Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package org.abondar.industrial.videorouterdemo.client; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.sencha.gxt.widget.core.client.FramedPanel; import com.sencha.gxt.widget.core.client.form.PasswordField; import com.sencha.gxt.widget.core.client.form.TextField; import com.sencha.gxt.widget.core.client.button.TextButton; import com.sencha.gxt.widget.core.client.container.MarginData; import com.sencha.gxt.widget.core.client.event.SelectEvent; import com.sencha.gxt.widget.core.client.form.FieldLabel; import com.sencha.gxt.widget.core.client.form.FormPanel; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; /** * * @author Alex Bondar */ public class MainEntryPoint implements EntryPoint { private VerticalPanel vp; private TextField address; private TextField username; private PasswordField password; private HorizontalPanel hp; private HorizontalPanel hpUser; private HorizontalPanel hpPwd; private FieldLabel addrLabel; private FieldLabel userLabel; private FieldLabel passwordLabel; private TextButton saveAddr; private TextButton update; private FieldLabel conTime; private HorizontalPanel hp1; private VerticalPanel vp1; private FramedPanel fp; private FormPanel form; private final ArrayList<String> monitorData = new ArrayList<>(); private final ArrayList<SourceBean> sourcesData = new ArrayList<>(); private final ArrayList<ConnectionBean> connections = new ArrayList<>(); private String prevSourceName; private ArrayList<String> monitor; @Override public void onModuleLoad() { vp = new VerticalPanel(); hp = new HorizontalPanel(); hpUser = new HorizontalPanel(); hpPwd = new HorizontalPanel(); addrLabel = new FieldLabel(address, "IP address and port"); address = new TextField(); saveAddr = new TextButton("Save address"); update = new TextButton("Update sources and monitors"); conTime = new FieldLabel(); username = new TextField(); userLabel = new FieldLabel(username, "Username"); password = new PasswordField(); passwordLabel = new FieldLabel(password, "Password"); fp = new FramedPanel(); form = new FormPanel(); RootPanel.get().add(fp); fp.setHeadingText("Video router demo"); fp.add(form); form.add(vp, new MarginData(50)); vp.add(hp); vp.add(hpUser); vp.add(hpPwd); hp.add(addrLabel); hp.add(address); hpUser.add(userLabel); hpUser.add(username); hpPwd.add(passwordLabel); hpPwd.add(password); vp.add(saveAddr); vp.add(update); saveAddr.addSelectHandler(new SelectEvent.SelectHandler() { @Override public void onSelect(SelectEvent event) { getMonitorsByRest(); saveAddr.setEnabled(false); } }); update.addSelectHandler(new SelectEvent.SelectHandler() { @Override public void onSelect(SelectEvent event) { vp1.clear(); connections.clear(); getMonitorsByRest(); } }); } public void showSourcesMonitors() { vp1 = new VerticalPanel(); vp.add(vp1); vp.remove(update); for (int i = 0; i < monitorData.size(); i++) { //number of outputs loop; final Label out = new Label(monitorData.get(i)); hp1 = new HorizontalPanel(); hp1.add(out); for (final SourceBean sb : sourcesData) { vp1.add(hp1); final RadioButton rb = new RadioButton(sourcesData.get(i).getName(), sb.getName()); hp1.add(rb); if (rb.getText().equals("")) { hp1.remove(rb); } if (rb.getText().equals("Undefined Source")) { rb.setEnabled(false); } for (ConnectionBean cb : connections) { for (String s : cb.getSourceID()) { for (String ss : cb.getDestnation()) { if (out.getText().equals(ss) && sb.getId().equals(s)) { rb.setValue(true); prevSourceName = cb.getName().substring(7); monitor = new ArrayList<>(); monitor.add(ss); } } } } rb.