Java tutorial
/********************************************************************************* * The contents of this file are subject to the Common Public Attribution * License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * The License is based on the Mozilla * Public License Version 1.1 but Sections 14 and 15 have been added to cover * use of software over a computer network and provide for limited attribution * for the Original Developer. In addition, Exhibit A has been modified to be * consistent with Exhibit B. * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for * the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License. * * The Original Code is OpenEMM. * The Original Developer is the Initial Developer. * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is AGNITAS AG. All portions of * the code written by AGNITAS AG are Copyright (c) 2007 AGNITAS AG. All Rights * Reserved. * * Contributor(s): AGNITAS AG. ********************************************************************************/ package org.agnitas.web; import org.agnitas.beans.Mailing; import org.agnitas.beans.MailingBase; import org.agnitas.beans.MailingComponent; import org.agnitas.beans.MediatypeEmail; import org.agnitas.beans.factory.MailingFactory; import org.agnitas.cms.utils.CmsUtils; import org.agnitas.dao.CampaignDao; import org.agnitas.dao.MailingDao; import org.agnitas.dao.MailinglistDao; import org.agnitas.dao.TargetDao; import org.agnitas.exceptions.CharacterEncodingValidationException; import org.agnitas.preview.AgnTagException; import org.agnitas.preview.PreviewHelper; import org.agnitas.preview.TAGCheck; import org.agnitas.preview.TAGCheckFactory; import org.agnitas.service.MailingsQueryWorker; import org.agnitas.util.AgnUtils; import org.agnitas.util.CharacterEncodingValidator; import org.agnitas.util.SafeString; import org.agnitas.web.forms.MailingBaseForm; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.struts.Globals; import org.apache.struts.action.*; import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext; import org.springframework.dao.TransientDataAccessResourceException; import org.springframework.web.context.WebApplicationContext; import; import javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import; import java.util.*; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Future; /** * Implementation of <strong>Action</strong> that handles Mailings * * @author Martin Helff */ public class MailingBaseAction extends StrutsActionBase { public static final String FUTURE_TASK = "GET_MAILING_LIST"; public static final int ACTION_SELECT_TEMPLATE = ACTION_LAST + 1; public static final int ACTION_REMOVE_TARGET = ACTION_LAST + 2; public static final int ACTION_VIEW_WITHOUT_LOAD = ACTION_LAST + 3; public static final int ACTION_CLONE_AS_MAILING = ACTION_LAST + 4; public static final int ACTION_USED_ACTIONS = ACTION_LAST + 5; public static final int ACTION_VIEW_TABLE_ONLY = ACTION_LAST + 6; public static final int ACTION_MAILING_BASE_LAST = ACTION_LAST + 6; protected MailinglistDao mailinglistDao; protected MailingDao mailingDao; protected AbstractMap<String, Future> futureHolder; protected TargetDao targetDao; protected TAGCheckFactory tagCheckFactory; protected ExecutorService executorService; protected CampaignDao campaignDao; protected CharacterEncodingValidator characterEncodingValidator; protected MailingFactory mailingFactory; // --------------------------------------------------------- Public Methods /** * Process the specified HTTP request, and create the corresponding HTTP * response (or forward to another web component that will create it). * Return an <code>ActionForward</code> instance describing where and how * control should be forwarded, or <code>null</code> if the response has * already been completed. * <br> * ACTION_LIST: Initializes columns width list for the mailings-list-table, forwards to "list" * <br><br> * ACTION_SAVE: validates character encoding in mailing subject, mailing components and content blocks; * saves mailing in database; * if the current mailing is template - updates all mailings using this template with dynamic-template * property set and saves these mailings to database; * loads saved mailing into form; * if the mailing was cloned and the