Java tutorial
/********************************************************************************* * The contents of this file are subject to the Common Public Attribution * License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * The License is based on the Mozilla * Public License Version 1.1 but Sections 14 and 15 have been added to cover * use of software over a computer network and provide for limited attribution * for the Original Developer. In addition, Exhibit A has been modified to be * consistent with Exhibit B. * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for * the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License. * * The Original Code is OpenEMM. * The Original Developer is the Initial Developer. * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is AGNITAS AG. All portions of * the code written by AGNITAS AG are Copyright (c) 2007 AGNITAS AG. All Rights * Reserved. * * Contributor(s): AGNITAS AG. ********************************************************************************/ package org.agnitas.dao.impl; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData; import java.sql.Statement; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.sql.DataSource; import org.agnitas.beans.BindingEntry; import org.agnitas.beans.CustomerImportStatus; import org.agnitas.beans.ProfileField; import org.agnitas.beans.Recipient; import org.agnitas.beans.impl.PaginatedListImpl; import org.agnitas.beans.impl.RecipientImpl; import org.agnitas.dao.RecipientDao; import org.agnitas.util.AgnUtils; import org.agnitas.util.CaseInsensitiveMap; import org.agnitas.util.CsvColInfo; import org.agnitas.util.SafeString; import org.apache.commons.beanutils.BasicDynaClass; import org.apache.commons.beanutils.DynaBean; import org.apache.commons.beanutils.DynaProperty; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.displaytag.pagination.PaginatedList; import org.hibernate.dialect.Dialect; import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate; import org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DataSourceUtils; import org.springframework.jdbc.object.SqlUpdate; import; import; /** * * @author Nicole Serek, Andreas Rehak */ public class RecipientDaoImpl implements RecipientDao { private static final transient Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(RecipientDaoImpl.class); private static Integer maxRecipient = null; private int getMaxRecipient() { if (maxRecipient == null) { synchronized (this) { if (maxRecipient == null) { maxRecipient = new Integer(AgnUtils.getDefaultIntValue("recipient.maxRows")); } } } if (maxRecipient == null) { return 0; } return maxRecipient.intValue(); } @Override public boolean mayAdd(int companyID, int count) { if (getMaxRecipient() != 0) { JdbcTemplate jdbc = new JdbcTemplate((DataSource) this.applicationContext.getBean("dataSource")); String sql = "select count(customer_id) from customer_" + companyID + "_tbl"; int current = jdbc.queryForInt(sql); int max = getMaxRecipient(); if (max == 0 || current + count <= max) { return true; } return false; } else { return true; } } @Override public boolean isNearLimit(int companyID, int count) { if (getMaxRecipient() != 0) { JdbcTemplate jdbc = new JdbcTemplate((DataSource) this.applicationContext.getBean("dataSource")); String sql = "select count(customer_id) from customer_" + companyID + "_tbl"; int current = jdbc.queryForInt(sql); int max = (int) (getMaxRecipient() * 0.9); if (max == 0 || current + count <= max) { return false; } return true; } else { return true; } } /** * Inserts new customer record in Database with a fresh customer-id * * @return true on success */ @Override public int insertNewCust(Recipient cust) { StringBuffer Columns = new StringBuffer("("); StringBuffer Values = new StringBuffer(" VALUES ("); String aColumn = null; String aParameter = null; String ColType = null; int intValue = 0; int day, month, year; int hour = 0; int minute = 0; int second = 0; StringBuffer insertCust = new StringBuffer("INSERT INTO customer_" + cust.getCompanyID() + "_tbl "); boolean appendIt = false; boolean hasDefault = false; String appendColumn = null; String appendValue = null; NumberFormat aFormat1 = null; NumberFormat aFormat2 = null; if (cust.getCustDBStructure() == null) { cust.loadCustDBStructure(); } // logic from former method getNewCustomerID String sqlStatement = null; int customerID = 0; int companyID = cust.getCompanyID(); if (companyID == 0) { return customerID; } if (mayAdd(companyID, 1) == false) { return customerID; } try { // set customerID for Oracle if (AgnUtils.isOracleDB()) { JdbcTemplate tmpl = new JdbcTemplate((DataSource) this.applicationContext.getBean("dataSource")); sqlStatement = "select customer_" + companyID + "_tbl_seq.nextval FROM dual"; customerID = tmpl.queryForInt(sqlStatement); cust.setCustomerID(customerID); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error inserting new customer", e); customerID = 0; return customerID; } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("new customerID: " + customerID); } // Oracle: put customerID in SQL statement at first // (MySQL: no customerID available, yet) if (AgnUtils.isOracleDB()) { Columns.append("customer_id"); Values.append(Integer.toString(cust.getCustomerID())); } Iterator<String> i = cust.getCustDBStructure().keySet().iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { aColumn =; ColType = cust.getCustDBStructure().get(aColumn); appendIt = false; hasDefault = false; if (!aColumn.equalsIgnoreCase("customer_id")) { if (aColumn.equalsIgnoreCase("creation_date") || aColumn.equalsIgnoreCase("timestamp") || aColumn.equalsIgnoreCase("change_date")) { appendValue = "current_timestamp"; appendColumn = aColumn; appendIt = true; } else if (ColType.equalsIgnoreCase("DATE")) { if (cust.getCustParameters(aColumn + "_DAY_DATE") != null && cust.getCustParameters(aColumn + "_MONTH_DATE") != null && cust.getCustParameters(aColumn + "_YEAR_DATE") != null) { aFormat1 = new DecimalFormat("00"); aFormat2 = new DecimalFormat("0000"); try { if (!cust.getCustParameters(aColumn + "_DAY_DATE").trim().equals("")) { day = Integer.parseInt(cust.getCustParameters(aColumn + "_DAY_DATE")); month = Integer.parseInt(cust.getCustParameters(aColumn + "_MONTH_DATE")); year = Integer.parseInt(cust.getCustParameters(aColumn + "_YEAR_DATE")); if ((cust.getCustParameters(aColumn + "_HOUR_DATE") != null) && !cust.getCustParameters(aColumn + "_HOUR_DATE").trim().equals("")) { hour = Integer.parseInt(cust.getCustParameters(aColumn + "_HOUR_DATE")); } if ((cust.getCustParameters(aColumn + "_MINUTE_DATE") != null) && !cust.getCustParameters(aColumn + "_MINUTE_DATE").trim().equals("")) { minute = Integer.parseInt(cust.getCustParameters(aColumn + "_MINUTE_DATE")); } if ((cust.getCustParameters(aColumn + "_SECOND_DATE") != null) && !cust.getCustParameters(aColumn + "_SECOND_DATE").trim().equals("")) { second = Integer.parseInt(cust.getCustParameters(aColumn + "_SECOND_DATE")); } if (AgnUtils.isOracleDB()) { appendValue = "to_date('" + aFormat1.format(day) + "." + aFormat1.format(month) + "." + aFormat2.format(year) + " " + aFormat1.format(hour) + ":" + aFormat1.format(minute) + ":" + aFormat1.format(second) + "', 'DD.MM.YYYY HH24:MI:SS')"; } else { appendValue = "STR_TO_DATE('" + aFormat1.format(day) + "-" + aFormat1.format(month) + "-" + aFormat2.format(year) + " " + aFormat1.format(hour) + ":" + aFormat1.format(minute) + ":" + aFormat1.format(second) + "', '%d-%m-%Y %H:%i:%s')"; } appendColumn = aColumn; appendIt = true; } else { ProfileField tmp = cust.getCustDBProfileStructure().get(aColumn); if (tmp != null) { String defaultValue = tmp.getDefaultValue(); if (!StringUtils.isBlank(defaultValue)) { appendValue = createDateDefaultValueExpression(defaultValue); hasDefault = true; } } if (!hasDefault) { appendValue = "null"; } appendColumn = aColumn; appendIt = true; } } catch (Exception e1) { logger.error("insertNewCust: (" + aColumn + ") " + e1.getMessage(), e1); } } else { ProfileField tmp = cust.getCustDBProfileStructure().get(aColumn); if (tmp != null) { String defaultValue = tmp.getDefaultValue(); if (!StringUtils.isBlank(defaultValue)) { appendValue = createDateDefaultValueExpression(defaultValue); hasDefault = true; } } if (hasDefault) { appendColumn = aColumn; appendIt = true; } } } if (ColType.equalsIgnoreCase("INTEGER") || ColType.equalsIgnoreCase("DOUBLE")) { aParameter = cust.getCustParameters(aColumn); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(aParameter)) { try { intValue = Integer.parseInt(aParameter); } catch (Exception e1) { intValue = 0; } appendValue = Integer.toString(intValue); appendColumn = aColumn; appendIt = true; } else { ProfileField tmp = cust.getCustDBProfileStructure().get(aColumn); if (tmp != null) { String defaultValue = tmp.getDefaultValue(); if (!StringUtils.isBlank(defaultValue)) { appendValue = defaultValue; hasDefault = true; } } if (hasDefault) { appendColumn = aColumn; appendIt = true; } } } if (ColType.equalsIgnoreCase("VARCHAR") || ColType.equalsIgnoreCase("CHAR")) { aParameter = cust.getCustParameters(aColumn); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(aParameter)) { appendValue = "'" + SafeString.getSQLSafeString(aParameter) + "'"; appendColumn = aColumn; appendIt = true; } else { ProfileField tmp = cust.getCustDBProfileStructure().get(aColumn); if (tmp != null) { String defaultValue = tmp.getDefaultValue(); if (!StringUtils.isBlank(defaultValue)) { appendValue = "'" + defaultValue + "'"; hasDefault = true; } } if (hasDefault) { appendColumn = aColumn; appendIt = true; } } } if (appendIt) { // if Columns contains more than "(", i.e. customerID was set if (!Columns.toString().equals("(")) { Columns.append(", "); Values.append(", "); } Columns.append(appendColumn.toLowerCase()); Values.append(appendValue); } } } Columns.append(")"); Values.append(")"); insertCust.append(Columns.toString()); insertCust.append(Values.toString()); if (AgnUtils.isOracleDB()) { try { JdbcTemplate tmpl = new JdbcTemplate((DataSource) this.applicationContext.getBean("dataSource")); tmpl.execute(insertCust.toString()); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("insertCust: " + insertCust.toString()); } } catch (Exception e3) { logger.error("insertNewCustomer in Oracle", e3); cust.setCustomerID(0); return 0; } } else { try { SqlUpdate sqlUpdate = new SqlUpdate((DataSource) this.applicationContext.getBean("dataSource"), insertCust.toString()); sqlUpdate.setReturnGeneratedKeys(true); sqlUpdate.compile(); GeneratedKeyHolder key = new GeneratedKeyHolder(); sqlUpdate.update(null, key); customerID = key.getKey().intValue(); cust.setCustomerID(customerID); } catch (Exception e3) { logger.error("insertNewCust in MySQL", e3); cust.setCustomerID(0); return 0; } } return cust.getCustomerID(); } /** * Updates Customer in DB. customerID must be set to a valid id, customer-data is taken from this.customerData * * @return true on success */ @Override public boolean updateInDB(Recipient cust) { String currentTimestamp = AgnUtils.getSQLCurrentTimestampName(); String aColumn; String colType = null; boolean appendIt = false; StringBuffer updateCust = new StringBuffer("UPDATE customer_" + cust.getCompanyID() + "_tbl SET " + AgnUtils.changeDateName() + "=" + currentTimestamp); NumberFormat aFormat1 = null; NumberFormat aFormat2 = null; int day, month, year; int hour = 0; int minute = 0; int second = 0; String aParameter = null; int intValue; String appendValue = null; boolean result = true; if (cust.getCustDBStructure() == null) { cust.loadCustDBStructure(); } if (cust.getCustomerID() == 0) { if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {"updateInDB: creating new customer"); } if (this.insertNewCust(cust) == 0) { result = false; } } else { if (cust.isChangeFlag()) { // only if something has changed Iterator<String> i = cust.getCustDBStructure().keySet().iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { aColumn =; colType = (String) cust.getCustDBStructure().get(aColumn); appendIt = false; if (aColumn.equalsIgnoreCase("customer_id") || aColumn.equalsIgnoreCase("change_date") || aColumn.equalsIgnoreCase("timestamp") || aColumn.equalsIgnoreCase("creation_date") || aColumn.equalsIgnoreCase("datasource_id")) { continue; } if (colType.equalsIgnoreCase("DATE")) { if ((cust.getCustParameters().get(aColumn + "_DAY_DATE") != null) && (cust.getCustParameters().get(aColumn + "_MONTH_DATE") != null) && (cust.getCustParameters().get(aColumn + "_YEAR_DATE") != null)) { aFormat1 = new DecimalFormat("00"); aFormat2 = new DecimalFormat("0000"); try { if (!