Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package newdtl; import static java.lang.System.exit; import java.util.Enumeration; import; import weka.classifiers.Classifier; import weka.core.Attribute; import weka.core.Capabilities; import weka.core.Instance; import weka.core.Instances; import weka.core.NoSupportForMissingValuesException; public class NewJ48 extends Classifier { private final double DOUBLE_MISSING_VALUE = Double.NaN; private final double DOUBLE_ERROR_MAXIMUM = 1e-6; /** * The node's children. */ private NewJ48[] children; /** * Attribute used for splitting. */ private Attribute splitAttribute; /** * Threshold used for splitting if attribute is numeric. */ private double splitThreshold; /** * Class value if node is leaf. */ private double label; /** * Class distribution. */ private double[] classDistributions; /** * Class attribute of dataset. */ private Attribute classAttribute; /** * True if node is leaf. */ private boolean isLeaf; /** * Returns default capabilities of the classifier. * * @return the capabilities of this classifier */ @Override public Capabilities getCapabilities() { Capabilities result = super.getCapabilities(); result.disableAll(); // attributes result.enable(Capabilities.Capability.MISSING_VALUES); result.enable(Capabilities.Capability.NOMINAL_ATTRIBUTES); result.enable(Capabilities.Capability.NUMERIC_ATTRIBUTES); // class result.enable(Capabilities.Capability.MISSING_CLASS_VALUES); result.enable(Capabilities.Capability.NOMINAL_CLASS); // instances result.setMinimumNumberInstances(0); return result; } /** * Builds J48 tree classifier. * * @param data the training data * @exception Exception if classifier failed to build */ @Override public void buildClassifier(Instances data) throws Exception { // Mengecek apakah data dapat dibuat classifier getCapabilities().testWithFail(data); // Menghapus instances dengan missing class data = new Instances(data); data.deleteWithMissingClass(); makeTree(data); pruneTree(data); } /** * Creates a J48 tree. * * @param data the training data * @exception Exception if tree failed to build */ private void makeTree(Instances data) throws Exception { // Mengecek apakah tidak terdapat instance dalam node ini if (data.numInstances() == 0) { splitAttribute = null; label = DOUBLE_MISSING_VALUE; classDistributions = new double[data.numClasses()]; isLeaf = true; } else { // Mencari Gain Ratio maksimum double[] gainRatios = new double[data.numAttributes()]; double[] thresholds = new double[data.numAttributes()]; Enumeration attEnum = data.enumerateAttributes(); while (attEnum.hasMoreElements()) { Attribute att = (Attribute) attEnum.nextElement(); double[] result = computeGainRatio(data, att); gainRatios[att.index()] = result[0]; thresholds[att.index()] = result[1]; } splitAttribute = data.attribute(maxIndex(gainRatios)); if (splitAttribute.isNumeric()) { splitThreshold = thresholds[maxIndex(gainRatios)]; } else { splitThreshold = Double.NaN; } classDistributions = new double[data.numClasses()]; for (int i = 0; i < data.numInstances(); i++) { Instance inst = (Instance) data.instance(i); classDistributions[(int) inst.classValue()]++; } // Membuat daun jika Gain Ratio-nya 0 if ([splitAttribute.index()], 0) == 0) { splitAttribute = null; label = maxIndex(classDistributions); classAttribute = data.classAttribute(); isLeaf = true; } else { // Mengecek jika ada missing value if (isMissing(data, splitAttribute)) { // cari modus int index = modusIndex(data, splitAttribute); // ubah data yang punya missing value Enumeration dataEnum = data.enumerateInstances(); while (dataEnum.hasMoreElements()) { Instance inst = (Instance) dataEnum.nextElement(); if (inst.isMissing(splitAttribute)) { inst.setValue(splitAttribute, splitAttribute.value(index)); } } } // Membuat tree baru di bawah node ini Instances[] splitData; if (splitAttribute.isNumeric()) { splitData = splitData(data, splitAttribute, splitThreshold); children = new NewJ48[2]; for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) { children[j] = new NewJ48(); children[j].makeTree(splitData[j]); } } else { splitData = splitData(data, splitAttribute); children = new NewJ48[splitAttribute.numValues()]; for (int j = 0; j < splitAttribute.numValues(); j++) { children[j] = new NewJ48(); children[j].makeTree(splitData[j]); } } isLeaf = false; } } } /** * Creates a pruned J48 tree using expected