Source code

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 * #%L
 * Alfresco Remote API
 * %%
 * Copyright (C) 2005 - 2016 Alfresco Software Limited
 * %%
 * This file is part of the Alfresco software. 
 * If the software was purchased under a paid Alfresco license, the terms of 
 * the paid license agreement will prevail.  Otherwise, the software is 
 * provided under the following open source license terms:
 * Alfresco is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * Alfresco is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * along with Alfresco. If not, see <>.
 * #L%
package org.alfresco.repo.web.scripts;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import javax.transaction.Status;
import javax.transaction.UserTransaction;

import org.alfresco.error.AlfrescoRuntimeException;
import org.alfresco.error.ExceptionStackUtil;
import org.alfresco.repo.model.Repository;
import org.alfresco.repo.transaction.AlfrescoTransactionSupport;
import org.alfresco.repo.transaction.AlfrescoTransactionSupport.TxnReadState;
import org.alfresco.repo.transaction.RetryingTransactionHelper;
import org.alfresco.repo.transaction.RetryingTransactionHelper.RetryingTransactionCallback;
import org.alfresco.repo.transaction.TooBusyException;
import org.alfresco.repo.web.scripts.bean.LoginPost;
import org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository.NodeRef;
import org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository.TemplateService;
import org.alfresco.service.descriptor.DescriptorService;
import org.alfresco.service.transaction.TransactionService;
import org.alfresco.util.TempFileProvider;
import org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.server.shared.ThresholdOutputStreamFactory;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationEvent;
import org.springframework.context.event.ContextRefreshedEvent;
import org.springframework.extensions.webscripts.AbstractRuntimeContainer;
import org.springframework.extensions.webscripts.Authenticator;
import org.springframework.extensions.webscripts.Description;
import org.springframework.extensions.webscripts.Description.RequiredAuthentication;
import org.springframework.extensions.webscripts.Description.RequiredTransaction;
import org.springframework.extensions.webscripts.Description.RequiredTransactionParameters;
import org.springframework.extensions.webscripts.Description.TransactionCapability;
import org.springframework.extensions.webscripts.ServerModel;
import org.springframework.extensions.webscripts.WebScript;
import org.springframework.extensions.webscripts.WebScriptException;
import org.springframework.extensions.webscripts.WebScriptRequest;
import org.springframework.extensions.webscripts.WebScriptResponse;

 * Repository (server-tier) container for Web Scripts
 * @author steveglover
 * @author davidc
public class RepositoryContainer extends AbstractRuntimeContainer {
    // Logger
    protected static final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(RepositoryContainer.class);

    /** Component Dependencies */
    private Repository repository;
    private RepositoryImageResolver imageResolver;
    private TransactionService transactionService;
    private RetryingTransactionHelper fallbackTransactionHelper;
    private AuthorityService authorityService;
    private DescriptorService descriptorService;

    private boolean encryptTempFiles = false;
    private String tempDirectoryName = null;
    private int memoryThreshold = 4 * 1024 * 1024; // 4mb
    private long maxContentSize = (long) 4 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024; // 4gb
    private ThresholdOutputStreamFactory streamFactory = null;

    private Class<?>[] notPublicExceptions = new Class<?>[] {};
    private Class<?>[] publicExceptions = new Class<?>[] {};

     * Shame init is already used (by TenantRepositoryContainer).
    public void setup() {
        File tempDirectory = TempFileProvider.getTempDir(tempDirectoryName);
        this.streamFactory = ThresholdOutputStreamFactory.newInstance(tempDirectory, memoryThreshold,
                maxContentSize, encryptTempFiles);

    public void setEncryptTempFiles(Boolean encryptTempFiles) {
        if (encryptTempFiles != null) {
            this.encryptTempFiles = encryptTempFiles.booleanValue();

    public void setTempDirectoryName(String tempDirectoryName) {
        this.tempDirectoryName = tempDirectoryName;

    public void setMemoryThreshold(Integer memoryThreshold) {
        if (memoryThreshold != null) {
            this.memoryThreshold = memoryThreshold.intValue();

    public void setMaxContentSize(Long maxContentSize) {
        if (maxContentSize != null) {
            this.maxContentSize = maxContentSize.longValue();

