Java tutorial
/* * $Id$ * * Copyright 2007 Glencoe Software, Inc. All rights reserved. * Use is subject to license terms supplied in LICENSE.txt */ package; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import ome.logic.HardWiredInterceptor; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import ome.system.OmeroContext; import ome.system.Principal; import ome.system.Roles; import ome.util.messages.MessageException; import omero.ApiUsageException; import omero.WrappedCreateSessionException; import omero.api.ClientCallbackPrxHelper; import omero.constants.EVENT; import omero.constants.GROUP; import omero.constants.topics.HEARTBEAT; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.springframework.beans.BeansException; import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext; import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContextAware; import org.springframework.context.ApplicationEvent; import org.springframework.context.ApplicationListener; import Glacier2.CannotCreateSessionException; import Glacier2.StringSetPrx; /** * Central login logic for all OMERO.blitz clients. It is required to create a * {@link Glacier2.Session} via the {@link Glacier2.SessionManager} in order to * get through the firewall. The {@link Glacier2.Session} (here a * {@link ServiceFactoryI} instance) also manages all servants created by the * client. * * @author Josh Moore, josh at * @since 3.0-Beta2 */ public final class SessionManagerI extends Glacier2._SessionManagerDisp implements ApplicationContextAware, ApplicationListener { /** * "" <em>may</em> be replaced by * another value at compile time (see blitz/build.xml), but a default value * is necessary here fore testing. */ private final static List<HardWiredInterceptor> CPTORS = HardWiredInterceptor .parse(new String[] { "" }); private final static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(SessionManagerI.class); protected OmeroContext context; protected final Ice.ObjectAdapter adapter; protected final SecuritySystem securitySystem; protected final SessionManager sessionManager; protected final Executor executor; protected final Ring ring; protected final Registry registry; protected final TopicManager topicManager; protected final AtomicBoolean loaded = new AtomicBoolean(false); /** * An internal mapping to all {@link ServiceFactoryI} instances for a given * session since there is no method on {@link Ice.ObjectAdapter} to retrieve * all servants. */ protected final Map<String, Set<String>> sessionToClientIds = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Set<String>>(); public SessionManagerI(Ring ring, Ice.ObjectAdapter adapter, SecuritySystem secSys, SessionManager sessionManager, Executor executor, TopicManager topicManager, Registry reg) { this.ring = ring; this.registry = reg; this.adapter = adapter; this.executor = executor; this.securitySystem = secSys; this.topicManager = topicManager; this.sessionManager = sessionManager; } public void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext applicationContext) throws BeansException { this.context = (OmeroContext) applicationContext; HardWiredInterceptor.configure(CPTORS, context); loaded.set(true); } public Glacier2.SessionPrx create(String userId, Glacier2.SessionControlPrx control, Ice.Current current) throws CannotCreateSessionException { if (!loaded.get()) { WrappedCreateSessionException wrapped = new WrappedCreateSessionException(); wrapped.backOff = 1000L; wrapped.concurrency = true; wrapped.reason = "Server not fully initialized"; wrapped.type = "ApiUsageException"; throw wrapped; } try { // First thing we do is guarantee that the client is giving us // the required information. ServiceFactoryI.clientId(current); // throws ApiUsageException // Before asking the ring, see if we already have the // session locally. boolean local = false; try { Object o = sessionManager.find(userId); local = (o != null);"Found session locally: " + userId); } catch (Exception e) { log.debug("Exception while waiting on " + "SessionManager.find " + e); } // If not, then give the ring a chance to redirect to // other instances which may already have it. if (!local) { Glacier2.SessionPrx sf = ring.getProxyOrNull(userId, control, current); if (sf != null) { return sf; // EARLY EXIT } } // Defaults Roles roles = securitySystem.getSecurityRoles(); String group = getGroup(current); if (group == null) { group = roles.getUserGroupName(); } String event = getEvent(current); if (event == null) { event = "User"; // FIXME This should be in Roles as well. } String agent = getAgent(current); // Create the session for this ServiceFactory Principal p = new Principal(userId, group, event); ome.model.meta.Session s = sessionManager.createWithAgent(p, agent); Principal sp = new Principal(s.getUuid(), group, event); // Event raised to add to Ring // Create the ServiceFactory ServiceFactoryI session = new ServiceFactoryI(local /* ticket:911 */, current, control, context, sessionManager, executor, sp, CPTORS, topicManager, registry); Ice.Identity id = session.sessionId(); if (control != null) { // Not having a control implies that this is an internal // call, not coming through Glacier, so we can trust it. StringSetPrx cat = control.categories(); cat.add(new String[] { id.category }); cat.add(new String[] { }); } Ice.ObjectPrx _prx = current.adapter.add(session, id); // OK Usage _prx = current.adapter.createDirectProxy(id); // Logging & sessionToClientIds addition if (!sessionToClientIds.containsKey(s.getUuid())) { sessionToClientIds.put(s.getUuid(), new HashSet<String>());"Created session %s for user %s (agent=%s)", session, userId, agent)); } else { if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Rejoining session %s (agent=%s)", session, agent)); } } sessionToClientIds.get(s.getUuid()).add(session.clientId); return Glacier2.SessionPrxHelper.uncheckedCast(_prx); } catch (Exception t) { // Then we are good to go. if (t instanceof CannotCreateSessionException) { throw (CannotCreateSessionException) t; } // These need special handling as well. else if (t instanceof ome.conditions.ConcurrencyException || t instanceof omero.ConcurrencyException) { // Parse out the back off, then everything is generic. long backOff = (t instanceof omero.ConcurrencyException) ? ((omero.ConcurrencyException) t).backOff : ((ome.conditions.ConcurrencyException) t).backOff; WrappedCreateSessionException wrapped = new WrappedCreateSessionException(); wrapped.backOff = backOff; wrapped.type = t.getClass().getName(); wrapped.concurrency = true; wrapped.reason = "ConcurrencyException: " + t.getMessage() + "\nPlease retry in " + backOff + "ms. Cause: " + t.getMessage(); throw wrapped; } ConvertToBlitzExceptionMessage convert = new ConvertToBlitzExceptionMessage(this, t); try { // TODO Possibly provide context.convert(ConversionMsg) methd. context.publishMessage(convert); } catch (Throwable t2) { log.error("Error while converting exception:", t2); } if ( instanceof CannotCreateSessionException) { throw (CannotCreateSessionException); } // We make an exception for some more or less "expected" exception // types. Everything else gets logged as an error which we need // to review. if (!(t instanceof omero.ApiUsageException || t instanceof ome.conditions.ApiUsageException || t instanceof ome.conditions.SecurityViolation)) { log.error("Error while creating ServiceFactoryI", t); } WrappedCreateSessionException wrapped = new WrappedCreateSessionException(); wrapped.backOff = -1; wrapped.concurrency = false; wrapped.reason = t.getMessage(); wrapped.type = t.getClass().getName(); wrapped.setStackTrace(t.getStackTrace()); throw wrapped; } } // Listener // ========================================================================= public void onApplicationEvent(ApplicationEvent event) { try { if (event instanceof UnregisterServantMessage) { UnregisterServantMessage msg = (UnregisterServantMessage) event; Ice.Current curr = msg.getCurrent(); // And unregister the service if possible Ice.Identity id = getServiceFactoryIdentity(curr); ServiceFactoryI sf = getServiceFactory(id); if (sf != null) { sf.unregisterServant(; } } else if (event instanceof RegisterServantMessage) { RegisterServantMessage msg = (RegisterServantMessage) event; Ice.Current curr = msg.getCurrent(); Ice.Identity id = getServiceFactoryIdentity(curr); ServiceFactoryI sf = getServiceFactory(id); if (sf != null) { Ice.Identity newId = new Ice.Identity(UUID.randomUUID().toString(),; msg.setProxy(sf.registerServant(newId, msg.getServant())); } } else if (event instanceof DestroySessionMessage) { DestroySessionMessage msg = (DestroySessionMessage) event; reapSession(msg.getSessionId()); } else if (event instanceof ChangeSecurityContextEvent) { ChangeSecurityContextEvent csce = (ChangeSecurityContextEvent) event; checkStatefulServices(csce); } } catch (Throwable t) { throw new MessageException("SessionManagerI.onApplicationEvent", t); } } /** * Checks that there are no stateful services active for the session. */ void checkStatefulServices(ChangeSecurityContextEvent csce) { String uuid = csce.getUuid(); Set<String> clientIds = sessionToClientIds.get(uuid); if (clientIds == null) { return; // nothing to be done. should only happen during testing. } clientIds = new HashSet<String>(clientIds); for (String clientId : clientIds) { try { ServiceFactoryI sf = getServiceFactory(clientId, uuid); if (sf != null) { String servants = sf.getStatefulServiceCount(); if (servants.length() > 0) { csce.cancel("Client " + clientId + " has active stateful services:\n" + servants); } } } catch (Exception e) { // ignore } } } /** * {@link ServiceFactoryI#doDestroy() Destroys} all the * {@link ServiceFactoryI} instances based on the given sessionId. Multiple * clients can be attached to the same session, each with its own * {@link ServiceFactoryI} */ public void requestHeartBeats() {"Performing requestHeartbeats"); this.context.publishEvent(new TopicManager.TopicMessage(this, HEARTBEAT.value, new ClientCallbackPrxHelper(), "requestHeartbeat")); } /** * {@link ServiceFactoryI#doDestroy() Destroys} all the * {@link ServiceFactoryI} instances based on the given sessionId. Multiple * clients can be attached to the same session, each with its own * {@link ServiceFactoryI} */ public void reapSession(String sessionId) { Set<String> clientIds = sessionToClientIds.get(sessionId); if (clientIds != null) { if (clientIds.size() > 0) {"Reaping " + clientIds.size() + " clients for " + sessionId); } for (String clientId : clientIds) { try { ServiceFactoryI sf = getServiceFactory(clientId, sessionId); if (sf != null) { sf.doDestroy(); Ice.Identity id = sf.sessionId();"Removing " + sf); adapter.remove(id); // OK ADAPTER USAGE } } catch (Ice.ObjectAdapterDeactivatedException oade) { log.warn("Cannot reap session " + sessionId + " from client " + clientId + " since adapter is deactivated."); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error reaping session " + sessionId + " from client " + clientId, e); } } } sessionToClientIds.remove(sessionId); } // Helpers // ========================================================================= protected ServiceFactoryI getServiceFactory(String clientId, String sessionId) { Ice.Identity iid = ServiceFactoryI.sessionId(clientId, sessionId); return getServiceFactory(iid); } protected ServiceFactoryI getServiceFactory(Ice.Identity iid) { Ice.Object obj = adapter.find(iid); if (obj == null) { log.debug(Ice.Util.identityToString(iid) + " already removed."); return null; } if (obj instanceof ServiceFactoryI) { ServiceFactoryI sf = (ServiceFactoryI) obj; return sf; } else { log.warn("Not a ServiceFactory: " + obj); return null; } } protected Ice.Identity getServiceFactoryIdentity(Ice.Current curr) { Ice.Identity id; try { String clientId = ServiceFactoryI.clientId(curr); id = ServiceFactoryI.sessionId(clientId,; } catch (ApiUsageException e) { throw new RuntimeException( "Cannot create session id for servant:" + String.format("\nInfo:\n\tId:%s\n\tOp:%s\n\tCtx:%s", Ice.Util.identityToString(, curr.operation, curr.ctx), e); } return id; } protected String getGroup(Ice.Current current) { if (current.ctx == null) { return null; } return current.ctx.get(GROUP.value); } protected String getAgent(Ice.Current current) { if (current.ctx == null) { return null; } return current.ctx.get("omero.agent"); } protected String getEvent(Ice.Current current) { if (current.ctx == null) { return null; } return current.ctx.get(EVENT.value); } }