Java tutorial
/** * nz.govt.natlib.ndha.wctdpsdepositor - Software License * * Copyright 2007/2009 National Library of New Zealand. * All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * or the file "LICENSE.txt" included with the software. * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing * permissions and limitations under the License. * */ package nz.govt.natlib.ndha.wctdpsdepositor.extractor; //import nz.govt.natlib.ndha.common.FixityUtils; import nz.govt.natlib.ndha.wctdpsdepositor.extractor.filefinder.FileArchiveBuilder; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import org.webcurator.core.archive.dps.DpsDepositFacade.HarvestType; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import com.exlibris.core.sdk.formatting.DublinCore; import com.exlibris.core.sdk.formatting.DublinCoreFactory; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import javax.xml.xpath.XPath; import javax.xml.xpath.XPathConstants; import javax.xml.xpath.XPathExpressionException; import javax.xml.xpath.XPathFactory; import*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * This class is responsible for parsing a Wct Met's document and extracting required data. * This class uses XPath queries to retrive the data. */ public class XPathWctMetsExtractor implements WctDataExtractor { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(XPathWctMetsExtractor.class); private static final String harvestDateQuery = "//mets:mets/mets:amdSec/mets:techMD/mets:mdWrap/mets:xmlData/wct:wct/wct:TargetInstance/wct:Crawl/wct:StartDate"; private static final String seedUrlsQuery = "//mets:mets/mets:dmdSec/mets:mdWrap/mets:xmlData/wct:wct/wct:Target/wct:Seeds/wct:Seed"; private static final String targetNameQuery = "//mets:mets/mets:dmdSec/mets:mdWrap/mets:xmlData/wct:wct/wct:Target/wct:Name"; private static final String createdByQuery = "//mets:mets/mets:amdSec/mets:digiprovMD/mets:mdWrap/mets:xmlData/wct:wct/wct:TargetInstance/wct:Owner/wct:UID"; private static final String creationDateQuery = "//mets:mets/mets:amdSec/mets:digiprovMD/mets:mdWrap/mets:xmlData/wct:wct/wct:TargetInstance/wct:HarvestResult/wct:CreationDate"; private static final String provenanceNoteQuery = "//mets:mets/mets:amdSec/mets:digiprovMD/mets:mdWrap/mets:xmlData/wct:wct/wct:TargetInstance/wct:HarvestResult/wct:ProvenanceNote"; private static final String copyrightStatementQuery = "//mets:mets/mets:amdSec/mets:rightsMD/mets:mdWrap/mets:xmlData/wct:wct/wct:Permissions/wct:Permission/wct:CopyrightStatement"; private static final String copyrightURLQuery = "//mets:mets/mets:amdSec/mets:rightsMD/mets:mdWrap/mets:xmlData/wct:wct/wct:Permissions/wct:Permission/wct:CopyrightURL"; private static final String accessRestrictionQuery = "//mets:mets/mets:amdSec/mets:rightsMD/mets:mdWrap/mets:xmlData/wct:wct/wct:Permissions/wct:Permission/wct:AccessStatus"; private static final String metsArchiveFilesQuery = "//mets:mets/mets:fileSec/mets:fileGrp/mets:fileGrp[@USE='ARCHIVE']/mets:file"; private static final String metsLogFilesQuery = "//mets:mets/mets:fileSec/mets:fileGrp/mets:fileGrp[@USE='LOGS']/mets:file"; private static final String metsReportFilesQuery = "//mets:mets/mets:fileSec/mets:fileGrp/mets:fileGrp[@USE='REPORTS']/mets:file"; private static final String metsHomeDirectoryFilesQuery = "//mets:mets/mets:fileSec/mets:fileGrp/mets:fileGrp[@USE='HOME DIRECTORY']/mets:file"; private static final String ARC_FILE_LOCATION_PREFIX = "file://./"; private String harvestDate; private List<SeedUrl> seedUrls = new ArrayList<SeedUrl>(); private String targetName; private String ilsReference; private String createdBy; private String creationDate; private String provenanceNote; private String copyrightStatement; private String copyrightURL; private String accessRestriction; private List<ArchiveFile> archiveFiles = new ArrayList<ArchiveFile>(); private List<ArchiveFile> logFiles = new ArrayList<ArchiveFile>(); private List<ArchiveFile> reportFiles = new ArrayList<ArchiveFile>(); private List<ArchiveFile> homeDirectoryFiles = new ArrayList<ArchiveFile>(); private