepting email addresses and enclosed with <p> tags
     * @param text text
     * @param maxLength The max length (in displayed characters) of the text to be displayed inside the <a>tag</a>
     * @return hyperlinked text
    public static String hyperlinkEnclosedWithPTags(final String text, int maxLength) {
        final StringBuilder retStr = new StringBuilder("<p>");
        retStr.append(hyperlink(text, maxLength));
        return (retStr.toString());

     * Linkify any possible web links excepting email addresses and enclosed with <p> tags
     * @param text text
     * @return hyperlinked text
    public static String hyperlinkEnclosedWithPTags(final String text) {
        return hyperlinkEnclosedWithPTags(text, 0);

     * Linkify any possible web links excepting email addresses
     * @param text      text
     * @param maxLength The max length (in displayed characters) of the text to be displayed
     *                  inside the <a>tag</a>
     * @return hyperlinked text
    public static String hyperlink(final String text, int maxLength) {
        if (StringUtils.isBlank(text)) {
            return text;
         * HACK: [issue - if the text ends with ')' this is included in the hyperlink] 
         * so to avoid this we explicitly guard against it here 
         * NOTE: com.opensymphony.util.TextUtils.linkURL guards against an atomically wrapped url: 
         * "(" but NOT "(see"
        if (text.indexOf('}') >= 0 || text.indexOf('{') >= 0) {
            return linkURL(text, null, maxLength);
        String s = text.replace('(', '{');
        s = s.replace(')', '}');
        s = linkURL(s, null, maxLength);
        s = StringUtils.replace(s, "{", "(");
        s = StringUtils.replace(s, "}", ")");
        return s;
        // END HACK

     * Linkify any possible web links excepting email addresses
     * @param text text
     * @return hyperlinked text
    public static String hyperlink(final String text) {
        return hyperlink(text, 0);

     * Return the escaped html. Useful when you want to make any dangerous scripts safe to render.
     * <p/>
     * Also transforms wiki-type markup into HTML tags and replaces line breaks with HTML "break" tags.
     * @param bodyContent bodyContent
     * @return escaped html text
    public static String escapeHtml(final String bodyContent) {
        String transformedBodyContent = makeHtmlLineBreaks(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(bodyContent));

        // The order of these three methods is important; we have to transform all instances of
        //   ''''' before trying to match instances of ''' or ''
        transformedBodyContent = makeHtmlStrongEmphasized(transformedBodyContent); // matches '''''
        transformedBodyContent = makeHtmlStrong(transformedBodyContent); // matches '''
        transformedBodyContent = makeHtmlEmphasized(transformedBodyContent); // matches ''

        transformedBodyContent = makeHtmlSuperscript(transformedBodyContent); // matches ^^
        transformedBodyContent = makeHtmlSubscript(transformedBodyContent); // matches ~~

        return transformedBodyContent;

     * @param bodyContent bodyContent
     * @return Return escaped and hyperlinked text
    public static String escapeAndHyperlink(final String bodyContent) {
        return hyperlinkEnclosedWithPTags(escapeHtml(bodyContent), 0);

     * Transforms an org.w3c.dom.Document into a String
     * @param node Document to transform
     * @return String representation of node
     * @throws TransformerException TransformerException
    public static String getAsXMLString(final Node node) throws TransformerException {
        final Transformer tf = TransformerFactory.newInstance().newTransformer();
        final StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter();

        tf.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.OMIT_XML_DECLARATION, "yes");
        tf.transform(new DOMSource(node), new StreamResult(stringWriter));

        return stringWriter.toString();

     * @param url A URL
     * @return whether the url is a valid address
    public static boolean verifyUrl(final String url) {
        try {
            URI u = new URI(url);

            // To see if we can get a valid url or if we get an exception
            return true;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return false;

