Java tutorial
/* * #%L * Alfresco Repository * %% * Copyright (C) 2005 - 2016 Alfresco Software Limited * %% * This file is part of the Alfresco software. * If the software was purchased under a paid Alfresco license, the terms of * the paid license agreement will prevail. Otherwise, the software is * provided under the following open source license terms: * * Alfresco is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Alfresco is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with Alfresco. If not, see <>. * #L% */ package org.alfresco.repo.domain.node; import; import; import; import java.sql.Savepoint; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.SortedSet; import java.util.Stack; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReadWriteLock; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock; import org.alfresco.error.AlfrescoRuntimeException; import org.alfresco.ibatis.BatchingDAO; import org.alfresco.ibatis.RetryingCallbackHelper; import org.alfresco.ibatis.RetryingCallbackHelper.RetryingCallback; import org.alfresco.model.ContentModel; import org.alfresco.repo.cache.NullCache; import org.alfresco.repo.cache.SimpleCache; import org.alfresco.repo.cache.TransactionalCache; import org.alfresco.repo.cache.lookup.EntityLookupCache; import org.alfresco.repo.cache.lookup.EntityLookupCache.EntityLookupCallbackDAOAdaptor; import org.alfresco.repo.domain.contentdata.ContentDataDAO; import org.alfresco.repo.domain.control.ControlDAO; import org.alfresco.repo.domain.locale.LocaleDAO; import org.alfresco.repo.domain.permissions.AccessControlListDAO; import org.alfresco.repo.domain.permissions.AclDAO; import org.alfresco.repo.domain.qname.QNameDAO; import org.alfresco.repo.domain.usage.UsageDAO; import org.alfresco.repo.node.index.NodeIndexer; import org.alfresco.repo.policy.BehaviourFilter; import; import org.alfresco.repo.transaction.AlfrescoTransactionSupport; import org.alfresco.repo.transaction.AlfrescoTransactionSupport.TxnReadState; import org.alfresco.repo.transaction.RetryingTransactionHelper.RetryingTransactionCallback; import org.alfresco.repo.transaction.TransactionAwareSingleton; import org.alfresco.repo.transaction.TransactionalDao; import org.alfresco.repo.transaction.TransactionalResourceHelper; import org.alfresco.service.cmr.dictionary.DataTypeDefinition; import org.alfresco.service.cmr.dictionary.DictionaryService; import org.alfresco.service.cmr.dictionary.InvalidTypeException; import org.alfresco.service.cmr.dictionary.PropertyDefinition; import org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository.AssociationExistsException; import org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository.AssociationRef; import org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository.ChildAssociationRef; import org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository.ContentData; import org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository.CyclicChildRelationshipException; import org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository.DuplicateChildNodeNameException; import org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository.InvalidNodeRefException; import org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository.InvalidStoreRefException; import org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository.NodeRef; import org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository.NodeRef.Status; import org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository.Path; import org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository.StoreRef; import org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository.datatype.DefaultTypeConverter; import org.alfresco.service.namespace.QName; import org.alfresco.service.transaction.ReadOnlyServerException; import org.alfresco.service.transaction.TransactionService; import org.alfresco.util.EqualsHelper; import org.alfresco.util.EqualsHelper.MapValueComparison; import org.alfresco.util.GUID; import org.alfresco.util.Pair; import org.alfresco.util.PropertyCheck; import org.alfresco.util.ReadWriteLockExecuter; import org.alfresco.util.ValueProtectingMap; import org.alfresco.util.transaction.TransactionListenerAdapter; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.springframework.dao.ConcurrencyFailureException; import org.springframework.dao.DataIntegrityViolationException; import org.springframework.util.Assert; /** * Abstract implementation for Node DAO. * <p> * This provides basic services such as caching, but defers to the underlying implementation * for CRUD operations. * * @author Derek Hulley * @since 3.4 */ public abstract class AbstractNodeDAOImpl implements NodeDAO, BatchingDAO { private static final String CACHE_REGION_ROOT_NODES = "N.RN"; private static final String CACHE_REGION_NODES = "N.N"; private static final String CACHE_REGION_ASPECTS = "N.A"; private static final String CACHE_REGION_PROPERTIES = "N.P"; private static final String KEY_LOST_NODE_PAIRS = AbstractNodeDAOImpl.class.getName() + ".lostNodePairs"; private static final String KEY_DELETED_ASSOCS = AbstractNodeDAOImpl.class.getName() + ".deletedAssocs"; protected Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(getClass()); private Log loggerPaths = LogFactory.getLog(getClass().getName() + ".paths"); protected final boolean isDebugEnabled = logger.isDebugEnabled(); private NodePropertyHelper nodePropertyHelper; private ServerIdCallback serverIdCallback = new ServerIdCallback(); private UpdateTransactionListener updateTransactionListener = new UpdateTransactionListener(); private RetryingCallbackHelper childAssocRetryingHelper; private TransactionService transactionService; private DictionaryService dictionaryService; private BehaviourFilter policyBehaviourFilter; private AclDAO aclDAO; private AccessControlListDAO accessControlListDAO; private ControlDAO controlDAO; private QNameDAO qnameDAO; private ContentDataDAO contentDataDAO; private LocaleDAO localeDAO; private UsageDAO usageDAO; private NodeIndexer nodeIndexer; private int cachingThreshold = 10; /** * Cache for the Store root nodes by StoreRef:<br/> * KEY: StoreRef<br/> * VALUE: Node representing the root node<br/> * VALUE KEY: IGNORED<br/> */ private EntityLookupCache<StoreRef, Node, Serializable> rootNodesCache; /** * Cache for nodes with the root aspect by StoreRef:<br/> * KEY: StoreRef<br/> * VALUE: A set of nodes with the root aspect<br/> */ private SimpleCache<StoreRef, Set<NodeRef>> allRootNodesCache; /** * Bidirectional cache for the Node ID to Node lookups:<br/> * KEY: Node ID<br/> * VALUE: Node<br/> * VALUE KEY: The Node's NodeRef<br/> */ private EntityLookupCache<Long, Node, NodeRef> nodesCache; /** * Backing transactional cache to allow read-through requests to be honoured */ private TransactionalCache<Serializable, Serializable> nodesTransactionalCache; /** * Cache for the QName values:<br/> * KEY: NodeVersionKey<br/> * VALUE: Set<QName><br/> * VALUE KEY: None<br/> */ private EntityLookupCache<NodeVersionKey, Set<QName>, Serializable> aspectsCache; /** * Cache for the Node properties:<br/> * KEY: NodeVersionKey<br/> * VALUE: Map<QName, Serializable><br/> * VALUE KEY: None<br/> */ private EntityLookupCache<NodeVersionKey, Map<QName, Serializable>, Serializable> propertiesCache; /** * Non-clustered cache for the Node parent assocs:<br/> * KEY: (nodeId, txnId) pair <br/> * VALUE: ParentAssocs */ private ParentAssocsCache parentAssocsCache; private int parentAssocsCacheSize; private int parentAssocsCacheLimitFactor = 8; /** * Cache for fast lookups of child nodes by <b>cm:name</b>. */ private SimpleCache<ChildByNameKey, ChildAssocEntity> childByNameCache; /** * Constructor. Set up various instance-specific members such as caches and locks. */ public AbstractNodeDAOImpl() { childAssocRetryingHelper = new RetryingCallbackHelper(); childAssocRetryingHelper.setRetryWaitMs(10); childAssocRetryingHelper.setMaxRetries(5); // Caches rootNodesCache = new EntityLookupCache<StoreRef, Node, Serializable>(new RootNodesCacheCallbackDAO()); nodesCache = new EntityLookupCache<Long, Node, NodeRef>(new NodesCacheCallbackDAO()); aspectsCache = new EntityLookupCache<NodeVersionKey, Set<QName>, Serializable>(new AspectsCallbackDAO()); propertiesCache = new EntityLookupCache<NodeVersionKey, Map<QName, Serializable>, Serializable>( new PropertiesCallbackDAO()); childByNameCache = new NullCache<ChildByNameKey, ChildAssocEntity>(); } /** * @param transactionService the service to start post-txn processes */ public void setTransactionService(TransactionService transactionService) { this.transactionService = transactionService; } /** * @param dictionaryService the service help determine <b>cm:auditable</b> characteristics */ public void setDictionaryService(DictionaryService dictionaryService) { this.dictionaryService = dictionaryService; } public void setCachingThreshold(int cachingThreshold) { this.cachingThreshold = cachingThreshold; } /** * @param policyBehaviourFilter the service to determine the behaviour for <b>cm:auditable</b> and * other inherent capabilities. */ public void setPolicyBehaviourFilter(BehaviourFilter policyBehaviourFilter) { this.policyBehaviourFilter = policyBehaviourFilter; } /** * @param aclDAO used to update permissions during certain operations */ public void setAclDAO(AclDAO aclDAO) { this.aclDAO = aclDAO; } /** * @param accessControlListDAO used to update ACL inheritance during node moves */ public void setAccessControlListDAO(AccessControlListDAO accessControlListDAO) { this.accessControlListDAO = accessControlListDAO; } /** * @param controlDAO create Savepoints */ public void setControlDAO(ControlDAO controlDAO) { this.controlDAO = controlDAO; } /** * @param qnameDAO translates QName IDs into QName instances and vice-versa */ public void setQnameDAO(QNameDAO qnameDAO) { this.qnameDAO = qnameDAO; } /** * @param contentDataDAO used to create and delete content references */ public void setContentDataDAO(ContentDataDAO contentDataDAO) { this.contentDataDAO = contentDataDAO; } /** * @param localeDAO used to handle MLText properties */ public void setLocaleDAO(LocaleDAO localeDAO) { this.localeDAO = localeDAO; } /** * @param usageDAO used to keep content usage calculations in line */ public void setUsageDAO(UsageDAO usageDAO) { this.usageDAO = usageDAO; } /** * @param nodeIndexer used when making changes that affect indexes */ public void setNodeIndexer(NodeIndexer nodeIndexer) { this.nodeIndexer = nodeIndexer; } /** * Set the cache that maintains the Store root node data * * @param cache the cache */ public void setRootNodesCache(SimpleCache<Serializable, Serializable> cache) { this.rootNodesCache = new EntityLookupCache<StoreRef, Node, Serializable>(cache, CACHE_REGION_ROOT_NODES, new RootNodesCacheCallbackDAO()); } /** * Set the cache that maintains the extended Store root node data * * @param allRootNodesCache the cache */ public void setAllRootNodesCache(SimpleCache<StoreRef, Set<NodeRef>> allRootNodesCache) { this.allRootNodesCache = allRootNodesCache; } /** * Set the cache that maintains node ID-NodeRef cross referencing data * * @param cache the cache */ public void setNodesCache(SimpleCache<Serializable, Serializable> cache) { this.nodesCache = new EntityLookupCache<Long, Node, NodeRef>(cache, CACHE_REGION_NODES, new NodesCacheCallbackDAO()); if (cache instanceof TransactionalCache) { this.nodesTransactionalCache = (TransactionalCache<Serializable, Serializable>) cache; } } /** * Set the cache that maintains the Node QName IDs * * @param aspectsCache the cache */ public void setAspectsCache(SimpleCache<NodeVersionKey, Set<QName>> aspectsCache) { this.aspectsCache = new EntityLookupCache<NodeVersionKey, Set<QName>, Serializable>(aspectsCache, CACHE_REGION_ASPECTS, new AspectsCallbackDAO()); } /** * Set the cache that maintains the Node property values * * @param propertiesCache the cache */ public void setPropertiesCache(SimpleCache<NodeVersionKey, Map<QName, Serializable>> propertiesCache) { this.propertiesCache = new EntityLookupCache<NodeVersionKey, Map<QName, Serializable>, Serializable>( propertiesCache, CACHE_REGION_PROPERTIES, new PropertiesCallbackDAO()); } /** * Sets the maximum capacity of the parent assocs cache * * @param parentAssocsCacheSize the cache size */ public void setParentAssocsCacheSize(int parentAssocsCacheSize) { this.parentAssocsCacheSize = parentAssocsCacheSize; } /** * Sets the average number of parents expected per cache entry. This parameter is multiplied by the * {@link #setParentAssocsCacheSize(int)} parameter to compute a limit on the total number of cached parents, which * will be proportional to the cache's memory usage. The cache will be pruned when this limit is exceeded to avoid * excessive memory usage. * * @param parentAssocsCacheLimitFactor * the parentAssocsCacheLimitFactor to set */ public void setParentAssocsCacheLimitFactor(int parentAssocsCacheLimitFactor) { this.parentAssocsCacheLimitFactor = parentAssocsCacheLimitFactor; } /** * Set the cache that maintains lookups by child <b>cm:name</b> * * @param childByNameCache the cache */ public void setChildByNameCache(SimpleCache<ChildByNameKey, ChildAssocEntity> childByNameCache) { this.childByNameCache = childByNameCache; } /* * Initialize */ public void init() { PropertyCheck.mandatory(this, "transactionService", transactionService); PropertyCheck.mandatory(this, "dictionaryService", dictionaryService); PropertyCheck.mandatory(this, "aclDAO", aclDAO); PropertyCheck.mandatory(this, "accessControlListDAO", accessControlListDAO); PropertyCheck.mandatory(this, "qnameDAO", qnameDAO); PropertyCheck.mandatory(this, "contentDataDAO", contentDataDAO); PropertyCheck.mandatory(this, "localeDAO", localeDAO); PropertyCheck.mandatory(this, "usageDAO", usageDAO); PropertyCheck.mandatory(this, "nodeIndexer", nodeIndexer); this.nodePropertyHelper = new NodePropertyHelper(dictionaryService, qnameDAO, localeDAO, contentDataDAO); this.parentAssocsCache = new ParentAssocsCache(this.parentAssocsCacheSize, this.parentAssocsCacheLimitFactor); } /* * Server */ /** * Wrapper to get the server ID within the context of a lock */ private class ServerIdCallback extends ReadWriteLockExecuter<Long> { private TransactionAwareSingleton<Long> serverIdStorage = new TransactionAwareSingleton<Long>(); public Long getWithReadLock() throws Throwable { return serverIdStorage.get(); } public Long getWithWriteLock() throws Throwable { if (serverIdStorage.get() != null) { return serverIdStorage.get(); } // Avoid write operations in read-only transactions // ALF-5456: IP address change can cause read-write errors on startup if (AlfrescoTransactionSupport.getTransactionReadState() == TxnReadState.TXN_READ_ONLY) { return null; } // Server IP address String ipAddress = null; try { ipAddress = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostAddress(); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { throw new AlfrescoRuntimeException("Failed to get server IP address", e); } // Get the server instance ServerEntity serverEntity = selectServer(ipAddress); if (serverEntity != null) { serverIdStorage.put(serverEntity.getId()); return serverEntity.getId(); } // Doesn't exist, so create it Long serverId = insertServer(ipAddress); serverIdStorage.put(serverId); if (isDebugEnabled) { logger.debug("Created server entity: " + serverEntity); } return serverId; } } /** * Get the ID of the current server, or <tt>null</tt> if there is no ID for the current * server and one can't be created. * */ protected Long getServerId() { return serverIdCallback.execute(); } /* * Cache helpers */ private void clearCaches() { nodesCache.clear(); aspectsCache.clear(); propertiesCache.clear(); parentAssocsCache.clear(); } /** * Invalidate cache entries for all children of a give node. This usually applies * where the child associations or nodes are modified en-masse. * * @param parentNodeId the parent node of all child nodes to be invalidated (may be <tt>null</tt>) * @param touchNodes <tt>true<tt> to also touch the nodes * @return the number of child associations found (might be capped) */ private int invalidateNodeChildrenCaches(Long parentNodeId, boolean primary, boolean touchNodes) { Long txnId = getCurrentTransaction().getId(); int count = 0; List<Long> childNodeIds = new ArrayList<Long>(256); Long minChildNodeIdInclusive = Long.MIN_VALUE; while (minChildNodeIdInclusive != null) { childNodeIds.clear(); List<ChildAssocEntity> childAssocs = selectChildNodeIds(parentNodeId, Boolean.valueOf(primary), minChildNodeIdInclusive, 256); // Remove the cache entries as we go for (ChildAssocEntity childAssoc : childAssocs) { Long childNodeId = childAssoc.getChildNode().getId(); if (childNodeId.compareTo(minChildNodeIdInclusive) < 0) { throw new RuntimeException("Query results did not increase for child node id ID"); } else { minChildNodeIdInclusive = new Long(childNodeId.longValue() + 1L); } // Invalidate the node cache childNodeIds.add(childNodeId); invalidateNodeCaches(childNodeId); count++; } // Bring all the nodes into the transaction, if required if (touchNodes) { updateNodes(txnId, childNodeIds); } // Now break out if we didn't have the full set of results if (childAssocs.size() < 256) { break; } } // Done return count; } /** * Invalidates all cached artefacts for a particular node, forcing a refresh. * * @param nodeId the node ID */ private void invalidateNodeCaches(Long nodeId) { // Take the current value from the nodesCache and use that to invalidate the other caches Node node = nodesCache.getValue(nodeId); if (node != null) { invalidateNodeCaches(node, true, true, true); } // Finally remove the node reference nodesCache.removeByKey(nodeId); } /** * Invalidate specific node caches using an exact key * * @param node the node in question */ private void invalidateNodeCaches(Node node, boolean invalidateNodeAspectsCache, boolean invalidateNodePropertiesCache, boolean invalidateParentAssocsCache) { NodeVersionKey nodeVersionKey = node.getNodeVersionKey(); if (invalidateNodeAspectsCache) { aspectsCache.removeByKey(nodeVersionKey); } if (invalidateNodePropertiesCache) { propertiesCache.removeByKey(nodeVersionKey); } if (invalidateParentAssocsCache) { invalidateParentAssocsCached(node); } } /* * Transactions */ private static final String KEY_TRANSACTION = ""; /** * Wrapper to update the current transaction to get