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 * Copyright 2011 Unicon (R) Licensed under the
 * Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
 * not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may
 * obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
 * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing
 * permissions and limitations under the License.
package net.unicon.kaltura.service;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;

import net.unicon.kaltura.MediaItem;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Activate;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Component;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Deactivate;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Modified;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Property;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Reference;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Service;
import org.osgi.service.event.Event;
import org.osgi.service.event.EventHandler;
import org.sakaiproject.nakamura.api.doc.ServiceDocumentation;
import org.sakaiproject.nakamura.api.files.FileUploadHandler;
import org.sakaiproject.nakamura.api.files.FilesConstants;
import org.sakaiproject.nakamura.api.lite.ClientPoolException;
import org.sakaiproject.nakamura.api.lite.Repository;
import org.sakaiproject.nakamura.api.lite.Session;
import org.sakaiproject.nakamura.api.lite.StorageClientException;
import org.sakaiproject.nakamura.api.lite.accesscontrol.AccessDeniedException;
import org.sakaiproject.nakamura.api.lite.authorizable.Authorizable;
import org.sakaiproject.nakamura.api.lite.authorizable.AuthorizableManager;
import org.sakaiproject.nakamura.api.lite.authorizable.User;
import org.sakaiproject.nakamura.api.lite.content.Content;
import org.sakaiproject.nakamura.api.lite.content.ContentManager;
import org.sakaiproject.nakamura.api.user.UserConstants;
import org.sakaiproject.nakamura.lite.content.InternalContent;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import com.kaltura.client.KalturaApiException;
import com.kaltura.client.KalturaClient;
import com.kaltura.client.KalturaConfiguration;
import com.kaltura.client.enums.KalturaEditorType;
import com.kaltura.client.enums.KalturaMediaType;
import com.kaltura.client.enums.KalturaSessionType;
import com.kaltura.client.types.KalturaBaseEntry;
import com.kaltura.client.types.KalturaBaseEntryFilter;
import com.kaltura.client.types.KalturaBaseEntryListResponse;
import com.kaltura.client.types.KalturaFilterPager;
import com.kaltura.client.types.KalturaMediaEntry;
import com.kaltura.client.types.KalturaMixEntry;

 * The Kaltura service which handles all the actual processing related to Kaltura
 * @author Aaron Zeckoski (azeckoski @ (azeckoski @
@ServiceDocumentation(name = "Kaltura Service", description = "Handles all the processing related to the kaltura media integration")
@Component(immediate = true, metatype = true)
@Service({ KalturaService.class, FileUploadHandler.class, EventHandler.class })
public class KalturaService implements FileUploadHandler, EventHandler {

    private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(KalturaService.class);

    private static final int MAX_ITEMS_FROM_KALTURA = 1000;
    private static final int defaultWidgetWidth = 480;
    private static final int defaultWidgetHeight = 360;

    public static final String KALTURA_MIMETYPE_VIDEO = "kaltura/video";
    public static final String KALTURA_MIMETYPE_AUDIO = "kaltura/audio";
    public static final String KALTURA_MIMETYPE_IMAGE = "kaltura/image";

    @Property(value = "Unicon, Inc.")
    static final String SERVICE_VENDOR = "service.vendor";
    @Property(value = "Handles all the processing related to the kaltura media integration")
    static final String SERVICE_DESCRIPTION = "service.description";
    @Property(value = { KalturaService.TOPIC_CONTENT_UPDATED })
    static final String SERVICE_EVENT_TOPICS = "event.topics";

    @Property(intValue = 111, label = "Partner Id")
    private static final String KALTURA_PARTNER_ID = "kaltura.partnerid";
    @Property(value = "setThisToYourKalturaSecret", label = "Secret")
    private static final String KALTURA_SECRET = "kaltura.secret";
    @Property(value = "setThisToYourKalturaAdminSecret", label = "Admin Secret")
    private static final String KALTURA_ADMIN_SECRET = "kaltura.adminsecret";
    @Property(value = "", label = "Endpoint")
    private static final String KALTURA_ENDPOINT = "kaltura.endpoint";
    @Property(value = "", label = "CDN")
    private static final String KALTURA_CDN = "kaltura.cdn";

    /* DEFAULT set as confirmed by Kaltura (Nir) on 21 Sept 2010 @ 2300
    kaltura.player.image  - 2162571  - 2158531
    kaltura.player.view  - 1522202
    kaltura.player.edit  - 1522362
    kaltura.uploader - 5612211
    kaltura.editor - 2733871
    //@Property(value="2162571", label="Player - Image")
    //private static final String KALTURA_PLAYER_IMAGE = "kaltura.player.image";
    @Property(value = "2158531", label = "Player - Audio")
    private static final String KALTURA_PLAYER_AUDIO = "";
    @Property(value = "1522202", label = "Player - Video View")
    private static final String KALTURA_PLAYER_VIEW = "kaltura.player.view";
    //@Property(value="1522362", label="Player - Video Edit")
    //private static final String KALTURA_PLAYER_EDIT = "kaltura.player.edit";
    //@Property(value="2733871", label="Player - Editor")
    //private static final String KALTURA_PLAYER_EDITOR = "kaltura.player.editor";