original mailing has cms data, clones cms data for the saved mailing; * forwards to "view". * <br><br> * ACTION_VIEW: loads mailing data from database into a form, forwards to "view". Also resets showTemplate property * of form which indicates if new need to show the template-section of a mailing. * <br><br> * ACTION_NEW: checks if there is at least one mailinglist in database: shows error message if no mailing list was found, * if the mailinglist exists - clears the form and forwards to "view". * <br><br> * ACTION_REMOVE_TARGET: removes given target group from the list of chosen target groups; forwards to "view". * <br><br> * ACTION_SELECT_TEMPLATE: loads the settings of chosen template into current form (mailing type, mailinglist, * target-groups etc.); doesn't save mailing to database; forwards to "view". * <br><br> * ACTION_CLONE_AS_MAILING: clears the form; sets the properties of original mailing to form (original mailing * is mailing used as source for cloning); names the new mailing as "Copy of " + name of original; stores * the id of original mailing in form as templateID; forwards to mailing view page. * <br><br> * ACTION_USED_ACTIONS: loads map of emm actions used by current mailing into form; forwards to mailing actions * page (forward is "action"). * <br><br> * ACTION_VIEW_WITHOUT_LOAD: just forwards to "view" without reloading form data (is used after failing form * validation). * <br><br> * ACTION_CONFIRM_DELETE: loads mailing into form; forwards to jsp with question to confirm deletion (forward * is "delete"). * <br><br> * ACITON_DELETE: marks the mailing as deleted in database; forwards to "list". * <br><br> * Any other ACTION_* would cause a forward to "list" * <br><br> * If destination is "list" - calls a FutureHolder to get the list of mailings/templates according to selected * mailing types and isTemplate form-property (indicates if we we work with templates or mailings). <br> * If the Future object is not ready, increases the page refresh time by 50ms until it reaches 1 second. * (The page refresh time - is the wait-time before calling the action again while the FutureHolder is * running; the initial value is 250ms). While the FutureHolder is running - destination is "loading".<br> * When the FutureHolder is finished - the list of mailings/templates is set to request, the destination is "list". * <br><br> * If destination is "view": updates oldMailFormat property with the current value;<br> * loads list of templates and template name to form;<br> * loads mailinglists, campaigns, target groups and selected target groups into form. * <br><br> * If destination is null and there are errors found - forwards to "list" * @param form ActionForm object * @param req request * @param res response * @param mapping The ActionMapping used to select this instance * @exception IOException if an input/output error occurs * @exception ServletException if a servlet exception occurs * @return destination */ @Override public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) throws IOException, ServletException { // Validate the request parameters specified by the user MailingBaseForm aForm = null; ActionMessages errors = new ActionMessages(); ActionMessages messages = new ActionMessages(); ActionForward destination = null; boolean showTemplates = false; ApplicationContext aContext = WebApplicationContextUtils .getRequiredWebApplicationContext(req.getSession().getServletContext()); if (!AgnUtils.isUserLoggedIn(req)) { return mapping.findForward("logon"); } aForm = (MailingBaseForm) form; AgnUtils.logger().info("execute: action " + aForm.getAction()); boolean hasAnyPermission = true; if (aForm.isIsTemplate()) { if (!allowed("", req)) { errors.add(ActionErrors.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, new ActionMessage("error.permissionDenied")); saveErrors(req, errors); hasAnyPermission = false; //return null; } } else { if (!allowed("", req)) { errors.add(ActionErrors.