the change time correct * * @author Derek Hulley * @since 3.4 */ private class UpdateTransactionListener implements TransactionalDao { /** * Checks for the presence of a written DB transaction entry */ @Override public boolean isDirty() { Long txnId = AbstractNodeDAOImpl.this.getCurrentTransactionId(false); return txnId != null; } @Override public void beforeCommit(boolean readOnly) { if (readOnly) { return; } TransactionEntity txn = AlfrescoTransactionSupport.getResource(KEY_TRANSACTION); Long txnId = txn.getId(); // Update it Long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); updateTransaction(txnId, now); } } /** * @return Returns a new transaction or an existing one if already active */ private TransactionEntity getCurrentTransaction() { TransactionEntity txn = AlfrescoTransactionSupport.getResource(KEY_TRANSACTION); if (txn != null) { // We have been busy here before return txn; } // Check that this is a writable txn if (AlfrescoTransactionSupport.getTransactionReadState() != TxnReadState.TXN_READ_WRITE) { throw new ReadOnlyServerException(); } // Have to create a new transaction entry Long serverId = getServerId(); Long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); String changeTxnId = AlfrescoTransactionSupport.getTransactionId(); Long txnId = insertTransaction(serverId, changeTxnId, now); // Store it for later if (isDebugEnabled) { logger.debug("Create txn: " + txnId); } txn = new TransactionEntity(); txn.setId(txnId); txn.setChangeTxnId(changeTxnId); txn.setCommitTimeMs(now); ServerEntity server = new ServerEntity(); server.setId(serverId); txn.setServer(server); AlfrescoTransactionSupport.bindResource(KEY_TRANSACTION, txn); // Listen for the end of the transaction AlfrescoTransactionSupport.bindDaoService(updateTransactionListener); // Done return txn; } public Long getCurrentTransactionId(boolean ensureNew) { TransactionEntity txn; if (ensureNew) { txn = getCurrentTransaction(); } else { txn = AlfrescoTransactionSupport.getResource(KEY_TRANSACTION); } return txn == null ? null : txn.getId(); } /* * Stores */ @Override public Pair<Long, StoreRef> getStore(StoreRef storeRef) { Pair<StoreRef, Node> rootNodePair = rootNodesCache.getByKey(storeRef); if (rootNodePair == null) { return null; } else { return new Pair<Long, StoreRef>(rootNodePair.getSecond().getStore().getId(), rootNodePair.getFirst()); } } @Override public List<Pair<Long, StoreRef>> getStores() { List<StoreEntity> storeEntities = selectAllStores(); List<Pair<Long, StoreRef>> storeRefs = new ArrayList<Pair<Long, StoreRef>>(storeEntities.size()); for (StoreEntity storeEntity : storeEntities) { storeRefs.add(new Pair<Long, StoreRef>(storeEntity.getId(), storeEntity.getStoreRef())); } return storeRefs; } /** * @throws InvalidStoreRefException if the store is invalid */ private StoreEntity getStoreNotNull(StoreRef storeRef) { Pair<StoreRef, Node> rootNodePair = rootNodesCache.getByKey(storeRef); if (rootNodePair == null) { throw new InvalidStoreRefException(storeRef); } else { return rootNodePair.getSecond().getStore(); } } @Override public boolean exists(StoreRef storeRef) { Pair<StoreRef, Node> rootNodePair = rootNodesCache.getByKey(storeRef); return rootNodePair != null; } @Override public Pair<Long, NodeRef> getRootNode(StoreRef storeRef) { Pair<StoreRef, Node> rootNodePair = rootNodesCache.getByKey(storeRef); if (rootNodePair == null) { throw new InvalidStoreRefException(storeRef); } else { return rootNodePair.getSecond().getNodePair(); } } @Override public Set<NodeRef> getAllRootNodes(StoreRef storeRef) { Set<NodeRef> rootNodes = allRootNodesCache.get(storeRef); if (rootNodes == null) { final Map<StoreRef, Set<NodeRef>> allRootNodes = new HashMap<StoreRef, Set<NodeRef>>(97); getNodesWithAspects(Collections.singleton(ContentModel.ASPECT_ROOT), 0L, Long.MAX_VALUE, new NodeRefQueryCallback() { @Override public boolean handle(Pair<Long, NodeRef> nodePair) { NodeRef nodeRef = nodePair.getSecond(); StoreRef storeRef = nodeRef.getStoreRef(); Set<NodeRef> rootNodes = allRootNodes.get(storeRef); if (rootNodes == null) { rootNodes = new HashSet<NodeRef>(97); allRootNodes.put(storeRef, rootNodes); } rootNodes.add(nodeRef); return true; } }); rootNodes = allRootNodes.get(storeRef); if (rootNodes == null) { rootNodes = Collections.emptySet(); allRootNodes.put(storeRef, rootNodes); } for (Map.Entry<StoreRef, Set<NodeRef>> entry : allRootNodes.entrySet()) { StoreRef entryStoreRef = entry.getKey(); // Prevent unnecessary cross-invalidation if (!allRootNodesCache.contains(entryStoreRef)) { allRootNodesCache.put(entryStoreRef, entry.getValue()); } } } return rootNodes; } @Override public Pair<Long, NodeRef> newStore(StoreRef storeRef) { // Create the store StoreEntity store = new StoreEntity(); store.setProtocol(storeRef.getProtocol()); store.setIdentifier(storeRef.getIdentifier()); Long storeId = insertStore(store); store.setId(storeId); // Get an ACL for the root node Long aclId = aclDAO.createAccessControlList(); // Create a root node Long nodeTypeQNameId = qnameDAO.getOrCreateQName(ContentModel.TYPE_STOREROOT).getFirst(); NodeEntity rootNode = newNodeImpl(store, null, nodeTypeQNameId, null, aclId, null, true); Long rootNodeId = rootNode.getId(); addNodeAspects(rootNodeId, Collections.singleton(ContentModel.ASPECT_ROOT)); // Now update the store with the root node ID store.setRootNode(rootNode); updateStoreRoot(store); // Push the value into the caches rootNodesCache.setValue(storeRef, rootNode); if (isDebugEnabled) { logger.debug("Created store: \n" + " " + store); } return new Pair<Long, NodeRef>(rootNode.getId(), rootNode.getNodeRef()); } @Override public void moveStore(StoreRef oldStoreRef, StoreRef newStoreRef) { StoreEntity store = getStoreNotNull(oldStoreRef); store.setProtocol(newStoreRef.getProtocol()); store.setIdentifier(newStoreRef.getIdentifier()); // Update it int count = updateStore(store); if (count != 1) { throw new ConcurrencyFailureException("Store not updated: " + oldStoreRef); } // Bring all the associated nodes into the current transaction Long txnId = getCurrentTransaction().getId(); Long storeId = store.getId(); updateNodesInStore(txnId, storeId); // All the NodeRef-based caches are invalid. ID-based caches are fine. rootNodesCache.removeByKey(oldStoreRef); allRootNodesCache.remove(oldStoreRef); nodesCache.clear(); if (isDebugEnabled) { logger.debug("Moved store: " + oldStoreRef + " --> " + newStoreRef); } } /** * Callback to cache store root nodes by {@link StoreRef}. * * @author Derek Hulley * @since 3.4 */ private class RootNodesCacheCallbackDAO extends EntityLookupCallbackDAOAdaptor<StoreRef, Node, Serializable> { /** * @throws UnsupportedOperationException Stores must be created externally */ public Pair<StoreRef, Node> createValue(Node value) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Root node creation is done externally: " + value); } /** * @param storeRef the store ID */ public Pair<StoreRef, Node> findByKey(StoreRef storeRef) { NodeEntity node = selectStoreRootNode(storeRef); return node == null ? null : new Pair<StoreRef, Node>(storeRef, node); } } /* * Nodes */ /** * Callback to cache nodes by ID and {@link NodeRef}. When looking up objects based on the * value key, only the referencing properties need be populated. <b>ALL</b> nodes are cached, * not just live nodes. * * @see NodeEntity * * @author Derek Hulley * @since 3.4 */ private class NodesCacheCallbackDAO extends EntityLookupCallbackDAOAdaptor<Long, Node, NodeRef> { /** * @throws UnsupportedOperationException Nodes are created externally */ public Pair<Long, Node> createValue(Node value) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Node creation is done externally: " + value); } /** * @param nodeId the key node ID */ public Pair<Long, Node> findByKey(Long nodeId) { NodeEntity node = selectNodeById(nodeId); if (node != null) { // Lock it to prevent 'accidental' modification node.lock(); return new Pair<Long, Node>(nodeId, node); } else { return null; } } /** * @return Returns the Node's NodeRef */ @Override public NodeRef getValueKey(Node value) { return value.getNodeRef(); } /** * Looks the node up based on the NodeRef of the given node */ @Override public Pair<Long, Node> findByValue(Node node) { NodeRef nodeRef = node.getNodeRef(); node = selectNodeByNodeRef(nodeRef); if (node != null) { // Lock it to prevent 'accidental' modification node.lock(); return new Pair<Long, Node>(node.getId(), node); } else { return null; } } } public boolean exists(Long nodeId) { Pair<Long, Node> pair = nodesCache.getByKey(nodeId); return pair != null && !pair.getSecond().getDeleted(qnameDAO); } public boolean exists(NodeRef nodeRef) { NodeEntity node = new NodeEntity(nodeRef); Pair<Long, Node> pair = nodesCache.getByValue(node); return pair != null && !pair.getSecond().getDeleted(qnameDAO); } @Override public boolean isInCurrentTxn(Long nodeId) { Long currentTxnId = getCurrentTransactionId(false); if (currentTxnId == null) { // No transactional changes have been made to any nodes, therefore the node cannot // be part of the current transaction return false; } Node node = getNodeNotNull(nodeId, false); Long nodeTxnId = node.getTransaction().getId(); return nodeTxnId.equals(currentTxnId); } @Override public Status getNodeRefStatus(NodeRef nodeRef) { Node node = new NodeEntity(nodeRef); Pair<Long, Node> nodePair = nodesCache.getByValue(node); // The nodesCache gets both live and deleted nodes. if (nodePair == null) { return null; } else { return nodePair.getSecond().getNodeStatus(qnameDAO); } } @Override public Status getNodeIdStatus(Long nodeId) { Pair<Long, Node> nodePair = nodesCache.getByKey(nodeId); // The nodesCache gets both live and deleted nodes. if (nodePair == null) { return null; } else { return nodePair.getSecond().getNodeStatus(qnameDAO); } } @Override public Pair<Long, NodeRef> getNodePair(NodeRef nodeRef) { NodeEntity node = new NodeEntity(nodeRef); Pair<Long, Node> pair = nodesCache.getByValue(node); // Check it if (pair == null || pair.getSecond().getDeleted(qnameDAO)) { // The cache says that the node is not there or is deleted. // We double check by going to the DB Node dbNode = selectNodeByNodeRef(nodeRef); if (dbNode == null) { // The DB agrees. This is an invalid noderef. Why are you trying to use it? return null; } else if (dbNode.getDeleted(qnameDAO)) { // We may have reached this deleted node via an invalid association; trigger a post transaction prune of // any associations that point to this deleted one pruneDanglingAssocs(dbNode.getId()); // The DB agrees. This is a deleted noderef. return null; } else { // The cache was wrong, possibly due to it caching negative results earlier. if (isDebugEnabled) { logger.debug("Repairing stale cache entry for node: " + nodeRef); } Long nodeId = dbNode.getId(); invalidateNodeCaches(nodeId); dbNode.lock(); // Prevent unexpected edits of values going into the cache nodesCache.setValue(nodeId, dbNode); return dbNode.getNodePair(); } } return pair.getSecond().getNodePair(); } /** * Trigger a post transaction prune of any associations that point to this deleted one. * @param nodeId Long */ private void pruneDanglingAssocs(Long nodeId) { selectChildAssocs(nodeId, null, null, null, null, null, new ChildAssocRefQueryCallback() { @Override public boolean preLoadNodes() { return false; } @Override public boolean orderResults() { return false; } @Override public boolean handle(Pair<Long, ChildAssociationRef> childAssocPair, Pair<Long, NodeRef> parentNodePair, Pair<Long, NodeRef> childNodePair) { bindFixAssocAndCollectLostAndFound(childNodePair, "childNodeWithDeletedParent", childAssocPair.getFirst(), childAssocPair.getSecond().isPrimary() && exists(childAssocPair.getFirst())); return true; } @Override public void done() { } }); selectParentAssocs(nodeId, null, null, null, new ChildAssocRefQueryCallback() { @Override public boolean preLoadNodes() { return false; } @Override public boolean orderResults() { return false; } @Override public boolean handle(Pair<Long, ChildAssociationRef> childAssocPair, Pair<Long, NodeRef> parentNodePair, Pair<Long, NodeRef> childNodePair) { bindFixAssocAndCollectLostAndFound(childNodePair, "deletedChildWithParents", childAssocPair.getFirst(), false); return true; } @Override public void done() { } }); } @Override public Pair<Long, NodeRef> getNodePair(Long nodeId) { Pair<Long, Node> pair = nodesCache.getByKey(nodeId); // Check it if (pair == null || pair.getSecond().getDeleted(qnameDAO)) { // The cache says that the node is not there or is deleted. // We double check by going to the DB Node dbNode = selectNodeById(nodeId); if (dbNode == null) { // The DB agrees. This is an invalid noderef. Why are you trying to use it? return null; } else if (dbNode.getDeleted(qnameDAO)) { // We may have reached this deleted node via an invalid association; trigger a post transaction prune of // any associations that point to this deleted one pruneDanglingAssocs(dbNode.getId()); // The DB agrees. This is a deleted noderef. return null; } else { // The cache was wrong, possibly due to it caching negative results earlier. if (isDebugEnabled) { logger.debug("Repairing stale cache entry for node: " + nodeId); } invalidateNodeCaches(nodeId); dbNode.lock(); // Prevent unexpected edits of values going into the cache nodesCache.setValue(nodeId, dbNode); return dbNode.getNodePair(); } } else { return pair.getSecond().getNodePair(); } } /** * Get a node instance regardless of whether it is considered <b>live</b> or <b>deleted</b> * * @param nodeId the node ID to look for * @param liveOnly <tt>true</tt> to ensure that only <b>live</b> nodes are retrieved * @return a node that will be <b>live</b> if requested * @throws ConcurrencyFailureException if a valid node is not found */ private Node getNodeNotNull(Long nodeId, boolean liveOnly) { Pair<Long, Node> pair = nodesCache.getByKey(nodeId); if (pair == null) { // The node has no entry in the database NodeEntity dbNode = selectNodeById(nodeId); nodesCache.removeByKey(nodeId); throw new ConcurrencyFailureException( "No node row exists: \n" + " ID: " + nodeId + "\n" + " DB row: " + dbNode); } else if (pair.getSecond().getDeleted(qnameDAO) && liveOnly) { // The node is not 'live' as was requested NodeEntity dbNode = selectNodeById(nodeId); nodesCache.removeByKey(nodeId); // Make absolutely sure that the node is not referenced by any associations pruneDanglingAssocs(nodeId); // Force a retry on the transaction throw new ConcurrencyFailureException( "No live node exists: \n" + " ID: " + nodeId + "\n" + " DB row: " + dbNode); } else { return pair.getSecond(); } } @Override public QName getNodeType(Long nodeId) { Node node = getNodeNotNull(nodeId, false); Long nodeTypeQNameId = node.getTypeQNameId(); return qnameDAO.getQName(nodeTypeQNameId).getSecond(); } @Override public Long getNodeAclId(Long nodeId) { Node node = getNodeNotNull(nodeId, true); return node.getAclId(); } @Override public ChildAssocEntity newNode(Long parentNodeId, QName assocTypeQName, QName assocQName, StoreRef storeRef, String uuid, QName nodeTypeQName, Locale nodeLocale, String childNodeName, Map<QName, Serializable> auditableProperties) throws InvalidTypeException { Assert.notNull(parentNodeId, "parentNodeId"); Assert.notNull(assocTypeQName, "assocTypeQName"); Assert.notNull(assocQName, "assocQName"); Assert.notNull(storeRef, "storeRef"); if (auditableProperties == null) { auditableProperties = Collections.emptyMap(); } // Get the parent node Node parentNode = getNodeNotNull(parentNodeId, true); // Find an initial ACL for the node Long parentAclId = parentNode.getAclId(); AccessControlListProperties inheritedAcl = null; Long childAclId = null; if (parentAclId != null) { try { Long inheritedACL = aclDAO.getInheritedAccessControlList(parentAclId); inheritedAcl = aclDAO.getAccessControlListProperties(inheritedACL); if (inheritedAcl != null) { childAclId = inheritedAcl.getId(); } } catch (RuntimeException e) { // The get* calls above actually do writes. So pessimistically get rid of the // parent node from the cache in case it was wrong somehow. invalidateNodeCaches(parentNodeId); // Rethrow for a retry (ALF-17286) throw new RuntimeException("Failure while 'getting' inherited ACL or ACL properties: \n" + " parent ACL ID: " + parentAclId + "\n" + " inheritied ACL: " + inheritedAcl, e); } } // Build the cm:auditable properties AuditablePropertiesEntity auditableProps = new AuditablePropertiesEntity(); boolean setAuditProps = auditableProps.setAuditValues(null, null, auditableProperties); if (!setAuditProps) { // No cm:auditable properties were supplied auditableProps = null; } // Get the store StoreEntity store = getStoreNotNull(storeRef); // Create the node (it is not a root node) Long nodeTypeQNameId = qnameDAO.getOrCreateQName(nodeTypeQName).getFirst(); Long nodeLocaleId = localeDAO.getOrCreateLocalePair(nodeLocale).getFirst(); NodeEntity node = newNodeImpl(store, uuid, nodeTypeQNameId, nodeLocaleId, childAclId, auditableProps, true); Long nodeId = node.getId(); // Protect the node's cm:auditable if it was explicitly set if (setAuditProps) { NodeRef nodeRef = node.getNodeRef(); policyBehaviourFilter.disableBehaviour(nodeRef, ContentModel.ASPECT_AUDITABLE); } // Now create a primary association for it if (childNodeName == null) { childNodeName = node.getUuid(); } ChildAssocEntity assoc = newChildAssocImpl(parentNodeId, nodeId, true, assocTypeQName, assocQName, childNodeName, false); // There will be no other parent assocs boolean isRoot = false; boolean isStoreRoot = nodeTypeQName.equals(ContentModel.TYPE_STOREROOT); ParentAssocsInfo parentAssocsInfo = new ParentAssocsInfo(isRoot, isStoreRoot, assoc); setParentAssocsCached(nodeId, parentAssocsInfo); if (isDebugEnabled) { logger.debug("Created new node: \n" + " Node: " + node + "\n" + " Assoc: " + assoc); } return assoc; } /** * @param uuid the node UUID, or <tt>null</tt> to auto-generate * @param nodeTypeQNameId the node's type * @param nodeLocaleId the node's locale or <tt>null</tt> to use the default locale * @param aclId an ACL ID if available * @param auditableProps <tt>null</tt> to auto-generate or provide a value to explicitly set * @param allowAuditableAspect Should we override the behaviour by potentially not adding the auditable aspect * @throws NodeExistsException if the target reference is already taken by a live node */ private NodeEntity newNodeImpl(StoreEntity store, String uuid, Long nodeTypeQNameId, Long nodeLocaleId, Long aclId, AuditablePropertiesEntity auditableProps, boolean allowAuditableAspect) throws InvalidTypeException { NodeEntity node = new NodeEntity(); // Store node.setStore(store); // UUID if (uuid == null) { node.setUuid(GUID.generate()); } else { node.setUuid(uuid); } // QName node.setTypeQNameId(nodeTypeQNameId); QName nodeTypeQName = qnameDAO.getQName(nodeTypeQNameId).getSecond(); // Locale if (nodeLocaleId == null) { nodeLocaleId = localeDAO.getOrCreateDefaultLocalePair().getFirst(); } node.setLocaleId(nodeLocaleId); // ACL (may be null) node.setAclId(aclId); // Transaction TransactionEntity txn = getCurrentTransaction(); node.setTransaction(txn); // Audit boolean addAuditableAspect = false; if (auditableProps != null) { // Client-supplied cm:auditable values node.setAuditableProperties(auditableProps); addAuditableAspect = true; } else if (AuditablePropertiesEntity.hasAuditableAspect(nodeTypeQName, dictionaryService)) { // Automatically-generated cm:auditable values auditableProps = new AuditablePropertiesEntity(); auditableProps.setAuditValues(null, null, true, 0L); node.setAuditableProperties(auditableProps); addAuditableAspect = true; } if (!allowAuditableAspect) addAuditableAspect = false; Long id = newNodeImplInsert(node); node.setId(id); Set<QName> nodeAspects = null; if (addAuditableAspect) { Long auditableAspectQNameId = qnameDAO.getOrCreateQName(ContentModel.ASPECT_AUDITABLE).getFirst(); insertNodeAspect(id, auditableAspectQNameId); nodeAspects = Collections.