Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2007-2016 the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package net.ymate.platform.persistence.jdbc.scaffold; import freemarker.template.Configuration; import freemarker.template.Template; import freemarker.template.TemplateExceptionHandler; import net.ymate.platform.core.YMP; import net.ymate.platform.core.lang.BlurObject; import net.ymate.platform.core.util.ClassUtils; import net.ymate.platform.core.util.RuntimeUtils; import net.ymate.platform.persistence.base.EntityMeta; import net.ymate.platform.persistence.jdbc.*; import net.ymate.platform.persistence.jdbc.base.IResultSetHandler; import net.ymate.platform.persistence.jdbc.query.SQL; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import*; import java.sql.*; import java.util.*; import java.util.Date; /** * ???????Java?(create at 2013922?9:44:09) * * @author ( on 15/12/30 ?9:30 * @version 1.0 */ public class EntityGenerator { private static final Log _LOG = LogFactory.getLog(EntityGenerator.class); private String __templateRootPath = EntityGenerator.class.getPackage().getName().replace(".", "/"); private Configuration __freemarkerConfig; private YMP __owner; private IDatabase __jdbc; private EntityGenerator() { __freemarkerConfig = new Configuration(Configuration.VERSION_2_3_22); __freemarkerConfig.setTemplateExceptionHandler(TemplateExceptionHandler.HTML_DEBUG_HANDLER); __freemarkerConfig.setClassForTemplateLoading(EntityGenerator.class, "/"); __freemarkerConfig.setDefaultEncoding("UTF-8"); } public EntityGenerator(YMP owner) { this(); if (owner == null) { owner = YMP.get(); } this.__owner = owner; this.__jdbc = JDBC.get(__owner); } /** * @param dbName ??? * @param dbUserName ?? * @param tableName ?? * @return ????? */ private TableMeta getTableMeta(String dbName, String dbUserName, String tableName) { IConnectionHolder _connHolder = null; Statement _statement = null; ResultSet _resultSet = null; Map<String, ColumnInfo> _tableFields = new LinkedHashMap<String, ColumnInfo>(); List<String> _pkFields = new LinkedList<String>(); TableMeta _meta = new TableMeta(_pkFields, _tableFields); try { _connHolder = __jdbc.getDefaultConnectionHolder(); String _dbType = _connHolder.getDialect().getName(); DatabaseMetaData _dbMetaData = _connHolder.getConnection().getMetaData(); System.out.println(">>> Catalog: " + dbName); System.out.println(">>> Schema: " + dbUserName); System.out.println(">>> Table: " + tableName); _resultSet = _dbMetaData.getPrimaryKeys(dbName, _dbType.equalsIgnoreCase("oracle") ? dbUserName.toUpperCase() : dbUserName, tableName); if (_resultSet == null) { System.err.println("Database table \"" + tableName + "\" primaryKey resultSet is null, ignored"); return null; } else { while ( { _pkFields.add(_resultSet.getString(4).toLowerCase()); } if (_pkFields.isEmpty()) { System.err .println("Database table \"" + tableName + "\" does not set the primary key, ignored"); return null; } else { // System.out.println(">>> " + "COLUMN_NAME / " + "COLUMN_CLASS_NAME / " + "PRIMARY_KEY / " + "AUTO_INCREMENT / " + "SIGNED / " + "PRECISION / " + "SCALE / " + "NULLABLE / " + "DEFAULT / " + "REMARKS"); // _statement = _connHolder.getConnection().createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE); _resultSet = _statement.executeQuery( "SELECT * FROM ".concat(_connHolder.getDialect().wrapIdentifierQuote(tableName))); ResultSetMetaData _rsMetaData = _resultSet.getMetaData(); // for (int _idx = 1; _idx <= _rsMetaData.getColumnCount(); _idx++) { // ?? ResultSet _column = _dbMetaData.getColumns(dbName, _dbType.equalsIgnoreCase("oracle") ? dbUserName.toUpperCase() : dbUserName, tableName, _rsMetaData.getColumnName(_idx)); if ( { // ???? _tableFields.put(_rsMetaData.getColumnName(_idx).toLowerCase(), new ColumnInfo(_rsMetaData.getColumnName(_idx).toLowerCase(), _rsMetaData.getColumnClassName(_idx), _rsMetaData.isAutoIncrement(_idx), _rsMetaData.isSigned(_idx), _rsMetaData.getPrecision(_idx), _rsMetaData.getScale(_idx), _rsMetaData.isNullable(_idx), _column.getString("COLUMN_DEF"), _column.getString("REMARKS"))); System.out.println("--> " + _rsMetaData.getColumnName(_idx).toLowerCase() + "\t" + _rsMetaData.getColumnClassName(_idx) + "\t" + _pkFields.contains(_rsMetaData.getColumnName(_idx).toLowerCase()) + "\t" + _rsMetaData.isAutoIncrement(_idx) + "\t" + _rsMetaData.isSigned(_idx) + "\t" + _rsMetaData.getPrecision(_idx) + "\t" + _rsMetaData.getScale(_idx) + "\t" + _rsMetaData.isNullable(_idx) + "\t" + _column.getString("COLUMN_DEF") + "\t" + _column.getString("REMARKS")); } _column.close(); } } } } catch (Exception e) { if (e instanceof RuntimeException) { throw (RuntimeException) e; } throw new RuntimeException(e); } finally { if (_statement != null) { try { _statement.