    //@Property(intValue=KalturaService.defaultWidgetWidth, label="Player - Image - Width")
    //private static final String KALTURA_PLAYER_IMAGE_WIDTH = "kaltura.player.image.width";
    //@Property(intValue=KalturaService.defaultWidgetHeight, label="Player - Image - Height")
    //private static final String KALTURA_PLAYER_IMAGE_HEIGHT = "kaltura.player.image.height";
    @Property(intValue = KalturaService.defaultWidgetWidth, label = "Player - Audio - Width")
    private static final String KALTURA_PLAYER_AUDIO_WIDTH = "";
    @Property(intValue = 30, label = "Player - Audio - Height")
    private static final String KALTURA_PLAYER_AUDIO_HEIGHT = "";
    @Property(intValue = KalturaService.defaultWidgetWidth, label = "Player - Video - Width")
    private static final String KALTURA_PLAYER_VIDEO_WIDTH = "";
    @Property(intValue = KalturaService.defaultWidgetHeight, label = "Player - Video - Height")
    private static final String KALTURA_PLAYER_VIDEO_HEIGHT = "";

    KalturaConfiguration kalturaConfig;
    String kalturaCDN = null;
     * The kaltura widget ids from config
    String kalturaPlayerIdImage = null;
    String kalturaPlayerIdAudio = null;
    String kalturaPlayerIdView = null;
    String kalturaPlayerIdEdit = null;
    String kalturaEditorId = null;
     * widgets sizes from config
    int kalturaPlayerImageWidth = KalturaService.defaultWidgetWidth;
    int kalturaPlayerImageHeight = KalturaService.defaultWidgetHeight;
    int kalturaPlayerAudioWidth = KalturaService.defaultWidgetWidth;
    int kalturaPlayerAudioHeight = 30;
    int kalturaPlayerVideoWidth = KalturaService.defaultWidgetWidth;
    int kalturaPlayerVideoHeight = KalturaService.defaultWidgetHeight;


    Repository repository;


    protected void activate(Map<?, ?> properties) {"Kaltura: start");

    protected void deactivate(Map<?, ?> properties) {"Kaltura: stop");

    protected void modified(Map<?, ?> properties) {"Kaltura: modified config");

     * Initialize the configuration based on the OSGi config properties for this service
     * @param properties map of config settings
    protected void init(Map<?, ?> properties) {
        // load up the config
        int kalturaPartnerId = getConfigurationSetting(KALTURA_PARTNER_ID, -1, properties);
        String kalturaSecret = getConfigurationSetting(KALTURA_SECRET, null, properties);
        String kalturaAdminSecret = getConfigurationSetting(KALTURA_ADMIN_SECRET, null, properties);
        String kalturaEndpoint = getConfigurationSetting(KALTURA_ENDPOINT, null, properties);
        this.kalturaCDN = getConfigurationSetting(KALTURA_CDN, null, properties);

        // supports customizing the look and feel AND functionality of the kaltura widgets
        //this.kalturaPlayerIdImage = getConfigurationSetting(KALTURA_PLAYER_IMAGE, "2162571", properties);
        this.kalturaPlayerIdAudio = getConfigurationSetting(KALTURA_PLAYER_AUDIO, "2158531", properties);
        this.kalturaPlayerIdView = getConfigurationSetting(KALTURA_PLAYER_VIEW, "1522202", properties);
        //this.kalturaPlayerIdEdit = getConfigurationSetting(KALTURA_PLAYER_EDIT, "1522362", properties);
        //this.kalturaEditorId = getConfigurationSetting(KALTURA_PLAYER_EDITOR, "2733871", properties);

        // allows for config of the sizes of the players
        //this.kalturaPlayerImageWidth = getConfigurationSetting(KALTURA_PLAYER_IMAGE_WIDTH, this.kalturaPlayerImageWidth, properties);
        //this.kalturaPlayerImageHeight = getConfigurationSetting(KALTURA_PLAYER_IMAGE_HEIGHT, this.kalturaPlayerImageHeight, properties);
        this.kalturaPlayerAudioWidth = getConfigurationSetting(KALTURA_PLAYER_AUDIO_WIDTH,
                this.kalturaPlayerAudioWidth, properties);
        this.kalturaPlayerAudioHeight = getConfigurationSetting(KALTURA_PLAYER_AUDIO_HEIGHT,
                this.kalturaPlayerAudioHeight, properties);
        this.kalturaPlayerVideoWidth = getConfigurationSetting(KALTURA_PLAYER_VIDEO_WIDTH,
                this.kalturaPlayerVideoWidth, properties);
        this.kalturaPlayerVideoHeight = getConfigurationSetting(KALTURA_PLAYER_VIDEO_HEIGHT,
                this.kalturaPlayerVideoHeight, properties);

        MediaItem.setDefaultSizes(this.kalturaPlayerImageWidth, this.kalturaPlayerImageHeight,
                this.kalturaPlayerAudioWidth, this.kalturaPlayerAudioHeight, this.kalturaPlayerVideoWidth,

        // create the shared kaltura config
        KalturaConfiguration kc = new KalturaConfiguration();
        this.kalturaConfig = kc;
        // dump the config