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, new ActionMessage("error.permissionDenied")); saveErrors(req, errors); hasAnyPermission = false; //return null; } } req.setAttribute("hasPermission", hasAnyPermission); if (hasAnyPermission) { if (aForm.getAction() != MailingBaseAction.ACTION_SAVE) { aForm.setOriginalMailingId(0); } try { switch (aForm.getAction()) { case MailingBaseAction.ACTION_LIST: if (aForm.getColumnwidthsList() == null) { aForm.setColumnwidthsList(getInitializedColumnWidthList(5)); } destination = mapping.findForward("list"); break; case MailingBaseAction.ACTION_NEW: if (allowed("", req)) { List mlists = mailinglistDao.getMailinglists(getCompanyID(req)); if (mlists.size() > 0) { aForm.setAction(MailingBaseAction.ACTION_SAVE); int campaignID = aForm.getCampaignID(); aForm.clearData(getCompanyID(req), getDefaultMediaType(req)); aForm.setMailingID(0); aForm.setCampaignID(campaignID); destination = mapping.findForward("view"); } else { errors.add(ActionErrors.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, new ActionMessage("error.mailing.noMailinglist")); } } else { errors.add(ActionErrors.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, new ActionMessage("error.permissionDenied")); } break; case MailingBaseAction.ACTION_VIEW: aForm.setAction(MailingBaseAction.ACTION_SAVE); resetShowTemplate(req, aForm); loadMailing(aForm, req); destination = mapping.findForward("view"); break; case MailingBaseAction.ACTION_VIEW_WITHOUT_LOAD: aForm.setAction(MailingBaseAction.ACTION_SAVE); destination = mapping.findForward("view"); break; case MailingBaseAction.ACTION_REMOVE_TARGET: removeTarget(aForm, req); aForm.setAction(MailingBaseAction.ACTION_SAVE); destination = mapping.findForward("view"); break; case MailingBaseAction.ACTION_SAVE: if (allowed("mailing.change", req)) { destination = mapping.findForward("view"); try { validateMailing(aForm, req); } catch (CharacterEncodingValidationException e) { if (!e.isSubjectValid()) errors.add(ActionMessages.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, new ActionMessage("error.charset.subject")); for (String mailingComponent : e.getFailedMailingComponents()) errors.add(ActionMessages.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, new ActionMessage("error.charset.component", mailingComponent)); for (String dynTag : e.getFailedDynamicTags()) errors.add(ActionMessages.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, new ActionMessage("error.charset.content", dynTag)); } try { saveMailing(aForm, req, messages); loadMailing(aForm, req); // Show "changes saved" messages.add(ActionMessages.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, new ActionMessage("default.changes_saved")); } catch (AgnTagException e) { req.setAttribute("errorReport", e.getReport()); errors.add(ActionMessages.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, new ActionMessage("error.template.dyntags")); } catch (TransientDataAccessResourceException e) { AgnUtils.logger().error("execute: " + e + "\n" + AgnUtils.getStackTrace(e)); errors.add(ActionMessages.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, new ActionMessage("error.hibernate.attachmentTooLarge")); } showTemplates = aForm.isShowTemplate(); aForm.setShowTemplate(showTemplates); // copy CMS data of cloned mailing if the original // mailing included CMS content if (aForm.getOriginalMailingId() != 0) { if (CmsUtils.mailingHasCmsData(aForm.getOriginalMailingId(), aContext)) { CmsUtils.cloneMailingCmsData(aForm.getOriginalMailingId(), aForm.getMailingID(), aContext); } aForm.setOriginalMailingId(0); } } else { errors.add(ActionMessages.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, new ActionMessage("error.permissionDenied")); } break; case MailingBaseAction.ACTION_SELECT_TEMPLATE: loadTemplateSettings(aForm, req); aForm.setAction(MailingBaseAction.ACTION_SAVE); destination = mapping.findForward("view"); break; case MailingBaseAction.ACTION_CLONE_AS_MAILING: if (allowed("mailing.copy", req)) { aForm.setOriginalMailingId(aForm.getMailingID()); int tmpTemplateID = aForm.getMailingID(); int tmpMlId = aForm.getMailinglistID(); String sname = aForm.getShortname(); int tmpFormat = aForm.getMediaEmail().getMailFormat(); boolean tmpl = aForm.isIsTemplate(); String tempDescription = aForm.getDescription(); aForm.clearData(this.getCompanyID(req), this.getDefaultMediaType(req)); aForm.setTemplateID(tmpTemplateID); aForm.setIsTemplate(tmpl); loadTemplateSettings(aForm, req); aForm.setMailinglistID(tmpMlId); aForm.getMediaEmail().setMailFormat(tmpFormat); aForm.setMailingID(0); aForm.setAction(MailingBaseAction.ACTION_SAVE); aForm.setShortname(SafeString.getLocaleString("mailing.CopyOf", (Locale) req.getSession().getAttribute(Globals.LOCALE_KEY)) + " " + sname); // aForm.setDescription(SafeString.getLocaleString("default.description", (Locale)req.getSession().getAttribute(Globals.LOCALE_KEY))); aForm.setDescription(tempDescription); aForm.setCopyFlag(true); destination = mapping.findForward("view"); } else { errors.add(ActionErrors.