      * @param repository Repository
    public void setRepository(Repository repository) {
        this.repository = repository;

     * @param imageResolver RepositoryImageResolver
    public void setRepositoryImageResolver(RepositoryImageResolver imageResolver) {
        this.imageResolver = imageResolver;

     * @param transactionService TransactionService
    public void setTransactionService(TransactionService transactionService) {
        this.transactionService = transactionService;

     * @param fallbackTransactionHelper an unlimited transaction helper used to generate error responses
    public void setFallbackTransactionHelper(RetryingTransactionHelper fallbackTransactionHelper) {
        this.fallbackTransactionHelper = fallbackTransactionHelper;

     * @param descriptorService DescriptorService
    public void setDescriptorService(DescriptorService descriptorService) {
        this.descriptorService = descriptorService;

     * @param authorityService AuthorityService
    public void setAuthorityService(AuthorityService authorityService) {
        this.authorityService = authorityService;

     * Exceptions which may contain information that cannot be displayed in UI 
     * @param notPublicExceptions - {@link Class}&lt;?&gt;[] instance which contains list of not public exceptions
    public void setNotPublicExceptions(List<Class<?>> notPublicExceptions) {
        this.notPublicExceptions = new Class<?>[] {};
        if ((null != notPublicExceptions) && !notPublicExceptions.isEmpty()) {
            this.notPublicExceptions = notPublicExceptions.toArray(this.notPublicExceptions);

    public Class<?>[] getNotPublicExceptions() {
        return notPublicExceptions;

     * Exceptions which may contain information that need to display in UI
     * @param publicExceptions - {@link Class}&lt;?&gt;[] instance which contains list of public exceptions
    public void setPublicExceptions(List<Class<?>> publicExceptions) {
        this.publicExceptions = new Class<?>[] {};
        if ((null != publicExceptions) && !publicExceptions.isEmpty()) {
            this.publicExceptions = publicExceptions.toArray(this.publicExceptions);

    public Class<?>[] getPublicExceptions() {
        return publicExceptions;

    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.alfresco.web.scripts.Container#getDescription()
    public ServerModel getDescription() {
        return new RepositoryServerModel(descriptorService.getCurrentRepositoryDescriptor(),

    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.alfresco.web.scripts.AbstractRuntimeContainer#getScriptParameters()
    public Map<String, Object> getScriptParameters() {
        Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>();
        return params;

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.alfresco.web.scripts.AbstractRuntimeContainer#getTemplateParameters()
    public Map<String, Object> getTemplateParameters() {
        // Ensure we have a transaction - we might be generating the status template after the main transaction failed
        return fallbackTransactionHelper.doInTransaction(new RetryingTransactionCallback<Map<String, Object>>() {
            public Map<String, Object> execute() throws Throwable {
                Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>();
                params.put(TemplateService.KEY_IMAGE_RESOLVER, imageResolver.getImageResolver());
                return params;
        }, true);

     * Add Repository specific parameters
     * @param params Map<String, Object>
    private void addRepoParameters(Map<String, Object> params) {
        if (AlfrescoTransactionSupport.getTransactionId() != null
                && AuthenticationUtil.getFullAuthentication() != null) {
            NodeRef rootHome = repository.getRootHome();
            if (rootHome != null) {
                params.put("roothome", rootHome);
            NodeRef companyHome = repository.getCompanyHome();
            if (companyHome != null) {
                params.put("companyhome", companyHome);
            NodeRef person = repository.getFullyAuthenticatedPerson();
            if (person != null) {
                params.put("person", person);
                NodeRef userHome = repository.getUserHome(person);
                if (userHome != null) {
                    params.put("userhome", userHome);