        // test out that the kc can initialize a session
        KalturaClient kalturaClient = makeKalturaClient("admin", KalturaSessionType.ADMIN, 10);
        if (kalturaClient == null || kalturaClient.getSessionId() == null) {
            throw new RuntimeException(
                    "Failed to connect to kaltura server endpoint (" + kc.getEndpoint() + ") as admin");
        kalturaClient = makeKalturaClient("admin", KalturaSessionType.USER, 10);
        if (kalturaClient == null || kalturaClient.getSessionId() == null) {
            throw new RuntimeException(
                    "Failed to connect to kaltura server endpoint (" + kc.getEndpoint() + ") as user");
        }"Kaltura: Init complete: API version: " + kalturaClient.getApiVersion()
                + ", Connected to endpoint: " + kc.getEndpoint());

     * Special logging method
     * @param properties
    private void dumpServiceConfigToLog(Map<?, ?> properties) {
        String propsDump = "";
        if (properties != null && LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            sb.append("\n Properties:\n");
            for (Map.Entry<?, ?> entry : properties.entrySet()) {
                sb.append("  * ");
                sb.append(" -> ");
            propsDump = sb.toString();
        }"\nKalturaService Configuration: START ---------\n" + " partnerId="
                + this.kalturaConfig.getPartnerId() + "\n" + " endPoint=" + this.kalturaConfig.getEndpoint() + "\n"
                + " timeout=" + this.kalturaConfig.getTimeout() + "\n" + " kalturaCDN=" + this.kalturaCDN + "\n"
                + " kalturaEditorId=" + this.kalturaEditorId + "\n" + " kalturaPlayerIdView="
                + this.kalturaPlayerIdView + "\n" + " kalturaPlayerIdEdit=" + this.kalturaPlayerIdEdit + "\n"
                + " kalturaPlayerIdAudio=" + this.kalturaPlayerIdAudio + "\n" + " kalturaPlayerIdImage="
                + this.kalturaPlayerIdImage + "\n" + propsDump + "KalturaService Configuration: END ---------\n");

     * Special logging method
     * @param properties
     * @param name
    protected void dumpMapToLog(Map<?, ?> properties, String name) {
        String propsDump = "";
        if (properties != null) {
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            for (Map.Entry<?, ?> entry : properties.entrySet()) {
                sb.append("  * ");
                sb.append(" -> ");
            propsDump = sb.toString();
        }"\nMap (" + name + "): START ---------\n" + propsDump + "Map (" + name + "): END ---------\n");

     * Special method for handling retrieval of OAE config settings in a typesafe way
     * @param <T>
     * @param settingName the key for the setting
     * @param defaultValue the default value if unset
     * @param properties the set of properties to search
     * @return the value of the setting (if set) or default value if not
    private <T> T getConfigurationSetting(String settingName, T defaultValue, Map<?, ?> properties) {
        T returnValue = defaultValue;
        Object propValue = properties.get(settingName);
        if (defaultValue == null) {
            returnValue = (T) PropertiesUtil.toString(propValue, null);
            if ("".equals(returnValue)) {
                returnValue = null;
        } else {
            if (defaultValue instanceof Number) {
                int num = ((Number) defaultValue).intValue();
                int value = PropertiesUtil.toInteger(propValue, num);
                returnValue = (T) Integer.valueOf(value);
            } else if (defaultValue instanceof Boolean) {
                boolean bool = ((Boolean) defaultValue).booleanValue();
                boolean value = PropertiesUtil.toBoolean(propValue, bool);
                returnValue = (T) Boolean.valueOf(value);
            } else if (defaultValue instanceof String) {
                returnValue = (T) PropertiesUtil.toString(propValue, (String) defaultValue);
        return returnValue;

    protected static final String TOPIC_CONTENT_UPDATED = "org/sakaiproject/nakamura/lite/content/UPDATED";
    private static final String TOPIC_PROPERTY_POOLID = "path";

    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.osgi.service.event.EventHandler#handleEvent(org.osgi.service.event.Event)
    public void handleEvent(Event event) {
        /* NOTES: Q&A from AZ to Carl and Mark
        > 1) What's the constant for
        > "org/sakaiproject/nakamura/lite/content/UPDATED"? grep did not find it
        > so I am guessing it is probably constructed.
        Yep, other spots in the code seem to just hard-code the strings.  I'd
        normally look in org.sakaiproject.nakamura.api.lite.StoreListener for
        such a constant, but I already did and there isn't one :)
        > 2) Is that going to be the "topic" for the event? If so, where do I
        > get the poolId/path for the content item once I have the event? If
        > not, what is that matching?
        Yep, org/sakaiproject/nakamura/lite/content/UPDATED is the topic.  You
        can get the pathId with:
        (again, most places in the code just seem to use "path" instead of a
        constant...).  You can look at the events getting fired by hitting:
        and the ones you're interested in will just have an unadorned path like
        "h1o6Hi3ie".  In mine I see other events with the same topic but paths
        like "/activity/content/h1o6Hi3ie" too, but those aren't relevant of
        interest here and can be ignored.
        So yeah, it's all a bit hairy :)  If that all makes sense I'll try to
        amend the doco for FileUploadHandler to emphasise that getting notified
        about uploaded files is only half the story.
        - this is called 16 times on a new item upload and about 12 times for content updates and 6 times for update version file uploads,
          as a result we cannot just update kaltura each time this is called or it will crush the kaltura servers
        - I attempted to compare the original and current properties to see if I could identify when they changed but this did not work
          as the results in the logs show: 
        ... realUpdate=false, (,(null)=(null)
        ... realUpdate=false, (aaaaaaaaaa)=(aaaaaaaaaa),(bbbbbb)=(bbbbbb)
        - Attempting to use the 'update' property to filter down the number of events - "update".equals(event.getProperty("op"),
          this only gets it down to 3 events so still too many to be reasonable
        - added in a filter to check if the _versionHistoryId is present, this seems to finally get it down to only 2 updates
        boolean updateEvent = "update".equals(event.getProperty("op"));
        String poolId = (String) event.getProperty(TOPIC_PROPERTY_POOLID);
        if (poolId != null && updateEvent) {
            Content content = getContent(poolId);
            if (content != null) {
                // check for the key
                String kalturaEntryId = (String) content.getProperties().get(OAE_CONTENT_NEW_FLAG);
                String versionHistoryId = (String) content.getProperties()
                boolean realUpdate = versionHistoryId != null
                        && content.getOriginalProperties().containsKey(OAE_CONTENT_NEW_FLAG);
                if (kalturaEntryId != null && realUpdate) {
                     * If it gets to this point it means 3 things are true:
                     *  (1) This is a kaltura content item which has not be updated to kaltura server yet
                     *  (2) This event type operation is an update
                     *  (3) The content item has the version history id set
                    //dumpMapToLog(content.getProperties(), "contentProperties - "+kalturaEntryId);
          "Found kaltura content item (" + poolId
                            + ") to update during OAE content update with keid (" + kalturaEntryId + ")...");
                    // make the kaltura entry to update it
                    KalturaBaseEntry kbe = new KalturaBaseEntry();
           = kalturaEntryId;
                    int version = getContentVersion(poolId);
           = makeKalturaTitle(content.getProperties(), version);
                    kbe.description = (String) content.getProperties().get(FilesConstants.SAKAI_DESCRIPTION); // may be blank
                    kbe.tags = makeKalturaTags(content.getProperties());
                    updateKalturaItem(null, kbe);