((String) cust.getCustParameters().get(aColumn + "_DAY_DATE")).trim() .equals("")) { day = Integer .parseInt((String) cust.getCustParameters().get(aColumn + "_DAY_DATE")); month = Integer.parseInt( (String) cust.getCustParameters().get(aColumn + "_MONTH_DATE")); year = Integer.parseInt( (String) cust.getCustParameters().get(aColumn + "_YEAR_DATE")); if ((cust.getCustParameters().get(aColumn + "_HOUR_DATE") != null) && !cust.getCustParameters(aColumn + "_HOUR_DATE").trim().equals("")) { hour = Integer.parseInt( (String) cust.getCustParameters().get(aColumn + "_HOUR_DATE")); } if ((cust.getCustParameters().get(aColumn + "_MINUTE_DATE") != null) && !cust .getCustParameters(aColumn + "_MINUTE_DATE").trim().equals("")) { minute = Integer.parseInt( (String) cust.getCustParameters().get(aColumn + "_MINUTE_DATE")); } if ((cust.getCustParameters().get(aColumn + "_SECOND_DATE") != null) && !cust .getCustParameters(aColumn + "_SECOND_DATE").trim().equals("")) { second = Integer.parseInt( (String) cust.getCustParameters().get(aColumn + "_SECOND_DATE")); } if (AgnUtils.isOracleDB()) { appendValue = aColumn.toLowerCase() + "=to_date('" + aFormat1.format(day) + "." + aFormat1.format(month) + "." + aFormat2.format(year) + " " + aFormat1.format(hour) + ":" + aFormat1.format(minute) + ":" + aFormat1.format(second) + "', 'DD.MM.YYYY HH24:MI:SS')"; } else { appendValue = aColumn.toLowerCase() + "=STR_TO_DATE('" + aFormat1.format(day) + "-" + aFormat1.format(month) + "-" + aFormat2.format(year) + " " + aFormat1.format(hour) + ":" + aFormat1.format(minute) + ":" + aFormat1.format(second) + "', '%d-%m-%Y %H:%i:%s')"; } appendIt = true; } else { appendValue = aColumn.toLowerCase() + "=null"; appendIt = true; } } catch (Exception e1) { logger.error("updateInDB: Could not parse Date " + aColumn + " because of " + e1.getMessage(), e1); } } else { logger.error("updateInDB: Parameter missing!"); } } else if (colType.equalsIgnoreCase("INTEGER")) { aParameter = (String) cust.getCustParameters(aColumn); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(aParameter)) { try { intValue = Integer.parseInt(aParameter); } catch (Exception e1) { intValue = 0; } appendValue = aColumn.toLowerCase() + "=" + intValue; appendIt = true; } else { appendValue = aColumn.toLowerCase() + "=null"; appendIt = true; } } else if (colType.equalsIgnoreCase("DOUBLE")) { double dValue; aParameter = (String) cust.getCustParameters(aColumn); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(aParameter)) { try { dValue = Double.parseDouble(aParameter); } catch (Exception e1) { dValue = 0; } appendValue = aColumn.toLowerCase() + "=" + dValue; appendIt = true; } else { appendValue = aColumn.toLowerCase() + "=null"; appendIt = true; } } else /* if(colType.equalsIgnoreCase("VARCHAR") || colType.equalsIgnoreCase("CHAR"))*/ { aParameter = (String) cust.getCustParameters(aColumn); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(aParameter)) { appendValue = aColumn.toLowerCase() + "='" + SafeString.getSQLSafeString(aParameter) + "'"; appendIt = true; } else { appendValue = aColumn.toLowerCase() + "=null"; appendIt = true; } } if (appendIt) { updateCust.append(", "); updateCust.append(appendValue); } } updateCust.append(" WHERE customer_id=" + cust.getCustomerID()); try { JdbcTemplate tmpl = new JdbcTemplate( (DataSource) this.applicationContext.getBean("dataSource")); if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {"updateInDB: " + updateCust.toString()); } tmpl.execute(updateCust.toString()); if (cust.getCustParameters("DATASOURCE_ID") != null) { String sql = "select datasource_id from customer_" + cust.getCompanyID() + "_tbl where customer_id = ?"; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Map<String, Object>> list = tmpl.queryForList(sql, new Object[] { new Integer(cust.getCustomerID()) }); Iterator<Map<String, Object>> id = list.iterator(); if (!id.hasNext()) { aParameter = (String) cust.getCustParameters("DATASOURCE_ID"); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(aParameter)) { try { intValue = Integer.parseInt(aParameter); sql = "update customer_" + cust.getCompanyID() + "_tbl set datasource_id = " + intValue + " where customer_id = " + cust.getCustomerID(); tmpl.execute(sql); } catch (Exception e1) { logger.error("Error updating customer", e1); } } } } } catch (Exception e3) { // Util.SQLExceptionHelper(e3,dbConn); logger.error("updateInDB: " + e3.getMessage(), e3); result = false; } } else { if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {"updateInDB: nothing changed"); } } } return result; } /** * Find Subscriber by providing a column-name and a value. Only exact machtes possible. * * @return customerID or 0 if no matching record found * @param col Column-Name * @param value Value to search for in col */ @Override public int findByKeyColumn(Recipient cust, String col, String value) { int val = 0; String aType = null; String getCust = null; try { if (cust.getCustDBStructure() == null) { cust.loadCustDBStructure(); } if ("email".equalsIgnoreCase(col)) { value = AgnUtils.normalizeEmail(value); } aType = (String) cust.getCustDBStructure().get(col); if (aType != null) { if (aType.equalsIgnoreCase("DECIMAL") || aType.equalsIgnoreCase("INTEGER") || aType.equalsIgnoreCase("DOUBLE")) { try { val = Integer.parseInt(value); } catch (Exception e) { val = 0; } getCust = "SELECT customer_id FROM customer_" + cust.getCompanyID() + "_tbl cust WHERE cust." + SafeString.getSQLSafeString(col, 30) + "=" + val; } if (aType.equalsIgnoreCase("VARCHAR") || aType.equalsIgnoreCase("CHAR")) { getCust = "SELECT customer_id FROM customer_" + cust.getCompanyID() + "_tbl cust WHERE cust." + SafeString.getSQLSafeString(col, 