Java tutorial
/* * $Id$ * * Copyright 2009-2011 Glencoe Software, Inc. All rights reserved. * Use is subject to license terms supplied in LICENSE.txt */ package ome.formats.importer; import java.awt.Rectangle; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.ResourceBundle; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; import java.util.prefs.BackingStoreException; import java.util.prefs.Preferences; import loci.formats.FormatTools; import ome.formats.OMEROMetadataStoreClient; import ome.formats.importer.util.IniFileLoader; import ome.system.PreferenceContext; import ome.system.UpgradeCheck; import omero.model.Annotation; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.log4j.Level; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; /** * Utility class which configures the Import. * * @since Beta4.1 */ public class ImportConfig { private final static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(ImportConfig.class); /** * Delimiter used to encode multiple servers in one preferences value. */ public final static String SERVER_NAME_SEPARATOR = ","; /** * Lookup key for {@link System#getProperty(String)}. Should be the path of * a readers.txt file. */ public final static String READERS_KEY = "omero.import.readers"; // // CONFIGURATION SOURCES: several configuration sources are defined below. // Each may or may not be used for a given {@link value}. // /** * Preferences node which will be used for all Preferences in the * ome.formats package. This must work in tandem with other sources such as * {@link IniFileLoader} */ private final Preferences prefs; /** * Ini-file based configuration source which loads both a static * configuration file and a user-defined configuration file. */ private final IniFileLoader ini; /** * {@link Properties} instance which will also be used for lookups. In the * default case, this is from {@link System#getProperties()} */ private final Properties props; /** * Stores the omeroVersion from */ private String omeroVersion = "Unknown"; // // MUTABLE STATE : To prevent every class from having it's own // username/password/port/etc field, all are available here. On save, these // are committed to disk. // public final StrValue agent; public final StrValue hostname; public final StrValue username; public final StrValue password; public final IntValue port; public final LongValue savedProject; public final LongValue savedDataset; public final LongValue savedScreen; public final StrValue sessionKey; public final LongValue group; public final BoolValue doThumbnails; public final StrValue email; public final StrValue serverList; public final StrValue imageName; public final StrValue imageDescription; public final StrValue plateName; public final StrValue plateDescription; public final StrValue targetClass; public final LongValue targetId; public final BoolValue debug; public final BoolValue contOnError; public final BoolValue sendReport; public final BoolValue sendFiles; public final BoolValue sendLogFile; public final BoolValue companionFile; public final BoolValue archiveImage; public final BoolValue useCustomImageNaming; public final BoolValue useFullPath; public final IntValue numOfDirectories; public final FileValue savedDirectory; public final StrValue readersPath; public final BoolValue encryptedConnection; public final AnnotationListValue annotations; public final DoubleArrayValue userPixels; /** * Static method for creating {@link Preferences} during construction if * necessary. */ private static Preferences prefs() { Preferences prefs = Preferences.userNodeForPackage(ImportConfig.class); try { prefs.flush(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error flushing preferences"); } return prefs; } /** * Simplest constructor which use calls * {@link ImportConfig#ImportConfig(File)} with null. */ public ImportConfig() { this(null); } /** * Calls * {@link ImportConfig#ImportConfig(Preferences, PreferenceContext, IniFileLoader, Properties)} * with user preferences, a local {@link PreferenceContext}, an * {@link IniFileLoader} initialized with the given argument, and * {@link System#getProperties()}. * * @param configFile * Can be null. */ public ImportConfig(final File configFile) { this(prefs(), new IniFileLoader(configFile), System.getProperties()); } /** * Complete constructor. All values can