                    // remove the flag and update the kaltura updated timestamp
                    Map<String, Object> props = new HashMap<String, Object>(2);
                    props.put(OAE_CONTENT_NEW_FLAG, null);
                    props.put("kaltura-updated", new Date().getTime());
                    updateContent(poolId, props); // exception if update fails
                    //dumpMapToLog(newProps, "updatedContentProperties");
          "Updated OAE content item (" + poolId + ") and synced Kaltura item (" + kalturaEntryId
                            + ") data");


    private static final String OAE_CONTENT_NEW_FLAG = "kaltura-content-new";
    private static final String OAE_CONTENT_EXTENSION = "sakai:fileextension";

     * NOTE: requires for now
     * Handling requires some SPECIAL work here because of weaknesses in OAE:
     * 1) When user uploads a new file, we process the call to handle method and
     * put in fake meta-info and then put a marker in the content properties
     * 2) When next post comes in a few ms later, the event processor method is called 
     * which will tell us that the content has been updated, we
     * check for the marker and if it is there then we have to do a second call
     * over to kaltura to update the 3 values for title, desc, and tags, then
     * we clear the marker
     * 3) When the user later on updates the content, we have to ignore those
     * updates which would trigger calls to that interface as long as the
     * marker is not present
     * 4) When the user uploads a new version, we have to process that upload via
     * the handle method and also update the metadata in one operation
     * because in that case the metadata is correct
     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.sakaiproject.nakamura.api.files.FileUploadHandler#handleFile(java.lang.String,, java.lang.String, boolean)
    public void handleFile(Map<String, Object> arg0, String poolId, InputStream inputStream, String userId,
            boolean isNew) throws IOException {
        // TODO - what is arg0?
        Map<String, Object> contentProperties = getContentProperties(poolId);
        //dumpMapToLog(contentProperties, "contentProperties");
        // check if this is a video file and do nothing if it is not
        String mimeType = (String) contentProperties.get(InternalContent.MIMETYPE_FIELD);
        String fileExtension = (String) contentProperties.get(OAE_CONTENT_EXTENSION);
        String path = (String) contentProperties.get(InternalContent.PATH_FIELD);
        String fileName = path + fileExtension;

        // NOTE: no handling for images yet
        KalturaMediaType mediaType = KalturaMediaType.VIDEO;
        boolean isVideo = isFileVideo(fileExtension, mimeType);
        boolean isAudio = false;
        if (!isVideo) {
            isAudio = isFileAudio(fileExtension, mimeType);
            if (isAudio) {
                mediaType = KalturaMediaType.AUDIO;

        if (userId != null && UserConstants.ANON_USERID.equals(userId)) {
            // only include real users, no anonymous ones
            LOG.warn("Anonymous user uploaded a file - it is not being processed into Kaltura: " + fileName);
        } else if (!isVideo && !isAudio) {
            if (!isAudio) {
                LOG.debug("Uploaded file is not an audio file, no processing for Kaltura: " + fileName);
            } else {
                LOG.debug("Uploaded file is not a video, no processing for Kaltura: " + fileName);
        } else {
            //String fileId = (String)contentProperties.get(InternalContent.UUID_FIELD);
            int version = 1;
            if (isNew) {
                // do something different when this is new

            } else {
                // do things when this is an update to an existing content item
                version = getContentVersion(poolId); // exception if lookup fails
            String title = makeKalturaTitle(contentProperties, version);
            String desc = (String) contentProperties.get(FilesConstants.SAKAI_DESCRIPTION); // may be blank
            String tags = makeKalturaTags(contentProperties);
            // do processing of the video file
            long fileSize = (Long) contentProperties.get(InternalContent.LENGTH_FIELD);
            KalturaBaseEntry kbe = uploadItem(userId, fileName, fileSize, inputStream, mediaType, title, desc,
                    tags); // exception if upload fails
            if (kbe != null) {
                // item upload successful
                MediaItem mediaItem = new MediaItem(kbe, userId);