30) + "='" + SafeString.getSQLSafeString(value) + "'"; } if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {"RecipientDaoImpl:findByKeyColumn: " + getCust); } JdbcTemplate tmpl = new JdbcTemplate((DataSource) this.applicationContext.getBean("dataSource")); // cannot use queryForInt, because of possible existing doublettes @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Map<String, Integer>> custList = tmpl.queryForList(getCust); if (custList.size() > 0) { Map<String, Object> map = new CaseInsensitiveMap<Object>(custList.get(0)); cust.setCustomerID(((Number) map.get("customer_id")).intValue()); } else { cust.setCustomerID(0); } } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("findByKeyColumn (sql: " + getCust + ")", e); cust.setCustomerID(0); } return cust.getCustomerID(); } @Override public int findByColumn(int companyID, String col, String value) { Recipient cust = (Recipient) applicationContext.getBean("Recipient"); cust.setCompanyID(companyID); int custID = 0; int val = 0; String aType = null; String getCust = null; if (cust.getCustDBStructure() == null) { cust.loadCustDBStructure(); } if (col.toLowerCase().equals("email")) { value = value.toLowerCase(); } aType = (String) cust.getCustDBStructure().get(col.toLowerCase()); if (aType != null) { if (aType.equalsIgnoreCase("VARCHAR") || aType.equalsIgnoreCase("CHAR")) { getCust = "select customer_id from customer_" + companyID + "_tbl cust where lower(cust." + SafeString.getSQLSafeString(col, 30) + ")=lower('" + SafeString.getSQLSafeString(value) + "')"; } else { try { val = Integer.parseInt(value); } catch (Exception e) { val = 0; } getCust = "select customer_id from customer_" + companyID + "_tbl cust where cust." + SafeString.getSQLSafeString(col, 30) + "=" + val; } try { JdbcTemplate tmpl = new JdbcTemplate((DataSource) this.applicationContext.getBean("dataSource")); //custID = tmpl.queryForInt(getCust); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Map<String, Object>> results = tmpl.queryForList(getCust); if (results.size() > 0) { Map<String, Object> map = results.get(0); custID = ((Number) map.get("customer_id")).intValue(); } } catch (Exception e) { custID = 0; } } return custID; } /** * Find Subscriber by providing a username and password. Only exact machtes possible. * * @return customerID or 0 if no matching record found * @param userCol Column-Name for Username * @param userValue Value for Username * @param passCol Column-Name for Password * @param passValue Value for Password */ @Override public int findByUserPassword(int companyID, String userCol, String userValue, String passCol, String passValue) { String getCust = null; int customerID = 0; if (userCol.toLowerCase().equals("email")) { userValue = userValue.toLowerCase(); } getCust = "SELECT customer_id FROM customer_" + companyID + "_tbl cust WHERE cust." + SafeString.getSQLSafeString(userCol, 30) + "='" + SafeString.getSQLSafeString(userValue) + "' AND cust." + SafeString.getSQLSafeString(passCol, 30) + "='" + SafeString.getSQLSafeString(passValue) + "'"; try { JdbcTemplate tmpl = new JdbcTemplate((DataSource) this.applicationContext.getBean("dataSource")); customerID = tmpl.queryForInt(getCust); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("findByUserPassword", e); customerID = 0; } return customerID; } /** * Load complete Subscriber-Data from DB. customerID must be set first for this method. * * @return Map with Key/Value-Pairs of customer data */ @Override public CaseInsensitiveMap<Object> getCustomerDataFromDb(int companyID, int customerID) { String aName = null; String aValue = null; int a; java.sql.Timestamp aTime = null; Recipient cust = (Recipient) applicationContext.getBean("Recipient"); if (cust.getCustParameters() == null) { cust.setCustParameters(new CaseInsensitiveMap<Object>()); } String getCust = "SELECT * FROM customer_" + companyID + "_tbl WHERE customer_id=" + customerID; if (cust.getCustDBStructure() == null) { cust.loadCustDBStructure(); } DataSource ds = (DataSource) this.applicationContext.getBean("dataSource"); Connection con = DataSourceUtils.getConnection(ds); try { Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); ResultSet rset = stmt.executeQuery(getCust); if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {"getCustomerDataFromDb: " + getCust); } if ( { ResultSetMetaData aMeta = rset.getMetaData(); for (a = 1; a <= aMeta.getColumnCount(); a++) { aValue = null; aName = aMeta.getColumnName(a).toLowerCase(); switch (aMeta.getColumnType(a)) { case java.sql.Types.TIMESTAMP: case java.sql.Types.TIME: case java.sql.Types.DATE: try { aTime = rset.getTimestamp(a); } catch (Exception e) { aTime = null; } if (aTime == null) { cust.getCustParameters().put(aName + "_DAY_DATE", ""); cust.getCustParameters().put(aName + "_MONTH_DATE", ""); cust.getCustParameters().put(aName + "_YEAR_DATE", ""); cust.getCustParameters().put(aName + "_HOUR_DATE", ""); cust.getCustParameters().put(aName + "_MINUTE_DATE", ""); cust.getCustParameters().put(aName + "_SECOND_DATE", ""); cust.getCustParameters().put(aName, ""); } else { GregorianCalendar aCal = new GregorianCalendar(); aCal.setTime(aTime); cust.getCustParameters().put(aName + "_DAY_DATE", Integer.toString(aCal.get(GregorianCalendar.DAY_OF_MONTH))); cust.getCustParameters().put(aName + "_MONTH_DATE", Integer.toString(aCal.get(GregorianCalendar.MONTH) + 1)); cust.getCustParameters().put(aName + "_YEAR_DATE", Integer.toString(aCal.get(GregorianCalendar.YEAR))); cust.getCustParameters().put(aName + "_HOUR_DATE", Integer.toString(aCal.get(GregorianCalendar.HOUR_OF_DAY))); cust.getCustParameters().put(aName + "_MINUTE_DATE", Integer.toString(aCal.get(GregorianCalendar.MINUTE))); cust.getCustParameters().put(aName + "_SECOND_DATE", Integer.toString(aCal.get(GregorianCalendar.SECOND))); SimpleDateFormat bdfmt = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); cust.getCustParameters().put(aName, bdfmt.format(aCal.getTime())); } break; default: aValue = rset.getString(a); if (aValue == null) { aValue = ""; } cust.getCustParameters().put(aName, aValue); break; } } } rset.close(); stmt.close(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("getCustomerDataFromDb: " + getCust, e); AgnUtils.sendExceptionMail("sql:" + getCust, e); } DataSourceUtils.releaseConnection(con, ds); cust.setChangeFlag(false); Map<String, Object> result = cust.getCustParameters(); if (result instanceof CaseInsensitiveMap) { return (CaseInsensitiveMap<Object>) result; } else { return new CaseInsensitiveMap<Object>(result); } } /** * Delete complete Subscriber-Data from DB. customerID must be set first for this method. */ @Override public void deleteCustomerDataFromDb(int companyID, int customerID) { String sql = null; Object[] params = new Object[] { new Integer(customerID) }; try { JdbcTemplate tmpl = new JdbcTemplate((DataSource) this.applicationContext.getBean("dataSource")); sql = "DELETE FROM customer_" + companyID + "_binding_tbl WHERE customer_id=?"; tmpl.update(sql, params); sql = "DELETE FROM customer_" + companyID + "_tbl WHERE customer_id=?"; tmpl.update(sql, params); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("deleteCustomerDataFromDb: " + sql, e); AgnUtils.sendExceptionMail("sql:" + sql, e); } } /** * Loads complete Mailinglist-Binding-Information for given customer-id from Database * * @return Map with key/value-pairs as combinations of mailinglist-id and BindingEntry-Objects */ @Override public Map<Integer, Map<Integer, BindingEntry>> loadAllListBindings(int companyID, int customerID) { Recipient cust = (Recipient) applicationContext.getBean("Recipient"); cust.setListBindings(new Hashtable<Integer, Map<Integer, BindingEntry>>()); // MailingList_ID as keys Map<Integer, BindingEntry> mTable = new Hashtable<Integer, BindingEntry>(); // Media_ID as key, contains rest of data (user type, status etc.) String sqlGetLists = null; BindingEntry aEntry = null; int tmpMLID = 0; try { sqlGetLists = "SELECT mailinglist_id, user_type, user_status, user_remark, " + AgnUtils.changeDateName() + ", mediatype FROM customer_" + companyID + "_binding_tbl WHERE customer_id=" + customerID + " ORDER BY mailinglist_id, mediatype"; JdbcTemplate tmpl = new JdbcTemplate((DataSource) this.applicationContext.getBean("dataSource")); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Map<String, Object>> list = tmpl.queryForList(sqlGetLists); Iterator<Map<String, Object>> i = list.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { Map<String, Object> map =; int listID = ((Number) map.get("mailinglist_id")).intValue(); Integer mediaType = new Integer(((Number) map.get("mediatype")).intValue()); aEntry = (BindingEntry) applicationContext.getBean("BindingEntry"); aEntry.setCustomerID(customerID); aEntry.setMailinglistID(listID); aEntry.setUserType((String) map.get("user_type")); aEntry.setUserStatus(((Number) map.get("user_status")).intValue()); aEntry.setUserRemark((String) map.get("user_remark")); aEntry.setChangeDate((java.sql.Timestamp) map.get(AgnUtils.changeDateName())); aEntry.setMediaType(mediaType.intValue()); if (tmpMLID != listID) { if (tmpMLID != 0) { cust.getListBindings().put(tmpMLID, mTable); mTable = new Hashtable<Integer, BindingEntry>(); mTable.put(mediaType, aEntry); tmpMLID = listID; } else { mTable.put(mediaType, aEntry); tmpMLID = listID; } } else { mTable.put(mediaType, aEntry); } } cust.getListBindings().put(tmpMLID, mTable); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("loadAllListBindings: " + sqlGetLists, e); AgnUtils.sendExceptionMail("sql:" + sqlGetLists, e); return null; } return cust.getListBindings(); } /** * Checks if E-Mail-Adress given in customerData-HashMap is registered in blacklist(s) * * @return true if E-Mail-Adress is blacklisted */ @Override public boolean blacklistCheck(String email, int companyID) { boolean returnValue = false; String sqlSelect = null; try { JdbcTemplate tmpl = new JdbcTemplate((DataSource) this.applicationContext.getBean("dataSource")); sqlSelect = "SELECT email FROM cust_ban_tbl WHERE '" + SafeString.getSQLSafeString(email) + "' LIKE email"; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Map<String, Object>> list = tmpl.queryForList(sqlSelect); if (list.size() > 0) { returnValue = true; } if (AgnUtils.isProjectEMM()) { sqlSelect = "SELECT email FROM cust" + companyID + "_ban_tbl WHERE '" + SafeString.getSQLSafeString(email) + "' LIKE email"; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Map<String, Object>> list2 = tmpl.queryForList(sqlSelect); if (list2.size() > 0) { returnValue = true; } } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("blacklistCheck: " + sqlSelect, e); AgnUtils.sendExceptionMail("sql:" + sqlSelect, e); returnValue = true; } return returnValue; } /* * Extract an int parameter from CustParameters * * @return the int value or the default value in case of an exception * @param column Column-Name * @param defaultValue Value to be returned in case of exception * * TODO: Method not used. Remove it, when nobody misses it (Support team?) private int extractInt(String column, int defaultValue, Recipient cust) { try { return Integer.parseInt(cust.getCustParameters(column)); } catch (Exception e1) { return defaultValue; } } */ @Override public String getField(String selectVal, int recipientID, int companyID) { JdbcTemplate jdbc = new JdbcTemplate((DataSource) this.applicationContext.getBean("dataSource")); String sql = "SELECT " + selectVal + " value FROM customer_" + companyID + "_tbl cust WHERE cust.customer_id=?"; try { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Map<String, Object>> list = jdbc.queryForList(sql, new Object[] { new Integer(recipientID) }); if (list.size() > 0) { Map<String, Object> map = list.get(0); Object temp = map.get("value"); if (temp != null) { return temp.toString(); } } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("processTag: " + sql, e); AgnUtils.sendExceptionMail("sql:" + sql, e); return null; } return ""; } @Override public Map<Integer, Map<Integer, BindingEntry>> getAllMailingLists(int customerID, int companyID) { Map<Integer, Map<Integer, BindingEntry>> result = new HashMap<Integer, Map<Integer, BindingEntry>>(); String sql = "SELECT mailinglist_id, user_type, user_status, user_remark, " + AgnUtils.changeDateName() + ", mediatype