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, new ActionMessage("error.permissionDenied")); } break; case MailingBaseAction.ACTION_CONFIRM_DELETE: if (allowed("mailing.delete", req)) { aForm.setAction(MailingBaseAction.ACTION_DELETE); loadMailing(aForm, req); destination = mapping.findForward("delete"); } else { errors.add(ActionErrors.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, new ActionMessage("error.permissionDenied")); } break; case MailingBaseAction.ACTION_DELETE: if (allowed("mailing.delete", req)) { aForm.setAction(MailingBaseAction.ACTION_LIST); deleteMailing(aForm, req); destination = mapping.findForward("list"); messages.add(ActionMessages.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, new ActionMessage("default.changes_saved")); aForm.setMessages(messages); } else { errors.add(ActionErrors.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, new ActionMessage("error.permissionDenied")); } break; case MailingBaseAction.ACTION_USED_ACTIONS: loadActions(aForm, req); destination = mapping.findForward("action"); break; default: aForm.setAction(MailingBaseAction.ACTION_LIST); destination = mapping.findForward("list"); } } catch (Exception e) { AgnUtils.logger().error("execute: " + e + "\n" + AgnUtils.getStackTrace(e)); errors.add(ActionErrors.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, new ActionMessage("error.exception")); } if (destination != null && "list".equals(destination.getName())) { try { setNumberOfRows(req, aForm); destination = mapping.findForward("loading"); String key = FUTURE_TASK + "@" + req.getSession(false).getId(); if (!futureHolder.containsKey(key)) { Future mailingListFuture = getMailingListFuture(req, aForm.getTypes(), aForm.isIsTemplate(), aForm); futureHolder.put(key, mailingListFuture); } if (futureHolder.containsKey(key) && futureHolder.get(key).isDone()) { req.setAttribute("mailinglist", futureHolder.get(key).get()); destination = mapping.findForward("list"); futureHolder.remove(key); aForm.setRefreshMillis(RecipientForm.DEFAULT_REFRESH_MILLIS); saveMessages(req, aForm.getMessages()); saveErrors(req, aForm.getErrors()); aForm.setMessages(null); aForm.setErrors(null); } else { if (aForm.getRefreshMillis() < 1000) { // raise the refresh time aForm.setRefreshMillis(aForm.getRefreshMillis() + 50); } aForm.setError(false); } } catch (Exception e) { AgnUtils.logger().error("getMailingList: " + e + "\n" + AgnUtils.getStackTrace(e)); errors.add(ActionErrors.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, new ActionMessage("error.exception")); aForm.setError(true); // do not refresh when an error has been occurred } } checkShowDynamicTemplateCheckbox(aForm, req); if (destination != null && "view".equals(destination.getName())) { if (aForm.getMediaEmail() != null) { aForm.setOldMailFormat(aForm.getMediaEmail().getMailFormat()); } aForm.setTemplateMailingBases(mailingDao.getTemplateMailingsByCompanyID(getCompanyID(req))); if (aForm.getTemplateID() != 0) { MailingBase mb = mailingDao.getMailingForTemplateID(aForm.getTemplateID(), getCompanyID(req)); aForm.setTemplateShortname(mb.getShortname().compareTo("") != 0 ? mb.getShortname() : SafeString.getLocaleString("mailing.No_Template", (Locale) req.getSession().getAttribute(Globals.LOCALE_KEY))); } else aForm.setTemplateShortname(SafeString.getLocaleString("mailing.No_Template", (Locale) req.getSession().getAttribute(Globals.LOCALE_KEY))); aForm.setMailingLists(mailinglistDao.getMailinglists(getCompanyID(req))); aForm.setCampaigns(campaignDao.getCampaignList(getCompanyID(req), "lower(shortname)", 1)); aForm.setTargetGroupsList(targetDao.getTargetGroup(getCompanyID(req), aForm.getTargetGroups())); aForm.setTargets(targetDao.getUnchoosenTargets(getCompanyID(req), aForm.getTargetGroups())); } } // Report any errors we have discovered back to the