Java tutorial
/************************************************************************** Skarynka - software for scan, process scanned images and build books Copyright (C) 2016 Ale Buoj?yk This file is part of Skarynka. Skarynka is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Skarynka is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. **************************************************************************/ package org.alex73.skarynka.scan; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import org.alex73.skarynka.scan.process.PageFileInfo; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * Book info representation. This info stored in the <book>/ file. * * @author Ale Buoj?yk <> */ public class Book2 { private static Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Book2.class); static final Pattern RE_BOOK = Pattern.compile("book.([a-zA-Z]+)=(.+)"); static final Pattern RE_PAGE = Pattern.compile("page.([0-9a-z]+).([a-zA-z]+)=(.+)"); public static class PageInfo { public int cropPosX = -1, cropPosY = -1; public Set<String> tags = new TreeSet<>(); public int rotate; public String camera; } private final File bookDir, bookFile; public transient boolean local; private transient String localFor; public int scale = 100, dpi = 100; public int zoom; public int imageSizeX, imageSizeY; public int cropSizeX = -1, cropSizeY = -1; public int pageStep = 2; private Map<String, PageInfo> pages = new HashMap<>(); private List<String> errors = new ArrayList<>(); public Book2(File bookDir) throws Exception { this.bookDir = bookDir; this.bookFile = new File(bookDir, ""); File localFile = new File(bookDir, ".local"); if (bookFile.exists()) { for (String line : FileUtils.readLines(bookFile, "UTF-8")) { Matcher m; if ((m = RE_PAGE.matcher(line)).matches()) { String page = formatPageNumber(; String fieldName =; String value =; PageInfo pi = pages.get(page); if (pi == null) { pi = new PageInfo(); pages.put(page, pi); } set(pi, fieldName, value, line); } else if ((m = RE_BOOK.matcher(line)).matches()) { String fieldName =; String value =; set(this, fieldName, value, line); } } if (localFile.exists()) { localFor = FileUtils.readFileToString(localFile, "UTF-8"); local = Context.thisHost.equals(localFor); } else { local = false; } } else { FileUtils.writeStringToFile(localFile, Context.thisHost, "UTF-8"); local = true; save(); } } private void set(Object obj, String fieldName, String value, String debug) { try { Field f = obj.getClass().getField(fieldName); if (!Modifier.isPublic(f.getModifiers()) || Modifier.isStatic(f.getModifiers()) || Modifier.isTransient(f.getModifiers())) { errors.add("Field is not public for '" + debug + "'"); return; } if (f.getType() == int.class) { f.setInt(obj, Integer.parseInt(value)); } else if (f.getType() == boolean.class) { f.setBoolean(obj, Boolean.parseBoolean(value)); } else if (f.getType() == String.class) { f.set(obj, value); } else if (Set.class.isAssignableFrom(f.getType())) { TreeSet<String> v = new TreeSet<>(Arrays.asList(value.split(";"))); f.set(obj, v); } else { errors.add("Unknown field class for set '" + debug + "'"); return; } } catch (NoSuchFieldException ex) { errors.add("Unknown field for set '" + debug + "'"); } catch (IllegalAccessException ex) { errors.add("Wrong field for set '" + debug + "'"); } catch (Exception ex) { errors.add("Error set value to field for '" + debug + "'"); } } private void get(Object obj, String prefix, List<String> lines) throws Exception { for (Field f : obj.getClass().getFields()) { if (Modifier.isPublic(f.getModifiers()) && !Modifier.isStatic(f.getModifiers()) && !Modifier.isTransient(f.getModifiers())) { if (f.getType() == int.class) { int v = f.getInt(obj); if (v != -1) { lines.add(prefix + f.getName() + "=" + v); } } else if (f.getType() == boolean.class) { lines.add(prefix + f.getName() + "=" + f.getBoolean(obj)); } else if (f.getType() == String.class) { String s = (String) f.get(obj); if (s != null) { lines.add(prefix + f.getName() + "=" + s); } } else if (Set.class.isAssignableFrom(f.getType())) { Set<?> set = (Set<?