ArchiveFile wctMetsFile; private ArchiveFile arcIndex; private String wctTargetInstanceID; private DublinCore additionalDublinCoreElements; private HarvestType harvestType; private String ieEntityType; private static final String XML_MIME_TYPE = "text/xml"; static { /* * Temporary fix, until we find a permanent solution, to get rid of the following error from wct-store in Tomcat: * * org.webcurator.core.archive.dps.DPSUploadException: java.lang.RuntimeException: * XPathFactory#newInstance() failed to create an XPathFactory for the default object * model: with the XPathFactoryConfigurationException: * javax.xml.xpath.XPathFactoryConfigurationException: No XPathFctory implementation * found for the object model: * */ System.setProperty("javax.xml.xpath.XPathFactory:", ""); } public void parseFile(File wctMets, FileArchiveBuilder fileBuilder) throws IOException { DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(wctMets))); byte[] buff = new byte[(int) wctMets.length()]; dis.readFully(buff); dis.close(); String xmlEscapedString = escapeXml(buff); parseFile(xmlEscapedString.getBytes(), wctMets.getName(), fileBuilder); } public void parseFile(byte[] wctMets, String fileName, FileArchiveBuilder fileBuilder) { try { InputStream inputStream = populateInputStreamFrom(wctMets); Document doc = createXmlDocumentFrom(inputStream); XPathFactory xPathFactory = XPathFactory.newInstance(); XPath xpath = xPathFactory.newXPath(); xpath.setNamespaceContext(new WctNamespaceContext()); preprocess(doc, xpath, fileBuilder); popualteHarvestDate(doc, xpath); populateSeedUrlsFrom(doc, xpath); populateTargetName(doc, xpath); populateCreatedBy(doc, xpath); populateCreationDate(doc, xpath); populateProvenanceNote(doc, xpath); populateCopyrightStatement(doc, xpath); populateCopyrightURL(doc, xpath); populateAccessRestrictions(doc, xpath); populateArchiveFiles(doc, xpath, fileBuilder); populateLogFiles(doc, xpath, fileBuilder); populateReportFiles(doc, xpath, fileBuilder); populateHomeDirectoryFiles(doc, xpath, fileBuilder); // Populate anything additional populateAdditional(doc, xpath, fileBuilder); inputStream = populateInputStreamFrom(wctMets); populateWctMets(inputStream, fileName); } catch (XPathExpressionException xpe) { throw new RuntimeException("An exception occurred while parsing the WCT METS document for " + fileName, xpe); } } /** * An empty implementation allowing the subclasses to remove any unnessary nodes * to speed up XPath processing. * @param doc */ protected void preprocess(Document doc, XPath xpath, FileArchiveBuilder fileBuilder) throws XPathExpressionException { // empty implementation } /** * An empty implementation allowing the subclasses to parse any additional * details from WCT METS document. * @param doc * @param xpath * @param fileBuilder */ protected void populateAdditional(Document doc, XPath xpath, FileArchiveBuilder fileBuilder) throws XPathExpressionException { // empty implementation } public String getTargetName() { return targetName; } public String getHarvestDate() { return harvestDate; } public List<SeedUrl> getSeedUrls() { return seedUrls; } public String getEvents() { return null; } public String getAccessRestriction() { return accessRestriction; } public void setAccessRestriction(String ar) { accessRestriction = ar; } public String getILSReference() { return ilsReference; } public String getCreatedBy() { return createdBy; } public String getCreationDate() { return creationDate; } public String getProvenanceNote() { return provenanceNote; } public String getCopyrightStatement() { return copyrightStatement; } public String getCopyrightURL() { return copyrightURL; } public List<ArchiveFile> getArchiveFiles() { return archiveFiles; } public ArchiveFile getArcIndexFile() { return arcIndex; } public void setArcIndexFile(ArchiveFile arcIndex) { this.arcIndex = arcIndex; } public List<ArchiveFile> getLogFiles() { return logFiles; } public List<ArchiveFile> getReportFiles() { return reportFiles; } public List<ArchiveFile> getHomeDirectoryFiles() { return homeDirectoryFiles; } public ArchiveFile