     * Make a valid url from the given input url or url fragment
     * @param url url
     * @return valid url
     * @throws MalformedURLException MalformedURLException
    public static String makeValidUrl(final String url) throws MalformedURLException {
        String finalUrl = url;
        if (!verifyUrl(finalUrl)) {
            finalUrl = HTTP_PREFIX + finalUrl;
            if (!verifyUrl(finalUrl)) {
                throw new MalformedURLException("Invalid url:" + url);
        return finalUrl;

     * Check if the input text is potentially malicious. For more details read;
     * @param text text
     * @return boolean
    public static boolean isPotentiallyMalicious(final String text) {
        return maliciousContentPattern.matcher(text).find();

     * Escape html entity characters and high characters (eg "curvy" Word quotes).
     * Note this method can also be used to encode XML.
     * @param s                  the String to escape.
     * @param encodeSpecialChars if true high characters will be encode other wise not.
     * @return the escaped string
    private static String htmlEncode(String s, boolean encodeSpecialChars) {
        s = noNull(s, "");

        StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder();

        for (int j = 0; j < s.length(); j++) {
            char c = s.charAt(j);

            // encode standard ASCII characters into HTML entities where needed
            if (c < '\200') {
                switch (c) {
                case '"':


                case '&':


                case '<':


                case '>':


            // encode 'ugly' characters (ie Word "curvy" quotes etc)
            else if (encodeSpecialChars && (c < '\377')) {
                String hexChars = "0123456789ABCDEF";
                int a = c % 16;
                int b = (c - a) / 16;
            //add other characters back in - to handle charactersets
            //other than ascii
            else {

        return str.toString();

     * Wrap all urls ('abc://' and '') in specified string with href tags.
     * Any text after the length defined by the maxDisplayLength parameter will be dropped and three periods will be added "..."
     * @param str The block of text to check.
     * @param target The target to use for the href (optional).
     * @param maxDisplayLength The max length (in displayed characters) of the text to be displayed inside the <a>tag</a>
     * @return String The block of text with all url's placed in href tags.
    //TODO: If openSymphony's implemntation of this method one day mactches this, we can remove this class
    private static String linkURL(String str, String target, int maxDisplayLength) {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder((int) (str.length() * 1.05));
        linkURL(sb, target, maxDisplayLength);
        return sb.toString();

     * Return <code>string</code>, or <code>defaultString</code> if
     * <code>string</code> is <code>null</code> or <code>""</code>.
     * Never returns <code>null</code>.
     * <p>Examples:</p>
     * <pre>
     * // prints "hello"
     * String s=null;
     * System.out.println(TextUtils.noNull(s,"hello");
     * // prints "hello"
     * s="";
     * System.out.println(TextUtils.noNull(s,"hello");
     * // prints "world"
     * s="world";
     * System.out.println(TextUtils.noNull(s, "hello");
     * </pre>
     * @param string the String to check.
     * @param defaultString The default string to return if <code>string</code> is <code>null</code> or <code>""</code>
     * @return <code>string</code> if <code>string</code> is non-empty, and <code>defaultString</code> otherwise
     * @see #stringSet(String)
    private static String noNull(String string, String defaultString) {
        return (stringSet(string)) ? string : defaultString;

     * Check whether <code>string</code> has been set to
     * something other than <code>""</code> or <code>null</code>.
     * @param string the <code>String</code> to check
     * @return a boolean indicating whether the string was non-empty (and non-null)
    private static boolean stringSet(String string) {
        return (string != null) && !"".equals(string);

     * Get the starting index of a URL (either 'abc://' or 'www.')
     * @param str String builder
     * @param startIndex index
     * @return new index
    private static int getStartUrl(StringBuilder str, int startIndex) {
        int schemeIndex = getSchemeIndex(str, startIndex);
        final int wwwIndex = str.indexOf("www.", startIndex + 1);

        if ((schemeIndex == -1) && (wwwIndex == -1)) {
            return -1;
        } else if (schemeIndex == -1) {
            return wwwIndex;
        } else if (wwwIndex == -1) {
            return schemeIndex;

        return Math.min(schemeIndex, wwwIndex);

    private static void linkURL(StringBuilder str, String target, int maxDisplayLength) {
        String urlToDisplay;

        int lastEndIndex = -1; //Stores the index position, within the whole string, of the ending char of the last URL found.