FROM customer_" + companyID + "_binding_tbl WHERE customer_id=? ORDER BY mailinglist_id, mediatype"; JdbcTemplate jdbc = new JdbcTemplate((DataSource) this.applicationContext.getBean("dataSource")); if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {"getAllMailingLists: " + sql); } try { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Map<String, Object>> list = jdbc.queryForList(sql, new Object[] { new Integer(customerID) }); Iterator<Map<String, Object>> i = list.iterator(); BindingEntry entry = null; while (i.hasNext()) { Map<String, Object> map =; int listID = ((Number) map.get("mailinglist_id")).intValue(); int mediaType = ((Number) map.get("mediatype")).intValue(); Map<Integer, BindingEntry> sub = result.get(new Integer(listID)); if (sub == null) { sub = new HashMap<Integer, BindingEntry>(); } entry = (BindingEntry) applicationContext.getBean("BindingEntry"); entry.setCustomerID(customerID); entry.setMailinglistID(listID); entry.setUserType((String) map.get("user_type")); entry.setUserStatus(((Number) map.get("user_status")).intValue()); entry.setUserRemark((String) map.get("user_remark")); entry.setChangeDate((java.sql.Timestamp) map.get(AgnUtils.changeDateName())); entry.setMediaType(mediaType); sub.put(new Integer(mediaType), entry); result.put(new Integer(listID), sub); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("getAllMailingLists (customer ID: " + customerID + "sql: " + sql + ")", e); AgnUtils.sendExceptionMail("sql:" + sql + ", " + customerID, e); } return result; } @Override public boolean createImportTables(int companyID, int datasourceID, CustomerImportStatus status) { JdbcTemplate jdbc = new JdbcTemplate((DataSource) applicationContext.getBean("dataSource")); String prefix = "cust_" + companyID + "_tmp"; String tabName = prefix + datasourceID + "_tbl"; String keyIdx = prefix + datasourceID + "$KEYCOL$IDX"; String custIdx = prefix + datasourceID + "$CUSTID$IDX"; String sql = null; try { sql = "create temporary table " + tabName + " as (select * from customer_" + companyID + "_tbl where 1=0)"; jdbc.execute(sql); sql = "alter table " + tabName + " modify change_date timestamp null default null"; jdbc.execute(sql); sql = "alter table " + tabName + " modify creation_date timestamp null default current_timestamp"; jdbc.execute(sql); sql = "create index " + keyIdx + " on " + tabName + " (" + SafeString.getSQLSafeString(status.getKeycolumn()) + ")"; jdbc.execute(sql); sql = "create index " + custIdx + " on " + tabName + " (customer_id)"; jdbc.execute(sql); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("createTemporaryTables: " + sql, e); e.printStackTrace(); return false; } return true; } @Override public boolean deleteImportTables(int companyID, int datasourceID) { JdbcTemplate jdbc = new JdbcTemplate((DataSource) applicationContext.getBean("dataSource")); String tabName = "cust_" + companyID + "_tmp" + datasourceID + "_tbl"; if (AgnUtils.isOracleDB()) { try { jdbc.execute("drop table " + tabName); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("deleteTemporarytables (table: " + tabName + ")", e); e.printStackTrace(); return false; } } return true; } /* * Retrieves new Datasource-ID for newly imported Subscribers * * @return new Datasource-ID or 0 * * TODO: Method not used, remove when nobody misses it (Support team?) private DatasourceDescription getNewDatasourceDescription(int companyID, String description) { HibernateTemplate tmpl = new HibernateTemplate((SessionFactory)applicationContext.getBean("sessionFactory")); DatasourceDescription dsDescription=(DatasourceDescription) applicationContext.getBean("DatasourceDescription"); dsDescription.setId(0); dsDescription.setCompanyID(companyID); dsDescription.setSourcegroupID(2); dsDescription.setCreationDate(new java.util.Date()); dsDescription.setDescription(description);"DatasourceDescription", dsDescription); return dsDescription; } */ @Override public int sumOfRecipients(int companyID, String target) { int recipients = 0; String sql = "select count(customer_id) from customer_" + companyID + "_tbl cust where " + target; try { JdbcTemplate tmpl = new JdbcTemplate((DataSource) this.applicationContext.getBean("dataSource")); recipients = tmpl.queryForInt(sql); } catch (Exception e) { recipients = 0; } return recipients; } @Override public boolean deleteRecipients(int companyID, String target) { boolean returnValue = false; JdbcTemplate tmpl = new JdbcTemplate((DataSource) this.applicationContext.getBean("dataSource")); String sql; sql = "DELETE FROM customer_" + companyID + "_binding_tbl WHERE customer_id in (select customer_id from customer_" + companyID + "_tbl cust where " + target + ")"; try { tmpl.execute(sql); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("error deleting recipient bindings", e); returnValue = false; } sql = "delete "; if (AgnUtils.isMySQLDB()) { sql = sql + "cust "; } sql = sql + "from customer_" + companyID + "_tbl cust where " + target; try { tmpl.execute(sql); returnValue = true; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("error deleting recipients", e); returnValue = false; } return returnValue; } @Override public PaginatedList getRecipientList(Set<String> columns, String sqlStatementForCount, String sqlStatementForRows, String sort, String direction, int page, int rownums, int previousFullListSize) throws IllegalAccessException, InstantiationException { return getRecipientList(columns, sqlStatementForCount, null, sqlStatementForRows, null, sort, direction, page, rownums, previousFullListSize); } @Override public PaginatedListImpl<DynaBean> getRecipientList(Set<String> columns, String sqlStatementForCount, Object[] parametersForsCount, String sqlStatementForRows, Object[] parametersForsRows, String sort, String direction, int page, int rownums, int previousFullListSize) throws IllegalAccessException, InstantiationException { JdbcTemplate aTemplate = new JdbcTemplate((DataSource) this.applicationContext.getBean("dataSource")); int totalRows = aTemplate.queryForInt(sqlStatementForCount, parametersForsCount); if (previousFullListSize == 0 || previousFullListSize != totalRows) { page = 1; } page = AgnUtils.getValidPageNumber(totalRows, page, rownums); String sortClause = ""; if (!StringUtils.isBlank(sort)) { sortClause = " ORDER BY " + "lower(" + sort + ")"; if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(direction)) { sortClause = sortClause + " " + direction; } } int offset = (page - 1) * rownums; if (AgnUtils.isOracleDB()) { sqlStatementForRows = "SELECT * from ( select " + StringUtils.join(columns, ", ") + ", rownum r from ( " + sqlStatementForRows + " ) where 1 = 1 " + sortClause + ") where r between " + (offset + 1) + " and " + (offset + rownums); } else { sqlStatementForRows = sqlStatementForRows + sortClause + " LIMIT " + offset + " , " + rownums; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Map<String, Object>> tmpList = aTemplate.queryForList(sqlStatementForRows, parametersForsRows); List<DynaBean> result = new ArrayList<DynaBean>(); if (tmpList != null && !tmpList.isEmpty()) { DynaProperty[] properties = new DynaProperty[columns.size()]; int i = 0; for (String c : columns) { properties[i++] = new DynaProperty(c.toLowerCase(), String.class); } BasicDynaClass dynaClass = new BasicDynaClass("recipient", null, properties); for (Map<String, Object> row : tmpList) { DynaBean bean = dynaClass.newInstance(); for (String c : columns) { bean.set(c.toLowerCase(), row.get(c.toUpperCase()) != null ? row.get(c.toUpperCase()).toString() : ""); } result.add(bean); } } PaginatedListImpl<DynaBean> paginatedList = new PaginatedListImpl<DynaBean>(result, totalRows, rownums, page, sort, direction); return paginatedList; } /* * TODO: Method is not used. Remove, when nobody misses it (Support team?) private String getUpperSort(List<String> charColumns, String sort) { String upperSort = sort; if (charColumns.contains( sort )) { upperSort = "upper( " +sort + " )"; } return upperSort; } */ /** * Holds value of property applicationContext. */ public void deleteAllNoBindings(int companyID, String toBeDeletedTable) { JdbcTemplate tmpl = new JdbcTemplate((DataSource) this.applicationContext.getBean("dataSource")); String delete = "delete from customer_" + companyID + "_tbl " + "where customer_id not in (" + "select customer_id from customer_" + companyID + "_binding_tbl" + ") " + "and customer_id in (select * from " + toBeDeletedTable + ")"; tmpl.update(delete); tmpl.execute("drop table " + toBeDeletedTable); } public String createTmpTableByMailinglistID(int companyID, int mailinglistID) { String tableName = "tmp_" + String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis()) + "_delete_tbl"; JdbcTemplate tmpl = new JdbcTemplate((DataSource) this.applicationContext.getBean("dataSource")); String sql = "create table " + tableName + " as (" + "select customer_id from customer_" + companyID + "_tbl where customer_id in (" + "select customer_id from customer_" + companyID + "_binding_tbl where mailinglist_id = " + mailinglistID + ")" + ")"; tmpl.execute(String.format(sql, mailinglistID)); return tableName; } public void deleteRecipientsBindings(int mailinglistID, int companyID, boolean activeOnly, boolean notAdminsAndTests) { JdbcTemplate jdbc = new JdbcTemplate((DataSource) applicationContext.getBean("dataSource")); String delete = "delete from customer_" + companyID + "_binding_tbl"; String where = "where mailinglist_id = ?"; StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer(delete).append(" ").append(where); if (activeOnly) { sql.append(" ").append(String.format("and user_status = %d", BindingEntry.USER_STATUS_ACTIVE)); } if (notAdminsAndTests) { sql.append(" ") .append(String.format("and user_type <> '%s' and user_type <> '%s' and user_type <> '%s'", BindingEntry.USER_TYPE_ADMIN, BindingEntry.USER_TYPE_TESTUSER, BindingEntry.USER_TYPE_TESTVIP)); } jdbc.update(sql.toString(), new Object[] { new Integer(mailinglistID) }); } protected ApplicationContext applicationContext; /** * Setter for property applicationContext. * @param applicationContext New value of property applicationContext. */ @Override public void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext applicationContext) { this.applicationContext = applicationContext; } @Override public CaseInsensitiveMap<CsvColInfo> readDBColumns(int companyID) { String sqlGetTblStruct = "SELECT * FROM customer_" + companyID + "_tbl WHERE 1=0"; CsvColInfo aCol = null; int colType; CaseInsensitiveMap<CsvColInfo> dbAllColumns = new CaseInsensitiveMap<CsvColInfo>(); DataSource ds = (DataSource) this.applicationContext.getBean("dataSource"); Connection con = DataSourceUtils.getConnection(ds); try { Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); ResultSet rset = stmt.executeQuery(sqlGetTblStruct); ResultSetMetaData meta = rset.getMetaData(); for (int i = 1; i <= meta.getColumnCount(); i++) { if (!meta.getColumnName(i).equals("change_date") && !meta.getColumnName(i).equals("creation_date") && !meta.getColumnName(i).equals("datasource_id")) { // if (meta.getColumnName(i).equals("customer_id")) { // if (status == null) { // initStatus(getWebApplicationContext()); // } // if (!( mode == ImportWizardServiceImpleImpl.MODE_ONLY_UPDATE && status.getKeycolumn().equals("customer_id"))) { // continue; // } // } aCol = new CsvColInfo(); aCol.setName(meta.getColumnName(i)); aCol.setLength(meta.getColumnDisplaySize(i)); aCol.setType(CsvColInfo.TYPE_UNKNOWN); aCol.setActive(false); aCol.setNullable(meta.isNullable(i) != 0); colType = meta.getColumnType(i); aCol.setType(dbTypeToCsvType(colType)); dbAllColumns.put(meta.getColumnName(i), aCol); } } rset.close(); stmt.close(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("readDBColumns (companyID: " + companyID + ")", e); } DataSourceUtils.releaseConnection(con, ds); return dbAllColumns; } private static int dbTypeToCsvType(int type) { switch (type) { case java.sql.Types.BIGINT: case java.sql.Types.INTEGER: case java.sql.Types.SMALLINT: case java.sql.Types.DECIMAL: case java.sql.Types.DOUBLE: case java.sql.Types.FLOAT: case java.sql.Types.NUMERIC: case java.sql.Types.REAL: return CsvColInfo.TYPE_NUMERIC; case java.sql.Types.CHAR: case