be null. * * @param prefs * @param ctx * @param ini * @param props */ public ImportConfig(final Preferences prefs, IniFileLoader ini, Properties props) { this.prefs = prefs; this.props = props; this.ini = ini; // Various startup requirements ResourceBundle bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("omero"); omeroVersion = bundle.getString("omero.version");"OMERO Version: " + omeroVersion); if (ini != null) { ini.updateFlexReaderServerMaps(); }"Bioformats version: %s revision: %s date: %s", FormatTools.VERSION, FormatTools.VCS_REVISION, FormatTools.DATE)); agent = new StrValue("agent", this, "importer"); hostname = new StrValue("hostname", this, ""); username = new StrValue("username", this, ""); password = new StrValue("password", this, "omero.pass"); port = new IntValue("port", this, 4064, "omero.port") { @Override public synchronized void load() { super.load(); // Handle previous versions in which a null/"" got stored // to preferences. if (_current.compareAndSet(null, _default)) { log.debug("Replacing port load value with default"); } } }; sessionKey = new StrValue("session", this); group = new LongValue("group", this, 0L); doThumbnails = new BoolValue("doThumbnails", this, true); email = new StrValue("email", this); serverList = new StrValue("serverList", this); imageName = new StrValue("imageName", this); imageDescription = new StrValue("imageDescription", this); plateName = new StrValue("plateName", this); plateDescription = new StrValue("plateDescription", this); targetClass = new StrValue("targetClass", this); targetId = new LongValue("targetId", this, 0); savedProject = new LongValue("savedProject", this, 0L); savedDataset = new LongValue("savedDataset", this, 0L); savedScreen = new LongValue("savedScreen", this, 0L); debug = new BoolValue("debug", this, false); contOnError = new BoolValue("contOnError", this, false); sendReport = new BoolValue("sendReport", this, false); sendFiles = new BoolValue("sendFiles", this, true); companionFile = new BoolValue("companionFile", this, true); sendLogFile = new BoolValue("sendLogFile", this, true); archiveImage = new BoolValue("archive", this, false); useFullPath = new BoolValue("useFullPath", this, true); useCustomImageNaming = new BoolValue("overrideImageName", this, true); numOfDirectories = new IntValue("numOfDirectories", this, 0); savedDirectory = new FileValue("savedDirectory", this); encryptedConnection = new BoolValue("ecryptedConnection", this, true); annotations = new AnnotationListValue("annotations", this, new ArrayList<Annotation>()); userPixels = new DoubleArrayValue("userPixels", this, null); readersPath = new StrValue("readersPath", this); } /** * Modifies the Log4j logging level of everything under the * <code>ome.format</code> and <code>loci</code> package hierarchically. * @param level if null, then {@link #ini#getDebugLevel()} will be used. */ public void configureDebug(Level level) { if (level == null) { level = Level.toLevel(ini.getDebugLevel()); } Logger.getLogger("ome.formats").setLevel(level); Logger.getLogger("loci").setLevel(level); } // // Login methods // /** * Create and return a new OMEROMetadataStoreClient * @return - OMEORMetadataStoreClient * @throws Exception */ public OMEROMetadataStoreClient createStore() throws Exception { if (!canLogin()) { throw new RuntimeException("Can't create store. See canLogin()"); } OMEROMetadataStoreClient client = new OMEROMetadataStoreClient(); if (sessionKey.empty()) { client.initialize(username.get(), password.get(), hostname.get(), port.get(), group.get(), encryptedConnection.get()); } else { client.initialize(hostname.get(), port.get(), sessionKey.get(), encryptedConnection.get()); } return client; } /** * Check online to see if this is the current version */ public boolean isUpgradeNeeded() { if (getStaticDisableUpgradeCheck()) { log.debug("UpgradeCheck disabled."); } ResourceBundle bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("omero"); String url = bundle.getString("omero.upgrades.url"); UpgradeCheck check = new UpgradeCheck(url, getVersionNumber(), agent.get());; return check.isUpgradeNeeded(); } /** * Confirm all information for login is supplied * * @return true if all is ok */ public boolean canLogin() { if (((username.empty() || password.empty()) && sessionKey.empty()) || hostname.empty()) { return