                Map<String, Object> props = new HashMap<String, Object>(10);
                if (isNew) {
                    // if this is newly uploaded content then we have to do special handling, store the kaltura entry ID here
                    props.put(OAE_CONTENT_NEW_FLAG, mediaItem.getKalturaId());
                props.put("kaltura-updated", new Date().getTime());
                props.put("kaltura-id", mediaItem.getKalturaId());
                props.put("kaltura-thumbnail", mediaItem.getThumbnail());
                props.put("kaltura-download", mediaItem.getDownloadURL());
                props.put("kaltura-duration", mediaItem.getDuration()); // probably will be 0
                props.put("kaltura-height", mediaItem.getHeight());
                props.put("kaltura-width", mediaItem.getWidth());
                props.put("kaltura-type", mediaItem.getType());
                String kalturaMimeType = KALTURA_MIMETYPE_VIDEO;
                if (MediaItem.TYPE_AUDIO.equals(mediaItem.getMediaType())) {
                    kalturaMimeType = KALTURA_MIMETYPE_AUDIO;
                } else if (MediaItem.TYPE_IMAGE.equals(mediaItem.getMediaType())) {
                    kalturaMimeType = KALTURA_MIMETYPE_IMAGE;
                props.put(InternalContent.MIMETYPE_FIELD, kalturaMimeType);

      "Completed upload (" + title + ") to Kaltura of file (" + fileName + ") of type ("
                        + kalturaMimeType + ") and created kalturaEntry (" + mediaItem.getKalturaId() + ")");

                updateContent(poolId, props); // exception if update fails
                // Map<String, Object> newProps = ...
                //dumpMapToLog(newProps, "newContentProperties");
            } else {
                // should we fail here if kaltura does not return a valid KBE? -AZ
  "Kaltura file upload handler complete: " + fileName);

     * Make a title to be sent to Kaltura
     * @param contentProperties OAE content properties
     * @param version the content version (greater than or equal to 1)
     * @return the title to send to kaltura
    protected String makeKalturaTitle(Map<String, Object> contentProperties, int version) {
        String title = "title";
        if (contentProperties.get(FilesConstants.POOLED_CONTENT_FILENAME) != null) {
            title = (String) contentProperties.get(FilesConstants.POOLED_CONTENT_FILENAME);
        if (version < 1) {
            version = 1;
        title += " - " + version;
        return title;

     * Make the tags to be send to kaltura based on OAE content
     * @param contentProperties OAE content properties
     * @return the tags comma separated string (empty string if there are none)
    protected String makeKalturaTags(Map<String, Object> contentProperties) {
        String tags = "";
        if (contentProperties.get(FilesConstants.SAKAI_TAGS) != null) {
            // convert tags array into CSV string
            String[] fileTags = (String[]) contentProperties.get(FilesConstants.SAKAI_TAGS);
            if (fileTags.length > 0) {
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                for (int i = 0; i < fileTags.length; i++) {
                    String tag = fileTags[i];
                    if (i > 0) {
                tags = sb.toString();
        return tags;

    // OAE processing methods

     * Find the current version number (same as the number of versions) for this content item
     * @param poolId the content pool id
     * @return the current version number (defaults to 1)
    private int getContentVersion(String poolId) {
        // NOTE: InternalContent.VERSION_NUMBER_FIELD is not useful
        int version = 1;
        try {
            Session adminSession = repository.loginAdministrative();
            ContentManager cm = adminSession.getContentManager();
            // Content content = cm.getVersion(poolId, fileId);
            List<String> versions = cm.getVersionHistory(poolId);
            version = versions.size();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            LOG.error("Unable to get versions for pool=" + poolId + ", defaulting to " + version + ": " + e, e);
        return version;

     * Retrieve an OAE content item
     * @param poolId the unique path/poolId of a content object
     * @return the Content object
     * @throws RuntimeException if the content object cannot be retrieved
    private Content getContent(String poolId) {
        Content content = null;
        try {
            Session adminSession = repository.loginAdministrative();
            ContentManager cm = adminSession.getContentManager();
            content = cm.get(poolId);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            LOG.error("Unable to get content by path=" + poolId + ": " + e, e);
            throw new RuntimeException("Unable to get content by path=" + poolId + ": " + e, e);
        if (content == null) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Unable to get content by path=" + poolId + ": item not found");
        return content;

     * Retrieve the properties for some OAE content
     * @param poolId the unique path/poolId of a content object
     * @return the Map of content properties
     * @throws RuntimeException if the content object cannot be retrieved
    private Map<String, Object> getContentProperties(String poolId) {
        Content content = getContent(poolId);
        return content.getProperties();

