Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright 2013 Agile Knowledge Engineering and Semantic Web (AKSW) Group * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. ******************************************************************************/ package org.aksw.TripleCheckMate.client.widgets; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.aksw.TripleCheckMate.shared.evaluate.SessionContext; import org.aksw.TripleCheckMate.shared.evaluate.UserRecord; import org.aksw.TripleCheckMate.shared.exceptions.StorageServiceException; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; public class UserStatisticsTable extends Composite { private ListDataProvider<UserRecord> dataProvider = new ListDataProvider<UserRecord>(); private final ListHandler<UserRecord> sortHandler = new ListHandler<UserRecord>(dataProvider.getList()); private final CellTable<UserRecord> tblUserStats = new CellTable<UserRecord>(UserRecord.KEY_PROVIDER); public UserStatisticsTable() { super(); createTable(); setLayout(); // All composites must call initWidget() in their constructors. //initWidget(panel); updateData(); } public void updateData() { // create new session AsyncCallback<List<UserRecord>> statisticsCallback = new AsyncCallback<List<UserRecord>>() { public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { // Error getting the user from DB String details = caught.getMessage(); if (caught instanceof StorageServiceException) { details = ((StorageServiceException) caught).getErrorMessage(); } Window.alert(details); } public void onSuccess(List<UserRecord> statistics) { // User retrieved, if null does not exists (=> store) dataProvider.getList().clear(); dataProvider.getList().addAll(statistics); tblUserStats.redraw(); } }; // Call getUserInfo (async) SessionContext.userReqSrv.getUSerStatistics(-1, statisticsCallback); } public void clearTable() { dataProvider.getList().clear(); } private void setLayout() { VerticalPanel bodyPanel = new VerticalPanel(); bodyPanel.setWidth("100%"); bodyPanel.add(tblUserStats); initWidget(bodyPanel); } private void createTable() { // Link to data provider dataProvider.addDataDisplay(tblUserStats); // Table properties tblUserStats.setWidth("100%"); tblUserStats.setPageSize(50); // Table columns Column<UserRecord, SafeHtml> colUserName = new Column<UserRecord, SafeHtml>(new SafeHtmlCell()) { public SafeHtml getValue(UserRecord item) { SafeHtmlBuilder sb = new SafeHtmlBuilder(); sb.appendHtmlConstant(item.toHTMLString()); return sb.toSafeHtml(); } }; tblUserStats.addColumn(colUserName, "User"); colUserName.setSortable(true); sortHandler.setComparator(colUserName, new Comparator<UserRecord>() { public int compare(UserRecord o1, UserRecord o2) { return; } }); Column<UserRecord, String> colRes = new Column<UserRecord, String>(new TextCell()) { public String getValue(UserRecord object) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return "" + object.recordCount; } }; tblUserStats.addColumn(colRes, "Resources"); colRes.setSortable(true); sortHandler.setComparator(colRes, new Comparator<UserRecord>() { public int compare(UserRecord o1, UserRecord o2) { Integer a1 = new Integer(o1.recordCount); Integer a2 = new Integer(o2.recordCount); return a1.compareTo(a2); } }); Column<UserRecord, String> colTriples = new Column<UserRecord, String>(new TextCell()) { public String getValue(UserRecord object) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return "" + object.errorCount; } }; tblUserStats.addColumn(colTriples, "Wrong Triples"); colTriples.setSortable(true); sortHandler.setComparator(colTriples, new Comparator<UserRecord>() { public int compare(UserRecord o1, UserRecord o2) { Integer a1 = new Integer(o1.errorCount); Integer a2 = new Integer(o2.errorCount); return a1.compareTo(a2); } }); Column<UserRecord, String> colErrorTypes = new Column<UserRecord, String>(new TextCell()) { public String getValue(UserRecord object) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return "" + object.distinctErrorCount; } }; tblUserStats.addColumn(colErrorTypes, "Error Types"); colErrorTypes.setSortable(true); sortHandler.setComparator(colErrorTypes, new Comparator<UserRecord>() { public int compare(UserRecord o1, UserRecord o2) { Integer a1 = new Integer(o1.distinctErrorCount); Integer a2 = new Integer(o2.distinctErrorCount); return a1.compareTo(a2); } }); tblUserStats.addColumnSortHandler(sortHandler); tblUserStats.getColumnSortList().push(colTriples); tblUserStats.getColumnSortList().push(colRes); } }