original form if (!errors.isEmpty()) { saveErrors(req, errors); if (destination == null) { destination = mapping.findForward("list"); } } // Report any message (non-errors) we have discovered if (!messages.isEmpty()) { saveMessages(req, messages); } return destination; } /** * Validates mailing subject, mailing components and dynamic tags * * @param form MailingBaseForm object * @param req request * @throws CharacterEncodingValidationException contains numbers of line and position of wrong character */ protected void validateMailing(MailingBaseForm form, HttpServletRequest req) throws CharacterEncodingValidationException { Mailing mailing = mailingDao.getMailing(form.getMailingID(), getCompanyID(req)); characterEncodingValidator.validate(form, mailing); } protected void resetShowTemplate(HttpServletRequest req, MailingBaseForm aForm) { String showTemplate = req.getParameter("showTemplate"); if (showTemplate == null || !showTemplate.equals("true")) { aForm.setShowTemplate(false); } } /** * Loads mailing data from db. * * @param aForm MailingBaseForm object * @param req request * @throws Exception */ protected void loadMailing(MailingBaseForm aForm, HttpServletRequest req) throws Exception { MediatypeEmail type = null; MailingComponent comp = null; Mailing aMailing = mailingDao.getMailing(aForm.getMailingID(), getCompanyID(req)); ApplicationContext aContext = WebApplicationContextUtils .getRequiredWebApplicationContext(req.getSession().getServletContext()); if (aMailing == null) { aMailing = mailingFactory.newMailing(); aMailing.init(getCompanyID(req), aContext); aMailing.setId(0); aForm.setMailingID(0); } aForm.setShortname(aMailing.getShortname()); aForm.setDescription(aMailing.getDescription()); aForm.setMailingType(aMailing.getMailingType()); aForm.setMailinglistID(aMailing.getMailinglistID()); aForm.setTemplateID(aMailing.getMailTemplateID()); aForm.setTargetGroups(aMailing.getTargetGroups()); aForm.setMediatypes(aMailing.getMediatypes()); aForm.setArchived(aMailing.getArchived() != 0); aForm.setCampaignID(aMailing.getCampaignID()); aForm.setTargetMode(aMailing.getTargetMode()); aForm.setWorldMailingSend(aMailing.isWorldMailingSend()); aForm.setUseDynamicTemplate(aMailing.getUseDynamicTemplate()); type = aMailing.getEmailParam(); if (type != null) { aForm.setEmailSubject(type.getSubject()); aForm.setEmailOnepixel(type.getOnepixel()); try { aForm.setEmailReplytoEmail(new InternetAddress(type.getReplyAdr()).getAddress()); } catch (Exception e) { // do nothing } try { aForm.setEmailReplytoFullname(new InternetAddress(type.getReplyAdr()).getPersonal()); } catch (Exception e) { // do nothing } aForm.setEmailLinefeed(type.getLinefeed()); aForm.setEmailCharset(type.getCharset()); } comp = aMailing.getTextTemplate(); if (comp != null) { aForm.setTextTemplate(comp.getEmmBlock()); } comp = aMailing.getHtmlTemplate(); if (comp != null) { aForm.setHtmlTemplate(comp.getEmmBlock()); } String entityName = aMailing.isIsTemplate() ? "template" : "mailing"; AgnUtils.userlogger().info( AgnUtils.getAdmin(req).getUsername() + ": do load " + entityName + " " + aMailing.getShortname()); AgnUtils.logger().info("loadMailing: mailing loaded"); } /** * Removes target group from the list of chosen targets. * * @param aForm MailingBaseForm object * @param req request * @throws Exception */ protected void removeTarget(MailingBaseForm aForm, HttpServletRequest req) throws Exception { Collection<Integer> allTargets = aForm.getTargetGroups(); Integer tmpInt = null; if (allTargets != null) { Iterator<Integer> aIt = allTargets.iterator(); while (aIt.hasNext()) { tmpInt =; if (aForm.getTargetID() == tmpInt.intValue()) { allTargets.remove(tmpInt); break; } } } if (allTargets.isEmpty()) { aForm.setTargetGroups(null); } } /** * Gets mailing template data from db and calls method for loading the data into form. * * @param aForm MailingBaseForm object * @param req request * @throws Exception */ protected void loadTemplateSettings(MailingBaseForm aForm, HttpServletRequest req) throws Exception { Mailing aTemplate = null; if (aForm.getTemplateID() != 0) { aTemplate = mailingDao.getMailing(aForm.getTemplateID(), this.getCompanyID(req)); if (aTemplate != null) { copyTemplateSettingsToMailingForm(aTemplate, aForm); } } } /** * Loads chosen mailing