     * Update an OAE content item
     * @param poolId the unique path/poolId of a content object
     * @param properties the properties to update or delete on this object (props with a NULL value will be removed, all others will be replaced or added)
     * @return the complete set of new properties for the content
     * @throws RuntimeException if the content object cannot be updated
    private Map<String, Object> updateContent(String poolId, Map<?, ?> properties) {
        Map<String, Object> props = null;
        Content contentItem = getContent(poolId);
        //dumpMapToLog(properties, "NEW-properties");
        for (Entry<?, ?> entry : properties.entrySet()) {
            String key = (String) entry.getKey();
            Object val = entry.getValue();
            if (val != null) {
                contentItem.setProperty(key, val);
            } else {
        try {
            Session adminSession = repository.loginAdministrative();
            ContentManager contentManager = adminSession.getContentManager();
            Content content = contentManager.get(poolId);
            props = content.getProperties();
            LOG.debug("Completed update of content item props (" + poolId + ") for Kaltura upload");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            LOG.error("Unable to update content at path=" + poolId + ": " + e, e);
            throw new RuntimeException("Unable to update content at path=" + poolId + ": " + e, e);
        return props;

     * Determine if a file has video content
     * @param fileExtension the file extension (includes the ., e.g. .mov)
     * @param mimeType the mimetype from the UI
     * @return true if video, false otherwise
    protected boolean isFileVideo(String fileExtension, String mimeType) {
        boolean video = false;
        if (mimeType != null && (KALTURA_MIMETYPE_VIDEO.equals(mimeType) || mimeType.startsWith("video/"))) {
            video = true;
        } else {
            if (fileExtension != null) {
                if (fileExtension.equals(".avi") // avi
                        || fileExtension.equals(".mpg") // mpeg 2
                        || fileExtension.equals(".mpe") // mpeg 2
                        || fileExtension.equals(".mpeg") // mpeg 2
                        || fileExtension.equals(".mp4") // mpeg 4
                        || fileExtension.equals(".m4v") // mpeg 4
                        || fileExtension.equals(".mov") // quicktime
                        || fileExtension.equals(".qt") // quicktime
                        || fileExtension.equals(".asf") // windows media
                        || fileExtension.equals(".asx") // windows media
                        || fileExtension.equals(".wmv") // windows media
                        || fileExtension.equals(".rm") // real video
                        || fileExtension.equals(".ogm") // OG media
                        || fileExtension.equals(".3gp") // 3gpp
                        || fileExtension.equals(".mkv") // matroska
                ) {
                    video = true;
        return video;

     * Determine if a file has audio content
     * @param fileExtension the file extension (includes the ., e.g. .mov)
     * @param mimeType the mimetype from the UI
     * @return true if audio, false otherwise
    protected boolean isFileAudio(String fileExtension, String mimeType) {
        boolean audio = false;
        if (mimeType != null && (KALTURA_MIMETYPE_AUDIO.equals(mimeType) || mimeType.startsWith("audio/"))) {
            audio = true;
        } else {
            if (fileExtension != null) {
                if (fileExtension.equals(".wav") // wave audio
                        || fileExtension.equals(".aif") // aiff
                        || fileExtension.equals(".mp3") // mpeg 3
                        || fileExtension.equals(".aac") // aac
                        || fileExtension.equals(".mid") // midi
                        || fileExtension.equals(".mpa") // mpeg 2 audio
                        || fileExtension.equals(".wma") // windows media audio
                        || fileExtension.equals(".ra") // realaudio
                ) {
                    audio = true;
        return audio;

     * Get a user and their data based on the user identifier
     * @param userId user id (username)
     * @return the User object OR null if not found
    protected User getUser(String userId) {
        User u = null;
        Session adminSession = null;
        try {
            adminSession = repository.loginAdministrative();
            AuthorizableManager authorizableManager = adminSession.getAuthorizableManager();
            Authorizable authorizable = authorizableManager.findAuthorizable(userId);
            u = (User) authorizable;
        } catch (StorageClientException e) {
            // nothing to do here
        } catch (AccessDeniedException e) {
            // nothing to do here
        } finally {
            if (adminSession != null) {
                try {
                } catch (ClientPoolException e) {
                    LOG.warn(e.getMessage(), e);
        return u;


     * NOTE: the KalturaClient is not even close to being threadsafe -AZ
    ThreadLocal<KalturaClient> kctl = new ThreadLocal<KalturaClient>() {
        protected KalturaClient initialValue() {
            return makeKalturaClient();

     * threadsafe method to get a kaltura client
     * @return the current kaltura client for this thread
    public KalturaClient getKalturaClient() {
        return kctl.get();

     * threadsafe method to get a kaltura client
     * @param userKey the user key (normally should be the username)
     * @return the current kaltura client for this thread
    public KalturaClient getKalturaClient(String userKey) {
        if (userKey != null && !"".equals(userKey)) {
            KalturaClient kc = makeKalturaClient(userKey, KalturaSessionType.ADMIN, 0);
        return kctl.get();

     * destroys the current kaltura client
    public void clearKalturaClient() {

     * NOTE: this method will generate a new kaltura client using all defaults and sakai user, 
     * make sure you store this into the {@link #kctl} threadlocal if you are generating it using this method
    private KalturaClient makeKalturaClient() {
        // defaults
        String userKey = "anonymous";
        KalturaSessionType sessionType = KalturaSessionType.USER;
        // NOTE: there is no way to get the user outside of a request in OAE
        KalturaClient kc = makeKalturaClient(userKey, sessionType, 0);
        return kc;

