Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2015 Language In Interaction * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; //import; //import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import; import; /** * @since Jan 8, 2015 5:01:05 PM (creation date) * @author Peter Withers <> */ public class ComplexView extends SimpleView { private Label recordingLabel = null; private HorizontalPanel horizontalPanel = null; private VerticalPanel regionPanel = null; private final HashMap<String, VerticalPanel> regionPanels = new HashMap<>(); private final ArrayList<FlexTable> gridPanelList = new ArrayList<>(); private final ArrayList<VerticalPanel> cellPanelList = new ArrayList<>(); private class ImageEntry { final Element imageElement; final int percentOfPage; public ImageEntry(final Element imageElement, int percentOfPage) { this.imageElement = imageElement; this.percentOfPage = percentOfPage; } } protected final Messages messages = GWT.create(Messages.class); final protected VerticalPanel outerPanel; final ArrayList<HandlerRegistration> domHandlerArray = new ArrayList<>(); private final ArrayList<ImageEntry> scaledImagesList = new ArrayList<>(); public ComplexView() { super(); outerPanel = new VerticalPanel(); // // outerPanel.getElement().setDraggable(Element.DRAGGABLE_TRUE); // outerPanel.addDragStartHandler(new DragStartHandler() { // // @Override // public void onDragStart(DragStartEvent event) { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // event.setData("text", "i am widget1"); // } // ; // }); setContent(outerPanel); } private void clearAllRegions() { regionPanels.clear(); regionPanel = null; } public void startRegion(final String regionId, final String styleName) { VerticalPanel regionTemp = regionPanels.get(regionId); if (regionTemp == null) { regionTemp = new VerticalPanel(); regionPanels.put(regionId, regionTemp); } if (regionTemp.getParent() == null) { getActivePanel().add(regionTemp); } if (regionTemp != null) { regionTemp.setStyleName(styleName); } regionPanel = regionTemp; } public void endRegion() { regionPanel = null; } public void setRegionStyle(final String regionId, final String styleName) { VerticalPanel regionTemp = regionPanels.get(regionId); if (regionTemp != null) { regionTemp.setStyleName(styleName); } } public void clearRegion(final String regionId) { VerticalPanel regionTemp = regionPanels.get(regionId); if (regionTemp != null) { regionTemp.clear(); } } public FlexTable gridPanel() { final int index = gridPanelList.size() - 1; return (index >= 0) ? gridPanelList.get(index) : null; } public VerticalPanel cellPanel() { // a cell can exist outside a table in some older experiments, so we keep one outer cell in relation to the gridPanelList return (cellPanelList.size() > gridPanelList.size()) ? cellPanelList.get(gridPanelList.size()) : null; } public void startCell(String styleName) { VerticalPanel cellPanel = new VerticalPanel(); cellPanelList.set(gridPanelList.size(), cellPanel); if (styleName != null && !styleName.isEmpty()) { cellPanel.addStyleName(styleName); } cellPanel.setHorizontalAlignment(HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_CENTER); if (gridPanel() != null) { gridPanel().addCell(gridPanel().getRowCount() - 1); gridPanel().setWidget(gridPanel().getRowCount() - 1, gridPanel().getCellCount(gridPanel().getRowCount() - 1) - 1, cellPanel); } else { horizontalPanel.add(cellPanel); } } public void endCell() { cellPanelList.set(gridPanelList.size(), null); } public void startRow() { if (gridPanel() != null) { gridPanel().insertRow(gridPanel().getRowCount()); } else { startHorizontalPanel(); } } public void endRow() { if (gridPanel() == null) { endHorizontalPanel(); } } public Widget startTable(final String styleName) { FlexTable gridPanel = new FlexTable(); if (styleName != null && !styleName.isEmpty()) { gridPanel.addStyleName(styleName); } getActivePanel().add(gridPanel); gridPanelList.add(gridPanel); while (cellPanelList.size() < gridPanelList.size() + 1) { cellPanelList.add(null); } return gridPanel(); } public void endTable() { cellPanelList.set(gridPanelList.size(), null); gridPanelList.remove(gridPanelList.size() - 1); } public void