<QName>singleton(ContentModel.ASPECT_AUDITABLE); } else { nodeAspects = Collections.<QName>emptySet(); } // Lock the node and cache node.lock(); nodesCache.setValue(id, node); // Pre-populate some of the other caches so that we don't immediately query setNodeAspectsCached(id, nodeAspects); setNodePropertiesCached(id, Collections.<QName, Serializable>emptyMap()); if (isDebugEnabled) { logger.debug("Created new node: \n" + " " + node); } return node; } protected Long newNodeImplInsert(NodeEntity node) { Long id = null; Savepoint savepoint = controlDAO.createSavepoint("newNodeImpl"); try { // First try a straight insert and risk the constraint violation if the node exists id = insertNode(node); controlDAO.releaseSavepoint(savepoint); } catch (Throwable e) { controlDAO.rollbackToSavepoint(savepoint); // This is probably because there is an existing node. We can handle existing deleted nodes. NodeRef targetNodeRef = node.getNodeRef(); Node dbTargetNode = selectNodeByNodeRef(targetNodeRef); if (dbTargetNode == null) { // There does not appear to be any row that could prevent an insert throw new AlfrescoRuntimeException("Failed to insert new node: " + node, e); } else if (dbTargetNode.getDeleted(qnameDAO)) { Long dbTargetNodeId = dbTargetNode.getId(); // This is OK. It happens when we create a node that existed in the past. // Remove the row completely deleteNodeProperties(dbTargetNodeId, (Set<Long>) null); deleteNodeById(dbTargetNodeId); // Now repeat the insert but let any further problems just be thrown out id = insertNode(node); } else { // A live node exists. throw new NodeExistsException(dbTargetNode.getNodePair(), e); } } return id; } @Override public Pair<Pair<Long, ChildAssociationRef>, Pair<Long, NodeRef>> moveNode(final Long childNodeId, final Long newParentNodeId, final QName assocTypeQName, final QName assocQName) { final Node newParentNode = getNodeNotNull(newParentNodeId, true); final StoreEntity newParentStore = newParentNode.getStore(); final Node childNode = getNodeNotNull(childNodeId, true); final StoreEntity childStore = childNode.getStore(); final ChildAssocEntity primaryParentAssoc = getPrimaryParentAssocImpl(childNodeId); final Long oldParentAclId; final Long oldParentNodeId; if (primaryParentAssoc == null) { oldParentAclId = null; oldParentNodeId = null; } else { if (primaryParentAssoc.getParentNode() == null) { oldParentAclId = null; oldParentNodeId = null; } else { oldParentNodeId = primaryParentAssoc.getParentNode().getId(); oldParentAclId = getNodeNotNull(oldParentNodeId, true).getAclId(); } } // Need the child node's name here in case it gets removed final String childNodeName = (String) getNodeProperty(childNodeId, ContentModel.PROP_NAME); // First attempt to move the node, which may rollback to a savepoint Node newChildNode = childNode; // Store if (!childStore.getId().equals(newParentStore.getId())) { //Delete the ASPECT_AUDITABLE from the source node so it doesn't get copied across //A new aspect would have already been created in the newNodeImpl method. // ... make sure we have the cm:auditable data from the originating node AuditablePropertiesEntity auditableProps = childNode.getAuditableProperties(); // Create a new node newChildNode = newNodeImpl(newParentStore, childNode.getUuid(), childNode.getTypeQNameId(), childNode.getLocaleId(), childNode.getAclId(), auditableProps, false); Long newChildNodeId = newChildNode.getId(); //copy all the data over to new node moveNodeData(childNode.getId(), newChildNodeId); // The new node will have new data not present in the cache, yet invalidateNodeCaches(newChildNodeId); invalidateNodeChildrenCaches(newChildNodeId, true, true); invalidateNodeChildrenCaches(newChildNodeId, false, true); // Completely delete the original node but keep the ACL as it's reused deleteNodeImpl(childNodeId, false); } else { // Touch the node; make sure parent assocs are invalidated touchNode(childNodeId, null, null, false, false, true); } final Long newChildNodeId = newChildNode.getId(); // Now update the primary parent assoc updatePrimaryParentAssocs(primaryParentAssoc, newParentNode, childNode, newChildNodeId, childNodeName, oldParentNodeId, assocTypeQName, assocQName); // Optimize for rename case if (!EqualsHelper.nullSafeEquals(newParentNodeId, oldParentNodeId)) { // Check for cyclic relationships // TODO: This adds a lot of overhead when moving hierarchies. // While getPaths is faster, it would be better to avoid the parentAssocsCache // completely. getPaths(newChildNode.getNodePair(), false); // cycleCheck(newChildNodeId); // Update ACLs for moved tree Long newParentAclId = newParentNode.getAclId(); accessControlListDAO.updateInheritance(newChildNodeId, oldParentAclId, newParentAclId); } // Done Pair<Long, ChildAssociationRef> assocPair = getPrimaryParentAssoc(newChildNode.getId()); Pair<Long, NodeRef> nodePair = newChildNode.getNodePair(); if (isDebugEnabled) { logger.debug("Moved node: " + assocPair + " ... " + nodePair); } return new Pair<Pair<Long, ChildAssociationRef>, Pair<Long, NodeRef>>(assocPair, nodePair); } protected void updatePrimaryParentAssocs(final ChildAssocEntity primaryParentAssoc, final Node newParentNode, final Node childNode, final Long newChildNodeId, final String childNodeName, final Long oldParentNodeId, final QName assocTypeQName, final QName assocQName) { // Because we are retrying in-transaction i.e. absorbing exceptions, we need partial rollback &/or via savepoint if needed (eg. PostgreSQL) RetryingCallback<Integer> callback = new RetryingCallback<Integer>() { public Integer execute() throws Throwable { return updatePrimaryParentAssocsImpl(primaryParentAssoc, newParentNode, childNode, newChildNodeId, childNodeName, oldParentNodeId, assocTypeQName, assocQName); } }; childAssocRetryingHelper.doWithRetry(callback); } protected int updatePrimaryParentAssocsImpl(ChildAssocEntity primaryParentAssoc, Node newParentNode, Node childNode, Long newChildNodeId, String childNodeName, Long oldParentNodeId, QName assocTypeQName, QName assocQName) { Long newParentNodeId = newParentNode.getId(); Long childNodeId = childNode.getId(); Savepoint savepoint = controlDAO.createSavepoint("DuplicateChildNodeNameException"); // We use the child node's UUID if there is no cm:name String childNodeNameToUse = childNodeName == null ? childNode.getUuid() : childNodeName; try { int updated = updatePrimaryParentAssocs(newChildNodeId, newParentNodeId, assocTypeQName, assocQName, childNodeNameToUse); controlDAO.releaseSavepoint(savepoint); // Ensure we invalidate the name cache (the child version key might not have been 'bumped' by the last // 'touch') if (updated > 0 && primaryParentAssoc != null) { Pair<Long, QName> oldTypeQnamePair = qnameDAO.getQName(primaryParentAssoc.getTypeQNameId()); if (oldTypeQnamePair != null) { childByNameCache.remove(new ChildByNameKey(oldParentNodeId, oldTypeQnamePair.getSecond(), primaryParentAssoc.getChildNodeName())); } } return updated; } catch (Throwable e) { controlDAO.rollbackToSavepoint(savepoint); // DuplicateChildNodeNameException implements DoNotRetryException. // There are some cases - FK violations, specifically - where we DO actually want to retry. // Detecting this is done by looking for the related FK names, 'fk_alf_cass_*' in the error message String lowerMsg = e.getMessage().toLowerCase(); if (lowerMsg.contains("fk_alf_cass_")) { throw new ConcurrencyFailureException( "FK violation updating primary parent association for " + childNodeId, e); } // We assume that this is from the child cm:name constraint violation throw new DuplicateChildNodeNameException(newParentNode.getNodeRef(), assocTypeQName, childNodeName, e); } } @Override public boolean updateNode(Long nodeId, QName nodeTypeQName, Locale nodeLocale) { // Get the existing node; we need to check for a change in store or UUID Node oldNode = getNodeNotNull(nodeId, true); final Long nodeTypeQNameId; if (nodeTypeQName == null) { nodeTypeQNameId = oldNode.getTypeQNameId(); } else { nodeTypeQNameId = qnameDAO.getOrCreateQName(nodeTypeQName).getFirst(); } final Long nodeLocaleId; if (nodeLocale == null) { nodeLocaleId = oldNode.getLocaleId(); } else { nodeLocaleId = localeDAO.getOrCreateLocalePair(nodeLocale).getFirst(); } // Wrap all the updates into one NodeUpdateEntity nodeUpdate = new NodeUpdateEntity(); nodeUpdate.setId(nodeId); nodeUpdate.setStore(oldNode.getStore()); // Need node reference nodeUpdate.setUuid(oldNode.getUuid()); // Need node reference // TypeQName (if necessary) if (!nodeTypeQNameId.equals(oldNode.getTypeQNameId())) { nodeUpdate.setTypeQNameId(nodeTypeQNameId); nodeUpdate.setUpdateTypeQNameId(true); } // Locale (if necessary) if (!nodeLocaleId.equals(oldNode.getLocaleId())) { nodeUpdate.setLocaleId(nodeLocaleId); nodeUpdate.setUpdateLocaleId(true); } return updateNodeImpl(oldNode, nodeUpdate, null); } @Override public int touchNodes(Long txnId, List<Long> nodeIds) { // limit in clause to 1000 node ids int batchSize = 1000; int touched = 0; ArrayList<Long> batch = new ArrayList<Long>(batchSize); for (Long nodeId : nodeIds) { invalidateNodeCaches(nodeId); batch.add(nodeId); if (batch.size() % batchSize == 0) { touched += updateNodes(txnId, batch); batch.clear(); } } if (batch.size() > 0) { touched += updateNodes(txnId, batch); } return touched; } /** * Updates the node's transaction and <b>cm:auditable</b> properties while * providing a convenient method to control cache entry invalidation. * <p/> * Not all 'touch' signals actually produce a change: the node may already have been touched * in the current transaction. In this case, the required caches are explicitly invalidated * as requested.<br/> * It is more complicated when the node is modified. If the node is modified against a previous * transaction then all cache entries are left untrusted and not pulled forward. But if the * node is modified but in the same transaction, then the cache entries are considered good and * pull forward against the current version of the node ... <b>unless</b> the cache was specicially * tagged for invalidation. * <p/> * It is sometime necessary to provide the node's current aspects, particularly during * changes to the aspect list. If not provided, they will be looked up. * * @param nodeId the ID of the node (must refer to a live node) * @param auditableProps optionally override the <b>cm:auditable</b> values * @param nodeAspects the node's aspects or <tt>null</tt> to look them up * @param invalidateNodeAspectsCache <tt>true</tt> if the node's cached aspects are unreliable * @param invalidateNodePropertiesCache <tt>true</tt> if the node's cached properties are unreliable * @param invalidateParentAssocsCache <tt>true</tt> if the node's cached parent assocs are unreliable * * @see #updateNodeImpl(Node, NodeUpdateEntity, Set) */ private boolean touchNode(Long nodeId, AuditablePropertiesEntity auditableProps, Set<QName> nodeAspects, boolean invalidateNodeAspectsCache, boolean invalidateNodePropertiesCache, boolean invalidateParentAssocsCache) { Node node = null; try { node = getNodeNotNull(nodeId, false); } catch (DataIntegrityViolationException e) { // The ID doesn't reference a live node. // We do nothing w.r.t. touching return false; } NodeUpdateEntity nodeUpdate = new NodeUpdateEntity(); nodeUpdate.setId(nodeId); nodeUpdate.setAuditableProperties(auditableProps); // Update it boolean updatedNode = updateNodeImpl(node, nodeUpdate, nodeAspects); // Handle the cache invalidation requests NodeVersionKey nodeVersionKey = node.getNodeVersionKey(); if (updatedNode) { Node newNode = getNodeNotNull(nodeId, false); NodeVersionKey newNodeVersionKey = newNode.getNodeVersionKey(); // The version will have moved on, effectively rendering our caches invalid. // Copy over caches that DON'T need invalidating if (!invalidateNodeAspectsCache) { copyNodeAspectsCached(nodeVersionKey, newNodeVersionKey); } if (!invalidateNodePropertiesCache) { copyNodePropertiesCached(nodeVersionKey, newNodeVersionKey); } if (invalidateParentAssocsCache) { // Because we cache parent assocs by transaction, we must manually invalidate on this version change invalidateParentAssocsCached(node); } else { copyParentAssocsCached(node); } } else { // The node was not touched. By definition it MUST be in the current transaction. // We invalidate the caches as specifically requested invalidateNodeCaches(node, invalidateNodeAspectsCache, invalidateNodePropertiesCache, invalidateParentAssocsCache); } return updatedNode; } /** * Helper method that updates the node, bringing it into the current transaction with * the appropriate <b>cm:auditable</b> and transaction behaviour. * <p> * If the <tt>NodeRef</tt> of the node is changing (usually a store move) then deleted * nodes are cleaned out where they might exist. * * @param oldNode the existing node, fully populated * @param nodeUpdate the node update with all update elements populated * @param nodeAspects the node's aspects or <tt>null</tt> to look them up * @return <tt>true</tt> if any updates were made */ private boolean updateNodeImpl(Node oldNode, NodeUpdateEntity nodeUpdate, Set<QName> nodeAspects) { Long nodeId = oldNode.getId(); // Make sure that the ID has been populated if (!EqualsHelper.nullSafeEquals(nodeId, nodeUpdate.getId())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("NodeUpdateEntity node ID is not correct: " + nodeUpdate); } // Copy of the reference data nodeUpdate.setStore(oldNode.getStore()); nodeUpdate.setUuid(oldNode.getUuid()); // Ensure that other values are set for completeness when caching if (!nodeUpdate.isUpdateTypeQNameId()) { nodeUpdate.setTypeQNameId(oldNode.getTypeQNameId()); } if (!nodeUpdate.isUpdateLocaleId()) { nodeUpdate.setLocaleId(oldNode.getLocaleId()); } if (!nodeUpdate.isUpdateAclId()) { nodeUpdate.setAclId(oldNode.getAclId()); } nodeUpdate.setVersion(oldNode.getVersion()); // Update the transaction TransactionEntity txn = getCurrentTransaction(); nodeUpdate.setTransaction(txn); if (!txn.getId().equals(oldNode.getTransaction().getId())) { // Only update if the txn has changed nodeUpdate.setUpdateTransaction(true); } // Update auditable if (nodeAspects == null) { nodeAspects = getNodeAspects(nodeId); } if (nodeAspects.contains(ContentModel.ASPECT_AUDITABLE)) { NodeRef oldNodeRef = oldNode.getNodeRef(); if (policyBehaviourFilter.isEnabled(oldNodeRef, ContentModel.ASPECT_AUDITABLE)) { // Make sure that auditable properties are present AuditablePropertiesEntity auditableProps = oldNode.getAuditableProperties(); if (auditableProps == null) { auditableProps = new AuditablePropertiesEntity(); } else { auditableProps = new AuditablePropertiesEntity(auditableProps); } long modifiedDateToleranceMs = 1000L; if (nodeUpdate.isUpdateTransaction()) { // allow update cm:modified property for new transaction modifiedDateToleranceMs = 0L; } boolean updateAuditableProperties = auditableProps.setAuditValues(null, null, false, modifiedDateToleranceMs); nodeUpdate.setAuditableProperties(auditableProps); nodeUpdate.setUpdateAuditableProperties(updateAuditableProperties); } else if (nodeUpdate.getAuditableProperties() == null) { // cache the explicit setting of auditable properties when creating node (note: auditable aspect is not yet present) AuditablePropertiesEntity auditableProps = oldNode.getAuditableProperties(); if (auditableProps != null) { nodeUpdate.setAuditableProperties(auditableProps); // Can reuse the locked instance nodeUpdate.setUpdateAuditableProperties(true); } } else { // ALF-4117: NodeDAO: Allow cm:auditable to be set // The nodeUpdate had auditable properties set, so we just use that directly nodeUpdate.setUpdateAuditableProperties(true); } } else { // Make sure that any auditable properties are removed AuditablePropertiesEntity auditableProps = oldNode.getAuditableProperties(); if (auditableProps != null) { nodeUpdate.setAuditableProperties(null); nodeUpdate.setUpdateAuditableProperties(true); } } // Just bug out if nothing has changed if (!nodeUpdate.isUpdateAnything()) { return false; } // The node is remaining in the current store int count = 0; Throwable concurrencyException = null; try { count = updateNode(nodeUpdate); } catch (Throwable e) { concurrencyException = e; } // Do concurrency check if (count != 1) { // Drop the value from the cache in case the cache is stale nodesCache.removeByKey(nodeId); nodesCache.removeByValue(nodeUpdate); throw new ConcurrencyFailureException("Failed to update node " + nodeId, concurrencyException); } else { // Check for wrap-around in the version number if (nodeUpdate.getVersion().equals(LONG_ZERO)) { // The version was wrapped back to zero // The caches that are keyed by version are now unreliable propertiesCache.clear(); aspectsCache.clear(); parentAssocsCache.clear(); } // Update the caches nodeUpdate.lock(); nodesCache.setValue(nodeId, nodeUpdate); // The node's