     * NOTE: this method will generate a new kaltura client, 
     * make sure you store this into the {@link #kctl} threadlocal if you are generating it using this method
    private KalturaClient makeKalturaClient(String userKey, KalturaSessionType sessionType, int timeoutSecs) {
        // client is not threadsafe
        if (timeoutSecs <= 0) {
            timeoutSecs = 86400; // NOTE set to 24 hours by request of kaltura   60; // default to 60 seconds
        KalturaClient kalturaClient = new KalturaClient(this.kalturaConfig);
        String secret = this.kalturaConfig.getSecret();
        if (KalturaSessionType.ADMIN.equals(sessionType)) {
            secret = this.kalturaConfig.getAdminSecret();
        KalturaSessionService sessionService = kalturaClient.getSessionService();
        try {
            String sessionId = sessionService.start(secret, userKey, sessionType, this.kalturaConfig.getPartnerId(),
                    timeoutSecs, "edit:*"); // the edit is needed to fix an issue with kaltura servers
            LOG.debug("Created new kaltura client (oid=" + kalturaClient.toString() + ", tid="
                    + Thread.currentThread().getId() + ", ks=" + kalturaClient.getSessionId() + ")");
        } catch (KalturaApiException e) {
            //kalturaClient.setSessionId(null); // should we clear this?
            LOG.error("Unable to establish a kaltura session (" + kalturaClient.toString() + ", "
                    + kalturaClient.getSessionId() + "):: " + e, e);
        return kalturaClient;


    public KalturaBaseEntry uploadItem(String userId, String fileName, long fileSize, InputStream inputStream,
            KalturaMediaType mediaType, String title, String description, String tags) {
        if (title == null || "".equals(title)) {
            title = fileName;
        if (mediaType == null) {
            mediaType = KalturaMediaType.VIDEO;
        KalturaMediaEntry kme = null;
        KalturaClient kc = getKalturaClient(userId); // force this to be an admin key
        if (kc != null) {
            try {
                String uploadTokenId = kc.getMediaService().upload(inputStream, fileName, fileSize);
                //"upload token result: "+uploadTokenId);
                KalturaMediaEntry mediaEntry = new KalturaMediaEntry();
                mediaEntry.mediaType = KalturaMediaType.VIDEO;
                mediaEntry.userId = userId;
       = title;
                if (description != null) {
                    mediaEntry.description = description;
                if (tags != null) {
                    mediaEntry.tags = tags;
                mediaEntry.adminTags = "OAE"; // Should we handle with custom meta fields instead (for 9 July 2011, we will not)?
                kme = kc.getMediaService().addFromUploadedFile(mediaEntry, uploadTokenId);
                //kme = kc.getBaseEntryService().update(entryId, mediaEntry); // NOTE: updateKalturaItem()
            } catch (Exception e) {
                LOG.error("Failure uploading item (" + fileName + "): " + e, e);
                throw new RuntimeException(e);
        return kme;

     * @param textFilter a search filter string, null or "" includes all
     * @param keids [OPTIONAL] listing of keids to limit the results to
     * @param start 0 for all, or >0 start with that item
     * @param max 0 for all, or >0 to only return that many
     * @return the List of kaltura entries
    public List<KalturaBaseEntry> getKalturaItems(String userKey, String textFilter, String[] keids, int start,
            int max) {
        if (start < 0) {
            start = 0;
        if (max <= 0) {
            max = MAX_ITEMS_FROM_KALTURA;
        List<KalturaBaseEntry> items = new ArrayList<KalturaBaseEntry>();
        if (textFilter == null) {
            textFilter = "";
        KalturaClient kc = getKalturaClient();
        if (kc != null) {
            try {
                // use base entry service instead to get all -AZ
                //KalturaBaseEntry kbe = entryService.get("qqqq");
                KalturaBaseEntryService entryService = kc.getBaseEntryService();
                KalturaBaseEntryFilter filter = new KalturaBaseEntryFilter();
                filter.partnerIdEqual = this.kalturaConfig.getPartnerId();
                filter.userIdEqual = userKey;
                if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(textFilter)) {
                    filter.searchTextMatchOr = textFilter; // I think this is what I need but it does not seem to prioritize results?
                    //filter.nameLike = textFilter;
                filter.statusIn = "0,1,2"; // KalturaEntryStatus.IMPORT+","+KalturaEntryStatus.PRECONVERT+","+KalturaEntryStatus.READY;
                // limit to a set of items as needed
                if (keids != null) {
                    filter.idIn = StringUtils.join(keids, ',');
                //kmef.orderBy = "title";
                KalturaFilterPager pager = new KalturaFilterPager();
                pager.pageSize = max;
                pager.pageIndex = 0; // NOTE - kaltura does not support a start item in the paging API, only a start page
                KalturaBaseEntryListResponse listResponse = entryService.list(filter, pager);
                for (KalturaBaseEntry entry : listResponse.objects) {
                    items.add(entry); // KalturaMediaEntry KalturaMixEntry
            } catch (KalturaApiException e) {
                LOG.error("Unable to get kaltura media items listing using session (oid=" + kc.toString() + ", tid="
                        + Thread.currentThread().getId() + ", ks=" + kc.getSessionId() + "):: " + e, e);
        return items;