error pruning. * * @param data the training data */ private double pruneTree(Instances data) throws Exception { double staticError = staticErrorEstimate((int) DoubleStream.of(classDistributions).sum(), (int) classDistributions[maxIndex(classDistributions)], classDistributions.length); if (isLeaf) { return staticError; } else { double backupError = 0; double totalInstances = DoubleStream.of(classDistributions).sum(); for (NewJ48 children1 : children) { double totalChildInstances = DoubleStream.of(children1.classDistributions).sum(); backupError += totalChildInstances / totalInstances * children1.pruneTree(data); } if (staticError < backupError) { splitAttribute = null; label = maxIndex(classDistributions); classAttribute = data.classAttribute(); isLeaf = true; children = null; return staticError; } else { return backupError; } } } /** * Classifies a given test instance using the decision tree. * * @param instance the instance to be classified * @return the classification */ @Override public double classifyInstance(Instance instance) throws NoSupportForMissingValuesException { if (instance.hasMissingValue()) { throw new NoSupportForMissingValuesException("NewID3: Cannot handle missing values"); } if (splitAttribute == null) { return label; } else { if (splitAttribute.isNumeric()) { if (, splitThreshold) <= 0) { return children[0].classifyInstance(instance); } else { return children[1].classifyInstance(instance); } } else { return children[(int) instance.value(splitAttribute)].classifyInstance(instance); } } } /** * Computes class distribution for instance using decision tree. * * @param instance the instance for which distribution is to be computed * @return the class distribution for the given instance */ @Override public double[] distributionForInstance(Instance instance) throws NoSupportForMissingValuesException { if (instance.hasMissingValue()) { throw new NoSupportForMissingValuesException("NewID3: Cannot handle missing values"); } if (splitAttribute == null) { return normalize(classDistributions); } else { if (splitAttribute.isNumeric()) { if (, splitThreshold) <= 0) { return children[0].distributionForInstance(instance); } else { return children[1].distributionForInstance(instance); } } else { return children[(int) instance.value(splitAttribute)].distributionForInstance(instance); } } } /** * split the dataset based on nominal attribute * * @param data dataset used for splitting * @param att attribute used to split the dataset * @return array of instances which has been split by attribute */ private Instances[] splitData(Instances data, Attribute att) { Instances[] splitData = new Instances[att.numValues()]; for (int j = 0; j < att.numValues(); j++) { splitData[j] = new Instances(data, data.numInstances()); } for (int i = 0; i < data.numInstances(); i++) { splitData[(int) data.instance(i).value(att)].add(data.instance(i)); } for (Instances splitData1 : splitData) { splitData1.compactify(); } return splitData; } /** * split the dataset based on attribute for numeric attribute * * @param data dataset used for splitting * @param att attribute used to split the dataset * @param threshold the threshold value * @return */ private Instances[] splitData(Instances data, Attribute att, double threshold) { Instances[] splitData = new Instances[2]; for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) { splitData[j] = new Instances(data, data.numInstances()); } for (int i = 0; i < data.numInstances(); i++) { if (, threshold) <= 0) { splitData[0].add(data.instance(i)); } else { splitData[1].add(data.instance(i)); } } for (Instances splitData1 : splitData) { splitData1.compactify(); } return splitData; } /** * Computes Gain Ratio for an attribute. * * @param data the data for which gain ratio is to be computed * @param att the attribute * @return the gain ratio for the given attribute and data * @throws Exception if computation fails */ private double[] computeGainRatio(Instances data, Attribute att) { if (att.isNumeric()) { data.sort(att); double[] threshold; double[] gainRatios; if (data.numInstances() == 1) { threshold = new double[1]; gainRatios = new double[1]; threshold[0] = data.instance(0).value(att); double infoGain = computeInfoGain(data, att, threshold[0]); double splitInfo = computeSplitInformation(data, att, threshold[0]); gainRatios[0] = infoGain > 0 ? infoGain / splitInfo : infoGain; } else { threshold = new double[data.numInstances() - 1]; gainRatios = new double[data.numInstances() - 1]; for (int i = 0; i < data.numInstances() - 1; i++) { threshold[i] = data.instance(i).value(att); double infoGain = computeInfoGain(data, att, threshold[i]); double splitInfo = computeSplitInformation(data, att, threshold[i]); gainRatios[i] = infoGain > 0 ? infoGain / splitInfo : infoGain; } } return new double[] { gainRatios[maxIndex(gainRatios)], threshold[maxIndex(gainRatios)] }; } else { double infoGain = computeInfoGain(data, att); double splitInfo = computeSplitInformation(data, att); return new double[] { splitInfo > 0 ? infoGain / splitInfo : splitInfo, 0 }; } } /** * Computes information gain for an attribute. * * @param data the data for which info gain is to be computed * @param att the attribute * @return the information gain for the given attribute and data * @throws Exception if computation fails */ private double computeInfoGain(Instances data, Attribute att) { double infoGain = computeEntropy(data); Instances[] splitData = splitData(data, att); for (Instances splitdata : splitData) { if (splitdata.numInstances() > 0) { double splitNumInstances = splitdata.numInstances(); double dataNumInstances = data.numInstances(); double proportion = splitNumInstances / dataNumInstances; infoGain -= proportion * computeEntropy(splitdata); } } return infoGain; } /** * Computes information gain for a numeric attribute. * * @param data the data for which info gain is to be computed * @param att the attribute * @return the information gain for the given attribute and data * @throws Exception if computation fails */ private double computeInfoGain(Instances data, Attribute att, double threshold) { double infoGain = computeEntropy(data); Instances[] splitData = splitData(data, att, threshold); for (Instances splitdata : splitData) { if (splitdata.numInstances() > 0) { double splitNumInstances = splitdata.numInstances(); double dataNumInstances = data.numInstances(); double proportion = splitNumInstances / dataNumInstances; infoGain -= proportion * computeEntropy(splitdata); } } return infoGain; } /** * Computes the entropy of a dataset. * * @param data the data for which entropy is to be computed * @return the entropy of the data class distribution * @throws Exception if computation fails */ private double computeEntropy(Instances data) { double[] labelCounts = new double[data.numClasses()]; for (int i = 0; i < data.numInstances(); ++i) { labelCounts[(int) data.instance(i).classValue()]++; } double entropy = 0; for (int i = 0; i < labelCounts.length; i++) { if (labelCounts[i] > 0) { double proportion = labelCounts[i] / data.numInstances(); entropy -= (proportion) * log2(proportion); } } return entropy; } /** * Computes Split information for an attribute. * * @param data the data for which split information is to be computed * @param att the attribute * @return the split information for the given attribute and data * @throws Exception if computation fails */ private double computeSplitInformation(Instances data, Attribute att) { double splitInfo = 0; Instances[] splitData = splitData(data, att); double dataNumInstances = data.numInstances(); for (Instances splitdata : splitData) { if (splitdata.numInstances() > 0) { double splitNumInstances = splitdata.numInstances(); double proportion = splitNumInstances / dataNumInstances; splitInfo -= proportion * log2(proportion); } } return splitInfo; } /** * Computes Split information for a numeric attribute. * * @param data the data for which split information is to be computed * @param att the attribute * @return the split information for the given attribute and data * @throws Exception if computation fails */ private double computeSplitInformation(Instances data, Attribute att, double threshold) { double splitInfo = 0; Instances[] splitData = splitData(data, att, threshold); double dataNumInstances = data.numInstances(); for (Instances splitdata : splitData) { if (splitdata.numInstances() > 0) { double splitNumInstances = splitdata.numInstances(); double proportion = splitNumInstances / dataNumInstances; splitInfo -= proportion * log2(proportion); } } return splitInfo; } /** * Computes static error estimate for pruning. * * @param N the number of instances * @param n number of instance in majority class * @param k number of class value * @return the static error