false; } return true; } // // GUI related. Delegates to IniFileLoader // /** * @return ini log file */ public String getLogFile() { return ini.getLogFile(); } /** * @return ini home URL */ public String getHomeUrl() { return ini.getHomeUrl(); } /** * @return ini forum URL */ public String getForumUrl() { return ini.getForumUrl(); } /** * @return ini application title */ public String getAppTitle() { return ini.getAppTitle(); } /** * @return ini application title */ public boolean getStaticDisableUpgradeCheck() { return ini.getStaticDisableUpgradeCheck(); } /** * @return ini getForceFileArchiveOn */ public boolean getForceFileArchiveOn() { return ini.getForceFileArchiveOn(); } /** * @return ini getStaticDisableHistory */ public boolean getStaticDisableHistory() { return ini.getStaticDisableHistory(); } /** * @return ini getUserDisableHistory */ public boolean getUserDisableHistory() { return ini.getUserDisableHistory(); } /** * @param b - true if Quaqua should be used */ public void setUserDisableHistory(boolean b) { ini.setUserDisableHistory(b); } /** * @return ini version note */ public String getVersionNumber() { return this.omeroVersion; // + " " + ini.getVersionNote(); } public void setVersionNumber(String s) { this.omeroVersion = s; } /** * @return ini version number */ public String getIniVersionNumber() { return ini.getVersionNumber(); } /** * @return ini user settings directory */ public String getUserSettingsDirectory() { return ini.getUserSettingsDirectory(); } /** * @return ini option for if Qquaqua should be use for Macs */ public boolean getUseQuaqua() { return ini.getUseQuaqua(); } /** * @param b - true if Quaqua should be used */ public void setUseQuaqua(boolean b) { ini.setUseQuaqua(b); } /** * @param level - default debug level */ public void setDebugLevel(int level) { ini.setDebugLevel(level); } /** * @return current debug level */ public int getDebugLevel() { return ini.getDebugLevel(); } /** * @return UI bounds for application window */ public Rectangle getUIBounds() { return ini.getUIBounds(); } /** * @param bounds - set UI bounds for application window */ public void setUIBounds(Rectangle bounds) { ini.setUIBounds(bounds); } /** * @return ini feedback URL for QA system */ public String getFeedbackUrl() { return ini.getUploaderURL(); } /** * @return ini token URL for QA system */ public String getTokenUrl() { return ini.getUploaderTokenURL(); } /** * @return ini upload URL for QA system */ public String getUploaderUrl() { return ini.getUploaderURL(); } /** * @return ini user full path */ public boolean getUserFullPath() { return ini.getUserFullPath(); } /** * @return ini user full path */ public void setUserFullPath(boolean b) { ini.setUserFullPath(b); } /** * @return ini user full path */ public boolean getCustomImageNaming() { return ini.getCustomImageNaming(); } /** * @return ini user full path */ public void setCustomImageNaming(boolean b) { ini.setCustomImageNaming(b); } /** * @return ini user full path */ public int getNumOfDirectories() { return ini.getNumOfDirectories(); } /** * @return ini user full path */ public void setNumOfDirectories(int i) { ini.setNumOfDirectories(i); } // // Server list // /** * @return server list */ public List<String> getServerList() { if (serverList.empty() || serverList.get().trim().length() == 0) { return null; } else { List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); String[] l = serverList.get().split(SERVER_NAME_SEPARATOR, 0); if (l == null || l.length == 0) { return null; } else { if (list != null) list.clear(); for (int index = 0; index < l.length; index++) { if (list != null) list.add(l[index].trim()); } } return list; } } /** * Save the current serverList if the currentServer is not on the list. Make * sure that the server is a valid string and does not represent fake input * text like "--> Enter server" */ public void updateServerList(String currentServer) { List<String> l = getServerList(); if (l != null && l.contains(currentServer)) { return; } if (serverList.empty() || serverList.get().length() == 0) { serverList.set(currentServer.trim()); } else { serverList.set(serverList + SERVER_NAME_SEPARATOR + currentServer); } } /** * @param server - remove this server from the server list */ public void removeServer(String server) { List<String> l = getServerList(); if (l == null) return; l.remove(server); Iterator<String> i = l.iterator(); String list = ""; int n = l.size() - 1; int index = 0; while (i.hasNext()) { list += (String); if (index != n) list += SERVER_NAME_SEPARATOR; index++; } serverList.set(list); } // // HELPERS // /** * Build prompt * * @param value * @param prompt * @param hide - use *s for characters */ protected void prompt(Value value, String prompt, boolean hide) { String v = value.toString(); if (hide) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < v.length(); i++) { sb.append("*"); } v = sb.toString(); } System.out.print(String.format("%s[%s]:", prompt, v)); String input; BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; while (true) { try { input = br.readLine(); if (input == null || input.trim().equals("")) { continue; } value.set(value.fromString(input)); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("IGNORING: ", e); continue; } } } /** * if can't log in request needed information */ public void requestFromUser() { if (!canLogin()) { loadAll(); prompt(hostname, " Enter server name: ", false); prompt(username, " Enter user name: ", false); prompt(password, " Enter password: ", true); } } protected List<Value<?>> values() { List<Value<?>> rv = new ArrayList<Value<?>>(); for (Field f : getClass().getFields()) { try { Object o = f.get(this); if (o instanceof Value) { Value<?> cv = (Value<?>) o; rv.add(cv); } } catch (Exception e) { log.debug("Error during field lookup: " + e); } } return rv; } public Map<String, String> map() { Map<String, String> rv = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (Value<?> cv : values()) { rv.put(cv.key, cv.toString()); } return rv; } /** * Loads gui specific values for which it makes sense to have a preferences values. * * @see #saveAll() */ public void loadGui() { email.load(); archiveImage.load(); } /** * Saves gui specific values for which it makes sense to have a preferences values. * * @see #saveAll() */ public void saveGui() {;; } /** * Loads all the values for which it makes sense to have a preferences values. * * @see #saveAll() */ public void loadAll() { // Moving to expliti calls. // for (Value<?> cv : values()) { // cv.load(); // } savedProject.load(); savedDataset.load(); savedScreen.load(); useCustomImageNaming.load(); useFullPath.load(); numOfDirectories.load(); savedDirectory.load(); companionFile.load(); sendLogFile.load(); sendFiles.load(); sendReport.load(); port.load(); } /** * @see #loadAll() */ public void saveAll() { // Moving to explicit calls // for (Value<?> cv : values()) { //; // };;;;;;;;;;; try { prefs.flush(); ini.flushPreferences(); } catch (BackingStoreException e) { log.error(e); throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** * Container which thread-safely makes a generic configuration value * available, without requiring getters and setters. * * @param <T> */ public static abstract class Value<T> { final AtomicReference<T> _current = new AtomicReference<T>(); final String key, omeroKey; final Preferences prefs; final IniFileLoader ini; final Properties props; final T _default; /** * Records the load location */ Object which = null; /** * Ctor taking an {@link ImportConfig} instance meaning that all the * context values are used. */ Value(String key, ImportConfig config) { this(key, config, null, null); } Value(String key, ImportConfig config, T defValue) { this(key, config, defValue, null); } Value(String key, ImportConfig config, T defValue, String omeroKey) { this.key = key; this.omeroKey = omeroKey; this.ini = config.ini; this.prefs = config.prefs; this.props = config.props; _default = defValue; _current.set(null); } /** * Returns the generic type contained by this holder. This does not * touch the persistent stores, but only accesses the value in-memory. */ public T get() { if (_current.get() == null) return _default; else return _current.get(); } /** * Sets the in-memory value, which will get persisted on * {@link #store()} when {@link ImportConfig#saveAll()} is called. */ public void set(T t) { _current.set(t); } @Override public String toString() { T t = get(); if (t == null) { return ""; } else { return t.toString(); } } /** * Stores the current value back to some medium. The decision of which * medium is based on the current value of {@link #which}. In each case, * the type-matching