template data into form. * * @param template Mailing bean object, contains mailing template data * @param mailingBaseForm MailingBaseForm object */ protected void copyTemplateSettingsToMailingForm(Mailing template, MailingBaseForm mailingBaseForm) { MailingComponent tmpComp = null; mailingBaseForm.setMailingType(template.getMailingType()); mailingBaseForm.setMailinglistID(template.getMailinglistID()); mailingBaseForm.setTargetMode(template.getTargetMode()); mailingBaseForm.setTargetGroups(template.getTargetGroups()); mailingBaseForm.setMediatypes(template.getMediatypes()); mailingBaseForm.setArchived(template.getArchived() != 0); mailingBaseForm.setCampaignID(template.getCampaignID()); mailingBaseForm.setNeedsTarget(template.getNeedsTarget()); mailingBaseForm.setUseDynamicTemplate(template.getUseDynamicTemplate()); // load template for this mailing if ((tmpComp = template.getHtmlTemplate()) != null) { mailingBaseForm.setHtmlTemplate(tmpComp.getEmmBlock()); } if ((tmpComp = template.getTextTemplate()) != null) { mailingBaseForm.setTextTemplate(tmpComp.getEmmBlock()); } MediatypeEmail type = template.getEmailParam(); if (type != null) { mailingBaseForm.setEmailOnepixel(type.getOnepixel()); try { mailingBaseForm.setEmailReplytoEmail(new InternetAddress(type.getReplyAdr()).getAddress()); } catch (Exception e) { // do nothing } try { mailingBaseForm.setEmailReplytoFullname(new InternetAddress(type.getReplyAdr()).getPersonal()); } catch (Exception e) { // do nothing } mailingBaseForm.setEmailLinefeed(type.getLinefeed()); mailingBaseForm.setEmailCharset(type.getCharset()); } } /** * Saves current mailing in DB (including mailing components, content blocks, dynamic tags, dynamic tags contents * and trackable links) * * @param aForm MailingBaseForm object * @param req request * @param messages not in use * @throws Exception */ protected void saveMailing(MailingBaseForm aForm, HttpServletRequest req, ActionMessages messages) throws Exception { Mailing aMailing = null; Mailing aTemplate = null; MediatypeEmail paramEmail = null; boolean newMail = false; ApplicationContext aContext = WebApplicationContextUtils .getRequiredWebApplicationContext(req.getSession().getServletContext()); if (aForm.getMailingID() != 0) { aMailing = mailingDao.getMailing(aForm.getMailingID(), this.getCompanyID(req)); } else { newMail = true; if (aForm.getTemplateID() != 0) { aTemplate = mailingDao.getMailing(aForm.getTemplateID(), this.getCompanyID(req)); aMailing = (Mailing) aTemplate.clone(aContext); aMailing.setId(0); aMailing.setMailTemplateID(aForm.getTemplateID()); aMailing.setCompanyID(this.getCompanyID(req)); } } if (aMailing == null) { aMailing = mailingFactory.newMailing(); aMailing.init(this.getCompanyID(req), aContext); aMailing.setId(0); aForm.setMailingID(0); } if (aForm.getMediaEmail().getMailFormat() == 0) { aForm.getMediaEmail().setHtmlTemplate(""); } else if (aForm.getOldMailFormat() == 0) { if (aForm.getMediaEmail() != null && StringUtils.isEmpty(aForm.getMediaEmail().getHtmlTemplate())) { aForm.getMediaEmail().setHtmlTemplate("[agnDYN name=\"HTML-Version\"/]"); } } aMailing.setIsTemplate(aForm.isIsTemplate()); aMailing.setCampaignID(aForm.getCampaignID()); aMailing.setDescription(aForm.getDescription()); aMailing.setShortname(aForm.getShortname()); aMailing.setMailinglistID(aForm.getMailinglistID()); aMailing.setMailingType(aForm.getMailingType()); aMailing.setArchived(aForm.isArchived() ? 1 : 0); aMailing.setTargetMode(aForm.getTargetMode()); aMailing.setTargetGroups(aForm.getTargetGroups()); aMailing.setMediatypes(aForm.getMediatypes()); aMailing.setUseDynamicTemplate(aForm.getUseDynamicTemplate()); try { paramEmail = aMailing.getEmailParam(); paramEmail.setSubject(aForm.getEmailSubject()); paramEmail.setLinefeed(aForm.getEmailLinefeed()); paramEmail.setCharset(aForm.getEmailCharset()); paramEmail.setOnepixel(aForm.getEmailOnepixel()); aForm.getMediaEmail().syncTemplate(aMailing, aContext); aMailing.buildDependencies(true, aContext); } catch (Exception e) { AgnUtils.logger() .error("Error in save mailing id: " + aForm.getMailingID() + " msg: " + e.getMessage()); } // validate the components if (!newMail) { Set<Entry<String, MailingComponent>> componentEntries = aMailing.getComponents().entrySet(); List<String[]> errorReports = new ArrayList<String[]>(); Vector<String> outFailures = new Vector<String>(); TAGCheck tagCheck = tagCheckFactory.createTAGCheck(aMailing.getId()); for (Entry<String, MailingComponent> mapEntry : componentEntries) { String tagName = mapEntry.getKey(); MailingComponent component = mapEntry.getValue(); String emmBlock = component.getEmmBlock(); StringBuffer contentOutReport = new StringBuffer(); if (!tagCheck.checkContent(emmBlock, contentOutReport, outFailures)) { appendErrorsToList(tagName, errorReports, contentOutReport); } } if (errorReports.size() > 0) { throw new AgnTagException("error.template.dyntags", errorReports); } } mailingDao.saveMailing(aMailing); aForm.setMailingID(aMailing.getId()); String entityName = aMailing.isIsTemplate() ? "template" : "mailing"; if (aMailing.isIsTemplate()) { updateMailingsWithDynamicTemplate(aMailing); } if (newMail) { AgnUtils.userlogger().info(AgnUtils.getAdmin(req).getUsername() + ": create " + entityName + " " + aMailing.getShortname()); } else { AgnUtils.userlogger().info( AgnUtils.getAdmin(req).getUsername() + ": edit " + entityName + " " + aMailing.getShortname()); } } /** * Marks mailing as deleted and updated mailing data in database * * @param aForm MailingBaseForm object * @param req request * @throws Exception */ protected void deleteMailing(MailingBaseForm aForm, HttpServletRequest req) throws Exception { mailingDao.deleteMailing(aForm.getMailingID(), this.getCompanyID(req)); String entityName = aForm.isIsTemplate() ? "template" : "mailing"; AgnUtils.userlogger() .info(AgnUtils.getAdmin(req).getUsername() + ": delete " + entityName + " " + aForm.getShortname()); } /** * Loads list of emm actions into form * * @param aForm MailingBaseForm object * @param req request * @throws Exception */ protected void loadActions(MailingBaseForm aForm, HttpServletRequest req) throws Exception { Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(); map = mailingDao.loadAction(aForm.getMailingID(), this.getCompanyID(req)); aForm.setActions(map); } /** * Creates paginated list by given sorting parameters and filter conditions (templates or mailings, mailings of certain types). * * @param req request * @param types listed mailing types, separated with comma * @param isTemplate true == templates * false==mailings * @param mailingBaseForm MailingBaseForm object * @return Future object * @throws IllegalAccessException * @throws InstantiationException */ public Future getMailingListFuture(HttpServletRequest req, String types, boolean isTemplate, MailingBaseForm mailingBaseForm) throws IllegalAccessException, InstantiationException { String sort = getSort(req, mailingBaseForm); String direction = req.getParameter("dir"); if (direction == null) { direction = mailingBaseForm.getOrder(); } else { mailingBaseForm.setOrder(direction); } String pageStr = req.getParameter("page"); if (pageStr == null || "".equals(pageStr.trim())) { if (mailingBaseForm.getPage() == null || "".equals(mailingBaseForm.getPage().trim())) { mailingBaseForm.setPage("1"); } pageStr = mailingBaseForm.getPage(); } else { mailingBaseForm.setPage(pageStr); } if (mailingBaseForm.isNumberOfRowsChanged()) { mailingBaseForm.setPage("1"); mailingBaseForm.setNumberOfRowsChanged(false); pageStr = "1"; } int page = Integer.parseInt(pageStr); int rownums = mailingBaseForm.getNumberofRows(); Future future = executorService.submit(new MailingsQueryWorker(mailingDao, AgnUtils.getCompanyID(req), types, isTemplate, sort, direction, page, rownums)); return future; } protected String getSort(HttpServletRequest request, MailingBaseForm aForm) { String sort = request.getParameter("sort"); if (sort == null) { sort = aForm.getSort(); } else { aForm.setSort(sort); } return sort; } /** * Creates report about errors in dynamic tags. * * @param blockName name of content block with invalid content * @param errorReports list of messages about parsing errors (is changing inside the method) * @param templateReport content with errors */ protected void appendErrorsToList(String blockName, List<String[]> errorReports, StringBuffer templateReport) { Map<String, String> tagsWithErrors = PreviewHelper.getTagsWithErrors(templateReport); for (Entry<String, String> entry : tagsWithErrors.entrySet()) { String[] errorRow = new