    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.alfresco.web.scripts.RuntimeContainer#executeScript(org.alfresco.web.scripts.WebScriptRequest, org.alfresco.web.scripts.WebScriptResponse, org.alfresco.web.scripts.Authenticator)
    public void executeScript(WebScriptRequest scriptReq, WebScriptResponse scriptRes, final Authenticator auth)
            throws IOException {
        try {
            executeScriptInternal(scriptReq, scriptRes, auth);
        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
            Throwable hideCause = ExceptionStackUtil.getCause(e, notPublicExceptions);
            Throwable displayCause = ExceptionStackUtil.getCause(e, publicExceptions);
            if (displayCause == null && hideCause != null) {
                AlfrescoRuntimeException alf = null;
                if (e instanceof AlfrescoRuntimeException) {
                    alf = (AlfrescoRuntimeException) e;
                } else {
                    // The message will not have a numerical identifier
                    alf = new AlfrescoRuntimeException("WebScript execution failed", e);
                String num = alf.getNumericalId();
                logger.error("Server error (" + num + ")", e);
                throw new RuntimeException("Server error (" + num + ").  Details can be found in the server logs.");
            } else {
                throw e;

    protected void executeScriptInternal(WebScriptRequest scriptReq, WebScriptResponse scriptRes,
            final Authenticator auth) throws IOException {
        final WebScript script = scriptReq.getServiceMatch().getWebScript();
        final Description desc = script.getDescription();
        final boolean debug = logger.isDebugEnabled();

        // Escalate the webscript declared level of authentication to the container required authentication
        // eg. must be guest if MT is enabled unless credentials are empty
        RequiredAuthentication containerRequiredAuthentication = getRequiredAuthentication();
        final RequiredAuthentication required = (desc.getRequiredAuthentication()
                .compareTo(containerRequiredAuthentication) < 0 && !auth.emptyCredentials()
                        ? containerRequiredAuthentication
                        : desc.getRequiredAuthentication());
        final boolean isGuest = scriptReq.isGuest();

        if (required == RequiredAuthentication.none) {
            // TODO revisit - cleared here, in-lieu of WebClient clear

            transactionedExecuteAs(script, scriptReq, scriptRes);
        } else if ((required == RequiredAuthentication.user || required == RequiredAuthentication.admin)
                && isGuest) {
            throw new WebScriptException(HttpServletResponse.SC_UNAUTHORIZED, "Web Script " + desc.getId()
                    + " requires user authentication; however, a guest has attempted access.");
        } else {
            try {

                // Determine if user already authenticated
                if (debug) {
                    String currentUser = AuthenticationUtil.getFullyAuthenticatedUser();
                    logger.debug("Current authentication: "
                            + (currentUser == null ? "unauthenticated" : "authenticated as " + currentUser));
                    logger.debug("Authentication required: " + required);
                    logger.debug("Guest login requested: " + isGuest);

                // Apply appropriate authentication to Web Script invocation
                RetryingTransactionCallback<Boolean> authWork = new RetryingTransactionCallback<Boolean>() {
                    public Boolean execute() throws Exception {
                        if (auth == null || auth.authenticate(required, isGuest)) {
                            // The user will now have been authenticated, based on HTTP Auth, Ticket etc
                            // Check that the user they authenticated as has appropriate access to the script

                            // Check to see if they supplied HTTP Auth or Ticket as guest, on a script that needs more
                            if (required == RequiredAuthentication.user
                                    || required == RequiredAuthentication.admin) {
                                String authenticatedUser = AuthenticationUtil.getFullyAuthenticatedUser();
                                String runAsUser = AuthenticationUtil.getRunAsUser();

                                if ((authenticatedUser == null)
                                        || (authenticatedUser.equals(runAsUser)
                                                && authorityService.hasGuestAuthority())
                                        || (!authenticatedUser.equals(runAsUser)
                                                && authorityService.isGuestAuthority(authenticatedUser))) {
                                    throw new WebScriptException(HttpServletResponse.SC_UNAUTHORIZED, "Web Script "
                                            + desc.getId()
                                            + " requires user authentication; however, a guest has attempted access.");

                            // Check to see if they're admin or system on an Admin only script
                            if (required == RequiredAuthentication.admin && !(authorityService.hasAdminAuthority()
                                    || AuthenticationUtil.getFullyAuthenticatedUser()
                                            .equals(AuthenticationUtil.getSystemUserName()))) {
                                throw new WebScriptException(HttpServletResponse.SC_UNAUTHORIZED, "Web Script "
                                        + desc.getId()
                                        + " requires admin authentication; however, a non-admin has attempted access.");

                            if (debug) {
                                String currentUser = AuthenticationUtil.getFullyAuthenticatedUser();
                                logger.debug("Authentication: " + (currentUser == null ? "unauthenticated"
                                        : "authenticated as " + currentUser));