estimate * */ private double staticErrorEstimate(int N, int n, int k) { double E = (N - n + k - 1) / (double) (N + k); return E; } public double backUpError() { double E = 0; double totalInstances = DoubleStream.of(classDistributions).sum(); for (NewJ48 child : children) { double totalChildInstances = DoubleStream.of(child.classDistributions).sum(); E += totalChildInstances / totalInstances * staticErrorEstimate((int) totalChildInstances, (int) child.classDistributions[(int) child.label], child.classDistributions.length); } return E; } /** * search data that has missing value for attribute * * @param data the data for searching * @param att the attribute for searching * @return if data has missing value for attribute */ private boolean isMissing(Instances data, Attribute att) { boolean isMissingValue = false; Enumeration dataEnum = data.enumerateInstances(); while (dataEnum.hasMoreElements() && !isMissingValue) { Instance inst = (Instance) dataEnum.nextElement(); if (inst.isMissing(att)) { isMissingValue = true; } } return isMissingValue; } /** * search index of attribute that has most common value * * @param data the data for searching * @param att the attribute for searching * @return index of attribute that has most common value */ private int modusIndex(Instances data, Attribute att) { // cari modus int[] modus = new int[att.numValues()]; Enumeration dataEnumeration = data.enumerateInstances(); while (dataEnumeration.hasMoreElements()) { Instance inst = (Instance) dataEnumeration.nextElement(); if (!inst.isMissing(att)) { modus[(int) inst.value(att)]++; } } // cari modus terbesar int indexMax = 0; for (int i = 1; i < modus.length; ++i) { if (modus[i] > modus[indexMax]) { indexMax = i; } } return indexMax; } /** * Prints the decision tree using the private toString method from below. * * @return a textual description of the classifier */ @Override public String toString() { if ((classDistributions == null) && (children == null)) { return "NewJ48: No model built yet."; } return "NewJ48 pruned tree\n------------------\n" + toString(0); } /** * Outputs a tree at a certain level. * * @param level the level at which the tree is to be printed * @return the tree as string at the given level */ private String toString(int level) { StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder(); if (splitAttribute == null) { if (Instance.isMissingValue(label)) { text.append(": null"); } else { text.append(": ").append(classAttribute.value((int) label)); double totalInstances = DoubleStream.of(classDistributions).sum(); text.append(" (").append(totalInstances); double wrongClass = totalInstances - classDistributions[(int) label]; if (wrongClass > 0) { text.append("/").append(totalInstances - classDistributions[(int) label]); } text.append(")"); } } else { if (splitAttribute.isNumeric()) { for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) { text.append("\n"); for (int i = 0; i < level; i++) { text.append("| "); } if (j == 0) { text.append(" <= ").append(splitThreshold); } else { text.append(" > ").append(splitThreshold); } text.append(children[j].toString(level + 1)); } } else { for (int j = 0; j < splitAttribute.numValues(); j++) { text.append("\n"); for (int i = 0; i < level; i++) { text.append("| "); } text.append(" = ").append(splitAttribute.value(j)); text.append(children[j].toString(level + 1)); } } } return text.toString(); } /** * Count the logarithm value with base 2 of a number * * @param num number that will be counted * @return logarithm value with base 2 */ private double log2(double num) { return (num == 0) ? 0 : Math.log(num) / Math.log(2); } /** * Search for index with largest value from array of double * * @param array the array of double * @return index of array with maximum value, -1 if array empty */ private int maxIndex(double[] array) { int max = 0; if (array.length > 0) { for (int i = 1; i < array.length; ++i) { if (array[i] > array[max]) { max = i; } } return max; } else { return -1; } } /** * Normalize the class distribution * * @exception Exception if sum of class distribution is 0 or NAN */ private double[] normalize(double[] array) { double sum = DoubleStream.of(array).sum(); double[] newArray = new double[array.length]; if (!Double.isNaN(sum) && sum != 0) { for (int i = 0; i < array.length; ++i) { newArray[i] = array[i] / sum; } return newArray; } else { return array; } } }