String[3]; errorRow[0] = blockName; // block errorRow[1] = entry.getKey(); // tag errorRow[2] = entry.getValue(); // value errorReports.add(errorRow); } List<String> errorsWithoutATag = PreviewHelper.getErrorsWithoutATag(templateReport); for (String error : errorsWithoutATag) { String[] errorRow = new String[3]; errorRow[0] = blockName; errorRow[1] = ""; errorRow[2] = error; errorReports.add(errorRow); } } public MailingDao getMailingDao() { return mailingDao; } public void setMailingDao(MailingDao mailingDao) { this.mailingDao = mailingDao; } public void setFutureHolder(AbstractMap<String, Future> futureHolder) { this.futureHolder = futureHolder; } public CampaignDao getCampaignDao() { return campaignDao; } public void setCampaignDao(CampaignDao campaignDao) { this.campaignDao = campaignDao; } public MailinglistDao getMailinglistDao() { return mailinglistDao; } public void setMailinglistDao(MailinglistDao mailinglistDao) { this.mailinglistDao = mailinglistDao; } public CharacterEncodingValidator getCharacterEncodingValidator() { return characterEncodingValidator; } public void setCharacterEncodingValidator(CharacterEncodingValidator characterEncodingValidator) { this.characterEncodingValidator = characterEncodingValidator; } public TargetDao getTargetDao() { return targetDao; } public void setTargetDao(TargetDao targetDao) { this.targetDao = targetDao; } public TAGCheckFactory getTagCheckFactory() { return tagCheckFactory; } public void setTagCheckFactory(TAGCheckFactory tagCheckFactory) { this.tagCheckFactory = tagCheckFactory; } public void setExecutorService(ExecutorService executorService) { this.executorService = executorService; } public MailingFactory getMailingFactory() { return mailingFactory; } public void setMailingFactory(MailingFactory mailingFactory) { this.mailingFactory = mailingFactory; } protected void updateMailingsWithDynamicTemplate(Mailing mailTemplate) { List<Integer> referencingMailings = mailingDao.getTemplateReferencingMailingIds(mailTemplate); if (referencingMailings == null) return; int companyId = mailTemplate.getCompanyID(); Mailing mailing; MailingComponent mailingComponent; MailingComponent templateComponent; for (int mailingId : referencingMailings) { mailing = mailingDao.getMailing(mailingId, companyId); // First, handle text template templateComponent = mailTemplate.getTextTemplate(); mailingComponent = mailing.getTextTemplate(); // Modify text template only if mailing and template have both a text template if (templateComponent != null && mailingComponent != null) { mailingComponent.setEmmBlock(templateComponent.getEmmBlock()); } // Next, handle HTML template templateComponent = mailTemplate.getHtmlTemplate(); mailingComponent = mailing.getHtmlTemplate(); // Modify HTML template only if mailing and template have both a HTML template if (templateComponent != null && mailingComponent != null) { mailingComponent.setEmmBlock(templateComponent.getEmmBlock()); } try { mailing.buildDependencies(true, getWebApplicationContext()); mailingDao.saveMailing(mailing); } catch (Exception e) { org.apache.log4j.Logger logger = org.apache.log4j.Logger.getLogger(this.getClass()); logger.error("unable to update mailing ID " + mailingId + ": " + e.getMessage()); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("unable to update mailing ID " + mailingId, e); } } } protected void checkShowDynamicTemplateCheckbox(MailingBaseForm mailingBaseForm, HttpServletRequest request) { boolean showCheckbox = false; if (mailingBaseForm.isIsTemplate()) { // For templates checkbox is always show and enabled showCheckbox = true; } else if (mailingBaseForm.getTemplateID() != 0) { // For mailings, checkbox is always shows if and only if referenced mailing-record defines template // Checkbox is only enabled, if such a mailing has ID 0 (new mailing) showCheckbox = mailingDao.checkMailingReferencesTemplate(mailingBaseForm.getTemplateID(), AgnUtils.getCompanyID(request)); } else { // in all other cases, the checkbox is hidden showCheckbox = false; } request.setAttribute("show_dynamic_template_checkbox", showCheckbox); } protected WebApplicationContext getApplicationContext(HttpServletRequest req) { return WebApplicationContextUtils.getRequiredWebApplicationContext(req.getSession().getServletContext()); } }