                            return true;
                        return false;

                boolean readOnly = transactionService.isReadOnly();
                boolean requiresNew = !readOnly
                        && AlfrescoTransactionSupport.getTransactionReadState() == TxnReadState.TXN_READ_ONLY;
                if (transactionService.getRetryingTransactionHelper().doInTransaction(authWork, readOnly,
                        requiresNew)) {
                    // Execute Web Script if authentication passed
                    // The Web Script has its own txn management with potential runAs() user
                    transactionedExecuteAs(script, scriptReq, scriptRes);
                } else {
                    throw new WebScriptException(HttpServletResponse.SC_UNAUTHORIZED,
                            "Authentication failed for Web Script " + desc.getId());
            } finally {
                // Reset authentication for current thread

                if (debug) {
                    String currentUser = AuthenticationUtil.getFullyAuthenticatedUser();
                    logger.debug("Authentication reset: "
                            + (currentUser == null ? "unauthenticated" : "authenticated as " + currentUser));

     * Execute script within required level of transaction
     * @param script WebScript
     * @param scriptReq WebScriptRequest
     * @param scriptRes WebScriptResponse
     * @throws IOException
    protected void transactionedExecute(final WebScript script, final WebScriptRequest scriptReq,
            final WebScriptResponse scriptRes) throws IOException {
        try {
            final Description description = script.getDescription();
            if (description.getRequiredTransaction() == RequiredTransaction.none) {
                script.execute(scriptReq, scriptRes);
            } else {
                final BufferedRequest bufferedReq;
                final BufferedResponse bufferedRes;
                RequiredTransactionParameters trxParams = description.getRequiredTransactionParameters();
                if (trxParams.getCapability() == TransactionCapability.readwrite) {
                    if (trxParams.getBufferSize() > 0) {
                        if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
                            logger.debug("Creating Transactional Response for ReadWrite transaction; buffersize="
                                    + trxParams.getBufferSize());

                        // create buffered request and response that allow transaction retrying
                        bufferedReq = new BufferedRequest(scriptReq, streamFactory);
                        bufferedRes = new BufferedResponse(scriptRes, trxParams.getBufferSize());
                    } else {
                        if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
                            logger.debug("Transactional Response bypassed for ReadWrite - buffersize=0");
                        bufferedReq = null;
                        bufferedRes = null;
                } else {
                    bufferedReq = null;
                    bufferedRes = null;

                // encapsulate script within transaction
                RetryingTransactionCallback<Object> work = new RetryingTransactionCallback<Object>() {
                    public Object execute() throws Exception {
                        try {
                            if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
                                logger.debug("Begin retry transaction block: "
                                        + description.getRequiredTransaction() + ","
                                        + description.getRequiredTransactionParameters().getCapability());

                            if (bufferedRes == null) {
                                script.execute(scriptReq, scriptRes);
                            } else {
                                // Reset the request and response in case of a transaction retry
                                script.execute(bufferedReq, bufferedRes);
                        } catch (Exception e) {
                            if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                                logger.debug("Transaction exception: " + description.getRequiredTransaction() + ": "
                                        + e.getMessage());
                                // Note: user transaction shouldn't be null, but just in case inside this exception handler
                                UserTransaction userTrx = RetryingTransactionHelper.getActiveUserTransaction();
                                if (userTrx != null) {
                                    logger.debug("Transaction status: " + userTrx.getStatus());

                            UserTransaction userTrx = RetryingTransactionHelper.getActiveUserTransaction();
                            if (userTrx != null) {
                                if (userTrx.getStatus() != Status.STATUS_MARKED_ROLLBACK) {
                                    if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
                                        logger.debug("Marking web script transaction for rollback");
                                    try {
                                    } catch (Throwable re) {
                                        if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
                                                    "Caught and ignoring exception during marking for rollback: "
                                                            + re.getMessage());

                            // re-throw original exception for retry
                            throw e;
                        } finally {
                            if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
                                logger.debug("End retry transaction block: " + description.getRequiredTransaction()
                                        + "," + description.getRequiredTransactionParameters().getCapability());

                        return null;

                boolean readonly = description.getRequiredTransactionParameters()
                        .getCapability() == TransactionCapability.readonly;
                boolean requiresNew = description.getRequiredTransaction() == RequiredTransaction.requiresnew;