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { _LOG.warn("", e); } } if (_resultSet != null) { try { _resultSet.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { _LOG.warn("", e); } } if (_connHolder != null) { _connHolder.release(); } } return _meta; } /** * @return ????? */ private List<String> getTableNames() { try { return __jdbc.openSession(new ISessionExecutor<List<String>>() { @Override public List<String> execute(ISession session) throws Exception { String _dbType = session.getConnectionHolder().getDialect().getName(); String _sql = null; if ("mysql".equalsIgnoreCase(_dbType)) { _sql = "show tables"; } else if ("oracle".equalsIgnoreCase(_dbType)) { _sql = "select t.table_name from user_tables t"; } else if ("sqlserver".equalsIgnoreCase(_dbType)) { _sql = "select name from sysobjects where xtype='U'"; } else { throw new Error("The current database \"" + _dbType + "\" type not supported"); } final List<String> _results = new ArrayList<String>(); ResultSetHelper _helper = ResultSetHelper .bind(session.find(SQL.create(_sql), IResultSetHandler.ARRAY)); _helper.forEach(new ResultSetHelper.ItemHandler() { public boolean handle(ResultSetHelper.ItemWrapper wrapper, int row) throws Exception { _results.add(wrapper.getAsString(0)); return true; } }); return _results; } }); } catch (Exception e) { if (e instanceof RuntimeException) { throw (RuntimeException) e; } throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** * ?? */ public void createEntityClassFiles() { Map<String, Object> _propMap = buildPropMap(); // boolean _isUseBaseEntity = BlurObject.bind(__owner.getConfig().getParam("jdbc.use_base_entity")) .toBooleanValue(); boolean _isUseClassSuffix = BlurObject.bind(__owner.getConfig().getParam("jdbc.use_class_suffix")) .toBooleanValue(); boolean _isUseChainMode = BlurObject.bind(__owner.getConfig().getParam("jdbc.use_chain_mode")) .toBooleanValue(); boolean _isUseStateSupport = BlurObject.bind(__owner.getConfig().getParam("jdbc.use_state_support")) .toBooleanValue(); _propMap.put("isUseBaseEntity", _isUseBaseEntity); _propMap.put("isUseClassSuffix", _isUseClassSuffix); _propMap.put("isUseChainMode", _isUseChainMode); _propMap.put("isUseStateSupport", _isUseStateSupport); if (_isUseBaseEntity) { buildTargetFile("/model/", "/BaseEntity.ftl", _propMap); } // List<String> _tableList = Arrays.asList(StringUtils .split(StringUtils.defaultIfBlank(__owner.getConfig().getParam("jdbc.table_list"), ""), "|")); if (_tableList.isEmpty()) { _tableList = getTableNames(); } // String _dbName = __owner.getConfig().getParam("jdbc.db_name"); String _dbUser = __owner.getConfig().getParam("jdbc.db_username"); String[] _prefixs = StringUtils .split(StringUtils.defaultIfBlank(__owner.getConfig().getParam("jdbc.table_prefix"), ""), '|'); boolean _isRemovePrefix = new BlurObject(__owner.getConfig().getParam("jdbc.remove_table_prefix")) .toBooleanValue(); List<String> _tableExcludeList = Arrays.asList(StringUtils.split(StringUtils .defaultIfBlank(__owner.getConfig().getParam("jdbc.table_exclude_list"), "").toLowerCase(), "|")); for (String _tableName : _tableList) { // ??? if (!