startHorizontalPanel() { horizontalPanel = new HorizontalPanel(); horizontalPanel.setVerticalAlignment(HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_MIDDLE); outerPanel.add(horizontalPanel); } public void endHorizontalPanel() { horizontalPanel = null; } protected InsertPanel.ForIsWidget getActivePanel() { return (regionPanel != null) ? regionPanel : (cellPanel() != null) ? cellPanel() : (horizontalPanel != null) ? horizontalPanel : outerPanel; } public void clearPageAndTimers(String styleName) { outerPanel.clear(); if (styleName != null && !styleName.isEmpty()) { outerPanel.setStyleName(styleName); } else { outerPanel.setStyleName("contentBody"); } removeFooterButtons(); clearDomHandlers(); scaledImagesList.clear(); clearAllRegions(); } public void addText(String textString) { HTML html = new HTML(new SafeHtmlBuilder().appendEscapedLines(textString).toSafeHtml()); getActivePanel().add(html); } public HTML addHtmlText(String textString, String styleName) { HTML html = new HTML(new SafeHtmlBuilder().appendHtmlConstant(textString).toSafeHtml()); if (styleName != null && !styleName.isEmpty()) { html.addStyleName(styleName); } getActivePanel().add(html); return html; } // public HTML addHighlightedText(String textString) { // HTML html = new HTML(new SafeHtmlBuilder().appendEscapedLines(textString).toSafeHtml()); // html.addStyleName("highlightedText"); // getActivePanel().add(html); // return html; // } public void addPadding() { getActivePanel().add(new HTML(" ")); } public void setRecorderState(String message, boolean isRecording) { if (recordingLabel == null) { recordingLabel = new Label(); } recordingLabel.setStyleName((isRecording) ? "recordingLabel" : "notRecordingLabel"); if (isRecording || message != null) { recordingLabel.setText((message != null && !message.isEmpty()) ? message : ""); outerPanel.add(recordingLabel); } else { outerPanel.remove(recordingLabel); } } public void addWidget(IsWidget isWidget) { getActivePanel().add(isWidget); } protected void addSizeAttributes(final Element imageElement, int percentOfPage, int maxHeight, int maxWidth) { imageElement.getStyle().setProperty("imageOrientation", "from-image"); // the image-orientation style is not supported by most browsers yet if (percentOfPage > 0) { scaledImagesList.add(new ImageEntry(imageElement, percentOfPage)); // image.getElement().getStyle().setProperty("width", percentOfPage + "%"); // image.getElement().getStyle().setProperty("height", "auto"); resizeImage(imageElement, Window.getClientHeight(), Window.getClientWidth(), percentOfPage); } else { if (maxWidth > 0) { imageElement.getStyle().setProperty("maxWidth", maxWidth + "%"); } if (maxHeight > 0) { imageElement.getStyle().setProperty("maxHeight", maxHeight + "%"); } } } public void addImage(SafeUri imagePath, final SafeUri linkUrl, int percentOfPage, int maxHeight, int maxWidth, String align) { final Image image = new Image(imagePath); addSizeAttributes(image.getElement(), percentOfPage, maxHeight, maxWidth); final SingleShotEventListner singleShotEventListner = new SingleShotEventListner() { @Override protected void singleShotFired() {, "_system", ""); } }; image.addClickHandler(singleShotEventListner); image.addTouchStartHandler(singleShotEventListner); image.addTouchMoveHandler(singleShotEventListner); image.addTouchEndHandler(singleShotEventListner); getActivePanel().add(image); } public void centrePage() { outerPanel.setHorizontalAlignment(HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_CENTER); } public void addLink(String label, final String target) { final Anchor anchor = new Anchor(new SafeHtmlBuilder().appendEscapedLines(label).toSafeHtml()); // this link relies on the org.apache.cordova.inappbrowser which offers secure viewing of external html pages and handles user navigation such as back navigation. // in this case the link will be opend in the system browser rather than in the cordova application. getActivePanel().add(anchor); final SingleShotEventListner singleShotEventListner = new SingleShotEventListner() { @Override protected void singleShotFired() {, "_system", ""); } }; anchor.addClickHandler(singleShotEventListner); anchor.addTouchStartHandler(singleShotEventListner); anchor.addTouchMoveHandler(singleShotEventListner); anchor.addTouchEndHandler(singleShotEventListner); anchor.addStyleName("pageLink"); } public