                // log a warning if we detect a GET webscript being run in a readwrite transaction, GET calls should
                // NOT have any side effects so this scenario as a warning sign something maybe amiss, see ALF-10179.
                if (logger.isDebugEnabled() && !readonly && "GET".equalsIgnoreCase(description.getMethod())) {
                    logger.debug("Webscript with URL '" + scriptReq.getURL()
                            + "' is a GET request but it's descriptor has declared a readwrite transaction is required");

                try {
                    RetryingTransactionHelper transactionHelper = transactionService.getRetryingTransactionHelper();
                    if (script instanceof LoginPost) {
                        //login script requires read-write transaction because of authorization intercepter
                    transactionHelper.doInTransaction(work, readonly, requiresNew);
                } catch (TooBusyException e) {
                    // Map TooBusyException to a 503 status code
                    throw new WebScriptException(HttpServletResponse.SC_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, e.getMessage(), e);
                } finally {
                    // Get rid of any temporary files
                    if (bufferedReq != null) {

                // Ensure a response is always flushed after successful execution
                if (bufferedRes != null) {

        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            Throwable socketException = ExceptionStackUtil.getCause(ioe, SocketException.class);
            Class<?> clientAbortException = null;
            try {
                clientAbortException = Class.forName("org.apache.catalina.connector.ClientAbortException");
            } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
                // do nothing
            // Note: if you need to look for more exceptions in the stack, then create a static array and pass it in
            if ((socketException != null && socketException.getMessage().contains("Broken pipe"))
                    || (clientAbortException != null
                            && ExceptionStackUtil.getCause(ioe, clientAbortException) != null)) {
                if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    logger.warn("Client has cut off communication", ioe);
                } else {
          "Client has cut off communication");
            } else {
                throw ioe;

     * Execute script within required level of transaction as required effective user.
     * @param script WebScript
     * @param scriptReq WebScriptRequest
     * @param scriptRes WebScriptResponse
     * @throws IOException
    private void transactionedExecuteAs(final WebScript script, final WebScriptRequest scriptReq,
            final WebScriptResponse scriptRes) throws IOException {
        String runAs = script.getDescription().getRunAs();
        if (runAs == null) {
            transactionedExecute(script, scriptReq, scriptRes);
        } else {
            RunAsWork<Object> work = new RunAsWork<Object>() {
                public Object doWork() throws Exception {
                    transactionedExecute(script, scriptReq, scriptRes);
                    return null;
            AuthenticationUtil.runAs(work, runAs);

    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.alfresco.web.scripts.AbstractRuntimeContainer#onApplicationEvent(org.springframework.context.ApplicationEvent)
    public void onApplicationEvent(ApplicationEvent event) {
        if (event instanceof ContextRefreshedEvent) {
            ContextRefreshedEvent refreshEvent = (ContextRefreshedEvent) event;
            ApplicationContext refreshContext = refreshEvent.getApplicationContext();
            if (refreshContext != null && refreshContext.equals(applicationContext)) {
                RunAsWork<Object> work = new RunAsWork<Object>() {
                    public Object doWork() throws Exception {
                        return null;
                AuthenticationUtil.runAs(work, AuthenticationUtil.getSystemUserName());

    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.alfresco.web.scripts.AbstractRuntimeContainer#getRequiredAuthentication()
    public RequiredAuthentication getRequiredAuthentication() {
        if (AuthenticationUtil.isMtEnabled()) {
            return RequiredAuthentication.guest; // user or guest (ie. at least guest)

        return RequiredAuthentication.none;

    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.alfresco.web.scripts.RuntimeContainer#authenticate(org.alfresco.web.scripts.Authenticator, org.alfresco.web.scripts.Description.RequiredAuthentication)
    public boolean authenticate(Authenticator auth, RequiredAuthentication required) {
        if (auth != null) {

            return auth.authenticate(required, false);

        return false;

    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.alfresco.web.scripts.AbstractRuntimeContainer#reset()
    public void reset() {
                .doInTransaction(new RetryingTransactionCallback<Object>() {
                    public Object execute() throws Exception {
                        return null;
                }, true, false);

    private void internalReset() {