_tableExcludeList.isEmpty()) { if (_tableExcludeList.contains(_tableName.toLowerCase())) { continue; } else { boolean _flag = false; for (String _excludedName : _tableExcludeList) { if (StringUtils.contains(_excludedName, "*") && StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase(_tableName, StringUtils.substringBefore(_excludedName, "*"))) { _flag = true; break; } } if (_flag) { continue; } } } TableMeta _tableMeta = getTableMeta(_dbName, _dbUser, _tableName); if (_tableMeta != null) { String _modelName = null; for (String _prefix : _prefixs) { if (_tableName.startsWith(_prefix)) { if (_isRemovePrefix) { _tableName = _tableName.substring(_prefix.length()); } _modelName = StringUtils.capitalize(EntityMeta.propertyNameToFieldName(_tableName)); break; } } if (StringUtils.isBlank(_modelName)) { _modelName = StringUtils.capitalize(EntityMeta.propertyNameToFieldName(_tableName)); } // _propMap.put("tableName", _tableName); _propMap.put("modelName", _modelName); List<Attr> _fieldList = new ArrayList<Attr>(); // List<Attr> _fieldListForNotNullable = new ArrayList<Attr>(); // ? List<Attr> _allFieldList = new ArrayList<Attr>(); // ???? if (_tableMeta.getPkSet().size() > 1) { _propMap.put("primaryKeyType", _modelName + "PK"); _propMap.put("primaryKeyName", StringUtils.uncapitalize((String) _propMap.get("primaryKeyType"))); List<Attr> _primaryKeyList = new ArrayList<Attr>(); _propMap.put("primaryKeyList", _primaryKeyList); Attr _pkAttr = new Attr((String) _propMap.get("primaryKeyType"), (String) _propMap.get("primaryKeyName"), null, false, false, 0, 0, 0, null, null); _fieldList.add(_pkAttr); _fieldListForNotNullable.add(_pkAttr); // for (String pkey : _tableMeta.getPkSet()) { ColumnInfo _ci = _tableMeta.getFieldMap().get(pkey); _primaryKeyList.add(_ci.toAttr()); _allFieldList.add(new Attr("String", _ci.getColumnName().toUpperCase(), _ci.getColumnName(), _ci.isAutoIncrement(), _ci.isSigned(), _ci.getPrecision(), _ci.getScale(), _ci.getNullable(), _ci.getDefaultValue(), _ci.getRemarks())); } for (String key : _tableMeta.getFieldMap().keySet()) { if (_tableMeta.getPkSet().contains(key)) { continue; } ColumnInfo _ci = _tableMeta.getFieldMap().get(key); Attr _attr = _ci.toAttr(); _fieldList.add(_attr); _fieldListForNotNullable.add(_attr); _allFieldList.add(new Attr("String", _ci.getColumnName().toUpperCase(), _ci.getColumnName(), _ci.isAutoIncrement(), _ci.isSigned(), _ci.getPrecision(), _ci.getScale(), _ci.getNullable(), _ci.getDefaultValue(), _ci.getRemarks())); } } else { _propMap.put("primaryKeyType", _tableMeta.getFieldMap().get(_tableMeta.getPkSet().get(0)).getColumnType()); _propMap.put("primaryKeyName", StringUtils .uncapitalize(EntityMeta.propertyNameToFieldName(_tableMeta.getPkSet().get(0)))); for (String key : _tableMeta.getFieldMap().keySet()) { ColumnInfo _ci = _tableMeta.getFieldMap().get(key); Attr _attr = _ci.toAttr(); _fieldList.add(_attr); if (_attr.getNullable() == 0) { _fieldListForNotNullable.add(_attr); } _allFieldList.add(new Attr("String", _ci.getColumnName().toUpperCase(), _ci.getColumnName(), _ci.isAutoIncrement(), _ci.isSigned(), _ci.getPrecision(), _ci.getScale(), _ci.getNullable(), _ci.getDefaultValue(), _ci.getRemarks())); } } _propMap.put("fieldList", _fieldList); // ?????? _propMap.put("notNullableFieldList", _fieldList.size() == _fieldListForNotNullable.size() ? Collections.emptyList() : _fieldListForNotNullable); _propMap.put("allFieldList", _allFieldList); // buildTargetFile("/model/" + _modelName + (_isUseClassSuffix ? "" : ".java"), "/Entity.ftl", _propMap); // if (_tableMeta.getPkSet().size() > 1) { _propMap.put("modelName", _modelName); if (_tableMeta.getPkSet().size() > 1) { List<Attr> _primaryKeyList = new ArrayList<Attr>(); _propMap.put("primaryKeyList", _primaryKeyList); // for (String pkey : _tableMeta.getPkSet()) { ColumnInfo _ci = _tableMeta.getFieldMap().get(pkey); _primaryKeyList.add(_ci.toAttr()); } } buildTargetFile("/model/" + _modelName + "", "/EntityPK.ftl", _propMap); } } } } private void buildTargetFile(String targetFileName, String tmplFile, Map<String, Object> propMap) { Writer _outWriter = null; try { File _outputFile = new File( RuntimeUtils.replaceEnvVariable(StringUtils .defaultIfBlank(__owner.getConfig().getParam("jdbc.output_path"), "${root}")), new File(((String) propMap.get("packageName")).replace('.', '/'), targetFileName).getPath()); File _path = _outputFile.getParentFile(); if (!