StimulusButton addOptionButton(final PresenterEventListner presenterListener) { StimulusButton nextButton = getOptionButton(presenterListener); if (presenterListener.getStyleName() != null && !presenterListener.getStyleName().isEmpty()) { nextButton.addStyleName(presenterListener.getStyleName()); } getActivePanel().add(nextButton.getWidget()); return nextButton; } public StimulusButton addFooterButton(final PresenterEventListner presenterListener) { StimulusButton nextButton = getOptionButton(presenterListener); if (presenterListener.getStyleName() != null && !presenterListener.getStyleName().isEmpty()) { nextButton.addStyleName(presenterListener.getStyleName()); } else { nextButton.addStyleName("footerButton"); } addToFooter(nextButton.getWidget()); return nextButton; } public List<StimulusButton> addRatingButtons(final List<PresenterEventListner> presenterListeners, final String ratingLabelLeft, final String ratingLabelRight, boolean footerButtons, String styleName, final String buttonGroupName, final String savedValue, final HorizontalPanel buttonsStylePanel) { final ArrayList<StimulusButton> stimulusButtonList = new ArrayList<>(); final VerticalPanel verticalPanel = new VerticalPanel(); final HorizontalPanel labelsPanel = new HorizontalPanel(); if (ratingLabelLeft != null) { labelsPanel.add(new Label(ratingLabelLeft)); } if (ratingLabelRight != null) { final Label label = new Label(ratingLabelRight); labelsPanel.add(label); label.setHorizontalAlignment(HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_RIGHT); } final HorizontalPanel buttonsPanel = (buttonsStylePanel != null) ? buttonsStylePanel : new HorizontalPanel(); for (PresenterEventListner listener : presenterListeners) { // stimulusRatingRadio needs stimulusFreeText objects to validate them StimulusButton nextButton = (buttonGroupName != null) ? getRadioButton(listener, buttonGroupName, savedValue) : getOptionButton(listener); if (styleName != null && !styleName.isEmpty()) { nextButton.addStyleName(styleName); } else if (footerButtons) { nextButton.addStyleName("footerButton"); } buttonsPanel.add(nextButton.getWidget()); buttonsPanel.setCellWidth(nextButton.getWidget(), (100 / presenterListeners.size()) + "%"); stimulusButtonList.add(nextButton); } verticalPanel.setWidth("100%"); labelsPanel.setWidth("100%"); buttonsPanel.setWidth("100%"); verticalPanel.add(labelsPanel); verticalPanel.add(buttonsPanel); if (footerButtons) { addToFooter(verticalPanel); } else { addWidget(verticalPanel); } return stimulusButtonList; } public void addTouchInputCapture(TouchInputCapture touchInputCapture) { // RootPanel root = RootPanel.get(); // domHandlerArray.add(root.addDomHandler(touchInputCapture, TouchStartEvent.getType())); // domHandlerArray.add(root.addDomHandler(touchInputCapture, TouchMoveEvent.getType())); // domHandlerArray.add(root.addDomHandler(touchInputCapture, TouchEndEvent.getType())); // domHandlerArray.add(root.addDomHandler(touchInputCapture, TouchCancelEvent.getType())); // domHandlerArray.add(root.addDomHandler(touchInputCapture, MouseMoveEvent.getType())); // domHandlerArray.add(root.addDomHandler(touchInputCapture, MouseDownEvent.getType())); // domHandlerArray.add(root.addDomHandler(touchInputCapture, MouseUpEvent.getType())); // domHandlerArray.add(root.addDomHandler(touchInputCapture, MouseOutEvent.getType())); // domHandlerArray.add(root.addDomHandler(touchInputCapture, MouseOverEvent.getType())); domHandlerArray.add(Event.addNativePreviewHandler(touchInputCapture)); } private void addHotKeyListner(final PresenterEventListner presenterListener, final SingleShotEventListner singleShotEventListner) { if (presenterListener.getHotKey() > 0) { RootPanel root = RootPanel.get(); domHandlerArray.add(root.addDomHandler(new KeyDownHandler() { @Override public void onKeyDown(KeyDownEvent event) { final int nativeKeyCode = event.getNativeKeyCode(); // we map 190 which is the period key to the numeric period key if (((nativeKeyCode == 190) ? KeyCodes.KEY_NUM_PERIOD : nativeKeyCode) == presenterListener .getHotKey()) { event.stopPropagation(); // clearDomHandlers(); singleShotEventListner.eventFired(); } } }, KeyDownEvent.getType())); } } public StimulusButton getOptionButton(final PresenterEventListner presenterListener) { final Button nextButton = new Button(presenterListener.getLabel()); return configureButton(nextButton, presenterListener); } public StimulusButton getRadioButton(final PresenterEventListner presenterListener, final String buttonGroupName, final String savedValue) { final RadioButton nextButton = new RadioButton(buttonGroupName, presenterListener.getLabel()); nextButton.setValue(presenterListener.getLabel().equals(savedValue)); return configureButton(nextButton, presenterListener); } private StimulusButton configureButton(final ButtonBase nextButton, final PresenterEventListner presenterListener) { nextButton.addStyleName("optionButton"); nextButton.setEnabled(true); final SingleShotEventListner singleShotEventListner = new SingleShotEventListner() { @Override protected void singleShotFired() { if (nextButton.isEnabled()) { nextButton.addStyleName("optionButtonActivated"); presenterListener.eventFired(nextButton, this); if (nextButton instanceof RadioButton) { ((RadioButton) nextButton).setValue(Boolean.TRUE); } } resetSingleShot(); } }; nextButton.addClickHandler(singleShotEventListner); nextButton.addTouchStartHandler(singleShotEventListner); nextButton.addTouchMoveHandler(singleShotEventListner); nextButton.addTouchEndHandler(singleShotEventListner); addHotKeyListner(presenterListener, singleShotEventListner); return new StimulusButton() { @Override public Widget getWidget() { return nextButton; } @Override public void addStyleName(String styleName) { if (styleName != null && !styleName.isEmpty()) { nextButton.addStyleName(styleName); } } @Override public void removeStyleName(String styleName) { nextButton.removeStyleName(styleName); } @Override public void setEnabled(boolean enabled) { nextButton.setEnabled(enabled); } @Override public boolean isEnabled() { return nextButton.isEnabled(); } @Override public void setVisible(boolean visible) { nextButton.setVisible(visible); } @Override public void triggerSingleShotEventListner() { singleShotEventListner.eventFired(); } }; } public void clearDomHandlers() { // todo: make sure this is cleared before the screen exits for (HandlerRegistration domHandler : domHandlerArray) { domHandler.removeHandler(); } domHandlerArray.clear(); } public StimulusButton addImageButton(final PresenterEventListner presenterListener, final SafeUri imagePath, final boolean isTouchZone) { final Image image = new Image(imagePath); final Button imageButton = new Button(); imageButton.getElement().appendChild(image.getElement()); if (presenterListener.getStyleName() != null && !presenterListener.getStyleName().isEmpty()) { image.addStyleName(presenterListener.getStyleName()); } imageButton.addStyleName( (presenterListener.getStyleName() == null || presenterListener.getStyleName().isEmpty()) ? "imageButton" : presenterListener.getStyleName()); getActivePanel().add(imageButton); final SingleShotEventListner singleShotEventListner = new SingleShotEventListner() { @Override protected void singleShotFired() { if (imageButton.isEnabled()) { presenterListener.eventFired(imageButton, this); } resetSingleShot(); } }; if (!isTouchZone) { imageButton.setEnabled(true); imageButton.addClickHandler(singleShotEventListner); imageButton.addTouchStartHandler(singleShotEventListner); imageButton.addTouchMoveHandler(singleShotEventListner); imageButton.addTouchEndHandler(singleShotEventListner); addHotKeyListner(presenterListener, singleShotEventListner); } else { // setting this to false breaks the touch input capture // imageButton.setEnabled(false); } final StimulusButton stimulusButton = new StimulusButton() { boolean isEnabled = true; @Override public Widget getWidget() { return imageButton; } @Override public void addStyleName(String styleName) { if (styleName != null && !styleName.isEmpty()) { imageButton.addStyleName(styleName); image.addStyleName(styleName); } } @Override public void removeStyleName(String styleName) { imageButton.removeStyleName(styleName); image.removeStyleName(styleName); } @Override