version has moved on so no need to invalidate caches } // Done if (isDebugEnabled) { logger.debug("Updated Node: \n" + " OLD: " + oldNode + "\n" + " NEW: " + nodeUpdate); } return true; } @Override public void setNodeAclId(Long nodeId, Long aclId) { Node oldNode = getNodeNotNull(nodeId, true); NodeUpdateEntity nodeUpdateEntity = new NodeUpdateEntity(); nodeUpdateEntity.setId(nodeId); nodeUpdateEntity.setAclId(aclId); nodeUpdateEntity.setUpdateAclId(true); updateNodeImpl(oldNode, nodeUpdateEntity, null); } public void setPrimaryChildrenSharedAclId(Long primaryParentNodeId, Long optionalOldSharedAlcIdInAdditionToNull, Long newSharedAclId) { Long txnId = getCurrentTransaction().getId(); updatePrimaryChildrenSharedAclId(txnId, primaryParentNodeId, optionalOldSharedAlcIdInAdditionToNull, newSharedAclId); invalidateNodeChildrenCaches(primaryParentNodeId, true, false); } @Override public void deleteNode(Long nodeId) { // Delete and take the ACLs to the grave deleteNodeImpl(nodeId, true); } /** * Physical deletion of the node * * @param nodeId the node to delete * @param deleteAcl <tt>true</tt> to delete any associated ACLs otherwise * <tt>false</tt> if the ACLs get reused elsewhere */ private void deleteNodeImpl(Long nodeId, boolean deleteAcl) { Node node = getNodeNotNull(nodeId, true); // Gather data for later Long aclId = node.getAclId(); Set<QName> nodeAspects = getNodeAspects(nodeId); // Clean up content data Set<QName> contentQNames = new HashSet<QName>( dictionaryService.getAllProperties(DataTypeDefinition.CONTENT)); Set<Long> contentQNamesToRemoveIds = qnameDAO.convertQNamesToIds(contentQNames, false); contentDataDAO.deleteContentDataForNode(nodeId, contentQNamesToRemoveIds); // Delete content usage deltas usageDAO.deleteDeltas(nodeId); // Handle sys:aspect_root if (nodeAspects.contains(ContentModel.ASPECT_ROOT)) { StoreRef storeRef = node.getStore().getStoreRef(); allRootNodesCache.remove(storeRef); } // Remove child associations (invalidate children) invalidateNodeChildrenCaches(nodeId, true, true); invalidateNodeChildrenCaches(nodeId, false, true); // Remove aspects deleteNodeAspects(nodeId, null); // Remove properties deleteNodeProperties(nodeId, (Set<Long>) null); // Remove subscriptions deleteSubscriptions(nodeId); // Delete the row completely: // ALF-12358: Concurrency: Possible to create association references to deleted nodes // There will be no way that any references can be made to a deleted node because we // are really going to delete it. However, for tracking purposes we need to maintain // a list of nodes deleted in the transaction. We store that information against a // new node of type 'sys:deleted'. This means that 'deleted' nodes are really just // orphaned (read standalone) nodes that remain invisible outside of the DAO. int deleted = deleteNodeById(nodeId); // We will always have to invalidate the cache for the node invalidateNodeCaches(nodeId); // Concurrency check if (deleted != 1) { // We thought that the row existed throw new ConcurrencyFailureException("Failed to delete node: \n" + " Node: " + node); } // Remove ACLs if (deleteAcl && aclId != null) { aclDAO.deleteAclForNode(aclId); } // The node has been cleaned up. Now we recreate the node for index tracking purposes. // Use a 'deleted' type QName StoreEntity store = node.getStore(); String uuid = node.getUuid(); Long deletedQNameId = qnameDAO.getOrCreateQName(ContentModel.TYPE_DELETED).getFirst(); Long defaultLocaleId = localeDAO.getOrCreateDefaultLocalePair().getFirst(); Node deletedNode = newNodeImpl(store, uuid, deletedQNameId, defaultLocaleId, null, null, true); Long deletedNodeId = deletedNode.getId(); // Store the original ID as a property Map<QName, Serializable> trackingProps = Collections.singletonMap(ContentModel.PROP_ORIGINAL_ID, (Serializable) nodeId); setNodePropertiesImpl(deletedNodeId, trackingProps, true); } @Override public int purgeNodes(long fromTxnCommitTimeMs, long toTxnCommitTimeMs) { return deleteNodesByCommitTime(fromTxnCommitTimeMs, toTxnCommitTimeMs); } /* * Node Properties */ public Map<QName, Serializable> getNodeProperties(Long nodeId) { Map<QName, Serializable> props = getNodePropertiesCached(nodeId); // Create a shallow copy to allow additions props = new HashMap<QName, Serializable>(props); Node node = getNodeNotNull(nodeId, false); // Handle sys:referenceable ReferenceablePropertiesEntity.addReferenceableProperties(node, props); // Handle sys:localized LocalizedPropertiesEntity.addLocalizedProperties(localeDAO, node, props); // Handle cm:auditable if (hasNodeAspect(nodeId, ContentModel.ASPECT_AUDITABLE)) { AuditablePropertiesEntity auditableProperties = node.getAuditableProperties(); if (auditableProperties == null) { auditableProperties = new AuditablePropertiesEntity(); } props.putAll(auditableProperties.getAuditableProperties()); } // Wrap to ensure that we only clone values if the client attempts to modify // the map or retrieve values that might, themselves, be mutable props = new ValueProtectingMap<QName, Serializable>(props, NodePropertyValue.IMMUTABLE_CLASSES); // Done if (isDebugEnabled) { logger.debug("Fetched properties for Node: \n" + " Node: " + nodeId + "\n" + " Props: " + props); } return props; } @Override public Serializable getNodeProperty(Long nodeId, QName propertyQName) { Serializable value = null; // We have to load the node for cm:auditable if (AuditablePropertiesEntity.isAuditableProperty(propertyQName)) { Node node = getNodeNotNull(nodeId, false); AuditablePropertiesEntity auditableProperties = node.getAuditableProperties(); if (auditableProperties != null) { value = auditableProperties.getAuditableProperty(propertyQName); } } else if (ReferenceablePropertiesEntity.isReferenceableProperty(propertyQName)) // sys:referenceable { Node node = getNodeNotNull(nodeId, false); value = ReferenceablePropertiesEntity.getReferenceableProperty(node, propertyQName); } else if (LocalizedPropertiesEntity.isLocalizedProperty(propertyQName)) // sys:localized { Node node = getNodeNotNull(nodeId, false); value = LocalizedPropertiesEntity.getLocalizedProperty(localeDAO, node, propertyQName); } else { Map<QName, Serializable> props = getNodePropertiesCached(nodeId); // Wrap to ensure that we only clone values if the client attempts to modify // the map or retrieve values that might, themselves, be mutable props = new ValueProtectingMap<QName, Serializable>(props, NodePropertyValue.IMMUTABLE_CLASSES); // The 'get' here will clone the value if it is mutable value = props.get(propertyQName); } // Done if (isDebugEnabled) { logger.debug("Fetched property for Node: \n" + " Node: " + nodeId + "\n" + " QName: " + propertyQName + "\n" + " Value: " + value); } return value; } /** * Does differencing to add and/or remove properties. Internally, the existing properties * will be retrieved and a difference performed to work out which properties need to be * created, updated or deleted. * <p/> * Note: The cached properties are not updated * * @param nodeId the node ID * @param newProps the properties to add or update * @param isAddOnly <tt>true</tt> if the new properties are just an update or * <tt>false</tt> if the properties are a complete set * @return Returns <tt>true</tt> if any properties were changed */ private boolean setNodePropertiesImpl(Long nodeId, Map<QName, Serializable> newProps, boolean isAddOnly) { if (isAddOnly && newProps.size() == 0) { return false; // No point adding nothing } // Get the current node Node node = getNodeNotNull(nodeId, false); // Create an update node NodeUpdateEntity nodeUpdate = new NodeUpdateEntity(); nodeUpdate.setId(nodeId); // Copy inbound values newProps = new HashMap<QName, Serializable>(newProps); // Copy cm:auditable if (!policyBehaviourFilter.isEnabled(node.getNodeRef(), ContentModel.ASPECT_AUDITABLE)) { // Only bother if cm:auditable properties are present if (AuditablePropertiesEntity.hasAuditableProperty(newProps.keySet())) { AuditablePropertiesEntity auditableProps = node.getAuditableProperties(); if (auditableProps == null) { auditableProps = new AuditablePropertiesEntity(); } else { auditableProps = new AuditablePropertiesEntity(auditableProps); // Unlocked instance } boolean containedAuditProperties = auditableProps.setAuditValues(null, null, newProps); if (!containedAuditProperties) { // Double-check (previous hasAuditableProperty should cover it) // The behaviour is disabled, but no audit properties were passed in auditableProps = null; } nodeUpdate.setAuditableProperties(auditableProps); nodeUpdate.setUpdateAuditableProperties(true); } } // Remove cm:auditable newProps.keySet().removeAll(AuditablePropertiesEntity.getAuditablePropertyQNames()); // Check if the sys:localized property is being changed Long oldNodeLocaleId = node.getLocaleId(); Locale newLocale = DefaultTypeConverter.INSTANCE.convert(Locale.class, newProps.get(ContentModel.PROP_LOCALE)); if (newLocale != null) { Long newNodeLocaleId = localeDAO.getOrCreateLocalePair(newLocale).getFirst(); if (!newNodeLocaleId.equals(oldNodeLocaleId)) { nodeUpdate.setLocaleId(newNodeLocaleId); nodeUpdate.setUpdateLocaleId(true); } } // else: a 'null' new locale is completely ignored. This is the behaviour we choose. // Remove sys:localized LocalizedPropertiesEntity.removeLocalizedProperties(node, newProps); // Remove sys:referenceable ReferenceablePropertiesEntity.removeReferenceableProperties(node, newProps); // Load the current properties. // This means that we have to go to the DB during cold-write operations, // but usually a write occurs after a node has been fetched of viewed in // some way by the client code. Loading the existing properties has the // advantage that the differencing code can eliminate unnecessary writes // completely. Map<QName, Serializable> oldPropsCached = getNodePropertiesCached(nodeId); // Keep pristine for caching Map<QName, Serializable> oldProps = new HashMap<QName, Serializable>(oldPropsCached); // If we're adding, remove current properties that are not of interest if (isAddOnly) { oldProps.keySet().retainAll(newProps.keySet()); } // We need to convert the new properties to our internally-used format, // which is compatible with model i.e. people may have passed in data // which needs to be converted to a model-compliant format. We do this // before comparisons to avoid false negatives. Map<NodePropertyKey, NodePropertyValue> newPropsRaw = nodePropertyHelper .convertToPersistentProperties(newProps); newProps = nodePropertyHelper.convertToPublicProperties(newPropsRaw); // Now find out what's changed Map<QName, MapValueComparison> diff = EqualsHelper.getMapComparison(oldProps, newProps); // Keep track of properties to delete and add Set<QName> propsToDelete = new HashSet<QName>(oldProps.size() * 2); Map<QName, Serializable> propsToAdd = new HashMap<QName, Serializable>(newProps.size() * 2); Set<QName> contentQNamesToDelete = new HashSet<QName>(5); for (Map.Entry<QName, MapValueComparison> entry : diff.entrySet()) { QName qname = entry.getKey(); PropertyDefinition removePropDef = dictionaryService.getProperty(qname); boolean isContent = (removePropDef != null && removePropDef.getDataType().getName().equals(DataTypeDefinition.CONTENT)); switch (entry.getValue()) { case EQUAL: // Ignore break; case LEFT_ONLY: // Not in the new properties propsToDelete.add(qname); if (isContent) { contentQNamesToDelete.add(qname); } break; case NOT_EQUAL: // Must remove from the LHS propsToDelete.add(qname); if (isContent) { contentQNamesToDelete.add(qname); } // Fall through to load up the RHS case RIGHT_ONLY: // We're adding this Serializable value = newProps.get(qname); if (isContent && value != null) { ContentData newContentData = (ContentData) value; Long newContentDataId = contentDataDAO.createContentData(newContentData).getFirst(); value = new ContentDataWithId(newContentData, newContentDataId); } propsToAdd.put(qname, value); break; default: throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown MapValueComparison: " + entry.getValue()); } } boolean modifyProps = propsToDelete.size() > 0 || propsToAdd.size() > 0; boolean updated = modifyProps || nodeUpdate.isUpdateAnything(); // Bring the node into the current transaction if (nodeUpdate.isUpdateAnything()) { // We have to explicitly update the node (sys:locale or cm:auditable) if (updateNodeImpl(node, nodeUpdate, null)) { // Copy the caches across NodeVersionKey nodeVersionKey = node.getNodeVersionKey(); NodeVersionKey newNodeVersionKey = getNodeNotNull(nodeId, false).getNodeVersionKey(); copyNodeAspectsCached(nodeVersionKey, newNodeVersionKey); copyNodePropertiesCached(nodeVersionKey, newNodeVersionKey); copyParentAssocsCached(node); } } else if (modifyProps) { // Touch the node; all caches are fine touchNode(nodeId, null, null, false, false, false); } // Touch to bring into current txn if (modifyProps) { // Clean up content properties try { if (contentQNamesToDelete.size() > 0) { Set<Long> contentQNameIdsToDelete = qnameDAO.convertQNamesToIds(contentQNamesToDelete, false); contentDataDAO.deleteContentDataForNode(nodeId, contentQNameIdsToDelete); } } catch (Throwable e) { throw new AlfrescoRuntimeException("Failed to delete content properties: \n" + " Node: " + nodeId + "\n" + " Delete Tried: " + contentQNamesToDelete, e); } try { // Apply deletes Set<Long> propQNameIdsToDelete = qnameDAO.convertQNamesToIds(propsToDelete, true); deleteNodeProperties(nodeId, propQNameIdsToDelete); // Now create the raw properties for adding newPropsRaw = nodePropertyHelper.convertToPersistentProperties(propsToAdd); insertNodeProperties(nodeId, newPropsRaw); } catch (Throwable e) { // Don't trust the caches for the node invalidateNodeCaches(nodeId); // Focused error throw new AlfrescoRuntimeException("Failed to write property deltas: \n" + " Node: " + nodeId + "\n" + " Old: " + oldProps + "\n" + " New: " + newProps + "\n" + " Diff: " + diff + "\n" + " Delete Tried: " + propsToDelete + "\n" + " Add Tried: " + propsToAdd, e); } // Build the properties to cache based on whether this is an append or replace Map<QName, Serializable> propsToCache = null; if (isAddOnly) { // Copy cache properties for additions propsToCache = new HashMap<QName, Serializable>(oldPropsCached); // Combine the old and new properties propsToCache.putAll(propsToAdd); } else { // Replace old properties propsToCache = newProps; propsToCache.putAll(propsToAdd); // Ensure correct types } // Update cache setNodePropertiesCached(nodeId, propsToCache); } // Done if (isDebugEnabled && updated) { logger.debug("Modified node properties: " + nodeId + "\n" + " Removed: " + propsToDelete + "\n" + " Added: " + propsToAdd + "\n" + " Node Update: " + nodeUpdate); } return updated; } @Override public boolean setNodeProperties(Long nodeId, Map<QName, Serializable> properties) { // Merge with current values boolean modified = setNodePropertiesImpl(nodeId, properties, false); // Done return modified; } @Override public boolean addNodeProperty(Long nodeId, QName qname, Serializable value) { // Copy inbound values Map<QName, Serializable> newProps = new HashMap<QName, Serializable>(3); newProps.put(qname, value); // Merge with current values boolean modified = setNodePropertiesImpl(nodeId, newProps, true); // Done return modified; } @Override public boolean addNodeProperties(Long nodeId, Map<QName, Serializable> properties) { // Merge with current values boolean modified = setNodePropertiesImpl(nodeId, properties, true); // Done return modified; } @Override public boolean removeNodeProperties(Long nodeId, Set<QName> propertyQNames) { propertyQNames = new HashSet<QName>(propertyQNames); ReferenceablePropertiesEntity.removeReferenceableProperties(propertyQNames); if (propertyQNames.size() == 0) { return false; // sys:referenceable properties cannot be removed } LocalizedPropertiesEntity.removeLocalizedProperties(propertyQNames); if (propertyQNames.size() == 0) { return false; // sys:localized properties cannot be removed } Set<Long> qnameIds = qnameDAO.convertQNamesToIds(propertyQNames, false); int deleteCount = deleteNodeProperties(nodeId, qnameIds); if (deleteCount > 0) { // Touch the node; all caches are fine touchNode(nodeId, null, null, false, false, false); // Get cache props Map<QName, Serializable> cachedProps = getNodePropertiesCached(nodeId); // Remove deleted properties Map<QName, Serializable> props = new HashMap<QName, Serializable>(cachedProps); props.keySet().removeAll(propertyQNames); // Update cache setNodePropertiesCached(nodeId, props); } // Done return deleteCount > 0; } @Override public boolean setModifiedDate(Long nodeId, Date modifiedDate) { return setModifiedProperties(nodeId, modifiedDate, null); } @Override public boolean setModifiedProperties(Long nodeId, Date modifiedDate, String modifiedBy) { // Do nothing if the node is not cm:auditable if (!hasNodeAspect(nodeId, ContentModel.ASPECT_AUDITABLE)) { return false; } // Get the node Node node = getNodeNotNull(nodeId, false); NodeRef nodeRef = node.getNodeRef(); // Get the existing auditable values AuditablePropertiesEntity auditableProps = node.getAuditableProperties(); boolean dateChanged = false; if (auditableProps == null) { // The properties should be present auditableProps = new AuditablePropertiesEntity(); auditableProps.setAuditValues(modifiedBy, modifiedDate, true, 1000L); dateChanged = true; } else { auditableProps = new AuditablePropertiesEntity(auditableProps); dateChanged = auditableProps.setAuditModified(modifiedDate, 1000L); if (dateChanged) { auditableProps.setAuditModifier(modifiedBy); } } if (dateChanged) { try { policyBehaviourFilter.disableBehaviour(nodeRef, ContentModel.ASPECT_AUDITABLE); // Touch the node; all caches are fine return touchNode(nodeId, auditableProps, null, false, false, false); } finally { policyBehaviourFilter.enableBehaviour(nodeRef, ContentModel.ASPECT_AUDITABLE); } } else { // Date did not advance return false; } } /** * @return Returns the read-only cached property map */ private Map<QName, Serializable> getNodePropertiesCached(Long nodeId) { NodeVersionKey nodeVersionKey = getNodeNotNull(nodeId, false).getNodeVersionKey(); Pair<NodeVersionKey, Map<QName, Serializable>> cacheEntry = propertiesCache.getByKey(nodeVersionKey); if (cacheEntry == null) { invalidateNodeCaches(nodeId); throw new DataIntegrityViolationException("Invalid node ID: " + nodeId); } // We have the properties from the cache Map<QName, Serializable> cachedProperties = cacheEntry.getSecond(); return cachedProperties; } /** * Update the node properties cache. The incoming properties will be wrapped to be * unmodifiable. * <p> * <b>NOTE:</b> Incoming properties must exclude the <b>cm:auditable</b> properties */ private void setNodePropertiesCached(Long nodeId, Map<QName, Serializable> properties) { NodeVersionKey nodeVersionKey = getNodeNotNull(nodeId, false).getNodeVersionKey(); propertiesCache.setValue(nodeVersionKey, Collections.unmodifiableMap(properties)); } /** * Helper method to copy cache values from one key to another */ private void copyNodePropertiesCached(NodeVersionKey from, NodeVersionKey to) { Map<QName, Serializable> cacheEntry = propertiesCache.getValue(from); if (cacheEntry != null) { propertiesCache.setValue(to, cacheEntry); } } /** * Callback to cache node properties. The DAO callback only does the simple {@link #findByKey(Serializable)}. * * @author Derek Hulley * @since 3.4 */ private class PropertiesCallbackDAO extends EntityLookupCallbackDAOAdaptor<NodeVersionKey, Map<QName, Serializable>, Serializable> { public Pair<NodeVersionKey, Map<QName, Serializable>> createValue(Map<QName, Serializable> value) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("A node always has a 'map' of properties."); } public Pair<NodeVersionKey, Map<QName, Serializable>> findByKey(NodeVersionKey nodeVersionKey) { Long nodeId = nodeVersionKey.getNodeId(); Map<NodeVersionKey, Map<NodePropertyKey, NodePropertyValue>> propsRawByNodeVersionKey = selectNodeProperties( nodeId); Map<NodePropertyKey, NodePropertyValue> propsRaw = propsRawByNodeVersionKey.get(nodeVersionKey); if (propsRaw == null) { // Didn't find a match. Is this because there are none? if (propsRawByNodeVersionKey.size() == 0) { // This is OK. The node has no properties propsRaw = Collections.emptyMap(); } else { // We found properties associated with a different node ID and version invalidateNodeCaches(nodeId); throw new DataIntegrityViolationException("Detected stale node entry: " + nodeVersionKey + " (now " + propsRawByNodeVersionKey.keySet() + ")"); } } // Convert to public properties Map<QName, Serializable> props = nodePropertyHelper.convertToPublicProperties(propsRaw); // Done return new Pair<NodeVersionKey, Map<QName, Serializable>>(nodeVersionKey, Collections.unmodifiableMap(props)); } } /* * Aspects */ @Override public Set<QName> getNodeAspects(Long nodeId) { Set<QName> nodeAspects = getNodeAspectsCached(nodeId); // Nodes are always referenceable nodeAspects.add(ContentModel.ASPECT_REFERENCEABLE); // Nodes are always localized nodeAspects.add(ContentModel.ASPECT_LOCALIZED); return nodeAspects; } @Override public boolean hasNodeAspect(Long nodeId, QName aspectQName) { if (aspectQName.equals(ContentModel.ASPECT_REFERENCEABLE)) { // Nodes are always referenceable return true; } if (aspectQName.equals(ContentModel.ASPECT_LOCALIZED)) { // Nodes are always localized return true; } Set<QName> nodeAspects = getNodeAspectsCached(nodeId); return nodeAspects.contains(aspectQName); } @Override public boolean addNodeAspects(Long nodeId, Set<QName> aspectQNames) { if (aspectQNames.size() == 0) { return false; } // Copy the inbound set Set<QName> aspectQNamesToAdd = new HashSet<QName>(aspectQNames); // Get existing Set<QName> existingAspectQNames = getNodeAspectsCached(nodeId); // Find out what needs adding aspectQNamesToAdd.removeAll(existingAspectQNames); aspectQNamesToAdd.remove(ContentModel.ASPECT_REFERENCEABLE); // Implicit aspectQNamesToAdd.remove(ContentModel.ASPECT_LOCALIZED); // Implicit if (aspectQNamesToAdd.isEmpty()) { // Nothing to do return false; } // Add them Set<Long> aspectQNameIds = qnameDAO.convertQNamesToIds(aspectQNamesToAdd, true); startBatch(); try { for (Long aspectQNameId : aspectQNameIds) { insertNodeAspect(nodeId, aspectQNameId); } } catch (RuntimeException e) { // This could be because the cache is out of date invalidateNodeCaches(nodeId); throw e; } finally { executeBatch(); } // Collate the new aspect set, so that touch recognizes the addtion of cm:auditable Set<QName> newAspectQNames = new HashSet<QName>(existingAspectQNames); newAspectQNames.addAll(aspectQNamesToAdd); // Handle sys:aspect_root if (aspectQNames.contains(ContentModel.ASPECT_ROOT)) { // invalidate root nodes cache for the store StoreRef storeRef = getNodeNotNull(nodeId, false).getStore().getStoreRef(); allRootNodesCache.remove(storeRef); // Touch the node; parent assocs need invalidation touchNode(nodeId, null, newAspectQNames, false, false, true); } else { // Touch the node; all caches are fine touchNode(nodeId, null, newAspectQNames, false, false, false); } // Manually update the cache setNodeAspectsCached(nodeId, newAspectQNames); // Done return true; } public boolean removeNodeAspects(Long nodeId) { Set<QName> newAspectQNames = Collections.<QName>emptySet(); // Touch the node; all caches are fine touchNode(nodeId, null, newAspectQNames, false, false, false); // Just delete all the node's aspects int deleteCount = deleteNodeAspects(nodeId, null); // Manually update the cache setNodeAspectsCached(nodeId, newAspectQNames); // Done return deleteCount > 0; } @Override public boolean removeNodeAspects(Long nodeId, Set<QName> aspectQNames) { if (aspectQNames.size() == 0) { return false; } // Get the current aspects Set<QName> existingAspectQNames = getNodeAspects(nodeId); // Collate the new set of aspects so that touch works correctly against cm:auditable Set<QName> newAspectQNames = new HashSet<QName>(existingAspectQNames); newAspectQNames.removeAll(aspectQNames); // Touch the node; all caches are fine touchNode(nodeId, null, newAspectQNames, false, false, false); // Now remove each aspect Set<Long> aspectQNameIdsToRemove = qnameDAO.convertQNamesToIds(aspectQNames, false); int deleteCount = deleteNodeAspects(nodeId, aspectQNameIdsToRemove); if (deleteCount == 0) { return false; } // Handle sys:aspect_root if (aspectQNames.contains(ContentModel.ASPECT_ROOT)) { // invalidate root nodes cache for the store StoreRef storeRef = getNodeNotNull(nodeId, false).getStore().getStoreRef(); allRootNodesCache.remove(storeRef); // Touch the node; parent assocs need invalidation touchNode(nodeId, null, newAspectQNames, false, false, true); } else { // Touch the node; all caches are fine touchNode(nodeId, null, newAspectQNames, false, false, false); } // Manually update the cache setNodeAspectsCached(nodeId, newAspectQNames); // Done return deleteCount > 0; } @Override public void getNodesWithAspects(Set<QName> aspectQNames, Long minNodeId, Long maxNodeId, NodeRefQueryCallback resultsCallback) { Set<Long> qnameIdsSet = qnameDAO.convertQNamesToIds(aspectQNames, false); if (qnameIdsSet.size() == 0) { // No point running a query return; } List<Long> qnameIds = new ArrayList<Long>(qnameIdsSet); selectNodesWithAspects(qnameIds, minNodeId, maxNodeId, resultsCallback); } /** * @return Returns a writable copy of the cached aspects set */ private Set<QName> getNodeAspectsCached(Long nodeId) { NodeVersionKey nodeVersionKey = getNodeNotNull(nodeId, false).getNodeVersionKey(); Pair<NodeVersionKey, Set<QName>> cacheEntry = aspectsCache.getByKey(nodeVersionKey); if (cacheEntry == null) { invalidateNodeCaches(nodeId); throw new DataIntegrityViolationException("Invalid node ID: " + nodeId); } return new HashSet<QName>(cacheEntry.getSecond()); } /** * Update the node aspects cache. The incoming set will be wrapped to be unmodifiable. */ private void setNodeAspectsCached(Long nodeId, Set<QName> aspects) { NodeVersionKey nodeVersionKey = getNodeNotNull(nodeId, false).getNodeVersionKey(); aspectsCache.setValue(nodeVersionKey, Collections.unmodifiableSet(aspects)); } /** * Helper method to copy cache values from one key to another */ private void copyNodeAspectsCached(NodeVersionKey from, NodeVersionKey to) { Set<QName> cacheEntry = aspectsCache.getValue(from); if (cacheEntry != null) { aspectsCache.setValue(to, cacheEntry); } } /** * Callback to cache node aspects. The DAO callback only does the simple {@link #findByKey(Serializable)}. * * @author Derek Hulley * @since 3.4 */ private class AspectsCallbackDAO extends EntityLookupCallbackDAOAdaptor<NodeVersionKey, Set<QName>, Serializable> { public Pair<NodeVersionKey, Set<QName>> createValue(Set<QName> value) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("A node always has a 'set' of aspects."); } public Pair<NodeVersionKey, Set<QName>> findByKey(NodeVersionKey nodeVersionKey) { Long nodeId = nodeVersionKey.getNodeId(); Set<Long> nodeIds = Collections.singleton(nodeId); Map<NodeVersionKey, Set<QName>> nodeAspectQNameIdsByVersionKey = selectNodeAspects(nodeIds); Set<QName> nodeAspectQNames = nodeAspectQNameIdsByVersionKey.get(nodeVersionKey); if (nodeAspectQNames == null) { // Didn't find a match. Is this because there are none? if (nodeAspectQNameIdsByVersionKey.size() == 0) { // This is OK. The node has no properties nodeAspectQNames = Collections.emptySet(); } else { // We found properties associated with a different node ID and version invalidateNodeCaches(nodeId); throw new DataIntegrityViolationException("Detected stale node entry: " + nodeVersionKey + " (now " + nodeAspectQNameIdsByVersionKey.keySet() + ")"); } } // Done return new Pair<NodeVersionKey, Set<QName>>(nodeVersionKey, Collections.unmodifiableSet(nodeAspectQNames)); } } /* * Node assocs */ @Override public Long newNodeAssoc(Long sourceNodeId, Long targetNodeId, QName assocTypeQName, int assocIndex) { if (assocIndex == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Index is 1-based, or -1 to indicate 'next value'."); } // Touch the node; all caches are fine touchNode(sourceNodeId, null, null, false, false, false); // Resolve type QName Long assocTypeQNameId = qnameDAO.getOrCreateQName(assocTypeQName).getFirst(); // Get the current max; we will need this no matter what if (assocIndex <= 0) { int maxIndex = selectNodeAssocMaxIndex(sourceNodeId, assocTypeQNameId); assocIndex = maxIndex + 1; } Long result = null; Savepoint savepoint = controlDAO.createSavepoint("NodeService.newNodeAssoc"); try { result = insertNodeAssoc(sourceNodeId, targetNodeId, assocTypeQNameId, assocIndex); controlDAO.releaseSavepoint(savepoint); return result; } catch (Throwable e) { controlDAO.rollbackToSavepoint(savepoint); if (isDebugEnabled) { logger.debug("Failed to insert node association: \n" + " sourceNodeId: " + sourceNodeId + "\n" + " targetNodeId: " + targetNodeId + "\n" + " assocTypeQName: " + assocTypeQName + "\n" + " assocIndex: " + assocIndex, e); } throw new AssociationExistsException(sourceNodeId, targetNodeId, assocTypeQName); } } @Override public void setNodeAssocIndex(Long id, int assocIndex) { int updated = updateNodeAssoc(id, assocIndex); if (updated != 1) { throw new ConcurrencyFailureException("Expected to update exactly one row: " + id); } } @Override public int removeNodeAssoc(Long sourceNodeId, Long targetNodeId, QName assocTypeQName) { Pair<Long, QName> assocTypeQNamePair = qnameDAO.getQName(assocTypeQName); if (assocTypeQNamePair == null) { // Never existed return 0; } Long assocTypeQNameId = assocTypeQNamePair.getFirst(); int deleted = deleteNodeAssoc(sourceNodeId, targetNodeId, assocTypeQNameId); if (deleted > 0) { // Touch the node; all caches are fine touchNode(sourceNodeId, null, null, false, false, false); } return deleted; } @Override public int removeNodeAssocs(List<Long> ids) { int toDelete = ids.size(); if (toDelete == 0) { return 0; } int deleted = deleteNodeAssocs(ids); if (toDelete != deleted) { throw new ConcurrencyFailureException("Deleted " + deleted + " but expected " + toDelete); } return deleted; } @Override public Collection<Pair<Long, AssociationRef>> getNodeAssocsToAndFrom(Long nodeId) { List<NodeAssocEntity> nodeAssocEntities = selectNodeAssocs(nodeId); List<Pair<Long, AssociationRef>> results = new ArrayList<Pair<Long, AssociationRef>>( nodeAssocEntities.size()); for (NodeAssocEntity nodeAssocEntity : nodeAssocEntities) { Long assocId = nodeAssocEntity.getId(); AssociationRef assocRef = nodeAssocEntity.getAssociationRef(qnameDAO); results.add(new Pair<Long, AssociationRef>(assocId, assocRef)); } return results; } @Override public Collection<Pair<Long, AssociationRef>> getSourceNodeAssocs(Long targetNodeId, QName typeQName) { Long typeQNameId = null; if (typeQName != null) { Pair<Long, QName> typeQNamePair = qnameDAO.getQName(typeQName); if (typeQNamePair == null) { // No such QName return Collections.emptyList(); } typeQNameId = typeQNamePair.getFirst(); } List<NodeAssocEntity> nodeAssocEntities = selectNodeAssocsByTarget(targetNodeId, typeQNameId); List<Pair<Long, AssociationRef>> results = new ArrayList<Pair<Long, AssociationRef>>( nodeAssocEntities.size()); for (NodeAssocEntity nodeAssocEntity : nodeAssocEntities) { Long assocId = nodeAssocEntity.getId(); AssociationRef assocRef = nodeAssocEntity.getAssociationRef(qnameDAO); results.add(new Pair<Long, AssociationRef>(assocId, assocRef)); } return results; } @Override public Collection<Pair<Long, AssociationRef>> getTargetNodeAssocs(Long sourceNodeId, QName typeQName) { Long typeQNameId = null; if (typeQName != null) { Pair<Long, QName> typeQNamePair = qnameDAO.getQName(typeQName); if (typeQNamePair == null) { // No such QName return Collections.emptyList(); } typeQNameId = typeQNamePair.getFirst(); } List<NodeAssocEntity> nodeAssocEntities = selectNodeAssocsBySource(sourceNodeId, typeQNameId); List<Pair<Long, AssociationRef>> results = new ArrayList<Pair<Long, AssociationRef>>( nodeAssocEntities.size()); for (NodeAssocEntity nodeAssocEntity : nodeAssocEntities) { Long assocId = nodeAssocEntity.getId(); AssociationRef assocRef = nodeAssocEntity.getAssociationRef(qnameDAO); results.add(new Pair<Long, AssociationRef>(assocId, assocRef)); } return results; } @Override public Collection<Pair<Long, AssociationRef>> getTargetAssocsByPropertyValue(Long sourceNodeId, QName typeQName, QName propertyQName, Serializable propertyValue) { Long typeQNameId = null; if (typeQName != null) { Pair<Long, QName> typeQNamePair = qnameDAO.getQName(typeQName); if (typeQNamePair == null) { // No such QName return Collections.emptyList(); } typeQNameId = typeQNamePair.getFirst(); } Long propertyQNameId = null; NodePropertyValue nodeValue = null; if (propertyQName != null) { Pair<Long, QName> propQNamePair = qnameDAO.getQName(propertyQName); if (propQNamePair == null) { // No such QName return Collections.emptyList(); } propertyQNameId = propQNamePair.getFirst(); PropertyDefinition propertyDef = dictionaryService.getProperty(propertyQName); nodeValue = nodePropertyHelper.makeNodePropertyValue(propertyDef, propertyValue); if (nodeValue != null) { switch (nodeValue.getPersistedType()) { case 1: // Boolean case 3: // long case 5: // double case 6: // string // no floats due to the range errors testing equality on a float. break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException( "method not supported for persisted value type " + nodeValue.getPersistedType()); } } } List<NodeAssocEntity> nodeAssocEntities = selectNodeAssocsBySourceAndPropertyValue(sourceNodeId, typeQNameId, propertyQNameId, nodeValue); // Create custom result List<Pair<Long, AssociationRef>> results = new ArrayList<Pair<Long, AssociationRef>>( nodeAssocEntities.size()); for (NodeAssocEntity nodeAssocEntity : nodeAssocEntities) { Long assocId = nodeAssocEntity.getId(); AssociationRef assocRef = nodeAssocEntity.getAssociationRef(qnameDAO); results.add(new Pair<Long, AssociationRef>(assocId, assocRef)); } return results; } @Override public Pair<Long, AssociationRef> getNodeAssocOrNull(Long assocId) { NodeAssocEntity nodeAssocEntity = selectNodeAssocById(assocId); if (nodeAssocEntity == null) { return null; } else { AssociationRef assocRef = nodeAssocEntity.getAssociationRef(qnameDAO); return new Pair<Long, AssociationRef>(assocId, assocRef); } } @Override public Pair<Long, AssociationRef> getNodeAssoc(Long assocId) { Pair<Long, AssociationRef> ret = getNodeAssocOrNull(assocId); if (ret == null) { throw new ConcurrencyFailureException("Assoc ID does not point to a valid association: " + assocId); } else { return ret; } } /* * Child assocs */ private ChildAssocEntity newChildAssocImpl(Long parentNodeId, Long childNodeId, boolean isPrimary, final QName assocTypeQName, QName assocQName, final String childNodeName, boolean allowDeletedChild) { Assert.notNull(parentNodeId, "parentNodeId"); Assert.notNull(childNodeId, "childNodeId"); Assert.notNull(assocTypeQName, "assocTypeQName"); Assert.notNull(assocQName, "assocQName"); Assert.notNull(childNodeName, "childNodeName"); // Get parent and child nodes. We need them later, so just get them now. final Node parentNode = getNodeNotNull(parentNodeId, true); final Node childNode = getNodeNotNull(childNodeId, !allowDeletedChild); final ChildAssocEntity assoc = new ChildAssocEntity(); // Parent node assoc.setParentNode(new NodeEntity(parentNode)); // Child node assoc.setChildNode(new NodeEntity(childNode)); // Type QName assoc.setTypeQNameAll(qnameDAO, assocTypeQName, true); // Child node name assoc.setChildNodeNameAll(dictionaryService, assocTypeQName, childNodeName); // QName assoc.setQNameAll(qnameDAO, assocQName, true); // Primary assoc.setPrimary(isPrimary); // Index assoc.setAssocIndex(-1); Long assocId = newChildAssocInsert(assoc, assocTypeQName, childNodeName); // Persist it assoc.setId(assocId); // Primary associations accompany new nodes, so we only have to bring the // node into the current transaction for secondary associations if (!isPrimary) { updateNode(childNodeId, null, null); } // Done if (isDebugEnabled) { logger.debug("Created child association: " + assoc); } return assoc; } protected Long newChildAssocInsert(final ChildAssocEntity assoc, final QName assocTypeQName, final String childNodeName) { // Because we are retrying in-transaction i.e. absorbing exceptions, we need partial rollback &/or via savepoint if needed (eg. PostgreSQL) RetryingCallback<Long> callback = new RetryingCallback<Long>() { public Long execute() throws Throwable { return newChildAssocInsertImpl(assoc, assocTypeQName, childNodeName); } }; Long assocId = childAssocRetryingHelper.doWithRetry(callback); return assocId; } protected Long newChildAssocInsertImpl(final ChildAssocEntity assoc, final QName assocTypeQName, final String childNodeName) { Savepoint savepoint = controlDAO.createSavepoint("DuplicateChildNodeNameException"); try { Long id = insertChildAssoc(assoc); controlDAO.releaseSavepoint(savepoint); return id; } catch (Throwable e) { controlDAO.rollbackToSavepoint(savepoint); // DuplicateChildNodeNameException implements DoNotRetryException. // Allow real DB concurrency issues (e.g. DeadlockLoserDataAccessException) straight through for a retry if (e instanceof ConcurrencyFailureException) { throw e; } // There are some cases - FK violations, specifically - where we DO actually want to retry. // Detecting this is done by looking for the related FK names, 'fk_alf_cass_*' in the error message String lowerMsg = e.getMessage().toLowerCase(); if (lowerMsg.contains("fk_alf_cass_")) { throw new ConcurrencyFailureException("FK violation updating primary parent association:" + assoc, e); } // We assume that this is from the child cm:name constraint violation throw new DuplicateChildNodeNameException(assoc.getParentNode().getNodeRef(), assocTypeQName, childNodeName, e); } } @Override public Pair<Long, ChildAssociationRef> newChildAssoc(Long parentNodeId, Long childNodeId, QName assocTypeQName, QName assocQName, String childNodeName) { ParentAssocsInfo parentAssocInfo = getParentAssocsCached(childNodeId); // Create it ChildAssocEntity assoc = newChildAssocImpl(parentNodeId, childNodeId, false, assocTypeQName, assocQName, childNodeName, false); Long assocId = assoc.getId(); // Touch the node; parent assocs have been updated touchNode(childNodeId, null, null, false, false, true); // update cache parentAssocInfo = parentAssocInfo.addAssoc(assocId, assoc); setParentAssocsCached(childNodeId, parentAssocInfo); // Done return assoc.getPair(qnameDAO); } @Override public void deleteChildAssoc(Long assocId) { ChildAssocEntity assoc = selectChildAssoc(assocId); if (assoc == null) { throw new ConcurrencyFailureException("Child association not found: " + assocId + ". A concurrency violation is likely.