_path.exists()) { _path.mkdirs(); } Template _template = __freemarkerConfig.getTemplate(__templateRootPath + tmplFile); _outWriter = new BufferedWriter( new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(_outputFile), StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty( __freemarkerConfig.getOutputEncoding(), __freemarkerConfig.getDefaultEncoding()))); _template.process(propMap, _outWriter); System.out.println("Output file \"" + _outputFile + "\"."); } catch (Exception e) { _LOG.warn("", e); } finally { if (_outWriter != null) { try { _outWriter.flush(); _outWriter.close(); } catch (IOException e) { _LOG.warn("", e); } } } } private Map<String, Object> buildPropMap() { Map<String, Object> _propMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); _propMap.put("packageName", StringUtils.defaultIfBlank(__owner.getConfig().getParam("jdbc.package_name"), "packages")); _propMap.put("lastUpdateTime", new Date()); return _propMap; } private static class TableMeta { private List<String> pkSet; private Map<String, ColumnInfo> fieldMap; public TableMeta(List<String> pkSet, Map<String, ColumnInfo> fieldMap) { this.pkSet = pkSet; this.fieldMap = fieldMap; } public List<String> getPkSet() { return pkSet; } public Map<String, ColumnInfo> getFieldMap() { return fieldMap; } } private static class ColumnInfo { private String columnName; private String columnType; private boolean autoIncrement; private boolean isSigned; private int precision; private int scale; private int nullable; private String defaultValue; private String remarks; public ColumnInfo(String columnName, String columnType, boolean autoIncrement, boolean isSigned, int precision, int scale, int nullable, String defaultValue, String remarks) { this.columnName = columnName; this.columnType = columnType; this.autoIncrement = autoIncrement; this.isSigned = isSigned; this.precision = precision; this.scale = scale; this.nullable = nullable; this.defaultValue = defaultValue; this.remarks = remarks; } public String getColumnName() { return columnName; } public String getColumnType() { return columnType; } public boolean isAutoIncrement() { return autoIncrement; } public boolean isSigned() { return isSigned; } public int getPrecision() { return precision; } public int getScale() { return scale; } public int getNullable() { return nullable; } public String getDefaultValue() { return defaultValue; } public String getRemarks() { return remarks; } public Attr toAttr() { return new Attr(getColumnType(), StringUtils.uncapitalize(EntityMeta.propertyNameToFieldName(getColumnName().toLowerCase())), getColumnName(), isAutoIncrement(), isSigned(), getPrecision(), getScale(), getNullable(), getDefaultValue(), getRemarks()); } } public static class Attr { String varType; String varName; String columnName; boolean autoIncrement; private boolean isSigned; private int precision; private int scale; int nullable; String defaultValue; String remarks; public Attr(String varType, String varName, String columnName, boolean autoIncrement, boolean isSigned, int precision, int scale, int nullable, String defaultValue, String remarks) { this.varName = varName; this.varType = varType; this.columnName = columnName; this.autoIncrement = autoIncrement; this.isSigned = isSigned; try { if (!isSigned && !ClassUtils.isSubclassOf(Class.forName(varType), Number.class)) { this.isSigned = true; } } catch (Exception ignored) { } this.precision = precision; this.scale = scale; this.nullable = nullable; this.defaultValue = defaultValue; this.remarks = remarks; } public String getVarType() { return varType; } public String getVarName() { return varName; } public String getColumnName() { return columnName; } public boolean isAutoIncrement() { return autoIncrement; } public boolean isSigned() { return isSigned; } public int getPrecision() { return precision; } public int getScale() { return scale; } public int getNullable() { return nullable; } public String getDefaultValue() { return defaultValue; } public String getRemarks() { return remarks; } @Override public String toString() { return this.getVarName(); } } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { YMP.get().init(); try { new EntityGenerator(YMP.get()).createEntityClassFiles(); } finally { YMP.get().destroy(); } } }