public void setEnabled(boolean enabled) { isEnabled = enabled; if (!isTouchZone) { imageButton.setEnabled(enabled); } } @Override public boolean isEnabled() { return isEnabled; } @Override public void setVisible(boolean visible) { imageButton.setVisible(visible); } @Override public void triggerSingleShotEventListner() { if (isEnabled) { if (isTouchZone) { presenterListener.eventFired(imageButton, null); } else { singleShotEventListner.eventFired(); } } } }; return stimulusButton; } public HorizontalPanel addProgressBar(int minimum, int value, int maximum) { final HorizontalPanel bargraphOuter = new HorizontalPanel(); final HorizontalPanel bargraphInner = new HorizontalPanel(); bargraphOuter.setWidth("100%"); bargraphOuter.setHeight("10px"); bargraphInner.setWidth((int) (100.0 / maximum * value) + "%"); bargraphInner.setHeight("10px"); bargraphOuter.setStyleName("bargraphOuter"); bargraphInner.setStyleName("bargraphInner"); bargraphOuter.add(bargraphInner); getActivePanel().add(bargraphOuter); return bargraphInner; } public void updateProgressBar(HorizontalPanel bargraphInner, int minimum, int value, int maximum) { bargraphInner.setWidth((int) (100.0 / maximum * value) + "%"); } public void showHtmlPopup(String popupText, final PresenterEventListner... buttonListeners) { final PopupPanel popupPanel = new PopupPanel(false); // the close action to this panel causes background buttons to be clicked popupPanel.setGlassEnabled(true); popupPanel.setStylePrimaryName("svgPopupPanel"); final VerticalPanel popupverticalPanel = new VerticalPanel(); final HTML htmlText = new HTML(new SafeHtmlBuilder().appendHtmlConstant(popupText).toSafeHtml()); htmlText.setStylePrimaryName("popupTextBox"); popupverticalPanel.add(htmlText); popupverticalPanel.setHorizontalAlignment(HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_RIGHT); final HorizontalPanel buttonPanel = new HorizontalPanel(); for (final PresenterEventListner buttonListener : buttonListeners) { final SingleShotEventListner okSingleShotEventListner = new SingleShotEventListner() { @Override protected void singleShotFired() { popupPanel.hide(); buttonListener.eventFired(null, null); } }; final Button okButton = new Button(buttonListener.getLabel()); if (buttonListener.getStyleName() != null && !buttonListener.getStyleName().isEmpty()) { okButton.addStyleName(buttonListener.getStyleName()); } okButton.addClickHandler(okSingleShotEventListner); okButton.addTouchStartHandler(okSingleShotEventListner); okButton.addTouchMoveHandler(okSingleShotEventListner); okButton.addTouchEndHandler(okSingleShotEventListner); buttonPanel.add(okButton); } popupverticalPanel.add(buttonPanel); popupPanel.setWidget(popupverticalPanel); popupPanel.setPopupPositionAndShow(new PopupPanel.PositionCallback() { @Override public void setPosition(int offsetWidth, int offsetHeight) { final int topPosition = Window.getClientHeight() / 2 - offsetHeight; // topPosition is used to make sure the dialogue is above the half way point on the screen to avoid the software keyboard covering the box // topPosition is also checked to make sure it does not show above the top of the page popupPanel.setPopupPosition(Window.getClientWidth() / 2 - offsetWidth / 2, (topPosition < 0) ? 0 : topPosition); } }); } public void addTextField(String value, boolean readOnly) { final TextBox textBox = new TextBox(); textBox.setReadOnly(readOnly); textBox.setStylePrimaryName("metadataOK"); textBox.setText(value); getActivePanel().add(textBox); } @Override protected void parentResized(int height, int width, String units) { super.parentResized(height, width, units); for (ImageEntry imageEntry : scaledImagesList) { resizeImage(imageEntry.imageElement, height, width, imageEntry.percentOfPage); } } private void resizeImage(final Element imageElement, int height, int width, int percentOfPage) { imageElement.getStyle().clearHeight(); imageElement.getStyle().clearWidth(); imageElement.getStyle().setProperty("maxHeight", (height - HEADER_SIZE - HEADER_SIZE - 50 - 50 /* the "- 50 - 50" comes from contentBody in the CSS */) * (percentOfPage / 100.0) + "px"); imageElement.getStyle().setProperty("maxWidth", (width * (percentOfPage / 100.0)) + "px"); } }