Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2005-2010 Alfresco Software Limited. * * This file is part of Alfresco * * Alfresco is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Alfresco is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with Alfresco. If not, see <>. */ package org.alfresco.web.ui.wcm.component; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.ResourceBundle; import javax.faces.component.UIComponent; import javax.faces.component.UIParameter; import javax.faces.context.FacesContext; import javax.faces.context.ResponseWriter; import javax.faces.el.ValueBinding; import javax.transaction.UserTransaction; import org.alfresco.model.ContentModel; import org.alfresco.model.WCMAppModel; import org.alfresco.repo.avm.actions.AVMDeployWebsiteAction; import org.alfresco.repo.domain.PropertyValue; import org.alfresco.wcm.sandbox.SandboxConstants; import org.alfresco.service.cmr.avm.AVMService; import org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository.ChildAssociationRef; import org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository.ContentReader; import org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository.ContentService; import org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository.NodeRef; import org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository.NodeService; import org.alfresco.service.namespace.QName; import org.alfresco.service.namespace.RegexQNamePattern; import; import org.alfresco.web.bean.repository.Repository; import org.alfresco.web.bean.wcm.DeploymentUtil; import; import; import org.alfresco.web.ui.common.ComponentConstants; import org.alfresco.web.ui.common.PanelGenerator; import org.alfresco.web.ui.common.Utils; import org.springframework.extensions.webscripts.ui.common.component.SelfRenderingComponent; import org.alfresco.web.ui.common.component.UIActionLink; import org.alfresco.web.ui.repo.component.UIActions; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.springframework.util.StringUtils; /** * JSF component that displays the latest deployment reports for a web project. * * @author gavinc */ public class UIDeploymentReports extends SelfRenderingComponent { // date filters public static final String FILTER_DATE_TODAY = "today"; public static final String FILTER_DATE_YESTERDAY = "yesterday"; public static final String FILTER_DATE_WEEK = "week"; public static final String FILTER_DATE_MONTH = "month"; public static final String FILTER_DATE_ALL = "all"; protected String store; protected String dateFilter; protected Boolean showPrevious; protected NodeRef attempt; private static final String MSG_ATTEMPT_DATE = "deploy_attempt_date"; private static final String MSG_SERVERS = "deployed_to_servers"; private static final String MSG_SNAPSHOT = "snapshot"; private static final String MSG_SELECT_ATTEMPT = "select_deploy_attempt"; private static Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(UIDeploymentReports.class); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Component implementation /** * @see javax.faces.component.UIComponent#getFamily() */ public String getFamily() { return "org.alfresco.faces.DeploymentReports"; } public void restoreState(FacesContext context, Object state) { Object values[] = (Object[]) state; // standard component attributes are restored by the super class super.restoreState(context, values[0]); = (String) values[1]; this.dateFilter = (String) values[2]; this.showPrevious = (Boolean) values[3]; this.attempt = (NodeRef) values[4]; } public Object saveState(FacesContext context) { Object values[] = new Object[5]; // standard component attributes are saved by the super class values[0] = super.saveState(context); values[1] =; values[2] = this.dateFilter; values[3] = this.showPrevious; values[4] = this.attempt; return values; } /** * @see javax.faces.component.UIComponentBase#encodeBegin(javax.faces.context.FacesContext) */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void encodeBegin(FacesContext context) throws IOException { if (isRendered() == false) { return; } ResponseWriter out = context.getResponseWriter(); UserTransaction tx = null; try { tx = Repository.getUserTransaction(FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(), true); tx.begin(); String storeName = getValue(); if (storeName == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The store must be specified."); } boolean showPrevious = getShowPrevious(); if (showPrevious) { renderPreviousReports(context, out, storeName); } else { renderAttempt(context, out, storeName); } tx.commit(); } catch (Throwable err) { try { if (tx != null) { tx.rollback(); } } catch (Exception tex) { } throw new RuntimeException(err); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Strongly typed component property accessors /** * @return The store to show the deployment reports for */ public String getValue() { ValueBinding vb = getValueBinding("value"); if (vb != null) { = (String) vb.getValue(getFacesContext()); } return; } /** * @param value The store to show the deployment reports for */ public void setValue(String value) { = value; } /** * @return The current dateFilter if previous reports are being shown */ public String getDateFilter() { ValueBinding vb = getValueBinding("dateFilter"); if (vb != null) { this.dateFilter = (String) vb.getValue(getFacesContext()); } return this.dateFilter; } /** * @param value The dateFilter to use when previous reports are being shown */ public void setDateFilter(String value) { this.dateFilter = value; } /** * @return true if the component should show previous reports */ public boolean getShowPrevious() { ValueBinding vb = getValueBinding("showPrevious"); if (vb != null) { this.showPrevious = (Boolean) vb.getValue(getFacesContext()); } if (this.showPrevious == null) { this.showPrevious = Boolean.FALSE; } return this.showPrevious.booleanValue(); } /** * @param showPrevious Determines whether previous reports are shown */ public void setShowPrevious(boolean showPrevious) { this.showPrevious = new Boolean(showPrevious); } /** * @return NodeRef of the deploymentattempt to show the details for */ public NodeRef getAttempt() { ValueBinding vb = getValueBinding("attempt"); if (vb != null) { this.attempt = (NodeRef) vb.getValue(getFacesContext()); } return this.attempt; } /** * @param value The NodeRef of the deploymentattempt to show the details for */ public void setAttempt(NodeRef value) { this.attempt = value; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Helpers @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected void renderPreviousReports(FacesContext context, ResponseWriter out, String store) throws IOException { NodeService nodeService = Repository.getServiceRegistry(context).getNodeService(); ResourceBundle bundle = Application.getBundle(context); List<NodeRef> deployAttempts = null; String dateFilter = getDateFilter(); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Rendering previous deployment reports for store '" + store + "' using dateFilter: " + dateFilter); if (dateFilter == null || dateFilter.equals(FILTER_DATE_ALL)) { deployAttempts = DeploymentUtil.findDeploymentAttempts(store); } else { // get today's date Date toDate = new Date(); // calculate the from date Date fromDate; if (FILTER_DATE_TODAY.equals(dateFilter)) { fromDate = toDate; } else if (FILTER_DATE_YESTERDAY.equals(dateFilter)) { fromDate = new Date(toDate.getTime() - (1000L * 60L * 60L * 24L)); toDate = fromDate; } else if (FILTER_DATE_WEEK.equals(dateFilter)) { fromDate = new Date(toDate.getTime() - (1000L * 60L * 60L * 24L * 7L)); } else if (FILTER_DATE_MONTH.equals(dateFilter)) { fromDate = new Date(toDate.getTime() - (1000L * 60L * 60L * 24L * 30L)); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown date filter mode: " + dateFilter); } // get the filtered list of attempts deployAttempts = DeploymentUtil.findDeploymentAttempts(store, fromDate, toDate); } if (deployAttempts.size() > 0) { out.write("<table class='deployMoreReportsList' cellspacing='3' cellpadding='3' width='100%'>"); out.write("<tr><th align='left'><nobr>"); out.write(bundle.getString(MSG_ATTEMPT_DATE)); out.write("</nobr></th><th align='left'><nobr>"); out.write(bundle.getString(MSG_SERVERS)); out.write("</nobr></th><th align='left'><nobr>"); out.write(bundle.getString(MSG_SNAPSHOT)); out.write("</th></tr>"); // create a list of DeploymentAttempt objects to be ordered List<DeploymentAttempt> orderedAttempts = new ArrayList<DeploymentAttempt>(deployAttempts.size()); for (NodeRef attempt : deployAttempts) { Map<QName, Serializable> props = nodeService.getProperties(attempt); String attemptId = (String) props.get(WCMAppModel.PROP_DEPLOYATTEMPTID); Date attemptTime = (Date) props.get(WCMAppModel.PROP_DEPLOYATTEMPTTIME); Integer version = (Integer) props.get(WCMAppModel.PROP_DEPLOYATTEMPTVERSION); List<String> servers = (List<String>) props.get(WCMAppModel.PROP_DEPLOYATTEMPTSERVERS); StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); if (servers != null) { for (String server : servers) { if (buffer.length() != 0) { buffer.append(", "); } buffer.append(Utils.encode(server)); } } orderedAttempts .add(new DeploymentAttempt(attempt, attemptId, attemptTime, buffer.toString(), version)); } // sort the list of deployment attempts QuickSort sorter = new QuickSort(orderedAttempts, "date", false, IDataContainer.SORT_CASEINSENSITIVE); sorter.sort(); for (DeploymentAttempt attempt : orderedAttempts) { out.write("<tr><td><nobr>"); Utils.encodeRecursive(context, aquireViewAttemptAction(context, attempt)); out.write("</nobr></td><td>"); out.write(attempt.getServers()); out.write("</td><td>"); Integer version = attempt.getVersion(); if (version != null) { out.write(version.toString()); if (version.intValue() == -1) { out.write(" ("); out.write(bundle.getString("current_working_version")); out.write(")"); } } out.write("</td></tr>"); } out.write("</table>"); } else { out.write("<div class='deployServersInfo'>"); out.write(Application.getMessage(context, "no_deploy_attempts")); out.write("</div>\n"); } } protected void renderAttempt(FacesContext context, ResponseWriter out, String store) throws IOException { // get services required NodeService nodeService = Repository.getServiceRegistry(context).getNodeService(); ContentService contentService = Repository.getServiceRegistry(context).getContentService(); AVMService avmService = Repository.getServiceRegistry(context).getAVMService(); // get the attempt node to show (if any) NodeRef attempt = getAttempt(); if (attempt == null) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Rendering last deployment report for store: " + store); // get the last deployment attempt id, then locate the deploymentattempt node PropertyValue val = avmService.getStoreProperty(store, SandboxConstants.PROP_LAST_DEPLOYMENT_ID); String attemptId = null; if (val != null) { attemptId = val.getStringValue(); } if (attemptId == null || attemptId.length() == 0) { throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to retrieve deployment attempt id"); } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Retrieving deploymentattempt node with attempt id: " + attemptId); // get the deploymentattempt object attempt = DeploymentUtil.findDeploymentAttempt(attemptId); } // if we have an attempt node, render it if (attempt != null) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Rendering deployment reports for attempt: " + attempt); // render the supporting JavaScript out.write("<script type='text/javascript' src='"); out.write(context.getExternalContext().getRequestContextPath()); out.write("/scripts/ajax/deployment.js'></script>\n"); // iterate through each deployment report List<ChildAssociationRef> deployReportRefs = nodeService.getChildAssocs(attempt, WCMAppModel.ASSOC_DEPLOYMENTREPORTS, RegexQNamePattern.MATCH_ALL); if (deployReportRefs.size() > 0) { for (ChildAssociationRef ref : deployReportRefs) { // render each report renderReport(context, out, ref.getChildRef(), nodeService, contentService); } } else { out.write("<div class='deployInProgress'><img src='"); out.write(context.getExternalContext().getRequestContextPath()); out.write("/images/icons/info_icon_large.gif' /> "); out.write(Application.getMessage(context, "no_deploy_reports")); out.write("</div>\n"); } // add some padding after the panels out.write("\n<div style='padding-top:12px;'></div>\n"); } } protected void renderReport(FacesContext context, ResponseWriter out, NodeRef deploymentReport, NodeService nodeService, ContentService contentService) throws IOException { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Rendering report: " + deploymentReport); // add some padding before the panel out.write("\n<div style='padding-top:8px;'></div>\n"); // start the surrounding panel PanelGenerator.generatePanelStart(out, context.getExternalContext().getRequestContextPath(), "lightstorm", "#eaeff2"); // extract