java.sql.Types.VARCHAR: case java.sql.Types.LONGVARCHAR: case java.sql.Types.CLOB: return CsvColInfo.TYPE_CHAR; case java.sql.Types.DATE: case java.sql.Types.TIMESTAMP: case java.sql.Types.TIME: return CsvColInfo.TYPE_DATE; default: return CsvColInfo.TYPE_UNKNOWN; } } @Override public Set<String> loadBlackList(int companyID) throws Exception { JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate((DataSource) applicationContext.getBean("dataSource")); SqlRowSet rset = null; Object[] params = new Object[] { new Integer(companyID) }; Set<String> blacklist = new HashSet<String>(); try { rset = jdbcTemplate.queryForRowSet("SELECT email FROM cust_ban_tbl WHERE company_id=? OR company_id=0", params); while ( { blacklist.add(rset.getString(1).toLowerCase()); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("loadBlacklist (company ID: " + companyID + ")", e); throw e; } return blacklist; } @Override public Map<Integer, String> getAdminAndTestRecipientsDescription(int companyId, int mailingId) { String sql = "SELECT bind.customer_id,, cust.firstname, cust.lastname FROM mailing_tbl mail, " + "customer_" + companyId + "_tbl cust, customer_" + companyId + "_binding_tbl bind WHERE " + "bind.user_type in ('A', 'T') AND bind.user_status=1 AND bind.mailinglist_id=" + "mail.mailinglist_id AND bind.customer_id=cust.customer_id and mail.mailing_id=" + mailingId + " ORDER BY bind.user_type, bind.customer_id"; JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate((DataSource) applicationContext.getBean("dataSource")); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Map<String, Object>> tmpList = jdbcTemplate.queryForList(sql); HashMap<Integer, String> result = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); for (Map<String, Object> map : tmpList) { int id = ((Number) map.get("customer_id")).intValue(); String email = (String) map.get("email"); String firstName = (String) map.get("firstname"); String lastName = (String) map.get("lastname"); if (firstName == null) firstName = ""; if (lastName == null) lastName = ""; result.put(id, firstName + " " + lastName + " <" + email + ">"); } return result; } @Override public List<Recipient> getBouncedMailingRecipients(int companyId, int mailingId) { String sqlStatement = "select as email, cust.firstname as firstname, cust.lastname as lastname, cust.gender as gender " + "from customer_" + companyId + "_binding_tbl bind, customer_" + companyId + "_tbl cust where bind.customer_id=cust.customer_id and exit_mailing_id = ? and user_status = 2 " + "and mailinglist_id=(select mailinglist_id from mailing_tbl where mailing_id = ?)"; JdbcTemplate template = new JdbcTemplate((DataSource) this.applicationContext.getBean("dataSource")); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Map<String, Object>> tmpList = template.queryForList(sqlStatement, new Object[] { mailingId, mailingId }); List<Recipient> result = new ArrayList<Recipient>(); for (Map<String, Object> row : tmpList) { Recipient newBean = new RecipientImpl(); Map<String, Object> customerData = new HashMap<String, Object>(); customerData.put("gender", row.get("GENDER")); customerData.put("firstname", row.get("FIRSTNAME")); customerData.put("lastname", row.get("LASTNAME")); customerData.put("email", row.get("EMAIL")); newBean.setCustParameters(customerData); result.add(newBean); } return result; } /** * Gets new customerID from Database-Sequence an stores it in member-variable "customerID" * * @return true on success */ @Override public int getNewCustomerID(int companyID) { String sqlStatement = null; int customerID = 0; Dialect dialect = AgnUtils.getHibernateDialect(); if (companyID == 0) { return customerID; } if (mayAdd(companyID, 1) == false) { return customerID; } try { if (dialect.supportsSequences()) { JdbcTemplate tmpl = new JdbcTemplate((DataSource) this.applicationContext.getBean("dataSource")); sqlStatement = "select customer_" + companyID + "_tbl_seq.nextval FROM dual"; customerID = tmpl.queryForInt(sqlStatement); } else { sqlStatement = "insert into customer_" + companyID + "_tbl_seq () values ()"; SqlUpdate updt = new SqlUpdate((DataSource) this.applicationContext.getBean("dataSource"), sqlStatement); updt.setReturnGeneratedKeys(true); GeneratedKeyHolder key = new GeneratedKeyHolder(); customerID = updt.update(null, key); customerID = key.getKey().intValue(); } } catch (Exception e) { customerID = 0; System.err.println("Exception:" + e); System.err.println(AgnUtils.getStackTrace(e)); } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("new customerID: " + customerID); } return customerID; } @Override public void deleteRecipients(int companyID, List<Integer> list) { if (list == null || list.size() < 1) { throw new RuntimeException("Invalid customerID list size"); } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("WHERE customer_id in ("); for (Integer customerId : list) { sb.append(customerId); sb.append(","); } sb.setCharAt(sb.length() - 1, ')'); String where = sb.toString(); sb = new StringBuilder("DELETE FROM customer_"); sb.append(companyID); sb.append("_binding_tbl "); sb.append(where); String bindingQuery = sb.toString(); sb = new StringBuilder("DELETE FROM customer_"); sb.append(companyID); sb.append("_tbl "); sb.append(where); String customerQuery = sb.toString(); JdbcTemplate tmpl = new JdbcTemplate((DataSource) this.applicationContext.getBean("dataSource")); tmpl.batchUpdate(new String[] { bindingQuery, customerQuery }); } @Override public boolean exist(int customerId, int companyId) { JdbcTemplate jdbc = new JdbcTemplate((DataSource) this.applicationContext.getBean("dataSource")); String sql = "select count(*) from customer_" + companyId + "_tbl where customer_id = ?"; return jdbc.queryForInt(sql, new Object[] { customerId }) > 0; } protected String createDateDefaultValueExpression(String defaultValue) { if (defaultValue.toLowerCase().equals("now()")) { return AgnUtils.getSQLCurrentTimestampName(); } else { if (AgnUtils.isOracleDB()) { return "to_date('" + defaultValue + "', 'DD.MM.YYYY HH24:MI:SS')"; } else { return "STR_TO_DATE('" + defaultValue + "', '%d-%m-%Y')"; } } } }