        String targetString = ((target == null) || (target.trim().length() == 0)) ? ""
                : (" target=\"" + target.trim() + '\"');

        while (true) {
            int linkStartIndex = getStartUrl(str, lastEndIndex);

            //if no more links found - then end the loop
            if (linkStartIndex == -1) {
            } else {
                //Get the whole URL...
                //We move forward and add each character to the URL string until we encounter
                //an invalid URL character (we assume that the URL ends there).
                int linkEndIndex = linkStartIndex;
                String urlStr = "";

                while (true) {
                    // if char at linkEndIndex is '&' then we look at the next 4 chars
                    // to see if they make up "&amp;" altogether. This is the html coded
                    // '&' and will pretty much stuff up an otherwise valid link becos of the ';'.
                    // We therefore have to remove it before proceeding...
                    if (str.charAt(linkEndIndex) == '&') {
                        if (((linkEndIndex + 6) <= str.length())
                                && "&quot;".equals(str.substring(linkEndIndex, linkEndIndex + 6))) {
                        } else if (((linkEndIndex + 5) <= str.length())
                                && "&amp;".equals(str.substring(linkEndIndex, linkEndIndex + 5))) {
                            str.replace(linkEndIndex, linkEndIndex + 5, "&");

                    if (UrlUtils.isValidURLChar(str.charAt(linkEndIndex))) {
                        urlStr += str.charAt(linkEndIndex);

                        if (linkEndIndex == str.length()) { //Reached end of str...

                    } else {

                //if the characters before the linkStart equal 'href="' then don't link the url - CORE-44
                if (linkStartIndex >= 6) { //6 = "href\"".length()

                    String prefix = str.substring(linkStartIndex - 6, linkStartIndex);

                    if ("href=\"".equals(prefix)) {
                        lastEndIndex = linkEndIndex;


                //if the characters after the linkEnd are '</a>' then this url is probably already linked - CORE-44
                if (str.length() >= (linkEndIndex + 4)) { //4 = "</a>".length()

                    String suffix = str.substring(linkEndIndex, linkEndIndex + 4);

                    if ("</a>".equals(suffix)) {
                        lastEndIndex = linkEndIndex + 4;


                //Decrement linkEndIndex back by 1 to reflect the real ending index position of the URL...

                // If the last char of urlStr is a '.' we exclude it. It is most likely a full stop and
                // we don't want that to be part of an url.
                while (true) {
                    char lastChar = urlStr.charAt(urlStr.length() - 1);

                    if (lastChar == '.') {
                        urlStr = urlStr.substring(0, urlStr.length() - 1);
                    } else {

                //if the URL had a '(' before it, and has a ')' at the end, trim the last ')' from the url
                //ie '(' => '(<a href=""></a>)'
                char lastChar = urlStr.charAt(urlStr.length() - 1);

                if (lastChar == ')') {
                    if ((linkStartIndex > 0) && ('(' == (str.charAt(linkStartIndex - 1)))) {
                        urlStr = urlStr.substring(0, urlStr.length() - 1);
                } else if (lastChar == '\'') {
                    if ((linkStartIndex > 0) && ('\'' == (str.charAt(linkStartIndex - 1)))) {
                        urlStr = urlStr.substring(0, urlStr.length() - 1);
                //perhaps we ended with '&gt;', '&lt;' or '&quot;'
                //We need to strip these
                //ie '&quot;;' => '&quot;<a href=""></a>&quot;'
                //ie '&lt;;' => '&lt;<a href=""></a>&gt;'
                else if (lastChar == ';') {
                    // 6 = "&quot;".length()
                    if ((urlStr.length() > 6) && "&quot;".equalsIgnoreCase(urlStr.substring(urlStr.length() - 6))) {
                        urlStr = urlStr.substring(0, urlStr.length() - 6);
                        linkEndIndex -= 6;
                    // 4 = "&lt;".length()  || "&gt;".length()
                    else if (urlStr.length() > 4) {
                        final String endingStr = urlStr.substring(urlStr.length() - 4);

