Java tutorial
/* * ome.formats.importer.gui.History * *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * * Copyright (C) 2005 Open Microscopy Environment * Massachusetts Institute of Technology, * National Institutes of Health, * University of Dundee * * * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ package ome.formats.importer.gui; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Vector; import javax.swing.DefaultListModel; import ome.formats.OMEROMetadataStoreClient; import omero.ServerError; import omero.api.IQueryPrx; import omero.api.IUpdatePrx; import omero.api.ServiceFactoryPrx; import omero.grid.Column; import omero.grid.Data; import omero.grid.LongColumn; import omero.grid.StringColumn; import omero.grid.TablePrx; import omero.model.OriginalFile; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import Glacier2.CannotCreateSessionException; import Glacier2.PermissionDeniedException; /** * @author Brian W. Loranger * */ public class HistoryTableStore extends HistoryTableAbstractDataSource { private static boolean DEBUG = false; private static String SERVER = ""; private static String USER = "root"; private static String PASS = "omero"; private static String baseDBNAME = "baseFile"; private static String itemDBNAME = "itemFile"; /** Logger for this class. */ private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(HistoryTableStore.class); public SimpleDateFormat day = new SimpleDateFormat("MMM d, ''yy"); public SimpleDateFormat hour = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm"); //private SimpleDateFormat sqlDateTimeFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); //private SimpleDateFormat sqlDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); private static final int DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE = 1; public static final int BASE_UID_COLUMN = 0; public static final int BASE_DATETIME_COLUMN = 1; public static final int BASE_STATUS_COLUMN = 2; public static final int ITEM_BASE_UID_COLUMN = 0; public static final int ITEM_FILENAME_COLUMN = 1; public static final int ITEM_PROJECTID_COLUMN = 2; public static final int ITEM_OBJECTID_COLUMN = 3; public static final int ITEM_DATETIME_COLUMN = 4; public static final int ITEM_FILEPATH_COLUMN = 5; public static final int ITEM_STATUS_COLUMN = 6; public static final int ITEM_FILENUMBER_COLUMN = 7; private OMEROMetadataStoreClient store; private ServiceFactoryPrx sf; private IQueryPrx iQuery; private TablePrx baseTable; private Column[] baseColumns; private TablePrx itemTable; private Column[] itemColumns; public boolean historyEnabled = true; private static long lastUid = 0; private Data baseData = null; private boolean baseDataDirty = true; private Data itemData = null; private boolean itemDataDirty = true; // General Methods ----------------------------------------------- // /** * Initialize the needed store services * * @param store - OMEROmetadataStore * @throws ServerError - returned server error if unable to contact server */ @Deprecated public void initialize(OMEROMetadataStoreClient store) throws ServerError { initialize(store, false); } public void initialize(OMEROMetadataStoreClient store, boolean disable) throws ServerError { = store; this.sf = store.getServiceFactory(); this.iQuery = sf.getQueryService(); if (disable) { this.historyEnabled = false; log.warn("History tables service Disabled."); } else if (sf.sharedResources().areTablesEnabled() == true) { this.historyEnabled = true; log.warn("History tables service Enabled."); } else { this.historyEnabled = false; log.warn("History tables service Disabled."); } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see ome.formats.importer.gui.IHistoryTableDataSource#initializeDataSource() */ public void initializeDataSource() throws ServerError { if (historyEnabled == false) return; baseColumns = createBaseColumns(DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE); itemColumns = createItemColumns(DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE); initializeBaseTable(); initializeItemTable(); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see ome.formats.importer.gui.IHistoryTable#wipeUserHistory(java.lang.Long) */ public boolean wipeDataSource(Long experimenterId) throws ServerError { if (historyEnabled == false) return false; clearTable(itemDBNAME); clearTable(baseDBNAME); initializeDataSource(); return true; } /** * Clear the table specified with 'dbName' * (Currently this deletes and rebuilds the original file used for 'dbName' table) * * @param dbName - db to clear * @throws ServerError */ private void clearTable(String dbName) throws ServerError { List<OriginalFile> dbFiles = getOriginalFiles(dbName); if (dbFiles == null || dbFiles.isEmpty()) { if (DEBUG) log.debug("No " + dbName + " found."); return; } for (OriginalFile file : dbFiles) { if (DEBUG) log.debug("Deleting " + file.getName().getValue()); deleteOriginalFile(file); } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see ome.formats.importer.gui.IHistoryTableDataSource#shutdownDataSource() */ public void shutdownDataSource() throws Exception { // Not required. Does nothing. } /** * Retrieve the original file specified, or null * * @param fileName * @return */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<OriginalFile> getOriginalFiles(String fileName) { try { final String queryString = "from OriginalFile as o where = '" + store.getExperimenterID() + "' and = '" + fileName + "'"; List l = iQuery.findAllByQuery(queryString, null); return (List<OriginalFile>) l; } catch (NullPointerException npe) { return null; } catch (ServerError e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** * Delete the original file specified. This does not handle any links. * * @param file * @throws ServerError */ private void deleteOriginalFile(final OriginalFile file) throws ServerError { IUpdatePrx update = sf.getUpdateService(); try { update.deleteObject(file); } catch (ome.conditions.ValidationException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** * Simple class to display table data from both tables. Used for testing. */ public void displayTableData() { try { Data baseData = getBaseTableData(); LongColumn uids = (LongColumn) baseData.columns[BASE_UID_COLUMN]; LongColumn baseImportTimes = (LongColumn) baseData.columns[BASE_DATETIME_COLUMN]; StringColumn baseStatuses = (StringColumn) baseData.columns[BASE_STATUS_COLUMN]; // item table data //log.debug("Rows in base table: " + baseTable.getNumberOfRows()); for (int i = 0; i < uids.values.length; i++) { log.debug("UID[" + uids.values[i] + "]: " + baseImportTimes.values[i] + ", '" + baseStatuses.values[i].trim() + "'"); } // item table data if (DEBUG) log.debug("Rows in item table: " + itemTable.getNumberOfRows()); Data itemData = getItemTableData(); LongColumn baseUids = (LongColumn) itemData.columns[ITEM_BASE_UID_COLUMN]; StringColumn fileNames = (StringColumn) itemData.columns[ITEM_FILENAME_COLUMN]; LongColumn projectIDs = (LongColumn) itemData.columns[ITEM_PROJECTID_COLUMN]; LongColumn objectIDs = (LongColumn) itemData.columns[ITEM_OBJECTID_COLUMN]; LongColumn importTimes = (LongColumn) itemData.columns[ITEM_DATETIME_COLUMN]; StringColumn filePaths = (StringColumn) itemData.columns[ITEM_FILEPATH_COLUMN]; StringColumn statuses = (StringColumn) itemData.columns[ITEM_STATUS_COLUMN]; LongColumn fileNumbers = (LongColumn) itemData.columns[ITEM_FILENUMBER_COLUMN]; for (int i = 0; i < baseUids.values.length; i++) { log.debug("UID[" + baseUids.values[i] + "]: '" + fileNames.values[i].trim() + "', " + projectIDs.values[i] + ", " + objectIDs.values[i] + ", " + importTimes.values[i] + ", '" + filePaths.values[i].trim() + "', '" + statuses.values[i].trim() + "'" + fileNumbers.values[i]); } } catch (ServerError e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } // Base Table Methods ----------------------------------------------- // /** * Creates a number of empty rows of [rows] size for the base history table * * @param rows to add to column array (int) * @return new bae column array */ private Column[] createBaseColumns(int rows) { Column[] newColumns = new Column[3]; newColumns[BASE_UID_COLUMN] = new LongColumn("Uid", "", new long[rows]); newColumns[BASE_DATETIME_COLUMN] = new LongColumn("DateTime", "", new long[rows]); newColumns[BASE_STATUS_COLUMN] = new StringColumn("Status", "", 64, new String[rows]); return newColumns; } /** * Initialize a new base table or connect to exist one * * @throws ServerError */ private void initializeBaseTable() throws ServerError { if (historyEnabled == false) return; List<OriginalFile> baseFiles = getOriginalFiles(baseDBNAME); if (baseFiles == null || baseFiles.isEmpty()) { createBaseTable(); } else { log.debug("Using existing " + baseDBNAME); baseTable = sf.sharedResources().openTable(baseFiles.get(0)); if (baseTable == null) { if (DEBUG) System.err.println("baseTable is null"); } else { historyEnabled = true; lastUid = getHighestBaseTableUid(); } } } /** * Create the baseTable * * @throws ServerError */ private void createBaseTable() throws ServerError { log.debug("Creating new " + baseDBNAME); baseTable = sf.sharedResources().newTable(1, baseDBNAME); if (baseTable == null) { if (DEBUG) System.err.println("baseTable is null"); } else { historyEnabled = true; baseTable.initialize(baseColumns); // Prime base table with 2 blank rows to address bug. Column[] newRow = createBaseColumns(2); LongColumn uids = (LongColumn) newRow[BASE_UID_COLUMN]; LongColumn importTimes = (LongColumn) newRow[BASE_DATETIME_COLUMN]; StringColumn statuses = (StringColumn) newRow[BASE_STATUS_COLUMN]; uids.values[0] = 0; importTimes.values[0] = 0; statuses.values[0] = String.format("%1$-64s", " "); uids.values[1] = 0; importTimes.values[1] = 0; statuses.values[1] = String.format("%1$-64s", " "); baseTable.addData(newRow); baseDataDirty = true; lastUid = getHighestBaseTableUid(); } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see ome.formats.importer.gui.IHistoryTableDataSource#getLastBaseUid() */ public int getLastBaseUid() throws ServerError { return (int) lastUid; } /** * Determine what the highest uid is in the base table * * @return the last base table uid in the uid column (or zero) * @throws ServerError */ private long getHighestBaseTableUid() throws ServerError { long highestUid = 0; Data d = getBaseTableData(); if (d == null) { log.error("Error retrieving base table data."); return highestUid; } LongColumn uids = (LongColumn) d.columns[BASE_UID_COLUMN]; int length = uids.values.length; if (length == 0) return highestUid; else for (long id : uids.values) { if (id > highestUid) highestUid = id; } return highestUid; } /** * Wrapper class for addBaseTableRow * * @param experimenterID * @param import_status * @throws ServerError */ public int addBaseTableRow(Long experimenterID, String import_status) throws ServerError { return (int) addBaseTableRow(import_status); } /** * Add a new row to the base table * * @param import_status * @return the lastUid in the base table (which should increment if everything went ok) * @throws ServerError */ private long addBaseTableRow(String import_status) throws ServerError { Column[] newRow = createBaseColumns(1); LongColumn uids = (LongColumn) newRow[BASE_UID_COLUMN]; LongColumn importTimes = (LongColumn) newRow[BASE_DATETIME_COLUMN]; StringColumn statuses = (StringColumn) newRow[BASE_STATUS_COLUMN]; long newUid = lastUid + 1; uids.values[0] = newUid; importTimes.values[0] = new Date().getTime(); statuses.values[0] = String.format("%1$-64s", import_status); if (DEBUG) log.debug("Adding base row UID[" + uids.values[0] + "], " + importTimes.values[0] + ", " + statuses.values[0]); baseTable.addData(newRow); baseDataDirty = true; return lastUid = newUid; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see ome.formats.importer.gui.IHistoryTableDataSource#updateBaseStatus(int, java.lang.String) */ public Integer updateBaseStatus(int baseUid, String newStatus) throws ServerError { Long uid = Long.valueOf(baseUid); String searchString = "(Uid==" + uid.longValue() + ")"; long[] ids = baseTable.getWhereList(searchString, null, 0, baseTable.getNumberOfRows(), 1); int returnedRows = ids.length; if (DEBUG) log.debug("updateBaseStatus returned rows: " + returnedRows); Data baseData = getBaseTableData(); if (baseData == null) { log.error("Error retrieving base table data."); return returnedRows; } for (int h = 0; h < returnedRows; h++) { int i = (int) ids[h]; ((StringColumn) baseData.columns[BASE_STATUS_COLUMN]).values[i] = newStatus; } baseTable.update(baseData); baseDataDirty = true; return returnedRows; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see ome.formats.importer.gui.IHistoryTableDataSource#getBaseQuery(java.lang.Long) */ public Vector<Object> getBaseQuery(Long ExperimenterID) { Vector<Object> rows = new Vector<Object>(); try { Data d = getBaseTableData(); if (d == null) { log.error("Error retrieving base table data."); return rows; } int returnedRows = (int) getBaseTableNumberOfRows(); LongColumn importTimes = (LongColumn) d.columns[BASE_DATETIME_COLUMN]; StringColumn statuses = (StringColumn) d.columns[BASE_STATUS_COLUMN]; for (int i = 0; i < returnedRows; i++) { Vector<Object> row = new Vector<Object>(); row.add(new Date(importTimes.values[i])); row.add(statuses.values[i].trim()); rows.add(row); } } catch (NullPointerException npe) { } // results are null catch (Exception e) { log.error("exception.", e); } return rows; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see ome.formats.importer.gui.IHistoryTableDataSource#getBaseTableDataByDate(java.util.Date, java.util.Date) */ public DefaultListModel getBaseTableDataByDate(Date start, Date end) { try { // Format the current time. String dayString, hourString, status; long uid = 0L, importTime = 0L; String icon; DefaultListModel list = new DefaultListModel(); String searchString = "(DateTime>=" + start.getTime() + ") & (DateTime<=" + end.getTime() + ")"; long[] ids = baseTable.getWhereList(searchString, null, 0, baseTable.getNumberOfRows(), 1); int returnedRows = ids.length; if (DEBUG) log.debug("getBaseTableDataByDate returned rows: " + returnedRows); Data d = getBaseTableData(); if (d == null) { log.error("Error retrieving base table data."); return new DefaultListModel(); } LongColumn uids = (LongColumn) d.columns[BASE_UID_COLUMN]; LongColumn importTimes = (LongColumn) d.columns[BASE_DATETIME_COLUMN]; StringColumn statuses = (StringColumn) d.columns[BASE_STATUS_COLUMN]; for (int h = 0; h < returnedRows; h++) { int i = (int) ids[h]; try { uid = uids.values[i]; importTime = importTimes.values[i]; status = statuses.values[i].trim(); } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { System.err.println("ids[" + h + "] not found in dataset."); continue; } if (status.equals("complete")) icon = "gfx/import_done_16.png"; else icon = "gfx/warning_msg16.png"; dayString = day.format(new Date(importTime)); hourString = hour.format(new Date(importTime)); if (day.format(new Date()).equals(dayString)) dayString = "Today"; if (day.format(getYesterday()).equals(dayString)) { dayString = "Yesterday"; } ImportEntry entry = new ImportEntry(dayString + " " + hourString, icon, (int) uid); list.addElement(entry); } return list; } catch (Exception e) { String s = String.format("Error retrieving base list from %s to %s.", start.toString(), end.toString()); log.error(s, e); } return new DefaultListModel(); // return empty defaultlist } /** * Return all the base table data * @return * @throws ServerError */ public Data getBaseTableData() throws ServerError { if (baseDataDirty) { long rows = baseTable.getNumberOfRows(); long[] ColNumbers = { BASE_UID_COLUMN, BASE_DATETIME_COLUMN, BASE_STATUS_COLUMN }; baseData =, 0L, rows); baseDataDirty = false; if (DEBUG) log.debug("Getting " + rows + " rows in " + baseDBNAME); } return baseData; } /** * Returns the number of rows in the base table * @return */ public long getBaseTableNumberOfRows() { try { return baseTable.getNumberOfRows(); } catch (ServerError e) { log.error("Error in getBaseTableNumberOfRows: ", e); e.printStackTrace(); return 0L; } } // Item Table Methods ----------------------------------------------- // /** * Creates a number of empty rows of [rows] size for the item history table * * @param rows to add to column array (int) * @return new item column array */ private Column[] createItemColumns(int rows) { Column[] newColumns = new Column[8]; newColumns[ITEM_BASE_UID_COLUMN] = new LongColumn("BaseUid", "", new long[rows]); newColumns[ITEM_FILENAME_COLUMN] = new StringColumn("Filename", "", 256, new String[rows]); newColumns[ITEM_PROJECTID_COLUMN] = new LongColumn("ProjectId", "", new long[rows]); newColumns[ITEM_OBJECTID_COLUMN] = new LongColumn("ObjectId", "", new long[rows]); newColumns[ITEM_DATETIME_COLUMN] = new LongColumn("DateTime", "", new long[rows]); newColumns[ITEM_FILEPATH_COLUMN] = new StringColumn("Filepath", "", 1024, new String[rows]); newColumns[ITEM_STATUS_COLUMN] = new StringColumn("Status", "", 32, new String[rows]); newColumns[ITEM_FILENUMBER_COLUMN] = new LongColumn("FileNumber", "", new long[rows]); return newColumns; } /** * Initialize the item table (or connect to existing one) * * @throws ServerError */ private void initializeItemTable() throws ServerError { // No point in doing this if historytable is disabled if (historyEnabled == false) return; List<OriginalFile> itemFiles = getOriginalFiles(itemDBNAME); if (itemFiles.isEmpty()) { if (DEBUG) log.debug("Creating new " + itemDBNAME); itemTable = sf.sharedResources().newTable(1, itemDBNAME); itemTable.initialize(itemColumns); // Prime item table with 2 blank rows to address bug. Column[] newRow = createItemColumns(2); LongColumn baseUids = (LongColumn) newRow[ITEM_BASE_UID_COLUMN]; StringColumn fileNames = (StringColumn) newRow[ITEM_FILENAME_COLUMN]; LongColumn projectIDs = (LongColumn) newRow[ITEM_PROJECTID_COLUMN]; LongColumn objectIDs = (LongColumn) newRow[ITEM_OBJECTID_COLUMN]; LongColumn importTimes = (LongColumn) newRow[ITEM_DATETIME_COLUMN]; StringColumn filePaths = (StringColumn) newRow[ITEM_FILEPATH_COLUMN]; StringColumn Statuses = (StringColumn) newRow[ITEM_STATUS_COLUMN]; LongColumn fileNumbers = (LongColumn) newRow[ITEM_FILENUMBER_COLUMN]; baseUids.values[0] = 0; fileNames.values[0] = String.format("%1$-256s", " "); projectIDs.values[0] = -1; objectIDs.values[0] = -1; importTimes.values[0] = 0; filePaths.values[0] = String.format("%1$-1024s", " "); Statuses.values[0] = String.format("%1$-32s", " "); fileNumbers.values[0] = -1; baseUids.values[1] = 0; fileNames.values[1] = String.format("%1$-256s", " "); projectIDs.values[1] = -1; objectIDs.values[1] = -1; importTimes.values[1] = 