     * Retrieve a single KME by the kaltura id
     * @param keid the kaltura entry id
     * @return the entry OR null if none found
    public KalturaBaseEntry getKalturaItem(String userKey, String keid) {
        if (keid == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("keid must not be null");
        KalturaBaseEntry kme = null;
        KalturaClient kc = getKalturaClient();
        if (kc != null) {
            try {
                //KalturaMediaService mediaService = kc.getMediaService();
                KalturaBaseEntryService entryService = kc.getBaseEntryService();
                kme = getKalturaEntry(userKey, keid, entryService);
            } catch (KalturaApiException e) {
                LOG.error("Unable to get kaltura media item (" + keid + ") using session (oid=" + kc.toString()
                        + ", tid=" + Thread.currentThread().getId() + ", ks=" + kc.getSessionId() + "):: " + e, e);
        return kme;

    public boolean removeKalturaItem(String userKey, String keid) {
        if (keid == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("keid must not be null");
        boolean removed = false;
        KalturaClient kc = getKalturaClient();
        if (kc != null) {
            try {
                KalturaBaseEntryService entryService = kc.getBaseEntryService();
                KalturaBaseEntry entry = getKalturaEntry(userKey, keid, entryService);
                removed = true;
            } catch (KalturaApiException e) {
                LOG.error("Unable to remove kaltura item (" + keid + ") using session (oid=" + kc.toString()
                        + ", tid=" + Thread.currentThread().getId() + ", ks=" + kc.getSessionId() + "):: " + e, e);
                removed = false;
        return removed;

     * Creates a new kaltura mix for the current user/kaltura session from an existing kaltura entry
     * @param keid the id of the entry to create this mix from
     * @param name OPTIONAL the name for this new mix, null to use the entry name
     * @return the new mix item
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the mix cannot be created
    public KalturaMixEntry createMix(String userKey, String keid, String name) {
        if (keid == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("keid must not be null");
        KalturaMixEntry kmix = null;
        KalturaClient kc = getKalturaClient();
        if (kc != null) {
            try {
                KalturaBaseEntry kme = getKalturaItem(userKey, keid);
                if (kme == null) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid keid (" + keid + "), cannot find entry");
                KalturaMixEntry mix = new KalturaMixEntry();
       = name != null ? name :;
                mix.editorType = KalturaEditorType.ADVANCED;
                kmix = kc.getMixingService().add(mix);
                // append existing entry to this mix
                // flattening is async, no way to tell if a mix has been flattened?
                //kc.getMixingService().requestFlattening(entryId, fileFormat);s
            } catch (KalturaApiException e) {
                throw new IllegalStateException(
                        "Unable to create new mix (" + name + ") using session (oid=" + kc.toString() + ", tid="
                                + Thread.currentThread().getId() + ", ks=" + kc.getSessionId() + "):: " + e,
        return kmix;

    public KalturaBaseEntry updateKalturaItem(String userKey, KalturaBaseEntry kalturaEntry) {
        if (kalturaEntry == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("entry must not be null");
        String keid =;
        if (keid == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("entry keid must not be null");
        KalturaBaseEntry kbe = null;
        KalturaClient kc = getKalturaClient();
        if (kc != null) {
            try {
                KalturaBaseEntryService entryService = kc.getBaseEntryService();
                kbe = getKalturaEntry(userKey, keid, entryService);
                if (kbe == null) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot find KME to update using id (" + keid + ")");
                // integrate the fields we allow to be changed
                KalturaBaseEntry fields = new KalturaBaseEntry();
                //fields.creditUrl = entry.creditUrl;
                //fields.creditUserName = entry.creditUserName;
                fields.description = kalturaEntry.description;
                fields.tags = kalturaEntry.tags;
                // now update the KME
                kbe = entryService.update(keid, fields);
            } catch (KalturaApiException e) {
                String msg = "Unable to update kaltura media item (" + keid + ") using session (oid="
                        + kc.toString() + ", tid=" + Thread.currentThread().getId() + ", ks=" + kc.getSessionId()
                        + "):: " + e;
                LOG.error(msg, e);
                throw new RuntimeException(msg, e);
        return kbe;

     * Get the KME with a permissions check to make sure the user key matches
     * @param keid the kaltura entry id
     * @param entryService the katura entry service
     * @return the entry
     * @throws KalturaApiException if kaltura cannot be accessed
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the keid cannot be found for this user
    private KalturaBaseEntry getKalturaEntry(String userKey, String keid, KalturaBaseEntryService entryService)
            throws KalturaApiException {
        KalturaBaseEntry entry = null;
        // Cannot use the KMEF because it cannot filter by id correctly -AZ
        KalturaBaseEntryFilter kmef = new KalturaBaseEntryFilter();
        kmef.partnerIdEqual = this.kalturaConfig.getPartnerId();
        kmef.userIdEqual = currentUserName;
        kmef.idEqual = keid;
        //kmef.orderBy = "title";
        KalturaMediaListResponse listResponse = mediaService.list(kmef);
        if (listResponse != null && ! listResponse.objects.isEmpty()) {
        kme = listResponse.objects.get(0); // just get the first one
        // have to use - mediaService.get(keid); despite it not even checking if we have access to this - AZ
        entry = entryService.get(keid);
        if (entry == null) {
            // did not find the item by keid so we die
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "Cannot find kaltura item (" + keid + ") with for user (" + userKey + ")");
        // also do a manual check for security, not so sure about this check though -AZ
        if (entry.partnerId != this.kalturaConfig.getPartnerId()) {
            throw new SecurityException("KME partnerId (" + entry.partnerId + ") does not match current one ("
                    + this.kalturaConfig.getPartnerId() + "), cannot access this KME (" + keid + ")");
        return entry;