>) f.get(obj); StringBuilder t = new StringBuilder(); for (Object o : set) { t.append(o.toString()).append(';'); } if (t.length() > 0) { t.setLength(t.length() - 1); } lines.add(prefix + f.getName() + "=" + t); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Unknown field class for get '" + f.getName() + "'"); } } } } public String getName() { return bookDir.getName().toLowerCase(); } public File getBookDir() { return bookDir; } public int getPagesCount() { return pages.size(); } public String getStatusText() { try { if (!errors.isEmpty()) { return Messages.getString("BOOK_STATUS_ERROR_READING"); } if (new File(bookDir, ".errors").exists()) { return Messages.getString("BOOK_STATUS_ERROR_PROCESSING"); } if (new File(bookDir, ".process").exists()) { String text = FileUtils.readFileToString(new File(bookDir, ".process"), "UTF-8"); return Messages.getString("BOOK_STATUS_PROCESSING", text); } if (new File(bookDir, ".process.done").exists()) { String text = FileUtils.readFileToString(new File(bookDir, ".process.done"), "UTF-8"); return Messages.getString("BOOK_STATUS_PROCESSED", text); } if (localFor != null) { return Messages.getString("BOOK_STATUS_LOCAL", localFor); } return Messages.getString("BOOK_STATUS_WAITING"); } catch (Exception ex) { return Messages.getString("BOOK_STATUS_ERROR_READING"); } } public synchronized boolean pageExist(String p) { return pages.containsKey(formatPageNumber(p)); } public synchronized List<String> listPages() { List<String> result = new ArrayList<>(pages.keySet()); Collections.sort(result); return result; } public synchronized PageInfo getPageInfo(String page) { return pages.get(page); } public List<String> getErrors() { return errors; } public synchronized void addPage(String pageNumber, PageInfo pageInfo) { String page = formatPageNumber(pageNumber); pages.put(page, pageInfo); } public synchronized PageInfo removePage(String pageNumber) { String page = formatPageNumber(pageNumber); return pages.remove(page); } public BufferedImage getImage(String pageNumber) throws Exception { File f = new PageFileInfo(this, pageNumber).getOrigJpegFile(); return; } public synchronized void save() throws Exception {"Save book " + bookDir); List<String> lines = new ArrayList<>(); get(this, "book.", lines); for (Map.Entry<String, PageInfo> en : pages.entrySet()) { String p = en.getKey(); PageInfo pi = en.getValue(); get(pi, "page." + p + ".", lines); } Collections.sort(lines); File bookFileNew = new File(bookFile.getPath() + ".new"); File bookFileBak = new File(bookFile.getPath() + ".bak"); FileUtils.writeLines(bookFileNew, "UTF-8", lines, "\n"); if (bookFileBak.exists()) { if (!bookFileBak.delete()) { throw new Exception("Can't delete .bak file"); } } if (bookFile.exists()) { if (!bookFile.renameTo(bookFileBak)) { throw new Exception("Can't rename old file to .bak"); } } if (!bookFileNew.renameTo(bookFile)) { throw new Exception("Can't rename new file to " + bookFile.getAbsolutePath()); } } static final Pattern RE_PAGE_NUMBER = Pattern.compile("([0-9]+)([a-z]{0,2})"); public static String formatPageNumber(String pageNumber) { if (pageNumber == null) { return ""; } Matcher m = RE_PAGE_NUMBER.matcher(pageNumber); if (m.matches()) { String n =; n = "00000".substring(n.length()) + n +; return n; } else { return ""; } } public static String simplifyPageNumber(String pageNumber) { if (pageNumber == null) { return ""; } return pageNumber.replaceAll("^0+([0-9])", "$1"); } public static int comparePageNumbers(String p1, String p2) { Matcher m = RE_PAGE_NUMBER.matcher(p1); if (!m.matches()) { return 0; } int n1 = Integer.parseInt(; String s1 =; m = RE_PAGE_NUMBER.matcher(p2); if (!m.matches()) { return 0; } int n2 = Integer.parseInt(; String s2 =; if (n1 != n2) { return n1 - n2; } return s1.compareTo(s2); } public static String incPage(String pageNumber, int incCount) { if (Math.abs(incCount) > 4) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wrong inc: " + incCount); } Matcher m = RE_PAGE_NUMBER.matcher(pageNumber); if (!m.matches()) { return ""; } int n = Integer.parseInt(; String idx =; String r; switch (idx.length()) { case 0: r = Integer.toString(n + incCount); break; case 1: int i = idx.charAt(0); i += incCount; if (i >= 'a' && i <= 'z') { r = n + "" + ((char) i); } else { r = ""; } break; case 2: int i1 = idx.charAt(0); int i2 = idx.charAt(1); i2 += incCount; if (i2 > 'z') { i1++; i2 = i2 - 'z' + 'a' - 1; } else if (i2 < 'a') { i1--; i2 = i2 + 'z' - 'a' + 1; } if (i1 >= 'a' && i1 <= 'z' && i2 >= 'a' && i2 <= 'z') { r = n + "" + ((char) i1) + ((char) i2); } else { r = ""; } break; default: throw new RuntimeException("Too many letters in page number"); } return formatPageNumber(r); } public static String incPagePos(String pageNumber, boolean letter, int count) { if (Math.abs(count) > 4) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wrong inc: " + count); } Matcher m = RE_PAGE_NUMBER.matcher(pageNumber); if (!m.matches()) { return ""; } String result; int n = Integer.parseInt(; String idx =; if (letter) { if (idx.isEmpty()) { result = null; } else { result = incPage(pageNumber, count); } } else { n += count; result = n + idx; } return formatPageNumber(result); } }