                        if ("&lt;".equalsIgnoreCase(endingStr) || "&gt;".equalsIgnoreCase(endingStr)) {
                            urlStr = urlStr.substring(0, urlStr.length() - 4);
                            linkEndIndex -= 4;

                // we got the URL string, now we validate it and convert it into a hyperlink...

                if (maxDisplayLength > 0 && urlStr.length() > maxDisplayLength) {
                    urlToDisplay = htmlEncode(urlStr.substring(0, maxDisplayLength), true) + "...";
                } else {
                    urlToDisplay = htmlEncode(urlStr, true);

                if (urlStr.toLowerCase().startsWith("www.")) {
                    urlStr = "http://" + urlStr;

                if (UrlUtils.verifyHierachicalURI(urlStr)) {
                    //Construct the hyperlink for the url...
                    String urlLink;

                    if (maxDisplayLength > 0 && urlStr.length() > maxDisplayLength) {
                        //urlLink = "<a href=\"" + urlStr + "\"" + targetString + ">" + urlToDisplay + "</a>";
                        urlLink = "<a href=\"" + urlStr + "\"" + targetString + " title=\""
                                + htmlEncode(urlStr, true) + "\">" + urlToDisplay + "</a>";
                    } else {
                        urlLink = "<a href=\"" + urlStr + "\"" + targetString + ">" + urlToDisplay + "</a>";

                    //urlLink = "<a href=\"" + urlStr + '\"' + targetString + '>' + urlToDisplay + "</a>";

                    //Remove the original urlStr from str and put urlLink there instead...
                    str.replace(linkStartIndex, linkEndIndex + 1, urlLink);

                    //Set lastEndIndex to reflect the position of the end of urlLink
                    //within the whole string...
                    lastEndIndex = (linkStartIndex - 1) + urlLink.length();
                } else {
                    //lastEndIndex is different from the one above cos' there's no
                    //<a href...> tags added...
                    lastEndIndex = (linkStartIndex - 1) + urlStr.length();

       * Given a string, and the index to start looking at, find the index of the start of the scheme. Eg.
     * <pre>
     * getSchemeIndex("notes://abc", 0) -> 0
     * getSchemeIndex("abc notes://abc", 0) -> 4
     * </pre>
     * @param str    The string to search for
     * @param startIndex   Where to start looking at
     * @return The location the string was found, ot -1 if the string was not found.
    private static int getSchemeIndex(StringBuilder str, int startIndex) {
        int schemeIndex = str.indexOf(UrlUtils.SCHEME_URL, startIndex + 1);

        //if it was not found, or found at the start of the string, then return 'not found'
        if (schemeIndex <= 0) {
            return -1;

        //walk backwards through the scheme until we find the first non valid character
        int schemeStart;

        for (schemeStart = schemeIndex - 1; schemeStart >= 0; schemeStart--) {
            char currentChar = str.charAt(schemeStart);

            if (!UrlUtils.isValidSchemeChar(currentChar)) {

        //reset the scheme to the starting character

             we don't want to do this, otherwise an invalid scheme would ruin the linking for later schemes
            if (UrlUtils.isValidScheme(str.substring(schemeStart, schemeIndex)))
                return schemeStart;
                return -1;
        return schemeStart;