getWctMetsFile() { return wctMetsFile; } public List<ArchiveFile> getAllFiles() { List<ArchiveFile> files = new ArrayList<ArchiveFile>(); if (getArcIndexFile() != null) files.add(getArcIndexFile()); if (getWctMetsFile() != null) files.add(getWctMetsFile()); files.addAll(getHomeDirectoryFiles()); files.addAll(getReportFiles()); files.addAll(getLogFiles()); files.addAll(getArchiveFiles()); return files; } public String getWctTargetInstanceID() { return wctTargetInstanceID; } public void setWctTargetInstanceID(String targetInstanceID) { this.wctTargetInstanceID = targetInstanceID; } public void setILSReference(String ilsReference) { this.ilsReference = ilsReference; } public String getIeEntityType() { return ieEntityType; } public void setIeEntityType(String ieEntityType) { this.ieEntityType = ieEntityType; } public DublinCore getAdditionalDublinCoreElements() { return additionalDublinCoreElements; } public void setAdditionalDCTermElement(String name, String value) { setAdditionalDublinCoreElement(DublinCore.DCTERMS_NAMESPACE, name, value); } public void setAdditionalDCElement(String name, String value) { setAdditionalDublinCoreElement(DublinCore.DC_NAMESPACE, name, value); } private void setAdditionalDublinCoreElement(int namespace, String name, String value) { if (name == null || value == null) return; if (additionalDublinCoreElements == null) additionalDublinCoreElements = DublinCoreFactory.getInstance().createDocument(); additionalDublinCoreElements.addElement(namespace, name, value); } public HarvestType getHarvestType() { return harvestType; } public void setHarvestType(HarvestType harvestType) { this.harvestType = harvestType; } public void cleanUpCdxFile() { String errorText = "WCT Target " + wctTargetInstanceID + ": Error deleting the arc index file ";// + file.getAbsolutePath() + " - it needs to be manually deleted"; try { String indexFilePath = ((FileSystemArchiveFile) arcIndex).generateFilePath(); errorText = errorText + indexFilePath + " - "; File indexFile = new File(indexFilePath); if (indexFile.exists()) { boolean status = indexFile.delete(); if (status == true) {"WCT Target " + wctTargetInstanceID + ": Arc Index file " + indexFilePath + " has been deleted successfully"); } else { log.error(errorText); } } else { log.error(errorText + " file does not exit"); } } catch (RuntimeException ex) { log.error(errorText, ex); } } private InputStream populateInputStreamFrom(byte[] wctMets) { InputStream inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(wctMets.clone()); return inputStream; } private void populateSeedUrlsFrom(Document doc, XPath xpath) throws XPathExpressionException { NodeList seedNodes = (NodeList) xpath.evaluate(seedUrlsQuery, doc, XPathConstants.NODESET); //int l = seedNodes.getLength(); for (int i = 0; i < seedNodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = seedNodes.item(i); if (node == null) continue; NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); if (childNodes.getLength() <= 0) continue; String url = null; String type = null; for (int j = 0; j < childNodes.getLength(); j++) { Node childNode = childNodes.item(j); String nodeName = childNode.getLocalName(); if ("SeedURL".equals(nodeName)) url = childNode.getTextContent(); else if ("SeedType".equals(nodeName)) type = childNode.getTextContent(); } SeedUrl.Type typeAsEnum; if (url != null) { try { typeAsEnum = SeedUrl.Type.valueOf(type); } catch (RuntimeException e) { typeAsEnum = SeedUrl.Type.Primary; } SeedUrl seedUrl = new SeedUrl(url, typeAsEnum); seedUrls.add(seedUrl); } } } private void popualteHarvestDate(Document doc, XPath xpath) throws XPathExpressionException { harvestDate = (String) xpath.evaluate(harvestDateQuery, doc, XPathConstants.STRING); } private void populateTargetName(Document doc, XPath xpath) throws XPathExpressionException { targetName = (String) xpath.evaluate(targetNameQuery, doc, XPathConstants.STRING); } private void populateCreatedBy(Document doc, XPath xpath) throws XPathExpressionException { createdBy = (String) xpath.evaluate(createdByQuery, doc, XPathConstants.STRING); } private