0; filePaths.values[1] = String.format("%1$-1024s", " "); Statuses.values[1] = String.format("%1$-32s", " "); fileNumbers.values[1] = -1; itemTable.addData(newRow); itemDataDirty = true; } else { if (DEBUG) log.debug("Using existing " + itemDBNAME); itemTable = sf.sharedResources().openTable(itemFiles.get(0)); if (itemTable == null) if (DEBUG) System.err.println("itemTable is null"); } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see ome.formats.importer.gui.IHistoryTableDataSource#addItemTableRow( * java.lang.Long, java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Integer, java.lang.String, * java.lang.Long, java.lang.Long, java.lang.String, */ public int addItemTableRow(Long experimenterID, Integer baseUid, Integer fileNumber, String fileName, Long projectID, Long objectID, String status, File file) throws ServerError { addItemTableRow((long) baseUid, fileName, (long) fileNumber, projectID, objectID, new Date().getTime(), status, file.getAbsolutePath()); return -1; // not used } /** * add a row of information to the item table * * @param baseUid * @param fileName * @param fileNumber * @param projectID * @param objectID * @param importTime * @param status * @param filePath * @throws ServerError */ public void addItemTableRow(long baseUid, String fileName, long fileNumber, long projectID, long objectID, long importTime, String status, String filePath) throws ServerError { Column[] newRow = createItemColumns(1); LongColumn baseUids = (LongColumn) newRow[ITEM_BASE_UID_COLUMN]; StringColumn fileNames = (StringColumn) newRow[ITEM_FILENAME_COLUMN]; LongColumn projectIDs = (LongColumn) newRow[ITEM_PROJECTID_COLUMN]; LongColumn objectIDs = (LongColumn) newRow[ITEM_OBJECTID_COLUMN]; LongColumn importTimes = (LongColumn) newRow[ITEM_DATETIME_COLUMN]; StringColumn filePaths = (StringColumn) newRow[ITEM_FILEPATH_COLUMN]; StringColumn Statuses = (StringColumn) newRow[ITEM_STATUS_COLUMN]; LongColumn fileNumbers = (LongColumn) newRow[ITEM_FILENUMBER_COLUMN]; baseUids.values[0] = baseUid; fileNames.values[0] = String.format("%1$-256s", fileName); projectIDs.values[0] = projectID; objectIDs.values[0] = objectID; importTimes.values[0] = importTime; filePaths.values[0] = String.format("%1$-1024s", filePath); Statuses.values[0] = String.format("%1$-32s", status); fileNumbers.values[0] = 0; itemTable.addData(newRow); itemDataDirty = true; if (DEBUG) displayTableData(); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see ome.formats.importer.gui.IHistoryTableDataSource#updateItemStatus(int, int, java.lang.String) */ public Integer updateItemStatus(int baseUid, int index, String newStatus) throws ServerError { try { Long uid = Long.valueOf(baseUid); String searchString = "(BaseUid==" + uid.longValue() + ")"; long[] ids = itemTable.getWhereList(searchString, null, 0, itemTable.getNumberOfRows(), 1); int returnedRows = ids.length; if (DEBUG) log.debug("updateItemStatus returned rows: " + returnedRows); Data itemData = getItemTableData(); for (int h = 0; h < returnedRows; h++) { int i = (int) ids[h]; if (h == index) ((StringColumn) itemData.columns[ITEM_STATUS_COLUMN]).values[i] = newStatus; } itemTable.update(itemData); itemDataDirty = true; return returnedRows; } catch (Exception e) { String s = String.format("Error updating item status for index %i with status %s.", index, newStatus); log.error(s, e); } return 0; // return empty defaultlist } /** * Return an array of ids based on query and date * @param uid * @param queryString * @param from * @param to * @return */ public long[] getItemTableIDsByQuery(Long baseId, String queryString, Date start, Date end) { try { String searchString = ""; if (start == null || end == null) { if (queryString.trim().length() > 0) { searchString = "(BaseUid==" + baseId + ")"; // & (" + queryString + "in Filename)"; } else { // Search by id searchString = "(BaseUid==" + baseId + ")"; } } else { // Search by date searchString = "(DateTime>=" + start.getTime() + ") & (DateTime<=" + end.getTime() + ")"; } long[] ids = itemTable.getWhereList(searchString, null, 0, itemTable.getNumberOfRows(), 1); return ids; } catch (Exception e) { String s = String.format("Error retrieving import list from %s to %s.", start.toString(), end.toString()); log.error(s, e); } return null; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see ome.formats.importer.gui.IHistoryTableDataSource#getItemQuery(java.lang.Long, java.lang.Long, java.lang.String, java.util.Date, java.util.Date) */ public Vector<Object> getItemQuery(Long importID, Long experimenterID, String queryString, Date from, Date to) { Vector<Object> rows = new Vector<Object>(); try { Data d = getItemTableData(); long[] ids = getItemTableIDsByQuery(importID, "", from, to); StringColumn fileNames = (StringColumn) d.columns[ITEM_FILENAME_COLUMN]; LongColumn projectIDs = (LongColumn) d.columns[ITEM_PROJECTID_COLUMN]; LongColumn objectIDs = (LongColumn) d.columns[ITEM_OBJECTID_COLUMN]; LongColumn importTimes = (LongColumn) d.columns[ITEM_DATETIME_COLUMN]; StringColumn filePaths = (StringColumn) d.columns[ITEM_FILENAME_COLUMN]; StringColumn statuses = (StringColumn) d.columns[ITEM_STATUS_COLUMN]; // Format the current time. String fileName = "", filePath = "", status = ""; Long objectID = 0L, projectID = 0L, importTime = 0L; int returnedRows = 0; if (ids != null) returnedRows = ids.length; for (int h = 0; h < returnedRows; h++) { int i = (int) ids[h]; fileName = fileNames.values[i].trim(); projectID = projectIDs.values[i]; objectID = objectIDs.values[i]; importTime = importTimes.values[i]; filePath = filePaths.values[i].trim(); status = statuses.values[i].trim(); Vector<Object> row = new Vector<Object>(); row.add(fileName); row.add(importTime); row.add(status); row.add(filePath); row.add(objectID); row.add(projectID); rows.add(row); } } catch (NullPointerException npe) { log.error("Null pointer exception.", npe); } // results are null catch (Exception e) { log.error("exception.", e); } return rows; } /** * Return all the base table data * @return */ public Data getItemTableData() throws ServerError { if (itemDataDirty) { long rows = itemTable.getNumberOfRows(); long[] colNumbers = { 0L, 1L, 2L, 3L, 4L, 5L, 6L, 7L }; itemData =, 0L, rows); itemDataDirty = false; } return itemData; } /** * Returns the number of rows in the base table * @return */ public long getItemTableNumberOfRows() { try { return itemTable.getNumberOfRows(); } catch (ServerError e) { e.printStackTrace(); return 0L; } } /** * Test code for this class. * * @param args * @throws CannotCreateSessionException * @throws PermissionDeniedException * @throws ServerError */ public static void main(String[] args) throws CannotCreateSessionException, PermissionDeniedException, ServerError { DEBUG = true; OMEROMetadataStoreClient store = new OMEROMetadataStoreClient(); store.initialize(USER, PASS, SERVER, 4064); boolean CLEAN = true; boolean TEST = false; HistoryTableStore hts = new HistoryTableStore(); try { hts.initialize(store, false); if (CLEAN) { hts.clearTable(baseDBNAME); hts.clearTable(itemDBNAME); } hts.initializeDataSource(); lastUid = hts.getHighestBaseTableUid(); if (DEBUG) log.debug("Last UID: " + lastUid); if (TEST) { long testid = hts.addBaseTableRow("test"); if (DEBUG) log.debug("Last UID: " + lastUid); hts.addItemTableRow(testid, "nofile", 0, 0, 0, 0, "test", "nopath"); } hts.displayTableData(); } catch (ServerError e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } finally { store.logout(); } System.err.println("Done"); } }