the information we need to display Map<QName, Serializable> serverProps = nodeService.getProperties(deploymentReport); Long serverId = (Long) serverProps.get(ContentModel.PROP_NODE_DBID); String server = (String) serverProps.get(WCMAppModel.PROP_DEPLOYSERVER); boolean showServerAddress = true; String serverName = (String) serverProps.get(WCMAppModel.PROP_DEPLOYSERVERNAMEUSED); if (serverName == null || serverName.length() == 0) { serverName = server; showServerAddress = false; } String deployType = WCMAppModel.CONSTRAINT_ALFDEPLOY; if (server.startsWith(AVMDeployWebsiteAction.FILE_SERVER_PREFIX)) { deployType = WCMAppModel.CONSTRAINT_FILEDEPLOY; } String creator = (String) serverProps.get(ContentModel.PROP_CREATOR); Date startTime = (Date) serverProps.get(WCMAppModel.PROP_DEPLOYSTARTTIME); String started = ""; if (startTime != null) { started = Utils.getDateTimeFormat(context).format(startTime); } Date endTime = (Date) serverProps.get(WCMAppModel.PROP_DEPLOYENDTIME); String finished = ""; if (endTime != null) { finished = Utils.getDateTimeFormat(context).format(endTime); } Boolean success = (Boolean) serverProps.get(WCMAppModel.PROP_DEPLOYSUCCESSFUL); if (success == null) { success = Boolean.FALSE; } String url = (String) serverProps.get(WCMAppModel.PROP_DEPLOYSERVERURLUSED); String username = (String) serverProps.get(WCMAppModel.PROP_DEPLOYSERVERUSERNAMEUSED); String source = (String) serverProps.get(WCMAppModel.PROP_DEPLOYSOURCEPATHUSED); String target = (String) serverProps.get(WCMAppModel.PROP_DEPLOYSERVERTARGETUSED); String excludes = (String) serverProps.get(WCMAppModel.PROP_DEPLOYEXCLUDESUSED); String failReason = (String) serverProps.get(WCMAppModel.PROP_DEPLOYFAILEDREASON); String content = ""; ContentReader reader = contentService.getReader(deploymentReport, ContentModel.PROP_CONTENT); if (reader != null) { content = reader.getContentString(); if (content != null) { content = Utils.encode(content); content = StringUtils.replace(content, "\r\n", "<br/>"); } else { content = ""; } } int snapshot = -1; Serializable snapshotObj = serverProps.get(WCMAppModel.PROP_DEPLOYVERSION); if (snapshotObj != null && snapshotObj instanceof Integer) { snapshot = (Integer) snapshotObj; } out.write("<table cellspacing='0' cellpadding='2' border='0' width='100%'>"); out.write("<tr><td width='40' valign='top'><img src='"); out.write(context.getExternalContext().getRequestContextPath()); out.write("/images/icons/deploy_server_"); out.write(deployType); out.write(".gif' /></td><td>"); out.write("<div class='mainHeading'>"); out.write(Utils.encode(serverName)); out.write("</div><div style='margin-top: 3px; margin-bottom: 6px;'><img src='"); out.write(context.getExternalContext().getRequestContextPath()); out.write("/images/icons/deploy_"); if (success.booleanValue()) { out.write("successful"); } else { out.write("failed"); } out.write(".gif' style='vertical-align: -4px;' /> "); if (success.booleanValue()) { out.write(Application.getMessage(context, "deploy_successful")); } else { out.write(Application.getMessage(context, "deploy_failed")); } out.write("</div>"); if (success.booleanValue() == false && failReason != null && failReason.length() > 0) { out.write("<div style='margin-top: 3px;'>"); out.write(Application.getMessage(context, "reason")); out.write(": "); out.write(Utils.encode(failReason)); out.write("</div>"); } if (showServerAddress) { out.write("<div style='margin-top: 3px;'>"); out.write(Application.getMessage(context, "deploy_server")); out.write(": "); out.write(Utils.encode(server)); out.write("</div>"); } out.write("<div style='margin-top: 3px;'>"); out.write(Application.getMessage(context, "snapshot")); out.write(": "); out.write(Integer.toString(snapshot)); out.write("</div>"); out.write("<div style='margin-top: 3px;'>"); out.write(Application.getMessage(context, "deploy_started")); out.write(": "); out.write(started); out.write("</div>"); out.write("<div style='margin-top: 3px;'>"); out.write(Application.getMessage(context, "deploy_finished")); out.write(": "); out.write(finished); out.write("</div>"); out.write("<div style='margin-top: 3px;'>"); out.write(Application.getMessage(context, "deployed_by")); out.write(": "); out.write(Utils.encode(creator)); out.write("</div>"); if (username != null) { out.write("<div style='margin-top: 3px;'>"); out.write(Application.getMessage(context, "deploy_server_username")); out.write(": "); out.write(Utils.encode(username)); out.write("</div>"); } if (source != null) { out.write("<div style='margin-top: 3px;'>"); out.write(Application.getMessage(context, "deploy_server_source_path")); out.write(": "); out.write(Utils.encode(source)); out.write("</div>"); } if (excludes != null) { out.write("<div style='margin-top: 3px;'>"); out.write(Application.getMessage(context, "deploy_server_excludes")); out.write(": "); out.write(Utils.encode(excludes)); out.write("</div>"); } if (target != null) { out.write("<div style='margin-top: 3px;'>"); out.write(Application.getMessage(context, "deploy_server_target_name")); out.write(": "); out.write(Utils.encode(target)); out.write("</div>"); } if (success.booleanValue() == true && url != null && url.length() > 0) { out.write("<div style='margin-top: 3px;'>"); out.write(Application.getMessage(context, "deploy_server_url")); out.write(": <a target='new' href='"); out.write(url); out.write("'>"); out.write(Utils.encode(url)); out.write("</a></div>"); } if (content.length() > 0) { out.write("<div style='margin-top: 6px;'><img src='"); out.write(context.getExternalContext().getRequestContextPath()); out.write( "/images/icons/collapsed.gif' style='vertical-align: -1px; cursor: pointer;' class='collapsed' onclick=\"Alfresco.toggleDeploymentDetails(this, '"); out.write(serverId.toString()); out.write("');\" /> "); out.write(Application.getMessage(context, "details")); out.write("</div>\n"); out.write("<div id='"); out.write(serverId.toString()); out.write( "-deployment-details' style='display: none; border: 1px dotted #eee; margin-left: 14px; margin-top: 4px; padding:3px;'>"); out.write(content); out.write("</div>"); } out.write("\n<div style='padding-top:6px;'></div>\n"); out.write("</td></tr></table>"); // finish the surrounding panel PanelGenerator.generatePanelEnd(out, context.getExternalContext().getRequestContextPath(), "lightstorm"); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected UIActionLink aquireViewAttemptAction(FacesContext context, DeploymentAttempt attempt) { UIActionLink action = null; String actionId = "va_" + attempt.getId(); // try find the action as a child of this component for (UIComponent component : (List<UIComponent>) getChildren()) { if (actionId.equals(component.getId())) { action = (UIActionLink) component; break; } } if (action == null) { // create the action and add as a child component javax.faces.application.Application facesApp = context.getApplication(); action = (UIActionLink) facesApp.createComponent(UIActions.COMPONENT_ACTIONLINK); action.setId(actionId); action.setValue(attempt.getDateAsString()); action.setTooltip(Application.getMessage(context, MSG_SELECT_ATTEMPT)); action.setShowLink(true); action.setActionListener(facesApp.createMethodBinding("#{DialogManager.bean.attemptSelected}", UIActions.ACTION_CLASS_ARGS)); // add attemptRef param UIParameter param1 = (UIParameter) facesApp.createComponent(ComponentConstants.JAVAX_FACES_PARAMETER); param1.setId(actionId + "_1"); param1.setName("attemptRef"); param1.setValue(attempt.getNodeRef().toString()); action.getChildren().add(param1); // add attemptDate param UIParameter param2 = (UIParameter) facesApp.createComponent(ComponentConstants.JAVAX_FACES_PARAMETER); param2.setId(actionId + "_2"); param2.setName("attemptDate"); param2.setValue(attempt.getDateAsString()); action.getChildren().add(param2); this.getChildren().add(action); } return action; } private class DeploymentAttempt { private NodeRef nodeRef; private String id; private Date date; private String servers; private Integer version; public DeploymentAttempt(NodeRef nodeRef, String id, Date date, String servers, Integer version) { this.nodeRef = nodeRef; = id; = date; this.servers = servers; this.version = version; } public NodeRef getNodeRef() { return this.nodeRef; } public String getId() { return; } public String getServers() { return this.servers; } public Integer getVersion() { return this.version; } public Date getDate() { return; } public String getDateAsString() { // format the date using the default pattern return Utils.getDateTimeFormat(FacesContext.getCurrentInstance()).format(; } } }