source is used <em>except</em> when the * {@link Properties} are used, since this is most likely not a * persistent store. */ public synchronized void store() { if (which instanceof Properties || which instanceof Preferences) { prefs.put(key, toString()); log.debug("Saved " + key + " to " + prefs); } else if (which instanceof IniFileLoader) { // FIXME ((IniFileLoader)which).set log.debug("Saved " + key + " to " + ini); } else if (which == null && prefs != null) { // Loaded from defaults prefs.put(key, toString()); log.debug("Freshly saved " + key + " to " + prefs); } else { log.debug("WHICH:" + which); // Unknown state } } /** * Loads properties from various locations. In order, the * {@link Properties} argument, the {@link PreferenceContext}, the * {@link Preferences}, the {@link IniFileLoader}, and finally the * default value. */ public synchronized void load() { if (empty() && props != null) { set(fromString(props.getProperty(key))); if (!empty()) { which = props; log.debug("Loaded " + key + " from " + props); return; } } if (empty() && prefs != null) { set(fromString(prefs.get(key, ""))); if (!empty()) { which = prefs; log.debug("Loaded " + key + " from " + prefs); return; } } if (empty() && ini != null) { // set(fromString((ini.getProperty(key)); log.debug("Loaded " + key + " from " + ini); // break; FIXME } if (empty()) { set(_default); log.debug("Loaded " + key + " from default"); which = null; } } public boolean empty() { return get() == null; } protected abstract T fromString(String string); } public static class StrValue extends Value<String> { public StrValue(String key, ImportConfig config) { super(key, config); } public StrValue(String key, ImportConfig config, String defValue) { super(key, config, defValue); } public StrValue(String key, ImportConfig config, String defValue, String omeroKey) { super(key, config, defValue, omeroKey); } @Override protected String fromString(String arg0) { return arg0; } public boolean empty() { String s = get(); return s == null || s.length() == 0; } } public static class AnnotationListValue extends Value<List<Annotation>> { public AnnotationListValue(String key, ImportConfig config, List<Annotation> defValue) { super(key, config, defValue); } @Override protected List<Annotation> fromString(String string) { throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented."); } } public static class DoubleArrayValue extends Value<Double[]> { public DoubleArrayValue(String key, ImportConfig config, Double[] defValue) { super(key, config, defValue); } @Override protected Double[] fromString(String string) { throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented."); } } public static class PassValue extends StrValue { public PassValue(String key, ImportConfig config) { super(key, config); } @Override public synchronized void store() { log.trace("Skipping password storage"); } } public static class BoolValue extends Value<Boolean> { public BoolValue(String key, ImportConfig config, boolean defValue) { super(key, config, defValue); } @Override protected Boolean fromString(String arg0) { if (arg0 == null) { return null; } return Boolean.parseBoolean(arg0); } } public static class IntValue extends Value<Integer> { public IntValue(String key, ImportConfig config, int defValue) { super(key, config, Integer.valueOf(defValue)); } public IntValue(String key, ImportConfig config, int defValue, String omeroKey) { super(key, config, Integer.valueOf(defValue), omeroKey); } @Override protected Integer fromString(String arg0) { try { return Integer.valueOf(arg0); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { return null; } } } public static class LongValue extends Value<Long> { public LongValue(String key, ImportConfig config, long defValue) { super(key, config, Long.valueOf(defValue)); } @Override protected Long fromString(String arg0) { try { return Long.valueOf(arg0); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { return null; } } } public static class FileValue extends Value<File> { public FileValue(String key, ImportConfig config) { super(key, config); } @Override protected File fromString(String arg0) { if (arg0 == null) { return null; } return new File(arg0); } @Override public File get() { File f = super.get(); if (f != null && f.exists()) { return f; } else { set(null); return null; } } } }