     * Remove all of the XML and HTML tags from the <code>s</code> parameter.
     * The RegEx in this method removes everything between two "innermost" brackets
     * (e.g., <code>&lt;...&gt;</code>) so
     * it may accidentally remove sections of text that are not tags, just because both the
     * "greater than" and "less than" symbols exist and there is no tag bewteen them.
     * <p/>
     * For instance, the title: "Yak mass &lt; whale mass, but yak mass &gt; weasel mass" would
     * be reduced to: "Yak mass  weasel mass" which is very much not the desired result.
     * That is why this method is prefaced with the lable "simple".
     * <p/>
     * Note that the above example only fails because there is no tag between the
     * &lt; and &gt; for this method to remove.
     * If the title was, instead, "Yak mass &lt; whale mass, &lt;p&gt;but yak mass &gt; weasel mass",
     * then the &lt;p&gt; tag would be removed and the rest of the title would be left alone.
     * TODO: Augment the RegEx to fix the above corner case.  This can be accomplished by ensuring
     *   todo: all openning tags have matching closing tags, then handling valid singleton tags (e.g.,
     *   todo: &lt;p/&gt;) as special cases.
     * @param s The String which will have all of its tags removed
     * @return The <code>s</code> parameter with all tags removed
    public static String simpleStripAllTags(String s) {
        return s.replaceAll("<[^<>]*?>", "");

     * Transform a xml string to html text
     * @param xmlContent xml
     * @return html html text
    public static String transformXMLtoHtmlText(String xmlContent) {
        if (xmlContent != null) {
            String htmlContent = "";

            try {
                DocumentBuilder db = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder();
                // surround the xml content with temporary root element to make sure that it can be parsed.
                InputSource source = new InputSource(
                        new StringReader("<temprootelement>" + xmlContent + "</temprootelement>"));
                Document doc = db.parse(source);

                // remove all the elements from the xml content
                StringWriter stw = new StringWriter();
                Transformer transformer = TransformerFactory.newInstance().newTransformer();
                transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.METHOD, "text");
                transformer.transform(new DOMSource(doc), new StreamResult(stw));

                htmlContent = stw.toString();
                // make sure all the characters are escaped using html entities
                htmlContent = StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(htmlContent);

            } catch (Exception e) {
      "Failed to transform " + xmlContent + " to html text", e);

            return htmlContent;
        } else {
            return "";

     * truncate text
     * @param text text to truncate
     * @param truncatedLength truncate length
     * @return truncated text
    public static String truncateText(String text, int truncatedLength) {
        if (StringUtils.isBlank(text)) {
            return text;

        if (text.length() > truncatedLength) {
            final String abrsfx = "...";
            final int abrsfxlen = 3;
            // attempt to truncate on a word boundary
            int index = truncatedLength - 1;

            while (!Character.isWhitespace(text.charAt(index)) || index > (truncatedLength - abrsfxlen - 1)) {
                if (--index == 0) {

            if (index == 0) {
                index = truncatedLength - abrsfxlen - 1;

            text = text.substring(0, index) + abrsfx;
            assert text.length() <= truncatedLength;

        return text;

     * truncate text and close open tags
     * @param text text to truncate
     * @param truncatedLength truncate length
     * @return truncated text
    public static String truncateTextCloseOpenTag(String text, final int truncatedLength) {
        String shortenedText = truncateText(text, truncatedLength);
        int openIndex = shortenedText.lastIndexOf("<i>");
        if (openIndex != -1) {
            int closeIndex = shortenedText.indexOf("</i>", openIndex);
            if (closeIndex == -1) {
                shortenedText = shortenedText + "</i>";
        return shortenedText;

     * Create a list of first, second and last authors
     * @param authors the list of authors
     * @return a combined string of first, second and last authors
    public static String makeAuthorString(String[] authors) {
        if (authors.length <= 3) {
            return StringUtils.join(authors, ", ");
        } else {
            //use first two and last.
            return authors[0].trim() + ", " + authors[1].trim() + ", [...], " + authors[authors.length - 1].trim();