void populateCreationDate(Document doc, XPath xpath) throws XPathExpressionException { creationDate = (String) xpath.evaluate(creationDateQuery, doc, XPathConstants.STRING); } private void populateProvenanceNote(Document doc, XPath xpath) throws XPathExpressionException { provenanceNote = (String) xpath.evaluate(provenanceNoteQuery, doc, XPathConstants.STRING); } private void populateCopyrightStatement(Document doc, XPath xpath) throws XPathExpressionException { copyrightStatement = (String) xpath.evaluate(copyrightStatementQuery, doc, XPathConstants.STRING); } private void populateCopyrightURL(Document doc, XPath xpath) throws XPathExpressionException { copyrightURL = (String) xpath.evaluate(copyrightURLQuery, doc, XPathConstants.STRING); } private void populateAccessRestrictions(Document doc, XPath xpath) throws XPathExpressionException { accessRestriction = (String) xpath.evaluate(accessRestrictionQuery, doc, XPathConstants.STRING); } private void populateArchiveFiles(Document doc, XPath xpath, FileArchiveBuilder fileBuilder) throws XPathExpressionException { populateFileValueObjectCollectionFrom(doc, xpath, metsArchiveFilesQuery, archiveFiles, fileBuilder); } private void populateLogFiles(Document doc, XPath xpath, FileArchiveBuilder fileBuilder) throws XPathExpressionException { populateFileValueObjectCollectionFrom(doc, xpath, metsLogFilesQuery, logFiles, fileBuilder); } private void populateReportFiles(Document doc, XPath xpath, FileArchiveBuilder fileBuilder) throws XPathExpressionException { populateFileValueObjectCollectionFrom(doc, xpath, metsReportFilesQuery, reportFiles, fileBuilder); } private void populateHomeDirectoryFiles(Document doc, XPath xpath, FileArchiveBuilder fileBuilder) throws XPathExpressionException { populateFileValueObjectCollectionFrom(doc, xpath, metsHomeDirectoryFilesQuery, homeDirectoryFiles, fileBuilder); } private void populateFileValueObjectCollectionFrom(Document doc, XPath xpath, String nodeQuery, List<ArchiveFile> fileCollection, FileArchiveBuilder fileBuilder) throws XPathExpressionException { NodeList seedNodes = (NodeList) xpath.evaluate(nodeQuery, doc, XPathConstants.NODESET); for (int i = 0; i < seedNodes.getLength(); i++) { Node metsFileNode = seedNodes.item(i); ArchiveFile af = populateFileValueObjectFrom(xpath, metsFileNode, fileBuilder); fileCollection.add(af); } } private ArchiveFile populateFileValueObjectFrom(XPath xpath, Node metsFileNode, FileArchiveBuilder fileBuilder) throws XPathExpressionException { String mimeType = (String) xpath.evaluate("@MIMETYPE", metsFileNode, XPathConstants.STRING); String checkSum = (String) xpath.evaluate("@CHECKSUM", metsFileNode, XPathConstants.STRING); String fileLocation = (String) xpath.evaluate("mets:FLocat/@xlink:href", metsFileNode, XPathConstants.STRING); String fileName = getFileName(fileLocation); return fileBuilder.createFileFrom(mimeType, checkSum, fileName); } private String getFileName(String xmlLocation) { if (!xmlLocation.startsWith(ARC_FILE_LOCATION_PREFIX)) throw new RuntimeException("Arc file location was expected to begin with " + ARC_FILE_LOCATION_PREFIX + ", instead: " + xmlLocation); return xmlLocation.substring(ARC_FILE_LOCATION_PREFIX.length()); } private Document createXmlDocumentFrom(InputStream wctMets) { try { DocumentBuilderFactory docFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); docFactory.setNamespaceAware(true); DocumentBuilder builder = docFactory.newDocumentBuilder(); return builder.parse(wctMets); } catch (ParserConfigurationException pce) { throw new RuntimeException(pce); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new RuntimeException(ioe); } catch (SAXException se) { throw new RuntimeException(se); } } private void populateWctMets(InputStream mets, String fileName) { //String wctMetsDigest = FixityUtils.calculateMD5(mets); String fileLocation = fileName; this.wctMetsFile = new InputStreamArchiveFile(XML_MIME_TYPE, fileLocation, mets); } protected String escapeXml(byte[] buff) { String xml = new String(buff); return xml.replaceAll("&", "&"); } }