\n" + "This can also occur if code reacts to 'beforeDelete' callbacks and pre-emptively deletes associations \n" + "that are about to be cascade-deleted. The 'onDelete' phase then fails to delete the association.\n" + "See links on issue ALF-12358."); // TODO: Get docs URL } // Update cache Long childNodeId = assoc.getChildNode().getId(); ParentAssocsInfo parentAssocInfo = getParentAssocsCached(childNodeId); // Delete it List<Long> assocIds = Collections.singletonList(assocId); int count = deleteChildAssocs(assocIds); if (count != 1) { throw new ConcurrencyFailureException("Child association not deleted: " + assocId); } // Touch the node; parent assocs have been updated touchNode(childNodeId, null, null, false, false, true); // Update cache parentAssocInfo = parentAssocInfo.removeAssoc(assocId); setParentAssocsCached(childNodeId, parentAssocInfo); } @Override public int setChildAssocIndex(Long parentNodeId, Long childNodeId, QName assocTypeQName, QName assocQName, int index) { int count = updateChildAssocIndex(parentNodeId, childNodeId, assocTypeQName, assocQName, index); if (count > 0) { // Touch the node; parent assocs are out of sync touchNode(childNodeId, null, null, false, false, true); } return count; } /** * TODO: See about pulling automatic cm:name update logic into this DAO */ @Override public void setChildAssocsUniqueName(Long childNodeId, String childName) { Integer count = setChildAssocsUniqueNameImpl(childNodeId, childName); if (count > 0) { // Touch the node; parent assocs are out of sync touchNode(childNodeId, null, null, false, false, true); } if (isDebugEnabled) { logger.debug("Updated cm:name to parent assocs: \n" + " Node: " + childNodeId + "\n" + " Name: " + childName + "\n" + " Updated: " + count); } } protected int setChildAssocsUniqueNameImpl(final Long childNodeId, final String childName) { // Because we are retrying in-transaction i.e. absorbing exceptions, we need partial rollback &/or via savepoint if needed (eg. PostgreSQL) RetryingCallback<Integer> callback = new RetryingCallback<Integer>() { public Integer execute() throws Throwable { return updateChildAssocUniqueNameImpl(childNodeId, childName); } }; return childAssocRetryingHelper.doWithRetry(callback); } protected int updateChildAssocUniqueNameImpl(final Long childNodeId, final String childName) { int total = 0; Savepoint savepoint = controlDAO.createSavepoint("DuplicateChildNodeNameException"); try { for (ChildAssocEntity parentAssoc : getParentAssocsCached(childNodeId).getParentAssocs().values()) { // Subtlety: We only update those associations for which name uniqueness checking is enforced. // Such associations have a positive CRC if (parentAssoc.getChildNodeNameCrc() <= 0) { continue; } Pair<Long, QName> oldTypeQnamePair = qnameDAO.getQName(parentAssoc.getTypeQNameId()); // Ensure we invalidate the name cache (the child version key might not be 'bumped' by the next // 'touch') if (oldTypeQnamePair != null) { childByNameCache.remove(new ChildByNameKey(parentAssoc.getParentNode().getId(), oldTypeQnamePair.getSecond(), parentAssoc.getChildNodeName())); } int count = updateChildAssocUniqueName(parentAssoc.getId(), childName); if (count <= 0) { // Should not be attempting to delete a deleted node throw new ConcurrencyFailureException( "Failed to update an existing parent association " + parentAssoc.getId()); } total += count; } controlDAO.releaseSavepoint(savepoint); return total; } catch (Throwable e) { controlDAO.rollbackToSavepoint(savepoint); // We assume that this is from the child cm:name constraint violation throw new DuplicateChildNodeNameException(null, null, childName, e); } } @Override public Pair<Long, ChildAssociationRef> getChildAssoc(Long assocId) { ChildAssocEntity assoc = selectChildAssoc(assocId); if (assoc == null) { throw new ConcurrencyFailureException("Child association not found: " + assocId); } return assoc.getPair(qnameDAO); } @Override public List<NodeIdAndAclId> getPrimaryChildrenAcls(Long nodeId) { return selectPrimaryChildAcls(nodeId); } @Override public Pair<Long, ChildAssociationRef> getChildAssoc(Long parentNodeId, Long childNodeId, QName assocTypeQName, QName assocQName) { List<ChildAssocEntity> assocs = selectChildAssoc(parentNodeId, childNodeId, assocTypeQName, assocQName); if (assocs.size() == 0) { return null; } else if (assocs.size() == 1) { return assocs.get(0).getPair(qnameDAO); } // Keep the primary association or, if there isn't one, the association with the smallest ID Map<Long, ChildAssocEntity> assocsToDeleteById = new HashMap<Long, ChildAssocEntity>(assocs.size() * 2); Long minId = null; Long primaryId = null; for (ChildAssocEntity assoc : assocs) { // First store it Long assocId = assoc.getId(); assocsToDeleteById.put(assocId, assoc); if (minId == null || minId.compareTo(assocId) > 0) { minId = assocId; } if (assoc.isPrimary()) { primaryId = assocId; } } // Remove either the primary or min assoc Long assocToKeepId = primaryId == null ? minId : primaryId; ChildAssocEntity assocToKeep = assocsToDeleteById.remove(assocToKeepId); // If the current transaction allows, remove the other associations if (AlfrescoTransactionSupport.getTransactionReadState() == TxnReadState.TXN_READ_WRITE) { for (Long assocIdToDelete : assocsToDeleteById.keySet()) { deleteChildAssoc(assocIdToDelete); } } // Done return assocToKeep.getPair(qnameDAO); } /** * Callback that applies node preloading if required. * <p/> * Instances must be used and discarded per query. * * @author Derek Hulley * @since 3.4 */ private class ChildAssocRefBatchingQueryCallback implements ChildAssocRefQueryCallback { private final ChildAssocRefQueryCallback callback; private final boolean preload; private final List<NodeRef> nodeRefs; /** * @param callback the callback to batch around */ private ChildAssocRefBatchingQueryCallback(ChildAssocRefQueryCallback callback) { this.callback = callback; this.preload = callback.preLoadNodes(); if (preload) { nodeRefs = new LinkedList<NodeRef>(); // No memory required } else { nodeRefs = null; // No list needed } } /** * @throws UnsupportedOperationException always */ public boolean preLoadNodes() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Expected to be used internally only."); } /** * Defers to delegate */ @Override public boolean orderResults() { return callback.orderResults(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public boolean handle(Pair<Long, ChildAssociationRef> childAssocPair, Pair<Long, NodeRef> parentNodePair, Pair<Long, NodeRef> childNodePair) { if (preload) { nodeRefs.add(childNodePair.getSecond()); } return callback.handle(childAssocPair, parentNodePair, childNodePair); } public void done() { // Finish the batch if (preload && nodeRefs.size() > 0) { cacheNodes(nodeRefs); nodeRefs.clear(); } // Done callback.done(); } } @Override public void getChildAssocs(Long parentNodeId, Long childNodeId, QName assocTypeQName, QName assocQName, Boolean isPrimary, Boolean sameStore, ChildAssocRefQueryCallback resultsCallback) { selectChildAssocs(parentNodeId, childNodeId, assocTypeQName, assocQName, isPrimary, sameStore, new ChildAssocRefBatchingQueryCallback(resultsCallback)); } @Override public void getChildAssocs(Long parentNodeId, QName assocTypeQName, QName assocQName, int maxResults, ChildAssocRefQueryCallback resultsCallback) { selectChildAssocs(parentNodeId, assocTypeQName, assocQName, maxResults, new ChildAssocRefBatchingQueryCallback(resultsCallback)); } @Override public void getChildAssocs(Long parentNodeId, Set<QName> assocTypeQNames, ChildAssocRefQueryCallback resultsCallback) { switch (assocTypeQNames.size()) { case 0: return; // No results possible case 1: QName assocTypeQName = assocTypeQNames.iterator().next(); selectChildAssocs(parentNodeId, null, assocTypeQName, (QName) null, null, null, new ChildAssocRefBatchingQueryCallback(resultsCallback)); break; default: selectChildAssocs(parentNodeId, assocTypeQNames, new ChildAssocRefBatchingQueryCallback(resultsCallback)); } } /** * Checks a cache and then queries. * <p/> * Note: If we were to cach misses, then we would have to ensure that the cache is * kept up to date whenever any affection association is changed. This is actually * not possible without forcing the cache to be fully clustered. So to * avoid clustering the cache, we instead watch the node child version, * which relies on a cache that is already clustered. */ @Override public Pair<Long, ChildAssociationRef> getChildAssoc(Long parentNodeId, QName assocTypeQName, String childName) { ChildByNameKey key = new ChildByNameKey(parentNodeId, assocTypeQName, childName); ChildAssocEntity assoc = childByNameCache.get(key); boolean query = false; if (assoc == null) { query = true; } else { // Check that the resultant child node has not moved on Node childNode = assoc.getChildNode(); Long childNodeId = childNode.getId(); NodeVersionKey childNodeVersionKey = childNode.getNodeVersionKey(); Pair<Long, Node> childNodeFromCache = nodesCache.getByKey(childNodeId); if (childNodeFromCache == null) { // Child node no longer exists (or never did) query = true; } else { NodeVersionKey childNodeFromCacheVersionKey = childNodeFromCache.getSecond().getNodeVersionKey(); if (!childNodeFromCacheVersionKey.equals(childNodeVersionKey)) { // The child node has moved on. We don't know why, but must query again. query = true; } } } if (query) { assoc = selectChildAssoc(parentNodeId, assocTypeQName, childName); if (assoc != null) { childByNameCache.put(key, assoc); } else { // We do not cache misses. See javadoc. } } // Now return, checking the assoc's ID for null return assoc == null ? null : assoc.getPair(qnameDAO); } @Override public void getChildAssocs(Long parentNodeId, QName assocTypeQName, Collection<String> childNames, ChildAssocRefQueryCallback resultsCallback) { selectChildAssocs(parentNodeId, assocTypeQName, childNames, new ChildAssocRefBatchingQueryCallback(resultsCallback)); } @Override public void getChildAssocsByPropertyValue(Long parentNodeId, QName propertyQName, Serializable value, ChildAssocRefQueryCallback resultsCallback) { PropertyDefinition propertyDef = dictionaryService.getProperty(propertyQName); NodePropertyValue nodeValue = nodePropertyHelper.makeNodePropertyValue(propertyDef, value); if (nodeValue != null) { switch (nodeValue.getPersistedType()) { case 1: // Boolean case 3: // long case 5: // double case 6: // string // no floats due to the range errors testing equality on a float. break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException( "method not supported for persisted value type " + nodeValue.getPersistedType()); } selectChildAssocsByPropertyValue(parentNodeId, propertyQName, nodeValue, new ChildAssocRefBatchingQueryCallback(resultsCallback)); } } @Override public void getChildAssocsByChildTypes(Long parentNodeId, Set<QName> childNodeTypeQNames, ChildAssocRefQueryCallback resultsCallback) { selectChildAssocsByChildTypes(parentNodeId, childNodeTypeQNames, new ChildAssocRefBatchingQueryCallback(resultsCallback)); } @Override public void getChildAssocsWithoutParentAssocsOfType(Long parentNodeId, QName assocTypeQName, ChildAssocRefQueryCallback resultsCallback) { selectChildAssocsWithoutParentAssocsOfType(parentNodeId, assocTypeQName, new ChildAssocRefBatchingQueryCallback(resultsCallback)); } @Override public Pair<Long, ChildAssociationRef> getPrimaryParentAssoc(Long childNodeId) { ChildAssocEntity childAssocEntity = getPrimaryParentAssocImpl(childNodeId); if (childAssocEntity == null) { return null; } else { return childAssocEntity.getPair(qnameDAO); } } private ChildAssocEntity getPrimaryParentAssocImpl(Long childNodeId) { ParentAssocsInfo parentAssocs = getParentAssocsCached(childNodeId); return parentAssocs.getPrimaryParentAssoc(); } private static final int PARENT_ASSOCS_CACHE_FILTER_THRESHOLD = 2000; @Override public void getParentAssocs(Long childNodeId, QName assocTypeQName, QName assocQName, Boolean isPrimary, ChildAssocRefQueryCallback resultsCallback) { if (assocTypeQName == null && assocQName == null && isPrimary == null) { // Go for the cache (and return all) ParentAssocsInfo parentAssocs = getParentAssocsCached(childNodeId); for (ChildAssocEntity assoc : parentAssocs.getParentAssocs().values()) { resultsCallback.handle(assoc.getPair(qnameDAO), assoc.getParentNode().getNodePair(), assoc.getChildNode().getNodePair()); } resultsCallback.done(); } else { // Decide whether we query or filter ParentAssocsInfo parentAssocs = getParentAssocsCached(childNodeId); if (parentAssocs.getParentAssocs().size() > PARENT_ASSOCS_CACHE_FILTER_THRESHOLD) { // Query selectParentAssocs(childNodeId, assocTypeQName, assocQName, isPrimary, resultsCallback); } else { // Go for the cache (and filter) for (ChildAssocEntity assoc : parentAssocs.getParentAssocs().values()) { Pair<Long, ChildAssociationRef> assocPair = assoc.getPair(qnameDAO); if (((assocTypeQName == null) || (assocPair.getSecond().getTypeQName().equals(assocTypeQName))) && ((assocQName == null) || (assocPair.getSecond().getQName().equals(assocQName)))) { resultsCallback.handle(assocPair, assoc.getParentNode().getNodePair(), assoc.getChildNode().getNodePair()); } } resultsCallback.done(); } } } /** * Potentially cheaper than evaluating all of a node's paths to check for child association cycles * <p/> * TODO: When is it cheaper to go up and when is it cheaper to go down? * Look at using direct queries to pass through layers both up and down. * * @param nodeId the node to start with */ @Override public void cycleCheck(Long nodeId) { CycleCallBack callback = new CycleCallBack(); callback.cycleCheck(nodeId); if (callback.toThrow != null) { throw callback.toThrow; } } private class CycleCallBack implements ChildAssocRefQueryCallback { final Set<Long> nodeIds = new HashSet<Long>(97); CyclicChildRelationshipException toThrow; @Override public void done() { } @Override public boolean handle(Pair<Long, ChildAssociationRef> childAssocPair, Pair<Long, NodeRef> parentNodePair, Pair<Long, NodeRef> childNodePair) { Long nodeId = childNodePair.getFirst(); if (!nodeIds.add(nodeId)) { ChildAssociationRef childAssociationRef = childAssocPair.getSecond(); // Remember exception we want to throw and exit. If we throw within here, it will be wrapped by IBatis toThrow = new CyclicChildRelationshipException( "Child Association Cycle detected hitting nodes: " + nodeIds, childAssociationRef); return false; } cycleCheck(nodeId); nodeIds.remove(nodeId); return toThrow == null; } /** * No preloading required */ @Override public boolean preLoadNodes() { return false; } /** * No ordering required */ @Override public boolean orderResults() { return false; } public void cycleCheck(Long nodeId) { getChildAssocs(nodeId, null, null, null, null, null, this); } }; @Override public List<Path> getPaths(Pair<Long, NodeRef> nodePair, boolean primaryOnly) throws InvalidNodeRefException { // create storage for the paths - only need 1 bucket if we are looking for the primary path List<Path> paths = new ArrayList<Path>(primaryOnly ? 