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { String sourceID = ""; if (sb.getName().equals(rb.getText())) { sourceID = sb.getId(); } if (monitor == null) { monitor = new ArrayList<>(); } else if (prevSourceName.equals(rb.getText()) == false) { monitor.clear(); } monitor.add(out.getText()); if (rb.getText().equals(prevSourceName)) { rb.setValue(Boolean.TRUE); } deleteConnection("Connect" + prevSourceName, sourceID, rb.getText()); prevSourceName = rb.getText(); } }); } } vp.add(update); } public void getMonitorsByRest() { try { String url = URL.encode("http://localhost:8084/VideoRestService/vrService/monitors"); RequestBuilder builder = new RequestBuilder(RequestBuilder.POST, url); builder.setRequestData(parseCredentialsToJSON()); builder.setHeader("Content-type", "application/json"); RequestCallback rc = new RequestCallback() { @Override public void onResponseReceived(Request request, Response response) { try { MonitorRootObjectAutoBeanFactory factory = GWT .create(MonitorRootObjectAutoBeanFactory.class); MonitorReader mr = new MonitorReader(factory, MonitorRootObject.class); ListLoadResult<Device> mons =, response.getText()); List<Device> monList = mons.getData(); for (Device mn : monList) { monitorData.add(mn.getName()); } } catch (Exception e) { Window.alert("Parsing error " + e.toString()); } getSourcesByRest(); getConnected(); } @Override public void onError(Request request, Throwable exception) { Window.alert("Connection failed " + exception.toString() + " " + showTime()); } }; builder.setCallback(rc); builder.send(); } catch (RequestException ex) { Window.alert("Connection failed " + ex.toString() + " " + showTime()); } } public void getConnected() { try { String url = URL.encode("http://localhost:8084/VideoRestService/vrService/rules"); RequestBuilder builder = new RequestBuilder(RequestBuilder.POST, url); builder.setRequestData(parseCredentialsToJSON()); builder.setHeader("Content-type", "application/json"); builder.setIncludeCredentials(true); RequestCallback rc = new RequestCallback() { @Override public void onResponseReceived(Request request, Response response) { RuleRootObjectAutoBeanFactory factory = GWT.create(RuleRootObjectAutoBeanFactory.class); RuleReader rr = new RuleReader(factory, RuleRootObject.class); ListLoadResult<Rule> rll =, response.getText()); List<Rule> ruleList = rll.getData(); for (Rule r : ruleList) { ConnectionBean cb = new ConnectionBean(); cb.setDestnation(r.getDevice()); cb.setSourceID(r.getSourcePort()); cb.setName(r.getName()); connections.add(cb); } } @Override public void onError(Request request, Throwable exception) { Window.alert("Can't get data " + exception.toString() + " " + showTime()); } }; builder.setCallback(rc); builder.send(); } catch (RequestException ex) { Window.alert("Can't get data " + ex.toString() + " " + showTime()); } } public void getSourcesByRest() { try { String url = URL.encode("http://localhost:8084/VideoRestService/vrService/sources"); RequestBuilder builder = new RequestBuilder(RequestBuilder.POST, url); builder.setRequestData(parseCredentialsToJSON()); builder.setHeader("Content-type", "application/json"); builder.setIncludeCredentials(true); RequestCallback rc = new RequestCallback() { @Override public void onResponseReceived(Request request, Response response) { hp.add(conTime); conTime.setText("Connection time " + showTime()); try { SourcesRootObjectAutoBeanFactory factory = GWT .create(SourcesRootObjectAutoBeanFactory.class); SourceReader sr = new SourceReader(factory, SourcesRootObject.class); ListLoadResult<Source> src =, response.getText()); List<Source> srcList = src.getData(); for (Source sc : srcList) { SourceBean sb = new SourceBean(); sb.setId(sc.getNodeConnector()); if (sc.getMonitorPortType().equals("Edge-SPAN")) { if (sc.getDescription().equals("") || sc.getDescription() == null) { sb.setName("Undefined Source"); } else { sb.setName(sc.getDescription()); } } sourcesData.add(sb); } } catch (Exception e) { Window.alert("Parsing error " + e.toString()); } showSourcesMonitors(); monitorData.clear(); sourcesData.clear(); } @Override public void onError(Request request, Throwable exception) { Window.alert("Connection failed " + exception.toString() + " " + showTime()); } }; builder.setCallback(rc); builder.send(); } catch (RequestException ex) { Window.alert("Connection failed " + ex.toString() + " " + showTime()); } } public void establishConnection(String sourceID, String source) { try { String url = URL.encode("http://localhost:8084/VideoRestService/vrService/connect"); RequestBuilder builder = new RequestBuilder(RequestBuilder.POST, url); builder.setRequestData(parseRuleToJSON(sourceID, source)); builder.setHeader("Content-type", "application/json"); RequestCallback rc = new RequestCallback() { @Override public void onResponseReceived(Request request, Response response) { if (response.getStatusCode() == 200 || response.getStatusCode() == 201) { Window.alert("Connection established " + showTime() + "\n" + response.getText()); } else { Window.alert( "Can't establish a connection due to " + response.getText() + " " + showTime()); } } @Override public void onError(Request request, Throwable exception) { Window.alert("Can't establish a connection " + exception.toString()); } }; builder.setCallback(rc); builder.send(); } catch (RequestException ex) { Window.alert("Can't establish a connection " + ex.toString()); } } public void deleteConnection(String srcNameTODelete, final String sourceID, final String srcnameToConnect) { try { String url = URL.encode("http://localhost:8084/VideoRestService/vrService/delete"); RequestBuilder builder = new RequestBuilder(RequestBuilder.POST, url); builder.setRequestData(parseRuleNameToJSON(srcNameTODelete)); builder.setHeader("Content-type", "application/json"); RequestCallback rc = new RequestCallback() { @Override public void onResponseReceived(Request request, Response response) { establishConnection(sourceID, srcnameToConnect); } @Override public void onError(Request request, Throwable exception) { Window.alert("Can't delete a connection " + exception.toString()); } }; builder.setCallback(rc); builder.send(); } catch (RequestException ex) { Window.alert("Can't delete a connection " + ex.toString()); } } public String parseCredentialsToJSON() { JSONObject requestObject = new JSONObject(); requestObject.put("address", new JSONString(address.getText())); requestObject.put("username", new JSONString(username.getText())); requestObject.put("password", new JSONString(password.getText())); return requestObject.toString(); } public String parseRuleNameToJSON(String name) { JSONObject param = new JSONObject(); JSONObject creds = new JSONObject(); creds.put("address", new JSONString(address.getText())); creds.put("username", new JSONString(username.getText())); creds.put("password", new JSONString(password.getText())); param.put("creds", creds); JSONObject requestObject = new JSONObject(); requestObject.put("name", new JSONString(name)); param.put("ruleName", requestObject); return param.toString(); } public String parseRuleToJSON(String sourceID, String source) { JSONObject param = new JSONObject(); JSONObject creds = new JSONObject(); creds.put("address", new JSONString(address.getText())); creds.put("username", new JSONString(username.getText())); creds.put("password", new JSONString(password.getText())); param.put("creds", creds); JSONObject requestObject = new JSONObject(); requestObject.put("name", new JSONString("Connect" + source)); JSONArray jsa1 = new JSONArray(); jsa1.set(0, new JSONString("matchAll")); requestObject.put("allowFilter", jsa1); JSONArray jsa2 = new JSONArray(); for (int i = 0; i < monitor.size(); i++) { jsa2.set(i, new JSONString(monitor.get(i))); } requestObject.put("device", jsa2); JSONArray jsa3 = new JSONArray(); jsa3.set(0, new JSONString(sourceID)); requestObject.put("sourcePort", jsa3); requestObject.put("installInHw", new JSONString("true")); param.put("rule", requestObject); return param.toString(); } public native void consoleLog(String message) /*-{ console.log( message ); }-*/; public String showTime() { Date date = new Date(); String time = DateTimeFormat.getMediumDateTimeFormat().format(date); return time; } }