1 : 10); // create an empty current path to start from Path currentPath = new Path(); // create storage for touched associations Stack<Long> assocIdStack = new Stack<Long>(); // call recursive method to sort it out prependPaths(nodePair, null, currentPath, paths, assocIdStack, primaryOnly); // check that for the primary only case we have exactly one path if (primaryOnly && paths.size() != 1) { throw new RuntimeException("Node has " + paths.size() + " primary paths: " + nodePair); } // done if (loggerPaths.isDebugEnabled()) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(256); if (primaryOnly) { sb.append("Primary paths"); } else { sb.append("Paths"); } sb.append(" for node ").append(nodePair); for (Path path : paths) { sb.append("\n").append(" ").append(path); } loggerPaths.debug(sb); } return paths; } private void bindFixAssocAndCollectLostAndFound(final Pair<Long, NodeRef> lostNodePair, final String lostName, final Long assocId, final boolean orphanChild) { // Remember the items already deleted in inner transactions final Set<Pair<Long, NodeRef>> lostNodePairs = TransactionalResourceHelper.getSet(KEY_LOST_NODE_PAIRS); final Set<Long> deletedAssocs = TransactionalResourceHelper.getSet(KEY_DELETED_ASSOCS); AlfrescoTransactionSupport.bindListener(new TransactionListenerAdapter() { @Override public void afterRollback() { afterCommit(); } @Override public void afterCommit() { if (transactionService.getAllowWrite()) { // New transaction RetryingTransactionCallback<Void> callback = new RetryingTransactionCallback<Void>() { public Void execute() throws Throwable { if (assocId == null) { // 'child' with missing parent assoc => collect lost+found orphan child if (lostNodePairs.add(lostNodePair)) { collectLostAndFoundNode(lostNodePair, lostName); logger.error("ALF-13066: Orphan child node has been re-homed under lost_found: " + lostNodePair); } } else { // 'child' with deleted parent assoc => delete invalid parent assoc and if primary then // collect lost+found orphan child if (deletedAssocs.add(assocId)) { deleteChildAssoc(assocId); // Can't use caching version or may hit infinite loop logger.error("ALF-12358: Deleted node - removed child assoc: " + assocId); } if (orphanChild && lostNodePairs.add(lostNodePair)) { collectLostAndFoundNode(lostNodePair, lostName); logger.error("ALF-12358: Orphan child node has been re-homed under lost_found: " + lostNodePair); } } return null; } }; transactionService.getRetryingTransactionHelper().doInTransaction(callback, false, true); } } }); } /** * TODO: Remove once ALF-12358 has been proven to be fixed i.e. no more orphans are created ... ever. */ private void collectLostAndFoundNode(Pair<Long, NodeRef> lostNodePair, String lostName) { Long childNodeId = lostNodePair.getFirst(); NodeRef lostNodeRef = lostNodePair.getSecond(); Long newParentNodeId = getOrCreateLostAndFoundContainer(lostNodeRef.getStoreRef()).getId(); String assocName = lostName + "-" + System.currentTimeMillis(); // Create new primary assoc (re-home the orphan node under lost_found) ChildAssocEntity assoc = newChildAssocImpl(newParentNodeId, childNodeId, true, ContentModel.ASSOC_CHILDREN, QName.createQName(assocName), assocName, true); // Touch the node; all caches are fine touchNode(childNodeId, null, null, false, false, false); // update cache boolean isRoot = false; boolean isStoreRoot = false; ParentAssocsInfo parentAssocInfo = new ParentAssocsInfo(isRoot, isStoreRoot, assoc); setParentAssocsCached(childNodeId, parentAssocInfo); // Account for index impact; remove the orphan committed to the index nodeIndexer.indexUpdateChildAssociation(new ChildAssociationRef(null, null, null, lostNodeRef), assoc.getRef(qnameDAO)); /* // Update ACLs for moved tree - note: actually a NOOP if oldParentAclId is null Long newParentAclId = newParentNode.getAclId(); Long oldParentAclId = null; // unknown accessControlListDAO.updateInheritance(childNodeId, oldParentAclId, newParentAclId); */ } private Node getOrCreateLostAndFoundContainer(StoreRef storeRef) { Pair<Long, NodeRef> rootNodePair = getRootNode(storeRef); Long rootParentNodeId = rootNodePair.getFirst(); final List<Pair<Long, NodeRef>> nodes = new ArrayList<Pair<Long, NodeRef>>(1); NodeDAO.ChildAssocRefQueryCallback callback = new NodeDAO.ChildAssocRefQueryCallback() { public boolean handle(Pair<Long, ChildAssociationRef> childAssocPair, Pair<Long, NodeRef> parentNodePair, Pair<Long, NodeRef> childNodePair) { nodes.add(childNodePair); // More results return true; } @Override public boolean preLoadNodes() { return false; } @Override public boolean orderResults() { return false; } @Override public void done() { } }; Set<QName> assocTypeQNames = new HashSet<QName>(1); assocTypeQNames.add(ContentModel.ASSOC_LOST_AND_FOUND); getChildAssocs(rootParentNodeId, assocTypeQNames, callback); Node lostFoundNode = null; if (nodes.size() > 0) { Long lostFoundNodeId = nodes.get(0).getFirst(); lostFoundNode = getNodeNotNull(lostFoundNodeId, true); if (nodes.size() > 1) { logger.warn("More than one lost_found, using first: " + lostFoundNode.getNodeRef()); } } else { Locale locale = localeDAO.getOrCreateDefaultLocalePair().getSecond(); lostFoundNode = newNode(rootParentNodeId, ContentModel.ASSOC_LOST_AND_FOUND, ContentModel.ASSOC_LOST_AND_FOUND, storeRef, null, ContentModel.TYPE_LOST_AND_FOUND, locale, ContentModel.ASSOC_LOST_AND_FOUND.getLocalName(), null).getChildNode();"Created lost_found: " + lostFoundNode.getNodeRef()); } return lostFoundNode; } /** * Build the paths for a node * * @param currentNodePair the leave or child node to start with * @param currentRootNodePair pass in <tt>null</tt> only * @param currentPath an empty {@link Path} * @param completedPaths completed paths i.e. the result * @param assocIdStack a stack to detected cyclic relationships * @param primaryOnly <tt>true</tt> to follow only primary parent associations * @throws CyclicChildRelationshipException */ private void prependPaths(Pair<Long, NodeRef> currentNodePair, Pair<StoreRef, NodeRef> currentRootNodePair, Path currentPath, Collection<Path> completedPaths, Stack<Long> assocIdStack, boolean primaryOnly) throws CyclicChildRelationshipException { if (isDebugEnabled) { logger.debug("\n" + "Prepending paths: \n" + " Current node: " + currentNodePair + "\n" + " Current root: " + currentRootNodePair + "\n" + " Current path: " + currentPath); } Long currentNodeId = currentNodePair.getFirst(); NodeRef currentNodeRef = currentNodePair.getSecond(); // Check if we have changed root nodes StoreRef currentStoreRef = currentNodeRef.getStoreRef(); if (currentRootNodePair == null || !currentStoreRef.equals(currentRootNodePair.getFirst())) { // We've changed stores Pair<Long, NodeRef> rootNodePair = getRootNode(currentStoreRef); currentRootNodePair = new Pair<StoreRef, NodeRef>(currentStoreRef, rootNodePair.getSecond()); } // get the parent associations of the given node ParentAssocsInfo parentAssocInfo = getParentAssocsCached(currentNodeId); // note: currently may throw NotLiveNodeException // bulk load parents as we are certain to hit them in the next call ArrayList<Long> toLoad = new ArrayList<Long>(parentAssocInfo.getParentAssocs().size()); for (Map.Entry<Long, ChildAssocEntity> entry : parentAssocInfo.getParentAssocs().entrySet()) { toLoad.add(entry.getValue().getParentNode().getId()); } cacheNodesById(toLoad); // does the node have parents boolean hasParents = parentAssocInfo.getParentAssocs().size() > 0; // does the current node have a root aspect? // look for a root. If we only want the primary root, then ignore all but the top-level root. if (!(primaryOnly && hasParents) && parentAssocInfo.isRoot()) // exclude primary search with parents present { // create a one-sided assoc ref for the root node and prepend to the stack // this effectively spoofs the fact that the current node is not below the root // - we put this assoc in as the first assoc in the path must be a one-sided // reference pointing to the root node ChildAssociationRef assocRef = new ChildAssociationRef(null, null, null, currentRootNodePair.getSecond()); // create a path to save and add the 'root' assoc Path pathToSave = new Path(); Path.ChildAssocElement first = null; for (Path.Element element : currentPath) { if (first == null) { first = (Path.ChildAssocElement) element; } else { pathToSave.append(element); } } if (first != null) { // mimic an association that would appear if the current node was below the root node // or if first beneath the root node it will make the real thing ChildAssociationRef updateAssocRef = new ChildAssociationRef( parentAssocInfo.isStoreRoot() ? ContentModel.ASSOC_CHILDREN : first.getRef().getTypeQName(), currentRootNodePair.getSecond(), first.getRef().getQName(), first.getRef().getChildRef()); Path.Element newFirst = new Path.ChildAssocElement(updateAssocRef); pathToSave.prepend(newFirst); } Path.Element element = new Path.ChildAssocElement(assocRef); pathToSave.prepend(element); // store the path just built completedPaths.add(pathToSave); } // walk up each parent association for (Map.Entry<Long, ChildAssocEntity> entry : parentAssocInfo.getParentAssocs().entrySet()) { Long assocId = entry.getKey(); ChildAssocEntity assoc = entry.getValue(); ChildAssociationRef assocRef = assoc.getRef(qnameDAO); // do we consider only primary assocs? if (primaryOnly && !assocRef.isPrimary()) { continue; } // Ordering is meaningless here as we are constructing a path upwards // and have no idea where the node comes in the sibling order or even // if there are like-pathed siblings. assocRef.setNthSibling(-1); // build a path element Path.Element element = new Path.ChildAssocElement(assocRef); // create a new path that builds on the current path Path path = new Path(); path.append(currentPath); // prepend element path.prepend(element); // get parent node pair Pair<Long, NodeRef> parentNodePair = new Pair<Long, NodeRef>(assoc.getParentNode().getId(), assocRef.getParentRef()); // does the association already exist in the stack if (assocIdStack.contains(assocId)) { // the association was present already logger.error("Cyclic parent-child relationship detected: \n" + " current node: " + currentNodeId + "\n" + " current path: " + currentPath + "\n" + " next assoc: " + assocId); throw new CyclicChildRelationshipException("Node has been pasted into its own tree.", assocRef); } if (isDebugEnabled) { logger.debug("\n" + " Prepending path parent: \n" + " Parent node: " + parentNodePair); } // push the assoc stack, recurse and pop assocIdStack.push(assocId); prependPaths(parentNodePair, currentRootNodePair, path, completedPaths, assocIdStack, primaryOnly); assocIdStack.pop(); } // done } /** * A Map-like class for storing ParentAssocsInfos. It prunes its oldest ParentAssocsInfo entries not only when a * capacity is reached, but also when a total number of cached parents is reached, as this is what dictates the * overall memory usage. */ private static class ParentAssocsCache { private final ReadWriteLock lock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock(); private final int size; private final int maxParentCount; private final Map<Pair<Long, String>, ParentAssocsInfo> cache; private final Map<Pair<Long, String>, Pair<Long, String>> nextKeys; private final Map<Pair<Long, String>, Pair<Long, String>> previousKeys; private Pair<Long, String> firstKey; private Pair<Long, String> lastKey; private int parentCount; /** * @param size int * @param limitFactor int */ public ParentAssocsCache(int size, int limitFactor) { this.size = size; this.maxParentCount = size * limitFactor; final int mapSize = size * 2; this.cache = new HashMap<Pair<Long, String>, ParentAssocsInfo>(mapSize); this.nextKeys = new HashMap<Pair<Long, String>, Pair<Long, String>>(mapSize); this.previousKeys = new HashMap<Pair<Long, String>, Pair<Long, String>>(mapSize); } private ParentAssocsInfo get(Pair<Long, String> cacheKey) { lock.readLock().lock(); try { return cache.get(cacheKey); } finally { lock.readLock().unlock(); } } private void put(Pair<Long, String> cacheKey, ParentAssocsInfo parentAssocs) { lock.writeLock().lock(); try { // If an entry already exists, remove it and do the necessary housekeeping if (cache.containsKey(cacheKey)) { remove(cacheKey); } // Add the value and prepend the key cache.put(cacheKey, parentAssocs); if (firstKey == null) { lastKey = cacheKey; } else { nextKeys.put(cacheKey, firstKey); previousKeys.put(firstKey, cacheKey); } firstKey = cacheKey; parentCount += parentAssocs.getParentAssocs().size(); // Now prune the oldest entries whilst we have more cache entries or cached parents than desired int currentSize = cache.size(); while (currentSize > size || parentCount > maxParentCount) { remove(lastKey); currentSize--; } } finally { lock.writeLock().unlock(); } } private ParentAssocsInfo remove(Pair<Long, String> cacheKey) { lock.writeLock().lock(); try { // Remove from the map ParentAssocsInfo oldParentAssocs = cache.remove(cacheKey); // If the object didn't exist, we are done if (oldParentAssocs == null) { return null; } // Re-link the list Pair<Long, String> previousCacheKey = previousKeys.remove(cacheKey); Pair<Long, String> nextCacheKey = nextKeys.remove(cacheKey); if (nextCacheKey == null) { if (previousCacheKey == null) { firstKey = lastKey = null; } else { lastKey = previousCacheKey; nextKeys.remove(previousCacheKey); } } else { if (previousCacheKey == null) { firstKey = nextCacheKey; previousKeys.remove(nextCacheKey); } else { nextKeys.put(previousCacheKey, nextCacheKey); previousKeys.put(nextCacheKey, previousCacheKey); } } // Update the parent count parentCount -= oldParentAssocs.getParentAssocs().size(); return oldParentAssocs; } finally { lock.writeLock().unlock(); } } private void clear() { lock.writeLock().lock(); try { cache.clear(); nextKeys.clear(); previousKeys.clear(); firstKey = lastKey = null; parentCount = 0; } finally { lock.writeLock().unlock(); } } } /** * @return Returns a node's parent associations */ private ParentAssocsInfo getParentAssocsCached(Long nodeId) { Node node = getNodeNotNull(nodeId, false); Pair<Long, String> cacheKey = new Pair<Long, String>(nodeId, node.getTransaction().getChangeTxnId()); ParentAssocsInfo value = parentAssocsCache.get(cacheKey); if (value == null) { value = loadParentAssocs(node.getNodeVersionKey()); parentAssocsCache.put(cacheKey, value); } // We have already validated on loading that we have a list in sync with the child node, so if the list is still // empty we have an integrity problem if (value.getPrimaryParentAssoc() == null && !node.getDeleted(qnameDAO) && !value.isStoreRoot()) { Pair<Long, NodeRef> currentNodePair = node.getNodePair(); // We have a corrupt repository - non-root node has a missing parent ?! bindFixAssocAndCollectLostAndFound(currentNodePair, "nonRootNodeWithoutParents", null, false); // throw - error will be logged and then bound txn listener (afterRollback) will be called throw new NonRootNodeWithoutParentsException(currentNodePair); } return value; } /** * Update a node's parent associations. */ private void setParentAssocsCached(Long nodeId, ParentAssocsInfo parentAssocs) { Node node = getNodeNotNull(nodeId, false); Pair<Long, String> cacheKey = new Pair<Long, String>(nodeId, node.getTransaction().getChangeTxnId()); parentAssocsCache.put(cacheKey, parentAssocs); } /** * Helper method to copy cache values from one key to another */ private void copyParentAssocsCached(Node from) { String fromTransactionId = from.getTransaction().getChangeTxnId(); String toTransactionId = getCurrentTransaction().getChangeTxnId(); // If the node is already in this transaction, there's nothing to do if (fromTransactionId.equals(toTransactionId)) { return; } Pair<Long, String> cacheKey = new Pair<Long, String>(from.getId(), fromTransactionId); ParentAssocsInfo cacheEntry = parentAssocsCache.get(cacheKey); if (cacheEntry != null) { parentAssocsCache.put(new Pair<Long, String>(from.getId(), toTransactionId), cacheEntry); } } /** * Helper method to remove associations relating to a cached node */ private void invalidateParentAssocsCached(Node node) { // Invalidate both the node and current transaction ID, just in case Long nodeId = node.getId(); String nodeTransactionId = node.getTransaction().getChangeTxnId(); parentAssocsCache.remove(new Pair<Long, String>(nodeId, nodeTransactionId)); if (AlfrescoTransactionSupport.getTransactionReadState() == TxnReadState.TXN_READ_WRITE) { String currentTransactionId = getCurrentTransaction().getChangeTxnId(); if (!currentTransactionId.equals(nodeTransactionId)) { parentAssocsCache.remove(new Pair<Long, String>(nodeId, currentTransactionId)); } } } private ParentAssocsInfo loadParentAssocs(NodeVersionKey nodeVersionKey) { Long nodeId = nodeVersionKey.getNodeId(); // Find out if it is a root or store root boolean isRoot = hasNodeAspect(nodeId, ContentModel.ASPECT_ROOT); boolean isStoreRoot = getNodeType(nodeId).equals(ContentModel.TYPE_STOREROOT); // Select all the parent associations List<ChildAssocEntity> assocs = selectParentAssocs(nodeId); // Build the cache object ParentAssocsInfo value = new ParentAssocsInfo(isRoot, isStoreRoot, assocs); // Now check if we are seeing the correct version of the node if (assocs.isEmpty()) { // No results. // Nodes without parents are root nodes or deleted nodes. The latter will not normally // be accessed here but it is possible. // To match earlier fixes of ALF-12393, we do a double-check of the node's details. NodeEntity nodeCheckFromDb = selectNodeById(nodeId); if (nodeCheckFromDb == null || !nodeCheckFromDb.getNodeVersionKey().equals(nodeVersionKey)) { // The node is gone or has moved on in version invalidateNodeCaches(nodeId); throw new DataIntegrityViolationException( "Detected stale node entry: " + nodeVersionKey + " (now " + nodeCheckFromDb + ")"); } } else { ChildAssocEntity childAssoc = assocs.get(0); // What is the real (at least to this txn) version of the child node? NodeVersionKey childNodeVersionKeyFromDb = childAssoc.getChildNode().getNodeVersionKey(); if (!childNodeVersionKeyFromDb.equals(nodeVersionKey)) { // This method was called with a stale version invalidateNodeCaches(nodeId); throw new DataIntegrityViolationException("Detected stale node entry: " + nodeVersionKey + " (now " + childNodeVersionKeyFromDb + ")"); } } return value; } /* * Bulk caching */ @Override public void setCheckNodeConsistency() { if (nodesTransactionalCache != null) { nodesTransactionalCache.setDisableSharedCacheReadForTransaction(true); } } @Override public Set<Long> getCachedAncestors(List<Long> nodeIds) { // First, make sure 'level 1' nodes and their parents are in the cache cacheNodesById(nodeIds); for (Long nodeId : nodeIds) { // Filter out deleted nodes if (exists(nodeId)) { getParentAssocsCached(nodeId); } } // Now recurse on all ancestors in the cache Set<Long> ancestors = new TreeSet<Long>(); for (Long nodeId : nodeIds) { findCachedAncestors(nodeId, ancestors); } return ancestors; } /** * Uses the node and parent assocs cache content to recursively find the set of currently cached ancestor node IDs */ private void findCachedAncestors(Long nodeId, Set<Long> ancestors) { if (!ancestors.add(nodeId)) { return; // Already visited } Node node = nodesCache.getValue(nodeId); if (node == null) { return; // Not in cache yet - will load in due course } Pair<Long, String> cacheKey = new Pair<Long, String>(nodeId, node.getTransaction().getChangeTxnId()); ParentAssocsInfo value = parentAssocsCache.get(cacheKey); if (value == null) { return; // Not in cache yet - will load in due course } for (ChildAssocEntity childAssoc : value.getParentAssocs().values()) { findCachedAncestors(childAssoc.getParentNode().getId(), ancestors); } } @Override public void cacheNodesById(List<Long> nodeIds) { /* * ALF-2712: Performance degradation from 3.1.0 to 3.1.2 * ALF-2784: Degradation of performance between 3.1.1 and 3.2x (observed in JSF) * * There is an obvious cost associated with querying the database to pull back nodes, * and there is additional cost associated with putting the resultant entries into the * caches. It is NO MORE expensive to check the cache than it is to put an entry into it * - and probably cheaper considering cache replication - so we start checking nodes to see * if they have entries before passing them over for batch loading. * * However, when running against a cold cache or doing a first-time query against some * part of the repo, we will be checking for entries in the cache and consistently getting * no results. To avoid unnecessary checking when the cache is PROBABLY cold, we * examine the ratio of hits/misses at regular intervals. */ boolean disableSharedCacheReadForTransaction = false; if (nodesTransactionalCache != null) { disableSharedCacheReadForTransaction = nodesTransactionalCache .getDisableSharedCacheReadForTransaction(); } if ((disableSharedCacheReadForTransaction == false) && nodeIds.size() < 10) { // We only cache where the number of results is potentially // a problem for the N+1 loading that might result. return; } int foundCacheEntryCount = 0; int missingCacheEntryCount = 0; boolean forceBatch = false; List<Long> batchLoadNodeIds = new ArrayList<Long>(nodeIds.size()); for (Long nodeId : nodeIds) { if (!forceBatch) { // Is this node in the cache? if (nodesCache.getValue(nodeId) != null) { foundCacheEntryCount++; // Don't add it to the batch continue; } else { missingCacheEntryCount++; // Fall through and add it to the batch } if (foundCacheEntryCount + missingCacheEntryCount % 100 == 0) { // We force the batch if the number of hits drops below the number of misses forceBatch = foundCacheEntryCount < missingCacheEntryCount; } } batchLoadNodeIds.add(nodeId); } int size = batchLoadNodeIds.size(); cacheNodesBatch(batchLoadNodeIds); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Pre-loaded " + size + " nodes."); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} * <p/> * Loads properties, aspects, parent associations and the ID-noderef cache. */ @Override public void cacheNodes(List<NodeRef> nodeRefs) { /* * ALF-2712: Performance degradation from 3.1.0 to 3.1.2 * ALF-2784: Degradation of performance between 3.1.1 and 3.2x (observed in JSF) * * There is an obvious cost associated with querying the database to pull back nodes, * and there is additional cost associated with putting the resultant entries into the * caches. It is NO MORE expensive to check the cache than it is to put an entry into it * - and probably cheaper considering cache replication - so we start checking nodes to see * if they have entries before passing them over for batch loading. * * However, when running against a cold cache or doing a first-time query against some * part of the repo, we will be checking for entries in the cache and consistently getting * no results. To avoid unnecessary checking when the cache is PROBABLY cold, we * examine the ratio of hits/misses at regular intervals. */ if (nodeRefs.size() < cachingThreshold) { // We only cache where the number of results is potentially // a problem for the N+1 loading that might result. return; } int foundCacheEntryCount = 0; int missingCacheEntryCount = 0; boolean forceBatch = false; // Group the nodes by store so that we don't *have* to eagerly join to store to get query performance Map<StoreRef, List<String>> uuidsByStore = new HashMap<StoreRef, List<String>>(3); for (NodeRef nodeRef : nodeRefs) { if (!forceBatch) { // Is this node in the cache? if (nodesCache.getKey(nodeRef) != null) { foundCacheEntryCount++; // Don't add it to the batch continue; } else { missingCacheEntryCount++; // Fall through and add it to the batch } if (foundCacheEntryCount + missingCacheEntryCount % 100 == 0) { // We force the batch if the number of hits drops below the number of misses forceBatch = foundCacheEntryCount < missingCacheEntryCount; } } StoreRef storeRef = nodeRef.getStoreRef(); List<String> uuids = (List<String>) uuidsByStore.get(storeRef); if (uuids == null) { uuids = new ArrayList<String>(nodeRefs.size()); uuidsByStore.put(storeRef, uuids); } uuids.add(nodeRef.getId()); } int size = nodeRefs.size(); nodeRefs = null; // Now load all the nodes for (Map.Entry<StoreRef, List<String>> entry : uuidsByStore.entrySet()) { StoreRef storeRef = entry.getKey(); List<String> uuids = entry.getValue(); cacheNodes(storeRef, uuids); } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Pre-loaded " + size + " nodes."); } } /** * Loads the nodes into cache using batching. */ private void cacheNodes(StoreRef storeRef, List<String> uuids) { StoreEntity store = getStoreNotNull(storeRef); Long storeId = store.getId(); int batchSize = 256; SortedSet<String> batch = new TreeSet<String>(); for (String uuid : uuids) { batch.add(uuid); if (batch.size() >= batchSize) { // Preload List<Node> nodes = selectNodesByUuids(storeId, batch); cacheNodesNoBatch(nodes); batch.clear(); } } // Load any remaining nodes if (batch.size() > 0) { List<Node> nodes = selectNodesByUuids(storeId, batch); cacheNodesNoBatch(nodes); } } private void cacheNodesBatch(List<Long> nodeIds) { int batchSize = 256; SortedSet<Long> batch = new TreeSet<Long>(); for (Long nodeId : nodeIds) { batch.add(nodeId); if (batch.size() >= batchSize) { // Preload List<Node> nodes = selectNodesByIds(batch); cacheNodesNoBatch(nodes); batch.clear(); } } // Load any remaining nodes if (batch.size() > 0) { List<Node> nodes = selectNodesByIds(batch); cacheNodesNoBatch(nodes); } } /** * Bulk-fetch the nodes for a given store. All nodes passed in are fetched. */ private void cacheNodesNoBatch(List<Node> nodes) { // Get the nodes SortedSet<Long> aspectNodeIds = new TreeSet<Long>(); SortedSet<Long> propertiesNodeIds = new TreeSet<Long>(); Map<Long, NodeVersionKey> nodeVersionKeysFromCache = new HashMap<Long, NodeVersionKey>(nodes.size() * 2); // Keep for quick lookup for (Node node : nodes) { Long nodeId = node.getId(); NodeVersionKey nodeVersionKey = node.getNodeVersionKey(); node.lock(); // Prevent unexpected edits of values going into the cache nodesCache.setValue(nodeId, node); if (propertiesCache.getValue(nodeVersionKey) == null) { propertiesNodeIds.add(nodeId); } if (aspectsCache.getValue(nodeVersionKey) == null) { aspectNodeIds.add(nodeId); } nodeVersionKeysFromCache.put(nodeId, nodeVersionKey); } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Pre-loaded " + propertiesNodeIds.size() + " properties"); logger.debug("Pre-loaded " + propertiesNodeIds.size() + " aspects"); } Map<NodeVersionKey, Set<QName>> nodeAspects = selectNodeAspects(aspectNodeIds); for (Map.Entry<NodeVersionKey, Set<QName>> entry : nodeAspects.entrySet()) { NodeVersionKey nodeVersionKeyFromDb = entry.getKey(); Long nodeId = nodeVersionKeyFromDb.getNodeId(); Set<QName> qnames = entry.getValue(); setNodeAspectsCached(nodeId, qnames); aspectNodeIds.remove(nodeId); } // Cache the absence of aspects too! for (Long nodeId : aspectNodeIds) { setNodeAspectsCached(nodeId, Collections.<QName>emptySet()); } // First ensure all content data are pre-cached, so we don't have to load them individually when converting properties contentDataDAO.cacheContentDataForNodes(propertiesNodeIds); // Now bulk load the properties Map<NodeVersionKey, Map<NodePropertyKey, NodePropertyValue>> propsByNodeId = selectNodeProperties( propertiesNodeIds); for (Map.Entry<NodeVersionKey, Map<NodePropertyKey, NodePropertyValue>> entry : propsByNodeId.entrySet()) { Long nodeId = entry.getKey().getNodeId(); Map<NodePropertyKey, NodePropertyValue> propertyValues = entry.getValue(); Map<QName, Serializable> props = nodePropertyHelper.convertToPublicProperties(propertyValues); setNodePropertiesCached(nodeId, props); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} * <p/> * Simply clears out all the node-related caches. */ @Override public void clear() { clearCaches(); } /* * Transactions */ public Long getMaxTxnIdByCommitTime(long maxCommitTime) { Transaction txn = selectLastTxnBeforeCommitTime(maxCommitTime); return (txn == null ? null : txn.getId()); } @Override public int getTransactionCount() { return selectTransactionCount(); } @Override public Transaction getTxnById(Long txnId) { return selectTxnById(txnId); } @Override public List<NodeRef.Status> getTxnChanges(Long txnId) { return getTxnChangesForStore(null, txnId); } @Override public List<NodeRef.Status> getTxnChangesForStore(StoreRef storeRef, Long txnId) { Long storeId = (storeRef == null) ? null : getStoreNotNull(storeRef).getId(); List<NodeEntity> nodes = selectTxnChanges(txnId, storeId); // Convert List<NodeRef.Status> nodeStatuses = new ArrayList<NodeRef.Status>(nodes.size()); for (NodeEntity node : nodes) { nodeStatuses.add(node.getNodeStatus(qnameDAO)); } // Done return nodeStatuses; } @Override public List<Transaction> getTxnsByCommitTimeAscending(Long fromTimeInclusive, Long toTimeExclusive, int count, List<Long> excludeTxnIds, boolean remoteOnly) { // Pass the current server ID if it is to be excluded Long serverId = remoteOnly ? serverId = getServerId() : null; return selectTxns(fromTimeInclusive, toTimeExclusive, count, null, excludeTxnIds, serverId, Boolean.TRUE); } @Override public List<Transaction> getTxnsByCommitTimeDescending(Long fromTimeInclusive, Long toTimeExclusive, int count, List<Long> excludeTxnIds, boolean remoteOnly) { // Pass the current server ID if it is to be excluded Long serverId = remoteOnly ? serverId = getServerId() : null; return selectTxns(fromTimeInclusive, toTimeExclusive, count, null, excludeTxnIds, serverId, Boolean.FALSE); } @Override public List<Transaction> getTxnsByCommitTimeAscending(List<Long> includeTxnIds) { return selectTxns(null, null, null, includeTxnIds, null, null, Boolean.TRUE); } @Override public List<Long> getTxnsUnused(Long minTxnId, long maxCommitTime, int count) { return selectTxnsUnused(minTxnId, maxCommitTime, count); } @Override public void purgeTxn(Long txnId) { deleteTransaction(txnId); } public static final Long LONG_ZERO = 0L; @Override public Long getMinTxnCommitTime() { Long time = selectMinTxnCommitTime(); return (time == null ? LONG_ZERO : time); } @Override public Long getMaxTxnCommitTime() { Long time = selectMaxTxnCommitTime(); return (time == null ? LONG_ZERO : time); } public Long getMinTxnCommitTimeForDeletedNodes() { Long time = selectMinTxnCommitTimeForDeletedNodes(); return (time == null ? LONG_ZERO : time); } @Override public Long getMinTxnId() { Long id = selectMinTxnId(); return (id == null ? LONG_ZERO : id); } @Override public Long getMinUnusedTxnCommitTime() { Long id = selectMinUnusedTxnCommitTime(); return (id == null ? LONG_ZERO : id); } @Override public Long getMaxTxnId() { Long id = selectMaxTxnId(); return (id == null ? LONG_ZERO : id); } /* * Abstract methods for underlying CRUD */ protected abstract ServerEntity selectServer(String ipAddress); protected abstract Long insertServer(String ipAddress); protected abstract Long insertTransaction(Long serverId, String changeTxnId, Long commit_time_ms); protected abstract int updateTransaction(Long txnId, Long commit_time_ms); protected abstract int deleteTransaction(Long txnId); protected abstract List<StoreEntity> selectAllStores(); protected abstract StoreEntity selectStore(StoreRef storeRef); protected abstract NodeEntity selectStoreRootNode(StoreRef storeRef); protected abstract Long insertStore(StoreEntity store); protected abstract int updateStoreRoot(StoreEntity store); protected abstract int updateStore(StoreEntity store); protected abstract int updateNodesInStore(Long txnId, Long storeId); protected abstract Long insertNode(NodeEntity node); protected abstract int updateNode(NodeUpdateEntity nodeUpdate); protected abstract int updateNodes(Long txnId, List<Long> nodeIds); protected abstract void updatePrimaryChildrenSharedAclId(Long txnId, Long primaryParentNodeId, Long optionalOldSharedAlcIdInAdditionToNull, Long newSharedAlcId); protected abstract int deleteNodeById(Long nodeId); protected abstract int deleteNodesByCommitTime(long fromTxnCommitTimeMs, long toTxnCommitTimeMs); protected abstract NodeEntity selectNodeById(Long id); protected abstract NodeEntity selectNodeByNodeRef(NodeRef nodeRef); protected abstract List<Node> selectNodesByUuids(Long storeId, SortedSet<String> uuids); protected abstract List<Node> selectNodesByIds(SortedSet<Long> ids); protected abstract Map<NodeVersionKey, Map<NodePropertyKey, NodePropertyValue>> selectNodeProperties( Set<Long> nodeIds); protected abstract Map<NodeVersionKey, Map<NodePropertyKey, NodePropertyValue>> selectNodeProperties( Long nodeId); protected abstract Map<NodeVersionKey, Map<NodePropertyKey, NodePropertyValue>> selectNodeProperties( Long nodeId, Set<Long> qnameIds); protected abstract int deleteNodeProperties(Long nodeId, Set<Long> qnameIds); protected abstract int deleteNodeProperties(Long nodeId, List<NodePropertyKey> propKeys); protected abstract void insertNodeProperties(Long nodeId, Map<NodePropertyKey, NodePropertyValue> persistableProps); protected abstract Map<NodeVersionKey, Set<QName>> selectNodeAspects(Set<Long> nodeIds); protected abstract void insertNodeAspect(Long nodeId, Long qnameId); protected abstract int deleteNodeAspects(Long nodeId, Set<Long> qnameIds); protected abstract void selectNodesWithAspects(List<Long> qnameIds, Long minNodeId, Long maxNodeId, NodeRefQueryCallback resultsCallback); protected abstract Long insertNodeAssoc(Long sourceNodeId, Long targetNodeId, Long assocTypeQNameId, int assocIndex); protected abstract int updateNodeAssoc(Long id, int assocIndex); protected abstract int deleteNodeAssoc(Long sourceNodeId, Long targetNodeId, Long assocTypeQNameId); protected abstract int deleteNodeAssocs(List<Long> ids); protected abstract List<NodeAssocEntity> selectNodeAssocs(Long nodeId); protected abstract List<NodeAssocEntity> selectNodeAssocsBySource(Long sourceNodeId, Long typeQNameId); protected abstract List<NodeAssocEntity> selectNodeAssocsBySourceAndPropertyValue(Long sourceNodeId, Long typeQNameId, Long propertyQNameId, NodePropertyValue nodeValue); protected abstract List<NodeAssocEntity> selectNodeAssocsByTarget(Long targetNodeId, Long typeQNameId); protected abstract NodeAssocEntity selectNodeAssocById(Long assocId); protected abstract int selectNodeAssocMaxIndex(Long sourceNodeId, Long assocTypeQNameId); protected abstract Long insertChildAssoc(ChildAssocEntity assoc); protected abstract int deleteChildAssocs(List<Long> ids); protected abstract int updateChildAssocIndex(Long parentNodeId, Long childNodeId, QName assocTypeQName, QName assocQName, int index); protected abstract int updateChildAssocUniqueName(Long assocId, String name); // protected abstract int deleteChildAssocsToAndFrom(Long nodeId); protected abstract ChildAssocEntity selectChildAssoc(Long assocId); protected abstract List<ChildAssocEntity> selectChildNodeIds(Long nodeId, Boolean isPrimary, Long minAssocIdInclusive, int maxResults); protected abstract List<NodeIdAndAclId> selectPrimaryChildAcls(Long nodeId); protected abstract List<ChildAssocEntity> selectChildAssoc(Long parentNodeId, Long childNodeId, QName assocTypeQName, QName assocQName); /** * Parameters are all optional except the parent node ID and the callback */ protected abstract void selectChildAssocs(Long parentNodeId, Long childNodeId, QName assocTypeQName, QName assocQName, Boolean isPrimary, Boolean sameStore, ChildAssocRefQueryCallback resultsCallback); protected abstract void selectChildAssocs(Long parentNodeId, QName assocTypeQName, QName assocQName, int maxResults, ChildAssocRefQueryCallback resultsCallback); protected abstract void selectChildAssocs(Long parentNodeId, Set<QName> assocTypeQNames, ChildAssocRefQueryCallback resultsCallback); protected abstract ChildAssocEntity selectChildAssoc(Long parentNodeId, QName assocTypeQName, String childName); protected abstract void selectChildAssocs(Long parentNodeId, QName assocTypeQName, Collection<String> childNames, ChildAssocRefQueryCallback resultsCallback); protected abstract void selectChildAssocsByPropertyValue(Long parentNodeId, QName propertyQName, NodePropertyValue nodeValue, ChildAssocRefQueryCallback resultsCallback); protected abstract void selectChildAssocsByChildTypes(Long parentNodeId, Set<QName> childNodeTypeQNames, ChildAssocRefQueryCallback resultsCallback); protected abstract void selectChildAssocsWithoutParentAssocsOfType(Long parentNodeId, QName assocTypeQName, ChildAssocRefQueryCallback resultsCallback); /** * Parameters are all optional except the parent node ID and the callback */ protected abstract void selectParentAssocs(Long childNodeId, QName assocTypeQName, QName assocQName, Boolean isPrimary, ChildAssocRefQueryCallback resultsCallback); protected abstract List<ChildAssocEntity> selectParentAssocs(Long childNodeId); /** * No DB constraint, so multiple returned */ protected abstract List<ChildAssocEntity> selectPrimaryParentAssocs(Long childNodeId); protected abstract int updatePrimaryParentAssocs(Long childNodeId, Long parentNodeId, QName assocTypeQName, QName assocQName, String childNodeName); /** * Moves all node-linked data from one node to another. The source node will be left * in an orphaned state and without any attached data other than the current transaction. * * @param fromNodeId the source node * @param toNodeId the target node */ protected abstract void moveNodeData(Long fromNodeId, Long toNodeId); protected abstract void deleteSubscriptions(Long nodeId); protected abstract Transaction selectLastTxnBeforeCommitTime(Long maxCommitTime); protected abstract int selectTransactionCount(); protected abstract Transaction selectTxnById(Long txnId); protected abstract List<NodeEntity> selectTxnChanges(Long txnId, Long storeId); protected abstract List<Transaction> selectTxns(Long fromTimeInclusive, Long toTimeExclusive, Integer count, List<Long> includeTxnIds, List<Long> excludeTxnIds, Long excludeServerId, Boolean ascending); protected abstract List<Long> selectTxnsUnused(Long minTxnId, Long maxCommitTime, Integer count); protected abstract Long selectMinTxnCommitTime(); protected abstract Long selectMaxTxnCommitTime(); protected abstract Long selectMinTxnCommitTimeForDeletedNodes(); protected abstract Long selectMinTxnId(); protected abstract Long selectMaxTxnId(); protected abstract Long selectMinUnusedTxnCommitTime(); }